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Plasma biochemistry and haematology values in juvenile loggerhead sea turtles undergoing rehabilitation


Abstract and Figures

ALL species of sea turtle are included on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ([IUCN 2007][1]). Two families and seven species of sea turtle are currently recognised ([Pritchard 1997][2]). The family Dermochelyidae includes only the leatherback (
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Comparative study of hematologic and plasma biochemical
variables in Eastern Atlantic juvenile and adult nesting
loggerhead sea turtles (
Caretta caretta
Ana B. Casal
, Mar´
ıa Camacho
, Luis F. L ´
, Candelaria Juste
, Jorge Or ´
Departments of
Morphology and
Biology in the Veterinary Faculty and
Department of Animal Pathology, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Arucas (Las Palmas), Spain [Correction added after publication 2 Feb 2009: The original title, ‘‘Comparative study of hematologic plasma biochemical
variables...’’ has been corrected to read ‘‘Comparative study of hematologic plasma and biochemical variables...’’.]
Key Words
Caretta caretta, clinical chemistry, hematology,
reference values, reptile, sea turtle
Jorge Or ´
os, Veterinary Faculty ULPGC,
Trasmontana s/n, 35413 Arucas (Las Palmas),
Background: Plasma biochemical and hematologic variables are important in
the management of endangered sea turtles, such as loggerheads. However,
studies on blood biochemistry and hematology of loggerheads are limited, and
different concentrations according to variable criteria have been reported.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to establish and compare baseline
plasma chemistry and hematology values in Eastern Atlantic juvenile and
adult nesting loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta).
Methods: Blood samples were collected from 69 healthy juvenile logger-
head sea turtles after their rehabilitation in captivity, and from 34 adult
nesting loggerheads after oviposition. Fresh blood was used for leukocyte
differential count and PCV determination. Heparinized blood was used for
RBC and WBC counts. Plasma biochemical concentrations were measured
using an automated biochemical analyzer. For the comparative study, non-
parametric statistical analysis was done using the Mann–Whitney U-test.
Results: Minimum, maximum, and median concentrations were obtained
for 14 hematologic and 15 plasma chemistry variables. Statistically signif-
icant differences between juvenile and adult turtles were found for PCV;
RBC, WBC, and leukocyte differential counts; total protein, albumin, glob-
ulins, calcium, triglycerides, glucose, total cholesterol and urea concentra-
tions; and lactate dehydrogenase activity.
Conclusions: Age, size, and reproductive status cause important variations
in the hematologic and plasma biochemical results of loggerheads. The ref-
erence values obtained in this study may be used as a standard profile, use-
ful for veterinary surgeons involved in sea turtle conservation.
Currently, many veterinary surgeons are involved in
sea turtle conservation in wildlife rehabilitation hospi-
tals around the world. Sea turtle conservation includes
medical management and clinical and pathologic stud-
ies on stranded animals. Two families and 7 species of
sea turtles are recognized. The family Cheloniidae in-
cludes the green (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead (Caretta
caretta), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), Kemp’s rid-
ley (Lepidochelys kempii), olive ridley (Lepidochelys oliv-
acea), and flatback (Natator depressa) turtles. The family
Dermochelyidae includes only the leatherback turtle
(Dermochelys coriacea). All of these species are included
in the Red List of the World Conservation Union of en-
dangered species.
Studies on blood biochemistry and hematology of
sea turtles are limited.
However, recently, a mor-
phologic classification based on the cytochemical char-
acteristics of blood cells of juvenile loggerhead sea
turtles has been reported.
Sea turtles are affected by
several diseases. Some of these health problems are
naturally occurring processes and are observed in both
wild and captive turtles. Therefore, establishing
biochemical and hematologic reference values is
important for evaluating the health status of these
Vet Clin Pathol 38/2 (2009) 213–218 c2009 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology 213
Veterinary Clinical Pathology ISSN 0275-6382
endangered reptiles. The aim of the present study
was to measure plasma biochemical and hematologic
variables in juvenile loggerheads from the Canary
Islands and nesting adults from Cape Verde.
Materials and Methods
Sixty-nine juvenile loggerhead sea turtles stranded in
the Canary Islands and rehabilitated in outdoor facili-
ties with seawater belonging to Tafira Wildlife Rehabil-
itation Center (TWRC, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Canary Islands, Spain) throughout 2003 and 2004
were used in this study. The mean SD of the straight
carapace length and weight of juvenile turtles were
33.3 5.1 cm (range, 16.5–49.3 cm) and 10.3 2.8 kg
(range, 1.4–26 kg), respectively. Visualization of the
gonads via surgery or endoscopy was not performed.
Sea turtles were placed individually in outdoor pools
with continuous flow of seawater, and a capacity of
10,000 L and 1 m in depth, providing plenty of room
for swimming. Sea turtles were fed fresh and/or frozen
fish (sardine, Atlantic mackerel, and Atlantic horse
mackerel) once a day. Light periodicity ranged from 8
hours in the winter to 14 hours in the summer. Water
temperature in the pools ranged from 181C in the win-
ter to 221C in the summer. The causes of stranding had
been entanglement in fishing nets (n= 42, 60.9%), in-
gestion of hooks and monofilament lines (n=11,
15.9%), trauma caused by boat strikes (n= 4, 5.8%),
crude oil ingestion (n=2,2.9%),malnutrition(n=3,
4.3%), and unidentified causes (n= 7, 10.1%). The min-
imum and maximum times in rehabilitation were
10–195 days. Clinical evaluation, including physical ex-
amination, evaluation of swimming activity, core body
temperature (measured from the cloaca), food ingestion,
weight–straight carapace length ratio, and hydration, was
performed daily by the Veterinary Services staff of the
TWRC following a complete clinical assessment protocol.
Each turtle was released when it was determined to be
clinically normal and in good physical condition. Blood
samples were obtained 2–3 h before each turtle was set
free between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Turtles were placed on
foam padding and restrained manually, without seda-
tion. Water temperature ranged from 18.6 1Cto21.81C
depending on the month in which release took place.
Thirty-four female adult loggerhead sea turtles
nesting in Ervatao and Punta Cosme beaches
(Boa Vista Island, Cape Verde) between August and
September of 2004 were also used in this study. The
straight carapace length of the adult turtles was
74.4 3.8 cm (range, 70–87.1 cm). Clinical evaluation
included physical examination, core body temperature
(measured from the cloaca), and observation of ovipo-
sition behavior. None of the adult turtles used in this
study had external lesions, and all showed normal ovi-
position behavior. Environmental temperature ranged
from 22 1Cto261C. Blood samples were obtained be-
tween 2 a.m. and 5 a.m., before the turtles returned to
sea. Turtles were restrained manually, without sedation.
Blood (2 mL) was collected from the cervical sinus
using a disposable 2-mL syringe and a 23-G disposable
Two blood smears were prepared immedi-
ately, air-dried, and stained with Diff-Quik (Everest,
Barcelona, Spain), according to the manufacturer’s
instructions for differential leukocyte count. PCV
was determined immediately using microhematocrit
capillary tubes (Hematokrit, Kapillaren, Hirschmann
Laborgerate, Eberstadt, Germany) centrifuged at 6000g
for 5 minutes (M-24 Boeco, Hamburg, Germany). The
remaining blood was placed in heparinized microtubes
(2-mL capacity; Terumo Europe N.V., Leuven, Bel-
gium) that contained 30 U of lithium heparin, and
stored at 4 1C. One aliquot was used for RBC and
WBC counts, which were carried out within 2 hours
after collection. The remainder was placed in plastic
tubes (1.5-mL capacity; Eppendorf Ib ´
erica, Madrid,
Spain) and about 30 minutes after blood collection,
centrifuged for 15 minutes at 10,000g. Plasma was im-
mediately separated using a Pasteur pipette (Normax,
Marinha Grande, Portugal) and stored up to 10 days at
–201C until analysis. For differential leukocyte counts,
200 leukocytes were counted. RBCs and WBCs were
counted with a Neubauer hemacytometer (Canemco
Inc., Quebec, Canada), using the Natt and Herrick
method. Thrombocytes per liter of blood were esti-
mated according to a method described previously.
Plasma biochemical constituents were measured
using an automated dry chemistry analyzer (Spotchem
SP-4430, Arkray Inc., Kyoto, Japan) and reagent strips
(Spotchem II Panel-1, Panel-2, and Panel-V) according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. The biochemical
analytes and methods were as follows: total protein
(colorimetric method using copper sulfate), albumin
(bromcresol green), globulins (calculated), calcium (o-
cresolphthalein complexone), triglycerides (glycerol-
phosphate oxidase), uric acid (uricase), glucose (glucose
oxidase), total cholesterol (cholesterol oxidase), urea
(colorimetric reaction using o-phthaldehyde and N-1-
naphthyl-N0-diethylethylenediamine), total bilirubin
(colorimetric reaction using sulfanilic acid, sodium ni-
trite, and dyphylline), creatinine (3,5-dinitrobenzoic
acid), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; lithium L-lactate
as a substrate), aspartate aminotransferase (sodium L-
aspartate and a-ketoglutaric acid as substrates), alanine
aminotransferase (L-alanine and a-ketoglutaric acid as
214 Vet Clin Pathol 38/2 (2009) 213–218 c2009 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Casal et alHematology and biochemistry of sea turtles
substrates), and alkaline phosphatase (p-nitrophenyl
phosphate as a substrate). Temperature of reaction for
the enzymatic analyses was 371C. All samples were
measured in duplicate and a normal serum control
(Spotchem Calibration Check) was assayed between
each replicate. The analyzer was calibrated for each test
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Normality (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test) and Le-
vene tests were used (SPSS 14.0 for Windows, SPSS
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) to assess data distribution. Be-
cause all distributions were not normal, the
Mann–Whitney U-test was used to compare results be-
tween juvenile and adult turtles, considering Po.05 as
significant. For all samples with concentrations below
the limit of quantification, the limit of quantification
was used in the calculation. Results were expressed as
median, minimum, and maximum values.
Results and Discussion
Results were tabulated for juvenile and adult turtles
(Table 1). Several hematologic and biochemical vari-
ables were significantly different based on age group.
Variation in the hematologic and blood biochemi-
cal variables due to age, size, and species have been
described previously in sea turtles.
Although serum
is usually used for biochemical analysis in mammals,
serum is not recommended for reptile studies because
clot formation is unpredictable and the time required
for clotting may allow substantial changes in the
chemical composition of the sample.
Sea turtles are
ectothermic vertebrates and their blood biochemical
pattern is highly influenced by external factors, such as
nutritional and environmental conditions.
In addi-
tion, differences in the methodology and instrumenta-
tion can explain the variations of the blood biochemical
pattern reported by several authors. No methods have
been validated in sea turtles and this may result in low
transference of results.
PCV values of the adult nesting turtles were signif-
icantly higher than those observed in the juvenile tur-
tles. A significant correlation between PCV and the
straight carapace length of sea turtles has been previ-
ously reported.
Several authors reported that age
can affect the PCV values of sea turtles.
Bradley et al
cited a PCV value of 19.2% for the hatchlings of
loggerhead sea turtles. PCV median value of our
Table1. Hematologic and plasma biochemical results for juvenile and adult nesting loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta).
Analyte (Unit)
Juveniles (n= 69) Adults (n=34)
Minimum–Maximum Median Minimum–Maximum Median
PCV (%) 17–45 28 28–54 40 o.001
RBCs ( 10
cells/L) 3–60 18.7 2–40 9.4 o.001
Thrombocyte estimate ( 10
cells/L) 10–90 44.3 30–90 42.6 .508
WBCs ( 10
cells/L) 2.0–18.9 5.9 0.3–4.4 1.6 o.001
Heterophils ( 10
cells/L) 1.8–7.3 4.6 0.3–3.1 1.1 .048
Eosinophils ( 10
cells/L) 0–1.2 0.2 0.1–1.3 0.3 o.001
Basophils ( 10
cells/L) 0–0.00001 0.000001 0–0.00001 0.000001 —w
Lymphocytes ( 10
cells/L) 0.1–1.8 1.0 0.1–0.6 0.3 .01
Monocytes ( 10
cells/L) 0–0.3 0.07 0–0.2 0.01 .045
Total protein (g/L) 20–110 24 26–60 41 o.001
Albumin (g/L) 10–14 11 11–26 17 o.001
Globulins (g/L) 0–26 13 15–36 24 o.001
Creatinine (mmol/L) o26.5–70.7 31.8 o26.5–88.4 39.7 .66
Uric acid (mmol/L) o0.05–0.10 0.06 o0.05–0.20 0.10 .156
Urea (mmol/L) 1.8–67.3 36.3 5.0–9.7 7.2 o.001
Bilirubin (mmol/L) o3.4–8.5 3.4 3.4–51.3 17.2 .051
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.3–10.3 3.6 5.5–9.1 8.7 .001
Triglyceride (mmol/L) 0.3–21.0 7.4 1.1–5.6 1.3 o.001
Glucose (mmol/L) 1.1–16.2 7.2 1.9–5.5 3.3 .001
Calcium (mmol/L) 0.7–3.1 2.0 2.1–4.3 3.1 .002
AST (U/L) o10–844 194 51–214 123 .294
ALT (U/L) o10–258 24 o10–23 11 .948
ALP (U/L) 51–562 67 50–226 103 .056
LDH (U/L) o100 o100 o100–827 310 .001
Based on a Mann–Whitney U-test between juveniles and adults.
wTest could not be done.
AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.
Vet Clin Pathol 38/2 (2009) 213–218 c2009 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology 215
Casal et al Hematology and biochemistry of sea turtles
juvenile turtles (28%) was higher than that reported
for hatchlings.
RBC count in our juvenile loggerheads was lower
than those reported by Kakizoe et al
(36.2 10
for the same species, but similar to those reported for
other chelonians.
It is uncertain why such differ-
ences were noted. RBC counts of the adult nesting tur-
tles were significantly lower than those observed in the
juvenile turtles. WBC counts in our juvenile logger-
heads were lower than those reported by Raphael
the same species (14.67 10
cells/L). Captivity has
been reported as a possible cause of higher WBC
counts in bog turtles (Clemmys muhlenbergii).
The thrombocyte concentration may be difficult to
determine in sea turtles and we are unaware of previ-
ously published values. Thrombocytes from reptilian
species can be difficult to distinguish from lympho-
According to Work et al,
usually retain their morphologic characteristics on
freshly prepared smears. However, if blood smears are
prepared from blood that has been chilled, cellular
shrinkage makes differentiation more difficult, and
their characteristic tendency to aggregate in blood
smears may affect the quality of estimates. We found
similar concentrations of thrombocytes in both juve-
nile and adult nesting loggerhead sea turtles.
In our study, heterophils were the most numerous
leukocytes in juvenile loggerhead turtles, followed by
lymphocytes, similar to that described for loggerhead
However, lymphocytes were the most numer-
ous circulating leukocytes, followed by heterophils,
eosinophils, azurophils, and basophils in loggerheads
from the East coast of the USA.
Lymphocytes were
also the most numerous circulating leukocytes from
green turtles, followed by eosinophils, heterophils, and
Differences in the site of blood collection
(with potential for dilution by lymph), criteria used to
identify blood cells, differences in wild-caught vs reha-
bilitated turtles, sex, age, or geographical differences
could explain these different results.
In our study,
basophils were scarce in healthy loggerhead turtles,
similar to what was described by Work et al
in green
turtles. Cannon
did not identify basophils in Kemp’s
Ridley turtles. References on azurophils in the blood of
sea turtles are rare; most authors have not identified
azurophils in sea turtles.
Adult nesting turtles had significantly higher eo-
sinophil counts, and lower heterophil, monocyte, and
lymphocyte counts than the juvenile turtles. Similar
differences have also been described for other reptilian
In a previous study on diseases and causes
of mortality among sea turtles stranded in the Canary
Islands, the prevalence of parasitic diseases among
juvenile loggerheads was lower than that observed in
In our study, nesting adult loggerheads had
significantly higher concentrations of total protein,
globulins, albumin, total cholesterol, triglycerides,
and calcium than did juvenile turtles. This finding
has been observed previously in many reptiles, includ-
ing turtles, as a consequence of vitellogenesis and
Increased estrogen is associated
with hyperproteinemia, primarily due to an increase in
globulins necessary for yolk production.
A 2–4-fold
increase in the total serum calcium concentration is
associated with an increase in protein-bound calcium
during follicular development before ovulation.
Glucose concentrations in adult nesting turtles
were significantly lower than those in juvenile turtles.
This has also been reported in iguanas.
Energy re-
quired to complete the nesting process can be high.
In addition, the wide range of glucose, triglycerides,
and cholesterol concentrations in juveniles could have
resulted from the time since the last meal in captivity.
In our study, uric acid concentrations in juvenile
loggerheads were similar to those reported previously
for this species.
Among the class Reptilia only
chelonids and rhynchocephalids excrete urea as a sig-
nificant fraction of urinary nitrogen.
Urea concen-
trations in the adult nesting turtles were significantly
lower than those observed in the juvenile turtles. In a
study on blood biochemistry of the loggerhead sea tur-
tle, Lutz and Dunbar-Cooper
reported higher urea
concentrations in the males that were not influenced
by diet.
Bilirubin concentrations were slightly higher in
this study than those in a previous anecdotal report on
this species.
Because most turtles produce very little
bilirubin, the bilirubin assay is generally considered to
be of no use in reptile medicine. Creatinine concentra-
tions in both juvenile and adult nesting loggerheads
were also higher than those cited for this species.
Regarding plasma enzymes, only LDH activity was
significantly higher in adult turtles. Increases in serum
LDH may be associated in reptiles with damage to the
liver, skeletal muscle, or cardiac muscle.
may also result in increased serum LDH activity
however, our samples were not hemolyzed.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Pascual Calabuig
(TWRC) for the help he offered. They are grateful to mem-
bers of Consejer´ıa de Medio Ambiente, Cabildo Insular de
Gran Canaria, Canary Islands Government, and Cape Verde
Government, for providing us the turtles. This study was
216 Vet Clin Pathol 38/2 (2009) 213–218 c2009 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Casal et alHematology and biochemistry of sea turtles
partially supported by the Spanish national project I1D
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218 Vet Clin Pathol 38/2 (2009) 213–218 c2009 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Casal et alHematology and biochemistry of sea turtles
... Comparing with prior studies of experimental (5) and spill exposures to crude oil (3,27), several similarities and differences are noted. Differences in exposure conditions and sea turtle life stage likely account for some of the inconsistencies. ...
... kg, (28)] but of undetermined ages, degree of exposure was of varying severity and duration for both oil and Corexit, and turtles were evaluated after the additional effects of rescue and extended transport and following through decontamination and rehabilitation. In the Canary Islands, juvenile and subadult pelagic loggerheads (mean weight 9.16 ± 7.74 sd kg) exposed to smaller scale spills from shipping lanes (25) were evaluated as a subset of stranded rescued turtles (7/149) with regards to clinicopathological alterations (27). In this case, exposures were similarly variable, and there was no Corexit exposure. ...
... In both experimental (5) and spill exposures of sea turtles to crude oil (3,27), there were indications of anemia. However, in the experimental exposure (5), blood was collected in EDTA, which can artifactually lyse red blood cells of sea turtles, and although erythrocyte counts appeared to decrease, PCV did not, which is inconsistent with a true anemia (3). ...
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Following the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon MC252 oil rig in 2010, 319 live sea turtles exposed to crude oil and oil-dispersant (Corexit) combinations were admitted to rehabilitation centers for decontamination and treatment. Treatment of oiled sea turtles was guided by expected physiological and pathological effects of crude oil exposure extrapolated from studies in other species and from a single loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) study. While invaluable starting points, inherent limitations to extrapolation, and small sample size of the experimental exposure study, reduce their utility for clinical guidance and for assessing oil spill impacts. Effects of dispersants were not included in the previous experimental exposure study, and cannot be effectively isolated in the analysis of field data from actual spills. A terminal study of pivotal temperature of sex determination using eggs salvaged from doomed loggerhead nests provided an opportunity for an ancillary exposure study to investigate the acute effects of crude oil, dispersant, and a crude oil/dispersant combination in sea turtle hatchlings. Eggs were incubated at 27.2–30.8°C, and hatchlings were randomly assigned to control, oil, dispersant, and combined oil/dispersant exposures for 1 or 4 days. Contaminant exposures were started after a 3 day post-hatching period simulating nest emergence. Turtles were placed in individual glass bowls containing aged seawater and exposed to oil (Gulf Coast—Mixed Crude Oil Sweet, CAS #8002-05-9, 0.833 mL/L) and/or dispersant (Corexit 9500A, 0.083 mL/L), replicating concentrations encountered during oil spills and subsequent response. Statistically significant differences between treatments and non-exposed controls were detected for PCV, AST, uric acid, glucose, calcium, phosphorus, total protein, albumin, globulin, potassium, and sodium. The principal dyscrasias reflected acute osmolar, electrolyte and hydration challenges that were more numerous and greater in combined oil/dispersant exposures at 4 days. Clinicopathological findings were supported by a failure to gain weight (associated with normal hatchling hydration in seawater) in dispersant and combination exposed hatchlings. These findings can help guide clinical response for sea turtles exposed to crude oil and crude oil/dispersant combinations, and indicate potential impacts on wildlife to consider when deploying dispersants in an oil spill response.
... Total white blood cell count was estimated with a Neubauer haemocytometer after dilution to 1:100 with Natt and Herrick's staining solution (Bioanalytic GmbH, Umkirch, Germany). Ranges for the evaluation of HCT and TP, and for total WBC count, were compared with Casal and Orós (2009) [17]. All clinicopathological analyses were conducted by a trained veterinarian. ...
... Total white blood cell count was estimated with a Neubauer haemocytometer after dilution to 1:100 with Natt and Herrick's staining solution (Bioanalytic GmbH, Umkirch, Germany). Ranges for the evaluation of HCT and TP, and for total WBC count, were compared with Casal and Orós (2009) [17]. All clinicopathological analyses were conducted by a trained veterinarian. ...
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Balenophilus manatorum (Copepoda: Harpaticoida) is one of the few components of the epibiontic fauna of Caretta caretta that show a “true” parasitic association with their host. From rrosive to ulcerative cutaneous lesions may seldom appear as a consequence of the copepod feeding on keratin on turtles’ skin. Debilitating Turtle Syndrome (DTS) is the final outcome of a chronic insufficient assumption of nutrients, generally occurring with the impairment of immune functions and high epibiota burdens. In this survey, the presence of B. manatorum in C. caretta from the Northwestern Adriatic Sea was investigated and the relation between infection indices and the co-occurrence of DTS was studied. Clinical examination was performed at the time of rescue, including routine hematological assessment; external parasites were isolated mechanically from turtles’ skin and morphologically identified through observation with an optic microscope and SEM. Ten turtles were classified as affected by DTS, all of them being small juveniles with typical clinical and clinicopathological presentation. A higher prevalence, abundance, and density of infection were found in turtles affected by the syndrome. The presence of massive skin coverage by the burrowing barnacle Pletylepas hexastylos prevented a proper evaluation of the pathology associated with B. manatorum in turtles affected by DTS. In any event, eventual skin damages caused by the parasite may represent a port of entry for secondary infections in such immunocompromised animals. Therefore, infection by B. manatorum should not go overlooked in debilitated turtles and should be opportunely treated.
... Although several attempts have been made to establish reliable reference intervals and physiological blood parameter value ranges of loggerheads from different geographical areas, none of the obtained values can be considered exclusive and entirely valid [29][30][31][32]. However, several studies addressed the blood biochemical parameters of nested, stranded and injured, or loggerheads undergoing rehabilitation, providing not only a solid base for a pathological reference intervals determination, but also a valuable diagnostic tool to assess their health status [33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41]. ...
... The measured values of 13 biochemical parameters in all 21 loggerheads and corresponding 44 blood samples mostly remain within the ranges previously reported for Mediterranean loggerheads blood, as well as within previously described ranges and extreme values found in stranded, injured, and captive individuals worldwide [22,[29][30][31][32]37,[39][40][41]. In our study the total plasma protein concentrations obtained in 44 loggerhead plasma samples were in the described value ranges [30,33,36] Table 3). The extremely high total protein value of 118.8 mg/L was found in one dehydrated juvenile sea turtle upon arrival to rescue centre. ...
The aim of the study was to monitor and analyse injured and diseased loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) plasma proteome profiles and biochemistry parameters during their recovery period in rescue centre within different age and recovery period groups, and determine the potential biomarkers that can be used in diagnostics. The plasma biochemical parameters of total protein and glucose content, accompanied by aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and N-acetyl-cystein-activated creatinine kinase (CK-NAC) are highlighted as valuable and potential biomarkers of turtle's health status and condition. Using high throughput tandem mass tag (TMT)-based proteomic approach we identified 913 plasma proteins, 12 of which shown to be modulated in loggerheads age groups, and identified as a part of (i) platelet degranulation, (ii) neutrophil degranulation, and (iii) innate immune system pathways. The neurofascin (NFASC) is shown to be differentially abundant among all the age groups, and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 2-like (ORM2) and alpha-1-antitrypsin-like (SERPINA1) proteins were recognized as members of all three above mentioned REACTOME pathways. Furthermore, 29 of plasma proteins were significantly differentially abundant in loggerheads age and recovery period groups. Out of 15 recognized pathways, those proteins were mostly included in three specific REACTOME pathways: (i) post-translational phosphorylation, (ii) regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs), and (iii) platelet degranulation. The alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was the only protein which showed statistically significant up-regulation patterns in all loggerhead age groups before release from the rescue centre, and the complement component 3 (C3) protein was the only protein modulated in all recovery period groups. Furthermore, C3 protein takes part in 9; and followed up with apolipoprotein A-I (APOA1) in 7; complement component 4 (C4), complement component 5 (C5) and kininogen-1 (KNG1) in 6 REACTOME pathways. Thereby, those proteins are highlighted and recommended as potential biomarkers of turtle's health status. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD029569. Finally, based on our results, we believe that comprehensive omics approach and routine plasma biochemical analysis, accompanied by proteins of acute phase, acid-base status and immune-response indicator analysis may significantly and reliably improve assessment of captive loggerheads rehabilitation and medication. Significance Monitoring and comparison of loggerhead sea turtles (C. caretta) blood plasma biochemistry parameters and plasma proteome profiles in relation to the age, and recovery period pointed out significantly differentially abundant proteins, along with certain biochemical parameter contents as potential biomarkers of turtle's fitness, health status and physiology.
... In other cases, chronically debilitated specimens of C. caretta showed a heavy barnacle's coverage (Deem et al., 2009;Stacy et al., 2018). These specimens are characterized by lethargy and emaciation, and often show various injuries and trauma caused by hooks and other fishing gears and by collision with boats (Casal and Oroś, 2009). Unlike specimens not affected by Debilitative Turtle Syndrome (DTS) the ones ill-affected have significantly lower body condition index, with altered parameters in total white blood cell (WBC) count, glucose (Glc), total protein, calcium (Ca), respiratory burst, etc. (Stacy et al., 2018). ...
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Epibiont communities can be used as useful ecological indicators, providing information on the ecology and health conditions of their hosts. In this study, we analyzed the cirriped community from a total of 117 dead specimens of Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) collected in the north Adriatic between the years 2020 and 2022. We recorded a total of six different species distributed in five genera of cirripeds. The two most abundant species were Chelonibia testudinaria (Linnaeus, 1758) and Platylepas hexastylos (Linnaeus, 1758), located in different areas of the body; the former mainly on the carapace, while the latter mainly on the skin. We analyzed their abundance and distribution pattern on the sea turtle’s body and used the findings to deduce the health conditions and ecological aspects of stranded specimens of C. caretta, providing new data on this threatened and vulnerable species and its epibionts. A total of 11 specimens of C. caretta were affected by DTS (Debilitative Turtle Syndrome), these specimens exhibited a significant barnacle infestation on all body parts, markedly higher than the specimens of C. caretta not affected by DTS. Studies of associated barnacles in sea turtles should be encouraged among researchers as complementary tool to infer habitat use and health status of sea turtle species.
No reference intervals for serum biochemistry and haematology of sea turtles in Thailand exists to assist veterinarians who are responsible for sea turtle health management and treatment. This study determined serum biochemistry and basic haematology of healthy juvenile green sea turtles (n = 92) in captivity in Thailand following the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP), Quality Assurance and Laboratory Standards Committee (QALS) guidelines for the determination of reference intervals in veterinary species. Biochemistry tests, including blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase were analysed using an IDEXX VetTest Chemistry Analyzer. Haematology parameters were measured manually using a microhaematocrit for packed cell volume (PCV), Neubauer counting chamber for red blood cell count and cyanmethemoglobin method for haemoglobin concentration. mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration were calculated using the PCV, red blood cell count and haemoglobin. Turtles in this study were found to have higher mean values for PCV (28.70%), haemoglobin (92.13 g/L), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (327.03 g/L), uric acid (247.15 μmol/L), alanine aminotransferase (16.53 IU/L), aspartate aminotransferase (209.44 IU/L), and alkaline phosphatase (245.08 IU/L) compared to sea turtles in Brazil. The reference intervals established using high numbers of healthy turtles in this study will assist veterinarians with diagnostic and treatment decisions when evaluating laboratory results for juvenile green sea turtles.
Sea turtles are often restrained manually for brief periods during veterinary evaluation and care in rescue, rehabilitation, research, and aquarium settings. Blood gas values and lactate are routinely evaluated during triage of sea turtles, and lactate clearance is of prognostic significance in cold-stunned individuals. Although increases in blood lactate have been associated with muscle exertion, experimental forced submergence, trawl and pound net capture, and general anesthesia, changes in blood lactate associated with short periods of manual restraint have not been evaluated. Venous blood gas and lactate values were tested in 16 juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) before and after manual restraint for a 15-min routine veterinary examination. The agreement of blood lactate values between two point-of care analyzers (i-STAT and Lactate Plus) was also compared. Blood pH and bicarbonate (HCO3–) decreased significantly (P < 0.001), and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) increased significantly (P < 0.0001) after 15 min. Lactate increased significantly between time points for both analyzers (P < 0.0001). Linear regression analysis showed excellent correlation for lactate measurements obtained on both analyzers (r = 0.998). The mean difference in lactate concentrations between the analyzers was statistically significant, indicating that the methods cannot be used interchangeably (P < 0.0001). Deming regression and Bland-Altman plots identified a slight negative proportional bias for lactate measurement by the Lactate Plus compared with the i-STAT. These results suggest that clinicians should evaluate blood gas values and lactate at the beginning of health evaluations and interpret serial lactate values in sea turtles with caution, because even short periods of manual restraint can induce lactic acidosis and considerably influence these values.
Cold-stunned loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) strand annually in the northeastern United States and are admitted to rehabilitation facilities when rescued alive. Hematologic and plasma biochemical data were retrospectively evaluated from 133 cold-stunned loggerhead turtles that were admitted for rehabilitation between 2008 and 2016. Convalescent data were compared with initial data for 24 turtles for which paired data were available. Convalescent values for white blood cell count, heterophil count creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose, and uric acid were significantly lower than initial values, whereas convalescent eosinophil count, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, albumin, gamma-glutamyl transferase, total protein, globulin, blood urea nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, chloride, and potassium were significantly higher. Results indicate that cold-stunned loggerhead turtles may be affected by dehydration, reduced renal function, cellular injury, deranged metabolic status, and activation of the adrenocortical stress response. Specific derangements associated with mortality could not be statistically characterized because only four turtles died.
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Long-lived marine species such as marine turtles are becoming an important tool in ecotoxicology because of their sensitivity to marine environmental change, especially regarding pollution. They usually occupy diverse trophic levels in the marine food web (depending on the age and species), and can therefore accumulate different pollutants over their lifetimes in different ecological niches (Aguirre and Lutz, 2004; Camacho et al., 2013b). Turtle blood is thought to be a good tool for the simultaneous monitoring of environmental contaminants and clinical parameters (Camacho et al., 2013b). However, only the elements of a recent exposition can be found in blood (acute exposure). In order to better elucidate the chronic exposure and accumulation of these elements, it is still necessary to use their accumulation target organs. Inorganic elements, on the other hand, such as Pb, Cd, Cu As, Se and Ni, have been proven to provoke toxicological effects in many aquatic animal species, but marine turtles have been little investigated in this regard. Thus, the aim of this Doctoral Thesis was to evaluate the concentration of inorganic elements in blood and tissues (liver kidney, bone, muscle, brain and fat) from a large number of Lepidochelys olivacea turtles (241 nesting marine turtles and tissues from 58 dead turtles) from La Escobilla beach (Oaxaca, Mexico). In this manner, the actual situation of this population in this area could be analyzed, alongside different possible molecular, biochemical and anatomical biomarkers to assess their possible utility regarding turtle health and their relation with these inorganic elements over 3 years (2012-2014). The first part of the Introduction (section 1.1) describes the principal characteristics of the Olive Ridley turtles and La Escobilla beach. This section touches upon the ecological importance of marine turtles, the morphological characteristics of the studied species, their feeding habits, reproductive behaviour, distribution, habitats and their principal threats. The second part of the introduction (Chapter I) is a state of the art review and meta-analysis of the most studied inorganic elements worldwide (Pb, Cd, Hg, Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se and Zn) for the 7 marine turtle species. We show that all these elements are above the detection limit, at least in some individuals of all the species and populations studied. This meta-analysis also showed some features of contamination, and the distribution of these pollutants regarding sea basins, species and tissues. In the Experimental Chapters, the first part (Biomonitoring) contains 2 sections (Chapters II and III). Here, the concentrations of 14 inorganic elements in the blood of 241 live turtles and different tissues (liver, kidney, muscle, brain, bone, fat and blood) of 58 dead turtles are described. These samples were taken over three different years during 8 different arribadas. The results of this biomonitoring program allow us to better understand the distribution of these elements; this was especially informative for some elements not commonly analyzed (Sr, Ti, Tl). An alarming level of Cd was also found in this population. A decreasing tendency in many of these inorganic elements through those three years was also observed. Since blood is commonly used in biomonitoring programs, the relationship between blood and tissues of dead individuals was also tested to check if there were significant relationships that might indicate that blood could be used to predict the accumulation of these elements in tissues. The second part of the Experimental Chapters (Biomarkers) runs from chapters IV to VII. These sections (3.1 to 3.5) contain studies evaluating commonly used biomarkers in many species to determine the effects of inorganic elements on the health of the animals, although they have been little studied in marine turtles and none of them have been previously described in Lepidochelys olivacea. Additionally, a possible new biomarker using the asymmetry of the carapace of these turtles was developed. Firstly, molecular biomarkers were studied (section 3.3): the presence of metallothionein (MT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase (GR) transcription and/or enzymatic activities related to some inorganic elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Ti, Tl and Zn) was determined. The most common biochemical analytes related to pollutants were also determined (sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2) through biochemical analysis in serum samples from two different years. ALT, AST, ALP, albumin, creatinine, glucose, urea, cholesterol, cortisol and esterase activity (EA) were determined in samples from two years (2013 and 2014). These biochemical parameters were also related to some inorganic elements (As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, Zn and Se). In the final chapter of this Thesis (VIII), a new tool for measuring the asymmetry of the carapace was developed (DIx) and related to the concentrations of 15 inorganic elements (Bi, Cd, Li, Pb, Sb, Sr, Ti, Tl, Al, As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Se) from 17 dead turtles (blood, liver, kidney, muscle, fat, bone, brain and egg parts). Lepidochelys olivacea is characterized by remarkable morphological variability in the number and shape of scutes, the origin of which is thought to be based on a permissive genetic background. The influence of pollutants on developmental instability and one of its consequences, the asymmetry of individuals, has been demonstrated in several species. However, the use of this asymmetry as a biomarker of contamination in adult individuals has never been explored. Thus, we developed an index to quantify developmental instability (DIx) based on the number and relative size of costal carapace scutes. The link between DIx inorganic element concentrations was then explored in various tissues and egg components of stranded dead Olive Ridley females from the Southern Pacific coast of Mexico (3 arribadas from 2014).
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We evaluated the effect of anticoagulant (lithium heparin, sodium heparin, or none) and type of autoanalyzer on selected blood biochemical values of the loggerhead sea turtle ( Caretta caretta ). More differences were observed between the analytes in serum and those in the 2 types of plasma than were observed between the 2 types of plasma. Differences in electrolyte concentrations were not significant when plasma from sodium-heparinized blood was compared with plasma from lithium-heparinized blood. Serum is not recommended for reptilian studies because clot formation is unpredictable and because the time required for clotting may allow substantial changes in the chemical composition of the sample. For most determinants, values varied more between the 2 types of autoanalyzers than among the 3 anticoagulant treatments. These sources of variation must be considered when performing comparative studies.
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This study reports baseline adrenocortical, hematological, and plasma biochemical values for clinically healthy juvenile green turtles from a discrete population at Kaneohe Bay, island of Oahu, Hawaii. Using a general linear modeling program, we compared mean values for these parameters with mean values of a group afflicted with green turtle fibropapillomas (GTFP). Turtles of similar size classes from both groups were collected under the same conditions in the same study area and season at the same time of the day. Corticosterone, hematological, and enzymatic responses to acute and chronic stress were characterized for each group at four different sampling periods: 0 h (within 2 min of capture), 1 h, 3-4 h, and 24 h postcapture. On the basis of the differences identified between groups and times within a group, we conclude that turtles with GTFP are chronically stressed and immunosuppressed.
The total body water and its apportionment among the major fluid compartments was studied in fifteen species or subspecies of reptiles, representing four orders and seven families. Five were freshwater forms, five marine, four terrestrial, and one brackish water. No parameter appeared to be related to size of animals employed. Hematocrit as well as specific gravity of both plasma and whole blood were lower in freshwater forms than in marine or terrestrial ones. Body water content of marine and terrestrial species was lower than that of freshwater forms. Extracellular fluid volume was higher in both marine and terrestrial than in freshwater forms, and this pattern was reflected in both sub-compartments, plasma and interstitial fluid, as well as in whole blood volume. Elevation of extracellular fluid volume was entirely at the expense of the intracellular compartment. The departure of marine and terrestrial forms from the pattern of freshwater species was in every case more pronounced in marine than in terrestrial reptiles. The body fluid apportionment of the brackish water diamondback terrapin resembled that of the marine species. However, intracellular water was the lowest of any species studied, and extracellular volume was the highest. The latter was accounted for entirely by an elevated interstitial fluid volume.
New methods are described for taking blood and cerebrospinal fluid from marine turtles. The blood is obtained via the paired dorsal cervical sinuses while the cerebro-spinal fluid sampling procedure requires the insertion of a needle through the foramen magnum into the brain's 4th ventricle. Both methods have been extensively employed by the authors and have been found to cause little stress or damage to the animnals. PREVIOUS hematological studies have uti-lized the following methods for obtaining blood from marine turtles. 1. Cardiac puncture is the most common method and involves inserting a needle through the proximal part of the hind limb (Frair, 1977a) or the plastral seam directly over the heart (Dozy et al., 1964; Frair, 1964; Frair, 1977b; Frair and Prol, 1970). This technique, however, has the disadvan-tage of possible contamination with peri-cardial fluid which, as Frair (1977a) has pointed out, is abundant in turtles. The approach to the heart through the hind limb requires long needles that are adapted to connect to vacuum tubes. Furthermore, this technique requires considerable experi-ence or extensive probing in order to locate the heart. We have noted that some hatch-lings die immediately after heart puncture, presumably due to damage to the sinoatrial node or other nervous structures. Also, many individuals experience hemorrhaging into the pericardial sac with subsequent clot formation. 2. Blood collection directly from the ca-rotid artery has been referred to by Berkson (1966). Although he does not fully describe the technique, we assume it would involve a complex procedure. 3. Decapitation and post-sacrificial bleed-ing (Dozy et al., 1964) have also been em-ployed. This technique necessitates killing the animal which should be avoided when endangered or threatened species are sam-pled. Euthanasia also eliminates the option of obtaining repeated samples from an indi-vidual. Two further problems are associated with decapitation. First, it is necessary to work quickly to prevent the blood from clotting. Second, the fluid obtained may be adulterated, as the esophagus, pericardium, lungs, spinal cavities, cranial cavities, and extravascular fluid spaces may also drain.