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Explaining Security Management Evolution through the Analysis of CIOs' Mental Models


Abstract and Figures

Information Systems are a key factor for firms' competitiveness. Thus, their efficient management has become a key concern and security management one of the most relevant issues. An empirical study has been developed to determine the characteristics of security management within Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). A summary of the main data from this study is presented. The results of this study have showed that the evolution of security management within firms has evolved through similar patterns of behaviour. Some phases have been defined to explain the evolution of security management within SMEs. The defined phases are: Growth, Integration, Formalization and Involvement. To explain these phases causal loop diagrams and behaviour over time graphs have been used. Both elements help to more accurately understand the mental models of the people in charge of managing the security of information systems.
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Explaining Security Management Evolution through the
Analysis of CIOs’ Mental Models
Jose Maria Sarriegi, Jose Manuel Torres, Javier Santos
Tecnun - University of Navarra
Pº Manuel de Lardizabal 13, 20018 Donostia - San Sebastián, (Spain)
Phone: 34943219877 Fax: 34943311442,,
Information Systems are a key factor for firms competitiveness. Thus, their efficient
management has become a key concern and security management one of the most
relevant issues. An empirical study has been developed to determine the characteristics
of security management within Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). A
summary of the main data from this study is presented.
The results of this study have showed that the evolution of security management within
firms has evolved through similar patterns of behaviour. Some phases have been
defined to explain the evolution of security management within SMEs. The defined
phases are: Growth, Integration, Formalization and Involvement. To explain these
phases causal loop diagrams and behaviour over time graphs have been used. Both
elements help to more accurately understand the mental models of the people in charge
of managing the security of information systems.
KEYWORDS: Security, Information Systems, Mental Models
1 Introduction
Information is nowadays the main resource for any firm. Firms can only obtain
competitive advantage through better decision making processes and that is why they
need very accurate information systems (ISs). These last years firms have invested huge
amounts of money in order to implement ISs.
If these ISs did not work properly, firms would have serious problems. Without them, a
firm could at best survive a few days, at worst a few minutes. Hence, ISs availability
has already become a key concern for almost all firms, even if they do not know exactly
how to manage it.
Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) represent the vast majority of firms in the
Basque Country, a traditionally industrial region between the north of Spain and the
south of France (2.112.204 people; 7234 km2; more information can be found in
Within the majority of the SMEs the IS department is small, as they do not consider it a
core competence. Not long ago, SMEs have begun dealing with IS management and
most recently with security management and they yet have some difficulties to
overcome. An empirical study has been developed in order to define the current
The results of this study have showed that the evolution of security management within
firms has evolved through similar patterns of behaviour. This can be explained by
analysing the evolution of the mental models of their CIOs (The term CIO, Chief
Information Officer, might be too ambitious for a person who manages a department
consisting of 2 to 10 people, but it is the term that will be used in the context of this
paper to refer to the directors or those in charge of the IS department).
The role of the CIO is very relevant for SMEs security management, as they are the key
people who determine the security culture of the firm. Eliciting their knowledge and
perspectives about security can be very significant to help firms implement effective
security management.
2 Management of Information systems
ISs have expanded into firms very significantly over the last few years. Consequently,
their size and complexity have largely grown. This has caused the task of managing the
firm’s ISs to become critical, tough and intricate. The need of having suitable
management mechanisms to ensure the effective deployment and utilisation of the
implemented IS resources has been recognised by the researchers that have studied this
issue (Ranganathan and Kannabiran, 2004).
Time constraints forces ISs to be implemented and used before their management tools
are established. Likewise, these management tools are designed and built after the ISs
are running. This happens even more often within SMEs, where the managerial actions
are limited by the scarcity of technical and managerial personnel.
Current literature proposes a new approach to ISs management, claiming that ISs
success is a function of management orientation and management processes rather than
the simple application of technology itself. (Remenyi et al., 1999). The technical
oriented background of the SME´s CIOs makes the development of a formal ISs
management difficult, as they prefer to focus on technical aspects.
ISs security is usually included as a non functional requirement of the IS, together with
efficiency, usability, correctness, flexibility and others (Mylopoulos et al., 1992). Non
functional requirements are difficult to enforce during software development, to validate
for the user once the system has been built up and to manage when the application is
Until recently, security did not seem to be a major concern for information system
managers, neither for selecting the applications, nor afterwards (Brancheau et al., 1996).
Security was not considered to be a relevant issue in deciding which ERP will be
implemented into a business (Kumar et al, 2003).
This tendency is changing, and security is currently recognised as a main factor in the
management of ISs. These last few years laws have been developed, there are many new
security devices, specialised consultancies have flourished and innovative models and
methodologies have appeared. All this facts prove the current relevance of security
3 Security Theory
Firms are very dependent on their ISs. If these systems do not work properly the losses
can be significant. These losses include lost orders, decreases in productivity, damage to
reputation and employee morale and others. Even if it is difficult to accurately measure
all of these losses, there are some examples that could demonstrate that security has a
great economic impact onto firms nowadays. The 2004 CSI/FBI survey estimates the
total losses for their 269 respondents in more than 140.000.000 $ (Gordon et al., 2004).
ISs are complex entities for firms. They consist of interconnected application networks,
including some of these: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer
Relationship Management), PDM (Product Data Management), APS (Advanced
Planning System), OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing), Workflow applications, etc.
They also are influenced by several operating systems, hardware platforms, servers,
personal computers and other equipment. Therefore, the design and maintenance of all
these elements is not an easy task.
Security is also a broad issue, including, at least, confident iality, integrity and
availability. It needs some technical controls (such as antiviruses, spam filters, firewalls,
IDSs, Intrusion Detection Systems, Backup mechanisms and others), but also both
formal and informal controls (Dhillon, 2001). Formal controls are the procedures,
instructions and responsibilities explicitly designed for the correct use of technical
security controls. Informal controls are related to security culture and commitment.
These three kinds of controls (technical, formal and informal) must be in place to have a
secure environment. The lack of any of them could generate a security breach (Torres et
al., 2004).
Organizational issues, as with the loss of organizational memory and the lack of
community mechanisms for monitoring changing threat environments, can be the
primary cause in security failure (Anderson, 2001). Hence, moving from pure technical
security towards managed security is a current requisite.
The “human side” of security is particularly relevant. It can be said that an
organization’s staff is the most cost-effective countermeasure against security violations
(Rudolph et al., 2002). Bruce Schneier states that it does not matter neither how the
network is protected nor the safety devices that have been settled, but the real
significance lies in who is using and defending the system (Schneier, 2001). Thus, the
importance of CIO’s mental models is significant, as they are the most influential
people in SMEs.
Not only CIOs’ attitude is relevant, also users influence security. The users tend to relax
security, as they feel more comfortable in non-restricted environments. Misperception
of risk and superstitious learning are factors that lead people to erode the compliance of
security norms (Gonzalez, 2003).
Security has some characteristics that could also be applied to the so-called non
functional requirements:
It is difficult to measure. There are not standard units for security. This causes
that determining its returns is not possible.
When it is working, is often invisible. A secure environment does not apparently
differ from an insecure one. Its absence is much more recognizable than its
There are several methodologies for managing security. The Corporate Information
Security Working Group identified at least 81 different sets of BSPs, best security
practices (Corporate Information Security Working Group, 2004). This means that
SMEs can select which security model they would like to implement from a broad
Although there are some other security models, as CobiT (COBIT Online), which seems
to have a significant implementation in American companies, the only one which is
widely known in European companies is ISO 17799 (Certification Europe, 2004). This
internationally recognized information security standard identifies a range of controls
needed to operate in a trusted environment. This information security standard proposes
a common language for proper development of security policies from system
development to business continuity.
It is organized into 10 major sections but according to the latest edition of the 17799
community portal (The ISO 17799 Service & Software Directory), the most important
controls are: Compliance, Security Policy, Security Organization, Personnel Security
and Business Continuity Plan.
Together with this ISO 17799 there is another guideline that indicates how to implement
the selected best practices in the firm (UNE 71502). This Spanish norm includes the
traditional PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle to implement the selected best security
practices in the firm.
4 Security Practice
In order to analyze the actual practice of security management, we conducted an
exploratory study of 20 Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) cases in the Basque
Country. 10 firms were industrial, 3 research centres, 2 banks, 2 engineering services, 1
hospital, 1 broadcasting company and 1 public administration institution.
This work seeks to contrast theory and practice by analyzing the management carried
out by Basque SME(s). We individually interviewed each firm, where we usually met
the CIO. We also got in touch with two people who were explicitly designed as Security
Directors, one of their multiple responsibilities. All the obtained information was
compiled into a report, which was sent to every firm. We received the feedback from
the firms through individual communication and in a meeting session that was
organized for sharing the comments about the report.
Through this study, it was possible to analyze SMEs’ security experiences, their current
tools and management models, their achieved results and difficulties overcome. We
were able to get a more realistic point of view and also valuable data to help Basque and
international organizations interested in security management improvement.
In other words, this empirical study allowed us to characterize firms’ security
management evolution and therefore gain a widespread vision of their current situation
and their future evolution. This section discusses general information about these firms
but, does not fall into specific details about the collected data for confidentiality
4.1 SMEs Starting Point
The reasons that triggered Basque SMEs to focus on security management of ISs have
slightly differed from case to case. These are the most significant starting points:
4.1.1 Internet Connection
Most of the interviewed companies highlight Internet connection (mid 1990) as one of
the main landmarks that forced their interest for information systems security. The
evolution of information systems along with the opening to Internet has supposed an
important step for changing CIOs’ way of thinking. Internet security related incidents
published in newspapers, magazines and books have accelerated this process of
4.1.2 Data Protection or Other International Law Fulfillment
The Spanish Data Protection Law (LOPD), created in 1999, is changing the traditional
way to operate, being another security management starting point. This law requires
high confidentiality of personal data, forcing SMEs to document information related
Companies which their headquarters are based internationally have to fulfil international
laws. For example, interviewed companies that have their headquarters in United States
must follow the American SOA (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) law. This means strict security
4.1.3 Security Incidents
Unfortunately, economic losses seem to be the fastest mechanisms to increase security
awareness. Some organizations did not start implementing strict security procedures
until they experienced information losses, denied of services, floods and daily activity
breaks in. Some other companies have recurred to professional hackers in order to find
vulnerabilities on the system and so, take corrective actions.
4.1.4 Connecting to External Information Systems (customers,
suppliers, etc)
In some cases, commitment to security comes from new systems’ connections to the
outside; either company headquarters or employees that work outside the company like
sales representatives. This system connectivity increases the system’s complexity and
therefore, the firms require proper security management.
4.1.5 New Information Systems and Architectures
The information system upgrade process, especially those based on ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) systems, has supposed a change in the security policies. System
security commitment has significantly increased since organizations have centralized
their information in servers. According to SMEs, centralizing information allows them
to ease data management, providing a better service to end-users. However, this
centralization made them realize the importance of security management.
4.2 SMEs Security Management Culture
Although it was possible to find management styles located between these two extreme
situations, firm’s security culture varies between two opposed extremes:
4.2.1 Culture focused on supervision and control
The system openness is analyzed in each case and therefore, the company begins with
very restrictive policies that can become more relaxed if necessary. Permission must be
given to modify data or install software. There is fully access restriction to software and
outside communications. A CIO explained this perspective very clearly: I prefer that
my system is stopped than my system is insecure
4.2.2 Culture focused on individual contribution
In this culture, there are not any working constraints and individual initiatives are highly
prioritized. In this case the users have the capacity and the responsibility of self-
managing their security and they are allowed to access the information systems without
restrictions. This policy always creates users’ discontent when implementing new
security policies, since it supposes new restrictions.
4.3 Structure and involved people in security management
All the interviewed SMEs show a similar organizational information system security
structure. None of the companies have an independent security department due to the
company size. CIOs agree that it would be excessive to have a department dedicated to
information system security.
Three different groups of people involved in these processes were identified:
System Administrators: They lead the security management process and the
company security depends on their awareness and knowledge.
Company executives: The security is, generally, a priority for the company’s
executives who are aware of it and trust security managers but they usually lack of a
deep knowledge about security. They are relevant because they usually decide the
budget for the ISs department.
End users: The end users think that security is an information system department
responsibility and, as a result, they do not usually collaborate in the actions carried
out to improve security in the company.
4.4 Most Common Security problems
Removable devices of high capacity: USB ports and Pen drives allow the
extraction of a large amount of information from the computers. Nowadays, USB
keys have up to 1 GB capacity (or even more) and security managers struggle with
data filtrations.
Information losses: Backup systems facilitate data recovery. However, in order to
carry out an efficient backup, the information should be on the right place in the
computer network since backup copies are only carried out on some directories.
Passwords exchange: All the interviewed managers admitted that although the
users should not exchange passwords between them, many times they do.
Users’ uncontrolled software installation: Uncontrolled software downloads
originate a decrease on the information systems’ operability, new vulnerabilities and
also legal conflicts due to unauthorized licenses.
Viruses: They do not produce excessive losses of information because they are
under control. Some SMEs have more than one antivirus and others have chosen
alternative (and apparently more secure) operating systems such as Linux.
Spam: Although in many SMEs it is not considered a security problem, spam is
directly associated with e-mail. This problem affects all companies and it causes,
mainly, time losses.
Phising: website replacement, “fake Websites” is a way to obtain users’
confidential data, harming users as well as e-businesses.
Law fulfillment: Some SMEs, expressed the difficulty of meeting law fulfillment
activities. They consider these activities, very complex, time consuming and
difficult to get users involved.
Unauthorized backups: SMEs’ documents are printed and put on record in
external and easily accessible places. These documents are not controlled and
managers do not keep track of all copies.
Rudimentary backup copy mechanisms: Some companies use rudimentary
mechanisms to make backup copies such as Cds or other PCs. In those cases, no one
takes any control on these storage devices, neither carry out periodic tests to ensure
their functionality.
4.5 Case Study Best Practices
This 20 SME case study has allowed us to discover some security best practices that can
be extended to other companies.
Allowing access to personal information through the Company Intranet:
Including confidential information in the intranet seems effective: “Users do not
share their passwords because they are worried about other workers accessing
to their payrolls data.
Single sign-on. Every worker has only one password to access to the system.
Before this security mechanism, each user had several passwords (there are
some users who have more than ten) and they usually had to write them down in
order to remember.
Security committees: These committees are formed by people from different
areas. They have the responsibility of improving security aspects. These
committees also allow spreading the security culture in the company.
5 Evolutionary phases
The current IS security management maturity differs from one firm to another, but its
evolution has been analogous, although not all of them have reached the same maturity
status. This evolution can be understood defining some phases: Growth, Integration,
Formalization and Involvement.
Thus, the firms with the best security performance have passed through the previous,
less mature stages. This process can also be seen as a learning process towards a more
deep security comprehension.
These phases have not explicitly been mentioned by SME´s CIOs. They have been
abstracted from the subsequent analysis of the interviews.
5.1 Growth phase
The business processes of the firms in this phase are not very dependent on their ISs.
They could go on working several days even if the IS does not work properly. These
firms have technical elements for security, as antivirus or firewalls. These elements
work in an independent way without any formal management.
The ISs can be interconnected in many ways but there is not any well designed
architecture. The security responsibilities are distributed, and each user has some
responsibility securing the portion of the IS he/she uses.
The security controls are implemented when they are considered as something
necessary. There are not planning activities and the control is almost inexistent. Firms in
this stage do not see themselves as potential targets for attacks, neither external, nor
Firms that are in this phase focus on a single aspect of security. This aspect can be
confidentiality in some cases, recovery from information losses or law fulfilment in
some others.
5.2 Integration phase
Businesses in this phase recognize the need for integrating their security elements in
order to plan and control them. They realize that trying to secure a mess makes no
sense. Security reasons are not the only ones that drive firms towards a more coherent
IS architecture. The specific goal is to accurately design the system’s architecture that
will be secured.
During this phase, firms gain a broader perspective over security and recognize the
different elements that are included in. They also get a deeper understanding about each
element and its interrelations with others.
Firms in this phase usually concentrate their information in servers. This makes its
protection far easier. Nevertheless, since all the information has been concentrated in
the same place, any attack against this info-centre would be critical for the organization.
As a result, even though the probability of an incident has been reduced, the severity of
the consequences has increased. This risk increase increments the commitment to
security. Another example of this phase could be the single sign-on mechanism, which
has been explained in the Best Practices section (4.5).
5.3 Formalization phase
Once the system to be secured has been accurately designed and implemented, the
effectiveness of security depends mainly on its management. Firms already possess the
required technical media to guarantee their security, now they have to use them
correctly. They develop some procedures and assign responsibilities to achieve this
Some of the interviewed companies do not use reference models and their security
actions are based on common sense or on CIO’s individual knowledge. In a few cases
companies attend courses and consult specialized books with the purpose of delving
deeper into security. Software and hardware suppliers also help companies to develop
their security management model.
Some other SMEs decide to outsource the ir entire IS management. As a consequence,
there will be a dependency on the outsourced firm and the security model will be
designed to the liking of the outsourced firm. This partnership is not always the same.
Some companies audit the outsourced firms and others hardly carry out monitoring
actions. Some SMEs decide not to outsource the IS management but they base their
security improvement actions on external audits.
Without a doubt, the companies that use a reference model have achieved better results
on security management of information systems. The adopted model can be based on
the ISO 17799, Spanish data protection law (LOPD) or on the SOA (Sarbanes-Oxley
Act) law. In all these cases, companies have adopted a reduced version of these
reference models. Although the certification achievement is not a high priority,
companies usually keep in mind the ISO recommendations when they are developing
their models.
5.4 Involvement phase
Users can behave against security mechanisms if they see them as an obstacle for their
daily work. Even if the firm uses a proper security system, people can always be the
weakest link. Communication and education are necessary to build up a security culture,
where it is considered a beneficial value for the firm.
In this phase, security is integrated in people ’s routines. It is taken into account when
decisions are made. People understand the relevance of security and also why they have
to accomplish the established controls. They realize that security controls are there to
avoid problems in the next future.
There are some tools that can be considered as successful mechanisms for the firm in
this phase. The creation of multidisciplinary committees to design security, including
people from IS department but also project managers and base users. Another good
practice consists of including security aspects on the welcome activities of the first
working day.
Firms finally recognize that growthl, integration, formal and involvement efforts are
necessary to deploy an efficient security. The absence of any of these efforts could
cause breaches.
6 Explaining security management evolution
through mental models
The four phases mentioned in the previous section can be more deeply understood
analysing the mental models of CIO’s. This analysis has been developed through causal
loop diagrams and behaviour over time graphs, with the intention of capturing both
structure and behaviour. This work can also be seen as an example of measuring
learning through the mental model analysis (Schafernitch, 2004).
The mental model concept has a long tradition on System Dynamics literature (Doyle et
al., 1998). System Dynamics practitioners know that the human minds are one of the
richest sources of knowledge for modelling. Making CIOs’ mental models explicit
could be a good alternative to gain a better understanding about SMEs’ security
management and its evolution.
6.1 Stage 1: Growth phase mental model
New IS
Actual IS Size
Security Needs
per IS unit
Desired Security
Actual Security
Security Gap Security
New Security
Actual Security
Figure 1: Phase 1, solution loop
CIOs recognize the security needs and begin to acquire and implement the first pieces of
security equipment, such as antivirus software or firewalls. The associated mental
model is quite simple: every time there is a new security need, the problem is solved
through a single balancing loop (see loop B0 in Figure 1). Thus, the security needs are
analysed independently.
There is a pure technical conception about security. This mental model responds to this
simple reasoning, More security controls I have, more secure I am”. The security
controls are implemented in an urgent way, with no planning.
Desired Security Level
Current Security Level
Technical Efforts
Figure 2: Behaviour of the phase 1
This security strategy is valid for a while, but the obtained security results decrease
(Figure 2). The implementation of independent technical controls is not longer enough
to achieve the desired security level.
6.2 Stage 2: Integration phase mental model
The problem of being absolutely reactive is understood. Acquiring new security
equipment is not enough, because when the size of the installed base increases,
integration problems appear (see loop R1 in figure 3). Having all these security tools
creates inefficiencies due to lack of integration that prevent their efficient use. The
problem is not the absence of security equipment, but its incorrect deployment. The key
aspect of this second stage is integrating the already implemented and the future
security equipment.
The solution to the previous situation is the focus on integration. The effort to secure
every isolated IS is huge. The ISs and the securing mechanisms should be correctly
integrated in order to get satisfactory results. This is explained by the loop B1in figure
These efforts can be triggered by the firm’s ISs upgrades. Some firms were updating or
installing a new ERP when they realize the relevance of security, typically influenced
by their ERP providers. Thus, implementing new ISs boosts security.
New IS
Actual IS Size
Security Needs
per IS unit
Desired Security
Actual Security
Security Gap Security
New Security
+ +
Actual Security
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Integration
Security Equipment
Figure 3: Phase 2, problem loop
The influence of ISs’ providers also implies a broader perspective about security. Every
security element is observed as a mechanism conforming the firm’s security structure.
The “Defences in depth” concept is understood (Reason, 1997). This implies that
successive layers of protection are implemented co-ordinately, one behind the other,
each guarding against the possible breakdown of the one in front. Some firms were
already using several antiviruses.
New IS
Actual IS Size
Security Needs
per IS unit
Desired Security
Actual Security
Security Gap Security
New Security
Actual Security
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Integration
Security Equipment
Performance +
Integration Efforts
Figure 4: Phase 2, solution loop
Desired Security Level
Current Security Level
Technical Efforts
Figure 5: Behaviour of the phase 2
The security improves with the integration efforts, but this tendency changes again (see
figure 5). The IS department collapses due to personnel scarcity. A CIO claimed:
We’ve got a firewall, a log recorder, some antiviruses, and an intrusion detection
system. All of them provide very interesting information...but I’ve no time to analyse it!
6.3 Stage 3: Formalization phase mental model
Once the IS and the securing mechanisms have been integrated, the security of the firm
improves. But there is a new constraint for this system. Security mechanisms need to be
managed in order to work efficiently. The tools are present, but there are not enough
resources to plan their activities and to analyse the results they offer.
Security does not reach the desired level because of this lack of formalization (See loop
R2 in Figure 6). As the security architecture growths, it becomes more unmanageable.
New IS
Actual IS Size
Security Needs
per IS unit
Desired Security
Actual Security
Security Gap Security
New Security
Actual Security
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Integration
Security Equipment
Performance +
Integration Efforts
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Formalization
Figure 6: Phase 3, problem loop
The formalization efforts of the firm guarantee that the required resources will be ready
when they are needed. Some procedures are developed; planning and monitoring
mechanisms are designed and implemented. The size of the IS department can increase
a bit to afford the new responsibilities. Some activities can be outsourced, such as
auditing processes.
In this phase, formal management efforts are developed (see B2 in figure 7), such as
more structured methodologies for risk analysis, indicators for security control, cross-
supervision responsibilities, back up protocols and contingency plans.
The CIO´s work moves from a purely technical one to a more managerial one. This step
is not easy for SME´s CIOs. They usually present a technical profile and have not
developed managerial skills. They see themselves as technicians, not as managers.
This evolution has also happened to analogous professions. It is not until recently that
analytical, technical, managerial and interpersonal skills were required for succeeding as
an IS analyst (Hoffer et al., 2002).
New IS
Actual IS Size
Security Needs
per IS unit
Desired Security
Actual Security
Security Gap Security
New Security
+ +
Actual Security
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Integration
Security Equipment
Performance +
Integration Efforts
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Formalization +
-R2 Formalization
Figure 7: Phase 3, solution loop
Desired Security Level
Current Security Level
Technical Efforts
Formal Efforts
Figure 8: Behaviour of the phase 3
Once the procedures have been defined and some planning about resources and control
mechanisms exist the behaviour improves. The efforts are directed towards efficient
actions and wastes are diminished.
The behaviour improves but it falls again when the formalization efforts are not enough
to reach the desired security level (see figure 8)
6.4 Stage 4: Involvement phase mental model
The next problem is related to people. Workers can observe security mechanisms as
constraints to their work. Perhaps, they do not understand the root reasons of these
controls. They also could superstitiously learn that the security controls are excessive.
These behaviours can generate dangerous breaches in security. This is represented
through loop R3 in figure 9.
The already designed formal controls can be weakened because of the lack of
acceptance. Some of the CIOs have spoken about the users as “the enemy. People can
make any security measure ineffective. Some security culture is essential. If security
measures are perceived as obstacles they can not be maintained over time. The already
designed formal controls can be weakened because of the lack of involvement.
New IS
Actual IS Size
Security Needs
per IS unit
Desired Security
Actual Security
Security Gap Security
New Security
+ +
Actual Security
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Integration
Security Equipment
Performance +
Integration Efforts
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Formalization +
-R2 Formalization
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Involvement
Figure 9: Phase 4, problem loop
Involvement efforts are developed to go beyond theses difficulties (See loop B3 in
figure 10). The reasons for implementing security controls are explained to workers.
New IS
Actual IS Size
Security Needs
per IS unit
Desired Security
Actual Security
Security Gap Security
New Security
+ +
Actual Security
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Integration
Security Equipment
Performance +
Integration Efforts
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Formalization +
-R2 Formalization
Inneficiencies due to
Lack of Involvement
Figure 10: Phase 4, solution loop
Desired Security Level
Current Security Level
Technical Efforts
Formal Efforts
Informal Efforts
Figure 11: Behaviour of the phase 4
The recognition of the relevance of all the efforts, technical, integration, formal and
involving leads the firm towards the desired security level. Or, like a CIO explained
towards the minimal insecurity level”.
All the CIOs recognize that total security is not possible. One of them said that “Total
security would have infinite costs”. But, if technical, integration, formal and informal
efforts are in equilibrium there is a chance for security.
7 Conclusions
The evolution of the information systems management onto 20 Basque SMEs has been
analysed. There have been identified four phases in this evolution and the characteristics
of each phase have been presented. All this has been explained making explicit the
managers mental models associated to each phase using causal loop diagrams and
behaviour over time graphs
The majority of the analysed firms could be placed around the second phase. They are
still integrating their ISs and the recognition of the need for strong formalization efforts
is only in CIO’s minds.
Archetypes can also be useful to understand these behaviours. (Wolstenholme, 2004).
The presented evolutionary stages can be considered as different instances of the same
“out of control” archetype.
Security needs to be integrated within other IS requirements. There is no possibility of
creating a security department onto SMEs in the short term. The security responsibility
should be shared with other into the ISs department.
More quantitative approaches would be very positive, but there is very few data. There
are several reasons for this data scarcity: on one hand, it is difficult to measure some of
the main variables of the system. On the other hand, there are confidentiality reasons
that avoid the public disposal of data. Anyway, security management is already a main
concern for firms, and it will increase in the very close future.
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... Mental Models of CIOs. The mental models of individuals who are responsible for managing the security culture of the organization were studied in [77]. Four mental models that were based on four growth phases were used to explain the evolution of security management. ...
Full-text available
Mental models are essential in learning how to adapt to new and evolving circumstances. The landscape of best practices in cybersecurity is a constantly changing area, as the list of best practices evolves in response to the increasing complexity and scope of threats. In response, users have adapted to the threats and corresponding countermeasures with mental models that simplify the complex networked environments that they inhabit. This paper presents an overview that spans over a decade of research in mental models of users when dealing with cybersecurity threats and corresponding security measures in different kinds of environments. The lessons from over a decade of research in mental models for cybersecurity offer valuable insights about how users learn and adapt, and how their backgrounds and situational awareness play a critical role in shaping their mental models about cybersecurity.
... All of them provide very interesting information... but I have no time to analyze it!" [33] Enterprises in other fields have had more success. Businesses that succeed in implementing total quality management programs invariably outperform their competitors [34][35][36][37]. ...
How do enterprises relate to and manage information security controls? This paper documents a study of twenty enterprises, six of them in the critical infrastructure (CI) domain. The state of security in the CI enterprises differed little from that in the other enterprises. Information security was seen as a technical problem with technical solutions. However, vulnerabilities in processes and human fallibility create a need for formal and informal controls in addition to technical controls. These three controls are interdependent. They vary widely in implementation time and resource needs, which render the task of building security resources a challenging problem. This paper presents a system dynamics model that illustrates how security controls are interconnected and are interdependent at a high level. The model is intended to aid security managers in CI domains to better understand information security management strategies, especially the complexities involved in managing a socio-technical system where human, organizational and technical factors interact. The model also demonstrates how the knowledge gained from proactive security activities can help managers improve the effectiveness of security controls, risk assessments and incident detection capabilities.
... • the efforts allocated to the risk analysis activities (B4), Some of these loops had already been identified while explaining security management of information systems (Sarriegi et al., 2005b). Figure 5 represents the model developed in the project. ...
... @BULLET the implementation of the PLPC (B3) and, @BULLET the efforts allocated to the risk analysis activities (B4), Some of these loops had already been identified while explaining security management of information systems (Sarriegi et al., 2005b). The behavior of the system depends on the correct dynamic balance between these loops.Figure 5Figure 6: Behavior of the modelFigure 6 shows the behavior obtained in a scenario where the consulting firm helping the company to implement the Security management system left the project, which decreased the commitment to security and caused an oscillation of the main variables of the model. ...
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How long could an organization survive without its information systems working efficiently? Frequent changes of the systems to protect, significant delays between efforts and results, the large amount of involved variables and the difficulty to measure some of them make security management a challenge for current companies. Simulation models provide a virtual environment that can help analysing the dynamic balance between the affected key factors. These key factors include technical controls (Software and hardware elements to protect the system), formal controls (Procedures for guaranteeing an efficient use of technical controls) and security culture (Human factors that affect the compliance of the designed procedures). This paper presents an ongoing real modelling process, involving a university team and two companies. The paper includes information about the used methodology, the modelling process and the preliminary results of the obtained model. This process has allowed concluding that the obtained benefits are very promising.
... Systems dynamics research has developed some models of human and organizational factors in CIS systems via causal loop diagramming, from the perspective of security managers (Sarriegi et al., 2005(Sarriegi et al., , 2006. In particular, these studies have explored security management from a dynamic and complex perspective, showing that the complex nature of these systems requires a modeling process capable of displaying the multifarious relationships among factors. ...
The purpose of this study was to identify and describe how human and organizational factors may be related to technical computer and information security (CIS) vulnerabilities. A qualitative study of CIS experts was performed, which consisted of 2, 5-member focus groups sessions. The participants in the focus groups each produced a causal network analysis of human and organizational factors pathways to types of CIS vulnerabilities. Findings suggested that human and organizational factors play a significant role in the development of CIS vulnerabilities and emphasized the relationship complexities among human and organizational factors. The factors were categorized into 9 areas: external influences, human error, management, organization, performance and resource management, policy issues, technology, and training. Security practitioners and management should be aware of the multifarious roles of human and organizational factors and CIS vulnerabilities and that CIS vulnerabilities are not the sole result of a technological problem or programming mistake. The design and management of CIS systems need an integrative, multi-layered approach to improve CIS performance (suggestions for analysis provided).
Environmental management has become a fundamental concern for organizations, customers, and citizens, yet there are few environmental management metrics that guide toward environmental excellence. This research presents a detailed qualitative model of the evolution of environmental management of a firm through the definition of maturity stages and causal influences. The model provides a technique for assessing maturity stages as well as steps that can assist or negate their ecological advancement. The causal-based classification helps companies to understand the need for nontechnical elements in the process, such as top management commitment. This article also contributes to the literature on integrative multimethod research, as it brings together several approaches to environmental management.
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Human factors are implicated in most security (and safety) problems, a ubiquitous aspect being erosion of compliance. We discuss several theories of the role of human factors and present system dynamic models based on the theoretical paradigm of instrumental conditioning (the behavioral regulation theory). The proposed mechanism involves learning – both adequate and inadequate, 'superstitious' learning – and it conforms to basic facts of human character (propensity to misperceive risk, biological roots of instrumental conditioning). Our generic models are able to render generic reference behavior. Also, they suggest possible reasons for why technological advances paradoxically may worsen human compliance. The concept of the behavioral bliss point – immanent to the behavioral regulation theory – makes the learning aspect an inseparable companion to different mechanisms promoting erosion of compliance (such as throughput/security priority conflicts, mismatch between organizational and personal goal, etc). To counteract erosion of compliance we suggest policies involving educational and social interventions.
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A comprehensive framework for representing and using nonfunctional requirements during the development process is proposed. The framework consists of five basic components which provide the representation of nonfunctional requirements in terms of interrelated goals. Such goals can be refined through refinement methods and can be evaluated in order to determine the degree to which a set of nonfunctional requirements is supported by a particular design. Evidence for the power of the framework is provided through the study of accuracy and performance requirements for information systems
This paper provides some context for my paper which won the 2004 Jay Wright Forrester award. It describes the system dynamics challenges I received from a number of people and my response to them, particularly to explore the issue of mismatch in organisations between process and boundary structure. It also describes how I have been using generic archetypes in practice since publication of the original work. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Following the economic liberalization in 1990s, several Indian organizations have turned to information systems (IS) for improving their competitiveness and overall business performance. The increased demands on the information technology has made it necessary to design effective IS functions and sound IS management processes. This study seeks to gain an understanding of how Indian organizations are designing their IS functions in order to promote the use of information technology for strategic benefits. It also aims to identify critical parameters that would contribute to effective performance of the IS function in Indian organizations. Based on three case studies from diverse industries, we discuss the importance of five parameters—the role of top management, the CEO–CIO relationship, IS department structure, IS planning process and IS implementation that determine the ultimate effectiveness of IS function. Based on the analysis of the case studies, we present several propositions as recommendations for effective design of IS function and IS management processes in Indian firms. The implications for future research and practice are presented.
The study investigates critical management issues in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation projects such as selection of ERP vendor, project manager, and implementation partners; constitution of project team; project planning, training, infrastructure development, on-going project management; quality assurance and stabilization of ERP. The innovation process study approach is taken and data is collected from 20 organizations using a questionnaire and structured interviews. Although each adopting organization has a distinct set of objectives for its systems project, we found many similarities in motivations, concerns, and strategies across organizations. This study identifies many critical concerns in ERP project management.
The purpose of this paper is to map the current territory of information systems and security research. It uses the Burrell and Morgan framework as an intellectual map to analyse the socio-philosophical concerns in various information systems and security approaches. The paper's contributions are in its analysis of trends in information systems and security research, the former in stressing the socio-organizational perspectives and the latter in criticizing the preponderance of technical solutions. The paper also sets an agenda for a future research emphasis.
Information Security Management References, Adam H. Putnam, Chairman; Subcommittee, U.S. House of Representatives
Certification Europe, (2004), Corporate Information Security Working Group, Information Security Management References, Adam H. Putnam, Chairman; Subcommittee, U.S. House of Representatives, March 18, 2004.(available from
Security Engineering
  • R Anderson
  • J C Brancheau
  • B D Janz
  • J C Wetherbe
Anderson, R. (2001). Security Engineering, New York, NY: John Wiley& Sons, Inc Brancheau, J.C., Janz, B.D., Wetherbe, J.C., (1996), Key issues in information systems management: 1994-95 SIM Delphi, MIS QUARTERLY 20 (2): 225-242
Information Security Breaches Survey
  • Price Waterhouse
Price Waterhouse Coopers, Information Security Breaches Survey 2004, available from