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Assessing pain in animals - Putting research into practice



Our ability to assess pain in animals in clinical situations is slowly developing, but remains very limited. In order to develop appropriate pain scoring schemes, numerous practical problems need to be overcome. In addition, we need to appraise realistically our current poor state of knowledge. Development of new scoring systems must be coupled with the increased education and training of those responsible for pain management, so that both the assessment and the alleviation of pain are steadily improved.
© 2004 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead,
Hertfordshire AL4 8AN, UK
Animal Welfare 2004, 13: S71-75
ISSN 0962-7286
Assessing pain in animals putting research into practice
PA Flecknell* and JV Roughan
Comparative Biology Centre, Medical School, Framlington Place, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH, UK
*Contact for correspondence and requests for reprints
Our ability to assess pain in animals in clinical situations is slowly developing, but remains very limited. In order to develop appropriate pain
scoring schemes, numerous practical problems need to be overcome. In addition, we need to appraise realistically our current poor
state of knowledge. Development of new scoring systems must be coupled with the increased education and training of those respon-
sible for pain management, so that both the assessment and the alleviation of pain are steadily improved.
Keywords:analgesia, animal, animal welfare, pain, pain assessment, pain scoring
The last decade has seen growing concern over the issue of
pain and distress in animals. This concern has been reflected
in a steady increase in interest in pain assessment and pain
management amongst veterinary surgeons and others.
Despite this increased interest and concern, the manage-
ment of animal pain remains poor. For example the use of
post-operative pain relief in companion animals is low
(Dohoo & Dohoo 1996; Capner et al 1999; Lascelles et al
1999; Raekallio et al 2003). Even if analgesic use were to
increase, pain management is likely to remain poor because
we still have virtually no practically applicable means for
evaluating the degree of pain, and hence the effectiveness of
our analgesic therapy, in any species. Without a method of
assessing pain we cannot determine the efficacy of anal-
gesic therapy in individual animals, nor determine when
therapy can be discontinued.
In a recent editorial (Short 2003), the need to develop a
number of aspects of pain management was highlighted
(individual points edited for brevity):
 Medications the need to develop more medications, for-
mulations and treatment modalities.
 Pharmacokinetics the need for more information on the
pharmacokinetics of analgesics in animals of different
 Vital signs the diagnosis of painful conditions and the
effectiveness of treatment need to be correlated with pain
scoring as a vital sign, coupled with scientific evidence of
drug bioavailability.
 Knowledge the biggest challenges ahead of us will be
in the education of all those involved in managing animal
Client relations an understanding of how veterinary
surgeons discuss the various issues with their clients.
If the results of animal pain research are to influence clini-
cal practice, we must raise awareness and improve the
knowledge of veterinary clinicians and others involved in
animal pain management through better education. It is also
essential that research projects provide these people with
the appropriate tools to assess animal pain. Without com-
mitment and the expertise to assess pain, all of the remaining
action points become irrelevant. It is therefore important to
examine what pain assessment tools we have, and how
many of these are both appropriately validated and suitable
for general use.
Pain assessment in farm animals
Behavioural and endocrine indicators of pain in lambs,
cattle and pigs have been established by a number of differ-
ent research groups (Noonan et al 1994; Lester et al 1996;
Mellor & Stafford 2000; Molony et al 2002). These have
been developed largely to aid in the evaluation of the wel-
fare benefits of modifying standard agricultural practices
such as tail docking, castration and dehorning. It has been
repeatedly demonstrated that the use of local anaesthetics,
either alone or in conjunction with modifications to the
techniques commonly used, can reduce pain-related behav-
iours in lambs and cattle. Regrettably, economic considera-
tions have limited the widespread application of the results
of these studies. Recently, the practical application of
improved methods of docking and castration has been
demonstrated (Kent et al in press), and pain scored in a
field situation. The improved techniques increased the
time taken for castration and tail docking, and required the
purchase of an additional piece of equipment. It seems likely
that widespread application of the improved methodology
will require that these economic issues be addressed.
Since additional interventions, such as the administration of
additional analgesics, are rarely contemplated following
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare Science in the Service of Animal Welfare
S72 Flecknell and Roughan
these husbandry procedures, there has been less of a need to
develop a robust pain assessment system for general use on
farms. It is worth noting, however, that in the study quoted
above (Kent et al in press) shepherds were able to use
Visual Analogue Scoring (VAS) to correctly identify lambs
experiencing less pain as a result of improved techniques. In
some circumstances, identification of pain would lead to a
modification of clinical practice, for example after
Caesarean section in cattle. Although a high percentage
(68%) of specialist cattle veterinarians administer anal-
gesics after Caesarean section, attempts to develop practical
pain scoring schemes have not proven successful (Watts
2001). This is largely because of the very considerable dif-
ficulties entailed in developing such schemes, and this is
discussed further below. Despite these difficulties, it is
encouraging to note that several pharmaceutical companies
are now actively marketing NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs) for use in presumed painful conditions
in farm animals.
Pain assessment in companion animals
Two well-documented schemes for pain assessment in dogs
have been developed (Firth & Haldane 1999; Holton et al
2001). In addition, numerous studies using pain scoring sys-
tems based on Visual Analogue Scoring, Numerical Rating
Systems, or Simple Descriptive Scores, or using a mixture
of all three approaches have been published (Brodbelt et al
1997; Mathews et al 2001). The different approaches adopted
in these different studies highlight many of the problems
involved in developing pain assessment schemes (Holton
et al 1998). In their original study, Firth and Haldane (1999)
carried out detailed behavioural assessments of dogs, both
before and after surgery, and identified behaviours that were
probable indicators of pain. However, when these criteria
were used to identify animals that should have been experi-
encing pain (because they had undergone surgery and had
not received an analgesic), the confidence intervals on the
measures were wide. In addition, since only animals under-
going a single type of surgical procedure (ovariohysterecto-
my) were included, the broader applicability of the scheme
cannot be properly evaluated. A different approach was
adopted by Holton et al (2001). This group sought to identify
descriptors of pain by consulting with experienced small
animal clinicians, and then used sophisticated analytical
techniques to reduce these descriptors to a set of words or
phrases. These descriptors were then developed into a
multi-dimensional pain scale. Validation of this scheme, by
using it to correctly identify animals that have received
varying degrees of pain relief following surgery, has not yet
been undertaken. Until this validation has been completed it
is difficult to judge the reliability of the scoring system. It is
hardly surprising that when the scheme is used by clinicians,
whose opinion shaped its development, it successfully
predicts patterns of analgesic use. What is required is a
randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled trial. This, however,
poses certain ethical and practical difficulties (see below).
Despite these problems, this system has been developed fur-
ther and also combined with the Firth and Haldane scheme
to produce a scoring system for clinical use (Hellyer 2002).
Ethical and other problems with pain
assessment schemes
Many other pain scoring schemes have been described, but
virtually none of these has been properly validated. Indeed,
the descriptions of the scales used in some studies are so
brief that it is not possible to make a judgement as to how
useful the scoring system would have been. In general, these
schemes suffer from a number of problems:
(1) The assessment criteria used are frequently highly sub-
(2) The study design does not include untreated (surgery
and no analgesia) control groups.
(3) The study design does not include anaesthesia and anal-
gesia (and no surgery) control groups.
Since many schemes include some behavioural assessment,
and anaesthetics and analgesics (notably opioids) can
markedly change behaviour in normal, pain-free animals,
the lack of appropriate controls makes the results obtained
highly questionable. However, inclusion of such control
groups can cause significant ethical problems to those
undertaking pain assessment studies. The majority of these
studies are carried out in veterinary schools in which students
are taught that animals experience pain and that analgesics
should therefore be administered. Deliberately withholding
analgesics in circumstances thought likely to result in pain
may therefore be considered unacceptable. This problem is
addressed in studies of pain in human subjects by imple-
menting an intervention analgesia protocol, so that if the
subject is assessed as experiencing pain above a certain
level, they are removed from the study and given an anal-
gesic. This assessment can be carried out by someone not
directly involved in the study. This approach has been used
successfully in a number of veterinary clinical studies
(Lascelles et al 1995; Grisneaux et al 1999) and in labora-
tory animals (Roughan & Flecknell 2003).
Other problems remain, however. In addition to poor study
design, few scales have demonstrated linearity ie is a
score of 4 twice as painful as a score of 2? Furthermore, few
have addressed the problems of between-observer variation
in applying the scoring system. However, it is encouraging
that when placebo controls are included it is possible to
demonstrate significant effects of analgesic administration
(eg Lascelles et al 1997), suggesting that some elements of
the scale used are indicators of pain. Considerable additional
work is required before any of these schemes could be con-
sidered sufficiently reproducible or robust for use in veteri-
nary clinical practice. The assessment schemes have also
examined pain only in dogs and cats pain in birds, rabbits,
small mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish, all of which
may undergo surgery in veterinary practice, has received
virtually no attention.
Pain assessment in laboratory animals
It might be thought that pain assessment in this group of
animals would be the most highly developed, given the
great public concern regarding their welfare. Although sug-
gestions for assessing pain have been published (Flecknell
© 2004 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Assessing pain in animals S73
1984), these were largely based on subjective clinical crite-
ria that had not been subjected to any form of validation. A
proposal to develop more robust scoring schemes was
published by Morton and Griffiths (1985), but attempts to
apply this were largely unsuccessful (Beynen et al 1987),
primarily because the variables selected for inclusion were
not fully identified and because the scales used were not
sufficiently well characterised. The scheme has proven
much more successful when applied as a means of develop-
ing more humane endpoints for experiments (Cussler et al
1999). These problems were identified by the original
authors, but the indiscriminate application of the system
seems to have led to a failure in identifying animals in pain,
and to some research facilities abandoning its application.
This is to be regretted since, when applied carefully, the
scheme provides a structured method for assessing animals
and can be a useful aid for developing endpoints in a range
of different situations.
Other potential indicators of pain in laboratory animals have
included general locomotor activity and changes in food
consumption and body weight (Flecknell & Liles 1991;
Liles & Flecknell 1993; Liles et al 1998). These latter meas-
ures are objective and have been used to assess analgesic
drug efficacy. However, they are retrospective measures and
so cannot be used to modify analgesic therapy for a particular
animal. They can, however, be used as a simple measure of
post-operative recovery, and as a means of adjusting future
analgesic regimens for similar animals undergoing similar
surgical procedures.
Other pain assessment systems have aimed at identifying
acute and chronic pain states for research purposes (eg
DAmour & Smith 1941; Dubuisson & Dennis 1977; Gyires
& Torma 1984), but these have limited application in
assessing pain in other situations. A range of different tech-
niques has been developed for assessing the likely efficacy
of analgesics. In many instances, these involve the applica-
tion of a brief noxious stimulus, followed by quantification
of the animals response. Administration of analgesics usu-
ally modifies this response, for example by prolonging the
latency to withdraw a limb or tail from the noxious stimulus.
In addition to their primary use as a means of screening for
potential analgesics in drug discovery programs, the results
of these tests have been used to estimate dose rates of anal-
gesics for clinical use (Flecknell 1984). However, such
extrapolations must be made with caution. For example,
estimates of appropriate doses of buprenorphine based on
tail flick tests resulted in a recommended dose of
0.5 mg kg1 in rats (Flecknell 1984), which is 10 times high-
er than the dose shown to be effective using post-operative
pain scoring systems (Liles & Flecknell 1993; Flecknell
et al 1999). Since high doses of this agent can have undesir-
able side-effects, it is important that care is taken when
making these extrapolations. Although results of these types
of test may not predict clinical efficacy, they do illustrate the
very wide variation in response that can be encountered
between different strains of rodent (Morgan et al 1999).
This reinforces the importance of developing pain scoring
systems. If appropriate pain scoring schemes cannot be
used, dose rates are probably best estimated from the results
of tonic analgesiometric tests such as the late-phase formalin
test or the writhing test (Roughan & Flecknell 2002).
Recently, we have developed a behaviour-based scheme for
assessing pain in laboratory rats following abdominal sur-
gery (Roughan & Flecknell 2001). During the initial devel-
opment of the scheme, the behaviour of rats was evaluated
following a mid-line laparotomy with appropriate untreated,
and non-surgery analgesic-treated controls being included.
An initial study using buprenorphine as the analgesic was
inconclusive because of the marked effects of this opioid on
normal behaviour (Roughan & Flecknell 2000). A subse-
quent study using carprofen and ketoprofen successfully
identified a series of behaviours that differentiated rats that
had received analgesics following surgery from those that
had not. These studies required detailed analysis of consid-
erable periods of video-taped behaviour, and filming at
night under red light. Therefore, although the scoring criteria
were suitable as a research tool, they did not provide a prac-
tically useful scoring system.
Following this study, the more general utility of the system
was assessed in a different strain of rat undergoing surgery
as part of an unrelated research project. In these studies, the
animals were placed in an observation cage for a 10 min
period and the frequency of pain-related behaviours was
assessed. It proved possible to differentiate animals receiv-
ing analgesics from untreated controls, and to demonstrate a
dose-related effect of the NSAID meloxicam (Roughan &
Flecknell 2003). Re-analysis of all of the behaviours shown
by these rats confirmed that the same behaviours as those
seen in our previous investigations were the most useful for
developing a clinically applicable pain scoring scheme.
When experienced staff (animal technicians, research workers
and veterinarians) viewed selected video recordings from
these animals they were unable to correctly identify the
treatment groups. However, after viewing a short recording
illustrating the key pain-related behaviours, their ability to
identify animals that had, or had not, received analgesics
greatly improved (Roughan & Flecknell in press).
These studies suggested that key behaviours could be iden-
tified and used to score pain following one type of surgical
procedure in rats. Most recently, we have used the scoring
system to assess the relative efficacy of different analgesics
and their duration of action. In addition, the scoring system
has been applied to rats undergoing a different surgical pro-
cedure, bilateral adrenalectomy. These animals perform a
very similar range of behaviours to animals undergoing
laparotomy, but there are differences in the frequency of
particular behaviours, with back-arching being more fre-
quent after mid-line laparotomy and belly-pressing more
frequent after bilateral adrenalectomy. This is similar to the
results of behavioural studies of lambs undergoing different
methods of castration and tail docking (Molony et al 2002),
in that different types of abnormal behaviour are seen after
the different procedures. What is uncertain is whether behav-
ioural changes in rats after various surgical procedures will
Animal Welfare 2004, 13: S71-75
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differ greatly in type, or whether they will be drawn from a
common group of abnormal, pain-related behaviours.
A further problem that is becoming apparent is that all of the
rats studied during the development of the pain scoring system
were anaesthetised with isoflurane, a very short acting
anaesthetic that results in rapid recovery of consciousness.
When recovery is delayed, or is associated with prolonged
sedation, animals may fail to express pain behaviour. At
present it is not certain whether this is because the animals
are not experiencing pain, or whether the heavy sedation
prevents them from showing signs of pain. The scoring system
may also be influenced by other factors, such as fear and
apprehension, and unexpected variations in behaviour
between different strains of animal may be encountered.
Nevertheless, this approach offers a step forward in devel-
oping a practically useful scoring system for use after at
least some types of surgery in rats. What is not yet known is
whether similar systems can be developed for other labora-
tory species, or whether a similar approach can be used to
develop means of identifying and quantifying other types of
pain in animals, including chronic pain states.
Practical applications
Given the current poor state of our ability to assess pain, it
is unsurprising that the practical application of any of these
pain scoring schemes remains very limited. Considerably
more research is needed to develop appropriate tools for
assessing pain in many species, and it is essential that we
evaluate current schemes critically. If we do not, and they
are promoted widely and then prove to be unreliable, this
will dissuade veterinary clinicians and others involved in
pain management from applying assessment schemes. A
second problem that is emerging is that applying scoring
schemes in either veterinary clinical practices, research
facilities or on farms, will take a significant amount of time.
Taking the assessment scheme for rats as an example, at
least 510 min per animal is required, and subsequent
assessments, for example at 12 h intervals, should be made
in order to monitor the animals adequately. If 20 or 30 ani-
mals are involved, this can easily develop into a full time
role for a member of staff. It is important that such schemes
are developed and promoted however, because if we do not
have a clear means of identifying animal pain, analgesic use
will continue to be restricted.
In farm animal practice there is little information concern-
ing the level of analgesic use generally, and for specific hus-
bandry procedures such as castration, the use of analgesics
remains very low. In companion animal practice the level of
analgesic use is thought to be growing, encouraged by the
launch of a number of new analgesic agents. It is difficult to
assess the overall level of analgesic use in laboratory
species. Although a recent survey indicates that the provi-
sion of post-surgical pain relief may be widespread in the
UK (Hawkins 2002), this survey was of a highly selected
group of facilities and may not reflect practice elsewhere.
Reviewing research publications involving surgery in
rodents highlights some worrying trends analgesic use is
almost never mentioned in some journals, despite the papers
describing invasive surgical procedures. In several recent
publications, the authors stated that analgesics were not
given because the animals showed no apparent signs of pain
(Lawson et al 2001; Labat et al 2002; Grau & Steiniger
2003); this reinforces the need to provide simple methods of
identifying pain.
Although one point emphasised at the outset of this paper
was the need to educate veterinarians and others involved in
pain management, perhaps the need to educate the general
public is even greater. Many of the issues surrounding pain
management have economic dimensions, and consumers
can influence practices by the choices they make. This has
been illustrated recently in Switzerland, where the introduction
of anaesthesia for the castration of piglets has been success-
ful on some farms. This has been linked with education of
the public to accept a higher price for their food on the
understanding that it has been produced at a lower cost to
the animal (U Schatzman 2002, personal communication).
The recent increase in interest in animal pain and its preven-
tion and alleviation is to be welcomed. We must appreciate,
however, that we currently have a very limited ability to
assess pain intensity accurately. This limits our ability to
prevent and alleviate pain. We must strive to develop robust,
practically useful assessment schemes for a wide range of
different animal species. We must do this for different types
of both acute and chronic pain. If we can make progress
towards this goal we will be able to manage animal pain far
more effectively than is possible at present.
The authors research work is supported by the Medical
Research Council.
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Animal Welfare 2004, 13: S71-75
... There is also a bias towards extreme values in these systems. [83][84][85] In dogs and cats, non-verbal assessment is required, and so visual analogue scales are used, for example the Glasgow 86 Additionally, pain is a subjective experience which has been shown in studies in humans to be affected by alterations in emotional state, 88 stress, other pain stimuli 89 and modification by the central nervous system in response to chronicity 83,84 . As such it is difficult to standardise a single nociceptive signal and determine the level of pain that an individual will experience in response to such a signal. ...
... As such, they have been shown to be good measures of postovariohysterectomy pain control. 85,[92][93][94][95] While pain scoring is by no means the only method of detecting pain or stress, other methods of detecting chronic pain (e.g. serum cortisol and adrenaline) are have been shown to demonstrate an elevated stress response during laparotomy compared with laparoscopy in the rabbit experimentally 96 , however whether this translates to a clinical scenario is uncertain, as the baseline values in a pet rabbit may be elevated compared to laboratory bred rabbits due to the general stress of an unfamiliar environment, and the stress of handling to acquire blood samples, to which a pet rabbit would be less accustomed. ...
... If the measured pain scores resulted in null values under the anaesthesia and analgesia protocol, it could indicate a multitude of failures, most concerning that the scoring failed to detect pain features in the rabbits, which would result in under-analgesia of the rabbits. It was expected based on the historical data 85,92,93 that even with standard analgesia, the scores would be above zero. ...
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The use of laparoscopic surgery for routine procedures such as ovariohysterectomy has been well described for dogs and is common in humans. Rabbits have been previously used as models for human laparoscopic surgery and training models for paediatric surgery, however reported use of clinical laparoscopy in rabbits is rare. There are concerns for use of laparoscopic surgery in rabbits due to the effects of the insufflation on ventilation and the risk of increased morbidity from the insufflation contributing to gastrointestinal stasis, a common and life-threatening complication of any surgery in rabbits. This study is designed to quantify and characterise the changes in the postoperative morbidity between open, insufflated and isobaric laparoscopy in healthy adult rabbits. The hypotheses were that use of isobaric laparoscopy will decrease the morbidity of ovariohysterectomy procedures compared to open and insufflated ovariohysterectomy at the expense of increased surgical time. Various investigations were performed over the research project, including a technical viability cadaveric study, a study describing the effects of isobaric and insufflated pneumoperitoneum on ventilatory capability and abdominal dimensions, a study describing the clinical implementation of a Rabbit Grimace Pain score and Behavioural Pain Score in the detection of postoperative pain, and a clinical trial assessing the effects of both laparoscopy methods and comparing them with open laparotomy for ovariohysterectomy. The overall findings of the study support the implementation of isobaric laparoscopy in the rabbit, and the use of laparoscopy in general as a method of reducing postoperative morbidity compared with equivalent laparotomy approaches.
... An automated video-based behavioral monitoring system focusing on specific behavioral components in the home cage may be advantageous with that regard. It has been proposed before that postoperative pain-related behavior can be reliably detected by such analysis, preferably when filmed at night under red light [22,44]. Such a video-based analysis system may also include squinting as pain-related parameter and part of the grimace scale. ...
... Such a video-based analysis system may also include squinting as pain-related parameter and part of the grimace scale. Although behavioral analysis is a relatively easy and inexpensive key method used in the assessment of welfare [45], data analysis is very time-consuming and does not allow prompt assessment of the animal's state [46,44]. Data interpretation is often ambiguous despite high standardization of protocols and highly skilled experimenters [47]. ...
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Introduction Evidence-based grading of the impact of intracranial surgery on rat’s well-being is important for ethical and legal reasons. We assessed the severity of complex and repeated intracranial surgery in a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) Parkinson’s rat model with subsequent intracranial electrode implantation, and in an intracranial tumor model with subsequent resection. Methods Stereotactic surgery was performed in adult male rats with the same general anesthesia and perioperative pain management. In the Parkinson’s model, Sprague Dawley (SD) rats received unilateral injection of 6-OHDA (n=11) or vehicle (n=7) into the medial forebrain bundle as first operation. After four weeks, neural electrodes were implanted in all rats as second operation. For tumor formation, BDIX/ UlmHanZtm (BDIX) rats (n=8) received frontocortical injection of BT4Ca cells as first operation, followed by tumor resection as second operation after one week. Multiple measures severity assessment was done two days before and four days after surgery in all rats, comprising clinical scoring, body weight and detailed behavioral screening. To include a condition with a known burden, rats with intracranial tumors were additionally assessed up to a predefined humane endpoint that has previously been classified as "moderate". Results After the first operation, only 6-OHDA injection resulted in transient elevated clinical scores, a mild long-lasting weight reduction and motor disturbances. After the second surgery, body weight was transiently reduced in all groups. All other parameters showed variable results. Principal Component Analysis showed a separation from the preoperative state driven by motor-related parameters after 6-OHDA injection, while separation after electrode implantation and more clearly after tumor resection was driven by pain-related parameters, although not reaching the level of the humane endpoint of our tumor model. Conclusion Overall, cranial surgery of different complexity only transiently and rather mildly affects rat’s well-being. Multiple measures assessment allows the differentiation of model-related motor disturbances in the Parkinson’s model from potentially pain-related conditions after tumor resection and electrode implantation.
... As rabbits are highly susceptible to stress and anxiety [9,10], repeated handling and medical interventions should be kept to a minimum to improve animal welfare. As an alternative, titrating analgesic drugs to effect would carry the risk of letting pain go undertreated, as pain recognition in a prey species like the rabbit represents a true challenge [10,11], even though the rabbit grimace scale is a promising tool to assess postoperative pain [12]. ...
... The main limitation of this study is that rabbit-specific fentanyl plasma concentration able to provide analgesia is unknown. In humans, the minimum effective plasma concentration for analgesia is assumed to range between 0.5 and 2.0 ng/mL [11]. Previous veterinary studies extrapolated this range to animals such as sheep, rabbits and minipigs [15,16,23]. ...
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Transdermal patches allow a noninvasive and "stress free" analgesia in rabbits. As fentanyl uptake is dependent on exogenous and endogenous factors of the area where the patch is applied, this study investigated three different locations (neck, inner and outer surfaces of the ear) for fentanyl patch application to provide adequate and reliable fentanyl plasma concentrations above those previously shown to be analgesic. Fentanyl plasma concentration was measured at different time points (3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 120 h) and rabbits were assessed for their general conditions and treatment-related side effects. Practicability of the proposed methods was evaluated. Following patch application on the neck, fentanyl plasma concentrations equal to or above the analgesic value were measured in all rabbits between 6 and 72 h. Comparable concentrations were reached between 9 and 48 h in all animals for the outer ear surface. However, for the inner ear surface, analgesic concentrations were not reached, even if practicability was considered the best for this location. Preparation of the neck skin was judged as the most cumbersome due to the clipping of the dense fur and patch removal resulted in erythema. In summary, the application of the fentanyl patch on the neck and outer ear surface allowed the reach of reliable plasma concentrations above the analgesic threshold in rabbits. When applied on the neck, fentanyl patches provided the longest duration of analgesic plasma concentrations, whereas patch application and removal were easier on the outer ear surface.
... A variety of proxies have been adopted to tackle the challenge of assessing pain in vertebrates (Flecknell & Roughan, 2004), these include changes in movement, changes in food consumption, change in behaviour in response to a noxious stimuli (Flecknell & Roughan, 2004) or even a reduction in response to noxious stimuli when analgesic is applied (Sneddon, 2003). Similar proxies, like retraction from a noxious stimuli have been used in invertebrates to assess potential suffering during procedures like euthanasia (Gilbertson & Wyatt, 2016). ...
... A variety of proxies have been adopted to tackle the challenge of assessing pain in vertebrates (Flecknell & Roughan, 2004), these include changes in movement, changes in food consumption, change in behaviour in response to a noxious stimuli (Flecknell & Roughan, 2004) or even a reduction in response to noxious stimuli when analgesic is applied (Sneddon, 2003). Similar proxies, like retraction from a noxious stimuli have been used in invertebrates to assess potential suffering during procedures like euthanasia (Gilbertson & Wyatt, 2016). ...
Invertebrate study systems are cornerstones of biological and biomedical research, providing key insights into fields from genetics to behavioural ecology. Despite the widespread use of invertebrates in research, there are very few ethical guidelines surrounding their use. Focussing on two ethical considerations faced during invertebrate studies—collecting methods and euthanasia—we make recommendations for integrating principles of vertebrate research into invertebrate research practice. We argue, given emerging research on invertebrate cognition and shifting public perception on the use of invertebrates in research, it is vital that the scientific community revisits the ethics of invertebrate use in research. Without careful consideration and development of the ethics surrounding the use of invertebrates by the scientific community, there is a danger of losing public support. It is imperative that the public understand the significance of research that uses invertebrates and that scientists demonstrate their ethical treatment of their experimental subjects.
... Furthermore, based on the literature, facial expression patterns may be an efficient tool to assess pain and contribute to the development of alternate methods to identify aversive stimuli (Müller et al., 2014(Müller et al., , 2019. Establishment of new non-invasive methods of pain evaluation, with low cost and simple application, could significantly improve pain evaluation in animals (Flecknell and Roughan, 2004). Importantly, several pain scales have already been described for cattle. ...
Bovine castration can be performed surgically, chemically, or immunologically and the method used can influence animal welfare. The use of facial expressions is an efficient tool to quantify pain, but there has been limited study of the effects of bovine castration methods on various pain stimuli. The objective of this study was to investigate the differences in pain intensity expressed by Nelore bulls subjected to surgical, chemical, or immunological castration methods, as well as to evaluate if facial action units (AUs) can be used to detect distinct pain intensities from the different castration methods. Observation of 5 AUs (reactivity, vocal, muzzle, mouth, eye and above the eye), was evaluated through photographs taken during the procedure, and an overall score was obtained after the evaluation of the images in degree of intensity 1 to 5. Blood was sampled for evaluation of serum cortisol levels. Surgical castration (3-5) presented the greatest median (p < .001) for the sum of AUs when compared to the chemical (1-5) and immunological groups (0-3). Howerever, serum cortisol concentrations were not significantly different between groups. We concluded that immunological castration resulted in the least pain and reduction in animal welfare. Moreover, there was a clear association between exhibition of facial AUs and pain intensity in cattle, demonstrating that this tool can be used in the field, due its ease of application and practicality.
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El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el impacto de la intensificación de los sistemas productivos a fin de mejorar la eficiencia y el volumen de carne producida en superficies cada vez menores, lo cual, nos lleva a una situación cada vez más comprometida para las capacidades adaptativas del ganado, en este caso, porcino. Se ha considerado al fibrinógeno como una variable para tener en cuenta en la valoración del bienestar animal dado que podría ser un “centinela” o indicador de estrés agudo en cerdos. Teniendo en cuenta eso se compararon concentraciones de fibrinógeno en 24 cachorras en piso full slat (cemento, n24) y en 24 cachorras en cama profunda (tierra con cama, n24), donde encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas a favor del full slat (FS). El fibrinógeno puede aumentar de manera repentina ante la actividad de la adrenalina lo que nos lleva a pensar que el mayor contacto diario con el ser humano y menor densidad animal en FS disminuyen el estrés de tipo adrenérgico o agudo. Por otro lado, los cerdos alojados en un sistema de cama profunda podrían estar más estresados ya que la interacción animal-humano es limitada y los grupos de animales son más grandes en contraste con un sistema FS.
Objective: To compare the bursting strength of the uterine horns (UHs) and cervical-vestibule junction (CVJs) of rabbits following sealing with a vessel-sealing device (VSD) or encircling ligatures. Sample: UHs and CVJs collected from 30 rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) cadavers. Procedures: UHs and CVJs were randomly assigned to sealing with encircling Miller knot ligatures (LIG; n = 10 CVJs and 20 UHs) or a VSD (12 CVJs and 24 UHs). Lumens were infused with saline (0.9% NaCl) solution under pressure until seals burst or to a maximum pressure of 300 mm Hg. Results: For CVJs, median (range) bursting pressure of the LIG and VSD groups was > 300 mm Hg (224 to > 300 mm Hg) and 35 mm Hg (0 to 60 mm Hg), respectively. Five of 12 CVJs in the VSD group failed at pressures < 33 mm Hg. For UHs, median (range) bursting pressure of the LIG and VSD groups was 255 mm Hg (120 to > 300 mm Hg) and 154 mm Hg (range, 44 to 202 mm Hg), respectively. Conclusions and clinical relevance: The evaluated VSD was effective in sealing UHs at bursting pressures well in excess of expected physiologic pressures, indicating that the VSD may be useful for ovariectomy procedures in rabbits. However, CVJ seals created with the VSD were ineffective and could potentially burst at low pressures, which could predispose to urine entering the abdomen. Given these results, we do not recommend sealing of the CVJ with a VSD for ovariohysterectomy in rabbits.
Although the science of facial expression of pain in humans is advanced, it has not been extensively explored in nonhuman animals. The study of facial expression as an indicator of pain might represent a substantial advance in pain recognition and management in other species, not yet studied. The main objective of this work was to investigate whether specific facial action units (AUs), previously related to painful facial expressions in human and some nonhuman animals, are also activated in beef cattle during acute painful stimulation. The study also investigated whether specific facial AUs of beef cattle in acute pain differed by sex and two genotypes. The activation of AUs was examined through pictures of a total of 35 beef cattle before and during branding with a hot iron, characterizing moments of no-pain (N) and pain (P). There were 17 female and 18 male beef cattle of two different genotypes: Nellore and crossbred (1/2 Nellore, 1/4 Bonsmara, 1/8 Red Angus, and 1/8 Aberdeen Angus). Results showed no differences in activation of AUs between males and females, and a higher frequency of mouth opening in the crossbred animals. The activation of the AUs backward ears, dilated nostril, open mouth, raised inner brow, and raised outer brow were significantly associated with the presence of the painful stimulus and should be considered for the development of further pain assessment methods using facial expressions for this species. The higher proportion of open mouth reactions in crossbred compared with Nellore cattle in response to an acutely painful stimulus indicates the importance of considering genotype when assessing pain by facial expression in cattle. As more detailed information becomes available, the on-farm use of facial expression to recognize pain in cattle may override some of the difficulties in animal pain diagnosis and, consequently, allow for rapid and consistent intervention to ameliorate suffering.
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In March 1996, a questionnaire was sent to 2000 veterinary surgeons primarily involved in small animal practice to assess their attitudes to perioperative analgesic therapy in dogs, cats and other small mammals. This paper is concerned only with the data relevant to cats, analgesic monitoring, continuing education and, to a limited extent, small mammals. The veterinary surgeons considered that pain was a consequence of all the surgical procedures specified. Analgesics were administered by 94 per cent of them to cats undergoing orthopaedic surgery, by 72 per cent for the repair of a ruptured diaphragm, by 56 per cent for laparotomy, by 26 per cent for ovariohysterectomy, by 16 per cent for castration and by 39 per cent for dental work. Women and more recent graduates assigned higher pain scores to the procedures, and there was a significant correlation between the pain score and the number of veterinary surgeons who routinely gave analgesic, resulting in women and more recent graduates being more likely to treat the pain with analgesics. The majority of the veterinarians performed surgery on small mammals, but on average only 22 per cent gave perioperative analgesics, and the number giving analgesics varied with the species of small mammal. The perioperative monitoring of animals was largely delegated to nursing staff
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A study was undertaken to investigate the effects of surgical procedures on food and water intake and spontaneous locomotor activity in laboratory rats. The influence of anaesthesia with halothane and administration of the opioid analgesic nalbuphine was investigated in normal rats and in animals which underwent either unilateral nephrectomy or jugular vein cannulation. Both nephrectomy and jugular cannulation were associated with a significant reduction in food and water consumption and a depression in locomotor activity levels. The reduction in activity following nephrectomy was reversed by administration of 6 doses of nalbuphine at 4 hourly intervals. Administration of nalbuphine at the same dose rate following halothane anaesthesia in normal rats resulted in a stimulation of activity. The prevention of the depressant effects of surgery by this opioid appears to be due to its stimulatory effect rather than a specific analgesic action. The degree of depression of food and water consumption after nephrectomy was significantly reduced following 6 doses of nalbuphine. This beneficial effect of repeated administration of an opioid may be related to the compound's analgesic action.
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In order to obtain practical experience on the recognition, assessment and evaluation of discomfort in laboratory animals, the degree of discomfort was studied in gallstone-free and gallstone-bearing mice. Out of nine parameters to which scores were assigned per individual mouse, only the response to palpation of the right hypochondrium was found to score significantly higher in gallstone-bearing mice. That is, the incidence of squeaking and the magnitude of muscular contractions were significantly higher in these animals compared with the gallstone-free mice. The stance of the gallstone-bearing mice also tended to be abnormal, although the difference between gallstone-free and gallstone-bearing animals did not reach statistical significance. Although this study does not prove unequivocally that the induction of gallstones per se causes discomfort or pain in mice, we tentatively conclude that it does. We feel that this should be taken into account in any projected work in which gallstone induction in animals may occur. There was considerable between-assessor variation in the assignment of scores to the variables used to assess discomfort, including the response to palpation. It is concluded that the selection of parameters and the experience and/or attitude of the assessor are critically important when the magnitude of discomfort, if any, is assessed in experimental animals.
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Under the 1876 Cruelty to Animals Act it is necessary to recognise pain so that an assessment may be made to determine if it is 'an experiment calculated to give pain' and 'to prevent the animal feeling pain'. Under the conditions of the licence it is also necessary to recognise 'severe pain which is likely to endure' and 'suffering considerable pain'. In the White Paper May 1983 (Command 8883) it is stated that: 'in the application of controls the concept of pain should be applied in a wide sense' and 'the Home Secretary's practice has been to interpret the concept of pain to include disease, other disturbances of normal health, adverse change in physiology, discomfort and distress'. The draft European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Purposes, aims to control, subject to specific exceptions, any experimental or other scientific procedure which 'may cause pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm'. (The White Paper states that UK control will be stricter than the Council of Europe proposals.) Thus, there is a considerable onus on the experimenter to recognise pain (not to define it) and to alleviate it. It is intended that this article should be of help, not only to newcomers inexperienced in the recognition of pain, but also possibly to those relatively experienced workers who may be called upon to evaluate the pain involved in a new model or an individual animal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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The data concerning the types of analgesic drugs available and the experimental evidence for their efficacy in laboratory species are reviewed. The information is then extrapolated to the clinical situation to provide guidance as to methods of achieving effective analgesia in experimental animals. The most generally useful agent at present seems to be buprenorphine which can be used to provide effective, long lasting analgesia in a wide range of species.
Acute pain following different methods of rubber ring castration and tail docking (CTD) was assessed using behavioural and physiological methods. Validity was determined by showing how accurately lambs were allocated, to their appropriate treatment groups. Six groups of seven lambs, 5–6 days old, were subjected to treatments, ranked before the experiment, by the amount of tissue damaged and its sensitivity to pain (anaesthesia), in decreasing order of severity. (1) castration and tail docking; (2) bilateral castration; (3) unilateral castration; (4) short scrotum castration; (5) short scrotum castration with local anaesthesia; (6) handled. A further group (n=7) of tail docked only lambs acted as a tail docking control for castration and tail docked lambs. Changes in plasma cortisol concentration; 14 postures and 11 active behaviours were recorded for 180min. Principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis (DA) helped determine the combinations of indices that most accurately allocated lambs to their appropriate groups. In a PCA, using all individual indices from the lambs, the first two components accounted for 45% of variation in the data. The same indices when used for DA allocated 79% of the lambs to their appropriate group (60min data). Values for 30, 90, 120 and 180min were 50, 55, 48 and 48%, respectively. Measurement was simplified by combining indices: total—incidence of active behaviours, relating to movements of limbs, tail and head plus vocalisation; VSS—time spent dog sitting, lying normally with trembling or with partial extension of hind limbs, and statue standing; V4LL—lying with full extension of the hind limbs; AbS—abnormal standing, excluding statue standing. These combined indices improved accuracy of allocation to 60, 79, 71, 64 and 60% for 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180min. Inclusion of increases in plasma cortisol did not improve the accuracy for 60min data. A simplified index consisting of V4LL and REW (movements of limbs and tail) correctly allocated 74% (60min data, 64% for 30min data). After combining treatment groups, to represent severe, mild or moderate pain the combined indices permitted correct allocation of 91% and the simplified indices 83% of lambs to their appropriate groups (60min data).It is concluded, that measuring activities involving the limbs and tail and the time spent lying with full extension of the hind limbs for 30–60min, separated the severity of acute pain from the testes, scrotum and tail into six levels with >60% accuracy and into three levels with >80% accuracy. Awareness of these indices and their limitations should improve training for animal pain assessment.
The behaviour of 279 newborn Large White × Landrace hybrid piglets in a Specific Pathogen Free Piggery (University of Queensland, Australia) was recorded during and after routine management practices of tail docking, ear notching and teeth clipping. The behaviours were recorded at the time of the procedure and then at 30 s intervals for 2 min after completion of the procedure. Piglets that received one or all of the procedures behaved differently (P<0.05) from piglets that were merely held for a similar time. Additionally, the behaviour of piglets differed significantly (P<0.05) depending on what procedure was performed.The behaviours observed were often correlated with a particular procedure: tail docking caused more tail jamming and wagging; head shaking occurred most with ear notching; teeth clipping caused more teeth champing. Grunting during and in the first 60 s after the procedure was most frequent for piglets that had their tails docked. There was a high degree of individual variation within each litter for piglets undergoing the same procedure. The frequency of behaviours was greatest immediately after the procedure. The statistical differences evident in the period 0–30 s decreased over time and eventually disappeared after approximately 2 min. Restraint of the piglet appeared to be stressful in itself. However, restraint combined with a procedure resulted in an alteration of the behaviour from the basal levels shown by piglets that were only handled. This change in behaviour could indicate that routine management procedures (although transient) are stressful to the piglet and warrant investigation into ways to alleviate this distress.
A method for assessing pain and analgesia in rats and cats is described. The procedure involves subcutaneous injection of dilute formalin into the forepaw, after which the animal's responses are rated according to objective behavioral criteria. The formalin test is a statistically valid technique which has two advantages over other pain tests: (1) little or no restraint is necessary, permitting unhindered observation of the complete range of behavioral responses; and (2) the pain stimulus is continuous rather than transient, thus bearing greater resemblance to most clinical pain. The analgesic effects of morphine, meperidine, and stimulation of the periaqueductal grey matter are evaluated using this test.
The prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors studied were highly potent analgesics against ATP and ACh-induced writhing, but slightly effective or ineffective against MgSO4-induced pain. Morphine also proved to be more effective against ATP and ACh than against MgSO4-induced writhing. ATP and ACh-induced writhing syndrome could be inhibited by the prostaglandin receptor antagonist- Sc-19220. However, Sc-19220 failed to inhibit writhing elicited by MgSO4. The concentration of malondialdehyde was significantly higher in the peritoneal fluid following intraperitoneal injection of ATP and ACh, but was unaltered when MgSO4 was applied as a challenge substance. These results suggest that the prostaglandin system might be involved in the ATP- and ACh- but not in MgSO4-induced pain reaction.