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Longitudinal Follow-Up of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: Outcome at Two, Five, and Ten Years Post-Injury


Abstract and Figures

Abstract Introduction: The deleterious consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) impair capacity to return to many avenues of premorbid life. However, there has been limited longitudinal research examining outcome beyond five years post-injury. The aim of this study was to examine aspects of function, previously shown to be affected following TBI, over a span of 10 years. Materials and Methods: One hundred and forty one patients with TBI were assessed at two, five, and 10 years post-injury using the Structured Outcome Questionnaire. Results: Fatigue and balance problems were the most common neurological symptoms, with reported rates decreasing only slightly over the 10-year period. Mobility outcomes were good in over 75 percent, with few participants requiring aids for mobility. Changes in cognitive, communication, behavioral and emotional functions were reported by approximately 60% of the sample at all time-points. Levels of independence in activities of daily living were high over the 10-year period, and up to 70 percent return to driving. Nevertheless, approximately 40% required more support than before their injury. Only half of the sample returned to previous leisure activities and less than half were employed at each assessment time post-injury. Whilst marital status remained surprisingly stable over time, approximately 30% reported difficulties in personal relationships. Older age at injury did not substantially alter the pattern of changes over time, except in employment. Conclusions: Overall, problems that were evident at 2 years post-injury persisted until 10 years post-injury. The importance of these findings is discussed with reference to rehabilitation programs. Keywords: traumatic brain injury, functional outcome, structured outcome questionnaire.
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Longitudinal Follow-Up of Patients
with Traumatic Brain Injury:
Outcome at Two, Five, and Ten Years Post-Injury
Jennie L. Ponsford,
Marina G. Downing,
John Olver,
Michael Ponsford,
Rose Acher,
Meagan Carty,
and Gershon Spitz
The deleterious consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) impair capacity to return to many avenues of pre-morbid
life. However, there has been limited longitudinal research examining outcome beyond five years post-injury. The aim of
this study was to examine aspects of function, previously shown to be affected following TBI, over a span of 10 years. One
hundred and forty one patients with TBI were assessed at two, five, and 10 years post-injury using the Structured Outcome
Questionnaire. Fatigue and balance problems were the most common neurological symptoms, with reported rates de-
creasing only slightly during the 10-year period. Mobility outcomes were good in more than 75% of patients, with few
participants requiring aids for mobility. Changes in cognitive, communication, behavioral, and emotional functions were
reported by approximately 60% of the sample at all time points. Levels of independence in activities of daily living were
high during the 10-year period, and as many as 70% of subjects returned to driving. Nevertheless, approximately 40% of
patients required more support than before their injury. Only half the sample returned to previous leisure activities and
fewer than half were employed at each assessment time post-injury. Although marital status remained stable over time,
approximately 30% of participants reported difficulties in personal relationships. Older age at injury did not substantially
alter the pattern of changes over time, except in employment. Overall, problems that were evident at two years post-injury
persisted until 10 years post-injury. The importance of these findings is discussed with reference to rehabilitation
Key words: functional outcome ; structured outcome questionnaire; traumatic brain injury
any studies have examined long-term functional outcome
following traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Changes in neu-
rological, physical, cognitive, and behavioral functioning are
common, although considerable variability is evident, which is
influenced by the severity of the brain injury.
While some of
these changes resolve within the first six months after injury, some
have been shown to persist for many years.
Understanding long-term outcome is important as TBI most
commonly occurs in young adults who survive for decades in
societies that tend to equate disability with the elderly or devel-
opmentally disabled.
While most of the research has been
cross-sectional or retrospective in design, several prospective lon-
gitudinal studies have assessed participants with TBI on two or
more occasions, documenting symptoms and/or changes in func-
tional status (see Table 1.
Studies of serial cognitive testing
are beyond the scope of this paper and have not been reviewed).
The results of these studies indicate that there is gradual im-
provement in functional outcome in terms of capacity for inde-
pendent living and functioning in daily activities, work, or leisure
activities; however, this is at a lower level than pre-injury func-
Reporting of some adverse symptoms, including
headache, dizziness, and fatigue, generally decreases over time
Conversely, other symptoms, such as irritability
and being bothered by noise, are reported more often at later time
Based on the reporting of changes by relatives, Brooks
and colleagues
found increased reporting of behavioral problems
between one and five years after injury.
Also of relevance in the context of longitudinal outcome studies is
the potential impact of age. Although the majority of individuals
sustaining moderate to severe TBI are younger than 30, there is a
proportion who are older. A number of studies have shown that older
age at injury—particularly age older than 50—results in poorer
School of Psychology and Psychiatry and
School of Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Monash-Epworth Rehabilitation Research Centre, Epworth Healthcare, Melbourne, Australia.
National Trauma Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
Epworth HealthCare, Melbourne, Australia.
JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 31:64–77 (January 1, 2014)
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/neu.2013.2997
functional outcomes and greater cognitive impairments.
However, there has been no clear evidence of accelerated decline
over time post-injury associated with older age at injury.
Two previously published studies from our research group ex-
amined changes in function at two
and five years
following TBI.
Even though these cohorts had received rehabilitation, a proportion
continued to report various neurological symptoms, decreased
mobility, relationship and communication issues, need for super-
vision or assistance in activities of daily living (ADLs), and the
presence of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional changes at each of
the follow-up time points.
Although these previous studies have highlighted areas of sig-
nificant functional disability, as well as areas where gradual im-
provement might be expected, there has been limited prospective
examination of functional outcome over periods of more than five
years following injury. Those studies that have examined outcome
longitudinally over long periods of time, such as studies by
and Tate and colleagues,
have tended to focus on
severely injured samples. While illuminating, these studies may
present a pattern of outcome that does not necessarily generalize to
less severe injuries—for example, where post-traumatic amnesia
duration is shorter than one month—and which represent the ma-
jority of individuals with TBI. Another small study of 20 individ-
uals with severe TBI by Sbordone and colleagues
relied on
relatives to retrospectively rate the status of their injured family
member at two, five and 10 years post-injury, reporting progressive
improvements over time across most dimensions. However, the
accuracy of recollection of the experience and status of an injured
relative over such long periods is likely to be limited. There also
may be a tendency to want to demonstrate that progress has been
made over time. Some other limitations of previous studies include
their focus on only one aspect of functional outcome
and inclu-
sion of different numbers of participants completing each follow-
up time point.
The aims of the current study were to extend the findings of our
research group’s two previously published studies
—based on
the reports of those injured—to 10 years post-injury. Using a lon-
gitudinal design, functional outcome was examined across a broad
range of areas in a cohort of the same individuals followed up at
two, five, and 10 years following their injury. Given the extended
time frame of follow-up, which introduced the potential for age-
related changes, comparison was made of outcomes reported by
those older than 50 at the time of injury with those age 50 or
Individuals with complicated mild-to-severe TBI were recruited
from consecutive admissions to a TBI rehabilitation center in the
context of a no-fault accident compensation system. Participants
were recruited between the years 1985 and 2002. They had all
received inpatient rehabilitation, during which they typically re-
ceived 3–5 h daily of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and
speech therapy, neuropsychological assessment, and social work
services. This was generally followed by outpatient or community-
based rehabilitation, with continuing therapy as needed, as well as
support for return to work (with funded work trials) and study (with
funding for integration aides or tutoring support). There also was
funding for home help and attendant care support for as long as
needed. These individuals received therapy services over an aver-
age nine-month period, although there was considerable variability
according to individual needs. They all had been routinely invited
to attend a follow-up clinic at one year and two, three, five, and 10
years post-injury. There were 141 patients who attended follow-up
at two, five and 10 years post-injury. This group was the focus of the
current study.
Sixty-one percent of the sample were men, with a mean age at
time of injury of 34.91 years (standard deviation [SD], 16.07) and
mean education of 11.29 years (SD, 2.43). This group included 28
participants who were older than 50 at time of injury, of whom 16
were 61 years or older with the oldest being 73. Participants had a
median GCS of 5 (interquartile range, 5; range, 3–15) and a mean
post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) duration of 35.75 days (SD, 38.68;
range, 0–182). Classifying injury severity based on duration of PTA
resulted in 2.8% of the sample being classified as mild ( < 24 h),
23.4% as moderate (1–7 days), 29.8% as severe (8–28 days) and
44% as very severe ( > 28 days). When this was compared between
the younger (50 or younger) and older (older than 50) age groups,
the younger group had a mean PTA duration of 39.53 days (SD,
40.63) and the older age group had a mean PTA duration of 20.5
days (SD, 24.7). Injury severity based on Glasgow Coma Scale
(GCS) scores resulted in 10.2% of the sample being classified as
mild, 12.7% as moderate, and 77.1% as severe. Only 1.42% of the
sample was classified as having complicated mild TBI, while no
one was classified as mild on both PTA and GCS. Prior to injury,
46.8% of participants were single/never married, 42.5% were
married or de facto, 6.5% were separated or divorced, and 4.3%
were widowed. At the time of injury 61% of participants were
employed full-time, 5% were employed part-time, 7.1% were un-
employed, 14.9% were not in the labor force, 5.7% were secondary
students, and 6.4% were tertiary students.
The current sample of 141 participants was compared to hospital
patients with TBI who did not attend follow-up at all of the two-,
five-, and 10-year time points (n = 1261). They did not differ sig-
nificantly in terms of gender (v
[1, N = 1402] = 5.51; p > 0.05),
years of education (t[1263] = 1.24; p > 0.05), or duration of PTA
(t[1373] = 1.21; p > 0.05). However, the patients who did not attend
follow-up at all these time points were significantly younger in age
(mean, 31.17; SD, 15.31; t[1393] = 2.74; p < 0.01), and had higher
GCS scores (mean, 7.37; SD, 4.16; t[155] =-2.66; p < 0.01).
Participants completed the Structured Outcome Questionnaire
at each of the follow-up assessments. The responses reported in this
paper are based on self-report by the person with TBI.
Structured Outcome Questionnaire
The Structured Outcome Questionnaire addresses domains of
functioning previously shown to undergo change following TBI,
including changes to neurological functioning, mobility, cognition,
behavior, communication, emotional state, independence in per-
sonal, domestic and community activities of daily living, leisure
activities, employment, and relationship status.
The neurological complaints section documents presence of
increased epilepsy, headaches, dizziness, balance difficulties,
physical fatigue, vision, smell, or hearing since the injury. Mobility
was rated on an eight-point scale from 1 (confined to bed) to 8
(previous level). The cognitive, behavioral, communication, and
emotional domains assessed included changes in memory, planning
and problem-solving, concentration, speed of thinking, mental fa-
tigue, initiative, self-centeredness, irritability, impulsivity, socially
inappropriate behavior, difficulty making speech understood, fol-
lowing conversation, and thinking of words, as well as levels of
depression and anxiety. Reponses were rated as change present or
absent relative to pre-injury.
Independence in personal (e.g., feeding, dressing, grooming), light
domestic, heavy domestic, and community (shopping and finan-
cial management) activities of daily living were rated on a six-point
Table 1. Summary of Longitudinal Studies Examining Functional Outcome Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Study No. of subjects Time assessed following TBI Measures Results
Brooks and
of 42 participants
with severe TBI
(age range, 16–60 years)
Two: 1 year, 5 years Structured interview of
close other
At both 1 year and 5 years, behavior problems most frequently reported by
Changes in personality reported by more relatives at 5 years (74%) than at 1 year
(60%). Similar increase over time in threats of violence (from 15% to 54%)
Number of physical, emotional and subjective difficulties similar at 1 year and 5
years; language disturbance, level of dependence and memory problems increased
slightly over time; and disturbed behavior increased greatly over time
Dikmen and
31 participants with moderate-
to-severe TBI (age range,
15–60 years), and 102
friend controls (age
range not given; mean
age, 24 years)
Three: 1 month,
1 year, 2 years
SIP, HISC, FSI, struc-
tured interview
Ambulation, mobility and self-care as measured by the FSI improved from 1 month
to 2 years post-injury
Of those living independently pre-injury, only 9% were living independently at 1
month post-injury, 50% at 1 year and 68% at 2 years (significantly fewer than
None had returned to work 1 month post-injury, 30% at 1 year and 46% at 2 years
(significantly fewer than controls)
Self earnings declined post-injury, with 70% of participants reported as financially
independent 1 year and 2 years post-injury
While 26% reported dysfunction on the SIP at 1 month post-injury, this dropped to
10% at both 1 year and 2 years post-injury
Percentage reporting symptoms of headache, fatigue, bothered by light, and
difficulty concentrating decreased from 1 month to 1 year and again to 2 years
post-injury. Being bothered by noise and irritability were reported more often from
1 month to 1 year to 2 years post-injury
Dikmen and
732 participants with mild-
to-severe TBI (age range
not given; mean age,
31 years), 120 trauma
controls (age range
not given; mean age,
31 years)
Two: 1 month, 1 year Symptom Checklist The rates of symptom reporting decreased from 74% at 1 month post-injury to 53%
at 1 year for the TBI group
There were between 4–18% of adults with TBI who reported symptoms at 1 year
post-injury but not at 1 month post-injury
and colleagues
113 participants with
TBI (age range not
given; mean age, 33 years)
Seven: Pre-injury,
3 months, 6 months, 12
months, 18 months, 24
months, 36 months
Employment outcome,
FIM, BI, FAM used as
Employment rate dropped from 80% pre-injury to 15% at 3 months and then
increased to 55% at 3 years
Olver and
103 participants with
TBI (age range, 11–69y)
Two: 2 years, 5 years SOI Between 2 and 5 years, there was an increase in independence in personal,
domestic and community ADL and the use of transport
There was a higher incidence of cognitive, behavioral and emotional changes
reported at 5 years than at 2 years
32% of those employed at 2 years were not employed at 5 years
Pagulayan and
133 participants
with mild-to-moderate TBI
(age at least 14 years), 111
trauma patients, 87 healthy
controls (age range, 15–60
Four: 1 month, 6 months, 12
months, 3–5 years
SIP There was an improvement from 1 month post-injury to 6 months post-injury in the
physical domain, with a smaller improvement observed for the psychosocial
Table 1. (Continued)
Study No. of subjects Time assessed following TBI Measures Results
115 participants with mild-to-
TBI (age range, 16–55
Two: 3 months, 12 months GOSE, FSS There was a significant time effect on the GOSE, with higher scores at 12 months,
compared with at 3 months
37% of the sample were employed at 3 months and this significantly increased to
68% at 12 months
Tate and
68 participants with severe
(age range at injury, 15–43
6 years, 23 years
CHART, SPRS-C, semi-
structured interview
Mobility: 85.3% were independent at 6 years post injury, but only 75% were
independent at 23 years post injury
High rates of independence in self-care (81%) were observed at both time-points
Employability: 45.5% were employed at 6 years, while only 33.8% were employed
at 23 years
36.8% had good relationships at 6 years post-injury, with this increasing to 45.6%
at 23 years post-injury
54.4% had good living skills at 6 years post-injury, with this increasing to 61.8% at
23 years post-injury
40 participants with extremely
severe TBI (age range, 14–
44 years)
Two: 2.5 years, 10–15 years Questionnaire Place of living: Many more participants were living alone at 10–15 years post-
injury (n = 17) than at 2.5 years post-injury (n = 2)
22.5% were married at 2.5 years; 15% were married at 10–15 years
Motor impairment: Motor impairment was initially present in all participants, but
10 had recovered from all symptoms by 2.5 years post-injury. This remained the
same at 10–15 years post-injury
Dependence: 24 participants were dependent at 2.5 years post-injury and this
decreased to 12 participants at 10–15 years post-injury
Communication: 16 participants had aphasia at 2.5 years post-injury. This
decreased to 4 at 10–15 years post-injury. The same number of participants (n = 15)
had dysarthria at both follow-up time points
Employment: 15% were employed full-or part-time at 2.5 years and 12.5% at 10–
15 years; 93% received disablement pension at the 10–15 year time point
Psychosocial sequelae: Major loss of social contact and decline in family
relationships. Decline in reporting of some problems from 2.5 years to 10–15
years: poor memory, changes in personality and emotion, childishness, emotional
lability, disturbed behavior, poor concentration, and slowness. For other problems,
reporting increased at the second follow-up: irritability, restlessness, loss of social
contact, aspontaneity, tiredness, sensitivity distress and lack of interests
Work capacity: 9 participants (22.5%) were either in full-time, part-time, or paid
sheltered work at 2.5 years post-injury, with slightly more participants (n = 12)
working at 10–15 years post-injury (30%)
van der Naalt
and colleagues
67 participants with mild-to-
moderate TBI (age range,
15–64 years)
Four: 1 month, 3 months, 6
months, 12 months
HISC, RTW The percentage of those reporting dizziness, poor concentration and slowness
decreased with each follow-up time-point (i.e., over time)
The percentage of those reporting alcohol intolerance increased over time
At 12 months post-injury, 73% had returned to work, though 84% still reported
complaints, such as headaches, irritability, forgetfulness, poor concentration, and
TBI, traumatic brain injury; SIP, Sickness Impact Profile; HISC, Head Injury Symptom Checklist; FSI, Function Status Index; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; BI, Barthel Index, used to assess independence;
FAM, Functional Assessment Measure; SOI, Structured Outcome Interview; ADL, activities of daily living; GOSE, Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended; FSS, Fatigue Severity Scale; CHART, Craig Handicap and
Reporting Technique; SPRS-C, Sydney Psychosocial Reintegration Scale–categorical version; RTW, return to work, as measured on a 4-point scale (0 = previous work or study resumed, 1 = previous work or study
resumed, but with lower demands or part time; 2 = previous work or study not resumed, different work or significantly lower level; 3 = not working).
scale: 1 = total dependence; 2 = dependence (minimal participation);
3 = dependence (active participation); 4 = minimal assistance only;
5 = supervision only; 6 = independence with or without aids. Driving
ability was rated on a four-point scale; specifically, 0 = no, 1 = not
eligible (e.g., too young, suspended license), 2 = not driving for other
reasons, 3 = able to drive with modifications to car or license con-
ditions, and 4 = able to drive without restrictions. Independence in
use of public transport was recorded on a four point-scale: 0 = not
applicable (e.g., from country), 1 = not able to use, 2 = limited use of
public transport (e.g., assistance required), and 3 = independent use of
public transport. Changes in leisure activities was rated on a four-
point scale, ranging from 1 = return to no previous leisure activities to
4 = return to all previous leisure activities. Participation in leisure
activities after the injury was recorded as yes or no. Current marital
status, difficulties in personal relationships, and getting on with
friends also were recorded. Level of support from close others,
compared with pre-injury, was rated on a three-point scale (more
support, same support, or less support). Employment status was re-
corded as non-vocational (injury too severe or still in rehabilitation),
employed (including full-time and part-time work, work trials and
work experience), student or not in the labor force (e.g., homemaker,
retired, maternity leave).
Scores on the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOSE)
were recorded at 10 years post-injury. Using a structured ques-
tionnaire, the GOSE assesses outcome on an eight-point scale:
1 = dead; 2 = vegetative; 3 = lower severe disability; 4 = upper se-
vere disability; 5 = lower moderate disability; 6 = upper moderate
disability; 7 = lower good recovery; and 8 = upper good recovery.
Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Epworth
Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee. Individuals with TBI
were invited to participate in the study and provided with a full
written explanation of the study at the time of inpatient rehabili-
tation admission and again at each follow-up. Following consent,
participants with TBI completed the Structured Outcome Ques-
tionnaire with their consulting doctor or a member of the research
team (in person, over the phone, or via mail). Demographic and
injury-related information was obtained from interview with par-
ticipants and, with their permission, from medical records.
Data Analysis
All analyses were conducted with SPSS v20.0 (IBM Corp.,
Armonk, NY). Frequency distributions were computed for all the
variables at each follow-up assessment. However, frequencies for
the GOSE were examined only at 10 years due to incomplete data at
the other time points. Where responses were dichotomous, pro-
portions across time were compared using Cochran’s Q test anal-
ysis. The alpha level was adjusted using Bonferroni correction
according to the number of statistical tests conducted for each
section (e.g., neurological complaints; eight categories; 0.05/
8 = 0.01, etc.). In addition, all of the results were stratified by du-
ration of PTA into mild, moderate, severe, and very severe injury
severity groups. PTA, rather than GCS, was used to stratify indi-
viduals as 77% of the cohort had GCS of 3 to 8, and some studies
have suggested that PTA is more strongly related to longer-term
Neurological complaints
The percentage of participants reporting neurological complaints
is shown in Figure 1. Approximately 7% of the sample developed
epilepsy over the 10-year follow-up period. About a third experi-
enced persistent dizziness, headaches, visual disturbance and re-
duced sense of smell, with a non-significant trend towards a decline
in dizziness and visual disturbance over time. Balance problems
were reported by more than 60% of the sample at two years post-
injury, which was significantly different over the 10-year period,
(40.4% at ve years and 55% at 10 years; v
= [2] = 9.19; p = 0.01).
Fatigue was the most common complaint, reported by over 70% of
the sample; however, the percentage reporting fatigue tended to
decrease from two to five years and then again from five to 10 years.
Neurological complaints by individuals with mild TBI tended to
decrease over time. Dizziness and problems with smell were not
reported beyond two years post-injury. Headaches and difficulties
with balance were not reported beyond five years post-injury.
However, those with moderate-to-very-severe TBI continued to re-
port neurological complaints up to 10-years following injury. Par-
ticipants age 50 or younger at injury were more likely to report
headaches overall but there were no other significant age-related
differences in symptom reporting. Participants who were older than
50 at the time of injury did not report more neurological complaints
over time than those who were younger than 50.
There was little change in the level of mobility for participants
across time post-injury (Fig. 2). More than 55% of participants had
high mobility at two, five, and 10 years post-injury, with no significant
differences between the younger and older age groups. Only a small
proportion (0.8%) had low mobility at two years post-injury, which
increased slightly but not significantly to 6.1% at 10 years post-injury.
Those individuals moving into the low mobility category included five
participants age 50 or younger and three participants older than 50 at
time of injury. Those moving into low mobility also tended to have
severe or very severe TBI. All individuals with mild TBI reported high
mobility throughout the 10 years.
Cognition, behavior, emotion, and communication
A high proportion of the sample reported the presence of
changes in cognition, communication, behavior, and emotional
state. More than 60% of participants reported memory problems
and more than 50% reported difficulty concentrating, slowed
thinking, cognitive fatigue, and word-finding difficulties. There
were no significant differences in the percentage of participants
who reported these changes over time (see Fig. 3). Problems with
planning, initiative, self-centeredness, and impulsivity were re-
ported by 25–45% of the sample. However, there was an increase in
the percentage of participants reporting problems with planning
from two to five years and from five years to 10 years post-injury
(predominantly from the group age 50 or younger at the time of
injury), as well as with inappropriate social behavior, having their
speech understood by others, and following conversation. The in-
crease in reporting largely stemmed from individuals who had se-
vere and very severe TBI. Irritability was a common problem,
reported by more than two thirds of the sample, although the fre-
quency of reported irritability declined somewhat over the 10-year
period. Those who were age 50 or younger were more likely to
report injury-related changes in speed of thinking, cognitive fa-
tigue, self-centeredness, irritability, impulsivity, and inappropriate
social behavior than those older than 50. Those older than 50 did
not report more cognitive changes over time relative to those who
were younger, apart from a trend to report increased cognitive
fatigue. Almost half of the group reported being more anxious
and/or more depressed, compared with before their injury. This
proportion declined only slightly over time and did not differ sig-
nificantly according to age.
Daily functioning
The vast majority (more than 95%) were independent in personal
activities. There was an increase in the percentage of participants
who reported independence in light domestic activities over time
post-injury, predominantly in individuals with moderate severity of
injury (see Fig. 4). Approximately 30% of the sample required
some assistance in heavy domestic activities, and approximately
20% required assistance with shopping. Independence in financial
activities increased from 77.8% at two years to 85.1% at five years,
but then decreased to 70.2% at 10 years post-injury. This decline
was evident in both younger and older participants. There were no
overall differences in younger versus older participants in inde-
pendence in personal, domestic, or community ADLs.
With regard to use of transport, more than 50% of participants
reported returning to driving without restrictions at two years post-
injury, with this increasing to approximately 70% at the five year
FIG. 1. Neurological complaints at each year post-injury.
and 10 year post-injury time points. The proportion of participants
older than 50 at the time of injury who returned to driving was lower
(50.7%) than that of the younger age group (69.6%). Approximately
80% of the sample reported independent use of public transport at
each of the follow-up time points. However, there was a small de-
cline in independence in use of public transport and in driving, which
was confined to participants older than 50 at time of injury.
Figure 5 shows that only about half of the sample had returned to
all or most of their previous leisure interests at two years post-
injury, although this percentage increased at five years post-injury.
There was some decrease in participation in leisure activities by 10
years post-injury, evident in both the younger and older age groups
with moderate to very severe injuries. By 10 years post-injury, none
of the participants with mild TBI reported this as a problem.
Relationship issues
Of the participants with TBI who were married or in a de facto
relationship prior to injury, 13.6% were separated, divorced, or
widowed at two years post-injury, 22.4% at five years, and 20.4% at
10 years. Of those who were single prior to injury, 10.9% were
married or in a de facto relationship two years post-injury, 22.2% at
five years, and 29.2% at 10 years post-injury. The marital status of
participants at each time point following TBI is shown in Figure 6.
The proportion of participants who reported difficulty in per-
sonal relationships and getting on with friends increased over time
(see Fig. 7). Between 41% and 47% reported having lost friends or
becoming more socially isolated since the injury. Approximately
40% of participants reported requiring more support than before the
injury, with the proportion not decreasing greatly over time. Those
age 50 or younger were more likely to report requiring more sup-
port than prior to injury than those older than 50. However, as is
evident from Figure 7, the increase in reporting of difficulties in
relationships, as well as with friends, was largely evident in those
with severe and very severe injury severity. Similarly, individuals
with mild TBI ceased to report need for additional support by 10
years post-injury. However, participants with moderate-to-very-
severe TBI continued to reported need for additional support up to
10 years post-injury.
Employment and study
Prior to the injury, 66% of the sample indicated that they had
been employed. Although a minority of participants reported
having returned to their pre-injury employment on a full-time basis
(28.4% at two years, 17.6% at five years, and 11.8% at 10 years),
others were employed in alternative duties with the same or dif-
ferent employer (7.4% at two years, 18.6% at five years, and 11.8%
at 10 years) and an increased proportion were working part-time
(12.8% at two years, 11.1% at five years, and 19.0% at 10 years).
Overall, 40% of participants returned to open employment in some
capacity and this percentage did not change significantly over time.
A significantly lower proportion of participants older than 50 were
employed after injury. The proportion of participants by employ-
ment status is given in Figure 8. Rates of being non-vocational and
unemployed decreased over time, with a concomitant increase in
individuals reporting they were no longer in the labor force. These
individuals generally had moderate to very severe TBI.
Of those studying or employed prior to injury, 53.2% were
studying or employed at two years, 50.1% at five years, and 49.9%
at 10 years. Of those studying or employed at two years (n = 60),
71.67% were studying or employed at five years and 68.33% at 10
years. Fewer participants were studying at five and 10 years, with
only those with very severe injuries studying at the 10 year time
point. A proportion of these appear to have dropped out of the
workforce—either to retire or engage in home-making activities.
These individuals were predominantly those older than 50 at time
of injury. Conversely, of those not studying or employed at two
years (n = 76), 18.42% were studying or employed at five years and
25.0% at 10 years.
GOSE at 10 years
Figure 9 displays overall GOSE scores at 10 years post-injury.
There was a wide range of outcomes. Individuals with severe and
very severe injury largely represent the group of individuals with
vegetative, lower severe disability, or upper severe disability.
Younger participants were overrepresented in the vegetative or lower
severe disability categories, compared with older individuals.
FIG. 2. Mobility at each time point post-injury.
FIG. 3. Cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and communication changes that were present for participants at each time point
Conversely, 61.8% of older individuals showed lower or upper good
recovery, compared with 40.2% of younger individuals.
This is one of the first reports of longitudinal comparisons of
functional outcome over 10 years in a sample across the spectrum
of moderate-to-very-severe TBI. It has highlighted a number of the
key problems associated with these injuries that persist over many
Problems with fatigue and balance were the most common
neurological symptoms reported by these participants with pre-
dominantly moderate-to-very-severe injuries, although they di-
minished to a small degree over the 10 years. Fewer individuals
with mild TBI tended to reported neurological symptoms over the
10 years following TBI. Balance problems likely contributed to the
FIG. 4. Independence in activities of daily living at each time point post-injury.
FIG. 5. The proportion of participants returning to leisure activities following their TBI (% of sample who responded Yes).
high level mobility problems persisting in a quarter of the sample.
Overall, mobility outcomes were good, with only a few from
both younger and older age-groups becoming more dependent
over time. However, those reporting low mobility were individ-
uals with moderate-to-very-severe T BI. Sensory changes, re-
ported by about a third of the sample, were quite persistent over
Changes in a broad range of cognitive functions, particularly in
the domains of memory, attention, and cognitive fatigue, as well as
word-findings difficulties, were far more common than physical
FIG. 6. The proportion of participants in each marital status category.
FIG. 7. Relationship and personal difficulties and level of support required (% of sample who responded Yes).
changes and did not diminish in frequency over time. The increased
reporting of executive and behavioral changes in the domains of
planning, initiative, self-centeredness and impulsivity, and inap-
propriate social behavior, suggested a growth in awareness of ex-
ecutive difficulties and behavioral changes, which individuals with
severe TBI are commonly lacking in the early stages after injury.
There also appeared to be a growing awareness of the impact of
these changes on social interactions over the 10 years, with in-
creased reporting of difficulties in personal relationships and
making friends and of social isolation. Irritability was a common
and persistent problem for more than two thirds of the sample.
Almost half the sample still felt more anxious and/or depressed 10
years post-injury. Although a rather crude measure, this frequency
is consistent with rates of anxiety and depression reported over the
long-term on the basis of symptom rating scales or diagnostic in-
terviews in other studies.
There was no evidence of greater
reporting of cognitive or emotional problems over time in the older
age groups relative to the younger age group.
While consistent with the figures reported by Olver and col-
in an overlapping sample, the rates of symptom reporting
were generally much higher in this study relative to those by
Dikmen and colleagues
and van der Naalt and colleagues,
presumably reflecting the far higher proportion of participants with
moderate-to-severe TBI in this study, which was more similar to
those of Dikmen and colleagues
and Brooks and colleagues.
of these studies have revealed fatigue and memory problems to be
the most common and persistent cognitive symptoms, along with
irritability. What this study has shown is that these symptoms
continue to be prominent over 10 years after injury. A higher
proportion of participants with mild TBI likely also accounted for
higher rates of return to employment in studies by Sigurardottir and
and van der Naalt and colleagues.
The rates of return
to employment are similar to those reported by Grauwmeijer and
in their three-year follow-up study of a sample of
similar injury severity and age. However, it was positive to see
relatively high levels of employment being maintained up to 10
years post-injury, especially for those aged 50 or younger at injury.
Although high levels of independence were achieved in personal
activities of daily living and significant and continuing improve-
ment in independence in light domestic chores, about a third of the
sample required assistance with heavy domestic activities and 20%
of the sample required some assistance with shopping and financial
FIG. 8. Employment status at each time post-injury.
FIG. 9. Overall Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended scores at 10 years post-injury.
management. A high proportion of patients were driving 10 years
post-injury. The increase in proportion of the sample driving be-
tween two and five years post-injury suggests the need to provide
services for assessment of return to driving over extended periods
of time after injury.
Fewer than half the sample could participate in previous leisure
activities and participation in these activities did not increase over
the 10 years of the study for those with moderate to very severe
injuries. Although more than 50% of those studying or employed
prior to injury returned to employment, there was considerable
movement into and out of employment. This suggests the need for
continuing support and follow-up of those who return to work
following TBI to ensure that if they lose their job they are supported
in finding another one.
Approximately 40% of patients required more support after
injury than prior to injury. Although individuals with mild or
moderate TBI reported less need for support over the 10 years, rates
for those with severe or very severe TBI stayed fairly consistent.
Marital relationships remained remarkably stable, far more so than
in studies by Thomsen
and Tate and colleagues.
This most
likely reflected the fact that participants did not have such cata-
strophic injuries, but also possibly the fact that these injured indi-
viduals and their families had access to funded attendant care and
other support services, which reduced the burden on caregiving
spouses. Despite this, there was, however, a growing awareness of
problems in personal relationships and friendships for almost 40%
of the sample, predominantly in those with severe or very severe
Given that 28 participants had reached the age of 60 or older by
the 10-year follow-up, of whom 16 had reached age 70, we ex-
amined whether some changes might have been age related. There
were surprisingly few differences between those age 50 or younger
and those older than 50 at time of injury. It needs to be acknowl-
edged that the older subgroup had less severe injuries overall, as
was reflected in the GOSE results at 10 years, and this may have
contributed to the increased reporting of some changes by younger
participants, as was evident, for example, in requiring more support
and the reporting of some cognitive and behavioral changes. It may
also have led to minimization of aged-related differences in the
long-term effects of TBI. However, this comparison did allow for
examination as to whether any decline evident in this cohort was
associated with age per se, rather than the injury. The older group
did show a significantly lower rate of return to employment and a
higher proportion of participants leaving the workforce at five and
10 years post-injury. They were also less likely to return to driving
and became less likely to be driving and independent in the use of
public transport over time.
Overall, it would appear that, consistent with the findings of
Brooks and colleagues,
Dikmen and colleagues,
and Tate and
these injured individuals are developing and main-
taining quite high levels of independence in mobility and activities
of daily living, but there is growing awareness of cognitive and
behavioral changes that impact increasingly on personal and social
relationships and cause growing social isolation over time. There is
significantly reduced participation in leisure activities. There are
also significant ongoing emotional problems. Although these per-
sisting, long-term, problems have been documented in previous
studies, this study has shown that they did not diminish in the same
group of individuals with moderate-to-very-severe injuries over 10
years after injury, in either the younger or older age groups. By and
large, problems that were present at two years post-injury were still
present at 10 years post-injury. The frequency of problems was
generally proportionate to the severity of injury, as measured by
PTA duration. This highlights the usefulness of PTA duration as a
measure of injury severity. Although aggregated findings should
not be used to make specific predictions in individual cases, this is
valuable information for these individuals themselves, their fami-
lies, employers, and those funding and providing health care and
social services.
This finding contrasts with the results reported by Sbordone and
In their retrospective study based on reports by sig-
nificant others, there was a gradual improvement in most dimen-
sions of recovery over time. However, as previously stated, these
findings are likely to have been affected by recall bias; the accuracy
of retrospectively recalling an injured relative’s functioning at time
periods up to 10 years previously is questionable. Moreover, the
manner of recruitment of the very small sample was unclear. The
findings are generally consistent with the pattern of findings of Tate
and colleagues,
who followed up a very severely injured group
more than 23 years after injury. They did find a far greater decline
in employability, which may have reflected both the greater injury
severity and the older age at follow-up, with some participants
having reached retirement age.
Although the physical and vocational rehabilitation of these
individuals were reasonably successful, it would appear that there is
a need for greater emphasis on providing rehabilitation for cogni-
tive, behavioral, psychological and social issues that limit com-
munity participation in individuals with TBI. Even in this
comprehensive rehabilitation setting, it is still the case that patients
receive many more hours of physical and occupational therapy
focused on independence in and return to activities of daily living
than they do rehabilitation for cognitive, behavioral, and social
problems. Many rehabilitation centers have limited staff with the
expertise to treat these problems. Although the evidence base un-
derpinning interventions is growing, it remains limited. Arguably,
these interventions need to be carried out and certainly their ef-
fectiveness evaluated in the context of the community in ways
discussed by Sloan and Ponsford.
This study has a number of limitations, the most significant of
which is that the group followed up represented a small proportion
of the total group of patients treated in the center during the course
of the study. Although not differing from the rest of the group in
gender, education, or duration of PTA, the group was older than the
group who did not attend follow-up at all time points and had lower
GCS scores. This may have meant that the rates of reported prob-
lems were higher than in those who did not return to the follow-up
clinic at all time points and in the total population of people with
TBI. The older subgroup in the present study had less severe in-
juries than the younger subgroup, thus limiting conclusions re-
garding the impact of age on long-term outcome. The study
findings cannot be generalized to individuals with uncomplicated
mild injuries, of whom there were none in the sample. Nor can they
necessarily be generalized to TBI groups who have not received
inpatient rehabilitation. Findings were based on self-report by those
who were injured, who may have been somewhat lacking in
awareness of their limitations. However, it has been suggested that
individuals with TBI are at least as accurate as their close others
in reporting injury-related changes at such long periods after
Despite these potential limitations, the study has provided a
comprehensive body of information documenting the long-term
issues faced by a large group of individuals with moderate-to-
severe TBI. This information may be used for education of health
professionals, those injured and their families, and in the planning
and development of services for TBI. In particular, the study has
also highlighted important directions for rehabilitation programs if
they are to improve long-terms outcome in individuals with TBI,
namely the need for a greater focus on the cognitive, behavioral.
psychological, and social problems that impede their community
This project is funded by the Transport Accident Commission,
through the Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Re-
search. We would also like to thank all participants involved in this
project who gave so generously of their time.
Author Disclosure Statement
No competing financial conflicts exist.
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Address correspondence to:
Jennie L. Ponsford, PhD
Department of Psychology
Monash University
Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia
... The consequences of TBI vary depending on the severity of the injury, as well as on preinjury and postinjury factors. [89][90] One study of moderately severe TBI (n = 79 contacted; n = 51 participated) 89 involved interviews of patients 17-42 months post-TBI and found that although three-fourths of them worked full-time, most struggled with cognitive and functional limitations. Another study of moderate-to-severe TBI involved interviewing patients up to 10 years postinjury (n = 141) 90 and found that 70% had returned to driving; however, 60% reported difficulties in cognition, communication, behavior, and emotional functions; 40% required more support than before their injury; and 30% reported difficulties in personal relationships. ...
... [89][90] One study of moderately severe TBI (n = 79 contacted; n = 51 participated) 89 involved interviews of patients 17-42 months post-TBI and found that although three-fourths of them worked full-time, most struggled with cognitive and functional limitations. Another study of moderate-to-severe TBI involved interviewing patients up to 10 years postinjury (n = 141) 90 and found that 70% had returned to driving; however, 60% reported difficulties in cognition, communication, behavior, and emotional functions; 40% required more support than before their injury; and 30% reported difficulties in personal relationships. Overall, the study found that problems experienced by patients 2 years postinjury persisted until 10 years postinjury. ...
... Overall, the study found that problems experienced by patients 2 years postinjury persisted until 10 years postinjury. 90 Those at greater risk for experiencing long-term health problems or death included racial and ethnic minorities, service members and veterans, people who experienced homelessness, people who resided in correctional and detention facilities, survivors of intimate partner violence, and people who lived in rural areas. 91 PCS, a term most often for those with concussion or mTBI, is believed to peak in the first weeks or months postinjury and to subside 1-6 months postinjury. ...
... Fatigue has been found to follow the same temporal pattern as other functional outcomes for adults with ABI (Bushnik et al., 2008), even 10 years postinjury (Ponsford et al., 2014). Thus, it has been proposed that to facilitate fatigue following ABI, one pathway may be to provide cognitive rehabilitation that is per se aimed to remediate difficulties with, e.g., executive function (EF), a construct that refers to a set of higher-level cognitive control processes, such as inhibition, mental flexibility, and working memory (Miyake et al., 2000). ...
... The rationale thereof is the seeming overlap between the level of fatigue and cognitive impairment, especially regarding sustained attention and processing speed (Irestorm et al., 2021). Because GMT is a structured group-based metacognitive intervention specifically targeting attentional control and problem-solving (Levine et al., 2000), this may address the deficits in sustained attention and EF which are associated with fatigue (Aaronson et al., 1999;Ponsford et al., 2012Ponsford et al., , 2014Ponsford et al., , 2015. Indeed, in a pilot study by Stubberud et al. (2019) involving adult individuals with TBI (n = 3) and cerebrovascular insults (n = 5), reduced fatigue was found at 3 and 9 months after a multifaceted intervention where an abbreviated GMT protocol was included. ...
Full-text available
To explore the long-term effectiveness of a paediatric adaptation of Goal Management Training (pGMT), relative to a psychoeducative program (pBHW), in reducing fatigue after pABI 2 years post-intervention. Thirty-eight youths and their parents completed the Paediatric Quality of Life - Multidimensional Fatigue Scale. Primary outcome measures were Total Fatigue Score, General fatigue, Cognitive fatigue, and Sleep/rest fatigue (parent-report). No significant differences in fatigue symptoms by the parental report was observed between the intervention groups at the 2-year follow-up (total score: F = .16, p = .69; general fatigue: F = .36, p = .55; sleep/rest: F = .48, p = .49; and cognitive fatigue: F = .09, p = .76), nor any time*group interactions (total score: F = .25, p = .86; general fatigue: F = .39, p = .76; sleep/rest: F = .20, p = .89; and cognitive fatigue: F = .08, p = .97). In total, 45% of the participants in the pGMT group and 25% in the pBHW group demonstrated a reliable positive clinical change. The significant improvements in fatigue symptoms that were demonstrated 6 months post-intervention could not be confirmed in this 2-year follow-up study. However, a continued positive tendency on most dimensions of fatigue for the participants in the pGMT group could be observed, suggesting that cognitive rehabilitation may help reduce fatigue.
... The main cause of TBI differs according to the individual's age range: in fact, while in elderly falls represent the event mostly associated with TBI [2,4], in younger adults, road traffic accidents account for the largest proportion of most severe traumas (sTBI) [2], usually characterized by a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 8 or less [5]. In this latter case, it is well known that neurological, neuropsychological, and cognitive impairments are likely to persist for years after the injury [6]. In particular, motor dysfunctions are among the most common consequences of TBI, as a significant number of affected individuals report impairments in balance and coordination [6][7][8]. ...
... In this latter case, it is well known that neurological, neuropsychological, and cognitive impairments are likely to persist for years after the injury [6]. In particular, motor dysfunctions are among the most common consequences of TBI, as a significant number of affected individuals report impairments in balance and coordination [6][7][8]. In this context, it's worth noting that few studies have explored the long-term effects of sTBI on biomechanical alterations related to basic motor tasks [9], involving postural control and functional mobility. ...
Full-text available
Individuals who experienced severe Traumatic Brain Injury (sTBI) are often characterized by relevant motor dysfunctions which are likely to negatively affect activities of daily living and quality of life and often persist for years. However, detailed objective information about their magnitude are scarce. The aim of this study was to quantitatively assess the extent of motor deficits in terms of postural control effectiveness under static and dynamic conditions and to investigate the existence of possible correlations between the results of clinical tests and instrumental measures. Postural sway and functional mobility (i.e., instrumented Timed Up and Go test, iTUG) were objectively measured in 18 individuals with sTBI and 18 healthy controls using a pressure plate and a wearable inertial sensor. Additionally, participants with history of sTBI completed the Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI). One-way ANOVA and Spearman's rank correlation analysis were employed to examine differences between the two groups and determine potential correlations between the instrumental tests and clinical scales. The results show that people with sTBI were characterized by larger sway area and longer iTUG walking sub-phase. Significant correlations were also detected between RMI scores and iTUG total duration, as well as the walking phase. Taken together, these findings suggest that, even years after the initial injury, individuals with sTBI appear characterized by impaired postural control and functional mobility, which appears correlated with the RMI score. The integration of instrumental measures with clinical scales in the routine assessment and treatment of individuals with sTBI would result in more comprehensive, objective, and sensitive evaluations, thus improving precision in treatment planning, enabling ongoing progress monitoring, and highlighting the presence of motor deficits even years after the initial injury. Such integration is of importance for enhancing the long-term quality of life for individuals with sTBI.
... C OGNITIVE deficits following moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (msTBI) are prevalent and contribute to increased disability and reduced quality of life. 1,2 While most patients experience some degree of cognitive recovery, their trajectory is heterogeneous. 3,4 Although there is interindividual variability in TBI profiles, one of the most common neuropathological consequences of msTBI is diffuse axonal injury (DAI). ...
Objective Identification of biomarkers of cognitive recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI) will inform care and improve outcomes. This study assessed the utility of neurofilament (NF-L and pNF-H), a marker of neuronal injury, informing cognitive performance following moderate-to-severe TBI (msTBI). Setting Level 1 trauma center and outpatient via postdischarge follow-up. Participants N = 94. Inclusion criteria : Glasgow Coma Scale score less than 13 or 13-15 with clinical evidence of moderate-to-severe injury traumatic brain injury on clinical imaging. Exclusion criteria : neurodegenerative condition, brain death within 3 days after injury. Design Prospective observational study. Blood samples were collected at several time points post-injury. Cognitive testing was completed at 6 months post-injury. Main Measures Serum NF-L (Human Neurology 4-Plex B) pNF-H (SR-X) as measured by SIMOA Quanterix assay. Divided into 3 categorical time points at days post-injury (DPI): 0-15 DPI, 16-90 DPI, and >90 DPI. Cognitive composite comprised executive functioning measures derived from 3 standardized neuropsychological tests (eg, Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System: Verbal Fluency, California Verbal Learning Test, Second Edition, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Third Edition). Results pNF-H at 16-90 DPI was associated with cognitive outcomes including a cognitive-executive composite score at 6 months ( β = −.430, t 34 = −3.190, P = .003). Conclusions Results suggest that “subacute” elevation of serum pNF-H levels may be associated with protracted/poor cognitive recovery from msTBI and may be a target for intervention. Interpretation is limited by small sample size and including only those who were able to complete cognitive testing.
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Acquired brain injury (ABI) is one of the most common causes of disability and death globally. Support from informal caregivers is critical to the well-being and quality of life of people with ABI and supports the sustainability of global health and social care systems. This study presents an in-depth qualitative analysis of the experiences of eight British informal caregivers supporting someone with ABI. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with narratives transcribed verbatim and analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Three superordinate themes were generated: making sense of brain injury; being consumed by caregiving; and, the changing self. These data highlight the impact of caregiving on the caregiver’s illness perceptions and sense of self. By identifying negative and positive changes in the caregiver’s sense of self, and dilemmas regarding the care recipient’s behaviour, we address less understood aspects of caregiver experiences. Caregiving can pose both challenges to the caregiver’s sense of identity and an opportunity for self-growth. Some caregivers exhibit resilience throughout their journey, with post-traumatic growth more apparent in the later stages of caregiving. Illness perceptions shape caregiver well-being and family dynamics and indicate the need to address stigmatisation and discrimination faced by ABI survivors and caregivers. Although some caregivers acquired positive meaning and enrichment from their caregiving, previously described challenges of ABI caregiving are supported. Overall, our findings support the need for timely psychological/mental health support for caregivers, caregiver education, and the provision of short breaks from caregiving.
Purpose Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with a range of cognitive-communicative deficits that interfere with everyday communication and social interaction. Considerable effort has been directed at characterizing the nature and scope of cognitive-communication disorders in TBI, yet the underlying mechanisms of impairment are largely unspecified. The present research examines sensitivity to a common communicative cue, disfluency, and its impact on memory for spoken language in TBI. Method Fifty-three participants with moderate–severe TBI and 53 noninjured comparison participants listened to a series of sentences, some of which contained disfluencies. A subsequent memory test probed memory for critical words in the sentences. Results Participants with TBI successfully remembered the spoken words ( b = 1.57, p < .0001) at a similar level to noninjured comparison participants. Critically, participants with TBI also exhibited better recognition memory for words preceded by disfluency compared to words from fluent sentences ( b = 0.57, p = .02). Conclusions These findings advance mechanistic accounts of cognitive-communication disorder by revealing that, when isolated for experimental study, individuals with moderate–severe TBI are sensitive to attentional orienting cues in speech and exhibit enhanced recognition of individual words preceded by disfluency. These results suggest that some aspects of cognitive-communication disorders may not emerge from an inability to perceive and use individual communication cues, but rather from disruptions in managing (i.e., attending, weighting, integrating) multiple cognitive, communicative, and social cues in complex and dynamic interactions. This hypothesis warrants further investigation.
Successful cognitive and functional outcomes following the stabilization of patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) require longitudinal follow-up and rehabilitative care. Nearly half of hospitalizations for moderate and severe TBI result in substantial long-term disability, greatly reducing quality of life for those affected and inducing significant short- and long-term cost burdens on the afflicted individuals and the healthcare system. This is further exacerbated by higher rates of hospital readmission, unemployment, dependence on others, use of illicit substances, and decreased lifespan. Early and intensive neurorehabilitation is associated with improved short- and long-term outcomes for severe TBI, a phenomenon that has been supported with a multitude of clinical studies and animal models of TBI. Based on existing evidence and guidelines in long-term management of severe TBI, this chapter summarizes the features that highlight the role of neurorehabilitation in post-acute and longer-term care for severe TBI. However, not all patients affected by severe TBI have equal access to neurorehabilitative care as the current system of TBI care is not optimally designed to meet the needs of a diverse TBI patient population. Identifying and addressing demographic and socioeconomic disparities in longitudinal TBI management is equally important to understanding the physiological mechanisms for improving long-term functional and cognitive outcomes.
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Neuropsychological outcome at 1 year postinjury was examined prospectively in representative groups of 436 adult head-injured participants and 121 general-trauma control participants. A comprehensive battery of neuropsychological measures was administered. The head-injured group performed significantly worse than the trauma controls on most measures (p < .01). However, the magnitude and pervasiveness of the impairments depended on the severity of the head injury. This study provides information about expected ranges of impairment as a function of different severity levels and appropriate comparison values. The findings raise important questions about clinically held beliefs of differential sensitivity of neuropsychological measures. Furthermore, the substantial variability in outcome observed underscores the importance of examining factors that seem to exacerbate or mitigate the effects of brain damage.
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To evaluate the employment outcome in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to identify which patients are at risk of unemployment 3 years after injury. Prospective cohort study. Patients with moderate and severe TBI discharged from the neurosurgery departments of 3 level 1 trauma centers in The Netherlands. Patients aged 18 to 65 years (N=113; mean age ± SD, 33.2±13.1y; 73% men) who were hospitalized with moderate (26% of patients) to severe (74% of patients) TBI. Not applicable. The main outcome measure was employment status. Potential predictors included patient characteristics, injury severity factors, functional outcome measured at discharge from the acute hospital with the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS), Barthel Index (BI), and FIM, and cognitive functioning measured with the Functional Assessment Measure (FAM). Ninety-four patients (83%) completed the 3-year follow-up. The employment rate dropped from 80% preinjury to 15% at 3 months postinjury and gradually increased to 55% after 3 years. The employment rate significantly increased from 3 months up to 1 year, but it did not change significantly from 1 to 3 years postinjury. Age, length of hospital stay, discharge to a nursing home (vs home), psychiatric symptoms, and BI, GOS, FIM, and FAM scores were found to be significant univariate determinants for employment status. By using multiple logistic regression analysis, the FAM score (adjusted odds ratio 1.1; P<.000) and psychiatric symptoms (adjusted odds ratio .08; P<.019) were selected as independent predictors for employment status. A FAM cutoff score of less than 65 to identify patients at risk of long-term unemployment had a good diagnostic value. Patients with TBI with psychiatric symptoms and impaired cognitive functioning at hospital discharge are at the highest risk of long-term unemployment. These factors should be the focus of vocational rehabilitation.
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause lasting functional changes and lead to unemployment. The purpose of this study was to create and test a structural equation model (SEM) of the prediction of functional and employment outcome after TBI. Participants were 949 individuals with predominantly moderate to severe TBI (74% males, median age 25.7 years) who attended a follow-up interview 1 year post-injury. Outcome (employment and mood, cognitive and behavioural changes) was measured using the Structured Outcome Questionnaire. An SEM, based on existing research, was developed, tested and modified. A comparative fit index of 0.99 and a root mean square error of approximation of 0.03 supported the fit of the final model. Age, education, pre-injury employment, injury severity and limb injuries were direct predictors of employment outcome. Gender, pre-injury psychiatric disorders and limb injuries were related to employment outcome by their association with mood, cognitive and behavioural changes. The results demonstrate the complex interplay between various factors predicting outcome after TBI and provide evidence for the importance of tailoring rehabilitation to the individual's needs. Further research, including other conditions, can build on this model and include additional predictor and outcome measures.
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To evaluate the cognitive and behavioral disturbances related to return to work (RTW) in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) with the application of a differentiated outcome scale. Longitudinal cohort study. Level I trauma center. Adults (N=434) with TBI of various severity. Not applicable. Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS-E), Differentiated Outcome Scale (DOS), and RTW. Patients encountered problems in the physical (40%), cognitive (62%), behavioral (55%), and social domains (49%) of the DOS, with higher frequency related to severity of injury. Even those with mild TBI experienced cognitive (43%) and behavioral problems (33%). Patients with good recovery (58%) according to the GOS-E experienced problems in 1 or more domains of the DOS. Half the patients were able to resume previous vocational activities completely, although 1 in 3 experienced cognitive or behavioral problems. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, the cognitive (odds ratio [OR], 10.548; confidence interval [CI], 5.99-18.67), behavioral (OR, 2.648; CI, 1.63-4.29), and physical domains (OR, 2.763; CI, 1.60-4.78) were significant (P<.01) predictors of RTW. For subcategories of TBI, the cognitive domain was predictive for RTW in those with moderate and severe TBI, whereas both the cognitive and behavioral domains were predictive for RTW in those with mild TBI. With application of a more detailed outcome scale, cognitive and behavioral impairments interfering with RTW were present in a substantial part of patients with TBI in the chronic phase after injury. More research is needed exploring the cognitive and behavioral outcome in different categories of injury severity separately.
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To examine the association of age and time postinjury with cognitive outcome 5-22 years following traumatic brain injury (TBI), in relation to matched uninjured controls. One hundred twelve participants with mild to very severe TBI, aged 16-81 years at the time of injury, were cognitively assessed on measures of processing speed and attention, verbal and visual memory, executive function, and working memory. Results were compared with those of 112 healthy controls individually matched for current age, gender, education, and estimated IQ. Older injured individuals performed worse than did younger injured individuals across all cognitive domains, after controlling for the performance of controls. In relation to matched controls, long-time survivors performed disproportionately worse than did more recently injured individuals, irrespective of age. After maximum spontaneous recovery from TBI, poorer cognitive functioning appears to be associated with both older age at the time of injury and increased time postinjury. These findings have implications for prognosis, early treatment recommendations, and long-term issues of differential diagnosis and management planning.
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This study examines rates of reporting of new or worse post-traumatic symptoms for patients with a broad range of injury severity at 1 month and 1 year after traumatic brain injury (TBI), as compared with those whose injury spared the head, and assesses variables related to symptom reporting at 1 year post-injury. Seven hundred thirty two TBI subjects and 120 general trauma comparison (TC) subjects provided new or worse symptom information at 1 month and/or 1 year post-injury. Symptom reporting at 1 year post-injury was compared in subgroups based on basic demographics, preexisting conditions, and severity of brain injury. The TBI group reported significantly more symptoms at 1 month and 1 year after injury than TCs (each p < .001). Although symptom endorsement declined from 1 month to 1 year, 53% of people with TBI and 24% of TC continued to report 3 or more symptoms at 1 year post-injury. Symptom reporting in the TBI group was significantly related to age, gender, preinjury alcohol abuse, pre-injury psychiatric history, and severity of TBI. Symptom reporting is common following a traumatic injury and continues to be experienced by a substantial number of TBI subjects of all severity levels at 1 year post-injury.
Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) is a transient sequela of closed head injury (CHI). The term PTA has been in clinical use for over half a century, and generally refers to the subacute phase of recovery immediately after unconsciousness following CHI. The duration of PTA predicts functional outcome after CHI, but its pathophysiological mechanism is not known. This paper compares current methods of determining the duration of PTA, summarizes reports on neuropsychological deficits in PTA, reviews available data that allow inferences about its mechanism, and suggests methods for further exploration of its pathophysiology.
Background: Findings from prognostic studies of functional and psychosocial recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI) reported to date have been limited by the restricted timeframe for prediction, generally within the first 5 years post-trauma. This investigation examined prediction of functional and psychosocial recovery in the medium-term (6 years post-trauma; Time 1) and long-term (23 years post-trauma; Time 2). Methods: The participants comprised a consecutive series of the first 100 patients with severe TBI receiving their primary rehabilitation at a regionally based unit. At the 23-year follow-up, 91% of the sample was traced: 17 had died, 5 declined participation, and 69 were interviewed, with 68 participating at both Time 1 and Time 2. Five outcome domains were examined: mobility, self-care, employability, relationships and living skills. Results: Very few of seven pre-injury variables were significantly correlated with any of the outcome variables. A series of logistic regression analyses successfully predicted levels of recovery in all domains using four predictor variables: pre-injury occupational status, duration of post-traumatic amnesia, and physical and neuropsychological disability at rehabilitation discharge. At Time 1, 60% or more of the variance was accounted for in four of the five domains, and at Time 2, more than 40% of the variance was accounted for in all domains. Sensitivity ranged from 62% (self-care) to 90% (mobility). With a single exception (employability at Time 2), specificity was also high, ranging from 80% (relationships) to 98% (mobility). Comparable accuracy rates were also found for positive and negative predictive power. Conclusions: These results demonstrate impressive predictive capacity of early post-trauma variables for the very long-term levels of recovery. They provide guidance for the tailoring of individual rehabilitation programs and the identification of people who may require special supports after rehabilitation discharge.
Objective: To examine the association of age with long-term psychosocial outcome following traumatic brain injury.Participants: One hundred and twelve participants with mild to very severe traumatic brain injury, aged 26-89 years at 5-22 years post-injury, 112 significant others and 112 healthy controls matched for current age, gender, education and estimated IQ.Methods: Changes in occupational activity, interpersonal relationships and independent living skills were assessed in participants with traumatic brain injury using the Sydney Psychosocial Reintegration Scale (SPRS). Employment status of participants with traumatic brain injury and control participants was compared at the time of assessment.Results: No age effects were demonstrated on the 3 SPRS domains. However, compared with healthy individuals, older participants with traumatic brain injury showed greater likelihood of unemployment relative to younger participants with traumatic brain injury.Conclusion: By using matched controls this study has demonstrated that older individuals with traumatic brain injury are less likely to return to the workforce than younger individuals with traumatic brain injury. Other aspects of psychosocial outcome appeared to be less affected by age, although specific domains require closer examination in relation to healthy age-matched controls.
Cognitive impairments are common sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and are often associated with the natural process of aging. Few studies have examined the effect of both age and TBI on cognitive functioning. The purpose of this study was to compare cognitive functioning between older adults who sustained a TBI to an age-matched group of individuals without a brain injury and to determine whether the presence or absence of a genetic marker apolipoprotein epsilon (APOEepsilon4 allele) accounts for additional cognitive decline in both groups examined. Cognitive performance was measured by 11 neuropsychological tests, in 54 adults with TBI aged 55 and older and 40 age-matched control participants. All participants were reexamined 2 to 5 years later. Community volunteer-based sample examined at a large, urban medical center. California Verbal Learning Test; Wechsler Memory Scale-III (Logical Memory I & II; Visual Reproduction I & II); Grooved Pegboard; Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Ability (Visual Matching and Cross-out); Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; Trail Making Test A & B; Conners' Continuous Performance Task; Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (Vocabulary); Controlled Oral Word Association Test; and Boston Naming Test. Participants with TBI had lower scores on tests of attention and verbal memory than did participants with no disability. Neither group exhibited a significant decline in cognitive function over time. The presence of the APOEepsilon4 allele did not account for additional decline in cognitive function in either group. The findings suggest that older adults with TBI may not be at increased risk for cognitive decline over short time periods (2 to 5 years) even if they are carriers of the APOEepsilon4 allele.