Jose joel Carrillo-Rivera

Jose joel Carrillo-Rivera
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | UNAM · Institute of Geography



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The main research interest is related to understanding groundwater functioning through the application of the Groundwater Flow System Methodology (GFSM). Techniques on aquifer test analysis have been developed applying the knowledge on groundwater hydraulics and geochemical-isotopic data responses. Surface (external) indicators that show groundwater functioning have been successfully applied. One practical application of this research is to control the water quality obtained through an extraction borehole. The GWFSM has also successfully been used to propose means of controlling: land subsidence, the disappearance of surface water bodies and vegetation, plain-land flooding, saline-groundwater inducement, groundwater response to changes in the climatic conditions, and chemical evolution.
Additional affiliations
March 2001 - February 2014
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Researcher
  • Doing research on groundwater functioning based on the flow system methodology
September 1987 - January 1992
University of London
Field of study
  • Hydrology (Hydrogeology)


Publications (152)
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En la presente contribución se analiza, a partir de un análisis crítico relacionado con los procesos de intervención educativa y la gobernanza del agua subterránea, la experiencia relacionada con la participación en el proceso de asesoramiento científico e intervención educativa durante tres años (2017-2019), de la Copuda y la organización no guber...
Conference Paper
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The transboundary aquifer concept envisaged in the United Nations Resolution 63/124 has had a significant impact on the evaluation of transboundary aquifers. In the Mexico- U.S.A. case, it has not been possible to officially determine the total number of shared aquifers, therefore, the evaluation of groundwater is to be settled; it represents a lac...
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Considerando el debate impulsado en 2022 por diversos organismos supranacionales acerca de la importancia del agua subterránea en el mundo, en esta contribución, a través de cinco ensayos con un marcado acento político, se discuten algunas ideas relacionadas con los problemas que atañen a la gestión y la gobernanza del agua subterránea en México, a...
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Consideration of regional groundwater flow in aquifer systems allows for solving groundwater issues on a larger scale than single aquifers and contributes to all practical aspects of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for water. The approach has been extended to a wide range of hydrogeological environments. However, it suffers from poorly const...
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The primary purpose of this scientific event is to bring together the most si gnificant number of specialists in the field of geosciences to allow exchanges and the updating of newly acquired scientific knowledge in this field. This meeting will update geological research work, particularly new methods developed in this field. It will also give an...
Conference Paper
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The motivation for this topic stemmed from practical questions posed to the Regional Groundwater Flow Commission (RGFC) of the IAH regarding assessing transboundary aquifer systems. These questions focused on sedimentary basins which were considered aquifer systems even though the information on hydrogeological units and groundwater flow in the bas...
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In Mexico, there is no specific policy for the governance of transboundary groundwaters. In fact, these groundwaters have been governed almost entirely from a national-domestic perspective with disregard for transboundary groundwater flows. This article analyses the links between water and political power in the management, administration and alloc...
Conference Paper
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Results support the need to incorporate a system view of groundwater functioning, as well as a scientific based homologation of concepts and methodologies applied by those states interested in the jointly groundwater assessment to avoid water related conflicts in the context of its incipient integrated management. A proposal is also presented for t...
The “Transboundary Aquifer” concept envisaged in the United Nations Resolution 63/124 “The Law of Transboundary Aquifers” has had a significant impact on the evaluation of transboundary aquifers around the world. In the Mexico–U.S.A. case, it has not been possible to officially determine the total number of shared aquifers, therefore, the evaluatio...
Personal health and that of animals are often associated with the chemical composition of the groundwater they ingest. This primary source of water supply may affect the health status when significant changes in the concentration of some trace elements dissolved in drinking water are present. Indeed, adverse health effects occur due to chronic expo...
In modern hydrogeology, it is essential to interpret information following an integrative approach which considers actual groundwater conditions rather than biasing results to meet certain predetermined concept or models. In the last decade, the usage of statistical methods (i.e. multivariate analysis) to characterize and monitor groundwater qualit...
The management of groundwater in Mexico corresponds to the President of the Republic, who has three legal instruments for its ordering: forbidden decrees, regulated zones, and reserve zones. In 2013, President Peña to preserve groundwater decreed a ban affecting 332 administrative aquifers covering 99% of the national territory. In 2018, the same p...
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The dynamics of the underground part of the water cycle greatly influence the features and characteristics of the Earth's surface. Using Tóth's theory of groundwater flow systems, surface indicators in Mexico were analyzed to understand the systemic connection between groundwater and the geological framework, relief, soil, water bodies, vegetation,...
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In Tunisia, Groundwater is an important water source for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses, but the deterioration of its quality, under the influence of anthropogenic activities and natural factors, limits its suitability for human consumption and irrigation. The present study was carried out to assess groundwater quality in Bouficha aquif...
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Mexican presidents prefer to rule on underground water by decree instead of modernizing the water law. We analyze presidential rhetoric to explain water decision-making choices Los presidentes mexicanos prefieren gobernar el agua subterránea por decreto en lugar de modernizar la ley. En esta artículo revisamos la retórica presidencial para explica...
Groundwater quality in the Central and Northern-Central volcanic terrain of Mexico has changed in the last two-three decades. Present abstraction regime has induced thermal (30-50º C) water with high, or low, mineral content. The quality of available water has trace (i.e. As) and minor (i.e. F-) elements in concentrations above drinking water stand...
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Groundwater quality in the Santo Domingo Irrigation District area in Baja California Sur, Mexico, indicates the presence of various salinization processes, (1) the geological matter of marine origin comprising the aquifer material suffers diagenetic effects due to its interaction with groundwater of low salinity, (2) the effects of intensive agricu...
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication or the information contained herein may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written prior permission from the publishers. Although all care is taken to ensure the integrity an...
In terms of water chemistry, most groundwater extraction programmes are based on the arrival to extraction wells of water quality in a quasi-steady state. That is where horizontal flow condition prevails that is often due to a limited thickness of the aquifer material, the well is fully penetrating. However, when the aquifer material is several km...
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Geochemical and microbiological data were collected for shallow groundwater flow systems of a semi-arid area of Central Mexico to investigate the effects of contamination from different sources. Nitrate and nitrite concentrations, and faecal coliform counts exceeding the Mexican Health Agency's maximum contaminant level were determined in most samp...
Conference Paper
Often, the importance of groundwater in the continent is often forgotten. It is usually overseen that groundwater is some 97% and surface water is about 3% of the continental water. Consequently, groundwater and its presence as flow systems are often ignored. In most arid and semiarid areas groundwater has travelled from relative close recharge are...
Often, regional groundwater research is meant to have some tens or a few hundreds of water samples for chemical and stable isotopes analyses. However, in remote arid areas as "Los Cirios" in Baja California Sur, Mex. it became a challenge to carry out such study due to the scarce general development. The regional flow systems theory allowed to have...
The start of most present cities was based on a good quality groundwater source, often discharge from local flow systems. As city growth advanced, the need for additional water was provided by digging shallow wells; presently, the need has been supported by additional and deeper wells. The resulting stress on the prevailing groundwater flow systems...
The Villa de Reyes basin has is a fractured rhyolite structure with volcaniclastic sediments where groundwater is heavily extracted by competing water users (irrigation and a thermal-electric generating station). Groundwater levels currently drop at a rate exceeding 1 m/yr, its sustainability is a top priority. In this study, environmental isotopes...
When water extraction is developed in a volcanic rock area by means of wells, it becomes important to acknowledge that the groundwater quality to be obtained will change with extraction rate and time. The vertical components of flow being responsible for the new observed water quality.
Conference Paper
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Groundwater flow understanding is a must in any study related to sustainable water management and in preventing or controlling negative environmental responses due to changes in the groundwater regime. Indeed, further developing of methods, terminology, concepts, teaching and research may benefit from considering relevant collective scientific know...
Presentation related to the results of the research work related to groundwater rights in Mexico, considering ethical aspects, public policy and decision makers.
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This study offers a reinterpretation of archive aquifer tests, predominantly on the basis of recovery data, from an original datasheet of thermal water wells located in carbonate and sandstone aquifer units in the vicinity of Budapest, Hungary. The study compares the hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss) values derived in the first i...
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La gestión del agua en México debe ser considerada como un asunto de seguridad nacional: con ella no sólo se garantiza la producción de alimentos, sino también –en el caso de la frontera Norte– se aseguran los intereses nacionales y la viabilidad de ciudades y metrópolis binacionales. No obstante, en el gobierno pasado se intentó privatizarla, y ah...
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Two positions seem to predominate in the debate about water. One is based on what was discussed at the 1992 Dublin Conference, where some movements talked about a supposed water scarcity and proposed solving it through open participation of private enterprise in water manage- ment. Other groups considered water a common good and stated that, even t...
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Recientemente, se concluyó la evaluación hidrogeológica binacional de cuatro acuíferos transfronterizos Estados Unidos-México, entre ellos el Acuífero Río San Pedro. Una revisión exhaustiva y crítica del reporte final indica un trabajo de cooperación cercana, no obstante, parece haberse logrado poco con respecto a los aspectos científicos y polític...
The Takelsa multilayer aquifer system, located in north-eastern Tunisia, contains important groundwater resources that have mainly been used for agricultural purposes. To ensure a solid base for the sustainable management of this aquifer system, an adequate comprehensive hydrogeologic investigation was undertaken. A sampling campaign of stable isot...
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In Northern Baja California, environmental conservation may not be fully accomplished in the absence of a clear understanding of key factors controlling and protecting biodiversity. Groundwater is an environmental agent triggering the presence of a wide range of arid ecosystems; therefore, any sustainable development in the region has to maintain a...
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Fluoride concentration in groundwater supply above the guideline value of 1.5 mg/L is a health hazard for the population living in two thirds of the Mexican territory. Enhanced groundwater extraction in the city of San Luis Potosí (SLP), Mexico, led to a substantial territorial increase in water with high fluoride (F⁻) which originates from thermal...
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Este documento constituye un primer diseño en materia de regula- ción jurídica e institucional del 97% del agua presente en México, la subterránea. Gracias a las aportaciones de la Hidrogeología Moderna (Tóth, Freeze y Cherry, Bredehoeft) así como de avances cientí cos y precedentes jurídicos en materia de regulación de agua subterránea de los últi...
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Numerous publications analyze the origin of Arsenic and Fluoride, their behavior and distribution in groundwater indicating the importance in understanding the relation between their occurrence with other physical and chemical properties. Here, such properties associated with elements of the landscape in the plain of the Chaco-Pampean region are di...
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La reciente propuesta de Ley General de Aguas, publicada en la Gaceta Parlamentaria del 5 de marzo del 2015 (No 4228-II), pretende remplazar a la actual Ley de Aguas Nacionales (LAN). La nueva ley, fundamentada a partir de conceptos como la escasez hídrica y la presión demográfica, busca además, colocar al agua como un objeto mercantil sujeto a las...
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Elementos de análisis de la propuesta de Ley General de Aguas en México a partir del Derecho Humano al Agua y sus repercusiones en el quehacer científico, docente y en la investigación Resumen La reciente propuesta de Ley General de Aguas, publicada en la Gaceta Parlamentaria del 5 de marzo de 2015 (No. 4228-II), pretende remplazar a la actual Ley...
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El agua subterránea que consume la población en la región de Tenextepango, Morelos, contiene fluoruro en concentración que varía de 0.5 a 1.9 mg/L, causando problema de fluororis dental a la población. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los niveles de fluoruro en el agua subterránea, su distribución y su procedencia en la región de Tenexpenango...
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Groundwater flow systems have been differentiated in the metropolitan zone of Mexico City based on their chemical composition and stable isotope contents. The existing hydrogeological framework for the region provided a reference for such differentiation. Local flows (Flow-system I) represent the youngest and shallowest groundwater flow identified...
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Este Capítulo 10 busca ir más allá de describir conflictos jurídico-administrativos que si bien son relevantes, desde la perspectiva de los autores, se considera necesario aclarar una componente fundamental de la naturaleza del concepto que en buena parte ha permitido generar y agravar conflictos relacionados con el agua. Se ha encontrado una inqui...
Water availability in Drâa basin (surface area ~ 115,000 km 2 ) depends on rainfall, melting snow in the High Atlas mountains and groundwater. The region has strong evidence of groundwater flow presence whose functioning is required to be fully understood to achieve an adequate water management for an expected rainfall reduction. Previous objective...
Climate change could be blamed on observed water quality decline. This is an undesirable response in any supply project based on groundwater that could produce negative effects as health hazards for the population, undesirable impacts to infrastructure, and increases of maintenance costs for economic activities. Climate change has created recent co...
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The relationships among elements in the landscape can be explained using the theory of groundwater flow systems, which recognizes the different flows and their discharge and recharge zones, demonstrating their hydrological functioning. Characterizing the different flows is crucial to identifying their potential, salinity and possible use for differ...
Groundwater discharge can be an important determinant of the functioning of aquatic environments and their associated biological communities. However, the presence and the importance of groundwater have not been considered in the Parana River floodplain owing to the large quantity of surface water. The present study aimed to identify groundwater di...
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The aim of this paper is the delimitation of groundwater recharge and discharge zones in the centresouth portion of the Mesa Central. This was achieved using groundwater flow systems theory, which has proved to be a valuable tool since it considers a systemic perspective of the environment, integrating several natural elements. There are various ph...
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Approximately 97 % of continental water on Earth is groundwater; the remainder includes surface water, water in the atmosphere, and water in living organisms. For Mexico to cope with drought conditions and minimize environmental impacts of human water usage, water source dynamics must be understood and utilized in the most efficient way. Groundwate...
In several ecosystems in the world, groundwater discharge should be considered because this input could be an important affluent of the aquatic environments and associated biological communities determining its functioning. However, due to the large quantity of surface water, the presence and the importance of groundwater have not been considered i...
The aim of this paper is the delimitation of groundwater recharge and discharge zones in the centresouth portion of the Mesa Central. This was achieved using groundwater flow systems theory, which has proved to be a valuable tool since it considers a systemic perspective of the environment, integrating several natural elements. There are various ph...
Approximately 97A of continental water on Earth is groundwater; the remainder includes surface water, water in the atmosphere, and water in living organisms. For Mexico to cope with drought conditions and minimize environmental impacts of human water usage, water source dynamics must be understood and utilized in the most efficient way. Groundwater...
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The chemical composition of groundwater is the result of continuous water-rock interaction between rain water (and hail or snow) that filters into the ground and the minerals in the lithology it flows through. The objective of this study is to determine the origin of the chemical composition of groundwater in the Loreto area, Baja California Sur. H...
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At present, demographic growth is a significant issue related to environmental damage due to an excessive use of water and forest. Governments are now interested in formulating new strategies that might help to reach a sustainable development. Thus, the Mexican Federal Government initiated an Environmental Hydrological Services Payment Programme in...
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The interest in early hydrogeological studies was the aquifer unit, as it is the physical media that stores and permits groundwater transfers from the recharge zone to the discharge zone, making groundwater available to boreholes for water extraction. Recently, the aquifer concept has been complemented by the Groundwater Flow System Theory, where g...
Conference Paper
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Groundwater is an active geologic agent and an important component of arid regions. The knowledge of recharge and discharge components of groundwater flow systems is pre-requisite for integrated land and water management strategies. In the Drâa basin (~30,000 km2, South-Eastern Morocco) some discharge zones have been identified but they have not ye...
The chemical composition of groundwater is the result of continuous water-rock interaction between rain water (and hail or snow) that filters into the ground and the minerals in the lithology it flows through. The objective of this study is to determine the origin of the chemical composition of groundwater in the Loreto area, Baja California Sur. H...
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Problem statement: The interest in early hydrogeological studies was the aquifer unit, as it is the physical media that stores and permits groundwater transfers from the recharge zone to the discharge zone, making groundwater available to boreholes for water extraction. Approach: Recently, the aquifer concept has been complemented by the groundwate...
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Hydrogeochemical behaviour of samples of surface and groundwater collected on a cross-section from Mendoza to the Buenos Aires provinces was studied based on chemical trends, mass balance and water mixing. Hydrogeochemical modelling included major, minor elements as well as stable isotopes (deuterium and 18-O). The area investigated is located in t...
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Ahydrochemical comparison between a carbonate (Mexico) and a non-carbonate (Hungary) system is presented. Major and trace elements, δ 2H and δ 18Ovalues were studied. Although the geological conditions and the concentration of the major elements were different, common features and/or processes were recognized. The main similarity was the distributi...
A hydrochemical comparison between a carbonate (Mexico) and a non-carbonate (Hungary) system is presented. Major and trace elements, δ²H and δ¹⁸O values were studied. Although the geological conditions and the concentration of the major elements were different, common features and/or processes were recognized. The main similarity was the distributi...
The study of groundwater flow systems is becoming more important in regions where the city water supply depends on regional flows. The chemical differentiation of the flow systems in the catchment area of San Luis Potosí helps locate the sites for the construction of boreholes for a long-term water supply. The combination of factor analysis and Clu...
The northwest region of the province of Buenos Aires presents cyclical periods of flooding and drought. The last humid cycle started in 1970 with large flooding areas, a rise of the water-table, severe economic losses in the farming sector, environmental deterioration, and social problems. Biodrainage is a technique where vegetation is used to cont...
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Groundwater flow simulation in the Tecocomulco sub-basin confirms its local discharge nature. This upward flow supplies boreholes, dug-wells and the Tecocomulco lagoon. From a regional perspective, this sub-basin recharges the neighbouring Apan and Singuilucan sub-basins, and the Mexico basin. Despite the fact that the Tecocomulco plain is a local...
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La región noroeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires presenta periodos cíclicos de inundación y sequía. En 1970 se inicia el último ciclo húmedo registrado con grandes inundaciones, ascenso de la superficie freática e importantes pérdidas económicas en el sector agropecuario, un deterioro ambiental y problemas sociales. El bio-drenaje es una técnica...
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This article reviews and discusses environmental aspects related to vertical upward and downward groundwater flow. Flow systems are an important tool to understand groundwater functioning as related to the environment, in terms of obtaining indicators of human impact and solving specific questions about a groundwater-environment system that has bee...
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Flows of different hierarchy, which travel through limestone, schist, sandstone and ultra-basic rocks, with ages from the Paleocene to the Jurassic, at Sierra del Rosario, Pinar del Río, Cuba, were characterized. The waters were sampled from 1984 until 2004 and the data were statistically processed by means of chemical equilibrium and physico-chemi...
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Desde mediados del siglo pasado el manejo ineficaz del agua en varios sitios del país ha producido diferentes impactos ambientales resultantes de una administración que no incorpora el funcionamiento del agua subterránea. En el Área Natural Protegida de Xochimilco (ANP-X), ubicada al sureste de la Cuenca de México, se observan impactos al ambiente...
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Geochemical and microbiological data were collected for shallow groundwater flow systems of a semi-arid area of Central Mexico to investigate the effects of contamination from different sources. Nitrate, and nitrite concentrations, and faecal coliforms exceeding the Mexican Health Agency’s maximum contaminant level were determined in most study sit...
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Understanding before analysis, is a motto that requires further attention in groundwater studies. The perception achieved of groundwater functioning in shallow thin aquifers has provided a good base to define a problem and to propose agreeable solutions where a groundwater response is evaluated. Standard application of available evaluation tools th...
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This article reviews and discusses environmental aspects related to vertical upward and downward groundwater flow. Flow systems are an important tool to understand groundwater functioning as related to the environment, in terms of obtaining indicators of human impact and solving specific questions about a groundwater-environment system that has bee...


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