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Distinct load dependence of relaxation rate and diastolic function in Oryctolagus cuniculus and Ratus norvegicus

  • School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

Abstract and Figures

This study investigated potential differences on load dependence of relaxation rate and diastolic function between Oryctolagus cuniculus and Ratus norvegicus, which have constitutive differences in the mechanisms involved in myocardial inactivation. Load dependence of relaxation rate and diastolic function were evaluated with the response of left ventricular time constant tau and diastolic pressure-dimension relation to beat-to-beat aortic constrictions in open-chest rabbits and rats. Afterload levels were normalized, being expressed as a percentage of peak isovolumetric pressure (relative load). In control heartbeats, relaxation rate and diastolic function were similar in the two animal species. They presented, however, distinct responses to afterload elevations. In rabbits, time constant decreased approximately 7% and diastolic pressure-dimension relation remained unchanged when afterload was elevated to a relative load of 73-76%. Above this afterload level, a significant deceleration of relaxation rate (increase of time constant) and an upward shift of diastolic pressure-dimension relation were observed. In rats, afterload elevations accelerated pressure fall up to a relative load of 97-100% and no afterload-induced shift of the diastolic pressure-dimension relation was observed. This study provides, therefore, evidence that Oryctolagus cuniculus has lower afterload reserve of myocardial relaxation and diastolic function than Ratus norvegicus.
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Distinct load dependence of relaxation rate and diastolic function
Oryctolagus cuniculus
Ratus norvegicus
Accepted: 12 March 2003 / Published online: 23 May 2003
Springer-Verlag 2003
Abstract This study investigated potential differences
on load dependence of relaxation rate and diastolic
function between Oryctolagus cuniculus and Ratus nor-
vegicus, which have constitutive differences in the
mechanisms involved in myocardial inactivation. Load
dependence of relaxation rate and diastolic function
were evaluated with the response of left ventricular time
constant sand diastolic pressure-dimension relation to
beat-to-beat aortic constrictions in open-chest rabbits
and rats. Afterload levels were normalized, being ex-
pressed as a percentage of peak isovolumetric pressure
(relative load). In control heartbeats, relaxation rate and
diastolic function were similar in the two animal species.
They presented, however, distinct responses to afterload
elevations. In rabbits, time constant decreased 7% and
diastolic pressure-dimension relation remained un-
changed when afterload was elevated to a relative load
of 73–76%. Above this afterload level, a significant
deceleration of relaxation rate (increase of time con-
stant) and an upward shift of diastolic pressure-dimen-
sion relation were observed. In rats, afterload elevations
accelerated pressure fall up to a relative load of
97–100% and no afterload-induced shift of the diastolic
pressure-dimension relation was observed. This study
provides, therefore, evidence that Oryctolagus cuniculus
has lower afterload reserve of myocardial relaxation and
diastolic function than Ratus norvegicus.
Keywords End-diastolic pressure-volume relation Æ
Rabbits ÆRats ÆTime constant s
Abbreviations ED End-diastolic ÆLV Left ventricular Æ
LVP Left ventricular pressure ÆNCX Na
exchanger ÆPV Pressure-volume ÆSERCA2 Sarcoplas-
mic reticulum Ca
Myocardial relaxation is an important determinant of
both early (Shintani and Glantz 1994) and late (Leite-
Moreira et al. 1999a; Leite-Moreira and Correia-Pinto
2001) left ventricular (LV) diastolic filling. It is mod-
ulated by non-uniformity, inactivation and load
(Gillebert et al. 2000). Non-uniformity refers to the
temporal and spatial asynchronous distribution of load
and inactivation during myocardial relaxation
(Brutsaert 1987; Leite-Moreira and Gillebert 1996).
Inactivation refers to the processes whereby Ca
transported out of the cytosol (Bers 2002), in order to
achieve its diastolic levels, and cross-bridge detachment
occurs. The four pathways involved in the first are
phospholamban (PLB)-modulated uptake of Ca
the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca
-ATPase (SERCA2a),
extrusion via the Na
exchanger (NCX),
mitochondrial Ca
-uniport and sarcolemmal Ca
ATPase, with the two latter being responsible for only
about 1% of total (Bers 2002). The quantitative
importance of the two first major routes varies between
species (Negretti et al. 1993; Bassani et al. 1994; Hove-
Madsen and Bers 1993; Lewartowski et al. 1992). In
rabbit ventricular myocytes, SERCA2a removes 70%
of the free intracellular Ca
concentration ([Ca
while NCX removes 28%. On the other hand,
SERCA2a activity is higher in rat ventricular myocytes,
being responsible for the uptake of 92% of [Ca
whilst NCX contributes to the removal of only 7%
(Bers 2002). In addition, rat hearts express predomi-
nantly the faster myosin heavy chain (MHC)-aisoform
(Meehan et al. 1999), while rabbit hearts express pre-
dominantly the slower MHC-bisoform, which has a
higher affinity for Ca
(Reiser and Kline 1998).
J Comp Physiol B (2003) 173: 401–407
DOI 10.1007/s00360-003-0347-7
J. Correia-Pinto ÆT. Henriques-Coelho
S.-M. Oliveira ÆA. F. Leite-Moreira
Communicated by G. Heldmaier
J. Correia-Pinto ÆT. Henriques-Coelho ÆS.-M.Oliveira
A. F. Leite-Moreira (&)
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Porto, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal
Tel.: +351-22-5508452
Fax: +351-22-5519194
Load changes influence calcium regulatory mecha-
nisms and myofilament properties. In rabbits, it was
previously demonstrated that afterload elevations have a
biphasic effect on relaxation rate and end-diastolic (ED)
pressure-volume (PV) relation (Leite-Moreira et al.
1999a). In this regard, afterload elevations up to a certain
level accelerate LV relaxation and do not affect the
ED-PV relation, reflecting a compensatory response and
the presence of afterload reserve. Greater elevations of
afterload slow LV relaxation and upward shift the
ED-PV relation, resulting in diastolic dysfunction
because afterload reserve has been exhausted. The level of
afterload above which a decompensatory response occurs
may be shifted by pharmacological agents such as caf-
feine (Leite-Moreira et al. 1999b) and b-adrenergic
stimulation (Leite-Moreira et al. 2001). Caffeine, which
decreases [Ca
uptake by SERCA2a and increases
myofilament Ca
sensibility (Wendt and Stephenson
1983), shifts the transition to a decompensatory response
towards smaller afterload levels. On the other hand,
b-adrenergic stimulation, which enhances SERCA2a
activity and decreases myofilament Ca
thereby shifts the transition to a decompensatory re-
sponse toward higher afterload levels. Diastolic distur-
bances induced by afterload are therefore attenuated.
These results are highly suggestive of a relation between
SERCA2a activity and the occurrence of afterload-
induced disturbances of relaxation and diastolic function.
Additionally, it was also documented that afterload-
induced diastolic disturbances are related not only with
relaxation rate but also with the available time to relax
(Leite-Moreira and Correia-Pinto 2001). The time
available to relax is altered by heart rate, which is sig-
nificantly higher in rats. Taking into account these
molecular and heart rate differences between rabbits and
rats, it would be interesting to investigate how rats
handle all these factors without compromising normal
cardiac diastolic physiology.
As Oryctolagus cuniculus and Ratus norvegicus have
different heart rate and constitutive differences in gene
expression and activity of SERCA2a and NCX, we
hypothesized that load dependence of relaxation and
diastolic function would also be significantly different.
Materials and methods
The investigation conforms to the Guide for the Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals published by the US National Institutes of
Health (NIH Publication No. 85-23, revised 1996). The study was
carried out in 36 male adult healthy animals: 19 New Zealand white
rabbits (O. cuniculus, 12 weeks old) and 17 Wistar rats (R. nor-
vegicus, 7 weeks old).
Experimental preparation
The rabbits were premedicated with ketamine hydrochloride
(50 mg kg
, i.m.) and xylazine hydrochloride (5 mg kg
, i.m.),
while rats were anaesthetized with pentobarbital (6 mg/100 g, i.p.).
A tracheostomy was performed and mechanical ventilation
initiated (Harvard Small Animal Ventilator, Model 683), delivering
oxygen-enriched air. Respiratory rate and tidal volume were
adjusted, according to species, in order to keep arterial blood gases
and pH within physiological limits. Anaesthesia was maintained
with ketamine hydrochloride (33 ml kg
i.m.), pentobarbital
sodium (12.5 mg kg
i.v. before opening the chest and then
2.5 mg kg
i.v. as needed), and vecuronium bromide (0.5 mg h
i.v.) for rabbits and with an additional bolus of pentobarbital
(2 mg/100 g) as needed for rats. A central vein was cannulated and
a pre-warmed solution 20 mEq KCl and 40 mEq NaHCO
500 ml 0.9% NaCl was then administrated to compensate for
perioperative fluid losses.
In both animal species, the heart was exposed through a median
sternotomy and the pericardium widely opened. The ascending
aorta was dissected and a silk suture (1-0 in rabbits and 3-0 in rats)
was placed around it to allow its external occlusion during the
experimental protocol. Left ventricular pressure (LVP) was mea-
sured with a high-fidelity micromanometer (3-F, SPR-524, Millar
Instruments, Houston, Tex., USA) inserted through an apical
puncture wound into the LV cavity. The manometers were cali-
brated against a mercury column and zeroed after stabilization for
30 min in a water bath at body temperature. LV dimensions were
measured with miniaturized ultrasonic dimension gauges using a
sonomicrometer amplifier (Triton Electronics, San Diego, Calif.,
USA). In rabbits, one pair of crystals (3 mm) was sutured in place
onto the LV anterior and posterior epicardial surfaces to measure
LV external anterior-posterior diameter and a third crystal (1 mm)
was tunnelled at a 30–45º angle into the subendocardial facing the
LV anterior epicardial crystal. The anterior epicardial crystal and
the subendocardial crystal were combined to measure wall thick-
ness. In rats, one crystal was placed in the interventricular septum
(1 mm) and another one on the epicardial surface of the LV free
wall (2 mm), allowing the direct measurement of LV septal-free
wall dimension. In all animals, a limb ECG (II) was recorded
throughout. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacri-
ficed with an overdose of anaesthetics and the position of crystals
and manometers verified at necropsy.
Experimental protocol
After complete instrumentation, the animal preparation was
allowed to stabilize for 30 min before the beginning of the experi-
mental protocol, which consisted in randomly performing multiple
graded left ventricular pressure elevations, by abruptly narrowing
or occluding the ascending aorta during the diastole separating two
heartbeats. The preceding beat is control and the following beat is
test heartbeat. The analysed intervention, therefore, was a selective
alteration of afterload without changes in preload or long-term
load history (Gillebert et al. 1997). Systolic LVP of the first
heartbeat following the intervention varied as a function of the
extent of aortic constrictions. The animal was stabilized for several
beats before another intervention was performed. The animals were
not paced, but heart rate did not vary significantly during the
experimental protocol (214±9 and 295±16 beats min
for rab-
bits and rats, respectively).
Data acquisition and analysis
Recordings were made with respiration suspended at end expi-
ration and parameters were converted on-line to digital data with
a frequency of 500 Hz. To distinguish between ED at the begin-
ning and at the end of the analysed cardiac cycle, ED at the
beginning was referred to as ED(pre), while ED at the end was
referred to as ED(post). Peak rates of LVP rise (dP/dt
) and
fall (dP/dt
) were measured. LVP was measured at the begin-
ning of the cardiac cycle (LVP
), at peak systole (LVP
at its protodiastolic nadir (LVP
), and at the end of the cardiac
cycle (LVP
). Afterload levels were presented as relative
load, which consists in peak systolic LVP of a given heartbeat
expressed as percentage of peak pressure of the corresponding
isovolumetric beat (Leite-Moreira and Gillebert 1994). Time
intervals were measured from ED(pre) to dP/dt
and from dP/
to ED(post). Rate of pressure fall was evaluated with dP/
and the time constant s. For calculating s, the portion of the
LVP tracing between dP/dt
and a pressure equal or below the
value of ED(post) was selected. The curve was fitted (SigmaPlot
5.0 SPSS) to a monoexponential model with a non-zero asymp-
tote, given by the following equation:
where P
is a non-zero asymptote (mmHg), P
is an amplitude
constant (mmHg), tis time (ms), and sis the time-constant of the
exponent (ms). The correlation coefficient (r
) yielded values
>0.97. According to this formula, relaxation will be 97% complete
after a time interval of 3.5s(ms) starting at the onset of LVP fall
(Weisfeldt et al. 1978; Leite-Moreira et al. 1999a). LV dimension
was measured at the beginning of the cardiac cycle (LVP
), at
its minimal value (LVD
) and at the end of the cardiac cycle
Statistical analysis
Group data are presented as mean±SEM. To compare the mul-
tiple afterload levels in rats and rabbits, we performed two-way
repeated-measures ANOVA. When treatments were significantly
different, the Student-Newman-Keuls test was selected to perform
pairwise multiple comparisons. Statistical significance was set at
For both species and from multiple available interven-
tions we selected for further analysis, in addition to
control heartbeats, cardiac cycles whose relative loads
were closer to 70% (rabbits, 69±1%; rats, 70±1%),
80% (rabbits, 81±1%; rats, 82±1%), 90% (rabbits,
90±1%; rats, 91±1%) and 100% (isovolumetric
heartbeats). In both species dP/dt
did not change
significantly with afterload interventions. Relative load
of the control beats was significantly higher in rabbits
(56±1%) than in rats (49±2%).
Effects of LV afterload elevations on LVP fall
and diastolic function
Effects of LV afterload elevations on LVP fall and dia-
stolic function are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2 and sum-
marized in Tables 1 and 2. At baseline, both species
presented similar relaxation rates as measured by
and time constant s. As illustrated in Fig. 1,
effects of afterload elevations on relaxation rate were
assessed with the fractional changes in the time constant
s. Although in both species, spresented biphasic
response to afterload elevations, they were not identical.
In rats, s
decreased (s
<1, accel-
eration of pressure fall) over almost the entire range of
afterload elevations from control to isovolumetric beats.
This acceleration was maximal at a relative load of 80%.
Above this afterload level acceleration of pressure
fall became smaller and was no more observed in
isovolumetric beats (relative load of 100%). On the
other hand, in rabbits, relaxation rate accelerated up to
a relative load of 70%, while afterload elevations
reaching or exceeding a relative load of 80% resulted in
a progressive and significant increase of s
>1, deceleration of pressure fall). The
transition from acceleration to deceleration occurred at
relative loads of 73–76% and 97–100% for rabbits and
rats, respectively.
ED LV pressures and dimensions showed distinct
responses to afterload elevations. Whereas LVP
and ID
were not affected, LVP
increased significantly with afterload elevations in rab-
bits, but only marginally in rats. As ID
did not
change with afterload in rabbits and rats that means that
in the first diastole after an elevation of the afterload
there was no significant filling beyond ID
Therefore, the difference between ED LVP at the end
and beginning of the cardiac cycle (LVP
) reflects the magnitude of the upward shift of
the ED LVP-ID relation and the occurrence of diastolic
dysfunction, which was observed in rabbits but not in
rats (Fig. 2).
In rabbits diastolic dysfunction became apparent
when relaxation rate decelerated (s
>1). In
rats, this never occurred since afterload elevations elic-
ited almost always acceleration of myocardial relaxation
Evaluation of LV completeness of myocardial relaxation
In Fig. 3, afterload-induced upward shift of the ED
LVP-ID relation (diastolic dysfunction) is plotted
against the difference between available and predicted
times for the LV to relax. Available time for the ven-
tricle to relax corresponds to the measured time inter-
val from onset of left ventricular pressure fall till the
next end-diastole. On the other hand, the predicted
time was computed as 3.5s(Leite-Moreira et al. 1999a;
Leite-Moreira and Correia-Pinto 2001), which esti-
mates 97% completion of relaxation. When the differ-
ence between available and predicted times was
negative, this means that there was a deficit in time for
the ventricle to relax. In rats, such deficit only occurred
in isovolumetric beats, while in rabbits an significantly
bigger deficit was present not only in isovolumetric
beats but also for the relative load of 90%. Interest-
ingly, when such a deficit in time for the ventricle to
relax occurred a significant afterload-induced diastolic
dysfunction was observed.
In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that load
dependence of relaxation and diastolic function in
O. cuniculus and R. norvegicus, which have different
heart rate and constitutive gene expression of sarco-
plasmic reticulum Ca
-ATPase (SERCA2a) and Ca
extrusion via the NCX (Negretti et al. 1993; Bassani et al.
1994; Hove-Madsen and Bers 1993; Lewartowski et al.
1992), would be distinct. We could demonstrate that,
although myocardial relaxation rate at baseline was
similar in both animal species, they showed a distinct
response to afterload elevations, with rats having a
higher afterload reserve of diastolic function than rab-
bits. This could have a biological meaning since heart
rate is significantly higher in rats than in rabbits. In fact,
with the pronounced afterload-induced acceleration of
relaxation, rats could compensate the shortest time
available that its LV has to relax.
Investigation of load dependence of relaxation rate
and diastolic function, in the in situ intact heart, must be
performed with beat-to-beat load manipulations in the
presence of a widely opened pericardium, as we did in
the present study, in order to exclude several con-
founding factors, such as neurohumoral activation,
pericardial constraint, preload changes and long-term
load history (Gillebert et al. 2000).
Myocardial relaxation is an important determinant of
diastolic function. It is essentially modulated by the
interaction of afterload with the underlying mechanisms
involved in the decline of [Ca
to its diastolic levels
(Leite-Moreira and Gillebert 1996; Leite-Moreira et al.
1999b). Quantitative importance of the various mecha-
nisms involved in this process varies amongst animal
species (Hove-Madsen and Bers 1993; Bassani et al.
1994), namely rabbits and rats, as outlined in the Intro-
duction. Relaxation rate, as assessed by dP/dt
and s,
seems to be highly dependent of SERCA2a activity as
previously demonstrated either in a transgenic mouse line
overexpressing SERCA2a (He et al. 1997) and NCX
knockout mice (Yao et al. 1997, 1998). As rat hearts have
significantly higher SERCA2a activity than rabbit hearts
(Negretti et al. 1993; Bassani et al. 1994; Hove-Madsen
and Bers 1993; Lewartowski et al. 1992) we expected
myocardial relaxation to be faster in rats than in rabbits.
Interestingly, the present study showed that, at baseline,
relaxation rate was similar in the two species and that the
Fig. 1A–C Effects of selective afterload elevations on left ventric-
ular (LV) pressure time-courses (A, B) and relaxation rate (C)in
both species. In the A(rabbit) and B(rat), a representative example
of five superposed heartbeats with increasing afterloads are
displayed. In contrast to rat, in rabbits diastolic LV pressures at
the end of highly afterloaded heartbeats were significantly higher
than end-diastolic (ED) LV pressures at the beginning of the
cardiac cycles. In C, relaxation rate was assessed with the fractional
changes in the time constant s(s
). In rats, afterload
elevations elicited acceleration of myocardial relaxation with
transition from acceleration to deceleration occurring at a relative
load of 97–100%. In rabbits, acceleration of myocardial relaxation
was evident only from control to 70% relative load (s
<1), whereas afterload elevations reaching or exceeding a relative
load of 80% progressively decreased relaxation rate (s
>1). In rabbits, transition from acceleration to deceleration
occurred at a relative load of 73–76%. In Cresults are
mean±SEM. Significant differences between animal species,
P<0.05: rabbit versus rat. Significant differences between
afterload levels, P<0.05: * versus control; § versus 70%; versus
80%; # versus 90%
differences only became manifest in response to an
afterload challenge. Indeed, rabbit hearts revealed lower
afterload reserve of diastolic function than rats.
Afterload reserve of diastolic function was previously
defined on the basis of the response of rate of pressure
fall and position of the diastolic pressure-volume rela-
tion to acute beat-to-beat afterload elevations. As
already described in previous studies, this response was
biphasic in dogs (Leite-Moreira and Gillebert 1994) and
rabbits (Leite-Moreira et al. 1999a; Leite-Moreira and
Correia-Pinto 2001). In both these species, smaller
afterload elevations, up to a relative load of 81–84% in
dogs (Leite-Moreira and Gillebert 1994), and 73–76% in
rabbits (Leite-Moreira et al. 1999a, Leite-Moreira and
Correia-Pinto 2001), accelerated LV relaxation rate and
did not affect the LV end-diastolic pressure-volume
relation, indicating a compensatory response and the
presence of afterload reserve of diastolic function. On
the contrary, afterload elevations exceeding those rela-
tive loads markedly slowed LV relaxation rate and
shifted the end-diastolic pressure-volume relation
upwards. This traduces a decompensatory response,
indicating that afterload reserve of diastolic function has
exhausted. The present study confirmed the results pre-
viously observed in rabbits but showed that rat hearts
respond to afterload elevations in a compensatory way
almost during the entire range of afterloads between
control and isovolumetric beats.
Decompensatory response was either not observed,
or present only in isovolumetric and beats very close
to isovolumetric. Transition from compensation to
decompensation could be estimated in rats at a relative
load of 97-100%. These findings nicely fit our hypothesis
of a relation between this transition that determines
afterload reserve of diastolic function and SERCA2a
activity, which is significantly higher in rats than in
rabbits. Another potential mechanism for this finding is
the distinct isoform of MHC predominantly expressed
by each of these animal species. In fact, while rat hearts
express predominantly the faster MHC-aisoform
(Meehan et al. 1999), rabbit hearts predominantly ex-
press the slower MHC-bisoform, which has a higher
affinity for Ca
(Reiser and Kline 1998). It should be
remembered, however, that changes in MHC isoforms
have a bigger impact on contraction than on relaxation
(Perez et al. 1999). This could explain why indices of
contractility, such as dP/dt
and peak isovolumetric
pressure, were significantly higher in rats than in rabbits,
Fig. 2A–C Effects of afterload elevations on the position of the
diastolic pressure-dimension relation. In A(rabbit) and B(rat), a
representative example of five superposed heartbeats with increas-
ing afterloads are displayed. In contrast to the rat, in the rabbit the
diastolic portion of the pressure-dimension loops was upward
shifted in highly afterloaded heartbeats. In Cthe upward shift of
the diastolic pressure-dimension relation (diastolic dysfunction) is
presented as a function of the relative load either in rats and
rabbits. Significant diastolic dysfunction was observed when
afterload exceeded a relative load of 73–76% in rabbits and
97–100% in rats. In Cresults are mean±SEM. Significant
differences between animal species, P<0.05: rabbit versus Rat.
Significant differences between afterload levels, p<0.05: * versus
Control; § versus 70%; versus 80%; # versus 90%
while relaxation rate in control beats was similar in the
two animal species.
The observations reported in this study reflect,
therefore, the different expression of regulatory calcium
proteins between studied species. It should be emphas-
ised that calcium regulatory proteins (Tate et al. 1990,
1996) and myosin isoforms (Farrar et al. 1988) are to
some degree dependent on age and previous endurance
performance. In our study this aspect can be excluded
since all animals were instrumented at matched devel-
opmental ages and all animals had similar husbandry
Distinct load dependence of relaxation expressed by
rats and rabbits might have a biological relevance. In
fact, if the rat presented a relaxation behaviour similar
to the rabbit, rats would develop serious diastolic
intolerance to increased afterload, because the higher
heart rate of rats means that they have significantly
shorter time available for the ventricle to relax than do
rabbits. This does not happen because the rat’s molec-
ular machinery allows myocardial relaxation to respond
to afterload elevations essentially with acceleration and
not with deceleration as observed in larger animal spe-
cies such as rabbits and dogs. This issue might be par-
ticularly relevant to physiological adaptation to physical
exercise. In fact, we can speculate that given their ele-
vated physiological heart rate, rats will presumably
respond to exercise using preferentially preload reserve
rather than contractility and heart rate augmentation.
This study, therefore, provided evidence that O. cuniculus
has a lower afterload reserve of myocardial relaxation
and diastolic function than R. norvegicus. These data
could have a biological significance since heart rate in
rats is considerably higher than in rabbits. Additionally,
as these are two of the most commonly used animal
species in cardiovascular physiology, the differences de-
scribed in the present study should be taken in account
when drawing conclusions about physiological and/or
Results presented as mean±SEM; rabbits, n=19; rats, n=17
peak systolic left ventricular pressure; dP/dt
peak rates of LVP rise and fall, respectively)
Significant differences between animal species: P<0.05:
Significant differences between afterload levels P<0.05: *versus
control; §versus 70%; versus 80%; #versus 90%
Results presented as mean±SEM; rabbits, n=19; rats, n=17
and LVP
end-diastolic left ventricular pressures
at the beginning and at the end of the heartbeat, respectively;
and ID
end-diastolic internal diameters at the
beginning and the end of the heartbeat, respectively; LVP
minimal left ventricular pressure; ID at LVP
internal diameter at
minimal left ventricular pressure)
Significant differences between animal species, P<0.05:
Significant differences between afterload levels, P<0.05: *versus
control; §versus 70%; versus 80%; #versus 90%
Table 1 Effects of afterload on parameters of left ventricular contraction and relaxation
Parameter Species Afterload elevations
Control 70% 80% 90% 100%
Rabbit 85.6±2.8 102.0±3.1* 116.5±3.8
*, §
*, §
*, §, #,
Rat 96.2±4.3 137.6±2.9
a,*, §
a,*, §
a,*, §, #,
Rabbit 3381±135 3234±134 3124±151 3139±134 3306±169
Rat 5068±343 5104±303
Rabbit )2790±136 )2897±110* )2604±107* )2181±93* )1830±95
Rat )3403±343 )3735±235
a,*, §
a,*, §,
Time to dP/
Rabbit 160.3±3.8 161.9±4.7 175.2±5.3 181.2±6.4 187.5±7.2
Rat 108.9±6.7
Time constant
Rabbit 18.2±9.8 16.0±1.1 20.2±1.5 30.1±2.7
*, §
*, §, #,
Rat 24.8±2.3 19.3±1.4 18.7±1.6* 20.3±1.8
Table 2 Effects of afterload changes on LV diastolic parameters
Parameter Species Afterload elevations
Control 70% 80% 90% 100%
(mmHg) Rabbit 5.6±0.5 5.7±0.6 5.9±0.6 6.3±0.7 6.1±0.7
Rat 7.0±1.3 6.9±1.3 6.9±1.2 7.6±1.2 7.4±1.1
(mm) Rabbit 12.5±0.7 12.1±0.7 12.0±0.7 12.2±0.7 11.9±0.7
Rat 9.2±0.6
(mmHg) Rabbit 0.24±0.17 0.16±0.07 1.33±0.27
*, §
*, §,
*, §, ,#
Rat )0.32±0.13 0.11±0.08 0.241±0.13
(mm) Rabbit 12.4±0.7 12.1±0.7 12.1±7.3 12.4±0.7 12.2±0.6
Rat 9.3±0.7
pathophysiological observations on relaxation and dia-
stolic function.
Acknowledgements Supported by Portuguese grants from FCT
(PRAXIS/SAU/11301/98; partially funded by FEDER), from
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and from Comissa
˜o de Fomento
da Investigac¸ a
˜o em Cuidados de Sau´ de (Ministry of Health),
through Unidade I&D Cardiovascular (51/94-FCT).
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Circ Res 82:657–665
Fig. 3 The upward shift of the diastolic pressure-dimension
relation (diastolic dysfunction) was plotted as function of the
difference between the available and the predicted time for the
ventricle to relax (time deficit) in both species. Results are presented
as mean±SEM. Significant differences between species, P<0.05:
rabbit versus rat. Significant differences between afterload levels,
P<0.05: * versus control; § versus 70%; versus 80%; # versus
... LV septal to free wall diameter was recorded with ultrasonic crystals using a sonomicrometer amplifier (Triton Technology, San Diego, CA, USA). One crystal was placed into the left border of the interventricular septum and the other on the epicardial surface of the LV free wall, as previously described [3, 4]. A limb ECG (II) was recorded throughout. ...
... Relaxation rate was estimated with the time constant s, by fitting isovolumetric LV pressure fall to a monoexponential function. From baseline to isovolumetric, multiple graded LV pressure elevations were randomly performed by abruptly clamping the ascending aortic root starting in the diastole separating two heartbeats, as previously described [3, 4, 25, 31] . Beats preceding aortic obstruction were designated as baseline heartbeats and those immediately following it as test beats. ...
... LV septum to free wall diameter was measured at end-diastole. Afterload-induced shifts of the end-diastolic pressure–dimension relation (EDPDR) were assessed by measuring diastolic pressures at matched dimensions, close to end-diastole, as previously described [3, 4, 29, 30]. At the end of the hemodynamic study animals were euthanized with anesthetic overdose, the position of crystals and manometers was verified, the RV was carefully dissected from the interventricular septum and LV free wall, and transmural samples of LV free wall (excluding the septum) were collected for molecular studies. ...
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Although pulmonary hypertension (PH) selectively overloads the right ventricle (RV), neuroendocrine activation and intrinsic myocardial dysfunction have been described in the left ventricle (LV). In order to establish the timing of LV dysfunction development in PH and to clarify underlying molecular changes, Wistar rats were studied 4 and 6 weeks after subcutaneous injection of monocrotaline (MCT) 60 mg/kg (MCT-4, n = 11; MCT-6, n = 11) or vehicle (Ctrl-4, n = 11; Ctrl-6, n = 11). Acute single beat stepwise increases of systolic pressure were performed from baseline to isovolumetric (LVPiso). This hemodynamic stress was used to detect early changes in LV performance. Neurohumoral activation was evaluated by measuring angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) LV mRNA levels. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis was evaluated by TUNEL assay. Extracellular matrix composition was evaluated by tenascin-C mRNA levels and interstitial collagen content. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition of the LV was studied by protein quantification. MCT treatment increased RV pressures and RV/LV weight ratio, without changing LV end-diastolic pressures or dimensions. Baseline LV dysfunction were present only in MCT-6 rats. Afterload elevations prolonged tau and upward-shifted end-diastolic pressure dimension relations in MCT-4 and even more in MCT-6. MHC-isoform switch, ACE upregulation and cardiomyocyte apoptosis were present in both MCT groups. Rats with severe PH develop LV dysfunction associated with ET-1 and tenascin-C overexpression. Diastolic dysfunction, however, could be elicited at earlier stages in response to hemodynamic stress, when only LV molecular changes, such as MHC isoform switch, ACE upregulation, and myocardial apoptosis were present.
... As marked hypertension represents a heavy afterload to the LV, this mechanism might contribute to exacerbation of diastolic dysfunction and pulmonary congestion in hypertensive crisis. 11,12 The level of afterload above which a decompensatory response occurs may be shifted by pharmacologic agents, 31,32 varies among animal species, 4,33 is distinct in the two ventricles, 34 and is lower in the failing heart. 15 Potential underlying mechanisms for these differences in the diastolic tolerance to afterload include changes in the activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ ATPase (SERCA2a) or the Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger, in troponin I phosphorylation or in myosin heavy chain isoforms. ...
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Cardiovascular congestion with preserved ejection fraction is not necessarily diastolic heart failure. Diastolic left ventricular dysfunction may be induced by overload, is present in systolic heart failure, and is the hallmark of diastolic heart failure. Distensibility, compliance, and left ventricular size are the main determinants of the diastolic pressure-volume relation. Myocardial relaxation may importantly affect end-diastolic left ventricular properties. Knowledge of intracellular calcium fluxes is essential to understand myocardial relaxation. Myocardial stiffness is regulated by extracellular matrix, by the cytoskeleton, and by myofilament interaction. Myocardial tone is regulated by phosphorylation of myofilaments, load, endothelin-1, β-adrenergic receptor stimulation, and angiotensin II. Diastolic heart failure is a combined disorder due to increased stiffness of heart and vessels.
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This study evaluated right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) diastolic tolerance to afterload and SERCA2a, phospholamban and sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) gene expression in Wistar rats. Time constant tau and end diastolic pressure-dimension relation (EDPDR) were analyzed in response to progressive RV or LV afterload elevations, induced by beat-to-beat pulmonary trunk or aortic root constrictions, respectively. Afterload elevations decreased LV- tau, but increased RV-tau. Whereas LV- tau analyzed the major course of pressure fall, RV- tau only assessed the last fourth. Furthermore, RV afterload elevations progressively upward shifted RV EDPDR, whilst LV afterload elevations did not change LV-EDPDR. SERCA2a and phospholamban mRNA were similar in both ventricles. NCX-mRNA was almost 50 % lower in RV than in LV. Left ventricular afterload elevations, therefore, accelerated the pressure fall and did not induce diastolic dysfunction, indicating high LV diastolic tolerance to afterload. On the contrary, RV afterload elevations decelerated the late RV pressure fall and induced diastolic dysfunction, indicating small RV diastolic tolerance to afterload. These results support previous findings relating NCX with late Ca(2+) reuptake, late relaxation and diastolic dysfunction.
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In monocrotaline (MCT)-induced pulmonary hypertension (PH), only the right ventricle (RV) endures overload, but both ventricles are exposed to enhanced neuroendocrine stimulation. To assess whether in long-standing PH the left ventricular (LV) myocardium molecular/contractile phenotype can be disturbed, we evaluated myocardial function, histology, and gene expression of autocrine/paracrine systems in rats with severe PH 6 wk after subcutaneous injection of 60 mg/kg MCT. The overloaded RV underwent myocardial hypertrophy (P < 0.001) and fibrosis (P = 0.014) as well as increased expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) (8-fold; P < 0.001), endothelin-1 (ET-1) (6-fold; P < 0.001), and type B natriuretic peptide (BNP) (15-fold; P < 0.001). Despite the similar upregulation of ET-1 (8-fold; P < 0.001) and overexpression of ACE (4-fold; P < 0.001) without BNP elevation, the nonoverloaded LV myocardium was neither hypertrophic nor fibrotic. LV indexes of contractility (P < 0.001) and relaxation (P = 0.03) were abnormal, however, and LV muscle strips from MCT-treated compared with sham rats presented negative (P = 0.003) force-frequency relationships (FFR). Despite higher ET-1 production, BQ-123 (ET(A) antagonist) did not alter LV MCT-treated muscle strip contractility distinctly (P = 0.005) from the negative inotropic effect exerted on shams. Chronic daily therapy with 250 mg/kg bosentan (dual endothelin receptor antagonist) after MCT injection not only attenuated RV hypertrophy and local neuroendocrine activation but also completely reverted FFR of LV muscle strips to positive values. In conclusion, the LV myocardium is altered in advanced MCT-induced PH, undergoing neuroendocrine activation and contractile dysfunction in the absence of hypertrophy or fibrosis. Neuroendocrine mediators, particularly ET-1, may participate in this functional deterioration.
Background: Previous morphological studies had produced controversial results with regard to heart development in congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), whereas a few publications investigated cardiac function and myocardial maturation. Myocardium maturation is associated with age-dependent increasing of gene expression of gap junction protein connexin 43 (Cx43), adenosine triphosphatase of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA2a), as well as switching of myosin heavy chains (MHCs) from beta to alpha isoforms. Our aim was to evaluate myocardium maturity in nitrofen-induced CDH rat model. Methods: Fetuses from dated pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to 3 experimental groups: control, nitrofen (exposed to nitrofen, without CDH), and CDH (exposed to nitrofen, with CDH). Myocardial samples collected from left ventricle free wall were processed to (i) quantification of messenger RNA (mRNA) of Cx43, SERCA2a, alpha and beta MHC isoforms, as well as beta-actin (housekeeping gene); and (ii) separation of MHC isoforms (alpha and beta isoforms) by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis silver stained. Results: We demonstrated that there is no difference in myocardial gene expression of Cx43 (control, 1.0 +/- 0.1; nitrofen, 1.1 +/- 0.2; CDH, 1.3 +/- 0.2) and SERCA2a (control, 1.0 +/- 0.1; nitrofen, 0.9 +/- 0.1; CDH, 1.0 +/- 0.2). Myocardial gene expressions of alpha and beta mRNA of MHC isoforms were slightly decreased both in nitrofen and CDH fetuses when compared with control fetuses, but evaluation of the alpha-to-beta ratios of MHC isoforms at protein level revealed no significant differences between CDH and control (control, 16.9 +/- 2.5; CDH, 17.0 +/- 2.0). Conclusions: Myocardial quantification of Cx43 and SERCA2a mRNA, as well as the expression pattern of MHC isoforms at protein levels, was similar in all studied groups. We predict, therefore, that acute heart failure commonly observed in CDH infants might be attributed predominantly to cardiac overload secondary to severe pulmonary hypertension rather than to myocardial immaturity.
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Although it has been proposed that incomplete relaxation explains certain increases in left ventricular end diastolic pressure relative to volume, there has been no clear demonstration that incomplete relaxation occurs in the intact working ventricle. To identify incomplete relaxation, left ventricular pressure-dimension relationships were studied in 10 canine right heart bypass preparations during ventricular pacing. The fully relaxed, exponential diastolic pressure-dimension line for each ventricle was first determined from pressure and dimension values at the end of prolonged diastoles after interruption of pacing. For 167 beats during pacing under widely varying hemodynamic conditions, diastolic pressure-dimension values encountered this line defining the fully relaxed state during the filling period indicating that relaxation was complete before end diastole. The time constant for isovolumic exponential pressure fall (T) was determined for all beats. For this exponential function, if no diastolic filling occurred, 97% of pressure fall would be complete by 3.5 T after maximal negative dP/dt. For the 167 beats the fully relaxed pressure-dimension line was always encountered before 3.5 T. With very rapid pacing rates (170-200 beats/min) and(or) with pharmacologic prolongation of relaxation, incomplete relaxation occurred as evidenced by the fact that the line defining the fully relaxed state was never reached during diastole (n = 15). This evidence of incomplete relaxation occurred only when the subsequent beat began before 3.5 T but did not always occur under these conditions. Thus, an increase in end diastolic pressure relative to diastolic volume may result from incomplete relaxation under conditions of sufficiently rapid heart rate or sufficiently prolonged ventricular relaxation. Incomplete relaxation does not occur when the next beat begins more than 3.5 T after maximum negative dP/dt.
We measured (Ca 21)i and (Na1)i in isolated transgenic (TG) mouse myocytes overexpressing the Na1-Ca21 exchanger and in wild-type (WT) myocytes. In TG myocytes, the peak systolic level and amplitude of electrically stimulated (ES) (Ca 21)i transients (0.25 Hz) were not significantly different from those in WT myocytes, but the time to peak (Ca 21)i was significantly prolonged. The decline of ES (Ca21)i transients was significantly accelerated in TG myocytes. The decline of a long-duration (4-s) caffeine-induced (Ca21)i transient was markedly faster in TG myocytes, and (Na1)i was identical in TG and WT myocytes, indicating that the overexpressed Na1-Ca21 exchanger is functionally active. The decline of a short-duration (100-ms) caffeine-induced (Ca21)i transient in 0 Na1/0 Ca21 solution did not differ between the two groups, suggesting that the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca21-ATPase function is not altered by overexpression of the Na1-Ca21 exchanger. There was no difference in L-type Ca21 current density in WT and TG myocytes. However, the sensitivity of ES (Ca21)i transients to nifedipine was reduced in TG myocytes. This maintenance of (Ca21)i transients in nifedipine was inhibited by Ni 21 and required SR Ca21 content, consistent with enhanced Ca21 influx by reverse Na1-Ca21 exchange, and the resulting Ca21-induced Ca21 release from SR. The rate of rise of (Ca21)i transients in nifedipine in TG myocytes was much slower than when both the L-type Ca21 current and the Na1-Ca21 exchange current function together. In TG myocytes, action potential amplitude and action potential duration at 50% repolarization were reduced, and action potential duration at 90% repolarization was increased, relative to WT myocytes. These data suggest that under these conditions, overexpression of the Na1-Ca21 exchanger in TG myocytes accelerates the decline of (Ca21)i during relaxation, indicating enhanced forward Na1-Ca21 exchanger function. Increased Ca21 influx also appears to occur, consistent with enhanced reverse function. These findings provide support for the physiological importance of both these modes of Na1-Ca21 exchange. (Circ Res. 1998;82:657-665.)
A protocol for sample preparation and gel electrophoresis is described that reliably results in the separation of the alpha- and beta-isoforms of cardiac myosin heavy chain (MHC-alpha and MHC-beta) in eight mammalian species. The protocol is based on a simple, nongradient denaturing gel. The magnitude of separation of MHC-alpha and MHC-beta achieved with this protocol is sufficient for quantitative determination of the relative amounts of these two isoforms in mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, canine, pig, baboon, and human myocardial samples. The sensitivity of the protocol is sufficient for the detection of MHC isoforms in samples at least as small as 1 microgram. The glycerol concentration in the separating gel is an important factor for successfully separating MHC-alpha and MHC-beta in myocardial samples from different species. The effect of sample load on MHC-alpha and MHC-beta band resolution is illustrated. The results also indicate that inclusion of a homogenization step during sample preparation increases the amount of MHC detected on the gel for cardiac samples to a much greater extent than for skeletal muscle samples. Although the protocol described in this study is excellent for analyzing cardiac samples, it should be noted that the same protocol is not optimal for separating MHC isoforms expressed in skeletal muscle, as is illustrated.
The method of rapid superfusion of the single isolated ventricular myocytes of guinea-pig heart was used in order to inhibit the Na-Ca exchange throughout the physiological contraction-relaxation cycle. Superfusion of the cell at selected intervals during the contraction with the Na,Ca-free solution resulted in increase in its amplitude, increase in time to peak shortening and in delay of relaxation, albeit the cells relaxed before reperfusion of normal Tyrode solution. The largest increase in amplitude of contraction (to 134 +/- 16%) was observed when the effective exchange of the cell's environment was attained approximately 50 ms after the pulse stimulating contraction. The effects declined promptly when the delay was increased beyond 100 ms. In the cells treated with 10 mM caffeine superfusion with the Na,Ca-free solution after the delay of 50-100 ms resulted in decrease in extent of shortening. Increase in delay resulted in slight increase in extent of shortening with respect to control and strong inhibition of relaxation. The strongest effects were observed when the delay was approximately 200 ms. Superfusion of the normal cells and of the cells treated with caffeine between contractions resulted in slight potentiation of the next beat. It is concluded that Na-Ca exchange provides an important mechanism of relaxation and outward Ca2+ transport in the physiological contraction of the ventricular cardiomyocyte.
To determine whether endurance exercise training initiated during senescence improves the slower calcium transport of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum in senescent rats, three groups of male Fischer 344 rats were used: sedentary mature (SM), 11-12 mo of age; sedentary old (SO), 23-24 mo of age; and exercised old (EO), 23-24 mo of age. The EO rats ran on a motor-driven treadmill 5 days/wk for 8-10 wk while two other groups remained sedentary. The contraction duration of isometrically contracting papillary muscle was prolonged in the SO rats compared with the SM group, resulting from both a longer time-to-peak tension and a longer half-relaxation time. Chronic exercise improved the papillary muscle contractile function of the EO group to that observed in the younger SM rats. More importantly, the exercise regime ameliorated the slower oxalate-supported, ATP-dependent calcium transport observed in the SO group so that the EO and SM groups were the same. In contrast, the calcium-activated myosin adenosinetriphosphatase activity, which was slower in the SO group, was not altered after exercise training, so that both senescent groups were slower than the SM rats. Thus the increased calcium transport by the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum may be one of the potential mechanisms underlying the improvement of myocardial performance with chronic exercise initiated during senescence.
Nonuniformity of mechanical performance is inherent to the multicellular nature and specific geometry and configuration of the ventricle of the heart. Although the concept of nonuniformity of the diseased heart is not new, ventricular function and the performance of the heart as a muscular pump cannot be understood unless nonuniform behavior is taken into account, even under normal conditions. Along with the loading conditions throughout the cardiac cycle and the time courses of activation and inactivation, the nonuniform behavior of load and of activation and inactivation in space and in time constitutes a third important determinant of mechanical performance and efficiency of the ventricle during both contraction and relaxation. Hence, a triad (load, activation-inactivation, nonuniformity) of controls regulates systolic function of the normal ventricle. In the diseased heart, even when loading and activation-inactivation are normal, the modulating role played by this nonuniformity can become imbalanced because of abnormal cavity size or shape or because of regional dysfunction. Such an imbalance would diminish external efficiency (the ratio of work performed to oxygen utilized) of the ventricle and result in incoordinate contraction and relaxation. These abnormalities, in turn, could exacerbate manifest cardiac failure.
The effects of aging and exercise on isoforms of cardiac myosin and Ca2+-activated actomyosin adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) activity were examined in Fischer 344 rats. Rats were divided into running (R) and age-matched sedentary (S) groups. The groups initiated their exercise program at either 3, 4, or 18 mo of age. Rats were killed at 10, 12, 24, or 27 mo of age. ATPase activity decreased 25% in the S group and 28% in the R group from 12 to 27 mo of age. The myosin isozyme patterns shifted in both S and R groups from a predominantly V1 isozyme form (63.8%) at 10 mo of age to a more equal distribution of isozyme forms at 24 mo (V1, V2, and V3 comprising 40.0, 27.8, and 31.9%, respectively). Age-related shifts in myosin composition occurred despite chronic endurance training at an intensity of approximately 75% maximum O2 consumption. Improvement of cardiac performance through training during aging is not accompanied by attenuating shifts in myosin isozyme composition.
Skinned fibres prepared by mechanical and/or chemical means from cardiac and skeletal muscles of the rat were activated in solutions strongly buffered for Ca2+ (with 50 mM EGTA) in the absence or presence of caffeine 5-40 mM. In all preparations caffeine was found to reversibly shift the relation between steady-state force and free [Ca2+] toward lower free [Ca2+] in a dose dependent manner. This increase in apparent Ca2+ sensitivity was not antagonized by procaine and was the same, within each muscle type, irrespective of the manner in which the skinned fibre was prepared, and consequently the degree to which it retained cellular membranes. The effect was more pronounced in cardiac and slow-twitch than in fast-twitch, myofibrillar preparations. At equivalent concentrations theophylline mimicked this effect of caffeine in all preparations, however, addition of exogenous cyclic AMP neither mimicked nor modified, in any way, the effect. Maximum Ca2+ -activated force production was not affected by caffeine below 20 mM but was depressed by concentrations of 20 mM and above. The increase in apparent Ca2+ sensitivity produced by caffeine can not be the result of a mobilization of some cellular store of Ca2+ but must arise from a direct effect of caffeine on the myofilaments which leads to a change in the apparent affinity constant of the force controlling sites for Ca2+.
Effects of systolic left ventricular pressure (LVP) on rates of pressure fall remain incompletely understood. This study analyzed phase-plane dP/dt versus LVP plots to differentiate between accelerating and decelerating effects and to investigate the variability in reported load effects on rates of LVP fall. Abrupt aortic occlusions were performed by inflating a balloon positioned in the ascending aorta of anesthetized open-chest dogs (n = 17). The occlusions resulted in clamp elevations of systolic LVP. In protocol A, the elevations of systolic LVP induced by total aortic occlusions were timed at early, mid, and late ejection. The magnitude of the elevations was 36.0 +/- 3.6 mm Hg for early, 11.6 +/- 0.6 mm Hg for mid, and negligible for late occlusions. The course of LVP fall appeared to be more complex than previously appreciated. Pressure fall might be subdivided in an initial accelerative phase, an intermediate decelerative phase, and a terminal decelerative phase. The initial phase accelerated with mid and late occlusions. The intermediate phase slowed down with early and to a lesser extent with mid occlusions. The terminal phase was never affected by aortic clamp occlusions. In protocol B, early elevations of systolic LVP were obtained with multiple graded aortic occlusions. The effects of matched LVP elevations of 12 mm Hg on rate of LVP fall were evaluated with the time constant of LVP fall (tau) and showed an interanimal variability ranging from acceleration and a 20% decrease in tau to deceleration and a 35% increase in tau. Changes in tau were moderately correlated with commonly used indexes of contractility (peak +dP/dt, r = -.78; regional fractional shortening, r = -.63). These changes in tau showed a close correlation with the systolic LVP of the test beat, expressed as a percentage of the peak isovolumetric LVP, obtained with total aortic occlusion (r = .984). This suggested that the contraction-relaxation coupling should be analyzed in terms of peak force development rather than contraction velocity or ejection fraction. LVP fall could be subdivided into an initial accelerative phase, an intermediate decelerative phase, and a terminal decelerative phase. Effects of elevations in systolic LVP on rate of LVP fall could be predicted by knowing peak isovolumetric LVP. Nonuniformity of LVP fall and adequate interpretation of load effects should be taken into account when clinical situations or pharmacological interventions are considered. In congestive heart failure, slow LVP fall could mainly reflect working conditions close to isovolumetric rather than relaxation disturbances.
Transport systems responsible for removing Ca2+ from the myoplasm during relaxation in isolated ferret ventricular myocytes were studied using caffeine-induced contractures. Internal calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured with the fluorescent calcium indicator indo-1, and the results were compared with our recent detailed characterizations in rabbit and rat myocytes. Relaxation and [Ca2+]i decline during a twitch in ferret myocytes were fast and similar to that in rat myocytes (i.e. half-time, t 1/2 approximately 100-160 ms). During a caffeine-induced contracture (SR Ca2+ accumulation prevented), relaxation was still relatively fast (t 1/2 = 0.57 s) and similar to relaxation in rabbit supported mainly by a strong Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange. When both the SR Ca2+ uptake and Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange are blocked (by caffeine and 0 Na+, 0 Ca2+ solution) relaxation in the ferret myocyte is remarkably fast (approximately 5-fold) compared with rabbit and rat myocytes. The decline of the Cai2+ transient was also fast under these conditions. These values were similar to those in rat under conditions where relaxation is due primarily to Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange. Additional inhibition of either the sarcolemmal Ca(2+)-ATPase or mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake caused only modest slowing of the relaxation of caffeine-induced contracture in 0 Na+, 0 Ca2+ (t 1/2 increased to approximately 3 s). In rabbit myocytes the relaxation t 1/2 is slowed to 20-30 s by these procedures. Even when the systems responsible for slow relaxation in rabbit ventricular myocytes are inhibited (i.e. sarcolemmal Ca(2+)-ATPase and mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake) along with the SR Ca(2+)-ATPase and Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange, relaxation and [Ca2+]i decline in ferret myocytes remain rapid compared with rabbit myocytes. Ca2+ taken up by mitochondria in rabbit myocytes during a caffeine contracture in 0 Na+, 0 Ca2+ solution gradually returns to the SR after caffeine removal, but this component appears to be much smaller in ferret myocytes under the same conditions. We tested for possible residual Ca2+ transport by each of the four systems which suffice to explain Ca2+ removal from the cytoplasm in rabbit (SR Ca(2+)-ATPase, Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange, sarcolemmal Ca(2+)-ATPase and mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake). We conclude that there is an additional calcium transport system at work in ferret myocytes. For this additional system, our results are most compatible with a trans-sarcolemmal Ca2+ transport, but neither a cation exchanger nor a Ca(2+)-ATPase with characteristics like that in other cardiac cells. This additional system appears able to transport Ca2+ nearly as fast as the Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange in rat ventricular myocytes.