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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A Systematic Review


Abstract and Figures

This review aimed to examine the current evidence for three primary training intensity distribution types; 1) Pyramidal Training, 2) Polarised Training and 3) Threshold Training. Where possible, we calculated training intensity zones relative to the goal race pace, rather than physiological or subjective variables. We searched 3 electronic databases in May 2017 (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) for original research articles. After analysing 493 resultant original articles, studies were included if they met the following criteria: a) participants were middle- or long-distance runners; b) studies analysed training intensity distribution in the form of observational reports, case studies or interventions; c) studies were published in peer-reviewed journals and d) studies analysed training programs with a duration of 4 weeks or longer. Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria, which included 6 observational reports, 3 case studies, 6 interventions and 1 review. According to the results of this analysis, pyramidal and polarised training are more effective than threshold training, although the latest is used by some of the best marathon runners in the world. Despite this apparent contradictory findings, this review presents evidence for the organisation of training into zones based on a percentage of goal race pace which allow for different periodisation types to be compatible. This approach requires further development to assess whether specific percentages above and below race pace are key to inducing optimal changes.
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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Note. This article will be published in a forthcoming issue of the
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. The
article appears here in its accepted, peer-reviewed form, as it was
provided by the submitting author. It has not been copyedited,
proofread, or formatted by the publisher.
Section: Brief Review
Article Title: The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and
Long-Distance Running Performance: A Systematic Review
Authors: Mark Kenneally1, Arturo Casado2, and Jordan Santos-Concejero1
Affiliations: 1Department of Physical Education and Sport. University of the Basque Country
UPV/EHU (SPAIN). 2Faculty of Health Sciences, Isabel I University (SPAIN).
Journal: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Acceptance Date: November 8, 2017
©2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-
Distance Running Performance: A Systematic Review
Mark Kenneally1, Arturo Casado2, Jordan Santos-Concejero1
1Department of Physical Education and Sport. University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
2Faculty of Health Sciences, Isabel I University (SPAIN)
Contact details:
Dr. Jordan Santos-Concejero, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Physical
Activity and Sport Sciences, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Portal de Lasarte
71; 01007, Vitoria-Gasteiz, SPAIN.
E-mail: Tel: +34 945013538
ORCID: 0000-0001-9467-525X
Preferred running head: Training intensity distribution in distance runners
Word Count (excluding references): 4213
Abstract Word Count: 226
References: 35
Number of figures and tables: 6 (4 Figures and 2 Tables)
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
This review aimed to examine the current evidence for three primary training intensity
distribution types; 1) Pyramidal Training, 2) Polarised Training and 3) Threshold Training.
Where possible, we calculated training intensity zones relative to the goal race pace, rather than
physiological or subjective variables. We searched 3 electronic databases in May 2017
(PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) for original research articles. After analysing 493
resultant original articles, studies were included if they met the following criteria: a)
participants were middle- or long-distance runners; b) studies analysed training intensity
distribution in the form of observational reports, case studies or interventions; c) studies were
published in peer-reviewed journals and d) studies analysed training programs with a duration
of 4 weeks or longer. Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria, which included 6 observational
reports, 3 case studies, 6 interventions and 1 review. According to the results of this analysis,
pyramidal and polarised training are more effective than threshold training, although the latest
is used by some of the best marathon runners in the world. Despite this apparent contradictory
findings, this review presents evidence for the organisation of training into zones based on a
percentage of goal race pace which allow for different periodisation types to be compatible.
This approach requires further development to assess whether specific percentages above and
below race pace are key to inducing optimal changes.
KEY WORDS: Polarised training, pyramidal training, threshold training, race pace, training
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Endurance training involves manipulation of intensity, duration and frequency of
training sessions1. The precise detail of this “manipulation”, however, remains an area of debate
across the literature. To further guide understanding of this area, different training intensity
zones have been described, determined by either physiological factors: i.e. lactate threshold
(LT), ventilatory thresholds (VT), percentage of the maximum oxygen uptake (%VO2max),
percentage of the maximum heart rate (%HR) or subjective factors: i.e. session goal or session
rate of perceived exertion (RPE-Borg Scale)2.
Three training intensity zones of endurance athletes are most commonly used in the
literature1,3, and are considered similar regardless of the method used to determine them.
However, up to seven can be also used to describe the Training Intensity Distribution (TID)4.
Both TID and periodisation of training volume and intensity are traditionally considered to be
important factors in the design of a training program for endurance running performance5.
There appears to be longstanding consensus in the literature regarding factors that limit
such performance, namely vVO2max35, VO2max6, LT6,7 and running economy8, and on how these
factors could be improved by using different training intensity procedures. However, a
disparate number of TIDs are employed in practice9. Three primary TIDs are recognised in this
review; (1) the traditional Pyramidal approach, in which decreasing volume of running is
performed in zones 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Typically32 this has been described as comprising
80% in Zone 1, with the remaining 20% split between zones 2 and 3, decreasing respectively;
(2) Polarised Training, in which relatively high volumes of training are performed in zone
1(~80%) and zone 3 (20%), with little or none in zone 232 and (3) Threshold Training, in which
higher volumes (>20%) of running are performed in zone 2 than other models32. Previous
research has identified pyramidal training as the primary TID employed by well-trained and
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
elite endurance athletes, noting that some world-class athletes adopt a so-called ‘polarized’
TID during certain phases of the season 3.
This observation has been supported by an observational review10 detailing the training
of international level distance runners, which notes the emphasis on relatively high volume-
low intensity in the training of athletes specialising in distances from 1500m to marathon.
However, a training manual published by the International Athletics Federation (IAAF) based
on the work of Renato Canova (the coach of some of the fastest Kenyan marathon runners in
recent times, including World Record holders) has demonstrated a tendency towards a
threshold-oriented TID11. Seiler & Tonnessen1 argue the case for an 80:20 distribution ratio
between high-intensity and low-intensity work based on observational reports describing the
training of elite endurance athletes. These authors recognise both pyramidal and polarised
models of TID as being most common in these athletes1.
It is against this apparently contradictory background that this review intends to
examine the current literature specifically for endurance running, and subsequently to analyse
the available data, where possible, by determining intensity zones relative to the goal race pace
in different distances, rather than physiological or subjective variables.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
A literature search was conducted on May 6, 2017. The following databases were
searched: PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Databases were searched from inception up
to May 2017, with no language limitation. Citations from scientific conferences were excluded.
Literature Search
In each database the title, abstract and keywords search fields were searched. The
following keywords, combined with Boolean operators (AND, OR) were used: “training
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
intensity distribution running”, “periodisation running”, “training intensity distribution
endurance”, “periodisation endurance”, “polarised training running”, “pyramidal training
running”, and “threshold training running”. No additional filters or search limitations were
Inclusion Criteria
Studies were eligible for further analysis if the following inclusion criteria were met; a)
participants were middle- or long-distance runners (studies with triathletes or any other kind of
athletes were excluded); b) studies analysed training intensity distribution and/or periodisation
in the form of observational reports, case studies or interventions; c) studies were published in
peer-reviewed journals and d) studies analysed training programs with a duration of 4 weeks
or longer.
Two independent observers reviewed the studies and then individually decided whether
inclusion was appropriate. In the event of a disagreement, a third observer was consulted to
determine the inclusion of the study. A flow chart of the search strategy and study selection is
shown in Figure 1.
Quality assessment
Oxford’s level of evidence12 and the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale13
were used by 2 independent observers in order to assess the methodological quality of the
articles included in the review. Oxford’s level of evidence ranges from 1a to 5, with 1a being
systematic reviews of high-quality randomised controlled trials (RCT) and 5 being expert
opinions. The PEDro scale consists of 11 different items related to scientific rigor. The items
include random allocation; concealment of allocation; comparability of groups at baseline;
blinding of subjects, researchers and assessors; analysis by intention to treat; and adequacy of
follow-up. Items 2-11 can be rated with 0 or 1, so the highest rate in the PEDro scale is 10, and
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
the lowest, 0. Zero points are awarded to a study that fails to satisfy any of the included items,
and 10 points to a study that satisfies all the included items.
All values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). In studies with sufficient
data, TID determined by traditional physiological parameters was compared to a race-pace
based TID using a Cohen d14. Training zones for the race-pace approach were determined as
following; zone 1: volume performed at <95% of goal race pace, zone 2; volume performed
between 95% and 105% of goal race pace, and zone 3; volume performed at >105% of goal
race pace. The magnitude of differences, or effect size (ES) of this comparison was interpreted
as small (>0.2 and <0.6), moderate (>0.2 and <0.6), moderate (≥0.6 and <1.2), large (≥1.2 and
<2) and very large (≥2.0) according to the scale proposed by Hopkins et al.15
Studies Selected
The search strategy yielded 493 total citations as presented in Figure 1. After removing
163 duplicates and reviewing the resultant 330 full-text articles, 16 studies met the inclusion
criteria. Excluded studies had at least one of the following characteristics: participants were not
middle- or long-distance runners, intervention/observation period lasted less than 4 weeks. The
overall sample included 6 observational reports, 3 case studies and 6 interventions. 1 review
was also included (Table 1)
Level of Evidence and Quality of the Studies
Four of the 16 included studies had a level of evidence 1c (high-quality RCT). The 12
remaining studies had a level of evidence of 2c or less as participants were not randomly
allocated into the intervention or control groups. Also, mean score in the PEDro scale was 3.75
± 1.9, with values ranging from 1 to 6 (Table 2).
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Characteristics of the Participants
Participants were characterised as recreational or high-level athletes, with delineation
defined by whether the athletes competed internationally. A summary of participants’
characteristics is presented in Table 1. The total number of participants was 215 (194 men and
21 women) with an age ranging from 17 to 51 years.
Evidence for a Pyramidal Training Intensity Distribution
Four interventional studies exist which support the use of a pyramidal TID; Esteve-
Lanao et al.16, Clemente-Suarez & Gonzalez-Rave17, Manzi et al.18, and Clemente-Suarez et
al.19. Similarly, 4 observational reports4,20,21,22 and 2 case studies23,24 confirm the use of
pyramidal training in elite and well-trained runners
Esteve-Lanao et al.16 examined the effect of decreasing volume of training performed
at threshold intensity on running performance in 12 male sub-elite endurance runners, while
maintaining equal volumes of high-intensity work between 2 groups (Threshold & Pyramidal
training groups; Figure 2). Running performance was assessed by a simulated 10.4-km XC race
assessed before and after the 5 month intervention period. The Pyramidal group displayed a
significantly better improvement in performance than the Threshold group. The TID in both
Threshold (Figure 2A) and Pyramidal groups (Figure 2B) was different from a race-pace based
TID (Figure 2; ES>2.0, very large effect). It should be noted that zone 3 can only be considered
a sub-set of zone 2 in this analysis as details of the zone 3 training are not provided but are
equal between groups.
Clemente-Suarez and Gonzalez-Rave17, examined the effect of applying a pyramidal
TID over a 4 week time period to 30 recreational athletes. One group (constant) maintained a
constant weekly training load in terms of volume and intensity, while another group had an
increasing proportion of higher intensity work, week by week over the 4 weeks. A final group
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
were free to train as they wished. Total training volume for the 4 weeks was recorded by time
(minutes). The constant group completed 1051 11 minutes, the increasing group completed
1105 1.3 minutes and the free group completed 1512 67.6 minutes. The stated goal of the
4 week time period was to develop “aerobic endurance”. No race distance or performance was
specified, rather the changes were measured via laboratory testing. No significant performance
differences existed between groups post-study, although the groups did exhibit different
physiological changes over the 4 weeks. Clemente-Suarez et al.19, using data from the
aforementioned study, found that the group with increasing intensity over the 4 weeks had a
significantly better running velocity at 8 mmol·L-1 at mid- and post-condition. No time-trial or
race performance data for the groups were provided so it was not possible to examine the TIDs
in this method.
Manzi et al.18 assessed the TID of 7 recreational marathon runners in the preparation
phase of a marathon training cycle. Interestingly, when their training (which was pyramidal in
nature according to their baseline physiological testing) was assessed against their eventual
race pace, it appeared to be a polarised type TID (Figure 3; ES>2.0, very large effect).
Robinson et al.20 analysed 13 national ranked male New Zealand distance runners’
training during the “build-up” phase of their season and identified 2 training zones according
to blood lactacte: above LT (4 mmol·L-1) or below LT. Training during this period was
described as 96% below LT and 4% above LT.
Tjelta and Enoksen21 described the training of a group of 4 top-level male Junior cross-
country (XC) runners over the course of a season. Five training zones based on HR and blood
lactate were used to describe the TID and training was divided into 3 seasons; Base, Track and
XC. The training in this study can be described as traditionally pyramidal in distribution, with
78%, 81%, and 78% of the training volume having been carried out in the low-intensity zone
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
1 in Base, Track and XC seasons, respectively. Race intensity for these athletes across the
whole season was zone 3 (10-km and 3-km), with some zone 4 (1500 m) races during the Track
season. Training intensification (training phases closer to competition) is characterised by an
increase in the volume just below, up to and over race pace (zones 3 and 4). In this study, when
TID was calculated according to race pace, the volume of training performed above race pace
was similar to other studies using either pyramidal or polarised methods4,24,18,27.
Enoksen et al.4 analysed 6 top international Norwegian marathon and track distance
runners training in a subsequent study. 7 training zones were identified and used the determine
TIDs. The marathon runners performed a relatively high proportion of their training at zone 2
(equivalent of marathon pace) and zone 4 (10-km pace) in their Base and Pre-competition phase
with nothing at zone 3 (half-marathon pace), and then in competition phase, nothing at zone 4
and an increase in the volume at zone 3, while maintaining a relatively high proportion at zone
2. The track runners (who competed over 5-km) completed relatively high volumes at zones 2
and 3 in all phases. However, the volume in zone 3 dropped in the competition phase and zone
5 (3-km and 5-km race pace) volume increased. They had minimal volume in zone 4 (10-km
pace) across all phases.
Esteve-Lanao et al.22 described the training of 8 regional and National class Spanish
runners, using 3 intensity zones; up to VT1, between VT1 and VT2, and above VT2, and
similarly described a pyramidal distribution (71% in zone 1, 21% in zone 2, 8% in zone 3).
Tjelta23 analysed the training of the 2012 European 1500m champion over 4 years, and
noted a pyramidal distribution over the time period, at all times of the season despite some
variation corresponding to the periodisation of the athletes training. Five intensity zones were
described relative to blood lactate, %HRmax, and intended physiological adaptation, and during
all phases of training the maintenance of a relatively high volume in zone 2 (threshold training)
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
was observed. This does reduce closer to competitive season but still constitutes a larger
proportion of training than zone 3, 4, or 5 at all time-points.
Similarly, the training of 9 times New York marathon winner Grete Waitz was also
reported as pyramidal at all time points across a 2 year time period24. The periodisation
identified 7 intensity zones and a decreasing volume of work done at increasing intensity levels
was observed.
Evidence for a Polarised Training Intensity Distribution
Two interventional studies exist which support the use of a polarised TID: Muñoz et
al.25, and Stoggl & Sperlich3. Both studies defined 3 intensity zones relative to physiological
characteristics. Similarly, 3 observational reports26,27,28 and 1 case study29 confirm the use of
polarised training in elite, well-trained and recreational athletes.
Muñoz et al.25 quantified the impact of TID on 10-km race performance in 30
recreational athletes. Two groups, emphasising polarised or threshold type training were
examined. Both groups improved over a 10-week intervention period; although the Polarised
group exhibited a better improvement over 10-km race distance than the Threshold group
(5.0% vs. 3.6%, non-significant). Both groups completed an 8-week standard training program
prior to the study, which was pyramidal in TID. In this study, both groups spent the same
absolute amount of time in zone 3 with the polarised group zone 1 (Figure 4A) and the threshold
group emphasising zone 2 (Figure 4B). The actual completed training of the polarised group
was not a truly polarised TID as the authors intended that this group would complete only 5.0%
of the training in Zone 2, rather than the 13.5% finally completed. The TID in both Polarised
(Figure 4A) and Threshold groups (Figure 4B) was different from a race-pace based TID
(Figure 4; ES>2.0, very large effect).
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Stoggl & Sperlich3 examined 48 athletes, 21 of whom were national-level runners, in
their RCT comparing 4 different TIDs over a 9 week period. The TIDs were: High-Volume,
Threshold, High Intensity Interval Training and Polarised. Polarised training resulted in the
greatest improvement of the variables examined (VO2max, peak velocity and time to exhaustion
on a ramp protocol). A time-trial or race performance was not performed to allow analysis of
race-pace zones based on this.
Billat et al.26 compared top class male Portuguese and French marathon runners to their
“high-level” counterparts (as defined by a marathon time of 2:12). They described high-
volumes of polarised training. Their zones were defined, however, by marathon race pace. zone
1 was described as <marathon pace (MP), zone 2 = MP, zone 3 >MP, a definition not replicated
anywhere else in the literature and no specification of the tolerance around marathon pace for
each zone is provided. The same authors also described the training of Kenyan distance runners
(10-km specialists), and described 2 main TID types27: high-volume low-intensity and low-
volume high-intensity. In the group studied there were 13 males (6 high-intensity type and 7
low-intensity type) and 7 females (6 high-intensity type and 1 high-intensity type). The lower
volume athletes in this study tended to perform more of their training in zones 4 and 5 (4.3 and
5.0% respectively) than their high-volume counterparts, who only performed 1.4% of their
volume in zones 4 and 5 combined, with 14.4% in zone 3.
Stellingwerff28 described the training of 3 Canadian international marathon runners
over a 16 week period before a marathon race. The intensity zones were defined subjectively
by RPE as: zone 1 (easy to somewhat hard); zone 2 (“Threshold”); and zone 3 (very hard to
maximal). A polarised distribution was described in which 74%, 11% and 15% of training
sessions were performed in Zones 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Ingham29 presented the case study of an international 1500m runner, who improved his
personal best from 3:38.9 to 3:32.4 over a 2 two year period. The analysis of his training
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
showed a reduction in training volume performed between 80-90% VO2max from 42% to 20%
and between 90-100% from 20 to 10%. At the same time, low-intensity training volume (<80%
VO2max increased from 20% to 55% and training volume at 100-130% VO2max increased from
7% to 10%, thus emphasising a shift towards a more polarised TID. Note that these numbers
are approximate as the information is only provided graphically in the article, and that 1500m
race falls at approximately 110% VO2max.
According to the results of this review, there is a clear dichotomous evidence base with
regard to TID in the literature. The overwhelming evidence describes 2 main strands: Pyramidal
and Polarised training.
Contemporary endurance training has developed, from a historical perspective from
coaches such as Arthur Lydiard, who used pyramidal TIDs to coach successful athletes10. The
more recent move towards Polarised type TIDs has emerged as scientific evaluation of
endurance performance has identified key determinants of endurance performance, and
methods by which to improve these determinants30. However, the precise nature of the
interaction of these determinants and the effect of that interaction remains elusive.
For example, although LT is recognised as one of the key determinants of endurance
performance7, threshold type training is considered to be more demanding than other TIDs (i.e.
pyramidal and polarised), potentially because of effects on the autonomic and endocrine
systems, or on the lactate/power profile25. When threshold training has been compared in this
regard in the literature, it consistently proves to be less effective in the studies available. Yet,
there is anecdotal evidence, at the very highest level, of the use of threshold training to great
effect in structuring world best marathon performance.
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
The coach of a number of world class Kenyan athletes has written a marathon training
manual for the International Athletics Federation (IAAF)11, and has made publicly available
the training programmes of his athletes. These programmes repeatedly show the use of high
volumes (i.e. differeing from the traditional 80:20 approach) of training in the threshold zone
(as defined by %VO2max, assuming 100% of VO2max corresponds to approximately 3000m
pace). The coach (Renato Canova) describes this training as specific race pace.
The periodisation employed, however, demonstrates an initial block of polarised
training, emphasising high and low intensity, leading into a specific preparatory phase, which
is threshold-oriented, thereby employing both of the main TIDs described at different phases
of training, according to the intended goal of the phase11. So in the specific example, marathon
pace lies in the threshold zone, so a relatively large volume of training is performed in this
physiological zone as the date of a specific race approaches. The volume of training performed
around race pace seems to be dictated by the distance of the impending race, with shorter races,
requiring faster paces, seeing less volume, and longer races requiring increasing volumes in
around race pace.
Thus, the dichotomous approach described above may be flawed in its inception. It may
prove more valuable in future studies to examine the precise physiological characteristics
associated with optimal race performance, and how these physiological characteristics change
with different TID approaches. Similarly, different approaches may prove valuable at different
phases and for approaching different races25. In this way, the training may be organised in the
early parts according to physiological characteristics such as HR or lactate profile, but as the
race date approaches, becomes more pragmatic and focuses on running at and around specific
race pace, regardless of what is happening to physiological measurables21,24. This represents a
way of incorporating the scientific principles which are fairly well established as being
important for specific race distance performance, while also being cognisant of the fact that the
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
literature is deficient in describing an optimal TID and periodisation strategy, based on good
It is well established that from races as short as 1500m, the aerobic system is the main
contributor of energy (85%)31 so the TIDs seen reflect that, as no matter what TID is examined
zone 1 is always the highest proportion. However, when comparing physiological-based
intensity zones and race pace-based intensity zones it seems from the data assessed in this
review that race pace may be a larger factor in the design of training programmes than
physiological variables. This may be a coaching flaw, but the interesting similarity in the TIDs
when analysed by a race pace based approach at least warrants some attention as these are data
from successful athletes. As discussed above, no optimal TID has been well established, and
similarly no optimal numbers for the physiological determinants (vVO2max, VO2max, Running
economy and LT) of middle and long distance running to predict performance exist2. The
interaction between these variables is the key to endurance running and it may be possible that
race pace based training provides the perfect stimulus for their concurrent development. As
already described above, training aimed at improving threshold seems to limit the development
of VO2max3. However, as Coyle & Krauenbuhl6 showed, large variation in laboratory endurance
performance is explained by the %VO2max which can be utilised at threshold so this limitation
may not be a hindrance to performance. The specificity of intention may be more important.
Race pace based zones may also reflect the fact that races in endurance running
competition are directly comparable because of the similarity of courses and the validity of
time comparison on different courses. Other endurance sports, such as road cycling, rowing or
XC skiing, which have been examined in the literature on TID32,33 do not share this same
capacity for direct competition to competition comparison of speed, because of the nature of
different courses characteristics (i.e. profile, altitude...). Training organised, therefore, based
on physiological characteristics for these sports is the norm. No study in these sports, to the
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
authors’ best knowledge, has reported a polarised TID based on zones that are externally
defined (i.e. power or speed).
This dichotomy between measuring and monitoring workload internally
(physiologically guided) vs. externally (e.g. pace guided) has been explored in 2 recent reviews:
Foster et al.34 and Mujika30. Foster et al.34 outline the practical difficulties of accurately
monitoring internal workload/physiological parameters, which they note are lessening.
Nonetheless such practical difficulties should not affect the development of theoretical
principles based on physiological measures (e.g. Running economy, VO2max and LT) should an
integrated approach to their concurrent development become evident.
Further studies looking at the behaviour of physiological characteristics such as HR
response, top speed and lactate profile at different phases of a season, and also how they
change, in the short and medium term in response to training are thus warranted. Comparison
of these measures to race performance, along with physiological profiling compared to
performance, may also allow better understanding of the interactions between physiological
characteristics, and the impact of these interactions on performance. This may allow for better
individualised planning and prescription of training, which is founded on evidence rather than
Current evidence describes pyramidal and polarised training as more effective than
threshold training, although the latest is used by some of the best marathon and distance runners
in the world. Despite the apparent contradictory evidence on TID and periodisation, an
approach based on race pace has been suggested in this review which may allow for different
TID types to be compatible. It is suggested that this may be unique to endurance running
because of the standardisation of race distances and courses. A race pace based TID recognises
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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
the traditional high volume of low intensity training associated with endurance training, but
presents evidence (when analysed retrospectively) for the organisation of high intensity
training into zones based on a percentage of race pace, rather than physiological zones, which
appears to be relatively consistent across distances. A training session at a given percentage of
race pace for a longer event is naturally going to be slower, in absolute terms, than a session at
the same percentage of race pace for a middle distance event. Therefore these 2 sessions may
fall into completely different physiological zones yet may serve the same purpose from a
session intention perspective. The requirement to sustain a particular pace obviously also
differs by race distance, and in this way the volume of these sessions will also differ-longer
races requiring longer sessions etc, which may also affect analysis via a physiological-only
approach. Tjelta et al.21,24 recognise the relationship between race pace and physiology and
display race pace alongside physiological zones as a secondary zone target. This approach
requires further development to assess whether specific percentages above and below race pace
are key to inducing optimal changes, and whether, as has been questioned above, the potential
concurrent development of relevant physiological characteristics is indeed a factor. Such an
approach throws more questions about the nature of endurance running performance, but may
help to guide experimental enquiries into this performance along a slightly different path than
currently being tread.
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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Figure 1. Flow chart of search strategy and selection of articles.
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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Figure 2. Training Intensity Distribution comparison between a physiological and a race pace
based approached in a Threshold periodisation (A) and a Pyramidal periodisation (B) groups.
Data from Esteve-Lanao et al. (2007).
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The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Figure 3. Training Intensity Distribution comparison between a physiological and a race pace
based approached in a Pyramidal periodisation group. Training zones for the physiological
approach were described as following: Zone 1) <2 mmol·L-1 of lactate; Zone 2) between 2 and
4 mmol·L-1 of lactate; Zone 3) > 4mmol·L-1 of lactate. Data from Manzi et al. (2015).
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
The Effect of Periodisation and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A
Systematic Review” by Kenneally M, Casado A, Santos-Concejero J
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Figure 4. Training Intensity Distribution comparison between a physiological and a race pace
based approach in a Polarised periodisation (A) and a Threshold periodisation (B) groups.
Training zones for the physiological approach were described as following: Zone 1)
<Ventilatory threhold (VT); Zone 2) between VT and the Respiratory Compensation Point
(RCP); Zone 3) > RCP. Data from Muñoz et al. (2014).
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Number (M/F)
Main Outcome
Robinson et al. (1991)
13 (13/0)
26.1 ± 4.7
Billat et al. (2001)
20 (10/10)
Billat et al. (2003)
20 (13/7)
Esteve-Lanao et al. (2005)
8 (8/0)
23 ± 2
Esteve-Lanao et al. (2007)
20 (20/0)
27 ± 2
Race Performance
Tjelta & Enoksen (2010)
4 (4/0)
17.8 ± 1
TID & Race Performance
Enoksen et al. (2011)
6 (3/3)
TID & Race Performance
Stellingwerff (2012)
3 (3/0)
28.3 ± 2.3
Ingham (2012)
1 (M)
TID & Race Performance
Tjelta (2013)
1 (M)
TID & Race Performance
Stoggl & Sperlich (2014)
21 (not specified)
31 ± 6
Muñoz et al. (2014)
30 (not specified)
34 ± 9
Race Performance
Tjelta et al. (2014)
1 (F)
Clemente-Suarez & Gonzalez-Rave (2014)
30 (30/0)
38.7 ± 9.8
Aerobic Performance
Manzi et al. (2015)
7 (7/0)
36.5 ± 3.8
TID & Race Performance
Clemente-Suarez et al. (2016)
30 (30/0)
38.7 ± 9.8
Physiology & performance
Tjelta (2016)
56 (34/22)
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
PEDro ratings*
Robinson et al. (1991)
Billat et al. (2001)
Billat et al. (2003)
Esteve-Lanao et al. (2007)
Tjelta & Enoksen (2010)
Enoksen et al. (2011)
Stellingwerff (2012)
Ingham (2012)
Tjelta (2013)
Stoggl & Sperlich (2014)
Muñoz et al. (2014)
Tjelta et al. (2014)
Clemente-Suarez & Gonzalez-Rave (2014)
Manzi et al. (2015)
Clemente-Suarez et al. (2016)
Tjelta (2016)
Downloaded by UPV Biblioteca Central on 11/28/17, Volume 0, Article Number 0
... It is also not uncommon for runners to develop a polarized intensity distribution as the season progresses, following the pyramid-like distribution of the base period, with the number of interval training sessions multiplying as the race-specific training intensifies (Kenneally, et al., 2020;Kenneally, et al., 2022). In addition to the traditional subdivision based on physiological factors, many researchers have further developed the use of intensity zones defined concerning race intensity (Kenneally, et al., 2018;Lj, B., 1995). ...
... Based on the literature (Kenneally, et al., 2018;Lj, B., 1995), we categorized the training sessions based on the percentage of the athlete's race speed (RP = 22.9 km/hr, race speed 5000 m) into three zones: Z1 <80% RP (18.3 km/hr), Z2 80-95% RP (18.3-21.8 km/hr), and Z3 (>95% RP). ...
... However, there are examples in the literature of some athletes' year-round training being polarized (Tjelta, L. I., 2013) and the pyramidal distribution being replaced by a polarised one as the season approaches (Kenneally, et al., 2022). However, the present case study adds to the body of research that suggests that a polarised training intensity distribution is appropriate for achieving world-class endurance performance (Esteve-Lanao, et al., 2007;Kenneally, et al., 2018;Tjelta, L. I., 2013). ...
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In this case study, we analysed the online available one-year training diary of a long-distance runner participating in the 2021 Olympic Games in terms of training volume and training intensity distribution during the year and in different phases to track periodization. Based on the literature, we categorized the distances covered in relation to the athlete's race speed into three zones: Z1 <80% RP; Z2 80-95% RP; Z3 >95% RP. The training intensity distribution was calculated using the Polarization Index: PI = log10 (Z1/Z2 x Z3*100). The athlete's average weekly training volume during the 52-week season was 141.77 ± 27.27 km/week (571.94 ± 106 min/week), completed in 10.4 ± 1.24 training sessions. Throughout the season (Z1: 89.95%; Z2: 4.58%; Z3: 5.43%) and also during the different preparation phases, the training intensity distribution showed a polarized pattern (PI >2.00 a.U.). In a typical interval form, the athlete performed intense training (HIT) at and above the anaerobic threshold twice a week (vLT2). Most (>80%) of the high average weekly training volume was sustained running at low intensities. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) twice weekly in the base period typically took the form of long partial distances at and above the anaerobic threshold (~90% vVO2max) and short partial (<800m) distances close to race speed. The polarization rate increased as the racing season approached, and more extended interval training at race speeds was used. In conclusion, in addition to the Pyramid distribution, a Polarized training intensity distribution can also be observed during elite distance runners' training.
... It is contested as to whether the ~ 20% of higher intensity training should be distributed in a pyramidal fashion where there is decreasing training volume accrued from the heavy to severe domains, or in a polarized fashion where the remaining ~ 20% is performed primarily in the severe domain [4,11,48]. So-called "threshold training" is a third potential approach in which > 35% of the training volume falls in the heavy-intensity domain [49]; however, this distribution has occasionally been shown to be inferior to polarized or pyramidal intensity distributions for improving endurance performance [47,50,51]. Despite this, the best Kenyan marathon runners in the world are reported to follow a threshold training distribution during the specific preparatory phase leading into marathon competition [51,52], which may be particular to the physiological demands of marathon racing [37,51]. ...
... So-called "threshold training" is a third potential approach in which > 35% of the training volume falls in the heavy-intensity domain [49]; however, this distribution has occasionally been shown to be inferior to polarized or pyramidal intensity distributions for improving endurance performance [47,50,51]. Despite this, the best Kenyan marathon runners in the world are reported to follow a threshold training distribution during the specific preparatory phase leading into marathon competition [51,52], which may be particular to the physiological demands of marathon racing [37,51]. Elite swimmers may also follow threshold training distributions as interval training makes up most daily sessions. ...
... So-called "threshold training" is a third potential approach in which > 35% of the training volume falls in the heavy-intensity domain [49]; however, this distribution has occasionally been shown to be inferior to polarized or pyramidal intensity distributions for improving endurance performance [47,50,51]. Despite this, the best Kenyan marathon runners in the world are reported to follow a threshold training distribution during the specific preparatory phase leading into marathon competition [51,52], which may be particular to the physiological demands of marathon racing [37,51]. Elite swimmers may also follow threshold training distributions as interval training makes up most daily sessions. ...
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Interval training is a simple concept that refers to repeated bouts of relatively hard work interspersed with recovery periods of easier work or rest. The method has been used by high-level athletes for over a century to improve performance in endurance-type sports and events such as middle- and long-distance running. The concept of interval training to improve health, including in a rehabilitative context or when practiced by individuals who are relatively inactive or deconditioned, has also been advanced for decades. An important issue that affects the interpretation and application of interval training is the lack of standardized terminology. This particularly relates to the classification of intensity. There is no common definition of the term “high-intensity interval training” (HIIT) despite its widespread use. We contend that in a performance context, HIIT can be characterized as intermittent exercise bouts performed above the heavy-intensity domain. This categorization of HIIT is primarily encompassed by the severe-intensity domain. It is demarcated by indicators that principally include the critical power or critical speed, or other indices, including the second lactate threshold, maximal lactate steady state, or lactate turnpoint. In a health context, we contend that HIIT can be characterized as intermittent exercise bouts performed above moderate intensity. This categorization of HIIT is primarily encompassed by the classification of vigorous intensity. It is demarcated by various indicators related to perceived exertion, oxygen uptake, or heart rate as defined in authoritative public health and exercise prescription guidelines. A particularly intense variant of HIIT commonly termed “sprint interval training” can be distinguished as repeated bouts performed with near-maximal to “all out” effort. This characterization coincides with the highest intensity classification identified in training zone models or exercise prescription guidelines, including the extreme-intensity domain, anaerobic speed reserve, or near-maximal to maximal intensity classification. HIIT is considered an essential training component for the enhancement of athletic performance, but the optimal intensity distribution and specific HIIT prescription for endurance athletes is unclear. HIIT is also a viable method to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and other health-related indices in people who are insufficiently active, including those with cardiometabolic diseases. Research is needed to clarify responses to different HIIT strategies using robust study designs that employ best practices. We offer a perspective on the topic of HIIT for performance and health, including a conceptual framework that builds on the work of others and outlines how the method can be defined and operationalized within each context.
... Of these, polarized and pyramid training intensity distributions, that share a similar distribution of around 80% in low-intensity training but differ in how the remaining 20% is distributed, are the most recommended models. However, the evidence is inconclusive as to how best to optimize training [20,[28][29][30]. Based on these definitions and making it comparable, the last 12 weeks before the marathon of the analysed plans presented in Table 3 consist of a pyramid plan with high, middle, and low volume groups having 82-10-8%, 76-18-6%, and 78-17-5% in zone 1 and 2, zone 3, and zone 4 and 5, respectively. ...
... Conversely, a systematic review, which includes both intervention and observational studies, has found that highly trained distance runners tend to follow a pyramidal training intensity distribution approach, which is also related to high levels of performance and significant development of physiological determinants [28]. Another systematic review has analysed pyramidal training, polarized training, and threshold training and concluded that current evidence suggests pyramidal and polarized training to be more effective than threshold training, however among these no single optimal training intensity distribution has been established [29]. Although the inconclusive scientific evidence makes it challenging to recommend only one of these two models, recent research has explored the possibility of periodizing intensity distributions based on the stage of a runner's training cycle. ...
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Background A typical training plan is a mix of many training sessions with different intensities and durations to achieve a specific goal, like running a marathon in a certain time. Scientific publications provide little specific information to aid in writing a comprehensive training plan. This review aims to systematically and quantitatively analyse the last 12 weeks before a marathon as recommended in 92 sub-elite training plans. Methods We retrieved 92 marathon training plans and linked their running training sessions to five intensity zones. Subsequently, each training plan was grouped based on the total running volume in peak week into high (> 90 km/week), middle (65–90 km/week), and low (< 65 km/week) training volume plan categories. Results In the final 12 weeks before a race, recommended weekly running volume averaged 108 km, 59 km, and 43 km for high, middle, and low distance marathon training plans. The intensity distribution of these plans followed a pyramidal training structure with 15–67–10–5–3%, 14–63–18–2–3%, and 12–67–17–2–2% in zones 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, for high, middle, and low volume training plans, respectively. Conclusions By quantitatively analysing 92 recommended marathon training plans, we can specify typical recommendations for the last 12 weeks before a marathon race. Whilst this approach has obvious limitations such as no evidence for the effectiveness of the training plans investigated, it is arguably a useful strategy to narrow the gap between science and practice.
... No Brasil há um destaque de estudos com informações sobre barreiras para prática AF em universitários, em maior número resultantes de inquéritos com estudantes do curso de educação física, com destaque do Paraná (RIGONI et al., 2012a) e na Bahia(SOUSA; SANTOS; JOSÉ, 2010), como resultados foram apontados as principais barreiras para prática de AF, grande jornadas de trabalho conciliada as grande horas de estudos, além das obrigações familiares e cima desconfortável (RIGONI et al., 2012;SOUSA;SANTOS;JOSÉ, 2010). ...
... Estudo desenvolvidos no Brasil sobre barreiras para as práticas de AF, vem sendo conduzidos na grande maioria entre universitários dos cursos de educação física, e particularmente nessa população, no Ceará, em Santa Catarina e na Bahia, os estudantes apresentaram destaque entre principais barreiras para as práticas de AF, além das jornadas de trabalho, estudos extensos, obrigações com as famílias, e também o clima desfavorável(BRAGA; ALVES; SOUZA, 2022;PINTO et al., 2017;SOUSA;SANTOS;JOSÉ, 2010). ...
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Nas últimas quatro décadas, as diretrizes de prescrição de exercício e as recomendações de atividade física tiveram um efeito transformador, permitindo aos profissionais de Educação Física e da saúde, embasamento pelas evidências científicas a sua prática profissional. Porém, ao olhar para o futuro, torna-se importante reconhecer que as prescrições e recomendações também podem conter algumas implicações na manutenção do comportamento ativo a longo prazo, conhecido como aderência ao exercício.
... На основі узагальнення передового теоретичного та практичного досвіду, аналізу науково-методичної літератури, індивідуальних планів підготовки бігунів на середні дистанції та анкетного опитування провідних тренерів України з бігу на витривалість (середні та довгі дистанції) і радіотелеметрії було підібрано вправи бігового характеру для розвитку (загальної витривалості, спеціальної витривалості, швидкісних якостей) та скореговано методику їх застосування для бігунів на середні дистанції на етапі спеціалізованої базової підготовки [8][9][10][11]. Також було розроблено сім модельних тижневих мікроциклів тренувань бігунів на середні дистанції у весняно-літньому підготовчому та літньому змагальному періодах третього року тренувань етапу спеціалізованої базової підготовки (табл. 1-7 ...
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The modern sports calendar enables qualified middle-distance runners, starting from the spring-summer preparatory and summer competition period, to actively participate in competitions starting from April and ending in October. A feature of the spring-summer competitive period is currently the participation of athletes in competitions 1-2 times a week, therefore the development of model weekly microcycles associated with the maximum manifestation of the necessary physical abilities (speed, strength and special endurance) should be based on the performance of special exercises in intensity zones (95-98% of the personal result) in the training process. In this regard, the development of training microcycles in the spring- summer competitive period is relevant. Based on the generalization of advanced theoretical and practical experience, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the analysis of individual training plans for middle-distance runners, and a questionnaire survey of leading Ukrainian endurance running coaches (medium and long distances) and radio telemetry, running exercises were selected for development (general endurance, special endurance, speed qualities) and adjusted the methodology of their application for middle-distance runners at the stage of specialized basic training, 7 model weekly training microcycles of middle-distance runners in the spring-summer preparatory and summer competitive period of the third year of training at the stage of specialized training were also developed basic training.
... Several studies have attempted to identify which training methods are most effective for enhancing physiological capacity, assuming that these changes will lead to changes in endurance performance (Tanaka & Seals, 2008) In this sense, the POL and PYR models have reported more significant improvements and physiological adaptations in endurance athletes (Stoogl et al., 2015;Kenneally et al., 2018;Selles-Perez et al., 2019;Filipas et al., 2022). Both models have in common a high percentage of time performed at an intensity lower than the first physiological threshold (zone 1), where continuous high-volume, low-intensity sessions are completed. ...
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Trail running (TR), an extreme endurance sport, presents unique challenges due to the variety of terrain and distances, where physiological capacity and body composition have been considered better predictors of performance. This longitudinal case study examines the impact of training intensity distribution (TID) on an elite trail runner's physiological profile and performance over four years. Two TID models were implemented: polarized (POL) and pyramidal (PYR). Physiological assessments included maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), lactate thresholds (LT1 and LT2), and anthropometric characteristics. The training was classified according to the 3-zone intensity model (zone 1: below the first lactate threshold; zone 2: between the first and second lactate threshold; zone 3: above the second lactate threshold). During the four years, the average TID distribution was 75 % zone 1, 18 % zone 2, and 7 % zone 3. Physiological capacity increased by 7.14 % (14 to 15 km/h) for velocity at LT1 (vLT1) and 8.13 % (16 to 17.3 km/h) for velocity at LT2 (vLT2). The most significant increases were observed during the second year when the percentage of training time in zone 1 was lower (65 %) and in zone 2 greater (30 %) than those reported in other years. Consequently, vLT1 and vLT2 increased by 3.5 % (from 14.1 to 14.6 km/h) and 3.6 % (from 16.5 to 17.1 km/h), respectively. In conclusion, this case study revealed that emphasizing training in zone 2 (moderate intensity) and increasing the training load significantly improved performance at lactate thresholds. Despite modifying body composition, no influence on improving endurance performance was observed. These findings underscore the importance of TID in elite trail runners and highlight the potential to optimize physiological adaptations and performance outcomes.
... . A significant part of the training volume is done at low intensity (seeFigure 1.), both in the pyramidal and polarised models. Runners complete 75-80% of their weekly mileage at low intensity (Zone 1), below the aerobic threshold (vLT1), which in their case is roughly the pace of their estimated marathon race pace(Kenneally et al., 2017;Enoksen, Tjelta and Tjelta, 2011). The most commonly used forms of exercise in this category are 30-70 minute aerobic maintenance runs and shorter warm-up and cool-down runs, and morning shake-outs. ...
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the differences and similarities between the polarized and pyramid-intensity training methods described in the literature as the most typical training methods for elite international distance runners (1500-10,000 m). Material and Methods: 26 literature articles analyzing the training intensity distribution of international distance runners were found after a review of internet databases. Results: In both training methods, elite track runners cover an average of 120-180 km per week, 75-80% of which is done at low intensity, below the aerobic threshold (vLT1). In the pyramid method, runners perform interval or continuous tempo running workouts at speeds below the anaerobic threshold (vLT2) on average 2-4 times per week. In contrast, in the polarized intensity distribution, interval training is performed on average 1 time per week above the anaerobic threshold at 90% of vVo2max. Intensities near race speed are performed as short intervals (< 800m) during the base period. Conclusions: The training of modern distance runners is characterized by an emphasis on the development of aerobic capacity, achieved primarily through high amounts of low-intensity work and 1-4 anaerobic threshold training sessions per week. Athletes use short intervals and short sprints to maintain their anaerobic abilities and their coordination at race speed. They start using longer, intensive race-specific work in the period leading up to races. During the racing season, runners maintain endurance with a significant amount of low-intensity running and less pronounced anaerobic threshold training.
... Afterward, according to Stöggl and Sperlich (2015), distributing pattern of endurance training volume of endurance athletes (i.e., cyclists, swimmers, long-distance runners, and skiers) has consisted of 70-94% of low-intensity training (i.e., work-rates <GET 1 ), 4-22% of moderate-intensity (i.e., workrates between GET 1 and GET 2 ), and 2-11% of high intensity (i.e., work-rates >GET 2 ; Stöggl & Sperlich, 2015). Indeed, it seems that elite endurance athletes can perform only 1 or 2 HIIT sessions per week, and this exercise volume corresponds to approximately 5% of their annual programs (Kenneally et al., 2018;Solli et al., 2017). In this regard, within this limited time, a HIIT model that provides a long t@ _ VO 2max with a high level of lactate accumulation may be a quite useful for endurance athletes. ...
... In addition to demarcation of the different zones of exercise intensity mainly on the basis of physiological parameters, more recent studies have begun to employ the individual athletes targeted racing pace in this connection (18-20, 36, 40). For instance for runners, Z1 can be defined as <85%, Z2 as 85−95%, and Z3 as >95% of this target pace (18)(19)(20). One reason for adopting this approach is that both internal (e.g., the central nervous system, biomechanical characteristics, and cardiopulmonary system of the athlete) and external factors (e.g., ambient conditions and the strategy employed during competition) influence performance and, therefore, laboratory measurements of physiological parameters on their own are not accurate indicators of competitive performance (18). of training time in Z1, are currently most widely discussed and thoroughly characterized (1,(49)(50)(51)(52)(53)(54). ...
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The present review examines retrospective analyses of training intensity distribution (TID), i.e., the proportion of training at moderate (Zone 1, Z1), heavy (Z2) and severe (Z3) intensity by elite-to-world-class endurance athletes during different phases of the season. In addition, we discuss potential implications of our findings for research in this field, as well as for training by these athletes. Altogether, we included 175 TIDs, of which 120 quantified exercise intensity on the basis of heart rate and measured time-in-zone or employed variations of the session goal approach, with demarcation of zones of exercise intensity based on physiological parameters. Notably, 49% of the TIDs were single-case studies, predominantly concerning crosscountry skiing and/or the biathlon. Eighty-nine TIDs were pyramidal (Z1 > Z2 > Z3), 65 polarized (Z1 > Z3 > Z2) and 8 "threshold" (Z2 > Z1 = Z3). However, these relative numbers varied between sports and the particular phases of the season. In 91% (n = 160) of the TIDs >60% of the endurance exercise was of low intensity. Regardless of the approach to quantification or phase of the season, cyclists and swimmers were found to perform a lower proportion of exercise in Z1 (<72%) and higher proportion in Z2 (>16%) than athletes involved in the triathlon, speed skating, rowing, running, crosscountry skiing or biathlon (>80% in Z1 and <12% in Z2 in all these cases). For most of the athletes their proportion of heavy-to-severe exercise was higher during the period of competition than during the preparatory phase, although with considerable variability between sports. In conclusion, the existing literature in this area does not allow general conclusions to be drawn. The methods utilized for quantification vary widely and, moreover, contextual information concerning the mode of exercise, environmental conditions, and biomechanical aspects of the exercise is often lacking. Therefore, we recommend a more comprehensive approach in connection with future investigations on the TIDs of athletes involved in different endurance sports.
Scientific knowledge of the training of elite athletic sprinters is limited, and much of their training relies on the intuition and expertise of experienced coaches. Therefore, the objective of this study is to provide an overview of the training practices employed by elite Spanish sprint coaches. A descriptive analysis was conducted using customised questionnaires from 14 sprintspecialised coaches who volunteered to participate. These coaches used both traditional (50%) and block periodisation (50%). Many coaches (78.6%) divided training into three phases within each of the two macrocycles. Additionally, all coaches incorporated a tapering phase of varying durations. During the general preparation phase, the focus was on strength training (78.6%) and tempo training (85.7%). In the specific preparation phase, priority was strength-speed (92.9%) and speed-endurance (100%). The competitive phase emphasised speed-strength (100%), acceleration and maximal velocity (92.9%). Coaches incorporated technique work prior to sprint sessions (100%) and conducted specific monitoring/ testing sessions (78.6%). Most coaches also monitored indicators of fatigue (78.6%) and recovery parameters (100%). In conclusion, elite Spanish sprint coaches employ relatively similar strength and sprint training methods throughout the season, gradually shifting the focus towards competition specificity. However, these coaches implement different macro-periodisation models.
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Training monitoring is about keeping track of what athletes accomplish in training, for the purpose of improving the interaction between coach and athlete. Over history there have been several basic schemes of training monitoring. In the earliest days training monitoring was about observing the athlete during standard workouts. However, difficulty in standardizing the conditions of training made this process unreliable. With the advent of interval training, monitoring became more systematic. However, imprecision in the measurement of HR evolved interval training toward index workouts, where the main monitored parameter was average time required to complete index workouts. These measures of training load focused on the external training load, what the athlete could actually do. With the advent of interest from the scientific community, the development of the concept of metabolic thresholds, and the possibility of trackside measurement of HR, lactate, VO2 and power output, there was greater interest in the internal training load, allowing better titration of training loads in athletes of differing ability. These methods show much promise, but often require laboratory testing for calibration, and tend to produce too much information, in too slow of a time frame, to be optimally useful to coaches. The advent of the TRIMP concept by Banister suggested a strategy to combine intensity and duration elements of training into a single index concept, training LOAD. Although the original TRIMP concept was mathematically complex, the development of the Session RPE and similar low tech methods has demonstrated a way to evaluate training LOAD, along with derived variables, in a simple, responsive way. Recently, there has been interest in using wearable sensors to provide high resolution data of the external training load. These methods are promising, but problems relative to information overload and turn-around time to coaches remain to be solved.
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A limited number of studies have examined the distribution of training at different intensities during longer training periods among elite runners. Runners who want to reach international level in distance running should run ≥110 km/week at the age of 18–19 years. For senior runners, it appears that training volumes around 150–200 km/week are appropriate for 5000 and 10,000 m runners and 120–160 km/week for 1500 m runners. It also appears to be beneficial to combine these weekly training volumes with two to four sessions per week at the velocity at the anaerobic threshold pace, and one to two sessions per week above velocity at the anaerobic threshold pace during the preparation period. For runners who compete over distances from 1500 to 10,000 m, it seems appropriate to reduce the number of sessions carried out at velocity at the anaerobic threshold pace and to increase the number of sessions at specific race pace in the pre-competition period and during the competition period. Top results for the marathon can be achieved by a “low volume/high intensity model” (150–200 km/week), as well as by a “high volume/low intensity model” (180–260 km/week).
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Researchers have retrospectively analyzed the training intensity distribution (TID) of nationally and internationally competitive athletes in different endurance disciplines to determine the optimal volume and intensity for maximal adaptation. The majority of studies present a “pyramidal” TID with a high proportion of high volume, low intensity training (HVLIT). Some world-class athletes appear to adopt a so-called “polarized” TID (i.e., significant % of HVLIT and high-intensity training) during certain phases of the season. However, emerging prospective randomized controlled studies have demonstrated superior responses of variables related to endurance when applying a polarized TID in well-trained and recreational individuals when compared with a TID that emphasizes HVLIT or threshold training. The aims of the present review are to: (1) summarize the main responses of retrospective and prospective studies exploring TID; (2) provide a systematic overview on TIDs during preparation, pre-competition, and competition phases in different endurance disciplines and performance levels; (3) address whether one TID has demonstrated greater efficacy than another; and (4) highlight research gaps in an effort to direct future scientific studies.
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To assess the distribution of exercise intensity in long-distance recreational athletes (LDR) preparing for a marathon and to test the hypothesis that individual perception of effort (RPE) could provide training responses similar to those provided by standardized training methodologies. Seven LDR, (age: 36.5±3.8 years) were followed during a 5-month training period culminating with a city marathon. HR at 2.0 and 4.0 mmol·l-1 and HRmax were used to establish three intensity training zones. Internal training load (TL) was assessed by training zones and TRIMPi methods. These were compared with the session-RPE method. Total time spent in zone 1 was higher than in zones 2 and 3 (76.3±6.4, 17.3±5.8 and 6.3± 0.9%, respectively, P=0.000 for both, ES =0.98, ES=0.99). TL quantified by session-RPE, provided the same result. The comparison between session-RPE and training zones-based methods showed no significant difference at the lowest intensity (P=0.07, ES=0.25). A significant correlation was observed between TL-RPE and TL-TRIMPi both at individual and group levels (r= 0.79, P< 0.001). There was a significant correlation between total time spent in zone 1 and the improvement at the running speed of 2 mmol·l-1 (r = 0.88, P<0.001). A negative correlation was found between running speed at 2 mmol·l-1 and the time needed to complete the marathon (r = -0.83, P<0.001). These findings suggest that in recreational LDR most of the training time is spent at low-intensity and that this is associated with improved performances. Session-RPE is an easy-to-use training method that provides responses similar to those obtained with standardized training methodologies.
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Endurance athletes integrate four conditioning concepts in their training programs: high-volume training (HVT), “threshold-training” (THR), high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and a combination of these aforementioned concepts known as polarized training (POL). The purpose of this study was to explore which of these four training concepts provides the greatest response on key components of endurance performance in well-trained endurance athletes. Methods: Forty eight runners, cyclists, triathletes, and cross-country skiers (peak oxygen uptake: (VO2peak): 62.6 ± 7.1 mL·min⁻¹·kg⁻¹) were randomly assigned to one of four groups performing over 9 weeks. An incremental test, work economy and a VO2peak tests were performed. Training intensity was heart rate controlled. Results: POL demonstrated the greatest increase in VO2peak (+6.8 ml·min·kg⁻¹ or 11.7%, P < 0.001), time to exhaustion during the ramp protocol (+17.4%, P < 0.001) and peak velocity/power (+5.1%, P < 0.01). Velocity/power at 4 mmol·L⁻¹ increased after POL (+8.1%, P < 0.01) and HIIT (+5.6%, P < 0.05). No differences in pre- to post-changes of work economy were found between the groups. Body mass was reduced by 3.7% (P < 0.001) following HIIT, with no changes in the other groups. With the exception of slight improvements in work economy in THR, both HVT and THR had no further effects on measured variables of endurance performance (P > 0.05). Conclusion: POL resulted in the greatest improvements in most key variables of endurance performance in well-trained endurance athletes. THR or HVT did not lead to further improvements in performance related variables.
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The purpose of the present study is to give a description of the exceptional running career of Grete Waitz (GW) and give special attention to the distribution of training volume and training intensity in two of her most successful years as an international long-distance and marathon runner. Training data are based on an analysis of GW’s training diaries from her early start as a track and field athlete to her best performance years as a long-distance track runner and marathon runner. The main finding in this study was that GW’s total running volume, in her best seasons, varied between 119-132 km · week-1 in the different meso-cycles of the training year. Her weekly training volume is far below the volume reported for the current female World Record holder for the marathon distance at the time of writing. Her training typically consisted of two daily sessions of continuous running (50-60 min) at a relatively high intensity. She did very few long interval training sessions, but she usually did one high-intensity session of shorter intervals/sprint training (strides) per week. In the season 1978-1979 she took part in 50 competitions (ranging from 800m to marathon) of which she won 48. Her best track performance in this season was her Nordic record in the 3000 m, 8:31.75 which would have been the best time in the world in 2011 and 2012.
Training quantification is basic to evaluate an endurance athlete's responses to the training loads, ensure adequate stress/recovery balance and determine the relationship between training and performance. Quantifying both external and internal workload is important, because the external workload does not measure the biological stress imposed by the exercise sessions. Generally used quantification methods include retrospective questionnaires, diaries, direct observation and physiological monitoring, often based on the measurement of oxygen uptake, heart rate and blood lactate concentration. Other methods in use in endurance sports include speed measurement and the measurement of power output, made possible by recent technological advances, such as power meters in cycling and triathlon. Among subjective methods of quantification the RPE stands out because of its wide use. Concurrent assessments of the various quantification methods allow researchers and practitioners to evaluate stress/recovery balance, adjust individual training programmes and determine the relationships between external load, internal load and athletes' performance. This brief review summarizes the most relevant external and internal workload quantification methods in endurance sports, and provides practical examples of their implementation to adjust the training programmes of elite athletes in accordance to their individualized stress/recovery balance.
Background: This study compared the effect of two training strategies differing on the weekly intensity distribution on physiological parameters and running performance in moderately trained endurance athletes. Methods: Thirty male athletes were equally divided into three groups, one following an increasing weekly aerobic intensity distribution (EXP1), one with constant weekly aerobic intensitydistribution (EXP2) and a control one, following a freely chosen program (CON). Before the training intervention, athletes performed a maximal exercise treadmill test to quantify the different zones allowing training to be controlled, based on blood lactate concentration values (BLa), over a 4- week period. Changes in exercise heart rate (HR), running velocity and rate of perceived exertion at three exercise intensities corresponding to 2.5, 4 and 8 mmol·l-1 of BLa were analyzed at three testing conditions: before (pre), after two (mid) and four weeks (post). Results: A significant increase (p ≤ 0.05) in running velocity at the intensity of 8 mmol·l-1 in EXP1 group was revealed at mid (5.5%) and post condition (11.5%), while EXP2 group showed a significant decrease in exercise HR at 4 mmol·l-1 between pre (6.7%) and post condition (9.0%) (p ≤ 0.05). The rest of the examined variables showed only trivial changes in both experimental groups at all testing conditions (p > 0.05). In addition, no changes were observed in CON group in any of the variables tested. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that depending on the training goal, different intensity variation strategies should be followed to induce the desired adaptations.
Laboratory-based studies demonstrate that fueling (carbohydrate; CHO) and fluid strategies can enhance training adaptations and race-day performance in endurance athletes. Thus, the aim of this case study was to characterize several periodized training and nutrition approaches leading to individualized race-day fluid and fueling plans for 3 elite male marathoners. The athletes kept detailed training logs on training volume, pace, and subjective ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) for each training session over 16 wk before race day. Training impulse/load calculations (TRIMP; min x RPE = load [arbitrary units; AU]) and 2 central nutritional techniques were implemented: periodic low-CHO-availability training and individualized CHO- and fluid-intake assessments. Athletes averaged ∼13 training sessions per week for a total average training volume of 182 km/wk and peak volume of 231 km/wk. Weekly TRIMP peaked at 4,437 AU (Wk 9), with a low of 1,887 AU (Wk 16) and an average of 3,082 ± 646 AU. Of the 606 total training sessions, ∼74%, 11%, and 15% were completed at an intensity in Zone 1 (very easy to somewhat hard), Zone 2 (at lactate threshold) and Zone 3 (very hard to maximal), respectively. There were 2.5 ± 2.3 low-CHO-availability training bouts per week. On race day athletes consumed 61 ± 15 g CHO in 604 ± 156 ml/hr (10.1% ± 0.3% CHO solution) in the following format: ∼15 g CHO in ∼150 ml every ∼15 min of racing. Their resultant marathon times were 2:11:23, 2:12:39 (both personal bests), and 2:16:17 (a marathon debut). Taken together, these periodized training and nutrition approaches were successfully applied to elite marathoners in training and competition.
Abstract Although numerous authors have studied the effect of different training procedures on athlete's resistance performance, there are no studies on how the improvement of aerobic resistance is affected by the distribution of training loads. This research sets out to analyse the effectiveness on aerobic activity of distributions with a constant load (CON) and with increments in intensity (INC) over a 4-week period. A total of 30 athletes took part in the analysis (38.7±9.8 years; 174.7±6.5 cm; 72.0±9.8 kg). They were divided into 3 groups of 10 each. One group followed a training plan with a CON distribution and another with an INC distribution. Both groups performed at the same volume and intensity, the only difference between them being the distribution of load over the 4 weeks. The third group trained with a free load distribution during this time. Improvement in V˙O2max and ventilatory thresholds (VT1 and VT2) was analysed before and after the 4-week training period. There was no modification of the V˙O2max in any of the training programmes. The FRE and INC groups showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in their V˙O2 in VT1, and in the CON group there was a significant reduction (p<0.05) in heart rate in VT2. These results show how training periodisation produces different improvement on performance and demonstrate the effectiveness of periodisated programmes, because periodisated programmes obtain equal or higher adaptations with lower training volumes than non-periodisated programmes.