Conference PaperPDF Available

Mechatronic Systems Design of ROHNI-1: Hybrid Cyber-Human Medical Robot for COVID-19 Health Surveillance at Wholesale-Supermarket Entrances

Abstract –– The critical situation of COVID-19 widespread
in Perú from the beginning of year 2020, has been maximized by
the avoidance of social distancing reflected in crowded public
places where most people go without any personal protective
equipment (PPEs) leading to higher risk of virus transmission.
Therefore, an innovative research has been conducted in 2020
under the supervision of the Mechatronic Engineering
Laboratory at Ricardo Palma University and Bioastronautics &
Space Mechatronics Research Group, resulting in the proposed
project named “ROHNI-1” medical robot, as Social Humanoid
Machine, that is going to be located at the entrance of a
wholesale-supermarket. It is composed by 3 wheels in the
chassis-base and 2 anthropomorphic arms of 4 DOF each. In
order to perform an efficient human-machine interaction, it can
develop 3 functions such as Detection of mask, Disinfection of
hands and Monitoring of vital signs. This study presents a
mechatronics conceptual design using the software SolidWorks
2020 for 3D mechanical systems development, Proteus 8 for
electrical and electronics circuit technical schematics, and also,
Matlab 2020a for kinematic motion testing of the robotic arms.
In conclusion, favourable simulation results were achieved; the
robot manufacturing is expected to be ready by 2021, and due to
frugal-innovation engineering analysis, it is planned to be
donated to Latin American countries working with
Keywords –– COVID-19, ROHNI-1, Medical Robot,
Social Humanoid Machine, Detection, Disinfection, Monitoring,
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2
virus, has presented the first cases located in Wuhan, China
during December 2019, presents an exponential change in
human life daily activities creating global health issues [1-5],
therefore is important to take into account 2 main actions:
“environmental, social, health and safety measures” and also,
the use of “medical robots”, in order to reduce the risk of virus
transmission [6-8].
Governments have implemented prevention measures in
public places to reduce the spread of the virus. One of them
is the wholesale-supermarkets where hundreds of people go
daily [9] and therefore, a key point to implement health
control alternatives includes adequate hand hygiene, use of
masks and constant disinfection of the establishment [10], as
well as the early detection of suspects patients prior to
entrance, through the control of vital signs and other
physiological parameters [11].
Fig 1. ROHNI-1 Robot
Robotic systems and advanced mechatronics are the best
option to face the challenges of the pandemic, offering
automated manual operations that are labour-intensive and
providing highly reproducible, fast and precise maneuvers.
They prevent the transmission of the virus minimizing
person-to-person contact [12], and can be teleoperated in
places where there is a high volume of newly reported
cases[13]. Also, they can be designed with humanoid
characteristics with the purpose of being accepted in society
due to the similarity with people [14], and have the ability to
replicate human actions [15], capturing the attention of
people who walk near it [16], in addition, they can
demonstrate trustworthy behavior and offer emotional
security [17, 18], improving the human-robot interaction.
Therefore, in order to fight against COVID-19, the field
of Biomedical Engineering [19] started to develop innovative
technologies such as medical equipment and also, medical
Robotics [20], which have many applications, such as robotic
surgery [21-24], for rehabilitation [25-29], and social
assistance, that is a topic where this research is developed.
These robots are teleoperated, composed by robotic arm
manipulator to develop complex and risk tasks, and have been
placed at entrances of wholesale-supermarkets, which are
crowded public areas in order to measure the body
Mechatronic Systems Design of ROHNI-1: Hybrid Cyber-Human Medical Robot
for COVID-19 Health Surveillance at Wholesale-Supermarket Entrances
Richard M. Ñope-Giraldo1, Luis A. Illapuma-Ccallo1, José Cornejo1,2, Paul Palacios2,
José Luis Napán2, Francisco Cruz1, Ricardo Palomares1, Jorge A. Cornejo-Aguilar3, Mariela Vargas4
1Professional School of Mechatronics Engineering, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru
2Bioastronautics & Space Mechatronics Research Group, Lima, Peru
3Faculty of Human Medicine, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru
4Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad de León, León, Spain
2021 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/ Pan American Health Care Exchanges (GMEPE/PAHCE) | 978-1-7281-7054-1/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/GMEPE/PAHCE50215.2021.9434874
Authorized licensed use limited to: REGINA (Peru). Downloaded on October 14,2021 at 21:30:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
temperature [30]. Besides, they are programmed by facial
recognition software using in mask detection algorithms with
deep learning methods to track or alert about symptomatic
people, which are essential to prevent and control
COVID-19’s transmissibility [31,32]. In addition, they are
provided with disinfectant liquids, contained in a tank inside
the robot, to apply in human hands by bottle dispenser [33].
Due to this context, ROHNI-1 is proposed as Medical
Robot (Fig. 1), classified as a Social Humanoid Machine,
composed by 3 wheels in the chassis-base, and 2
anthropomorphic arms of 4 DOF each [34]. The right arm
contains a Dispenser Valve as end-effector, that sprays a
70%(v/v) alcohol-based gel sanitizer to the person’s hands at
wholesale-supermarkets entrances [35], for this, a tank with
3L of this liquid will be inside the robot. The left arm, is
holding a Pulse Oximeter [36]. Besides, in the forehead are 2
holes: 1 for a light infrared temperature sensor; and 1 for a
camera, which through an artificial intelligence algorithm, it
will detect the use of a mask to prevent that people who do
not carry it correctly will not enter to the place, as shown in
Fig. 2 [37]. Finally, the use of this robot is going to improve
hand hygiene and lessen the risk of contagious, at the same
time, develops an effective human-robot interaction
methodology (Fig. 3) [38-45].
Fig. 2. Structure of RHONI-1 Robot
Fig. 3. Human-Robot Interaction
A. Mechanical Design
ROHNI-1 hybrid robot (height=1133mm), has people-
friendly humanoid appearance. It consists of 3 main
substructures: the head, arms and mobile system of the base.
These are internally connected by an ASTM A36 steel metal
frame, this structure serves as a fixed for the arm movement.
The body and head cases are made of fiberglass, as this
material is corrosion-resistant, lightweight and has high
chemical resistance. Parts can be manufactured individually
using the molding technique, thus facilitating the final
assembly of the external structure [46]. The design was done
using SolidWorks 2020.
Fig.4 shows the front and section view of the head, made
of fiberglass material of measurements: height 200mm, width
190mm and thickness 3mm. The shape of the head and face
features are relatively similar to a human being. At the top
center are two holes; one to place the ArduCam PTZ camera
lens and one for the MLX90614 temperature sensor. Fig.5
shows the inside of the head where a structure supports the
weight of electronic elements such as: The Raspberry Pi 3B+
computer and two vertically mounted speakers in series [47].
Fig. 4. Robot’s Head – External View
Fig. 5. Robot’s Head – Internal View
The structure of the 2 anthropomorphic arms is similar. Both
have 4 rotational joints, 4 length dimensions from the base of
Link 1 to the coordinate origin of the end-effector: L1=5.89
cm, L2=15.5cm, L3=20.79cm and End-Effector tool=7.9cm
(Fig. 15). The servo mechanisms are distributed (1 on the
base-Servo motor 1, 2 on the shoulder-Servo motors 2 & 3 in
the same axis, 1 on the elbow-Servo motor 4 and 1 for the
^s/>>^W/EDZ,ϭϱͲϮϬϮϬϮϭ /^EϵϳϴͲϭͲϳϮϴϭͲϳϬϱϰͲϭ
Authorized licensed use limited to: REGINA (Peru). Downloaded on October 14,2021 at 21:30:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
final effector-Servo motor 5), as shown in Fig.6. For power
transmission, 2 spur gears system (module = 2.5, number of
teeth = 24, pressure angle = 20 °, and face width = 20mm) are
used, one with internal-teeth coupled to servomotor shaft, and
another with external-teeth coupled to the links. The
dispenser valve is also observed at the end of the right arm
and the internal view of the system. The material for the arms
is fiberglass with a thickness of 3mm, which is suitable for its
optimal mechanical characteristics. The total mass of the arm
is 1307 grams and the length from the base of the shoulder to
the end of 500.8 mm [48].
Fig. 6. Mechanical System of Right Robotic Arm
Fig. 7. Dispenser End-Effector of Right Arm
Fig. 8. Mechanical System of Left Robotic Arm
The gears are made of nylon for their good toughness,
damping capacity and ease in their manufacture by milling.
Fig.7 shows the end-effector which is driven by servo motor
5, the dispenser valve has an inlet for alcohol gel using a
flexible hose and an outlet to disinfect the hand of customers.
A pulse oximeter is attached to the end-effector on the robot's
left arm. Throughout the mechanism 5 servo motors
numbered from 6 to 10 are used as indicated in Fig. 8, on the
left side its internal structure is shown.
In the internal structure of the robot, a small tank contains
alcohol gel (Capacity=3L). There is also a slider-crank
mechanism that actuates the dispenser using a servo motor
that allows the fluid to be driven from the tank to the end-
effector (dispenser valve) through a flexible hose that exits
through a hole in the back of the robot (length=1500mm,
thickness=2mm, outer diameter=8mm). The alcohol gel is
going through a hose from dispenser bottle to gel input orifice
in the Dispenser Valve. The dispenser actuator mechanism is
shown with the other components in Fig. 9 and the electronic
diagram in Fig. 14 [49].
Fig. 9. System of Dispenser Mechanism
Fig. 10 shows the chassis-base design (diameter=400mm)
made of metal sheet materials with grooves, which has 3
wheels attached (diameter=40mm): 2 Fixed and 1 Steerable.
In the inside, are placed the batteries, drivers and the control
circuit board (Fig. 13) at the bottom. Finally, there are 4
ultrasonic sensors to avoid collisions [50].
Fig. 10. Chassis-base
Servo Motor 2
Servo Motor 3
Servo Motor 1
Servo Motor 4
Servo Motor 5
Spur Gear System
Right Roboc Arm
(Dispenser Valve)
Motor 5 Gel
Le Robo c Arm
(Pulse Oximeter)
Servo Motor 6
Servo Motor 7
Servo Motor 8
Servo Motor 9
Servo Motor 10
Spur Gear System
^s/>>^W/EDZ,ϭϱͲϮϬϮϬϮϭ /^EϵϳϴͲϭͲϳϮϴϭͲϳϬϱϰͲϭ
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b) Electrical and Electronics Design
The electronic scheme was developed considering the
necessary components described in Fig. 11 for the robot to
comply with the proposed actions. It has 3 levels of
controllers: main, arms and lower [51].
As the main controller a Raspberry Pi model 3B+ was
chosen because it has ports for audio and video, as well as the
capability to develop artificial vision algorithms, which
allows: a) To detect the mask usage with an ArduCam camera
4K 13MP PTZ. b) To measure temperature with I2C-linked
MLX90614 sensor at 5cm distance from the user’s forehead,
c) Interact with customers using two speakers connected by a
PAM8620 amplifier, developing 2 tasks: c.1) Speaker 1 at
50% of volume: Give general instructions to the user about
disinfect, measure their temperature and the use of mask. 70%
c.2) Speaker 2 at 100% of volume: Give instructions every 10
minutes such as: "order in line", "disinfect properly" and
produce a low battery alarm signal (Fig. 5). Furthermore, a
microcontroller PIC18f4550 will also be connected using the
protocol of I2C communication; a slave controller that
interacts with the different sensors and actuators. Finally, it
will be linked to the arm controller, which consists of an
interface PWM driver-I2C to control the joints [52].
Fig. 11. General Electronic scheme
The arm controller is a PCA9685 module; a driver that
moves both upper extremities of the robot, for which each of
the 10 Dynamixel XC430-W240-T servo motors is
controlled; on the right numbered from 1 to 5 and on the left
from 6 to 10, using PWM signals and a spur gear system, thus
increasing the precision and efficiency of the movements.
For its part, the lower controller PIC18F4550 was selected
for its low consumption, energy-saving, and having the main
communication protocols, it will connect through the I2C
protocol to HC-05 ultrasonic sensors to detect people from
the right, left, front, and rear. A pair of geared motors selected
according to the mass of the robot which are coupled to a pair
of wheels for mobility in future work. In addition to this, on
the right side is the terminal of a thin hose corresponding to
the dispenser that is driven by the servomotor called the
dispenser actuator. Table I details the characteristics of the
ROHNI-1 electrical and electronic components.
Ultrasonic distance
sensor HC-
Measuring Range:
Frequency: 40Khz
Temperature sensor
I2C, resolution: 0.02ºC,
Distance between
object and sensor: 5cm
ArduCam PTZ
13MP, 4K
SKU : FIT0186
Quadrature encoder
Resolution:64 Counts
Per Revolution (CPR)
251R Gearbox with
encoder motor
12V DC
251rpm, 1.76Nm,
Gearbox ratio:
8: 1
Driver-I2C Module
Resolution: 12 bit, 16
Dynamixel XC430-
W240-T s
12V DC
Resolution [deg/pulse]:
0.0879, 1.9Nm
PAM8620 Audio
Amplifier Board
12V DC
Raspberry Pi 3B+
64-bit, 1.4GHz
PIC 18F4550
8-bit, 35I/O, I2C
For the power supply, it was considered to use two
batteries, the first of 5V-10000mAh with estimated time of
battery life of 10 hours for the control and sensors part and
another 12V-70000mAh battery with about 9 hours for the
power system of the servo motors of both robot arms and one
for the dispensing mechanism, and two DC motors with
quadrature encoders for robot mobility, the characteristics are
shown in Table II [53].
Power supply
bank charger
5V, 10000m
AGM Tensite
The design developed in Proteus 8 (Fig. 12) shows the
interconnections between Raspberry Pi and the temperature
sensor through the SCL and SDA lines corresponding to the
I2C bus, two speakers amplified with the PAM8620 module
connected to the audio jack of the mini-CPU, and the
ArduCam PTZ camera attached by the CSI interface. On the
^s/>>^W/EDZ,ϭϱͲϮϬϮϬϮϭ /^EϵϳϴͲϭͲϳϮϴϭͲϳϬϱϰͲϭ
Authorized licensed use limited to: REGINA (Peru). Downloaded on October 14,2021 at 21:30:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
other hand, pins 3 and 5 are connected to servo control
module, to the PIC microcontroller and allow information to
be transmitted between them.
Fig. 12. Main Controller – Circuit Diagram
The connection of servo motors which belongs to the
robotics arms is through the PCA9685 module as shown
in Fig. 13 [54].
Fig. 13. Arms Controller - Circuit Diagram
Finally, as seen in Fig. 14 there is the lower controller, a
PIC18F4550 to which 4 ultrasound sensors HC-SR04 are
connected through I2C, likewise, the L293 driver connects to
the 2 DC motors with their respective quadrature encoders.
Fig. 14. Lower Controller - Circuit Diagram
The 2 robotic arms of RHONI-1 have the same
configuration (anthropomorphic) and dimensions, each is
composed of 3 links and 4 joints, as in Fig. 15 [55, 56].
Fig. 15. Links and Joints of the Robotic Arm
In Fig. 16, the 4 Axis referred to each Coordinates’ Origin
of the robotic arm, describe the angles of rotation with the
symbol “q”, which determine the 4 DOF, with the purpose to
disinfect hands or SpO2 measure [57-59].
Fig. 16. Degrees of Freedom of the Robotic Arm
Then, software Matlab R2020a [60] was used for motion
simulation of the robotic arm in order to develop Forward
Kinematic equations, using the code: “L(X)= Link([θ d a α]),
where X is the Link number. As a result, in Table III is shown
the parameters.
^s/>>^W/EDZ,ϭϱͲϮϬϮϬϮϭ /^EϵϳϴͲϭͲϳϮϴϭͲϳϬϱϰͲϭ
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Fig. 17 shows the axis X, Y, Z location of the robot’s
end-effector according to the rotation angle’s alignment,
using the code: “Robot=SerialLink([L(1) L(2) L(3) L(4))”,
and then, “teach(Robot)”. So, the values q1, q2, q3, q4 (DOF)
can be manipulated and develop the simulation of each
robotic arm (link-joint) [61-64].
Fig. 17. Kinematic Simulation of the Robotic Arm in Matlab
Furthermore, the interaction between the User/Customer
and the hybrid robot for disinfection is by Tele-operation,
which joints the Master (Operator) and the Slave (Robot) [65-
67]. In the Master Station, the operator activates the
Raspberry Pi and thus allows communication with the PICs,
then in the Slave Station, these microcontrollers transmit
information to the actuators, and the robotic arms and
wheels begin to work in order to perform the tasks, as shown
in Fig. 18 [68-70].
Fig. 18. Tele-operation Control Design of Human-Robot Interaction
Mechatronic Systems Design of ROHNI-1 fulfills the 3
objectives of health surveillance at the entrance of wholesale-
supermarkets: hand disinfection with 70% (v/v) alcohol-
based gel, detection of mask use with an ArduCam PTZ
camera, measurement of SpO2 with a pulse oximeter, as well
as the measurement of forehead temperature with an infrared
sensor to detect fever. Thus, replacing the person in charge of
the same tasks [71-73].
Human physical features were attributed to the robot in
order to interact with people, it has a height of 1133mm, a
head similar to a person, 2 anthropomorphic arms of 4 DOF
each, and a chassis-base with 2 fixed wheels and 1 Steerable
wheel. In addition, 3 levels of mechatronic control were
considered: main controller (Raspberry Pi 3B+), arms
controller (PCA9685 module) and lower controller
(PIC18F4550) connected through the I2C communication
protocol, all of them powered by a 5V-10000mAh battery and
another 12V-70000mAh [74, 75].
It was possible to complete the mechanical, electrical /
electronic design and kinematic analysis simulation of robotic
arms, therefore, the robot is ready to manufacture. The
approximate cost was calculated: a) mechanical structure and
wheels USD $ 651, b) electronics, control and power devices:
USD $ 1,487, considering the total cost of USD$ 2,138. The
mechatronic implementation and development of the robot
will be ready by October 2021, which will be donated to
supermarket-chains in Latin American countries,
providing an alternative to reduce the risk transmission
of COVID-19 [76].
Advanced Robotics Research Program of Professional
School of Mechatronics Engineering at Universidad Ricardo
Palma, and The Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics
Research Group ( for
supporting Latin American exponential innovation
entrepreneurs and technologies.
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... It is shown in Figure 6. [100][101][102][103][104][105][106]. Consequently, the Institutions state that is important to include subjects of industrial robotics in Mechatronics Engineering Programs and related branches [106,107], because robots raise productivity in all industries, thereby increasing the labor demand [108][109][110][111]. ...
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Mechatronics and Robotics (MaR) have recently gained importance in product development and manufacturing settings and applications. Therefore, the Center for Space Emerging Technologies (C-SET) has managed an international multi-disciplinary study to present, historically, the first Latin American general review of industrial, collaborative, and mobile robotics, with the support of North American and European researchers and institutions. The methodology is developed by considering literature extracted from Scopus, Web of Science, and Aerospace Research Central and adding reports written by companies and government organizations. This describes the state-of-the-art of MaR until the year 2023 in the 3 Sub-Regions: North America, Central America, and South America, having achieved important results related to the academy, industry, government, and entrepreneurship; thus, the statistics shown in this manuscript are unique. Also, this article explores the potential for further work and advantages described by robotic companies such as ABB, KUKA, and Mecademic and the use of the Robot Operating System (ROS) in order to promote research, development, and innovation. In addition, the integration with industry 4.0 and digital manufacturing, architecture and construction, aerospace, smart agriculture, artificial intelligence, and computational social science (human-robot interaction) is analyzed to show the promising features of these growing tech areas, considering the improvements to increase production, manufacturing, and education in the Region. Finally, regarding the information presented, Latin America is considered an important location for investments to increase production and product development, taking into account the further proposal for the creation of the LATAM Consortium for Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, which could support and work on roboethics and education/R+D+I law and regulations in the Region. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-04-025 Full Text: PDF
... The main controller must send and receive the information on the status of the motors; digital pins for the connection of led indicators and allow the use of interruptions in its pins, for this reason, the STM32F103C8T6 card was selected. In addition, this card has a frequency of 72MHz and a Cortex-M3 processor, which guarantees a fast enough processing speed for data transfer and reading [19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. The force sensors must be light and have a reduced size, such that they can be attached to each wrist support, being six for each one. ...
... Each component of the robot was simulated using the Catia V5 software to perform a finite element analysis and check that their maximum stresses are below the allowable stress of the chosen material, whose yield strength is 250 MPa [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. ...
... The autonomy of the drone is closely linked to the capacity of the batteries and the energy consumption, at least 6 batteries of 6 cells and 5000 mAh are needed to obtain an autonomy of approximately 41 minutes without load, 20 minutes at medium load, and 11 minutes at full load, however, by increasing the diameter of the propellers a slight improvement in the operating time can be obtained.The expected advance of the hexacopter drone would focus on the practical use of medical supplies delivery taking into account its transport speed, being used in various provinces such as Carabaya, located in the department of Puno, where roads do not allow the immediate deployment of local medical services [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45]. ...
... I know obtained favorable results. The values shown in the screen were the same as those of the serial monitor; moreover, every time that any of the 3 control potentiometers were turned values on both platforms were updated [62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69]. ...
... They are creating the system using an ultrasonic sensor, IR sensor, power supply, Arduino Uno, DC motor, and Node MCU board. A project called "ROHNI-1" a medical robot [9] will be used as a social humanoid machine at a wholesale supermarket. It consists of a chassis base with three wheels and two humanoid arms with four degrees of freedom each. ...
Conference Paper
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The Internet of Things revolution is transforming current healthcare practices by combining technological, economic, and social aspects. Since December 2019, the global spread of COVID19 has influenced the global economy. The COVID19 epidemic has forced governments all around the world to implement lockdowns to prevent viral infections. Wearing a face mask in a public location, according to survey results, greatly minimizes the risk of infection. The suggested robotics design includes an IoT solution for facemask detection, body temperature detection, an automatic dispenser for hand sanitizing, and a social distance monitoring system that can be used in any public space as a single IoT solution. Our goal was to use IoT-enabled technology to help prevent the spread of COVID19, with encouraging results and a future Smart Robot that Aids in COVID19 Prevention. Arduino NANO, MCU unit, ultrasonic sensor, IR sensor, temperature sensor, and buzzer are all part of our suggested implementation system. Our system’s processing components, the Arduino UNO and MCU modules are all employed to process and output data. Countries with large populations, such as India and Bangladesh, as well as any other developing country, will benefit from using our cost-effective, trustworthy, and portable smart robots to effectively reduce COVID-19 viral transmission.
... For example, the mobile robot [34] was developed to help elderly people grasp objects. The most relevant medical Robot Rohni [35] was made to teleoperate in supermarkets during the pandemic, and was particularly able to detect masks, to take vitals such as SPO2 and body temperature, and also to help disinfecting people's hands using sanitizer. In addition, it also had collision avoidance. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic took valuable lives all around the world. The virus was so contagious and lethal that some of the doctors who worked with COVID-19 patients either were seriously infected or died, even after using personal protective equipment. Therefore, the challenge was not only to help communities recover from the pandemic, but also to protect the healthcare staff/professionals. In this regard, this paper presents a comprehensive design of a customized pseudo-humanoid robot to specifically deal with contagious patients by taking basic vitals through a healthcare staff member from a remote location amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed design consists of two portions: (1) a complete design of mechanical, electrical/electronic, mechatronic, control, and communication parts along with complete assembly to make a complete multitask-performing robot that interacts with patients to take vitals, termed as RoboDoc, and (2) the design of the healthcare staff side (master/operator side) control of a joystick mechanism with haptic feedback. The proposed RoboDoc design can be majorly divided into three parts: (1) the locomotion part is composed of two-wheeled DC motors on a rover base and two omni wheels to support the movements of the robot; (2) the interaction part consists of a single degree-of-freedom (s-DOF) neck to have communication with different heights of patients and (3) two anthropomorphic arms with three degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF). These parts help RoboDoc to reach to patient’s location and take all of the vitals using relevant devices such as an IR temperature thermometer, pulse oximeter, and electronic stethoscope for taking live auscultations from the lungs and heart of the patient. The mechanical design was created using solid works, and the electronic control design was made via proteus 8.9. For haptic teleoperation, an XBOX 360 controller based on wireless communication is used at the master/operator side. For the convenience of the healthcare staff (operator), an interactive desktop-based GUI was developed for live monitoring of all the vital signs of patients. For the remote conversation between the healthcare staff and the patient, a tablet is mounted (that also serves as the robot’s face), and that tablet is controlled via a mobile application. For visual aid, a DSLR camera is integrated and controlled remotely, which helps the doctor monitor the patient’s location as well as examine the patient’s throat. Finally, successful experimental results of basic vitals of the remote patient such as temperature sensing, pulse oximeter, and heart rate (using haptic feedback) were obtained to show the significance of the proposed cost-effective RoboDoc design.
... C-SET decided to work on Mapping Space Trash in Real-Time because there is a lot of debris orbiting our planet, and it could be a problem due to the imminent collision with future spacecraft heading into space, however, our goal is more specific. by focusing on 3U CubeSats close to the end of their useful life, whose payload is of high scientific value that needs to be rescued for later analysis, for example: electronic components exposed to space weather phenomena, biological loads under the effects of gravity, structures mechanics exposed to cosmic radiation, among others [49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56]. ...
... For the remote monitoring part, the oximeter connects to our mobile application, created through the program Kodular. The data obtained from the oximeter is sent to the mobile application using Bluetooth technology as the communication system [19][20][21][22][23][24]. It was implemented Arduino Uno and a Bluetooth module HC-06 class 2 with a range of 20 meters [25]. ...
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Makalah ini menjelaskan peningkatan akurasi sistem lokalisasi adaptive Monte Carlo localization (AMCL) pada robot menggunakan convolutional neural network (CNN). Sistem lokalisasi pada sebuah robot merupakan proses pengenalan posisi suatu robot dalam lingkungan kerjanya. Sistem ini penting karena memungkinkan robot untuk melakukan navigasi dan pemetaan (mapping) secara efisien dan akurat. Tanpa lokalisasi yang tepat, robot tidak dapat beroperasi dengan efektif dan dapat mengalami masalah, seperti kehilangan arah atau menabrak objek. AMCL merupakan sistem lokalisasi yang populer dan banyak digunakan dalam robot. Metode ini menggunakan perubahan posisi robot dan perubahan pembacaan sensor light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sebagai masukannya. Pembacaan perubahan posisi robot rentan terhadap kesalahan akibat slip maupun deformasi roda. Ketidaktepatan pembacaan perubahan posisi robot menyebabkan prediksi posisi robot oleh AMCL menjadi kurang tepat, sehingga diperlukan sebuah perbaikan. Pada makalah ini, kebaruan yang diangkat adalah memberikan nilai kompensasi dari hasil AMCL, sehingga error-nya menjadi kecil. Nilai kompensasi tersebut didapatkan dari hasil pelatihan CNN, sehingga metode yang diusulkan tersebut dapat disebut AMCL+CNN. Masukan yang diberikan pada CNN adalah perubahan nilai odometry roda dan perubahan pembacaan jarak oleh sensor LiDAR. Keluaran CNN tersebut dibandingkan dengan data target berupa posisi aktual robot dari hasil pengamatan. Pelatihan jaringan dilakukan sebanyak 200 epoch untuk mendapatkan validation loss terkecil. Pengujian dilakukan pada sebuah robot yang telah dilengkapi dengan robot operating system (ROS). Dataset pelatihan dan pengujian yang diujikan berasal dari data rosbag saat robot berjalan di area pengujian. Hasil yang didapatkan algoritma AMCL+CNN memiliki error yang lebih kecil dibandingkan AMCL dan Monte Carlo localization (MCL) reguler pada skenario lurus dan belok. Hasil yang diperoleh juga lebih baik pada metrik error posisi saat dibandingkan dengan beberapa metode pembanding lain.
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Objective The purpose of this study is to guide researchers in the COVID-19 pandemic by evaluating the 100 most cited articles of COVID-19 in terms of bibliometric analysis, Altmetric scores, and dimension badges.Methods“COVID-19” was entered as the search term in Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science database. The 100 most cited articles (T100) were analyzed bibliometrically. Altmetric attention scores (AASs) and dimension badge scores of the articles were evaluated.ResultsT100 articles were published from January to September 2020. The average citation of the top 100 articles on COVID-19 was 320 ± 344.3 (143–2676). The language of all articles was English. The average Altmetric value of T100 is 3246 ± 3795 (85–16,548) and the mean dimension badge value was 670 ± 541.6 (176–4232). Epidemiological features (n = 22) and treatment (n = 21) were at the top of the main topics of T100 articles.Conclusion The more citations an article is made, the more it indicates the contribution of that article to science. However, the number of citations is not always the only indicator of article quality. The existence of methods that measure the impact of the article outside the academia to measure the value of the article arises more in an issue that affects the whole world, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The science around the use of masks by the public to impede COVID-19 transmission is advancing rapidly. In this narrative review, we develop an analytical framework to examine mask usage, synthesizing the relevant literature to inform multiple areas: population impact, transmission characteristics, source control, wearer protection, sociological considerations, and implementation considerations. A primary route of transmission of COVID-19 is via respiratory particles, and it is known to be transmissible from presymptomatic, paucisymptomatic, and asymptomatic individuals. Reducing disease spread requires two things: limiting contacts of infected individuals via physical distancing and other measures and reducing the transmission probability per contact. The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts. Public mask wearing is most effective at reducing spread of the virus when compliance is high. Given the current shortages of medical masks, we recommend the adoption of public cloth mask wearing, as an effective form of source control, in conjunction with existing hygiene, distancing, and contact tracing strategies. Because many respiratory particles become smaller due to evaporation, we recommend increasing focus on a previously overlooked aspect of mask usage: mask wearing by infectious people (“source control”) with benefits at the population level, rather than only mask wearing by susceptible people, such as health care workers, with focus on individual outcomes. We recommend that public officials and governments strongly encourage the use of widespread face masks in public, including the use of appropriate regulation.
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As a result of the difficulties brought by COVID-19 and its associated lockdowns, many individuals and companies have turned to robots in order to overcome the challenges of the pandemic. Compared with traditional human labor, robotic and autonomous systems have advantages such as an intrinsic immunity to the virus and an inability for human-robot-human spread of any disease-causing pathogens, though there are still many technical hurdles for the robotics industry to overcome. This survey comprehensively reviews over 200 reports covering robotic systems which have emerged or have been repurposed during the past several months, to provide insights to both academia and industry. In each chapter, we cover both the advantages and the challenges for each robot, finding that robotics systems are overall apt solutions for dealing with many of the problems brought on by COVID-19, including: diagnosis, screening, disinfection, surgery, telehealth, care, logistics, manufacturing and broader interpersonal problems unique to the lockdowns of the pandemic. By discussing the potential new robot capabilities and fields they applied to, we expect the robotics industry to take a leap forward due to this unexpected pandemic.
This book comprises select proceedings of the international conference ETAEERE 2020, and covers latest research in the areas of electronics, communication and computing. The book includes different approaches and techniques for specific applications using particle swarm optimization, Otsu’s function and harmony search optimization algorithm, DNA-NAND gate, triple gate SOI MOSFET, micro-Raman and FTIR analysis, high-k dielectric gate oxide, spectrum sensing in cognitive radio, microstrip antenna, GPR with conducting surfaces, energy efficient packet routing, iBGP route reflectors, circularly polarized antenna, double fork shaped patch radiator, implementation of Doppler radar at 24 GHz, iris image classification using SVM, digital image forgery detection, secure communication, spoken dialog system, and DFT-DCT spreading strategies. Given the range of topics covered, this book can be useful for both students and researchers working in electronics and communication.
It is estimated that about 15 million people a year suffer from stroke worldwide, with 5 million stroke survivors experiencing permanent motor disability requiring therapeutic services. It has been shown that early involvement in rehabilitation therapies has a desirable effect on the long-term recovery of patients. There are, however, several challenges with the current state of delivering rehabilitation services, including limitations on the number of clinics, financial needs, and human resources. Robotic systems have been proposed in the literature to help with these challenges. However, most of the existing robotic systems are expensive, not-portable, and cannot be used for both upper- and lower-limb rehabilitation. This article presents a 3-DOF robotic device that has been designed to deliver both upper- and lower-limb therapy and incorporates a novel mechanical safety mechanism. The device is capable of teleoperation which makes it particularly suitable for telerehabilitation in the current COVID-19 environment. The rehabilitation robot can deliver therapy in assistive and resistive modes to aid patients at all stages of recovery. In the assistive mode, the robot’s motion provides input to help the patient in completing the therapy task, while in the resistive mode, the robot opposes the motions generated by the patient thereby requiring additional muscle actuation. The robot has been tested by physiotherapists to assess its validity in a clinical setting, and by healthy participants to assess its functionality, safety, and engineering design. The study found that 80% of the physiotherapists agreed the platform has the potential to improve patient outcomes.