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Why Do Markets Crash? Bitcoin Data Offers Unprecedented Insights


Abstract and Figures

Crashes have fascinated and baffled many canny observers of financial markets. In the strict orthodoxy of the efficient market theory, crashes must be due to sudden changes of the fundamental valuation of assets. However, detailed empirical studies suggest that large price jumps cannot be explained by news and are the result of endogenous feedback loops. Although plausible, a clear-cut empirical evidence for such a scenario is still lacking. Here we show how crashes are conditioned by the market liquidity, for which we propose a new measure inspired by recent theories of market impact and based on readily available, public information. Our results open the possibility of a dynamical evaluation of liquidity risk and early warning signs of market instabilities, and could lead to a quantitative description of the mechanisms leading to market crashes.
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Why Do Markets Crash ? Bitcoin Data Offers
Unprecedented Insights
Jonathan Donier1,2,3and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud1,4
1: Capital Fund Management, 23-25 Rue de l’Universit´e, 75007 Paris, France
2: Laboratoire de Probabilit´es et Mod`eles Al´eatoires, Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), 4
Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
3: Ecole des Mines ParisTech, 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75006 Paris
4: CFM-Imperial Institute of Quantitative Finance, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College,
180 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 2RH
Crashes have fascinated and baffled many canny observers of financial markets. In
the strict orthodoxy of the efficient market theory, crashes must be due to sudden
changes of the fundamental valuation of assets. However, detailed empirical studies
suggest that large price jumps cannot be explained by news and are the result of
endogenous feedback loops. Although plausible, a clear-cut empirical evidence for
such a scenario is still lacking. Here we show how crashes are conditioned by the
market liquidity, for which we propose a new measure inspired by recent theories of
market impact and based on readily available, public information. Our results open
the possibility of a dynamical evaluation of liquidity risk and early warning signs of
market instabilities, and could lead to a quantitative description of the mechanisms
leading to market crashes.
1 Introduction 2
2 Anatomy of April 10, 2013 crash 2
3 Three definitions of “liquidity” 6
4 Comparing the liquidity measures 8
5 Discussion – Anticipating crashes? 10
1 Introduction
Why do market prices move? This simple question has fuelled fifty years of academic debate,
reaching a climax with the 2013 Nobel prize in economics, split between Fama and Shiller who
promote radically different views on the question[32]. Whereas Fama argues that markets
are efficient and prices faithfully reflect fundamental values, Shiller has shown that prices
fluctuate much more than what efficient market theory would suggest, and has insisted
on the role of behavioural biases as a source of excess volatility and price anomalies. Of
particular importance is the origin of the largest changes in prices, aka market crashes, that
may have dire consequences not only for market participants but also for the society as a
whole [35]. It is fair to say that after centuries of market folly [25, 22, 34, 30], there is
no consensus on this issue. Many studies [15, 21, 11] have confirmed the insight of Cutler,
Poterba & Summers [12] who concluded that [t]he evidence that large market moves occur on
days without identifiable major news casts doubts on the view that price movements are fully
explicable by news.... The fact that markets appear to crash in the absence of any remarkable
event suggests that destabilising feedback loops of behavioural origin may be at play[33, 24,
20, 7]. Although plausible, a clear-cut empirical evidence for such an endogenous scenario
is still lacking. After all, crashes are not that frequent and a convincing statistical analysis
is difficult, in particular because of the lack of relevant data about the dynamics of supply
and demand during these episodes.
In this respect, the Bitcoin[29, 1, 6] market is quite unique on many counts. In particular,
the absence of any compelling way to assess the fundamental price of Bitcoins makes the
behavioral hypothesis highly plausible. For our purpose, the availability of the full order
book1at all times provides precious insights, in particular before and during extreme events.
Indeed, at variance with most financial markets where participants hide their intentions, the
orders are placed long in advance by Bitcoin traders over large price ranges. Using two highly
informative data-sets – the trade-by-trade MtGox data between December 2011 and January
2014, and the full order book data over the same period – we analyse in depth the liquidity of
the Bitcoin market. We find that what caused the crash was not the selling pressure per se,
but rather the dearth of buyers that stoked the panic. Following up on this observation, we
show that three different liquidity measures that aim at quantifying the presence of buyers
(or sellers) are highly correlated and correctly predict the amplitude of potential crashes.
Whereas two of them are direct probes of the prevailing liquidity but difficult to access on
financial markets, the third one – which is also firmly anchored theoretically[14] – only uses
readily available, public information on traded volumes and volatility, and is therefore a
promising candidate for monitoring the propensity of a market to crash.
2 Anatomy of April 10, 2013 crash
Amongst all crashes that happened on the Bitcoin and for which we found some data, the
April 10, 2013 crash is probably the most interesting one since on that day the price dropped
by more than 50% of its value in a few hours. At that time, MtGox was by far the leading
1The order book is the record of all intentions to buy or sell at a given point in time, each volume coming
with an offering price.
exchange (its market share was over 80% on the BTC/USD spot market) so our data-set
captures a large fraction of the investors’ behaviour. Intuitively, the main driver of market
crashes is the mismatch between the aggregate market order flow imbalance (O, defined
below) that becomes strongly negative and the prevailing liquidity on the buy side, i.e. the
density of potential buyers below the current price. Whereas the former quantity can be
easily reconstructed from the series of trades, the notion of “prevailing liquidity” is only at
best ambiguous. It is only when the price starts heading down, that one expects most of the
interested buyers to declare themselves and post orders in the order book. Therefore, the
liquidity cannot in principle be directly inferred from the information the publicly available
order book. The dynamic nature of liquidity has been clearly evidenced[38, 8], and has
led to the notion of “latent” liquidity that underpins recent theories of impact in financial
markets [37, 26, 27, 14].
30 35 40 45 50 55
Volume (kBTC)
30 35 40 45 50 55
Volume (kBTC)
LOB (φ)
Cumulated demand
Cumulated supply
Figure 1: Instantaneous cumulated order book. Snapshot of the cumulated supply and
demand displayed on the order book, with a graphical representation of the order book
liquidity LOB(φ) defined in Def. 1.
However, Bitcoin is quite an exceptional market in this respect, since a large fraction of
the liquidity is not latent, but actually posted in the order book – possibly resulting from
less strategic participants on a still exotic market – and thus directly observable (see Fig. 1).
This allows us to test in detail the respective roles of aggregate imbalance and liquidity in
the triggering of market crashes. We first study the “aggressive” order flow defined as the
aggregated imbalance of market orders for every 4 hours window between January 2013 and
August 2013. In fact, two definitions are possible. One is defined as the average of the signed
number of Bitcoin contracts sent as market orders2,OB=Piiqi,where each iis a different
market order of sign iand number of contracts qi, and the sum runs over consecutive trades
in a 4 hour window. The second is the volume imbalance expressed in USD: O$=Piiqipi,
2A market order is an order to trade immediately at the best available price. Because of this need for
immediacy, one often refers to them as aggressive orders.
where piis the i-th transaction price. These two quantities are shown in Fig. 2 and reveal
that (a) large sell episodes are more intense than large buy episodes; (b) when expressed in
Bitcoin, the sell-off that occurred on April, 10 (of order of 30,000 BTC on a 4h window) is
not more spectacular than several other sell-offs that happened before or after that day; (c)
however, when expressed in USD, the April 10 sell-off indeed appears as an outlier.
01/2013 02/2013 03/2013 04/2013 05/2013 06/2013 07/2013 08/2013
Imbalance (mUSD)
01/2013 02/2013 03/2013 04/2013 05/2013 06/2013 07/2013 08/2013
Imbalance (kBTC)
4h imbalance (mUSD)
crash value
4h imbalance (kBTC)
crash value
Figure 2: Order flow imbalances in USD and BTC. Top: Aggressive imbalance in order
flow Piivi(where i=±1 is the sign of the transaction, and viits volume in Bitcoins),
aggregated over periods of 4 hours between January 2013 and August 2013, expressed in Bit-
coins. April 10, 2013 (for which the realised imbalance is represented as a dashed horizontal
line) does not appear as an outlier. Bottom: aggressive imbalance in order flow Piivipi,
aggregated over periods of 4 hours between January 2013 and August 2013 and expressed in
USD. April 10, 2013 now clearly appears as an outlier.
The difference between OBand O$originates from the fact that a large fraction of this
selling activity occurred at the peak of the “bubble” that preceded the crash, see Fig. 3,
top. The BTC price rose from $13 in early January to $260 just before the crash. In
Fig. 3, we represent a “support” level p40k
Ssuch that the total quantity of buy orders
between p40k
Sand the current price ptis 40,000 BTC, see Fig. 1. One notices that the price
dramatically departed from the support price during the pre-crash period, which is a clear
sign that Bitcoin price was engaged in a bubble. Although the liquidity expressed in USD
was actually increasing during that period (see Fig. 3, middle), the BTC price increased
even faster, resulting in a thinner and thinner liquidity on the buy side of the order book
expressed in BTC, see Fig. 3, bottom. This scenario is precisely realised in some Agent
Based Models of markets[18].
16/03/2013 23/03/2013 30/03/2013 06/04/2013 13/04/2013 20/04/2013
16/03/2013 23/03/2013 30/03/2013 06/04/2013
Liquidity LOB(φ) (mUSD)
16/03/2013 23/03/2013 30/03/2013 06/04/2013
Liquidity LOB(φ) (kBTC)
Actual price
Support price
φ= 10%
φ= 20%
φ= 50%
φ= 10%
φ= 20%
φ= 50%
Figure 3: Liquidity and support price. Top: Actual price pt(blue) vs. support price p40k
(red) defined as the price that would be reached if a typical sell-off of 40,000 BTC was to occur
instantaneously. Note that p40k
Sis 50% below the price ptjust before the crash, explaining
the order of magnitude of the move that happened that day. Middle (resp. Bottom): Buy
volume LOB(φ) in USD (resp. BTC) in the order book, during the months preceding the
crash of April 10, 2013, measured as the volume between the current price ptand pt(1 φ)
where φ= 10%, 20% and 50%. One can see that for any quantile the liquidity in USD
tended to increase by an overall factor '2 during the period, while the liquidity in BTC
was decreased by a factor '23 as an immediate consequence of the bubble.
The conclusion of the above analysis, that may appear trivial, is that the crash occurred
because the price was too high, and buyers too scarce to resist the pressure of a sell-off. More
interesting is the fact that the knowledge of the volume present in the order book allows one
to estimate an expected price drop of 50% in the event of a large – albeit not extreme –
sell-off. Of course, the possibility to observe the full demand curve (or a good approximation
thereof) is special to the Bitcoin market, and not available in more mainstream markets
where the publicly displayed liquidity is only of order 1% of the total daily traded volume.
Still, as we show now, one can built accurate proxies of the latent liquidity using observable
quantities only, opening the path to early warning signs of an impeding crash.
3 Three definitions of “liquidity”
More formally, the market liquidity measure discussed above is defined as:
Definition 1 The order-book liquidity LOB (φ)(on the buy side) is such that (cf. Fig. 1
d(p, t) := LOB(φ),(1)
(and similarly for the sell-side). In the above equation, ptis the price at time tand ρ(p, t)
is the density of demand that is materialised on the order book at price pand at time t.
Conversely, the price drop φptexpected if a large instantaneous sell-off of size Q
occurs is such that:
where L1
OB is a measure of illiquidity.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Liquidity-adjusted imbalance (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Actual drop (%)
Imbalance (kBTC)
Figure 4: Forecast of crashes amplitudes using order book volumes. For the 14 most extreme
negative returns that have occurred between Jan 1, 2013 and Apr 10, 2013, we compare the
realised return with: (Left) the net imbalance OBduring the period (usually a few hours)
and (Right) the liquidity-adjusted imbalance L1
OB(OB). This illustrates the relevance of the
LOB liquidity measure to predict the amplitudes of crashes – even in the most extreme cases.
An a posteriori comparison between realised returns and the liquidity-adjusted imbalance
for the 14 most extreme negative returns that have occurred between Jan 1, 2013 and Apr
10, 2013 is shown in Fig. 4. It shows that the quantity L1
OB(OB) nearly perfectly matches
crashes amplitudes, vindicating the hypothesis that most of the liquidity is indeed present
in the visible order book for the Bitcoin.
However, as recalled above, the visible order book on standard financial markets usually
contains a minute fraction of the real intentions of the agents. Therefore the use of LOB(φ)
deduced from the observable order book would lead to a tremendous underestimation of
the liquidity in these markets [31, 38]. Liquidity is in fact a dynamic notion, that reveals
itself progressively as a reaction (possibly with some lag) to the incoming order flow [38, 8].
Another definition of liquidity, that accounts for the progressive appearance of the latent
liquidity as orders are executed, is based on a measure of market impact. With enough
statistics, the average (relative) price move I(Q) = hp/piinduced by the execution of
a meta-order3can be measured as a function of their total volume Q. Since these meta-
orders are executed on rather long time scales (compared to the transaction frequency), it is
reasonable to think that their impact reveals the “true” latent liquidity of markets [37, 26,
27, 14]. This leads us to a second definition of liquidity, based on market impact:
Definition 2 The impact liquidity LI(φ)is defined as the volume of a meta-order that
moves, on average, the price ptby ±φpt, or, more precisely, LI(φ)is fixed by the condition:
I(LI(φ)) = φ, (3)
since the impact I(Q)is usually measured in relative terms. As above, the price drop expected
if a large sell-off of volume imbalance Qoccurs is simply given by L1
I(Q) = I(Q).
The problem with this second definition is that it requires proprietary data with suffi-
cient statistics, available only to brokerage firms or to active asset managers/hedge funds. It
turns out to be also available for Bitcoin [13] – see below. However, a very large number of
empirical studies in the last 15 years have established that the impact of meta-orders follows
an extremely robust “square-root law”[36, 2, 28, 13, 5, 37, 23, 4, 19, 26, 9]. Namely, inde-
pendently of the asset class, time period, style of trading and micro-structure peculiarities,
one has:
ITH(Q)Y σdrQ
where Yis an a-dimensional constant of order unity, Vdis the daily traded volume and σd
is the daily volatility. This square-root law has now been justified theoretically by several
authors, building upon the notion of latent liquidity[37, 26, 27, 14] (see Ref. [16] for an
alternative story). Assuming that the above functional shape of market impact is correct
leads to a third definition of liquidity:
Definition 3 The theoretical liquidity LTH(φ)is the theoretical volume of a meta-order
required to move the price ptby ±φptaccording to formula Eq. 4 above, i.e.:
ITH(LTH (φ)) = φ. (5)
3A meta-order is a sequence of individual trades generated by the same trading decision but spread out
in time, so as to get a better price and/or not to be detected[37].
Together with Eq. (4), this amounts to consider σd/Vdas a measure of market illiquidity.
Clearly, since both σdand Vdcan be estimated from public market data, this last definition of
liquidity is quite congenial. It was proposed in Ref. [10] as a proxy to obtain impact-adjusted
marked-to-market valuation of large portfolios, and tested in Ref. [23] on five stock market
crashes, with very promising results. However, there is quite a leap of faith in assuming
that our above three definitions are – at least approximately – equivalent. This is why the
Bitcoin data is quite unique since it allows one to measure all three liquidities LOB,LI,LTH
and test quantitatively that they do indeed reveal the very same information.
4 Comparing the liquidity measures
We measured the order book liquidity LOB by averaging the volume present at all prices
in the buy side of the order book on disjoint 15 minutes periods. The empirical impact
is obtained following Ref. [13] by measuring the full I(Q), obtained as an average over all
meta-orders of a given volume Qon a given day. Finally, the theoretical impact Eq. 4 is
obtained by measuring both the traded volume of the day Vdand the volatility 4σd.
11/2012 01/2013 03/2013 05/2013 07/2013 09/2013 11/2013
% of drop if a typical sell-off happens
T H )
Liquidity (L1
OB )
Figure 5: Comparison between the three (il-)iquidity measures. Parallel evolution of the
three price drops φdeduced from our three estimates of illiquidity L1
TH defined
above. The estimates based on L1
TH have been rescaled by a factor 6.104to match the
average order book data prediction.
4defined as σ2
t=1 0.5ln (Ht/Lt)2(2ln(2) 1) ln (Ct/Ot)2where Ot/Ht/Lt/Ctare the
open/high/low/close prices of the sub-periods [17].
These three estimates allow us to compare, as a function of time (between November
2012 and November 2013) the expected price drop for a large sell meta-order of size – say –
Q= 40,000 BTC, see Fig. 5. We have rescaled by a constant factor the predictions based
on LIand LTH, so as to match the average levels. The agreement is quite striking, and shown
in a different way in Fig. 6 as a scatter plot of L1
OB vs L1
Ior L1
TH, either on the same day,
or with a one day lag. As coinciding times, the R2of the regressions are 0.86 and only
fall to 0.83 with a day lag, meaning that one can use past data to predict the liquidity of
tomorrow. As a comparison, when using instead Amihud’s[3] measure of illiquidity σd/Vd,
one obtains R2of resp. 0.74 and 0.71.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
OB R2= 0.88
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
T H /L1
OB R2= 0.86
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
OB R2= 0.74
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
T H (lagged)/L1
OB R2= 0.83
Figure 6: Regression of the actual (il-)liquidity against the different (il-)liquidity measures.
Regression of the actual illiquidity L1
OB on three same-day illiquidity measures (after rescaling
so that the samples means coincide): The direct measure of orders market impact L1
I, the
publicly available measure L1
TH that corresponds to the theoretical and empirical impact, and
the well-known Amihud ILLIQ measure [3]. Both L1
Iand L1
TH outperform ILLIQ (R20.86
vs. 0.74). Note that a high predictability remains when lagging L1
TH by one day (R20.83
vs. 0.71). The regression slopes for the four graphs are, respectively: 0.9,0.95,0.87 and 0.93.
That the estimates based on LIand LTH match is no surprise since the square-root law
was already tested with a high degree of precision on the Bitcoin[13]. But that the theoretical
measure of liquidity LTH based on easily accessible market data is able to track so closely the
information present in the whole order book is truly remarkable, and suggests that one can
indeed faithfully use LTH on markets where reliable information on the latent order book is
absent (as is the case for most markets).
5 Discussion – Anticipating crashes?
Thanks to the unique features of the Bitcoin market, we have been able to investigate
some of the factors that determine the propensity of a market to crash. Two main features
emerge from our study. First, the price level should lie within a range where the underlying
demand (resp. supply) is able to support large – but expected – fluctuations in supply (resp.
demand). When the price is clearly out of bounds (for example the pre-April 2013 period for
Bitcoin) the market is unambiguously in a precarious state that can be called a bubble. Our
main result allows one to make the above idea meaningful in practice. We show that three
natural liquidity measures (based, respectively, on the knowledge of the full order book, on
the average impact of meta-orders, and on the ratio of the volatility to the square-root of
the traded volume, σd/Vd) are highly correlated and do predict the amplitude of a putative
crash induced by a given (large) sell order imbalance.
Since the latter measure is entirely based on readily available public information, our
result is quite remarkable. It opens the path to a better understanding of crash mechanisms
and possibly to early warning signs of market instabilities. However, while we claim that the
amplitude of a potential crash can be anticipated, we are of course not able to predict when
this crash will happen – if it happens at all. Still, our analysis motivates better dynamical
risk evaluations (like value-at-risk), impact adjusted marked-to-market accounting [10] or
liquidity-sensitive option valuation models. As a next step, a comprehensive study of the
correlation between the realised crash probability and σd/Vdon a wider universe of stocks –
expanding the work of Ref.[23] – would be a highly valuable validation of the ideas discussed
Acknowledgements: We thank A. Tilloy for his insights on the Bitcoin and for reading
the manuscript; P.Baqu´e for reading the manuscript; and J. Bonart for useful discussions.
Bitcoin trades data are available at Bitcoin order
book data have been collected by the authors and are available on request.
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In the Bitcoin trading landscape, predicting price movements is paramount. Our study focuses on identifying the key factors influencing these price fluctuations. Utilizing the Pearson correlation method, we extract essential data points from a comprehensive set of 14 data features. We consider historical Bitcoin prices, representing past market behavior; trading volumes, which highlight the level of trading activity; network metrics that provide insights into Bitcoin’s blockchain operations; and social indicators: analyzed sentiments from Twitter, tracked Bitcoin-related search trends on Google and on Twitter. These social indicators give us a more nuanced understanding of the digital community’s sentiment and interest levels. With this curated data, we forge ahead in developing a predictive model using Deep Q-Network (DQN). A defining aspect of our model is its innovative reward function, tailored for enhancing predicting Bitcoin price direction, distinguished by its multi-faceted reward function. This function is a blend of several critical factors: it rewards prediction accuracy, incorporates confidence scaling, applies an escalating penalty for consecutive incorrect predictions, and includes a time-based discounting to prioritize recent market trends. This composite approach ensures that the model’s performance is not only precise in its immediate predictions but also adaptable and responsive to the evolving patterns of the cryptocurrency market. Notably, in our tests, our model achieved an impressive F1-score of 95%, offering substantial promise for traders and investors.
... Para Donier & Bouchaud (2015), desde el enfoque de la teoría de mercados eficientes, las caídas se deben a cambios en el valor fundamental de un activo. Sugieren que las caídas son condicionadas por la liquidez del mercado. ...
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En el presente documento se analiza la sincronización de los ciclos económicos de México con sus cuatro principales socios comerciales (Estados Unidos, Canadá, la Unión Europea y Japón) antes y después de la adopción de sus respectivos acuerdos para muestras entre el año 1980 y el 2020. Para lograrlo se uso la metodología de los ciclos de crecimiento propuesta por Kydland y Prescott (1990), tanto para la muestra completa como para las submuestras divididas en dos periodos (previo al tratado comercial y su adopción). Entre los principales resultados destaca un aumento de la sincronización de los ciclos económicos a partir de la adopción del tratado, lo que puede sugerir que el comercio exterior desempeña un rol como mecanismo de transmisión, como lo ha señalado la literatura teórica.
... Jonathan Donier and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud argue that even though a crash is a situation of changes in the value or fundamental price of an asset, its occurrence can sometimes not always be explained by tracing the existing news and therefore we also need to consider the effect of market liquidity and stability as basic quantitative descriptions of the mechanism that leads to crash [18]. Shiller, as quoted by them, sees that price fluctuations are not always related to market efficiency theory, but are also related to behavior bias which in turn leads to excessive volatility and price anomalies. ...
... We determined that there are a lot of articles and papers on that topic which we will demonstrate. Donier and Bouchaud [12] found that the market microstructure on Bitcoin exchanges can be used to anticipate illiquidity issues in the market, which lead to abrupt crashes. They investigate Bitcoin liquidity based on order book data and, out of this, accurately predict the size of price crashes. ...
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This article demonstrates the possibility of constructing indicators of critical and crash phenomena in the volatile market of cryptocurrency. For this purpose, the methods of the theory of complex networks have been used. The possibility of constructing dynamic measures of network complexity behaving in a proper way during actual pre-crash periods has been shown. This fact is used to build predictors of crashes and critical events phenomena on the examples of all the patterns recorded in the time series of the key cryptocurrency Bitcoin, the effectiveness of the proposed indicators-precursors of these falls has been identified.
... Bitcoin also plummeted by 18% on 10 March 2017 following the SEC denial to launch an ETF. According to Thies and Molnár (2018), daily returns can vary from −48.52% to +40.14%, while Donier and Bouchaud (2015) report that Bitcoin lost half of its value on April 2013 in a few hours. They also provide a standard liquidity analysis of the platform MtGox between December 2011 and January 2014. ...
Understanding market liquidity and trading dynamics in one of the most innovative and volatile markets in the world, is crucial from the standpoint of both regulators and investors. In contrast to stocks, very little is known about the functioning of cryptos around extreme returns (ERs). Using high-frequency order-book and trade data for the 8 most widespread cryptos on 16 trading platforms over three years, we examine the contemporaneous and lagged influence of trading activity and liquidity on the occurrence of extreme returns (ERs) in a logistic regression framework adapted to rare events. Despite its huge volatility, we show that the trading and liquidity dynamics on the crypto market around ERs is not orthogonal to what traditional markets experience in stressful conditions. The number of trades is a particularly robust driver to explain the occurrence of ERs, followed by the relative spread. The same drivers are identified for traditional markets.
... The other group of works represents a narrower range of studies, focusing on analyzing Bitcoin as the most popular cryptocurrency, the factors shaping its price, and the functioning of the Bitcoin market. In particular, Donier and Bouchaud (2015) explore the relationship between price drops in the Bitcoin market and the level of liquidity in such a market. Another work (Kristoufek, 2015) presents a thorough analysis of the factors that influence the formation of the price of Bitcoins. ...
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Scientific sources demonstrate different attitudes of researchers to cryptocurrencies because they treat them as a category of currency, virtual money, commodity, etc. Accordingly, the relation to the valuation and risk of cryptocurrency as an investment object is different. The purpose of the article is to identify cryptocurrency value formation factors and determine the risks of investing in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is simultaneously considered a currency, an asset with uncertain income, and a specific product, the price of which is determined by the energy costs for mining new cryptocurrency blocks. Thus, the paper examines the risks of investing in cryptocurrency from several positions. First, the study identifies the factors of formation of the value and risk of cryptocurrency as ordinary money based on comparing cryptocurrency with traditional money. Unlike traditional money, cryptocurrency is not tied to the economic performance of a particular country; also, central banks do not control or Cryptocurrency: Value Formation Factors and Investment Risks 180 regulate their mining. Instead, the cryptocurrency emissions depend on the computational capacity of the equipment used for their mining. As a financial asset, cryptocurrency can be a "financial bubble" because their value increasing often exceeds the cost of mining. On the other hand, given the emergence of cryptocurrency as a phenomenon of the information economy, the paper analyses the impact of specific technical features (cryptographic hashing algorithm, the complexity of creating new blocks, the technology of verification of mining operations, etc.) on the risk of investing in cryptocurrency assets.
... liquidity and volatility, which may influence trading decisions 6 as well as one another. 7 The second source is related to communication between different markets. ...
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We study information dynamics between the largest Bitcoin exchange markets during the bubble in 2017–2018. By analyzing high-frequency market microstructure observables with different information-theoretic measures for dynamical systems, we find temporal changes in information sharing across markets. In particular, we study time-varying components of predictability, memory, and (a)synchronous coupling, measured by transfer entropy, active information storage, and multi-information. By comparing these empirical findings with several models, we argue that some results could relate to intra-market and inter-market regime shifts and changes in the direction of information flow between different market observables.
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The cryptocurrency crash on the 5th of September, 2018, resulted in price decreases in 95 of the 100 leading digital currencies. We obtained millisecond data of some of the more prominent cryptocurrencies–bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, bitcoin cash and eos–and some of the smaller cryptocurrencies–neo, nem, omg, tezos and lisk–that were most affected in the crash and investigated what caused the digital market to collapse. We find that the behaviour of the more prominent cryptocurrencies and bitcoin, in particular, was the dominant factor behind the crash. We also find that smaller cryptocurrencies followed the behaviour of the larger ones in the crash. Furthermore, our empirical findings show that the trading behaviour of cryptocurrency traders (CTs) did not trigger the digital market crash. We propose the introduction of a single-cryptocurrency circuit breaker most prominent largest cryptocurrency–bitcoin–that will halt trading during market disruptions.
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Scientific sources demonstrate different attitudes of researchers to cryptocurrencies because they treat them as a category of currency, virtual money, commodity, etc. Accordingly, the relation to the valuation and risk of cryptocurrency as an investment object is different. The purpose of the article is to identify cryptocurrency value formation factors and determine the risks of investing in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is simultaneously considered a currency, an asset with uncertain income, and a specific product, the price of which is determined by the energy costs for mining new cryptocurrency blocks. Thus, the paper examines the risks of investing in cryptocurrency from several positions. First, the study identifies the factors of formation of the value and risk of cryptocurrency as ordinary money based on comparing cryptocurrency with traditional money. Unlike traditional money, cryptocurrency is not tied to the economic performance of a particular country; also, central banks do not control or regulate their mining. Instead, the cryptocurrency emissions depend on the computational capacity of the equipment used for their mining. As a financial asset, cryptocurrency can be a “financial bubble” because their value increasing often exceeds the cost of mining. On the other hand, given the emergence of cryptocurrency as a phenomenon of the information economy, the paper analyses the impact of specific technical features (cryptographic hashing algorithm, the complexity of creating new blocks, the technology of verification of mining operations, etc.) on the risk of investing in cryptocurrency assets.
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We investigate expectation formation in a controlled experimental environment. Subjects are asked to predict the price in a standard asset pricing model. They do not have knowledge of the underlying market equilibrium equations, but they know all past realized prices and their own predictions. Aggregate demand for the risky asset depends upon the forecasts of the participants. The realized price is then obtained from market equilibrium with feedback from six individual expectations. Realized prices differ significantly from fundamental values and typically exhibit oscillations around, or slow convergence to, this fundamental. In all groups participants coordinate on a common prediction strategy. Copyright 2005, Oxford University Press.
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We examine information, market impact and trade sizes using a data-set of institutional trades where approximately 1/4 of the orders are labeled as having been created for cash flow purposes. We find that during the execution the functional form and scale of market impact are similar for cash flows as for other trades. After the trade is completed, the impact of cash flows reverts almost completely on average in two to five days. For trades excluding cash flows price reversion is only a fraction of total impact: for every size, the price after reversion is, on average, equal to the average execution price, leaving no immediate profits after accounting for trading costs. Observed mark-to-market profits on merged orders from multiple portfolio managers and Nasdaq-listed stocks suggest that these trades are more informed than the average. Mark-to-market losses on cash flows, trades that follow momentum and additions to a prior position seeking to take advantage of an improved price reveal the low information content of these trades. The complete price reversion for uninformed trades suggests that prices cannot be manipulated as assumed in no-quasi-arbitrage arguments for the linearity of permanent impact. There is no permanent impact, only information that causes trades.
This seventh edition of an investment classic has been thoroughly revised and expanded following the latest crises to hit international markets. Renowned economist Robert Z. Aliber introduces the concept that global financial crises in recent years are not independent events, but symptomatic of an inherent instability in the international system. © Charles P. Kindleberger and Robert Z. Aliber 2005, 2011, 2015 and Charles P. Kindleberger 1978, 1989, 1996, 2000 Foreword and Robert M. Solow 2015 Afterword and Robert Skidelsky 2015.
Tick data on the Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index (S&P 500) futures contract and newswire searches are used to match events to large 1- to 5-minute stock price changes. Sixty-nine events that led to large stock price changes are identified between 1982 and 1999, 53 of which are directly or indirectly related to monetary policy. Many large stock price changes have no events associated with them.
The scientific study of complex systems has transformed a wide range of disciplines in recent years, enabling researchers in both the natural and social sciences to model and predict phenomena as diverse as earthquakes, global warming, demographic patterns, financial crises, and the failure of materials. In this book, Didier Sornette boldly applies his varied experience in these areas to propose a simple, powerful, and general theory of how, why, and when stock markets crash.Most attempts to explain market failures seek to pinpoint triggering mechanisms that occur hours, days, or weeks before the collapse. Sornette proposes a radically different view: the underlying cause can be sought months and even years before the abrupt, catastrophic event in the build-up of cooperative speculation, which often translates into an accelerating rise of the market price, otherwise known as a "bubble." Anchoring his sophisticated, step-by-step analysis in leading-edge physical and statistical modeling techniques, he unearths remarkable insights and some predictions--among them, that the "end of the growth era" will occur around 2050.Sornette probes major historical precedents, from the decades-long "tulip mania" in the Netherlands that wilted suddenly in 1637 to the South Sea Bubble that ended with the first huge market crash in England in 1720, to the Great Crash of October 1929 and Black Monday in 1987, to cite just a few. He concludes that most explanations other than cooperative self-organization fail to account for the subtle bubbles by which the markets lay the groundwork for catastrophe.Any investor or investment professional who seeks a genuine understanding of looming financial disasters should read this book. Physicists, geologists, biologists, economists, and others will welcomeWhy Stock Markets Crashas a highly original "scientific tale," as Sornette aptly puts it, of the exciting and sometimes fearsome--but no longer quite so unfathomable--world of stock markets.
Bitcoin is an online communication protocol that facilitates the use of a virtual currency, including electronic payments. Bitcoin's rules were designed by engineers with no apparent influence from lawyers or regulators. Bitcoin is built on a transaction log that is distributed across a network of participating computers. It includes mechanisms to reward honest participation, to bootstrap acceptance by early adopters, and to guard against concentrations of power. Bitcoin's design allows for irreversible transactions, a prescribed path of money creation over time, and a public transaction history. Anyone can create a Bitcoin account, without charge and without any centralized vetting procedure—or even a requirement to provide a real name. Collectively, these rules yield a system that is understood to be more flexible, more private, and less amenable to regulatory oversight than other forms of payment—though as we discuss, all these benefits face important limits. Bitcoin is of interest to economists as a virtual currency with potential to disrupt existing payment systems and perhaps even monetary systems. This article presents the platform's design principles and properties for a nontechnical audience; reviews its past, present, and future uses; and points out risks and regulatory issues as Bitcoin interacts with the conventional financial system and the real economy.
In 1989, Culter, Poterba, and Summers [1989] published a paper examining the extent to which ex post movements in aggregate stock prices could be attributed to the arrival of news. The research was motivated by Richard Roll's [1988] presidential address to the American Finance Association, in which he concluded that only about a third of the variation in market indices could be attributed to economic influences.