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The application of improved, structuredand interactive group learning methods in diagnostic radiology


Abstract and Figures

This study provides an example on how it is possible to design environments in a diagnostic radiology department that could meet learning demands implied by the introduction of new imaging technologies. The innovative aspect of the design does not result from the implementation of any specific tool for learning. Instead, advancement is achieved by a novel set-up of existing technologies and an interactive format that allows for focussed discussions between learners with different levels of expertise. Consequently, the study points to what is seen as the underexplored possibilities of tailoring basic and specialist training that meet the new demands given by leading-edge technologies.
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Jonas Ivarsson 1,*, Hans Rystedt 1,2, Sara Asplund 3,4, A
˚se Allansdotter Johnsson5,6 and Magnus Ba
Department of Education, Communication and Learning, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Teacher Education, Universityof Turku, Turku, Finland
Department of Radiation Physics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy,
Universityof Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, SahlgrenskaUniversity Hospital,
Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Radiology, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy,University of Gothenburg,
Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Radiology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
*Corresponding author:
This study provides an example on how it is possible to design environments in a diagnostic radiology department that could
meet learning demands implied by the introduction of new imaging technologies. The innovative aspect of the design does not
result from the implementation of any specific tool for learning. Instead, advancement is achieved by a novel set-up of existing
technologies and an interactive format that allows for focussed discussions between learners with dierent levels of expertise.
Consequently, the study points to what is seen as the underexplored possibilities of tailoring basic and specialist training that
meet the new demands given by leading-edge technologies.
One persistent dilemma for education is the struggle
to provide up-to-date training tailored for high-end
technologies. The ever-increasing pace in which such
technologies are implemented means that compe-
tences needed for their successful use have to be devel-
oped before any formal education programmes exist.
Consequently, there is a need for designing work-
place-learning environments in which both experi-
enced professionals and novices can develop and
improve essential skills
. The present study investi-
gates an approach adopted in a radiology depart-
ment, which was aimed at improving the detection of
pulmonary nodules arising from the application of a
novel medical imaging technology (tomosynthesis)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the
suggested approach in terms of the desirable qualities
involved in developing more professional modes of
image analysis and reasoning among novices in the
For many years, modern medicine has been fused
with—and is thereby partly dependent on—a vast
number omaging technologies. The skills needed for
interpreting various forms of medical images are thus
at the core of diagnostic reasoning, and there is
demand for developing systematic and eective
methods for training such skills
. An associated
challenge concerns the ongoing and ever-expanding
developments in imaging technology that can rapidly
change the very basis of diagnostic reasoning
When the foundation of diagnostic methods is
aected by the introduction of new technology, even
experienced radiologists need to re-calibrate their
analytical methods and interpretative skills
A common approach in advanced training for the
professions is the application of some kind of appren-
ticeship model in which students work with and ob-
serve experienced clinicians as they act in real settings.
This approach to learning possesses many advan-
tages, but is not free from shortcomings. The general
apprenticeship model builds upon an epistemic asym-
metry between two nodes where the knowledge is
both fixed in scope and owned by the master. Even
if this configuration does enable novice learning, it
provides little room for the entire organisation to
develop its accumulated knowledge base in the face of
changed conditions
In search for more advanced pedagogical methods
for the training of professionals, the research group
has aimed to design eective training models that
can address the learning needs of students, as well as
faculty, with varying degrees of experience in radi-
ology. This undertaking has addressed the needs for
developing forms oearning that are able to keep up
with the rapid pace of technological development
and enable successful use of such innovations before
any formal education has been put in place. The
work draws upon existing research into methods for
Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2016),Vol. 169, No. 1-4, pp.416-421 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncv497
teaching professional modes of reasoning by promot-
ing active involvement by all participants in problem-
solving processes
Previous studies have comprised a multitude of
approaches, such as ‘Clinical Reasoning Theater’
educational rounds
and computer-supported case-
based learning
. These studies clearly indicate that
the demonstration of expert reasoning in examples of
positive diagnosis and the opportunities for learners
to discuss and reflect upon the process of reasoning
are key factors for successful learning. Similarly, the
use of real cases has been shown to be advantageous
in representing the variation and ambiguity of clinical
symptoms. There is also support for the importance
of immediate feedback and exposure to diagnostic
reasoning early in the learning curve
. One further
finding of particular interest concerns the use of
shared visual fields that are open to manipulation.
When striving to clarify professional reasoning, this
type of presentation can encourage group participa-
tion and associated collective knowledge that may be
modified through group interactions aimed towards a
common goal
For novices, as well as for experts in the field of
radiology, it is often demanding to interpret radio-
logical section images. Since these images consist of
greyscale images in different planes, exclusively based
on the differences in attenuation of tissues, the inter-
pretation of what they represent is far from straight-
forward. Among other things, this involves how to
identify objects and how these correspond to various
anatomical structures. Furthermore, if a suspected
object is identified in the two-dimensional image, it
can be hard to judge where it is located in the three-
dimensional body. Another difficulty is to assess if
such objects are to be regarded as pathological or as a
variation of the normal anatomy.
Based on the reviewed pedagogical principles, what
became called a Technology-enhanced Learning Session
(TLS) was developed. The design involved a set-up of
imaging technologies and an interactive format that
was intended to facilitate discussions between experi-
enced radiologists and novices in the field. The primary
aim of the work carried out during the TLS was to
improve diagnostic accuracy following the introduction
of tomosynthesis at a thoracic radiology department
and to identify potential pitfalls regarding nodule de-
tection in this new modality. The secondary aim was to
investigate to what extent and in what ways the TLS
could simultaneously support novice learning.
The present article is focussed on the secondary
aim of the TLS and starts from observations made in
a prior study that investigated the effects of the TLS
on the detection of pulmonary nodules. In this initial
study, a number of observers with varying experience
of chest tomosynthesis analysed tomosynthesis cases
for the presence of nodules. The same tomosynthesis
cases were analysed before and after the TLS, and the
difference in performance between the two readings
was calculated. The results showed significant improve-
ments in performance after the TLS for observers inex-
perienced in tomosynthesis
. Whilst this analysis
provided evidence that the intervention indeed had
been successful, it gave few insights into why this was
the case. The present study, therefore, re-visited the pre-
viously collected data, but instead of addressing the
outcomes, as measured byobserver performance, a dif-
ferent set of questions were posed. By grounding the
new analysis in video recordings of the actual process,
the study first addresses ways in which the TLS could
display and instruct inexperienced observers in profes-
sional modes of reasoning. Secondly, it opens up a dis-
cussion on the ways the findings can be generalised to
inform the design of basic and specialist training in-
volving new imaging technologies.
The TLS was designed by an interdisciplinary research
group from the departments of radiation physics and
radiology in cooperation with researchers in the learn-
ing sciences. The design of the session was prefaced on
the assumption that more deliberate and systematic
methods for exploring the criteria for making judge-
ments would improve diagnostic accuracy.
To support this, there was a preparatory phase of
the TLS where the observers first performed individ-
ual assessments of nodules in tomosynthesis examina-
tions and thereafter received individual feedback on
their results. As a second phase, there was a collective
review session. Here, the individual results of the
observers as well as the reference answers and the
corresponding tomosynthesis and computed tomog-
raphy (CT) images were displayed on large screens (see
Figure 1). One radiologist responsible for the reference
Figure 1. The CT and tomosynthesis images are projected
on a screen in front of the room.
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answers navigated the CT images, and another re-
searcher navigated the results of the tomosynthesis
assessments. For each assessment, the observers were
asked to give their reasons for making false positives,
false negatives or giving low ratings to true nodules.
In order to assess which qualities of the TLS facili-
tated improved professional modes of reasoning, an
analysis that could account for how the observers pro-
duced this in practice was needed. It should be made
clear that the analysis did not seek to explain factors
affecting learning, but rather targets those enabling
conditions or qualities of the learning process that
create the opportunities for improved professional
judgements. By investigating the consistencies in how
these judgements were disseminated to those involved,
including the less experienced observers, a number of
critical conditions were highlighted.
The TLS study on how best to judge radiological section
images produced by a new technology highlighted three
interrelated conditions of the TLS approach to develop-
ing professional diagnostic judgements. These condi-
tions are presented and discussed.
Juxtaposing past and present actions
In order to understand how the TLS could contribute
to an understanding of the ways in which experienced
radiologists make their decisions ( for the benefits of
novices), it is important to outline how the session,
and the technologies involved, were arranged. One
significant premise was that the results of each indi-
vidual rating and the results of the reference method
were displayed in a field next to the projected tomo-
synthesis image (see Figure 2). Another premise was
that these appeared simultaneously as the annotated
tomosynthesis section image was shown. Through
this specific arrangement, each individual answer
could be instantly compared with (1) the ‘true’ answer
(is this a nodule or not), (2) the results of the other
observers’ answers and (3) the object in the image to
which the classification referred. Technically, this was
made possible using the visualisation software
(15 17)
Epistemic asymmetry and accounting practices
There were several implications of the particular
juxtaposition of outcomes. First, both the correctness
and incongruences of earlier answers were effectively
displayed. Every single mistake was thus established
as an inescapable fact open for general review. As a
result, when the past actions were shown to be incor-
rect, this called for some kind of ‘corrective action’.
Frequently when one of the more experienced radiol-
ogists was responsible for an incorrect outcome, they
would initiate an exploration of the grounds for their
own assessment. Typically, such accounts started with
statements such as ‘is this on me?’ or ‘I’m responsible’
and would then develop into possible ways to analyse
the specific case. For the benefit of the less experienced
observers, these extended accounts would act as models
of advanced diagnostic reasoning, typically pertaining
to borderline cases or particularly difficult areas.
These accounts also reveal one of the more sensi-
tive aspects of the TLS. As a part of the design, there
was an epistemic asymmetry in the group of obser-
vers, with four experienced specialists in thoracic radi-
ology and three non-specialists. For professionals, the
opening up of their actions to scrutiny by peers, and
even less experienced participants, could be uncom-
fortable and requires a large degree of mutual trust.
Even if this practice may be contrary to expected
hierarchy and normal processes, it was perceived to be
an important element when striving for improving
Figure 2. The visual representations used during the TLS. CT (left), TS (middle) and compiled answers (right).
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professional diagnostic capabilities in general. In this
way, professional judgements were not only being
challenged, but it was also being clearly demonstrated
and analysed by discussion to what standard and by
which methods the group would deem any judgement
valid for the clinical application of a new technology.
The inclusion of inexperienced observers also resulted
in additional mistakes in the batch of cases to be
discussed. Rather than regarding this as a flaw in the
design, it should be considered an important resource.
As a consequence, a large number of cases became
objects for clarification that required further explanation.
Such explanations were implemented, i.e. communica-
tively designed, in ways that were also comprehensible
for non-specialists in the field. Consequently, knowl-
edge/awareness, that under normal conditions would be
taken for granted in communication between specialists,
now had to be articulated.
Moreover, as the TLS arrangement provides an op-
portunity for elaborating the reasons for all mistakes,
the discussion was not limited to a selection of cases
regarded as typical or noteworthy from some pre-
given point of view. In this way, abroad range of prob-
lematic interpretations associated with the variability
of human anatomy and pathologies were discussed.
Throughout the session, a number of interpretative
pitfalls were thus found and formulated.
Coordination work displayed
A central constituent of the TLS for making judge-
ments public was the simultaneous use of two separ-
ate projector screens. All participating observers
(equipped with laser pointers) were facing these
screens, which served as a shared point of reference.
The fact that two projections were arranged side by
side allowed for comparisons of the CT and tomo-
synthesis images and enabled constant assessments of
each highlighted structure and the corresponding
structure as it appeared in the reference method.
However, since the systems did not have comparable
coordinate systems that could define the exact corre-
sponding localisation, comparisons were not immedi-
ately available. Furthermore, due to the two different
types of imaging technologies involved, the same
structure would look dissimilar in the two images.
Adding to this, the tomosynthesis images were only
available in the frontal (coronal) plane, whereas the
preferred view of the CT scans was the transversal
section images (see Figure 1).
Although these differences might be interpreted as
putting extra demands on the observers, it was found
that the work needed to organise the two imaging
systems in alignment constituted important grounds
for uncovering implicit radiological reasoning. This
work necessitated concerted effort by the two partici-
pants controlling the computers as well as the group
of observers. New cases were first opened up in the
tomosynthesis material. Although the radiologist re-
sponsible for the reference method had noted in
advance where the corresponding structure should be
located in the CT images, additional effort was
required in order to determine the exact section image
that best matched the highlighted structure. The
group of observers regularly guided this coordination
effort. Moreover, it was commonly requested to also
see the adjacent sections in the tomosynthesis stack,
which did not always coincide with the highlighted
region. In this way, it became possible to discern in
which section the structure was most clearly visible,
and thereby, to establish a more precise perception of
its localisation. Through this manual calibration, a
solid relation between the two technologies was
reached, making sure that the two representations
corresponded to the same object.
A central component in the diagnostic work of
finding suspected nodules is to grasp their precise loca-
tion. Thereby, the work of aligning the two representa-
tions fulfilled several purposes. Most importantly, it
clarified the means through which decisions about
localisation are made. In this work, a number of
resources central to the practitioners’ diagnostic rea-
soning came into view, such as knowledge about
anatomy for navigating the regions of interest, search
routines for reading radiological section images by
scrutinising sequences of images and methods for pre-
cisely pinpointing significant features of the lung.
The design of the TLS built on earlier work pinpoint-
ing a number of essential features of successful learn-
ing environments: the demonstration of expert
reasoning, the use of authentic cases, the sharing of a
reference space for learning, and opportunities for
discussion and reflection
. Even if these findings
acted as an introduction for the current study, the new
results expand on the understanding of their applica-
tion. In addition, the present analysis clarifies the out-
comes of the previous study by the research group
This demonstrated that inexperienced observers
improved their detection skills after taking part in the
TLS. In highlighting some interesting features of the
TLS, the present analysis adds to the understanding
of how such improvements were reached.
One major outcome of the analysis is the central
role played by broad-based visibility. That is, the visi-
bility both of diagnostic reasoning in action and the
material grounds on which this reasoning was based.
In the TLS, competent detection was made transpar-
ent and turned into instructions for the less experi-
enced. The problem of coordinating the two image
representations is a case in point. A technological ap-
proach to the matter would probably suggest that this
task should be automated and handed over to the
technology. On the contrary, the findings show that
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such a move would come at a pedagogical cost. The
work needed to perform the calibration was exactly
what brought radiological reasoning into view.
Through this work, the reasoning and skills of the
experienced observers, particular and domain specific
as they are, became evident features in the TLS, i.e.
things to be seen and learned.
One part of the educational design was the inclu-
sion of preparatory work by each observer. This
meant that much time and effort had been invested in
working through the cases. It was also known that the
assessments would be subjected to scrutiny under a
collective regime at a later stage. Arguably these expe-
riences would serve as grounds for taking part in the
ensuing discussions. Through this relation between
past and present, the TLS targeted diagnostic report-
ing practices. The use of openly available records of
past actions triggered a number of reports—extensive
explanations and close examinations of mistakes and
their corrections. Given the difference between obser-
vers, the comments provided had to be constructed in
ways that displayed sensitivity to the variation in par-
ticipants’ experience and enabled everyone to take
part. This detailed level of description was additional-
ly motivated by the presence of the new tomosynth-
esis technology for medical imaging. In the process of
reaching consensus, tacit understandings or things
that had been taken for granted were revisited and
collectively reviewed. Again in relation to the less
experienced observers, this discussion served as a
form of elaborate and detailed instruction in active
professional reasoning.
Implications for design
In the present work, the success was created by the in-
tegration of novel imaging technologies in the work-
place with specific forms of interaction. Based on the
analysis of outcomes, three principles are proposed—
ideas to be considered when designing learning envir-
onments for teaching professional modes of reasoning
in radiology:
Ensure accountability of past and present actions:
The ways in which participants with different
levels of experience interact and communicate
have a large impact on the outcome of the activity.
By displaying records of past actions, everyone
can become involved and mistakes become dis-
sected rather than hidden.
Exhibit work in action: Experts working on authen-
tic cases give prominence to case-specific details, dis-
ambiguation practices, and several dimensions of
variation (in representations, anatomy, pathology
etc.). Professional modes of reasoning, when being
made publically visible, then operate as instructions.
Provide participants with shared access to visual
materials: Given different set-ups, participants
will have different possibilities of establishing
shared references and partake in reasoning that
can build on visual details. As was noted, the
observers’ ability to notice, discuss and investigate
particular features of the radiological images
became a necessary requirement for the accom-
plishment of their collaborative group working.
This work was supported by the University of
Gothenburg Learning and Media Technology Studio,
the LearnMedImage project (the Academy of Finland,
128766), the Swedish Research Council (2010-5105,
2011-488, 2013-3477), the Swedish Radiation Safety
Authority (2012-2021, 2013-2982), the King Gustav V
Jubilee Clinic Cancer Research Foundation (2008:50),
the Health & Medical Care Committee of the Region
¨stra Go
¨taland (VGFOUREG-81341, VGFOUREG-
483951) and the Swedish Federal Government
under the LUA/ALF agreement (ALFGBG-136281,
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... This leads to interprofessional collaboration for achieving common goals in practice. This has similarities with finding in studies about how radiologists learn to view and diagnose new types of images together in mixed groups Ivarsson et al., 2016;Rystedt et al., 2011). Viewing and discussing the content on the images by both experienced and inexperienced viewers makes expert knowledge visible, and communication of their decisions articulates things that might be taken for granted in a homogeneous group of experts Ivarsson et al., 2016;Rystedt et al., 2011). ...
... This has similarities with finding in studies about how radiologists learn to view and diagnose new types of images together in mixed groups Ivarsson et al., 2016;Rystedt et al., 2011). Viewing and discussing the content on the images by both experienced and inexperienced viewers makes expert knowledge visible, and communication of their decisions articulates things that might be taken for granted in a homogeneous group of experts Ivarsson et al., 2016;Rystedt et al., 2011). This is also in line with the findings of Dickerson et al. (2016) that in-person meetings between different professions improve decision making. ...
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... This leads to interprofessional collaboration for achieving common goals in practice. This has similarities with finding in studies about how radiologists learn to view and diagnose new types of images together in mixed groups Ivarsson et al., 2016;Rystedt et al., 2011). Viewing and discussing the content on the images by both experienced and inexperienced viewers makes expert knowledge visible, and communication of their decisions articulates things that might be taken for granted in a homogeneous group of experts Ivarsson et al., 2016;Rystedt et al., 2011). ...
... This has similarities with finding in studies about how radiologists learn to view and diagnose new types of images together in mixed groups Ivarsson et al., 2016;Rystedt et al., 2011). Viewing and discussing the content on the images by both experienced and inexperienced viewers makes expert knowledge visible, and communication of their decisions articulates things that might be taken for granted in a homogeneous group of experts Ivarsson et al., 2016;Rystedt et al., 2011). This is also in line with the findings of Dickerson et al. (2016) that in-person meetings between different professions improve decision making. ...
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This study explores the organization of medical physicists’, radiologists’, and radiographers’ professional work and the challenges they encounter ensuring quality and safe medical service within medical imaging. A practice theory perspective was used for data collection, which consisted of 14 open interviews, and data analysis. The concept of tension was used for the interpretation of findings. Three tensions are presented in the findings: 1) between diverse general and practical understandings about the activities in practice; 2) between material-economic conditions and activity in practice, and 3) between discursive-culture conditions and activity in practice. This study found that new technology, economical rationality, and the organisation of work processes lead to fewer face-to-face meetings between different professions. Therefore, medical imaging as dispersed practices misses opportunities for learning across practices, which can lead to patient safety risks. To ensure patient safety, new forms for learning across practices are needed.
... Given that "every community is systematically faced with the task of building skilled, knowing members" (Goodwin, 2018b), the domain-specific ways of seeing are also central in training activities. Exploring educational sessions in diagnostic radiology, Ivarsson et al. (2016) argue that in addition to technological novelty, advancement can also be "achieved by a novel set-up of existing technologies and an interactive format that allows for focused discussions between learners with different levels of expertise" (p. 416). ...
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Technologies based on “artificial intelligence” (AI) are transforming every part of our society, including healthcare and medical institutions. An example of this trend is the novel field in oncology and radiology called radiomics, which is the extracting and mining of large-scale quantitative features from medical imaging by machine-learning (ML) algorithms. This paper explores situated work with a radiomics software platform, QuantImage (v2), and interaction around it, in educationally framed hands-on trial sessions where pairs of novice users (physicians and medical radiology technicians) work on a radiomics task consisting of developing a predictive ML model with a co-present tutor. Informed by ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EM/CA), the results show that learning about radiomics more generally and learning how to use this platform specifically are deeply intertwined. Common-sense knowledge (e.g., about meanings of colors) can interfere with the visual representation standards established in the professional domain. Participants' skills in using the platform and knowledge of radiomics are routinely displayed in the assessment of performance measures of the resulting ML models, in the monitoring of the platform's pace of operation for possible problems, and in the ascribing of independent actions (e.g., related to algorithms) to the platform. The findings are relevant to current discussions about the explainability of AI in medicine as well as issues of machinic agency.
... All observers used ViewDex to review the images and record their responses, allowing them to use clinically applicable tools, such as window width/level adjustments. [23][24][25][26][27] A DICOM calibrated primary display (6MP; L max 1050 cd/m 2 ; L min 0.7 cd/m 2 ) was used for radiologists and a secondary display (2MP; L max 400 cd/ m 2 ; L min 0.47 cd/m 2 ) for radiographers 28,29 in line with the display types typically used by each profession in clinical practice. Average lighting conditions of 28.29 AE 7.99 lx were recorded across all sites. ...
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Introduction: A core element of a radiographer's role is the decision on whether a radiograph is sufficient for diagnosis, or a repeat examination is needed. Studies illustrate the disagreement on the diagnostic value of radiographs between radiographers and radiologists, which may influence repeat examinations. This study investigates if parameters contributing to image quality are possible determinants to explain the difference between professions. Methods: A total of 74 radiographers and radiologists from three different countries assessed three data sets (chest PA, hip HBL, c-spine lateral), each containing 25 radiographs. All observers scored image quality in terms of anatomical visualisation, positioning, collimation, detector exposure and judged the diagnostic value using the ACR RadLex classification. All assessments were performed on a clinically relevant display. Visual grading characteristics were used to compare image quality evaluations between groups. Results: Radiographers scored the visualisation of anatomical structures lower than radiologists though the difference was not statistically significant. A difference in classification using the RadLex categories - with radiographers rejecting more radiographs - was demonstrated. Only the subjective evaluation of the detector exposure correlated statistically with RadLex ratings. There was no difference between radiographers and radiologists when reviewing patient positioning and collimation. Conclusion: Radiographers and radiologists agree on the visualisation of anatomical structures, but radiographers are more critical towards the diagnostic value. Within the criteria studied, the evaluation of anatomical structures does not explain the difference. Radiographs have a higher change of being rejected if the observer (subjectively) assessed the detector exposure as inappropriate. This correlation is stronger for radiographers.
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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer death in USA, and CRC screening remains suboptimal. The aim of this quality improvement was to increase CRC screening in the internal medicine clinic (IMC) patients, between the ages of 50–75 years, from a baseline rate of 50%–70% over 12 months with the introduction of faecal immunochemical test (FIT) testing. We used the Plan–Do–Study–Act (PDSA) method and performed a root cause analysis to identify barriers to acceptance of CRC screening. The quality improvement team created a driver diagram to identify and prioritise change ideas. We developed a process flow map to optimise opportunities to improve CRC screening. We performed eight PDSA cycles. The major components of interventions included: (1) leveraging health information technology; (2) optimising team work, (3) education to patient, physicians and IMC staff, (4) use of patient navigator for tracking FIT completion and (5) interactive workshops for the staff and physicians to learn motivational interview techniques. The outcome measure included CRC screening rates with either FIT or colonoscopy. The process measures included FIT order and completion rates. Data were analysed using a statistical process control and run charts. Four hundred and seven patients visiting the IMC were offered FIT, and 252 (62%) completed the test. Twenty-two (8.7%) of patients were FIT positive, 14 of those (63.6%) underwent a subsequent diagnostic colonoscopy. We achieved 75% CRC screening with FIT or colonoscopy within 12 months and exceeded our goal. Successful strategies included engaging the leadership, the front-line staff and a highly effective multidisciplinary team. For average-risk patients, FIT was the preferred method of screening. We were able to sustain a CRC screening rate of 75% during the 6-month postproject period. Sustainable annual FIT is required for successful CRC screening.
The overall purpose of this work was to explore how video recordings can contribute to the process of optimising occupational radiation protection in image-guided interventions. Video-recorded material from two image-guided interventions was produced and used to investigate to what extent it is conceivable to observe and assess dose-affecting actions in video recordings. Using the recorded material, it was to some extent possible to connect the choice of imaging techniques to the medical events during the procedure and, to a less extent, to connect these technical and medical issues to the occupational exposure. It was possible to identify a relationship between occupational exposure level to staff and positioning and use of shielding. However, detailed values of the dose rates were not possible to observe on the recordings, and the change in occupational exposure level from adjustments of exposure settings was not possible to identify. In conclusion, the use of video recordings is a promising tool to identify dose-affecting instances, allowing for a deeper knowledge of the interdependency between the management of the medical procedure, the applied imaging technology and the occupational exposure level. However, for a full information about the dose-affecting actions, the equipment used and the recording settings have to be thoroughly planned.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate digital tomosynthesis (DTS) in thoracic spine imaging, comparing the reproduction of anatomical structures with that achieved using digital radiography (DR). In a prospective visual grading study, 23 patients referred in 2014 for elective radiographic examination of the thoracic spine were examined using lateral DR and DTS. The DR image and the DTS section images were read in random order by four radiologists, evaluating the ability of the modalities to present a clear reproduction of nine specific relevant structures of the thoracic vertebrae 3, 6 and 9 (T3, T6 and T9). The data were analysed using visual grading characteristics (VGC) analysis. The VGC analysis revealed a statistically significant difference in favour of DTS for all evaluated structures, except for the anterior vertebral edges and lower end plate surfaces of T6 and T9 and the cancellous bone of T9. The difference was most striking in T3 and for posterior structures. For no structure in any vertebra was the reproduction rated significantly better for DR. In conclusion, DTS of the thoracic spine appears to be a promising alternative to DR, especially in areas where the problem of overlaying anatomy is accentuated, such as posterior and upper thoracic structures.
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Engineering sketches and drawings are the building blocks of technological design and production. These visual representations act as the means for organizing the design to production process, hence serving as a "social glue" both between individuals and between groups. The author discusses two main capacities such visual representations serve in facilitating distributed cognition in team design work As conscription devices, they enlist and organize group participation. As boundary objects, they facilitate the reading of alternative meanings by various groups involved in the design process. The introduction of computer-aided design into this visual culture of engineering restructures relationships between workers in ways that can hamper the flexibility necessary for these crucial capacities to take place. The data are drawn from a study of the daily practices of engineers engaged in redesigning a turbine engine package. The method is participant observation.
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The present study examines the work of a group of medical scientists as they identify interpretative 'pitfalls' - recurrent sources of error - in the use of a new radiographic technique, formulate suggestions on how these pitfalls can be avoided and communicate their findings in the form of a scientific publication. The analysis focuses on a session in which previously diagnosed cases are discussed, and demonstrates the ways in which a certain source of diagnostic error gradually emerges as a taken-for-granted in the interaction. An increased sense of recognition, recurrence and typicality is discernible in the treatment of the cases. Talk characterized by expansions and elaborations, displays of understanding in the form of reformulations, understanding checks, and so on, leave room for brief typifications and reifications of interpretative difficulties in characteristics of the imaging technique. Topical treatment of perception and interpretation, as well as embodied engagement, become decreasingly salient. It is argued that the abstracted formulations in the published text rely on the case-by-case working up of generality from particularity; from individualized accounts of why 'I' interpreted the image in a certain way to proffered generalizations achieved through articulated perceptions of a generalized 'one'. If these proffers are ratified, a potential ground is established for the consensual formulation of a pitfall. The formulation of novel instructions is consequently made relevant, projecting a re-instructed diagnostic practice.
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Purpose This paper aims to consider and appraise current developments and emerging perspectives on learning in the circumstances of work, to propose how some of the challenges for securing effective workplace learning may be redressed. Design/methodology/approach First, new challenges and perspectives on learning in the circumstances of work are summarised. Then, three key emerging concepts are reviewed. These are: changes in requirements of work; conceptual understandings about the processes of learning; and more elaborated views about the relations between the social and personal attributes. The procedural contributions of learning to improve learning for occupations, and employability and working life are also appraised. Findings The authors suggest that current conceptual and procedural understandings of learning in the workplace, informed by fields of cognitive science, and learning and development are limited because learning in the workplace is multimodal and complex, considering the socio‐cultural nature and boundaries that influence learning in multiple ways. Research limitations/implications The appraisal here draws knowledge from the education discipline, yet there is a need to reach out to other fields to extend understandings and develop appropriate responses to emerging perspectives and new challenges. Practical implications A broader understanding of the workplace learning environment will assist those responsible for organising learning in the workplace and worker‐ learners to facilitate and engage in learning for transformations in work practices and meet changing performance requirements. Originality/value The authors advocate an extension to different disciplines such as anthropology and neurological science to broaden understandings about the potential of the workplace as a learning environment for novice as well as experienced workers.
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This study contributes to social studies of imaging and visualization practices within scientific and medical settings. The focus is on practices in radiology, which are bound up with visual records known as radiographs. The study addresses work following the introduction of a new imaging technology, tomosynthesis. Since it was a novel technology, there was limited knowledge of how to correctly analyse tomosynthesis images. To address this problem, a collective review session was arranged. The purpose of the present study was to uncover the practical work that took place during that session and to show how, and on what basis, new methods, interpretations and understandings were being generated. The analysis displays how the diagnostic work on patients' bodies was grounded in two sets of technologically produced renderings. This shows how expertise is not simply a matter of providing correct explanations, but also involves discovery work in which visual renderings are made transparent. Furthermore, the results point to how the disciplinary knowledge is intertwined with timely actions, which in turn, partly rely on established practices of manipulating and comparing images. The embodied and situated reasoning that enabled radiologists to discern objects in the images thus display expertise as inherently practical and domain-specific.
ViewDEX (Viewer for Digital Evaluation of X-ray images) is an image viewer and task manager suitable for research and optimisation tasks in medical imaging. The software has undergone continuous development during more than a decade and has during this time period been used in numerous studies. ViewDEX is DICOM compatible, and the features of the interface (tasks, image handling and functionality) are general and flexible. The set-up of a study is determined by altering properties in a text-editable file, enabling easy and flexible configuration. ViewDEX is developed in Java and can run from any disc area connected to a computer. It is free to use for non-commercial purposes and can be downloaded from The purposes of the present article are to give a short overview of the development of ViewDEX and to describe recent updates of the software. In addition, a description on how to configure a viewing session in ViewDEX is provided.
Recently the authors developed and implemented a new approach to clinical reasoning education called clinical reasoning theater (CRT). The purpose of CRT is to demonstrate the process of clinical reasoning to students through the conversation of a doctor with his or her patient. With students as the audience, the doctor's clinical reasoning skills are modeled in CRT when he or she thinks aloud during conversations with the patient, which makes clear why he or she asks particular questions. In CRT the interaction between doctor and patient is analyzed in such a way that the repeated cycles of questions and answers are revealed to the students. CRT's format and the activities of the three “actors,”(the doctor, the patient, and the audience of students) are described. Two “acts” are repeatedly performed. The first act (the communication between the doctor and the patient) deals with the history taking, physical examination, etc. The second act, the time-out period, is the most important component of CRT. In this act, the doctor explains his or her reflections and discusses suggestions from the audience for additional questions. The preliminary results of students' evaluations of the relevance of CRT reveal that they appreciate CRT. Further, the CRT format offers instructors with previous experience as lecturers only sufficient tools to apply the new approach successfully.
Background: Ultrasound is increasingly recognized as a valuable addition to medical school curriculum. Purpose: In this study, we tested the ability of rising second year students to learn and conduct an ultrasound examination of vertical liver span at the point of care. Methods: Six patients from a GI clinic volunteered to have their liver size measured. Ten students were trained to measure vertical liver span with ultrasound. Four physicians were recruited to measure liver span with standard methods. Student and physician measurements were compared to each other and to a reference ultrasound measurement for accuracy and variability. Results: Compared to the reference, students overestimated liver size an average of 1.5 cm. Physicians underestimated liver size an average of 6.7 cm. Variance in student measurements for each patient was 10% to 17% and among physicians 20% to 50%. Conclusion: With limited instruction and clinical experience medical students can obtain liver size measurements with ultrasound that are more accurate and have less variability than those by physicians using physical examination. Given the ease with which students can learn to use ultrasound and the teaching and clinical value of ultrasound, ultrasound should be considered as a standard of medical education in the future.
In chest tomosynthesis, low-dose projections collected over a limited angular range are used for reconstruction of an arbitrary number of section images of the chest, resulting in a moderately increased radiation dose compared to chest radiography. To investigate the effects of learning with feedback on the detection of pulmonary nodules for observers with varying experience of chest tomosynthesis, to identify pitfalls regarding detection of pulmonary nodules, and present suggestions for how to avoid them, and to adapt the European quality criteria for chest radiography and computed tomography (CT) to chest tomosynthesis. Six observers analyzed tomosynthesis cases for presence of nodules in a jackknife alternative free-response receiver-operating characteristics (JAFROC) study. CT was used as reference. The same tomosynthesis cases were analyzed before and after learning with feedback, which included a collective learning session. The difference in performance between the two readings was calculated using the JAFROC figure of merit as principal measure of detectability. Significant improvement in performance after learning with feedback was found only for observers inexperienced in tomosynthesis. At the collective learning session, localization of pleural and subpleural nodules or structures was identified as the main difficulty in analyzing tomosynthesis images. The results indicate that inexperienced observers can reach a high level of performance regarding nodule detection in tomosynthesis after learning with feedback and that the main problem with chest tomosynthesis is related to the limited depth resolution.