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Journal of Fish Biology (2016)
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Cryopreservation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar sperm:
effects on sperm physiology
E. F*, I. V*, O. M, A. U*,
J. R J. G. F§
*School of Aquaculture, Catholic University of Temuco, Temuco, Chile, Departamento de
Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco,
Chile and BIOREN Center for Biotechnology in Reproduction, La Frontera University,
Temuco, Chile
(Received 6 November 2014, Accepted 28 April 2016)
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of freezing on the function in Atlantic
salmon Salmo salar spermatozoa. The semen was frozen in Cortland’s medium+1.3M dimethyl
sulphoxide +0.3M glucose +2% bovine serum albumin (nal concentration) in a ratio of 1:3
(semen:cryoprotectant) as the treatment (T) and fresh semen as the control (F). Straws of 0·5ml of
sperm suspension were frozen in 4 cm of N2L. They were thawed in a thermoregulated bath (40C).
After thawing, the percentage of spermatozoa with fragmented DNA [transferase dUTP (deoxyuridine
triphosphate) nick-end labelling (TUNEL)], plasma membrane integrity (SYBR-14/PI) and mito-
chondrial membrane potential (ΔΨMMit, JC-1) were evaluated by ow cytometry and motility was
evaluated by optical microscope under stroboscopic light. The fertilization rates of the control and
treatment semen were tested at a sperm density of 1·5×107spermatozoa oocyte1, by observation of
the rst cleavages after 16 h incubation at 10C. In the cryopreserved semen (T), the mean±.. DNA
fragmentation was 4·8±2·5%; plasma membrane integrity 75·2±6·3%; mitochondrial membrane
potential 51·7±3·6%; motility 58·5±5·3%; sperm velocity (VCL)61·2±17·4μms
1; average-path
velocity (VAP)50·1±17·3μms
1; straight-line velocity (VSL)59·1±18·4μms
1; fertilization rate
81·6±1·9%. There were signicant differences in the plasma membrane integrity, mitochondrial
membrane potential, motility and VCL compared with the controls (P<0·05). Also the mitochondrial
membrane potential correlated with motility, fertilization rate, curved-line velocity (VCL)andVSL
(r=0·75; r=0·59; r=0·77 and r=0·79, respectively; P<0·05); and the fertilization rate correlated
with VCL and VSL (r=0·59 and r=0·55, respectively).
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Key words: fertility; sh; sperm function; spermatozoa freezing.
Sperm cryopreservation in shes is now an alternative for storing germplasm from
brood stock. This allows new, genetically improved lines to be protected and facilitates
reproduction of species of commercial interest, as well as those in danger of extinction
or genotypes of biological interest (Dziewulska et al., 2011; Cartón-García et al., 2013;
Ciereszko et al., 2014).
§Author to whom correspondence should be addressed at present address: Av. Francisco Salazar 01145,
Temuco, Chile. Tel.: 56 45 2325472-2592189; email:
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. 1758 is one of the three most important salmonid
species in global aquaculture. In the wild, this species spawns during autumn and win-
ter, but by manipulating temperature and photoperiod, spawning can be induced all
year-round with minimal apparent effects on gamete quality. Biotechnologies such as
cryopreservation can also be applied allowing good quality gametes to be obtained all
year round (Cabrita et al., 2010; Aas et al., 2011).
Cryopreservation of spermatozoa has been reported in various salmonid species, but
with variable results on fertilization rates (Scott & Baynes, 1980; Scheerer & Thor-
gaard, 1989; Billard, 1992; Lahnsteiner et al., 1996a,b; Cabrita et al., 2001; Robles
et al., 2003; Jodun et al., 2007; Merino et al., 2011a). This could be due to a lack of
standardisation of freezing and thawing processes, causing damage to sperm structure
and physiology, such as plasma membrane integrity, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA
integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential and sperm ultrastructure (Pérez-Cerezales
et al., 2010). Damage of this kind could affect the cell viability, motility and fertilizing
capacity of the spermatozoa (Cabrita et al., 2001, 2005; Gallego et al., 2013; Figueroa
et al., 2015a).
The effects of osmotic stress, combined with the formation of ice crystals and the
toxicity of some cryoprotectants, generates alterations in sperm physiology due to
an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS). It has been shown that ROS cause
alterations in the plasma membrane and breaks in the nuclear and mitochondrial
DNA chains in mammalian and piscine spermatozoa (Slupphaug et al., 2003; Aitken
et al., 1996; Koppers et al., 2008; Thomson et al., 2009), generating alterations in the
metabolic paths related with motility and viability, as well as other structural lesions
in the cell; leading to a reduction in the fertilization rate and probable alterations in
the development of the progeny (Lahnsteiner et al., 1996a,b; Ogier de Baulny et al.,
1997; Cabrita et al., 1998, 2005; Drokin et al., 1998; Babiak et al., 2002; Dziewulska
et al., 2011; Figueroa et al., 2015b).
Semen freezing protocols have been optimised and standardised in some sh species,
but they are being revised continuously to reduce negative effects on the fertilizing
capacity of the spermatozoa (Robles et al., 2009; Figueroa et al., 2016). The ef-
ciency of cryopreservation protocols has been evaluated recently by characterising
post-thawing motility patterns using computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA). This
technique provides objective, basic information on semen quality derived from inter
alia agellar movement, considering the percentage of motile spermatozoa, duration
of motility, velocity, acceleration, progressive movement, amplitude of agellar wave
and motility pattern (Fauvel et al., 2010).
Other types of cryodamage can be assessed at cell and molecule level, such
as plasma membrane integrity and uidity (SYBR-14/PI), mitochondrial activity
(JC-1/rhodamine), DNA integrity [transferase dUTP (deoxyuridine triphosphate)nick-
end labelling (TUNEL)]single-cell electrophoresis (COMET)] using ow cytom-
etry or electrophoresis. These variables allow the quality of the thawed semen to
be evaluated, as expressed by the motility and fertilization rate. The importance
of studying sperm function in cryopreserved spermatozoa arises from its rela-
tionship with motility, fertilizing capacity and the quality of the offspring (Fahy,
1986; Carpenter & Crowe, 1988; Álvarez & Storey, 1992; Gao et al., 1997; Labbé
et al., 2001; Pérez-Cerezales et al., 2010; Merino et al., 2011b). There are, how-
ever, relatively few studies of the effects of freezing on the sperm physiology
of S.salar.
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2016, doi:10.1111/jfb.13052
All chemicals used in this study were purchased from Sigma (, unless
otherwise indicated. All solutions were prepared using water from a Milli-Q Synthesis System
( The live dead sperm viability kit (SYBR-14/PI; Thermo-Fisher;
www.thermo, the situ cell-death detection kit
(TUNEL; Roche Diagnostics GmbH; and the mitochondrial permeability
detection kit AK-116 [M¯
ıT-E-Ψ, JC-1; Biomol International LP (
biomol/)] test kits were also used.
This research was conducted at the Center for Biotechnology in Aquaculture (BIOACUI),
School of Aquaculture, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile, at the Engineering, Biotechnol-
ogy and Applied Biochemistry Laboratory (LIBBA) and at the Center for Biotechnology in
Reproduction (CEBIOR), La Frontera University, Chile. The 20 male S. salar were 2 –3 years
old (sexually mature), with mean ±.. mass of 8·6±0·7kg and total length (LT) 84·0±0·8cm.
They were provided by a commercial farm (Troutlodge Chile; During
the experimental period, the broodstock were kept in 3500 l breglass tanks with fresh water
(550 l h1)at8
C under a natural photoperiod.
Sperm collection was performed as described by Ciereszko et al. (2014) with some modica-
tions. Briey, the 10 males were anaesthetized in a 50-l tank with 125mg l1MS-222 for 10 min.
The urogenital pore was dried and semen collected by gentle abdominal massage, directly into a
graduated, sterile, dry, disposable plastic container, maintained at a temperature of 4C, taking
care not to contaminate them with faeces, mucus or urine.
Immediately after collection, sperm motility and concentration were determined using
a phase-contrast microscope (Carl Zeiss; Prior to motility analysis, the
samples were diluted 1:3 (semen: medium) in Cortland non-activating medium (Trus-Cott
et al., 1968). Sperm motility (pre-diluted sperm) was activated with Powermilt (Universidad
Católica de Temuco, Chile) and evaluated by subjective microscopic examination using a
phase contrast microscope (Carl Zeiss) at ×400 magnication. Sperm motility was assessed
as described by Cosson (2008). Spermatozoa concentration was determined with a Neubauer
haemocytometer on Cortland’s culture medium for sh spermatozoa, described by Figueroa
et al. (2013, 2015b). Only 15 samples exhibited sufciently high motility (>80%) and aver-
age sperm concentration (mean ±.. 14·0×109±2·7×109spermatozoa ml1)tobeused
in this study.
Two experimental groups were formed: group (1) fresh sperm (F) and group (2) frozen sperm
(T). The semen was frozen by the modied protocol of Lahnsteiner et al. (2011). Frozen semen
was diluted at 4C in Cortland’s medium as described by Figueroa et al. (2013, 2015b), sup-
plemented with 1·3 M dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), 0·3 M of glucose and 2 % bovine serum
albumin (BSA) to establish the cryoprotectant medium (nal concentration). The dilution was
1:3 (semen:cryoprotectant medium). For 7– 10 min after dilution, the semen was stored in 0·5ml
plastic straws. Subsequently, the straws were frozen in liquid nitrogen vapour in a styrofoam
box. The straws were deposited in a horizontal tray oating 2 cm above the surface of the
nitrogen; they were frozen for 10 min and subsequently immersed in liquid nitrogen for later
transfer to cryotanks. After 2 months of frozen storage, the straws were removed from the
cryotank and thawed in a thermo-regulated bath at 35C for 9 s, as per the modied pro-
cedure described by Ciereszko et al. (2014). The sperm function of the thawed semen was
evaluated immediately.
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2016, doi:10.1111/jfb.13052
DNA fragmentation
To assess DNA fragmentation, the TUNEL protocol was followed according to instructions
provided by the manufacturer, adapted to spermatozoa by Cabrita et al. (2011). The suspension
at a concentration 3 ×106spermatozoa ml1waswashedinPBSfor5minat720g. The pellet
was xed with 2% (w/v) paraformaldehyde in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH7·4for1h
at room temperature. Next, the suspension was washed in PBS for 5min at 320g, the pellet was
resuspended in 100 μlof0·1% (v/v) Triton X-100 prepared in 0·1% (w/v) sodium citrate for 2
min at 4C and then washed in PBS for 5 min at 320g. The pellet was resuspended in 50 μlof
TUNEL reaction mixture (TdT and uorescein-dUTP) and incubated for 60 min at 37Cina
humidied atmosphere in the dark. Next, the spermatozoa were stained with 5 μl of propidium
iodide (1·5 mM), resuspended in PBS and washed for 5 min at 320g. Then the pellet was resus-
pended in 400 μl PBS. After washing, the label at damaged DNA sites was analysed directly
by ow cytometry and confocal microscopy. TUNEL positive spermatozoa (with fragmented
DNA) were stained green. The analysis was replicated three times in each trial.
Cytoplasmic membrane integrity
The viability of the spermatozoa and the integrity of the cytoplasmic membrane were
determined by SYBR-14/PI according to the modied procedure described by Cabrita
et al. (2009). For this purpose, 4 ×106spermatozoa ml1were resuspended in 250 μl
PBS +1·25 μl SYBR-14 +1·25 μl propidium iodide (PI). After exposure of the spermatozoa
to this solution for 6 min at 10C, 250 μl of PBS were again added for analysis of the sper-
matozoa by ow cytometry and confocal microscopy. SYBR-14-positive spermatozoa, with
cytoplasm membrane integrity, are stained green. The analysis was replicated three times
in each trial.
Mitochondrial membrane potential
To evaluate mitochondrial activity, changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨM)
were determined using a uorescent cation JC-1, following the modied procedure described
by Asturiano et al. (2006). JC-1 is a lipophilic dye that is internalized by all functioning mito-
chondria, where it uoresces green. In highly functional mitochondria, the concentration of
JC-1 inside the mitochondria increases and the stain forms aggregates that uoresce red. In
brief, 250 μl of sperm sample were centrifuged at 720gfor 5 min. The pellet was resuspended in
250 μl JC-1 solution (3 mM JC-1 in DMSO) and incubated for 15 min at 10C in the dark.
After this, the cell suspension was centrifuged for 5 min at 720g, the supernatant was dis-
carded and the sperm pellet resuspended in 400 μl Cortland’s extender and immediately anal-
ysed by ow cytometry and confocal microscopy. The analysis in each trial was replicated
three times.
The method used was a modied protocol of Cosson (2004) and Li et al. (2012) for optical
microscope with Exposure Scope stroboscopic light (FROV, Vodnany, Czech Republic) to deter-
mine motility patterns (velocity) through CASA. The percentage of motile spermatozoa and the
spermatozoa average velocity (μms
1) were determined at ×200 magnication in a phase con-
trast Olympus BX 41 microscope (Olympus; after activation of motility.
The samples were diluted in Powermilt (280 mOs kg1and pH 9·0). To prevent the spermatozoa
from adhering to the slide, 0·25% (w/v) of Pluronic was added to the activator. The spermatozoa
were recorded with a SSC-G818digital video camera (SONY; mounted on the
microscope, lming at 25 frames s1at 50 Hz. They were analysed using ImageJ CASA software
( for processing images and videos. The following sperm motility variables
were evaluated: curved line velocity (VCL,μms
1), average path velocity (VAP,μms
1), straight
line velocity (VSL,μms
1), linearity (LIN, %), wobble (WOB , %) and beat cross frequency (FBC,
Hz). The analysis was replicated three times in each trial.
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2016, doi:10.1111/jfb.13052
A pool of oocytes from 20 females was used for testing the fertility of the fresh and cryopre-
served semen. The procedure described by Figueroa et al. (2013) was followed; all the fertility
tests were carried out ve times with 200 oocytes per replication. The sperm density used in all
the treatments was 1·5×107spermatozoa oocyte1. The eggs were incubated in open ow at
10C. Fertilization was evaluated by observation of the rst cleavages (segmentation) after 16 h
incubation at 10C(Efferet al., 2014).
A FACs Canto II ow cytometer (BD Biosciences; was used
to determine the following variables: sperm-membrane integrity (with SYBR-14/PI),
mitochondrial-membrane potential (with JC-1) and DNA fragmentation (by TUNEL). A
minimum of 10 000 spermatozoa were examined in each assay at a ow rate of 100cells s1.
The spermatozoon probe was gated using 90and forward-angle light scatter to exclude debris
and aggregates. The excitation wavelength was 488 nm solid state laser (20mW) and 633 nm
HeNe lamp (17 mW). Green uorescence was measured in the FITC channel (533/30 nm) and
red uorescence in the Pe channel (585/42 nm).
The sperm samples were observed under a Fluoview FV1000 synchronised laser-scanning
inverted confocal microscope (Olympus). The probe emissions were evaluated over a wave-
length range of 405–635 nm. The samples were subjected to multiple excitation by Ar laser
(488 nm) and He –NeG laser (543 nm).
Data were expressed as percentages (mean ±..) and analysed using Prisma 6.0
( A Wilcoxon matched-pair t-test was used to assess rates of DNA
fragmentation, viabilityplasma-membrane integrity, mitochondrial-membrane integrity,
motility and fertility. Spearman correlation was used to relate the mitochondrial-membrane
potential with the motility and fertilization rates. The level of signicance was set at P<0·05.
There was 2·4±1·8% DNA fragmentation in fresh semen, statistically simi-
lar to frozen semen (4·8±2·5%; PFT>0·05; Fig. 1). The plasma-membrane
integrity of the frozen semen was 75·2±6·3%, which was signicantly different
from that of the fresh control semen (90·5±3·9%; PFT<0·05; Fig. 1). The high-
est mitochondrial-membrane potential was found in fresh semen (91·1±3·7%),
which was signicantly different from that of the frozen semen (51·7±3·6%;
PFT<0·05, Fig. 1). There was a statistically signicant positive correlation between
mitochondrial-membrane potential and motility, VCL and VSL [Fig. 2(a)–(d)].
The motility for frozen semen was 58·5±5·3%, representing a statistically sig-
nicant difference from fresh semen (91·3±6·2%; PFT<0·05; Fig. 1). Likewise
the VCL,VAP and VSL for fresh semen presented values of 104·4±25·6, 78·1±24·2
and 102·4±26·0μms
1, were signicantly different from frozen semen [61·2±17·1,
50·1±17·3 and 59·1±18·4μms
1, respectively; PFT<0·05; Fig. 3(b)]. The BCF
(4·2±2·1Hz), LIN (83·2±5·6%) and WOB (94·6±2·7%) patterns on the other
hand presented no differences between frozen semen and the control [3·8±2·3Hz;
77·5±6·5 and 98·4±1·5%; PFT>00·05; Fig. 3(a), (b)].
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2016, doi:10.1111/jfb.13052
Rate (%)
mebrane integrity
membrane potential
Sperm function
F. 1. Survival rate (%) of Salmo salar spermatozoa ( ) after freezing in Cortland’s medium+1·3 M dimethyl
sulphohoxide +0·3 M glucose +2% bovine serum albumin and ( ) fresh sperm used as a control. *, signif-
icantly different rates (P<0·05, n=10).
The fertilization rate for fresh semen was 98·3±3·3%, representing no statistically
signicant difference from frozen semen (90·4±3·8%; PFT<0·05; Fig. 1). The fer-
tilization rate presented a statistically signicant correlation with the motility variables
VCL and VSL [Fig. 2(e), (f)].
Confocal microscope images of the spermatozoa after freezingthawing and staining
are shown in Fig. 4.
Cryopreservation of spermatozoa has been reported for various salmonid species
(Scott & Baynes, 1980; Scheerer & Thorgaard, 1989; Billard, 1992; Lahnsteiner
et al., 1996b), including Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), brown trout Salmo trutta
L. 1758, brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill 1814), Artic charr Salvelinus
alpinus (L. 1758) and S. salar (Lahnsteiner et al., 1996a; Cabrita et al., 1998, 2001;
Labbé et al., 2001; Babiak et al., 2002; Horváth et al., 2008; Martínez-Páramo et al.,
2009; Dziewulska et al., 2011; Ciereszko et al., 2014; Figueroa et al., 2015b). Several
authors, however, have reported variable fertilization rates due to alterations in sperm
physiology that reduce motility and functional parameters after thawing.
The freezing protocol serves to reduce the formation of large, extracellular ice crys-
tals, thus avoiding damage to the cytoplasm-membrane integrity of the spermatozoa.
It has a signicant effect, however, on the mitochondrial-membrane potential through
the possible formation of intracellular ice crystals or osmotic alterations to which the
cells may be subjected.
The lipophilic compound JC-1 has been used to evaluate the depolarisation of the
mitochondrial membrane in the spermatozoa of several species of mammals and shes.
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2016, doi:10.1111/jfb.13052
100(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Motility (%)
Fertility (%)
Mitochondrial-membrane potential (%) Mitochondrial-membrane potential (%)
020406080 100
VCL (ms–1)
VCL (ms–1)
Fertility (%)
Fertility (%) VSL (ms–1)
VSL (ms–1)
100 150 0 50 100 150
020406080 100
F. 2. Relationship between the mitochondrial-membrane potential and (a) motility (y=1·044x+11·660;
r=0·75, P<0·001, n=10), (b) fertility (y=0·275x+8·240; r=0·59, P<0·05, n=10), (c) curved-line
velocity (VCL;y=1·131x+16·800; r=0·77, P<0·05, n=10), (d) straight-line velocity (VSL;
y=1·118x+10·600; r=0·79, P<0·05, n=10) and the relationship between fertility and (e) VCL
(y=0·178x+6·970; r=0·59, P<0·05, n=12) and (f) VSL (y=0·211x+6·321; r=0·55, P<0·05, n=12).
The use of this technique on the mitochondria of S. salar spermatozoa, however, has
been little reported and could be considered a test of the effectiveness of the freezing
protocol (Labbé et al., 2001; Aitken et al., 1996; Merino et al., 2011a,b). In the current
experiments, there was a positive correlation between the mitochondrial-membrane
potential and the fertilization rate, which agrees with the ndings of Figueroa et al.
(2013, 2015b) in cryopreserved spermatozoa of O. mykiss and S salar.
Many authors have reported low sperm motility after thawing in salmonids (Lahn-
steiner et al., 1996b;Gwoet al., 1999; Cabrita et al., 2001), which agrees with the
observations of this work. This may be associated with damage to the membrane poten-
tial or direct damage to the DNA caused by fragmentation of nuclear or mitochondrial
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2016, doi:10.1111/jfb.13052
150 10
Frequency (Hz)
Velocity (m s–1) Rate (%)
Motility variables
F. 3. (a) Mean +.. rate of motility variables (MOT, motility; LIN, linearity; WOB , wobble) of Salmo salar
sperm ( ) after freezing in Cortland’s medium+1·3 M dimethyl sulphoxide +0·3 M glucose +2% bovine
serum albumin and ( ) fresh semen. (b) Mean +.. velocity and frequency for: VCL, curved-line velocity;
VAP, velocity average path; VSL, velocity straight line; FBC , beat cross frequency. *, statistically signicant
difference (P<0·05, n=10).
DNA. Furthermore, the mitochondria depend on certain proteins of the non-encoding
genome (Kurland & Andersson, 2000). ROS may also damage mitochondrial DNA and
induce lipid peroxidation in the membrane, which may cause transition alterations in
the permeability of the aperture of the mitochondrial pore (Bucak et al., 2015; Figueroa
et al., 2015a). This may lead to release of cytochrome cand the induction of cell apop-
tosis (Wang et al., 2013).
In salmonids, the motility and swimming speed of the spermatozoa diminish rapidly
after thawing (Muchlisin, 2005; Dziewulska et al., 2011; Figueroa et al., 2016). In
other sh families, however, such as Cyprinidae and Sparidae, the percentage of sperm
motility after thawing presents no differences compared to fresh semen (Horváth et al.,
2003; Liu et al., 2007). This sensitivity of salmonid spermatozoa to freezing normally
results in no more than 5 to 20% motile spermatozoa post-thawing (Ohta et al., 1995;
Glogowski et al., 1996, 1997; Lahnsteiner et al., 1996b;Gwoet al., 1999; Mansour
et al., 2006), with occasional results as high as 4060% (Conget et al., 1996; Cabrita
et al., 2001; Bozkurt et al., 2005; Tekin et al., 2007), as in this study.
The activation and duration of motility requires a large amount of ATP (Cosson et al.,
1991, 1995), which is provided by the mitochondria in most shes. Damage to the mito-
chondria will therefore have a negative effect on motility (Dreanno et al., 1999), which
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2016, doi:10.1111/jfb.13052
(a) (b) (c)
F. 4. Confocal microscopy of Salmo salar spermatozoa. (a) TUNEL [transferase dUTP (deoxyuridine triphos-
phate) nick-end labelling] staining, yellow-green spermatozoa with fragmented DNA, red spermatozoa with
intact DNA. (b) SYBR-14/PI staining: ( ) green spermatozoa with intact cytoplasm membrane, ( )red
spermatozoa with disrupted cytoplasm membrane. (c) JC-1 staining: ( ) red spermatozoa with an intact
mitochondrial membrane.
agrees with the current results. The results of this study indicate a positive correlation
of the mitochondrial-membrane potential with motility (r=0·75) and the variables VCL
and VSC (r=0·77 and 0·79, respectively), agreeing with the results of Figueroa et al.
(2013, 2015b). This may also be related to the ndings of Christen et al. (1987), who
indicated that low oxidative capacity of the mitochondria appeared to be one of the
crucial parameters limiting the duration of sperm motility in salmonids, due to the lack
of ATP. This may therefore be the limiting factor in increasing the motility (motility
patterns) and fertilizing capacity of the spermatozoa (Gallego et al., 2013).
When they assessed the motility patterns of S. salar spermatozoa by CASA after
thawing, Dziewulska et al. (2011) found no signicant differences compared to fresh
semen in the linearity percentage, which agrees with results found here for LIN in frozen
(83%) and fresh (77%) semen. Linearity and velocity are related with fertilizing capac-
ity. Lahnsteiner et al. (1996a,b, 2000) reported a close relationship of the velocity of
fresh and frozen semen with the fertilization rate in salmonids, including O. mykiss; this
is comparable with results found here, where the fertilization rate presented a positive
correlation with VCL (r=0·77) and VSL (r=0·79) in fresh and frozen semen [Fig. 2(b)].
Furthermore, Gage et al. (2004) and Dziewulska et al. (2011) mention that in S. salar
spermatozoa, the highest velocities determine fertilizing capacity.
The effect of cryopreservation on DNA fragmentation is low (4·8%), although it
sometimes reaches signicant levels (Drokin et al., 1998; Zilli et al., 2003); it is
approximately 20 times less than the damage caused to cytoplasm-membrane and
mitochondrial integrity (Labbé et al., 2001). DNA damage is therefore only a minor
component of the damage caused in cryopreserved cells (Ogier de Baulny et al.,
1997; Labbé et al., 2001). It has been shown that DNA fragmentation increases as the
spawning season progresses and also increases with freezing (Pérez-Cerezales et al.,
2010). DNA damage may cause alterations at various stages of embryo development
(abnormal cleavage patterns in segmentation) and these may lead to signicant mor-
tality rates in salmonid embryos and hatched larvae. There is a strong correlation
between DNA damage and the appearance of mutagenic alterations. Spermatozoa
with genetic material damaged by freezing, however, do present fertilizing capacity
(Twigg et al., 1998) and the oocytes have the capacity to repair this damage partially
© 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2016, doi:10.1111/jfb.13052
(Pérez-Cerezales et al., 2010). According to Cabrita et al. (2005), DNA fragmentation
is greater in salmonids than in other species, but in S. salar the results of the freezing
protocol produce a high level of DNA integrity after thawing, with a range of 35%
fragmented DNA for both fresh and frozen semen.
According to Dziewulska et al. (2011) the best cryoprotectant for maintaining
cytoplasm-membrane integrity, mitochondrial function and motility patterns is DMSO
supplemented with antioxidants and cytoplasm-membrane stabilisers, such as BSA.
In salmonids, this maintains the lipid composition of the plasma membrane and
increases the stability of the spermatozoa (Baynes & Scott, 1987; Lahnsteiner et al.,
1996a; Cabrita et al., 2001; Bergeron & Manjunath, 2006; Mirzoyan et al., 2006).
Furthermore, the incorporation of sugars like sucrose and glucose into the cryopreser-
vation medium has been used effectively for freezing (Mansour et al., 2006; Tekin
et al., 2007) spermatozoa of O. mykiss, asp Leuciscus aspius (L. 1758) and S. salar
(Lahnsteiner et al., 1996b; Babiak et al., 1998; Lahnsteiner, 2000; Kusuda et al.,
2005; Mansour et al., 2006). The carbohydrates used in sperm freezing function as an
additional solvent; thus, they are able to reduce and stabilise the osmotic pressure of
the medium caused by permeable cryoprotectants such as DMSO and methanol. For
example, it has been suggested that rafnose plays the role of a membrane stabiliser
and dehydrating agent (Wakayama et al., 1998; Koshimoto & Mazur, 2002).
The results show that the fertilizing capacity of cryopreserved S. salar spermatozoa
may be similar to that of fresh semen and the same may occur with DNA fragmentation
and some motility patterns. This method needs to be improved, however, to increase
the amount of semen stored in containers, to meet the volume requirements of com-
panies for their production process. This method may have important applications in
the conservation and handling of biological and genetic material of great commercial
value and may also allow the establishment of a germplasm bank for aquatic species
of interest. The high fertility (90%) of the cryopreserved semen indicates that the sper-
matozoa of this species may be frozen with the addition of DMSO +glucose +BSA to
the freezing medium, thus reducing cryodamage to sperm physiology. More tests need
to be done, however, to improve these results with larger storage volumes.
The authors are sincerely grateful for support provided by FONDECYT N1151315 (J.G.F.),
FONDECYT MEC N80140066 (I.V.) and FONDEF D10I1064 (I.V.), CONICYT Scholarships
for PhD in Chile (E.F. and O.M.) and DIUFRO Grant DI15-2018 (J.G.F.) and the company
Troutlodge Chile, which provided the gametes used in the biotests.
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Sperm cryopreservation has led to transcendental changes in the reproductive biotechnology of both mammals and fish, and is a basic tool for animal improvement. However, these protocols generate damage to cell structure and physiology, altering sperm function as a result of cryoinjuries during freezing and thawing. This review is a compilation of the techniques developed and standardised for assessing sperm function in cryopreserved fish semen. Recent studies have analysed sperm function objectively, applying cellular and molecular techniques to characterise cryodamage. The Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis system has facilitated the assessment of motility, while electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and cryo-microscopy have made it possible to study sperm morphology and ultra-structure. The effects of cryodamage on nuclear DNA have also been analysed using various methods, including the comet Fluorescence in situ Hybridization test, TUNEL, Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay, specific DNA sequences using RT-PCR and specific genes by qPCR. The latter technique is used to study the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA), together with some candidate genes which are associated with bioenergy activity and sperm motility. Other parameters assessed are mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP content using high performance liquid chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry and cell respiration. All this information makes it possible to establish study and assessment criteria for cryopreserved fish spermatozoa. This work focuses on the use of technologies to study of quality of fish spermatozoa during cryopreservation.
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We focussed on evaluating the protective effect of lycopene and resveratrol on post-thaw bull sperm and oxidative stress parameters. Nine ejaculates for each bull were used in the study. Each ejaculate, splitted into three equal aliquots and diluted at 37 °C with base extenders containing lycopene (1 × 10(-3) g ml(-1) ) and resveratrol (1 mm), and no antioxidant (control), was cooled to 5 °C and then frozen. Frozen straws were thawed in a water bath for evaluation. The supplementation of the semen extender with lycopene and resveratrol increased the percentages of post-thawed computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) motility (55.8 ± 3.8 and 61.9 ± 4.0%) and progressive motility (38 ± 2.4 and 37 ± 8.8), compared with the controls (50.7 ± 2.65 and 33.3 ± 3.74%, respectively, P < 0.05). Resveratrol provided a higher ALH (4.3 ± 0.1), in comparison with the control (3.9 ± 0.3, P < 0.05). The supplementation of the semen extender with lycopene and resveratrol produced a higher mitochondrial activity (24.6 ± 2.9 and 30.1 ± 6.5% respectively), compared with that of the control (11.8 ± 9.5%, P < 0.05). It was determined that both antioxidants resulted in a lower percentage of sperm with damaged DNA than that of the control (P < 0.05). Sperm motion characteristics except for ALH, acrosome integrity, sperm viability and oxidative stress parameters were not affected by the adding of lycopene and resveratrol.
This chapter discusses the fundamental cryobiology of mammalian spermatozoa. The low motility of cryopreserved mammalian spermatozoa and the often lower conception rates may be due to the fact that procedures for cryopreservation of many mammalian cell types, including sperm, have evolved empirically. The primary assay of sperm function is the use of insemination and measurement of pregnancy initiation. The approaches to measuring sperm plasma membrane integrity include supervital staining and hyposmotic swelling. The other general approach to evaluating plasma membrane integrity is to assay the maintenance of membrane semipermeability by testing the cell's ability to change its volume when exposed to anisomotic conditions. Survival of cells subjected to cryopreservation depends not only on the presence of a permeating cryoprotective agent (CPA) but also on the concentration of the CPA. Viability of mammalian sperm is very sensitive to osmotic stress and the associated cell volume excursion. The optimization of CPA addition and removal procedures is also elaborated.
The Atlantic salmon is one of the most prized and exploited species worldwide, being at the centre of a massive sports fishing industry and increasingly as the major farmed species in many countries worldwide. Atlantic Salmon Ecology is a landmark publication, both scientifically important and visually attractive. Comprehensively covering all major aspects of the relationship of the Atlantic salmon with its environment, chapters include details of migration and dispersal, reproduction, habitat requirements, feeding, growth rates, competition, predation, parasitsm, population dynamics, effects of landscape use, hydro power development, climate change, and exploitation. The book closes with a summary and look at possible future research directions. Backed by the Norwegian Research Council and with editors and contributors widely known and respected, Atlantic Salmon Ecology is an essential purchase for all those working with this species, including fisheries scientists and managers, fish biologists, ecologists, physiologists, environmental biologists and aquatic scientists, fish and wildlife department personnel and regulatory bodies. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies of this important publication. • Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of Atlantic Salmon • Atlantic Salmon is one of the world's most commercially important species • Backed by the Norwegian Research Council • Experienced editor and internationally respected contributors.
Sperm competition occurs when sperm from more than one male compete for fertilizations [1]. This form of post-copulatory sexual selection is recognized as a significant and widespread force in the evolution of male reproductive biology and as a key determinant of differential male reproductive success 2 and 3. Despite its importance, however, detailed mechanisms of sperm competition at the gamete level remain poorly understood. Here, we use natural variation in spermatozoal traits among wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a species naturally adapted to sperm competition [4], to examine how the relative influences of sperm (i) number, (ii) velocity, (iii) longevity, and (iv) total length determine sperm competition success. Atlantic salmon fertilize externally, and we were therefore able to conduct controlled in vitro fertilization competitions while concurrently measuring spermatozoal traits within the aqueous micro-environment to which salmon gametes are naturally adapted 5, 6 and 7. Microsatellite DNA fingerprinting revealed that a male's relative sperm velocity was the primary determinant of sperm competition success. There was no significant relationship between fertilization success and either relative sperm number or total length; sperm longevity showed an inverse relationship with competition success. These relationships were consistent for two experimental repeats of the in vitro fertilization competitions. Our results therefore show, under the natural microenvironment for salmon gametes, that relative sperm velocity is a key spermatozoal component for sperm competition success. Atlantic salmon sperm can be considered to enter a competition analogous to a race in which the fastest sperm have the highest probability of success.
Oocytes from three female rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were inseminated separately with untreated or cryopreserved semen, which had been produced using either untreated (three males) or cryopreserved (three males) spermatozoa. In half of variants, the cryopreservation did not significantly affect fertilization efficiency. Regardless of whether the sperm donors were produced from cryopreserved or intact semen, insemination of oocytes with their intact sperm resulted in the same percentage of eyed embryos (94.4 and 94.3%, respectively). When eggs were inseminated with cryopreserved semen, the use of sperm from males produced with cryopreserved spermatozoa resulted in a significantly higher percentage of eyed eggs than in case of donors produced with intact sperm (89.6 and 81.7%, respectively). The production of rainbow trout using cryopreserved sperm does not appear to negatively affect reproductive abilities of male progeny and semen from donors, which were produced using cryopreserved sperm, is more suitable for cryopreservation than the semen from donors produced with intactspermatozoa.
This study was designed to test a vitrification method in Atlantic salmon spermatozoa and determine the capacity of seminal plasma (SP) to protect these cells from cryoinjuries. The vitrification medium consisted of a standard buffer for fish spermatozoa (Cortland®medium) + 10% DMSO + 2% BSA + 0.13 M sucrose + SP at concentrations of 30% (G30), 40% (G40) or 50% (G50). Fresh sperm (F) was used as a control. To freeze the samples, 30 μL suspensions of spermatozoa from each group were dropped directly into liquid nitrogen. The resulting spheres were placed in cryotubes for storage in liquid nitrogen. The cryotubes with the vitrified spermatozoa were thawed by placing them in a water bath at 37°C for 45 s. After thawing, the following sperm quality parameters were determined by flow cytometry: DNA fragmentation (TUNEL), plasma membrane integrity (SYBR-14/PI, staining technique) and mitochondrial membrane potential (JC-1 staining). An optical microscope was used to assess subjectively sperm motility, while fertility was determined by the presence of neurulation using five replicates per treatment in a sample of 30 eggs. Spermatozoa quality variables were preserved best when the highest concentration of SP (50%) was used (DNA fragmentation 9.2%, plasma membrane integrity 98.6%, mitochondrial membrane integrity 47.2%, motility 44.1%, fertility 46.2%).