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Atypical Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Transitive Inference


Abstract and Figures

Objective: To investigate the neural mechanisms underlying impairments in generalizing learning shown by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Method: A total of 21 high-functioning individuals with ASD aged 12 to 18 years, and 23 gender-, IQ-, and age-matched adolescents with typical development (TYP), completed a transitive inference (TI) task implemented using rapid event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants were trained on overlapping pairs in a stimulus hierarchy of colored ovals where A>B>C>D>E>F and then tested on generalizing this training to new stimulus pairings (AF, BD, BE) in a "Big Game." Whole-brain univariate, region of interest, and functional connectivity analyses were used. Results: During training, the TYP group exhibited increased recruitment of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), whereas the group with ASD showed greater functional connectivity between the PFC and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Both groups recruited the hippocampus and caudate comparably; however, functional connectivity between these regions was positively associated with TI performance for only the group with ASD. During the Big Game, the TYP group showed greater recruitment of the PFC, parietal cortex, and the ACC. Recruitment of these regions increased with age in the group with ASD. Conclusion: During TI, TYP individuals recruited cognitive control-related brain regions implicated in mature problem solving/reasoning including the PFC, parietal cortex, and ACC, whereas the group with ASD showed functional connectivity of the hippocampus and the caudate that was associated with task performance. Failure to reliably engage cognitive control-related brain regions may produce less integrated flexible learning in individuals with ASD unless they are provided with task support that, in essence, provides them with cognitive control; however, this pattern may normalize with age.
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Atypical Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Transitive Inference
Marjorie Solomon, PhD, J. Daniel Ragland, PhD, Tara A. Niendam, PhD, Tyler A. Lesh, PhD,
Jonathan S. Beck, BS, John C. Matter, BS, Michael J. Frank, PhD, and Cameron S. Carter,
Drs. Solomon, Ragland, Niendam, Lesh, and Carter and Mssrs. Beck and Matter are at the
University of California, Davis (UC Davis). Drs. Solomon, Ragland, Niendam, Lesh, and Carter
are also with the UC Davis Imaging Research Center, Davis, CA. Drs. Solomon and Carter are
also with the MIND Institute, Davis. Dr. Carter is also with the Center for Neuroscience of UC
Davis. Dr. Frank is with Brown University, Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences,
Providence, RI.
Objective—To investigate the neural mechanisms underlying impairments in generalizing
learning shown by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Method—Twenty-one high-functioning individuals with ASD aged 12–18 years, and 23 gender,
IQ, and age-matched adolescents with typical development (TYP) completed a transitive inference
(TI) task implemented using rapid event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
They were trained on overlapping pairs in a stimulus hierarchy of colored ovals where
A>B>C>D>E>F and then tested on generalizing this training to new stimulus pairings (AF, BD,
BE) in a “Big Game.” Whole-brain univariate, region of interest, and functional connectivity
analyses were used.
Results—During training, TYP exhibited increased recruitment of the prefrontal cortex (PFC),
while the group with ASD showed greater functional connectivity between the PFC and the
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Both groups recruited the hippocampus and caudate comparably;
however, functional connectivity between these regions was positively associated with TI
performance for only the group with ASD. During the Big Game, TYP showed greater recruitment
Correspondence to Dr. Marjorie Solomon, UC Davis Health System, MIND Institute, 2825 50th Street, Sacramento, CA;
Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our
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Authors’ contributions: Dr. Solomon designed the study, oversaw all aspects of data collection and analysis, and wrote the manuscript.
Drs. Carter, Ragland, Frank, Niendam, and Lesh, and Mr. Beck and Mr. Matter made substantial contributions to study design, data
analysis, and interpretation. All co-authors read all drafts of the manuscript, and approved the final version.
Disclosure: Drs. Solomon, Ragland, Niendam, Lesh, Frank, Carter, and Messrs. Beck and Matter report no biomedical financial
interests or potential conflicts of interest.
Supplemental material cited in this article is available online.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 November
Published in final edited form as:
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015 November ; 54(11): 947–955. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2015.08.010.
Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
of the PFC, parietal cortex, and the ACC. Recruitment of these regions increased with age in the
group with ASD.
Conclusion—During TI, TYP recruited cognitive control-related brain regions implicated in
mature problem solving/reasoning including the PFC, parietal cortex, and ACC, while the group
with ASD showed functional connectivity of the hippocampus and the caudate that was associated
with task performance. Failure to reliably engage cognitive control-related brain regions may
produce less integrated flexible learning in those with ASD unless they are provided with task
support that in essence provides them with cognitive control, but this pattern may normalize with
learning; fMRI; adolescents; reasoning; problem solving
Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) learn facts, details, and routines 1–6
relatively well but exhibit impairments in generalizing learning from one context to
another 7,8. This situation-focused learning profile may help explain their characteristic
behavioral inflexibility 9, which has a profound impact on their academic, social, and
adaptive functioning.
Transitive inference (TI) is a form of relational reasoning where training on adjacent pairs in
a hierarchy in which A>B>C>D>E>F produces generalization in the form of associations
between untrained novel pairs (e.g. B>D, B>E, and A>F). Extensive rodent 10,11, non-
human primate 12, computational modeling, and human neuroimaging literature about the
hippocampus 13–16, the striatum 17, and the PFC 18–21 have advanced understanding of the
neural substrates of this form of generalization, leading to the development of several
mechanistic models that can be used to derive testable hypotheses22.
One of these mechanistic models suggests that TI is the result of conjunctive encoding by
the hippocampus, which is thought to store memories of elements of different experiences
and to flexibly compare and recombine them to permit generalization of learning 22,23. A
second one of these models suggests that TI emerges due to the development of associative
strength-based reinforcement histories of stimuli, meaning that stimuli that are more
frequently reinforced develop stronger memory traces that support inferences based on their
relative values 24–26. Such reward-based working memories are thought to be produced by
the act of interworking of the striatum 27,28 and the prefrontal cortex (PFC)20,29–34. The
formation of a U-shaped serial position curve, whereby the outer end-item pairs, which have
higher relative values, show greater accuracy, has been taken as evidence for this view. 35,36
The more explicit and hippocampally-mediated learning suggested by the first model and
the more striatally-mediated learning suggested by the second one are thought to be
competitive35,37 in that they cannot occur simultaneously.
Findings of a recent behavioral study of TI suggest that young adults with ASD are poorer at
the generalization of learning assessed by TI, and may rely on a strategy involving
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conjunctive representations by the hippocampus with less evidence of the beneficial
influences of striatally mediated associative strengths governing typical behavior 38. The
goal of the current study was to test this hypothesis using functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) in adolescents with ASD and TYP. We predicted that the group with ASD
would perform more poorly than TYP and use a conjunctive strategy evidenced by greater
hippocampal involvement, whereas the TYP group would use a more associative strategy as
evidenced by greater prefrontal, parietal, and striatal recruitment and functional
connectivity. Finally, we predicted that both groups would show a lack of simultaneous
hippocampal and striatal recruitment with no functional connectivity between these regions,
given that the neural substrates of conjunctive versus associative learning are thought to
operate competitively 35,37.
Thirty individuals with ASD and 27 typically developing individuals were recruited through
psychiatrists, psychologists, speech and language pathologists, advocacy groups, state-
funded centers for persons with developmental disabilities, and MIND Institute’s Subject
Tracking System database and were enrolled in the study. The groups were matched for age,
gender, and IQ. One individual with ASD was removed due to less than chance performance
during training. Four individuals with ASD and 2 with TYP were excluded because they
showed root mean square motion (RMS) greater than 1mm. None were outliers based on
percent signal change (as calculated by the art_groupoutlier function from the ArtRepair
toolbox [] for
SPM8). Two additional individuals with TYP were excluded because their IQs were greater
than 2 standard deviations above the mean. Four with ASD were excluded because their IQ
scores were at the very low end of the borderline range and produced a sample unmatched
on IQ. The final sample included 21 adolescents with ASD (mean age = 15 years; SD = 1.9;
range = 12.2–17.9) and 23 with typical development (mean age = 14.8 years; SD = 1.9;
range = 12.3–17.8), who were matched on age, gender, RMS motion, and IQ. Four to five
women were enrolled in each group 39. See Table 1.
All participants had a Full Scale IQ > 70 on the Wechsler Abbreviated Scales of
Intelligence 40. Participants with ASD had scores in the autism spectrum range on the
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 41 (ADOS-2), the Social Communication
Questionnaire42 (SCQ), and met diagnostic criteria based on a checklist of items from the
DSM-5 43. Exclusion criteria for participants with ASD included diagnoses with known
genetic etiologies, and current parent-reported diagnoses of depression, anxiety disorders, or
psychosis. Participants taking antipsychotic medications were excluded. The 1 participant
taking psychostimulants (from the group with ASD) was asked to stop for 48 hours prior to
the study. All other participants were psychotrophic medication free. After receiving a
complete description, parents of all participants gave written consent, and their minor
children gave assent to participate in the study, which was approved by the University of
California, Davis Institutional Review Board.
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Descriptions of standard measures used to diagnose ASD are included in Supplement 1,
available online.
Ovals TI Task 44 was adapted from Townsend, Richmond, Vogel-Farley, and Thomas
(2010) 45. Participants were trained on a hierarchy of six colored ovals where
(A>B>C>D>E>F) through presentations of 5 “premise” or trained pairs (AB, BC, CD, DE,
EF; see Figure 1[a]). After two training sessions, TI was tested through the presentation of 3
novel inference pairs (BD, BE, AF) without feedback during a “Big Game”. See Figure 1(b).
Timing for the task is shown in Figure 1(c). Jittering schedules were devised using Optseq 46
and ranged between 2–4 s for the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) and 2–8.5 seconds for the
inter-trial interval (ITI). See Figure 2. As more thoroughly described in Supplement 1,
available online, the task was designed to optimize participant performance. We used the
social stories technique that provided participants with simple scripts about events they
would encounter during testing; a graphic representation of the entire task with an indication
of where the participant was in the task at that point; frequent positive performance updates;
and prizes for good performance. Upon task completion, participants we assessed for
awareness of the hierarchy (the percentage of stimuli for which the correct position in the
hierarchy was reported) as awareness can be an important contributor to
performance 24,47,48. A chi-square test of independence was conducted and revealed no
significant difference in awareness between the ASD and TYP group (X2 = 7.27, p = .201).
Only participants with better than chance performance after training session 2 were retained
(1 participant with ASD was excluded).
Behavioral Data Analysis
To account for the repeated nature of the behavioral data in training sessions as well as for
the heterogeneity of variances across block, pairs, and diagnoses, between group differences
in stimulus pair accuracy was examined using linear mixed models implemented in SAS.
Data was transformed using a square root transformation to better approximate a normal
fMRI Analyses
Information about imaging data acquisition and preprocessing can be found in Supplement
1, available online.
Imaging Data Analysis—We first report whole brain analyses followed by region of
interest (ROI) and functional connectivity analyses. In the whole brain analysis, at the first
level, regressors were included for each run and each pair type for both training sessions 1
and 2. Two sets of 2-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were performed at the second
level, which included contrast images of the stimulus or feedback phase as dependent
variables, both versus implicit baseline. For both ANOVAs, the between-subject factor was
diagnosis, and the within-subjects factor was block. Since the structure of the task during
training and test was not parallel (i.e. there was no feedback in the Big Game), we separately
examined group inference pair performance during the Big Game using the same approach.
Although the groups were matched, given the significant cognitive development occurring
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during adolescence, we used age as a covariate. We report all positive effects. Analyses of
both the stimulus and feedback epochs included only correct trials to ensure that group
comparisons include only trials where participants are engaged in the task as recommended
by best practice parameters 49,50. There were no between group differences in numbers of
trials included in analyses ( t(42) = 0.91, p = .37). We thresholded random effects analyses
at a voxel-wise height threshold of t = 3.19 for a p < .001 and report clusters that are Family-
wise error-corrected (FWE) at p < .05 across the whole brain based on recent
recommendations for cluster-extent – based thresholding 51. Given that our task did not
utilize an implicit baseline, to give us greater confidence that our task was assessing TI
learning, versus lower level cognitive processes, we constructed Bayesian state-space
learning curves for each phase of the task for each individual participant, which were used
as parametric modulators in the general linear model (GLM). See Supplement 1, available
online, for within-group analyses, which demonstrate that our task captured higher level
learning processes in both groups.
To test hypotheses about the hippocampus and the caudate, we employed ROI and
functional connectivity analyses. We produced unbiased bilateral ROIs using the AAL
Atlas 52 for both the hippocampus (546 voxels) and the caudate (546 voxels). Parameter
estimates extracted from these regions during the feedback phases of the task were subjected
to t-tests and correlations with Bonferroni correction.
To test hypotheses about functional connectivity with other brain regions, we used cognitive
control related seed regions in the PFC, ACC, and parietal cortex, and the putamen, for
which there were group differences in whole-brain analyses during training sessions 1 and 2,
and/or the Big Game. These functional seeds were prepared by using a 5mm sphere around
the peak of each seed (Brodmann area [BA]40 [−48 −37 31], BA9 [−30 20 40] BA24 [−6
−19 46]). Functional connectivity analyses were conducted using the beta series correlation
method 53 with custom-written Matlab 54 scripts. See Supplement 1, available online, for a
more extensive discussion of this method and motion scrubbing 55,56.
Behavioral Results
There were significant fixed effects of session (F(1,42) = 19.07, p < .001); individual pair
type (F(1,284) = 71.35, p < .001); and a session by individual pair type interaction (F(1,284)
= 67.90, p < .001). However, there were no significant interactions with diagnosis. Mean
accuracy rates for both groups were lower in the second, more challenging, session where
trials were presented in a mixed versus sequential order. Overall, performance on end item
pairs was better. The session by pair type interaction was driven by the fact that accuracy
rates for inner pairs during the second session were significantly different from those in the
first session (t(81.5) = 8.21, p < .001), whereas this was not the case for the outer pairs ((t) =
1.52, p=.13), suggesting that both groups showed a more characteristic U-shaped serial
position curve whereby outer pair (AB, EF) accuracy was higher than inner pair accuracy
(BC, CD, DE) by the second training session. This pattern is characteristic of associative
learning.35,37 During the Big Game, Student’s t-tests showed there were no group
differences in premise or inference pair performance (all p’s > .3). However, for the group
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with ASD, there was a significant negative correlation between inference performance and
SCQ scores that remained after co-varying age (r = −.60, p = .004).
Whole-Brain Analyses
A 2×2 ANOVA was conducted using age in months as a covariate to investigate neural
recruitment during the stimulus phase of training sessions 1 and 2, which revealed a positive
effect of the task in both groups involving recruitment of regions involved in relational
reasoning19 including bilateral cerebellum ([−24, −64, −17], [−36, −49, −32], and [27, −70, -
17]); right occipito-temporal cortex (RBA 37 [42, −67, −2]; left ACC (BA 32 [−3, 5, 43]);
and left premotor regions (BA 4 [−39, −25, 64] and [−30 −28 70]). Consistent with our
hypothesis, there was a main effect of diagnosis such that the TYP group showed greater
recruitment of the left dorsolateral PFC (BA 9 [−30, 20, 40]. They also showed greater
recruitment in left sensory cortex (BA 2 [−54,-31,37]). See Figure 3 and Table S1, available
A second 2×2 ANOVA using age as a covariate was conducted to investigate neural
recruitment in the feedback phase of training sessions 1 and 2, which revealed a positive
effect of task, with both groups showing elevated activity in the body of the caudate
bilaterally ([−18, −10, 31], [18, 17, 19]), and in the right tail of the caudate ([24, −43, 16]).
There were no significant group differences or interactions in the feedback phase.
During the Big Game, there was greater recruitment of the left inferior lateral parietal lobe
(BA40 [−48 −37 31]), the left anterior cingulate (BA24 [−6 −19 46]), and the left putamen
([−27 −13 1]) in the TYP group with no other significant main effects or interactions. There
was also an effect of age in the group with ASD revealing greater recruitment of the right
dorsolateral PFC (RBA9 [24 32 28]), the bilateral posterior cingulate (RBA31 [15 −64 16],
LBA31[−6 −28 40], [0 −37 40], [0 −19 46], RBA23[6 −61 16]), the bilateral extrastriate
cortex (RBA19[36 −79 22], [36 −79 13], LBA19[−36 −82 19]), the left anterior cingulate
(LBA32[−3 44 16], [0 35 22], LBA24[−6 11 31]), the left superior temporal sulcus
(LBA39[−45 −52 7]), the left superior temporal gyrus(LBA22[−51 −61 16]), and the
anterior portion of the right premotor cortex (RBA8[24 35 43], [18 38 52]).
ROI Analyses
Counter to hypotheses, ANOVAs using parameter estimates averaged over the hippocampal
ROI showed there were no significant group differences in the recruitment of the
hippocampus throughout training (all p's > .14). There also were strong positive associations
between recruitment of the hippocampus and the caudate for both groups (ASD: r =.651, p=.
001; TYP: r =.455, p=.003) during training. See Figure 4.
Functional Connectivity Analyses
There were no group differences in the whole-brain functional connectivity analyses
conducted with the bilateral Atlas-derived seeds in the hippocampus and caudate. During the
feedback phase of Training Block 2, there was greater functional connectivity in the ASD
versus the TYP group between the left dorsolateral PFC seed (BA9 [−30, 20, 40], BA 8 [24,
14, 40]), and the dorsal ACC (BA 32 [18, 8, 49]). There were no significant differences for
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the PFC, parietal cortex, and ACC, derived from areas of group difference in whole-brain
analyses for training sessions 1 and 2 and the Big Game.
Brain Function and Big Game Performance
An ANOVA was conducted to examine the effects of hippocampus and caudate functional
connectivity on task performance in individuals with ASD and TYP. While there were no
main effects of functional connectivity strength or group, there was a significant interaction
of functional connectivity strength and group (F(1,40)=12.06, p=.001). Functional
connectivity between the hippocampus and the caudate during training was positively
associated with Big Game performance for the group with ASD, and negatively associated
with performance for TYP at a trend level (ASD: r = .645 p = .001; TYP: r = −.347, p = .
105). See Figure 4.
We used fMRI and a newly adapted child and ASD-friendly TI paradigm to investigate
whether the neural substrates of learning in adolescents with ASD and TYP was more
consistent with a conjunctive or an associative learning strategy. Contrary to hypotheses, the
group with ASD showed comparable task performance to TYP, and incorporated elements
of both conjunctive and associative learning strategies when completing the task. Supportive
of the contention that they used associative learning, the group with ASD showed a U-
shaped serial position curve by the end of training and recruitment of the striatum during
feedback processing that was comparable to TYP. Furthermore, they exhibited functional
connectivity between the hippocampus and the caudate that was positively associated with
Big Game performance. The TYP group also evidenced associative learning in their
recruitment of the caudate during feedback processing. However, compared to individuals
with ASD, they showed greater recruitment of cognitive control-related brain regions in the
PFC, parietal cortex, and ACC during learning and the Big Game. The group with ASD
appeared to “catch up” to TYP in their recruitment of these brain regions during the BIG
Game. Unexpectedly, there also was strong functional connectivity between the
hippocampus and caudate during learning in both groups, although it was positively
associated with task performance in those with ASD and negatively associated with
performance in those with TYP.
As is commonly found in studies of individuals with ASD 57, affected adolescents used
alternative task strategies. Recently, it has been suggested that when the PFC cannot be
brought online “proactively” to sustain task-based working memories due to patients’
cognitive control deficits 58,59, they may engage in a less efficient strategy where rules and
task memories are retrieved from the hippocampus “reactively” on a trial-by-trial basis
engendering greater response conflict involving the ACC 60. Findings of the current study
for the group with ASD (reductions in PFC recruitment during training; greater PFC/ACC
functional connectivity; and the relationship between hippocampal connectivity and Big
Game performance) are reminiscent of this pattern. Interestingly, the lack of group
differences in the training session feedback phase suggests that those with ASD are able to
process feedback comparably to TYP, and that it is the inability to represent, versus process
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this feedback, that is impaired in ASD. Perhaps because the participants with ASD relied
more on hippocampal conjunctive encoding during learning, the extent to which they made
successful inferences depended on additional connectivity of the hippocampus with the
caudate, allowing their associative learning abilities to contribute to TI performance. In fact,
the prevailing view is that implicit learning, which is reliant on the striatum, is relatively
intact in ASD 38,61,62 (but see 63–65 for examples showing impairments in learning related to
motor tasks and to 6 for a study showing slower implicit learning). Recently, it also has been
suggested that the hippocampus and the caudate interact cooperatively during spatial
information processing such as that involved in conceptualizing a stimulus hierarchy 66,67,
especially in cases where environments share elements like the hierarchy we employed 68.
This raises the possibility that such spatial information processing mechanisms may be used
by those with ASD to compensate for PFC impairments.
While hypotheses about the TYP group were not entirely confirmed, the brain regions used
by this group were consistent with reasoning/problem solving research that views TI as a
form of deductive reasoning subserved by a network that also includes occipital, parietal,
temporal, and anterior prefrontal regions, in addition to the striatum 69. According to this
view, occipito-temporal cortex and visual cortical brain regions permit premise pair
processing, with information integration recruiting the PFC and the ACC 19.
Previously our group found interesting group differences in performance on end-item pairs38
that were not replicated in the current study. This may have been a consequence of the
highly ASD- and child-friendly task design, which included frequent instructions and
progress reports presented visually as is recommended by ASD clinical experts 70. Few were
unable to learn the task, suggesting we successfully ameliorated the generalized deficits
observed in patients71. Another possible explanation for the failure in replication is that
current study participants were adolescents versus the adults from the prior one. TYP adults
may show continued cognitive development into adulthood72, which produces performance
on end item pairs that is superior to same-aged adults with ASD. While our findings of
increased recruitment of the brain regions associated with mature problem solving in the
group with ASD with age would argue against this interpretation, the prevalence and extent
of this catch up and its relationship to behavior remain unclear.
The current study is limited in several respects. Although it met benchmarks for adequate
fMRI sample size 49, recent criticisms about relatively small n’s in such studies (e.g. 73) are
well-taken. Given the heterogeneity present in ASD and the variable cognitive strategies
affected individuals are known to utilize, a larger study including a wider cognitive ability
range would permit better exploration of potential ASD learning phenotypes. Finally,
although the use of Bayesian state space learning curves in both groups provided confidence
that our task assessed learning versus lower level perceptual and motor processes, it was
designed without an explicit baseline condition. Future studies should include a clearer
baseline and/or more trials to increase the power of learning curve-based analyses to detect
group differences.
In conclusion, the current study suggests interesting directions for future research with
implications for educational and psychosocial intervention. For example, studies that
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manipulate the task supports provided during learning -- such as we did somewhat
inadvertently with our ASD- and child-friendly new paradigm – can be used to investigate
the mechanisms by which learning and problem solving in those with ASD can be made
more flexible and integrative of contextual information, and the degree to which such
supports attenuate group performance differences. This is consistent with both the social
stories approach mentioned above, which provides students with clear and explicit scripting
about what to expect and with an extensive body of work suggesting that learning and
memory can be enhanced when task support is provided at the time of testing 74. The study
of the relationship between such experimental studies and real world behavior at school and
other environments holds the potential to motivate new interventions that optimize learning,
promote more flexible attention allocation, and improve daily adaptive functioning.
Furthermore, the study was conducted as follow-up to our prior behavioral study of
transitive inference, which was provocative in demonstrating that young adults with ASD
showed an AE pair versus a BD pair deficit as in common in groups with psychopathology
including persons with schizophrenia (e.g.75). Although the current study was not
longitudinal, and did not include a second comparison group, it was designed as a necessary
first step towards understanding the neural mechanisms underlying our provocative findings
about TI in young adults with ASD, and a precursor to a larger developmental study of
adolescents and young adults with ASD and schizophrenia that would investigate
dissociations between the development of prefrontal and hippocampal neural mechanisms of
learning and memory in these two patient groups. Such a study also could help us further
investigate whether individuals with ASD increasingly recruit brain regions involved in
mature problem solving as they become young adults, and whether this maturation
influences the cognitive strategies they employ during daily living.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
During this work, Dr. Solomon was supported by an R21 from the National Institute of Mental Health (1R21
MH099250-01). Dr. Carter was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (2R01 MH059883-05A1 and
1R24MH081807). Dr. Niendam was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (K23MH087708). Dr.
Ragland was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (R01MH084895, Ragland, Principle Investigator
[PI]). Dr. Frank was supported by the National Science Foundation (Proposal 1125788, Frank, PI) and the National
Institute of Mental Health (R01 MH080066-01, J.M. Gold, PI). Dr. Ana-Maria Iosif, IDDRC Biostatistics Core
MIND Institute (grant #U54 HD079125), served as the statistical expert for this research.
The authors acknowledge Edward Owens, BA, of the University of California, Davis, for his assistance with data
analysis during his time as a paid research assistant. The authors also would like to thank Kathleen Thomas, PhD,
Associate Professor of the University of Minnesota, and Elise Townsend, DPT, PhD, PCS, Associate Professor of
the MGH Institute of Health Professionals, for sharing the behavioral version of the TI Ovals Task used in the
study. They also would like to thank the participants and their families.
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Figure 1.
Transitive inference task. (A) A 5-pair hierarchy of colored ovals is presented in the task.
There were 6 different oval orders administered to reduce the potential for confounding by
individual stimuli. Ovals constitute a stimulus hierarchy in which A>B>C>D>E>F. (B)
Schedule shown to participants at the beginning of the task and at the beginning of training
sessions 1 and 2 and the Big Game. It shows that training occurs in brief sessions after
which participants are shown their performance, and that training sessions conclude with
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several practice trials. It also shows that after the Big Game, participants can pick a prize
based on their earnings from the task. (C) Timing of the task.
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Figure 2.
Accuracy rates on the Ovals Transitive Inference Task during training and the Big Game.
Note: Both groups show the formation of a serial position curve by the end of Training
Block 2, suggesting they both use associative learning. There are no group differences in
inference performance. ASD = autism spectrum disorder; TYP = typically developing.
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Figure 3.
Significant group differences in neural recruitment during training and the Big Game. Note:
The typically developing (TYP) group shows greater activation in brain regions including
the left prefrontal cortex and the left superior temporal sulcus during the stimulus phase of
training than the group with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). During the Big Game, the
TYP group shows greater recruitment of the posterior cingulate and pre-motor areas than the
group with ASD. Both groups show activation in the caudate bilaterally during the feedback
phase of training. These are not shown since there were no group differences. LBA = left
Brodmann area.
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Figure 4.
Competition or cooperation between the hippocampus and the caudate. (A) Top two graphs
show that neural activity in the hippocampus as operationalized by parameter estimates is
positively correlated in both the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing
(TYP) groups. (B) The bottom graph shows that functional connectivity between the
hippocampus and the caudate is positively related to Big Game inference performance in the
group with ASD.
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Table 1
Participant Characteristics
N 21 23
Gender (M:F) 17:4 18:5
Age (years) 15(1.9) 14.8(1.9)
FSIQ-4 100.9(14.3) 104.5(7.5)
VCI 99.9(14.5) 105.3(8.2)
PRI 103(15.9) 102.7(10.4)
ADOS 6.8(1.5) --
ADOS: Severity 6.3(1.8) --
SCQ 23.6(4.4) 3.3(2)
SRS 73.1(9.7) 43.4(8.2)
RMS Motion 0.36(0.23) 0.26(0.18)
Training 1 0.86(0.09) 0.89(0.06)
Training 2 0.73(0.17) 0.76(0.11)
All Pairs 0.68(0.25) 0.73(0.28)
Training 1 RT 788.35(134.63) 765.92(93.48)
Training 2 RT 848.29(155.14) 887.30(116.07)
Big Game RT 773.88(134.30) 828.19(135.75)
Awareness 0.48%(0.41%) 0.38%(0.35%)
Note: ADOS = Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; ASD = autism spectrum disorder; FSIQ-4 = Full Scale IQ on the Wechsler Abbreviated
Scale of Intelligence (which consists of 4 subscales); PRI = Perceptual Reasoning Index; RMS = root mean square motion; RT = reaction time;
SCQ = Social Communication Questionnaire; SRS = Social Responsiveness Scale; TYP = typically developing; VCI = Verbal Comprehension
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 November 01.
... Multiple brain regions have been implicated in the pathogenesis of ASD, including the hippocampus (25). It has been shown that the hippocampus is impaired in individuals with ASD, both structurally (26,27) and functionally (28,29), including an abnormal pattern of hippocampal development with larger hippocampal volume and abnormal functional connectivity during learning in individuals with ASD compared to controls (26)(27)(28)(29). However, the specific cell types in the hippocampus that are particularly affected in ASD are not known. ...
... Multiple brain regions have been implicated in the pathogenesis of ASD, including the hippocampus (25). It has been shown that the hippocampus is impaired in individuals with ASD, both structurally (26,27) and functionally (28,29), including an abnormal pattern of hippocampal development with larger hippocampal volume and abnormal functional connectivity during learning in individuals with ASD compared to controls (26)(27)(28)(29). However, the specific cell types in the hippocampus that are particularly affected in ASD are not known. ...
... The hippocampus, known for its essential roles in mediating cognitive abilities, is impaired in individuals with ASD, both structurally (26,27) and functionally (28,29), but the underlying defects at the single-cell resolution are unknown. Using snRNA-seq, we unraveled the role of the ASD gene and chromatin regulator KDM5A in mediating the development of specific excitatory and inhibitory neurons essential for proper hippocampal function. ...
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Chromatin regulation plays a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining cellular identity and is one of the top pathways disrupted in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The hippocampus, composed of distinct cell types, is often affected in patients with ASD. However, the specific hippocampal cell types and their transcriptional programs that are dysregulated in ASD are unknown. Using single-nucleus RNA sequencing, we show that the ASD gene, lysine demethylase 5A ( KDM5A ), regulates the development of specific subtypes of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We found that KDM5A is essential for establishing hippocampal cell identity by controlling a differentiation switch early in development. Our findings define a role for the chromatin regulator KDM5A in establishing hippocampal cell identity and contribute to the emerging convergent mechanisms across ASD.
... Additionally, we found stronger connectivity in ASD between the sensorimotor cerebellum (i.e., lobule I-IV) and the hippocampus compared to in TD youth. Along with the cerebellum, the hippocampus shows structural and functional differences in ASD (70)(71)(72)(73), and is also implicated in autistic features, including challenges in social behavior and memory processing as well as strengths in visuo-spatial tasks (see 74 for a review). Importantly, recent literature on hippocampal function suggests that the hippocampus is involved not only in spatial memory, but also in the organization of different kinds of information (i.e., cognitive mapping (74,75); to help us adapt to changes in our environment. ...
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The cerebellum has been consistently shown to be atypical in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, despite its known role in sensorimotor function, there is limited research on its association with sensory over-responsivity (SOR), a common and impairing feature of ASD. Thus, this study sought to examine functional connectivity of the sensorimotor cerebellum in ASD compared to typically developing (TD) youth and investigate whether cerebellar connectivity is associated with SOR. Resting-state functional connectivity of the sensorimotor cerebellum was examined in 54 ASD and 43 TD youth aged 8-18 years. Using a seed-based approach, connectivity of each sensorimotor cerebellar region (defined as lobules I-IV, V-VI and VIIIA&B) with the whole brain was examined in ASD compared to TD youth, and correlated with parent-reported SOR severity. Across all participants, the sensorimotor cerebellum was functionally connected with sensorimotor and visual regions, though the three seed regions showed distinct connectivity with limbic and higher-order sensory regions. ASD youth showed differences in connectivity including atypical connectivity within the cerebellum and increased connectivity with hippocampus and thalamus compared to TD youth. More severe SOR was associated with stronger connectivity with cortical regions involved in sensory and motor processes and weaker connectivity with cognitive and socio-emotional regions, particularly prefrontal cortex. These results suggest that atypical cerebellum function in ASD may play a role in sensory challenges in autism.
... This finding may be surprising at first glance as it has been suggested that individuals with ASD may have a relative weakness in generalization due to an enhanced focus on details and surface features (Happe & Frith, 2006;Harris et al., 2015). However, training studies involving transitive interference and long-term memory have also failed to find generalization deficits in ASD (Solomon et al., 2015) and enhanced generalization in ASD has been reported for perceptual learning tasks (Plaisted et al., 1998). Our findings add to this literature and suggest that despite their potential weaknesses in social and other cognitive domains, learning and generalization in numerical problem solving in children with ASD, in some context, can be comparable or even superior to their TD peers. ...
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Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often display atypical learning styles, however little is known regarding learning-related brain plasticity and its relation to clinical phenotypic features. Here, we investigate cognitive learning and neural plasticity using functional brain imaging and a novel numerical problem-solving training protocol. Children with ASD showed comparable learning relative to typically developing children but were less likely to shift from rule-based to memory-based strategy. Critically, while learning gains in typically developing children were associated with greater plasticity of neural representations in the medial temporal lobe and intraparietal sulcus, learning in children with ASD was associated with more stable neural representations. Crucially, the relation between learning and plasticity of neural representations was moderated by insistence on sameness, a core phenotypic feature of ASD. Our study uncovers atypical cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying learning in children with ASD, and informs pedagogical strategies for nurturing cognitive abilities in childhood autism.
... The supramarginal gyrus and angular gyrus are two components of the inferior parietal cortex, which is an important hub in the default mode network (50). Alterations of activation of the supramarginal gyrus, inferior partial cortex, and default mode network were commonly reported in children with ASD (51,52). Alterations of FC between the supramarginal gyrus and caudate were previously reported to be involved in other cognition processes, including hyperarousal symptoms in insomnia patients and secondary language vocabulary acquisition (53,54). ...
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Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a set of neurodevelopmental disorders with high heterogeneity. The co-occurrence of social deficits and executive dysfunction is frequently reported in individuals with ASD. The present study evaluated the association between social deficit and executive dysfunction in ASD subjects and explored the underlying neural mechanisms that may mediate this association. Methods: A total of 186 patients with ASD, 5-18 years old (10.25 ± 2.72 years old), from the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange II database were enrolled in the final sample. Social function was evaluated by the parent-reported Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and executive function (EF) was measured by the parent-reported Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). We selected bilateral amygdala, caudate and putamen as regions of interests, and used the region of interest-based resting-state functional connectivity (FC) analysis to explore the shared and specific brain mechanisms underlying EF and social function. The association analysis of EF, social deficits and FC was conducted using linear regression by controlling covariates, including age, gender, full IQ, handedness, and current medication. Results: The result showed that social functions in ASD children and adolescents were positively associated with EF (r = 0.612, p <0.01). Additionally, 14 and 21 FC links were associated with social deficits and executive dysfunction separately, in which five FC links (right amygdala and right inferior frontal gyrus opercular part, left caudate and right supramarginal gyrus, left putamen and right superior frontal gyrus medial orbital, right putamen and left gyrus rectus, and right putamen and left paracentral lobule) were simultaneously correlated with social function and EF in ASD subjects. We also found that connectivity between the right amygdala and right inferior frontal gyrus mediated the effects of EF on social deficit. Limitations: All the included participants in the present study were ASD patients and male participants, which might limit the generalization of our findings. Conclusion: We found a significant association between social deficits and executive dysfunction in ASD subjects. This association might be mediated by FC between the right amygdala and the right inferior frontal gyrus, which may further illustrate the underlying mechanism of ASD and co-occurrence of social deficits and executive dysfunction in this population.
... Notably, Smith and Squire (2005) observed that patients with hippocampal damage were impaired in novel test pairs that were not encountered during the training phase (e.g. the transitive pair BD), suggesting that a mixture of associative and relational processes occurs in the TI task. Since Frank's seminal study, the PS and TI tasks were tested in many special (Frank, Santamaria, O'Reilly, & Willcutt, 2007;Lee & Tomblin, 2012;Solomon et al., 2015; and patient populations (Titone, Ditman, Holzman, Eichenbaum, & Levy, 2004;Waltz, Frank, Robinson, & Gold, 2007) but not among individuals with dyslexia. ...
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Objectives According to the Procedural Deficit Hypothesis, abnormalities in corticostriatal pathways could account for the language-related deficits observed in developmental dyslexia. The same neural network has also been implicated in the ability to learn contingencies based on trial and error (i.e., reinforcement learning [RL]). On this basis, the present study tested the assumption that dyslexic individuals would be impaired in RL compared with neurotypicals in two different tasks. Methods In a probabilistic selection task, participants were required to learn reinforcement contingencies based on probabilistic feedback. In an implicit transitive inference task, participants were also required to base their decisions on reinforcement histories, but feedback was deterministic and stimulus pairs were partially overlapping, such that participants were required to learn hierarchical relations. Results Across tasks, results revealed that although the ability to learn from positive/negative feedback did not differ between the two groups, the learning of reinforcement contingencies was poorer in the dyslexia group compared with the neurotypicals group. Furthermore, in novel test pairs where previously learned information was presented in new combinations, dyslexic individuals performed similarly to neurotypicals. Conclusions Taken together, these results suggest that learning of reinforcement contingencies occurs less robustly in individuals with developmental dyslexia. Inferences for the neuro-cognitive mechanisms of developmental dyslexia are discussed.
... Other studies demonstrate isolated development of a subset of component processes [Christ, Kester, Bodner, & Miles, 2011;Geurts et al., 2014;Kouklari, Tsermentseli, & Monks, 2018] or limited improvement within the context of persistent delay [Luna, Doll, Hegedus, Minshew, & Sweeney, 2007]. The magnitude of the improvement between childhood and young adulthood also may be less pronounced for individuals with ASD, which produces growing group discrepancies by later adolescence [Kouklari et al., 2018;Schmitt, White, Cook, Sweeney, & Mosconi, 2018;Solomon et al., 2015;Solomon, McCauley, Iosif, Carter, & Ragland, 2016]. ...
Despite the clinically significant impact of executive dysfunction on the outcomes of adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), we lack a clear understanding of its prevalence, profile, and development. To address this gap, we administered the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery to a cross‐sectional Intelligence Quotient (IQ) case‐matched cohort with ASD (n = 66) and typical development (TD; n = 66) ages 12–22. We used a general linear model framework to examine group differences in task performance and their associations with age. Latent profile analysis (LPA) was used to identify subgroups of individuals with similar cognitive profiles. Compared to IQ case‐matched controls, ASD demonstrated poorer performance on inhibitory control (P < 0.001), cognitive flexibility (P < 0.001), episodic memory (P < 0.02), and processing speed (P < 0.001) (components of Fluid Cognition), but not on vocabulary or word reading (components of Crystallized Cognition). There was a significant positive association between age and Crystallized and Fluid Cognition in both groups. For Fluid (but not Crystallized) Cognition, ASD performed more poorly than TD at all ages. A four‐group LPA model based on subtest scores best fit the data. Eighty percent of ASD belonged to two groups that exhibited relatively stronger Crystallized versus Fluid Cognition. Attention deficits were not associated with Toolbox subtest scores, but were lowest in the group with the lowest proportion of autistic participants. Adaptive functioning was poorer in the groups with the greatest proportion of autistic participants. Autistic persons are especially impaired on Fluid Cognition, and this more flexible form of thinking remains poorer in the ASD group through adolescence. Lay Summary A set of brief tests of cognitive functioning called the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery was administered to adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD; n = 66) and typical development (TD; n = 66) ages 12–22 years. Compared to TD, ASD showed poorer performance in inhibiting responses, acting flexibly, memorizing events, and processing information quickly (Fluid Cognition). Groups did not differ on vocabulary or word reading (Crystallized Cognition). Crystallized and Fluid Cognition increased with age in both groups, but the ASD group showed lower Fluid, but not Crystallized, Cognition than TD at all ages. A categorization analysis including all participants showed that most participants with ASD fell into one of two categories: a group characterized by poor performance across all tasks, or a group characterized by relatively stronger Crystallized compared to Fluid Cognition. Adaptive functioning was poorer for participants in these groups, which consisted of mostly individuals with ASD, while ADHD symptoms were lowest in the group with the greatest proportion of TD participants.
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The hippocampus is one of the brain areas affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Individuals with ASD typically have impairments in hippocampus-dependent learning, memory, language ability, emotional regulation, and cognitive map creation. However, the pathological changes in the hippocampus that result in these cognitive deficits in ASD are not yet fully understood. In the present review, we will first summarize the hippocampal involvement in individuals with ASD. We will then provide an overview of hippocampal structural and functional abnormalities in genetic, environment-induced, and idiopathic animal models of ASD. Finally, we will discuss some pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions that show positive impacts on the structure and function of the hippocampus in animal models of ASD. A further comprehension of hippocampal aberrations in ASD might elucidate their influence on the manifestation of this developmental disorder and provide clues for forthcoming diagnostic and therapeutic innovation.
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Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often display atypical learning styles, however little is known regarding learning-related brain plasticity and its relation to clinical phenotypic features. Here, we investigate cognitive learning and neural plasticity using functional brain imaging and a novel numerical problem-solving training protocol. Children with ASD showed comparable learning relative to typically developing children but were less likely to shift from rule-based to memory-based strategy. While learning gains in typically developing children were associated with greater plasticity of neural representations in the medial temporal lobe and intraparietal sulcus, learning in children with ASD was associated with more stable neural representations. Crucially, the relation between learning and plasticity of neural representations was moderated by insistence on sameness, a core phenotypic feature of ASD. Our study uncovers atypical cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying learning in children with ASD, and informs pedagogical strategies for nurturing cognitive abilities in childhood autism.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by hallmark impairments in social functioning. Nevertheless, nonsocial cognition, including hippocampus-dependent spatial reasoning and episodic memory, is also commonly impaired in ASD. ASD symptoms typically emerge between 12 and 24 months of age, a time window associated with critical developmental events in the hippocampus. Despite this temporal overlap and evidence of hippocampal structural abnormalities in ASD individuals, relatively few human studies have focused on hippocampal function in ASD. Herein, we review the existing evidence for the involvement of the hippocampus in ASD and highlight the hippocampus as a promising area of interest for future research in ASD.
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Lay abstract: Atypical learning and memory in early life can promote atypical behaviors in later life. Specifically, less relational learning and inflexible retrieval in childhood may enhance restricted and repeated behaviors in patients with autism spectrum disorder. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms of atypical memory in children with autism spectrum disorder. We conducted picture-name pair learning and delayed-recognition tests with two groups of youths: one group with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder children (aged 7-16, n = 41) and one group with typically developing children (n = 82) that matched the first group's age, sex, and full-scale IQ. We examined correlations between successful recognition scores and neural connectivity during resting in the magnetic resonance imaging scanner without thinking about anything. Although both learning and retrieval performances were comparable between the two groups, we observed significantly fewer memory gains in the autism spectrum disorder group than in the typically developing group. The memory network was involved in successful memory retrieval in youths with typically developing, while the other memory systems that do not depend to a great degree on networks may be involved in successful memory in youths with autism spectrum disorder. Context-independent and less relational memory processing may be associated with fewer memory gains in autism spectrum disorder. In other words, autism spectrum disorder youths might benefit from non-relational memory. These atypical memory characteristics in autism spectrum disorder may exaggerate their inflexible behaviors in some situations, or-vice versa-their atypical behaviors may result in rigid and less connected memories.
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The hippocampus and the caudate nucleus are critical to spatial and stimulus-response-based navigation strategies, respectively. The hippocampus and caudate nucleus are also known to be anatomically connected to various areas of the prefrontal cortex. However, little is known about the involvement of the prefrontal cortex in these processes. In the current study, we sought to identify the prefrontal areas involved in spatial and response learning. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and voxel-based morphometry to compare the neural activity and grey matter density of spatial and response strategy users. Twenty-three healthy young adults were scanned in a 1.5T MRI scanner while they engaged in the Concurrent Spatial Discrimination Learning Task, a virtual navigation task in which either a spatial or response strategy can be used. In addition to BOLD activity in the hippocampus, spatial strategy users showed increased BOLD activity and grey matter density in the ventral area of the medial prefrontal cortex, especially in the orbitofrontal cortex. On the other hand, response strategy users exhibited increased BOLD activity and grey matter density in the dorsal area of the medial prefrontal cortex. Given the prefrontal cortex’ role in reward-guided decision-making, we discuss the possibility that the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, including the orbitofrontal cortex, supports spatial learning by encoding stimulus-reward associations, while the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex supports response learning by encoding action-reward associations.
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Cluster-extent based thresholding is currently the most popular method for multiple comparisons correction of statistical maps in neuroimaging studies, due to its high sensitivity to weak and diffuse signals. However, cluster-extent based thresholding provides low spatial specificity; researchers can only infer that there is signal somewhere within a significant cluster and cannot make inferences about the statistical significance of specific locations within the cluster. This poses a particular problem when one uses a liberal cluster-defining primary threshold (i.e., higher p-values), which often produces large clusters spanning multiple anatomical regions. In such cases, it is impossible to reliably infer which anatomical regions show true effects. From a survey of 814 functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) studies published in 2010 and 2011, we show that the use of liberal primary thresholds (e.g., p<.01) is endemic, and that the largest determinant of the primary threshold level is the default option in the software used. We illustrate the problems with liberal primary thresholds using an fMRI dataset from our laboratory (N=33), and present simulations demonstrating the detrimental effects of liberal primary thresholds on false positives, localization, and interpretation of fMRI findings. To avoid these pitfalls, we recommend several analysis and reporting procedures, including 1) setting primary p<.001 as a lower limit default; 2) using more stringent primary thresholds or voxel-wise correction methods for highly powered studies; and 3) adopting reporting practices that make the level of spatial precision transparent to readers. We also suggest alternative and supplementary analysis methods.
Cortical areas engaged in knowledge manipulation during reasoning were identified with functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) while participants performed transitive inference (TI) on an ordered list of 11 items (e.g. if A < B and B < C, then A < C). Initially, participants learned a list of arbitrarily ordered visual shapes. Learning occurred by exposure to pairs of list items that were adjacent in the sequence. Subsequently, functional MR images were acquired as participants performed TI on non-adjacent sequence items. Control tasks consisted of height comparisons (HT) and passive viewing (VIS). Comparison of the TI task with the HT task identified activation resulting from TI, termed ‘reasoning’, while controlling for rule application, decision processes, perception, and movement, collectively termed ‘support processes’. The HT–VIS comparison revealed activation related to support processes. The TI reasoning network included bilateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), pre-supplementary motor area (preSMA), premotor area (PMA), insula, precuneus, and lateral posterior parietal cortex. By contrast, cortical regions activated by support processes included the bilateral supplementary motor area (SMA), primary motor cortex (M1), somatic sensory cortices, and right PMA. These results emphasize the role of a prefrontal–parietal network in manipulating information to form new knowledge based on familiar facts. The findings also demonstrate PFC activation beyond short-term memory to include mental operations associated with reasoning.
Recent work has demonstrated that functional connectivity between remote brain regions can be modulated by task learning or the performance of an already well-learned task. Here, we investigated the extent to which initial learning and stable performance of a spatial navigation task modulates functional connectivity between subregions of hippocampus and striatum. Subjects actively navigated through a virtual water maze environment and used visual cues to learn the position of a fixed spatial location. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans were collected before and after virtual water maze navigation in two scan sessions conducted 1 week apart, with a behavior-only training session in between. There was a large significant reduction in the time taken to intercept the target location during scan session 1 and a small significant reduction during the behavior-only training session. No further reduction was observed during scan session 2. This indicates that scan session 1 represented initial learning and scan session 2 represented stable performance. We observed an increase in functional connectivity between left posterior hippocampus and left dorsal caudate that was specific to scan session 1. Importantly, the magnitude of the increase in functional connectivity was correlated with offline gains in task performance. Our findings suggest cooperative interaction occurs between posterior hippocampus and dorsal caudate during awake rest following the initial phase of spatial navigation learning. Furthermore, we speculate that the increase in functional connectivity observed during awake rest after initial learning might reflect consolidation-related processing. Hum Brain Mapp, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Motor-linked implicit learning is the learning of a sequence of movements without conscious awareness. Although motor symptoms are frequently reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), recent behavioral studies have suggested that motor-linked implicit learning may be intact in ASD. The serial reaction time (SRT) task is one of the most common measures of motor-linked implicit learning. The present study used a 3T functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner to examine the behavioral and neural correlates of real-time motor sequence learning in adolescents and adults with ASD (n = 15) compared with age- and intelligence quotient-matched individuals with typical development (n = 15) during an SRT task. Behavioral results suggested less robust motor sequence learning in individuals with ASD. Group differences in brain activation suggested that individuals with ASD, relative to individuals with typical development, showed decreased activation in the right superior parietal lobule (SPL) and right precuneus (Brodmann areas 5 and 7, and extending into the intraparietal sulcus) during learning. Activation in these areas (and in areas such as the right putamen and right supramarginal gyrus) was found to be significantly related to behavioral learning in this task. Additionally, individuals with ASD who had more severe repetitive behavior/restricted interest symptoms demonstrated greater decreased activation in these regions during motor learning. In conjunction, these results suggest that the SPL may play an important role in motor learning and repetitive behavior in individuals with ASD. Autism Res 2014, ●●: ●●–●●. © 2014 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) involve impairments in cognitive control. In typical development (TYP), neural systems underlying cognitive control undergo substantial maturation during adolescence. Development is delayed in adolescents with ASD. Little is known about the neural substrates of this delay. We used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging and a cognitive control task involving overcoming a prepotent response tendency to examine the development of cognitive control in young (ages 12-15; n = 13 with ASD and n = 13 with TYP) and older (ages 16-18; n = 14 with ASD and n = 14 with TYP) adolescents with whole-brain voxelwise univariate and task-related functional connectivity analyses. Older ASD and TYP showed reduced activation in sensory and premotor areas relative to younger ones. The older ASD group showed reduced left parietal activation relative to TYP. Functional connectivity analyses showed a significant age by group interaction with the older ASD group exhibiting increased functional connectivity strength between the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex, bilaterally. This functional connectivity strength was related to task performance in ASD, whereas that between dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and parietal cortex (Brodmann areas 9 and 40) was related to task performance in TYP. Adolescents with ASD rely more on reactive cognitive control, involving last-minute conflict detection and control implementation by the anterior cingulate cortex and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, versus proactive cognitive control requiring processing by dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and parietal cortex. Findings await replication in larger longitudinal studies that examine their functional consequences and amenability to intervention.
Traditionally, discrimination has been understood as an active process, and a technology of its procedures has been developed and practiced extensively. Generalization, by contrast, has been considered the natural result of failing to practice a discrimination technology adequately, and thus has remained a passive concept almost devoid of a technology. But, generalization is equally deserving of an active conceptualization and technology. This review summarizes the structure of the generalization literature and its implicit embryonic technology, categorizing studies designed to assess or program generalization according to nine general headings: Train and Hope; Sequential Modification; Introduce to Natural Maintaining Contingencies; Train Sufficient Exemplars; Train Loosely; Use Indiscriminable Contingencies; Program Common Stimuli; Mediate Generalization; and Train “To Generalize”.