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Admission to hospital for pneumonia and influenza attributable to 2009 pandemic A/H1N1 Influenza in First Nations communities in three provinces of Canada


Abstract and Figures

Early reports of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic (pH1N1) indicated that a disproportionate burden of illness fell on First Nations reserve communities. In addition, the impact of the pandemic on different communities may have been influenced by differing provincial policies. We compared hospitalization rates for pneumonia and influenza (P&I) attributable to pH1N1 influenza between residents of First Nations reserve communities and the general population in three Canadian provinces. Hospital admissions were geocoded using administrative claims data from three Canadian provincial data centres to identify residents of First Nations communities. Hospitalizations for P&I during both waves of pH1N1 were compared to the same time periods for the four previous years to establish pH1N1-attributable rates. Residents of First Nations communities were more likely than other residents to have a pH1N1-attributable P&I hospitalization (rate ratio [RR] 2.8-9.1). Hospitalization rates for P&I were also elevated during the baseline period (RR 1.5-2.1) compared to the general population. There was an average increase of 45% over the baseline in P&I admissions for First Nations in all 3 provinces. In contrast, admissions overall increased by approximately 10% or less in British Columbia and Manitoba and by 33% in Ontario. Subgroup analysis showed no additional risk for remote or isolated First Nations compared to other First Nations communities in Ontario or Manitoba, with similar rates noted in Manitoba and a reduction in P&I admissions during the pandemic period in remote and isolated First Nations communities in Ontario. We found an increased risk for pH1N1-related hospital admissions for First Nations communities in all 3 provinces. Interprovincial differences may be partly explained by differences in age structure and socioeconomic status. We were unable to confirm the assumption that remote communities were at higher risk for pH1N1-associated hospitalizations. The aggressive approach to influenza control in remote and isolated First Nations communities in Ontario may have played a role in limiting the impact of pH1N1 on residents of those communities.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Admission to hospital for pneumonia and
influenza attributable to 2009 pandemic A/H1N1
Influenza in First Nations communities in three
provinces of Canada
Michael E Green
, Sabrina T Wong
, Josée G Lavoie
, Jeff Kwong
, Leonard MacWilliam
, Sandra Peterson
Guoyuan Liu
and Alan Katz
Background: Early reports of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic (pH1N1) indicated that a disproportionate
burden of illness fell on First Nations reserve communities. In addition, the impact of the pandemic on different
communities may have been influenced by differing provincial policies. We compared hospitalization rates for
pneumonia and influenza (P&I) attributable to pH1N1 influenza between residents of First Nations reserve
communities and the general population in three Canadian provinces.
Methods: Hospital admissions were geocoded using administrative claims data from three Canadian provincial data
centres to identify residents of First Nations communities. Hospitalizations for P&I during both waves of pH1N1
were compared to the same time periods for the four previous years to establish pH1N1-attributable rates.
Results: Residents of First Nations communities were more likely than other residents to have a pH1N1-attributable
P&I hospitalization (rate ratio [RR] 2.8-9.1). Hospitalization rates for P&I were also elevated during the baseline period
(RR 1.5-2.1) compared to the general population. There was an average increase of 45% over the baseline in P&I ad-
missions for First Nations in all 3 provinces. In contrast, admissions overall increased by approximately 10% or less in
British Columbia and Manitoba and by 33% in Ontario. Subgroup analysis showed no additional risk for remote or
isolated First Nations compared to other First Nations communities in Ontario or Manitoba, with similar rates noted
in Manitoba and a reduction in P&I admissions during the pandemic period in remote and isolated First Nations
communities in Ontario.
Conclusions: We found an increased risk for pH1N1-related hospital admissions for First Nations communities in all
3 provinces. Interprovincial differences may be partly explained by differences in age structure and socioeconomic
status. We were unable to confirm the assumption that remote communities were at higher risk for pH1N1-
associated hospitalizations. The aggressive approach to influenza control in remote and isolated First Nations com-
munities in Ontario may have played a role in limiting the impact of pH1N1 on residents of those communities.
* Correspondence:
Departments of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Queen's
University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Centre for Health Services and Policy Research and Institute for Clinical
Evaluative Sciences, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2013 Green et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Green et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1029
The 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic (pH1N1) origi-
nated in Mexico and quickly spread around the world.
The first Canadian cases were reported in April of that
year. Early descriptive studies focused on risk factors for
severe disease and identified key patterns such as the in-
creased risk for children and pregnant women and youn-
ger adults as well as those with chronic conditions [1-3].
It was also assumed that Indigenous
communities in
several countries including the United States, Australia,
New Zealand and Canada were at increased risk: this as-
sumption was confirmed in later studies [4-8]. As a con-
sequence, public health officials in Canada began to
consider specific recommendations for Aboriginal Cana-
dians, which includes First Nations, Inuit, and Métis.
Prior studies in Canada have examined primarily
laboratory-confirmed cases [8-11] and have either exam-
ined national or provincial rates, but did not compare
these across provinces. Internationally, most prior re-
search has also focused on lab-confirmed hospitalized
cases. We are not aware of any other Canadian studies
examining the population-based impacts across prov-
inces or between Aboriginal communities and the gen-
eral population. Yet, inequities between Aboriginal and
other Canadians persist for virtually every measure of
health and social status.
The potential for health and health care disparities
among those living on a reserve compared to residents
of other communities is higher. A reserve is a small por-
tion of what might have previously been part of a na-
tions traditional territory, which is protected by
legislation for the use and benefit of a First Nation [12].
Although more than half (51%) of the First Nations
population in the provinces of British Columbia, Mani-
toba, and Ontario live in urban areas [13-15], there con-
tinues to be a significant portion of First Nations
individuals who live on reserves that are considered
rural and remote geographic regions. Further, it has been
documented that many First Nations people who live
off-reserve travel back to their home reserve to access
healthcare [16,17].
This study was undertaken to assess whether there
were observed differences in the rates of hospitalizations
attributable to pH1N1 in British Columbia, Manitoba,
and Ontario between residents of First Nations commu-
nities and other residents, and between First Nations in
each province.
We used administrative data to examine rates of hospi-
talizations attributed to pH1N1 for those living on First
Nations reserves and the rest of the population in British
Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario. Results were aggre-
gated for all First Nations reserve communities in each
province. We did not merge the British Columbia, Mani-
toba, or Ontario datasets because of documented data
coding variability.
Sources of data
The data included files held at Population Health Data
British Columbia, the Manitoba Centre for Health Pol-
icy, and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
(ICES) in Ontario. Standardized data, based on every
hospital contact, are submitted (including scrambled
personal health identifiers, diagnoses, costs, hospital-
ization, and institutionalization data) as part of a system
maintained and controlled by all provincial ministries of
health. We used the hospitalization data available
througheachprovinces Discharge Abstract Database
(DAD) files and the demographic data available through
province-specific datasets (Consolidation file in British
Columbia, the Population Registry in Manitoba, and the
Registered Persons Database in Ontario) in order to de-
termine sex, age, and location of residence. Socioeco-
nomic quintiles were identified using standard protocols
in each province that utilize a combination of census
data and location of residence. We also utilized the la-
boratory influenza testing result files from each prov-
ince to identify the time periods of interest for waves
1 and 2 of pH1N1 in each province.
FN identification
In most provinces, current databases are unable to reli-
ably report First Nations identification. Therefore, we
created an ecological sample that was assumed to in-
clude all British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario First
Nations living on a reserve. Our unit of interest was resi-
dents of First Nations reserve communities. Based on
previous work by Lavoie and colleagues we used a com-
bination of 6-digit postal code and First Nations reserve
numbers (from Indians and Northern Affairs Canada) to
identify all BC, Manitoba, or Ontario residents living on
a First Nations reserve [18]. In all three provinces Regis-
tered First Nations represent over 90% of the overall on-
reserve population [16]. The remainder of the on-
reserve population will be the children of one Registered
parent and Métis or non-indigenous individuals, all of
whom depend on the same services.
Geographic mismatching can be a concern in any rural
area, where many small communities may exist within a
single postal code. In British Columbia this is of particu-
lar concern as postal codes tend to cover larger areas,
and First Nations reserves are small. In the case of First
Nations, the payer of British Columbia provincial health
premiums is the First Nation Inuit Health Branch of
Health Canada. Therefore, we were able to use both a
proxy for First Nations identification (premium payer)
and postal codes where reserves are located to track
Green et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1029 Page 2 of 8
British Columbia First Nations individuals living on
Outcome measures
Since influenza is infrequently confirmed by laboratory
tests and the criteria for testing for pH1N1 varied over
the study period, and between provinces, we estimated
pH1N1-attributable outcomes by applying statistical
methods to administrative data. Pneumonia and influ-
enza (P&I) hospitalization (International Classification of
Diseases, Tenth Revision [ICD-10] J10-J18) in any diag-
nostic field was the primary outcome. We examined as
secondary outcomes: i) hospitalizations due to pneumo-
nia and influenza as the primary diagnosis; and ii) any re-
spiratory condition (ICD-10 J00-J99) in any diagnostic
field. To confirm the specificity of any observed differ-
ences, we examined motor vehicle collisions (ICD-10
V01-V79) as a condition where pH1N1 was not expected
to have an impact.
Data analysis
Data analyses were conducted within each province. Fre-
quent communication during the analysis stage ensured
consistency in analyses despite slight variations inherent
in the health administrative data. To estimate pH1N1-
attributable outcomes, we first defined periods of pH1N1
activity (i.e., pandemic waves 1 and 2, which were ap-
proximately April-June and October-November 2009)
using provincial laboratory data. We then determined
event rates during these periods in 2009 and compared
them to event rates during the same periods in the previ-
ous five years (2004 to 2008). The rate during the previ-
ous years served as the expected baseline for these
outcomes, controlling for inherent differences between
provinces and between First Nations communities and
the general population in terms of health services
utilization, public health prevention and control strat-
egies, and influenza disease rates. pH1N1-attributable
event rates were calculated as the difference between the
pH1N1 waves in 2009 and the baseline periods in previ-
ous years.
We conducted analyses that included crude and age
standardized rates and rate ratios. Rates of admission
were first determined for each week then aggregated to
generate average weekly rates for the time periods of
interest. For Ontario and Manitoba we also used the
First Nations and Inuit Health rurality designation to de-
termine if there were differences between Remote and
Isolated First Nations reserve communities and those
rated as Semi-Isolated and Non-Isolated. In Ontario, the
locations and categories of each community in our data-
set were compared to the information in the First Na-
tions Community Profiles on the Aboriginal Affairs and
Northern Development Canada website to ensure they
were accurate. One of the investigators (MG) has con-
tent expertise in this area and was able to resolve any
conflicts identified during this processes. In Manitoba
this information was already available and verified from
previous work by one of the investigators( JL). This was
not possible in British Columbia due to the nature of the
dataset obtained from Population Health Data British
Columbia, where aggregation beyond the community
level had already been completed prior to release of the
data set, making it impossible to use this approach. We
used a rate ratio approach as the relatively low event
counts in the First Nations communities precluded the
meaningful use of regression models to adjust for con-
founding variables. We used SAS 8.0/9.2 for data analysis
depending on the version in use at each data centre [19].
Ethics and partnerships
This project was conducted in keeping with the Tri-
Council Policy Statement on Research involving Aboriginal
Peoples [20]. As we were using provincial-level datasets,
guidance and input into the study was provided by
provincial-level First Nations organizations. Research agree-
ments were implemented between the research team and
Chiefs of Ontario, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, and
the British Columbia First Nations Health Council. The
roles of the partners included review and approval of the
application for funding, the methodology used for identify-
ing First Nations communities, review of preliminary re-
sults and review, and approval of the final manuscript.
All procedures were approved by ethics boards at the
Univeristy of British Columbia, University of Manitoba, and
Queens University. Data access requests were approved by
Population Data British Columbia, The Health Information
Privacy Committee in Manitoba, and the Institute for Clin-
ical Evaluative Sciences.
There were key demographic differences between First
Nations reserve communities and other residents in each
of the three provinces (Table 1). Residents of First Na-
tions reserves were more likely to be younger, have
lower socioeconomic status and less likely to reside in
an urban area (as would be expected given the location
of most reserves). The age and SES differences were
greatest in Manitoba and smallest in British Columbia.
Ontario had several reserve communities located in
urban census metropolitan areas, while there were none
in Manitoba. British Columbia data were not available
for this particular analysis.
Figure 1 presents the weekly hospitalization rates for P&I
in one province (Ontario) from April 2004 to April 2010.
Hospitalization rates for P&I were higher in First Nations
reserves than in other communities throughout this period.
The influence of seasonal influenza on admission rates is
Green et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1029 Page 3 of 8
clearly evident, as is the spike in admissions due to wave 2
of pH1N1.
The remainder of the results are limited to the pandemic
periods noted in Figure 1 and the corresponding control pe-
riods (same weeks) in each of the prior five years. Table 2
presents the results for our primary outcome. The differ-
ences between age-adjusted and crude rates did not signifi-
cantly influence the results of our primary outcome so we
have presented only the crude rates. For both the baseline
period and during pH1N1 waves, the rates of admission
were highest in Manitoba. All provinces had higher rates of
admission for First Nations reserve communities during
the baseline period (RR 1.5-2.1). pH1N1-attributable ad-
missions were higher for First Nations reserve communities
(RR 2.8-9.1). In all three provinces there was a similar in-
crease (44-46%) in P&I admissions among First Nations re-
serve communities. In contrast, there was little change in
the admission rates for the general population in either
British Columbia (8%) or Manitoba (11%), but a 33% in-
crease in Ontario. The ratio of ratiosindicates the degree
by which the proportional increase in P&I related hospitali-
zations for residents of First Nations Reserve communities
was greater than that experienced by the general population
after taking into account expected differences based on his-
torical data. This showed the increase in hospitalization
rates for residents of First Nations Reserve communities to
be 35% higher in BC, 31% higher in Manitoba and 8%
higher in Ontario.
Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of First Nations Reserves and Other Residents in British Columbia, Manitoba,
and Ontario, 2009.
British Columbia Manitoba Ontario
First Nations Reserves Other residents First Nations Reserves Other residents First Nations Reserves Other residents
Age <16 years 26.9% 17.2% 35.2% 19.6% 32.4% 18.4%
Age >65 years 6.1% 13.6% 5.5% 13.6% 7.06% 13.05%
% Female 48.8% 50.6% 49.1% 50.8% 50.4% 50.1%
% Urban NA NA 0.02% 65.1% 12.2% 76.8%
SES Quintiles
1 45.1% 20.1% 61.9% 16.8% 49.1% 20.8%
2 16.5% 20.1% 17.1% 19.9% 11.8% 20.1%
3 14.5% 20.2% 16.2% 20.2% 7.2% 19.6%
4 13.6% 20.0% 2.7% 21.0% 14.0% 19.8%
5 10.3% 19.6% 1.9% 21.0% 17.9% 19.7%
Urban = Census Metropolitan Area (>100,000).
SES Quintiles excluding missing results.
NA = Not available.
Figure 1 Weekly hospitalizations rates for pneumonia and influenza in Ontario. Ontario standardized rates per 100,000 population per
week, April 2004-April 2012. Vertical bars represent waves 1 and 2 of H1N1 and corresponding control periods in earlier years.
Green et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1029 Page 4 of 8
Our additional sensitivity analyses showed that when
P&I was used as the primary diagnosis, we found similar
results to our primary outcome (data not shown). For all
respiratory hospitalizations an increase was also noted,
but with the degree of this somewhat tempered (increases
of approximately 15% rather than 44% in Ontario for ex-
ample) as would be expected by the inclusion of other
non-infectious respiratory admissions in this outcome
(data not shown). Sensitivity analyses also showed that
there was no temporal relationship noted between motor
vehicle collision rates and pH1N1, although motor ve-
hicle collision rates for residents of First Nations reserve
communities were also noted to be twice that of the gen-
eral population (data not shown).
For Manitoba and Ontario, we were also able to com-
pare remote and isolated First Nations reserve communi-
ties to those that are not remote or isolated (Table 3). In
Manitoba the rates of admission overall and the pH1N1-
attributable rates were similar for both groups. In On-
tario, there were fewer P&I admissions in remote and
Table 2 Pneumonia and Influenza Hospitalizations (Crude Rate per 100,000 per week)
2009 2004-08 H1N1 Attributable Rate Ratio: 2009:2004-08
British Columbia
First Nations Reserves 13.77 9.48 4.29 1.45
Other Residents 6.65 6.18 0.47 1.08
Rate Ratio: 2.07 1.53 9.13 1.35*
First Nations:Other
First Nations Reserves 26.84 18.44 8.40 1.46
Other Residents 11.21 10.07 1.14 1.11
Rate Ratio: 2.39 1.83 7.36 1.31*
First Nations:Other
First Nations Reserves 16.84 11.74 5.10 1.44
Other Residents 7.35 5.54 1.81 1.33
Rate Ratio: 2.29 2.12 2.81 1.08*
First Nations:Other
Crude rates of hospitalization for pneumonia or influenza (any diagnostic field) per 100,000 population per week. 2009 represents the average combined rate of
both waves of H1N1 and 2004-08 the average rate during the same weeks in each of the prior 5 years. *Indicates the ratio of ratioswhich represents the degree
to which the rate of P&I admissions increased relative to the general population after taking into account expected differences in rates based on the rates of
hospitalization for P&I in 2004-2009.
Table 3 Pneumonia and Influenza Hospitalizations by Geographic Location First Nations Communities in Manitoba
and Ontario only (Crude rates per 100,000 per week)
2009 2004-08 H1N1 Attributable Rate Ratio: 2009:2004-08
Manitoba First Nations Communities
Remote/Isolated 27.69 18.29 9.40 1.51
Other 25.71 18.64 7.07 1.38
Rate Ratio 1.077 0.98 1.32 1.10*
Ontario First Nations Communities
Remote/Isolated 7.05 7.91 0.88 0.89
Other 21.47 13.56 7.91 1.58
Rate Ratio 0.33 0.58 0.11 0.56*
Crude rates of hospitalization for pneumonia or influenza (any diagnostic field) per 100,000 population per week. 2009 represents the average combined rate of
both waves of H1N1 and 2004-08 the average rate during the same weeks in each of the prior 5 years. *Indicates the ratio of ratioswhich represents the degree
to which the rate of P&I admissions in remote or isolated FN communities increased (or decreased) relative to the rates in other FN communities after taking into
account expected differences in rates based on rates of hospitalization of P&I in 2004-2009.
British Columbia data was not included as the nature of the data set did not permit this particular subgroup analysis.
Green et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1029 Page 5 of 8
isolated communities and there was actually a decrease
in admissions between the baseline period and 2009
for these communities. In contrast, there was a 58%
increase in admissions for other First Nations reserve
This study confirms that at a population level, there
was a greater risk of pH1N1-attributable hospitalization
(RR = 2.8-9.1) for First Nations reserve communities
than the remainder of the population. These health dispa-
rities are consistent across BC, Manitoba, and Ontario,
and consistent with other studies of hospitalized or
laboratory-confirmed cases in North America, Australia,
and New Zealand [3-11,21]. For example, Campbell et al.
found that the likelihood of hospital admissions for lab
confirmed pH1N1 in Canada was 5-7 times greater for
those with Aboriginal status compared to the general
population [10]. LaRuche et al. compared hospitalization
rates for pH1N1 across several countries and found that
the relative risk for Indigenous populuations to be be-
tween 3.0-7.7 times higher than the general population
[4]. They also noted elevated mortality (RR 3.4-5.3) [4], as
did Castrodale et al. (RR2.9-5.6) in the United States [5].
Wilson et al. also reported increased mortality for the
Maori in New Zealand (RR 2.0-7.2), and further note that
this pattern has been consistently observed in all the
major pandemics documented since 1918 [21].
We also found elevated baseline risks of P&I hospi-
talization (RR = 1.5-2.1) variability in both the baseline
and pH1N1-attributable hospitalization rates between
provinces. Some of this variability may be explained by
demographic differences between FNs reserve communi-
ties in each province. Manitoba, which had the highest
rates, also has the youngest and poorest First Nations re-
serve population. This would be in keeping with other stud-
ies, which have shown a convincing association between
lower SES and increased risk of adverse outcomes from
H1N1 influenza [22,23]. Once baseline differences are
accounted for, the relative increase in risk of hospitalization
for pH1N1 for those living on a First Nations reserve was
similar across provinces at about 45% (44-46%) compared
to prior years. In Ontario, where pH1N1-related hospitali-
zations mostly occurred during the second wave, there was
also a significant impact in the general population, while in
BC and Manitoba the impact on the general population was
minimal. This would be consistent with a prior study of
laboratory-confirmed pH1N1 hospitalizations that found
the second wave to have much higher admission rates [11].
Guidelines identified remote or isolated First Nations as
being at particularly increased potential risk and in some
provinces such as Ontario, more aggressive pandemic con-
trol strategies (such as more liberal use of antiviral medica-
tion, expanded indications for mask usage and increased
consideration of cancellation of mass gatherings) were im-
plemented [24-27]. Our data did not show increased risk
for these communities compared to other First Nations re-
serve communities at baseline, with admission rates being
essential identical in Manitoba and actually lower in On-
tario. This may be due in part to the types of facilities and
healthcare services available locally in these communities
as more isolated communities often receive higher levels of
services on site. During pH1N1 in Manitoba there was only
a slightly higher rate of pH1N1-attributable admission in
remote/isolated vs. other First Nations community types
(RR = 1.51 vs. RR = 1.38). In Ontario, there was actually a
decrease in hospitalizations in remote/isolated First Na-
tions reserve communities during pH1N1, with all of the in-
crease in admissions coming from the other community
types. This could be related to the more aggressive ap-
proach taken to control and treatment of pH1N1 in these
communities or other factors. It should be noted that as
pH1N1 was primarily a second wave event in Ontario, the
experience of other jurisdictions with the first wave of
pH1N1 was taken into consideration during the develop-
ment and implementation of clinical and public health
guidelines in that province. Future guidelines should con-
sider all First Nations communities to be at elevated risk
and also address the needs of those less isolated communi-
ties that have limited access to on reserve healthcare
A number of limitations to the study should be taken
into consideration. The first is that we are using pH1N1-
attributable rather than laboratory-confirmed hospitali-
zations as an outcome. We feel this is reasonable be-
cause not all patients would necessarily have been
tested, but this does potentially lead to incorrect attribu-
tion of cases. We did not adjust for a number of known
risk factors such chronic diseases, pregnancy, or age
group. Moreover, there are other risk factors that are not
measurable in administrative data (e.g., access to safe
drinking water or overcrowding) [28]. However, our ana-
lyses included close to the entire population in each
province and age standardization did not have a major
impact on our conclusions. The time periods for obser-
vation were based on provincial level laboratory data,
which could be confounding if the waves of H1N1 on
First Nations reserves occurred at different times from
the general population. Finally, it is likely that there was
some misattribution due to imperfect matching of First
Nation reserve boundaries with postal code boundaries.
In BC, using a combination of postal code and premium
payer to identify First Nations may result in the inclu-
sion of a small number of First Nations living outside
but close to the reserve. We believe their access to
Green et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1029 Page 6 of 8
health services compares to that of the First Nations on-
reserve population living adjacent to them.
The findings reported here are unique in that analyses were
carried out across three provinces using their health admin-
istrative data to shed light on the impact of pH1N1 among
First Nations reserve communities. Findings provide empir-
ical population level evidence of both an absolute and rela-
tive increase in risk for pH1N1-attributable hospitalizations
for First Nations reserves relative to the general population.
The increased baseline risk suggests that this risk is ele-
vated in general and not specific to pH1N1.
The interprovincial variations could indicate that SES,
age, and other differences for which we do not have
regular sources of data (e.g., housing status) are import-
ant mediators of these differences. Unlike what is gener-
ally assumed, increasing remoteness of the community
was not an important risk factor. Outcomes were not re-
lated to where the communities are situated, but rather
to the care provided. Future studies should examine
more closely the influence of the types of health services
delivered locally. Still, the aggressive use of antiviral
medications in remote and isolated communities in On-
tario may have contributed to the reduced impact of the
pandemic in those areas.
Throughout this paper, the term Aboriginal will be
used when statements apply to First Nations living on-
and off-reserve, Inuit, and Métis. Elsewhere, the terms
First Nations, Inuit, and Métis will be used when specific
to each of these populations. Finally, the term Indigenous
will only be used when speaking in international terms.
Competing interests
MG serves as a medical officer for First Nations and Inuit Health Branch,
Ontario Region and participated in the management of the H1N1 pandemic
on First Nations reserves in Ontario.
Authors contributions
MG, SW, AK, JL and JK designed the study and contributed to all aspects
including the development of partnerships, acquisition of data, analysis and
interpretation of results. LM, SP and GL worked directly on the analysis of the
administrative data. All authors contributed to the discussion and review of
the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This project was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
though the Applied Health Services Research on H1N1 program grant H1N-
104058. We would like to thank Marlo Whitehead, senior analyst at ICES@
Queens for her assistance with specific aspects of the study. Most importantly,
we would like to recognize the essential contributions of our partner organi-
zations, the BC First Nations Health Council, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
and the Chiefs of Ontario, without whom this project would not have been
possible. The administrative data centres (ICES, Manitoba Centre for Health
Policy, Population Health Data BC) receive support from provincial ministries
of health. The opinions, results and conclusions presented here are those of
the authors and are independent of these funding sources. No endorsement
by these sources of support is intended or should be inferred.
Author details
Departments of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Queen's
University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Centre for Health Services and Policy
Research and Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Queens University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
School of Nursing and Centre, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Centre for Health Services and
Policy Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
School of Health Sciences, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince
George, BC, Canada.
Department of Family and Community Medicine and
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Public Health Ontario,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Departments of Family Medicine
and Community Health Sciences, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Received: 19 July 2013 Accepted: 28 October 2013
Published: 30 October 2013
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Green et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1029 Page 8 of 8
... We used reports of the impact of H1N1 (Green et al., 2013;Zarychanski et al., 2010) as the starting point for our modeling exercise in order to estimate the impact of COVID-19 under two scenarios: ...
... Although the viruses are different, and are known to behave differently, we used assumptions based on the impact of the 2009 H1N1 epidemic on First Nation communities in Manitoba in our model for a number of reasons. Firstly, the trajectory of H1N1 in First Nation communities in Manitoba was well documented (Green et al., 2013;Zarychanski et al., 2010). Secondly, social determinants are major factors impacting the trajectory of an epidemic. ...
... Rate was multiplied by population to generate estimates. d, f Estimated number of COVID-19 that might require intensive care unit (ICU) care, including ventilation, based onZarychanski et al. (2010) andGreen et al. (2013), which implies a rate of 42/(42+136) = 23.6% requiring ICU out of total hospital admissions. ...
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Objectives: This article articulates the complexity of modeling in First Nations, Metis, and Inuit contexts by providing the results of a modeling exercise completed at the request of the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba. Methods: We developed a model using the impact of a previous pandemic (the 2009 H1N1) to generate estimates. Results: The lack of readily available data has resulted in a model that assumes homogeneity of communities in terms of health status, behaviour, and infrastructure limitations. While homogeneity may be a reasonable assumption for province-wide planning, First Nation communities and Tribal Councils require more precise information in order to plan effectively. Metis and urban Inuit communities, in contrast, have access to much less information, making the role of Indigenous organizations mandated to serve the needs of these populations that much more difficult. Conclusion: For many years, Indigenous organizations have advocated for the need to have access to current and precise data to meet their needs. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the importance of timely and accurate community-based data to support pandemic responses.
... Throughout the early pandemic stages, First Nations living in rural and urban communities had a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 and were more likely than the general population of Canada to experience severe outcomes following infection [3]. Many feared that this public health crisis would be a repeat of the H1N1 pandemic in 2009 [4], where the actual and extraordinarily high burden faced by First Nations peoples in Manitoba was initally unknown because First Nations-specific data were lacking. But through public health advocacy and support from First Nations leaders, collection of Indigenous identifiers in Manitoba became mandatory in May 2020 [5], and the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on First Nations peoples became clear: in 2020, First Nations people accounted for 17% of deaths, 33% of hospitalizations, and 55% of intensive care unit (ICU) admissions from COVID-19 [6], while representing less than 12% of the population in Manitoba [7]. ...
... Although the results of our analysis provide valuable information to look back on and apply learnings for the future, retrospective studies do not typically provide the real-time information that is often critical in a public health emergency. Even when we look to lessons from the past, such as those from the H1N1 pandemic [4], strong advocacy and collaborative efforts are still needed to ensure equitable access to protective measures for vulnerable populations. Studies like this one are important to ensure First Nations' voices are heard and to provide important learnings about how Indigenous-led initiatives and partnership-based public health efforts can influence health outcomes. ...
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Background Differential access to healthcare has contributed to a higher burden of illness and mortality among First Nations compared to other people in Canada. Throughout the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, First Nations organizations in Manitoba partnered with public health and Manitoba government officials to ensure First Nations had early, equitable and culturally safe access to COVID-19 diagnostic testing and vaccination. In this study, we examined whether prioritizing First Nations for vaccination was associated with faster uptake of COVID-19 vaccines among First Nations versus All Other Manitobans (AOM). Methods and findings In this retrospective cohort study, we used linked, whole-population administrative data from the Manitoba healthcare system (February 2020 to December 2021) to determine rates of COVID-19 diagnostic testing, infection, and vaccination, and used adjusted restricted mean survival time (RMST) models to test whether First Nations received their first and second vaccine doses more quickly than other Manitobans. The cohort comprised 114,816 First Nations (50.6% female) and 1,262,760 AOM (50.1% female). First Nations were younger (72.3% were age 0 to 39 years) compared to AOM (51% were age 0 to 39 years) and were overrepresented in the lowest 2 income quintiles (81.6% versus 35.6% for AOM). The 2 groups had a similar burden of comorbidities (65.8% of First Nations had none and 6.3% had 3 or more; 65.9% of AOM had none and 6.0% had 3 or more) and existing mental disorders (36.9% of First Nations were diagnosed with a mood/anxiety disorder, psychosis, personality disorder, or substance use disorder versus 35.2% of AOM). First Nations had crude infection rates of up to 17.20 (95% CI 17.15 to 17.24) COVID-19 infections/1,000 person-months compared with up to 6.24 (95% CI 6.16 to 6.32) infections/1,000 person-months among AOM. First Nations had crude diagnostic testing rates of up to 103.19 (95% CI 103.06 to 103.32) diagnostic COVID-19 tests/1,000 person-months compared with up to 61.52 (95% CI 61.47 to 61.57) tests/1,000 person-months among AOM. Prioritizing First Nations to receive vaccines was associated with faster vaccine uptake among First Nations versus other Manitobans. After adjusting for age, sex, income, region of residence, mental health conditions, and comorbidities, we found that First Nations residents received their first vaccine dose an average of 15.5 (95% CI 14.9 to 16.0) days sooner and their second dose 13.9 (95% CI 13.3 to 14.5) days sooner than other Manitobans in the same age group. The study was limited by the discontinuation of population-based COVID-19 testing and data collection in December 2021. As well, it would have been valuable to have contextual data on potential barriers to COVID-19 testing or vaccination, including, for example, information on social and structural barriers faced by Indigenous and other racialized people, or the distrust Indigenous people may have in governments due to historical harms. Conclusion In this study, we observed that the partnered COVID-19 response between First Nations and the Manitoba government, which oversaw creation and enactment of policies prioritizing First Nations for vaccines, was associated with vaccine acceptance and quick uptake among First Nations. This approach may serve as a useful framework for future public health efforts in Manitoba and other jurisdictions across Canada.
... Previous studies have reported higher rates of avoidable hospitalizations, poorer health outcomes, and shorter life expectancy among First Nation peoples compared to other Canadians (Green et al., 2013;Lavoie et al., 2010;Lyons et al., 2014;Ospina et al., 2015;Riediger et al., 2015). A recent study conducted in Manitoba showed that the inequity gap is widening . ...
... In the current study, the hospitalization rates for mental health-related conditions were higher in First Nation communities compared to the rest of Manitoba. Reports show that First Nation peoples continue to bear a disproportionate burden of physical and emotional illness (Green et al., 2013;Lavoie et al., 2010;Campbell et al., 2015). In Manitoba, the delivery of mental health services in First Nation communities is fragmented; services are not comprehensive, less accessible, and rarely available on a 24/7 basis (Bombay, 2015;Patel, 2019). ...
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This study tested the assumption that geographical isolation is associated with poorer population health outcomes among First Nations in Manitoba. Our results show higher premature mortality rates (PMR) in northern communities, declining slower than for any other Manitoba communities. Our results also show lower ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) hospitalization rate in the North, suggesting barriers to prevention and early diagnosis. There remains a large gap in ACSC hospitalization rates between First Nations and all Manitobans. Further research is warranted to understand the relationship between the changes in the rates of ACSC and the difference in the rates between northern and southern communities.
... Previous studies have reported higher rates of avoidable hospitalizations, poorer health outcomes and shorter life expectancy among First Nations (FN) peoples compared to other Canadians (2)(3)(4)(5)(6). Manitoba (MB) has 63 FN communities. ...
... In the current study, the hospitalization rates for mental health-related conditions were higher in FN communities compared to the rest of Manitoba. Reports show that FN peoples continue to bear a disproportionate burden of physical and emotional illness (2,3,31,36). In MB, the delivery of mental health services in FN communities is fragmented; services are not comprehensive, less accessible and rarely available on a 24/7 basis (37,38). ...
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Background: For First Nations, geographical isolation is often simultaneously presented as protective (less direct exposure racism, colonial encroachment on land, dispossession, and colonial imposition) and as a risk factor (lack of opportunities to participate in the formal economy, poorer access to services including healthcare). Our study sought to test the assumption that geographical isolation is associated with poorer population health outcomes among First Nations in Manitoba. Methods: We conducted a population-based retrospective time-trend analysis using administrative data housed at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. The study included all Manitoba residents eligible under the Manitoba Health Services Plan (1984-2014). We measured premature mortality rates (PMR), and trends in hospitalization rates and length of stay (LOS) for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) in northern and southern First Nations (FN) communities in Manitoba. Results: The PMR was significantly higher in northern FN compared to southern FN. Hospitalization rates for mental health-related conditions were significantly higher in the northern First Nation communities compared to all Manitoba, and rising (southern, change=1.52%, P=0.015; northern, change=5.49%, P<0.0001), and significantly higher in northern compared to southern FN communities. The LOS for all ACSC increased significantly for all Manitoba (change=0.63%, P=0.0011) but not for FN communities. The LOS for mental health-related conditions increased only for the southern FN communities (% change=1.67, P=0.0032). Conclusions: Our results show higher PMR in northern communities, declining slower than for any other Manitoba communities. Our results also show lower hospitalization rate for ACSC in the north, suggesting barriers to prevention and early diagnosis. There remains a large gap in ACSC hospitalization rates between FN and all Manitobans. Further research is warranted to understand the relationship between the changes in the rates of ACSC and the difference in the rates between northern and southern communities.
... Indigenous Peoples in Canada faced health inequities pre-pandemic due to the ongoing impact of colonial policies that create structural barriers, such as high rates of poverty, discrimination in health care, chronic disease (including mental health conditions), and lower life expectancy (Alan Smylie, 2015;Firestone et al., 2014;Kitching et al., 2020;Leyland et al., 2016;Smylie et al., 2018;Tjepkema et al., 2019). During the H1N1 pandemic in 2011, for example, Indigenous people experienced disproportionately higher morbidity and mortality compared to the non-Indigenous population (Green et al., 2013). During the COVID-19 pandemic many Indigenous communities exerted their self-determination and took proactive steps to protect their people from COVID-19 infections, including closure of communities, checkpoints,d and strong public health measures (Richardson Crawford, 2020). ...
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Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of urban Indigenous Peoples. We sought to examine innovations and changes in service delivery by Indigenous service providers in the community who are addressing community needs based on an Indigenous worldview. Basic Procedures: The research was a collaboration between an academic team, an Indigenous research associate, and an Indigenous oversight committee. Fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted with Indigenous service organizations, non-Indigenous organizations with Indigenous programming, Indigenous volunteer-based organizations and Indigenous volunteers. Participants were recruited based on having mandates that focussed on mental and emotional wellbeing, education, chronic health conditions, women and children and Indigenous cultural needs. Major Findings: Health inequities for urban Indigenous Peoples were compounded during the pandemic. The lack of local infrastructure contributed to increased volunteerism to deliver and improve access to services. Service interruptions and access barriers triggered innovative programming and a strengths-based response with activities embedded on the land, braided with language, ceremony and culture. Unmet community service needs and capacity development priorities were identified. Conclusions: Access to land, infrastructure and cultural programming is key to wholistic health for the urban Indigenous community. Despite continued inequities, the urban-based Indigenous response exemplifies the strengths-based approaches that helped to address pandemic impacts and demonstrated how Indigenous ways of knowing build strength and foster innovative program adaptations based on culture, ceremony and creating space for community.
... These divergent perspectives have undermined the relationship between First Nations peoples and the federal government (Allan & Smylie, 2015;Eggertson, 2015Eggertson, , 2016Katz et al., 2017; Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada [TRC], 2015). Beyond an asymmetrical and often adversarial relationship, First Nations people have also been targets of discriminatory policies and practices (Green et al., 2013;Greenwood et al., 2018;Lavoie et al., 2016;Lux, 2016). The result of this history is evident in the poorer health of First Nations people compared to the general population (Adelson, 2005;King et al., 2009;Komenda et al., 2016;Luo et al., 2010;Pahwa et al., 2015;Shen et al., 2015;Smylie, 2012;Turin et al., 2016), which these authors have attributed to factors that include colonial policies, dispossession from their lands, and ongoing policy confusions (Brown et al., 2012;Gone, 2013;. ...
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The models of primary health care currently operating in First Nations communities are rooted in policies that were crafted without prior appropriate consultations. Many have continued to be applied even though they no longer adequately serve the needs of First Nations communities and people, if they ever did. Transforming primary health care will necessarily involve community- inclusive and self-determined reviewing of existing policies with a goal of implementing opportunities to update policies and models of care. This study was a partnership with university-based researchers, a First Nations health and social development entity separately established by a regional organization of First Nations Chiefs, and eight First Nations communities. A multi-pronged methodology was used in which five concurrent studies employing qualitative, quantitative, and case-study methods provided information on the primary health care experiences of First Nations and rural and remote communities. The program of research took a community-based participatory approach to engage participants in designing and carrying out data gathering while strengthening local capacity and encouraging long-term ownership of the process of research for change. Participating communities pointed out key setbacks to community- based primary health care, including differing models of care, jurisdictional complexities, funding that creates isolated programs within the same community, lack of promotion of cooperation among health care services, and a general acute approach to health care service delivery in the community. These barriers are both problems and opportunities for change. A borderless health care system that is jurisdictionally seamless and that promotes collaboration through cooperative funding models that reflect community priorities is recommended and advocated for all Manitoba First Nations communities.
The COVID-19 pandemic, although a profound reminder of endured injustices by and the disparate impact of infectious diseases on Indigenous populations, has also served as an example of Indigenous strength and the ability to thrive anew. Many infectious diseases share common risk factors that are directly tied to the ongoing effects of colonisation. We provide historical context and case studies that illustrate both challenges and successes related to infectious disease mitigation in Indigenous populations in the USA and Canada. Infectious disease disparities, driven by persistent inequities in socioeconomic determinants of health, underscore the urgent need for action. We call on governments, public health leaders, industry representatives, and researchers to reject harmful research practices and to adopt a framework for achieving sustainable improvements in the health of Indigenous people that is both adequately resourced and grounded in respect for tribal sovereignty and Indigenous knowledge.
Technical Report
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Une revue de la littérature pour étayer un programme de recherches dédié à la santé des populations y compris Océaniennes, non-Européennes, non-Asiatiques en Nouvelle-Calédonie et dans le Pacifique.
Objectives The objective of this study was to assess the performance of models of primary healthcare (PHC) delivered in First Nation and adjacent communities in Manitoba, using hospitalization rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) as the primary outcome.Methods We used generalized estimating equation logistic regression on administrative claims data for 63 First Nations communities from Manitoba (1986–2016) comprising 140,111 people, housed at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. We controlled for age, sex, and socio-economic status to describe the relationship between hospitalization rates for ACSC and models of PHC in First Nation communities.ResultsHospitalization rates for acute, chronic, vaccine-preventable, and mental health-related ACSCs have decreased over time in First Nation communities, yet remain significantly higher in First Nations and remote non-First Nations communities as compared with other Manitobans. When comparing different models of care, hospitalization rates were historically higher in communities served by health centres/offices, whether or not supplemented by itinerant medical services. These rates have significantly declined over the past two decades.Conclusion Local access to a broader complement of PHC services is associated with lower rates of avoidable hospitalization in First Nation communities. The lack of these services in many First Nation communities demonstrates the failure of the current Canadian healthcare system to meet the need of First Nation peoples. Improving access to PHC in all 63 First Nation communities can be expected to result in a reduction in ACSC hospitalization rates and reduce healthcare cost.
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La déclaration de la pandémie de coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), en mars 2020, a touché toute la société et a eu des effets transformationnels sans précédent sur la formation en psychologie professionnelle en quelques mois seulement. La présente étude recueille les connaissances des dirigeants de trois des principaux partenaires de formation au Canada, le Conseil canadien des programmes de psychologie professionnelle (CCPPP), le Groupe d’agrément de la Société canadienne de psychologie, et l’Association des organisations canadiennes de réglementation en psychologie (AOCRP), ainsi que le rédacteur en chef de Canadian Psychology. Nous partageons nos expériences et nos apprentissages concernant l’effet profond de la COVID-19 sur les programmes scolaires, les stages, l’accréditation et les fonctions réglementaires. L’étude discute du parcours de formation : étudiant à psychologue agréé; des principaux organismes éducatifs, de défense des droits et de réglementation associés à la formation en psychologie au Canada; des défis de formation liés à la pandémie; de l’élaboration d’un cadre de prise de décisions pour le contexte canadien pouvant aider à atténuer ces défis; des principes directeurs et ambitieux qui en résultent pour la prise de décisions pendant la pandémie; et des exemples personnels de l’impact de la pandémie sur nos rôles et nos organisations affiliées. Bien que la pandémie de COVID-19 ait posé de nombreux défis pour la formation professionnelle, elle a également été un catalyseur du changement au sein de la profession, favorisant l’expansion des pratiques de télééducation et de télésanté. La pandémie a favorisé une meilleure communication au sein de la communauté de formation entière, des prises de décision éthiques fondées sur un consensus et nous a encouragés à définir nos priorités professionnelles. La communauté de formation en psychologie professionnelle a été confrontée à des problèmes complexes et aux multiples facettes à la suite de la pandémie. Or, en fin de compte, nous espérons sortir de la pandémie de COVID-19 en tant que communauté de formation professionnelle en psychologie plus résiliente, plus réfléchie et plus cohésive.
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The burden of H1N1 among socially disadvantaged populations is unclear. We aimed to synthesize hospitalization, severe illness, and mortality data associated with pandemic A/H1N1/2009 among socially disadvantaged populations. Studies were identified through searching MEDLINE, EMBASE, scanning reference lists, and contacting experts. Studies reporting hospitalization, severe illness, and mortality attributable to laboratory-confirmed 2009 H1N1 pandemic among socially disadvantaged populations (e.g., ethnic minorities, low-income or lower-middle-income economy countries [LIC/LMIC]) were included. Two independent reviewers conducted screening, data abstraction, and quality appraisal (Newcastle Ottawa Scale). Random effects meta-analysis was conducted using SAS and Review Manager. Sixty-two studies including 44,777 patients were included after screening 787 citations and 164 full-text articles. The prevalence of hospitalization for H1N1 ranged from 17-87% in high-income economy countries (HIC) and 11-45% in LIC/LMIC. Of those hospitalized, the prevalence of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and mortality was 6-76% and 1-25% in HIC; and 30% and 8-15%, in LIC/LMIC, respectively. There were significantly more hospitalizations among ethnic minorities versus non-ethnic minorities in two studies conducted in North America (1,313 patients, OR 2.26 [95% CI: 1.53-3.32]). There were no differences in ICU admissions (n = 8 studies, 15,352 patients, OR 0.84 [0.69-1.02]) or deaths (n = 6 studies, 14,757 patients, OR 0.85 [95% CI: 0.73-1.01]) among hospitalized patients in HIC. Sub-group analysis indicated that the meta-analysis results were not likely affected by confounding. Overall, the prevalence of hospitalization, severe illness, and mortality due to H1N1 was high for ethnic minorities in HIC and individuals from LIC/LMIC. However, our results suggest that there were little differences in the proportion of hospitalization, severe illness, and mortality between ethnic minorities and non-ethnic minorities living in HIC.
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Evidence suggests that indigenous populations have suffered disproportionately from past influenza pandemics. To examine any such patterns for Māori in New Zealand, we searched the literature and performed new analyses by using additional datasets. The Māori death rate in the 1918 pandemic (4,230/100,000 population) was 7.3× the European rate. In the 1957 pandemic, the Māori death rate (40/100,000) was 6.2× the European rate. In the 2009 pandemic, the Māori rate was higher than the European rate (rate ratio 2.6, 95% confidence interval 1.3-5.3). These findings suggest some decline in pandemic-related ethnic inequalities in death rates over the past century. Nevertheless, the persistent excess in adverse outcomes for Māori, and for Pacific persons residing in New Zealand, highlights the need for improved public health responses.
We explored the effects of social determinants of health on pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza severity and the role of clinical risk factors in mediating such associations. We used multivariate logistic regression with generalized estimating equations to examine the associations between individual- and ecological-level social determinants of health and hospitalization for pandemic H1N1 2009 illness in a case-control study in Ontario, Canada. During the first pandemic phase (April 23-July 20, 2009), hospitalization was associated with having a high school education or less and living in a neighborhood with high material or total deprivation. We also observed the association with education in the second phase (August 1-November 6, 2009). Clinical risk factors for severe pandemic H1N1 2009 illness mediated approximately 39% of the observed association. The main clinical risk factors for severe pandemic H1N1 2009 illness explain only a portion of the associations observed between social determinants of health and hospitalization, suggesting that the means by which the social determinants of health affect pandemic H1N1 2009 outcomes extend beyond clinically recognized risk factors.
First Nations communities in Manitoba were significantly affected by the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus (pH1N1) in 2009. Our objective was to conduct an epidemiologic investigation of a pH1N1 outbreak in one remote First Nations community (population 3,300) in northern Manitoba to inform a timely public health response and provide recommendations for preventing future outbreaks. Chart reviews were conducted at the nursing station for patients meeting the influenza-like illness (ILI) case definition during the study period (April 20 to June 11, 2009). Descriptive analyses examined age, gender, clinical presentation, management, outcomes and risk factors. Comparisons were made for hospitalized versus non-hospitalized cases and laboratory-confirmed versus possible cases using Pearson's chi-square test for gender and symptoms and using a t-test for age. There were 180 ILI cases, including 23 laboratory-confirmed cases of pH1N1. Forty percent of children < 1 year old in the community and 9.4% of pregnant women presented to the nursing station with ILI. Most ILI cases were managed through the community nursing station, although 18.3% of cases (n = 33) were medically evacuated and 16.1% (n = 29) were hospitalized. There were no differences between hospitalized versus non-hospitalized or laboratory-confirmed versus possible cases. Risk factors identified in a subset of cases included exposure to an individual with ILI prior to illness onset, overcrowding and inadequate access to household water. Early arrival and rapid transmission of pH1N1 rendered usual non-pharmacological control measures largely ineffective. Recommendations for prevention of future outbreaks include an effective communications strategy and daily surveillance for disease detection and monitoring. Key determinants of health should be addressed in remote First Nations communities to prevent disease and protect the health of these populations.