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Modulation of Nigrofugal and Pallidofugal Pathways in Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease


Abstract and Figures

Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a well-established surgical therapy for patients with Parkinson disease (PD). Objective: To define the role of adjacent white matter stimulation in the effectiveness of STN-DBS. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 43 patients with PD who received bilateral STN-DBS. The volumes of activated tissue were analyzed to obtain significant stimulation clusters predictive of 4 clinical outcomes: improvements in bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, and reduction of dopaminergic medication. Tractography of the nigrofugal and pallidofugal pathways was performed. The significant clusters were used to calculate the involvement of the nigrofugal and pallidofugal pathways and the STN. Results: The clusters predictive of rigidity and tremor improvement were dorsal to the STN with most of the clusters outside of the STN. These clusters preferentially involved the pallidofugal pathways. The cluster predictive of bradykinesia improvement was located in the central part of the STN with an extension outside of the STN. The cluster predictive of dopaminergic medication reduction was located ventrolateral and caudal to the STN. These clusters preferentially involved the nigrofugal pathways. Conclusion: Improvements in rigidity and tremor mainly involved the pallidofugal pathways dorsal to the STN. Improvement in bradykinesia mainly involved the central part of the STN and the nigrofugal pathways ventrolateral to the STN. Maximal reduction in dopaminergic medication following STN-DBS was associated with an exclusive involvement of the nigrofugal pathways.
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Modulation of Nigrofugal and Pallidofugal Pathways
in Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease
Josue M. Avecillas-Chasin,
Christopher R. Honey, MD,
Department of Neurosurgery, Neurolo-
gical Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Clevel-
and, Ohio; Department of Surgery,
Division of Neurosurgery, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
This study was presented as an oral
presentation on September 28, 2018 at
the XXIIIrd European Society of
Stereotactic and Functional
Neurosurgery (ESSFN) Congress in
Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Josue M. Avecillas-Chasin, MD, PhD,
Department of Neurosurgery,
Neurological Institute,
Cleveland Clinic,
9500 Euclid Ave,
Cleveland, OH 44195, USA.
Received, June 6, 2019.
Accepted, October 13, 2019.
Copyright C
2019 by the
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
BACKGROUND: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a well-
established surgical therapy for patients with Parkinson disease (PD).
OBJECTIVE: To dene the role of adjacent white matter stimulation in the eectiveness of
METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated 43 patients with PD who received bilateral
STN-DBS. The volumes of activated tissue were analyzed to obtain signicant stimu-
lation clusters predictive of 4 clinical outcomes: improvements in bradykinesia, rigidity,
tremor, and reduction of dopaminergic medication. Tractography of the nigrofugal and
pallidofugal pathways was performed. The signicant clusters were used to calculate the
involvement of the nigrofugal and pallidofugal pathways and the STN.
RESULTS: The clusters predictive of rigidity and tremor improvement were dorsal to the
STN with most of the clusters outside of the STN. These clusters preferentially involved the
pallidofugal pathways. The cluster predictive of bradykinesia improvement was located in
the central part of the STN with an extension outside of the STN. The cluster predictive
of dopaminergic medication reduction was located ventrolateral and caudal to the STN.
These clusters preferentially involved the nigrofugal pathways.
CONCLUSION: Improvements in rigidity and tremor mainly involved the pallidofugal
pathways dorsal to the STN. Improvement in bradykinesia mainly involved the central
part of the STN and the nigrofugal pathways ventrolateral to the STN. Maximal reduction
in dopaminergic medication following STN-DBS was associated with an exclusive
involvement of the nigrofugal pathways.
KEY WORDS: Nigrostriatal, Parkinson disease, Subthalamic nucleus, Deep brain stimulation, Tractography,
Movement disorders, Basal ganglia, Pallidothalamic
Neurosurgery 0:1–11, 2019 DOI:10.1093/neuros/nyz544
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the
subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a well-
established surgical therapy for patients
with Parkinson disease (PD). Current research
suggests that STN-DBS may inhibit or disrupt
aberrant signals between the cortex and the
basal ganglia.1However, this theory cannot fully
explain the diversity of clinical effects of STN-
ABBREVIATIONS: ANT, advance normalization tool; AC-PC, anterior commissure-posterior commissure; ALIC,
anterior limb of the internal capsule; CT, computed tomography; DBS, deep brain stimulation; DWI, diusion-
weighted imaging; GPi, globus pallidus interna; HARDI, high angular resolution diusion imaging; IC, internal
capsule; LEDD, levodopa equivalent dose daily; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MNI, Montreal Neuro-
logical Institute; PD, Parkinson disease; PSA, posterior subthalamic area; ROI, region of interest; SIFT, Spherical-
deconvolution Informed Filtering of Tractograms; SN, substantia nigra; STN, subthalamic nucleus; 3D,
3-dimensional; UPDRS, Unied Parkinson Disease Rating Scale; VAT, volume of activated tissue
Supplemental digital content is available for this article at
DBS in patients with PD. Stimulation of the
adjacent white matter pathways of the basal
ganglia may, therefore, also account for some
of the effects of STN-DBS.2,3The pallidofugal
pathways are described as a connection of the
pallidum with the thalamus, STN, pedunculo-
pontine nucleus, and substantia nigra (SN).4The
nigrofugal pathways (also known as striatofugal
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TAB LE 1 . Clinical and Demographic Data of Our Parkinson Disease
(PD) Patient Cohort
Clinical features PD patients
Age: mean ±SD, yr 58 ±10
Gender: men, % 70
Disease duration: mean ±SD, yr 10 ±3
Side of disease onset: left, % 44
UPDRS III OFF medication: mean ±SD, baseline 42 ±11
Levodopa response: mean percentage of
improvement in UPDRS III ±SD, %
73 ±13
SD, standard deviation; yr, years.
or striatonigral) are described as connections of the SN with the
striatum and pallidum.5-7In this study, we investigated the role
of these pathways in the improvement in PD symptoms by STN-
DBS. To this aim, we used the volumes of activated tissue (VAT)
of a cohort of PD patients receiving STN-DBS to find “hotspots”
for each motor outcome. We then calculated the involvement
of the pallidofugal and nigrofugal pathways or the STN by the
hotspot of each motor outcome.
We retrospectively analyzed 55 patients with PD who received
bilateral STN-DBS from 2007 to 2016. Of these, 12 patients were
excluded because of image acquisition issues or a lack of formal
1-yr evaluation (n =43). All patients were deemed surgical candi-
dates for STN-DBS by a movement disorder neurologist, functional
neurosurgeon, and DBS nurses.8,9The patients were videotaped and
evaluated with the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) III
OFF/ON medication and cognitive assessment. We recorded the clinical
and demographic variables described in Table 1. The ethics board at our
center approved the study (H18-00893). All patients provided written
informed consent for publication.
DBS Surgery and Postoperative Evaluation
The preoperative images were uploaded to the Framelink software
(Medtronic, Dublin, Ireland) and coregistered. We first identified the
anterior commissure-posterior commissure (AC-PC) line and selected
the coordinates of the STN based on the midcommissural point (anterior
–3, lateral 11, and vertical –4). We then used the T2 to adjust the target
for each patient’s unique anatomy (at the anterior border of the red
nucleus and just within the hypointensity of the STN). The entry point
was selected to avoid a trajectory through blood vessels, sulci, ventricles,
or the caudate. The coordinates were loaded onto a cosman roberts wells
stereotactic frame (Radionics, Burlington, Massachusetts). Two frontal
burr holes were performed under local anesthesia, and 3 microelectrodes
(FHC MME, Bowdoin, Maine) were lowered down the trajectory using
a microtargeting drive (Medtronic, Dublin, Ireland). After mapping the
characteristic firing of the STN with microelectrode recording, macros-
timulation was performed. Our criteria for lead implantation were as
follows: rigidity improvement at 1 mA and side effects at >3mA.After
both leads were implanted, the patients underwent general anesthesia
and the pulse generator was implanted. In order to verify the correct
implantation of the leads, all patients underwent stereological computed
tomography (CT) scan during the next 24 h after surgery. Six weeks
after surgery, the initial programming began with a monopolar review of
each contact (pulse width: 60 μs, frequency: 130 Hz). The contacts with
the largest therapeutic window were selected for chronic stimulation.
Follow-up visits with titration of stimulation and medication occurred
every week until stable and then every 6 mo. We used the 1-yr follow-
up to determine the stimulation parameters, levodopa equivalent dose
daily (LEDD) reduction, UPDRS OFF medications, and OFF medica-
tions/ON stimulation to measure improvements in rigidity, bradyki-
nesia, and tremor. The subscores were determined as follows: bradyki-
nesia (UPDRS III items 19, 23-26, and 31), rigidity (21a and 22b-22e),
and tremor (20a-e and 21a-b).
VAT Generation
The preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and postop-
erative CT scan (slice thickness 1 mm) were loaded into the Lead-
DBS software.10 These images were coregistered using advance normal-
ization tools (ANTs) and a 3-dimensional (3D) slicer.11,12 These images
were then normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI)
stereotactic space using ANTs and statistical parametric mapping.13
When necessary, brain-shift correction was applied with the Lead-DBS
adaption of a previously reported method.14 Coregistration and transfor-
mation results were carefully checked for errors, and these were repeated
or refined if needed. The electrode placement was reconstructed with
automated prelocalization methods using either the PaCer algorithm15 or
the TRAC/CORE approach.10 After this automated step, the electrode
reconstruction was manually adjusted in the “manual reconstruction
interface of the software16 as follows. The virtual reconstruction of the
electrodes was compared with the electrode artifact in the postoperative
CT scan (after an adjustment of the window level to better appreciate
the shape of the electrode’s contacts). We then adjusted the virtual recon-
struction of the electrode in each of the 3 dimensions. The aim was to
have reconstructions with precise alignments with the contact’s artifact
in the postoperative CT scan.
We generated the VATs of all patients using the finite-element
method.17,18 These methods were implemented in Lead-DBS using a
novel open-source pipeline16-21 and are described in detail in Horn
et al.16,22 ,23 In short, a 4-compartment model of the area around the
electrode is constructed based on the electrode itself (insulating and
conducting parts) and the gray and white matter of the brain. The regions
within this compartment were defined as follows: the subcortical gray
matter structures were defined by the DISTAL atlas,23 the electrode’s
parts were defined by the virtual electrode models provided by the
software, and the regions not covered by the electrode or gray matter were
modeled as isotropic white matter. The anisotropic conductivity values
for gray and white matter were defined as σ=0.33 and 0.14 S/mm,
respectively. The electric field threshold was set to e =0.2 V/mm, and
the resultant binary VAT was obtained by thresholding the electrical field
strength at the specific voltage and pulse width used for each stimulation
Tractography Analysis
We obtained the imaging data of 43 age- and gender-
matched PD subjects from the neuroimaging data repository
Parkinsons Progression Markers Initiative. The data consisted of
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FIGURE 1. Pipeline of the study. A, Structural population template based on T1-weighted images of 43 PD patients. The basal ganglia structures were
obtained using the FIRST algorithm on FMRIB Software Library. The STN and SN were transformed from the MNI stereotactic space to the template
space. B, These structures were then linearly registered to the diffusion template space. C, Using a diffusion template based on DWI of 43 PD patients,
the nigrofugal and pallidofugal pathways were traced based on the neuroanatomy of these pathways (see Methods and Methods,Supplemental
Digital Content). D, Conversion of the tracts into probabilistic maps. E, Refinement of the pathways using the probabilistic information of the
map at 90%. F, Whole-brain tractography with 30 million streamlines. G, Combination of the whole-brain tractogram with the nigrofugal and
pallidofugal pathways. H, Filtering of the combined tractogram using the SIFT algorithm. I, Extraction of the pathways of interest after filtering using
the same ROIs used for the generation of the pathway. Finally, the pathways are normalized into MNI space for further analysis.
high-resolution, 3T T1-weighted, and high angular resolution
diffusion imaging (HARDI60); the acquisition protocol is available at
(for preprocessing details, see Methods,Supplemental Digital
Content). We reconstructed the nigrofugal and pallidofugal pathways
on the PD diffusion template using regions of interest (ROIs) based
on neuroanatomic descriptions.2,6,24-31 The nigrofugal pathway was
generated as follows: seed ROI: SN; target ROIs: putamen, caudate,
and pallidum; and exclusion ROIs: retrolenticular internal capsule (IC),
anterior limb of the IC (ALIC), and STN. The pallidofugal pathway was
generated as follows: seed ROI: pallidum; target ROIs: thalamus and
SN; and exclusion ROIs: retrolenticular IC, ALIC, and putamen. For the
pallidofugal pathway, we also included the white matter located dorsal
to the STN to take into account its known trajectory (see Methods,
Supplemental Digital Content). Since the pallidofugal pathways also
include the pallidosubthalamic bundle, we used the STN ROI to do
“inverse masking”; this way, the streamlines terminating in the STN
would be truncated, but not discarded.32 Several freely available atlases
were used to obtain the ROIs for this study.33 -39 A total of 100 000
streamlines were generated for each pathway. Then, the pathways were
refined using thresholding, masking, and filtering using the Spherical-
deconvolution Informed Filtering of Tractograms (SIFT) algorithm.40
Finally, we normalized the pathways to the MNI stereotactic space
for further analysis (see Methods,Supplemental Digital Content for
details) (Figure 1).
Statistical Methods
The 1-yr follow-up outcome of the clinical variables (UPDRS III
and LEDD) was compared with the baseline using the 2-tailed paired
t-test. Significance level was set at P<.05, and we used SPSS 22.0
(IBM, Armonk, New York). Four clinical outcomes were defined as
follows: improvement in bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, and LEDD
reduction. The percentage of improvement was defined based on the
relative change comparing the baseline scores and the 1-yr scores of each
outcome for each body side. The VATs of the patients were associated
with the corresponding contralateral percentage of improvement in
bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremor. We also calculated the percentage
Downloaded from by Cleveland Clinic Alumni Library user on 13 December 2019
of LEDD reduction using the preoperative and postoperative dosages,
and these percentages were assigned to both VATs of the same patient.
The VATs of the right side were flipped to the left, and all VATs
(N =86) were merged into a 4D file for further analysis.36,41 We
performed nonparametric permutation inference42 on the VATs to find
significant stimulation clusters predictive of improvement in bradyki-
nesia, rigidity, or tremor, and LEDD reduction (see Methods,Supple-
mental Digital Content). Then, the significant clusters were used to
calculate the involvement of the pathways and the STN in the standard
MNI space. We defined “involvement of the pathways” as the number of
streamlines (connectivity metric) of each pathway (nigrofugal and pallid-
ofugal) intersecting the cluster mass.43 We defined “involvement of the
STN” as the fraction of the cluster mass overlapping the STN.44,45
The clinical and demographic data of our PD patients are
provided in Tables 1and 2. There was a significant difference
in the total UPDRS III after surgery (P=.000) compared to
baseline. Furthermore, the LEDD was also significantly reduced
after surgery (P=.000) at the 1-yr follow-up.
Nigrofugal and Pallidofugal Pathways
The tractography results showed that the nigrofugal pathway
travels in a dorsolateral direction from the SN to the pallidum
and striatum. The pathway crosses the IC in a mediolateral and
inferosuperior direction. While traversing the IC, one segment
enters the dorsal part of the pallidum to terminate in the dorsal
putamen, and the other segment adopts a medial direction to
terminate in the caudate. In its origin, this pathway is located
ventrolateral to the STN, adopting a posterolateral position as the
pathway enters in the IC (Figures 2and 3). On the other hand,
we found 3 segments of the pallidofugal pathway. The dorsal
segment (lenticular fasciculus) originates from the dorsal part of
the pallidum and traverses the IC in a lateromedial and anteropos-
terior direction to reach the area dorsal to the STN. The interme-
diate segment (pallidosubthalamic tract) has the same trajectory
as the dorsal segment, but instead of going dorsal to the STN,
these fibers travel caudal and ventral to the dorsal division to end
in the lateral part of the STN (Figure 2D, white arrow). The
ventral segment (ansa lenticularis) originates in the most ventral
part of the pallidum and travels ventromedially below the ALIC
and curves around the anterior border of the cerebral peduncle. In
the prerubral area, this pathway turns laterally to join the dorsal
segment and terminates in the thalamus (thalamic fascicle). Some
of these fibers surround medially the STN to connect with the SN
and to continue caudally to lower levels of the brainstem (fasci-
culus Q of Sano or pallidotegmental tract) (Figures 2and 3).
Stimulation Clusters Predictive of Clinical Outcomes
The coordinates of the local maxima of the stimulation clusters
are reported in the MNI and AC-PC space46 (Table 3). The
local maxima are defined as being the point with the highest
value compared with all immediate neighbors in a given cluster.
Figure 5shows the relative involvement of each anatomic
structure by each of the significant clusters. The stimulation
cluster predictive of rigidity improvement was located dorsal to
the STN with 13% of the cluster mass within the STN. The
cluster predictive of tremor improvement was also located dorsal
to the STN with 28% of the cluster mass within the STN. These
clusters preferentially involved the pallidofugal pathways with
2983 and 1126 streamlines, respectively. The cluster predictive of
bradykinesia improvement encompassed the STN with a ventro-
lateral extension outside of the nucleus. Thirty-five percent of the
cluster mass was within the central part of the STN. The cluster
predictive of LEDD reduction was located outside of the STN
ventrolateral and caudal to the nucleus. These clusters prefer-
entially involved the nigrofugal pathways with 1670 and 2991
streamlines, respectively (Figures 4and 5).
Key Results
The STN is located in a strategic position, tightly surrounded
by white matter tracts related to the input and output of
the basal ganglia.24,47 In this work, we found that the pallid-
ofugal pathways were mainly located dorsal to the STN,
and the nigrofugal pathways were located ventrolateral to the
STN. Therapeutic stimulation from DBS electrodes traversing
this area could affect the nucleus and/or these white matter
tracts. In this study, we correlated various clinical benefits in
PD patients with the degree of stimulation involving these
white matter pathways and the STN. Voxel-based statistical
analysis of the DBS electrical field was used to identify statis-
tically significant clusters (hotspots) for each clinical outcome
within the whole stimulated area.41 The significant cluster for
tremor improvement was dorsal, anterior, and medial to the
STN, and the cluster for rigidity improvement was dorsal and
lateral to the STN. The significant cluster for bradykinesia
improvement was predominantly within the STN with a ventro-
lateral extension. The significant cluster for LEDD reduction
was found ventrolateral to the STN (Figure 4). The pallid-
ofugal pathways were mostly involved by the clusters predictive
of maximal improvements in rigidity and tremor. The nigrofugal
pathways were mainly involved by the clusters predictive of
maximal reduction of dopaminergic medication and bradykinesia
improvement. The STN was mainly involved by the clusters
predictive of maximal improvements in bradykinesia and tremor
(Figure 5).
In this study, we replicated the previously described
neuroanatomy of these pathways.2,4,6,24,25 ,30 Although these
pathways are often referred to as “fugal,” there is evidence
showing reciprocal connectivity between the structures connected
by these pathways.7,48-51 Most of the pallidofugal axons
originate in the Globus pallidus interna (GPi) and project
to the ventral/centromedian thalamus, SN (pars reticulata),
and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus. Moreover, anatomic
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TAB LE 2 . Clinical Data of Our PD Surgical Cohort (Cont.)
138 18 900 400 51–C/3.5/130/90 1–2+/2.5/130/60 –13/–3/–3 11/–3/–1
2 59 24 1100 350 –2 2–C/2.3/130/90 1+2–/2.4/130/90 –13/–3/–9 13/–4/–9
345 39 1995 1150 –1 0–C/2.1/130/90 0–1+/2.1/130/120 –12/–3/–6 10/–1/–5
4 35 30 2100 800 –4 3–C+/4.3/130/90 1–C+/4.2/130/60 –12/–2/–2 11/–2/–5
532 13 1729 900 03–C+/3.2/130/60 2–C+/2.5/130/60 –11/–4/–1 11/–3/–2
6 62 37 1596 790 1 2–C+/3.8/185/90 2–C+/4.1/185/60 –13/1/–3 13/0/–3
746 19 1700 850 –3 2–C+/3.8/130/60 2–C+/3.8/130/60 –13/0/–2 11/–1/–4
8 27 25 1165 600 7 2–C+/3/130/60 2–C+/3/130/60 –14/–2/–2 10/–1/–4
935 28 2350 1650 –1 2–C+/3.6/185/60 1+2–/4.3/185/90 –15/1/–1 12/–2/–1
10 42 17 1850 1000 –6 2–3+/2.8/130/120 1+2–/4.3/130/90 –11/–1/–2 11/–4/–5
11 42 27 1250 650 –5 1+2–/2.3/185/90 2+3–/3.5/185/90 –13/–2/–3 10/–1/–4
12 37 16 825 425 –6 2+3–/4.2/130/60 1–C+/4.3/130/60 –12/0/–2 13/–2/–4
13 20 18 2525 2200 1 1+2–/4.1/185/60 1+2–/3.6/185/60 –10/–2–3 10/–2/–2
14 52 12 2603 1250 0 0+3–/4.3/130/120 0+3–/3.6/130/120 –11/–1/–4 11/–1/–5
15 52 28 1400 450 4 1+2–/4/185/90 1+2–/4/185/60 –11/0/–2 12/0/–5
16 51 20 2061.5 900 0 0+1–2–/4/130/90 0+1–2–3.5/130/120 –11/–3/–4 9/–1/–5
17 30 22 1550 1150 –7 1–3+/3.5//150/120 1–C+/2.7/150/120 –10/–4/–5 10/–2/–3
18 66 13 765 264 9 1–C+/2.7/185/90 1–C+/2.5/185/90 –10/–1/–5 11/–2/–4
19 50 15 1400 1200 7 2–3–/4/185/90 1+2–/3.7/185/60 –9/1/–6 12/–1/6
20 48 26 1050 750 16 0+1–/4.2/185/90 3–C+/1.9/185/60 –13/0/–5 11/2/1
21 48 17 2550 250 –1 2–3+/4.6/185/90 3–C+/3.6/185/60 –13/–1/–2 11/–1/0
22 36 6 1550 825 –11 1–C+/2.2/130/60 1+2–/2.9/130/60 –10/–1/–5 10/–3/–4
23 74 24 2100 1300 –1 0+1–/4/185/90 2–C+/3.3/185/90 –10/–3/–6 10/–1/–4
24 34 15 1660 1400 –2 2+3–/3.4/185/60 2–3+/3.5/185/120 –13/–3/–1 11/0/–2
25 51 32840 0–2 1–C+/3.2/130/60 2–C+/2.1/130/60 –12/–1/–4 12/2/0
26 26 23 2100 1050 –1 2–C+/2.1/130/60 1–C+/2.1/130/60 –14/–2/–3 12/–2/–4
27 53 31 2295.5 450 01–C+/3.3/130/90 1–C+/3.3/130/60 –11/1/–5 11/0/–4
28 43 22 3310.5 1625 –1 2–C+/1.6/130/60 3–C+/3.6/130/60 –15/–2/0 12/1/0
29 41 20 659.25 150 –5 3–C+/3.2/180/90 2–3–/3.8/180/60 –13/0/1 8/1/0
30 38 17 1350 800 1 0–C+/3.1/130/60 1–C+/1.5/130/60 –13/–2/–1 11/–1/–4
31 24 91900 500 22–C+/3.5/185/60 1–C+/3.5/185/60 –11/–3/-4 11/–1/–5
32 51 17 1250 300 –10 1–C+/3.6/130/90 1–C+/3.8/130/60 –11/–1/–3 12/0/–3
33 37 23 1460 870 11–C+/4.6/130/90 1–C+/4.4/130/90 –10/2/–2 10/3/–3
34 38 48 2029 1240 –7 1–C+/2/130/60 1–C+/2/130/60 –11/0–5 12/–2/–5
35 69 19 2005 600 02–C+/2.4/130/60 2–C+/1.9/130/60 –11/–1/–3 12/0/–3
36 56 30 600 0 –9 0+1–/3/185/90 0+1–/3.5/185/90 –10/–1/–8 10/–1/–8
37 40 14 800 500 12–C+/3.7/185/90 1–2+/3.0/185/90 –13/0/–4 9/–2/–4
38 24 23 940 680 –4 1–C+/3.2/130/60 0+1–4.1/130/60 –15/–2/–5 12/–2/–6
39 33 27 1600 600 –2 2–C+/1.8/130/60 1–C+/1.8/130/60 –13/–3/–6 11/–1/–7
40 38 20 1996 1200 5 2–C+/4.3/185/60 1–C+/3.5/185/60 –9/0/–4 13/–1/–4
41 51 17 1625 800 –1 1–C+/3/130/60 1–C+/2.5/130/60 –12/–2/–2 12/–3/–4
42 43 8 2650 825 –2 1–C+/2.2/185/90 1–C+/2.4/185/90 –10/0/–4 12/1/–5
43 34 81300 1120 43–C+/3.5/130/60 3–C+/3.3/130/60 –12/–3/–2 14/0/–1
Preop, preoperative; postop, postoperative; LEDD, levodopa equivalent dose daily; Asym index, asymmetry index: the asymmetry index was calculated as the absolute value
of the right minus left-sided scores from the UPDRS motor score. A UPDRS motor asymmetry index of at least 2 points dierence is generally used as the threshold for
dening clinical asymmetry. Positive values indicate right-sided asymmetry, and negative values indicate left-sided asymmetry. Coordinates: AC-PC space x/y/z. Parameters: active
contacts/voltage/Hz/pulse width. L, left; R, right.
evidence has shown that the pallidosubthalamic tract originates
in the globus pallidus externa.2,4The nigrofugal and pallidofugal
pathways have been classically described as “the fields of Sano
or “the comb system of Edinger” because of their appearance as
they go through the IC.28,52 ,53 Several authors have reported that
effective STN-DBS also activates some fibers of the IC.3,54-56
Because the nigrofugal and pallidofugal fibers travel through the
IC, it is possible that these pathways (rather than the pyramidal
or frontopontine pathways) are activated by effective STN-DBS.
Other studies have demonstrated that therapeutic stimulation
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FIGURE 2. Nigrofugal and pallidofugal pathways (yellow fibers). A, The nigrofugal pathway (caudate segment) traverses the internal capsule and turns
medially to reach the caudate nucleus (black asterisk). STN (white asterisk). B, Axial image at the most ventral part of the STN (asterisk). The nigrofugal
pathways are located ventrolateral to the STN. SN (black arrow). C, Coronal image showing the trajectory of the nigrofugal pathways through the most dorsal
area of the pallidum and putamen. D, The dorsal segment of the pallidofugal pathways (lenticular fascicle) originating in the dorsomedial part of the pallidum
traversing the internal capsule to reach the area dorsal to the STN (black arrows), The intermediate segment (pallidosubthalamic) terminates in the lateral
part of the STN (white arrow). E, The ventral segment (ansa lenticularis) travels below the internal capsule and turns around the cerebral peduncle traveling
medial and caudal to the STN to connect with the SN (white arrows) and also continue caudally to lower levels of the brainstem (pallidotegmental) (black
arrows). F, Some of the fibers of the ventral segment turns dorsolateral to join the dorsal segment and terminate in the thalamus (arrows). The background
image was obtained from the BigBrain project (,85 under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.
FIGURE 3. Artistic illustration of the nigrofugal and pallidofugal pathways. A,Frontview;B, top view. The nigrofugal pathways (green) originate
in the SN (navy blue) and travel through the internal capsule (white) to reach the dorsal part of the pallidum (brown) and connect with the putamen
(dark green) and caudate (gray). B, The pallidofugal pathways (purple). The dorsal segment originates in the dorsomedial part of the pallidum,
traverses the internal capsule, and travels dorsal to the STN (blue) to end in the most ventral part of the thalamus. The ventral segment Btravels
below the anterior limb of the internal capsule to reach lower levels of the brainstem. Some fibers join the dorsal segment to end in the thalamus. C
Vicky Earle, Medical Illustrator, used with permission.
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TAB LE 3 . Coordinates (mm) of the Local Maxima of the Predictive Clusters of the 4 Outcomes in MNI and AC-PC Space
Local maxima coordinates
MNI space AC-PC space
Clusters X Y Z X Y Z
Rigidity –14.5 (–10/–17.5) –13.5 (–9.7/–17.6) –3 (–1.8/–6.7) –14 (–10/–17) –2 (2/–6) 1 (2/–3)
Tremor –11.5 (–10/–13.6) –12 (–9.5/–15.7) –5.5 (2.7/–6.6) –11 (–10/–14) 0 (1.5/–5) –1 (1/–3)
Bradykinesia –13.4 (–11.5/–16.5) –11.5 (–9.7/–14.5) –7.5 (–4.7/–8.8) –13 (–12/–17) 1 (2/–3) –3 (1/–5)
LEDD –14 (–10.4/–15.8) –14 (–11.2/–17.3) –11 (–8.3/–16.4) –14 (–10/–16) –1 (1/–6) –7 (–5/–13)
AC-PC, anterior commissure-posterior commissure; LEDD, levodopa equivalent dose daily; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute.
The ranges of coordinates (mm) of the whole signicant cluster are shown in parentheses.
FIGURE 4. STN-DBS stimulation clusters predictive of motor outcomes. A, Coronal and axial view of the cluster predictive of rigidity improvement located
in the dorsal subthalamic area. B, Coronal and axial view of the cluster predictive of tremor also located in the dorsal subthalamic area slightly medial to
the STN and anterior to the rigidity cluster (axial view). C, Coronal and axial view of the cluster predictive of bradykinesia located in the central part of
the STN (axial view) with ventrolateral extension (coronal view). D, Coronal and axial view of the cluster predictive of LEDD reduction located ventral
and caudal to the STN. The background image was obtained from the BigBrain project (,85 under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.
E, Color bar for reference.
may also activate the lenticular fasciculus.57 Our work corrobo-
rates these findings but adds the involvement of the pallidofugal
pathway (dorsal to the STN), particularly for the amelioration
of rigidity and tremor, and the nigrofugal pathway (ventral to
the STN) for the amelioration of bradykinesia. Similar findings
have been described in GPi-DBS, but in opposite directions,
stimulation of the most ventral part of the pallidum produces
an “anti-levodopa effect” on akinesia associated with improve-
ments in rigidity and dyskineisas.58 In contrast, stimulation of
the dorsal part of the pallidum produces a “pro-levodopa effect”
with improvements in motor fluctuations and bradykinesia.55,58
In the pallidal area, the pallidofugal pathways originate ventral
and medial to the GPi, and the nigrofugal pathways travel dorsal
to the GPi (Figure 3).
Differential clinical effects of DBS have been demonstrated
with both STN and pallidal stimulation. During STN-DBS, in
some cases, there is an improvement in rigidity at the expense of
worsening bradykinesia.54 Some authors have also reported that
different spots within the STN were associated with improve-
ments in the 3 cardinal symptoms of PD.41,59 These different
or competing benefits may follow from the fact that the pallid-
ofugal pathways travel dorsal to the STN and benefit rigidity
and tremor, whereas the nigrofugal pathways travel ventral to
the STN and benefit bradykinesia. The effect on medications
is also different between targets. Higher doses of levodopa are
often required after ventral pallidal stimulation,60 whereas lower
doses are typically needed following STN-DBS. The stimulation
Downloaded from by Cleveland Clinic Alumni Library user on 13 December 2019
FIGURE 5. Bar plots showing the degree of involvement of the neuroanatomical structures. A, The nigrofugal pathways were largely involved by the
clusters predictive of LEDD reduction and bradykinesia improvement. B, The pallidofugal pathways were mainly involved by the cluster predictive
of rigidity, followed by the cluster predictive of tremor. C, The STN was mainly involved by the cluster predictive of bradykinesia, followed by
tremor with little involvement of rigidity and no involvement of LEDD reduction.
site resulting in maximal reduction in dopaminergic medication
is outside of the STN involving the nigrofugal pathways. Other
authors have also found that ventral and lateral stimulation
in the subthalamic area is associated with maximal reduction
of LEDD and motor benefit.61,62 Since reduction of LEDD
is a function of bradykinesia improvement, these findings also
explain why the improvement in bradykinesia also involved
the nigrofugal pathways more than the other motor outcomes.
Although there is no definitive answer for these opposite effects,
based on our findings, we can speculate that dorsal stimu-
lation in the subthalamic area would improve rigidity and
tremor by modulating the pallidal efferent to the thalamus. Also,
ventrolateral stimulation would improve bradykinesia and reduce
the dopaminergic medication needs by modulating the nigral
connections with the striatum.63-66 We postulate that modulation
of nigrofugal pathways would increase the facilitation of the basal
ganglia for movement execution67 and modulation of the pallid-
ofugal pathways would increase the inhibition of undesired motor
activity.68,69 This concept would also explain why dyskinesias can
be improved by dorsal stimulation in the subthalamic area.70,71
Given the potential influence of the electrical stimulation on
downstream targets of these pathways, these concepts need to
be confirmed with neurophysiological studies investigating the
response of those targets to effective STN-DBS.
Some authors have found the beneficial effects of STN-DBS on
PD symptoms may involve other structures.72-75 Recent evidence
suggests that stimulation of the central part of the STN receiving
hyperdirect projections from the supplementary motor area corre-
lates with bradykinesia improvement, but not with other motor
outcomes.45 Inthepresentwork,wealsofoundthatthecentral
STN was mostly involved by the cluster predictive of bradykinesia
improvement. The modulation of the cerebellothalamic pathway
has also been implicated in tremor reduction for PD patients.76-78
The pallidothalamic and cerebellothalamic pathways travel dorsal
to the STN, and the cerebellothalamic is located in the posterior
subthalamic area (PSA), whereas the pallidothalamic is anterior
to this pathway.79 In our cohort, the cluster predictive for
tremor improvement was located in the anteromedial part of the
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subthalamic area involving the pallidofugal pathways. Our
targeting strategy did not include the PSA, and therefore, we were
not able to correlate the stimulation of this area with the motor
outcomes. Further tractography studies would be necessary to
define the role of these 2 pathways in tremor reduction.
We used constrained spherical deconvolution-probabilistic
tractography that reconstructs pathways with complex fiber orien-
tations.80 However, it is also well known the existence of “false-
positives connections” from spurious peaks in the fiber orien-
tation distributions.81,82 In order to minimize false-positive
connections, we employed 3 sequential strategies as follows.
(1) We first performed targeted tractography based on the
known neuroanatomy of these pathways. (2) We then refined
the pathway based on the probabilistic information of the
tractogram generated. (3) Finally, we filtered the pathways to fit
the streamline reconstruction with the water diffusion measured
in every voxel. Although our approach is time-consuming, we
believe that the consistent application of neuroanatomy prior to
the pathway reconstruction would highly enhance the tractog-
raphy results.
The subthalamic area poses the following challenges for
neuroimaging analyses: (1) the STN and SN are close together
with no clear borders to differentiate each other. (2) There
are white matter pathways with the same magnetic suscepti-
bility contrast as the STN and SN.52 To account for this, we
obtained the STN and SN from an unbiased multitissue contrast
population-averaged template of 25 PD patients.39 This strategy
will minimize the bias of manual segmentation and also provide
a disease-specific anatomic atlas obtained by the differences in
tissue contrast from different MRI sequences. Another limitation
is the use of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of other PD
subjects. However, this limitation is overcome by the practical
advantage of analyzing large number of patients without the need
of individually collected clinically expensive high-quality DWI
data. Several works have demonstrated the utility of this approach
to analyze the role of brain connectivity in a large cohort of DBS
patients.16,22 Finally, The VAT models are widely used in clinical
and research practices because of the easy interpretation and avail-
ability.83-84 Despite being a limited model, when the VAT is used
to model typical stimulation parameters with pathways such as
the IC, the model can minimize the error in the predictions.18,43
In order to minimize potential errors in the interpretation of the
results, we first generated the pathways based on neuroanatomy
and then we correlated the cluster predictive of a given motor
In our patients with PD receiving DBS, the “hotspots”
for different motor outcomes and dopaminergic medication
reduction were found in a dorsoventral gradient in the subtha-
lamic area. Improvement in rigidity and tremor mainly involved
the pallidofugal pathways dorsal to the STN. Improvement in
bradykinesia mainly involved the central part of the STN and the
nigrofugal pathways ventrolateral to the STN. Maximal reduction
in dopaminergic medication following STN-DBS correlated with
exclusive involvement of the nigrofugal pathways.
The authors have no personal, financial, or institutional interest in any of the
drugs, materials, or devices described in this article.
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The authors thank Vicky Earle for the artistic illustration of this work. The
data used in the preparation of this article were obtained from the Parkinsons
Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) database ( For
up-to-date information on the study, visit PPMI is sponsored
by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) and is
cofunded by MJFF, Abbot, Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, Biogen Idec, Bristol-
Myers Squibb, Covance, Elan Corporation, Eli Lilly & Co, F. Hoffman-La Roche
Ltd, GE Healthcare, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, Lundbeck,Merck, MesoScale,
and Pfizer and UCB.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article at www.neurosurgery-
Supplemental Digital Content. Methods. The Supplemental Digital Content
expands on the methods provided.
The notion of different anatomical targets improving different
symptoms of PD is not new – every DBS practitioner knows that
one almost always has to choose between beneficial effects of stimu-
lation and program the implanted system in such a way that it provides
the most needed benefits for each individual patient. This has been
routinely explained by a complex anatomy and physiology of the STN
and surrounding neural tracks with frequent overlap and close proximity
of different pathways that are involved in each of the addressed clinical
The authors of this paper came up with a very elegant explanation
of this clinical observation based on high-resolution tractography and
detailed analysis of fiber tracking findings. Their tedious work resulted
in defining a correlation between control of rigidity and tremor with
pathways that originate (or end) in the pallidum and bradykinesia – with
STN and nigral pathways. Since the first group of pathways travels dorsal
to the STN and the second is located ventrolateral to the STN, it may be
difficult to use the same stimulation contacts (or even the same electrode
lead) to control all symptoms at once.
These findings will have to be validated and, if confirmed, may be
used for surgical target optimization, perhaps specifically aiming at one
location or another based on the patient’s dominant symptoms. Another
option would be to use multiple electrodes from the beginning, but this
may make DBS surgery too complex and therefore unfeasible.
Konstantin V. Slavin
Chicago, Illinois
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... Herein, 60 studies were included in the final review (the article selection process is presented in Fig. 1 83 observed in 30 studies. [23][24][25][26]28,30,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39]42,[44][45][46][47][48][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59] The Movement Disorder Society-Sponsored Revision of the UPDRS (MDS-UPDRS III) 84 was used in eight studies. 27,29,31,40,41,43,60,61 The Gait and Falls Questionnaire (GFQ), Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (FoGQ) and a Stepping in place task (SIP), were used to assess axial symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease. ...
... 51 Symptom-specific improvements have been associated with tract-specific overlap of VTA clusters. 25 Rigidity improvements were associated with overlap of pallidofugal pathways (Fig. 7D, left) whilst tremor and bradykinesia improvements were associated with overlap of nigrofugal pathways (Fig. 7D, right). ...
... An important implication present in this review is the utility of markers that are inferred through means of association and correlation, versus prediction. Although many articles explicitly outlined the "predictive" ability of identified structural marker(s), analyses were restricted to correlations/associations. [24][25][26][27]30,33,37,38,43,44,46,48,57,59,62,[65][66][67]70,79,80 In such cases, derived markers cannot be strictly predictive as they reflect a potential disease/disorder correlate within the sample to which the model was fit. ...
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Patients with movement disorders treated by deep brain stimulation do not always achieve successful therapeutic alleviation of motor symptoms, even in cases where surgery is without complications. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers methods to investigate structural brain-related factors that may be predictive for clinical motor outcomes. This review aimed to identify features which have been associated with variability in clinical post-operative motor outcomes in patients with Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, and essential tremor from structural MRI modalities. We performed a literature search for articles published between January 01, 2000, and April 01, 2022, and identified 5197 articles. Following screening through our inclusion criteria, we identified 60 total studies (39 = Parkinson’s disease, 11 = dystonia syndromes and 10 = essential tremor). The review captured a range of structural MRI methods and analysis techniques used to identify factors related to clinical post-operative motor outcomes from deep brain stimulation. Morphometric markers, including volume and cortical thickness were commonly identified in studies focused on patients with Parkinson’s disease and dystonia syndromes. Reduced metrics in basal ganglia, sensorimotor and frontal regions showed frequent associations with reduced motor outcomes. Increased structural connectivity to subcortical nuclei, sensorimotor and frontal regions were also associated with greater motor outcomes. In patients with tremor, increased structural connectivity to the cerebellum and cortical motor regions showed high prevalence across studies for greater clinical motor outcomes. In addition, we highlight conceptual issues for studies assessing clinical response with structural MRI and discuss future approaches towards optimising individualised therapeutic benefits. Although quantitative MRI markers are in their infancy for clinical purposes in movement disorder treatments, structural features obtained from MRI offer powerful potential to identify candidates who are more likely to benefit from deep brain stimulation and provide insight into the complexity of disorder pathophysiology.
... A previous study showed that exposure to prior surgical interventions was examined as a poor prognostic factor for successful outcomes after IN for TN without neurovascular compression. 8 Third, the follow-up duration of this study is short. It is difficult to evaluate long-term neurological outcomes based on an average of a 9.5-month follow-up duration period. ...
... 2 Moreover, imaging evidence in humans has shown that effective STN-DBS involves nigral connections with the striatum. 8 This in turn may suggest that the effect of STN-DBS on dopaminergic modulation may be the result of direct involvement of the nigral circuits. In fact, Min et al. revealed that minor differences in the location of stimulation within the subthalamic area could increase or decrease the dopaminergic release to the striatum, 2 which suggests that these changes are anatomically specific. ...
... Min et al. demonstrated that dopamine release peaked in both caudate and putamen when stimulating the dorsolateral and posterior border of the STN, which is in turn supported by anatomical and imaging evidence. 8,9 Another possibility is what Nozaki et al. propose-that the neuromodulation effects on the dopaminergic terminals in the nonmotor striatum could influence motor striatum. 1 This is plausible due to the anatomical proximity between the mesocorticolimbic pathways and the anteromedial border of the STN. ...
... To obtain significant stimulation clusters of maximal tic and OCB improvement from the raw statistic image after the permutations (henceforth referred to as sweet spots), we used a significance level of < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons using family-wise error rate correction. 24,25 We finally performed correlation analysis to test if the overlap between individual VTAs and the tic sweet spots of both targets correlated with clinical improvement. We used Spearman's rank correlation test, and the significance level was set at p < 0.05. ...
... The segregation between the ventral and dorsal pallidofugal pathways has been demonstrated in prior tractography studies. 25 Based on our sweet spot analysis, targeting the specific bundle connecting the amGPi with the Vo nuclei (ventral pallidofugal pathways) may be the key for tic improvement. Others have studied the white matter pathways associated with improvement in TS. ...
OBJECTIVE Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective treatment for medically refractory Tourette syndrome (TS). Several effective targets have been reported, but there is still controversy about the networks involved in the efficacy of DBS for TS. Here, the authors aimed to identify the basal ganglia–thalamo-cortical networks associated with tic and obsessive-compulsive behavior (OCB) improvement and the network link between the two main targets for TS. METHODS A retrospective analysis of 21 patients treated with pallidal and thalamic DBS was performed. Tics and OCB scores were recorded before and after DBS. The authors localized the electrodes in standard MNI (Montreal Neurological Institute) space and calculated the volume of tissue activated with the settings at the last follow-up to obtain areas of maximal improvement ("sweet spots") among all patients for the pallidal and thalamic targets. Tractography was used to show the white matter pathways associated with maximal tic and OCB improvement. RESULTS Ten patients treated with pallidal DBS and 11 patients treated with thalamic DBS were included. Responder rates were 80% in the pallidal and 64% in the thalamic target groups. Sweet spots for tics and OCB clustered in several areas across the basal ganglia and thalamus delineated two main networks. Tic reduction in the pallidal target mapped to a limbic pallidothalamic network and in the thalamic target to the premotor thalamocortical network. Putting these two networks together will form the main output of the so-called limbic-motor interface network. However, OCB reduction mapped a dorsomedial prefrontal cortex/dorsal anterior cingulate (dmPFC/dACC) network. CONCLUSIONS The authors demonstrated the involvement of the limbic-motor interface network during effective DBS for tics in patients with TS. OCB redution was associated with the additional involvement of dmPFC/dACC connections passing dorsal to the head of the globus pallidus pars externa on its way to the thalamus and midbrain.
... Moreover, from a bioelectrical perspective considering tissue surrounding the electrode, effects arise from stimulating axons, not cell bodies, which may underline the increasing focus on determining white matter targets 14 . Associations between PD motor improvement and the hyperdirect, pallidofugal, and nigrofugal/striatofugal pathways suggest that precisely stimulating specific fiber tracts connecting to structures associated with motor control is extremely important for optimal symptomatic benefit of STN-DBS 10,12,15 . These recent DBS reports confirm early lesional studies showing cortical input from the supplementary motor cortex seems crucial, especially for hypokinetic symptoms 6,10,12 . ...
... Indeed, our structural connectivity analysis revealed robust correlation of motor improvement in early-stage PD with hyperdirect pathway fiber tracts, reaching STN from M1 and SMA but not pre-SMA. Given prior strong associations of the hyperdirect pathway with symptomatic motor improvement for STN-DBS patients with advanced-stage disease 10,12,15 , it is not surprising that these tracts would also impart motor benefit for early-stage PD patients. Evidence continues to accumulate that stimulation or ablation of connections from M1 improve tremor while those from SMA improve hypokinetic symptoms 10,13,44 which confirms knowledge established by early lesional work. ...
Objective: To describe relationships between electrode localization and motor outcomes from the subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) in early-stage Parkinson's disease (PD) pilot trial. Methods: To determine anatomical and network correlates associated with motor outcomes for subjects randomized to early DBS (n=14), voxel-wise sweet spot mapping and structural connectivity analysis were carried out using outcomes of motor progression [Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale Part-III (UPDRS-III) 7-day OFF scores (∆baseline➔24 months, MedOFF/StimOFF)] and symptomatic motor improvement [UPDRS-III ON scores (%∆baseline➔24 months, MedON/StimON)]. Results: Sweet spot mapping revealed a location associated with slower motor progression in the dorsolateral STN (AC/PC coordinates: 11.07±0.82mm lateral, 1.83±0.61mm posterior, 3.53±0.38mm inferior to the midcommissural point; MNI coordinates: +11.25, -13.56, -7.44mm). Modulating fiber tracts originating from supplementary motor area (SMA) and primary motor cortex (M1) to the STN correlated with slower motor progression across STN-DBS subjects, whereas fiber tracts originating from pre-SMA and cerebellum were negatively associated with motor progression. Robustness of the fiber tract model was demonstrated in leave-one-patient-out (R=0.56, P=0.02), 5-fold (R=0.50, P=0.03), and 10-fold (R=0.53, P=0.03) cross-validation paradigms. The sweet spot and fiber tracts associated with motor progression revealed strong similarities to symptomatic motor improvement sweet spot and connectivity in this early-stage PD cohort. Interpretation: These results suggest that stimulating the dorsolateral region of the STN receiving input from M1 and SMA (but not pre-SMA) is associated with slower motor progression across subjects receiving STN-DBS in early-stage PD. This finding is hypothesis-generating and must be prospectively tested in a larger prospective study. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... The central part of the STN stimulation appeared to relieve RLS symptoms in an effective manner. Fortunately, the central part of the STN [23] and the zona incerta (ZI) [24] are the most effective areas for PD motor symptoms. Therefore, we tried to activate their contact within the medial central sensorimotor part of the STN to reduce both RLS and PD motor symptoms. ...
... First, RLS patients often have abnormal dopamine metabolism, and supplementation with levodopa or dopamine receptor agonists can relieve RLS symptoms [33]. The substantia nigra has projections of dopaminergic neurotransmitters to the striatum and caudate nucleus [23], and the striatum and caudate nucleus are also the most common sites of stroke-induced acute RLS [34]. In this study, we found the VTA, which could reduce RLS, covered the superior part of the substantia nigra, as well as the substantia nigra efferent fibers which emanate from the superior lateral substantia nigra and below the STN [35]. ...
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Objectives: To determine the short- and medium-term therapeutic effects of subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) on restless legs syndrome (RLS) in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and to study the optimal position of activated contacts for RLS symptoms. Methods: We preoperatively and postoperatively assessed PD Patients with RLS undergoing STN-DBS. Additionally, we recorded the stimulation parameters that induced RLS or relieved RLS symptoms during a follow-up. Finally, we reconstructed the activated contacts’ position that reduced or induced RLS symptoms. Results: 363 PD patients were enrolled. At the 1-year follow-up, we found that the IRLS sum significantly decreased in the RLS group (preoperative 18.758 ± 7.706, postoperative 8.121 ± 7.083, p < 0.05). The results of the CGI score, MOS sleep, and RLS QLQ all showed that the STN-DBS improved RLS symptoms after one year. Furthermore, the activated contacts that relieved RLS were mainly located in the central sensorimotor region of the STN. Activated contacts in the inferior sensorimotor part of the STN or in the substantia nigra might have induced RLS symptoms. Conclusions: STN-DBS improved RLS in patients with PD in one year, which reduced their sleep disorders and increased their quality of life. Furthermore, the central sensorimotor region part of the STN is the optimal stimulation site.
... Other studies have leveraged dMRI scans from patients with the same condition as the population of interest in order to construct 'disease-specific' connectomes that might better capture the connectivity differences that likely characterize patients with certain longstanding neurological conditions 35 . To date, this has primarily been attempted in the context of Parkinson's disease using dMRI scans acquired as part of the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI), with structural connectomes ranging from ~40 to ~90 subjects in size 31,33,[36][37][38][39][40][41][42] . ...
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Diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI) is a widely used neuroimaging modality that permits the in vivo exploration of white matter connections in the human brain. Normative structural connectomics – the application of large-scale, group-derived dMRI datasets to out-of-sample cohorts – have increasingly been leveraged to study the network correlates of focal brain interventions, insults, and other regions-of-interest (ROIs). Here, we provide a normative, whole-brain connectome in MNI space that enables researchers to interrogate fiber streamlines that are likely perturbed by given ROIs, even in the absence of subject-specific dMRI data. Assembled from multi-shell dMRI data of 985 healthy Human Connectome Project subjects using generalized Q-sampling imaging and multispectral normalization techniques, this connectome comprises ~12 million unique streamlines, the largest to date. It has already been utilized in at least 18 peer-reviewed publications, most frequently in the context of neuromodulatory interventions like deep brain stimulation and focused ultrasound. Now publicly available, this connectome will constitute a useful tool for understanding the wider impact of focal brain perturbations on white matter architecture going forward.
... The specific site that we identified is similar to, yet slightly more ventral than, a previously reported metanalytic location associated with optimal symptomatic motor benefit in advancedstage PD 3 . Moreover, a similar connectivity profile (i.e., stimulating M1/SMA) has also been associated with symptomatic motor improvement in advanced-stage PD [4][5][6] . Therefore, it could be that these sites, i.e., the one associated with slower motor progression and the one associated with optimal motor symptom improvements, are the same. ...
Background: Stimulation of a specific site in the dorsolateral subthalamic nucleus (STN) was recently associated with slower motor progression in Parkinson Disease (PD), based on the deep brain stimulation (DBS) in early-stage PD pilot trial. Objective: To test whether stimulation of this site is associated with improvements of long-term motor outcomes in advanced-stage PD. Methods: Active contacts of the early DBS cohort (N=14) were analyzed. Sweet spot and connectivity models derived from this cohort were then used to estimate long-term motor outcomes in an independent DBS cohort of advanced-stage PD patients (N=29). Results: In early-stage PD, proximity of stimulation to the dorsolateral STN associated with slower motor progression. In advanced-stage PD, stimulation proximity to the same site associated with better long-term motor outcomes (R=0.60, P<0.001). Conclusions: Results suggest stimulation of a specific site in the dorsolateral STN associates with both slower motor progression and long-term motor improvements in PD.
... [23,45,61,[72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79]. ...
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Historically, the success of DBS depends on the accuracy of electrode localization in neuroanatomical structures. With time, diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI have been introduced to study the structural connectivity and functional connectivity in patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as PD. Unlike the traditional lesion-based stimulation theory, this new network stimulation theory suggested that stimulation of specific brain circuits can modulate the pathological network and restore it to its physiological state, hence causing normalization of human brain connectome in PD patients. In this review, we discuss the feasibility of network-based stimulation and the use of connectomic DBS in PD.
Introduction Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of subthalamic nucleus (STN) has been well-established and increasingly applied in patients with isolated dystonia. Nevertheless, the surgical efficacy varies among patients. This study aims to explore the factors affecting clinical outcomes of STN-DBS on isolated dystonia and establish a well-performed prediction model. Methods In this prospective study, thirty-two dystonia patients were recruited and received bilateral STN-DBS at our center. Their baseline characteristics and up to one-year follow-up outcomes were assessed. Implanted electrodes of each subject were reconstructed with their contact coordinates and activated volumes calculated. We explored correlations between distinct clinical characteristics and surgical efficacy. Those features were then trained for the model in outcome prediction via support vector regression (SVR) algorithm and testified through cross-validation. Results Patients demonstrated an average clinical improvement of 56 ± 25 % after STN-DBS, significantly affected by distinct symptom forms and activated volumes. The optimal targets and activated volumes were concentratedly located at the dorsal posterior region to STN. Most patients had a rapid response to STN-DBS, and their motor score improvement within one week was highly associated with long-term outcomes. The trained SVR model, contributed by distinct weights of features, could reach a maximum prediction accuracy with mean errors of 11 ± 7 %. Conclusion STN-DBS demonstrated significant and rapid therapeutic effects in patients with isolated dystonia, by possibly affecting the pallidofugal fibers. Early improvement highly indicates the ultimate outcomes. SVR proves valid in outcome prediction. Patients with predominant phasic and generalized symptoms, shorter disease duration, and younger onset age may be more favorable to STN-DBS in the long run.
In primates, the putamen and the caudate nucleus are connected by ~1mm-thick caudolenticular gray matter bridges (CLGBs) interspersed between the white matter bundles of the internal capsule. Little is understood about the functional or microstructural properties of the CLGBs. In studies proposing high resolution diffusion magnetic resolution imaging (dMRI) techniques, CLGBs have been qualitatively identified as an example of superior imaging quality, however, the microstructural properties of these structures have yet to be examined. In this study, it is demonstrated for the first time that diffusion MRI is sensitive to an organized anisotropic signal corresponding to the CLGBs, suggesting that diffusion MRI could be a useful imaging method for probing the unknown microstructure of the CLGBs. In addition, a novel tractography algorithm is proposed that utilizes the shape of the human striatum (putamen + caudate nucleus) to reconstruct the CLGBs in 3D. The method is applied to three publicly available diffusion imaging datasets varying in quality and thereafter demonstrating that the reconstructed CLGBs directly overlap expected gray matter regions in the human brain. In addition, the method is shown to accurately reconstruct CLGBs repeatedly across multiple test-retest cohorts. Finally, by using the CLGB reconstructions and a local model of the diffusion signal, a method is proposed to extract a quantitative measurement of microstructure from the CLGBs themselves. This is the first work to comprehensively study the CLGBs in-vivo using diffusion MRI and presents techniques suitable for future human neuroscience studies targeting these structures.
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BACKGROUND Although deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the dorsolateral subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a well-established surgical treatment for patients with Parkinson disease (PD), there is still controversy about the relationship between the functional segregation of the STN and clinical outcomes. OBJECTIVE To correlate motor and neuropsychological (NPS) outcomes with the overlap between the volume of activated tissue (VAT) and the tractography-defined regions within the STN. METHODS Retrospective study evaluating 13 patients with PD treated with STN-DBS. With the aid of tractography, the STN was segmented into 4 regions: smaSTN (supplementary motor area STN), m1STN (primary motor area STN), mSTN (the sum of the m1STN and the smaSTN segments), and nmSTN (non-motor STN). We computed the overlap coefficients between these STN regions and the patient-specific VAT. The VAT outside of the STN was also calculated. These coefficients were then correlated with motor (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, UPDRS III) and NPS outcomes. RESULTS Stimulation of the mSTN segment was significantly correlated with UPDRS III and bradykinesia improvement. Stimulation of the smaSTN segment, but not the m1STN one, had a positive correlation with bradykinesia improvement. Stimulation of the nmSTN segment was negatively correlated with the improvement in rigidity. Stimulation outside of the STN was correlated with some beneficial NPS effects. CONCLUSION Stimulation of the tractography-defined motor STN, mainly the smaSTN segment, is positively correlated with motor outcomes, whereas stimulation of the nmSTN is correlated with poor motor outcomes. Further validation of these results might help individualize and optimize targets prior to STN-DBS.
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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a highly efficacious treatment option for movement disorders and a growing number of other indications are investigated in clinical trials. To ensure optimal treatment outcome, exact electrode placement is required. Moreover, to analyze the relationship between electrode location and clinical results, a precise reconstruction of electrode placement is required, posing specific challenges to the field of neuroimaging. Since 2014 the open source toolbox Lead-DBS is available, which aims at facilitating this process. The tool has since become a popular platform for DBS imaging. With support of a broad community of researchers worldwide, methods have been continuously updated and complemented by new tools for tasks such as multispectral nonlinear registration, structural / functional connectivity analyses, brain shift correction, reconstruction of microelectrode recordings and orientation detection of segmented DBS leads. The rapid development and emergence of these methods in DBS data analysis require us to revisit and revise the pipelines introduced in the original methods publication. Here we demonstrate the updated DBS and connectome pipelines of Lead-DBS using a single patient example with state-of-the-art high-field imaging as well as a retrospective cohort of patients scanned in a typical clinical setting at 1.5T. Imaging data of the 3T example patient is co-registered using five algorithms and nonlinearly warped into template space using ten approaches for comparative purposes. After reconstruction of DBS electrodes (which is possible using three methods and a specific refinement tool), the volume of tissue activated is calculated for two DBS settings using four distinct models and various parameters. Finally, four whole-brain tractography algorithms are applied to the patient‘s preoperative diffusion MRI data and structural as well as functional connectivity between the stimulation volume and other brain areas are estimated using a total of eight approaches and datasets. In addition, we demonstrate impact of selected preprocessing strategies on the retrospective sample of 51 PD patients. We compare the amount of variance in clinical improvement that can be explained by the computer model depending on the method of choice. This work represents a multi-institutional collaborative effort to develop a comprehensive, open source pipeline for DBS imaging and connectomics, which has already empowered several studies, and may facilitate a variety of future studies in the field.
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The anatomical connections of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) have driven hypotheses about its functional anatomy, including the hypothesis that the precise anatomical location of STN deep brain stimulation (DBS) contributes to the variability of motor and non-motor responses across patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). We previously tested the hypothesis using a three-dimensional (3D) statistical method to interpret the acute effects of unilateral DBS at each patient's clinically optimized DBS settings and active contact. Here, we report a similar analysis from a new study in which DBS parameters were standardized and DBS locations were chosen blind to clinical response. In 74 individuals with PD and STN DBS, STN contacts were selected near the dorsal and ventral borders of the STN contralateral to the more affected side of the body. Participants were tested off PD medications in each of three unilateral DBS conditions (ventral STN DBS, dorsal STN DBS and DBS off) for acute effects on mood, apathy, working memory, response inhibition and motor function. Voltage, frequency and pulse width were standardized, and participants and raters were blind to condition. In a categorical analysis, both dorsal and ventral STN DBS improved mean motor function without affecting cognitive measures. Ventral STN DBS induced greater improvement in rigidity and anxiety than dorsal STN DBS. In the 3D analysis, contact location was significant for body hypokinesia, rigidity and resting tremor, with the greatest improvement occurring with DBS in dorsal STN and zona incerta. The 3D results provide new, direct functional evidence for the anatomically derived model of STN, in which motor function is best represented in dorsal STN. However, our data suggest that functional segregation between motor and non-motor areas of the STN is limited, because locations that induced improvements in motor function and mood overlapped substantially.
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Diffusion MRI (dMRI)-based tractography offers unique abilities to map whole-brain structural connections in human and animal brains. However, dMRI-based tractography indirectly measures white matter tracts, with suboptimal accuracy and reliability. Recently, sophisticated methods including constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) and global tractography have been developed to improve tract reconstructions through modeling of more complex fiber orientations. Our study aimed to determine the accuracy of connectome reconstruction for three dMRI-based tractography approaches: diffusion tensor (DT)-based, CSD-based and global tractography. Therefore, we validated whole brain structural connectome reconstructions based on ten ultrahigh-resolution dMRI rat brain scans and 106 cortical regions, from which varying tractography parameters were compared against standardized neuronal tracer data. All tested tractography methods generated considerable numbers of false positive and false negative connections. There was a parameter range trade-off between sensitivity: 0.06-0.63 interhemispherically and 0.22-0.86 intrahemispherically; and specificity: 0.99-0.60 interhemispherically and 0.99-0.23 intrahemispherically. Furthermore, performance of all tractography methods decreased with increasing spatial distance between connected regions. Similar patterns and trade-offs were found, when we applied spherical deconvolution informed filtering of tractograms, streamline thresholding and group-based average network thresholding. Despite the potential of CSD-based and global tractography to handle complex fiber orientations at voxel level, reconstruction accuracy, especially for long-distance connections, remains a challenge. Hence, connectome reconstruction benefits from varying parameter settings and combination of tractography methods to account for anatomical variation of neuronal pathways.
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Medical imaging has played a major role in defining the general anatomical targets for deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapies. However, specifics on the underlying brain circuitry that is directly modulated by DBS electric fields remain relatively undefined. Detailed biophysical modeling of DBS provides an approach to quantify the theoretical responses to stimulation at the cellular level, and has established a key role for axonal activation in the therapeutic mechanisms of DBS. Estimates of DBS-induced axonal activation can then be coupled with advances in defining the structural connectome of the human brain to provide insight into the modulated brain circuitry and possible correlations with clinical outcomes. These pathway-activation models (PAMs) represent powerful tools for DBS research, but the theoretical predictions are highly dependent upon the underlying assumptions of the particular modeling strategy used to create the PAM. In general, three types of PAMs are used to estimate activation: 1) field-cable (FC) models, 2) driving force (DF) models, and 3) volume of tissue activated (VTA) models. FC models represent the "gold standard" for analysis but at the cost of extreme technical demands and computational resources. Consequently, DF and VTA PAMs, derived from simplified FC models, are typically used in clinical research studies, but the relative accuracy of these implementations is unknown. Therefore, we performed a head-to-head comparison of the different PAMs, specifically evaluating DBS of three different axonal pathways in the subthalamic region. The DF PAM was markedly more accurate than the VTA PAMs, but none of these simplified models were able to match the results of the patient-specific FC PAM across all pathways and combinations of stimulus parameters. These results highlight the limitations of using simplified predictors to estimate axonal stimulation and emphasize the need for novel algorithms that are both biophysically realistic and computationally simple.
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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical intervention where electrodes are permanently implanted into the brain in order to modulate pathologic neural activity. The post-operative reconstruction of the DBS electrodes is important for an efficient stimulation parameter tuning. A major limitation of existing approaches for electrode reconstruction from post-operative imaging that prevents the clinical routine use is that they are manual or semi-automatic, and thus both time-consuming and subjective. Moreover, the existing methods rely on a simplified model of a straight line electrode trajectory, rather than the more realistic curved trajectory. The main contribution of this paper is that for the first time we present a highly accurate and fully automated method for electrode reconstruction that considers curved trajectories. The robustness of our proposed method is demonstrated using a multi-center clinical dataset consisting of N = 44 electrodes. In all cases the electrode trajectories were successfully identified and reconstructed. In addition, the accuracy is demonstrated quantitatively using a high-accuracy phantom with known ground truth. In the phantom experiment, the method could detect individual electrode contacts with high accuracy and the trajectory reconstruction reached an error level below 100 micron (0.046 ± 0.025 mm). An implementation of the method is made publicly available such that it can directly be used by researchers or clinicians. This constitutes an important step towards future integration of lead reconstruction into standard clinical care.
In 1992 the Core Assessment Program for Intracerebral Transplantations (CAPIT) was published providing the minimal requirements for a common patient evaluation protocol. Despite the intent, the program was thought to be too laborious to carry out in large scale trials, and it also lacked evaluations of cognitive functions and quality of life. Moreover, the CAPIT was designed for neural transplantation only and has not been revised since. Since then, pallidotomy and deep brain stimulation have emerged as additional treatment modalities but there exists no common tool for evaluation of, and between, the techniques. In 1996, within the framework of NECTAR (Network for European CNS Transplantation and Restoration), a dedicated program entitled “Neurosurgical Interventions in Parkinson's Disease” (NIPD) was funded by the European Union Biomed 2 program to develop a new Core Assessment Program for Surgical Interventional Therapies in PD (CAPSIT‐PD) and to establish an European registry for patients with PD subjected to functional neurosurgery. This article presents the recommendations of this new program.
Diffusion MRI fiber tractography is widely used to probe the structural connectivity of the brain, with a range of applications in both clinical and basic neuroscience. Despite widespread use, tractography has well-known pitfalls that limits the anatomical accuracy of this technique. Numerous modern methods have been developed to address these shortcomings through advances in acquisition, modeling, and computation. To test whether these advances improve tractography accuracy, we organized the 3-D Validation of Tractography with Experimental MRI (3D-VoTEM) challenge at the ISBI 2018 conference. We made available three unique independent tractography validation datasets – a physical phantom and two ex vivo brain specimens - resulting in 176 distinct submissions from 9 research groups. By comparing results over a wide range of fiber complexities and algorithmic strategies, this challenge provides a more comprehensive assessment of tractography's inherent limitations than has been reported previously. The central results were consistent across all sub-challenges in that, despite advances in tractography methods, the anatomical accuracy of tractography has not dramatically improved in recent years. Taken together, our results independently confirm findings from decades of tractography validation studies, demonstrate inherent limitations in reconstructing white matter pathways using diffusion MRI data alone, and highlight the need for alternative or combinatorial strategies to accurately map the fiber pathways of the brain.
Advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by an excessive oscillatory beta band activity in the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of STN alleviates motor symptoms in PD and suppresses the STN beta band activity. The effect of DBS on cortical sensorimotor activity is more ambiguous; both increases and decreases of beta band activity have been reported. Non-invasive studies with simultaneous DBS are problematic due to DBS-induced artifacts. We recorded magnetoencephalography (MEG) from 16 advanced PD patients with and without STN DBS during rest and wrist extension. The strong magnetic artifacts related to stimulation were removed by temporal signal space separation. MEG oscillatory activity at 5-25 Hz was suppressed during DBS in a widespread frontoparietal region, including the sensorimotor cortex identified by the cortico-muscular coherence. The strength of suppression did not correlate with clinical improvement. Our results indicate that alpha and beta band oscillations are suppressed at the frontoparietal cortex by STN DBS in PD.
Despite the recent advent of neuro-radiographic techniques, creating a 'perfect' human brain atlas providing precise and consistent images with minimal distortion is practically difficult. In this study, we created a new human brain atlas from cadaveric brains with serial sections of 50 μm thickness covering the entire basal ganglia. Human cerebral hemispheres were obtained from 10 donated cadavers and fixed in 10% formalin solution, cut in a block measuring 50 mm × 30 mm × 50 mm around the midpoint of the anterior and posterior commissures and frozen at -40 °C. Each block was cut into 50-μm-thick sections on the freezing microtome and the cross-sectioned surface was photographed. Simultaneously, every 10th slice from one sagittal hemisphere was sampled and stained using the Kluver-Barrera method. Prepared slides were photographed under light microscopy, and data from digital images of the cross-sectioned surface (DICSS) and digital images from microscopic sections (DIMS) were processed. Gray areas on DICSS largely represented areas of dense cellularity, and around subthalamic nucleus (STN), the zona incerta and field of Forel were clearly distinguishable on the anterosuperior side, as was the substantia nigra on the caudal side. DICSS successfully delineated the anatomical structure identical to the STN and surrounding contiguous nuclei. This new brain atlas will allow elucidation of anatomy that cannot be clearly disclosed from modern radiographic imaging or is very difficult to analyze with spatially inconsistent histological sections, and will contribute to further progress in anatomical studies of the human basal ganglia.