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Comparison of peak wall stress and peak wall rupture index in ruptured and asymptomatic intact abdominal aortic aneurysms



Background: Previous studies have suggested that finite element analysis (FEA) can estimate the rupture risk of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA); however, the value of biomechanical estimates over measurement of AAA diameter alone remains unclear. This study aimed to compare peak wall stress (PWS) and peak wall rupture index (PWRI) in participants with ruptured and asymptomatic intact AAAs. Methods: The reproducibility of semiautomated methods for estimating aortic PWS and PWRI from CT images was assessed. PWS and PWRI were estimated in people with ruptured AAAs and those with asymptomatic intact AAAs matched by orthogonal diameter on a 1 : 2 basis. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to assess the association between PWS or PWRI and AAA diameter. Independent associations between PWS or PWRI and AAA rupture were identified by means of logistic regression analyses. Results: Twenty individuals were included in the analysis of reproducibility. The main analysis included 50 patients with an intact AAA and 25 with a ruptured AAA. Median orthogonal diameter was similar in ruptured and intact AAAs (82·3 (i.q.r. 73·5-92·0) versus 81·0 (73·2-92·4) mm respectively; P = 0·906). Median PWS values were 286·8 (220·2-329·6) and 245·8 (215·2-302·3) kPa respectively (P = 0·192). There was no significant difference in PWRI between the two groups (P = 0·982). PWS and PWRI correlated positively with orthogonal diameter (both P < 0·001). Participants with high PWS, but not PWRI, were more likely to have a ruptured AAA after adjusting for potential confounders (odds ratio 5·84, 95 per cent c.i. 1·22 to 27·95; P = 0·027). This association was not maintained in all sensitivity analyses. Conclusion: High aortic PWS had an inconsistent association with greater odds of aneurysm rupture in patients with a large AAA.
Comparison of peak wall stress and peak wall rupture
index in ruptured and asymptomatic intact abdominal
aortic aneurysms
T. P. Singh
, J. V. Moxon
, V. Iyer
, T. C. Gasser
, J. Jenkins
and J. Golledge
Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease, College of Medicine and Dentistry, Townsville, Australia
Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Townsville University Hospital, Townsville, Australia
Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Brisbane Queensland Australia
KTH Solid Mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
*Correspondence to: Professor J. Golledge, Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease, College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University,
Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia (e-mail:
Background: Previous studies have suggested that finite element analysis (FEA) can estimate the rupture risk of an abdominal aortic
aneurysm (AAA); however, the value of biomechanical estimates over measurement of AAA diameter alone remains unclear. This
study aimed to compare peak wall stress (PWS) and peak wall rupture index (PWRI) in participants with ruptured and asymptomatic
intact AAAs.
Methods: The reproducibility of semiautomated methods for estimating aortic PWS and PWRI from CT images was assessed. PWS
and PWRI were estimated in people with ruptured AAAs and those with asymptomatic intact AAAs matched by orthogonal diameter
on a 1 : 2 basis. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to assess the association between PWS or PWRI and AAA diameter.
Independent associations between PWS or PWRI and AAA rupture were identified by means of logistic regression analyses.
Results: Twenty individuals were included in the analysis of reproducibility. The main analysis included 50 patients with an intact
AAA and 25 with a ruptured AAA. Median orthogonal diameter was similar in ruptured and intact AAAs (823 (i.q.r. 735–920) versus
810 (732–924) mm respectively; P¼0906). Median PWS values were 2868(2202–3296) and 2458 (2152–3023) kPa respectively
(P¼0192). There was no significant difference in PWRI between the two groups (P¼0982). PWS and PWRI correlated positively with
orthogonal diameter (both P<0001). Participants with high PWS, but not PWRI, were more likely to have a ruptured AAA after adjust-
ing for potential confounders (odds ratio 584, 95 per cent c.i. 122 to 2795; P¼0027). This association was not maintained in all sensi-
tivity analyses.
Conclusion: High aortic PWS had an inconsistent association with greater odds of aneurysm rupture in patients with a large AAA.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is estimated to be responsible
for about 200 000 deaths per year worldwide
. AAA rupture is
thought to occur when the haemodynamic forces on the aortic
wall exceed the aortic wall strength
. Maximum AAA diameter
is the main measure used to predict the risk of AAA rupture and
inform patient management. Small asymptomatic AAAs (less
than 55 mm diameter in men and less than 50 mm in women) are
generally managed conservatively based on evidence from previ-
ous RCTs
. Some small AAAs rupture
and some large AAAs re-
main stable during a patient’s lifetime
, suggesting that aortic
diameter is not a perfect measure to estimate AAA rupture risk
and requirement for surgery. Given the risks and expense associ-
ated with AAA repair, more effective approaches are needed to
select patients for surgery to avoid unnecessary interventions
Biomechanical imaging analyses can be performed non-inva-
sively by applying methods such as finite element analysis (FEA)
to CT images to estimate AAA rupture risk
. Recently devel-
oped interfaces are user-friendly, time-efficient and semiauto-
matic, enabling clinicians with non-engineering backgrounds to
use this technology
. Peak wall stress (PWS) is an estimation
of the maximum mechanical tensile stress that arises in the AAA
wall. A previous meta-analysis
reported that PWS is greater in
symptomatic or ruptured AAAs compared with intact AAAs, al-
though the results were confounded by differences in maximum
diameter between groups. Subsequent studies have also had a
mismatch in aortic diameter between ruptured and intact
, and other design weaknesses, such as a small sample
and limited validation of the methods used to estimate
. It therefore remains unclear whether high PWS is
Received: May 2, 2020. Revised: July 1, 2020. Accepted: July 22, 2020
CThe Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of BJS Society Ltd. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please email:
2BJS, 2021, 108, 652–658
DOI: 10.1002/bjs.11995
Advance Access Publication Date: 30 September 2020
Original Article
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associated with AAA rupture independent of aortic diameter.
Furthermore, recent studies have reported that peak wall rupture
index (PWRI)
, which represents the ratio between maximum
wall stress and wall strength, may be superior to PWS in estimat-
ing AAA rupture risk
. To address some of the limitations of
these previous investigations, the present study aimed to com-
pare PWS and PWRI in ruptured and asymptomatic intact AAAs
from participants with matched aortic diameter.
This was a retrospective case–control study in which cases with
ruptured AAAs were matched 1 : 2 with controls with asymptom-
atic intact AAAs. Maximum anterior–posterior AAA diameter was
matched between cases and controls to within 2 mm. Ethics and
governance approvals were obtained from the Human Research
Ethics Committees of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
(RBWH) and the Townsville Hospital and Health Services (HREC/
11/QRBW/198; SSA/11/QTHS/159).
Participants were selected retrospectively from databases main-
tained at RBWH and Townsville University Hospital
. AAA was
defined by a maximum orthogonal diameter of at least 30 mm.
AAA rupture was defined by the presence of blood within the ret-
roperitoneum or peritoneum identified by CT by a consultant
vascular specialist
. Participants with an asymptomatic intact
AAA were individuals who had an incidental finding of an AAA
and were referred to a vascular specialist for management. For
inclusion in the study, a CT angiogram suitable for FEA was re-
quired. Patients with a juxtarenal or thoracoabdominal aneu-
rysm or massive contrast extravasation (in the event of rupture)
were excluded
. Participants either had to have a ruptured AAA
or an asymptomatic intact AAA at the time CT was performed.
Patients with a symptomatic intact AAA or who had undergone
previous AAA repair were excluded.
Cardiovascular risk factors
Data on cardiovascular risk factors were obtained from existing
databases and patient records
. Clinical characteristics col-
lected included: age, sex, hypertension, diabetes, ischaemic heart
disease (IHD), stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), smoking and current medications. Smoking classification
was based on smoking history, defined as ever or never smoked.
Medications registered included aspirin, other antiplatelet
agents, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, angiotensin II
receptor blocker (ARB), statin and metformin. Hypertension, dia-
betes, IHD, stroke and COPD were defined by a history of diagno-
sis or treatment for these conditions
CT acquisition
A 64-slice multiscanner (Philips, North Ryde, New South Wales,
Australia) was used to obtain contrast-enhanced CT images at 3-
mm intervals under a set acquisition protocol, as described previ-
. UltravistV
R300 contrast (100 ml; Bayer, Wayne, New
Jersey, USA) was administered intravenously using a previously
validated automatic injection driver system (MEDRAD,
Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA)
. The CT imaging was trig-
gered when the Hounsfield unit at the centre of the aorta reached
130 after the injection of contrast
Assessment of aneurysm morphology
A Philips MxView Visualisation Workstation was used to estimate
maximum aortic diameter by following a previously validated
. A region of interest (ROI) was selected, which was
restricted to the slice inferior to the origin of the lowest renal ar-
tery (excluding accessory arteries) to the slice superior the aortic
bifurcation. This ROI was viewed to identify areas of maximal di-
ameter, and multiple measurements were taken using electronic
callipers. Anterior–posterior outer-to-outer orthogonal diameters
were estimated by tracing the lumen of the infrarenal aorta and
measuring perpendicular to this axis. The measurement was
recorded to the nearest 01mm
. The reproducibility of this
method has been reported to be high (coefficient of variation less
than 4 per cent)
Biomechanical analyses
FEA was performed using a semiautomated technique with a
commercially available program (A4 Research 5.0; VASCOPS,
Graz, Austria)
. First, the CT image was acquired using the
hospital Picture Archiving and Communicating System, and the
AAA region was selected for analysis. Next, a ROI from the
infrarenal aorta to the iliac bifurcation was selected and a three-
dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the AAA created (Fig.1).
Manual modifications of the vessel wall and lumen were per-
formed where necessary using the closed polygon tool. This was
commonly required in ruptured AAA cases. The 3D model was
then processed into a hexahedral mesh to prevent volume lock-
ing of incompressible solids. FEA meshes were required to com-
prise more than 7000 finite elements to ensure accuracy of the
FEA calculations. Low-quality meshes were optimized by mesh
refinement. The model was adjusted for patient-specific and geo-
metric factors
. Specifically, the mechanical properties of
intraluminal thrombus (ILT) and the AAA wall were described by
isotropic material models
. AAA wall elasticity was modelled
with an Yeoh-type strain energy function
, whereas the ILT was
modelled with an Ogden-type strain energy function which
accounts for the proportional decrease in ILT stiffness from the
luminal to abluminal layer
, as reported in previous in vitro test-
. AAA wall strength distribution was estimated using a sta-
tistical model incorporating ILT thickness, AAA diameter, sex
and family history of AAA
. Wall strength values related to these
variables were estimated from tensile testing of human AAA wall
specimens, as described previously
. The AAA FEA model was
pressurized by inputting BP, which in turn estimated the me-
chanical stress on the aortic wall
. The present study used a
standardized BP of 140/80 mmHg for the main analysis, and sen-
sitivity analyses were performed using a lower (120/70 mmHg)
and higher (160/90 mmHg) BP. The geometric properties calcu-
lated included total vessel volume and total ILT volume. The bio-
mechanical measures estimated were PWS and PWRI
estimated maximum tensile stress applied to the aortic wall
based on AAA morphology and BP. PWRI represented the maxi-
mum ratio between wall stress and the estimated local wall
Assessment of intraobserver reproducibility
The intraobserver reproducibility of estimates of PWS was evalu-
ated by assessment of a group of randomly selected CT images
from an equal number of asymptomatic intact and ruptured
AAAs. The images were examined on two separate occasions by
the same observer 48 h apart. The concordance correlation coeffi-
cient and coefficient of variation were calculated. Bland and
Singh et al.| 653
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Altman’s method
was used to estimate mean difference and 95
per cent confidence intervals.
Statistical analysis
The sample size calculation was based on the findings of a previ-
ous study
that compared PWS in participants with symptom-
atic or ruptured and asymptomatic intact AAAs at standardized
BP. In that study, patients were not matched for diameter but dif-
ferences in aortic diameter were not significant. The estimated
mean(s.d.) PWS was 111(051) and 067(030) MPa in symptomatic
or ruptured and asymptomatic AAAs respectively. To demon-
strate a similar difference in PWS at a power of 90 per cent (a
005), it was estimated that at least 15 ruptured AAA cases and 31
intact AAA controls were required. Sample size calculations were
performed using G*Power (version
. To allow for images
in which there were technical difficulties in estimating PWS, 25
participants with a ruptured and 50 with an intact AAA were in-
Data were not normally distributed when assessed using Q-Q
plots and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Pearson’s v
and Mann–
Whitney Utests were used to compare variables between the two
groups. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to assess the
association between PWS or PWRI and AAA diameter. To evalu-
ate the relationship between low and high PWS or PWRI and rup-
ture, patients were stratified into groups with low (275 kPa or
less) and high (more than 275 kPa) PWS, and low (0910 and un-
der) and high (over 0910) PWRI. Patients were stratified into
these groups based on the approximate median PWS and PWRI of
the cohort using methods described previously
. A further analy-
sis was undertaken using PWS or PWRI as a continuous variable,
with results expressed per increase in PWS or PWRI of approxi-
mately the standard deviation in the population. Multivariable
logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the inde-
pendent associations between PWS or PWRI and ruptured AAA,
adjusting for potential confounders
or variables that were
found to differ significantly between asymptomatic intact and
ruptured AAAs. The variables adjusted for were: age, sex, smok-
ing, orthogonal diameter, IHD, hypertension, diabetes and ARB
prescription. Statistical significance was assumed at P<0050. All
analyses were done using StataV
Rversion 16.1 (StataCorp, College
Station, Texas, USA).
Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the robustness
of the results. To account for potential underestimation or over-
estimation of PWS and PWRI owing to the use of a single BP value
(140/80 mmHg), PWS and PWRI were also estim ated using low
and high BPs (120/70 and 160/90 mmHg respectively). Another
analysis examined the differences in PWS and PWRI between
ruptured and intact AAAs in men only to account for the over-
representation of women among the participants with a ruptured
AAA in the cohort.
Twenty-five patients with a ruptured AAA and 50 with an asymp-
tomatic intact AAA were included. Patients with a ruptured AAA
were more likely to be women (28 versus 6 per cent; P¼0008) and
more likely to be prescribed an ARB (Table 1).
Intraobserver reproducibility
The analysis included ten patients with a ruptured AAA and ten
with an intact aneurysm. The coefficients of variation for repro-
ducibility of PWS for asymptomatic and ruptured AAAs were 27
and 43 per cent respectively. Bland–Altman plots suggested that
differences in PWS estimates between readings were similar
across the range of PWS (Table S1,Figs S1 and S2,supporting infor-
Peak wall stress and peak wall rupture index
Maximum orthogonal aortic diameter was similar in both groups
(Table 2). PWS was greater in ruptured AAAs than asymptomatic
intact AAAs, although the difference was not statistically signifi-
cant: median 2868 (i.q.r. 2202–3296) versus 2458(2152–
Fig. 1 Three-dimensional segmentation of an abdominal aortic aneurysm using finite element analysis
aAxial and bsagittal views of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). cThree-dimensional (3D) segmentation produced using finite element analysis on the CT image of
an AAA. The red arrow indicates an area of high peak wall stress. The blue and green areas represent intraluminal thrombus and the exterior wall of the AAA
654 | BJS, 2021, Vol. 108, No. 6
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3023) kPa respectively (P¼0192). There was no significant differ-
ence in PWRI between groups (Table 2). PWS (r¼058, P<0001)
and PWRI (r¼056, P<0001) correlated positively with aortic di-
ameter (Fig.2).
Adjusted analysis
Patients were grouped into those with low (275 or less kPa) and
high (over 275 kPa) PWS. Univariable logistic regression suggested
that high PWS was not significantly associated with ruptured
AAA (odds ratio (OR) 191, 95 per cent c.i. 072 to 504; P¼0192).
After adjusting for potential confounders, participants with a
high PWS were five times more likely to have a ruptured AAA
than those with a low PWS (OR 584, 122 to 2795; P¼0027)
(Table 3). High PWRI was not significantly associated with AAA
rupture in the logistic regression analyses. Secondary analyses
using PWS or PWRI as continuous variables suggested no
significant association with AAA rupture in either univariable or
multivariable analyses (Table 3).
Sensitivity analyses
PWS and PWRI was similar in the asymptomatic intact and rup-
tured AAA groups when computed at low and high BP (Table S2,
supporting information). After adjusting for potential confound-
ers, participants with a high PWS were more likely to have a rup-
tured AAA than those with a low PWS at both low (OR 467, 95 per
cent c.i. 105 to 2062; P¼0042) and high (OR 499, 111 to 2247;
P¼0036) BPs (Table S3,supporting information). The results of a
sensitivity analysis involving 65 men only were similar to those
of the main analysis (Table S4 and S5,supporting information).
The main analysis in this study found that patients with high
PWS were approximately five times more likely to have a rup-
tured AAA than those with lower PWS after adjusting for impor-
tant confounding factors. The result was robust when PWS was
computed at high and low BPs; however, there was no significant
association between PWS and AAA rupture when continuous val-
ues were used in the logistic regression analysis. No consistent
relationship between PWRI and AAA rupture was found.
The present investigation has a number of design strengths
compared with previously published studies
Differences in diameter between ruptured and asymptomatic in-
tact AAAs were not accounted for in many previous stud-
. In the present study, ruptured and asymptomatic
intact AAAs were matched for diameter. A number of other steps
were taken to reduce bias, such as the use of a standardized BP,
and reproducible methods to estimate orthogonal AAA diameter
and biomechanical measurements
. Furthermore, the number
of patients included in the study was based on an a priori sample
size estimate. These factors support the reliability of the findings.
AAA diameter is an imperfect measure to identify which
patients should undergo surgery
. AAA repair carries a sub-
stantial risk of perioperative complications and some patients
will require reinterventions
. The findings of this study demon-
strate a potential benefit of using PWS as a surrogate marker of
AAA rupture risk to help identify which patients should be con-
sidered for surgery. There are, however, many limitations of this
technology which need to be addressed before it could be inte-
grated into clinical practice. First, there is no standardized ap-
proach to conducting FEA and many methods have been reported
although few have been validated
. Wall strength may be more
important than wall stress in the pathogenesis of AAA rupture,
but there is currently no accurate method of measuring this non-
. MRI and [
F]fluorodeoxyglucose PET may provide
useful information regarding the biology of the AAA wall
however, it is unlikely that there will be a wide uptake of such im-
aging modalities in clinical practice. The FEA method employed
in the present study used patient-specific factors to estimate wall
. The median values of PWS or PWRI were used to
categorize participants into those with low and high PWS or
PWRI. Further validation of the FEA method in larger populations
is required to help define clinically useful cut-off values for PWS.
Finally, the diameters of asymptomatic intact and ruptured
AAAs included in this study were large, and the results may not
Table 1 Characteristics of patients with asymptomatic intact
and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms in diameter-
matched group of patients
Age (years)* 74 (66–77) 74 (67–78) 0380
Sex ratio (M : F) 47 : 3 18 : 7 0008
47 (94) 21 of 24 (88) 0338
Diabetes 9 (18) 3 of 24 (13) 0548
Ischaemic heart disease 26 (52) 9 of 24 (38) 0242
Hypertension 33 (66) 18 of 24 (75) 0434
Stroke 5 (10) 0 (0) 0109
COPD 12 (24) 3 of 23 (13) 0265
Aspirin 27 (54) 13 (52) 0870
Other antiplatelet 12 (24) 3 (12) 0221
ACE inhibitor 21 (42) 5 (20) 0059
ARB 4 (8) 10 (40) 0001
Statin 31 (62) 13 (52) 0407
Metformin 1 (2) 1 (4) 0612
Values in parentheses are percentages unless indicated otherwise;*values are
median (i.q.r.).
Current or ex-smokers. AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm;
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ACE, angiotensin-converting
enzyme; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker.
Pearson’s v
test, except
Mann–Whitney Utest.
Table 2 Estimated peak wall stress and peak wall rupture index
in asymptomatic intact and ruptured abdominal aortic
Maximum orthogonal
diameter (mm)
Total vessel
volume (cm
Intraluminal thrombus
volume (cm
PWS (kPa) 2458
PWRI 097
Values are median (i.q.r.). AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm; PWS, peak wall
stress; PWRI, peak wall rupture index.*Mann–Whitney Utest.
Singh et al.| 655
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be generalizable to smaller AAAs
. Estimating PWS and PWRI in
small AAAs could potentially help identify AAAs that are more
likely to rupture and may benefit from closer surveillance, al-
though this is yet to be investigated in a large observational
There are some limitations of this study. Although a signifi-
cant association between high PWS and AAA rupture was identi-
fied, confidence intervals were wide, which is reflective of the
small sample size. A larger number of patients was included,
however, than in previous investigations
. The design of
the present study required intact and ruptured AAAs to be
matched for diameter, which resulted in the exclusion of some
large AAAs for which diameter-matched asymptomatic intact
AAAs could not be found. Second, this study included patients
with CT performed after rupture and it is possible that the biome-
chanical forces before rupture were different
. Furthermore, the
participants with ruptured AAA needed to be suitable for the FEA
software used, which excluded patients with massive contrast
. A standardized BP was used in this study, and it
is possible that PWS and PWRI were underestimated or overesti-
mated in some patients. A sensitivity analysis in which PWS and
PWRI were computed at low and high BPs was undertaken to ad-
dress this limitation. Although the two groups were balanced in
terms of medical co-morbidities, confounding owing to an
unmeasured risk factor cannot be excluded. It was not possible
to match for sex because of difficulties in identifying the required
number of women with asymptomatic intact AAAs that matched
in diameter with ruptured AAAs among women. This limitation
was addressed by adjusting for sex in the multivariable logistic
regression analysis as well as performing a sensitivity analysis re-
stricted to men only. Finally, this study included participants
recruited from centres in Queensland, Australia, and the general-
izability of the results needs to be confirmed in independent
cohorts from other states and countries.
The Townsville Hospital and Health Services Study, Education
and Research Trust Fund, and Queensland Government sup-
ported this work. J.G. holds a Practitioner Fellowship from the
National Health and Medical Research Council (1117061) and a
Senior Clinical Research Fellowship from the Queensland
Government, Australia. J.V.M. holds an Advance Queensland
Mid-Career fellowship from the Queensland Government. T.P.S.
holds a Junior Doctor Research Fellowship from the Queensland
Government. V.I. holds a Junior Doctor Research Fellowship from
the Queensland Government.
Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Fig. 2 Correlation between peak wall stress or peak wall rupture index and orthogonal diameter
Correlation between apeak wall stress and bpeak wall rupture index and orthogonal diameter. The shaded area represents the 95 per cent confidence interval. a
r¼058, P<0001; br¼056, P<0001.
Table 3 Logistic regression analyses examining the association
between high peak wall stress and peak wall rupture index and
abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture
Odds ratio P
Unadjusted analysis
PWS* 123 (076, 200) 0394
PWS 275 kPa 100 (reference)
PWS >275 kPa 191 (072, 504) 0192
Adjusted analysis
PWS* 176 (087, 358) 0117
PWS 275 kPa 100 (reference)
PWS >275 kPa 584 (122, 2795) 0027
Unadjusted analysis
PWRI* 120 (075, 194) 0445
PWRI 0910 100 (reference)
PWRI >0910 092 (035, 241) 0870
Adjusted analysis
PWRI* 190 (083, 433) 0127
PWRI 0910 100 (reference)
PWRI >0910 089 (021, 370) 0869
Values in parentheses are 95 per cent confidence intervals.*Odds ratios
expressed per standard deviation increase in peak wall stress (PWS) and peak
wall rupture index (PWRI).
Adjusted for age, sex, smoking, orthogonal
diameter, ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and angiotensin II
receptor blocker prescription.
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Supporting information
Additional supporting information can be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
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... [8][9][10] These measurements have been proposed to predict the rupture risk of asymptomatic intact AAAs. [8][9][10] Peak wall stress and PWRI can be measured noninvasively from finite element analysis (FEA) of routinely conducted computed tomography (CT) scans using semiautomated methods that have excellent intra-and interobserver reproducibility 11,12 and can easily be performed by clinicians without engineering experience in a timely manner (Fig 1). 8,11 Peak wall stress and PWRI are dependent on systemic blood pressure, 8 with reductions in blood pressure expected to reduce PWS and possibly also rupture risk. ...
... 16 For inclusion in the current study participants had to have undergone at least two CT scans: one performed at entry and at least one performed at another time point during the trial study period (12 or 24 months) that met the following quality requirements for FEA: 1) contrast enhanced CT scan (CTA); 2) images at 3 mm intervals under a set protocol, as described previously; 17 and 3) inclusion of the region between the infrarenal aorta and the iliac bifurcation. 12 The quality of each CT scan was assessed by a medical doctor trained in FEA. If the suitability of a CT scan was uncertain, an FEA expert was consulted. ...
... 14,16 This programme was used to estimate maximum aortic diameter by following a validated protocol, as described previously. 12,14,16,18 A region of interest (ROI) was selected, which included the region marked by the slice inferior to the origin of the lowest renal artery (excluding accessory arteries) to the slice superior to the aortic bifurcation. Areas of maximum diameter were identified from this ROI, and multiple measurements were taken using electronic callipers. ...
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Aims This study was an unplanned exploratory analysis of a subset of participants from the Telmisartan in the Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (TEDY) trial, and aimed to assess the efficacy of the angiotensin 1 receptor blocker telmisartan in reducing abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) peak wall stress (PWS) and peak wall rupture index (PWRI) among individuals with small AAAs. Methods Participants with AAAs measuring 35 to 49mm in maximum diameter were randomised to receive telmisartan 40mg or identical placebo in the TEDY trial. Participants who had computed tomography angiography performed at entry and at least one other time point during the trial (12 or 24 months) were included in the current study. Orthogonal AAA diameter, PWS and PWRI were measured using previously validated methods. The annual change in PWS and PWRI from baseline was compared between participants’ allocated telmisartan and placebo using linear mixed effects models. These models were either unadjusted or adjusted for risk factors different in the groups at entry (p<0.100) or systolic blood pressure (SBP) at 1 year. Results One hundred and twenty four of the 207 participants recruited to TEDY were eligible for inclusion. The present study included 65 and 59 participants from the telmisartan and placebo group respectively. PWS and PWRI were not significantly different in the two groups at baseline. Participants allocated telmisartan had a slower annual increase in PWS (-4.19 (95% Confidence intervals, CI -8.24, -0.14 kPa/year, p=0.043) and PWRI (-0.014 (95% CI -0.026, -0.001, p=0.032) compared to those allocated placebo after adjusting for risk factors. After adjustment for SBP at 1 year, telmisartan did not significantly reduce annual increase in PWS or PWRI. Conclusions The findings of this study suggest that telmisartan limits the rate of increase in PWS and PWRI of small AAAs by reducing blood pressure.
... 20,21 Aortic peak wall stress (PWS) and peak wall rupture index (PWRI) were tertiary outcomes and were estimated from baseline CT scans using finite element analysis with commercially available software (A4 Research 5.0, VASCOPS GmbH, Graz, Austria) as described previously. 23,24 The intra-observer reproducibility of estimates of PWS were evaluated through assessment of a group of randomly selected CT scans from 10 patients with an asymptomatic intact AAA and 10 patients with a ruptured AAA as described previously. The coefficient of variations for reproducibility of PWS for asymptomatic and ruptured AAAs were 2.7% and 4.3% respectively. ...
... The coefficient of variations for reproducibility of PWS for asymptomatic and ruptured AAAs were 2.7% and 4.3% respectively. 24 To determine if participants had generalised arteriomegaly the maximum anteroposterior diameter of both external iliac arteries were also measured from CT scans obtained at entry. The intra-observer coefficient of variation for external iliac artery measurements was 3.5%, based on analysis of 18 randomly selected CT scans. ...
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Objective: The role of atherosclerosis in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) pathogenesis is controversial. The aim of this study was to compare AAA growth in patients who did and did not have concurrent athero-occlusive disease (AOD). Methods: Patients with an AAA measuring 35 - 49 mm in maximum diameter were recruited as part of the TElmisartan in the management of abdominal aortic aneurysm (TEDY) trial. TEDY participants who had infrarenal aortic volume and orthogonal diameter assessed by computed tomography at entry and at least one other time point during the trial (12 and/or 24 months) were included. AOD was defined by prior diagnoses of coronary heart disease, stroke, or peripheral arterial disease or an ankle brachial pressure index < 0.90. The increase in AAA volume and diameter from entry for participants who did and did not have AOD was assessed using linear mixed effects models; 131 of the 210 participants recruited to TEDY were included. Results: In an unadjusted analysis, the mean (95% confidence interval) annual increases in AAA volume and diameter for participants with AOD were 3.26 (0.82 - 5.70) cm3 and 0.70 (0.19 - 1.22) mm slower than those without AOD, p = .008 and .007 respectively. The association between AOD and significantly slower AAA growth was maintained after adjusting for risk factors and medications, significantly unequally distributed between participants with and without an AOD diagnosis. Conclusion: In an exploratory analysis of a selective cohort from the TEDY trial, AOD was associated with slower AAA growth. Validation of these findings in other cohorts is needed.
... In contrast, a false positive result, whilst leading to the unnecessary repair of an AAA, would present much less harm to the patient. F I G U R E 8 Experimental (histogram) and fitted probability density function of wall strength relating to the largest available data set in the literature 62 5.2 | Retrospective observational studies comparing electively operated AAAs to ruptured AAAs A large number of studies retrospectively compared intact and ruptured cases in diameter-matched 45,71,[100][101][102][103][104]106,107,110,112,116 and non-diameter-matched 61,100,101,103,105,107,108,[111][112][113] cohorts. The adjustment for diameter aims at correcting for the strong correlation of PWS and diameter 82,119 ; a larger AAA will have a higher PWS, given that the wall thickness remains unchanged. ...
... It is therefore desirable to perform the validation in non-diameter-adjusted (and as such larger) cohorts, and include a separate analysis of diameter-matched sub cohorts. 100,101,103,107,112 A power calculation may also be considered to a-priori estimate the cohort size and minimize type II error, 116 that is, the false rejection of the Null hypothesis and the prediction of a false negative case. ...
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Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) disease, the local enlargement of the infrarenal aorta, is a serious condition that causes many deaths, especially in men exceeding 65 years of age. Over the past quarter of a century, computational biomechanical models have been developed towards the assessment of AAA risk of rupture, technology that is now on the verge of being integrated within the clinical decision‐making process. The modeling of AAA requires a holistic understanding of the clinical problem, in order to set appropriate modeling assumptions and to draw sound conclusions from the simulation results. In this article we summarize and critically discuss the proposed modeling approaches and report the outcome of clinical validation studies for a number of biomechanics‐based rupture risk indices. Whilst most of the aspects concerning computational mechanics have already been settled, it is the exploration of the failure properties of the AAA wall and the acquisition of robust input data for simulations that has the greatest potential for the further improvement of this technology. Computational biomechanical models to predict abdominal aortic aneurysms risk of rupture are now on the verge of being integrated within the clinical decision‐making process. We review the proposed modeling approaches and report the outcome of clinical validation studies. Computational approaches are well developed, and it is the exploration of the vessel wall failure properties and the acquisition of robust input data for simulations that has the greatest potential for the further improvement of this technology.
... The average peak wall tension has been found to be nearly 45% higher in ruptured than in intact AAAs, even though the former were nearly 55% larger in diameter [31]. A recent study compared the peak wall stress (PWS) and peak wall rupture index (PWRI) in ruptured and intact AAAs; the sensitivity analysis found that patients with a high PWS were five times more likely to sustain a rupture at both low and high blood pressure levels [32]. However, PWS values have been based on small-scale studies and have not been adequately standardized with an accurate measurement methodology. ...
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There has been a debate about whether maximum diameter can be solely used to assess the natural history of abdominal aortic aneurysm. The aim of the present review is to collect all the available evidence on the role of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) volume in the natural history of AAAs, including small untreated AAAs and AAAs treated by EVAR. The current literature appears to reinforce the role of volume as a supplementary measure for evaluating the natural history of AAA, in both intact AAAs and after EVAR. The clinical impact of AAA volume measurements remains unclear. Several studies show that volumetric analysis can assess changes in AAAs and predict successful endoluminal exclusion after EVAR more accurately than diameter. However, most studies lack strict standardized measurement criteria and well-defined outcome definitions. It remains unclear whether volumetry could replace diameter assessment in defining the risk of rupture of AAAs and identifying clinically relevant sac growth.
... 83 Methods have been developed for reproducible estimation of the biomechanical risk of AAA rupture using aortic peak wall stress (PWS) and peak wall rupture index (PWRI) (Figure 3). 108 Previous meta-analyses have reported higher PWS and PWRI in ruptured than intact AAA. 110,111 Although the association between PWS/PWRI and aneurysm rupture is attenuated by adjustment for aneurysm diameter, it is possible these alternative surrogate measures may better reflect the risk of AAA rupture and be valuable outcomes in trials of drug therapies. ...
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Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) causes ∼170 000 deaths annually worldwide. Most guidelines recommend asymptomatic small AAAs (30 to <50 mm in women; 30 to <55 mm in men) are monitored by imaging and large asymptomatic, symptomatic, and ruptured AAAs are considered for surgical repair. Advances in AAA repair techniques have occurred, but a remaining priority is therapies to limit AAA growth and rupture. This review outlines research on AAA pathogenesis and therapies to limit AAA growth. Genome-wide association studies have identified novel drug targets, e.g. interleukin-6 blockade. Mendelian randomization analyses suggest that treatments to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol such as proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors and smoking reduction or cessation are also treatment targets. Thirteen placebo-controlled randomized trials have tested whether a range of antibiotics, blood pressure-lowering drugs, a mast cell stabilizer, an anti-platelet drug, or fenofibrate slow AAA growth. None of these trials have shown convincing evidence of drug efficacy and have been limited by small sample sizes, limited drug adherence, poor participant retention, and over-optimistic AAA growth reduction targets. Data from some large observational cohorts suggest that blood pressure reduction, particularly by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, could limit aneurysm rupture, but this has not been evaluated in randomized trials. Some observational studies suggest metformin may limit AAA growth, and this is currently being tested in randomized trials. In conclusion, no drug therapy has been shown to convincingly limit AAA growth in randomized controlled trials. Further large prospective studies on other targets are needed.
... In general, these indicators determine wall stress distribution and their peak value (PWS) occurring in the AAA and compare them to wall strength (PWRI and PRRI) [5][6][7]. Several studies report an advantage of PWS, PRWI, and PRRI over maximum diameter while some studies show opposing results regarding PWS [8][9][10]. Biomechanical models for risk assessment require computed tomography angiography (CTA) or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) as imaging modalities and subsequent finite element analysis (FEA) of the vessel wall, which has made their integration into clinical practice difficult to date [11]. ...
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The growing possibilities of non-invasive heart rate and blood pressure measurement with mobile devices allow vital data to be continuously collected and used to assess patients’ health status. When it comes to the risk assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), the continuous tracking of blood pressure and heart rate could enable a more patient-specific approach. The use of a load function and an energy function, with continuous blood pressure, heart rate, and aneurysm stiffness as input parameters, can quantify dynamic load on AAA. We hypothesise that these load functions correlate with aneurysm growth and outline a possible study procedure in which the hypothesis could be tested for validity. Subsequently, uncertainty quantification of input quantities and derived quantities is performed.
Background Information on the predictive determinants of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture from CT angiography are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate biomechanical parameters in abdominal aortic aneurysms and their association with risk of subsequent rupture. Methods In this retrospective study, the digital radiological archive was searched for 363 patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms. All patients who underwent at least one CT angiography examination before aneurysm rupture were included. CT angiography results were analysed to determine maximum aneurysm diameter, aneurysm volume, and biomechanical parameters (peak wall stress and peak wall rupture index). In the primary survival analysis, patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms less than 70 mm were considered. Sensitivity analyses including control patients and abdominal aortic aneurysms of all sizes were performed. Results A total of 67 patients who underwent 109 CT angiography examinations before aneurysm rupture were identified. The majority were men (47, 70%) and the median age at the time of CTA examination was 77 (71–83) years. The median maximum aneurysm diameter was 56 (interquartile range 46–65) mm and the median time to rupture was 2.13 (interquartile range 0.64–4.72) years. In univariable analysis, maximum aneurysm diameter, aneurysm volume, peak wall stress, and peak wall rupture index were all associated with risk of rupture. Women had an increased HR for rupture when adjusted for maximum aneurysm diameter or aneurysm volume (HR 2.16, 95% c.i. 1.23 to 3.78 (P = 0.007) and HR 1.92, 95% c.i. 1.06 to 3.50 (P = 0.033) respectively). In multivariable analysis, the peak wall rupture index was associated with risk of rupture. The HR for peak wall rupture index was 1.05 (95% c.i. 1.03 to 1.08) per % (P < 0.001) when adjusted for maximum aneurysm diameter and 1.05 (95% c.i. 1.02 to 1.08) per % (P < 0.001) when adjusted for aneurysm volume. Conclusion Biomechanical factors appear to be important in the prediction of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture. Women are at increased risk of rupture when adjustments are made for maximum aneurysm diameter alone.
Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is considered the treatment of choice for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Despite improvements in techniques and continuous developments in the utilized endografts, EVAR continues to be amenable to early and late complications, like migration and loss of central sealing, stenosis, and thrombosis of the iliac limbs, leading to considerable rates of reinterventions. Modern research provides useful and irreplaceable tools to study and compare the hemodynamic characteristics of endografts, predict their clinical performance, and help to avoid adverse effects. Computational studies focus on hemodynamic indices such as relative residence time (RRT), oscillatory shear index (OSI), or time-averaged wall shear stress (TAWSS), the magnitude and distribution of which are related to thrombosis induction apart from the displacement forces (DF) that act on different segments of the endografts and predispose to migration or dislodgment of their modular segments. Certain geometrical factors, such as neck angulation, iliac bifurcation, endograft curvature, neck-to-iliac diameter and length ratios, structural characteristics of the mainbody, and the iliac limbs can affect or dictate the hemodynamic behavior of endografts postinterventionally. The unique anatomy of a certain aneurysm defines a hemodynamic environment where the implantation of endografts of different geometric characteristics evokes different hemodynamic and clinical performance. There is no ideal endograft design; rather, every AAA has a unique anatomy served better by some designs than others and vice versa. The information provided could help both clinicians and manufacturers toward better operational planning and further development of endograft designs especially in the current era of innovative custom-made patterns. It is crucial to underline the collaboration of clinicians and technicians to interpret the findings of the relevant studies.
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Background: This observational study assessed trends in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) death rates in European Union (EU) 15+ countries for the years 1990 to 2017. Methods: Age-standardized death rates (ASDRs) were extracted from the Global Burden of Disease Study Global Health Data Exchange. Trends were analysed using joinpoint regression analysis. Results: Between 1990 and 2017, ASDRs from AAA decreased in all 19 EU15+ countries for women, and in 18 of 19 countries for men. Increasing AAA mortality was observed only for men in Greece (+5·3 per cent). The largest relative decreases in ASDR between 1990 and 2017 were observed in Australia (men -65·6 per cent, women -50·4 per cent) and Canada (men -60·8 per cent, women -48·6 per cent). Over the 28-year interval, the smallest decreases in ASDR for women were noted in Greece (-2·3 per cent) and in Italy (-2·5 per cent). In 2017, the highest mortality rates were observed in the UK for both men and women (7·5 per 100 000 and 3·7 per 100 000 respectively). The lowest ASDR was observed in Portugal for men (2·8 per 100 000) and in Spain for women (1·0 per 100 000). ASDRs for AAA in 2017 were higher for men than women in all 19 EU15+ countries. The most recent trends demonstrated increasing AAA ASDRs in 14 of 19 countries for both sexes; the increases were relatively small compared with the improvements in the preceding years. Conclusion: This observational study identified decreasing mortality from AAA across EU15+ countries since 1990. The most recent trends demonstrated relatively small increases in AAA mortality across the majority of EU15+ countries since 2012.
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Objective In a population-based cohort of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (rAAAs), our aim was to investigate clinical, morphological and biomechanical features in patients with small rAAAs. Methods All patients admitted to an emergency department in Stockholm and Gotland, a region with a population of 2.1 million, between 2009–2013 with a CT-verified rupture (n = 192) were included, and morphological measurements were performed. Patients with small rAAAs, maximal diameter (Dmax) ≤ 60 mm were selected (n = 27), and matched 2:1 by Dmax, sex and age to intact AAA (iAAAs). For these patients, morphology including volume and finite element analysis-derived biomechanics were assessed. Results The mean Dmax for all rAAAs was 80.8 mm (SD = 18.9 mm), women had smaller Dmax at rupture (73.4 ± 18.4 mm vs 83.1 ± 18.5 mm, p = 0.003), and smaller neck and iliac diameters compared to men. Aortic size index (ASI) was similar between men and women (4.1 ± 3.1 cm/m² vs 3.8 ± 1.0 cm/m²). Fourteen percent of all patients ruptured at Dmax ≤ 60 mm, and a higher proportion of women compared to men ruptured at Dmax ≤ 60 mm: 27% (12/45) vs. 10% (15/147), p = 0.005. Also, a higher proportion of patients with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ruptured at Dmax ≤ 60 mm (34.6% vs 14.6%, p = 0.026). Supra-renal aortic size index (14.0, IQR 13.3–15.3 vs 12.8, IQR = 11.4–14.0) and peak wall rupture index (PWRI, 0.35 ± 0.08 vs 0.43 ± 0.11, p = 0.016) were higher for small rAAAs compared to matched iAAAs. Aortic size index, peak wall stress and aneurysm volume did not differ. Conclusion More than one tenth of ruptures occur at smaller diameters, women continuously suffer an even higher risk of presenting with smaller diameters, and this must be considered in surveillance programs. The increased supra-renal aortic size index and PWRI are potential markers for rupture risk, and patients under surveillance with these markers may benefit from increased attention, and potentially from timely repair.
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Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) rupture is an important cause of death in adults. Currently, the only treatment for AAA is open or endovascular surgical repair. In most parts of the developed world, AAAs can be identified at an early stage as a result of incidental imaging and screening programmes. Randomized clinical trials have demonstrated that early elective surgical repair of these small AAAs is not beneficial, and an unmet clinical need exists to develop medical therapies for small AAAs that limit or prevent the progressive expansion and rupture of the aneurysm. A large amount of research is currently being performed to increase the understanding of AAA pathogenesis and ultimately lead to the development of medical therapies, such as drug-based and cell-based strategies for this disease. This Review summarizes the latest research findings and current theories on AAA pathogenesis, including discussion of the pros and cons of current rodent models of AAA, and highlights potential medical therapies for AAA, summarizing previous, ongoing and potential clinical trials of medical interventions for small AAAs. This expanding volume of research on AAA is expected to result in a range of novel medical therapies for AAA within the next decade.
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Objective Biomechanics for rupture risk prediction in abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are gaining popularity. However, their clinical applicability is still doubtful as there is lack of standardization. This study evaluates the added value of biomechanical indices in rupture risk assessment. Methods This study included 175 asymptomatic, 11 sAAA and 45 ruptured aneurysms. 3D-geometries were reconstructed using computer tomography angiographies. Subsequently, finite element models were made to calculate peak wall stress (PWS), peak wall rupture index (PWRI) and the rupture risk equivalent diameter (RRED). The indices were determined with a dedicated software to facilitate standardization. Results SAAAs showed a trend towards higher PWS, PWRI and RRED compared to asymptomatic AAAs, but PWS (22.0±5.8 vs. 33.4±15.8 N/cm²), PWRI (0.52±0.2 vs. 1.01±0.64), and RRED (65±60 vs. 98±51 mm) were significantly (p = 0.001) higher in ruptured. However, after diameter-matching no significant differences were seen. The ROC-curves for the maximum diameter and all biomechanical indices were similar but it slightly increased when diameter and biomechanical indices were combined. Conclusions This study showed no added value for biomechanical indices in AAA rupture risk assessment. Additionally, the difficulty of such an assessment increases. However, as symptomatic aneurysms show a trend towards higher biomechanical indices with similar diameters the indices may provide information about aneurysm growth and development.
Background: The aim of this study was to examine patterns of 10-year survival after elective repair of unruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) in different patient groups. Methods: Patients having open repair or endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in the English National Health Service between January 2006 and December 2015 were identified from Hospital Episode Statistics data. Postoperative survival among patients of different age and Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) modified Charlson co-morbidity score profiles were analysed using flexible parametric survival models. The relationship between patient characteristics and risk of rupture after repair was also analysed. Results: Some 37 138 patients underwent elective AAA repair, of which 15 523 were open and 21 615 were endovascular. The 10-year mortality rate was 38·1 per cent for patients aged under 70 years, and the survival trajectories for open repair and EVAR were similar when patients had no RCS-modified Charlson co-morbidity. Among older patients or those with co-morbidity, the 10-year mortality rate rose, exceeding 70 per cent for patients aged 80 years. Mean survival times over 10 years for open repair and EVAR were often similar in subgroups of older and more co-morbid patients, but their survival trajectories became increasingly dissimilar, with open repair showing greater short-term risk within 6 months but lower 10-year mortality rates. The risk of rupture over 9 years was 3·4 per cent for EVAR and 0·9 per cent for open repair, and was weakly associated with patient factors. Conclusion: Long-term survival patterns after elective open repair and EVAR for unruptured AAA vary markedly across patients with different age and co-morbidity profiles.
Purpose: To investigate how 2-dimensional geometric parameters differ between ruptured and asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) and provide a biomechanical explanation for the findings. Methods: The computed tomography angiography (CTA) scans of 30 patients (mean age 77±10 years; 23 men) with ruptured AAAs and 60 patients (mean age 76±8 years; 46 men) with asymptomatic AAAs were used to measure maximum sac diameter along the center lumen line, the cross-sectional lumen area, the total vessel area, the intraluminal thrombus (ILT) area, and corresponding volumes. The CTA data were segmented to create 3-dimensional patient-specific models for finite element analysis to compute peak wall stress (PWS) and the peak wall rupture index (PWRI). To reduce confounding from the maximum diameter, 2 diameter-matched groups were selected from the initial patient cohorts: 28 ruptured AAAs and another with 15 intact AAAs (diameters 74±12 vs 73±11, p=0.67). A multivariate model including the maximum diameter, the lumen area, and the ILT area of the 60 intact aneurysms was employed to predict biomechanical rupture risk parameters. Results: In the diameter-matched subgroup comparison, ruptured AAAs had a significantly larger cross-sectional lumen area (1954±1254 vs 1120±623 mm2, p=0.023) and lower ILT area ratio (55±24 vs 68±24, p=0.037). The ILT area (2836±1462 vs 2385±1364 mm2, p=0.282) and the total vessel area (3956±1170 vs 4338±1388 mm2, p=0.384) did not differ statistically between ruptured and intact aneurysms. The PWRI was increased in ruptured AAAs (0.80 vs 0.48, p<0.001), but the PWS was similar (249 vs 284 kPa, p=0.194). In multivariate regression analysis, lumen area was significantly positively associated with both PWS (p<0.001) and PWRI (p<0.01). The ILT area was also significantly positively associated with PWS (p<0.001) but only weakly with PWRI (p<0.01). The lumen area conferred a higher risk increase in both PWS and PWRI when compared with the ILT area. Conclusion: The lumen area is increased in ruptured AAAs compared to diameter-matched asymptomatic AAAs. Furthermore, this finding may in part be explained by a relationship with biomechanical rupture risk parameters, in which lumen area, irrespective of maximum diameter, increases PWS and PWRI. These observations thus suggest a possible method to improve prediction of rupture risk in AAAs by measuring the lumen area without the use of computational modeling.
Objective: This review describes ongoing efforts to develop a medical therapy to limit abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) growth. Methods: Data from animal model studies, human investigations, and clinical trials are described. Results: Studies in rodent models and human samples have suggested a number of potential targets for slowing or halting AAA growth. A number of clinical trials are now examining the value of medications targeting some of the pathways identified. These trials have a number of challenges, including identifying medications safe to use in older patients with multiple comorbidities, developing accurate outcome assessments, and minimizing the dropout of patients during the trials. Three recent trials have reported no benefit of the antibiotic doxycycline, a mast cell inhibitor, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, or a calcium channel blocker in limiting AAA growth. A number of other trials examining angiotensin receptor blockers, cyclosporine, and an antiplatelet agent are currently underway. Conclusions: Further refinement of drug discovery pathways and testing paradigms are likely needed to develop effective nonsurgical therapies for AAA.
Objectives: Biomechanical characteristics, such as wall stress, are important in the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) and can be visualised and quantified using imaging techniques. This systematic review aims to present an overview of all biomechanical imaging markers that have been studied in relation to AAA growth and rupture. Methods: This systematic review followed the PRISMA guidelines. A search in Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library identified 1503 potentially relevant articles. Studies were included if they assessed biomechanical imaging markers and their potential association with growth or rupture. Results: Twenty-seven articles comprising 1730 patients met the inclusion criteria. Eighteen studies performed wall stress analysis using finite element analysis (FEA), 13 of which used peak wall stress (PWS) to quantify wall stress. Ten of 13 case control FEA studies reported a significantly higher PWS for symptomatic or ruptured AAAs than for intact AAAs. However, in some studies there was confounding bias because of baseline differences in aneurysm diameter between groups. Clinical heterogeneity in methodology obstructed a meaningful meta-analysis of PWS. Three of five FEA studies reported a significant positive association between several wall stress markers, such as PWS and 99th percentile stress, and growth. One study reported a significant negative association and one other study reported no significant association. Studies assessing wall compliance, the augmentation index and wall stress analysis using Laplace's law, computational fluid dynamics and fluid structure interaction were also included in this systematic review. Conclusions: Although PWS is significantly higher in symptomatic or ruptured AAAs in most FEA studies, confounding bias, clinical heterogeneity, and lack of standardisation limit the interpretation and generalisability of the results. Also, there is conflicting evidence on whether increased wall stress is associated with growth.