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Late-life Anxiety Disorders: A Review

  • Taytelbaum Psychologen Amsterdam/Focustherapie/RINO Groep Utrecht

Abstract and Figures

Anxiety disorders are a major clinical problem in late life; estimated prevalence rates vary from 6% to 10%, and the disease impact is considerable and equal to that of depression. However, anxiety disorders often remain undetected and untreated in older adults. This discrepancy may be accounted for by a combination of patient variables (eg, a lack of help-seeking behavior and long duration of illness) and variables related to current clinical practice (eg, a lack of knowledge regarding late-life anxiety and ageism). Because anxiety disorders usually have an age at onset earlier in life, patients and mental health professionals may be inclined to attribute the anxiety and avoidance symptoms to personality factors instead of a treatable syndrome. Comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders, such as depressive disorder, may complicate the appropriate diagnosis. Identification may be further obscured because the phenomenology of anxiety disorders in older adults tends to differ from the phenomenology in younger adults. Randomized controlled trials have yielded support for the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and serotonergic antidepressants. However, both treatments seem hampered by relatively high dropout rates, and the available data are based primarily on a relatively healthy, well-educated, and "young" older population. The dissemination of knowledge regarding late-life anxiety disorders is vital, as evidence-based treatments are available but are still rarely implemented.
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Late-life Anxiety Disorders: A Review
Josien Schuurmans &Anton van Balkom
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
Abstract Anxiety disorders are a major clinical problem in
late life; estimated prevalence rates vary from 6% to 10%,
and the disease impact is considerable and equal to that of
depression. However, anxiety disorders often remain
undetected and untreated in older adults. This discrepancy
may be accounted for by a combination of patient variables
(eg, a lack of help-seeking behavior and long duration of
illness) and variables related to current clinical practice (eg,
a lack of knowledge regarding late-life anxiety and ageism).
Because anxiety disorders usually have an age at onset
earlier in life, patients and mental health professionals may
be inclined to attribute the anxiety and avoidance symptoms
to personality factors instead of a treatable syndrome.
Comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders, such as
depressive disorder, may complicate the appropriate diag-
nosis. Identification may be further obscured because the
phenomenology of anxiety disorders in older adults tends to
differ from the phenomenology in younger adults. Ran-
domized controlled trials have yielded support for the
effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and seroto-
nergic antidepressants. However, both treatments seem
hampered by relatively high dropout rates, and the available
data are based primarily on a relatively healthy, well-
educated, and youngolder population. The dissemination
of knowledge regarding late-life anxiety disorders is vital,
as evidence-based treatments are available but are still
rarely implemented.
Keywords Anxiety disorders .Anxiety .Aged .Older
adults .Late life .Review
Until recently, the concept of anxiety in late life had been
disregarded in clinical practice and the scientific commu-
nity. This disregard is still often thought to be justified by
the fact that older adults with anxiety disorders rarely
present to mental health care settings. In light of these
circumstances, it is understandable that clinicians and
researchers alike used to believe that anxiety disorders
were not very prevalent in late life. However, recent
epidemiologic studies have shown that prevalence rates of
late-life anxiety disorders are equal to or may even exceed
prevalence rates of depressive disorders in late life.
Estimates of prevalence rates vary widely due to conceptual
and methodologic differences between studies, but most
estimates of current (6-month to 1-year) prevalence rates
fall within the range of 6% to 10% (Table 1)[1].
When examining prevalence rates for specific types of
anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is
often referred to as the most common late-life anxiety
disorder [2]. When reviewing the literature, one might get
the idea that GAD is the only late-life anxiety disorder
worthy of discussion. However, a closer look at the
available research data shows considerable variation in the
prevalence estimates of this disorder, ranging from 1% [3]
to 7.3% [2]. Which of these numbers is closer to the truth is
a question that has yet to be answered. It has been
suggested that due to the diffuse nature of the DSM-IV
J. Schuurmans (*)
Department for Older Adults, GGZinGeest,
Osdorpplein 880,
1068 TD, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. van Balkom
Academic Department, VU Medical Centre/GGZinGeest and
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Curr Psychiatry Rep
DOI 10.1007/s11920-011-0204-4
criteria for GAD, it serves as a convenient miscellaneous
category for other more specific anxiety disorders that may
simply be overlooked in older adults.
As for other types of anxiety disorders, the current state of
knowledge indicates that panic disorder, agoraphobia, hypo-
chondriasis, and obsessivecompulsive disorder are probably
equally prevalent in older adults as in the general population
of adults younger than 65 years of age. Specific phobias and
social phobia appear to be less prevalent in older adults, but as
prevalence rates in epidemiologic studies are always an
estimate, no firm conclusions can be drawn.
Burden of Disease
Clinical opinion used to proclaim that anxiety disorders in
late life were not very serious or incapacitating. In fact,
recent studies show that the opposite is true: late-life
anxiety has been proven to be just as disabling as late-life
depression [4,5]. Use of somatic health care services (visits
to the general practitioner and to medical specialists,
hospital admissions) is increased in anxious older adults,
while the appropriate use of mental health care services is
low [5]. Furthermore, findings from recent studies suggest
that anxiety is associated with an increased mortality rate in
older men [6] and in frail or chronically ill older adults [7,
8]. Among older adults who have suffered a myocardial
infarction, anxiety has been found to be predictive of
recurrent cardiac events and increased use of health care
services [8,9]. Anxiety disorders also have been found to
be more prevalent in chronically ill older adults [10].
Comorbidity with Depression
Anxiety in late life has been thought to be comorbid with
depression or a symptom of mixed anxiety/depression.
Indeed, comorbidity between anxiety and depression is
high in mixed-age and older populations. However, recent
findings indicate that most older adults (74%) with an
anxiety disorder do not suffer from comorbid depression,
while depression without comorbid anxiety is much less
common in late life [11]. Furthermore, mixed anxiety/
depression seems to be less prevalent in late life than major
depression or anxiety disorders [12]. Comorbidity between
anxiety and depression appears to be higher among older
adults living in residential care facilities [13]. This study
disorders without comorbid depression, 17.1% for pure
depression without comorbid anxiety, and 5.1% for comor-
bid anxiety disorders with depression. The higher incidence
of depression in this group may be explained by several
factors, including adaptation to a new residential environ-
ment and experiences of loss, which are more common in
very old adults and frail older adults (eg, loss of loved ones,
loss of control of bodily functions, loss of autonomy).
Anxiety and Dementia in Late Life
Anxiety symptoms, especially late-onset anxiety disorders,
often have been labeled as a prelude to or a sign of
dementia. This is a seemingly plausible hypothesis, but
anxiety disorders and symptoms do not seem to be
predictive of cognitive decline in longitudinal studies [14].
Although symptoms of agitation and anxiety frequently
accompany dementia, the prevalence of anxiety disorders
among individuals with dementia is comparable to the
prevalence of anxiety disorders in the general older adult
population [15]. In a report on the comorbidity of anxiety
disorders in older adults in The Netherlands, no significant
association was found between the presence of an anxiety
disorder and the presence of cognitive impairment [16]. A
recent study of the association between dementia and
anxiety even reported that symptoms of generalized anxiety
are less common in older adults suffering from dementia
Table 1 The 6-month prevalence of anxiety disorders in mixed-age populations vs older adults
Diagnosis Mixed-age populations (age <65 years), % Older adults (age >55 years), %
All anxiety disorders 12.4 610
Panic disorder 2.2 12
Agoraphobia 0.81.6 0.65
Simple phobia 7.1 4
Social phobia 4.8 1.3
Generalized anxiety disorder 1.2 17.3
Obsessivecompulsive disorder 0.9 0.6
Post-traumatic stress disorder 0.4 0.9
Hypochondriasis 4.26.3 4.26.3
Data from Beekman et al. [2], Kessler et al. [18], and Bijl et al. [48]
Curr Psychiatry Rep
[17]. On a different note, one may wonder whether it is
appropriate to diagnose anxiety disorders according to the
DSM-IV criteria in those who have passed the initial stages
of a dementia process. To put it differently, the symptoms
accompanying or preceding the onset of dementia are
presumably very different in nature than anxiety disorders
classified according to the DSM-IV criteria. When trying to
establish whether anxiety symptoms could be a sign of
cognitive decline, it is important to investigate closely the
etiology of the anxiety symptoms. Most anxiety disorders
in late life have an onset in early or middle adulthood [18],
which makes it highly unlikely that there is any connection
with dementia.
Age at Onset
There has been some debate over age at onset in late-life
anxiety disorders. In some studies, GAD in late life is
presumed to have a bimodal distribution, with equal rates of
early onset (before age 50 years) and late onset (after age
50 years) [19,20]. However, these studies established age
at onset in patients who participated in intervention studies
of late-life anxiety. Those with a shorter duration of anxiety
symptoms are probably more inclined to seek help, and
these data may not be representative of late-life anxiety
disorders in general. In a recent large-scale epidemiologic
survey, a late onset of anxiety was found to be much less
common [18]. Seventy-five percent of all anxiety disorders
are said to have an onset before the age of 21 years, and
95% of all anxiety disorders have an onset before age
51 years. Late onset does appear to be more common for
GAD than for other anxiety disorders, with 10% of GAD
cases commencing after age 58 years.
Identification of and Referral for Late-life Anxiety
In light of the high prevalence of anxiety in late life, it is
puzzling that only a very small minority of older adults who
are referred to mental health care settings are diagnosed
with an anxiety disorder. Several factors may contribute to
the fact that anxiety disorders are not easily identified in
older adults.
One factor that may contribute to the lack of appropriate
identification and referral is a lack of help-seeking behavior
in older anxiety patients. Because most anxiety disorders
appear to have an onset before the age of 21 years [18], one
may conclude that most patients have been struggling with
anxiety symptoms for decades. Because effective treat-
ments for anxiety have only been developed in the past 20
to 30 years, it is understandable that older adults with a long
duration of symptoms who have never been (adequately)
treated may not be suddenly inclined to start demanding
treatment for their ailment. This is particularly relevant
because older adults are probably less informed on the
existence of appropriate treatments.
Anxiety in late life also may go unnoticed through
effective avoidance behavior. It is probably easier for older
adults to avoid certain activities because they have fewer
obligations than younger adults, and society readily accepts
that older adults may be incapable of physical exercise or of
doing their own shopping. People surrounding an older
individual (eg, children, neighbors) are probably more
likely to relieve the older adult of the burden of certain
tasks than they would be when confronted with a younger
adult with similar problems. Although it may be well-
intended, this helpfulness may contribute to the onset and
persistence of avoidance behavior and the camouflaging of
anxiety symptoms.
Another related factor contributing to the lack of appropri-
ate identification of and referral for anxiety in late life lies
within the (mental) health care profession rather than within
the anxious older adult. Ageism is probably involved in the
fact that anxiety and avoidance behavior in late life is often
interpreted as normalor realisticand therefore deemed
untreatable [21]. For example, when an older persons
mobility is affected by arthritis or other age-related ailments,
or when an older person trips and falls in the street, it is often
considered an appropriate response for that person to be too
anxious to leave the house or to travel by bus, train, or tram.
On the same note, when we are confronted with an older
person who obsesses over the possibility of becoming
seriously ill or cognitively impaired, our own fears of what
might happen when we grow old may hinder the correct
appraisal of such obsessive thoughts as symptoms of an
anxiety disorder. Physical conditions and symptoms often
play a role in the etiology or worsening of anxiety symptoms
in older adults. Because medical comorbidity is more
common in late life, the physician is inclined to assign a
high priority to the appropriate diagnosis of possible somatic
disorders. However, after excluding a somatic condition, the
diagnostic enquiry often stops.
Furthermore, the phenomenology of anxiety in late life
may be different from that of anxiety in early adulthood:
older adults may fear different stimuli or situations or may
have a different reason for fearing certain stimuli or
situations than younger adults [22]. For example, older
adults may show agoraphobic avoidance behavior that is
driven by the fear of falling. Similarly, avoidance of social
situations may arise from the fear that other people will
label ones forgetfulness as a symptom of dementia. Current
diagnostic instruments and the DSM-IV classification
system may not be cut out to identify the specific age-
related content of late-life anxiety disorders.
Curr Psychiatry Rep
Feasibility and Effectiveness of Treatment
Psychological Interventions
Despite the prevalence and impact of anxiety in late life, the
belief that it is not sensible or feasible to undertake a
psychological intervention in anxious older adults is still
common among general practitioners and mental health
care professionals. This belief dates back to the early days
of psychoanalytic theory. Freud proclaimed that psycho-
therapy would not be feasible for an older individual
because an individuals psychological flexibility was
supposed to diminish through the years, and the amount
of material that had to be addressed in the analysis would
have become too expansive [23].
In response to this reluctance to treat anxious older
adults, a counter movement has been set in motion that
holds that the same treatments that have been found to be
effective in younger adults can and should be applied to
older adults. Research efforts that stem from this counter
movement have focused on establishing the effectiveness of
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for late-life anxiety, as
empiric evidence suggests that CBT is the most effective
form of psychotherapy for anxiety disorders in mixed-age
populations [24]. Several studies and several meta-analyses
have been published, and they all provide modest support
for the effectiveness of CBT for late-life anxiety [25,26].
However, a few comments must be made. Although late-
life anxiety is more often the topic of scientific study in recent
years, most available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) still
focus on late-life GAD, and very few studies have included
other anxiety disorders [27,28,29]. Effect sizes tend to be
somewhat smaller than those found in mixed-age popula-
tions, but due to the focus on GAD, which is not as
responsive to treatment as some of the other anxiety
disorders, these results are difficult to interpret. A recent
RCT of late-life panic disorder reports similar effect sizes as
those reported in mixed-age populations [27]. However, this
is just one small study that needs to be replicated.
Another major point of concern is that intervention
studies to date are primarily based on relatively healthy,
cognitively unimpaired, and youngolder adults who live
independently in their own homes. Therefore, results
cannot be extrapolated to the frail, cognitively impaired,
and olderold. Some exceptions exist. Mohlman and
Gorman [30] have done some pioneering and successful
work in the area of adapting CBT to (mildly) cognitively
impaired older adults. Stanley et al. [31] have adapted
CBT for use in primary care facilities to render it more
accessible to a wider range of older adults. Veer-Tazelaar
and colleagues [32••] have achieved amazing success in
implementing and testing a stepped-care model to prevent
anxiety and depression in adults older than 75 years of age.
Another point of concern regards the fact that late-life
anxiety intervention studies are characterized by an arduous
recruitment process and a relatively high early dropout rate.
This phenomenon is only partially explained by a lack of
appropriate referrals. Treatment refusal and dropout are
both important in evaluating the feasibility and effective-
ness of a certain type of treatment [33], and the fact that
dropout and refusal rates tend to be high suggests that a
large proportion of anxious older adults are not readily
motivated for treatment at a specialized mental health care
facility. Recent intervention studies focus on providing care
closer to homein primary care or in the home environ-
mentwith the hope of resolving this issue.
Apart from reflecting on the feasibility of treatment, high
dropout rates may lead to a bias in research findings, as
dropouts have been found to differ from those who
complete treatment in several studies [34]. Finally, because
older adults do not readily apply for referral to a mental
health care setting, recruitment for late-life anxiety treat-
ment studies is primarily accomplished through media
announcements [35,36]. Media recruitment of participants
also carries the risk of biased research findings, as has been
put forward by several publications on media recruitment in
mixed-age populations [37].
It is often stated that CBT should be modified to
accommodate the needs of older adults. This is why CBT
in studies of older adults is often provided in a group
format [38,39] rather than the individual format in which it
is usually provided to younger adults. The rationale behind
this approach is that older adults may be more socially
isolated than younger adults and will benefit more from
treatment in a group [38]. It is unclear if this rationale is
justified or whether it reflects another well-intended form of
ageism. In younger populations, group treatment is still
often deemed less effective for anxiety disorders than
individual treatment. Other recommended modifications
for older adults involve a greater emphasis on psycho-
education, increasing patient motivation, and repeating the
explanation of new coping strategies. It is often suggested
that psychoeducation is more important in older adults
because the present older cohort may have unrealistic views
of what psychotherapy entails and may also have more
trouble identifying and talking about psychological prob-
lems. More emphasis on increasing the motivation of
patients is presumed to be needed because people often
have been living with their symptoms for decades and are
reluctant to believe that recovery is possible. Treatment
studies all claim to have incorporated some or all of these
modifications into their CBT protocols, but no systematic
study has been performed to establish if modifications are
necessary, and if so, which modifications are needed to
improve the effectiveness of CBT for late-life anxiety
disorders. Recently, a published study comparing standard
Curr Psychiatry Rep
CBT with an adapted CBT protocol for older adults in the
treatment of GAD provided some indication that the
adapted protocol may yield better results [40]. Adaptations
involved the use of learning and memory aids, more
attention to the (repeated) explanation of the rationale of
treatment, and weekly calls from the therapist to help
participants with any problems they may have encountered
in doing the homework assignments.
In conclusion, CBT appears to be effective for the
treatment of anxiety in older adults, and the state of
knowledge does not justify an attitude of therapeutic
nihilism. However, the evidence is still mostly limited to
specific subgroups of patients (GAD, relatively healthy,
well-educated, cognitively unimpaired, relatively young).
Pharmacologic Interventions
The paucity of data on the effectiveness of existing treatments
for late-life anxiety is even greater for pharmacologic
interventions. Common practice still entails the prescription
of benzodiazepines. This is a troubling phenomenon, as the
long-term use of benzodiazepines is associated with serious
adverse effects, especially in older adults (eg, heightened risk
of accidents and falls, heightened risk of cognitive impair-
ment, development of tolerance and addiction) [41].
Furthermore, benzodiazepines are indicated for incidental
use when individuals are confronted with infrequent anxiety
symptoms, whereas in older adults, anxiety disorders tend to
be chronic in nature. In trying to reverse the wide distribution
of benzodiazepines among anxious older adults, several
authors have warned against pharmacologic treatments of
late-life anxiety in general because even the prescription of
safer psychotropic drugs, such as selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs), may be problematic in older adults [42].
Recent studies indicate that SSRIs and tricyclic antidepres-
sants may also induce a heightened risk of falls, fractures,
and cognitive impairment [43]. On the other hand, a
psychological intervention may not always be feasible or
successful. In seriously incapacitating cases, when comorbid
severe depression is present, and in older adults reluctant to
start a psychological treatment, SSRIs can be a suitable
alternative. The available data imply that SSRIs are as
effective in older adults as in mixed-age populations in
reducing anxiety, and that they are generally well-tolerated
[20,44]. One recent meta-analysis even suggests that SSRIs
may be more effective in reducing late-life anxiety than
psychological interventions [26], but as the available
research data are scarce and hampered by various methodo-
logic shortcomings, this conclusion is premature.
From the limited available research data on this topic, no
firm conclusions can be drawn with regard to heightened
effectiveness or better tolerability for a certain type of SSRI.
Older adults generally report that they prefer a psychological
intervention, although dropout rates in intervention studies
tend to be similar in both conditions. Severely anxious older
adults may refuse pharmacologic treatment due to an
excessive fear of side effects and addiction. CBT intervention
techniques may be used to counter this anxiety [45].
In 2005, the guest editors of the Acta Psychiatrica
Scandinavica made an appeal for more systematic research
into anxiety disorders in older adults [46]. In the meantime,
the number of published papers on anxiety disorders in
older adults has increased rapidly. More and more has
become known regarding the epidemiology, recognition,
diagnosis, and treatment of anxiety disorders in late life.
These developments have given rise to the creation of
evidence-based multidisciplinary guidelines for anxiety
disorders in late life [45]. However, data are still scarce
and focused on late-life GAD, without much consideration
for any of the other anxiety disorders. Research findings to
date are also primarily based on the relatively healthy, the
well-educated, and the young.More knowledge is needed
with regard to the phenomenology of anxiety syndromes in
older people, as well as long-term treatment outcomes. In
addition, no data are available on the implementation of
these research findings or on the implementation of guide-
lines in everyday clinical practice. It is common knowledge
that adherence rates to guidelines in clinical practice are
relatively low and that adherence yields superior results
compared with nonadherence [47]. In 2005, it was
concluded that implementation can only succeed when
the gap between researchers and clinicians is bridged
successfully[46]. This conclusion still holds and is a
major challenge for both groups of professionals dealing
with older patients with anxiety disorders.
Disclosure No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article
were reported.
Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
highlighted as:
Of Importance
•• Of major importance
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28. Schuurmans J, Comijs H, Emmelkamp PM, Gundy CM, Weijnen
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test the effectiveness of CBT for late-life GAD delivered in
primary care facilities; it yielded promising results.
32. •• Veer-Tazelaar, PJ, van Marwijk HW, van Oppen P, van Hout HP,
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Curr Psychiatry Rep
... Anxiety disorders are much more likely to present at younger ages and to predate diagnosis of depressive disorders (Kessler et al., 2008(Kessler et al., , 1996. New onsets of anxiety or depression symptoms, particularly in older populations, may be indicative of cognitive impairment or dementia (Schuurmans & van Balkom, 2011). The relationship between mental and physical disorders is often further complicated by bidirectional causality. ...
... Relative to prior analyses of epidemiological samples of non-elderly individuals, aged 15-54 years (Kessler et al., 2008(Kessler et al., , 1996, our sample was also older, with a median age of 66.4 years. Some studies of older individuals have described both decreasing rates of depression and anxiety with increasing age and decreasing rates of comorbidity (Byers, Yaffe, Covinsky, Friedman, & Bruce, 2010;Schuurmans & van Balkom, 2011). Presenting symptoms of depression and anxiety change with increasing age, reflecting cohort factors such as healthy survivor bias, social factors such as reactions to a loss of physical independence or social connections, and biological factors such as psychiatric symptoms of age-related cognitive decline (Byers et al., 2010;Lenze et al., 2001;Schuurmans & van Balkom, 2011;Welzel et al., 2019). ...
... Some studies of older individuals have described both decreasing rates of depression and anxiety with increasing age and decreasing rates of comorbidity (Byers, Yaffe, Covinsky, Friedman, & Bruce, 2010;Schuurmans & van Balkom, 2011). Presenting symptoms of depression and anxiety change with increasing age, reflecting cohort factors such as healthy survivor bias, social factors such as reactions to a loss of physical independence or social connections, and biological factors such as psychiatric symptoms of age-related cognitive decline (Byers et al., 2010;Lenze et al., 2001;Schuurmans & van Balkom, 2011;Welzel et al., 2019). Our study results may reflect the evolving heterogeneity of depression and anxiety across the adult lifespan. ...
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Background: Anxiety and depression are frequently comorbid yet phenotypically distinct. This study identifies differences in the clinically observable phenome across a wide variety of physical and mental disorders comparing patients with diagnoses of depression without anxiety, anxiety without depression, or both depression and anxiety. Methods: Using electronic health records for 14 994 participants with depression and/or anxiety in the Mayo Clinic Biobank, a phenotype-based phenome-wide association study (Phe2WAS) was performed to test for differences between these groups across a broad range of clinical diagnoses observed in the electronic health record. Additional analyses were performed to determine the temporal sequencing of diagnoses. Results: Compared to patients diagnosed only with anxiety, those diagnosed only with depression were more likely to have diagnoses of obesity (OR 1.75; p = 1 × 10-27), sleep apnea (OR 1.71; p = 1 × 10-22), and type II diabetes (OR 1.74; p = 9 × 10-18). Compared to those diagnosed only with depression, those diagnosed only with anxiety were more likely to have diagnoses of palpitations (OR 1.91; p = 2 × 10-25), benign skin neoplasms (OR 1.61; p = 2 × 10-17), and cardiac dysrhythmias (OR 1.45; p = 2 × 10-12). Patients with comorbid depression and anxiety were more likely to have diagnoses of other mental health disorders, substance use disorders, sleep problems, and gastroesophageal reflux relative to isolated depression. Conclusions: While depression and anxiety are closely related, this study suggests that phenotypic distinctions exist between depression and anxiety. Improving phenotypic characterization within the broad categories of depression and anxiety could improve the clinical assessment of depression and anxiety.
... Lack of training and experience among health providers may interfere with the recognition of these conditions in older adults [10], since specific knowledge and communication skills are needed to obtain and interpret relevant information for diagnosis [11]. Some symptoms of depression and anxiety in old age may be confounded with the normal features of the aging process, or with expressions of physical health problems that cause distress [7,12]. Also, as reported by a systematic review, stereotypical negative views about old age among health providers may result in direct discrimination, including the lower likelihood to refer older adults to psychological therapies [13]. ...
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Background Depression and anxiety are common mental disorders among older adults, but they are frequently underdiagnosed. Attitudes towards seeking professional mental health care is one of the barriers to access to treatment. This study was aimed at assessing the attitudes towards seeking psychological help among older adults who are enrolled in primary care in Chile, and to determine the associated factors. Methods This cross-sectional study recruited 233 primary care users aged 65 or more years. The Attitudes Towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help was used. Reliability and factor analysis of this scale were carried out. The average scores of the scale and factors were calculated and compared, by selected variables. Multivariate linear regression was estimated to determine factors associated with attitudes towards seeking psychological help. Results Three factors were identified in the attitudes towards seeking psychological help: confidence in psychologists, coping alone with emotional problems, and predisposition to seek psychological help. On average, participants had a favorable attitude towards seeking psychological help, compared with previous research. Lower level of education, and risk of social isolation were inversely associated with these attitudes. Conclusion Strategies to improve mental health literacy and social connection among older adults, could have an impact on factors that mediate the access to mental health care, such as attitudes towards seeking psychological help, among people who have a lower level of education or are at risk of social isolation.
... Horace, 65-68 BCE According to the Scopus database, the number of articles produced with the words "anxiety" and "older" in the title, abstract, and/or keywords was 175 in 2000 and 2,178 in 2022, reflecting (albeit crudely) the significant rise in interest in anxiety in later life 1 . Several reviews and metaanalyses of anxiety in later life were also published, again reflecting an accumulation of work in this area (e.g., Ramos & Stanley, 2018;Schuurmans & van Balkom, 2011). Such reviews consistently point to the need to bring later-life anxiety to the fore in terms of practicing mental health professionals, so that anxiety symptoms are not mistakenly assumed to be normal for this age group and thus unsuitable for treatment. ...
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Research on anxiety in later life has advanced significantly in the last two decades. Within the extant literature, there are both gaps and opportunities for further cross-disciplinary linkages in terms of the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of late-life anxiety. Research across cultures and cohorts has increased our understanding of the experience of anxiety across groups and thus has advanced measurement efficacy and diagnostic accuracy. Work on addressing social determinants across the lifespan regarding anxiety symptoms and their sequelae may help address anxiety as a globally growing concern.
... Mental disorders occur commonly among older people. Up to 16% of people aged 60 years and above report clinically significant depressive symptoms (Blazer, 2003) and 6-10% meet criteria for one or more anxiety disorders (Schuurmans and van Balkom, 2011). Primary psychotic disorders (e.g. ...
Objective: To review studies reporting on the effectiveness of psychiatry service delivery for older people and people with dementia in hospital and residential aged care. Methods: A systematic search of four databases was conducted to obtain peer-reviewed literature reporting original research published since June 2004 evaluating a psychiatry service for older people (aged 60 years and over) or people with dementia in inpatient or residential aged care settings. Results: From the 38 included studies, there was consistent low-to-moderate quality evidence supporting the effectiveness of inpatient older persons' mental health wards (n = 14) on neuropsychiatric symptoms, mood, anxiety and quality of life. Inpatient consultation/liaison old age psychiatry services (n = 9) were not associated with improved depression, quality of life or mortality in high-quality randomised studies. However, low-quality evidence demonstrated improved patient satisfaction with care and reduced carer stress. The highest quality studies demonstrated no effect of psychiatric in-reach services to residential aged care (n = 9) on neuropsychiatric symptoms but a significant reduction in depressive symptoms among people with dementia. There was low-quality evidence that long-stay intermediate care wards (n = 6) were associated with reduced risk for dangerous behavioural incidents and reduced costs compared to residential aged care facilities. There was no effect of these units on neuropsychiatric symptoms or carer stress. Conclusions and implications: The scarcity of high-quality studies examining the effectiveness of old age psychiatry services leaves providers and policy-makers to rely on low-quality evidence when designing services. Future research should consider carefully which outcomes to include, given that staff skill and confidence, length of stay, recommendation uptake, patient- and family-reported experiences, and negative outcomes (i.e. injuries, property damage) are as important as clinical outcomes.
... Another possible explanation for this result again takes into account the older age of the population. It has been suggested that even though highly prevalent in old patients with chronic diseases (61), anxiety disorders might remain undetected in this particular population (62,63). Bipolar disorders diagnoses showed a significant increase in prevalence at Study 2. This finding both contradicts (64,65) and confirms (66) previous literature. ...
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Introduction Conducted under the auspices of the Italian Society of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry (SIPC) the aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry (CLP) activity in Italy (SIPC-2—2018) over the past 20 years by comparing with data from the first Italian nation-wide study (SIPC-1—1998). Methods We collected data on CLP visits of 3,943 patients from 10 Italian hospitals over a period of 1 year. Data were compared with those from the SIPC-1 1998 study (4,183 participants). Patients were assessed with the same ad hoc 60-item Patient Registration Form recording information from five different areas: Sociodemographic, hospitalization-related, consultation-related, interventions and outcome. Results Compared with participants from the previous study, SIPC-2-2018 participants were significantly older (d = 0.54) and hospitalized for a longer duration (d = 0.20). The current study detected an increase in the proportion of referrals from surgical wards and for individuals affected by onco-hematologic diseases. Depressive disorders still represented the most frequent psychiatric diagnosis, followed by adjustment and stress disorders and delirium/dementia. Also, CLP psychiatrists prescribed more often antidepressants (Φ = 0.13), antipsychotics (Φ = 0.09), mood stabilizers (Φ = 0.24), and less often benzodiazepines (Φ = 0.07). Conclusion CLP workload has increased considerably in the past 20 years in Italy, with changes in patient demographic and clinical characteristics. A trend toward increase in medication-based patient management was observed. These findings suggest that the psychiatric needs of patients admitted to the general hospital are more frequently addressed by referring physicians, although Italian CLP services still deserve better organization and autonomy.
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Introduction: Physiotherapists' expansion of knowledge and skills in healthy aging is part of the quality of the geriartric rehabilitation. This concept is related to the physical functions of the elderly as well as their psychosocial functions, which are actually intertwined. Physiotherapists are among the healthcare professionals who spend most of their time with patients and this increases the chance of clinical observation. For this reason, it is important to have a high level of awareness in terms of other pathological conditions that may be present in patients with a single problem diagnosis. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between balance and anxiety in terms of static and dynamic aspects and to contribute to preventive rehabilitation studies in the elderly. The balance problems of the elderly accelerate the aging process through social isolation and cause long-lasting immobilization processes with consequences such as falling. Method: The balance of the elderly, fear of falling, anxiety in the publications about science direct, pubmed, google academic, researchgate, cochrane library databases were examined by scanning. Results: According to the studies, it can be said that there is increased balance problems and fear of falling in elderly people with anxiety, and the risk of perceived falling is related with the actual risk. In other words, the relationship between these three situations can be considered as bi-directional. Discussion and Conclusion: The lack of sustainable attention inherent in anxiety seems to be more prominent and less tolerable in the elderly. This represents a more risky process compared to young people, and distorted postural oscillations are characterized by impaired harmony during walking. Elderly people become more vulnerable to different situations during walking because of anxiety. It is important to be aware of anxiety in the elderly and to avoid anxiety-enhancing approaches. Key words: Elderly, balance, anxiety, fear of falling,
Background: The worldwide annual prevalence of anxiety in older adults is estimated to be between 6% and 10%. Emotion Focused Mindfulness Therapy (EFMT) is a mindfulness-based group intervention that has been demonstrated to reduce symptoms of anxiety in community dwelling adults. No study has yet assessed EFMT for older adults with late-life anxiety. The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of video-delivered group EFMT for older adults living in community settings, a novel and potentially scalable intervention. Methods: This was a feasibility randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 48 older adults (≥55 years old), recruited through primary care, community organizations and snowball methods. Participants were randomized to group EFMT delivered by Zoom vs. a wait-list control. Data were collected at baseline (T1), 9 weeks following baseline (T2, primary study endpoint) and 17 weeks following baseline (T3). Random allocation was conducted immediately after each group of 12 participants had been enrolled into the trial, with groups beginning on a rolling basis each time a block of 12 participants had been enrolled. The main efficacy outcome examined changes over time to anxiety. Results: Recruitment was successfully completed in 32 weeks. Enrollment was calculated at 62.3% (48 of 77 people screened). Retention (80.0%) and adherence (100.0% for intervention group participants) were excellent. The EFMT group had significant improvements in anxiety at T2 compared to the wait-list control group (-3.47 [4.12] vs.-1.22 [3.25] points, p = 0.05). Conclusions: Virtually-delivered EFMT appears to be a feasible, acceptable, and efficacious group treatment to improve late-life anxiety.
Introduction: In-person cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can reduce self-reported anxiety in older adults. However, studies are limited for remote CBT. We assessed the effectiveness of remote CBT in mitigating self-reported anxiety in older adults. Methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis based on a literature search of PubMed, Embase, PsycInfo, and Cochrane databases up to March 31, 2021, for randomized controlled clinical trials comparing the effectiveness of remote CBT versus non-CBT controls on mitigating self-reported anxiety in older adults. We calculated within-group pre-to-post-treatment standardized mean difference using Cohen's d, obtained the difference between a remote CBT group and a non-CBT control group as our effect size for cross-study comparison, and conducted a random-effects meta-analysis. Changes in scores on self-reported anxiety symptoms (Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 item Scale, Penn State Worry Questionnaire, or Penn State Worry Questionnaire - Abbreviated), and self-reported depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 item Scale or Beck Depression Inventory) were primary and secondary outcomes, respectively. Results: Six eligible studies, containing 633 participants with a pooled mean age of 66.6 years, were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. There was a significant mitigating effect of intervention on self-reported anxiety, favoring remote CBT over non-CBT controls (between-group effect size: -0.63; 95% CI: -0.99 to -0.28). We also found a significant mitigating effect of intervention on self-reported depressive symptoms (between-group effect size: -0.74; 95% CI: -1.24 to -0.25). Discussion: Remote CBT is more effective in reducing self-reported anxiety and depressive symptoms than non-CBT control in older adults.
Empathic accuracy, the ability to accurately understand other people’s emotions, is typically viewed as beneficial for mental health. However, empathic accuracy may be problematic when a close relational partner is depressed because it promotes shared depression. Across two studies, we measured empathic accuracy using laboratory tasks that capture the ability to rate other people’s emotional valence accurately over time: first in a sample of 156 neurotypical married couples (Study 1; total N = 312), and then in a sample of 102 informal caregivers of individuals with dementia (Study 2). Across both studies, the association between empathic accuracy and depressive symptoms varied as a function of a partner’s level of depressive symptoms. Greater empathic accuracy was associated with (a) fewer depressive symptoms when a partner lacked depressive symptoms, but (b) more depressive symptoms when a partner had high levels of depressive symptoms. The ability to accurately detect changes in other people’s emotional valence may underpin shared depressive symptoms in dyads.
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Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder/agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, and others) are the most prevalent psychiatric disorders, and are associated with a high burden of illness. Anxiety disorders are often underrecognized and undertreated in primary care. Treatment is indicated when a patient shows marked distress or suffers from complications resulting from the disorder. The treatment recommendations given in this article are based on guidelines, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews of randomized controlled studies. Anxiety disorders should be treated with psychological therapy, pharmacotherapy, or a combination of both. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be regarded as the psychotherapy with the highest level of evidence. First-line drugs are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Benzodiazepines are not recommended for routine use. Other treatment options include pregabalin, tricyclic antidepressants, buspirone, moclobemide, and others. After remission, medications should be continued for 6 to 12 months. When developing a treatment plan, efficacy, adverse effects, interactions, costs, and the preference of the patient should be considered.
Replicated and extended earlier findings concerning the recruitment of community-dwelling older adults experiencing generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Data gathered over a 45-mo period of a clinical trial for GAD suggested that media sources produced both the greatest number of inquiries (n=1,054; 56% aged 60-93 yrs; 67% female) and study participants. Surprisingly, referrals from healthcare professionals accounted for only 6% of participants, highlighting the need to improve collaboration between medical and mental health practitioners. Data also addressed the representativeness of participants relative to callers in terms of inclusion/exclusion criteria and demographic characteristics. Overall, the report emphasizes the importance of careful planning and monitoring of recruitment strategies for clinical trials with older adults with GAD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Worry about the generalizability of findings derived from clinical trials is a nagging problem. Because most clinical trials use individuals recruited by advertisements rather than patients solicited from clinical practice, bias in subject recruitment is a major concern. This paper compares and contrasts the demographic characteristics, symptomatologies, functional disabilities, health beliefs, and health expectations of clinical outpatients to those of subjects recruited from the media (symptomatic volunteers) for pharmacologic trials. Clinical patients were slightly younger, better educated, wealthier, and were more likely to be married. They had more recent exposure to benzodiazepines and antidepressants and were more likely to view their current condition as amenable to psychotherapy. They were more likely to feel that their symptoms would get worse without some type of treatment and to believe that treatment would cure them. The symptomatic volunteers had more presenting symptoms than the clinical patients. The two groups had similar Sheehan Disability Scale scores. These results suggest that further study is warranted of the characteristics of clinical patients and symptomatic volunteers. Anxiety 2:117–122 (1996). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We assessed a consecutive series of 398 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) for the presence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) using a standardized neuropsychiatric evaluation. Five percent of patients showed GAD during the 4 weeks preceding the psychiatric evaluation. AD patients with GAD showed significantly higher scores of depression, irritability, overt aggression, mania, and pathological crying than AD patients without GAD. The most severe symptoms of anxiety were those of tension, fears, insomnia, and physical complaints. Depression and Anxiety 7:166–170, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
To study the prevalence and risk factors of anxiety disorders in the older (55-85) population of The Netherlands. The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) is based on a random sample of 3107 older adults, stratified for age and sex, which was drawn from the community registries of 11 municipalities in three regions in The Netherlands. Anxiety disorders were diagnosed using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule in a two-stage screening design. The risk factors under study comprise vulnerability, stress and network-related variables. Both bivariate and multivariate statistical methods were used to evaluate the risk factors. The overall prevalence of anxiety disorders was estimated at 10.2%. Generalized anxiety disorder was the most common disorder (7.3%), followed by phobic disorders (3.1%). Both panic disorder (1.0%) and obsessive compulsive disorder (0.6%) were rare. These figures are roughly similar to previous findings. Ageing itself did not have any impact on the prevalence in both bivariate and multivariate analyses. The impact of other factors did not change much with age. Vulnerability factors (female sex, lower levels of education, having suffered extreme experiences during World War II and external locus of control) appeared to dominate, while stresses commonly experienced by older people (recent losses in the family and chronic physical illness) also played a part. Of the network-related variables, only a smaller size of the network was associated with anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are common in later life. The risk factors support using a vulnerability-stress model to conceptualize anxiety disorders. Although the prevalence of risk factors changes dramatically with age, their impact is not age-dependent. The risk factors indicate which groups of older people are at a high risk for anxiety disorders and in whom active screening and treatment may be warranted.
Although anxiety is a serious problem among the elderly, very little research has been conducted with anxious older adults. One reason is that although anxiety disorders overall are more common than depression in older community samples, many specific anxiety disorders are relatively rare. Furthermore, anxious older adults often do not seek treatment or otherwise come to the attention of mental health researchers. This paper describes the first year of recruitment efforts for a treatment outcome study of psychotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder in adults at least 55 years old. Successful methods included collaborations with hospital-based health education programs and senior centers, as well as notices in local and senior newspapers. Less successful methods included radio public service announcements and mailings to residential facilities, churches and synagogues, and physicians. Recommendations for recruitment of anxious older adults into research projects are discussed.
Anxiety and depression are extremely common in the elderly with medical problems. They can manifest not only as symptoms of a primary psychiatric illness, but also as physiologic sequelae of medical illnesses and medical treatments. Recognition and treatment of depression and anxiety in the medically ill is especially difficult. If these states go untreated, they result in higher morbidity and mortality, higher health care costs and utilization, and poorer functional status and outcomes. Three of the most common medical illnesses that afflict geriatric patients, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, will be presented to illustrate the difficulty in recognizing depression and anxiety and the impact of treating these symptoms in the medically ill elderly. Multidisciplinary approaches combining optimal medication regimens and psychosocial interventions can be effective for treatment of anxiety and depression in the medically ill elderly.