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Non-destructive characterisation of out-of-plane fibre waviness in carbon fibre reinforced polymers by X-ray dark-field radiography

  • KTM Technologies GmbH


Fibre waviness is a frequently encountered problem in composite design and manufacturing as it can severely influence mechanical properties of components. In this work, we propose a new method for the detection and quantification of out-of-plane fibre waviness in carbon fibre composites using Talbot-Lau grating interferometry. The sensitivity of X-ray dark-field imaging to the orientation of carbon fibres is exploited to visualise fibre waviness by radiographic imaging and reduce measurement times in comparison to full computed tomography scans. We show that fibre waviness can be qualitatively detected by single radiographic images providing a valid option, for example, for in-line monitoring of similar specimens. Furthermore, quantitative evaluation of fibre waviness angles can be performed by repeated radiographic imaging over an angular range of roughly 10°. Therefore, the number of required projection images can be reduced significantly. With this method, we evaluated wave angles at an error of less than ±1.5° compared to results achieved by full computed tomography scans.
Non-destructive characterisation of out-of-plane fibre waviness in
carbon fibre reinforced polymers by X-ray dark-field radiography
Jonathan Glinz
*, Michael Thor
, Joachim Schulz
, Simon Zabler
Johann Kastner
, Sascha Senck
Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie, TU Wien, 1060 Wien,
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, 4600 Wels, Austria
Microworks GmbH, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany
Lehrstuhl für Röntgenmikroskopie, Universität Würzburg, 97074 Würzburg, Germany
*corresponding author:
Non-destructive characterization of out-of-plane fibre waviness in
carbon fibre reinforced polymers by X-ray dark-field radiography
Fibre waviness is a frequently encountered problem in composite design and
manufacturing as it can severely influence mechanical properties of components.
In this work we propose a new method for the detection and quantification of out-
of-plane fibre waviness in carbon fibre composites using Talbot-Lau grating
interferometry. The sensitivity of X-ray dark-field imaging to the orientation of
carbon fibres is exploited to visualize fibre waviness by radiographic imaging
and reduce measurement times in comparison to full computed tomography
scans. We show that fibre waviness can be qualitatively detected by single
radiographic images providing a valid option, e.g. for in-line monitoring of
similar specimens. Furthermore, quantitative evaluation of fibre waviness angles
can be performed by repeated radiographic imaging over an angular range of
roughly 10°. Therefore, the number of required projection images can be reduced
significantly. With this method, we evaluated wave angles at an error of less than
±1.5° compared to results achieved by full computed tomography scans.
Keywords: out-of-plane fibre waviness, Talbot-Lau grating interferometry, dark-
field radiography, radiographic testing
1 Introduction
Out-of-plane fibre waviness is one of the most frequently encountered defects in carbon
fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) parts which can originate from different stages of the
design and manufacturing process [1-3]. Most commonly, waviness develops at inner
radii [4] where fibre layers fail to follow the curvature because of path length
differences. Furthermore, foreign objects in the fibre layup such as electronic
components [5] as well as the inherent undulation in fibre fabrics cause deviations from
the intended fibre orientation. While wave amplitude and length are commonly used to
describe fibre waviness, the maximum angular deviation of carbon fibres θ
influences mechanical properties most significantly [1,2,6]. For example, Hörrmann et
al. [7] showed that out-of-plane fibre misalignment angle negatively influences the
static strength as well as fatigue life of resin transfer moulded CFRP specimens.
Consequently, the detection of fibre waviness in an early stage of production is crucial
to prevent extensive rejects or even failure during operation. The currently most
established technique for the inspection of CFRP components in industry is ultrasonic
testing (UT) since it is comparably cheap and available for on-site investigations.
Although, it is mostly only used for the localization and shape/type identification of
fibre waviness rather than a detailed quantification [2]. X-ray computed tomography
(XCT) on the other hand is an invaluable technique for the three-dimensional
characterization of the (micro-)structure in CFRP specimens [8,9]. However,
restrictions in specimen dimensions combined with typically low contrast between
carbon fibres and conventional matrix materials limit its applicability for the inspection
of fibre waviness in industrial applications.
In this work, we present a new method for the detection and quantification of
out-of-plane fibre waviness by X-ray dark-field contrast (DFC) radiography. The dark-
field modality can be extracted via Talbot-Lau grating interferometry (TLGI) which was
introduced by Pfeiffer et al. [10] in 2006 and enables the grating interferometry
technique for low brilliance laboratory X-ray devices. TLGI uses a phase stepping
approach which creates a sinusoidal intensity modulation on each detector pixel. The
amplitude of this sine wave decreases due to scattering caused by a specimen in the
beam path [11]. Thus, the DFC modality represents the small angle scattering of X-rays
caused by microstructures in a component. This is particularly useful for the
visualization of carbon fibres as they cause high scattering and consequently high
contrast of fibre bundles compared to standard attenuation contrast (AC) radiography
[12-14]. Furthermore, the signal amplitude in DFC is sensitive to the direction of
scattered X-rays and consequently can be utilized for the extraction of fibre orientation
information [15-17]. Carbon fibres aligned with beam direction cause a distinct peak in
the dark-field signal [18]. In this work, we exploit the angular sensitivity for the
detection and quantification of out-of-plane fibre waviness. The low requirements in
spatial resolution of the method allow for increased specimen dimensions at reduced
measurement time in comparison to XCT.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Specimen preparation
Two test specimens with dimensions of 16×9×7.5 mm³ were cut from a plate produced
from IM7-8552 (Hexcel Corporation, USA) pre-impregnated polymer composite [19] in
a sequence of 46 unidirectional layers alternating between 0° and 90° orientation. Each
specimen includes non-uniform out-of-plane fibre waves with an amplitude of 2 mm at
a length of 15 mm (S1) and 10 mm (S2) respectively. A reference (ref) specimen with
dimensions of 14×8×7.5 mm³ was cut out of a similar plate not including fibre
waviness. Photographs of the specimens are visible in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Photograph of specimen S1 (a), S2 (b), and reference specimen without
waviness (c).
2.2 Data acquisition
Image data was recorded on a SkyScan 1294 TLGI-XCT system (Bruker microCT,
Belgium), featuring two absorption and one phase grating. The gratings are fabricated at
periods of 4.8 µm and positioned in a symmetric setup as shown in Figure 2a. The first
absorption grating G0 is positioned close to the X-ray source and creates multiple line
sources which are mutually incoherent but individually have sufficient transverse spatial
coherence. If grating periods and inter-grating distances are chosen correctly, these line
sources interfere constructively at G2 and enable Talbot-Lau imaging using low
brilliance X-ray sources [10]. The actual image formation is achieved by the phase
grating G1 in combination with the absorption grating G2. The phase shifting G1 causes
an interference pattern which projects a self-image of G1 onto the detector. Typical
laboratory XCT setups lack the required spatial resolution to visualize this interference
pattern directly, which is why the analyser grating G2 is needed. By a stepwise lateral
movement of G2 over at least one period a sinusoidal intensity modulation can be
recorded by each detector element. This procedure is generally referred to as phase
stepping [20]. The visibility of the recorded sine function is defined by
, with
the signal amplitude A and mean intensity I
. By comparison to reference data without a
specimen in the beam path the attenuation contrast (AC) and dark-field contrast (DFC)
can be calculated as follows:
 
 
For image acquisition, the 60 kV micro-focus tube of the SkyScan 1294 was
operated at 35 kV tube voltage and 1300 µA current using a 0.25 mm aluminium
prefilter. Projection images were recorded using a 4000×2672 pixel CCD camera at an
exposure time of 650 ms in 4×4 binning mode, resulting in an isometric pixel size of
22.8 μm. For the extraction of DFC data, 4 phase steps were performed and images
were averaged over 7 frames for reduction of image noise.
For the assessment of fibre waviness by DFC radiography, the rotary table was
used to apply a tilt angle φ to the specimen around the y-axis from 0 to 180° at an
interval of 1°. The specimen positioned perpendicular to the grating orientation
corresponds to φ = 0° as shown in Figure 2a. The DFC signal will show a distinct peak
when fibres are aligned with beam direction. Consequently, only layers with fibres
oriented in x
-direction can be evaluated and fibre waviness will cause peaks in the DFC
signal apart from φ = 90° as exemplarily shown in Figure 2b. Full TLGI-XCT scans of
each specimen were performed for reference.
Figure 2. a) Specimen placement and tilt angle φ around the y-axis in TLGI-XCT. The
specimen is shown in φ = 0° orientation. b) Schematic visualizing the projected scatter
profile P(φ,x) at φ = φ
and the corresponding wave angle θ in the x
-plane of the
specimen coordinate system. Peaks in the scatter signal caused by fibre waviness are
visible in the projection profile.
2.3 Image processing and evaluation
For comparison to the radiographic method proposed in this work, fibre misalignment
angles in both specimens were assessed in VGStudioMax 3.4 (Volume Graphics,
Germany) via fibre composite analysis of the TLGI-XCT volume data. Since the DFC
in radiographic images is only sensitive to fibres oriented in x
-direction, exclusively
these layers of the volume data were evaluated. Prior to this evaluation, a non-local
means filter using a search window of 10 pixels, a local neighbourhood value of 5
pixels and a similarity value 2 was applied to the TLGI-XCT volume data in Avizo 3D
2021.1 (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA) in order to reduce noise while preserving
image contrast between fibre layers.
For the assessment of fibre waviness via DFC radiography, projection images
were median-filtered in y-direction with a kernel size of 15 pixels. Thereby noise is
reduced significantly while avoiding additional blur between layers as they are oriented
in the vertical direction (y-direction). Since the DFC signal is maximised when fibres
are aligned with beam direction, the corresponding wave angle θ can be determined by
  (2)
at tilt angle φ
where the peak occurs. However, the cone beam X-ray source of
standard laboratory devices affects the evaluation of fibre misalignment angle.
Consequently, Equation 2 has to be corrected for perspective error arising from the cone
beam geometry by
 " #$%&
+, -
! (3)
where α is the cone beam opening angle, ∆φ is the angular step between
projection images and -
is the sign sensitive pixel distance in x-direction of the
respective DFC peak to the optical axis. Perspective error can also be corrected by
applying the tilt added in Equation 3 to the projection image stack around the y-axis if
projections are oriented in the x-y-plane as shown in Figure 2a. A qualitative
assessment of fibre waviness can be performed by visual inspection of the projection
images since fibre waviness causes distinct peaks in the DFC signal apart from φ = 90°.
For a more detailed assessment of fibre wave angles, image data is evaluated in the
sinogram domain. Mean values and standard deviation
were calculated from 17
sinograms distributed equidistantly across the height of the specimens to minimize the
influence of local differences.
3 Results
3.1 DFC: X-ray computed tomography
The fibre composite analysis performed in VGStudioMax revealed wave angles of up to
26° in specimen S1 and 29° in specimen S2 as visible in Figure 3a. Carbon fibre layers
have been numbered from left to right to indicate layers with maximum wave angle. To
distinguish between the top and bottom slopes of the waves, histograms for the top and
bottom halves of the specimens were plotted separately as can be seen in Figure 3b. From
these histograms, maximum wave angles of top = 25.8° and bottom = 22.3° were found
in layer L25 of specimen 1 and of top = 29.0° and bottom = 27.9° in layers L17 and L15
of specimen 2 respectively. These results serve as a reference for the following
evaluations via DFC radiography. Note that XCT wave angles peak at ~1° because layers
are not perfectly parallel to the specimen contour which was used for the alignment of
specimens. For the reference specimen without fibre waviness (see Fig. 1c) no analysis
was performed.
Figure 3. a) DFC-XCT cross-section images of specimens S1 & S2. Results of the fibre
composite analysis are color-coded in the right images respectively. Layer numbers in
which maximum and minimum detectable wave angles occur are indicated with arrows.
b) Histograms of the fibre waviness results of specimens S1 & S2 with maximum wave
angles indicated. Values for top and bottom half of the specimens were plotted
separately to distinguish between top and bottom slope of the waviness.
3.2 DFC: radiography
Figure 4 shows the sinograms of the reference specimen without fibre waviness (a) and
specimen S1 (c) over a tilt angle range of 180°. In addition, exemplary projection
images at φ = 68° for the respective specimens are shown in Figure 4b) and 4d). As
shown in Figure 4c) and 4d), an increase in the scatter signal from
= 62° to 115° in S1
is clearly visible - in the sinogram as well as in the respective projection image. In
contrast, the increase in scatter in the reference specimen is notable in a narrower range
= 84° to 96° causing significantly different sinogram shape compared to the
waviness specimen. Consequently, the respective projection image at φ = 68° (Fig. 4b)
also shows no increase in the scatter signal in the form of vertical dark bands. For
comparison, the standard AC sinogram and projection images in Figure 4e) and 4f) are
dominated by differences in transmission length and no indications of fibre waviness
are evident.
Figure 4. a) DFC sinogram of reference specimen without fibre waviness. b) DFC
radiography projection image of reference specimen at θ = 68°. c) DFC sinogram of
waviness specimen S1. d) DFC radiography projection image of waviness specimen S1
at θ = 68°. e) AC sinogram of waviness specimen S1. f) AC radiography projection
image of waviness specimen S1 at θ = 68°. Horizontal green lines in the sinograms
indicate the projection angle of b), d), and f). Pixel values shown are as extracted before
normalization. Images have been corrected for perspective error as explained in chapter
Extracting line profiles from the respective projection images, we visualized the
influence of transmission length on DFC and AC data (see Figure 5). Although DFC
shows a reduced sensitivity to changes in transmission length compared to AC, a
correction for specimen thickness has to be considered for detailed evaluation of
waviness angles. Therefore, we calculated the normalized scatter
which is decoupled from the specimen thickness by setting the scatter in relation
to the absorption signal [21]. While peaks caused by fibre waviness are easily
perceivable in the DFC signal as well, the quantification of fibre misalignment angles
will be more precise after correction for transmission length.
Figure 5. Line profiles through specimen S1 at θ = 68°. Distinct peaks in DFC due to
fibre waviness and reduced sensitivity to transmission length compared to AC are
obvious (top and middle). The bottom line profile shows the normalized DFC (nDFC)
calculated to remove the influence of transmission length on the evaluations. Note that
nDFC is dominated by noise in regions where transmission length approaches zero.
Consequently, further evaluations were performed on nDFC data as shown in
the sinograms in Figure 6. The increased scatter signals in these sinograms are
detectable over a range of 54° in S1 and 66° in S2 but farthest from φ = 90° in fibre
layers L25 in specimen S1 (see Fig. 6a) and L15 and L17 in specimen S2 (see Fig. 6c).
This is a strong indicator that maximum wave angles will be found in these layers as
well. Consequently, only these layers were further evaluated. The nDFC signals evoked
at each angular step position within the respective layer and indicated region are plotted
in Figure 6b and d. Within these graphs the maximum nDFC signal indicates the tilt
angles corresponding to the maximum wave angle θ
. Standard deviation
the variance between the 17 evaluated sinograms along the height of the specimens.
Table 1 gives a comparison of θ
evaluated from 3D-XCT versus limited angle
sinogram data.
Figure 6. Zoomed sections of nDFC sinograms from S1 and S2 in a) and c) respectively.
Regions evaluated for θ
are indicated by red brackets. Layers with minimum
detectable wave angles are indicated with red arrows. In b) and d) maximum nDFC
signal per image line in the evaluated regions indicated in a) and c) are plotted over the
corresponding wave angle. Maximum wave angles are indicated by vertical red lines.
Table 1: Results of maximum wave angle θ
evaluated from sinogram data in
comparison to values evaluated from XCT volume data via VG fibre composite
analysis. Standard deviation indicates the variance between the 17 evaluated sinograms
along the height of the specimens.
Furthermore, for the estimation of the smallest detectable waviness angle, layers
with low wave angle were investigated as well. As the central ±6° region around φ =
90° in the sinogram of the reference specimen also evokes a strong scatter signal despite
the absence of waviness, this can be considered a limiting factor for the detection of low
wave angles. However, as we have seen from maximum wave angle investigations, the
scatter signal starts to increase at an angle of approximately 3° earlier than the actual
wave angle. Consequently, wave angles of 4° should theoretically still evoke a visible
scatter signal outside the central ±6° region. For example, evaluations of XCT volume
data revealed wave angles of roughly 4° in layer L41 - Top of specimen S1 and 5° in
layer L39 - Top of specimen S2. (see Fig. 3a) In the sinogram domain, these layers
show an increase in scatter signal at angles of up to 7° and 8° respectively and therefore
are discernible from the central ±6° region (see Fig. 6a & c). This means that despite the
waviness angle being smaller than 6°, detection is still possible to a minimum angle of
approximately 4°.
4 Discussion
For the realisation of the proposed method the approximate orientation of fibre
waviness needs to be known a priori for the correct application of specimen tilt
direction, which must be applied around the same axis as the wave angle. However,
expected waviness location and orientation often can be predicted from manufacturing
parameters and mould shape. Otherwise, repeated measurements around different tilt
axes or preliminary inspections to determine wave orientation are necessary.
Furthermore, since the change in scatter signal is based on the change in fibre
orientation caused by the waviness, the method will only work for fibres oriented
parallel to the wave.
Although the scatter signal increases with specimen thickness or transmission
length respectively, fibre waviness is still easily discernible from scatter caused by
specimen thickness in radiography projection images and sinograms. Consequently, the
calculation of nDFC is only necessary for more accurate quantitative determination of
the wave angle. For qualitative detection of waviness, the standard DFC signal proved
to be sufficient. The main advantage of the inspection of fibre waviness via DFC
radiography is the reduced measurement time compared to full computed tomography
scans and the additional information available in comparison to alternative non-
destructive testing methods such as ultrasonic testing. During this work, radiography
images over 180° tilt angle were recorded. However, the increase in scatter signal
caused by waviness was visible over a range of approximately ±30° around φ = 90°
orientation, offering a relatively large angular window in which fibre waviness can be
detected qualitatively. This means in most cases fibre waviness can be detected by only
a few projection images recorded around φ = 90° orientation, which are available for
live inspection in modern devices.
For the quantitative evaluation of an unknown maximum waviness angle a
possible measurement procedure could be to sample the specimen in 10° steps starting
at φ = 90±10°. If the first projection image shows an increased scatter signal,
subsequent projections in 10° steps are recorded until the increased scatter signal seizes.
Then the range between the last two projections is sampled in detail, e.g., by 1° steps.
By this procedure, a maximum of 18 projection angles per waviness slope need to be
recorded for quantitative waviness evaluation. For the specimens investigated in this
work a total of 24 projection angles for S1 and 26 projection angles for S2 would be
required following this procedure.
However, due to high noise in DFC data median filtering e.g., of several
projection images should be considered as well as adequate angular step size with
respect to required precision. Ultimately, higher angular deviations are easier to detect
with the proposed method, while smallest detectable wave angles will mostly depend on
specimen dimensions as projection images closer to φ = 90° might be prevented by
collision of the specimen with interferometer gratings. Furthermore, if specimen
dimensions allow the acquisition of projection images over 180° as shown in this work,
the layers in which the waviness occurs can be determined, giving some information
about the depth of the waviness within the composite laminate. The importance of the
position of waviness in the cross-section of a composite was previously shown by
Caiazzo et al. [22]. However, in completely unidirectional specimens, where individual
layers cannot be differentiated, this might not be possible right away.
5 Conclusions
We presented a new method for the detection and quantification of fibre waviness by
application of dark-field contrast imaging. Although there are some restrictions
regarding detectable fibre orientation and some a prior knowledge is required to
minimize measurement time, the method provides a valid option, e.g., for in-line
monitoring, where specimens of similar features and waviness are expected. With the
approach presented, we were able to determine the maximum occurring wave angle in a
unidirectional CFRP laminate with non-uniform out-of-plane fibre waviness at less than
±1.5° error in comparison to results achieved by computed tomography. While TLGI-
XCT is known to be a rather time-consuming technique, this approach allows for a
significant reduction of projection images, to around ten to twenty images depending on
required precision, compared to typically several hundred in XCT. Further outlooks of
this work will include the application of the proposed method to bigger and more
complex CFRP structures at different layer sequences such as completely unidirectional
or woven fabric specimens.
This work was financed by the project "Phad-CT" funded by the federal government of
Upper Austria [FFG grant number: 875432] and by the project “FatAM” in the course
of COIN “Aufbau” [FFG grant number: 884101].
Declaration of competing interests
The authors report there are no competing interests to declare.
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... During the last few decades, several methods for XPCI with regular laboratory X-ray sources have been developed, including propagation-based imaging (Pogany et al. 1997), grating interferometry , edge illumination (Olivo & Speller 2007) and speckle-based imaging (Zanette et al. 2014). The grating-based Talbot-Lau interferometer (TLI) has been one of the most studied methods, with many promising results in biomedical imaging (Birnbacher et al. 2021, Willer et al. 2021) and nondestructive testing (Revol et al. 2013, Glinz et al. 2022, Bachche et al. 2017, Ludwig et al. 2018. The grating interferometer has proven good (angular) sensitivity (Birnbacher et al. 2016) and offers 3D tomographic imaging with phase contrast, absorption contrast, and dark-field contrast, which is based on the (smallangle) scattering properties of the sample (Pfeiffer et al. 2008). ...
Full-text available
X-ray phase-contrast imaging has become a valuable tool for biomedical research due to its improved contrast abilities over regular attenuation-based imaging. The recently emerged Talbot-Lau interferometer can provide quantitative attenuation, phase-contrast and dark-field image data, even with low-brilliance x-ray tube sources. Thus, it has become a valid option for clinical environments. In this study, we analyze the effects of x-ray tube voltage and total number of images on the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and dose-weighted CNR (CNRD) calculated from tomographic transmission and phase-contrast data of a phantom sample. Constant counting statistics regardless of the voltage was ensured by adjusting the image exposure time for each voltage setting. The results indicate that the x-ray tube voltage has a clear effect on both image contrast and noise. This effect is amplified in the case of phase-contrast images, which is explained by the polychromatic x-ray spectrum and the dependence of interferometer visibility on the spectrum. CNRD is additionally affected by the total imaging time. While submerging the sample into a water container effectively reduces image artefacts and improves the CNR, the additional attenuation of the water must be compensated with a longer exposure time. This reduces dose efficiency. Both the CNR and CNRD are higher in the phase-contrast images compared to transmission images. For transmission images, and phase-contrast images without the water container, CNRD can be increased by using higher tube voltages (in combination with a lower exposure time). For phase-contrast images with the water container, CNRD is increased with lower tube voltages. In general, the CNRD does not strongly depend on the number of tomographic angles or phase steps used.
... However, it has shown that environmental influences such as heat, humidity and ultraviolet radiation can negatively affect the material properties of polymer composites [1]. Especially anisotropic deposition of material leading to irregularities in porosity distribution or fiber waviness [2] within a specimen can cause inherent internal stress that might further be amplified by morphological changes induced by hygrothermal aging. Chabaud et al. [3], e.g., have shown that the exposure to humidity can lead to hygroscopic swelling of a component by up to 3 % in height (out-of-plane direction) in continuous fiber reinforced PA6. ...
Conference Paper
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This work explores the impact of hygrothermal aging on the structural changes and tensile properties of specimens from short carbon fiber reinforced PA6 matrix with and without continuous carbon fiber reinforcement, manufactured using fused filament fabrication (FFF). The study reveals that environmental factors like humidity can affect the material properties of polymer composites, causing a hygroscopic swelling which leads to specimen warpage and ultimately, a reduction in tensile strength. For this purpose, tensile test specimens were produced and conditioned by hygrothermal aging at 60 °C and 90% humidity for five weeks. Subsequently, micro-and macro-structural changes were analyzed by X-ray computed tomography as well as tensile experiments were performed. Results showed that because of the non-uniform porosity distribution in FFF specimens, hygrothermal aging leads to increased warpage in all specimens, with more pronounced curvatures observed in specimens without continuous fiber reinforcement. However, the conditioning resulted in the degradation of the fiber-matrix bonding quality in continuous fiber reinforced specimens, causing cracks and delaminations. Tensile tests consequently revealed a significant effect of the aging on mechanical properties, with a reduction of 17% in ultimate strength for specimens without and 40% for specimens with continuous fiber reinforcement.
... This reinforcement significantly enhances the strength and stiffness of the manufactured parts. However, despite various studies demonstrating the successful production of composites with highly oriented carbon fibers using FFF, internal defects such as insufficient bonding quality between the embedded fibers and the matrix material remains a significant challenge in FFF-manufactured fiber-reinforced specimens and composite materials in general [2,3]. Consequently, the behavior of additively manufactured components under load can deviate considerably from the expected values which necessitates the investigation and characterization of complex composite parts for quality assurance. ...
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The reinforcement of fused filament fabricated (FFF) components with continuous fibers allows for high versatility in the design of mechanical properties for a specific applications needs. However, the bonding quality between continuous fibers and the FFF matrix material has high impact on the overall performance of the composite. To investigate the bonding quality within additively manufactured (AM) continuous fiber reinforced specimens, tensile tests have been performed which revealed a sudden reduction in tensile stress, that most likely was not related to actual rupture of continuous fibers. Consequently, within this work we will expand upon these findings and present results of fast on-the-fly in-situ investigations performed on continuous carbon fiber reinforced specimens of the same AM build. During these investigations, specimens are loaded under the same conditions while fast XCT scans, with a total scan time of 12 seconds each, were performed consecutively. The resulting three-dimensional image data reveals internal meso- and macro-structural changes over time/strain to find the cause of the aforementioned reduction in tensile stress.
... To this end, X-ray micro-computed tomography is a promising non-destructive (NDT) technique, often employed to analyse the internal structure of fiber reinforced composites since it can provide a 3-dimensional (3D) visualization of the scanned geometry. Defects like pores, voids, fiber waviness and debonding between fiber and matrix can be observed [19][20][21][22] and quantified. Therefore, the application of X-ray micro-CT may provide detailed and quantified information about the development of defects, surpassing the limitations of other NDT techniques. ...
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Nowadays, additive manufacturing techniques such as the Fused Filament Fabrication appear to be among the most promising methods for enabling modern industry to produce components of high geometrical complexity. The main characteristic of this method is the deposition of thermoplastic polymers that can be further reinforced with chopped and/or continuous fibers that attribute to the product some unique structural characteristics. Nevertheless, the process is susceptible to a variety of defects that are derived from the fabrication process parameters, such as porosity, insufficient fiber impregnation with the polymer and fiber disorientation. On the other hand, since the applicability of the process depends on the development of numerical tools for assessing the effects of these defects, the accurate detection and quantification of them is a crucial part of it. In the present work, these defects are studied experimentally by implementing an X-ray computed tomography testing campaign. The manufacturing defects are identified using well-established techniques while a complete analysis of the distribution of porosity is presented for various zones of Onyx, Onyx/Carbon and Onyx/Glass fiber reinforced structures. Finally, the tendency of the overall pore content to increase with increasing number of continuous fiber reinforcement was identified as well as porosity variations in printing direction are presented.
... To this end, X-ray micro-computed tomography is a promising non-destructive (NDT) technique, often employed to analyse the internal structure of ber reinforced composites since it can provide a 3-dimensional (3D) visualization of the scanned geometry. Defects like pores, voids, ber waviness and debonding between ber and matrix can be observed [ [19], [20], [21], [22]] and quanti ed. Therefore, the application of X-Ray micro-CT may provide detailed and quanti ed information about the development of defects, surpassing the limitations of other NDT techniques. ...
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Nowadays, additive manufacturing techniques such as the Fused Filament Fabrication appear to be among the most promising additive manufacturing methods for enabling modern industry to produce components of high geometrical complexity. The main characteristic of this method is the deposition of thermoplastic polymers that can be further reinforced with chopped and/or continuous fibers that attributes to the product some unique structural characteristics. Nevertheless, the process is susceptible to a variety of defects that are derived from the fabrication process parameters, such as porosity, insufficient fiber impregnation with the polymer and fiber disorientation. On the other hand, since the applicability of the process depends on the development of numerical tools for assessing the effects of these defects, the accurate detection and quantification of them is a crucial part of it. In the present work, these defects are studied experimentally by implementing an X-Ray computed tomography testing campaign. The manufacturing defects, as a form of initial damage, are identified using well-established techniques while a complete analysis of the distribution of porosity is presented for various zones of Onyx, Onyx/Carbon and Onyx/Glass fiber reinforced structures. Finally, the tendency of the overall pore content to increase with increasing number of continuous fiber reinforcement was identified as well as porosity variations in printing direction are presented.
... The scattering signal can access unresolved structural variations of the sample in the micrometer scale, which is beyond the system resolution. Many studies have demonstrated that both differential phase and scattering modalities were able to offer valuable information in addition to conventional attenuation contrast, including clinical applications such as mammography [6,7] and lung imaging [8,9] in addition to non-destructive testing [10] and material science in industrial settings [11]. The scattering signal, in particular, has piqued the attention of researchers because of its effectiveness in offering quantitative or inaccessible structural information in radiographic applications [12][13][14]. ...
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X-ray grating interferometry (XGI) can provide multiple image modalities. It does so by utilizing three different contrast mechanisms—attenuation, refraction (differential phase-shift), and scattering (dark-field)—in a single dataset. Combining all three imaging modalities could create new opportunities for the characterization of material structure features that conventional attenuation-based methods are unable probe. In this study, we proposed an image fusion scheme based on the non-subsampled contourlet transform and spiking cortical model (NSCT-SCM) to combine the tri-contrast images retrieved from XGI. It incorporated three main steps: (i) image denoising based on Wiener filtering, (ii) the NSCT-SCM tri-contrast fusion algorithm, and (iii) image enhancement using contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization, adaptive sharpening, and gamma correction. The tri-contrast images of the frog toes were used to validate the proposed approach. Moreover, the proposed method was compared with three other image fusion methods by several figures of merit. The experimental evaluation results highlighted the efficiency and robustness of the proposed scheme, with less noise, higher contrast, more information, and better details.
... By applying coherent radiation with wavelength to a grating G1 with a period a self-image of the structure can be observed at the Talbot distance . (1) By using a phase shifting grating, periodic intensity modulations along the grating periods occur at fractions of the Talbot distance. For a phase shift of / this fractional Talbot distances are observed at , 1,3,5, … . ...
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Grating based interferometry is a widely established technique used for various applications in X-ray imaging, from materials science [1,2] to medical diagnosis [3,4]. Talbot-Lau-Interferometers are especially promising for laboratory-based setups. By introducing a source grating into the optical setup, requirements on the spatial coherence of the source are reduced significantly [5] and the complementary phase- and dark-field-contrast modalities can be extracted. In this work, we introduce our novel Talint-EDU system, a ready to use Talbot-Lau-Interferometer, for implementation to existing X-ray imaging setups, nearly independent of X-ray source or detector. Its simple setup procedure, compact build and robust design allows for quick setup (within 30 min) and dismantling so that for interesting samples, the two additional modalities of X-ray imaging become easily available. In this contribution we will present the technical characteristics, show first results, and give an outlook on future developments of easily accessible Talbot-Lau-Interferometry.
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In this work, we present a multimodal approach to three-dimensionally quantify and visualize fiber orientation and resin-rich areas in carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers manufactured by vacuum infusion. Three complementary image modalities were acquired by Talbot–Lau grating interferometer (TLGI) X-ray microcomputed tomography (XCT). Compared to absorption contrast (AC), TLGI-XCT provides enhanced contrast between polymer matrix and carbon fibers at lower spatial resolutions in the form of differential phase contrast (DPC) and dark-field contrast (DFC). Consequently, relatively thin layers of resin, effectively indiscernible from image noise in AC data, are distinguishable. In addition to the assessment of fiber orientation, the combination of DPC and DFC facilitates the quantification of resin-rich areas, e.g., in gaps between fiber layers or at binder yarn collimation sites. We found that resin-rich areas between fiber layers are predominantly developed in regions characterized by a pronounced curvature. In contrast, in-layer resin-rich areas are mainly caused by the collimation of fibers by binder yarn. Furthermore, void volume around two adjacent 90°-oriented fiber layers is increased by roughly 20% compared to a random distribution over the whole specimen.
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Fiber waviness in composite materials, also referred to as wrinkles, can be considered as one of the most significant manufacturing effects. The severe knockdown of mechanical properties, such as stiffness, strength and fatigue leads to a dramatically reduced load carrying capacity of the material. Wavy plies can appear in arbitrary shapes and locations. It becomes increasingly important to detect these effects as early as possible in the product development and manufacturing stages. The decision whether these irregularities are considered as manufacturing features, respectively effects, or as defects, is dependent on the size, number and location of the effects in the component. The assessment of out-of-plane fiber waviness in composite materials is strongly dependent on the accuracy of detection and quantification of the wave parameters such as the amplitude, wavelength and the position in the laminate. In addition to ultrasonic testing, which is the standard method for the evaluation of composite materials in the aviation industry, infrared thermographic test methods (IRT) and digital shearography have been increasingly used in recent years. In this study, IRT and digital shearography are applied on test plates with artificially embedded waviness with varying amplitudes, wavelengths and positions in the laminate. Both methods have shown great potential for the detection and characterization of embedded out-of-plane fiber waviness in composite materials. However, the experimentally determined signals are not always conclusive. For this reason, these experimental methods are accompanied by finite element simulations to gain a deeper insight into the physical phenomena of the NDT methods applied to laminates containing wavy plies. Numerous simulations are carried out to investigate the influence of various test parameters and to find correlations on signal shapes and strengths as a basis for a further development of transfer functions. These transfer functions, i.e. correction factors, should link the obtained signals and known input parameters to the actual existing wave geometry in the laminate.
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Talbot(-Lau) interferometric X-ray and neutron dark-field imaging has, over the past decade, gained substantial interest for its ability to provide insights into a sample's microstructure below the imaging resolution by means of ultra small angle scattering effects. Quantitative interpretations of such images depend on models of the signal origination process that relate the observable image contrast to underlying physical processes. A review of such models is given here and their relation to the wave optical derivations by Yashiro et al. and Lynch et al. as well as to small angle scattering is discussed. Fresnel scaling is introduced to explain the characteristic distance dependence observed in cone beam geometries. Moreover, a model describing the anisotropic signals of fibrous objects is derived. Particular focus is put on the consequences for quantitative isotropic and anisotropic dark-field tomography. The Yashiro-Lynch model is experimentally verified both in radiographic and tomographic imaging in a monochromatic synchrotron setting, considering both the effects of material and positional dependence of the resulting dark-field contrast. The effect of varying sample-detector distance on the dark-field signal is shown to be non-negligible for tomographic imaging, yet can be largely compensated for by symmetric acquisition trajectories. The derived orientation dependence of the dark-field contrast of fibrous materials both with respect to variations in autocorrelation width and scattering cross section is experimentally validated using carbon fiber reinforced rods.
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Out-of-plane fiber waviness, also referred to as wrinkling, is considered one of the most significant effects that occur in composite materials. It significantly affects mechanical properties, such as stiffness, strength and fatigue and; therefore, dramatically reduces the load-carrying capacity of the material. Fiber waviness is inherent to various manufacturing processes of fiber-reinforced composite parts. They cannot be completely avoided and thus have to be tolerated and considered as an integral part of the structure. Because of this influenceable but in many cases unavoidable nature of fiber waviness, it might be more appropriate to consider fiber waviness as effects or features rather than defects. Hence, it is important to understand the impact of different process parameters on the formation of fiber waviness in order to reduce or, in the best case, completely avoid them as early as possible in the product and process development phases. Mostly depending on the chosen geometry of the part and the specific manufacturing process used, different types of fiber waviness result. In this study, various types of waviness are investigated and a classification scheme is developed for categorization purposes. Numerous mechanisms of wrinkling were analyzed, leading to several recommendations to prevent wrinkle formation, not only during composite processing, but also at an earlier design stage, where generally several influence factors are defined.
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The limited capability to predict material failure in composite materials and specifically in wavy composite layers has led to high margins of safety for the design of composite structures. Thus, the full lightweight potential of this class of materials is left unused. To understand the complex failure behavior of composite materials containing out-of-plane fiber waviness under compressive and tensile loading, a non-linear 2D material model was implemented in ABAQUS and validated with extensive experimental test data from compression and tensile tests. Each test was recorded by a stereo camera system for digital image correlation to resolve damage initiation and propagation in detail. This study has shown excellent agreement of numerical simulations with experimental data. In a virtual testing approach various parameters, i.e. amplitude, wavelength and laminate thickness, have been studied. It was found that the failure mode changed from delamination to kink shear band formation with increasing laminate thickness. The wavelength has shown minor influences compared to amplitude and laminate thickness.
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This paper presents multi-modal image data of different fibre reinforced polymer samples acquired with a desktop Talbot-Lau grating interferometer (TLGI) X-ray computed tomography (XCT) system and compare the results with images acquired using conventional absorption-based XCT. Two different fibre reinforced polymer samples are investigated: (i) a carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) featuring a copper mesh embedded near the surface for lightning conduction and (ii) a short glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) sample. The primary goal is the non-destructive detection of internal defects such as pores and the quantification of porosity. TLGI provides three imaging modalities including attenuation contrast (AC) due to absorption, differential phase contrast (DPC) due to refraction and dark-field contrast (DFC) due to scattering. In the case of the CFRP sample, DPC is less prone to metal streak artefacts improving the detection of pores that are located close to metal components. In addition, results of a metal artefact reduction (MAR) method, based on sinogram inpainting and an image fusion concept for AC, DPC and DPC, are presented. In the case of the GFRP sample, DPC between glass fibres and matrix is lower compared to AC while DPC shows an increased contrast between pores and its matrix. Porosity for the CFRP sample is determined by applying an appropriate global thresholding technique while an additional background removal is necessary for the GFRP sample.
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In this work, we explore the possibilities of Talbot-Lau grating interferometer (TLGI) X-ray computed tomography (XCT) and radiographic testing (RT), to investigate and define fiber waviness in carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP). The additional X-ray contrast mechanisms gained by TLGI provide high sensitivity to inhomogeneities and fiber misalignment in laminate CFRP. Particularly, dark-field contrast (DFC) caused by small angle scattering of X-rays allows the investigation of relatively large specimens, since the scattered signal provides information on a sub-pixel level. We investigated an aerospace grade vacuum infusion CFRP specimen by TLGI-XCT to visualize and quantify fiber waviness using DFC imaging. However, because of long TLGI-XCT scanning durations, that are often a multitude higher than standard XCT in combination with very limited specimen dimensions, this method is mostly not applicable at industrial standards. Therefore, the reduction to single radiographic images for the inspection of out-of-plane fiber waviness is a potential way to tackle both of these limitations at once. By applying an increasing tilt angle to the specimen, fiber waviness will cause a distinct peak in the scatter signal once fiber bundles are aligned horizontally and thus parallel to the optical axis of the X-ray tube. We show that by exploiting this characteristic behavior information about out-of-plane fiber waviness can be extracted from radiographic TLGI images.
Lightweight primary and secondary structures of aircraft, wind turbines and automobile are mostly made of polymer-matrix composites. The selection of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for the primary structure is performance-based assuming defect-free components, especially in the aerospace industry. However, for the usage of FRP composites for secondary structures, the effect of manufacturing induced defects can be tolerated for cost-effective manufacturing. Fibre waviness has a major influence on the mechanical performance of composites and its study is one of the major concerns. The present work deals with an overview of the earlier reported studies on the effect of fibre waviness, and its formation, on the elastic properties and mechanical response of the FRP composites. Accumulation and discussion of results of the existing literature over the past two decades are summarized together up to the current status in the field. Capabilities of different non-destructive techniques used for characterisation of fibre waviness defect are summarized.
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As bonded composite repairs are gaining importance for modern civil aircraft, it is necessary to investigate such repairs in detail under relevant environmental conditions. In this work, X-ray computed tomography (XCT) was performed on bonded repairs for carbon fiber (CF) reinforced epoxy matrix composites before and after cyclic conditioning between dry/cold and hot/wet conditions. In detail, high resolution XCT scans in absorption contrast (AC) mode as well as Talbot-Lau grating interferometer (TLGI)-XCT scans to obtain additional differential phase contrast (DPC) and dark-field contrast (DFC) modalities were performed. The repair bonds’ constituents could be identified by the high resolution XCT scans. Additional information about fiber alignment, at least of the fiber bundles, could be extracted from the TLGI-XCT scans. In order to gain detailed information on certain specimen features, specimen dimensions were reduced for additional high resolution XCT scans.
X-ray imaging methods, such as conventional X-ray computed tomography (XCT) based on absorption, are essential techniques in various domains, for example medicine and materials science. In the last 15 years, an important innovation in X-ray imaging technology has emerged through the introduction of Talbot-Lau grating interferometry (TLGI) [1-4] . Using this imaging technique with three different gratings, the extraction of attenuation contrast (AC), differential phase contrast (DPC) and dark-field contrast (DFC) information has become available in lab-based XCT systems. In this contribution, the usefulness of TLGI-based XCT for different applications in industry and materials science is demonstrated. DPC has advantages in the discrimination of materials with similar X-ray attenuation, such as water and epoxy, and is less prone to metal artefacts. In comparison, DFC is beneficial for the characterisation of polymeric foams and for the detection of carbon yarn structures and damage (cracks, microvoids, etc) in different kinds of polymer. The anisotropy of DFC can be used to combine the results of two successive DFC measurements at 0° and 90°, allowing the visualisation and quantification of the weaving pattern of a carbon fabric in 3D. © 2019 British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing. All Rights Reserved.