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Integrating Institutions: Rationalism, Constructivism, and the Study of the European Union


Abstract and Figures

Three central goals motivate this introductory essay and the articles that follow. First, we seek better understanding of the EU's own institutions, especially to the extent that they play a role in or represent the process of integration. Second, we seek better integration of the multiple general understandings of institutions and primarily of rationalist and constructivist conceptions. Third and most important, we seek to promote the integration of institutional research. Our overarching argument is that metatheoretical debate about institutions has run its course and must now giveway to theoretical, methodological, and carefully structured empirical dialogue.To this end, we offer specific strategies for promoting greater synthesis among competing institutional schools.
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Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie na adekwatność stosowania do badań nad systemem politycznym Unii Europejskiej analizy poprzez pryzmat koncepcji równowagi instytucjonalnej. Przedmiotowy artykuł ma przede wszystkim charakter analityczny, a nie empiryczny, wskazując na znaczenie równowagi międzyinstytucjonalnej w jej aspekcie prawnym i politologicznym, relacje równowagi międzyinstytucjonalnej z zasadą check and balances oraz funkcję, jaką równowaga międzyinstytucjonalna spełnia w systemie politycznym UE, a także kryterium, poprzez które zmiany w równowadze międzyinstytucjonalnej można badać. Pierwsza z hipotez badawczych weryfikowanych w niniejszym artykule stwierdza, iż istnieje konieczność odejścia od pojmowania stosunków międzyinstytucjonalnych poprzez pryzmat działalności tylko trzech podmiotów, tj. RUE, KE i PE, co miało miejsce przez wiele lat w badaniach prowadzonych nad systemem instytucjonalnym UE. Druga hipoteza badawcza zakłada, iż analiza systemu politycznego UE z użyciem zasady chceck and balances, ze względu na inne cele systemu politycznego UE niż państw narodowych, ma znacznie mniejszy potencjał eksplanacyjny, niż analiza tego systemu z użyciem koncepcji równowagi międzyinstytucjonalnej. W artykule zastosowano następujące metody badawcze: instytucjonalno-prawną oraz neoinstytucjonalną.
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EU Trade Agreements and European Integration studies 50 bilateral trade agreements negotiated by the European Commission from 1970–2008 and how they shaped European integration. The book argues that the Commission used these trade agreements, signed primarily with countries in Asia and Latin America, to advance European integration by ensuring that they became wider in scope and institutionally deeper by establishing ‘joint bodies’ – even in the face of resistance from member states in the Council of the European Union. Drawing upon principal–agent theory to explain Commission autonomy and Council control as well as extensive archival material and other sources across six in-depth case studies, it shows that the Commission primarily relied on asymmetric information to shape trade agreements in earlier negotiations. In later negotiations, the Commission harnessed its agendasetting power to submit agreements that the Council could only accept or reject. Overall, the book argues that these 50 trade agreements significantly impacted European integration by increasing the Commission’s external action capability, transforming it into a truly global political actor – one trade agreement at a time. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of European Union Studies and EU policy-making, practitioners involved in trade and external relations, and engaged citizens in Europe and abroad, particularly in India, which is prominently featured in the book.
The purpose of the publication is to study the state and peculiarities of teaching European studies for students of technical specialties in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, mainly on the example of Lviv Polytechnic National University (hereinafter LPNU), where the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair project “European Studies for Technical Specialties” (hereinafter EUSTS) has been implemented since September 2022. The hypothesis of the presented research is the statement that with the strengthening of the European integration course of Ukraine the demand for knowledge about the European Union and the European integration of Ukraine among students of technical specialties is increasing, and university education is ready to satisfy such a request, applying the latest methods and approaches in the organization of education. The main focus is on clarifying the peculiarities of the formation of European studies in Ukraine; including not only classical, but also technical universities in this process; search for effective mechanisms for implementing knowledge about the EU into the educational process of students of technical specialties. To achieve the specified goals, a number of research methods were used, such as: historical-comparative, periodization, analysis of empirical data, systemic and structural-functional. It has been found that the development of European studies in Ukraine has gone through several stages of its formation. The first lasted from the moment Ukraine regained its state independence in 1991 and was characterized by the presence of limited opportunities in universities to introduce European studies in the conditions of a centralized higher education system. The second stage was marked by the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” (2014), which, in fact, provided sufficient tools for the development of European studies in Ukrainian universities. Similarly, at that time, the study of the European Union and European integration was formed at Lviv Polytechnic National University, including for students of technical specialties. On the basis of statistical data, it has been concluded that among the students of the National Academy of Sciences, there is a growing interest in the study of academic disciplines related to the EU and the European integration course of Ukraine. To a large extent, this is explained by the current political status of Ukraine as a candidate for EU membership and the strengthening of Ukrainian society’s support for the process of European integration as a result of Russian aggression. Accordingly, a number of educational disciplines have been introduced for students of technical specialties at the level of LPNU in recent years, which form knowledge about the EU and European integration, but only thanks to the implementation of international projects here, mainly the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programs. This creates prerequisites for the fact that, in the future, separate educational programs in European studies can be developed at the university, which are most expedient to implement at the second (master’s) and third (PhD) educational levels. It is important that they focus on those policies of the EU and European integration directions of Ukraine that are of particular interest to students of technical specialties, for example, EU digital policy, EU energy policy, EU policy in the field of climate, environmental protection, etc. The acquired competences will not only allow the graduates of LPNU to implement European standards and values in their professional activities, but also to more effectively use the EU toolkit in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Also, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and the political situation of the state, it is worth introducing a mandatory educational discipline for all students of technical specialties of Ukrainian universities on the topic of the European Union, its principles, foundations and values, as well as the features of Ukraine’s European integration progress in various areas.
The purpose of the publication is to study the state and peculiarities of teaching European studies for students of technical specialties in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, mainly on the example of Lviv Polytechnic National University (hereinafter LPNU), where the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair project “European Studies for Technical Specialties” (hereinafter EUSTS) has been implemented since September 2022. The hypothesis of the presented research is the statement that with the strengthening of the European integration course of Ukraine the demand for knowledge about the European Union and the European integration of Ukraine among students of technical specialties is increasing, and university education is ready to satisfy such a request, applying the latest methods and approaches in the organization of education. The main focus is on clarifying the peculiarities of the formation of European studies in Ukraine; including not only classical, but also technical universities in this process; search for effective mechanisms for implementing knowledge about the EU into the educational process of students of technical specialties. To achieve the specified goals, a number of research methods were used, such as: historical-comparative, periodization, analysis of empirical data, systemic and structural-functional. It has been found that the development of European studies in Ukraine has gone through several stages of its formation. The first lasted from the moment Ukraine regained its state independence in 1991 and was characterized by the presence of limited opportunities in universities to introduce European studies in the conditions of a centralized higher education system. The second stage was marked by the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” (2014), which, in fact, provided sufficient tools for the development of European studies in Ukrainian universities. Similarly, at that time, the study of the European Union and European integration was formed at Lviv Polytechnic National University, including for students of technical specialties. On the basis of statistical data, it has been concluded that among the students of the National Academy of Sciences, there is a growing interest in the study of academic disciplines related to the EU and the European integration course of Ukraine. To a large extent, this is explained by the current political status of Ukraine as a candidate for EU membership and the strengthening of Ukrainian society’s support for the process of European integration as a result of Russian aggression. Accordingly, a number of educational disciplines have been introduced for students of technical specialties at the level of LPNU in recent years, which form knowledge about the EU and European integration, but only thanks to the implementation of international projects here, mainly the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programs. This creates prerequisites for the fact that, in the future, separate educational programs in European studies can be developed at the university, which are most expedient to implement at the second (master’s) and third (PhD) educational levels. It is important that they focus on those policies of the EU and European integration directions of Ukraine that are of particular interest to students of technical specialties, for example, EU digital policy, EU energy policy, EU policy in the field of climate, environmental protection, etc. The acquired competences will not only allow the graduates of LPNU to implement European standards and values in their professional activities, but also to more effectively use the EU toolkit in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Also, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and the political situation of the state, it is worth introducing a mandatory educational discipline for all students of technical specialties of Ukrainian universities on the topic of the European Union, its principles, foundations and values, as well as the features of Ukraine’s European integration progress in various areas.
The Rotating European Union Council Presidency and Small Member States explores the opportunities and burdens for small states of holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. While the functions and the achievements of the Council presidencies have been widely studied on the EU level, this book adopts the inverse and under-researched perspective of looking at the "domestic" impact of the Council presidency on the Member State, specifically small Member States. Combining new institutionalist theoretical approaches under the concept of Europeanisation, and employing both qualitative and quantitative methods, this book explores whether the Council presidency leads to Europeanisation of national polities and politics. More specifically, the book looks at the impact of the Council presidency on national administrations, ministers and public opinion. It suggests that the Council presidency presents a unique opportunity to (re)engage with EU affairs and institutions for Member States, especially the small ones and those holding the position for the first time. This book will be of interest to postgraduate students, researchers and academics of International Relations and European Integration, specifically those interested in small states in the European Union or the rotating European Union Council presidency.
A distinct subfield of international relations, IPE, has emerged over the last thirty years, largely in the pages of International Organization . IPE began with the study of international political economy, but over time its boundaries have been set more by a series of theoretical debates than by subject matter. These debates have been organized around points of contestation between specific research programs, reflecting fundamental differences among the generic theoretical orientations in which these research programs are embedded. The fate of specific research programs has depended on their ability to specify cause and effect relationships and to operationalize relevant variables. Scholarship in IPE has become more sophisticated both methodologically and theoretically, and many of its insights have been incorporated into policy discussions. Past points of contestation, including those between realism and its liberal challengers and between various conceptions of domestic structure and international relations, help us to understand recent debates between rationalism and constructivism.
On this occasion, and in this place, I feel that I ought, and am probably expected, to look back at the things which have happened to the philosophy of science since I first began to take an interest in it over half a century ago. But I am both too much an outsider and too much a protagonist to undertake that assignment. Rather than attempt to situate the present state of philosophy of science with respect to its past — a subject on which I’ve little authority — I shall try to situate my present state in philosophy of science with respect to its own past — a subject on which, however imperfect, I’m probably the best authority there is.