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Abstract and Figures

Plate tectonics governs the topography and motions of the surface of Earth, and the loss of heat from Earth’s interior, but appears to be found uniquely on Earth in the Solar System. Why does plate tectonics occur only on Earth? This is one of the major questions in earth and planetary sciences research, and raises a wide range of related questions: has plate tectonics ever occurred on other planets in the past? How did plate tectonics start on Earth? Will it ever end? In the absence of plate tectonics, how do planets lose their heat? This article provides a brief introduction to the ways in which planets lose their heat and discusses our current understanding of plate tectonics and the challenges that lie ahead.
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Why does plate tectonics occur
only on Earth?
Paula Martin, Jeroen van Hunen, Stephen Parman and
Jon Davidson
Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, Science Laboratories, South Road,
Durham DH1 3LE, UK
E-mail:,, and
Plate tectonics governs the topography and motions of the surface of Earth,
and the loss of heat from Earth’s interior, but appears to be found uniquely on
Earth in the Solar System. Why does plate tectonics occur only on Earth?
This is one of the major questions in earth and planetary sciences research,
and raises a wide range of related questions: has plate tectonics ever occurred
on other planets in the past? How did plate tectonics start on Earth? Will it
ever end? In the absence of plate tectonics, how do planets lose their heat?
This article provides a brief introduction to the ways in which planets lose
their heat and discusses our current understanding of plate tectonics and the
challenges that lie ahead.
Plate tectonics governs the nature and shape of the
surface of Earth, from ocean basins to mountain
ranges. It also governs the motions of the surface
of Earth, providing a range of natural hazards such
as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It is a
familiar component of the National Curriculum,
and a major field of on-going scientific research.
This article focuses on the five largest silicate
bodies in the Solar System, namely Mercury,
Venus, Earth, the Moon and Mars, collectively
referred to as ‘terrestrial bodies’ (figure 1).
Terrestrial bodies can be thought of as a series
of approximately spherical layers, defined either
chemically or mechanically. For example, starting
at the centre and working outwards, Earth is
chemically composed of an inner core, outer core,
mantle, and crust; it is mechanically composed
of an inner core, outer core, lower mantle, upper
mantle, asthenosphere and lithosphere (figure 2).
The lithosphere is composed of the crust and the
rigid uppermost part of the mantle, and is the
‘plate’ of plate tectonics. Although it is also
solid, in contrast to the rigid lithosphere, the
underlying asthenosphere is plastic (i.e. it can flow
on geological timescales).
Plate tectonics only occurs on Earth. We
do not know exactly why. We have looked for
plate tectonics on all of the other terrestrial bodies
in the Solar System (i.e. terrestrial planets and
satellites), and found that it is unique to Earth. This
is puzzling. Why should this process be unique
to Earth? How did it get started? Will it ever
stop? Why does it not happen anywhere else?
This article begins with a consideration of how
planets lose their heat, putting plate tectonics into
the larger context, followed by a brief summary of
what we do and do not know about plate tectonics,
and ends with a look at how we hope to find out
more about plate tectonics in the future.
144 PH Y S I C S ED U C A T I O N 43 (2) 0031-9120/08/020144+07$30.00 ©2008 IOP Publishing Ltd
Why does plate tectonics occur only on Earth?
Figure 1. The silicate bodies of the Solar System (Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon and Mars). Image courtesy
How do planets lose their heat?
Plate tectonics is the primary mechanism through
which Earth loses its heat. This raises the question:
in the absence of plate tectonics, how do the
other terrestrial bodies lose their heat? Terrestrial
bodies are generally thought to have been initially
hot, and gradually cooling, with many planetary
processes (e.g. volcanism and tectonism) being
driven by this cooling. The sources of heat within
planetary bodies can be categorized as either
primordial (i.e. inherited from processes occurring
during formation) or the result of radioactive
decay. Heat is transferred within planetary bodies
and eventually lost to space through a combination
of convection, conduction and radiation. Different
methods of heat loss dominate in the different
layers of planetary bodies, and at the boundaries
between these layers. For example, it is estimated
that every year Earth loses 4.2×1013 W, or
42 TW, of heat: 32 TW conducted through the
lithosphere, and up to 10 TW lost by, for example,
hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean ridges [1].
There are three primary modes of planetary
cooling: magma ocean, stagnant lid, and plate
tectonics. Regardless of the mode of planetary
cooling, all bodies lose heat from their surface
to some degree via radiation. All terrestrial
bodies are thought to undergo a short-lived
magma ocean stage early in their evolution.
The name ‘magma ocean’ refers to the stage
when a body is so hot that the surface is
partially or largely molten, and heat loss from
the surface is primarily through small-scale
convection (figure 3). When a body has cooled
sufficiently, the surface solidifies and the common
mode of heat loss is stagnant lid behaviour, where
heat loss from the surface is primarily through
conduction (although there could probably also
be significant heat loss through widespread large-
scale extrusive volcanism during this stage). It is
possible that other intermediate stages might have
existed between the magma ocean and stagnant
lid stages. These intermediate stages would
probably have been on a significantly smaller scale
than the current plate tectonics regime, and may
have involved, for example, a relatively mushy
lithosphere that could deform and subsequently
form small-scale downwellings or drips in contrast
to the large-scale downwellings (subduction)
associated with plate tectonics. Alternatively
to the stagnant lid regime, if the conditions
are appropriate, a body may begin to lose
heat via plate tectonics. It is theoretically
possible that a body may alternate between a
stagnant lid regime and a plate tectonics regime;
this has never been observed, but the lack of
observation may simply be a reflection of the
long timescales involved. Ultimately, when
they have become sufficiently cool, the fate of
all terrestrial bodies is to continue to cool by
conduction alone; they may then be considered to
be inactive or dead (i.e. lacking in any force to
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P Martin et al
drive planetary processes such as volcanism and
What are the conditions necessary for plate
tectonics? This question may be thought of as
a Goldilocks problem: everything needs to be
just right. First, the planetary body in question
must have cooled sufficiently so that it is too
cold to sustain a magma ocean. Second, there
needs to be sufficient heat within the interior of
the body to prevent the existence of a stagnant
lid, i.e. sufficient heat to maintain convection
within the upper layers of the body. Third,
the lithosphere needs to be cool enough, dense
enough, strong enough and thin enough to subduct.
Finally, probably the most important ingredient
for successful plate tectonics is liquid water,
which is readily available only on Earth, not
on the other terrestrial bodies. This too is a
Goldilocks problem: the Earth may be at just
the right distance from the Sun to have a surface
temperature between 0 and 100 C, and therefore
be a stable environment for liquid water. So far,
all of the necessary conditions for plate tectonics
have been found together only on Earth. In the
next section we discuss our current understanding
Figure 3. Artist’s conception of a planetary magma
ocean. Image courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech.
of plate tectonics, based on our only observed
example: Earth.
What do we know about plate tectonics on
Plate tectonics is a theory that has been developed
to explain the observed evidence for large-scale
motions of Earth’s lithosphere. The development
of the theory of plate tectonics, including the
146 PH Y S I C S ED U C A T I O N March 2008
Why does plate tectonics occur only on Earth?
combination of concepts such as continental drift
and seafloor spreading, is a very interesting
illustration of how science works. A simple
introduction to the development of the theory of
plate tectonics can be found in a variety of books;
see, for example, [3]. A comprehensive review,
including a wide selection of papers describing
the development of the theory and the personal
stories of the scientists involved, written by the
scientists themselves, is given in Plate Tectonics:
An Insider’s History of the Modern Theory of the
Earth, edited by Oreskes [4].
On Earth, the lithosphere is divided into
rigid plates, separated by linear features that
are identified by their appearance on maps
showing the locations of major tectonic events
(e.g. earthquakes) and topographic features such as
mountain chains, volcanoes and oceanic trenches,
as illustrated in figure 4[5]. There are a
total of seven major tectonic plates, and several
minor tectonic plates on Earth, which all move
in relation to one another at typical rates of a
few centimetres per year. The plate boundaries
may be categorized into one of three types:
convergent or destructive boundaries, divergent
or constructive boundaries, and transform or
conservative boundaries.
Tectonic plates are created at mid-ocean
ridges (where a gap is continuously renewed
when two plates move away from each other)
and destroyed at subduction zones where the
plates sink into the mantle. At the constructive
boundaries (mid-ocean ridges), melting results
in new buoyant, basaltic crust, which today is
typically about 7 km thick. This crust and
underlying mantle material quickly lose their heat
to the surface, and become the lithosphere. This
lithosphere continues to cool, and becomes thicker
and denser. After about 20 million years of
cooling, the lithosphere is already denser than the
underlying mantle, and ‘ready’ to sink down. This
sinking (called subduction), however, has to be
postponed until the plate meets another one at a
subduction zone. The lithosphere does not simply
sink under gravity when it is sufficiently dense
because of a variety of other factors, including
the energy required to bend the plate, and the
fact that it is often attached in some way to
something else (for example, the cold, dense edges
of the oceanic plates in the North Atlantic are
attached to the buoyant continental plates that form
Europe and North America). When two plates
do meet at a subduction zone, one plate bends
down below the other into the mantle, and its
high density (from cooling, and further increased
by the transformation of basaltic crust to much
denser eclogite below 40 km depth) will provide
the gravitational force to sink further down. This
sinking plate (called the ‘slab’) pulls the attached
plate at the surface towards the subduction zone,
and this process is called ‘slab pull’. Slab pull
is the dominant driving force of plate tectonics,
providing 90% of the force required to drive the
plate tectonic process (figure 5) (Stern, 2007).
Water plays a dominant role in the total
process of plate tectonics: for example, by
lubricating the sliding of tectonic plates past each
other at subduction zones; by rapidly cooling
tectonic plates near the ridges by hydrothermal
circulation; by speeding up the transformation
of basalt to eclogite; and by facilitating bending
of plates into the subduction zone by hydrous
weakening and chemical alteration in bending
What do we not know about plate
There is still a lot that we do not know about plate
tectonics. For example:
How and when did plate tectonics start on the
Earth? Did it simply ‘turn on’, or was there a
‘spluttering’ period when it started and
stopped before finally getting going?
Is plate tectonics a continuous process that
will continue for the foreseeable future, or a
discontinuous process that stops and starts?
If it is a discontinuous process, how many
times in Earth’s history has it actually started
and stopped?
How does subduction begin (when plate
tectonics first began, and even today)?
Why do subduction zones have arc shapes?
They are called arcs because of their shape;
several theories have been suggested to
explain the arc shape, but none of these
suggestions can explain all of the
Why do subduction zones move around?
They move both towards and away from the
subducting plate, and very little correlation
exists with, for example, plate age or plate
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P Martin et al
Why do only some tectonic plates have a
subducting slab?
Why do plates without a subducting slab
(e.g. the North and South American plates)
move with significant speed (up to
5 cm yr1)? This is particularly confusing as
we do know that, in general, plate motion is
primarily driven by slab pull. Does the
underlying mantle play a role (i.e. is it doing
something more than just passively sitting
Did plate tectonics look different in the past?
For example, was there always the same
range in sizes of tectonic plates?
How did plate tectonics influence the
generation of continental crust? This is
particularly interesting, as it is the buoyant
continental crust that rises above sea level
and forms the ‘life rafts’ on which we live.
We are pursuing a number of lines of evidence
in an attempt to answer the above questions. For
example, the critical examination of ophiolites
(which are pieces of oceanic crust that have been
thrust up onto continental crust, for example, as
seen on Cyprus) and transform faults (for example,
the San Andreas fault, USA) will allow us to
148 PH Y S I C S ED U C A T I O N March 2008
Why does plate tectonics occur only on Earth?
develop a better understanding of processes at
plate boundaries.
Is there any evidence for plate tectonics on
other planets?
There is no conclusive evidence for plate tectonics
on any other planets [6]. Both the Moon and
Mercury are significantly smaller than Earth, and
therefore it is likely that they lost all of their
internal heat at a much faster rate, largely because
of their greater surface area to volume ratio.
Now, they both have a single lithospheric plate,
continuing to cool through conduction alone, and
are considered to be geologically inactive. There
is no evidence to suggest that plate tectonics ever
operated on either the Moon or Mercury.
Venus shows no evidence of active plate
tectonics, although the surface does appear to be
relatively young based on the lack of a significant
number of impact craters (we do not yet have any
samples that may be used to date the surface of
Venus by any other methods). The evolution of the
surface of Venus remains a hotly debated issue and
the subject of substantial on-going research. Venus
is similar in size to Earth, and so the question
of why Venus shows no evidence for active plate
tectonics is intriguing. It has been suggested that
the key difference between Venus and Earth may
be the lack of water on Venus, as on Earth water
plays an important role in the evolution of the
surface, particularly in plate tectonics.
In contrast to Venus, Mars is considerably
smaller than Earth, but does have water (mostly
in the form of ice). Some surface features have
been interpreted as indicating the possibility of
plate tectonics operating on Mars in the past.
For example, it has been suggested that magnetic
patterns observed by the Mars Global Surveyor
spacecraft may indicate that a process similar to
plate tectonics may have operated on Mars in the
past. However, other surface features have been
interpreted as indicating that plate tectonics has
not operated on Mars. For example, it has been
suggested that the enormous size of volcanoes
such as Olympus Mons may indicate that the
Martian crust has remained stationary over the
magma source for a protracted period of time,
whereas on Earth the movement of tectonic plates
over magma sources results in linear tracks of
relatively small volcanoes on the surface (for
example, the chain of Hawaiian islands). There
remains no evidence for coherent planet-wide
plate tectonics at any time in the history of Mars.
Discussion and conclusions
We have made substantial progress in understand-
ing plate tectonics since the early development and
acceptance of the theory in the 1960s. We have
solved many puzzles in this field. For example, we
now know that the lithosphere and asthenosphere
behave relatively independently, in contrast to the
original idea that the motion of the tectonic plates
was controlled by motion in the asthenosphere. We
also know that the motion of the tectonic plates has
significant control over motion in the mantle, not
other way around (i.e. the location of downwelling
slabs at subduction zones form and control the lo-
cations of the downwelling zones within the man-
tle). We also know that mid-oceanic ridges spread
passively, and do not provide a significant contri-
bution to driving plate tectonics.
We have also identified new puzzles that we
are only just beginning to address. For example,
Earth is unique in that it has plate tectonics, but
also in that it has continents, and in that it has
life. Are these issues related? There is no clear
consensus on these issues, as we do not yet fully
understand how continental crust is formed. We
do not know whether it would be possible to have
a world with plate tectonics, but no continents, or
conversely a world with continents but no plate
tectonics. The relation between plate tectonics
and life is even more speculative, and this is
currently discussed as a chicken and egg problem:
do we need plate tectonics in order for there to
be life on Earth, or do we need life in order for
there to be plate tectonics on Earth? Of course,
although our attempts to address this puzzle are
more speculative, this puzzle is also very exciting!
There is still a lot that we do not know about
plate tectonics, and there are many tasks that lie
ahead for geophysicists. For example, why do
subduction zones have arc shapes, and why do
they move around? What are the differences
between the various tectonic plates, what causes
those differences, and do those differences control
the process of plate tectonics in any way? How
and when did plate tectonics start on Earth? This
last question is the one that we are most likely to
be able to answer in the near future. If we can
understand how plate tectonics started on Earth it
will help us to figure out why it does not occur
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P Martin et al
on any of the other terrestrial bodies in the Solar
System. Will we ever find another planet that does
have plate tectonics, or is Earth not just unique
within the Solar System, but also within the wider
universe? If you want to find out the answers to
these kinds of questions, become a geophysicist!
The images in figures 13in this article are
courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech. The NASA
Planetary Photojournal is an excellent resource
bank containing thousands of images, complete
with their original release captions [7].
Received 8 January 2008
[1] Anderson D L 2007 New Theory of the Earth
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
[2] Stern R J 2007 When and how did plate tectonics
begin? Theoretical and empirical considerations
Chin. Sci. Bull. 52 578–91
[3] van Andel T H 1994 New Views on an Old Planet:
A History of Global Change (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press)
[4] Oreskes N 2001 Plate Tectonics: An Insider’s
History of the Modern Theory of the Earth
(Oxford: Westview Press)
[5] Davidson J P, Reed W E and Davis P M 2001
Exploring Earth 2nd edn (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall) (ISBN 0-13-018372-5)
[6] Beatty J K, Petersen C and Chaikin A 1999 The
New Solar System 4th edn (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press)
Paula Martin is the Science Outreach
Co-ordinator for Durham University. Her
current research is focused on the
geology and geophysics of Venus and
Jeroen van Hunen is a lecturer in Earth
Sciences at Durham University. His
current research is focused on dynamic
geophysical models of subduction and the
early Earth.
Steve Parman is a lecturer in Earth
Sciences at Durham University. His
current research is focused on the
chemical evolution of the Earth’s
Jon Davidson is a professor of Earth
Sciences at Durham University. His
current research is focused on the
generation and evolution of volcanoes at
subduction zones.
150 PH Y S I C S ED U C A T I O N March 2008
... The presence of liquid water on Earth has been an important factor for developing features that clearly distinguish it from other planets in the inner Solar System, including a clear distinction between the continental and oceanic crust and formation of plates in the lithosphere, which have remained in sustained motion for billions of years (Martin et al., 2008) and the presence of life. Therefore, any differences in tectonic styles, magmatic differentiation, and the ability to support life are intertwined with the hydrological cycle on a planetary body. ...
... A possible explanation for the apparent lower volatile content in Mars' mantle relative to Earth is a profound volatile loss in the early history of the planet most likely enabled by an early outgassing of Martian mantle either as a result of magma ocean crystallization or extensive magmatic activity during the first few hundreds of millions of years, which is also indicated by a number of observations such as the high surface concentrations of halogens (e.g., Taylor et al., 2010;Taylor, 2013;Bellucci et al., 2017). Widespread volatile loss from the mantle should have formed an early Martian atmosphere, which had probably been lost given that Mars does not appear to show consistent evidence for the processes similar to Earth's plate tectonics (Martin et al., 2008) capable of reintroducing volatiles back to the mantle. This loss of atmosphere is also suggested based on a significant deficit of light isotopes of noble gases in the Martian atmosphere (Pepin, 1991) as well as the observed substantial enrichment of Martian water in D relative to H and enrichment of Martian regolith in D 17 O (Bjoraker et al., 1989;Krasnopolsky et al., 2007;Nemchin et al., 2014). ...
Water contents of the Martian mantle have previously been investigated using Martian meteorites, with several comprehensive studies estimating the water content in the parental melts and mantle source regions of the shergottites and Chassigny. However, no detailed studies have been performed on the Nakhla meteorite. One possible way to determine the water content of a crystallizing melt is to use the water content in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs) such as clinopyroxene and olivine. During or after eruption on the surface of a planetary body and during residence in a degassing magma, these minerals may dehydrate. By reversing this process experimentally, original (pre-dehydration) water concentrations can be quantified. In this study, hydrothermal rehydration experiments were performed at 2 kbar and 700 °C on potentially dehydrated Nakhla clinopyroxene crystals. Rehydrated clinopyroxene crystals exhibit water contents of 130 ± 26 (2σ) ppm and are thus similar to values observed in similar phenocrysts from terrestrial basalts. Utilizing clinopyroxene/melt partition coefficients, both the water content of the Nakhla parent melt and mantle source region were estimated. Despite previous assumptions of a relatively dry melt, the basaltic magma crystallizing Nakhla may have had up to 1.42 ±0.28 (2σ) wt.% H2O. Based on an assumed low degree of partial melting, this estimate can be used to calculate a minimum estimate of the water content for Nakhla’s mantle source region of 72 ±16 ppm. Combining this value with values determined for other SNC mantle sources, by alternative methods, gives an average mantle value of 102 ± 9 (2σ) ppm H2O for the Martian upper mantle throughout geologic time. This value is lower than the bulk water content of Earth’s upper mantle (∼250 ppm H2O) but similar to Earth’s MORB source (54-330 ppm, average ∼130 ppm H2O).
... We deliberately do not associate this with the concept of plate tectonics. With the absence of apparent subduction processes on other planets (Martin et al., 2008), the only viable source of information remains Earth's rock record from the Archean. This, however, is a record of poorly and selectively preserved, heavily altered rocks, emphasising the difficulty in obtaining inferences from rock chemistry, embedding constraints from geodynamics, and establishing tectonic processes that may or may not be related. ...
Full-text available
Subduction is a key geodynamic feature on modern Earth that drives crustal chemical diversity, bridging the atmo-, hydro-, and lithosphere, but remains an enigmatic, unique planetary feature. Indisputable is the critical role of subduction in shaping Earth's geomorphology and crustal dichotomy (ocean vs continental crust) and its impacts on long-term climate, making it arguably the most important process on present-day Earth across all geosciences. It is thus important to understand to what degree, or if at all, subduction was operational during the billions of years that led to our geological status quo. Here, we assess the feasibility of Archean subduction with a focus on early Earth geodynamics. We argue that convection-driven rifting, but not spreading, formed the first keels under the primordial crust, providing the necessary stability for crustal survival. These sections of crustal rejuvenation would counterintuitively forge the first stable proto-cratonic terranes, which later evolved into cratons. Hydrated upper crustal rocks were vital in generating early fluxed mantle melting and related volcanism, but also for partial melting in hydrated lower crustal sections within proto-cratons, giving rise to tonalite-trondhjemite granodiorites (TTGs). Both processes operated off-and on-craton, respectively, and required melting of hydrated crust and crustal convergence but are unrelated. Away from proto-cratonic regions of minor episodic divergence and rifting, relative motions were accommodated by convergence and shuffle tectonics, leading to Archean-style subduction in localised regions that were prone to destruction. This primitive form of subduction and crustal maturation has operated from the earliest Archean time in a plate-and-lid regime. Crucially, this 'Archean subduction' represents short-lived crustal shuffle-tectonics outside areas of today's cratons with fluxed melting in upper mantle regions but does not resemble present-day Benioff-style subduction. The development of subduction akin to present-day processes towards the end of the Archean could plausibly have driven atmospheric oxygenation over a few hundred million years between ca. 2.8-2.3 Ga, with H-loss to space accompanied by atmospheric oxidation through subduction-related global volcanic SO 2 emissions.
... Generally, the closer a ground motion occurs to the surface, the greater the chance for destruction (higher peak ground acceleration (PGA)). However, there is no clear evidence for plate tectonics on any planet except Earth (Martin, 2008). There is no exception for Mars as there are no active tectonic plates on Mars at this time (Denton, 2017;Yin, 2012). ...
Multiplanetary life has been studied by scientists as a way to supply energy or sustain human life in the future. Mars is likely to be man’s first destination, colonization using onsite structural construction would be one of the main options. The first step to designing a reliable building is to know the applied structural loads and to have an accurate design load combination. Due to lack of complete knowledge, short span of recorded data, Martian environment, and hazardous environment that Martian structures face, constructed Martian structures should behave appropriately under the highest likely live, dead and environmental loads either simultaneously or as a worst-case scenario. The present study evaluated and calculated probable Martian structural loads, including live, internal pressure, snow, gravity (dead), dust accumulation, thermal stress, wind, marsquake, asteroid, and meteoroid impact loads and their effects. Information was gathered from previous studies and valid data from Martian landers, rovers and orbiters. Wind loads were calculated based on the over 6.5 years of data recorded by Vikings 1 and 2 temperature and winds for InSight (TWINS) sensor. A wind shear exponent and wind profile have been proposed for a Martian flat terrain construction site. Marsquake lateral loads, frequency content and seismicity were assessed using data from the seismic experiment for interior structure (SEIS) and the Viking 2 seismometer. Considering the high influx of micrometeoroids, their penetration distance, impact loads and their effects on structures were calculated. The annual probability of an asteroid impact on a settlement was assessed for a 30-year mission. A load map for Martian residential buildings that considers the worst-case scenario in which a Martian structure should be designed based on them has been proposed.
... The Earth is the only planet in the Solar System to experience plate tectonics (Martin et al., 2008). ...
How probable is life and intelligence elsewhere in the universe? Here, I review the required properties, and probabilities of existence, for planetary systems harboring life. I also briefly discuss the two major theories for the origin of life on Earth, the parallel worlds of proteins and nucleic acids and the subsequent emergence of cells. The question whether intelligence is adaptative is also addressed and, although birds, mammals and mollusks have intelligent representatives it is not clear these fare better than their dimmer cousins. Finally, I discuss the fact that human intelligence only evolved from an ancestor in Africa although about 130 Myr, immediately after Gondwana breakup, the same animal most likely also populated South America. This contingent event may shed some light in the probability for human-type intelligence to evolve on others worlds.
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A long-standing missing link in our understanding of the Wilson cycle is how a continental rift transitions to seafloor spreading. The variety of rift structures and transition timings at rift margins do not easily lend themselves to some specific degree of strain and/or magmatism as the tipping point. Invariably ignored in the process, but a potential key to the conundrum, is the isostatic response that comes with ocean loading during and after inundation. Ocean mass redistribution on variably subsiding crust drives flow in the asthenosphere in much the same way a growing icecap drives a corresponding outward mantle flow. This flow alters mantle tractions of the rift system, with disappearance of basal resistance, and even adds a push to the rifting process. Evidence for ocean inundation facilitating self-sustained seafloor spreading is observed in the Atlantic, around the Afar triple junction, and elsewhere, indicating that the ocean should not be considered simply incidental to the creation of oceanic basins.
In this chapter we explore the processes that sculpt the long-term evolution of a planet’s surface. These are integral to developing a deeper understanding of what controls the long-term habitability of planets.
Earthquakes occurred on the surface of the Earth contain comprehensive and abundant geodynamic connotations, and can serve as important sources for describing the present-day stress field and regime. An important advantage of the earthquake focal mechanism solution is the ability to obtain the stress pattern information at depth in the lithosphere. During the past several decades, an increasing number of focal mechanisms were available for estimating the present-day stress field and regime. In the present study, altogether 553 focal mechanism data ranging from the year 1976 to 2017 with Mw ≥7.0 were compiled in the Global/Harvard centroid moment tensor (CMT) catalogue, the characteristics of global strong earthquakes and the present-day stress pattern were analyzed based on these data. The majority of global strong earthquakes are located around the plate boundaries, shallow-focus, and thrust faulting (TF) regime. We grouped 518 of them into 12 regions (Boxes) based on their geographical proximity and tectonic setting. For each box, the present-day stress field and regime were obtained by formal stress inversion. The results indicated that the maximum horizontal principal stress direction was ∼N-Strending in western North America continent and southwestern Indonesia, ∼NNE-SSW-trending in western Middle America and central Asia, ∼NE-SW in southeastern South America continent and northeastern Australia, ∼NEE-SWW-trending in western South America continent and southeastern Asia, ∼E-W-trending in southeastern Australia, and ∼NW-SE-trending in eastern Asia. The results can provide additional constraints to the driving forces and geodynamic models, allowing them to explain the current plate interactions and crustal tectonic complexities better.
Volcano and earthquake, both are significant phenomena and subsequences of plate motion. Great importance has been attached to the connection between volcano and earthquake in recent years. Global partitioning of earthquake and volcano is an important prerequisite for the study of the spatial and temporal distributions of global earthquakes and volcanoes, as well as global tectonic and contemporary geodynamics. On the basis of statistic analysis on Earthquake Catalogs of USGS National Earthquake Information Center and Volcano Catalog of Smithsonian Institution, and applications of the concept of three tectonic systems (Ma et al., 2003),the correlation study between volcano and earthquake distributions was made in this paper. Based on the statistics of subareas, the global modern tectonics can be divided into three systems; continent, ocean, and collision zone. Continental earthquakes are widely spaced, differing from strap-like distribution in the plate boundaries. The major distinction of continental volcanoes from oceanic one is the existence of continental lithosphere with various crust thicknesses and ages. The continental volcanoes are more sensitive to tectonic stress field, e. g. the continent rifts are induced by lithospheric extension. Oceanic crust is young, thin and relative homogeneous, with weak seismicity. Magmatism is dominanted by smooth extrusion of lava and expansion of ridges in mid-ocean. Most records of volcano eruptions are related to hot plume from deep mantle in islands. Subduction-collision zone has the maximum severity of earthquakes and volcano eruptions. The seismicty is caused by extrusion from plate collision, and the volcanism is related with dehydration, decline of solidus, and uplift of arcs. The tremendous energy from plate collision is the fundamental cause of earthquake and volcano. The violent seismic and eruption activities are mostly correlated with geoid highs. The deep subduction zones with focal depth greater than 500km have weak eruptions, lacking historic records, or large eruptions with VEI≥4. The average latitude of earthquakes behaves in a synchrony way with that of volcanoes, and their spatial distribution changes in synchronous phases. In the first half period of last century (1902-1953),the great eruptions with VEI greater than 5 were in eastern Pacific, such as the 1902 eruption of Santa Maria in Guatemala, the 1912 Trident eruption in Alaska, the 1932 eruption of Azul in Chile. And the seismicity were the most violent in Eurasia continent. In the middle period (1956-1980), the eruptions were concentrated in north Pacific, such as the 1956 eruption of Bezymianny in Kamchatka, the 1976 eruption of Augustine in Alaska, and the 1980 eruption of St. Helens In USA. The large earthquakes migrated from northern Pacific (1954-1965), Japan Arc(1966-1972) to Phillippine Arc(1973-1981).
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Plate tectonics is the horizontal motion of Earth’s thermal boundary layer (lithosphere) over the convecting mantle (asthenosphere) and is mostly driven by lithosphere sinking in subduction zones. Plate tectonics is an outstanding example of a self organizing, far from equilibrium complex system (SOFFECS), driven by the negative buoyancy of the thermal boundary layer and controlled by dissipation in the bending lithosphere and viscous mantle. Plate tectonics is an unusual way for a silicate planet to lose heat, as it exists on only one of the large five silicate bodies in the inner solar system. It is not known when this mode of tectonic activity and heat loss began on Earth. All silicate planets probably experienced a short-lived magma ocean stage. After this solidified, stagnant lid behavior is the common mode of planetary heat loss, with interior heat being lost by delamination and “hot spot” volcanism and shallow intrusions. Decompression melting in the hotter early Earth generated a different lithosphere than today, with thicker oceanic crust and thinner mantle lithosphere; such lithosphere would take much longer than at present to become negatively buoyant, suggesting that plate tectonics on the early Earth occurred sporadically if at all. Plate tectonics became sustainable (the modern style) when Earth cooled sufficiently that decompression melting beneath spreading ridges made thin oceanic crust, allowing oceanic lithosphere to become negatively buoyant after a few tens of millions of years. Ultimately the question of when plate tectonics began must be answered by information retrieved from the geologic record. Criteria for the operation of plate tectonics includes ophiolites, blueschist and ultra-high pressure metamorphic belts, eclogites, passive margins, transform faults, paleomagnetic demonstration of different motions of different cratons, and the presence of diagnostic geochemical and isotopic indicators in igneous rocks. This record must be interpreted individually; I interpret the record to indicate a progression of tectonic styles from active Archean tectonics and magmatism to something similar to plate tectonics at ∼1.9 Ga to sustained, modern style plate tectonics with deep subduction—and powerful slab pull—beginning in Neoproterozoic time.
This new edition draws on knowledge that has become available in the last decade. The major events in the Earth's history are examined to give a historical account of its evolution. There are six chapters, as follows: the first chapter, "Foundations', deals with geological time and interpretation of the rock record; "Climate past and present: the Ice Age' discusses climate change, and the causes of glaciation; the theme of "Drifting continents, rising mountains' is plate tectonics; "Changing oceans, changing climates; deals with continental drift and ancient environments; "The four-billion-year childhood' describes the early evolution of the Earth and early life; and the final chapter, "Life, time, and change'; is concerned with the fossil record and evolution. -G.E.Hodgson
As the definitive guide for the armchair astronomer, The New Solar System has established itself as the leading book on planetary science and solar system studies. Incorporating the latest knowledge of the solar system, a distinguished team of researchers, many of them Principal Investigators on NASA missions, explain the solar system with expert ease. The completely-revised text includes the most recent findings on asteroids, comets, the Sun, and our neighboring planets. The book examines the latest research and thinking about the solar system; looks at how the Sun and planets formed; and discusses our search for other planetary systems and the search for life in the solar system. In full-color and heavily-illustrated, the book contains more than 500 photographs, portrayals, and diagrams. An extensive set of tables with the latest characteristics of the planets, their moon and ring systems, comets, asteroids, meteorites, and interplanetary space missions complete the text. New to this edition are descriptions of collisions in the solar system, full scientific results from Galileo's mission to Jupiter and its moons, and the Mars Pathfinder mission. For the curious observer as well as the student of planetary science, this book will be an important library acquisition. J. Kelly Beatty is the senior editor of Sky & Telescope, where for more than twenty years he has reported the latest in planetary science. A renowned science writer, he was among the first journalists to gain access to the Soviet space program. Asteroid 2925 Beatty was named on the occasion of his marriage in 1983. Carolyn Collins Petersen is an award-winning science writer and co-author of Hubble Vision (Cambridge 1995). She has also written planetarium programs seen at hundreds of facilities around the world. Andrew L. Chaikin is a Boston-based science writer. He served as a research geologist at the Smithsonian Institution's Center for Earth and Planetary Studies. He is a contributing editor to Popular Science and writes frequently for other publications.
Earth Science is history, and because the earth is changing every day, earth history is being added every moment. Professor van Andel's now famous book on earth history interweaves three main themes: the evolution of the solid earth; the history of oceans and atmospheres; and the evolution of life. In the decade since this award-winning book was first published, much new information has been learned and confirmed, and Dr. van Andel draws on this wealth of knowledge to thoroughly revise and update the text. There is a new chapter on how we can improve our grasp on geological time and, mindful of the current interest in global change, new sections describe the greenhouse effect and address its possible future ramifications. In prose that is both concise and compelling and with a glossary and suggestions for further reading New Views on an Old Planet: A History of Global Change, makes earth history appealing to the general reader .
Plate Tectonics: An Insider's History of the Modern Theory of the
  • Oreskes
Oreskes N 2001 Plate Tectonics: An Insider's History of the Modern Theory of the Earth (Oxford: Westview Press)
  • D Anderson
Anderson D L 2007 New Theory of the Earth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  • Anderson D L