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Molecular pathways in protecting the liver from ischaemia/reperfusion injury: a 2015 update


Abstract and Figures

Ischaemia/reperfusion injury is an important cause of liver damage during surgical procedures such as hepatic resection and liver transplantation, and represents the main cause of graft dysfunction post-transplantation. Molecular processes occurring during hepatic ischaemia/reperfusion are diverse, and continuously include new and complex mechanisms. The present review aims to summarize the newest concepts and hypotheses regarding the pathophysiology of liver ischaemia/reperfusion, making clear distinction between situations of cold and warm ischaemia. Moreover, the most updated therapeutic strategies including pharmacological, genetic and surgical interventions, as well as some of the scientific controversies in the field are described.
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Clinical Science (2015) 129, 345–362 doi: 10.1042/CS20150223
Molecular pathways in protecting the liver from
ischaemia/reperfusion injury: a 2015 update
Jordi Gracia-Sancho,Aran
ı Casillas-Ram´
ırez†‡ and Carmen Peralta†
Barcelona Hepatic Hemodynamic Laboratory, Institut d’Investigacions Biom`
ediques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Centro de Investigaci´
on Biom´
en Red en Enfermedades Hep´
aticas y Digestivas (CIBEREHD), Barcelona, Spain
†Institut d’Investigacions Biom`
ediques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Centro de Investigaci´
on Biom´
edica en Red en Enfermedades Hep´
aticas y
Digestivas (CIBEREHD), Barcelona, Spain
‡Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de Ciudad Victoria “Bicentenario 2010”, Cd. Victoria, Mexico
Ischaemia/reperfusion injury is an important cause of liver damage during surgical procedures such as hepatic
resection and liver transplantation, and represents the main cause of graft dysfunction post-transplantation.
Molecular processes occurring during hepatic ischaemia/reperfusion are diverse, and continuously include new and
complex mechanisms. The present review aims to summarize the newest concepts and hypotheses regarding the
pathophysiology of liver ischaemia/reperfusion, making clear distinction between situations of cold and warm
ischaemia. Moreover, the most updated therapeutic strategies including pharmacological, genetic and surgical
interventions, as well as some of the scientific controversies in the field are described.
Key words: cold storage, hepatocytes, liver microcirculation, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, LSEC, warm ischaemia.
The pathophysiology of I/R (ischaemia/reperfusion) injury has
been comprehensively studied, and reviewed, by several authors
in the past [1,2]. One might suggest that similar underlying events
happen in all types of clinical situations where I/R occurs, and that
the mediators and mechanisms involved are solidly established.
Nevertheless, the more we discover, the less we certainly know
about I/R injury, and thus the further away seems to be its solution
at the bedside.
The complexity in mechanisms and cellular components im-
plicated in I/R has led to several controversies, and even discrep-
ancies, in our understanding of this pathology. Carefully reading
the literature, we hypothesize that disagreements in I/R mechan-
isms, and therefore in therapeutic targets, were probably due to
slight (or evident) differences in experimental procedures. The
present mini-review aims to summarize some of the most recently
described cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying hepatic
I/R injury, as well as derived therapeutic options, making a patent
distinction between those results obtained in experimental mod-
els of cold and warm ischaemia. In addition, some of the most
Abbreviations: B7-H1, B7 homologue 1; DAMP, damage-associated molecular pattern; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; HDmiR, hepatocyte-derived miRNA; I/R,
ischaemia/reperfusion; IRF, interferon-regulatory factor; KLF2, Kr ¨
uppel-like factor 2; LSEC, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; MMP, matrix
metalloproteinase; NMP, nor mothermic machine perfusion; Nrf2, nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2; PAMP, pathogen-associated molecular pattern; PH, par tial hepatectomy;
RBP4, retinol-binding protein 4; TLR, Toll-like receptor.
Correspondence: Dr Jordi Gracia-Sancho (email
controversial (and long-lasting) observations in the field are also
Mechanisms of injury
Hepatocyte and sinusoidal injuries
Nowadays, it is accepted that hepatic endothelium damage occur-
ring during cold preservation represents the initial factor leading
to hepatic I/R injury, determining poor graft microcirculation,
platelet activation, persistent vasoconstriction, up-regulation of
adhesion molecules, cytokine release, oxidative stress, Kupffer
cell activation, neutrophil infiltration and hepatocyte death, thus
contributing to the development of primary non-function or im-
paired primary function after liver transplantation (Figure 1).
Indeed, and although hepatocyte function and viability might be
preserved under in vitro cold storage conditions up to 72 h, the
LSEC (liver sinusoidal endothelial cells) phenotype is rapidly
deregulated during cold storage, becoming activated after 6 h,
and highly apoptotic and pro-inflammatory thereafter [3,4]. In
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ırez and C. Peralta
Figure 1 Underlying mechanisms of hepatic cold ischaemia and warm reperfusion injury
Pathways recently described are coloured, whereas classic mechanisms are summarized in grey. DAMPs, damage-as-
sociated molecular patterns; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; ET, endothelin; IL, interleukin; IRF-1, interferon
regulatory factor-1; KC, Kupffer cells; KLF2, Kr¨
uppel-like factor 2; LSEC, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells; Nrf2, nuclear
factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2; PAMPs, pathogen-associated molecular patterns; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TLR4,
Toll-like receptor 4; TM, thrombomodulin; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor α.
fact, experimental studies of liver preservation for transplant-
ation showed acute endothelial dysfunction development after
16 h of cold storage, associated with significant hepatocellular
injury and death [4]. Considering the intimate cellular cross-talk
between LSEC and hepatocytes, it is very possible that LSEC
injury due to cold storage may negatively affect hepatocyte viab-
ility, and vice versa.
Liver sinusoidal cells
It is well known that LSEC of cold-stored livers are seriously
compromised during cold storage and transplantation. Indeed,
rapid repopulation of LSEC is observed after transplantation
in association with up-regulation of diverse pro-angiogenic and
endothelial-survival mechanisms. In this setting, potential re-
cruitment and engraftment of bone-marrow-derived endothelial
precursors may contribute to revascularization sites [5]. In the last
few years, several studies have revealed new signalling mechan-
isms involved in cold ischaemia injury where sinusoidal cells
play a key role. The lack of biomechanical stimuli occurring dur-
ing cold preservation for transplantation markedly deteriorates
the LSEC protective phenotype by down-regulating the expres-
sion of the transcription factor KLF2 (Kr¨
uppel-like factor 2),
which orchestrates the transcription of a variety of protective
genes including the eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase),
the anti-thrombotic molecule thrombomodulin or the antioxid-
ant transcription factor Nrf2 (nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related
factor 2) [4,6].
Concomitantly to LSEC deregulation, Kupffer cells suffer
from a profound activation process that is promoted by the release
of DAMPs (damage-associated molecular patterns) from neigh-
bouring necrotic hepatic cells and, under conditions of sepsis
or endotoxaemia, also PAMPs (pathogen-associated molecular
patterns). TLRs (Toll-like receptors) recognize both PAMPs and
DAMPs, leading to activation of downstream signalling cascades.
Evidence from experimental studies of cold ischaemia and trans-
plantation indicates that an increase in TLR4 could be correlated
with hepatocellular damage [7]. Although this occurs in non-
steatotic livers, up-regulation of the TLR4 pathway is protective
in steatotic livers undergoing transplantation [8]. This divergent
role for TLR4 could be explained by differences in the pathogenic
mechanisms of I/R injury between steatotic and non-steatotic
Emerging mechanisms of injury
The autophagy machinery is activated under stress conditions,
such as transient hypoxia or starvation, to ensure cell survival
and limit cell death. Under experimental conditions of cold I/R
injury, it has been found that defective liver autophagy correlates
with liver damage [9]. In fact, strategies aimed at up-regulating
autophagy reduced the development of hepatocellular necrosis
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Underlying mechanisms of hepatic I/R injury
and improved graft survival; nevertheless, better characteriza-
tion of this process, focusing on each hepatic cell type, is still
necessary. In this regard, a recent communication by Biel and col-
leagues presented at the AASLD Liver Meeting 2014 (abstract
105) demonstrated that hepatocyte autophagy defect during I/R
leads to cell death, therefore proposing activation of hepatocyte
autophagy as a new therapeutic option.
Small non-coding RNAs, and particularly miRNAs, have
emerged as important genetic regulators of cellular processes,
including tissue injury and repair responses. Recently, it has been
demonstrated that the levels of the HDmiRs (hepatocyte-derived
miRNAs) miR-122,miR-148a and miR-194 are significantly el-
evated in serum from patients after liver transplantation, posit-
ively correlating with aminotransferase levels [10]. As experi-
mental studies have shown that miRNAs are feasible targets for
therapeutic interventions designed to minimize injury caused by
ischaemic insults, further studies targeting HDmiRs might elu-
cidate their real role in cold I/R injury.
IRF (interferon-regulatory factor)-1, a transcription factor
originally identified as a regulator of IFN (interferon) α/β,is
involved in many aspects of innate and adaptive immune re-
sponses. It has been described that IRF-1-mediated inflammation
after liver transplantation is involved in multiple mechanisms
that are vital to the cellular stress response, including produc-
tion of inflammatory mediators, activation of apoptotic pathways
and activation of MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) path-
ways [11]. Importantly, antagonism or silencing of IRF-1 gene
expression may be a potential strategy to ameliorate liver damage
associated with cold preservation injury [12].
B7-H1 (B7 homologue 1) is a recently identified member
of the B7 family with important regulatory functions in cell-
mediated immune responses. In experimental models of liver
transplantation, B7-H1 is up-regulated in both parenchymal and
non-parenchymal cells ameliorating cold I/R injury. Indeed, B7-
H1 inhibition markedly worsens I/R injury through increased
infiltration and reduced apoptosis of CD8+T-cells in liver grafts
Finally, it is worth considering recent findings indicating that
brain death itself strongly reduces the tolerance of liver grafts
to cold I/R injury [14,15]. Indeed, donor brain death triggers a
systemic inflammatory response and increased immunogenicity
of the graft that could potentially lead to reduced organ func-
tion. Injurious effects of brain death are mainly mediated through
Kupffer cell activation, leading to TNFα(tumour necrosis factor
α) and TLR4 amplification. Considering that 80 % of organs used
in the clinic come from donors who suffered brain death [14], it
seems reasonable to include brain death as part of the protocol
in experimental studies investigating cold I/R injury. This pat-
ent difference in the protocol might positively influence the ratio
of therapeutic strategies that are successfully translated to the
Role of warm ischaemia (after cold) in hepatic injury
The injury process that begins during hypothermia is afterwards
fostered by the re-warming process during graft implantation.
Concretely, in the liver, when temperature and cell metabolism
ramps up, damage switches from the more cold-sensitive LSEC
to the warm ischaemia-sensitive hepatocytes [16]. In the light of
these findings, one might assume that normothermic preservation
[using NMP (normothermic machine perfusion)] would probably
be the most appropriate strategy to preserve grafts in the clinical
setting of liver transplantation. Indeed, it would avoid the trans-
ition of cold to warm ischaemia, maintaining the liver graft at a
single temperature from retrieval until implantation. The under-
lying principle of NMP is the combination of continuous circu-
lation of metabolic substrates for ATP regeneration and removal
of waste products, together with biomechanical stimulation of
the sinusoids. Accordingly, accumulating evidence demonstrates
the superiority of the more physiological approach of normother-
mia, in association with an oxygenated blood-based perfusion
solution, in comparison with cold storage procedures [17–19].
Furthermore, in situ normothermic regional perfusion of dona-
tion after cardiac death is gaining in popularity and has resulted
in a number of successful liver transplantations [20–24].
Therapeutic approaches
On the basis of the above-described mechanisms, a variety of
therapeutic strategies have been developed. As seen in Table 1, in
the last 2 years the development of strategies to protect marginal
liver grafts has predominated, thus indicating the concern about
the increase in waiting list times and the shortage of liver grafts
available for transplantation; also, considerable efforts have been
devoted to the improvement in perfusion machine techniques,
and the first strategies based on cell therapy against cold I/R
injury have been reported. Interestingly, most of these original
investigations devoted their efforts to molecular pathways and
pathophysiological events markedly different from those studied
in previous decades (i.e. note the switch from strategies broadly
targeting adhesion molecules to strategies specifically focused
on upstream events of inflammation, such as adipocytokine sig-
nalling). In addition, in the specific scenario of machine perfu-
sion, a significant part of work aimed to characterize the pos-
sible use of oxygenated perfusion solutions, thus challenging the
dogma of noxious effects of oxygen during reperfusion injury.
In fact, very recently, a new preservation modality has been de-
scribed that combines machine perfusion at subnormothermic
conditions with a new haemoglobin-based oxygen carrier solu-
tion, triggering regenerative and cell protective responses result-
ing in improved allograft function [25].
Mechanisms of injury
Warm I/R injury is responsible for significant organ dysfunction
and failure after liver resection and haemorrhagic shock. Histor-
ically, it has been considered that hepatocytes are more sensitive
to warm I/R, whereas LSEC are more sensitive to cold I/R. How-
ever, limitation of injury to a particular cell type is rare under
pathophysiological conditions; indeed evidencesuggest profound
sinusoidal deregulation during warm I/R injury [26]. Similarly
to liver cold I/R injury, Kupffer cells play a key role in warm
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Table 1 Therapeutic approaches against cold I/R injury
AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; Bcl-2, B-cell lymphoma 2; DCD, donations after cardiac death; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; ERK,
extracellular-signal-regulated kinase; ET-1, endothelin 1; GABAR, γ-aminobutyric acid receptor; HO-1, haem oxygenase-1; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; iNOS, inducible nitric
oxide synthase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LSEC, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; MSC-CM, mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium;
NHBD, non-heart-beating donors; NF-κB, nuclear factor κB; NKT, natural killer T-cell; NMP, normothermic machine perfusion; Nrf2, nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2; PI3K,
phosphoinositide 3-kinase; PGE1, prostaglandin E1; PPAR, peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor; rMnSOD, recombinant MnSOD; SLC, sinusoidal lining cell; SOD, superoxide
dismutase; SOWP, short oxygenated warm perfusion; STAT, signal transducer and activator of transcription; TIM-1, T-cell immunoglobulin mucin 1; TLR, Toll-like receptor; TNF,
tumour necrosis factor; UW, University of Wisconsin; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.
(a) Pharmacological strategies
Drug Species Experimental model
Cold ischaemia
time Effect
Adiponectin [40] (adipocytokine) Rat Liver transplantation (steatotic grafts) 6 h Hepatic injury; PI3K/Akt
ανβ6 Antibody [41] (ανβ6 integrin) Mouse Liver transplantation 12 h Progression of biliary fibrosis; liver function
Biliverdin [42] (green tetrapyrrolic bile pigment) Pig Ex vivo liver perfusion 19 h Hepatic injury, neutrophil infiltration and apoptosis; liver
Bortezomib [43] (26S proteasome) Rat Liver transplantation (steatotic grafts) 2 h Hepatic injury, NF-κB, MMP and pro-inflammatory cytokines
Cardiotrophin-1 [44] (cytokine) Pig Liver transplantation 4 h Hepatic injury, caspase 3, IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, oxidative stress;
survival, Akt, ERK, STAT3
Edaravone [45] (neuroprotective agent) Pig Liver transplantation (NHBD liver grafts) 4 h Hepatic injury and SLC damage; survival
Fructose [46] (monosaccharide) Rat Ex vivo liver perfusion 26 h Hepatic injury; ATP
GABAR agonist [47] (γ-aminobutyric acid) Rat Split liver transplantation 2 h Hepatic injury, oxidative stress and apoptosis
Ketanserin [48] (serotonin 2A receptor antagonist) Rat Liver transplantation (DCD liver grafts) 4 h Hepatic injury, biliary fibrosis, liver serotonin and hidroxyproline;
biliary function
Magnesium [49] Human Living donor liver transplantation Not reported Hepatic injury; regulation of Th1-to-Th2 cytokine balance towards
5-Methylthioadenosine [50] (nucleoside) Rat Liver transplantation Not reported Hepatic injury, NF-κB and MAPK activation
N-acetylcysteine [51] (antioxidant) Human Liver transplantation 2–10 h Post-operative complications; survival
Perfluorodecalin [52] (perfluorocarbon) Rat Hypothermic perfusion (DCD liver grafts) 8 h Hepatic injury; survival
Resistin [40] (adipocytokine) Rat Liver transplantation (steatotic grafts) 6 h Hepatic injury; PI3K/Akt
rMnSOD [37] (antioxidant) Rat Ex vivo liver perfusion 16 h Hepatic injury and inflammation; hepatic microcirculation and
endothelial function
RMT1-10 [53] (TIM-1 blocker) Mice Liver transplantation 20 h Hepatic injury and neutrophil and macrophage activation; IL-4,
IL-10, IL-22, Bcl-2
Simvastatin [54] (vasoprotector) Rat Ex vivo liver perfusion (steatotic grafts) 16 h Hepatic injury, apoptosis and inflammation; hepatic
microcirculation and endothelial function
(b) Gene and cell therapy strategies
Target gene/cell therapy strategy Species Experimental model
Cold ischaemia
time Effect
Ad-hTERT [55] (human telomerase transcriptase) Rat Liver transplantation (aged grafts) 2 h Hepatic injury and apoptosis; telomerase activity
CD39/in myeloid dendritic cells [56] Mouse Liver transplantation 24 h Hepatic injury; pro-inflammator y cytokines
CD39-transgenic [57] (CD39-overexpression) Mouse Liver transplantation 18 h Hepatic injury, IL-6, CD4+T-cells and invariant NKT cells
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Underlying mechanisms of hepatic I/R injury
Table 1 Continued
(b) Gene and cell therapy strategies
Target gene/cell therapy strategy Species Experimental model
Cold ischaemia
time Effect
Keap1-deficient [58] (Keap1 hepatocyte-specific
Mouse Liver transplantation 20 h Hepatic injury, oxidative stress and inflammation and apoptosis;
Nrf2, thioredoxin and PI3K/Akt
MSC-CM [59] (mesenchymal stem cells) Rat Reduced-size liver transplantation 55–65 min Activation of Kupffer cells and neutrophils, pro-inflammatory
cytokines and apoptosis; VEGF, MMP-9 and proliferating
hepatocytes and LSEC
(c) Additives for preservation solutions
Drug or additive Species Experimental model
Cold ischaemia
time Effect
Bortezomib in UW or IGL solution [60,61]
(proteasome inhibitor) Rat Ex vivo liver perfusion (steatotic grafts) 24 h Hepatic injury, oxidative stress, IL-1 and TNF-α;NO and AMPK
Desferrioxamine in UW solution [62] (bacterial
siderophore) Rat Ex vivo liver perfusion 20 h Hepatic injury
Melatonin and trimetazidine in IGL-1 solution [63]
(hormone and anti-ischaemic drug) Rat Ex vivo liver perfusion (steatotic grafts) 24 h Hepatic injury and ER stress; autophagy
rMnSOD in Celsior solution [37] (antioxidant) Human Ex vivo preservation 16 h Oxidative stress
SNO-HSA in UW solution [64] (S-nitrosated human
serum albumin) Rat Ex vivo liver perfusion 72 h Hepatic injury, LDH, oxidative stress and apoptosis
SOWP and PGE1in UW solution [65] (short
oxygenated warm perfusion and prostaglandin E1)Rat
Ex vivo liver perfusion (uncontrolled NHBD
grafts) 6 h Hepatic injury, necrosis and apoptosis
(d) Surgical and machine perfusion-based strategies
Strategy Species Experimental model/clinical setting
Cold ischaemia
time Effect
HOPE [66,67] (hypothermic oxygenated perfusion) Rat Liver transplantation (DCD liver grafts) 4 h
Hepatic injury, biliary injury, Kupffer and endothelial cell
activation and oxidative stress; survival
HOPE [68] (hypothermic oxygenated perfusion) Pig
Ex vivo liver perfusion model (DCD liver
grafts) 6 h Hepatic injury and endothelial and mitochondrial damage
IPC [69] (ischaemic pre-conditioning) Rat Liver transplantation 50 min
Hepatic injury and bacterial translocation; intestinal microbiota
and mucosal ultrastructure
NMP [70] (normothermic machine perfusion) Rat Liver transplantation (DCD liver grafts)
No cold
Organ stability over 5–6 h of perfusion; restoration of warm
ischaemic liver to a likely transplantable state after 2 h of perfusion
Machine perfusion [71] Pig Liver transplantation (DCD liver grafts) 2 h Hepatic injury; recovery and resuscitation of DCD liver grafts
RIPostC [72] (remote ischaemic post-conditioning) Human Living donor liver transplantation 76-83 min
Acute kidney injury; no improvements in postoperative liver graft
function or clinical outcomes
Subnormothermic machine perfusion combined with
haemoglobin-based oxygen carrier (HBOC) solution
[25] Pig Liver transplantation 9 h
Hepatic injury, IFNα,IFNγ,TNFα,IL-1β, IL-4; liver function,
VSOP-NO [73,74] (venous systemic oxygen
persufflation using NO gas) Rat
Liver transplantation (small or steatotic
grafts) 3 h
Hepatic injury, iNOS and peroxinitrite; regeneration, eNOS
expression, viability and microcirculation
VSOP-NO [75] (venous systemic oxygen
persufflation using NO gas) Rat Liver transplantation (DCD liver grafts) 3 h
Hepatic injury, oxidative stress, TNFα, IL-6, eNOS, ET-1,
hepatocyte and LSEC damage
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I/R injury being a source of many pro-inflammatory mediators.
Neutrophils are also activated and recruited into the liver, where
several factors and conditions determine that neutrophils migrate
out of the sinusoids and affect parenchymal cells [26].
A central underlying mechanism for parenchymal injury due
to warm I/R injury is the impairment of mitochondria. Interest-
ingly, recent data indicate that cardiolipin (diphosphatidylgly-
cerol), a phospholipid required for efficient mitochondrial func-
tion, may play an essential role in such injury. Indeed, warm I/R
causes a significant decrease in hepatic cardiolipin content that,
together with an increase in its oxidized form, impairs mitochon-
drial function, altogether worsening liver injury [27]. Strategies
that support cardiolipin synthesis, or prevent its oxidation, may
be beneficial to reduce I/R injury in the liver.
Emerging evidence reveals the role of acetylation in funda-
mental biological processes. Protein acetylation by histone acet-
yltransferases enhances gene expression via relaxation of chro-
matin and transcription activation. Acetylation homoeostasis is
often disrupted in several pathologies. Indeed, warm hepatic I/R
injury is accompanied by a significant reduction in histone acet-
ylation in the liver, suggesting that histone acetylation may play
an important role in I/R injury representing a new therapeutic
strategy to ameliorate this pathology [28].
MMP (matrix metalloproteinase)-9, an inducible gelatinase,
is emerging as a central mediator of leucocyte trafficking into
inflamed tissues. In a mouse model of steatotic liver undergo-
ing warm I/R injury, it was demonstrated that MMP-9 activ-
ity disrupts vascular integrity through a PECAM-1 (platelet en-
dothelial cell adhesion molecule-1)-dependent mechanism, and
interferes with liver regeneration [29]. Similar findings were ob-
served characterizing MMP-10 [30], thus suggesting that MMP-
9/10-targeted therapies would allow more patients to undergo
successful liver resection, especially those with fatty liver, who
exhibit higher susceptibility to I/R.
Adipose tissue and adipocytokines
It has been suggested that, in conditions of PH (partial hepatec-
tomy) without I/R, adipose tissue supplies the energy needed by
the remnant liver. Considering that, in clinical practice, PH is
usually accompanied by I/R, a recent study has evaluated the
contribution of adipose tissue to liver injury and regeneration ob-
served in these surgical conditions. This study demonstrated that
adipose tissue is not required for the regeneration of non-steatotic
livers; however, it is necessary to promote regeneration and di-
minish injury in steatotic ones. Interestingly, adipose tissue does
not seem to be an energy source for the steatotic liver; indeed
ATP levels were maintained after lipectomy, but adipose tissue is
a source of different adipocytokines, which are essential signals
for liver regeneration [31].
Several adipocytokines may play a role in warm I/R injury;
however, very little is known about them. In the setting of I/R in-
jury without PH, adiponectin protects non-steatotic livers by an
AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase)/eNOS mechanism [32].
Contrarily, this hormone is accumulated in steatotic livers upon
warm I/R injury through a MAPK-mediated mechanism, pro-
moting exacerbation of oxidative stress and liver injury [33].
Therefore the response of livers to adiponectin may very much
depend on their basal phenotype, involving different transduction
RBP4 (retinol-binding protein 4), resistin and visfatin have
been characterized in experimental models of PH under warm
I/R. In this sense, RBP4 exerts injurious effects in steatotic and
non-steatotic livers, and its modulation further worsens the liver
outcome, thus it is not advised as a therapeutic strategy [34].
More recently, a relationship between resistin and visfatin has
been described [35]. Although no evident role for these adipo-
cytokines was observed in non-steatotic livers, in steatotic livers
endogenous resistin maintained low levels of visfatin by blocking
its hepatic uptake from the circulation, thus regulating the visfatin
detrimental effects on hepatic damage and regenerative failure.
NAD biosynthetic activity, rather than inflammatory response-
like activity, was responsible for the injurious effects of visfatin
in steatotic livers. This study indicates the clinical potential of
visfatin-blocking-based therapies in steatotic livers submitted to
I/R and regeneration.
See Figure 2 for a summary of mechanisms underlying warm
ischaemia and reperfusion injury.
Differences between experimental models and clinical
Numerous experimental animal models have been used in the
field of warm (and cold) I/R injury. There are many advantages
of animal studies: large numbers of animals can be studied, in-
terventional studies can be performed, and tools for targeted ma-
nipulation of gene expression provide insight into the function of
mediators in hepatic I/R injury. Comparison of the results of an-
imal studies and their extrapolation to human beings is feasible,
but with limitations such as differences in ischaemia tolerance,
anatomy of the liver of various species, surgical conditions used
in clinical practice and those used in the experimental models,
and administration, dosage and metabolic breakdown of the drugs
under investigation. Importantly, studies performed in small an-
imals are of limited applicability to human beings due to their
different size and anatomy of the liver and their faster metabol-
ism. Large animals exhibit greater similarity in their anatomy and
physiology to humans; however, their use is restricted by serious
logistical and financial difficulties, ethical concerns and limited
availability of immunological tools for use in large animal species
Despite the limitations of the experimental animal models,
these are the best options to study hepatic I/R, especially con-
sidering that the progress of human studies is slow, the majority
of human tissues are not routinely accessible for research, and
there is very limited opportunity for interventional studies. The
clinical application of strategies designed at benchside will de-
pend on the use of experimental models that resemble as much as
possible the clinical conditions in which the strategy intends to
be applied. As stated above, the pathophysiological mechanisms
very much differ depending on the type of ischaemia (cold or
warm). In fact, it should be considered that the extent and time
of ischaemia, the type of liver submitted to I/R, and the presence
of liver regeneration all lead to differences in the mechanisms
of hepatic I/R injury and in the effects of therapeutic strategies
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Underlying mechanisms of hepatic I/R injury
Figure 2 Underlying mechanisms of hepatic warm ischaemia and reperfusion injury
Pathways recently described are coloured, whereas classic mechanisms are summarized in grey. eNOS, endothelial
nitric oxide synthase; ET, endothelin; IL, interleukin; I/R wo hepatectomy, ischaemia/reperfusion without hepatectomy;
KC, Kupffer cells; KLF2, Kr¨
uppel-like factor 2; LSEC, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase;
Nrf2, nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2; RBP4, retinol-binding protein 4; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TM,
thrombomodulin; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor α.
evaluated [36]. Probably related to these factors, no satisfactory
treatment is currently available to prevent warm hepatic I/R injury
in the clinical practice. It should be considered that the effect-
iveness of a certain strategy could be different depending on the
surgical conditions evaluated: warm I/R injury itself or partial
hepatectomy under warm I/R injury. It would be extremely use-
ful to make a clear distinction between the mechanisms for each
surgical situation to design therapies that demonstrate its effect-
iveness under experimental conditions similar to what happens
in clinical practice. This will probably lead to translation of those
strategies to clinical practice in the short-term.
Lack of knowledge regarding sinusoidal cells in warm I/R
As stated above, non-parenchymal cells play essential roles in
liver function, resulting in being profoundly affected under I/R
conditions. Nevertheless, and although recent data unmasked the
phenotypic deregulations that LSEC suffer during cold ischaemia
and warm reperfusion [4,37], very little is known about sinusoidal
cell modifications due to warm ischaemia. An excellent study
by Jaeschke et al. [38] demonstrated that Kupffer cells become
activated after warm I/R, strongly contributing to liver injury.
These data, together with the recruitment of circulating neutro-
phils after I/R, suggest that the hepatic endothelium may rapidly
become dysfunctional upon warm I/R, therefore mediating the
inflammatory response. In this regard, a recent study from our
team described for the first time that the KLF2-derived vasopro-
tective pathways are rapidly deregulated in LSEC submitted to
warm I/R, leading to endothelial dysfunction development and
massive inflammation [39]. Undoubtedly, future studies will cla-
rify the effects of warm I/R on the phenotype and function of
LSEC, and desirably also of hepatic stellate cells.
Therapeutic approaches
In the last 2 years, pharmacological therapies with very different
targets have predominated in the research on novel strategies to
minimize the injurious effects of warm I/R (see Table 2). It is
also evident that there is an increasing interest in cellular and
surgical strategies. However, and as discussed above, it is import-
ant to note that strategies should be developed in experimental
models that resemble as much as possible the conditions present
in clinical practice, such as the use of intermittent clamping, the
combination of PH and I/R injury, and the use of pathological
livers such as steatotic or aged. In this sense, few studies have
been developed that comply with these characteristics, which can
represent an obstacle to the clinical application of other proposed
strategies. Accordingly, only one clinical trial analysing a therapy
to reduce warm I/R injury has been published in this period of
The Authors Journal compilation C
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J. Gracia-Sancho, A. Casillas-Ram´
ırez and C. Peralta
Table 2 Therapeutic approaches against warm I/R injur y
AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; ATF4, activating transcription factor 4; CHOP, C/EBP (CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein)-homologous protein; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide
synthase; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; FoxO1, forkhead box O1; GPR120, G-protein-coupled receptor 120; GSK3, glycogen synthase kinase 3; HMGB1, high-mobility group
protein B1; HO-1, haem oxygenase-1; Hsp70, heat-shock protein 70; IL, interleukin; IPC, ischaemic pre-conditioning; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; LSEC, liver sinusoidal
endothelial cells; MPO, myeloperoxidase; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; NF-κB, nuclear factor κB; NKT, natural killer T-cell; NMP, normothermic machine perfusion; Nrf2,
nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2; PI3K, phosphoinositide 3-kinase; PKA, protein kinase A; PPAR, peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor; RPC, remote pre-conditioning;
SIRT1, sirtuin 1; SOD, superoxide dismutase; STAT, signal transducer and activator of transcription; TLR, Toll-like receptor; TNFα, tumour necrosis factor α; Treg, regulatory T-cell.
(a) Pharmacological strategies
Drug Species Experimental model
War m
ischaemia Effect
15-deoxy-12,14-prostaglandin J2[76] Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury and inflammation; Nrf2-dependent antioxidant
Adiponectin [32] (adipocytokine) Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, inflammation and apoptosis; AMPK, eNOS
Ago-miR-146a [77] (a chemically modified
Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, TLR activation and apoptosis
Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) blockade
[78] (anti-inflammatory)
Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, inflammatory response, apoptosis, nitrosative
stress; survival
Anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody [79] Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury; inflammatory response, CD4+T-lymphocytes
Atorvastatin [80] (vasoprotector) Rat Total ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury and inflammation
Augmenter of liver regeneration [81] Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury and apoposis; recruitment of CD4+T-cells
Branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) [82] (Kupffer cell
Rat Total ischaemia 30 min Hepatic injury, inflammation and microcirculatory disorders
Butyrate [28,83] (four-carbon short-chain fatty acid) Rat Partial ischaemia and partial
30–60 min Hepatic injury and prevented acetylated histone H3 reduction,
inflammatory response, TLR4; inhibition of endotoxin
translocation; Hsp70
C1 esterase inhibitor [84] (complement inhibitor) Mouse Partial ischaemia and partial
60 min Hepatic injury; liver regeneration and survival
Carbon monoxide [85] (gasotransmitter) Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury; phosphorylation of Akt, GSK3β
Carnosic acid [86] (rosemary derivative) Rat Partial ischaemia 45 min Hepatic injury and p66shc ;SOD and SIRT1
Carvacrol [87] (antimicrobial) Rat Total ischaemia 30 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis and oxidative stress; Akt
Chloroquine [88] (anti-malaria and autophagy
Rat Partial ischaemia 60, 90 min Early phase of reperfusion: hepatic injury, inflammation and
HMGB1. Late phase of reperfusion: hepatic injury and
apoptosis; autophagy
Cobalt protoporphyrin [89,90] (HO-1 inductor) Mouse Partial ischaemia 60–90 min Hepatic injury, inflammation and NF-κB, FoxO1 signalling; Nrf2,
HO-1, PI3K/Akt
CR2-CD59 [91] (complement inhibitor) Rat Total ischaemia 30 min Hepatic injury; regeneration and survival, TNFα, IL-6, STAT3,
Akt, ATP recovery
Dexmedetomidine [92] (sedative) Rat Par tial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury and oxidative stress
Diannexin [93] (microparticle inhibitor) Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury and inflammation; prevents formation of
pro-inflammatory and platelet-activating agents
Diazoxide [94,95] (potassium channel activator) Rat Partial ischaemia 30–60 min Hepatic injury, inflammation and TLR4, ihibition of endotoxin
translocation; protein kinase Cε
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Underlying mechanisms of hepatic I/R injury
Table 2 Continued
(a) Pharmacological strategies
Drug Species Experimental model
War m
ischaemia Effect
Dioscin [96] (antioxidant) Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis;
Dipyridamole [97] (equilibrative nucleoside
transporter inhibitor)
Mouse Partial ischaemia 45 min Hepatic injury; adenosine
Edaravone [98] (free radical scavenger) Rat Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury, oxidative stress and lung injury
Erythropoietin [99] (HO-1 inductor) Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury and apoptosis; HO-1
Ethyl pyruvate [100] (anti-inflammatory) Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis, autophagy and HMGB1–TLR4–NF-κB
Exendin 4 [101] (glucagon-like peptide 1 analogue) Mouse Partial ischaemia (steatotic liver s) 20 min Hepatic injury and autophagy; peserves mitochondrial integrity
Fasting [102] Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, inflammation and HMGB1; SIRT1, autophagy
Fibrin-derived peptide Bβ15-42 [103] (leucocyte
migration inhibitor)
Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, inflammation and HMGB1
Glucose or lipid emulsion [31] (nutritional
Rat Partial ischaemia +partial
hepatectomy (steatotic and
non-steatotic livers)
60 min Hepatic injury; Liver regeneration, ATP level preservation
Helium [104] Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injur y; survival, PI3K/Akt
Hydrogen sulfide [105,106] (gasotransmitter) Rat, mouse Partial ischaemia +partial
75–90 min Hepatic injury and miR-34a;Nrf-2 signalling pathway,
pro-survival, anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory signals and
hepatic regeneration
Hydrolysed whey peptide [107,108] Rat Partial and total ischaemia (steatotic
and non-steatotic livers)
30 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis and inflammation; NF-κB
Hydroxytyrosol [109] (phenolic compound) Mouse Partial ischaemia 75 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis, inflammation and oxidative stress
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy [110] Rat Total ischaemia 30 min Hepatic injury; mitochondrial function
L-α-glycerylphosphorylcholine (GPC) [111]
(deacylated phospholipid)
Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, NADPH oxidase, MPO and HMGB1;
microcirculatory disorders
Levosimendan [112,113] (mitochondrial KATP
channel opener)
Rat Total and partial ischaemia 40 or 60 min Hepatic injury and apoptosis; cyclo-oxygenase-1, regulation of
oxidative stress, inflammation, NO, and KATP channel,
mitochondrial function; improved hepatic microcirculation
Limonin [114] (antioxidant) Rat Partial ischaemia 45 min Hepatic injury, oxidative stress, inflammation and TLR-signalling
Lithium [115] Rat Total and partial ischaemia 60–90 min Hepatic injur y; inflammation and HMGB1
Losartan [116] (angiotensin receptor antagonist) Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis and inflammation; PPARγ
Low-dose LPS [117] Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis, inflammation, and ATF4/CHOP pathway
Low-intensity laser therapy [118] Rat Partial ischaemia 45 min Hepatic injury, oxidative stress and TNF-α
Melatonin [119] (hormone) Rat Partial ischaemia (steatotic livers) 35 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis and oxidative stress; ATP
miR-370 inhibitor [120] Mouse Partial ischaemia 75 min Hepatic injury; inflammatory response
Minocycline [121] (antibiotic) Rat Partial ischaemia 2, 6 and 24 h Hepatic injur y, oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines;
activation of Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway
The Authors Journal compilation C
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ırez and C. Peralta
Table 2 Continued
(a) Pharmacological strategies
Drug Species Experimental model
War m
ischaemia Effect
N-Acetylcysteine [122] (antioxidant) Mice Partial ischaemia 40–90 min Hepatic injury, oxidative stress, ER stress and apoptosis;
improvement in structure of sinusoids; autophagy, apoptosis
and JNK phosphorylation
Platinum nanoparticles [123] Mouse Total ischaemia 15 min Hepatic injury
Propofol73 [124] (anaesthetic) Rat Partial ischaemia 30, 60, 90 min Hepatic injur y, apoptosis, GSK3β
Protease-activated receptor 4 antagonist [125]
Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury, platelets, CD4+T-cell recruitment and apoptosis
Rapamycin [126] (mTOR inhibitor) Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injur y; autophagy, Akt
Reduced glutathione [127] (antioxidant) Rat Partial ischaemia (young and aged
90 min Hepatic injury, oxidative stress, TNFαand apoptosis
Resistin or anti-visfatin antibodies [35]
Rat Partial ischaemia +partial
hepatectomy (steatotic and
non-steatotic livers)
60 min Hepatic injury and visfatin, NAD levels; liver regeneration
Rho-kinase inhibitor [128] Rat Total ischaemia (steatotic livers) 45 min Hepatic injury, portal perfusion pressure; survival
Riboflavin [129] (vitamin B2) Mice Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury and inflammation, oxidative stress, eNOS/iNOS
and NO levels
Rosmarinic acid [130] (antioxidant) Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury; oxidative stress, inflammatory response, NF-κB
signalling pathway, iNOS, eNOS, NO
Sevofluorane [131] (anaesthetic) Swine Total ischaemia 40 min Hepatic injury
Sevofluorane [132] (anaesthetic) Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury and oxidative stress
Sildenafil [133] (guanylate cyclase inhibitor) Rat Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis and inflammation
Simvastatin [39] (vasoprotector) Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Early phase of reperfusion: hepatic injury, LSEC dysfunction. Late
phase of reperfusion: hepatic injury, macrophage and
neutrophil infiltration, apoptosis
Sivelestat sodium hydrate [134] (neutrophil
elastase inhibitor)
Rat Total ischaemia 30 min Hepatic injury and neutrophil accumulation
Thrombomodulin [135] (anti-coagulant) Rat Partial ischaemia +partial
20 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis and macrophages infiltration; liver
Vasoactive intestinal peptide neuropeptide [136] Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis and inflammation; cAMP/PKA
α7 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
activator/agonist [137,138]
Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, oxidative stress, inflammation, TNFαand HMGB1;
HO-1, PI3K/Akt, Nrf2
ω3 Fatty acid formulation [139,140] Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury and inflammation; GPR120
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Underlying mechanisms of hepatic I/R injury
Table 2 Continued
(b) Gene and cell therapy strategies
Target gene/cell therapy strategy Species Experimental model Warm ischaemia Effect
Adipose-derived stem cells [141] Mouse Partial ischaemia 15, 20 min Hepatic injury; liver regeneration
ATF6 siRNA [142] (activating transcription factor 6) Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injur y, ER stress, inflammation; macrophage TLR4
response, Akt activation
Bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells [143] Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injur y, oxidative stress and apoptosis
CD14/[144] Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injur y, inflammation and apoptosis
ENT1/[97] (equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1) Mouse Partial ischaemia 45 min Hepatic injury; adenosine regulation of Adora2b receptor
Hepatic stellate cells [145] Mouse Partial ischaemia Not reported Hepatic injur y; Tre g s
Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells [146] Mouse Partial ischaemia with or without partial
60 min Hepatic injury; liver regeneration and survival
Interferon regulatory factor 9/[147] Mouse Partial ischaemia Not reported Hepatic injury, inflammation and apoptosis; SIRT1
Isolated viable mitochondria infusion [148] Rat Partial ischaemia 45 min Hepatic injury and apoptosis
Long non-coding RNA AK139328 siRNA [149] Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, apoptosis and inflammation; Akt, GSK3β
activation, eNOS
Mesenchymal stem cells [150] Rat Total ischaemia 30 min Hepatic injury and apoptosis
Mfn2 overexpression [151] (mitochondrial function
Rat Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injur y and apoptosis
MMP-9/[29] (matrix metalloproteinase 9) Mouse Partial ischaemia (steatotic livers) 60 min Hepatic injury and inflammation; liver regeneration
Myeloid PTEN deficiency [152] (phosphatase and
tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10)
Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injur y and inflammation; IL-10, macrophage
Neogenin/[153] Mouse Partial ischaemia 30 min Hepatic injur y and inflammation
NLRP3/[154] (NOD-like receptor family, pyrin
domain-containing 3)
Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injur y, inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis and
neutrophil infiltration
TIM-4/[155] (T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin 4) Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injur y and inflammation; activation of
TLR2/4/9-dependent signalling
TLR4/[156] (Toll-like receptor 4) Mouse Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injury, inflammation and HMGB1
Toll/interleukin-1 receptor blockade [157] Mouse Partial ischaemia 90 min Hepatic injury, oxidative stress, inflammation and TLR4
(c) Surgical strategies
Strategy Species Experimental model/clinical setting
Warm ischaemia
time Effect
IPC [158] Rat Partial ischaemia (young and aged rats) 60 min Hepatic injur y; autophagy, HO-1
IPC [86,159] Rat
Partial ischaemia (steatotic and
non-steatotic livers) 45–60 min Hepatic injury and p66shc ;SOD and SIRT1
IPC [131] Swine Total ischaemia 40 min Hepatic injury
IPC or GSK3 inhibitor [160] Rat Partial ischaemia (young and aged rats) 40 min Hepatic injury and oxidative stress; ATP
RPC [161] Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injur y; microcirculation and blood pressure
RPC [162] Rat Total ischaemia 30 min Hepatic injur y; survival and HO-1
RPC [163] Rat Partial ischaemia 45 min Hepatic injur y; HO-1/p38 MAPK-dependent and autophagy
RPC [164] Rat Partial ischaemia 60 min Hepatic injur y, inflammation and NADPH oxidase isoform 2
The Authors Journal compilation C
2015 Biochemical Society 355
J. Gracia-Sancho, A. Casillas-Ram´
ırez and C. Peralta
J.G.-S. and C.P. acknowledge the current and former members of
their laboratories for their valuable contributions.
Research from the groups of J.G.-S. and C.P. is supported by the
Instituto de Salud Carlos III [grant number FIS PI14/00029 to (J.G.-
S.)], the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [grant
number SAF2012-31238 to (C.P.)], and the European Funds FEDER.
CIBEREHD is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
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Received 24 March 2015; accepted 15 April 2015
Published on the Internet 21 May 2015, doi: 10.1042/CS20150223
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... Cold ischemia occurs during organ retrieval, when the liver is cooled, perfused and then stored in a cold preservation solution. Rewarming ischemia is encountered during back-table graft preparation and also at the implementation stage while performing the vascular anastomoses before reperfusion (2). Despite this fact, the preservation method for organ transplantation has been left unchanged for many years and simple static cold storage still remains the gold standard worldwide. ...
... 1 patient characteristics: age, gender, height, weight, BMI, blood group, cause of cirrhosis, indication for transplantation, medical history (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) pretransplant status of residence (home, hospital ward or intensive care unit (ICU)). 2 Randomization will be performed after the harvesting team has macroscopically assessed the graft and con rmed that the graft will be harvested. After checking the inclusion and non-inclusion criteria an ...
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• Background: Given the scarce donor supply, an increasing number of so-called marginal or extended criteria donor (ECD) organs are used for liver transplantation. These ECD liver grafts are however known to be associated with a higher rate of early allograft dysfunction and primary non-function because of a greater vulnerability to ischemia-reperfusion injury. The end-ischemic Hypothermic Oxygenated Machine Perfusion (HOPE) technique may improve outcomes of liver transplantation with ECD grafts by decreasing reperfusion injury. • Methods: HOPExt trial is a comparative open-label, multicenter, national, prospective, randomized, controlled study, in two parallel groups, using static cold storage, the gold standard procedure, as control. The trial will enroll adult patients on the transplant waiting list for liver failure or liver cirrhosis and/or liver malignancy requiring liver transplantation and receiving an ECD liver graft from a brain-dead donor. In the experimental group, ECD liver grafts will first undergo a classical static cold (4°C) storage followed by a hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) for a period of 1 to 4 hours. The control group will consist of the classic static cold storage which is the gold standard procedure in liver transplantation. The primary objective of this trial is to study the efficacy of HOPE used before transplantation of ECD liver grafts from brain-dead donors in reducing postoperative early allograft dysfunction within the first 7 postoperative days compared to simple cold static storage. • Discussion: We present in this protocol all study procedures in regard to the achievement of the HOPExt trial, to prevent biased analysis of trial outcomes and improve the transparency of the trial results. Enrollment of patients in the HOPExt trial has started on June 31, 2021, and is ongoing • Trial registration: NCT03929523. Registered on April 29, 2019, before the start of inclusion.
... In recent years, precision medicine research is focused on unraveling the molecular pathways associated with specific liver graft pathologies [26]. A primary objective of this field of research is the investigation of the potential role of liver-specific biomarkers in the non-invasive accurate diagnosis. ...
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Donor-derived cell-free DNA (Dd-cfDNA) is a novel biomarker with many diagnostic applications in various areas of medicine and particularly transplantation. This biomarker is derived from donor cells that have undergone apoptosis or cell death and thus reflects possible graft damage. Regarding the field of liver transplantation, dd-cfDNA can contribute to the diagnosis of complications that include signs of rejection or other types of possible graft injury. Measurements of dd-cfDNA also depend on the graft’s size and origin; therefore, these data should be considered for the estimation and explanation of dd-cfDNA values. Despite the utility of this novel diagnostic technique, it comes with some limitations and application exclusions, such as cases where there is a blood relation between the donor and recipient. Combination of dd-cfDNA evaluation with the assessment of other currently used biomarkers, such as liver enzymes, or other novel biomarkers can result to high diagnostic value.
... SCS has yielded satisfactory outcomes following LT with relative ease and low cost, but its use has been limited in high-risk or marginal organs [4]. Marginal livers are especially vulnerable to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), which leads to an increased risk of death [16,17]. ...
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Despite improvements in short-term and long-term outcomes of liver transplant patients, the discrepancy between the number of available livers and transplant candidates continues to increase. The use of expanded criteria donors is one strategy that can be used to address donor shortages. In recent years, preservation strategies such as normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) have been explored to improve the preservation of organs and test their viability before transplantation. We reviewed the recent literature and trials assessing the use of NMP in the setting of liver transplantation. Multiple feasibility trials have demonstrated the clinical prospect of NMP and proved its numerous advantages compared to conventional static cold storage. These advantages include preservation and viability assessment of high-risk donor allografts and grafts that would have otherwise been discarded. This review aims to address the topic of liver NMP in the setting of current and future applications in the setting of extended criteria donor grafts.
... The pathogenesis of HIRI involves many different mechanisms, mainly including oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, and autophagy. These pathological processes ultimately lead to cell death [67]. As expected, NF-κB pathway is involved in HIRI pathological processes through multiple mechanisms [30] (Fig. 5). ...
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Hepatic ischemia–reperfusion injury (HIRI) is a major complication of liver trauma, resection, and transplantation that can lead to liver dysfunction and failure. Scholars have proposed a variety of liver protection methods aimed at reducing ischemia–reperfusion damage, but there is still a lack of effective treatment methods, which urgently needs to find new effective treatment methods for patients. Many studies have reported that signaling pathway plays a key role in HIRI pathological process and liver function recovery mechanism, among which nuclear transfer factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway is one of the signal transduction closely related to disease. NF-κB pathway is closely related to HIRI pathologic process, and inhibition of this pathway can delay oxidative stress, inflammatory response, cell death, and mitochondrial dysfunction. In addition, NF-κB can also interact with PI3K/Akt, MAPK, and Nrf2 signaling pathways to participate in HIRI regulation. Based on the role of NF-κB pathway in HIRI, it may be a potential target pathway for HIRI. This review emphasizes the role of inhibiting the NF-κB signaling pathway in oxidative stress, inflammatory response, cell death, and mitochondrial dysfunction in HIRI, as well as the effects of related drugs or inhibitors targeting NF-κB on HIRI. The objective of this review is to elucidate the role and mechanism of NF-κB pathway in HIRI, emphasize the important role of NF-κB pathway in the prevention and treatment of HIRI, and provide a theoretical basis for the target NF-κB pathway as a therapy for HIRI.
... Cold ischemia occurs during organ retrieval, when the liver is cooled, perfused and then stored in a cold preservation solution. Rewarming ischemia is encountered during back-table graft preparation and also at the implementation stage while performing the vascular anastomoses before reperfusion [2]. Despite this fact, the preservation method for organ transplantation has been left unchanged for many years and simple static cold storage still remains the gold standard worldwide. ...
Full-text available
Background Given the scarce donor supply, an increasing number of so-called marginal or extended criteria donor (ECD) organs are used for liver transplantation. These ECD liver grafts are however known to be associated with a higher rate of early allograft dysfunction and primary non-function because of a greater vulnerability to ischemia–reperfusion injury. The end-ischemic hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion (HOPE) technique may improve outcomes of liver transplantation with ECD grafts by decreasing reperfusion injury. Methods HOPExt trial is a comparative open-label, multicenter, national, prospective, randomized, controlled study, in two parallel groups, using static cold storage, the gold standard procedure, as control. The trial will enroll adult patients on the transplant waiting list for liver failure or liver cirrhosis and/or liver malignancy requiring liver transplantation and receiving an ECD liver graft from a brain-dead donor. In the experimental group, ECD liver grafts will first undergo a classical static cold (4 °C) storage followed by a hypothermic oxygenated perfusion (HOPE) for a period of 1 to 4 h. The control group will consist of the classic static cold storage which is the gold standard procedure in liver transplantation. The primary objective of this trial is to study the efficacy of HOPE used before transplantation of ECD liver grafts from brain-dead donors in reducing postoperative early allograft dysfunction within the first 7 postoperative days compared to simple cold static storage. Discussion We present in this protocol all study procedures in regard to the achievement of the HOPExt trial, to prevent biased analysis of trial outcomes and improve the transparency of the trial results. Enrollment of patients in the HOPExt trial has started on September 10, 2019, and is ongoing. Trial registration NCT03929523. Registered on April 29, 2019, before the start of inclusion.
... Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury (HIRI) is the result of temporary decrease in tissue blood supply due to vascular reconstruction. 59 In 2014, Angeli et al 60 proved that ferroptosis was a mechanism included in HIRI. Yamada et al 61 analyzed clinical data from pediatric liver transplantation patients and found that iron overload was closely associated with poor prognosis, suggesting the potential effect of ferroptosis in HIRI. ...
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Ferroptosis is a recently identified iron-dependent form of intracellular lipid peroxide accumulation-mediated cell death. Different from other types of cell death mechanisms, it exhibits distinct biological and morphological features characterized by the loss of lipid peroxidase repair activity caused by glutathione peroxidase 4, the presence of redox-active iron, and the oxidation of phospholipids-containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. In recent years, studies have shown that ferroptosis plays a key role in various liver diseases such as alcoholic liver injury, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer. However, the mechanism of ferroptosis and its regulation on chronic liver disease are controversial among different types of cells in the liver. Herein, we summarize the current studies on mechanism of ferroptosis in chronic liver disease, aiming to outline the blueprint of ferroptosis as an effective option for chronic liver disease therapy.
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Introduction Brain death (BD) and steatosis are both risk factors for organ dysfunction or failure in liver transplantation (LT) Material and methods Here, we examine the role of interleukin 6 (IL- 6) and IL-10 in LT of both non-steatotic and steatotic liver recovered from donors after brain death (DBDs), as well as the molecular signaling pathways underlying the effects of such cytokines. Results BD reduced IL-6 levels only in nonsteatotic grafts, and diminished IL-10 levels only in steatotic ones. In both graft types, BD increased IL-1β, which was associated with hepatic inflammation and damage. IL-6 administration reduced IL-1β only in non-steatotic grafts and protected them against damage and inflammation. Concordantly, IL-1β inhibition via treatment with an IL-1 receptor antagonist caused the same benefits in non-steatotic grafts. Treatment with IL-10 decreased IL-1β only in steatotic grafts and reduced injury and inflammation specifically in this graft type. Blockading the IL-1β effects also reduced damage and inflammation in steatotic grafts. Also, blockade of IL-1β action diminished hepatic cAMP in both types of livers, and this was associated with a reduction in liver injury and inflammation, then pointing to IL-1β regulating cAMP generation under LT and BD conditions. Additionally, the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in the effects of interleukins was evaluated. Pharmacological inhibition of NO in LT from DBDs prompted even more evident reductions of IL-6 or IL-10 in non-steatotic and steatotic grafts, respectively. This exacerbated the already high levels of IL-1β seen in LT from DBDs, causing worse damage and inflammation in both graft types. The administration of NO donors to non-steatotic grafts potentiated the beneficial effects of endogenous NO, since it increased IL-6 levels, and reduced IL-1β, inflammation, and damage. However, treatment with NO donors in steatotic grafts did not modify IL-10 or IL-1β levels, but induced more injurious effects tan the induction of BD alone, characterized by increased nitrotyrosine, lipid peroxidation, inflammation, and hepatic damage. Conclusion Our study thus highlights the specificity of new signaling pathways in LT from DBDs: NO–IL-6–IL-1β in non-steatotic livers and NO–IL-10–IL-1β in steatotic ones. This opens up new therapeutic targets that could be useful in clinical LT.
Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury is a multifactorial process caused by transient tissue hypoxia and the following reoxygenation, commonly occurring in liver transplantation and hepatectomy. Hepatic I/R can induce a systemic inflammatory response, liver dysfunction, or even multiple organ failure. Although we have previously reported that taurine could attenuate acute liver injury after hepatic I/R, only a tiny proportion of the systemically injected taurine could reach the targeted organ and tissues. In this present study, we prepared taurine nanoparticles (Nano-taurine) by coating taurine with neutrophil membranes and investigated the protective effects of Nano-taurine against I/R-induced injury and the underlying mechanisms. Our results showed that Nano-taurine restored liver function by declining AST and ALT levels and reducing histology damage. Nano-taurine decreased inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, NLR pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) and apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing CARD (ASC) and oxidants including superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), exhibiting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The expression of solute carrier family 7 member 11 (SLC7A11) and glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) was increased, while prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (Ptgs2) was decreased upon administration of Nano-taurine, suggesting that inhibiting ferroptosis may be involved in the mechanism during hepatic I/R injury. These results suggest that Nano-taurine have a targeted therapeutic effect on hepatic I/R injury by inhibiting inflammation, oxidative stress, and ferroptosis.
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We describe a new preservation modality combining machine perfusion (MP) at subnormothermic conditions (21°C) with a new hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier (HBOC) solution. MP (n = 6) was compared to cold static preservation (CSP; n = 6) in porcine orthotopic liver transplants after 9 h of cold ischemia and 5-day follow-up. Recipients' peripheral blood, serial liver biopsies, preservation solutions and bile specimens were collected before, during and after liver preservation. Clinical laboratorial and histological analyses were performed in addition to mitochondrial functional assays, transcriptomic, metabolomic and inflammatory mediator analyses. Compared with CSP, MP animals had: (1) significantly higher survival (100% vs. 33%; p < 0.05); (2) superior graft function (p < 0.05); (3) eight times higher hepatic O2 delivery than O2 consumption (0.78 mL O2 /g/h vs. 0.096 mL O2 /g/h) during MP; and (4) significantly greater bile production (MP = 378.5 ± 179.7; CS = 151.6 ± 116.85). MP down-regulated interferon (IFN)-α and IFN-γ in liver tissue. MP allografts cleared lactate, produced urea, sustained gluconeogenesis and produced hydrophilic bile after reperfusion. Enhanced oxygenation under subnormothermic conditions triggers regenerative and cell protective responses resulting in improved allograft function. MP at 21°C with the HBOC solution significantly improves liver preservation compared to CSP. 2015 The Authors. American Journal of Transplantation Published by The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.
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Aim: To investigate the effect of diazoxide administration on liver ischemia/reperfusion injury. Methods: Wistar male rats underwent partial liver ischemia performed by clamping the pedicle from the medium and left anterior lateral segments for 1 h under mechanical ventilation. They were divided into 3 groups: Control Group, rats submitted to liver manipulation, Saline Group, rats received saline, and Diazoxide Group, rats received intravenous injection diazoxide (3.5 mg/kg) 15 min before liver reperfusion. 4 h and 24 h after reperfusion, blood was collected for determination of aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-10 (IL-10), nitrite/nitrate, creatinine and tumor growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). Liver tissues were assembled for mitochondrial oxidation and phosphorylation, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and histologic analysis. Pulmonary vascular permeability and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were also determined. Results: Four hours after reperfusion the diazoxide group presented with significant reduction of AST (2009 ± 257 U/L vs 3523 ± 424 U/L, P = 0.005); ALT (1794 ± 295 U/L vs 3316 ± 413 U/L, P = 0.005); TNF-α (17 ± 9 pg/mL vs 152 ± 43 pg/mL, P = 0.013; IL-6 (62 ± 18 pg/mL vs 281 ± 92 pg/mL); IL-10 (40 ± 9 pg/mL vs 78 ± 10 pg/mL P = 0.03), and nitrite/nitrate (3.8 ± 0.9 μmol/L vs 10.2 ± 2.4 μmol/L, P = 0.025) when compared to the saline group. A significant reduction in liver mitochondrial dysfunction was observed in the diazoxide group compared to the saline group (P < 0.05). No differences in liver MDA content, serum creatinine, pulmonary vascular permeability and MPO activity were observed between groups. Twenty four hours after reperfusion the diazoxide group showed a reduction of AST (495 ± 78 U/L vs 978 ± 192 U/L, P = 0.032); ALT (335 ± 59 U/L vs 742 ± 182 U/L, P = 0.048), and TGF-β1 (11 ± 1 ng/mL vs 17 ± 0.5 ng/mL, P = 0.004) serum levels when compared to the saline group. The control group did not present alterations when compared to the diazoxide and saline groups. Conclusion: Diazoxide maintains liver mitochondrial function, increases liver tolerance to ischemia/reperfusion injury, and reduces the systemic inflammatory response. These effects require further evaluation for using in a clinical setting.
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We showed previously that pretreatment of butyrate, which is an endogenous histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor normally fermented from undigested fiber by intestinal microflora, seriously alleviated ischemia reperfusion (I/R)-induced liver injury by inhibiting the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathway. The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of butyrate administrated at the onset of ischemia for HDAC inhibition in hepatic I/R injury. Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to warm ischemia for 60 min followed by 6 and 24 h of reperfusion. Butyrate was administrated at the onset of ischemia. Liver injury was evaluated by serum levels of aminotransferase, inflammatory factors, and histopathology. The levels of acetylated histone H3 and expression of heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 were measured by Western blot. After reperfusion, the levels of acetylated histone H3 significantly decreased. Butyrate treatment markedly prevented the reduction of acetylated histone H3 and upregulated the expression of Hsp70, thereby reducing liver injury. Our study demonstrated that I/R resulted in marked reduction of histone acetylation; butyrate exerted a great hepatoprotective effect through HDAC inhibition and Hsp70 induction.
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Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) can protect the liver against ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. However, it is unknown whether H2S plays a role in the protection of hepatic I/R injury in both young and old patients. This study compared the protective effects of H2S in a rat model (young and old animals) of I/R injury and the mechanism underlying its effects. Young and old rats were assessed following an injection of NaHS. NaHS alone reduced hepatic I/R injury in the young rats by activating the nuclear erythroid-related factor 2 (Nrf2) signaling pathway, but it had little effect on the old rats. NaHS pretreatment decreased miR-34a expression in the hepatocytes of the young rats with hepatic I/R. Overexpresion of miR-34a decreased Nrf-2 and its downstream target expression, impairing the hepatoprotective effect of H2S on the young rats. More importantly, downregulation of miR-34a expression increased Nrf-2 and the expression of its downstream targets, enhancing the effect of H2S on hepatic I/R injury in the old rats. This study reveals the different effects of H2S on hepatic I/R injury in young and old rats and sheds light on the involvement of H2S in miR-34a modulation of the Nrf-2 pathway.
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Abstract Background and aim Hepatic ischemia reperfusion (I/R) stimulates Kupffer cells and initiates injury through tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) upregulation. Aim of this study was to compare the variable effects of reduced glutathione (GSH) pre-treatment on I/R liver injury in young and aged rats. Methods Wistar male rats were sorted into young (groups I–III) and aged (groups IV–VI). All groups except sham (groups I and IV) were subjected to 90-min ischemia and 2-h reperfusion. The treatment groups received 200 mg/kg bwt (groups III and VI) of GSH, 30 min prior to I/R. Variable effects of GSH were studied by transaminase activities, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), GSH level, GSH/oxidized GSH (GSSG) ratio, TNF-α level, apoptotic markers and confirmed by histopathological observations. Results Our findings revealed that I/R inflicted more liver damage in aged rats than young rats. The GSH treatment prior to surgery significantly lowered the serum transaminase activities, hepatic TBARS level and effectively restored the GSH/GSSG ratio in both young and aged rats more remarkably in the mitochondria. Western analysis depicted that the GSH treatment effectively suppressed TNF-α expression and apoptotic markers in both young and aged rats. These findings were further confirmed by terminal deoxynucleotide transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay and histopathological observations of liver sections of young and aged rats. Conclusion Restoration of GSH/GSSG ratio through GSH pre-conditioning inhibits TNF-α and apoptosis in hepatic I/R injury. Hence, GSH pre-conditioning may be utilized in both young and aged individuals during liver transplantation/surgery for better post-operative outcomes.
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Aim: To investigate the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and tissue injury during liver ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI). Methods: Mice were injected with NAC (300 mg/kg) intraperitoneally 2 h before ischemia. Real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blotting determined ER stress molecules (GRP78, ATF4 and CHOP). To analyze the role of NAC in reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated ER stress and apoptosis, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was examined in cultured hepatocytes treated by H2O2 or thapsigargin (TG). Results: NAC treatment significantly reduced the level of ROS and attenuated ROS-induced liver injury after IRI, based on glutathione, malondialdehyde, serum alanine aminotransferase levels, and histopathology. ROS-mediated ER stress was significantly inhibited in NAC-treated mice. In addition, NAC treatment significantly reduced caspase-3 activity and apoptosis after reperfusion, which correlated with the protein expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl. Similarly, NAC treatment significantly inhibited LDH release from hepatocytes treated by H2O2 or TG. Conclusion: This study provides new evidence for the protective effects of NAC treatment on hepatocytes during IRI. Through inhibition of ROS-mediated ER stress, NAC may be critical to inhibit the ER-stress-related apoptosis pathway.
Hepatic ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury is a common clinical problem. The present study was conducted to investigate the protective effect and mechanism of minocycline (Mino), a tetracycline with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, on I/R injury of liver in rats. In total, 54 male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 3 groups with 18 rats in each: Sham-operated (control group), I/R model (I/R group) and Mino preconditioning groups (Mino group). The rats of the Mino group were administered Mino (45 mg/kg) by gastric irrigation at 36 h before surgery and were subsequently administered with 22.5 mg/kg every 12 h for the 36 h before surgery. The rats were sacrificed at 2, 6 and 24 h after reperfusion, and the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured. Hematoxylin/eosin staining of liver tissues was performed to detect the rat liver histological changes and the grade of liver I/R injury (Suzuki's criteria); the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were determined by spectrophotometry; hepatic tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) mRNA were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction; the Dickkopf-1 (DKK-1) and β-catenin gene products of the liver were detected by western blot analysis. Mino treatment significantly ameliorated the I/R injury of the liver, as shown by decreased Suzuki scores and liver function (ALT, AST and LDH). After 2, 6 and 24 h reperfusion, compared to the I/R group the MDA and MPO levels of the Mino group decreased in the liver tissues and the levels of hepatic TNF-α and IL-1β mRNA were decreased too. The protein expression of hepatic DKK-1 decreased, whereas β-catenin increased, which indicates that the Wnt/β-catenin pathway has been activated. In conclusion, Mino protects the liver from I/R injury mainly through reducing oxidative stress and inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by activating the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in the liver.
Transient hepatic ischemia can cause significant liver injury. A central and early event in ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury is the impairment of mitochondria. The phospholipid cardiolipin (CL) is required for efficient mitochondrial function. The aim of this study was to analyze composition, content, and oxidation of CL in dependence of I/R stress. Therefore, we exposed rat livers to 20 min ischemia by interrupting the perfusion with Krebs-Ringer solution in situ. Tissue histology as well as increased activities of LDH, GLDH, and ASAT analysed in the efflux after 50 min reperfusion indicated impairment of the liver. For the analysis of local CL distribution the liver homogenate was separated according to density into 11 fractions. The fractions displayed different contents of CL and citrate synthase peaking at density of about 1.07 g/cm(3). Among the fractions, the distribution of molecular CL species significantly differed. I/R caused loss of about 30 % CL and 17 % citrate synthase activity. Further, I/R shifted the CL and citrate synthase activity profile toward lower densities. Oxidized CL was exclusively found in fractions with high CL and citrate synthase content after I/R stress. I/R treatment caused significant changes in the distribution of molecular CL species. Our data demonstrate that I/R causes significant decrease in CL content and increase of oxidized CL that may be of impact for impairment of mitochondrial function by I/R. These results lead to the suggestion that strategies supporting anti-oxidative defence and CL synthesis may be beneficial to reduce I/R injury of the liver.
Objectives: Ischemic preconditioning exerts a protective effect in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury. The exact mechanism of ischemic preconditioning action remains largely unknown. Recent studies suggest that autophagy plays an important role in protecting against ischemia/reperfusion injury. However, the role of autophagy in ischemic preconditioning-afforded protection and its regulatory mechanisms in liver ischemia/reperfusion injury remain poorly understood. This study was designed to determine whether ischemic preconditioning could protect against liver ischemia/reperfusion injury via heme oxygenase-1-mediated autophagy. Design: Laboratory investigation. Setting: University animal research laboratory. Subjects: Male inbred Lewis rats and C57BL/6 mice. Interventions: Ischemic preconditioning was produced by 10 minutes of ischemia followed by 10 minutes of reperfusion prior to 60 minutes of ischemia. In a rat model of hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury, rats were pretreated with wortmannin or rapamycin to evaluate the contribution of autophagy to the protective effects of ischemic preconditioning. Heme oxygenase-1 was inhibited with tin protoporphyrin IX. In a mouse model of hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury, autophagy or heme oxygenase-1 was inhibited with vacuolar protein sorting 34 small interfering RNA or heme oxygenase-1 small interfering RNA, respectively. Measurements and main results: Ischemic preconditioning ameliorated liver ischemia/reperfusion injury, as indicated by lower serum aminotransferase levels, lower hepatic inflammatory cytokines, and less severe ischemia/reperfusion-associated histopathologic changes. Ischemic preconditioning treatment induced autophagy activation, as indicated by an increase of LC3-II, degradation of p62, and accumulation of autophagic vacuoles in response to ischemia/reperfusion injury. When ischemic preconditioning-induced autophagy was inhibited with wortmannin in rats or vacuolar protein sorting 34-specific small interfering RNA in mice, liver ischemia/reperfusion injury was worsened, whereas rapamycin treatment increased autophagy and mimicked the protective effects of ischemic preconditioning. Furthermore, ischemic preconditioning increased heme oxygenase-1 expression. The inhibition of heme oxygenase-1 with tin protoporphyrin IX in rats or heme oxygenase-1-specific small interfering RNA in mice decreased ischemic preconditioning-induced autophagy and diminished the protective effects of ischemic preconditioning against ischemia/reperfusion injury. Conclusions: Ischemic preconditioning protects against liver ischemia/reperfusion injury, at least in part, via heme oxygenase-1-mediated autophagy.