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The Emerging Roles of Leptin and Ghrelin in Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology

  • Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Abstract and Figures

Leptin and ghrelin are novel peptide hormones which are counter-regulatory in the central control of appetite. More recently, it has become clear that these hormones have a range of effects on the cardiovascular system. Leptin increases sympathetic activity, producing a pressor effect when acting on the central nervous system. However, leptin produces vasodilation by an endothelium-dependent mechanism peripherally. Ghrelin decreases sympathetic activity and has a depressor effect when acting on the central nervous system. Peripherally, ghrelin produces vasodilation by an endothelium-independent mechanism. Ghrelin improves left ventricular function and cardiac cachexia in heart failure. Leptin may contribute to cardiac cachexia, and to obesity-related cardiomyopathy by a variety of mechanisms. Leptin has pro-inflammatory, proliferative and calcification promoting effects in the vasculature. Ghrelin has recently been shown to be anti-inflammatory in the vasculature. Leptin may also produce a pro-thrombotic state through stimulation of platelet aggregation and inhibition of coagulation and fibrinolysis. The evidence for and against these effects as well as their pathophysiological significance in obesity hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis and thrombosis are discussed.
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Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2005, 3, 169-180 169
1570-1611/05 $50.00+.00 © 2005 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
The Emerging Roles of Leptin and Ghrelin in Cardiovascular Physiology
and Pathophysiology
Vijay Sharma* and John H. McNeill
Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of British Columbia,
2146 East Mall, Vancouver, Canada
Abstract: Leptin and ghrelin are novel peptide hormones which are counter-regulatory in the central control of appetite.
More recently, it has become clear that these hormones have a range of effects on the cardiovascular system. Leptin in-
creases sympathetic activity, producing a pressor effect when acting on the central nervous system. However, leptin pro-
duces vasodilation by an endothelium-dependent mechanism peripherally. Ghrelin decreases sympathetic activity and has
a depressor effect when acting on the central nervous system. Peripherally, ghrelin produces vasodilation by an endothe-
lium-independent mechanism. Ghrelin improves left ventricular function and cardiac cachexia in heart failure. Leptin may
contribute to cardiac cachexia, and to obesity-related cardiomyopathy by a variety of mechanisms. Leptin has pro-
inflammatory, proliferative and calcification promoting effects in the vasculature. Ghrelin has recently been shown to be
anti-inflammatory in the vasculature. Leptin may also produce a pro-thrombotic state through stimulation of platelet ag-
gregation and inhibition of coagulation and fibrinolysis. The evidence for and against these effects as well as their patho-
physiological significance in obesity hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis and thrombosis are discussed.
Keywords: Leptin, ghrelin, obesity, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, thrombosis.
The History of Leptin
In 1950, Ingalls et al. identified an autosomal recessive
genetic defect in inbred obese [ob/ob] mice which produces a
phenotype of severe obesity, type 2 diabetes and infertility
[1]. In the 1970’s, Coleman undertook a series of parabiosis
experiments in which the circulation of the ob/ob mice was
linked to that of normal mice with the same genetic back-
ground [2, 3]. This suggested that the ob/ob mice lacked a
blood borne satiety factor. In 1991, it was confirmed that the
ob/ob mouse phenotype was produced by a mutation in the
ob gene [4]. Friedman’s group reported the positional clon-
ing of the mouse ob gene and its human homologue [5], and
its product was named leptin, from the greek word λεπτοσ
(leptos) which means thin.
Leptin is synthesised and secreted mainly by white adi-
pocytes in response to an increase in either their size or
number [6]. However, it is now known that leptin synthesis
and secretion is subject to regulation by many additional
factors including glucocorticoids, insulin, inflammatory me-
diators and sympathetic nervous activity [7]. When leptin
reaches the central nervous system it reduces appetite and
increases the basal metabolic rate [5]. In the years since its
discovery, leptin has also been found to produce effects on a
wide range of peripheral systems including the male and
female reproductive organs, mammary gland, immune sys-
tem, gut, pancreas, kidney, lung and vasculature (see [8-10]
for review).
*Address correspondence to this author at the Division of Pharmacology
and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2146 East Mall, Uni-
versity of British Columbia, Vancouver, Tel: (604) 822 6159, Fax: (604)
822 8001, E-mail:
The History of Ghrelin
In an effort to develop new treatments for patients with
growth hormone deficiency, the first growth hormone se-
cretagogues (GHS) were synthesised in the late 1970’s [11].
It became clear that these compounds were not acting on the
growth hormone receptor, and the GHS receptors (GHS-R)
were cloned in 1996 following a series of studies on MK-
0677, the most powerful GHS known [12]. In 1999, a group
of Japanese scientists discovered that exposure of GHS-R-
expressing cells to stomach extracts caused a marked in-
crease in calcium concentration, a known downstream effect
of GHS-R stimulation. They purified and characterised the
molecule responsible for this effect, and named it ghrelin,
from ghre-, the proto-Indo-European root of the word
Although originally identified as the endogenous growth
hormone secretagogue, ghrelin has more important effects on
the regulation of food intake. It is an orexant, secreted in a
pulsatile fashion from the stomach [13], and is a counter-
regulatory hormone to leptin in the central control of appetite
(see [14] for review). Ghrelin also has a range of other cen-
tral and peripheral effects, including effects on gastric motil-
ity and acid secretion, pancreatic function, male reproductive
organs, lactotroph and corticotroph secretion, sleep and the
cardiovascular system (see [15] for review).
This review will focus on the role of leptin and ghrelin in
the pathophysiology of a variety of cardiovascular diseases
including obesity hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart failure
and thrombosis.
The incidence of obesity in industrialised countries has
reached epidemic proportions [16], and is associated with
170 Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2 Sharma and McNeill
increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [17]. Obe-
sity initiates a range of cardiovascular (hypertension, obe-
sity-related cardiomyopathy), metabolic (hyperinsulinemia,
hypertriglyceridemia, reduced high density lipoprotein lev-
els, type 2 diabetes) and renal abnormalities which are col-
lectively referred to as the metabolic syndrome [18]. The
mechanisms underlying the interrelationships between these
disorders are complex and have been the subject of intense
study in recent years.
There is a clear link between excess weight and the de-
velopment of insulin resistance and hypertension which has
been shown both experimentally [19-21] and clinically [22-
24]. Obesity is associated with abnormal renal function [25],
activation of the sympathetic nervous system [26] and en-
dothelial dysfunction [27], all of which lead to hypertension.
Leptin plays an important role in the development of obesity
[28, 29] and there is growing evidence that it may also medi-
ate some of the subsequent deleterious effects on the cardio-
vascular system.
Epidemiological studies have shown that leptin is posi-
tively correlated with blood pressure [30-32] and insulin
resistance [33, 34]. A tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism
in the leptin gene is more frequent in hypertensive subjects
[35, 36], and polymorphisms in the leptin receptor gene in-
crease the risk of hypertension in male subjects [36]. How-
ever, the relationship is not straightforward. The correlation
between leptin and hypertension is dependent on gender –
females have higher leptin levels but lower blood pressure
than do males [37] – and race [38-40]. Also, even though
visceral obesity is more closely associated with hypertension
than lower body obesity, it causes smaller increases in leptin
[41]. In contrast, ghrelin produces beneficial effects on the
vasculature [42], and is inversely correlated with hyperten-
sion, insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes [43, 44]. Addi-
tionally, the Arg51Gln mutation in the ghrelin gene is a risk
factor for hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance and type
2 diabetes [45].
Peripheral Vascular Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin
When leptin is administered intravenously (IV) or intrac-
erebroventricularly (ICV), sympathetic nerve activity in-
creases in the kidneys, adrenals, brown adipose tissue (BAT)
and a number of vascular beds in a dose and time-dependent
manner [46, 47]. Despite this, acute administration of leptin
does not increase blood pressure [46, 47]. When large doses
of leptin are given directly into the cerebral ventricles, a
modest increase in blood pressure is observed [48].
It has been suggested that there is an acute depressor ef-
fect of leptin which counteracts the effects of increased sym-
pathetic activity on the vasculature and prevents an increase
in blood pressure [49]. The nature of this depressor effect is
controversial. Leptin receptors are present on endothelial
cells, and leptin has been shown to cause endothelium-
dependent vasodilation of rat aortic rings which is prevented
in the presence of a nitric oxide (NO) inhibitor [49, 50].
Leptin has also been shown to induce NO production by ac-
tivating the Akt-endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) pathway in
rat aortic rings [51], an effect which may be enhanced by
insulin [52]. A pressor effect of leptin is observed in anes-
thetised animals treated with a NO inhibitor, and a depressor
effect is observed in animals with pharmacologically in-
duced ganglionic blockade [53]. Leptin replacement in the
ob/ob mouse reverses endothelial dysfunction [54], and pre-
incubation of endothelial cells with leptin increases NO pro-
duction in this model [55]. These data suggest that leptin
produces peripheral vasodilation by stimulating endothe-
lium-derived NO.
Fig. (1). Summary of the effects of leptin and ghrelin in the central control of appetite and metabolism.
The Emerging Roles of Leptin and Ghrelin Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2 171
In contrast with these data, leptin does not have any
vasodilator effects on mesenteric vessels in conscious Spra-
gue-Dawley rats [56], nor does it have any vasoconstrictor
effects on renal, mesenteric or hindquarters blood flow in
conscious Long-Evans rats treated with a NOS inhibitor
[57]. Further, β-adrenergic blockade does not change blood
flow in the presence of leptin. These results argue against the
hypothesis that leptin causes vasodilation by a NO-
dependent mechanism.
Leptin has been shown to increase blood flow in the hu-
man forearm [58] and cause vasodilation in human coronary
arteries in vivo [59]. Both effects were preserved in the pres-
ence of a NO inhibitor, suggesting that they were not medi-
ated by NO. Renal and hindlimb vasoconstriction produced
by direct stimulation of sympathetic nerves is not attenuated
by the administration of leptin [60]. It is therefore unclear
whether the ability of leptin to stimulate endothelial NO pro-
duction is of any significance in vivo as it has not been con-
sistently reported, and, if present, may be insufficient to
overcome the vasoconstriction produced by sympathetic
nerve activation.
There are several possible explanations for the contra-
dictory findings discussed above. The NO-effect may be
limited to the conduit vessels, or occur only at pharmacol-
ogical doses. The use of anesthesia may have influenced the
in vivo data; the studies which saw no alteration in blood
flow were done in awake animals [56]. It is also possible that
other vasodilator substances contribute to the leptin re-
sponse. The endothelium secretes prostacylin [PGI2] and an
unknown factor dubbed endothelium derived hyperpolariz-
ing factor [EDHF]. EDHF stimulates the calcium-sensitive
potassium channels on the smooth muscle cell, hyperpolar-
izing the cell and causing vasorelaxation. There is evidence
to suggest that the importance of the hyperpolarizing mecha-
nism may increase as the size of the vessel decreases [61]. It
has been shown that whilst NO is the major mediator of
leptin induced vasodilation in rat aorta, EDHF is the major
mediator of leptin induced vasodilation in the mesenteric
artery [49]. This raises the possibility that leptin may stimu-
late the production of both NO and EDHF, with the relative
importance of each varying depending on the vessel. It
would be interesting to determine whether leptin stimulated
EDHF production is able to compensate for the lack of NO
production when NOS is inhibited. EDHF is able to compen-
sate for the lack of NO in eNOS knockout mice [62]. Addi-
tionally, it has been shown that the release of EDHF is at-
tenuated by NO [63]. The role of EDHF in mediating leptin-
induced vasodilation is therefore worthy of further study.
Leptin has been shown to increase the formation of reac-
tive oxygen species [ROS] in cultured endothelial cells. It is
not clear which ROS are generated; hydrogen peroxide,
which is also a putative EDHF [64], and superoxide have
both been suggested [65]. ROS scavenge and inactivate NO,
thereby promoting vasoconstriction, and cause direct endo-
thelial and smooth muscle damage. Leptin has also been
Fig. (2). Summary of the central and peripheral actions of leptin in the modulation of blood pressure (CNS = central nervous system; α-MSH
= α-melanocyte stimulating hormone; CART = cocaine- and amphetamine-related transcript peptide; NPY = neuropeptide Y; CRF = corti-
cotrophin releasing factor; AG-II = angiotensin II; SNS = sympathetic nervous system; ET-1 = endothelin-1; ROS = reactive oxygen species;
NO = nitric oxide; EDHF = endothelium-derived hypepolarising factor; BAT = brown adipose tissue).
172 Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2 Sharma and McNeill
shown to stimulate the production of endothelin-1 (ET-1), a
potent vasoconstrictor mitogen secreted by the endothelium,
in human umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro [66]. This
raises the possibility that leptin can act directly on the endo-
thelium to produce vasoconstrictor effects. The picture is
further complicated by the observation that leptin blocks the
vasoconstrictor actions of angiotensin II in the rat aorta [67].
Whereas short term administration of leptin has no pres-
sor effect, long term administration does cause an increase in
blood pressure in rodents. When leptin was infused for 12
days, reaching blood levels comparable to those found in
obesity, mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate gradually
increased [68]. Ectopic secretion of leptin from the liver,
which occurs in the transgenic skinny mouse model, also
increases blood pressure. This increase is prevented by com-
bined α- and β- adrenergic blockade, or by ganglionic block-
ade [69]. α- and β- adrenergic blockade also prevents the
increase in blood pressure caused by long term leptin infu-
sion, although other effects of leptin are preserved [70]. In-
creased sympathetic outflow is therefore essential for the
pressor effects of leptin. If a compensatory vasodilator
mechanism is activated by the acute administration of leptin,
it is clearly overcome by, or diminishes with, chronic ad-
It is interesting to note that whereas leptin stimulates the
activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the sympathetic
nervous system in turn inhibits the secretion of leptin, pro-
viding a negative feedback loop (see [71] for review). It has
been suggested that a breakdown in this feedback may be a
risk factor for excess weight gain [72], thereby implicating it
as a possible early step in the development of obesity and its
Clinical data about the effects of leptin on the sympa-
thetic nervous system are sparse (see [73] for review). Leptin
has rarely been administered to human subjects, so the best
clinical evidence available is from correlation studies. Some
studies have shown a positive correlation between sympa-
thetic activation and leptin levels [74-77] whereas others
have not [78]. Most of our information about the sympathetic
effects of leptin comes from animal studies; what happens in
humans is still unclear.
In contrast to leptin, ghrelin has depressor actions when
administered IV to healthy men [42] or given intracerebrov-
entricularly to conscious rabbits [79]. The pressor effect oc-
curs without an increase in heart rate [42], and is associated
with renal sympathoinhibition [79]. Sub-depressor doses of
ghrelin augment the baroreceptor reflex, as evidenced by
heart rate and renal sympathetic nerve activity [79]. These
effects appear to be caused by ghrelin itself rather than
growth hormone, because they are not produced by growth
hormone alone [80] and, with regard to ghrelin’s central
orexigenic actions, are still seen in growth hormone deficient
spontaneous dwarf rats [81].
Ghrelin also produces direct effects on the peripheral
vascular system. GHS receptors are present in the heart and
blood vessels in both rats and humans [42, 82]. Ghrelin has
been shown to increase human forearm blood flow in a dose-
dependent manner [83]. In isolated human internal mammary
arteries preconstricted with ET-1, ghrelin produces vasodila-
tion by an endothelium-independent mechanism [84].
Chronic ghrelin treatment significantly increased circulating
insulin-like growth factor 1 [IGF-1] levels in rats, and this
was associated with a fall in peripheral resistance [85]. Since
IGF-1 produces vasodilation by stimulating NO synthesis
[86], it has been suggested that part of ghrelin’s vasodilatory
effect may be mediated by IGF-1 [87]. However, the depres-
sor effect of ghrelin is unlikely to be solely due to peripheral
vasodilation because it occurs without an increase in pulse
rate. Further studies are required to further investigate these
effects of ghrelin and how they interact with the effects of
Renal Effects of Leptin
Abnormal kidney function in obesity hypertension mani-
fests as a hypertensive shift of pressure natriuresis, resulting
in increased tubular reabsorption of sodium [25, 88]. In-
creased activity of renal sympathetic nerves [89, 90], activa-
tion of the renin-angiotensin system [89, 91] and physical
compression of the kidneys [88] all appear to contribute to
this dysfunction.
There is controversy in the literature as to whether leptin
can have direct diuretic and natriuretic effects, which would
tend to lower blood pressure. Acute administration of phar-
macological doses of leptin increases diuresis and natriuresis
[92, 93]. However, chronic administration of leptin has no
effect [94]. It has been suggested that leptin induced sym-
pathoactivation of renal nerves causes an adverse shift in the
pressure-natriuresis curve [73], because leptin is only able to
produce natriuresis in spontaneously hypertensive rats if the
kidneys are denervated [95]. The acute natriuretic effect of
leptin is attenuated in obese and hypertensive rats [93, 96].
Increased tubular reabsorption of sodium could therefore be
the result of sympathetic nerve activation causing a shift in
the pressure-natriuresis curve, and downregulation of leptin
receptors [97].
Fig. (3). Overview of the effects of leptin and ghrelin left ven-
tricular dysfunction and cardiac cachexia during heart failure (+ =
worsens; - = improves).
The Emerging Roles of Leptin and Ghrelin Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2 173
Interaction Between Leptin and the Renin-Angiotensin
It is now known that adipose tissue contains all the com-
ponents of the renin-angiotensin system [73]. Angiotensin II
increases leptin production in vitro and in vivo [98] and is
known to potentiate sympathetic nervous system activity
[99]. It has been suggested that leptin and angiotensin II may
act synergistically in hypertension [73]. Whilst this is a very
reasonable hypothesis, it is interesting to note that leptin
blocks the vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II in the
aorta [67]. This is in keeping with the general picture of
leptin as acting peripherally to produce vasodilation, and
centrally to increase sympathetic outflow and cause vasocon-
striction. The interactions between leptin and the angiotensin
system require further study.
Central Effects of Leptin and Ghrelin in Blood Pressure
The central nervous system mechanisms of leptin-
dependent sympathoactivation and ghrelin-dependent sym-
pathoinhibition have been reviewed in detail previously [41,
73, 100, 101]. Briefly, leptin-dependent sympathoactivation
occurs via several pathways. Firstly, Leptin stimulates the
melanocortin system. Melanocortins are a family of peptides
which are cleaved from the common precursor, proopiome-
lanocortin [POMC]. Leptin acts on the melanocortin-4 [MC-
4] receptor, causing increased expression of the melanocortin
α-melanocyte stimulating hormone [α-MSH]. This effect is
inhibited by agouti-related protein [AGRP], the endogenous
antagonist of the MC-3 and MC-4 receptors [for review, see
[41, 73, 100, 101]]. However, the intracerebroventricular
administration of synthetic MC-3 and MC-4 antagonists does
not lower blood pressure in the presence of hyperleptinaemia
[69]. Also, agouti mice, which overexpress AGRP, are still
hypertensive despite antagonism of the MC-4 receptor by the
high levels of AGRP [69, 102]. The melanocortin system
may not contribute significantly to the development of hy-
pertension in these cases. Leptin also stimulates the expres-
sion of another melanocortin, corticotrophin releasing factor
(CRF), which increases sympathetic outflow to BAT, but is
not implicated in the control of blood pressure [103, 104].
The pathways linking leptin to sympathetic modulation of
the cardiovascular system and metabolism are therefore
separate. This idea is further reinforced by the observation
that leptin-dependent renal sympathoactivation is attenuated
by the baroreceptor reflex whereas BAT sympathoactivation
is not [105].
Secondly, leptin stimulates cocaine- and amphetamine-
related transcript peptide [CART]. CART was originally
identified in rat striatum as a peptide which is induced fol-
lowing acute administration of cocaine or amphetamine
[106]. Stimulation of CART neurons by leptin leads to acti-
vation of sympathetic neurons [107] and elevation of blood
pressure [108]. The relative importance of each of these
pathways, as well as possible other undiscovered pathways,
remains to be determined.
A third pathway which is important in the regulation of
blood pressure involves neuropeptide Y, a widely expressed
neuropeptide in both the central and peripheral nervous sys-
tems. The effects of neuropeptide Y on central cardiovascu-
lar regulation are inhibited by leptin [109]. However, there is
controversy in the literature as to what these effects are, with
some groups reporting a decrease [109, 110] and others an
increase [111] in sympathetic activity.
Finally, leptin has been shown to inhibit orexins, peptides
which have been shown to cause sympathoactivation and
pressor responses [112-117]. This contrasts with leptin’s
other mechanisms of action in that it is inhibiting a sym-
Fig. (4). Modulation of the pathophysiological mechanisms of atherosclerosis by leptin and ghrelin.
174 Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2 Sharma and McNeill
pathoexcitatory pathway rather than stimulating it. The pur-
pose of this action is unclear. However, as orexins also
stimulate food intake [118], an inhibitory effect of leptin on
orexins is logical from the perspective of central appetite
The central mechanisms of ghrelin’s actions have been
less clearly characterised. There is data to suggest that ghre-
lin may decrease sympathetic activity and modulate the
baroreceptor reflex through actions at the medulla oblongata
and the hypothalamic nucleus [119, 120]. However, it is not
yet clear which pathways are involved. Further studies are
required to determine the location and detailed mechanisms
of ghrelin’s actions.
Leptin Resistance
Obesity is associated with hyperleptinemia, and yet obese
subjects continue to ingest excess calories. This has been
interpreted as evidence of leptin ‘resistance’. Resistance to
leptin’s effects is seen in some rodent models of obesity
[121]. As discussed by Hall et al. [41], leptin resistance
could occur by three mechanisms: first, receptor or postre-
ceptor signalling defects at the level of the hypothalamus;
second, impaired leptin transport across the blood brain bar-
rier; third, overriding of leptin-stimulated effects at the level
of the hypothalamus by other factors. If leptin resistance is
global, then one would expect to see a blunted response to all
leptin’s actions, which would argue against leptin as a link
between obesity and hypertension.
Recently, it has been suggested that selective leptin re-
sistance occurs, with metabolic actions being affected and
cardiovascular actions spared [122]. This has been shown to
happen in obese agouti mice [123, 124]. However, leptin
receptor downregulation may occur in the kidney [97], and
leptin resistance may also occur in the heart [125], so periph-
eral vascular effects may not all be spared from leptin resis-
tance. The effects of short or long term administration of
leptin in lean and obese humans are unknown, so it is not
clear whether selective leptin resistance occurs in humans.
This requires clarification as it makes interpretation of the
effects of hyperleptinemia in human obesity difficult.
Heart failure is a major health problem associated with
high mortality, frequent hospitalisation and poor quality of
life. Heart failure currently affects 5 million Americans, with
500,000 new cases diagnosed every year [126]. Ghrelin has
been shown to have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular
system, and may prove to be a useful treatment in severe
heart failure. This has been reviewed in detail recently [87]
so only a brief overview is given here.
As discussed in previous sections, ghrelin lowers blood
pressure and increases cardiac output [42] by both central
and peripheral mechanisms. Additionally, ghrelin inhibits
apoptosis of endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes in vitro
[127], and prevents cardiovascular damage after ischaemia-
reperfusion [128]. The administration of ghrelin has been
shown to improve cardiac performance in rats with heart
failure [85]. As reviewed by Nagaya and Kangawa [87], this
improvement could be due to the direct effects of ghrelin
preventing apoptosis and causing vasodilation, as well as
indirect effects on muscle growth mediated by the growth
hormone/ IGF-1 axis. Ghrelin does not appear to have a di-
rect positive inotropic effect [85]. Interestingly, murine and
human cardiomyocytes have been shown to synthesise ghre-
lin, and it is suggested that this serves to protect cardiomyo-
cytes against apoptosis [129].
Patients with end-stage chronic heart failure frequently
develop cardiac cachexia, a catabolic state associated with
weight loss and muscle wasting [130-132]. Cardiac cachexia
is a strong independent risk factor for mortality in heart fail-
ure [132]. Ghrelin may be a useful treatment for cardiac
cachexia both due to its direct effects on promoting feeding
and adiposity, and indirect effects on muscle growth, again
mediated by the growth hormone/ IGF-1 axis (see [87] for
review). Whether these beneficial effects of ghrelin are also
seen in patients with heart failure remains to be determined.
Leptin may have pathophysiological significance in heart
failure via a range of mechanisms. Chronic heart failure
(CHF) is associated with high levels of leptin in humans
[133]. Additionally, leptin levels correlate with New York
Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, suggesting that
leptin levels may be of prognostic value in CHF [134]. It is
interesting to note that leptin is an independent predictor of
the ventilatory response to exercise in CHF patients with
chronic heart failure [135], implicating leptin as a link be-
tween the metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular abnor-
malities of this disease state; leptin is believed to be a neuro-
hormonal regulator of the respiratory centres in the brain
[136], which could partly explain this association. Further, it
is possible that hyperleptinemia also contributes to the cata-
bolic state which leads to cardiac cachexia [133].
Obese patients are at increased risk of heart failure; this
‘obesity-related cardiomyopathy’ is characterised by ven-
tricular dilation secondary to hypervolemia, and myocyte
hypertrophy [73]. The mechanisms of myocyte hypertrophy
in this condition are unclear. Myocardial wall thickness is
associated with plasma leptin levels in hypertensive men
[137]. This correlation is independent of blood pressure or
body composition. It has been suggested that leptin alters the
proliferative properties of cardiomyocytes, but the experi-
mental data are conflicting. One study showed that leptin
stimulated increased cell surface area, protein synthesis, and
the expression of α-skeletal actin and myosin light chain-2 in
neonatal rat ventricular myocytes [138]. However, leptin
deficient mice exhibit echocardiographic and histological
cardiomyocyte hypertrophy which is reversed by leptin re-
placement [139], suggesting that defective leptin signalling
and leptin resistance causes cardiac hypertrophy. Whether
leptin causes or prevents cardiomyocyte hypertrophy re-
quires further study. One possible explanation for the dis-
crepancy in these results is the use of neonatal heart cells in
the first study; the response to leptin may vary between neo-
nates and adults.
Leptin has a negative inotropic effect on isolated cardio-
myocytes which is NO-dependent [140]. This effect is abro-
gated in cardiomyocytes from spontaneously hypertensive
rats, as is the increase in NO [125]. These cardiomyocytes
therefore develop leptin resistance too. Long term treatment
with leptin reduced the activity of adenylate cyclase in rat
The Emerging Roles of Leptin and Ghrelin Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2 175
cardiac cells and altered the response to catecholamines
[141]; this intriguing initial observation points to a possible
role for leptin in the altered responses of the heart to sym-
pathetic stimulation, providing another mechanism by which
leptin might modulate inotropy in the heart.
Atherosclerosis occurs as a result of vascular injury
which triggers an inflammatory and fibroproliferative re-
sponse. The prospective West of Scotland Coronary Preven-
tion Study [WOSCOPS] showed that leptin causes a modest
independent increase in the relative risk of coronary artery
disease [142]. This epidemiologic association could be ex-
plained by leptin’s effects on inflammation, cell prolifera-
tion, calcification and thrombosis, as well as by its effects on
autonomic function discussed above.
Leptin stimulates osteoblastic differentiation and calcifi-
cation of endothelial cells in vitro [143]. Calcification of
coronary arteries is associated with increased atherosclerotic
plaque burden [144, 145], increased risk of myocardial in-
farction [146, 147], and increased risk of dissection follow-
ing angioplasty [148]. Neointimal formation is reduced by
90% in leptin receptor-deficient mice [149], suggesting that
leptin is required for regeneration of the endothelial intimal
layer following injury. It also implicates leptin in the mecha-
nism of arterial restenosis following angioplasty. Leptin also
increases proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells
in vitro by activating phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and mi-
togen activated protein kinases [150]. The migration of
smooth muscle cells into the intimal layer is a key feature of
atherosclerosis. These data point to a role for leptin in vas-
cular remodelling which may be of pathophysiological sig-
nificance in atherosclerosis. Leptin could play a role in
restenosis after angioplasty. Whether leptin increases the risk
of dissection following angioplasty through its effects on
calcification is unknown.
Leptin may also stimulate low grade vascular inflamma-
tion [151]. Leptin deficient mice and leptin receptor deficient
mice have impaired immune function which, in the case of
the leptin deficient mice, is improved by leptin replacement
[152]. Leptin activates neutrophils, increases phagocytosis
by monocytes/ macrophages, and enhances the secretion of
pro-inflammatory mediators including tumor necrosis factor
and interleukins 2 and 6 (see [153] for review), all of which
could be of pathophysiological significance in atherosclero-
sis. As discussed above, leptin also increases oxidative
stress, which, in addition to causing direct endothelial dam-
age, also increases the secretion of atherogenic lipoprotein
lipase from macrophages in vitro [154]. The role of leptin in
mediating the specific inflammatory processes of atheroscle-
rosis requires further study. Clinical data linking leptin to
these inflammatory processes is scarce. In young healthy
men, leptin is independently associated with C reactive pro-
tein, a known marker of atherosclerosis [155]. By contrast,
ghrelin has recently been shown to inhibit the production of
proinflammatory cytokines and mononuclear cell binding in
endothelial cells in vitro, as well as endotoxin-induced cyto-
kine production in vivo [156]. This anti-inflammatory action
suggests that ghrelin may be beneficial in atherosclerosis.
The significance of the effects of leptin and ghrelin on
inflammation could also be extended to obesity, as it is now
recognised that obesity is a state of chronic inflammation.
Obesity is associated with increased plasma concentrations
of TNF α [157], C-reactive protein [158], interleukin-6 [159]
and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 [160]. As discussed in
other sections, all of these can be stimulated by or are posi-
tively associated with leptin. Additionally, now that a role
for ghrelin in modulating inflammation has been identified,
its effects on the chronic inflammation of obesity can be
Interestingly, it has recently been shown that an immobi-
lised form of ghrelin copurifies with high density lipoprotein
(HDL) in vitro [161]. The possibility of a link between ghre-
lin and HDL is intriguing, but further studies are required to
investigate the nature and significance of this link. Whether a
physiologically significant interaction occurs between ghre-
lin and HDL in vivo, and how such an interaction might in-
fluence their respective physiological effects, is not known.
It is also not known whether ghrelin interacts with other
moieties in the blood.
Atherothrombosis is accelerated in obesity. In addition to
the metabolic disorders present in obesity, which undoubt-
edly contribute significantly to this acceleration, it is possi-
ble that altered hemostatic balance in these patients is also
important [162, 163]. It has recently been shown that there is
an association between atherosclerosis and venous throm-
boembolism even after adjustment for typical risk factors for
both conditions [164]. Taken together, these data suggest
that there may be circulating factors which increase the risk
of both conditions; leptin may be one of these factors. The
mechanisms by which leptin may influence hemostasis have
been reviewed in detail recently [165], and only a brief over-
view is given here.
Leptin has recently been shown to promote platelet ag-
gregation in vitro [166] and in vivo [167]. In leptin-deficient
and leptin receptor-deficient mice, thrombotic occlusion after
arterial injury was delayed [167]. Leptin administration cor-
rected this dysfunction in the leptin-deficient mice only. This
was confirmed in a subsequent study which also linked the
prolonged time to occlusive thrombosis to leptin-deficient
hemopoietic tissues [168]. The mechanism of this effect ap-
pears to be coactivation of platelets with adenosine diphos-
phate (ADP) (see [165] for review). It is not clear whether
this also occurs in human platelets. Increased human platelet
aggregation requires doses of 100-500 ng/ml of leptin [166],
levels which are seldom seen clinically [169]. It is therefore
unclear whether leptin can produce a prothrombotic state in
humans by its effects on platelet activation.
Two further potential prothrombotic effects of leptin
have emerged. Leptin causes a modest decrease in the anti-
coagulant protein thrombomodulin in cultured human um-
bilical vein cells [170]. Also, leptin is associated with in-
creased tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 activity and
decreased plasminogen activator-1 activity in both men and
post-menopausal women [171], suggesting that leptin may
inhibit fibrinolysis. Impaired fibrinolysis is a common find-
ing in obesity [172-174]. A recent study has shown that
176 Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2005, Vol. 3, No. 2 Sharma and McNeill
leptin is associated with impaired fibrinolysis in overweight
hypertensive humans [175].
Leptin levels are increased in obesity [169], pregnancy
[176] and during treatment with antipsychotic drugs [177],
all of which are clinical situations in which the risk of
thromboembolic events is known to be increased. Hyper-
leptinemia was shown to be correlated with increased plate-
let aggregation in patients on continuous ambulatory perito-
neal dialysis for chronic renal failure [178]; cardiovascular
events related to thrombosis are an important cause of mor-
bidity and mortality in these patients [178]. Hyperleptinemia
is a risk marker for first ever hemorrhagic strokes in humans
[179, 180]. Leptin levels were raised in men who subse-
quently developed myocardial infarction, but its contribution
to the risk of myocardial infarction was not significant [181].
To our knowledge, there is no clinical data about the asso-
ciation of leptin with the risk of idiopathic venous throm-
boembolism. It has also been suggested that leptin may be a
useful marker with which to study the association between
thrombosis risk and oral contraceptive/ hormone replacement
therapy use [182]. Taken together, these data indicate that
leptin may contribute to a pro-thrombotic state in a range of
conditions, and this could be explained by its effects on
platelet aggregation, coagulation and fibrinolysis. To our
knowledge, there are no reports of ghrelin influencing hemo-
Leptin and ghrelin produce a range of effects on the car-
diovascular system which are of pathophysiological impor-
tance in a range of cardiovascular diseases. For the most
part, ghrelin’s effects are beneficial and leptin’s effects,
deleterious. Leptin causes sympathoactivation and ghrelin,
sympathoinhibition. Leptin and ghrelin are both vasodilators,
but leptin’s action is endothelium-dependent whereas ghre-
lin’s action appears to be endothelium-independent. Ghrelin
improves left ventricular function in heart failure through its
vasodilator effect and by inhibition of apoptosis. Leptin may
contribute to the development of heart failure in obese sub-
jects and epidemiological studies link it to heart failure.
Ghrelin improves cardiac cachexia, whereas leptin may con-
tribute to the catabolic state that leads to it. Leptin is pro-
inflammatory, whereas ghrelin is anti-inflammatory. Leptin
also has proliferative and calcification-promoting effects on
the endothelium. Finally, leptin may produce a pro-
thrombotic state through stimulation of platelet aggregation,
inhibition of coagulation and inhibition of fibrinolysis.
Ghrelin is not known to influence hemostasis. Further ex-
amination of the roles of these peptide hormones in cardio-
vascular pathology could lead to the identification of new
therapeutic strategies for the treatment of these diseases.
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... The pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid gland, salivary gland, kidneys, small intestine, heart, alpha, beta, and epsilon cells of the pancreas, immune system, lung, central nervous system, gonads, placenta, breast, and teeth also synthesize ghrelin [5][6][7][8][9] . Researchers have demonstrated that ghrelin has protective effects against atherosclerosis by hindering the pro-inflammatory response, prohibiting redox-related cellular signals, and endothelial dysfunction [10][11][12] . ...
... Recently, it has been proven that non-traditional risk factors are as important as traditional risk factors in the development of CAD. The most important risk factors are increased plasma and tissue oxidized LDL levels [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17] . Ghrelin downregulates the expression of anorectic and proinflammatory cytokines from human monocytes and T cells and downregulates chemokines from the human endothelium. ...
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Purpose: Ghrelin represents a hormone, which is defined as an endogenous ligand bound to the growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHS-R1a). However, the mechanisms that underlie ghrelin’s impacts on cardiovascular diseases have not been completely detected. For this reason, we aimed to research the relationship between serum ghrelin and ghrelin gene polymorphism in coronary artery disease (CAD). Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of 88 patients diagnosed with a minimum of one coronary artery stenosis over 70%, and the control group comprised 81 individuals without coronary artery lesions. An autoanalyzer was used to analyze fasting blood glucose (FBG) and lipid parameter levels. Ghrelin levels were examined with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. Results: Ghrelin levels were found to be 2.2 ng/ml in the control group and 2.1 ng/ml in the CAD group. No statistical relation in ghrelin Leu72Met genotypes were detected between the control and patient groups. Conclusion: Serum ghrelin levels were higher in the control group than in the CAD group. Whether ghrelin levels and Leu72Met polymorphism have protective effects in CAD must be revealed in an extensive study group with other polymorphisms and ghrelin expression in the ghrelin gene.
... These metabolites act locally to have an effect on growth and differentiation of adipocytes in addition to participate in possible regulation of blood pressure and the development of obesity-related elevated blood pressure on being released into the blood circulation. Of all these factors, the role of leptin has generated lot of enthusiasm as an important hormone with significantly diverse actions on several organ systems [3,4]. ...
... Ghrelin, in contrast, decreases sympathetic activity, having a depressor effect, and at the vessel level, ghrelin produces vasodilation. Ghrelin improves left ventricular function and cardiac cachexia in HF [84] (Figure 1). ...
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Cachexia may be caused by congestive heart failure, and it is then called cardiac cachexia, which leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Cardiac cachexia also worsens skeletal muscle degradation. Cardiac cachexia is the loss of edema-free muscle mass with or without affecting fat tissue. It is mainly caused by a loss of balance between protein synthesis and degradation, or it may result from intestinal malabsorption. The loss of balance in protein synthesis and degradation may be the consequence of altered endocrine mediators such as insulin, insulin-like growth factor 1, leptin, ghrelin, melanocortin, growth hormone and neuropeptide Y. In contrast to many other health problems, fat accumulation in the heart is protective in this condition. Fat in the heart can be divided into epicardial, myocardial and cardiac steatosis. In this review, we describe and discuss these topics, pointing out the interconnection between heart failure and cardiac cachexia and the protective role of cardiac obesity. We also set the basis for possible screening methods that may allow for a timely diagnosis of cardiac cachexia, since there is still no cure for this condition. Several therapeutic procedures are discussed including exercise, nutritional proposals, myostatin antibodies, ghrelin, anabolic steroids, anti-inflammatory substances, beta-adrenergic agonists, medroxyprogesterone acetate, megestrol acetate, cannabinoids, statins, thalidomide, proteasome inhibitors and pentoxifylline. However, to this date, there is no cure for cachexia.
... Sharma et al study also revealed that oxidative stress also played a role in the process of atrial fibrillation. So, ghrelin can inhibit oxidative stress 98 . In the same way, Ma et al study has shown that serum ghrelin concentration in patients with atrial fibrillation was reduced and significantly increased after treatment. ...
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The relationship between Metabolic syndrome and Atrial Fibrillation is confirmed by many studies. The components of Metabolic syndrome cause remodeling of the atrial. Metabolic syndrome and metabolic derangements of the syndrome could be the cause of the pathogenesis of AF. This review article discusses the major biomarkers of Metabolic syndrome and their role in the pathogenesis of AF. The biomarkers are adiponectin, leptin, Leptin/ Adiponectin ratio, TNF-α, Interleukin-6, Interleukin-10, PTX3, ghrelin, uric acid, and OxLDL.The elevated plasma levels of adiponectin were linked to the presence of persistent AF. Leptin signaling contributes to angiotensin-II evoked AF and atrial fibrosis. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha involvement has been shown in the pathogenesis of chronic AF. Similarly, Valvular AF patients showed high levels of TNF-α. Increased left atrial size was associated with the interleukin-6 because it is a well-known risk factor for AF. Interleukin-10 as well as TNF-α were linked to AF recurrence after catheter ablation. PTX3 could be superior to other inflammatory markers that were reported to be elevated in AF. The serum ghrelin concentration in AF patients was reduced and significantly increased after treatment. Elevated levels of uric acid could be related to the burden of AF. Increased OxLDL was found in AF as compared to sinus rhythm control.
... 24,25 The increased deposition of lipids may also lead to lipotoxicity, apoptosis of cardiomyocytes, increased sympathetic tone, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, hyperleptinaemia, and insulin resistance, which are all associated with an increased risk for HF. 11,26,27 Weight loss also increases the HR for HF. Makita and Nakamura 28 suggested a possible link between weight loss and developing HF due to muscle and fat wasting. ...
Aims Heart failure (HF) is associated with obesity, but the relationship between weight change and HF is inconsistent. We examined the relationship between weight change and the incidence of HF in the Korean population. Design Retrospective cohort study design. Methods and results A total of 11 210 394 subjects (6 198 542 men and 5 011 852 women) >20 years of age were enrolled in this study. Weight change over 4 years divided into seven categories from weight loss ≥15% to weight gain ≥15%. The hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals for the incidence of HF were analysed. The HR of HF showed a slightly reverse J-shaped curve by increasing weight change in total and >15% weight loss shows the highest HR (HR 1.647) followed by −15 to −10% weight loss (HR = 1.444). When using normal body mass index with stable weight group as a reference, HR of HF decreased as weight increased in underweight subjects and weight gain ≥15% in obesity Stage II showed the highest HR (HR = 2.97). Sustained weight for 4 years in the underweight and obesity Stages I and II increased the incidence of HF (HR = 1.402, 1.092, and 1.566, respectively). Conclusion Both weight loss and weight gain increased HR for HF. Sustained weight in the obesity or underweight categories increased the incidence of HF.
... In the heart, cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells produce leptin and express its receptor. In addition to changes in blood concentrations, functional auto-and paracrine effects may occur [179][180][181][182]. Leptin regulates the baseline physiology of the heart including myocyte contractility, hypertrophy, apoptosis, and metabolism [181,183,184]. Localized depots of epicardial or perivascular fat might also play physiological or pathological roles [183,185,186]. ...
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Growing scientific evidence has unveiled increased incidences of obesity in domestic animals and its influence on a plethora of associated disorders. Leptin, an adipokine regulating body fat mass, represents a key molecule in obesity, able to modulate immune responses and foster chronic inflammatory response in peripheral tissues. High levels of cytokines and inflammatory markers suggest an association between inflammatory state and obesity in dogs, highlighting the parallelism with humans. Canine obesity is a relevant disease always accompanied with several health conditions such as inflammation, immune-dysregulation, insulin resistance, pancreatitis, orthopaedic disorders, cardiovascular disease, and neoplasia. However, leptin involvement in many disease processes in veterinary medicine is poorly understood. Moreover, hyperleptinemia as well as leptin resistance occur with cardiac dysfunction as a consequence of altered cardiac mitochondrial metabolism in obese dogs. Similarly, leptin dysregulation seems to be involved in the pancreatitis pathophysiology. This review aims to examine literature concerning leptin and immunological status in obese dogs, in particular for the aspects related to obesity-associated diseases.
... Recently, endocrinological studies of adipose tissue revealed tight links between obesity and hypertension, likely consequent to the facts that the adipose tissue secretes bioactive molecules and immunomodulators (49,50). Out of these, leptin is endowed with significant pleiotropic actions on several organic systems (51,52). In chronic hyperlipidemia and in obesity, (53) saw the development of hypertension, and renal, vascular, and cardiac damage. ...
On a global scale, obesity has reached epidemic proportions and is a major contributor to the global burden of chronic disease and disability. At the moment, more than one billion adults worldwide are overweight and at least 300 million of them are clinically obese. Obesity is a rising worldwide problem affecting both the developed countries as well as the developing nations. Obesity is common but complex and multifactorial disorder with higher heritability. Obesity results because of body fat accumulated over a time because of chronic energy imbalance that is calories consumed exceed calories expended. There are many genetic and environmental factors that influence this balance. Obesity is an important public health problem because it increases the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and some type of cancers. The present article reviews role of genes that are identified in causing obesity. © 2016, Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi. All rights reserved.
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Background Hypertension is a significant chronic disease that has been linked with bone mineral density (BMD) in various studies. However, the conclusions are contradictory. The purpose of our study was to identify the bone mineral density (BMD) of postmenopausal females and males older than 50 years with hypertension. Methods This cross-sectional study of 4,306 participants from the 2005–2010 US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey explored the relationship between BMD and hypertension. Participants who had a mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥140 mmHg, or a mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥90 mmHg, or were taking any prescribed medicine for high blood pressure were defined as having hypertension. BMD values were measured at the femoral neck and lumbar vertebrae as the primary outcome. Weight general linear model was used to describe the status of BMD in patients with hypertension. Weighted multivariate regression analysis was conducted to demonstrate the association between hypertension and BMD. Weighted restricted cubic spline (RCS) was used to assess the relationship between BMD and SBP and DBP. Results Our study found that there was a positive association between hypertension and lumbar BMD and the lumbar BMD was significantly higher in the presence of hypertension than in the control group in both males (1.072 vs. 1.047 g/cm²) and females (0.967 vs. 0.938 g/cm²; both p < 0.05), but a similar pattern was not found in the femoral neck. Meanwhile, lumbar BMD was positively associated with SBP and negatively associated with DBP both in males and females. The prevalence of low bone mass and osteoporosis at the lumbar vertebrae was lower in male patients with hypertension than in the control group. However, no difference was observed among postmenopausal females between the hypertension and control groups. Conclusions Hypertension was associated with higher BMD at the lumbar vertebrae in both males older than 50 years and postmenopausal females.
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موضوع: لپتین هورمون پروتئینی با ۱۶۷ آمینواسید و ساختاری مشابه با سایتوکاین‌ها می‌باشد‌. این هورمون عمدتاً توسط سلول‌های چربی ساخته‌می‌شود و دارای عملکردهای مختلف بر بافت‌های مختلف می باشد. این هورمون با تأثیر بر مرکز اشتها(هیپوتالاموس)سبب کاهش اشتها، افزایش مصرف انرژی و افزایش متابولیسم پایه شده و در تنظیم دراز مدت وزن بدن نقش مهمی دارد. این آدیپوکین همچنین بر دستگاه‌های دیگری از جمله دستگاه تولید مثل نر و ماده، غدد پستانی، سیستم ایمنی، روده، لوزالمعده، کلیه، ریه و سیستم قلبی عروقی تأثیرگذار می‌باشد که در این مقاله اثرگذاری این هورمون از طریق مکانیسم‌های مختلف بر سیستم قلبی عروقی را بررسی می‌کنیم. لپتین با تاثیر بر سیستم سمپاتیک بر فشار خون تأثیرگذار بوده ضمناً با تحریک نیتریک اکساید سبب گشاد شدن برخی عروق می‌شود. این هورمون با مکانیسم‌هایی چون تشدید‌کنندگی التهاب، تحریک کلسیفیکاسیون در عروق و ضمناً تاثیر بر پلاکت ها و مهار ‌انعقاد می‌تواند منجر به بیماری قلبی عروقی ازجمله انفارکتوس‌حاد میوکارد، آترواسکلروزیس، کاردیومیوپاتی و ترومبوز شود. اهداف مقاله: با توجه به اهمیت و شایع بودن بیماری‌های قلبی عروقی در حیوانات به خصوص حیوانات خانگی شناخت عوامل و مکانیسم‌های تاثیرگذار بر این بیماری‌ها مانند عوامل هورمونی چون لپتین می تواند در روند پیشگیری و درمان آن‌ها مؤثر باشد.
Obesity is a public health problem worldwide, resulting from a positive energy balance. Body weight is regulated by a complex circuitry involving central and peripheral factors, mainly by adipose organ-brain crosstalk. Leptin is a 16-kDa polypeptide that is primarily produced by adipose tissue, thus, circulation levels are in proportion of body mass, serving as a key adiposity signal. Leptin plays an important role in energy balance, acting as a major signaling in anorexigenic pathway. In human obesity, central and peripheral leptin resistance are proposed in association with state of hyperleptinemia. Studies suggest that an extended period of exposure to high levels of leptin, especially in the hypothalamus, may result in the development of central leptin resistance. Hyperleptinemia is also associated with the chronic subclinical inflammatory state, being involved in the development of many other diseases such as insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, recent studies have suggested the importance of this adipokine in weight loss process. This review focuses on the structure, role and effects of Leptin on obesity, metabolic syndrome development, and weight loss process.
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involves alterations in specific patterns of gene expression. In order to screen for brain region specific mRNAs which are transcriptionally regulated by acute cocaine and amphetamine, PCR differential display was employed. This approach identified a previously uncharacterized mRNA whose relative levels in the striatum are induced four- to fivefold by acute psychomotor stimulant administration. Isolation and characterization of corresponding cDNA clones resulted in complete nucleotide sequence analysis, including prediction of the encoded protein product. Alternate polyA site utilization in the predicted 3′ noncoding region results in the appearance of an RNA doublet, approximately 700 and 900 bases in length, following Northern analysis. A presumed alternate splicing event further generates diversity within the transcripts, and results in the presence or absence of an in-frame 39 base insert within the putative protein coding region. As a result, the predicted translation products are either 129 or 116 amino acids in length. A common hydrophobic leader sequence at the amino terminus is present within each predicted polypeptide, suggesting that the protein product is targeted for entry into the secretory pathway. Basal expression of the RNA doublet is limited to neuroendocrine tissues, further implying that the protein product plays a functional role in both neuronal and endocrine tissues.
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Leptin, a hormone secreted by adipose tissue, acts to inhibit appetite and promote metabolism, thereby reducing body weight. Leptin also increases sympathetic activity and arterial pressure. Several murine models of obesity, including agouti obese mice, exhibit resistance to the anorexic and weight-reducing effects of leptin. Hypertension in agouti mice has been attributed to hyperleptinemia. These observations pose a seeming paradox. If these mice are leptin-resistant, then how can leptin contribute to hypertension? We tested the novel hypothesis that these mice have selective leptin resistance, with preservation of the sympathoexcitatory action despite resistance to the weight-reducing actions. Leptin-induced decreases in food intake and body weight were less in agouti obese mice than in lean littermates. In contrast, leptin-induced increases in sympathetic nerve activity did not differ in obese and lean mice. These findings support the concept of selective leptin resistance, with resistance to the metabolic actions of leptin but preservation of the sympathoexcitatory actions. This finding may have potential implications for human obesity, which is associated with elevated plasma leptin and is thought to be a leptin-resistant state. If leptin resistance is selective in obese humans, then leptin could contribute to sympathetic overactivity and its adverse consequences in human obesity.
We previously reported that induction of selective GH deficiency in the rat exacerbates cardiac dysfunction induced by experimental ischemia and reperfusion performed on the explanted heart. In the same model, short-term treatment with hexarelin, a GH-releasing peptide, reverted this effect, as did GH. To ascertain whether hexarelin had non-GH-mediated protective effects on the heart, we compared hexarelin and GH treatment in hypophysectomized rats. Hexarelin (80 μg/kg sc), given for 7 days, prevented exacerbation of the ischemia-reperfusion damage induced by hypophysectomy. We also demonstrate that hexarelin prevents increases in left ventricular end diastolic pressure, coronary perfusion pressure, reactivity of the coronary vasculature to angiotensin II, and release of creatine kinase in the heart perfusate. Moreover, hexarelin prevents the fall in prostacyclin release and enhances recovery of contractility. Treatment with GH (400 μg/kg sc) produced similar results, whereas administration of EP 51389 (8...
Circulating (PAI-1) levels are elevated in patients with coronary heart disease and may play an important role in the development of atherothrombosis. Many clinical studies have indicated that the insulin resistance syndrome, which is a situation predisposing to diabetes and ischemic heart disease, may be a major regulator of PAI-1 expression, especially in determining plasma PAI-1 levels. Central obesity is a characteristic of insulin resistance and is a well recognized risk factor for coronary heart disease. Recently the production of PAI-1 by adipose tissue, in particular by tissue from omentum, has been demonstrated and could be an important contributor to the elevated plasma PAI-1 levels observed in insulin resistant patients. Besides the effect of the metabolic status on plasma PAI-1 levels, the role of a genetic control has been emphasized, but according to recent results obtained in a family segregation study, its participation seems limited. Prospective cohort studies of patients with previous myocardial infarction or angina pectoris have underlined the association between increased plasma PAI-1 levels and the risk of coronary events, but the predictive capacity of PAI-1 disappears after insulin resistance marker adjustments. Taken together these results support the notion that PAI-1 can be a link between obesity, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.