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Growth hormone supplementation improves implantation and pregnancy productivity rates for poor-prognosis patients undertaking IVF


Abstract and Figures

In a sequential crossover study of IVF conducted from 2002 to 2006, growth hormone (GH) supplementation was assessed in poor-prognosis patients, categorized on the basis of past failure to conceive (mean 3.05 cycles) due to low response to high-dose stimulation (<3 metaphase II oocytes) or poor-quality embryos. Pregnancy rates in both fresh and frozen transfer cycles and the total productivity rates (fresh and frozen pregnancies per egg collection) were compared. In all, 159 patients had 488 treatment cycles: 221 with GH and 241 without GH. These cycles were also compared with 1572 uncategorized cycles from the same period. GH co-treatment significantly improved the clinical pregnancy rate per fresh transfer (P<0.001) as well as per frozen-thawed embryo derived from GH cycles (P<0.05) creating a highly significant productivity rate (P<0.001). The effect was significant across all age groups, especially in younger patients, and was independent of stimulation modality or number of transfers. GH cycles resulted in significantly more babies delivered per transfer than non-GH cycles (20% versus 7%; P<0.001) although less than the uncategorized cycles (53%). The data uniquely show that the effect of GH is directed at oocyte and subsequent embryo quality.
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Growth hormone supplementation improves
implantation and pregnancy productivity rates
for poor-prognosis patients undertaking IVF
John L Yovich *, James D Stanger
PIVET Medical Centre, 166–168 Cambridge Street, Leederville, Perth 6007, Australia
*Corresponding author. E-mail address: (JL Yovich).
Dr Yovich presented his MD thesis ‘Human Pregnancies Achieved by In-Vitro Fertilisation’ following research and
clinical work undertaken with Professor Ian Craft at the Royal Free Hospital in London (1976–1980). He returned
to his home town of Perth, Western Australia and established PIVET Medical Centre, the first private
independent fertility management facility in Australia. In 1982, the first child was born as a result of treatment
at PIVET and this child has now become a father himself.
Abstract In a sequential crossover study of IVF conducted from 2002 to 2006, growth hormone (GH) supplementation was assessed
in poor-prognosis patients, categorized on the basis of past failure to conceive (mean 3.05 cycles) due to low response to high-dose
stimulation (<3 metaphase II oocytes) or poor-quality embryos. Pregnancy rates in both fresh and frozen transfer cycles and the
total productivity rates (fresh and frozen pregnancies per egg collection) were compared. In all, 159 patients had 488 treatment
cycles: 221 with GH and 241 without GH. These cycles were also compared with 1572 uncategorized cycles from the same period.
GH co-treatment significantly improved the clinical pregnancy rate per fresh transfer (P<0.001) as well as per frozen–thawed
embryo derived from GH cycles (P<0.05) creating a highly significant productivity rate (P<0.001). The effect was significant
across all age groups, especially in younger patients, and was independent of stimulation modality or number of transfers. GH cycles
resulted in significantly more babies delivered per transfer than non-GH cycles (20% versus 7%; P<0.001) although less than the
uncategorized cycles (53%). The data uniquely show that the effect of GH is directed at oocyte and subsequent embryo quality.
ª2010, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
KEYWORDS: embryo quality, growth hormone, implantation, IVF, pregnancy, productivity rate
The prognosis for treatment by IVF is highly dependent
upon ovarian responsiveness and the quality of oocytes
recovered, with both factors deciding the number of
good-quality embryos that will be generated. Most IVF
programmes utilize ovarian stimulation schedules which
all focus on capturing secondary follicles that have
reached the early antral stage in the early follicular
phase. At this point the follicles become FSH sensitive
and can be selected for growth in the cyclic recruitment
1472-6483/$ - see front matter ª2010, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2010) 21,3749
Fertility treatment by assisted reproductive techniques,
particularly for IVF, has relied upon increasing the amount
of endogenous FSH either by oral agents such as clomiphene
citrate and, more recently, aromatase inhibitors or by giving
exogenous FSH in a concentrated purified form (either uri-
nary-derived or produced by recombinant technology).
Exogenous FSH administration, particularly when supported
by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues to prevent
early luteinization, has been very effective in follicle
recruitment and the generation of pregnancies at satisfac-
tory rates (Homburg et al., 1990a). However there is wide
variability to its responsiveness, such that some patients
will show excessive response with risk of ovarian hyperstim-
ulation syndrome whilst others demonstrate relative de-
grees of ovarian resistance leading to the recovery of few
oocytes. The number of oocytes is quite important given
the age-related phenomenon, which dictates that only a
proportion of oocytes recovered will have the maturational
integrity for generating good-quality embryos with subse-
quent successful implantations and ensuing pregnancies;
e.g. this level might be 20% of oocytes in younger women
(<35 years) but less than 10% of oocytes for older women
(>40 years).
Menstrual cycle dynamics were sufficiently well under-
stood by the 1960s to enable the evolution of successful
ovarian stimulation regimens for fertility treatments includ-
ing the inevitable progression into IVF. However, all stimu-
lation regimens have relied solely upon the importance of
FSH as the key hormone for follicle recruitment and matura-
tion. The last 20 years has seen an intense focus examining
ovarian endocrinology and paracrinology using advances in
molecular biology to better understand folliculogenesis,
cycle dynamics and the age-related process underlying
poorer-quality oocytes in older women. There is an increasing
realization that folliculogenesis involves events prior to, and
other than, FSH dependence, with the role of growth factors
an obvious consideration. Recent suggestions that LH may
improve embryo quality and implantation (Andersen et al.,
2006) and the use of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) for
follicle recruitment (Barad and Gleicher, 2005, 2006)in
low-responder patients are two examples where stimulants
other than FSH may be needed. Critically, past FSH-only
regimens have focused more on oocyte numbers rather than
quality. Poor-responder patients by definition are those who
fail to respond satisfactorily to standard regimens and high-
light the complexity of follicle recruitment and viability and
the problem of a universal stimulation regimen. Growth hor-
mone (GH) is another adjunctive therapy reported to pro-
vide benefit to complex cases (Homburg et al., 1991,
1990b). Currently, reports of its use have been from limited
studies in various patient subgroups (Tesarik et al., 2005)
and as such remains outside routine clinical application.
The first interest in utilizing GH in the human followed
from a series of reports from several independent groups
showing an essential role in various animal species of growth
factors on ovarian function, particularly the amplification of
FSH action (Adashi et al., 1991). The early report, in partic-
ular, that GH could facilitate ovulation induction by meno-
trophins in the human setting (Jacobs, 1972, 1992), caused
some highly fruitful collaborative activity under the leader-
ship of Professor Howard Jacobs in London. However, one
critical area that GH had received little attention was on
poor-prognosis patients in whom, despite increased gonado-
trophin dosages, pregnancies were difficult to achieve. Con-
sequently, the lead author established pilot trials to be
undertaken at PIVET Medical Centre to determine if GH
might have a role in improving the outcome for patients
who had poor responses in IVF. After positive implications
in pilot studies over several years, this report details the po-
sitive outcome of a formalized 5-year study providing GH
therapy to patients deemed to be poor-prognosis cases.
Materials and methods
Study period and participants
PIVET Medical Centre was established in 1980. The study
period includes all cases managed at PIVET Medical Centre
from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2006. Patients offered
the opportunity to participate in the GH study were those
considered to fulfil one or more of the following criteria:
(i) women who had generated less than 3 metaphase II oo-
cytes despite having been given maximal FSH stimulation
(i.e. 450 IU/day with absolute maximum of 600 IU/day);
(ii) women who had generated embryos of which the major-
ity (>50%) showed marked fragmentation and were graded
as 1.5 in PIVET’s long-standing embryo-grading system;
or (iii) repetitive fresh or frozen embryo transfers without
pregnancy where diminished egg or embryo quality was
identified by the laboratory.
Although GH had been explored in several pilot studies
over the previous decade, the selected study period
(2002–2006 inclusive) embraces rigid inclusion criteria and
a complete computer-record system that has been sub-
jected to a rigorous, ongoing validation process.
Clinicians had individual flexibility in deciding which
cases fitted the categories and could be offered inclusion
in the study group. Participants were offered GH based upon
experience from previous cycles or history from either PI-
VET or from outside clinics. The decision to utilize GH, when
offered, was made by the patient and included several fac-
tors, one of which was cost (since patients were required to
pay for GH). However, once selected, patients accepted the
sequential crossover design and made their own decision to
commence the next cycle with or without GH on the under-
standing that they could not receive further GH for treat-
ment cycles undertaken within 6 months. There was an
even distribution between women under 36 and over
36 years of age. The majority had undertaken several IVF at-
tempts before GH was offered. It was only in the latter part
of the study period that GH was offered pre-emptively on
the first or second attempt, generally on the basis of ad-
vanced age or limited cycle opportunities. The number of
previous cycles undertaken in outside clinics was not always
clear and therefore the attempt may be understated.
The Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee
(RTAC), which was formed as a subcommittee under the
Fertility Society of Australia, controls Australian IVF units.
RTAC accredits IVF units to a maximum of 3 years under
an evolving Code of Practice. For accreditation, IVF units
38 JL Yovich, JD Stanger
must provide their data in a continuous and complete form
for central audit. During this period, PIVET has satisfied
RTAC and received full 3-year accreditations continuously.
In Western Australia, there is also state legislation under
the Human Reproductive Technology Act (1991) that pro-
vides a second and separate regulatory requirement. Data
are provided quarterly and each unit is assessed on an annual
basis. One of the requirements under state legislation is that
the IVF unit must have up-to-date accreditation by RTAC as
well as to be overseen by the Reproductive Technology
Council (RTC), established under the state legislation.
Ethical approval
All research at PIVET requires approval from its institutional
ethics committee. The use of GH in ovulation induction was
first approved by the Cambridge Hospital Human Research
Ethics Committee on 15 September 1993. The project was
further scrutinized by the RTC and was granted final ap-
proval on 25 November 1993 (registration number I002).
RTC oversight approvals were further granted on 19 Novem-
ber 2002 and 27 October 2006.
Experimental design
The study was designed as a sequential crossover, where pa-
tients identified as ‘poor-prognosis cases’ were given the
option of using GH. They may or may not have elected to
utilize it in the cycle when initially offered (due to costs
or other concerns), but would be offered it in the next cycle
if unsuccessful in the first. Patients who utilized GH in a cy-
cle, but did not conceive, continued in a crossover process
with no GH on the next cycle, believing that GH had no ben-
efit. PIVET requirement was that a maximum of six injec-
tions were given for a patient within any 6-month period
and patients who utilized GH waited at least 6 months be-
fore considering utilizing it again. Given that the PIVET
clinic requirement is a minimum of only 2 months’ rest be-
tween treatment cycles, this crossover arrangement pre-
sented an issue in that some treatment cycles without GH
may well still have remained under its influence.
Patients who received GH on at least one cycle during
the 5-year period were included in the study group. The
analysis compares the outcome including pregnancy be-
tween the cycles in which GH was given (termed GH+) to
those cycles where GH was not utilized (termed GH). It
also enables a comparison of the outcomes of these two
groups to the treatment cycles for all other uncategorized
patients managed concurrently (termed GHu). This term
was used since it included a group of patients who under-
took IVF and either conceived or withdrew from further
treatment, some of whom may have ultimately been of-
fered GH after the study period. Whilst a sequential cross-
over study has some weaknesses as a research model, it is
highly practicable in a private clinical setting and the com-
parative assessments are believed to be valid.
Patient consent
Patients provided their informed consent using PIVET docu-
ment, file number 18, Information and Consents 22.1 – Consent
to an Innovative Procedure: Use of Saizen (Biosynthetic
Growth Hormone) in ovulation induction. They were also
provided with a patient information sheet ‘What is Growth
Hormone?’. The sheet highlighted potential side-effects
and, particularly, asked patients to report any headaches,
visual problems, nausea, vomiting or joint-swelling. The
document noted a potential association between low GH
and hypothyroidism and the potential precipitation of
diabetes particularly for those with a family history. The
patient information sheet was continuously updated to
indicate information from current reported studies, the
consideration of safety aspects along with biosynthetic
preparation and costings. Patient consent for the use of
GH was in addition to other consents for IVF treatment,
intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or other innova-
tions, such as assisted hatching, with each having its own
separate patient information sheet and requiring separate
consent. Participating patients were required to pay for
the use of GH over and above the IVF treatment cycle with
charges levied according to the manufacturer’s charge to
the clinic.
Growth hormone protocol
In the initial phase of the study, the protocol for the com-
mencement of GH was in the cycle preceding the actual
IVF attempt. During 2004–2006, GH was increasingly started
and maintained during the IVF cycle. Therefore the period
2002–2003 represented prior GH exposure, while 2005–
2006 represented concurrent exposure: 2004 may be viewed
as a transition between the two protocols. Twenty-six per-
cent of transfers occurred in 2002–2003 while 57% of trans-
fers occurred in 2005–2006, reflecting the increased usage
of GH supplementation over time.
GH was given in the form of Saizen 10 IU (Serono, Austra-
lia) under two schedules. In the first four years (2000–
2004), the schedule was based on the ideas of Homburg
et al. (1990a,b), attempting to enhance the development
of those secondary oocytes which were in the initial recruit-
ment phase and would be available for FSH capture in the
early follicular phase of the treatment cycle. GH was,
therefore, given in the previous cycle on days 7, 14 and 21
with a final injection on day 2 of the treatment cycle.
With the emergence of other ideas (particularly those
subsequently published by Tesarik et al. (2005), who used
a course of GH injections during the treatment cycle) the
majority of cases in 2005 and 2006 adopted a revised blend
whereby patients received six injections with the first
beginning on day 21 of the preceding cycle and the subse-
quent injections being on days 2, 6, 8, 10 and, if still pro-
gressing, a final injection on day 12.
Patients therefore received either four injections under
the early protocol or a maximum of six injections under
the updated protocol. These were analysed both together
and separately in the results.
Clinical management
Infertility patients involved in the IVF programme at PIVET
are treated in a flexible manner (sometimes dictated by cli-
nician preference) utilizing different stimulation regimens.
Growth hormone supplementation in poor-prognosis IVF patients 39
These include a long down-regulation protocol (LDR;
Synarel; Pfizer, Australia; or Lucrin; Abbott, Australia), a
flare-stimulation regimen (FSR; Lucrin) or, increasingly in
recent years, an antagonist protocol (AP; Cetrotide; Serono,
Australia; or Orgalutran; Shering Plough, Australia). All
patients were treated with recombinant FSH (mostly Gonal-F;
Serono, occasionally Puregon; Schering-Plough, previously
known as Organon), Gonal-F being the preferred agent when
dosages of 300 IU are required.
In general, young women (<35 years) undergoing first
treatment utilize LDR progressing to FSR and then AP if
demonstrating ovarian resistance or poor outcomes. Often
older women (>35 years) will commence on FSR, progress-
ing to AP if required. Annualized data at PIVET shows no dif-
ferences in the pregnancy rates or likelihood of a live-born
baby from any of these stimulation protocols in the overall
Recombinant FSH dosage was prescribed in a set formula
for first cycles, based on patient’s age, day-2 FSH and antral
follicle count graded A for high to E for low. Ovulation was
triggered by 10,000 IU human chorionic gonadotrophin
(HCG; Schering-Plough) in all cases included in the GH study
group when the leading follicles reached 18 mm and the co-
hort was matched by a serum oestradiol of around 800–
1000 pmol/follicle 14 mm.
As per long-standing practice, the patients were moni-
tored during the follicular phase, initially with a basal
day-2 concentrations of oestradiol, progesterone and LH,
thereafter from day 7 on alternate days with oestradiol,
progesterone, LH and transvaginal ultrasound for follicle
dimensions. Transvaginal oocyte recovery was undertaken
35 h post trigger under IV sedation using a PIVET-Cook dou-
ble-lumen flushing/aspiration needle (Cook, Australia).
Each follicle was aspirated and flushed to ensure maximum
potential for oocyte recovery.
The luteal phase was managed in all cases under PIVET’s
long-standing protocol of HCG support (1000 units on days 4,
7, 10 and 13 where day 0 is the day of oocyte retrieval. Mid-
luteal hormone check (oestradiol and progesterone) signi-
fied whether additional support hormones may be given
(oestradiol, progesterone or combined oestradiol/proges-
terone pessary; compounded PIVET products). Where 12
oocytes were recovered, progesterone pessaries replaced
HCG injections.
Embryo culture and assessment
All embryo culture was conducted using Sage Biopharma cul-
ture media (Gytech, Melbourne, Australia) with 5 mg/ml hu-
man serum albumin (Gytech) or occasionally patient’s
serum (10%). Oocytes were cultured for 4–5 h post collec-
tion before insemination with 100,000 motile spermato-
zoa/ml for IVF or denuded with hyaluronidase and mature
oocytes injected by ICSI.
Embryo cultures were undertaken as single embryo incu-
bations in 10 ll drops under oil (Gytech). All cultures were
in 60 mm Falcon dishes (BD, Australia) in MINC benchtop
incubators (Cook) under an atmosphere of charcoal filtered
5% CO
/5% O
/90% N
medical-grade gas. Embryos were
graded on day 3 under a four-point system, including half
points (grade 4 = 8+ cells no fragmentation and early
compaction evident; grade 3 = 7–9 cells, no fragmentation
and no compaction; grade 2 = slow cleavage and/or >20%
fragmentation; grade 1 = arrested or significantly fragmented
embryos). Embryos graded 1.5 were discarded. Day 5
embryos were graded using the Gardner’s scoring system
(Gardner and Schoolcraft, 1999) for blastocysts.
On days 2, 3 or 5, one or two embryos were transferred
to the uterus in 10–20 ll of culture media. Embryo transfers
were undertaken using the Cook double-catheter system
(K-JITS-2005; Cook) under transvesical ultrasound control.
The embryos were deposited just short of the fundus with
a clear flash identified in the fundal region and a negative
check on the transfer catheter by the embryologist on
Although the clinic has a strong policy of single embryo
transfer for most of the study period, such cases catego-
rized as poor prognosis can receive up to two day-3 em-
bryos. When fertilization rates were above expectation
(5 embryos growing) the patient could elect to have blas-
tocyst culture with a single blastocyst transferred on day 5.
In the study period, there were 37 transfers at the blasto-
cyst stage in GH+ and 34 transfers in GHcycles. Assisted
hatching was offered according to RTC approval (i.e. if
three previous transfers had failed to generate a pregnancy
or if the patient was >38 years with an elevated baseline
Residual embryos of suitable quality were cryopreserved
on the day of transfer using a slow freezing, propanediol
method (Testart, 1986) using 10% patient serum where pos-
sible or human serum albumin if required. The thawing of
embryos followed the same protocol (Testart, 1986) and oc-
curred on the day of embryo transfer.
Data validation and statistical analysis
PIVET has established an electronic record-keeping system
that integrates demographic data and billing systems (JAM
software) with a data-recording system using Filemaker
Pro database. Data is transmitted electronically annually
to the independent National Perinatal Statistics Unit data-
recording site and quarterly to the RTC.
The main data comparison was between the GH+ and
GHtreatment cycles and where relevant against the GHu
cycles. The main measure used for comparison between
groups was clinical pregnancy (CP) rate per embryo transfer
procedure, either fresh embryo transfer or post-thaw frozen
embryo transfer (FET). A productivity measure was also in-
cluded which summates the total embryo transfer and FET
pregnancies for the relevant group, constituting a produc-
tivity rate as the cumulative pregnancy rate per oocyte
retrieval. Implantation rates are defined as the number of
identifiable gestational sacs in clinical pregnancies arising
as a proportion of the total number of embryos transferred.
A further term, utilization rate, was used to denote the
proportion of ‘usable’ embryos arising from the total
number of two pronucleate embryos created from a single
oocyte retrieval procedure. This denotes the number of
embryos transferred plus the number deemed suitable for
Statistical analysis was conducted by comparison of
groups in 2 ·2 contingency tables using chi-squared analysis
40 JL Yovich, JD Stanger
with Pearson’s correction factor where required and t-test
for comparison between means.
Patient profile
The patient profile revealed a total group of 159 women
with an average age of 37.5 ± 4.1 years (Table 1) with sim-
ilar numbers of patients in the various age groups (101 trans-
fers below 35 years; 216 between 35 and 40 years and 78
over 40 years) indicating that age itself did not entirely con-
stitute the prescription for GH. Infertility categories showed
21% of couples had some tubal factor, 32% had endometri-
osis included in their medical history, 42% had some form
of abnormal semen profile and 21% had poorly explained
infertility largely comprising polycystic ovaries or ovulatory
disorders. A single cause was described in 49% of couples
while 51% had more than one reason for infertility.
On average, couples had 3.05 cycles before being offered
GH; however, this was decided on a case-by-case basis. The
average number of cycles per referral case at PIVET during
the study period was 1.96 cycles compared with 3.95 cycles
in those patients receiving GH in one or more cycles.
Fresh and frozen transfers
During the 5-year study period, 159 patients were classified
as fulfilling the criteria for consideration of GH and had 488
IVF cycles. In all, 232 cycles were started with GH and 256
cycles were not (Table 2). This population represented
about 25% of the cycles started during the study period. Sev-
enty-one of the 159 patients had two GH+ cycles with at
least one intervening GHcycle.
The cancellation rates and the egg collection to transfer
rates were similar in both arms of the study leading to 193
transfers in GH+ and 202 transfers in GHcycles. Despite
similar numbers of fresh transfers, significantly more preg-
nancies arose in the GH+ group than the GHgroup (49/
193, 25% versus 19/202, 9%; chi-squared P<0.01).
Eighty-four embryo thaw cycles were undertaken with
embryos generated during GH+ cycles of which 79 resulted
in a transfer, but there were twice as many thaw attempts
(148) and transfers (140) undertaken from GHcycles
(partly due to the latter group recycling back more fre-
quently for transfers as there were fewer pregnancies in
the group). Importantly, there were significantly more clin-
ical pregnancies in the GH+ thawing group (17, 20%) than in
the GHFET group (14, 9%; P<0.05). The resultant preg-
nancy productivity rate (sum of clinical pregnancies from
fresh and frozen transfers per egg collection) in the GH+
group was significantly higher (30% versus 14%; chi-squared
P<0.001). The improved pregnancy rate in the GH+ thaw
cycles was noted as a strong trend across all age groups,
but particularly the younger (24% versus 10% for <35 years)
rather than the older (15% versus 11% for >40 years) age
Of the 1686 IVF cycles undertaken in the GHu group of
patients (Table 2), 1572 had oocytes retrieved and 1311
proceeded to transfer which generated 499 clinical preg-
nancies (38%) and 1528 had thaw cycles which generated a
further 494 clinical pregnancies (32%). The pregnancy pro-
ductivity rate for the non-treatment group was 63% (993
clinical pregnancies from a total of 1572 egg collections).
When the GH treatment groups are compared against this
background population, the pregnancy productivity rate
for the GHgroup of 9% for fresh transfers and 9% for frozen
transfers clearly justifies the classification of these patients
as poor-prognosis cases. Supplementation with GH in the
fresh treatment cycles of this population provided a preg-
nancy rate that approached but remained less than the
background uncategorized population (fresh transfers 25%
versus 38%; P<0.01). This is reinforced by the productivity
rate comparisons for frozen transfers that showed the GH+
group (30%) was significantly improved to a level higher than
Table 1 Basic demographics for patients
receiving growth hormone co-treatment.
Parameter Value
No. of patients 159
Mean age ± SD (years) 37.5 ± 4.1
Type of infertility (%)
Tubal 21
Endometriosis 32
Unexplained 21
Male 42
Additional factors, e.g.
Single cause 49
Multiple causes 51
Table 2 Summary of fresh and frozen treatment cycles
with or without growth hormone (GH) co-treatment.
Parameter GH+ GHGHu Total
Cycles started 232 256 1686 2174
Oocyte retrievals 221 241 1572 2034
Fresh embryo transfers 193 202 1311 1706
Clinical pregnancies 49 19 499 567
Clinical pregnancy rate
per fresh embryo
transfer (%)
38 33
Thawing cycles 84 148 1528 1760
Clinical pregnancies 17 14 494 525
Clinical pregnancy rate
per thawing cycle (%)
32 30
Total pregnancies 66 33 993 1092
Clinical pregnancy rate/
oocyte retrieval
64 54
Values are number or percentage.
GH+ = cycles managed with growth hormone; GH= cycles
managed without growth hormone; GHu = uncategorized
cycles managed concurrently without growth hormone
GH+ vs GHP<0.001.
GH+ vs GHP<0.05.
GH+ vs GHu P<0.01.
GH+ vs GHu P<0.05.
GHvs GHu P<0.001.
Growth hormone supplementation in poor-prognosis IVF patients 41
the GH(14%) and but still less than GHu group (64%)
(P<0.001 and P<0.01, respectively).
Influence of age
Twenty-six percent of the 395 transfers in the GH study
group were for women <35 years of age, 55% for women
aged 35–40 years and 20% for women over 40 years
(Table 3). While the number of transfers with or without
GH was similar in each age group, the pregnancy rate was
significantly higher in those cycles that included GH supple-
mentation (P<0.001). This effect of GH was most signifi-
cant for women under 35 years of age who displayed a
four-fold improvement (38% versus 9%; P<0.001) but also
significant to a moderate level for those aged 35–40 who
displayed a two-fold improvement (21% versus 11%; P<
0.05) and for those over 40 who displayed an eight-fold
improvement on smaller numbers (24% versus 3%; P<0.05).
Women over 40 years generated 29 pregnancies in the GH
group and 131 in the GHu group, providing a rate when
not exposed to GH of 160/1513 (10.6%) rising significantly
when exposed to GH to 50/193 (24%; P<0.001). Given that
the GHu group can also be categorized as poor prognosis,
the true benefit of GH in the over-40 years group is there-
fore more likely a 2.5-fold improvement.
Utilization rate and implantation rate
There was no significant difference in mean FSH concentra-
tion, the number of oocytes recovered nor in their fertiliza-
tion rate or utilization rate between GH+ and GHcycles
(Table 4). The difference in serum FSH at the start of each
cycle was slightly elevated in the GH+ and GHcompared
with the GHu control group but this difference was not sig-
nificant. In this study, the utilization rate was used as a
measure of embryo quality rather than applying an embryo
score and reflects the proportion of embryos deemed suit-
able for transfer or freezing. The average number of em-
bryos transferred was the same in all groups (GH+ 1.78;
GH1.77; GHu 1.64); however, there was a significant in-
crease in the implantation rate in GH+ cycles compared with
GHcycles (Table 4; 15.2% versus 5.1%; P<0.01). The low
implantation rate in GHcycles reinforced the patient’s
definition as poor prognosis and their inclusion in the GH
study. Although the implantation rate was increased under
GH+, the rate remained significantly less than observed in
the GHu group (27.4%; P<0.05).
The improved effect was present in all three age groups
defined in the study. However, when compared with the non-
treatment GHu group, it was the older women (>35 years)
who demonstrated the most significant improvement with
the use of GH, demonstrating implantation rates which
were equivalent to that of the uncategorized non-treatment
group (i.e. no significant differences; 12.8% versus 22.0%
in 35–40 year group and 13.0% versus 11.0% in >40 year
group). Younger women (<35 years) receiving GH showed
an improved implantation rate (20.6% versus 4.7%; P<0.01)
but this rate still fell significantly short of the GHu young
group (34.3%; P<0.05).
Stimulation regimens
In both the AP and FSR regimens, GH+ cycles had signifi-
cantly higher pregnancy rates than GHcycles (both P<
0.05) but there were no significant differences in pregnancy
rates among any of the stimulation regimens which received
GH augmentation (Table 5). Whilst overall, the pregnancy
rate was similar regardless of whether the stimulation was
AP, FSR or LDR, there were more AP cycles (n= 205) than
FSR (n= 147) and LDR cycles (n= 43) in the GH study group
(n= 395). This reflects the clinic’s policy at that time that
poor responders were increasingly managed by an AP proto-
col. LDR protocols were infrequently used in the patients
who received GH.
Attempt number
There was a significantly better pregnancy rate with GH on
the second (P<0.05) or third transfer (P<0.01; Figure 1)
than without GH. Individually, there was no better outcome
with GH when given for any transfer after the third but col-
lectively the combined pregnancy rate was significantly
higher with GH. The pregnancy rate for combined one–
three cycles was significantly higher for GH+ treatment cy-
cles (33% versus 11%; P<0.001) as well as for the combined
Table 3 Relationships between clinical pregnancies per transfer, patient age and growth hormone (GH)
Treatment <35 years 35–40 years >40 years Total
nPregnant (%) nPregnant (%) nPregnant (%) nPregnant (%)
GH+ 41 38
103 21
49 24
193 25
GH60 9
113 11
29 3
202 9
GHu 653 46 527 34 131 16 1311 38
Total 754 43 743 29 209 16 1706 33
GH+ = cycles managed with growth hormone; GH= cycles managed without growth hormone; GHu = uncategorized cycles
managed concurrently.
GH+ vs GHP<0.001.
GH+ vs GHP<0.05.
GH+ vs GHu P<0.05.
GHvs GHu P<0.001.
GH vs GHu not statistically significant.
42 JL Yovich, JD Stanger
Table 4 Embryology information by age and growth hormone (GH) co-
GH+ GHGHu Total
<35 years
Oocytes/retrieval 10.7 9.8 12.2 11.7
Fertilization rate (%) 58.3 58.0 61.9 61.4
Utilization rate (%) 64.4 64.7 84.7 82.2
Implantation rate (%) 20.6
34.3 29.9
Mean FSH ± SD (IU/l) 7.4 ± 1.6 7.3 ± 1.9 5.3 ± 2.5 5.9 ± 2.4
35–40 years
Oocyte retrievals 126 134 601 861
Oocytes/retrieval 9.3 8.4 9.8 9.5
Fertilization rate (%) 52.7 48.4 61.7 58.0
Utilization rate (%) 68.8 81.0 76.2 75.0
Implantation rate (%) 12.8
22.0 18.9
Mean FSH ± SD (IU/l) 8.0 ± 3.1 7.8 ± 3.8 5.6 ± 1.9 6.6 ± 2.9
>40 years
Oocyte retrievals 54 36 167 257
Oocytes/retrieval 7.2 7.9 6.9 7.1
Fertilization rate (%) 57.0 55.0 59.0 58.40
Utilization rate (%) 67.0 77.0 26.0 43.0
Implantation rate (%) 13.0
11.0 10.0
Mean FSH ± SD (IU/l) 6.6 ± 3.0 6.5 ± 2.4 6.4 ± 3.7 6.5 ± 3.2
Oocyte retrievals 221 241 1572 2034
Oocytes/retrieval 8.0 8.9 10.7 10.3
Fertilization rate (%) 55.0 53.0 61.0 60.0
Utilization rate (%) 67.10 72.0 78.0 75.0
Implantation rate (%) 15.2
27.40 22.0
Mean FSH ± SD (IU/l) 7.4 ± 2.7 7.4 ± 2.9 5.4 ± 2.4 6.5 ± 2.7
Utilization rate = percentage of embryos suitable for transfer or freezing.
GH+ = cycles managed with growth hormone; GH= cycles managed without
growth hormone; GHu = uncategorized cycles managed concurrently.
GH+ ·GHP<0.01.
GH·GHu P<0.05.
GH+ ·GHu P<0.05.
Table 5 Relationships between clinical pregnancies per transfer, method of
ovarian stimulation and growth hormone (GH) co-treatment.
Group Antagonist Flare stimulation Long down-regulation
nPregnant (%) nPregnant (%) nPregnant (%)
GH+ 138 30
38 21
17 17
GH67 15 109 7 26 4
GHu 251 39 686 39 374 38
n= no. of transfers; Pregnant = percentage clinical pregnancy per embryo transfer.
GH+ = cycles managed with growth hormone; GH= cycles managed without
growth hormone; GHu = uncategorized cycles managed concurrently.
GH+ ·GHP<0.05.
GH+ ·GHu P<0.05.
GH+ ·GHnot statistically significant.
Growth hormone supplementation in poor-prognosis IVF patients 43
Oocyte retrievals 41 71 804 916
four–nine cycles (20% versus 7%; P<0.05). Although the
number of patients who underwent a high number of trans-
fers was low, pregnancies were recorded in all transfer ser-
ies, even after nine or 10 previous unsuccessful attempts
with more pregnancies following the use of GH.
It is worth pointing out that all but ten (Figure 1a) of the
GH+ transfers had at least one prior transfer without GH. All
six of the patients who did have GH+ transfers in their first
IVF cycles were over 40 years of age. The majority of the
GH+ transfers were either the second or third transfer; how-
ever, where GH was administered after high-order multiple
transfers, most were patients referred to PIVET after multi-
ple unsuccessful transfers elsewhere, where GH was not of-
fered. In all, 24% of GH+ transfers were associated with
prior poor outcomes outside of PIVET. This would have the
effect of decreasing the pregnancy rate of the GHcycles
if it were factored into this analysis and further enhance
the differences in the implantation and pregnancy rates be-
tween GH+ and GHcycles.
Year of treatment
GH+ significantly increased pregnancy rates compared with
GHtransfers in the same year in both the 2002–2003
and 2005–2006 intervals (Figure 2a). In 2004, the preg-
nancy rate between GH+ and GHcycles was not significant
although the same trend existed. During 2002–2003, there
were 12 clinical pregnancies from 30 transfers in GH+ cycles
compared with only 8% in GHcycles (40% versus 8%;
P<0.001) while in 2005–2006, there were slightly less
clinical pregnancies with GH+ (24% versus 7%; P<0.01).
The pregnancy rate in GHcycles was the same in both
periods, indicating the referral of patients was similar over
the review period, although the proportion of cases taking
up GH treatment was higher in the years 2005–2006
(Figure 2b).
Side effects
No case of diabetes or hypothyroidism emerged during GH
administration. Two patients described joint swellings of
the hands – one after a single GH injection, another after
a series of four injections. Both ceased further GH treat-
ment and their symptoms resolved spontaneously over 1 or
2 weeks. There were no cases of clinically significant ovar-
ian hyperstimulation syndrome, although for two patients
receiving GH, all embryos were frozen as per PIVET protocol
as they had 12 oocytes recovered at oocyte retrieval. They
were monitored during the luteal phase and did not develop
significant symptoms or other features of ovarian hyper-
stimulation syndrome.
Pregnancy outcome
The analysis of the clinical outcomes combined the pregnan-
cies from both fresh and frozen transfers (Table 6). There
was no difference in the number of clinical pregnancies
per positive HCG pregnancy test (66/73, 90.4% versus 33/
37, 89.2%) or live births per clinical pregnancy (43/66,
65.2% versus 17/33, 51.5%) between GH+ and GHcycles.
In this study, the multiple pregnancy rate (two twin preg-
nancies after GH+ and one after GHstimulation) was low
regardless of treatment but there was no difference in the
pregnancy loss rate between GH+ and GHcycles (35% ver-
sus 48% miscarriage rate per clinical pregnancy) both higher
than the rate in the GHu group. The multiple pregnancy rate
from the patient population utilizing GH on some cycles
(two sets of twins from the GH+ group and one set from
the GHgroup) was lower than the non-treatment group
Figure 2 Clinical pregnancy rates (a) and number of transfers
(b) in poor prognosis cases with or without GH supplement
during individual years of the study period.
Figure 1 The number of transfers by attempt number (a) and
the attempt number in which pregnancy ensued (b) for poor
prognosis patients receiving growth hormone.
44 JL Yovich, JD Stanger
(5.0% versus 9.2%) over the same period reflecting, once
again, the group’s lower implantation potential. In all, sig-
nificantly more babies were delivered in GH+ cycles than
in GHcycles (P<0.05).
There were three abnormalities identified from the GH+
derived pregnancies (one anencephaly terminated in the
first trimester, one complex congenital heart anomaly,
one diamniotic twin/twin transfusion syndrome and one
case of fetal growth retardation). There were two abnor-
malities from the GHpregnancies (one tetraploidy and
one trisomy 15, both terminated in the second trimester).
These cases represented a similar profile to the background
of subfertility pregnancies managed at PIVET although the
‘highish’ aneuploidy rate and pregnancy loss rates might
well reflect the poorer prognosis status of those cases se-
lected for consideration of GH treatment.
This report represents the application of GH as an adjuvant
to ovarian stimulation and follicle recruitment in highly se-
lected, poor-prognosis cases deemed to be poor responders
or patients with suboptimal embryo development. The clear
observation arising from this study is that implantation rates
and resultant pregnancy rates along with the numbers of
healthy babies delivered are significantly higher when GH
co-treatment is given to the defined categories of poor-
prognosis cases. The results confirm a role for GH treatment
during an IVF stimulation cycle and the benefits apply to wo-
men categorized as poor prognosis regardless of age, stimu-
lation regimen or attempt number. The results not only
confirm a benefit in fresh transfer cycles involving GH co-
treatment but reveals an extension to subsequent frozen
embryo transfers. This appears therefore to arise as a con-
sequence of improved oocyte quality rather than numbers
of oocytes and embryos, which were not influenced. The re-
port is the first to span such a long time period reinforcing
its efficacy and is the first to include aspects of a whole-
of-cohort analysis that views the total productivity from
an egg collection incorporating both fresh and frozen trans-
fers. The information reported in this study was collected
over a 5-year period and applied to patients in a private
clinical environment who have demonstrated via past per-
formance a reduced prognosis due to poor embryo numbers
and/or quality and to a lesser extent response to FSH.
There are several reports of small, limited randomized
studies involving GH in ovulation induction and IVF. An early
study with GH on anovulatory or amenorrhoeic women
showed less gonadotrophin was required in the presence
Table 6 Summary of pregnancy outcomes between growth hormone (GH) co-treatment
Parameter GH+ GHGHu
Cycles started 232 256 1686
Cancelled cycles 11 15 114
Oocyte retrievals 221 241 1572
Nil oocytes retrieved 4 4 28
Nil fertilization 17 17 80
Deferred transfer 4 5 175
Fresh transfer cycles with embryos frozen 95 103 879
Cycles with freezing (%) 49 50 56
Fresh transfers 193 202 1311
Frozen transfers 73 145 1528
Total transfers 266 347 2839
Total biochemical pregnancies 7 4 33
Total clinical pregnancies 66 33 993
Failed pregnancies 23 16 228
Live births from fresh embryo transfer 33 11 387
Live births from frozen embryo transfer 10 6 378
Total live births 43 17 765
Multiple pregnancies 2 1 70
Total babies delivered 45 18 836
Miscarriage rate/positive HCG (%) 30/73 (41) 20/37 (54) 261/1026 (25)
Miscarriage rate/clinical pregnancies (%) 23/66 (35) 16/33 (48) 228/993 (23)
Babies/oocyte retrieval (%) 20
Mean birthweight ± SD (g) 3111 ± 738 3271.3 ± 446 3043 ± 732
Mean gestation ± SD (weeks) 38.0 ± 3.2 38.9 ± 0.91 37.6
Males:females 20:25 7:11 431:405
GH+ = cycles managed with growth hormone; GH= cycles managed without growth hormone;
GHu = uncategorized cycles managed concurrently.
GH+ ·GHP<0.001.
Mean birthweight for all births between 2002 and 2008.
National Perinatal Statistics Unit data for 2006: average gestational age for all births from all
Growth hormone supplementation in poor-prognosis IVF patients 45
of GH (Homburg et al., 1991,1990b), a result confirmed by
Owen et al. (1991) for polycystic ovary patients. These stud-
ies argued that GH was acting in an augmentation role to
FSH in follicle development via increased insulin-like growth
factor (IGF)-I activity. Younis et al. (1992), in a limited ran-
domized study on 42 young, tubal patients, found no differ-
ence in the FSH required nor in the number of oocytes or
embryos recovered. The implantation rate and pregnancy
rate differed slightly but was not significant. Bergh et al.
(1994) also found similar oocyte numbers with GH but im-
proved fertilization rates in 40 ‘poor responders’ in a ran-
domized, placebo-controlled study. Schoolcraft et al.
(1997) suggested that a protocol utilizing a flare stimulation
regimen with GH whilst using similar amounts of FSH
appeared to deliver a better pregnancy outcome. More
recently, Sugaya et al. (2003) confirmed in nine poor-
responder patients increased oocyte recovery and embryo
quality than in their previous cycles and that, while IGF-I
concentrations were higher after GH, there were no adverse
effects noted. Finally, Hazout et al. (2009) observed an im-
proved response to GH co-treatment in a large sample of
245 ‘poor’ responder patients with increased oocyte and
embryo numbers and increased pregnancy rate when com-
pared with other similar patients.
Rajesh et al. (2007) reported a similar outcome in 20
poor-prognosis patients. Kolibianakis et al. (2009),ina
meta-analysis study, argued that GH may improve preg-
nancy rate in poor-responder patients but there remains
insufficient information to confirm these observations. This
meta-analysis supported a previous study in 2003 from the
Cochrane database (Harper et al., 2003) and a recent review
(Kyrou et al., 2009). Together, these reports suggest that
while oocyte recovery is a variable outcome measure, most
studies have found that more pregnancies occur with GH co-
These data also do not confirm an increase in oocyte
recovery or fertilization rate as reported elsewhere (Bergh
et al., 1994). There may be several reasons for the lack of
difference in oocyte numbers; the one most likely is that
the poor-responder groups are normally on high dose FSH
regimens. If one of the roles of GH is to facilitate the ac-
tions of FSH at normal serum concentrations (Volpe et al.,
1992), then the prescription of maximal doses may override
this role (Kyrou et al., 2009). Alternatively, this result was
not surprising given the similar starting FSH concentrations,
reinforcing the view that these patients were not poor
responders relative to other patients in the same age group.
Future studies may need to elucidate the interaction be-
tween FSH dose and GH exposure.
In all age groups, the implantation rate in GHcycles
was highly significantly poorer compared with the implanta-
tion rate in GHu cycles. This observation supports the pa-
tient categorization of poor prognosis. This report did find
that within the study group, co-treatment of GH signifi-
cantly improved the chance of pregnancy and specifically
the implantation rate compared with the cycles without
GH. Importantly, the implantation rate with GH+ cycles in-
creased to levels only marginally less than the uncatego-
rized group, especially so for women over 40 years.
A key observation was that in the thaw cycles with em-
bryos originating from the GH+ cycles, the pregnancy rate
per thaw cycle was significantly higher compared with the
cycles where the frozen embryos arose from the GHgroup.
This was evident across all ages implying better-quality
embryos arise following GH co-treatment in poor-prog-
nosis cases. The best measure of GH effectiveness is the
cumulative number of pregnancies expressed against the
number of collections since it is the cohort of embryos that
is important, not just the fresh transfer. In this study, the
cumulative pregnancy rate per collection (productivity rate)
was significantly higher after GH augmentation than without
GH, although this was still less than the rate of 64% in the
uncategorized group, which, of course, benefited by exclu-
sion of those poor-prognosis cases selected out for the GH
study. This analysis again supports the argument that the
patients referred for GH indeed have a significantly poorer
prognosis. In the cycles without growth hormone, only
13.7 clinical pregnancies were achieved per 100 collections.
It may be surmised from this data that GH significantly im-
proves the outcome in the poor-responder and other poor-
prognosis groups but its application does not restore these
patients to a ‘normal’ responder. The higher implantation
rate with GH and the higher productivity over fresh and fro-
zen cycles argues the effect of GH augmentation was on oo-
cyte competency rather than on uterine interactions.
The beneficial effect of GH was apparent over all at-
tempt numbers and over time, with the observation that
the provision of GH in 2002–2003 in the cycle preceding
the IVF cycle generated better outcomes compared with the
GHcycles than in the later part of the study in 2004–
2005 when GH was given during the treatment cycle. Most
of the published studies administered GH after the start of
ovarian stimulation and continued exposure until ovulation
induction trigger. The two differing exposure periods in this
study reflect this study’s endeavours to explore whether
one regimen was superior and the results suggest that both
pre- or peri-treatment cycle administration provided a ben-
efit. It does not, however, imply that the mode of action is
the same. There have been no reports comparing the timing
of GH exposure, yet there are two proposed modes of
action: either a supportive effect on FSH stimulation on
follicle recruitment and development or a role in oocyte
maturation and maturity.
The requirement of GH in follicle development can be
demonstrated by the management of patients who have
either GH deficiency (Giampietro et al., 2009) or GH excess
women, GH replacement therapy of 4–6 months results in
natural conceptions without the addition of any other
stimulatory means. There have been many reports docu-
menting that GH supplementation increases IGF-I serum
and follicle concentrations in normal ovulating women
(Carson et al., 1989; Volpe et al., 1992) and that its action
was largely to promote FSH activity by IGF-1 (Homburg
et al., 1988). As such, the early studies focused on whether
GH supplementation increased follicle recruitment and
oocyte numbers mainly for poor-responder patients. Whether
this applies to the poor-prognosis patients in this study who
are already receiving high dose gonadotrophin stimulation is
unclear. Sugaya et al. (2003) did find, even at 450 IU/day,
that GH treatments resulted in more oocytes recovered
but only in patients with low IGF-I binding protein-3. This
observation suggests that where GH involves an action via
IGF-I, it is mediated by associated binding proteins. Recent
46 JL Yovich, JD Stanger
(Esfandiari et al., 2005). In the report of four eugonadotrophic
articles demonstrating that DHEA may augment the ovarian
action of FSH in poor responders by increasing oocyte recov-
ery rates and embryo quality (Barad and Gleicher, 2006;
Casson et al., 2000) appear to be different observations
made in this study and suggest that DHEA and GH may differ
in some modes of action. If so, combining both DHEA and GH
may warrant specific investigation.
An alternative mode of action may be a direct effect of
GH on oocyte maturation. In the bovine model for instance,
GH has been shown to promote nuclear maturation of oo-
cytes in vitro via cumulus cell interaction (Izadyar et al.,
1996) in a manner that is independent of IGF-1 (Izadyar
et al., 1997). In this model, GH receptors have been identi-
fied on both the cumulus cells and the oocyte along with GH
mRNA expression in the oocyte (Bevers and Izadyar, 2002).
In-vitro co-culture of GH with bovine oocytes promoted em-
bryo development (Izadyar et al., 2000), possibly by improv-
ing cytoplasmic aspects of the oocyte during maturation.
Izadyar et al. (1998a,b) further demonstrated that GH and
FSH acted via separate pathways since the FSH effect on oo-
cyte maturation was cAMP dependent, unlike the GH effects
that were not. Together, these articles argue that GH has a
specific stimulatory role in oocyte maturation via GH recep-
tors to activate transcription and that this may be in part
mediated via the oocyte. There are no reports of GH recep-
tor activity on human oocytes and species variations make
extrapolation difficult, since oocyte-specific factors may
promote granulosa cell proliferation in the mouse, but in
the bovine and porcine models this effect involves IGF-1
(Gilchrist et al., 2008). This study’s data, demonstrating im-
proved implantation rates for both fresh and frozen em-
bryos, suggest that GH has an active role in human
embryo quality and this would most likely reflect a role in
oocyte maturation rather than oocyte numbers. There are
other reports of an association between GH concentrations
in follicular fluid and IVF outcomes. Mendoza et al. (1999)
reported elevated GH concentrations in the follicular fluid
of women were associated with improved oocyte maturity,
fertilization and embryo quality. A follow-up study by
Mendoza et al. (2002) confirmed that elevated GH concen-
trations were also found within the follicle fluid of oocytes
that were selected for transfer and that gave rise to preg-
nancy. In other studies, the concentrations were at the
low end of the normal range in females and the concentra-
tion of serum GH was not described (Mendoza et al., 2002).
Mendoza et al. (1999) suggested that the differing concen-
tration of GH in follicular fluid may arise from the local ac-
tion of cytokines on the permeability of the follicle wall to
serum concentrations. Little is known about the relative
concentrations of GH in serum after co-treatment and
whether the concentrations are raised significantly near
the time of ovulation induction to influence oocyte matura-
tion. The phase of GH administration may therefore produce
different outcomes, depending on whether GH was pre-
scribed before treatment, and therefore acts on follicle
selection and response to FSH, or later in treatment where
the effects may be more to do with oocyte competency.
There are three studies in humans that support the
observations presented here. Tesarik et al. (2005) found
GH administration in women over 40 years of age signifi-
cantly increased the pregnancy rate. The clinical pregnancy
rate for women greater than 40 years in the current study
was 12/49 and 1/29 for GH+ and GH, respectively, and
the combined results showed a 24% pregnancy rate in GH-
treated older women compared with 3% for all women over
40 years treated without GH during the 5-year study period.
These results are consistent with the observations by
Tesarik et al. (2005) who reported clinical pregnancy rates
of 32/50 and 6/50, respectively. These observations support
the nature of this study’s sequential crossover design and
confirm that GH administration in older women can be
beneficial. Rajesh et al. (2007) reported that GH increased
embryo numbers and pregnancy in poor-prognosis patients
and Hazout et al. (2009) also demonstrated a better out-
come with GH in poor-prognosis groups (more than three
transfers) when compared against other patients of similar
background. Sugaya et al. (2003) identified a subgroup of
patents who did not have elevated concentrations of IGF-I
binding protein-3 that appeared to produce more oocytes
with GH treatment.
The type of patient who may benefit from GH augmenta-
tion remains unclear. While this study has demonstrated a
positive role that in patients who clinically present with re-
duced prognosis, usually after three or more IVF attempts,
clarification on how it may improve outcomes may better
elucidate those patients who may benefit. The better out-
comes in younger women argue their poor reproductive po-
tential may be due to processes that depend on GH.
Addition of GH appears to improve their prognosis but does
not fully restore it to levels seen in the uncategorized GHu
group. In other words, GH deficiency is only part of the
problem. In older women, while the need for GH remains,
other effects of oocyte ageing may make GH supplementa-
tion harder to demonstrate if given universally. This study
has shown that GH improves clinical outcomes in both youn-
ger women (<35 years) and older women. It would, how-
ever, seem logical to separate the aetiologies of these
two groups since women over 40 years have lower ovarian
reserve and decreased oocyte quality. In contrast, poor
responders under 35 years of age represent women with
either premature reduction of ovarian reserve or elevated
FSH threshold.
This paper also is the first to report on the outcome of
children conceived from a treatment cycle involving GH dur-
ing IVF. The results suggest a similar miscarriage rate consis-
tent with the poor outcome feature of this group of patients,
a rate still higher than in the GHu group suggesting that GH
may not address some key reproductive failings in such pa-
tients. However, a higher clinical pregnancy rate and live
birth rate per egg collection has been demonstrated in the
GHu group. Birthweights and sex ratio were normal. One re-
port (Esfandiari et al., 2005) documents healthy triplets
after GH treatment for acromegaly and another (Salle
et al., 2000) documents a normal birth after GH treatment
for panhypopituitarism. The similar miscarriage rate differs
from a recent observation that DHEA may reduce the miscar-
riage rates in poor responders (Gleicher et al., 2008) again
suggesting DHEA and GH may not act in the same manner.
In summary, this 5-year comprehensive study of IVF/ICSI
treatment in a large group of patients categorized as having
a poor prognosis, co-treatment with GH was shown to signif-
icantly increase the clinical pregnancy and live birth rate
over treatment cycles without GH, albeit to rates lower
than observed with all other patients not categorized as
Growth hormone supplementation in poor-prognosis IVF patients 47
poor responders. The effect was apparent across time peri-
ods, in all age groups, regardless of previous attempts and
independent of stimulation protocols. The benefit of GH
was also expressed in subsequent frozen embryo transfers
implying improved qualitative aspects for oocytes. There
appeared to be no adverse effects in the children born after
GH exposure. The study does support other reports for a
role for GH supplementation for various poor-prognosis
cases and further research is required to ascertain whether
the effects observed are due to improved follicle health or
improvements in the peri-ovulatory environment.
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Declaration: The authors report no financial or commercial
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Received 23 September 2009; refereed 2 November 2009; accepted
4 February 2010.
Growth hormone supplementation in poor-prognosis IVF patients 49
... However, owing to the reduction of euploid embryos in women with AMA, they experience a higher prevalence of IVF failure, pregnancy loss, and congenital disabilities in offspring compared to younger women [1]. Studies have shown that the proportion of euploid blastocysts in women aged [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] years remained constant at approximately 55% and decreased rapidly to approximately 35% at the age of 38 years and less than 20% at the age of 43 years [2]. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) can improve ongoing pregnancy and live birth outcomes per embryo transfer [3] and is considered beneficial for women with AMA undergoing IVF [4][5][6]. ...
... GH = growth hormone; OS = ovarian stimulation; PGT-A = preimplantation genetic screening; PSM = propensity score matching were similar between the two groups (Table 5). These results indicated that GH supplementation during OS did not affect the subsequent development potential of euploid embryos, and therefore further proved that the observed increase in clinical pregnancy, ongoing pregnancy, and live births in existing studies [23][24][25][26][27] should be related to a higher proportion of euploid embryos in the GH group. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the proportion of patients with mosaic embryos (9/140, 6.43% vs.18/272, 6.62%) and the rate of mosaic embryos per biopsy (9/231, 3.89% vs. 30/492, 6.10%, Table 2). ...
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Background Studies have shown that supplementation with recombinant human GH (rh-GH) during ovarian stimulation (OS) may improve the ovarian response and clinical outcomes of IVF. However, it remains unclear whether GH is associated with the ploidy status of embryos, and therefore, is unable to explain the underlying reason for the effect of GH on IVF outcomes. This study aimed to investigate whether GH supplementation in women with advanced maternal age (AMA) during OS is related to an increased probability of obtaining euploid blastocysts. Methods This was a single center retrospective cohort study. The data of all women aged 38–46 years who underwent their first preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) cycle between January 2021 and June 2022 were reviewed. Patients in the GH group received 4 IU/day subcutaneous GH supplementation from the beginning of OS to the trigger day, and patients in the control group did not. A total of 140 patients in the GH group and 272 patients in the control group were included after 1:2 propensity score matching. Results The baseline and cycle characteristics between the two groups were similar. The proportion of cycles which obtained euploid blastocysts was significantly higher in the GH group than that in the control group (41.43% vs. 27.21%, P = 0.00). The GH group had a significantly higher euploid blastocyst rate per cohort (32.47% vs. 21.34%, P = 0.00) and mean euploid blastocyst rate per cycle (per biopsy cycle 0.35 ± 0.40 vs. 0.21 ± 0.33, P = 0.00; per OS cycle 0.27 ± 0.38 vs. 0.16 ± 0.30, P = 0.02). However, the benefit of GH was more significant in patients aged 38–40 years, but not significant in patients aged 41–46 years. Pregnancy outcomes were similar between the two groups after embryo transfer. Conclusions GH supplementation during OS is associated with a significantly increased probability of obtaining euploid blastocysts in women aged 38–40 years, but this benefit is not significant in women aged 41–46 years. Our results explained the underlying reason for the effect of GH on IVF outcomes in existing studies, and might be helpful for AMA patients undergoing PGT-A cycles to obtain a better outcome meanwhile to avoid over-treatment. Trial registration NCT05574894,
... A recent systematic review of the effects of GH on endometrial improvement in women undergoing IVF showed that GH may improve IVF outcomes, especially in women with a thin endometrium; however, the quality of evidence was not high (7). Nonetheless, many studies have established that compared with untreated women, pregnancy, implantation, and live birth rates are augmented by exogenous GH supplementation in treated women (8)(9)(10)(11)(12). However, the role of GH supplementation in IVF is yet to be determined. ...
... For example, several randomized controlled trials did not detect any definitive benefits of GH administration on live birth rates in poor ovarian responders (29, 30). However, other studies have reported improvements in pregnancy, implantation, and live birth rates following GH supplementation (8,(10)(11)(12)31). This discrepancy can be attributed to differences in patient groups. ...
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Background Growth hormone (GH) supplementation has been shown to improve oocyte quality and live birth, but few studies have examined whether GH can reduce embryonic aneuploidy. Chromosomal abnormalities in preimplantation embryos have been regarded as the principal cause of implantation failure and miscarriage, and an increased percentage of aneuploid embryos has been observed in patient cohorts with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), recurrent implantation failure (RIF), and advanced maternal age.Methods This prospective cohort study was conducted on women whose previous PGT-A cycle ended up with no transferrable blastocysts, or the aneuploidy rate was above 50% and no live birth was acquired. The participants were divided into GH co-treatment and comparison groups according to whether GH was administered in the subsequent PGT-A cycle. In addition, within the GH co-treatment group, the previous failed cycle constituted the self-control group.Results208 women were recruited in the study (GH co-treatment group: 96 women, comparison group: 112 women). Compared to the self-control and comparison groups, the rate of euploid blastocysts was significantly higher in the GH co-treatment group (GH vs self-control: 32.00% vs 9.14%, odds ratio [OR]: 4.765, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.420–9.385, P < 0.01; GH vs comparison: 32.00% vs. 21.05%, OR: 1.930, 95% CI: 1.106–3.366, P = 0.021), and their frozen embryo transfers resulted in more pregnancies and live births. In the subgroup analysis, for the <35 and 35-40 years groups, the euploidy rate in the GH co-treatment group was significantly higher than those in the self-control and comparison groups, but in the >40 years group, there was no difference in euploidy rate.Conclusion Our study presents preliminary evidence that GH supplementation may ameliorate blastocyst aneuploidy and improve pregnancy outcomes in women who have previously experienced pregnancy failures along with high aneuploidy rates, particularly in those younger than 40 years. Therefore, the use of GH in such women should be considered. However, considering the limited sample size and mixed indications for PGT-A, further scientific research on the underlying mechanism as well as clinical trials with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm the effects and optimal protocols.
... The most recent Cochrane review identified 55 randomized studies of growth hormone as an adjunct to IVF, of which 39 studies were not used for the review but classified as waiting further information [10,21]. Among 16 remaining studies, the effect of GH was estimate to be odds ratio (OR) 1.32, 95% CI 0.40 to 4.43. ...
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Background Growth hormone (GH) has been proposed as an adjunct in in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles, especially in women with poor ovarian response. However, it is unclear whether GH supplementation is effective in women with poor embryonic development in the previous IVF cycle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of GH supplementation in IVF/ICSI cycles in women with poor embryonic development in the previous cycle. Methods This is a retrospective cohort study from a public fertility center in China, in which we performed propensity score-matching (PSM) for female age and AFC in a ratio of 1:1. We compared the cumulative live birth rate per started cycle, as well as a series of secondary outcomes. We included 3,043 women with poor embryonic development in the previous IVF/ICSI cycle, of which 1,326 had GH as adjuvant therapy and 1,717 had not. After PSM, there were 694 women in each group. Results After PSM, multivariate analyses showed the cumulative live birth rate to be significantly higher in the GH group than the control group [N = 694, 34.7% vs. N = 694, 27.5%, risk ratio (RR): 1.4 (95%CI: 1.1–1.8)]. Endometrial thickness, number of oocytes retrieved, number of embryos available, and number of good-quality embryos were significantly higher in the GH group compared to controls. Pregnancy outcomes in terms of birth weight, gestational age, fetal sex, preterm birth rate, and type of delivery were comparable. When we evaluated the impact of GH on different categories of female age, the observed benefit in the GH group did not appear to be significant. When we assessed the effect of GH in different AFC categories, the effect of GH was strongest in women with an AFC5-6 (32.2% versus 19.5%; RR 2.0; 95% CI 1.2–3.3). Conclusions Women with poor embryonic quality in the previous IVF/ICSI cycles have higher rates of cumulative live birth with GH supplementation.
... Growth hormone has been shown to promote oocyte maturation by promoting meiotic progression, balancing redox homeostasis in the microenvironment, and enhancing oocyte development [166]. Growth hormone can also improve implantation rates and pregnancy productivity in patients with poor prognoses undergoing IVF by directly affecting oocyte and embryo quality [167]. This may be related to the expression of Nrf2/KEAP1 in GCs [101]. ...
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Granulosa cells are essential for follicle initiation and development, and their abnormal function or apoptosis is a crucial factor leading to follicular atresia. A state of oxidative stress occurs when the balance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the regulation of the antioxidant system is disturbed. Oxidative stress is one of the most important causes of the abnormal function and apoptosis of granulosa cells. Oxidative stress in granulosa cells causes female reproductive system diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome and premature ovarian failure. In recent years, studies have confirmed that the mechanism of oxidative stress in granulosa cells is closely linked to the PI3K-AKT signaling pathway, MAPK signaling pathway, FOXO axis, Nrf2 pathway, NF-κB signaling pathway, and mitophagy. It has been found that drugs such as sulforaphane, Periplaneta americana peptide, and resveratrol can mitigate the functional damage caused by oxidative stress on granulosa cells. This paper reviews some of the mechanisms involved in oxidative stress in granulosa cells and describes the mechanisms underlying the pharmacological treatment of oxidative stress in granulosa cells.
... Te efectiveness of GH on pregnancy outcomes of women who underwent IVF is signifcant, especially in those who were poor responders under ovarian stimulation [155,156]. In a study, the number of mature follicles acquired from patients who were tolerant to gonadotropin therapy increased after cotreatment of GH and gonadotropins, suggesting that the ovarian response of those patients enhanced [157]. ...
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Growth hormone (GH), which is commonly considered to be a promoter of growth and development, has direct and indirect effects on adult gonads that influence reproduction and sexual function of humans and nonhumans. GH receptors are expressed in adult gonads in some species including humans. For males, GH can improve the sensitivity of gonadotropins, contribute to testicular steroidogenesis, influence spermatogenesis possibly, and regulate erectile function. For females, GH can modulate ovarian steroidogenesis and ovarian angiogenesis, promote the development of ovarian cells, enhance the metabolism and proliferation of endometrial cells, and ameliorate female sexual function. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is the main mediator of GH. In vivo, a number of the physiological effects of GH are mediated by GH-induced hepatic IGF-1 and local IGF-1. In this review, we highlight the roles of GH and IGF-1 in adult human gonads, clarify potential mechanisms, and explore the efficacy and the risk of GH supplementation in associated deficiency and assisted reproductive technologies. Besides, the effects of excess GH on adult human gonads are discussed as well.
... In addition to its effects on oocyte quality, [28][29][30] GH has been recently shown to have a beneficial effect on the uterine receptivity for embryo implantation. 1 Experiments in a bovine model suggested an effect of GH at the uterine level; GH not only increased embryonic development in superovulated females, but it also improved post-transfer pregnancy rates when given to lactating recipient cows. ...
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In vitro fertilisation (IVF) with donated oocytes is the most effective assisted reproduction treatment currently available; however, repeated implantation failure (RIF) can occur with this treatment. The protocol of patient preparation for IVF with donated oocytes is relatively simple and works well in most cases; however, it can fail in a minority of women, which is what occurs in RIF patients. While the probability of RIF occuring is 20–35%, it is reasonable to take adequate measures in all patients in order to avoid procedural failure. The risk of oocyte donation failure can be minimised by applying a customised oocyte donation enhancement (CODE) protocol, in which pitfalls of the standard protocol are detected and corrected in the pretreatment phase, during the patient’s uterus preparation for embryo transfer, and after the transfer. Growth hormone, recently reported to improve pregnancy outcomes in women with RIF after oocyte donation, is a possible component of the CODE protocol, but it cannot be considered a unique solution to RIF. This article reviews possible causes of RIF and places growth hormone treatment in the context of other important measures to be followed in the CODE protocol.
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The female reproductive system is strongly influenced by nutrition and energy balance. It is well known that food restriction or energy depletion can induce suppression of reproductive processes, while overnutrition is associated with reproductive dysfunction. However, the intricate mechanisms through which nutritional inputs and metabolic health are integrated into the coordination of reproduction are still being defined. In this review, we describe evidence for essential contributions by hormones that are responsive to food intake or fuel stores. Key metabolic hormones—including insulin, the incretins (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and glucagon-like peptide-1), growth hormone, ghrelin, leptin, and adiponectin—signal throughout the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis to support or suppress reproduction. We synthesize current knowledge on how these multifaceted hormones interact with the brain, pituitary, and ovaries to regulate functioning of the female reproductive system, incorporating in vitro and in vivo data from animal models and humans. Metabolic hormones are involved in orchestrating reproductive processes in healthy states, but some also play a significant role in the pathophysiology or treatment strategies of female reproductive disorders. Further understanding of the complex interrelationships between metabolic health and female reproductive function has important implications for improving women's health overall.
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Background Age-related fertility decay is a great challenge for clinicians. Growth hormone (GH) supplementation has been studied as an adjuvant since late 1980s. However, it has not come to a consensus on the GH administration due to the ambiguous efficacy among studies with different enrolled population and dosage regime. Methods A self-controlled retrospective study was conducted on women with advanced maternal age who underwent at least a previous cycle without GH (GH−) and a subsequent cycle with GH co-treatment (GH+). The ovarian stimulation parameters and outcomes were compared between the two cycles and logistical analysis was applied to further explore the association between GH administration protocol as well as other clinical parameters and cumulative live birth in GH+cycle. Results A total of 150 women aged 35-43 were included. The number of oocytes retrieved, MII oocytes, 2PNs, transferrable embryos and good-quality embryos in GH+ significantly increased ( p < 0.001). The proportion of cycles with no transferrable embryos was significantly reduced in GH+ cycle compared with previous GH− cycle (3 vs. 32; p < 0.001). GH co-treatment cycles showed significantly higher clinical pregnancy rates (43.75% vs. 6.06%; 38.35% vs. 12.04%, p < 0.001), live birth rates (29.17% vs. 0; 27.07% vs. 0, p < 0.001) in both fresh and frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycle. Cumulative live birth rate of the GH+ cycle reached 33.33%. Use of GH prior to Gn stimulation and lasting until the hCG day seemed to achieve a higher successful live birth rate (OR 2.312, 95%CI 1.074-5.163, p =0.032). Conclusion GH supplementation could ameliorate pregnancy outcome in women with advanced maternal age. Dosage regimen of long-term pretreatment prior to Gn stimulation (4 IU every other day) and 4 IU per day until hCG day may of greater efficacy compared with concurrent administration with Gn. Additionally, it’s worthy of exploring whether an individualized dosage regimen based on the IGF or IGFBP level of patient would be more reasonable and effective. More well-designed prospective trials with large sample size and fundamental experiments on the mechanism are required to testify findings above.
Growth hormone (GH) is an important regulator of the female reproductive system. In vitro and in vivo studies in animals demonstrate a role of GH in steroidogenesis, folliculogenesis, and post-fertilization development. Given its ability to modulate the reproductive system and potentiate the effects of gonadotropins, a beneficial role of GH replacement therapy to optimize fertility has been suggested. Women with hypopituitarism have lower pregnancy and live birth rates. Limited data suggest a role of GH in enhancing fertility management in women with hypopituitarism. GH replacement therapy may be especially relevant in women with hypopituitarism as well as in women considered poor ovarian responders and require assisted reproductive techniques.
Objectives: To investigate whether growth hormone (GH) can improve oxidative stress (OS) by affecting) /nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)/Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1) in women of advanced age undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Methods: This retrospective study enrolled 141 patients, including 65 aged C patients (patients not treated with GH) and 76 aged GH patients (patients treated with GH). The outcomes included IVF-ET results, OS markers in follicle fluid (FF) and Nrf2 and Keap1 mRNA and protein expressions in granulosa cells (GCs). Results: The results showed that GH improved the available blastocyst (p=.047) and implantation rate (p=.043) in women of advanced age undergoing IVF. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content of FF was significantly higher in the aged-C group than in the aged-GH group (p=.013). The antioxidant enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-px) and catalase (CAT) were significantly lower in the aged-C group than in the aged-GH group (p= .000, p= .049, p= .012 respectively). Nrf2 mRNA and protein expression was significantly higher and Keap1 mRNA and protein expression was lower in the aged-GH group than in the aged-C group (p= .000, p= .000 respectively). Conclusions: The study showed that GH improved embryo quality and implantation rate and alleviated OS in FF, which may be related to Nrf2/Keap1.
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Whether the addition of growth hormone (GH) can improve the probability of pregnancy in poor responders undergoing ovarian stimulation for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) has been examined to date by several underpowered studies, which have not provided solid conclusions. A computerized literature search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL and randomized controlled trial (RCT) registries was performed independently by two reviewers, aiming to identify RCTs that evaluated the following research question: does GH addition increase the probability of pregnancy in poor responders undergoing ovarian stimulation with gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues and gonadotrophins for IVF? Six relevant RCTs were identified, including a total of 169 patients. GH addition significantly increased clinical pregnancy (rate difference: +16%, 95% CI: +4 to +28; fixed effects model) (number-needed-to-treat (NNT) = 6, 95% CI: 4-25) and live birth rates (rate difference: +17%, 95% CI: +5 to +30; fixed effects model) (NNT = 6; 95% CI: 3-20). Furthermore, GH addition was associated with a significantly higher proportion of patients reaching embryo transfer (rate difference: +22%, 95% CI: +7 to +36; fixed effects model). The present meta-analysis provides evidence that GH addition increases the probability of clinical pregnancy and live birth in poor responders undergoing ovarian stimulation with GnRH analogues and gonadotrophins for IVF. However, the total number of patients analyzed is small and thus further RCTs are warranted to prove or disprove this finding.
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To highlight the clinical role of standard GH replacement treatment on fertility and pregnancy outcomes in four infertile eugonadal women with GH deficiency (GHD). Case report. Department of endocrinology and infertility clinic, tertiary-care university hospital. Four normogonadotrophic, normoprolactinemic patients with long-standing infertility, affected by GHD. In two patients (aged 30 and 34 years) GHD was diagnosed after a brain injury. The third patient (age 30 years) had a primary empty sella, documented by magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary. The last patient (age 28 years) underwent transsphenoidal surgery for Ratke's cyst. The LH and FSH responses to GnRH were normal in all four patients. Two of the four patients also had secondary hypoadrenalism and hypothyroidism. Patients received recombinant human GH replacement therapy (0.9-1.8 mg/week) for 6-12 months until pregnancy was first indicated by biochemical markers (beta-hCG) and later confirmed by transvaginal sonography. The GH therapy was discontinued after confirmation of pregnancy. Pregnancy. All patients remained off treatment throughout pregnancy; they had uneventful pregnancies and term deliveries. The babies were healthy and normal in terms of length and weight. Our case studies confirm the important clinical role of the GH-insulin-like growth factor I system in oocyte fertilization and the beginning of pregnancy in a selected population of eugonadotrophic infertile women.
In 126 selected patients treated with clomiphene and human menopausal gonadotrophin, 154 embryos were transferred into the uterus 41–50 h after in-vitro insemination. Fifty per cent of embryos implanted. The rate of cleavage was inversely related to the success of embryo transfer; implantation failures occurred for 69 and 46% of embryos with more than or less than four cells, respectively {p <0.05). Cleavage rate was not related to the viscosity of the cumulus cell mass, serum supplementation of culture medium, nor to the age or genetic factors of the woman. There was a trend towards smaller follicles, and a significant (p <0.05) tendency for patients developing numerous follicles to yield faster-cleaving embryos. These relationships were not found in 50 other embryos obtained from patients treated with pure FSH.
Previous studies relating hormone and cytokine concentrations in follicular fluid to oocyte fertilizability were flawed by the uncertainty about the actual oocyte maturity status at the time of recovery and by the possible contribution of the male factor to failures of conventional in-vitro fertilization. This is the first study in which oocyte maturity was assessed immediately after recovery and only mature oocytes were selected for treatment by intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertilization outcomes were related to follicular fluid concentrations of 17β-oestradiol, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone (LH), growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNFα). Those oocytes that subsequently showed normal fertilization were harvested from follicles with higher concentrations of progesterone, GH, PRL, IL-1 and TNFα as compared with those of oocytes that failed to fertilize. Among the normally fertilized oocytes, low GH concentrations were associated with the failure of cleavage and with poor morphology of cleaving embryos, whereas rapidly cleaving embryos developed from oocytes recovered from follicles with high concentrations of LH and IL-1. These data suggest important roles for GH, IL-1 and TNFα, and of residual LH after pituitary suppression, as positive regulators of the final phase of oocyte intrafollicular development.
In an effort to improve outcomes of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles the use of growth hormone (GH) has been considered. Most studies investigate the role of GH in normally ovulating infertile women but there is also an interest in the effect of GH on women who respond poorly to ovulation induction and IVF. To assess the effectiveness of GH or growth hormone releasing (GRF) adjuvant therapy, primarily in terms of improving livebirth rate, for women undergoing ovulation induction prior to IVF in (a) patients with no previous history of poor response and (b) patients with a history of poor response. We searched the Cochrane Menstrual Disorders and Subfertility Group's trials register (24 March 2003), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Cochrane Library Issue 1, 2003), MEDLINE (1966 to Feb 2003), EMBASE (1988 to Feb 2003) and Biological Abstracts (1969 to Feb 2003). Reference lists of articles were also searched. All randomised controlled trials were included if they addressed the research question and provided outcome data for intervention and control subjects. Assessment of trial quality and extraction of relevant data was performed independently by two reviewers. Validity was assessed in terms of method of randomisation, completeness of follow-up and co-intervention. Nine studies (401 couples) were included. Three trials concerned patients with no history of poor response to IVF (91 women) and six investigated previous poor responders (302 women). There was no evidence that routine use of GH affected the outcome of livebirth (3 RCTs; OR 1.17, 95% CI 0.38 to 3.59). In women who had previously responded poorly to IVF there was no significant differences in livebirth when combining trials of GH and GRF (4 RCTs; OR 2.42, 95% CI 0.94 to 6.23). However when trials using GH were analysed separately there was an increase in livebirths (3 RCTs; OR 4.37, 95% CI 1.06 to 18.01). There was no significant differences in any adverse events, but these were poorly and inconsistently reported. Although the use of GH in previous poor responders has been found to show a significant improvement in livebirth rate, this result was only just significant. Also, this data is from just three small trials. Therefore, before recommending GH in IVF further research is necessary to fully define its role. Meanwhile GH should only be considered in the context of a clinical trial.
To systematically review the literature to identify randomized controlled trials, which evaluate interventions aiming to improve the probability of pregnancy in poor responders undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Systematic review and meta-analysis. University-based hospital. None. Pregnancy rate. Twenty-two eligible randomized controlled trials were identified that evaluated in total 15 interventions to increase pregnancy rates in poor responders. Based on limited evidence, the only interventions that appear to increase the probability of pregnancy were the addition of GH to ovarian stimulation (odds ratio for live birth: 5.22, confidence interval: 95% 1.09-24.99) and the performance of embryo transfer on day 2 compared with day 3 (ongoing pregnancy rate: 27.7% vs. 16.3%, respectively; difference: +11.4, 95% confidence interval: +1.6 to +21.0). Insufficient evidence exists to recommend most of the treatments proposed to improve pregnancy rates in poor responders. Currently, there is some evidence to suggest that addition of GH, as well as performing embryo transfer on day 2 versus day 3, appear to improve the probability of pregnancy.
In a previous study we have shown that the addition of growth hormone (GH) during in vitro maturation accelerates nuclear maturation, induces cumulus expansion, and promotes subsequent cleavage and embryonic development. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the promotory effect of GH on subsequent cleavage and blastocyst formation is due to an improved fertilization and whether this effect is caused by an improved cytoplasmic maturation of the oocyte. Therefore, bovine cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were cultured for 22 hours in M199 supplemented with 100 ng/ml bovine GH (NIH-GH-B18). Subsequently the COCs were fertilized in vitro. Cultures without GH served as controls. To verify whether the promoted fertilization is caused by the effect of GH on cumulus expansion or oocyte maturation, cumulus cells were removed from the oocytes after in vitro maturation (IVM) and denuded MII oocytes were selected and fertilized in vitro. Both IVM and in vitro fertilization (IVF) were performed at 39 degrees C in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2 in air. At 18 hours after the onset of fertilization, the nuclear stage of the oocytes was assessed using 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. Oocytes with either an metaphase I (MI) or MII nuclear stage and without penetrated sperm head were considered unfertilized; oocytes with two pronuclei, zygotes, and cleaved embryos were considered normally fertilized; and oocytes with more than two pronuclei were considered polyspermic. To evaluate cytoplasmic maturation, the distribution of cortical granules 22 hours after the onset of IVM, and sperm aster formation 8 hours after the onset of fertilization were assessed. In addition, to assess the sperm-binding capacity, COCs were fertilized in vitro, and 1 hour after the onset of fertilization the number of spermatozoa bound to the oocytes was counted. The addition of GH during IVM significantly (P < 0.001) enhanced the proportion of normal fertilized oocytes. Removal of the cumulus cells prior to fertilization and selection of the MII oocytes did not eliminate the positive effect of GH on fertilization. No effect of GH on the sperm-binding capacity of the oocyte was observed. In addition, GH supplementation during IVM significantly (P < 0.001) enhanced the migration of cortical granules and sperm aster formation. It can be concluded that the promotory effect of GH on the developmental competence of the oocyte is due to a higher fertilization rate as a consequence of an improved cytoplasmic maturation.
In an effort to improve outcomes of in-vitro fertilisation cycles the use of growth hormone has been considered. Improving the outcomes of in-vitro fertilisation is especially important for subfertile women who are considered 'poor responders'. To assess the effectiveness of adjuvant growth hormone in in-vitro fertilisation protocols. We searched the Cochrane Menstrual Disorders and Subfertility Groups trials register (June 2009), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Cochrane Library Issue 2, 2009), MEDLINE (1966 to June 2009), EMBASE (1988 to June 2009) and Biological Abstracts (1969 to June 2009). All randomised controlled trials were included if they addressed the research question and provided outcome data for intervention and control participants. Assessment of trial risk of bias and extraction of relevant data was performed independently by two reviewers. Ten studies (440 subfertile couples) were included. Results of the meta-analysis demonstrated no difference in outcome measures and adverse events in the routine use of adjuvant growth hormone in in-vitro fertilisation protocols. However, meta-analysis demonstrated a statistically significant difference in both live birth rates and pregnancy rates favouring the use of adjuvant growth hormone in in-vitro fertilisation protocols in women who are considered poor responders without increasing adverse events, OR 5.39, 95% CI 1.89 to 15.35 and OR 3.28, 95% CI 1.74 to 6.20 respectively. Although the use of growth hormone in poor responders has been found to show a significant improvement in live birth rates, we were unable to identify which sub-group of poor responders would benefit the most from adjuvant growth hormone. The result needs to be interpreted with caution, the included trials were few in number and small sample size. Therefore, before recommending growth hormone adjuvant in in-vitro fertilisation further research is necessary to fully define its role.
In a preliminary, unpublished randomized study conducted in 2000 on 39 patients, including a placebo group, it was observed that the addition of growth hormone (GH) during ovarian stimulation in patients with poor-quality oocytes increased the pregnancy rate. However, the results were not statistically significant due to the small number of patients in each group. A protocol with 8 IU GH was tested in 291 patients with three or more previous failures of embryo transfer for no clearly identifiable reasons. The analysis was restricted to patients receiving either recombinant FSH or human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) (n = 245). They were compared retrospectively to all patients with three or more failures during the same period of time but stimulated only with recombinant FSH or HMG, without GH, in an observational study design. Co-stimulation with GH gave better results in terms of number of oocytes collected and embryos obtained. Pregnancy rate per retrieval was higher than in the control group (25.7% versus 18.2%, P < 0.01) and reached a level similar to the one observed in the study centre for the whole population. Ovarian stimulation associated with GH can be proposed for patients with a history of repeated assisted reproduction failures. An improvement of cytoplasmic competence is proposed as an explanation.