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Neural control of the heart: Recent concepts and clinical correlations


Abstract and Figures

Areas distributed throughout the neuraxis, including the anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), amygdala, hypothalamus, periaqueductal gray matter, parabrachial nucleus, and several regions of the medulla, exert a beat-to-beat control on cardiac function. These areas are critically involved in emotional behavior, stress responses, and homeostatic reflexes and exert their influence on heart rate (HR) and cardiac contractility via the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Over the past several years, advances in neuroanatomical, neurophysiologic, and functional imaging studies have provided insight into the central and peripheral mechanisms of neural control of cardiac function in humans. Whereas some issues, such as lateralization of this central control, remain unresolved, the adverse cardiac consequences of a wide variety of neurologic disorders emphasize the need to better understand the functional anatomy and neurochemical mechanisms of the neural control of the heart. Important examples are severe arrhythmias and myocardial injury in the setting of neurologic catastrophes and sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. This review will focus on some of the current experimental and clinical information related to these relevant issues for the neurologist.
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DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000605
2014;83;261-271 Published Online before print June 13, 2014Neurology Jose-Alberto Palma and Eduardo E. Benarroch
Neural control of the heart: Recent concepts and clinical
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Section Editor
Eduardo E.
Benarroch, MD
Jose-Alberto Palma, MD,
Eduardo E. Benarroch,
Correspondence to
Dr. Palma:
Neural control of the heart
Recent concepts and clinical correlations
Areas distributed throughout the neuraxis, includ-
ing the anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex
(ACC), amygdala, hypothalamus, periaqueductal
gray matter, parabrachial nucleus, and several re-
gions of the medulla, exert a beat-to-beat control
on cardiac function. These areas are critically
involved in emotional behavior, stress responses,
and homeostatic reflexes and exert their influence
on heart rate (HR) and cardiac contractility via the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Over the past several years, advances in neuroana-
tomical, neurophysiologic, and functional imaging
studies have provided insight into the central and
peripheral mechanisms of neural control of cardiac
function in humans. Whereas some issues, such as
lateralization of this central control, remain unre-
solved, the adverse cardiac consequences of a wide
variety of neurologic disorders emphasize the need
to better understand the functional anatomy and
neurochemical mechanisms of the neural control
of the heart. Important examples are severe arrhyth-
mias and myocardial injury in the setting of neuro-
logic catastrophes and sudden unexplained death in
epilepsy. This review will focus on some of the cur-
rent experimental and clinical information related to
these relevant issues for the neurologist.
OF THE HEART The heart has a pacemaker activ-
ity, which originates in specialized cardiomyocytes
from the cardiac intrinsic conduction system. This
comprises the sinoatrial (SA) node, the atrioven-
tricular (AV) node, the bundle of His, and the
Purkinje fiber network.
The HR, excitability,
and contractile function of the cardiomyocytes
depend on the interplay between their intrinsic
properties and their regulation by the vagus and
sympathetic nerves via the intrinsic cardiac gangli-
onated plexuses.
Heart rate. In normal conditions, the spontaneous
depolarization (automatism) of the SA node deter-
mines the HR (chronotropism). This is under the
control of a voltage clock,which depends on cyclic
activation and deactivation of different membrane ion
channels, and a calcium (Ca
) clock, triggered by
rhythmic Ca
release from the sarcoplasmic reticu-
lum. One important determinant of the voltage clock
is the hyperpolarization-activated pacemaker current
, which is a mixed sodium (Na
)-potassium (K
inward current carried by hyperpolarization-activated
cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels; HCN4 is
the most abundant isoform and is activated by
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).
clock depends on spontaneous release of Ca
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum via the ryanodine
receptor 2 (RYR2); rhythmic increase of cytosolic
activates the Ca
exchanger current
leading to depolarization.
Cardiac action potential. The initial event in the car-
diac cycle is spreading of depolarization via connexin
channels from neighboring cardiomyocytes, which is
followed by opening of voltage-gated Na
1.5) channels. Depolarization rapidly inactivates
voltage-gated Na
channels and activates both L-type
calcium channels responsible for the plateau of the
action potential the conduction, and voltage-gated K
channels responsible for repolarization, including the
slowly activating I
channels. The balanced activity
of these channels determines the velocity of AV
conduction, or dromotropism (PR interval), the
duration of the cardiac action potential (QT interval),
ACC 5anterior cingulate cortex; AF 5atrial fibrillation; AV 5atrioventricular; BP 5blood pressure; BRS 5baroreflex
sensitivity; cAMP 5cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CeA 5central nucleus of the amygdala; DMH 5dorsomedial nucleus
of hypothalamus; GABA 5g-aminobutyric acid; HCN 5hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated; HF 5high fre-
quency; HR 5heart rate; HRV 5heart rate variability; IC 5insular cortex; ICN 5intrinsic cardiac nervous system; IML 5
intermediolateral; LF 5low frequency; NAmb 5nucleus ambiguus; NE 5norepineph rine; NTS 5nucleus of the solitary tract;
PD 5Parkinson disease; PKA 5protein kinase A; QTc 5corrected QT; RSA 5respiratory sinus arrhythmia; RVLM 5rostral
ventrolateral medulla; RYR2 5ryanodine receptor 2; SA 5sinoatrial; SAH 5subarachnoid hemorrhage; SERCA 5sarcoen-
doplasmic reticulum Ca2
From the Dysautonomia Center (J.-A.P.), Department of Neurology, New York University Medical Center, NY; and Department of Neurology
(E.E.B.), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
Go to for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, ifany, are provided at the end of the article.
© 2014 American Academy of Neurology 261
and the excitability of the His-Purkinje system
Excitation-contraction coupling. Calcium released from
the sarcoplasmic reticulum through the RYR2 binds
to the troponin complex and activates the contractile
apparatus resulting in systolic contraction (inotropism).
Cellular relaxation during diastole (lusitropism) occurs
upon removal of cytosolic Ca
by the smooth endo-
plasmic reticulum Ca
uptake pump (SERCA), which
is negatively regulated by the protein phospholamban.
CARDIAC INNERVATION The neural control of the
heart involves areas distributed throughout the neur-
axis (figure). The cardiac nervous system includes
intrinsic and extrinsic components.
The intrinsic
cardiac nervous system (ICN) is a complex neural net-
work composed of ganglionated plexuses embedded in
the epicardial fat pads and the heart wall.
The func-
tion of the ICN is controlled by extrinsic influences
mediated by the vagus and sympathetic nerves.
Cardiac ganglia. Ganglion cells are grouped into 5
major locations, including the superior and posterior
right atrium; the superior left atrium; adventitia
around the aorta and pulmonary trunk; AV groove;
and interatrial septum. The ICN contains a heteroge-
neous population of neurons that include afferent,
efferent, and local circuit neurons. Most ganglion
cells utilize acetylcholine as their primary transmitter;
others contain somatostatin, vasoactive intestinal pep-
tide, or nitric oxide synthase. The cardiac ganglia are
sites of signal integration; ganglion neurons are highly
interconnected and have intrinsic activity that is mod-
ulated by sympathetic or vagal inputs.
Sympathetic output. The sympathetic innervation of
the heart originates in a subgroup of neurons of the
intermediolateral (IML) cell column of the spinal
cord (figure); these neurons receive tonic excitatory
glutamatergic inputs from neurons in the rostral ven-
trolateral medulla (RVLM). The cardiac pregangli-
onic sympathetic neurons are cholinergic and send
small myelinated axons that synapse on noradrenergic
neurons of the superior, middle cervical and cervico-
thoracic (stellate) ganglia; these ganglia innervate the
heart via the superior, middle, and inferior cardiac
The left-to-right distribution of sympathetic
nerves is asymmetrical and shows interindividual
variability; this may explain their heterogeneous
influence on electrophysiologic properties of the
heart. Whereas the primary neurotransmitter of
cardiac sympathetic neurons is norepinephrine (NE),
some also release adenosine triphosphate, calcitonin
gene-related peptide, and neuropeptide Y.
Parasympathetic output. The vagus nerve provides the
parasympathetic innervation of the heart (cardiovagal
innervation). The preganglionic cardiovagal neurons are
primarily located in the nucleus ambiguus (NAmb),
and to a lesser extent in the dorsal motor nucleus of the
reach the cardiac ganglia via superior cervical, inferior
cervical thoracic rami, which anastomose with cardiac
sympathetic nerves to form the cardiac plexus. Most of
the vagal nerve fibers innervate the atrium and SA and
AV nodes
; some branches also innervate the wall of the
CARDIAC FUNCTION Sympathetic effects. Sympa-
thetic activation elicits an increase in automatism
of the SA node, conduction through the AV node,
excitability of the His-Purkinje system, force of
contraction during systole, and speed of relaxation
of the cardiac muscle cells during diastole.
effects are primarily mediated by NE acting via
-adrenoreceptors, leading to cAMP production
and activation of protein kinase A (PKA). PKA-
mediated phosphorylation activates L-type calcium
channels resulting in increased duration of the
plateau phase of the cardiac action potential; this
effect is limited by PKA-induced activation of I
currents, which prevents an excessive prolongation of
the action potential (QT interval). Phosphorylation of
RYR2 promotes Ca
release from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum and thus excitation-contraction coupling;
phosphorylation of phospholamban promotes Ca
uptake via the SERCA, accelerating diastolic relaxation.
Parasympathetic effects. The main effects of the vagus,
via the cholinergic neurons of the cardiac ganglia, are
inhibition of the pacemaker activity of the SA node
(decrease in HR), reduced AV conduction, and
decreased excitability of the His-Purkinje system.
These effects are mediated by muscarinic M
receptors, which are coupled to G
pathways. Via b/gsubunits, M
receptors activate
G proteincoupled inwardly rectifying K
leading to hyperpolarization of the SA node.
receptors also inhibit cAMP production and activate
nitric oxide signaling, which inhibit L-type calcium
Interactions between vagal and sympathetic influences on
the heart. In resting conditions, tonic vagal influence
on the automatism of the SA node predominates over
that of the sympathetic system. The HR has a circa-
dian pattern; it increases in early morning as a conse-
quence of surges in sympathetic activity and decreases
during sleep, particularly during non-REM sleep
due to vagal predominance. Phasic transient vagal
interruption and sympathetic activation result in HR
surges during REM sleep.
The vagal control of the
HR is modulated on a beat-to-beat basis by respiration;
262 Neurology 83 July 15, 2014
cardiovagal activity is reduced during inspiration and
increased during expiration, a physiologic phenomenon
known as respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA).
RSA is
an important measure of cardiovagal output and
cardiovascular health, and decreases linearly with age.
There is a rapid reduction of vagal activity, together
with increased sympathetic influence, in response to
orthostatic stress, hypovolemia, or exercise. In
conditions with very low basal HR (e.g., athletes,
during non-REM sleep, or patients with sinus
bradycardia), vagal stimulation may paradoxically
increase HR by shortening the time between atrial
depolarizations. Responses to vagal stimulation,
particularly in the ventricles, are higher in the setting
of prominent concurrent sympathetic stimulation; this
so-called accentuated antagonismdepends on
presynaptic inhibition of sympathetic transmission.
HR variability. HR variability (HRV) is the variation
in the beat-to-beat time interval (RR interval) or
Figure Efferent and afferent control of cardiac function
Neural control of the heart is integrated at all levels of the neuraxis. Several forebrain areas, including the insular cortex, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC),
central nucleus of the amygdala, and several hypothalamic nuclei project to medullary and spinal nuclei controlling cardiac function; these projections
are either direct or via a relay in the periaqueductal gray (PAG). Sympathetic activation is triggered by neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla, which
send excitatory projections to preganglionic sympathetic neurons of the intermediolateral (IML) cell columns of the spinal cord. These neurons activate non-
adrenergic neurons of the stellate and other paravertebral ganglia, which send axons that contribute to the cardiac plexuses innervating the heart. Para-
sympathetic output is mediated by vagal neurons located in the ventrolateral portion of the nucleus ambiguus and, to a lesser extent, the dorsal motor
nucleus of the vagus. These neurons send preganglionic axons that synapse on cholinergic and noncholinergic neurons located in the cardiac ganglia. Inputs
from cardiac receptors are conveyed by spinal afferents that follow the trajectory spinal nerves and have their cell body in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG), or
by vagal afferents with cell bodies in the nodose ganglion (NG). Spinal afferents relay on second-order neurons of lamina I, which project to the thalamus,
parabrachial nucleus, PAG, and other brainstem and hypothalamic targets (not shown). Cardiac vagal afferents, together with carotid baroreceptor affer-
ents, provide inputs to the nucleus of the solitary tract. This nucleus initiates a variety of cardiovascular reflexes and also conveys cardiovascular receptor
information to the thalamus and parabrachial nucleus. The parabrachial nucleus is a site of integration of spinal and brainstem afferents and conveysthis
information to the thalamus, amygdala, and hypothalamus. The thalamic relay nuclei receiving information from cardiovascular receptors project to the pos-
terior insular cortex; the dorsal ACC may also receive inputs related to cardiac pain. The catecholaminergic neurons of the A1/C1 group of the ventrolateral
medulla send a parallel viscerosensory pathway to the hypothalamus, PAG, and locus ceruleus (LC). DVN 5dorsal vagal nucleus; PG 5petrosal ganglion.
Neurology 83 July 15, 2014 263
instantaneous HR that results from interactions
between the vagal and sympathetic influences on
the SA node. HRV can be assessed during
autonomic testing, particularly by assessing the HR
response to deep breathing and during the Valsalva
maneuver. There are several indices of HRV in the
time and frequency domains.
analysis is derived from the RR intervals; frequency-
domain (i.e., spectral) analysis provides information on
how the power of HRV is distributed as a function of
frequency. The high-frequency (HF) component
(0.150.4 Hz) represents the vagal influence and
reflects respiratory modulation of cardiovagal output;
the low-frequency (LF) component (0.050.15 Hz)
probably depends on a mixture of sympathetic and
vagal influences and has been correlated with baroreflex
sensitivity (BRS) (see below). Although the LF/HF ratio
is frequently referred to as sympathovagal balance,it
rather represents the mutual relationship between BRS
and vagal influence.
OUTPUT TO THE HEART Rostral ventrolateral
medulla. The RVLM contains premotor glutamatergic
sympathoexcitatory neurons that tonically activate the
cardiac preganglionic sympathetic IML neurons and
serve as a common effector of descending and reflex
pathways controlling blood pressure (BP) and cardiac
; some of these neurons also synthesize epi-
nephrine (C1 group). RVLM neurons are activated by
psychological stress, pain, hypoxia, hypovolemia, and
hypoglycemia both directly and via descending inputs
from the forebrain and are inhibited on a beat-to-beat
basis by the baroreflex via disynaptic inhibition from the
nucleus tractus solitarii (nucleus of the solitary tract;
NTS), mediated by g-aminobutyricacid(GABA)ergic
neurons of the caudal ventrolateral medulla (see below).
Nucleus ambiguus. The NAmb contains the majority
of cardioinhibitory vagal motoneurons that control
SA automatism and AV node conduction.
neurons are activated by glutamatergic inputs from
barosensitive neurons of the NTS and inhibited by
local GABAergic neurons and by GABAergic neurons
of the medullary ventral respiratory group that are
active during inspiration. The Hering-Breuer reflex
triggered by pulmonary mechanoreceptors via the
NTS may also contribute to the RSA. Neurons in
the dorsal vagal nucleus contribute to cardiac
innervation and mediate small effects on HR, AV
conduction, and contractility.
Nucleus of the solitary tract. The NTS is the first relay
station of visceral afferent information. The caudal por-
tion of the NTS receives afferents from baroreceptors,
cardiac receptors, chemoreceptors, and pulmonary
receptors, primarily via vagal and glossopharyngeal
and is the first central relay for all medullary
reflexes, including the baroreflex and cardiac reflexes
controlling BP and HR.
Cardiovascular reflexes. Baroreflex. The baroreceptor
reflex (baroreflex) is a crucial BP buffering mechanism
and is triggered by mechanical deformation of the ves-
sel wall in the carotid sinus and aortic arch during sys-
tole. Increase in BP activates baroreceptor afferents of
the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, which provide
monosynaptic excitatory input to the NTS. Barosensi-
tive NTS neurons initiate sympathoinhibitory and car-
dioinhibitory response via 2 different pathways.
sympathoinhibitory pathway controls total peripheral
resistance via disynaptic inhibition of RVLM neurons
mediated by GABAergic neurons of the caudal ventro-
lateral medulla; the cardioinhibitory pathway elicits a
decrease in HR via direct excitatory inputs from the
NTS to cardiovagal neurons of the NAmb.
BRS is a
measure of baroreflex function that assesses primarily the
cardiovagal component; it is defined as changes in beat-
to-beat interval per unit change in BP and can be as-
sessed using pharmacologic or noninvasive methods.
Cardiac reflexes. Afferents from the heart and coro-
nary and pulmonary arteries trigger a variety of cardi-
ovascular reflexes.
Cardiac afferents include
unmyelinated afferents with cell bodies in thoracic
dorsal root ganglia that follow the trajectory of the
sympathetic nerve trunks (these spinal afferents are
thus mislabeled as sympatheticafferents) and pro-
vide inputs to the dorsal horn (particularly lamina I)
and intermediate gray matter of the spinal cord, and
myelinated and unmyelinated vagal afferents with cell
bodies in the nodose ganglion that provide inputs to
the NTS. Atrial distension in the setting of increased
blood volume activates myelinated vagal afferents,
which trigger reflex activation of sympathetic input
to the SA node and thus increase in HR, as well as
inhibition of renal sympathetic activity and arginine
vasopressin release, promoting sodium and water
excretion. Unmyelinated spinal and vagal afferents
innervating the ventricles are activated by strong
mechanical or chemical stimuli, including products
of ischemia or inflammations such as adenosine tri-
phosphate, serotonin, and prostanoids. Spinal affer-
ents elicit, via spinothalamic projections from lamina
I neurons, the sensation of cardiac pain; these affer-
ents can also trigger excitatory cardiac reflexes via
local interneurons projecting to the IML (the so-
called cardio-cardiac reflex). In response to chemi-
cal stimulation of myocardial injury, unmyelinated
vagal afferents in the ventricles may trigger a decrease
in BP and HR (Bezold-Jarisch reflex). Stimulation of
pulmonary arterial baroreceptors at physiologic pres-
sures causes reflex vasoconstriction and respiratory
stimulation, and could have an important role in
264 Neurology 83 July 15, 2014
cardiovascular control during exercise or in hypoxic
Several forebrain areas form a reciprocally intercon-
nected network that initiates integrated autonomic,
endocrine, and behavioral responses to emotionally
relevant or stressful stimuli. They include the insular
cortex (IC), ACC, central nucleus of the amygdala
(CeA), and several hypothalamic nuclei (figure).
These forebrain regions project to medullary and
spinal nuclei controlling cardiac function; these pro-
jections are either direct or via a relay in the periaque-
ductal gray. Afferent cardiovascular information
conveyed by dorsal horn (layer I) or NTS neurons
reaches cortical areas via the thalamus; visceral affer-
ent input is also conveyed to the parabrachial nucleus
of the pons, which relays the information to the thal-
amus, hypothalamus, and amygdala, and by catechol-
aminergic neurons of the A1/C1 group of the
ventrolateral medulla. Despite the large body of
experimental information about the role of these areas
in control of cardiac function,
their contribution
to cardiovascular control in humans is yet poorly
understood. For example, the hemispheric lateraliza-
tion of cardiovascular control is still an unresolved
issue. Several approaches have been used to address
this issue, including functional neuroimaging includ-
ing fMRI,
microstimulation during surgery for
intractable epilepsy,
and, more recently, concur-
rent microelectrode recordings of sympathetic out-
flow to either muscle or skin with fMRI.
Insular cortex. The IC is a complex structure that has
been implicated in a large number of functions and in
the pathophysiology of a variety of neurologic disor-
From the cytoarchitectural, connectivity, and
functional standpoint, it is subdivided into dorsocau-
dal and rostroventral zones. The dorsocaudal zone
comprises several areas that receive inputs from dif-
ferent subnuclei of the thalamus that relay gustatory,
viscerosensory, somatosensory, pain, and vestibular
sensations. The rostroventral zone is interconnected
with the ACC and the amygdala and is primarily
involved in emotional processing. According to
the posterior, middle, and anterior IC repre-
sent 3 consecutive steps of integration and process-
The posterior IC receives thalamic inputs
relaying converging pain, temperature, and visceral sen-
sory information and provides primary interoceptive
representation; the middle IC integrates this informa-
tion with inputs from high-order polysensory cortex,
ACC, and amygdala and then conveys this integrated
input to the anterior IC, which represents the neural
substrate of awareness of the internal bodily state
and is a key component of emotional experience.
Consistent with this proposal, similar regions of the
IC and adjacent inferior frontal operculum were
activated when subjects monitored their own HR and
rated their own emotional responses.
Electrical stimulation of the insula in patients
undergoing surgical treatment for intractable epilepsy
elicits a variety of visceromotor phenomena, includ-
ing changes in BP and HR.
In one study, stim-
ulation of the left IC more frequently elicited a small
decrease in HR and BP whereas stimulation of the
right IC elicited the opposite effects.
This has led to
the suggestion that the left IC primarily regulates the
parasympathetic and the right IC the sympathetic
influence on the heart.
This appears to be supported
by fMRI studies showing a correlation between left
IC activation and HF (vagal) modulation of HRV,
and lateralization of insular activation during the Val-
salva maneuver, cold pressor test, and handgrip maneu-
However, this may be an oversimplification.
For example, concomitant fMRI and microelectrode
recordings show that resting muscle sympathetic nerve
activity coincides with activation of the left IC whereas
skin sympathetic activity coincides with activation of
the left posterior and right anterior insula.
Anterior cingulate cortex. The ACC integrates auto-
nomic responses with behavioral arousal via its exten-
sive connections with the IC, prefrontal cortex,
amygdala, hypothalamus, and brainstem autonomic
nuclei. The nomenclature of the ACC is confusing,
because different functional regions have received dif-
ferent names in the anatomical and functional neuro-
imaging literature.
The rostral (or ventral) ACC is
involved in emotional responses and includes a subge-
nual region that has strong connections with the CeA,
lateral hypothalamus, and parabrachial nucleus, and a
pregenual region that is involved in emotional behavior
but lacks these direct connections. The caudalor
dorsalACC is also referred to as midcingulate cortex
and is involved in cognitive functions, including conflict
resolution and attention-to-action, via its connections
with the prefrontal cortex. Functional MRI studies
indicate that the ventral ACC is part of the brain
default mode networkthat is active in the resting
state in conditions of self-monitoring; the dorsal ACC,
the so-called salience networkand is primarily
engaged during tasks that demand cognitive control,
including conflict resolution.
Dorsal ACC
activation during these tasks is associated with an
increase in sympathetic drive, resulting in HR
increase. In contrast, the subgenual ACC and adjacent
ventromedial prefrontal cortex become inactivated
duringthesetasks;thisisconsistent with experimental
evidence showing projections of these regions to
cardiac parasympathetic nuclei.
Pharmacologic and
Neurology 83 July 15, 2014 265
neuroimaging studies show that subgenual ACC activity
is associated with vagally mediated HRV,
in the right hemisphere.
Amygdala. The amygdala provides emotional valence
to sensory stimuli and is involved in mechanisms of
fear conditioning.
The amygdala comprises several
subnuclei, including the basolateral nuclear complex
and the CeA, which includes lateral and medial sub-
divisions. The medial subdivision of the CeA projects
to the hypothalamus and brainstem and triggers the
autonomic, endocrine, and motor manifestations of
the fear responses; sympathoexcitatory responses
involve excitatory connections to the RVLM, and
inhibition of barosensitive neurons of the NTS.
Functional neuroimaging studies consistently found
coactivation of the lateral and medial amygdala in
relationship to changes in HRV both at rest and dur-
ing emotional tasks.
The orbitofrontal and ven-
tromedial prefrontal cortices exert an inhibitory effect
on the amygdala via GABAergic neurons in the lateral
CeA and in the intercalate nucleus between the baso-
lateral amygdala and the CeA; these prefrontal influ-
ences underlie mechanisms of emotional regulation,
including fear extinction.
Thus, in addition to pro-
moting vagal output, these prefrontal areas may ton-
ically inhibit sympathoexcitatory responses initiated
in the amygdala.
Hypothalamus. The hypothalamus controls auto-
nomic output to the heart via inputs that originate
primarily from the paraventricular nucleus, dorsome-
dial nucleus of hypothalamus (DMH), and lateral
hypothalamic area
; these hypothalamic projections
reach the periaqueductal gray parabrachial nucleus,
RVLM, NAmb, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus,
NTS, and IML.
Sympathoexcitatory responses
during stress are mediated by projections from the
paraventricular nucleus, DMH, or lateral hypothala-
mus to the RVLM or IML.
Hypothalamic inputs
also modulate the baroreflex via their effects on the
or affect cardiovagal responses via inputs to
the NAmb.
The DMH may contribute to reduced
HRV and BRS via influence on the NTS in the setting
of anxiety-like states.
Experimental studies indicate
that the inputs from the IC to the hypothalamus are
mostly ipsilateral; this may also be the case in humans,
as shown by coactivation of the left dorsomedial
hypothalamus and left IC during spontaneous bursts
of muscle sympathetic nerve activity at rest.
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS Cardiac manifestations of
neurologic disorders. Reduced HRV. Reduced HRV and
reduced BRS are relevant markers of cardiovascular risk,
including predisposition toward ventricular arrhythmias
in patients with primary cardiac disease.
They may
reflect abnormalities in forebrain vagal or sympathetic
drive, brainstem reflexes, or vagal or sympathetic output
example, reduced HRV, primarily at the expense of
decreased HF (vagal) component and sometimes asso-
ciated with indices of increased sympathetic activity, has
been reported in patients with ischemic stroke,
multiple sclerosis,
and Parkinson disease
Cardiac arrhythmias. Central autonomic disorders
may manifest with a wide spectrum of cardiac
arrhythmias, some of them life-threatening. Sympa-
thetic hyperactivity triggers both supraventricular and
ventricular tachycardia; vagal hyperactivity leads to bra-
dyarrhythmias, including AV block, and sympathetic
or vagal hyperactivity may lead to atrial fibrillation
In the ventricles, sympathetic activity is
proarrhythmic and vagal activation is antiarrhythmic.
Sympathetically triggered activation of L-channels pro-
longs the plateau of the cardiac action potential; in this
setting, inability to activate repolarizing K
(due to drug effects or channelopathies) may lead to
QT prolongation, which predisposes to polymorphic
ventricular tachycardia (torsades de pointes) and ven-
tricular fibrillation.
Myocardial injury and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
Acute neurologic insults leading to sympathetic
hyperactivity may trigger reversible myocardial
injury, as reflected by T-wave inversion and serum
troponin elevation. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (also
known as apical ballooning syndrome) is a reversible
cardiomyopathy that primarily affects the left ventri-
cle; it has a typical echocardiographic pattern charac-
terized by wall motion abnormalities with apical
akinesis, basal hyperkinesis, and frequently resolves
within 2 to 4 weeks.
The postulated pathogenesis
of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is direct myocardial
injury by excessive epinephrine and NE.
catecholamines may also induce coronary artery spasm
and microvascular dysfunction, causing myocardial
stunning. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy may be trig-
gered by insular and vertebrobasilar stroke,
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH),
or brainstem lesions affecting the NTS.
Specific disorders associated with cardiac complications.
Epilepsy. There are several links between seizures and
cardiac dysfunction; these include cardiac arrhythmias
as a localizing ictal event, seizures and cardiac arrhyth-
mias as coincident manifestations of channelopathies,
and cardiovascular dysregulation and ictal arrhythmias
as a mechanism of sudden unexpected death in epi-
lepsy. Cardiac arrhythmias are the most common ictal
events, but they do not help to localize the hemisphere
of seizure onset.
Sinus tachycardia occurs in 80%
to 100% of patients before, during, or after a temporal
lobe seizure
; paroxysmal AF, supraventricular or
266 Neurology 83 July 15, 2014
ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation may
also occur.
Temporal lobe seizures may lead to ictal
bradycardia and asystole
; cardiac sympathetic
denervation may constitute a risk factor for this man-
Seizures can also lead to alterations of car-
diac repolarization as manifested by acute changes in
corrected QT (QTc) duration,
which may be in part
related to ictal hypoxemia.
Abnormal QT prolonga-
tion may be more common in patients with left-sided
Mutations in genes encoding Na
or K
channels are associated with coexistence of long QT
syndrome or Brugada syndrome and epilepsy.
Autonomic cardiovascular manifestations of seizures
may have a role in the pathophysiology of sudden
unexpected death in epilepsy, but this causal relation-
ship is yet to be established.
Ischemic stroke. Ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes,
particularly those involving the IC, can manifest with
cardiac arrhythmias or myocardial injury that may be
potential causes of sudden death.
In general, evi-
dence suggests that right insular ischemic strokes are
more frequently associated with cardiac complications,
including reduced HRV, increased QT interval, car-
diac arrhythmias (such as AF or premature ventricular
contractions), AV block, and T-wave inversion than
left insular strokes.
These changes can be inde-
pendent predictors of all-cause vascular mortality.
Reduced HRV may also be a marker of subacute post-
stroke infections
and a predictor of poor functional
neurologic recovery.
Insular strokes can also lead to
myocardial injury but the lateralization of this effect is
inconsistent; right-sided strokes were more frequently
associated with elevation of troponin
and left-sided
strokes with elevation of B-type natriuretic peptide and
poor cardiac outcome.
Hemorrhagic stroke. Lobar and basal ganglia hemor-
rhages may trigger ECG changes and indices of myo-
cardial injury that have prognostic implications.
Repolarization changes are most characteristic and
include QTc prolongation, nonspecific ST changes,
associated with hydrocephalus and IC involvement.
SAH is the prototype of an acute neurologic catastrophe
associated with massive sympathoexcitation,
typically occurs in the first 24 to 48 hours after the
event. The acute sympathoadrenal excitation may pro-
duce ECG changes in up to 90% of patients; these
include T-wave changes, waves, and prolonged
The most common arrhythmias are sinus
tachycardia and AF. Ventricular tachycardia, torsades
de pointes, ventricular fibrillation, and asystole are more
likely to occur in the setting of prolonged QT and
The presence of ECG abnormalities,
particularly repolarization changes and sinus arrhyth-
mias, is associated with poor outcome and sudden
There is a relationship between the clinical
severity of the SAH and the presence of myocardial
injury and regional left ventricular wall motion abnor-
malities, including Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
Neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegenerative disor-
ders affecting the brainstem, spinal, or peripheral
autonomic output, such as multiple system atrophy
or PD, manifest primarily with orthostatic hypoten-
sion, gastrointestinal dysmotility, or bladder dysfunc-
tion; however, they may also affect cardiac function.
Cardiac abnormalities in PD may represent a combi-
nation of peripheral sympathetic denervation, as
documented with cardiac neuroimaging, and central
mechanisms; they include inability to increase the
HR during exercise (chronotropic insufficiency),
reduced HRV, particularly during sleep, and QT pro-
QT prolongation may also occur in
multiple system atrophy and may be related to the
increased incidence of sudden cardiac death in these
Patients with prion diseases have altered
HRV during sleep, but the anatomical substrate and
clinical significance of this finding is yet
PERSPECTIVE In 1942, Walter B. Cannon pub-
lished a remarkable paper entitled Voodoo Death,
in which he compiled experiences of death from
fright. Cannon postulated that those deaths were
caused by a lasting and intense action of the
sympatho-adrenal systemwith devastating effects on
the heart. Since then, our knowledge about the neural
control of the heart has advanced remarkably. Current
evidence clearly indicates that dysfunction of the
autonomic nervous system due to damage to the
central autonomic network is a common phenomenon
that links the major cardiac pathologies seen in
neurologic disorders. These profound effects on the
heart may contribute to the mortality rates of many
neurologic conditions such as SAH, ischemic stroke,
and epilepsy. These phenomena may also be
important in the pathogenesis of sudden cardiac death.
Jose-Alberto Palma: drafting/revising the manuscript, study concept or
design. Eduardo Benarroch: drafting/revising the manuscript, study con-
cept or design, analysis or interpretation of data, study supervision.
No targeted funding reported.
J.-A. Palma reports no disclosures. E. Benarroch receives a stipend in his
capacity as section editor of Clinical Implications of Neurologic Research
for Neurology
. Go to for full disclosures.
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Neurology 83 July 15, 2014 271
DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000605
2014;83;261-271 Published Online before print June 13, 2014Neurology Jose-Alberto Palma and Eduardo E. Benarroch
Neural control of the heart: Recent concepts and clinical correlations
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... RHR and SBP are both influenced by the sympathetic and the parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system, with the parasympathetic branch being dominating under resting conditions [7]. Blood pressure is the force with which the blood moves through the vessels, while the heart rate is the number of times the heart beats each minute. ...
... Blood pressure is the force with which the blood moves through the vessels, while the heart rate is the number of times the heart beats each minute. Even though blood pressure and heart rate have a shared physiological base, heart rate and blood pressure do not always rise and fall in parallell, i.e., a rise in heart rate does not necessarily imply that the blood pressure increase at the same rate [7]. However, heart rate and blood pressure are often synchronized. ...
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Background Lower autonomic arousal is a well-known correlate of criminal offending and other risk-taking behaviors in men, but few studies have investigated this association in women. Aim To test associations between autonomic arousal and criminal offending as well as unintentional injuries among female conscripts. Methods All women born 1958–1994 in Sweden who participated in voluntary military conscription (n = 12,499) were identified by linking Swedish population-based registers. Predictors were resting heart rate (RHR) and systolic blood pressure (SBP). Covariates were height, weight, and physical energy capacity. Main outcomes were criminal convictions (any, violent, and non-violent) from the National Crime Register. Secondary outcome was unintentional injuries requiring medical treatment or causing death. We used survival analyses to test for associations between predictors and outcomes. Results Low RHR, relative to high RHR, was associated with an increased risk of any criminal conviction, non-violent criminal convictions, and unintentional injuries. Low SBP, relative to high SBP, was associated with an increased risk of violent criminal convictions. Conclusions Results support lower autonomic arousal, particularly lower RHR, as a correlate of criminal offending among women that warrants further examination, as the reported findings have potential implications for the prediction of future female crime.
... The central autonomic network governs heart rate and contractility at rest and during physical, emotional, and psychological challenge [11]. This extrinsic cardiac network, distributed throughout the neuraxis, has preganglionic parasympathetic neurons located in the nucleus ambiguus and to the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, that innervate the sinoatrial node, both atria, atrioventricular node, and the ventricular conducting system [12]. Noradrenergic post-ganglionic fibers, in turn, richly innervate the left and right atria and, in part, the ventricles [13]. ...
We discuss a patient with a tumor on the anterior corpus callosum who underwent open biopsy eventually succumbing to cerebrogenic fatal arrhythmia following wounded glioma syndrome. A healthy 37-year-old female patient was admitted to our department due to a history of headache for 13 months. MRI revealed a suspicious glioma infiltrating the anterior corpus callosum. Neurologic examination only showed low cognitive assessment score (Montreal Cognitive Assessment score 20/30). ECG was normal sinus rhythm. Steroids and levetiracetam were administered prior to operation. Patient underwent right frontal craniotomy and biopsy of tumor with unremarkable events. During the first hospital day, patient had episodes of bradycardia followed by decrease in sensorium. Brain CT scan showed progression of edema without hemorrhage within the tumor bed. This was followed minutes later by two episodes of generalized tonic-clonic seizures and pulseless ventricular tachycardia. Cardiac resuscitation was done for 24 minutes but patient eventually expired. Location of the lesion and the epileptogenicity of the peritumoral cortex greatly contributed to the patient's demise. Involvement of the fronto-mesial structures, particularly the insula and the cingulate cortex, and their connection to the central autonomic network, increased susceptibility to arrhythmias. Decreased seizure threshold worsened post-operative edema, further aggravating the dysregulation of the brain-heart-connection.
... Neural control of the heart is integrated at all levels of the neuraxis [adapted from Palma and Benarroch 2014[73]]. ...
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This review explores the historical development of cardiology knowledge, from ancient Egyptian psychostasis to the modern comprehension of cardiac neuromodulation. In ancient Egyptian religion, psychostasis was the ceremony in which the deceased was judged before gaining access to the afterlife. This ritual was also known as the “weighing of the heart” or “weighing of the soul”. The Egyptians believed that the heart, not the brain, was the seat of human wisdom, emotions, and memory. They were the first to recognize the cardiocentric nature of the body, identifying the heart as the center of the circulatory system. Aristotle (fourth century BC) considered the importance of the heart in human physiology in his philosophical analyses. For Galen (third century AD), the heart muscle was the site of the vital spirit, which regulated body temperature. Cardiology knowledge advanced significantly in the 15th century, coinciding with Leonardo da Vinci and Vesalius’s pioneering anatomical and physiological studies. It was William Harvey, in the 17th century, who introduced the concept of cardiac circulation. Servet’s research and Marcello Malpighi’s discovery of arterioles and capillaries provided a more detailed understanding of circulation. Richard Lower emerged as the foremost pioneer of experimental cardiology in the late 17th century. He demonstrated the heart’s neural control by tying off the vagus nerve. In 1753, Albrecht von Haller, a professor at Göttingen, was the first to discover the heart’s automaticity and the excitation of muscle fibers. Towards the end of the 18th century, Antonio Scarpa challenged the theories of Albrecht von Haller and Johann Bernhard Jacob Behrends, who maintained that the myocardium possessed its own “irritability”, on which the heartbeat depended, and was independent of neuronal sensitivity. Instead, Scarpa argued that the heart required innervation to maintain life, refuting Galenic notions. In contemporary times, the study of cardiac innervation has regained prominence, particularly in understanding the post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) infection (PASC), which frequently involves cardiorespiratory symptoms and dysregulation of the intrinsic cardiac innervation. Recently, it has been recognized that post-acute sequelae of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) due to other pathogens can also be a cause of long-term vegetative and somatic symptoms. Understanding cardiac innervation and modulation can help to recognize and treat long COVID and long non-COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) ARIs. This analysis explores the historical foundations of cardiac neuromodulation and its contemporary relevance. By focusing on this concept, we aim to bridge the gap between historical understanding and modern applications. This will illuminate the complex interplay between cardiac function, neural modulation, cardiovascular health, and disease management in the context of long-term cardiorespiratory symptoms and dysregulation of intrinsic cardiac innervations.
... Studies on choline and its upstream and downstream metabolites in OI are rare. Autonomic nerve dysfunction is a vital mechanism of OI, and the autonomic nuclei that control the autonomic nervous system are mostly located in the dorsal medulla [12,20]. Using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Wagoner et al. [21] found that OI children had higher levels of total choline in the dorsal medulla while in a supine position and that total choline was negatively correlated with the high-frequency α-index and sequence all. ...
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Background Orthostatic intolerance, which includes vasovagal syncope and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, is common in children and adolescents. Elevated plasma homocysteine levels might participate in the pathogenesis of orthostatic intolerance. This study was designed to analyze the plasma metabolomic profile in orthostatic intolerance children with high levels of plasma homocysteine. Methods Plasma samples from 34 orthostatic intolerance children with a plasma homocysteine concentration > 9 µmol/L and 10 healthy children were subjected to ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography and quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis. Results A total of 875 metabolites were identified, 105 of which were significantly differential metabolites. Choline, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl- sn -glycero-3-phosphocholine, 1-(1 Z -octadecenyl)-2-(4 Z ,7 Z ,10 Z ,13 Z ,16 Z ,19 Z -docosahexaenoyl)- sn -glycero-3-phosphocholine, histidine, isocitric acid, and DL-glutamic acid and its downstream metabolites were upregulated, whereas 1-palmitoyl- sn -glycero-3-phosphocholine, 1-stearoyl- sn -glycerol 3-phosphocholine, sphingomyelin (d18:1/18:0), betaine aldehyde, hydroxyproline, and gamma-aminobutyric acid were downregulated in the orthostatic intolerance group compared with the control group. All these metabolites were related to choline and glutamate. Heatmap analysis demonstrated a common metabolic pattern of higher choline, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl- sn -glycero-3-phosphocholine, and DL-glutamic acid, and lower sphingomyelin (d18:1/18:0), 1-stearoyl- sn -glycerol 3-phosphocholine, and 1-palmitoyl- sn -glycero-3-phosphocholine in patients with certain notable metabolic changes (the special group) than in the other patients (the common group). The maximum upright heart rate, the change in heart rate from the supine to the upright position, and the rate of change in heart rate from the supine to the upright position of vasovagal syncope patients were significantly higher in the special group than in the common group ( P < 0.05). Choline, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl- sn -glycero-3-phosphocholine, and DL-glutamic acid were positively correlated with the rate of change in heart rate from the supine to the upright position in vasovagal syncope patients ( P < 0.05). Conclusions The levels of choline-related metabolites and glutamate–related metabolites changed significantly in orthostatic intolerance children with high levels of plasma homocysteine, and these changes were associated with the severity of illness. These results provided new light on the pathogenesis of orthostatic intolerance.
Intracranial hemorrhages is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide, and there is still no effective biomarker to predict prognosis. We aimed to determine the effectiveness of high sensitive troponin I (hs-cTn-I) levels to predict the prognosis of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) by comparing Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) and hematoma volume with hs-cTn-I levels. This study was planned as a retrospective observational study. Patients with available data, over 18 years old and sICH were included in the study. Cerebral computed tomography images were evaluated by a senior radiologist. Hematoma volume was calculated using the ABC/2 formula. The study comprised 206 individuals in total 78 (37.86%) women and 128 (62.13%) men. Forty-four (21.35%) of patients died. The sensitivity of GCS, hs-cTn-I, and hematoma volume values were 86.36%, 66.67%, and 59.46%, respectively, with corresponding specificities of 78.75%, 93.02%, and 87.58%. Patients with hs-cTn-I values over 26, GCS values of ≤ 9, and hematoma volume values above 44.16 were found to have higher risk of mortality (p = 0.011; p < 0.001; p < 0.001, respectively). The mortality rates were found to be increased 2.586 (IQR: 1.224–5.463) times in patients with hs-cTn-I values above 26, 0.045 times (IQR: 0.018–0.115) in patients with GCS values ≤ 9, and 7.526 times (IQR: 3.518–16.100) in patients with hematoma volume values above 44.16. Our findings suggest that hs-cTn-I values exceeding 26 units may serve as effective biochemical markers for predicting the prognosis of patients with sICH.
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This Committee Report provides methodological, interpretive, and reporting guidance for researchers who use measures of heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) in psychophysiological research. We provide brief summaries of best practices in measuring HR and HRV via electrocardiographic and photoplethysmographic signals in laboratory, field (ambulatory), and brain‐imaging contexts to address research questions incorporating measures of HR and HRV. The Report emphasizes evidence for the strengths and weaknesses of different recording and derivation methods for measures of HR and HRV. Along with this guidance, the Report reviews what is known about the origin of the heartbeat and its neural control, including factors that produce and influence HRV metrics. The Report concludes with checklists to guide authors in study design and analysis considerations, as well as guidance on the reporting of key methodological details and characteristics of the samples under study. It is expected that rigorous and transparent recording and reporting of HR and HRV measures will strengthen inferences across the many applications of these metrics in psychophysiology. The prior Committee Reports on HR and HRV are several decades old. Since their appearance, technologies for human cardiac and vascular monitoring in laboratory and daily life (i.e., ambulatory) contexts have greatly expanded. This Committee Report was prepared for the Society for Psychophysiological Research to provide updated methodological and interpretive guidance, as well as to summarize best practices for reporting HR and HRV studies in humans.
The review presents literature sources confirming the key aspects of the theory of allostasis and its relationship with the theory of homeostasis, as well as some neurophysiological aspects of allostatic systems, include autonomic regulation, which determine the relationship between the brain and the cardiovascular system. One of the aspects of allostatic regulation is heart rate variability, which reflects the state of the body’s plastic constants and their changes under space flight conditions.
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Orexins (OX-A and OX-B), also referred to as hypocretin 1 and 2, are neuropeptides synthesized by neurons located in the perifornical and lateral regions of the hypothalamus. Orexin neurons have extensive connections with the prefrontal cortex, limbic structures, hypothalamus, and brainstem, including areas involved in control of arousal, reward mechanisms, and autonomic control, and exert a primarily excitatory effect on neuronal activity via OX1 and OX2 receptors. The functions of the orexin system have been investigated using pharmacologic approaches and, more recently, knockout models. Since their discovery in 1998,(1,2) orexins have been linked to multiple physiologic functions such as arousal, energy homeostasis, feeding, thermoregulation, neuroendocrine, and cardiovascular control, which are associated with or mediated by changes in the autonomic nervous system. The progress of knowledge in this area has been fueled by comparative approaches on different species, which show substantial similarities in basic biology of the orexin system. Loss of orexin signaling is associated with narcolepsy with cataplexy (NC) both in animal models and humans. Patients with NC have changes in body weight and cardiovascular function that may predispose to cardiovascular morbidity. However, the contribution of loss of orexin signaling in these manifestations is incompletely understood. The organization and multiple functions of the orexin system have been the subjects of recent comprehensive reviews.(3-6) The present review focuses on the role of the orexin system in autonomic control and its potential implications in human NC.
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The cardioinhibitory effects of cardiac vagal motoneurons (CVMs) are mediated by activation of postganglionic neurons in the epicardial ganglia which have been shown to exert functionally selective effects on heart rate and atrioventricular conduction in the rat. Here we investigate whether CVMs producing these responses may occupy different rostrocaudal positions within the nucleus ambiguus. Excitation of CVMs was attempted by microinjections of glutamate into the nucleus ambiguus of an arterially perfused preparation in a grid extending over 2mm in the rostrocaudal plane using the obex as a reference point. Microinjections were paired, one made during pacing to measure changes in atrioventricular conduction (P-R interval) independent of changes in heart rate and the other looking for changes in heart period (P-P interval) un-paced. Although evidence of a differential distribution was found in 7 cases, in the majority (13/20), sites producing maximal effects on both variables coincided. Maximal changes in atrioventricular conduction resulted from more rostral sites in 6 cases and from a more caudal site in only one. Overall, the ratio of the change in atrioventricular conduction to the change in heart rate for a given site was significantly greater 1mm rostral to the obex than at either end of the test grid. We conclude that while CVMs controlling atrioventricular conduction are distributed with a peak somewhat rostral to those controlling heart rate in a number of animals, there is a significant overlap and much greater variability in this distribution in the rat than in cats and dogs.
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Heart rate and blood pressure are the most important vital signs in diagnosing disease. Both heart rate and blood pressure are characterized by a high degree of short term variability from moment to moment, medium term over the normal day and night as well as in the very long term over months to years. The study of new mathematical algorithms to evaluate the variability of these cardiovascular parameters has a high potential in the development of new methods for early detection of cardiovascular disease, to establish differential diagnosis with possible therapeutic consequences. The autonomic nervous system is a major player in the general adaptive reaction to stress and disease. The quantitative prediction of the autonomic interactions in multiple control loops pathways of cardiovascular system is directly applicable to clinical situations. Exploration of new multimodal analytical techniques for the variability of cardiovascular system may detect new approaches for deterministic parameter identification. A multimodal analysis of cardiovascular signals can be studied by evaluating their amplitudes, phases, time domain patterns, and sensitivity to imposed stimuli, i.e., drugs blocking the autonomic system. The causal effects, gains, and dynamic relationships may be studied through dynamical fuzzy logic models, such as the discrete-time model and discrete-event model. We expect an increase in accuracy of modeling and a better estimation of the heart rate and blood pressure time series, which could be of benefit for intelligent patient monitoring. We foresee that identifying quantitative mathematical biomarkers for autonomic nervous system will allow individual therapy adjustments to aim at the most favorable sympathetic-parasympathetic balance.
Dysfunction of parasympathetic command neurons may be a cause of cardiac autonomic imbalance, which has been implicated as a pathogenic mechanism of lethal arrhythmias. The locations in the brain of these command neurons are not known. The aim of this investigation is to identify selectively the parasympathetic command neurons in the forebrain. Male Wistar rats were inoculated in the left ventricular myocardium with 2 ml of a 3 × 106 plaque-forming units/ml of a pseudorabies virus (PRV)-Bartha solution. Eighteen hours after the infection the spinal cord was transected at T1. Six of fourteen rats showed PRV-immunoreactive cells in the forebrain after 6 postoperative survival days. Bilaterally, the infections were located in the prelimbic, anterior cingulate, frontal, and insular cortexes, various hypothalamic and midbrain nuclei, the nucleus of the solitary tract, the dorsal motor vagus, and periambiguus nuclei. Control animals receiving intravenous PRV-Bartha injections were not infected. Using transneuronal retrograde viral labeling and spinal cord transection, we were able to localize the forebrain parasympathetic command neurons that maintain cardiac autonomic balance. The virus-infected cells were localized in regions that previously showed susceptibility for immune activation-mediated selective cerebral endothelial leakage. We hypothesize that such selective endothelial leakage could induce autonomic imbalance after myocardial infarction.
To assess whether cardiac abnormalities after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) are associated with delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) and clinical outcome, independent from known clinical risk factors for these outcomes. In a prospective, multicenter cohort study, we performed echocardiography and ECG and measured biochemical markers for myocardial damage in patients with aSAH. Outcomes were DCI, death, and poor clinical outcome (death or dependency for activities of daily living) at 3 months. With multivariable Poisson regression analysis, we calculated risk ratios (RRs) with corresponding 95% confidence intervals. We used survival analysis to assess cumulative percentage of death in patients with and without echocardiographic wall motion abnormalities (WMAs). We included 301 patients with a mean age of 57 years; 70% were women. A wall motion score index ≥1.2 had an adjusted RR of 1.2 (0.9-1.6) for DCI, 1.9 (1.1-3.3) for death, and 1.8 (1.1-3.0) for poor outcome. Midventricular WMAs had adjusted RRs of 1.1 (0.8-1.4) for DCI, 2.3 (1.4-3.8) for death, and 2.2 (1.4-3.5) for poor outcome. For apical WMAs, adjusted RRs were 1.3 (1.1-1.7) for DCI, 1.5 (0.8-2.7) for death, and 1.4 (0.8-2.5) for poor outcome. Elevated troponin T levels, ST-segment changes, and low voltage on the admission ECGs had a univariable association with death but were not independent predictors for outcome. WMAs are independent risk factors for clinical outcome after aSAH. This relation is partly explained by a higher risk of DCI. Further study should aim at treatment strategies for these aSAH-related cardiac abnormalities to improve clinical outcome.
Background Patients with epilepsy are at risk of sudden unexpected death. Neurogenic cardiac arrhythmias have been postulated as a cause. Electrocardiograms (ECG) can be monitored by use of an implantable loop recorder for up to 18 months. We aimed to determine the frequency of cardiac arrhythmias in patients with refractory focal seizures over an extended period. Methods 20 patients received an implantable loop recorder at one hospital in the UK. Devices were programmed to record automatically if bradycardia (<40 beats per min) or tachycardia (>140 beats per min) were detected. Additionally, in the event of a seizure, patients and relatives could initiate ECG recording with an external activator device. Data were analysed at regular intervals and correlated with seizure diaries. Findings More than 220 000 patient-hours were monitored over 24 months, during which ECGs were captured on implantable loop recorders in 377 seizures. One patient withdrew from the study. In 16 patients, median heart rate during habitual seizures exceeded 100 beats per min. Ictal bradycardia (<40 beats per min) was rare, occurring in eight (2·1%) recorded events, in seven patients. Four patients (21%) had bradycardia or periods of asystole with subsequent permanent pacemaker insertion. Three of these four (16% of total) had potentially fatal asystole. Interpretation Clinical characteristics of patients with peri-ictal cardiac abnormalities are closely similar to those at greatest risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. Asystole might underlie many of these deaths, which would have important implications for the investigation of similar patients and affect present cardiac-pacing policies.
New findings: What is the topic of this review? The purpose of this review is to summarize present knowledge of the function of the afferent nerves arising from the heart and the coronary and pulmonary arteries. Although there is abundant evidence that atrial receptor stimulation influences heart rate and urine flow, with little or no effect elsewhere, and that ventricular receptors are strongly excited only by chemical stimuli, there is still the erroneous belief that they act as a homogeneous group causing cardiovascular depression. What advances does it highlight? Coronary receptors deserve to be recognized as a potentially important additional group of baroreceptors. Stimulation of pulmonary arterial baroreceptors at physiological pressures causes reflex vasoconstriction and could have a hitherto unacknowledged important role in cardiovascular control, for example in exercise. Although there has been a tendency to regard cardiac and pulmonary receptors as a single population of 'cardiopulmonary receptors', this cannot be justified as the various receptor types all induce their own particular pattern of responses. Stimulation of atrial receptors increases activity in sympathetic nerves to the sino-atrial node, causing tachycardia, but there is no effect on activity to the myocardium or to most blood vessels. Renal nerve activity, however, is decreased, and secretion of antidiuretic hormone is inhibited, causing diuresis. Ventricular receptors induce a powerful depressor response, but only in response to abnormal chemical stimulation and possibly to myocardial injury. Coronary arterial receptors function as baroreceptors, but have a lower threshold and a more prolonged effect than other baroreceptors. Pulmonary arterial baroreceptors induce vasoconstriction and respiratory stimulation at physiological pressures and may be of importance in mediating some of the responses to exercise, as well as in hypoxic conditions.
There has been increased interest in a possible association between epilepsy channelopathies and cardiac arrhythmias, such as long QT syndrome (LQTS). We report a kindred that features LQTS, idiopathic epilepsy, and increased risk of sudden death. Genetic study showed a previously unreported heterozygous point mutation (c.246T>C) in the KCNH2 gene. Functional studies showed that the mutation induces severe loss of function. This observation provides further evidence for a possible link between idiopathic epilepsy and LQTS.