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Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service


Abstract and Figures

The internet of things is rapidly becoming a fact of life. There remain, however, various challenges with respect to the concept of Industry 4.0 before this new reality is fully integrated into the industrial sector. One such challenge is ensuring security, an essential issue in terms of both management and operational technology involving the configuration and administration of physical equipment. Another is integrating equipment from different manufacturers which must be configured and/or administered with incompatible protocols. Likewise, remote access to systems must be carried out from a browser in the web frame. This paper presents a set of tools, available as a cloud-based service, which facilitates access to the physical equipment located in a business. The access enables the end user to see and/or modify the configuration and management of data in a secure, controlled, organized and collaborative manner. In order to unify different protocols, the service makes use of the Modbus TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocol, one of the most commonly used by industry in local networks. The local Modbus communications are encapsulated in the Websocket protocol to make them accessible from the cloud. The tools proposed in this paper are based on open hardware platforms and free software, and they permit local and remote sensors and actuators to be fully and easily accessed. Hence, their chief advantage is that they allow access from any internet connection, via a browser, to the physical equipment located in an industry by means of user profiles in accordance with the security level set by each individual company.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Received December 16, 2019, accepted December 31, 2019, date of publication January 10, 2020, date of current version January 17, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2965639
Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and
Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
AND JOSÉ M. ANDÚJAR , (Senior Member, IEEE)
Huelva University, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, 21007 Huelva, Spain
Corresponding author: Reyes Sánchez-Herrera (
ABSTRACT The internet of things is rapidly becoming a fact of life. There remain, however, various
challenges with respect to the concept of Industry 4.0 before this new reality is fully integrated into the
industrial sector. One such challenge is ensuring security, an essential issue in terms of both management
and operational technology involving the configuration and administration of physical equipment. Another
is integrating equipment from different manufacturers which must be configured and/or administered with
incompatible protocols. Likewise, remote access to systems must be carried out from a browser in the
web frame. This paper presents a set of tools, available as a cloud-based service, which facilitates access
to the physical equipment located in a business. The access enables the end user to see and/or modify
the configuration and management of data in a secure, controlled, organized and collaborative manner.
In order to unify different protocols, the service makes use of the Modbus TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocol, one of the most commonly used by industry in local networks. The
local Modbus communications are encapsulated in the Websocket protocol to make them accessible from
the cloud. The tools proposed in this paper are based on open hardware platforms and free software, and they
permit local and remote sensors and actuators to be fully and easily accessed. Hence, their chief advantage
is that they allow access from any internet connection, via a browser, to the physical equipment located in
an industry by means of user profiles in accordance with the security level set by each individual company.
INDEX TERMS Modbus, remote access, open source hardware/software, EJS/EJSS, data acquisition,
Internet-of-Things, Industrial Internet of Things, cloud, Industry 4.0.
Companies are now developing digital strategies which
enable them to incorporate all the advantages and possibil-
ities of the digital world into their production lines. The
information generated by these advances will be digitally
accessible from computers and other networked devices,
the analysis and evaluation of which opens up a wide range
of possibilities. This information can be considered a trans-
formable raw material that can be given added value. The
possibilities of digitalization are greatest in the industrial
field, in which advanced digital techniques drive increases in
productivity [1], such as the introduction of augmented reality
in the assembly and maintenance of facilities, and the use of
autonomous robots in production lines. If, in addition, all a
company’s systems are interconnected and accessible, then
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and
approving it for publication was Theofanis P. Raptis .
the company has achieved full digitalization and connectivity
and can be described as an Industry 4.0 company.
The cornerstones of Industry 4.0 are the advances in dig-
ital and communications technologies. In the new industrial
paradigm everything is interconnected. In addition, advances
facilitated by the internet are tending to replace limited, local
visions of industry with more global and distributed ones.
This new vision enables total connectivity without the need
for resources to be physically adjacent.
The degree of connectivity sought by the Internet of Things
(IoT) or the Internet of Everything (IoE) [2, p.], [3], [4]
already exists in the personal and social spheres. We live
in a society permanently connected to the network, with an
ever growing number of connected devices. The use of smart
phones, for example, is increasingly widespread, and almost
half the population have profiles on social networks. All these
devices and applications generate data which we are largely
unaware of. Nor do we control the applications installed
on our devices for managing these data, as they exact our
VOLUME 8, 2020 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see 10433
R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
mandatory consent which cannot be subsequently retracted.
In addition, our online activity, like the devices, is constantly
registered on an unknown server. In short, we have little
control over our information and our devices. Moreover, they
are vulnerable to those who know to obtain it and have the
will to do so, without mentioning the consequences of discon-
necting the server. In the industrial sphere, where information
management and plant operation coexist, security and privacy
are absolute essentials. In such a context, loss of informa-
tion and control of devices is unthinkable, and consequently
the adoption of IoT within this sector, referred to as the
Industrial IoT (IIoT) [5], [6] represents a major challenge to
Nevertheless, total connectivity has advantages for the
industry that cannot be ignored. Among these is a much
more open and immediate communications model [7] for
all types of information exchange, whether between devices
(M2M, Machine to Machine) [8], or between devices and
people (M2P, Machine to People). The integration of manage-
ment and production levels within industry means facilitating
the exchange of information between the two. According to
the current tendency to integrate the management information
into the content management systems (CMS), cloud technolo-
gies have a very important role to play [9]. These technologies
can be managed by the company itself or provided by third
partly entities (IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service) that guaran-
tee information security and privacy.
The adoption of Industry 4.0 by an industrial company
involves the digitalisation and integration of all its commu-
nication processes. Moreover, to use CMS, that integration
must be carried out into the cloud. Digitalisation makes it
necessary to use very different communications technologies
to those currently used in the industry. The limitations of local
operation through local area network (LAN) can be overcome
with SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
systems, which use different protocols, such as Fieldbus,
Profinet [10] to carry out the communication between equip-
ment. One of the most commonly used in heterogeneous
scenarios (involving devices from different manufacturers) is
Modbus TCP/IP [11], which has the following advantages in
comparison with similar protocols:
It is an open protocol, used locally (without internet
access) across a wide range of industrial scenarios.
It is interoperable with a large number of indepen-
dent devices supporting the protocol, for example, fre-
quency inverters, PLCs (programable logical control),
I/O devices, etc.
It can act as a link between devices and industrial net-
works running different protocols specific to different
manufacturers (proprietary software).
It is widely used on open hardware platforms, such as
SBCs (Single Board Computers) and MCUs (MicroCon-
troller Units).
These design features make Modbus ideal for situations
involving a multiplicity of devices and software, linked
together in LANs over the TCP/IP protocol.
It is possible for companies to access their data and devices
remotely through the use of cloud-based services via a stan-
dard internet connection and a browser. However, several
technical challenges need to be resolved. This paper presents
solutions to the connectivity issues associated with the LAN
and a more complex challenge the internet. In section 3.1,
it also deals with connectivity via browser, the use of which
introduces an additional layer of complications.
Against this background, this paper presents a set of tools
for accessing all the devices on a company’s industrial net-
work by means of Modbus. The devices are accessed via the
cloud and allow data queries to be carried out and devices
to be configured and/or administrated in a secure, controlled,
organized and collaborative environment. The specific nature
of these design features is as follows: security is ensured by
data encryption and the use of user profiles for access; control
refers to the ability to apply different filters and user criteria,
such as the time zone; the tools are organized in the sense
that they allow access to be sequenced through, for example,
a reservation system; and finally, they are collaborative in that
they allow concurrent access to the same resource. In short,
the tools permit access to an industrial network from any
internet connection by means of a browser with a user profile
enabled and the required level of security specified by each
company, and as such they fulfil all system requirements fac-
ing companies for integration into Industry 4.0 and into CMS.
The outline of the remainder of the paper is as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides a review of the technical literature.
Section 3 gives a detailed description of the set of tools
proposed; it is divided into two subsections, the first dealing
with the restrictions imposed by the browsers, as mentioned
above, and the second, the technical aspects. Section 4 cov-
ers the aspects relating to integration in the cloud, while
Section 5 presents a case study. It is divided in two subsec-
tions, the first to describe the case and the second to present
the obtained results. Finally, in Section 6, some conclusions
are drawn.
The communications scenario described in the introduction
must integrate the traditional communications model cur-
rently used in industrial frameworks, denominated the com-
puter integrated manufacturing (CIM) pyramid, with the new
technologies emerging from cloud computing. The highest
levels in CIM architecture correspond to information tech-
nology (IT), and are traditionally related to the commer-
cial management, whilst the lowest levels correspond to
the operational technology (OT) and are directly related to
the physical devices involved in the manufacturing process.
In the majority of companies, CIM remains embedded in local
In addition, in many cases, unlike the IT applications,
the OT devices are not interconnected via a LAN, and
instead use proprietary software oriented towards closed
systems. Integration of the IT and OT layers would allow
the communication between them, making production more
10434 VOLUME 8, 2020
R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
efficient and improving profits [12]. IT/OT convergence
enables direct control of the complete monitoring system
in a company through automation and integration of com-
munications systems and industrial networks. Without this
convergence, a certain degree of operative inefficiency is
inevitable and the work flow cannot be optimized.
However, this convergence is not easy to achieve. Commer-
cial platforms exist, but they are rarely compatible with other
applications within the same company because each manu-
facturer provides its own products and solutions, [13]–[17].
One proposal that is becoming increasingly popular is that
of open solutions [18]. In this regard, Botta et al. [19] pro-
mote research efforts to define standard protocols, libraries,
languages, and methodologies to develop the full potential
of IoT. An alternative to commercial packages can be found
in open hardware and free software platforms, which not
only offer more control over the system and data, but also
allow developers to work at lower levels, and, more impor-
tantly, do not require configuration data to be sent to external
databases, [20].
As a result, low-cost platforms, such as Arduino [21],
Phidget [22] or Raspberry Pi [23], are becoming increas-
ingly popular. They display characteristics analogous to more
expensive proprietary devices, and are highly suitable for
monitoring and controlling systems via the internet, such as
real-time monitoring of fuel cells using LabVIEW [24], and
Arduino [25], [26], accessing applications in solar energy
facilities [27], [28], developing the IoT [29], [30], remotely
operating robotic applications [31], [32] and transmitting
data [33], [34, p.], among others.
There are two procedural options for achieving the kind of
convergence illustrated by the examples above of devices and
industrial networks across different platforms:
1. The substitution of the protocols used up to now by
others compatible with access from the cloud, such as
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), Websocket and
SSE (Server Sent Event). A major disadvantage of this
option is that it discards the protocols currently used by
the majority of devices in operation in manufacturing
and other fields.
2. The design of an appropriate runways to make it possi-
ble to access the protocols currently used in the industry
from the cloud.
This paper proposes a solution of the second type, using
Modbus TCP/IP as the ideal protocol to unify heterogeneous
industrial networks. However, the availability of the unified
platform is not the only requirement for the development
of remote monitoring and control systems. The integration
of the relevant hardware/software into a communications
network is also required. Remote systems can be classified
as open or closed according to their degree of heterogeneity
and accessibility, [35]. Hence, if the devices involved in the
remote system are from a single manufacturer or compati-
ble software, and are all connected to the same LAN [36],
the remote system will be closed or proprietary. It becomes a
little more open if assuming the devices remain mutually
compatible - it is accessible via the Internet [37], [38].
Finally, if the system involves mutually incompatible devices
or devices from different manufacturers, and is also accessi-
ble via the internet, it can be considered fully open.
Some fully open systems can be found in the literature,
but not many. Furthermore, those that are discussed tend to
be local ad hoc solutions [39]–[41], with the result that the
technology is non-transferable from one system to another.
For example, in [42] a new flexible framework based on social
instant messaging (IM) application architecture is proposed
for integrating an offline remote experiment into a commu-
nication node via a unique identifier. However, the system is
only valid for plants controlled with LabView.
In the approach outlined in this paper, the problem of
heterogeneity is solved by the use of the unification protocol
TCP/IP, while accessibility is achieved through integrating
the systems involved with Modbus, as addressed in a paper
by the same authors [43] in which a set of tools were pre-
sented for accessing a set of devices unified by Modbus
over the internet. This solution is easy to implement over
open platforms. In [43], easy java simulations (EJS)[44] is
proposed as a suitable medium for implementing the applica-
tion which accesses the physical devices (henceforth the user
interface, UI). EJS is an open-source authoring tool created
by Francisco Esquembre for building discrete simulations.
An important feature of EJS is that it enables the develop-
ment of the UI. However, it does not incorporate the tools
necessary for connecting hardware. To overcome this prob-
lem, the authors [43] present a set of software tools, called
elements, which are integrated within EJS, and provide a
simple way of connecting physical devices across the network
(through the use of controllers). Finally, they materialize the
unification of communications through the corresponding
EJS elements (software elements), which hide the details of
the communications technology so as to make it easier to
develop applications when the designer has little knowledge
of network-based applications.
In short, the procedure proposed in [43] makes it possible
to access accessible devices unified by Modbus TCP/IP over
the internet. Establishing a connection between any internet-
enabled PC (or SBC) and the physical system in ques-
tion requires an application programming interface (API).
However, APIs are not supported by the new generation of
browsers, so in order to make the proposed software resident
in the cloud, further software is needed. This new software
has been developed by the authors and is the subject of this
Cloud technology is becoming the most used to integrated
IT in the internet. One of the causes is the fact that a cloud-
based service does not require any specific application to be
installed on the end user PC in order to carry out its function.
However, access to the service is necessarily carried out from
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R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
a browser. This means that, for the integration of IT and
OT layers of the CIM, they both must operate within the
execution framework of the browser, a consequence which
imposes limitations on the interaction with the local operating
system and the possibilities of remote communications. Such
limitations include, for example, the capacity of the local
operating system to store data, execute an application or ini-
tiate a socket accessible from the operating system.
With this in mind, subsection 3.1 details limitations
imposed by the new generation of browsers, while
subsection 3.2 presents the set of tools which is the main
focus of the paper: a cloud-based, browser-enabled system for
accessing heterogeneous industrial networks unified under
Modbus TCP/IP.
For security reasons, current browsers do not allow the execu-
tion of local applications, or connections between themselves
and the operating system of the machine on which they are
running. This places a limitation on remote access, so it is
necessary to use HTTP or supported protocols over HTTP
(such as Websocket or SSE) to access networked devices
(both internet and local network). However, communication
between the different devices, systems and plants in a com-
pany have to date generally been carried without taking into
account the question of remote accessibility regarding OT
(as this has only recently become viable). Consequently,
the applications used in the design of such elements do not
support integration with web technology and are often not
easily adapted.
Until recently, the most common means of integrating web
technology with functions such as the execution of appli-
cations on the operating system, access to files and remote
access was through Java in the form of an API. Never-
theless, as mentioned above, this kind of integration is not
longer allowed by the new browsers, as they do not allow
the running of Java applets to reproduce the client-server
One means available to application programmers for
retaining the capacity to connect the browser with the indus-
trial network is a JavaScript engine which allows them to
create connections based on HTTP. This is the procedure
adopted in this paper for the integration of the application
with the browser, in cases where the controller has been
developed within open platforms.
The Modbus master and slave elements presented in [42]
unify heterogeneous industrial networks and make them
accessible from the internet by means of applets generated
in EJS. However, those elements do not enable the system to
be stored in, and accessed from, the cloud. The following sub-
section presents various easy Java and JavaScript simulations
(EJSS) [44] elements designed to overcome this limitation,
encapsulating the Modbus protocol on top of HTTP-based
EJSS is a new version of EJS to implement JavaScript
interfaces. Four elements within the EJSS framework have
been created to encapsulate the Modbus protocol on top
of those based on HTTP. They are jointly denominated
OverWebsocket (OW), and complement the elements pre-
sented in [43] and denominated Modbus (MB). Their oper-
ation is as follows: there are two sets of OW elements,
the MasterOverWebsocket (MOW) and the SlaveOverWeb-
socket (SOW). MOW is composed of ClientMasterOverWeb-
socket (CMOW) and ServerMasterOverWebsocket (SMOW).
They open communication links in HTTP protocols
between the industrial network control application (INCA),
developed in EJS, and the UI, developed in EJSS and
executed on the end user PC. There are two SOW ele-
ments, the ClientSlaveOverWebsocket (CSOW) and Server-
SlaveOverWebsocket (SSOW), whose function is the same as
that of the MOW’s. The use of the MOW or SOW elements
is determined by the configuration of the MB elements in the
industrial network.
Hence, on the one hand, if the element included in the
INCA is the MasterModbus (MMB), the MOW elements
will be used to encapsulate the Modbus communications on
top of HTTP. Conversely, if the element in the INCA is the
SlaveModbus (SMB), SOW will be used. On the other hand,
the corresponding server element (SMOW or SSOW) must
be located in the INCA, which has a valid and fixed IP. And
the corresponding client element (CMOW or CSOW) must
be located in the UI, which runs on the end user PC with
any IP.
Among the HTTP protocols available, the proposed
OW elements use Websocket to establish the communications
links. In addition, the information is encapsulated in JSON
(JavaScript Object Notation) as this is the most suitable for
use in JavaScript. Like the MB elements, the OW also gen-
erate an API. However, the new one does allow write / read
calls to be made from the browser to the Modbus registers that
configure and manage the physical devices of the industrial
In the same way as the MB elements, OW only requires
inclusion in the UI and the INCA. This can be done by select-
ing them with the mouse from the window ‘Elements for the
model’’ and dropping them into the‘‘List of elements’ shown
in figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 presents that operation in EJSS.
As indicated above, CMOW and CSOW are available (both
of which can be included in the UI). In the case shown in fig-
ure 1 it is CMOW which has been included, which also cor-
responds to the case presented in figure 2. Figure 2 presents
the EJS framework and the INCA. Here, the MB element
is necessarily MMB, and consequently SMOW must also
be included. SMOW requires the following methods for its
10436 VOLUME 8, 2020
R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
FIGURE 1. The EJSS application with available client elements. These
appear on the right. On the left, CMOW has been selected and is included
in the UI.
FIGURE 2. The EJS application with MB and OW elements. In this case,
MMB has been required in the INCA and hence also SMOW. This case is
the corresponds to the UI illustrated in figure 1.
The first of these connects the MB and OW elements. The
second indicates the communications port between SMOW
and CMOW in the UI, which in the case is the 8000. Hence the
following method must be included in figure 1: masterOver-
In all the methods described above, the word occurring just
before the period is precisely the name of the corresponding
element, as it appears on the EJS / EJSS element screen,
differentiating between upper and lower case letters. Thus,
in the figure 2 methods, SMOW occurs just before the period,
as does masterOverWebsocket in figure 1. Any name of the
element can be used and is chosen by the programmer when
are dropped in the ‘‘List of elements’ panel.
If the required element in the INCA is SMB, then the
OW for inclusion would be SSOW in the INCA and CSOW
FIGURE 3. FIGURE 3. EJSS application with the OW elements available on
the right. On the left, the SARLAB element has already been included in
the UI.
in the UI. The methods for their configuration would be the
The high degree of data availability and expandability in
the cloud make this service an excellent way to increase
the efficiency of IoT systems. Data storage and analysis can
be done in the cloud instead of on IoT devices, and hence
this is where all the services described in this paper are
located, making data and resources permanently available for
all devices connected to the LAN.
To this end, the final step of the procedure proposed in
this paper is the publication of the access to the controllers
in the cloud in an organized, controlled and transparent way,
irrespective of the communication protocol used.
In order to achieve this, all the physical devices in the
industrial network are controlled by means of the Mod-
bus protocol, whether the platform is open or commercial.
In addition, as indicated above, the HTTP protocol used is
The element designed to implement the communication
links is SARLAB (an acronym derived from its Spanish
name, Sistema de Acceso Remoto a LABoratorios, or remote
laboratory access system in English), as illustrated in figure 3,
and described in [43]. Regarding communication architec-
ture, SARLAB uses a middleware layer to make the commu-
nication process between the user computer and the controller
connected to the industrial network [45]–[47] transparent.
Middleware works as a software distributed abstraction layer,
and is located between the application and the lower layers
(operating system and network layer). The software devel-
oped in the middleware layer provides an API which hides
the complexity of the general communication problem.
In this way, SARLAB creates a service in the cloud
allowing direct access from the UI, which it registers in
the cloud IaaS. The communication layers in the industrial
network are presented in figure 4. The upper is the cloud
VOLUME 8, 2020 10437
R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
FIGURE 4. Communications arquitecture.
FIGURE 5. Wheastone brigde.
layer, and going down, network layer with the routers, fog
layer where controllers are connected and finally device layer
with physical devices. The links between the end user com-
puter and the fog layer are identified by the corresponding
URL (uniform resource locator).
SARLAB controls access from outside the cloud according
to the corresponding user profiles. However, SARLAB does
not limit direct access to the internet from the controllers in
the fog layer. Consequently, events occurring in the industrial
network of a company can make use of the services in the
cloud without being controlled by SARLAB. Figure 4 also
represents the communication links created by SARLAB,
based on [48]. As can be seen, SARLAB controls the commu-
nications and access to the fog layer from the cloud so that the
FIGURE 6. A general view of the use case plant.
end user can remotely access the industrial network by means
of the cloud service.
In this section, a use case is presented, consisting of a Wheat-
stone bridge, the corresponding circuit for which can be
seen in figure 5. R2 in figure 5 represents a set of resistors,
each of which is of unknown value and needs to be ascer-
tained. The system also provides the possibility of connecting
two or three resistors in series or parallel. Figure 6 represents
a general view of the plant. The set of resistors indicated
above is labelled 1.a. The element labelled 1.b is a set of
wires, each of which is of unknown value and also needs to
be found out. Figure 7 represents the UI, where the user can
choose a set of resistors, after choosing between resistors and
10438 VOLUME 8, 2020
R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
FIGURE 7. The use case user interface.
Elements R1 and R2 in figure 5 correspond to the rule at
the bottom of figure 6 (labelled 2). A wire with a resistor
of known resistance is divided into two parts by the isolated
movable device (labelled 3 and henceforth denominated car-
riage). Finally, Rx in figure 5 is a resistor of known resistance
with a value of 100 if the user choses the resistors, and
1if the wires. This element is labelled 4 in figure 6.
Although this physical system is relatively simple, its char-
acteristics allow different technical details regarding imple-
mentation to be illustrated. The intention is to show the
potential in the functioning of the procedure rather than the
complexity of the physical system itself. In fact, the procedure
presented in this paper allows the inclusion of as many sen-
sors and actuators as necessary, regardless of the complexity
of the physical system.
In addition to the image shown in figure 6, the UI shows an
amplified view of the isolated movable element on the right
in figure 7, allowing the exact position on the rule to be clearly
Regarding the architecture of the use case, the core of
the system is a Raspberry Pi board [23] running the EJS
where the INCA has been developed. On the one hand, INCA
makes the communications with the UI, and on the other
hand, it controls the set of relays and the carriage movement
according to the orders received from the UI.
Figure 8 diagrams the structure of the complete system.
The connections between the end user PC and the cloud can
be seen, and likewise those between the cloud and the con-
troller in the fog layer, which in this case is only the Raspberry
Pi board. Likewise, the Raspberry Pi board is networked to
the Arduino Mega with Shield Ethernet, which controls the
carriage movement. These communications are carried out by
Modbus TCP/IP, with the MB and OW elements in the INCA,
as shown in figure 9.
In fact, the INCA involves an MMB element which is in
communication with the Arduino board via the LAN. A Mod-
bus TCP/IP slave, available in the Arduino libraries, runs on
the Arduino board, which controls the carriage. The com-
munications between those two elements are encapsulated
in the Websocket protocol by means of a SMOW element,
which corresponds to the CMOW element included in the
UI (figure 10). In addition, the INCA controls the relays by
GPIO (general purpose input/output) according to the end
user selection in the UI. In order to do this, an SMB element
has been included in the INCA, which receives the UI orders
by means of the SSOW element. Both can be seen in figure 9.
In figure 10, the CSOW element can be seen, which is in
communication with the earlier SSOW. Finally, the Rasberry
Pi also switches the physical devices on when an authorized
FIGURE 8. General scheme of the use case with the communications between the user and the physical system.
VOLUME 8, 2020 10439
R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
FIGURE 9. Elements in the use case INCA.
FIGURE 10. Elements in the use case UI.
user accesses them and switches them off when he/she leaves.
SARLAB verifies the permissions of users at point of access
to the UI.
Therefore, this use case represents a physical system con-
nected to an industrial network, whose INCA has been imple-
mented in EJS using the MB and OW elements, and the UI
in EJSS using OW. The physical system consists of different
devices, including relays controlled by digital signals and
DC-DC motors controlled by PWM to establish the position
of a mobile physical element. The nature of the physical
system could have been any other whose control could be
implemented digitally and analogically.
The use case described in the previous subsection is in oper-
ation and use at the University of Huelva. Access can be
made from anywhere with an Internet connection worldwide
through a CMS, which in this case is moodle (one of the
most widespread learning management systems in the world).
The CMS, whose URL is,
includes a reservation system to regulate the access; although
it can be also concurrent between remote users or remote and
local users.
In addition, any authorized user (identified in the CMS) can
access and manage the plant through any electronic device
(PC, tablet or smartphone).
The result of applying the proposed procedure and set
of tools to the described physical system in the previous
subsection makes its access secure, controlled, organized
and collaborative. Secure because it is done in an encrypted
way and with the corresponding user profiles. Controlled
because it may be subject to filters with different operating
criteria, such as time zone. Organized because access can be
sequenced by, for example, a reservation manager. Finally,
collaborative because concurrent access to the physical plant
is allowed.
In addition, the physical plant is available through the
internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the UI can combine
real content (usually observed through some electronic device
such as cameras and HMD displays) and virtual computer-
generated content (augmented reality), adequately superim-
posed to improve the usability.
All these characteristics obtained in the use case can be
extrapolated to other kind of systems as for example an indus-
trial plant or smartdevices installed in a building. Although
the use case is a plant in the university field; actually,
the scalability of the developed solution is total, there is no
technical barrier to incorporate more and more sensors and
actuators. In fact, the main problem in industrial fields can be
the security of communications and this is solved with this
This paper presents a set of tools to facilitate the adoption
of Industry 4.0 across all sectors of the business world.
Although many industries have already migrated their IT
processes to the cloud, the OT component remains acces-
sible only at local level. The tools presented in this paper,
based on open hardware and free software platforms, and
implemented in EJS/EJSS, enable IT and OT to be inte-
grated and accessed remotely. The integration of systems and
devices running different protocols is achieved through Mod-
bus TCP/IP within a single of level of the LAN. At the same
time, access to devices is made available as a cloud-based
service (via a browser) by means of communications encap-
sulated in Websocket. The result is a secure, controlled, orga-
nized and collaborative access to physical systems, which
are in this way available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
through the internet by means of a UI that can combine real
content and virtual computer-generated content (augmented
reality), adequately superimposed. The solution and results
addressed in this research are extrapolated to other sectors
as the industry, service or household. Really, the application
scope is not a problem, because the solution is completely
10440 VOLUME 8, 2020
R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
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VOLUME 8, 2020 10441
R. Sánchez-Herrera et al.: Easy and Secure Handling of Sensors and Actuators as Cloud-Based Service
Huelva, Southwest of Spain. She received the
Industrial Engineering degree and the Ph.D. degree
(Hons.) in electrical engineering, in 1995 and
2007, respectively. She is currently a Professor
with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Huelva. She worked in electrical
engineering within the first research group to
which she belonged. In electronics and communi-
cations in the second. She is the main research of
the applied multidisciplinary research group with the University of Huelva.
Her main interests include electrical power quality, renewable energy sys-
tems, and engineering education.
MARCO A. MÁRQUEZ received the Industrial
Engineering degree from the University of Seville,
Seville, Spain, in 1979, and the master’s degree
in industrial engineering from the University of
Huelva, Huelva, Spain, in 2009. He was an
Associate Professor with the Department of Elec-
tronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Auto-
matic Control, University of Huelva, from 1994 to
2002. He is currently a Researcher with Huelva
University. He is also a regional Instructor of Cisco
Systems with the CIT Business University Foundation, University of Cádiz,
Cádiz, Spain. His research interests include new e-learning technologies and
the communications aspects in remote labs. His developments are the basis
UNILABS communications systems, a network of Spanish universities that
share its laboratories through the Internet.
JOSÉ M. ANDÚJAR (Senior Member, IEEE) was
born in Huelva, Spain. He received the Ph.D.
degree, in 2000. He is currently a Full Professor
of systems engineering and automatic control with
the University of Huelva, Spain. Throughout his
professional life he has received 23 awards and
academic honors. He has conducted ten Doctoral
Theses with eight prizes. He has 12 international
patents. He has more than 300 publications, among
them more than 100 articles published in indexed
journals in the ISI Journal Citation Reports. Specifically, he has 43 quartile
Q1 publications in 19 different journals; most of these journals are among
the top ten in their categories, and several are number one. He has an H-
index (SCOPUS) = 22. He has led or co-led 50 research projects funded by
public institutions and companies. His main research interests are control
engineering, renewable energy systems, and engineering education.
10442 VOLUME 8, 2020
... Una aplicación alternativa de EJsS, utilizada en este trabajo y en el campo de la Automática, es desarrollar con ella la interfaz gráfica de las experiencias de laboratorios remotos, sustituyendo el modelo de simulación por llamadas a una serie de rutinas que la permiten actuar como la aplicación cliente del servidor del laboratorio (Bermudez-Ortega et al., 2015, 2016aGalan et al., 2018;Sánchez-Herrera et al., 2020). ...
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Este artículo presenta el laboratorio remoto diseñado en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) para dar acceso remoto, a través de Internet, al robot educativo Dobot Magician. El software del laboratorio remoto está formado por el servidor web ReNoLabs (programado en Node.js) que gestiona el acceso al laboratorio, despliega sus páginas web, y sirve como pasarela de comunicación entre el software de control (programado en Python) que interactúa directamente con el robot) y la interfaz gráfica web de la experiencia (diseñada en EJsS). EJsS también se utiliza para gestionar de forma centralizada el laboratorio, al haber ampliado su funcionalidad mediante un Plugin. Además, el software anterior, creado con herramientas software gratuitas, se ejecuta sobre una Raspberry Pi y el interfaz web de la experiencia puede integrarse, si así se desea, en un sistema de gestión de aprendizaje general como Moodle. Finalmente, el artículo también presenta un par de ejemplos de uso del laboratorio remoto.
... The TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) version is based on a client/server structure running on Ethernet. In this regard, it is considered as ideal interface for facilities which involve a multiplicity of devices and software linked together over TCP/IP communication networks (Sanchez-Herrera et al., 2020). ...
Conference Paper
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Uno de los ataques populares en microrredes y sistemas industriales es el conocido como ataque por inyección de datos falsos. Estos constituyen inserciones maliciosas de datos falsos como mediciones de sensores en un sistema ciberfísico, con el fin de llevar al sistema a tomar una acción incorrecta. Los ataques de inyección de datos falsos no atacan los componentes informáticos o de red de los sistemas ciberfísicos, sino la interfaz entre la parte física y la cibernética. En este trabajo se presenta un sistema de detección de datos falsos en la potencia activa y reactiva simultáneamente, provocados por un ciberataque. El sistema se basa en clasificadores neuro-borrosos combinados con proyecciones de datos de entrada sobre espacios reducidos, mediante análisis de componentes principales.
... The TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) version is based on a client/server structure running on Ethernet. In this regard, it is considered as ideal interface for facilities which involve a multiplicity of devices and software linked together over TCP/IP communication networks (Sanchez-Herrera et al., 2020). ...
Conference Paper
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The present work aims to evaluate a low-cost multispectral device for non-destructive grape ripening status assessment. The proposed device is based on a multispectral sensor, with a spectral response of 18 channels in a range from 410 to 940 nm. The experimental validation was carried out in a commercial vineyard in Rociana del Condado, Huelva. The proposed device was used to analyze 80 grape samples under laboratory conditions. After being processed with the proposed device the grape samples were analyzed with standard chemical methods to generate ground truth values of ripening status indicators (solid soluble content, and acidity). The 18-reflectance data corresponding to the spectral channels of the employed sensor, were used as input variables for developing artificial neural network models to classify the berries samples based on the mentioned ripeness indicators. The obtained results were promising, which paves the way for the implementation of a portable grape ripening appraisal system affordable for grape growers.
... XIII. END USER Eventually, the information contained in the SQL server located in the cloud is made available to the final customers when they get in touch to the cloud [16], and this may be done by means of a different range of technologies, such as HTML, PHP, JSON, XLM, YAML, … ...
Conference Paper
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Covid-19 pandemic has been the black swan event disrupting our ordinary lives in 2020. All of us have been affected one way or another, although elderly people have been hit the hardest, meaning that they had to live with a certain degree of isolation in order to protect themselves from the disease caused by Sars-CoV-2 virus. In this paper, a project for remote monitoring isolated patients is proposed, by implementing a surveillance system which senses different variables related to their own biomedical conditions, the environmental conditions of their homes and some special emergency conditions, and in turn, they are sent over to the cloud, where a monitoring team may get and process them, or otherwise, specific users may have access to them.
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Few developments have changed the evolution of the automation process as substantially as the development of industrial local area networks and communication protocols. Especially fieldbus systems, networks created for the lowest levels of the automation hierarchy, have an enormous influence on the flexibility and performance of modern automation systems in all application areas. The technique of updating data on Modbus type devices involves a procedure of reading data at regular time intervals called pooling. Some automation processes include interdependence between different control variables belonging to different hardware devices. This paper presents and analyzes various scenarios related to a variable architecture configuration of physical modules based on Modbus communication protocol. The proposed Modbus Extension (ModbusE) concept is presented by defining the new optimized message format, and the structure of the acquisition cycle to obtain a deterministic temporal behavior, solutions for describing devices at the Modbus protocol level being presented. The status update of each Modbus module is done according to the address of the device, but also the number of registers per device. The paper analyses the worst-case scenario of communication involving Modbus devices on the same network and exchanging data corresponding to one or more server registers.
This paper describes a new approach to streamline the development of Remote Laboratories (RL) for Control Education based on TwinCAT Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Easy JavaScript Simulations (EJsS). On one hand, the TwinCAT PLC is used to implement the laboratory back-end (responsible of closing the feedback loop over the plant under study) with industrial real-time automation methodologies. On the other hand, EJsS is used: 1) to define the RL Human-Machine Interface (HMI) front-end (used by the students to parametrize & observe the evolution of the PLC behavior and signals) and 2) to smooth and centralize the majority of the tasks that the instructors have to perform to configure and deploy the RL. This second utility of EJsS, a novelty of the RL presented in this paper, is supported by an EJsS Plugin that has been especially designed with that purpose. Besides, it is worth noting that our new RL is supported by an improved version of ReNoLabs, developed in 2016 to be a lightweight middle-ware of RLs with EJsS HMI webpages and different types of back-ends, whose Node.js-based server has been updated to backup the functionality of the EJsS Plugin. This paper also shows how to use our approach to setup a RL and describes the main characteristics of two RLs that have been updated with it.
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Intelligent energy facilities, e.g., smart grids and microgrids are the evolution of traditional energy grids through digital transformation. These modern paradigms are expected to foster the utilization of renewable energies, sustainable development, and resilience of the power grid. A barrier found when deploying experimental smart grids and microgrids consists of handling the heterogeneity of the required hardware and software components as well as the available commercial equipment. Despite the fact that there is various architecture proposed in previous literature, it commonly lacks experimental validation, specification of involved equipment concerning industrial/proprietary or open-source nature, and concretization of communication protocols. To overcome such drawbacks, this paper proposes an innovative multi-layered architecture to deploy heterogeneous automation and monitoring systems for microgrids. The architecture is structured into six functional layers to organize the hardware and software equipment in an integrated manner. The open protocol Modbus TCP is chosen to harmonize communications, enabling the interconnection of equipment from industrial and energy scopes, indeed of open-source nature. An experimental photovoltaic-based smart microgrid is reported as the application case to demonstrate the suitability and validity of the proposal.
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Most industrial and SCADA-like (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems use proprietary communication protocols, and hence interoperability is not fulfilled. However, the MODBUS TCP is an open de facto standard, and is used for some automation and telecontrol systems. It is based on a polling mechanism and follows the synchronous request–response pattern, as opposed to the asynchronous publish–subscribe pattern. In this study, polling-based and event-based protocols are investigated to realize an open and interoperable Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environment. Many Internet of Things (IoT) protocols are introduced and compared, and the message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) is chosen as the event-based, publish–subscribe protocol. The study shows that MODBUS defines an optimized message structure in the application layer, which is dedicated to industrial applications. In addition, it shows that an event-oriented IoT protocol complements the MODBUS TCP but cannot replace it. Therefore, two scenarios are proposed to build the IIoT environment. The first scenario is to consider the MODBUS TCP as an IoT protocol, and build the environment using the MODBUS TCP on a standalone basis. The second scenario is to use MQTT in conjunction with the MODBUS TCP. The first scenario is efficient and complies with most industrial applications where the request–response pattern is needed only. If the publish–subscribe pattern is needed, the MQTT in the second scenario complements the MODBUS TCP and eliminates the need for a gateway; however, MQTT lacks interoperability. To maintain a homogeneous message structure for the entire environment, industrial data are organized using the structure of MODBUS messages, formatted in the UTF-8, and then transferred in the payload of an MQTT publish message. The open and interoperable environment can be used for Internet SCADA, Internet-based monitoring, and industrial control systems.
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After the emergence of the Internet and mobile communication networks, the IoT has been considered as the third wave of information technology. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in manufacturing. IIoT incorporates machine learning and big data technology, sensor data, and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications that have existed in industrial areas for years. In the future, people and objects will be connected at any time, any place, with anything and anyone and will utilize any network and services. IIoT is creating a new world in which people and businesses can manage their assets in more informed ways and can make more opportune and better-informed decisions. Many advanced IIoT and 5G technologies have been successfully applied in everyday life, but there are still many practical problems tackled by traditional methods which are generally difficult to experimentally solve in the advanced Industrial Internet of Things. Therefore, in this special issue, we accepted five articles in three different dimensions: communication networks, optimized resource provisioning and data forwarding, privacy and security.
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The digital transformation of manufacturing (a phenomenon also known as "Industry 4.0" or "Smart Manufacturing") is finding a growing interest both at practitioner and academic levels, but is still in its infancy and needs deeper investigation. Even though current and potential advantages of digital manufacturing are remarkable, in terms of improved efficiency, sustainability, customization, and flexibility, only a limited number of companies has already developed ad hoc strategies necessary to achieve a superior performance. Through a systematic review, this study aims at assessing the current state of the art of the academic literature regarding the paradigm shift occurring in the manufacturing settings, in order to provide definitions as well as point out recurring patterns and gaps to be addressed by future research. For the literature search, the most representative keywords, strict criteria, and classification schemes based on authoritative reference studies were used. The final sample of 156 primary publications was analyzed through a systematic coding process to identify theoretical and methodological approaches, together with other significant elements. This analysis allowed a mapping of the literature based on clusters of critical themes to synthesize the developments of different research streams and provide the most representative picture of its current state. Research areas, insights, and gaps resulting from this analysis contributed to create a schematic research agenda, which clearly indicates the space for future evolutions of the state of knowledge in this field.
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Through the active development of industrial internet of things (IIoT) technology, there has been a rapid increase in the number of different industrial wireless sensor networks (IWSNs). Accordingly, the security of IWSNs is also of importance, as many security problems related to IWSN protocols have been raised and various studies have been conducted to solve these problems. However, the provisioning process is the first step in introducing a new device into the IIoT network and a starting point for IIoT security. Therefore, leakage of security information in the provisioning process makes exposure of secret keys and all subsequent security measures meaningless. In addition, using the exploited secret keys, the attacker can send false command to the node or send false data to the network manager and it can cause serious damage to industrial infrastructure depending on the IWSN. Nevertheless, a security study on the provisioning process has not been actively carried out, resulting in a provisioning process without guaranteed security. Therefore, in this paper, we analyzed security issues of the provisioning process in IWSN by researching prominent IWSN standards, including ISA 100.11a, WirelessHART, and Zigbee, and also an ISA 100.11a-certified device and provisioning process-related studies. Then, we verified the security issues of the provisioning process through testing and analyzing the provisioning process using the ISA 100.11a standard-implemented devices and ISA 100.11a-certified devices. Finally, we discuss security considerations and the direction of future research on provisioning security for IWSN in the IIoT era.
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The emerging Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will not only leverage new and potentially disruptive business models but will also change the way software applications will be analyzed and designed. Agility is a need in a systematic service engineering as well as a co-design of requirements and architectural artefacts. Functional and non-functional requirements of IT users (in smart manufacturing mostly from the disciplines of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering) need to be mapped to the capabilities and interaction patterns of emerging IIoT service platforms, not to forget the corresponding information models. The capabilities of such platforms are usually described, structured, and formalized by software architects and software engineers. However, their technical descriptions are far away from the thinking and the thematic terms of end-users. This complicates the transition from requirements analysis to system design, and hence the re-use of existing and the design of future platform capabilities. Current software engineering methodologies do not systematically cover these interlinked and two-sided aspects. The article describes in a comprehensive manner how to close this gap with the help of a service-oriented analysis and design methodology entitled SERVUS (also mentioned in ISO 19119 Annex D) and a corresponding Web-based Platform Engineering Information System (PEIS).
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Internet of Things (IoT) aims at facilitating access to all devices that are connected to the internet, both wired and wireless. This scenario can initially seem interesting. Nevertheless, it has a lack of privacy and danger of malicious interaction with the devices. Therefore, IoT, as it stands, is not suitable for companies to make their data and devices accessible through the internet, since they could find an untidy cloud, made up of devices without the necessary control of use. This paper proposes the use of the cloud computing advantages to develop a secure access global system based on a cloud. The company will decide the controlled access to the chosen devices and data, both by employees and external people. The developed system can be used from different scenarios: a public cloud, an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and a private cloud. To illustrate the operation of the developed system, a representative network of heterogeneous multiprotocol devices has been designed.
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Remote laboratory (RL) has become an important component of online education and smart factory due to its capability of remote operation and cost-saving. Recent advantages of information technology have provided various ways to develop RLs. However, how to rapidly bring an offline experiment online is still a vital issue in the development of RL. In this paper, a new flexible framework based on social instant messaging (IM) application architecture is proposed for integrating an offline remote experiment into RL rapidly as a communication node with unique ID. To rapidly connect the LabVIEW controlled devices to server, a new LtoN_UID (LabVIEW to Node.js with Unique ID) module built on Socket.IO protocol is designed and implemented. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this new flexible framework, two existing engineering experiments, i.e., a Smart Vibration Platform (SVP) experiment and a PID motor speed control experiment, are integrated into remote laboratory.
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There are several specific solutions for accessing sensors and actuators present in any process or system through a TCP/IP network, either local or a wide area type like the Internet. The usage of sensors and actuators of different nature and diverse interfaces (SPI, I2C, analogue, etc.) makes access to them from a network in a homogeneous and secure way more complex. A framework, including both software and hardware resources, is necessary to simplify and unify networked access to these devices. In this paper, a set of open-source software tools, specifically designed to cover the different issues concerning the access to sensors and actuators, and two proposed low-cost hardware architectures to operate with the abovementioned software tools are presented. They allow integrated and easy access to local or remote sensors and actuators. The software tools, integrated in the free authoring tool Easy Java and Javascript Simulations (EJS) solve the interaction issues between the subsystem that integrates sensors and actuators into the network, called convergence subsystem in this paper, and the Human Machine Interface (HMI)—this one designed using the intuitive graphical system of EJS—located on the user's computer. The proposed hardware architectures and software tools are described and experimental implementations with the proposed tools are presented.
Nowadays remote access to systems in the instrumentation and measurement fields is both a reality and a challenge. There is a growing interest in replacing manual actions performed on site by remote actions carried out from anywhere around the world. To do that, besides the availability of suitable communication networks, it is necessary for the elements involved in the network to recognize each other, this latter task perhaps being the most complex one of the two. Integrating different hardware/software from different manufacturers into a single system with controlled remote access is not a trivial task. This paper presents a fully integrated open solution for the operation of pilot plants (scaled down, laboratory level industrial plants operated in university and other environments) using open access hardware/software on public networks. The proposed solution is independent of the nature of the pilot plant and its elements and can therefore be considered standard. In order to illustrate the capabilities of the proposed solution, two different types of pilot plant are presented.
This chapter explains information technology (IT) and operation technology (OT) in the context of industrial process automation. Furthermore, the chapter discusses issues before and after convergence of IT and OT along with the benefits of convergence and International Society of Automation 95 Standard for IT-OT integration. The chapter ends with a discussion on relatively new developments such as Internet of things, industrial Internet of things, and Industry 4.0 as an extension of IT-OT integration.