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Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery: Realities from a Twenty-Year Perspective

  • Medicana International Ankara Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract and Figures

Background: August 14, 2007, marked the 20th anniversary of stereotactic radiosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh. Worldwide more than 50,000 arteriovenous malformation (AVM) patients have undergone Gamma Knife® radiosurgery. Methods: During the past two decades, 1,143 patients with brain AVMs underwent radiosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh. Lifetime hemorrhage risk of untreated AV M patients was analyzed and compared with hemorrhage risk after radiosurgery. The rates of nidus obliteration and adverse radiation effects after radiosurgery were also analyzed. Results: The lifetime hemorrhage risk of untreated AVM patients depends mainly on their expected lifespan. Individual AVM obliteration rates vary from 50 to 90% depending upon marginal dose, volume and brain location. AVM obliteration rates appear to be optimum with marginal doses of 20–23 Gy. Conclusions: Radiosurgery can eliminate the risk of hemorrhage in approximately 75% of all AVM patients within 3 years. The annual risk of hemorrhage while waiting for obliteration appears to be unchanged. Thereafter the lifetime risk appears to be less than 1%. Adverse radiation effects depend upon marginal dose, AVM volume, and location. Risks and benefits of radiosurgery as well as other management options in an individual patient should be assessed to optimize AVM management.Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
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Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery:
A Twenty Year Perspective
L. Dade Lunsford, M.D., F.A.C.S., Ajay Niranjan, M.B.B.S., M.Ch.,
Douglas Kondziolka, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.(C.), Sait Sirin, M.D., and J.C. Flickinger, M.D.
Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are congenital
anomalies of the cerebrovasculature with poorly formed
blood vessels that shunt blood directly from the arterial
circulation to the venous system bypassing the capillary
network. The high pressures and flow rates in AVM vessels
combined with poor construction of the abnormal shunting
vessel walls make them prone to rupture and intracranial
hemorrhage. In some patients, they are associated with aneu-
rysms and other vascular abnormalities. The risks and bene-
fits of AVM management must be weighed carefully in each
patient. Once identified, AVMs may be suitable for one or
more of four management strategies alone or in combina-
observation, endovascular embolization, surgical ex-
cision, or stereotactic radiosurgery. A number of factors are
considered in making a recommendation. These factors in-
clude the patient’s age, the patient’s medical condition, bleed-
ing history, prior management, volume of AVM, location of
AVM, presenting symptoms, AVM architecture (compact
versus diffuse), “operability” estimate, presence of an aneu-
rysm, and prior experience or training. A broad management
algorithm is shown in (Figure 13.1).
Optimal management depends on the estimated risk of
subsequent hemorrhage, which is influenced by the flow and
location features as well as symptoms in each individual
patient. Younger age, prior hemorrhage, small AVM size,
deep venous drainage, and high flow may make subsequent
hemorrhage more likely. Observation may be most appropri-
ate for large-volume AVMs (average diameter 4 –5 cm),
especially for patients who have never bled.
embolization is often used as an adjunct to surgical removal
of the AVM through craniotomy and at times before stereo-
tactic radiosurgery.
Embolization before radiosurgery is
thought by some to be beneficial but may lead to less reliable
recognition of the target volume suitable for radiosurgery.
Recanalization of embolized AVM components may require
subsequent retreatment for portions of the AVM previously
thought to be occluded by successful embolization. Surgical
removal is an important option for patients with resectable
AVMs, although incomplete surgical removal may require
eventual radiosurgery. Although the size of the AVM, pattern
of venous drainage, and neurological eloquence of adjacent
brain are important considerations for prediction of outcome
after resection,
outcome after AVM radiosurgery can be
predicted using nidus volume and location and age of the
Radiosurgery is a minimal access option for pa-
tients with intracranial AVM. The chief benefit of radiosur-
gery is to eliminate the threat of spontaneous intracranial
hemorrhage by gradual obliteration of the AVM nidus over 2
to 3 years.
Initial Radiosurgical Experience
Several pioneers introduced the field of radiosurgery
for the management of brain AVMs. Raymond Kjellberg,
using the Harvard affiliated proton facility, performed Bragg
peak stereotactic radiation on more than 1000 patients with
AVM during the 1970s and early 1980s.
This technology
was designed to provide a low exit dose based on the
radiophysical characteristics of the Bragg peak. The doses
that were used were quite low relative to our current knowl-
edge of the doses needed for obliteration. Kjellberg main-
tained that the Bragg peak proton effect stabilized the AVM
blood vessels and reduced their subsequent risk of hemor-
rhage, at least in comparison to age-related survival figures
from a life insurance table. Fabrikant at the Lawrence Liver-
more Laboratory in Berkeley used the helium ion beam to
perform multisession AVM irradiation.
Ladislau Steiner,
working with both the first- and second-generation gamma
knife units in Stockholm, and under the guidance of the
gamma knife inventor, Lars Leksell, treated the first patient
with AVM in March 1970.
Using 179 highly focused
photon beams crossfired from the first-generation gamma
knife, Steiner based the target definition on biplane angiog-
raphy done during the procedure itself. This pioneering effort
set the stage for the subsequent worldwide experience using
the gamma knife technology as the number of units increased
across the world. Using linear accelerator technologies, Betti
in Paris and Buenos Aires, Barcia-Salorioe et al.
in Spain, and
Copyright © 2008 by The Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Clinical Neurosurgery Volume 55, 2008108
Columbo et al.
in Vincenza, Italy, also applied stereotactic
guidance using photon radiation generated by newer-generation
linear accelerators. These efforts were supplemented in the
United States by investigators working at the Joint Center in
and in Gainesville, Florida,
who specially modified a
linear accelerator to deliver single-session radiosurgery. Most
programs evaluated radiosurgery as an alternative to microsur-
gical removal, especially for AVMs in high-risk locations.
At the University of Pittsburgh, the first patient with
AVM was treated in August 1987.
In 1991, Lunsford et al.
reported our initial experience with 227 patients who under-
went AVM radiosurgery.
The AVM obliteration rates at 2
years depended on nidus volume. The obliteration rates were
100% for AVMs less than 1 mL, 85% for AVMs 1 to 4 mL,
and 58% for AVMs larger than 4 mL in volume.
In the first 20 years of experience (1987–2007) in
Pittsburgh, 1100 patients with AVM underwent single or
multiple staged radiosurgery procedures. Between August
1987 and October 2004, 906 patients underwent radiosurgery
for AVMs and were eligible for 3-year follow up (Tables 13.1
and 13.2). The median patient age was 36 years (range, 3– 80
yr). Presenting symptoms included hemorrhage (46%), sei-
zures (24%), headache (18%), and neurological deficits (8%).
The AVM was detected incidentally in 4% of patients. Seven
percent of the patients had prior surgery and 21% had prior
embolization procedures. The median nidus volume was 3.4
mL (range, 0.065–57.7 mL) and the median margin dose was
20 Gy (range, 13–32 Gy). A single procedure was performed
in 865 (95.5%) patients. Prospective volume-staged radiosur-
gery was performed in 41 (4.5%) patients. Repeat radiosur-
gery for incomplete nidus obliteration after 3 years was
needed in 113 (12.5%) patients. At a median follow-up of 38
months (range, 1 to 204 months), complete nidus obliteration
was achieved in 78% (angiographic confirmation in 67% and
magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] in 33%). In addition,
20.8% of patients had achieved partial nidus obliteration. A
total of 38 hemorrhages (4.1%) occurred after radiosurgery.
Seizure control improved in 51% of those who presented with
seizures. Adverse radiation effects included new neurological
deficits in 24 patients (2.6%) and peri-AVM MRI T2 signal
increase in 108 patients (12%). Long-term complications
included cyst formation or encephalomalacia in 16 patients
(1.7%). No radiation-induced tumors were detected.
Technical Considerations
At the University of Pittsburgh, we perform intracranial
radiosurgery using the Leksell gamma knife. The selection of
patients suitable for radiosurgery is dependent on the bleed-
ing history, the age of the patient, existing comorbidities,
anatomical location, and clinical history. Patients with sus-
pected lobar AVMs receive anticonvulsants. Women of
childbearing age must have a negative pregnancy test.
After preoperative evaluations by members of the neu-
rosurgery, radiation oncology, and nursing teams, patients
report at 6:00 in the morning of the procedure day. Patients
receive intravenous conscious sedation (fentanyl and mida-
zolam) and topical and injected scalp anesthetic application at
the sites for the stereotactic frame fixation pins. Adequate
sedation followed by local pin site anesthesia is normally
sufficient within minutes and facilitates relatively painless
FIGURE 13.1. Clinical algorithm for choosing management
option for patients with intracranial AVMs.
TABLE 13.1. Patient demographics of 20-year radiosurgery
experience at the University of Pittsburgh 1987–2004
Number of patients 906
Patient age
Median 36 yr
Range 3–80 yr
Male 474 (52%)
Female 432 (48%)
Presenting symptoms
Hemorrhage 417 (46%)
Seizures 213 (24%)
Headache 164 (18%)
Sensory motor deficit 74 (8%)
Incidental 38 (4%)
Prior management
Embolization 194 (21%)
Surgery 63 (7%)
Single session 865/906 (95.5%)
Prospective volume staged 41/906 (4.5%)
Repeat radiosurgery 113/906 (12.5%)
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© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons 109
frame fixation. General anesthesia may be required for frame
application and subsequent imaging and treatment in patients
younger than 12 years of age.
As the next step, we perform stereotactic T2 fast spin
echo and contrast-enhanced three-dimensional volumetric
magnetic resonance and biplane digital subtraction angiogra-
phy in patients with AVM. MRI is contraindicated in patients
with pacemakers or other implants. In these cases we use
contrast-enhanced stereotactic computed tomography imag-
ing along with angiography.
The optimal dose range for volumetric conformal ste-
reotactic AVM radiosurgery has been largely established
based on location and volume of the AVM. Doses at the
margin of the AVM typically range from 16 to 25 Gy in a
single session, in which the volume of the AVM is defined by
stereotactic guidance during the procedure itself. The final
dose selection depends on location, volume, estimated ad-
verse radiation risks, pre-existing neurological conditions,
and bleeding history. Sharp fall-off of the radiation dose
outside of the target volume is required (maximal selectivity).
Patients usually receive a single dose (40 mg) of
methylprednisolone at the conclusion of the radiosurgery
procedure. They can continue to take their other medica-
tions (antiepileptics, analgesics, and so on) during and
after the procedure as recommended by their physicians.
Patients with AVMs in lobar subcortical locations receive
Some patients with AVM will have been previously
treated by embolization for volumetric reduction or flow
reduction or may have had prior intracranial surgery for
hematoma evacuation or partial AVM resection. The safe
interval between surgery and stereotactic radiosurgery is not
known. It is reasonable to perform radiosurgery once the
patient has achieved a stable neurological recovery or plateau
(generally within 2 to 3 mo after the intracranial hemorrhage
or prior surgery). The optimal time between prior emboliza-
tion and radiosurgery is not known. Generally we wait for a
period of several weeks to reduce the likelihood of vascular
ischemic complications or residual cerebral edema sometimes
associated with embolization followed by early radiosurgery.
Postradiosurgical clinical examinations and MRI stud-
ies are requested at 6 months and then at annual intervals to
assess the effect of radiosurgery on AVM (gradual oblitera-
tion). If MRI at the 3-year mark suggests complete disap-
pearance of the AVM nidus, an angiogram is obtained to
confirm the obliteration (Fig. 13.2). If the MRI before 3 years
suggests nidus obliteration, angiography is generally delayed
until 3 full years have elapsed. If angiography after 3 years
demonstrates that the AVM nidus is not obliterated, repeat
stereotactic radiosurgery is recommended. Prospective ste-
reotactic radiosurgery volumetric staging is frequently per-
formed for those symptomatic patients with AVM volumes
greater than 15 cm
in the absence of other acceptable risk
management strategies and can be considered for AVMs
TABLE 13.2. Brain locations and radiosurgical parameters of
906 AVMs
AVM locations
Temporal 18.50%
Frontal 18%
Parietal 17.50%
Thalamus/basal ganglia 16%
Occipital 11.50%
Cerebellar 6.30%
Brainstem 5.50%
Dural 2.70%
Corpus callosal 2%
Intraventricular 1%
Pineal 1%
Spetzler-Martin grade
I 2.10%
II 24.40%
III 42.40%
IV 15%
V 2.70%
VI 13.4
Coexistence of aneurysm 77 (8.5%)
AVM volume
Median 3.4 mL
Range 0.065–57.7 mL
Radiosurgery dose
Median 20 Gy
Range 13–32 Gy
AVM, arteriovenous malformation.
FIGURE 13.2. Graph showing higher percentage of AVM
obliteration rates with higher margin doses.
Lunsford et al. Clinical Neurosurgery Volume 55, 2008
© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons110
between 10 and 15 cm
. The second-stage radiosurgery is
performed at intervals between 3 and 6 months.
The Natural History of Hemorrhage Risk
without Treatment
The overall risk of spontaneous hemorrhage from a
general brain AVM population appears to be approximately 2
to 4% per year.
In a large population-based 24-year study,
hemorrhage was relatively constant over the lifetime of pa-
tients with an annual risk of death of approximately 1%.
These risks add up to a substantial risk of hemorrhage or
death in patients with 20 or more years of an expected
lifespan. We performed an individualized analysis of the
hemorrhage risk of patients with AVM before radiosurgery.
The overall crude annual hemorrhage rate in this study was
2.4%. Multivariate analysis identified three factors associated
with hemorrhage risk: history of a prior bleed, identification
of a single draining vein on angiography, and a diffuse AVM
morphology on the angiogram. Four AVM hemorrhage risk
groups were constructed on the basis of these significant
factors (Table 13.3). The annual risk of initial hemorrhage
was 0.99% for low-risk AVMs with no prior hemorrhage and
no other risk factors (diffuse nidus or only one draining vein).
The annual initial hemorrhage risk was 2.22% for higher-risk
AVMs with no prior bleeds and at least one high-risk factor.
The risk of a second hemorrhage was 3.72% for AVMs with
low-risk architecture and 8.94% for those with high-risk
features (one draining vein or diffuse morphology).
The lifetime estimated bleeding risk according to pa-
tient age for initial and repeat hemorrhage from untreated
AVMs with and without high-risk features can also be cal-
culated (Table 13.4). The age at which the risk of spontane-
ous hemorrhage exceeds the risk of morbidity from radiosur-
gery depends on the location and size of the patient’s AVM.
A simple model of the estimated lifetime bleed risk is to
subtract the patient’s age from 105.
Risk of Hemorrhage after Arteriovenous
Malformation Radiosurgery
We analyzed the risk of hemorrhage during the latency
interval from radiosurgery until complete AVM oblitera-
We also reviewed the clinical and angiographic out-
comes of 312 patients who had a mean follow-up of 47
months. Twenty-one patients had AVM bleeds at a median of
8 months (range, 1– 60 mo) after radiosurgery. Including
three additional bleeds from untreated associated aneurysms
(5, 27, and 32 mo postradiosurgery) in two other patients with
AVM, the overall risk of postradiosurgery hemorrhage per
patient was 7.4%. The actuarial hemorrhage rate from a
patent AVM (before complete obliteration) was 4.8% per
year (95% confidence interval, 2.4 –7.0%) during the first 2
years after radiosurgery and 5% per year (95% confidence
interval, 2.3 to 7.3%) for the third to fifth years after radio-
surgery. Multivariate analysis of clinical and angiographic
factors correlated the presence of an unsecured proximal
aneurysm with an increased risk of postradiosurgical hemor-
rhage. If the AVM is immediately proximal (flow-related) to
the AVM, it will likely close as the AVM obliterates. No
AVM hemorrhages were observed after radiosurgery in seven
patients with intranidal aneurysms. We recommend that pa-
tients with AVM with aneurysms more than one arterial
branch division proximal to their AVM have their aneurysms
secured by endovascular or microsurgical approaches before
(if the aneurysm bled) or shortly after radiosurgery (espe-
cially if the aneurysm has not bled). No other factors were
correlated with the risk of hemorrhage during the latency
interval after radiosurgery. Inoue et al. identified a single
draining vein in seven with deep drainage AVMs with a
varix, four AVMs with venous obstruction and high-flow
(shunt- and mixed-type) AVMs, and large AVMs with a
volume of more than 10 mL as risk factors for hemorrhage.
No patient in our study had a hemorrhage after angiography,
had confirmed complete obliteration (n 140), or had an
early draining vein without residual nidus (n 19). In this
study, no protective benefit was conferred on patients who
had incomplete nidus obliteration in early (60 mo) fol-
low-up after radiosurgery. Previous studies found no statisti-
cally significant departure from the natural hemorrhage rate at
any time period after radiosurgical treatment.
In a study of postradiosurgery hemorrhage, Karlsson
et al. noted that the risk for hemorrhage decreased during the
latency period.
In addition, these authors contended that the
risk for having a hemorrhage in the latency period after
gamma knife radiosurgery was dependent on minimum dose
delivered to the AVM nidus. Maruyama et al. in a retrospec-
tive analysis involving 500 patients who had undergone
AVM radiosurgery found that the risk of hemorrhage de-
creased by 54% during the latency period and by 88% after
These authors concluded that radiosurgery may
TABLE 13.3. Estimate lifetime risk of initial and second
hemorrhage in patients with AVM
AVM Characteristics
Risk of First
Risk of Second
Low-risk AVM (well-defined
nidus and 1 draining
0.99% 3.72%
High-risk AVM (diffuse
nidus or only one draining
2.22% 8.94%
AVM, arteriovenous malformation.
Clinical Neurosurgery Volume 55, 2008 Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery
© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons 111
decrease the risk of hemorrhage in patients with cerebral
AVMs, even before there is angiographic evidence of oblit-
eration. This is an intriguing hypothesis that to date has defied
widespread verification. The risk of hemorrhage is further
reduced, although not eliminated, after obliteration (estimated
lifetime risk of a bleed is 1%).
Probability of Arteriovenous Malformation
Obliteration with Radiosurgery
We studied the rate of AVM obliteration after gamma
knife radiosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh in 351
patients with 3 to 11 years of follow-up imaging.
median marginal dose was 20 Gy (range, 12 to 30 Gy) and
median treatment volume was 5.7 ml (range, 0.26 to 24 mL).
AVM obliteration was documented by angiography in 193 of
264 (73%) and by MRI alone and in 75 of 87 (86%) patients
who refused further angiography. Assuming a 96% accuracy
for MRI-detected obliteration, the corrected obliteration rate
for all patients was 75%.
In some patients with AVM
treated by radiosurgery, follow-up angiography showed evi-
dence of an early draining vein but no discernible nidus. To
our knowledge, no patient with this finding has bled, and
therefore we consider those patients obliterated or cured as well.
We identified persistent out-of-field nidus (marginal
failure) in 18% of previously embolized versus 5% of non-
embolized patients (P0.006). This was the only significant
factor associated with marginal failure in univariate and
multivariate analysis. Multivariate analysis correlated in-field
obliteration with marginal dose (P0.0001) and sex
(slightly lower in women [P0.026] but overall obliteration
was not significantly lower [P0.19]). Ellis et al. reported
26% out-of-field nidus in patients with AVM who failed
initial radiosurgery.
Early Adverse Effects of Radiosurgery
Adverse effects of radiosurgery include short-term
problems such as headache from the frame, nausea from pain
medication, and perhaps a small increased risk of seizure in
patients with cortical lobar AVMs, particularly if a history of
episodic seizures is present.
For this reason, we use
perioperative anticonvulsants in lobar AVMs.
Postradiosurgery Imaging Changes
Volume-related postradiosurgery imaging changes
(new areas of high T2 signal in the brain surrounding the
irradiated AVM nidus) develop in approximately 30% of
patients 1 to 24 months after radiosurgery.
Most such
patients (two-thirds) are asymptomatic, leaving only approx-
imately 9 to 10% of all patients developing symptomatic
postradiosurgery imaging changes (Fig. 13.3). The probabil-
ity of developing postradiosurgery imaging changes depends
on marginal dose and treatment volume. The volume of tissue
receiving 12 Gy or more (the 12-Gy volume) is the single
factor that seems to have the closest correlation with the
probability of developing imaging changes.
Location does
not seem to affect the risk of developing imaging changes but
has a marked effect on whether these changes are associated
with symptoms.
Symptomatic Postradiosurgery Imaging
A multi-institutional study analyzed 102 of 1255 pa-
tients with AVM who developed neurological sequelae after
The median marginal dose was 19 Gy (range,
10 –35 Gy) and the median treatment volume was 5.7 mL
(range, 0.26 –143 mL). The median follow-up after the onset
of complications was 34 months (range, 9 to 140 mo). Com-
TABLE 13.4. Estimate lifetime risk of hemorrhage according to history of hemorrhage and whether any high-risk morphologic
risk features (increased risk of diffuse morphology or one draining vein) are absent or present
Age at
Diagnosis (yr)
Lifespan (yr)
Lifetime Risk of Hemorrhage
Low-Risk AVMs High-Risk AVMs
No Prior Bleed Prior Bleed No Prior Bleed Prior Bleed
15 77 46 90.5 75.1 99.7
25 67 40.4 86.1 68.9 99.2
35 78 34.8 80.4 61.9 98.2
45 79 28.7 72.4 53.4 95.9
55 80 22 61.2 43 90.4
65 83 16.4 49.5 33.2 81.5
75 86 10.4 34.1 21.9 64.3
85 91 5.8 20.3 12.6 43
AVM, arteriovenous malformation.
Lunsford et al. Clinical Neurosurgery Volume 55, 2008
© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons112
plications consisted of 80 patients with evidence of radiation-
related changes in the brain parenchyma. Seven also had
cranial nerve deficits, 12 developed seizures, and five had
delayed cyst formation. Symptom severity was classified as
minimal in 39 patients, mild in 40, disabling in 21, and fatal
in two patients. Symptoms resolved completely in 42 of 105
patients with an actuarial complete resolution rate of 54
7% at 3 years postonset.
Permanent Sequelae of Radiosurgery
The findings from the previously mentioned study were
used to construct a model for the risk of developing perma-
nent symptomatic postradiosurgery changes. Data from 85
patients with AVM who developed symptomatic complica-
tions after gamma knife radiosurgery and 337 control patients
with no complications were evaluated as part of another
multi-institutional study.
After excluding patients with eas-
ily resolvable sequelae (headaches and seizures), 38 of 85
patients were classified as having permanent symptomatic
sequelae, the end point for this study. AVM marginal doses
varied from 10 to 35 Gy and treatment volumes from 0.26 to
47.9 mL. Median follow-up for patients without complica-
tions was 45 months (range, 24 to 92 months).
We constructed a multivariate model of the effects of
AVM location and the volume of tissue receiving 12 Gy or
more (12-Gy volume) for the risk of developing permanent
postradiosurgery sequelae. To rate the risk of complications
for each location, we developed a “significant postradiosur-
gery injury expression.” AVM locations in order of increas-
ing risk and significant postradiosurgery injury expression
score (from 0 to 10) were: frontal, temporal, intraventricular,
parietal, cerebellar, corpus callosum, occipital, medulla, thal-
amus, basal ganglia, and pons/midbrain. The final statistical
model predicts risks of permanent symptomatic sequelae
from significant postradiosurgery injury expression scores
and 12-Gy volumes. Table 13.5 lists the risks of permanent
symptomatic sequelae for AVMs measuring 1, 2, 3, and 4 cm
in average diameter according to location. It must be remem-
bered that this model was constructed with a limited amount
of data (38 complications) and a large number of variables
(10 different locations), so the risk predictions for some
locations (such as very small brainstem locations) are likely
overestimated. As can be seen in Table 13.2, the risks of
complications are expected to be extremely high for AVMs
that are 4 cm in average diameter in almost all locations. For
this reason, we recommend a volume-staged approach in
patients with large AVMs (15 mL or more in volume). With
volume staging, the AVM is treated in two or three 7- to
15-mL volume portions, preferably with a 5- to 6-month rest
in between portions to allow for repair of normal tissue
FIGURE 13.3. A, A dominant hemisphere AVM defined by
anteroposterior and lateral angiography at the time of radio-
surgery in 1987. B, At 3 years, complete angiographic obliter-
ation is confirmed. C, A 20-year magnetic resonance follow up
showing hyperintense signal at the obliterated AVM nidus site.
No flow void signals are seen.
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© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons 113
Late Complications after Arteriovenous
Malformation Radiosurgery
Delayed complications of radiosurgery include the risk
of hemorrhage despite angiographically documented completely
obliterated AVMs; the risk of temporary or permanent radiation
injury to the brain such as persistent edema, radiation necrosis,
and cyst formation; and the risk of radiation-induced tumors.
Cyst formation after AVM radiosurgery was first reported by
Japanese investigators who reviewed the outcomes of patients
initially treated in Sweden.
Delayed cyst formation has been
reported in other recent long-term follow-up studies.
In our
own 20-year experience, we have detected 16 patients (1.7%)
with delayed cyst formation. Patients who developed delayed
cyst formation were more likely to have had prior bleeds.
Various surgical approaches ranging from surgical fenestration
to cyst shunting were needed to manage these patients. Patients
with T2 signal change without additional neurological problems
generally do not need any active intervention. Chang et al.
recently suggested that hypofractionated stereotactic radiother-
apy may have a lower frequency of cyst formation than stereo-
tactic radiosurgery. However, the overall nidus obliteration rates
at 5 years were 61% for hypofractionated stereotactic radiother-
apy and 81% for stereotactic radiosurgery.
Of importance is the risk of radiation-induced tumors
after radiosurgery.
We have not detected any patient in
our more than 8500 patients who underwent gamma knife
surgery who met the criteria for a radiation-related tumor.
However, there are reports of four malignant radiation-
related tumors 5 to 10 years after radiosurgery.
is impossible to estimate the actual incidence of radiosur-
gery-associated cancers because the incidence (numerator)
and total number of patients who underwent radiosurgery
(denominator) are not available. However, we know that
50,000 patients had undergone gamma knife radiosurgery
by 1999 (10 years follow-up). If we estimate the gross risk
of developing a radiation-induced tumor as four in 50,000,
then one estimate is of 0.008% (one in 12,500) risk. We
warn all our patients that the risk of radiation-associated
tumor may be as high as one in 1000, although neither our
experience nor the data from Sheffield, U.K., confirms this
Management of Residual Arteriovenous
Malformation after Radiosurgery
Repeat radiosurgery is the preferred option for most
patients with residual nidus remaining 3 years or more
after initial radiosurgery (Fig. 13.4). The dose–response
curve for obliterating previously treated AVM seems sim-
ilar to untreated AVM (Fig. 13.5). Permanent neurological
sequelae (but not temporary changes or imaging changes)
were slightly higher than would be expected with no prior
This finding means that treating a large AVM
to a low radiation margin dose (15 Gy) is unlikely to
achieve obliteration. The risk of late neurological sequelae
TABLE 13.5. Estimated percent risk of permanent symptomatic adverse radiation effects (radiation necrosis) for AVMs
measuring 1, 2, 3, and 4 cm in average diameter according to location
AVM Location
Risk of Symptomatic Adverse Radiation Effect
AVM Nidus Diameter
1cm 2cm 3cm 4cm
Low-risk regions
Frontal lobe 0.04 0.07 0.11 1.48
Temporal lobe 0.59 0.94 1.45 16.95
Mild-risk lesions
Intraventricular 1.32 2.11 3.22 31.63
Cerebellum 1.65 2.62 4 36.68
Parietal lobe 2.61 2.55 3.88 35.99
Moderate-risk regions
Corpus callosum 3.73 5.88 8.8 57.32
Occipital lobe 3.87 6.09 9.11 58.2
High-risk regions
Medulla 7.43 11.46 16.66 73.55
Thalamus 12.36 18.51 25.98 83
Basal ganglia 15.01 22.15 30.54 85.95
Pons/midbrain 44.02 55.89 66.19 96.46
AVM, arteriovenous malformation.
Marginal doses were chosen according to 3% guidelines from the integrated logistic formula.
Lunsford et al. Clinical Neurosurgery Volume 55, 2008
© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons114
was higher after repeat radiosurgery, but the chance of
obliteration (at the same dose) was not increased by the
prior treatment. This prompted us to explore the role of
staged radiosurgery as an alternative management for
larger AVMs.
Management of Large Arteriovenous
Large AVMs pose a challenge for surgical resection,
embolization, and radiosurgery. Some may be treated using
multimodality management, but a population of patients with
large AVMs remains “untreatable.” Although AVM emboli-
zation before radiosurgery has been used for patients with
large AVMs, recanalization was observed in 14 to 15% of
Single-stage radiosurgery of large-volume AVM
either results in unacceptable radiation-related risks attribut-
able to large volumes of normal surrounding tissue or low
obliteration efficacy. The obliteration rate after fractionated
radiotherapy (2– 4 Gy per fraction to a total dose of up to 50
Gy) is low and associated with significant side effects.
Kjellberg et al. used stereotactic Bragg peak proton beam
therapy for the management of large AVMs and found a
complete obliteration rate in, at best, 19% of patients.
However, they postulated that some protection from further
hemorrhage was achieved.
In a subgroup of 48 patients with
AVMs larger than 15 mL, Pan et al. found an obliteration rate
of 25% after 40 months.
In their single radiosurgery strat-
egy, the average margin dose was 17.7 Gy and 16.5 Gy for
AVMs with volumes 10 to 20 mL and more than 20 mL,
respectively. In their follow-up examinations, they observed
37% moderate and 12% severe adverse radiation effect in
patients with AVMs larger than 10 mL. Miyawaki et al.
reported that the obliteration rate in patients with AVMs
larger than 14 mL treated using linear accelerator radiosur-
gery was 22%.
Inoue et al. reported an obliteration rate of
36.4% and hemorrhage rate of 35.7% in the subgroup of
AVMs larger than 10 mL treated by radiosurgery.
It became
clear to us that in the narrow corridor between dose–response
and complication, the chances of achieving a high oblitera-
tion rate with a low complication rate for large AVM radio-
FIGURE 13.4. T2 signal change surrounding the target vol-
ume after radiosurgery corresponds best with the 12-Gy vol-
ume. Such changes tend to resolve by 6 to 12 months.
FIGURE 13.5. Large-volume AVMs defined by MRI and an-
giography (left) can be obliterated by performing staged ra-
diosurgery (right).
Clinical Neurosurgery Volume 55, 2008 Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery
© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons 115
surgery are slim. For this reason, radiosurgical volume stag-
ing was developed as an option to manage large AVMs.
Staged Volume Radiosurgery
We planned to prospectively divide the AVM nidus
into two parts if the total volume was more than 15 mL.
Usually after outlining the total volume of the AVM nidus on
the MRI, the malformation was divided into volumes (medial
or lateral, superior or inferior components) using certain
identified landmarks such as major vessel blood supply, the
ventricles, or other anatomical structures such as the internal
capsule. Using the computer dose planning system, the AVM
was divided into approximately equal volumes. Each stage
was defined at the first procedure and then recreated at
subsequent stages using internal anatomical landmarks.
These landmarks provided accurate localization at subsequent
stages because specific isodose lines could be replaced on the
same anatomical structures. The second-stage radiosurgery
procedure was performed 3 to 6 months after the first proce-
dure. Our group reported an obliteration rate of 50% (seven
of 14) after 36 months without new deficits with an additional
29% showing near total obliteration.
Other reports have also
documented the potential role of staged radiosurgery for large
Longer follow-up duration is needed to assess the
final outcome in these patients because some may take up to
5 years for nidus obliteration. An increased neurological
deficit was detected in only one patient and imaging showed
peri-AVM changes in four (14%) patients. In this series,
hemorrhage was observed in four (14%) patients. Although it
is difficult to document a hemorrhage rate reduction after
radiosurgery for an individual patient, we did find a reduction
in the rate of postradiosurgery bleeding in comparison with
the preradiosurgery rate. The concept of volume staging with
margin dose selection at a minimum of 16 Gy seems reason-
ably safe and effective.
Role of Preradiosurgical Embolization
Embolization may have an adjunctive role if part of the
nidus can be permanently obliterated. Preradiosurgical em-
bolization might reduce the nidus size and/or arteriovenous
shunting, which has the theoretical benefit of enhancing the
efficacy of radiosurgery because a smaller volume facilitates
a more effective higher dose. Beneficial effects of emboliza-
tions were reported in earlier studies.
Embolization and
radiosurgery were performed more often in our initial expe-
rience for large AVMs.
The purpose of embolizing large
AVMs before radiosurgery is to permanently decrease the
volume of the AVM and allow more effective radiosurgery.
Embolization can only be an effective adjunct to radiosurgery
if it results in permanent reduction of the nidus volume.
Reduction in flow within the AVM does not improve radio-
surgery results.
Our recent analysis suggested that preradiosurgical em-
bolization was a negative predictor of AVM obliteration.
Others have reported that in 30% of patients who had their
AVMs embolized, the nidus increased in size on the subse-
quent angiogram performed for radiosurgical targeting
12% of embolized AVMs recanalized within 1 year.
canalization of embolized portions of the AVM that may have
been outside the radiosurgical target results in persistent
arteriovenous shunting and treatment failure. In one series, all
patients with Spetzler-Martin Grade III to V AVMs who
underwent incomplete embolization and subsequent radiosur-
gery had incomplete obliteration.
Unlike surgery that re-
moves an AVM nidus within a few weeks of embolization,
radiosurgery induces AVM obliteration over 2 to 4 years.
This latency period allows sufficient time for the embolized
AVM to recanalize, remodel, or recruit new feeding arteries.
In reported series, the combination of embolization and
radiosurgery resulted in complete AVM obliteration in 47 to
55%, permanent neurological deficits in 5 to 12%, and mor-
tality in 1.5 to 2.7% of patients.
A recent study evalu-
ated the obliteration rate and the clinical outcomes after
radiosurgery in patients with and without previous emboliza-
In this study, 47 patients who had embolization and
radiosurgery were compared with 47 matching patients who
were treated with radiosurgery alone. Nidus obliteration was
achieved in 47% in the embolization group compared with
70% in the radiosurgery alone group. These data suggest that
the efficacy of combined embolization and radiosurgery is
either comparable or inferior to radiosurgery alone. The
combination of embolization and radiosurgery does not pro-
vide any additional protection against AVM hemorrhage
during the latency period with comparable risks of hemor-
rhage in treated and untreated AVMs. In short, the combina-
tion of embolization and radiosurgery does not offer any
advantages over radiosurgery alone and may have significant
We have found embolization useful for patients with
dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVF), also called dural AVMs.
DAVFs involve a vascular malformation of the wall of one of
the major venous sinuses or other dural structures.
patient presentation depends on the site and overall hemody-
namics of the lesion. Pulsatile tinnitus commonly occurs with
lesions of the transverse or sigmoid sinus
and may become
intolerable. With cavernous sinus lesions, double vision,
impaired vision, and exophthalmos may occur. Superior sag-
ittal sinus lesions can cause papilledema, vision loss, and
increased intracranial pressure. Cortically based lesions can
lead to hemorrhages, progressive deficits, or seizures. With
DAVFs, the overall risk of hemorrhage is approximately 2%
per year and depends on the site and hemodynamics of the
The hemodynamics associated with a higher risk of
hemorrhage include cortical drainage, retrograde venous
drainage, presence of a venous varix, or drainage into the vein
Lunsford et al. Clinical Neurosurgery Volume 55, 2008
© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons116
of Galen.
Dural arteriovenous fistulas with aggressive pre-
sentation require urgent evaluation and treatment. Also, pa-
tients with intractable pulsatile tinnitus, chemosis, or propto-
sis may be sufficiently affected by their symptoms to warrant
consideration of curative or at least palliative treatment.
Treatment of DAVFs has evolved over the past 3
decades. In the late 1970s and 1980s, the primary treatment
modality was surgical disconnection of the fistula and resec-
tion of the involved segment of dura and venous sinus.
In the
1990s, stereotactic radiosurgery followed by transarterial par-
ticulate embolization of accessible external carotid artery
feeding vessels became a primary mode of treatment at our
institution. Radiosurgery results in obliteration of DAVFs
between 1 and 3 years after treatment, analogous to the
experience with parenchymal AVMs.
embolization, usually performed the same day and a few
hours after radiosurgery, provides early palliative relief of
intractable tinnitus, orbital venous congestion, and symptoms
such as diplopia. In addition, it substantially reduces cortical
venous drainage, which may reduce the risk of hemorrhage
during the latent period after radiosurgery. Even if recanali-
zation of the embolized fistula occurs, the DAVF undergoes
simultaneous radiosurgery-induced obliteration. Emboliza-
tion is performed after radiosurgery to avoid the pitfall of
having embolization temporarily obscure portions of the
nidus that would then not be targeted during the radiosurgical
procedure. Thus, the combination of radiosurgery and
transarterial embolization, when possible, provides both rapid
symptom relief and long-term cure of DAVFs. We prefer to
perform radiosurgery first and then embolization.
With the advent of newer materials, preradiosurgery em-
bolization in the future may have a role in the management of
large AVMs. Since July 2005, Onyx 18 and Onyx 34 (Micro
Therapeutics, Inc, Irvine, CA) have been approved in the United
States by the Food and Drug Administration. Onyx is a nonad-
hesive embolic agent with lava-like flow patterns. It is possible
to interrupt the injection and analyze the actual Onyx
casting. For both of these reasons, it is possible to inject
large volumes from one catheter position in a controlled
manner and thus to embolize a large part of the AVM
without filling the draining veins or leptomeningeal col-
laterals. As a result of these properties, Onyx is thought to
produce permanent vascular occlusion.
Future Directions
AVM radiosurgery is associated with a high rate of
obliteration and low risks of complications and subsequent
hemorrhage. The chances of obliteration, permanent symp-
tomatic sequelae, and postradiosurgery hemorrhage after
radiosurgery can be predicted for individual patients ac-
cording to size, location, history, and characteristics of
their AVM. Further gains that reduce the latency interval
by accelerating the obliteration process will require inno-
vative molecular approaches. Radiation sensitizers such as
tumor necrosis factor alpha and endothelial growth factors
if delivered to the radiation volume might enhance the
effect of radiosurgery. These cytokines can be generated
on site if vectors carrying these genes are delivered into
the AVM nidus or incorporated in the embolization mate-
rial. Radiosurgery can then be performed at the appropriate
time when there is optimum expression of the therapeutic
genes from these vectors. In the future, endovascular
surgical adjuncts play a significant role in the minimally
invasive multimodal molecular management for AVMs.
This role is quite different than the current role, which is
structurally directed at immediate occlusion of selected
Drs. Lunsford and Kondziolka are consultants with AB
Elekta. Dr. Lunsford is a stockholder.
The authors did not receive financial support in con-
junction with the generation of this article. The authors have
no personal or institutional financial interest in the drugs,
materials, or devices described in this article.
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Clinical Neurosurgery Volume 55, 2008 Arteriovenous Malformation Radiosurgery
© 2008 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons 119
... SRS employs ionizing radiation for gradually occluding AVM blood vessels. Its application was adopted from oncology during 1970-1980s [80,81]. During the next decades, SRS (or "gamma-knife") rapidly evolved as a standalone modality and following embolization. ...
... SRS systems typically comprise a spherical array of high-focused gamma ray generators (Figure 5), a mechanical system that precisely positions and immobilizes patients' heads and a 3D imaging, and tracking system for treatment (i.e., dose delivery) design and real-time management (Figure 6). The chief benefit of radiosurgery is that it can eliminate the threat of spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage by gradual obliteration of the AVM over 2-3 years [81]. ...
... Radiation-induced necrosis, neural loss, myelin fragmentation, and gliosis have been detected in the surrounding brain tissue 1-10 mm from the lesion border [23]. Histopathology is typically elicited and efficacy-controlled by focused irradiation of marginal doses of ~10-35 Gy (median ~20) (Figure 6)-delivered in a single or fractionated (higher doses) protocol [81,82]. It has become a consensus that a better understanding of irradiation response physiology may facilitate the targeting of individual enzyme systems and open up new SRS opportunities [84]. ...
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In 2014, ARUBA (a randomized trial on cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation – AVM) found patients treated using prevalent interventional strategies are three times more likely to suffer a stroke/die compared with those treated conservatively (blood pressure reduction). Subsequent controversy led the European societies dealing with AVM to organize a consensus conference. Among the statements made was: “There may be indications for treating patients with higher Spetzler-Martin (SM) grades, based on a case-to-case consensus decision of the experienced team”. Thus, a clear accord emerges. There is a lacuna/weakness of interventional modalities when addressing high SM grade AVMs. This lack of a clear treatment choice originated our review. We attempt to identify the advantages and challenges of each present treatment/evaluation modality and highlight core requirements for future strategies. We conclude that existing modalities provide substantial recent improvements, yet the core challenge persists. Finally, we advocate testing a novel modality – intraluminal radiotherapy (active implants) by exploiting the “candy wrapper” or edge effect. If proven effective, this approach could offer gradual vessel occlusion with minimal abrupt hemodynamic changes known to induce hemorrhage, the lowest recurring session number (reduced costs), minimally invasive attributes and very low radiation (dose/dose rate) kinetics minimizing potential Adverse Radiation Effects (AREs).
... L'enjeu devient d'autant plus critique dès lors que la radiothérapie tend à s'ouvrir à des indications autres que la cancérologie, où l'espérance de vie des patients n'est pas impactée. Des études ont rapporté l'utilisation de la stéréotaxie pour traiter des cas de malformations artérioveineuse (MAV) [7][8][9] et plus récemment les troubles du rythme cardiaque [10][11][12]. Dans le cadre de sa mission d'amélioration des étalons nationaux, le LNHB s'est rapidement intéressé à la problématique des petits champs de faisceaux de photons. ...
... En champ large, cette correction est supposée être la même pour le champ clinique fclin et le champ de référence de la machine fmsr, de telle sorte que le rapport des doses est approximé par le rapport des mesures 8 En petits champs en revanche, la perturbation du détecteur est plus importante, si bien qu'il n'est plus possible d'approximer le rapport des doses par le rapport des mesures. Selon le détecteur utilisé, les FOC présentent des différences pouvant atteindre plusieurs dizaines de pourcents pour les petits champs inférieurs à 2 cm, comme présenté dans la Figure Dans le nouveau formalisme [63], les auteurs ont introduit un facteur de correction ...
L'évolution des techniques de radiothérapie, en particulier avec l’avènement des traitements stéréotaxiques, a conduit à accroître l'utilisation de petits faisceaux d’irradiation permettant de se conformer au mieux au volume à traiter tout en minimisant l’irradiation des tissus sains environnants. Ce faisant, les conditions cliniques s'éloignent significativement des conditions de référence en dose absorbée dans l’eau en un point, telles que décrites dans les protocoles internationaux. La perte de traçabilité ainsi constatée conduit à une augmentation de l’incertitude sur la dose délivrée au patient. Afin de contourner les difficultés de traçabilité de la dose absorbée en petits champs, le Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel (LNHB) a proposé d’utiliser une approche novatrice. Au lieu de considérer une mesure en un point, une mesure intégrée sur une surface plus grande que le champ d'irradiation a été adoptée au travers d’une autre grandeur : le Produit Dose Surface (Dose Area Product ou DAP). Le travail présenté dans cette thèse porte sur la réalisation de références dosimétriques primaires en Produit Dose Surface dans l’eau (DAPw) pour des tailles de champs carrés et circulaires inférieures ou égales à 15 mm de côté ou de diamètre. En vue du transfert de ces nouvelles références dosimétriques à l’utilisateur, trois chambres d’ionisation plates de même surface sensible que le calorimètre graphite de grande section du LNHB ont été construites et étalonnées par rapport à la référence primaire nouvellement établie, avec une incertitude-type sur le coefficient d’étalonnage inférieure à 0.7% (k=1). Pour les tailles de champs comprises entre 5 mm et 15 mm, les trois chambres présentent le même comportement, avec un coefficient d’étalonnage indépendant de la forme du champ d’une part et qui augmente légèrement, de l’ordre de 1.7% en moyenne, avec la taille de champ d’autre part. Ces résultats prometteurs ouvrent la voie à un changement de par adigme pour la dosimétrie en petits champs.Afin de progresser en direction de l’utilisation clinique du DAP, en particulier au travers des mesures de facteurs d’ouverture du collimateur (FOC), une comparaison a été effectuée entre l’approche classique de la mesure en un point corrigée des facteurs fournis par le protocole IAEA TRS 483, et la dose absorbée en un point déduite du DAP grâce à la connaissance de la cartographie à deux dimensions du faisceau, accessible avec des films radiochromiques. C’est pour cette raison qu’il a été aussi développé dans cette thèse un nouvel instrument optique dédié à la lecture des films radiochromiques, compatible avec une application métrologique. Une fois adoptée, cette nouvelle approche permettrait d’améliorer le paramétrage des logiciels de planification de traitement (TPS), qui est un maillon essentiel de la chaîne de traitement en radiothérapie.
... AVM volumes of <1 mL have been associated with 100% obliteration rates after Gamma Knife radiosurgery compared with an 85% obliteration rate for AVMs 1e4 mL and a 58% obliteration rate for AVMs >4 mL. 23 The risks associated with stereotactic radiosurgery will also be lessened by the small lesion volume. As the lesion volume increases, the risk of symptomatic radiation necrosis will increase concomitantly. ...
... However, for a 4-cm lesion, the risk approaches 17%. 23 A recent retrospective study that analyzed the data from patients with HHT from the brain HHT consortium found that the patients with HHT treated surgically for their AVMs had functional outcomes similar to those treated nonsurgically. 24 The investigators had compared patients with HHT who had undergone microsurgical resection of their AVMs with a group who had received nonsurgical therapy or observation. ...
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Background: Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are a cardinal feature of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). However, whether to treat brain AVMs in patients with HHT remains questionable because of the possible risks. Methods: We performed a retrospective study of patients with HHT who had been treated for brain AVMs at our institution from January 1, 2003, to December 31, 2016. An institutional database was queried for the phrases "hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia" and "HHT," and those patients who had been treated during the study period were identified. Data were extracted regarding presentation, AVM characteristics, treatment modality, and treatment outcomes. Results: We identified 14 patients (10 males, 4 females) with HHT who had had AVMs (n = 27) from the institutional database. The mean age of the patients was 43 years (range, 2-64). Of the 27 brain AVMs, 13 were Spetzler-Martin grade I, 12 were grade II, and 2 were grade III; none were grade IV or V. Treatment was by microsurgery only (11 AVMs in 10 patients), embolization followed by microsurgery (2 AVMs in 2 patients), and radiosurgery only (12 AVMs in 2 patients). AVM obliteration was achieved in 100% of the patients. No new fixed neurologic deficits developed after treatment of unruptured HHT AVMs. Conclusions: The risk of treatment of brain AVMs in patients with HHT is quite low for appropriately selected patients with treatment individualized to radiosurgery, microsurgery, or a combination of embolization and microsurgery.
... In HHT patients, the two most common locations of BAVMs were the frontal lobes (43.6%) and the cerebellum (15.4%) [50], while in other BAVMs, BAVMs occurred more commonly in the frontal lobe (18-21%) and temporal lobe (18-19%) [51,52]. ...
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Brain arteriovenous malformations (BAVMs) are a critical concern in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) patients, carrying the risk of life-threatening intracranial hemorrhage. While traditionally seen as congenital, the debate continues due to documented de novo cases. Our primary goal was to identify the precise postnatal window in which deletion of the HHT gene Endoglin (Eng) triggers BAVM development. We employed SclCreER(+);Eng2f/2f mice, enabling timed Eng gene deletion in endothelial cells via tamoxifen. Tamoxifen was given during four postnatal periods: P1–3, P8–10, P15–17, and P22–24. BAVM development was assessed at 2–3 months using latex dye perfusion. We examined the angiogenic activity by assessing vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) expression via Western blotting and Flk1-LacZ reporter mice. Longitudinal magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) was conducted up to 9 months. BAVMs emerged in 88% (P1–3), 86% (P8–10), and 55% (P15–17) of cases, with varying localization. Notably, the P22–24 group did not develop BAVMs but exhibited skin AVMs. VEGFR2 expression peaked in the initial 2 postnatal weeks, coinciding with BAVM onset. These findings support the “second hit” theory, highlighting the role of early postnatal angiogenesis in initiating BAVM development in HHT type I mice.
Brain arteriovenous malformations (bAVMs) are direct connections between arteries and veins that remodel into a complex nidus susceptible to rupture and hemorrhage. Most sporadic bAVMs feature somatic activating mutations within KRAS, and endothelial-specific expression of the constitutively active variant KRASG12D models sporadic bAVM in mice. By leveraging 3D-based micro-CT imaging, we demonstrate that KRASG12D-driven bAVMs arise in stereotypical anatomical locations within the murine brain, which coincide with high endogenous Kras expression. We extend these analyses to show that a distinct variant, KRASG12C, also generates bAVMs in predictable locations. Analysis of 15,000 human patients revealed that, similar to murine models, bAVMs preferentially occur in distinct regions of the adult brain. Furthermore, bAVM location correlates with hemorrhagic frequency. Quantification of 3D imaging revealed that G12D and G12C alter vessel density, tortuosity, and diameter within the mouse brain. Notably, aged G12D mice feature increased lethality, as well as impaired cognition and motor function. Critically, we show that pharmacological blockade of the downstream kinase, MEK, after lesion formation ameliorates KRASG12D-driven changes in the murine cerebrovasculature and may also impede bAVM progression in human pediatric patients. Collectively, these data show that distinct KRAS variants drive bAVMs in similar patterns and suggest MEK inhibition represents a non-surgical alternative therapy for sporadic bAVM.
Objective: To study correlation between new onset perinidal hyperintensity(PH) on T2W MRI and obliteration of intracranial arteriovenous malformation(AVM) following stereotactic radiosurgery(SRS). Methods: A retrospective study of 148 patients with intracranial AVM who underwent SRS between September 2005 and June 2018 and had at least one radiological follow up (early MRI) 12-18 months following the SRS, was performed to analyze the correlation between PH(graded from 0 to 2) and AVM obliteration. Results: There were 148 patients (95 males); mean age was 27.7 ±12.4 years. 105(70.9%) of the 148 AVMs were obliterated at median follow up of 27(IQR, 14-48) months. The cumulative 3-, 5-, 10- year obliteration rate was 51.8%, 70.8% and 91.8% respectively. New onset PH was observed in 58 (39.2%) AVMs (50 obliterated and 8 not obliterated). There was no association between pre-treatment variables or dose delivered and development of PH. Grade 2 PH was associated with risk of developing symptoms compared with grade 1 PH (37.5% vs 4%, p=0.002). Symptomatic PH was more likely to develop in patients with larger AVMs(p=0.05). On multivariate analysis, presence of single draining vein (OR 2.9,95% CI 1.3-6.8), lower median AVM volume (OR 0.97,95% CI 0.6-0.89), mean marginal dose of radiation (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.02-1.64) and presence of PH (OR 3.16, 95% CI 1.29-7.71) were independent predictors of AVM obliteration. Conclusions: The incidence of PH following SRS for AVM was 39.2%. PH was an independent predictor of AVM obliteration following SRS. Grade 2 PH and larger AVM volume were associated with symptomatic PH.
Radiation therapy has proven to be an effective component over time in cancer process of care, beside surgery and systemic therapy. In the last 20 years, the improvements of instrumentation, machine software and techniques have allowed to perform an high-quality conformal therapy in terms of accuracy and precision. The main areas of development concern the definition of target volume, the dose distributions with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) or Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) plans and the image guidance methods with Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT). So all these improvements have increased the outcome of radiation treatment. In this chapter we address the radiobiological mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of ionizing radiations, the path of care of the patient from the first medical evaluation to follow up, the main applications of radiotherapy in the various stages of cancer, the most relevant features of new radiation techniques, the main RT-related side effects and an overview of charged particle radiotherapy (proton beam therapy). An essential aspect in the management of the cancer patient is reserved at the increasingly frequent oligometastatic stage, defined as an intermediate state between local and systemic disease, where radical local treatment of the primary cancer and all metastatic lesions might have a curative potential. In this setting of patients, which could also be defined as long survivors, the techniques of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) as metastasis-directed radiotherapy (MDRT) have allowed a high local control (LC) which often results in an increasing of progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) with a well-preserved quality of life. In summary, a patient suitable for radiotherapy, can have a wide variety of therapeutic opportunities compared with the past, ensuring shorter and well tolerated treatments with a much better outcome.
For CyberKnife radiosurgery, the precise interpretation of the normal probability of tissue complications (NTCP) is extremely important due to the reverse planning algorithm and the non-isocentric irradiation geometry adopted by the system, which requires the setting of dose constraints for any organ at risk (OAR). Despite eight decades of practice in radiation therapy, the current understanding of radiobiology remains fairly imprecise, especially the tolerance limits of OAR at hypofractionated schedules. Here, we provide an overview of the radiation tolerance limits of the optic pathway, spinal cord, brain, and other central nervous system OARs. Above all, we summarize the basic principles of radiobiology and describe how these can be used to aid decision making for hypofractionated treatments. Basically, we provide radiobiological bases to build models that can be used to safely and effectively extrapolate the doses to be delivered in hypofractioned schedules, starting from single fraction clinical data and conventionally fractionated radiotherapy. Although this approach has several limitations, it can provide some practical suggestions and help users to increase confidence with hypofractionated approaches.
Background High arteriovenous malformation (AVM) obliteration rates have been reported with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), and multiple factors have been found to be associated with AVM obliteration. These predictors have been inconsistent throughout studies. We aimed to analyze our experience with linear accelerator (LINAC)-based SRS for brain AVMs, evaluate outcomes, assess factors associated with AVM obliteration and review the various reported predictors of AVM obliteration. Methods Electronic medical records were retrospectively reviewed to identify consecutive patients with brain AVMs treated with SRS over a 27-year period with at least 2 years of follow-up. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with AVM obliteration. Results One hundred twenty-eight patients with 142 brain AVMs treated with SRS were included. Mean age was 34.4 years. Fifty-two percent of AVMs were associated with a hemorrhage before SRS, and 14.8% were previously embolized. Mean clinical and angiographic follow-up times were 67.8 months and 58.6 months, respectively. The median Spetzler-Martin grade was 3. Mean maximal AVM diameter was 2.8 cm and mean AVM target volume was 7.4 cm³ with a median radiation dose of 16 Gy. Complete AVM obliteration was achieved in 80.3%. Radiation-related signs and symptoms were encountered in 32.4%, only 4.9% of which consisted of a permanent deficit. Post-SRS AVM-related hemorrhage occurred in 6.3% of cases. In multivariate analysis, factors associated with AVM obliteration included younger patient age (P = .019), male gender (P = .008), smaller AVM diameter (P = .04), smaller AVM target volume (P = .009), smaller isodose surface volume (P = .005), a higher delivered radiation dose (P = .013), and having only one major draining vein (P = .04). Conclusions AVM obliteration with LINAC-based radiosurgery was safe and effective and achieved complete AVM obliteration in about 80% of cases. The most prominent predictors of AVM success included AVM size, AVM volume, radiation dose, number of draining veins and patient age.
Purpose To review the radiobiological mechanisms of stereotactic body radiation therapy stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) and stereotactic radiation surgery (SRS). Methods and Materials We reviewed previous reports and recent observations on the effects of high-dose irradiation on tumor cell survival, tumor vasculature, and antitumor immunity. We then assessed the potential implications of these biological changes associated with SBRT and SRS. Results Irradiation with doses higher than approximately 10 Gy/fraction causes significant vascular injury in tumors, leading to secondary tumor cell death. Irradiation of tumors with high doses has also been reported to increase the antitumor immunity, and various approaches are being investigated to further elevate antitumor immunity. The mechanism of normal tissue damage by high-dose irradiation needs to be further investigated. Conclusions In addition to directly killing tumor cells, high-dose irradiation used in SBRT and SRS induces indirect tumor cell death via vascular damage and antitumor immunity. Further studies are warranted to better understand the biological mechanisms underlying the high efficacy of clinical SBRT and SRS and to further improve the efficacy of SBRT and SRS.
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We attempted to assess clinical results of management of cerebral arteriovenous malformation using a combination of endovascular, surgical and radiotherapeutic approaches. We retrospectively reviewed the angiographic and clinical data on prospectively collected consecutive patients treated by embolization from 1994 to 2004. The general philosophy was to attempt treatment by a combination of approaches only when an angiographic cure was likely or at least possible. The clinical outcome was assessed according to the modified Rankin scale. Although 404 patients were collected, complete files and follow-ups are available for 227 or 56% only. Most patients presented with hemorrhages (53%) or seizures (23%). The final management consisted in embolization alone in 34%, embolization followed by surgery in 47%, embolization and radiotherapy in 16%, and embolization, surgery and radiotherapy in 3% of patients. The embolization procedure itself could lead to an angiographic cure in only 16% of patients. When the management strategy could be completed, the cure rate increased to 66%. Complications of embolization occurred in 22.6% of patients. Overall clinical outcome was excellent (Rankin 0) in 43%, good (Rankin 1) in 38%, fair (Rankin 2) in 10%, poor (Rankin 3–5) in 2%, and the death rate was 7%. A combined strategy initially designed to provide angiographic cures cannot be completed in a significant number of patients; the total morbidity of treatment remains significant. There is no scientific evidence that cerebral arteriovenous malformations should be treated, and no clinical trial to prove that one approach is better than the other. Various treatment protocols have been proposed on empirical grounds. Small lesions can often be eradicated, with surgery when lesions are superficial, or with radiation therapy for deeper ones. There has been little controversy regarding therapeutic indications in these patients. The management of larger AVMs, sometimes in more eloquent locations, is much more difficult and controversial. Endovascular approaches have initially been developed to meet this challenge. It became quickly evident that embolization alone would rarely suffice to completely cure these lesions. The philosophy behind combined approaches is founded on 2 opinions: 1) There is no proven value of partial embolization, not even “partial benefits”, and treatment should aim at an angiographic cure and 2) By appropriately tailoring all available tools to each situation, such a cure could be reached with minimum or reasonable risks. We have used such a combined strategy for more than a decade now. Endovascular techniques and materials have evolved, and it is perhaps possible today to reach a cure by embolization alone in a larger proportion of patients than before. Aggressive embolizations, aiming for an endovascular cure, even sometimes in large lesions, have recently been promoted for their power or criticized for their risks. But before evaluating the advantages and inconveniences of new treatments, it may be wise to review the results we could achieve with a conventional approach combining endovascular, surgical and radiotherapeutic techniques.
Object. The authors present data concerning the development of cysts following gamma knife surgery (GKS) in 1203 consecutive patients with arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) treated by the senior author (L.S.). The cyst was defined as a fluid-filled cavity at the site of a treated AVM. Cases involving regions corresponding to previous hematoma cavities were excluded. The incidence of cyst formation was assessed using magnetic resonance imaging studies performed in 196 cases with more than 10 years of follow up, in 332 cases with 5 to 10 years of follow up, and in 675 cases with less than 5 years of follow up. One hundred five cases were lost to follow-up study. The Cox regression method was used to analyze the factors related to cyst formation. Methods. The incidence of cyst formation in the entire patient population was 1.6 and 3.6% in those undergoing follow-up examination for more than 5 years. Ten of 20 cysts developed between 10 to 23 years, nine between 5 to 10 years, and one in less than 5 years following the treatment. Cyst fluid aspiration, cystoperitoneal shunt placement, or craniotomy were used in three symptomatic cases. Analysis of age, sex, and treatment parameters yielded no significant relationship with cyst formation; however, radiation-induced tissue change following GKS (p = 0.027) and prior embolization (p = 0.011) were related to cyst formation. Conclusions. Overall, the incidence of cyst formation in patients who underwent GKS for AVM was 1.6%. The development of the cyst was related to the duration of the follow-up period. When cysts are symptomatic, surgical intervention should be performed.
✓ An important factor in making a recommendation for treatment of a patient with arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is to estimate the risk of surgery for that patient. A simple, broadly applicable grading system that is designed to predict the risk of morbidity and mortality attending the operative treatment of specific AVM's is proposed. The lesion is graded on the basis of size, pattern of venous drainage, and neurological eloquence of adjacent brain. All AVM's fall into one of six grades. Grade I malformations are small, superficial, and located in non-eloquent cortex; Grade V lesions are large, deep, and situated in neurologically critical areas; and Grade VI lesions are essentially inoperable AVM's. Retrospective application of this grading scheme to a series of surgically excised AVM's has demonstrated its correlation with the incidence of postoperative neurological complications. The application of a standardized grading scheme will enable a comparison of results between various clinical series and ...
We have previously described the development of a technique which utilizes a standard linear accelerator to provide stereotactic, limited field radiation. The radiation is delivered using a modified and carefully calibrated 6 MV linear accelerator. Precise target localization and patient immobilization is achieved using a Brown-Roberts-Wells (BRW) stereotactic head frame which is in place during angiography, CT scanning, and treatment. Seventeen arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) have been treated in 16 patients from February 1986 to July 1988. Single doses of 1500-2500 cGy were delivered using multiple non-coplanar arcs with small, sharp edged x-ray beams to lesions less than 2.7 cm in greatest diameter. The dose distribution from this technique has a very rapid dropoff of dose beyond the target volume. Doses were prescribed at the periphery of the AVMs, typically to the 80-90% isodose line. Eleven of 16 patients have been followed by repeat angiography at least 1 year following treatment. Five of 11 have had complete obliteration of their AVM in 1 year and an additional three patients have achieved complete obliteration by 24 months. There have been no incidences of rebleeding or serious complications in any patient. We conclude that stereotactic radiosurgery using a standard linear accelerator is an effective and safe technique in the treatment of intracranial AVMs and the results compare favorably to the more expensive and elaborate systems that are currently available for stereotactic treatments.
Objective: The obliteration response of an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) to radiosurgery is strongly dependent on dose and volume. For larger volumes, the dose must be reduced for safety, but this compromises obliteration. In 1992, we prospectively began to stage anatomic components in order to deliver higher single doses to symptomatic AVMs > 15 ml in volume. Methods: During a 17-year interval at the University of Pittsburgh, 1040 patients underwent radiosurgery for a brain AVM. Out of 135 patients who had multiple procedures, 37 patients underwent prospectively staged volume radiosurgery for symptomatic otherwise unmanageable larger malformations. Twenty-eight patients who were managed before 2002 were included in this study to achieve sufficient follow-up in assessing the outcomes. The median age was 37 years (range, 13-57 yr). Thirteen patients had previous hemorrhages and 13 patients had attempted embolization. Separate anatomic volumes were irradiated at 3 to 8 months (median, 5 mo) intervals. The median initial AVM volume was 24.9 ml (range, 10.2-57.7 ml). Twenty-six patients had two stages and two had three-stage radiosurgery. Seven patients had repeat radiosurgery after a median interval of 63 months. The median target volume was 12.3 ml. (range, 4.2-20.8 ml.) at Stage I and 11.5 ml. (range, 2.8-22 ml.) at Stage II. The median margin dose was 16 Gy at both stages. Median follow-up after the last stage of radiosurgery was 50 months (range, 3-159 mo). Results: Four patients (14%) sustained a hemorrhage after radiosurgery; two died and two patients recovered with mild permanent neurological deficits. Worsened neurological deficits developed in one patient. Seizure control was improved in three patients, was stable in eight patients and worsened in two. Magnetic resonance imaging showed T2 prolongation in four patients (14%). Out of 28 patients, 21 had follow-up more than 36 months. Out of 21 patients, seven underwent repeat radiosurgery and none of them had enough follow- up. Of 14 patients followed for more than 36 months, seven (50%) had total, four (29%) near total, and three (21%) had moderate AVM obliteration. Conclusions: Prospective staged volume radiosurgery provided imaging defined volumetric reduction or closure in a series of large AVMs unsuitable for any other therapy. After 5 years, this early experience suggests that AVM related symptoms can be stabilized and anticipated bleed rates can be reduced.
Dural arteriovenous malformations of the transverse sinus are relatively well localized to the occipitomastoid regions and occur predominantly in women who are more than 40 years of age. The signs and symptoms, except for pulsatile tinnitus, vary and apparently depend on the presence of impaired venous drainage, which may produce increased intracranial pressure, papilledema, and transient or persistent neurologic deficits. Eight of the 14 patients described had occlusion of one or both transverse or sigmoid sinuses. Two patients had angiographic demonstration of sigmoid or transverse sinus occlusion (one 1 year and the other 4 years) before the development of an arteriovenous malformation in the appropriate sinus. Dural sinus occlusion may precede the development of a dural arteriovenous malformation, and the pathogenesis may be partial recanalization of a thrombus.
The good results obtained by stereotactic radiosurgery in arteriovenous malformations has led the authors to expect similar results in low flow carotid-cavernous fistulae. In this paper, 20 cases who underwent radiosurgery with a conventional gamma source are presented. The total dose delivered was 36 to 40 Gy. 90% of the patients were cured after radiosurgery after a mean time of 7 months. Those presenting a mild improvement after a mean time of 2 months and those with a marked improvement after 4 months.