Conference PaperPDF Available

A Prototype Robot as an Example of Creative Repurposing of Accessible Technologies

  • IAFilm Productions

Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a prototype for a "robot" device to demonstrate that advanced functionality is achievable by utilising even a low-end smartphone's capabilities. Through a standard client-server architecture implemented using HTML, JavaScript, .Net Core and SQL Server, the robot achieves five innovative functions: remote control, location tracking, video streaming, motion detection, and speech recognition. The robot program integrates commonly available Web APIs and phone functionalities through the browser on the smartphone. This paper also outlines a series of experiments to test whether the robot performed the new tasks to a usable level. The final prototype displayed performance that exceeded expectations for modest low-cost equipment and rivalled or even equalled that of high end devices. The solution's front-end is based entirely on HTML and JavaScript running in-browser, and so it is platform independent and the smartphone stays unaffected. The project's architectural simplicity and modular design is ideal for hobbyists and students to learn technological concepts.
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A Prototype Robot as an Example of Creative
Repurposing of Accessible Technologies
Sadia Afrin
3rd Year Undergraduate Student
Manukau Institute of Technology
John Calder
Senior Lecturer
Manukau Institute of Technology
This paper presents a prototype for a “robot” device to demonstrate that advanced functionality is achievable by utilising
even a low-end smartphone’s capabilities. Through a standard client-server architecture implemented using HTML,
JavaScript, .Net Core and SQL Server, the robot achieves five innovative functions: remote control, location tracking,
video streaming, motion detection, and speech recognition. The robot program integrates commonly available Web APIs
and phone functionalities through the browser on the smartphone. This paper also outlines a series of experiments to test
whether the robot performed the new tasks to a usable level. The final prototype displayed performance that exceeded
expectations for modest low-cost equipment and rivalled or even equalled that of high end devices. The solution’s front-
end is based entirely on HTML and JavaScript running in-browser, and so it is platform independent and the smartphone
stays unaffected. The project’s architectural simplicity and modular design is ideal for hobbyists and students to learn
technological concepts.
Keywords: Repurposing, Smart Device, Smartphone, Accessible Technology, Location Tracking, Video Streaming,
Motion Detection, Robotics, Speech Recognition, Android, Client-Server, .Net Core, Creativity
Companies and individual hobbyists have devised several
innovative solutions by which they can utilise these devices or
their components to perform tasks beyond their design. They
do this through “creative repurposing” which refers to utilising
an object for a purpose different to its original intent. For
example, a smartphone camera’s major purpose is to take
photos. With creative repurposing, a user can use the focusing
feature of the camera to measure proximity. This would allow
the camera to be useful in a variety of applications such as
environmental monitoring, volume measurement, and motion
detection (Hoang & Niyato, 2016).
Among the different types of smart devices, smartphones have
attracted the most interest from companies and enthusiasts
intending to repurpose (Benton, Hazell, & Coats, 2015). This
paper outlines the design and implementation of a mobile
“robot”. It puts focus on utilising the major features of a
relatively low-spec and low-priced smartphone. The paper aims
to demonstrate that it is relatively easy to combine a variety of
existing features present in a smartphone to create an original
device with an array of innovative new functions.
Early in this project we investigated the attractive idea of
productive use of discarded obsolete smartphones as robot
brains. We found that highly capable low cost smartphones
outperform obsolete ones to a very large degree. Time spent
with the old phones is time that is too much taken up with
learning obsolete programming methods which do not give the
learning and teaching spinoff benefits that we get from use of a
new phone. The "Vodafone VFD-300 Smart Mini 7" has an
official cost of $49 and appears in sales in NZ for as little as
$29. It runs the Android 6 operating system which was the most
recent OS version during this project. The VFD-300 can run
current and latest beta versions of the programming
environments of interest. Work created on the VFD-300 runs
on a wide variety of related devices giving a standardised and
repeatable approach. One may buy an online auction bargain
which gives good prototyping value, but then when team
members and peers want to build on the findings the process of
shopping for the same or similar disappearing hardware
becomes an unwelcome barrier. There are similar issues with
sifting through waste and discarded materials for parts.
We had a similar experience with efforts to build robot bodies
out of parts and materials found in common supermarkets and
hardware stores. Progress was slow with remarkably few useful
items discovered. Promising items like kitchen gadgets were
subject to rapid stock turnover with design changes.
We suggest that recycling needs to be materials recycling and
new developments need to use accessible new materials. Our
progress accelerated when we changed to that approach which
included items like model aircraft parts, electronic parts and
mechatronic parts from suppliers servicing "maker" enthusiasts
and hobbyists.
This project takes the approach of practically demonstrating
how the repurposing project can be creative and what to do to
harness a device’s full potential. Utilising attributes of a smart
device with a greater level of efficacy than is usual in
repurposing projects can help to create such a prototype.
Therefore, the design needs to:
Utilise device processing power effectively.
Utilise device /output capabilities to a large extent.
Exploit device programmability.
Harness already provided software and operating systems
within the device.
This quality assured paper appeared at the 9th annual conference of Computing
and Information Technology Research and Education New Zealand
(CITRENZ2018) and the 31st Annual Conference of the National Advisory
Committee on Computing Qualifications, Wellington, July 11-13 during ITx 2018.
Easy availability, programmability, portability and low cost of
a smartphone makes it the target device the project is based on.
The most common/obvious features of a smartphone such as its
network card, the operating system, installed apps, camera, and
speakers are free to utilise to achieve the solution.
Furthermore, easy to obtain cheap motors and electronic
components can allow the smartphone to become mobile, and
the high availability of the internet would allow the system to
be accessible from a distance.
This project takes on the name: “Creative Repurposing of
Accessible Technologies” or “CRAT”. The name refers
directly to the three themes (Creativity, Repurposing and
Accessibility) that were adhered to while creating the
prototype. The word “Creative” encourages finding the
solution with novel approaches. “Repurposing” refers to
utilising components beyond what their original design
dictates. The word “Accessible” implies using readily available
components and features that are well within reach of the
technically savvy student or hobbyist.
This project aims to create a prototype of a device that a human
commander can control to perform a number of useful
functions. It must utilise many of the existing functionalities
found in a typical smartphone. The original device will remain
untouched at a low level and will be useable as a normal
smartphone when taken out of the project’s setting or hardware.
5.1 Mobilisation and Remote Control
The smartphone must travel using readily available electronic
and mechanical parts. The smartphone becomes open to new,
previously unplanned use cases by allowing it to move, and
making it controllable remotely. Since the smartphone has no
feature that allows it to move, construction of a movable
housing for the phone is necessary.
5.2 Location Tracking
The device must have the ability to provide a constant update
on its location. This provides a level of confidence if the phone
travels out of the controller’s sight. The GPS (Global
Positioning System) module of the phone can provide this
5.3 Live video streaming
The device must allow the controller to view the remote
location through the phone’s camera as a live video feed. The
device should be movable while the controller views the feed,
transforming the smartphone into a remote exploration tool.
5.4 Motion detection
The smartphone must be able to monitor an area for movement
and record any motion with snapshots taken from the phone
camera. The mobility of the device, combined with this
detection feature, allows free positioning of the phone to
monitor hard-to-reach places.
5.5 Speech recognition and vocal feedback
The smartphone must be able to communicate vocally at a
rudimentary level using prebuilt responses to a predefined set
of questions. This objective aims to demonstrate the potential
of the device to serve as an entertainment/helper robot.
John Calder, Senior Lecturer at Manukau Institute of
Technology, at Manukau Institute of Technology laid the
groundwork for this project by constructing a fully functioning
robot housing circuitry and establishing the communication
infrastructure. He created the housing to accommodate an
inexpensive smartphone (Vodafone Smart Mini 7) and
succeeded in making the robot move by controlling it remotely.
He then initiated this project to enhance the existing hardware
and software setup.
This paper mostly reports on work done as a student project by
Sadia Afrin supervised by John Calder. Sadia Afrin had a
timeframe of eight weeks for her investigations adding value to
John Calder's existing prototype which was achieving Mobility
and imprecise Remote Control. Taking into consideration the
time it would take to create the project proposal and write other
documentation, the feature implementation phase needed to
have a cap of only four weeks. Independently tackling each
requirement would give the project the best chance of success.
This was to ensure that the project would have at least some
requirements completed by the deadline, if not all of them.
6.1 Prototype Architecture
The robot unit needed to be controllable by a human operator
and needed to send back videos, images, and other information.
The human operator devices were laptops. To achieve distant
remote control over the Public Internet, both devices need to
run in "Client" mode. There are high barriers to running server
software on the endpoint devices e.g. most if not all cell phone
networks will block communications for server-side software
running on smartphones. We know from our own trials that
Vodafone NZ does this. Therefore, our infrastructure is set up
so that the two endpoints can send and receive information by
submitting and requesting messages to/from a server. Figure 1
illustrates this architecture. This pattern is commonly known as
a publisher-subscriber pattern (Cao & Singh, 2004).
The controller application sends a text command (e.g., to move
the robot left/right, start or stop video streaming) to the server
by using this pattern. The server stores this command in a
relational database table. The server also sends back a response
to the controller containing any data that the robot has
previously posted (e.g., GPS location or video file). The
controller then displays this data to the user (e.g., by playing a
video or plotting GPS coordinates on the screen).
On the other side, the robots smartphone application submits
the data it has gathered (e.g., GPS coordinates or video
captures), to the server. The server stores it and responds back
with any commands that the controller had previously posted
(e.g., move left/right). The robot then functions according to
these commands (e.g., by moving left/right).
6.2 Research Approach
As mentioned previously, the emphasis on finding the simplest
solutions to the requirements led to extensive research on
readily available APIs and technologies. The quality of the
APIs combined with the quality of the hardware of the
smartphone should determine the quality of the final prototype.
Submits a
Submits data
data posted
by robot
6.3 Technology Stack Evaluation
The available technologies were freely or easily available and
enabled high-level programming across the range of
programming environments.
6.3.1 Backend: SQL Server
Microsoft SQL server allows sending messages and data by
saving them in a relational format and enables more than one
robot/commander pairing to happen through the same server.
The choice of this database fits with the Microsoft stack of
technologies that are utilised for this project. However, the data
and scripts are portable to any other relational database
management system supporting the SQL syntax (Turley &
Wood, 2009).
6.3.2 Server: ASP .Net Core
ASP .Net Core is a programming framework used to create web
applications to run on web servers. This project uses it to
implement the logic of the publish-subscribe pattern and to
retrieve/send information to and from the database. This
framework has the added benefit of being able to run on any
operating system, ensuring that it doesn’t restrict potential
future adopters to a Microsoft specific infrastructure
(Chambers, Paquette, & Timms, 2016).
6.3.3 Robot Client: Android
Android devices are generally available at a low cost while
providing satisfactory performance. It is the world’s most
popular mobile operating system, and therefore more technical
assistance should be available for it than with other alternatives.
The major disadvantage is that due to the low price of the
device, its battery may not last as long or the processor may not
perform tasks as quickly as more expensive devices.
6.3.4 Programming Languages
The project adheres to only an essential set of languages to keep
the language ecosystem for the project as minimal as possible.
JavaScript handles all client-side programming needs (Github,
2017). HTML was the ideal choice for the frontend display
language on both the robot smartphone and controller. Given
the choice of ASP .Net Core as the server-side framework, the
language used to program the server is C#.
The unit’s required features all rely on the client/server
communication channel established with the help of the
technologies mentioned. Despite there being an indirect
connection, the latency should not be unsatisfactory given that
average network latencies within New Zealand are less than 20
milliseconds (Truenet, 2017). Another advantage is that the
smartphone and the human commander apps simply need to
connect to the internet which allows them to use the most
readily available network (such as mobile internet, Wi-Fi or
Ethernet). As soon as either device connects to a network, it can
make independent requests without relying on the status of the
other device. This prevents the complexity of managing a real-
time direct connection.
A limitation of this approach is the need for a polling
mechanism in both apps to periodically grab information from
the server. This could lead to a transfer of unnecessary network
data if neither device has any useful information to
send/receive. The polling period needs to be frequent (0.2 sec)
to pass near-real-time movement and information updates
between devices. We have coded a "long polling" solution
where at times of no change detected the period can slow down
to a maximum interval of 4 sec.
Both the human commander unit and the robot unit used simple
HTML pages to send/receive commands. Due to the high
availability and popularity of the languages that form the web
ecosystem (HTML/CSS/JavaScript), they were the best choice
for a project focusing on ease of accessibility to the technology.
Leveraging asynchronous HTTP POST requests allowed
sending and receiving data to the server from each page. The
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a system of rules that
allows transfer of messages digitally to a web server. The
POST method carries data to the server through a response-
request mechanism, where a client (the robot or controller
page) sends a request with data, and the server then responds
with a status update.
Our planned developments include changing from HTTP to the
newer "Websockets" protocol which is designed to better meet
real-time communication needs.
Figure 2: Robot body circuit closeup
Usually, the screen of a smartphone displays information to a
human user for their consumption. This project utilises the
smartphone screen as an output device. The circuit is an easily
obtainable Arduino board connected to four LDR light sensors
and a pair of motors. Each of the light sensors is adjacent to a
light patch on the smartphone’s screen. When the light patches
activate (turn light or dark), the light sensors respond. When
the Arduino board recognises this activation, it spins the motors
accordingly. This moves the robot’s wheels and allows it to
travel. Figure 3 illustrates the flow of control from the light
patches to the motors.
Figure 3: Robot body circuit diagram
Controlling the light patches on the smartphone is the
responsibility of the human commander application (HTML
7.1 Movement with Game Controller
By connecting a commonly available Xbox game controller via
USB to a laptop, and by leveraging the GamePad API provided
in the Chrome Browser, the webpage was able to pick up the
full array of button presses and joystick movements (Mills,
2017). The human commander page picked up only one of the
joystick controls of the gamepad to keep the project simple. The
output of the joystick was very sensitive to the slightest touch,
and so a predefined threshold prevents the robot from moving
Light patches on
smartphone screen
Light dependent
Arduino Circuit
Electric Motors
unless the user explicitly moves the joystick by a significant
amount (50% of the range of the joystick).
Also coded was a mouse interface for when the game controller
was not available.
7.2 GPS
The phone’s GPS unit allows access to the device’s location by
apps. In this project, the HTML5 Geolocation API provided a
trivial way to access the device coordinates from the HTML
page using JavaScript, without needing to create any native
applications (W3Schools, n.d.).
The existing code of the robot page polled the server with back-
to-back HTTP POST requests to obtain movement instructions
from the controller. By leveraging this POST request with
additional data containing the coordinates of the robot, the
robot page successfully sent its location to the server. The
server simply updated a pair of latitude and longitude records
related to the robot in the database.
The human commander app, as part of its usual polling, picked
up the additional coordinates recorded against the robot’s
record in the database and displayed them on a Google map on
the page.
7.3 Motion Detection
(Afrin, CRAT Motion Detection, 2018)
The typical use of the smartphone camera is for a user to take
photos and videos. This project utilises the camera differently,
by receiving a live video feed and processing the frames to
detect whether there was any motion.
Firstly, using the WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication)
API provided in the browser, the HTML page captures a video
from the phone camera. As every frame of video arrives on the
page, a third-party library called “DiffCamEngine” compares
the current frame against the previous frame and checks for
differences in pixel colour value (Boyd, 2016). This
comparison yields a numerical result, and if this result is above
a certain threshold, it triggers a photo upload to the server. The
uploaded photo is essentially the captured frame of the video
which caused the high numerical output.
Figure 4: Visual demonstration of motion detection
algorithm output
The uploading process saves the photo on the server’s file
system grouped by date and is viewable from the controller
The main challenge of this motion detection system is to be able
to determine an optimal sensitivity threshold. A threshold
which is too low will yield false positives, and a threshold
which is too high will cause the robot to miss valid movement
7.4 Video Streaming
Recording videos is a very common use of a smartphone
camera, but in this project, the robot utilises the camera and
microphone to stream videos to the controller page.
The WebRTC API provides functionality for streaming video
over a network. To allow video streaming to function with
common connections to the public internet would require
setting up a TURN server at extra cost. A TURN server allows
two devices on different networks to connect directly and send
data between each other (Hätönen, et al., 2010).
Our approach was to emulate video streaming by programming
the robot to send chunks of video of approximately one-second
length to the server and programming the controller to
download them one after another. The WebRTC functionality
provided the ability to record the video chunks, and they
reached the server via HTTP POST requests.
This second approach adheres to the theme of simplicity,
creativity and resorting to only readily available technology to
achieve our project goals. This makes it the ideal approach to
take for this project, even though it may not be as performant
as the first.
7.5 Speech Recognition
(Afrin, CRAT Speech Recognition, 2018)
The SpeechRecognition API provides the logic for our speech
recognition trials. The SpeechSynthesis API provides the vocal
output capability (abbycar, 2016). Both APIs utilise the native
speech recognition and speech output capabilities of the device
from within the browser. When the human speaks into the
microphone, the SpeechRecognition API outputs an array of
possible phrases in plain text (Ponomarev, 2017). By coding
with JavaScript, we enable the robot to check for certain
phrases that the API has recognised and chooses from a list of
predefined matching responses. It then picks one response and
calls the Speechsynthesis API with the chosen response. This
makes the robot speak the response out loud. While the robot
talks, the SpeechRecognition engine pauses so that it does not
pick up its own speech.
There is no personal data collected from any device without the
permission of the user. Additionally, the Chrome browser asks
the user explicitly when it needs to access the location, camera
or microphone.
A series of experiments tested the capabilities of the unit under
real world scenarios with various relevant factors. These
experiments assessed each requirement individually with
multiple trials and controls where possible. There was a
restricted amount of time and effort placed in testing the
device’s performance, resulting in high error allowances and
low trial numbers. Holding further trials under a greater variety
of network and environmental conditions would reduce error
rates and maximise test reliability.
Figure 5: Video streaming data flow
9.1 GPS Accuracy Test
Placement of two other higher end smartphones (A Google
Nexus 5X and an iPhone 7) alongside the robot unit, allowed
comparison of the accuracy of the robot’s GPS location. Then
all three devices were moved to four different sites to compare
their latitude and longitude readings at the same time and the
same location. The human commander app remotely observed
the robot’s latitude and longitude readings, while the readings
from the other phones were recorded manually from observing
the phone’s output.
Table 1 outlines the results of the test. The precise coordinate
values fluctuate very rapidly due to a lack of dampening on the
phones, but one random sample coordinate reading, from each
device, at each location, was sufficient to show that all 3
devices were giving almost identical results. Figure 6 shows the
coordinate readings from the three devices plotted on a map for
each site. The coordinate readings from the three devices all fell
within 2-3 meters of each other.
Table 1: GPS Coordinate Accuracy Test Results
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Figure 6: Aerial view of all geolocation test sites with 3
phone locations for each.
9.2 Controller Latency Test
The robot and the commander were set up to test the
commander-to-robot latency under favourable local area
network conditons. The robot smartphone and the human
commander laptop were the only two devices on a home Wi-Fi
Table 2 outlines the results from the controller latency test. A
built-in JavaScript function provided the logged times.
Table 2: Game Controller Latency Results
Command Time
Response Time
9.3 Video Streaming Latency Test
The video streaming latency test measured the time difference
between an event happening in front of the phone camera and
the same event displaying to the human commander. A
stopwatch recorded the time difference and the recorded value
has an error allowance of ±500ms due to accounting for
reasonable human reaction time (Thorpe, Fize, & Marlot,
1996). The control devices for this experiment were a Google
Nexus 6 and a Samsung Galaxy J5. Table 3 outlines the results
from this test.
Table 3: Video Streaming Latency Results (Seconds)
Nexus 6
Galaxy J5
9.4 Motion Detection Test
The robot was set up to commence monitoring in three different
environments ranging from daylight to dim light with minimal
background movement to carry out testing on the motion
detection feature. Then a yellow object of size 300mm x
300mm passed in front of the camera from varying distances
ranging from 1m to 5m. There were ten trials for each distance
for each device and the results yielded a success rate
percentage. The control devices for this experiment were a
Google Nexus 6 and a Samsung Galaxy J5.
Table 4 outlines the results of the motion detection experiment.
The ambient light levels of the experiment were:
Daylight: 3083.9 lux
Bright: 42.8 lux
Dark: 12.3 lux
The error allowance of this experiment is ±5% due to minor
background movements.
Table 4: Motion Detection Test Results
Nexus 6 Successful Detection Percentage
Daylight %
Bright %
Dark %
Galaxy J5 Successful Detection Percentage
Daylight %
Bright %
Dark %
Robot VFD-300 Successful Detection Percentage
Daylight %
Bright %
Dark %
Figure 7: Motion detection success rate under bright
9.5 Speech Recognition Test
To test the accuracy of the speech recognition engine, the phone
was set in loud and quiet environments, then spoken to with a
clear voice. There were 20 trials attempted from varying
distances (1m 5m) with the same voice and same predefined
prompts. These trials yielded a success percentage for each
distance. The control devices for this experiment were a Google
Nexus 6 and a Samsung Galaxy J5.
Table 5 outlines the results of the speech recognition accuracy
test carried out under different background noise conditions.
The loud environment had a decibel reading of 70.4dB
whereas the quiet environment had a decibel reading of 38.5dB.
The speaker tried to use a consistent voice level despite the
background noise, but there may have been an element of
human error as the human voice automatically adjusts to the
loudness of the background noise (Lindstrom, Waye,
Södersten, McAllister, & Ternström, 2011). The allowance for
this error was ±20%.
Table 5: Speech Recognition Accuracy Percentage in
Loud and Quiet Environments
Nexus 6
Galaxy J5
The GPS unit’s accuracy was satisfactory because the
coordinate readings from the three devices all fell within 2-3
meters of each other. The close clustering of readings at each
site from all devices proves that the robot can successfully
transmit its location as per high-end smartphone standards.
As shown from the experiment to investigate the lag between
the game controller command and the robot’s response, the unit
was able to respond within 452ms on average. According to the
findings from Claypool and Claypool (2006), the average lag
in online games should be under 500ms - the threshold of a
third-person sport/RPG game. This is a comparable use case for
the movement of the unit.
The practical, real-world value of this latency, however, will
depend on the network speeds for both the commander and the
robot. The test would require more trials under a variety of
network conditions to claim a reliable average response time.
The results of the speech recognition test demonstrates that the
robot picks up human speech better than expected under very
loud background noise conditions. However, it is not able to
perform effectively from a long distance. This is likely to be
due to the smartphone’s microphone capability. This means
that the robot, as it stands, does not perform to the quality of
home automation or Amazon Alexa-like devices (Yan, Castro,
Cheng, & Ishakian, 2016) but it still has the potential to carry
out tasks which involve the user being near the device. One
possible solution for our robot is for the human commander to
move the robot closer to the speaker.
The motion detection test results indicate a heavy reliance on
bright light for the feature to work satisfactorily. This means
that the feature will not work at night without satisfactory
lighting. However, the robot can act as a typical home security
device during the daytime, as it can monitor an area over a large
distance. One caveat to using the device over a large distance
though is that it has the potential to pick up false positives due
to random movements from the environment (due to a larger
field of view) (Harrouss, Moujahid, & Tairi, 2015). Therefore,
the ideal place to station it is in a room (with no people) or a
location without much external movement.
The solution prototype exists to answer the three research
questions outlined before:
“How can the repurposing process be creative?”
1m 2m 3m 4m 5m
Nexus 6 Galaxy J5 Robot
1m 2m 3m 4m 5m
Nexus 6 Loud Nexus 6 Quiet
Galaxy J5 Loud Galaxy J5 Quiet
Robot Loud Robot Quiet
“What are the benefits of repurposing smart devices
“What is required to harness the full potential of smart
This paper responds to the first research question with:
“The repurposing process can be creative by intentionally
aspiring to find a unique way to utilise any component that is
This approach yielded the designs and solutions present in the
project. Among several innovations, some highlights are as
The project utilised the phone’s web browser to simplify
app development and provide a cross-platform solution.
This allows the client-side code to remain maintainable and
reduces deployment effort.
The phone’s camera, while normally simply used to take
photos, can detect motion and still serve its original purpose
(by capturing the motion event in a photo).
MS SQL Server stores the chunks of video sent during
video streaming rather than the server’s file system. This
enables fast data transfer during a time-critical scenario like
video streaming. MS SQL Server was never designed to
perform video streaming, but it performs in this project
without fault.
The screen of the robot serves a completely different
purpose to what it would have been designed for. Its
purpose is to allow humans to view the phone’s screen to
consume information. In this project, however, a set of light
dependent resistors consume the information on the screen.
This in turn sets the entire unit into motion through a very
simple circuit.
The second research question asks to outline the benefits of
repurposing smart devices creatively. The largest benefit of this
prototype is that it has the potential to serve as an educational
tool. The target audience of this robot are tech-savvy teachers,
students or hobbyists. Its low cost and simple architecture
allows educational institutions to replicate the design, using it
as a tool to teach how a client-server system can be utilised in
a unique and interesting way. This project’s focus on using
readily available programming languages and a popular
software platform makes it easy to integrate into most software
or robotics courses. For a beginner, the gentle learning curve of
HTML and JavaScript can allow them to become familiar with
important technical concepts used throughout the development
The third research question seeks the gateway to access the
potential of a smart device. For this project, this gateway was
the factory installed Chrome browser. Additionally, some easy
to understand and well-documented JavaScript APIs allowed
easy interaction with the smartphone’s capabilities.
Interacting with the device hardware through the browser using
JavaScript provides a few major benefits as opposed to using a
low-level language:
It makes the functionality cross-platform and easily
deployable to any device. Any smartphone, tablet, laptop
or desktop computer from any manufacturer, even when
not placed in the mobile robot housing, can be utilised,
simply by visiting a link (URL).
The device does not need any special configuration or apps
to unmask its potential. Even when there is an update to the
program, there is no software deployment necessary. This
is a simpler user experience than even a standalone app can
The current version of the Chrome browser (Version
62.0.3202.84) fully supports the features and APIs that are
necessary for the prototype to function. The device used
was a very low-end smartphone with storage and memory
issues. Despite these shortcomings, the Chrome browser
successfully performed all tasks required by this project.
11.1 Implications
To answer the second research question from a real-world
benefit viewpoint, the potential applications of this project
An all-rounder robot companion.
A toy or entertainment robot.
Security monitor for an empty home.
Monitor babies and toddlers remotely.
Helper to the elderly or disabled by being personable with
additional voice capabilities.
Viewer and explorer for remote locations for wildlife and
environment monitoring.
All these features are obtainable for a very low price as the parts
are readily available and are based on free and open source
A study into inserting smartphones into toys reveals a creative
approach to utilising device features in an entertaining way
(Fan, Shin, & Choudhury, 2014). In a similar way, the speech
recognition system from this project can interact with a child to
teach them vocabulary and mathematics.
Interested parties can utilise the lessons learned from a project
such as this since it combines familiar technology in a unique
configuration to create something powerful and interesting.
Around the world, students drop out of engineering and science
courses because they do not get enough exposure to real-world
applications and use cases of their study material. This project
demonstrates a very practical way to utilise essential modern
technology and covers important concepts in programming,
robotics, and network communication. This real-world, result
oriented approach should relate to students in such courses and
peak their interest in the field of science and technology
(Cortés, Gaviria, Garcia, & Rueda, 2017).
11.2 Future Work
The architecture supports multiple robot and controller pairings
to allow the same server to serve multiple concurrent users.
This may be possible, but the project does not include tests with
multiple concurrent controller/robot pairings. The server may
need to use asynchronous methods or store the data in a
different storage system such as an in-memory database to
improve performance.
Depending on demand for the video streaming service, users
can purchase a TURN server to allow real-time video streaming
capability. The project is a prototype which is not ready for
commercial release because commercial grade testing needs to
take place before releasing it. The speech recognition prompts
and responses may need improvement or customisation to
provide more intelligent output to the user.
There is generally a lack of innovation when repurposing
devices because the industry tends to observe the same routines
and procedures. It is possible to construct a feature-packed
repurposed device by being creative. By utilising the original
device’s functionalities to a large degree, this approach
prevents wastage of the resources spent on creating the original
device. It also infuses the device with value beyond the
threshold of planned obsolescence.
The learning experience that a hobbyist or student can gain
from a repurposing endeavour such as this project is valuable
because it teaches a set of real-world skills using well known
and popular languages and platforms. A powerful solution is
possible to achieve even with a low-end device, by creatively
utilising components such as a cheap Android phone, a
standard browser, easy to learn programming languages, a
simple client/server setup, and pre-existing JavaScript libraries
and APIs.
By trying to utilise a piece of functionality in a different way to
its original purpose, reveals a large number of hidden
potentials. This can give new life to a device that its owner
would otherwise choose to discard. Additionally, this project
proves that even a low-end smartphone has similar capabilities
to devices several times its price.
Despite the awareness of the potential that smart devices have,
they are still underutilised. The greatest potential of this project
lies in its ability to inspire these people by revealing the power
of readily available components. Coupled with a simple
architecture and easy to learn programming languages and
APIs, even low end and obsolete smart devices can perform
tasks that are beyond typical expectations.
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Mobile robotics is being used in different education contexts, such as basic, middle, and high-level education. A literature review showed that 197 papers have been published in this area of knowledge over the past 10 years. Nowadays, Latin America faces a serious problem due to the low student enrollment in engineering programs, where, depending on the country, the ratio of graduate engineers can be 1 per 4500 to 1 per 10 000 people. In Colombia, the SPADIES program of the Ministry of Education affirms that the lack of motivation and interaction with real artifacts relating theory and practice is an important aspect for dropout. In this paper, a platform composed by a set of programmable mobile robots, and a WEB-responsive software tool for programming at different levels of knowledge was implemented. The set of mobile robots included sensors such as proximity, trajectory, light, inertial, and vision; also, communication and user interaction tools, such as Bluetooth and colored LEDs-ring, and a mechanical support for an erasable marker were included. The WEB-responsive tool supports graphical programming for novice; Python programming, for middle; and ANSI-C, for advanced learners. This platform consolidates a hands-on tool to introduce students to STEM concepts. Results are reported in the context of platform functionality, using all three programming environments, and beta tests with real users.
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We are currently living in a decade where smart objects and Internet of Things (IoT)-based devices are becoming part of daily life in different contexts. This research seeks to investigate and verify, by using a formal literature review methodology, the most visible aspects of technological development, within the Industry 4.0 and IoT scenario, in relation to the theories of the so called “Planned Obsolescence”. This study covers a defined number of works on Design theories and practices on how to face the issue of built-in obsolescence of devices in the era of the Connected Devices. The majority of the works studied are useful to create substrates of essential knowledge that strengthen the concept of premature ageing of technological devices and it has been noticed that the discipline of Design can be used as an incentive to extend life, improve the usability of existing products and empower user abilities.
Conference Paper
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Chatbots are emerging as the newest platform used by millions of consumers worldwide due in part to the commoditization of natural language services, which provide provide developers with many building blocks to create chatbots inexpensively. However, it is still difficult to build and deploy chatbots. Developers need to handle the coordination of the cognitive services to build the chatbot interface, integrate the chatbot with external services, and worry about extensibility, scalability, and maintenance. In this work, we present the architecture and prototype of a chatbot using a serverless platform, where developers compose stateless functions together to perform useful actions. We describe our serverless architecture based on function sequences, and how we used these functions to coordinate the cognitive microservices in the Watson Developer Cloud to allow the chatbot to interact with external services. The serverless model improves the extensibility of our chatbot, which currently supports 6 abilities: location based weather reports, jokes, date, reminders, and a simple music tutor.
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Purpose Waste management for end-of-life (EoL) smartphones is a growing problem due to their high turnover rate and concentration of toxic chemicals. The versatility of modern smartphones presents an interesting alternative waste management strategy: repurposing. This paper investigates the environmental impact of smartphone repurposing as compared to traditional refurbishing using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Methods A case study of repurposing was conducted by creating a smartphone “app” that replicates the functionality of an in-car parking meter. The environmental impacts of this prototype were quantified using waste management LCA methodology. Studied systems included three waste management options: traditional refurbishment, repurposing using battery power, and repurposing using a portable solar charger. The functional unit was defined as the EoL management of a used smartphone. Consequential system expansion was employed to account for secondary functions provided; avoided impacts from displaced primary products were included. Impacts were calculated in five impact categories. Break-even displacement rates were calculated and sensitivity to standby power consumption were assessed. Results and discussion LCA results showed that refurbishing creates the highest environmental impacts of the three reuse routes in every impact category except ODP. High break-even displacement rates suggest that this finding is robust within a reasonable range of primary cell phone displacement. The repurposed smartphone in-car parking meter had lower impacts than the primary production parking meter. Impacts for battery-powered devices were dominated by use-phase charging electricity, whereas solar-power impacts were concentrated in manufacturing. Repurposed phones using battery power had lower impacts than those using solar power, however, standby power sensitivity analysis revealed that solar power is preferred if the battery charger is left plugged-in more than 20 % of the use period. Conclusions Our analysis concludes that repurposing represents an environmentally preferable EoL option to refurbishing for used smartphones. The results suggest two generalizable findings. First, primary product displacement is a major factor affecting whether any EoL strategy is environmentally beneficial. The benefit depends not only on what is displaced, but also on how much displacement occurs; in general, repurposing allows freedom to target reuse opportunities with high “displacement potential.” Second, the notion that solar power is preferable to batteries is not always correct; here, the rank-order is sensitive to assumptions about user behavior.
Conference Paper
In this work, we address the problem of service pricing competition in Internet-of-Vehicle (IoV) networks where multiple service providers compete with each other to offer vehicular services to users. We first introduce IoV networks and then develop an economic model for the competitive pricing problem among service providers through using the Bertrand game model. With the Bertrand game, we find the offered prices for providers at the Nash equilibrium. Then, we analyze the impact of parameters on the offered prices. Furthermore, due to the inefficiency of the Nash equilibrium to the profits of service providers, we propose using a repeated game model with the aim to establish a cooperation among providers such that their profits can be improved. The simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed repeated game model as well as conditions to maintain the cooperation among providers.
Conference Paper
To detect the moving objects in a video sequence based on background subtraction approaches, a background model should be generated at the first time before subtract it from each image of the sequence and then segmenting the moving objects. But this detection can be difficult when the environment is influenced by illumination and weather changes. In The goal to solve the problem of environmental illumination changes in the background model and to classify pixels of the current image as foreground or background, a new method of background subtraction is presented in this paper. Firstly, the spatial color information is used to generate the background of each color space (R, G, and B) of the sequence. The absolute difference is computed to subtracting the background before compute the binary image of the moving objects using a threshold. This threshold is also used to update the background at each new image. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach is effective and accurate for moving objects detection and the use of spatial color information was robust to environmental illumination change. The experimental results are also compared with the results of the background estimation algorithm with Σ-Δ (SD) and Motion detection with pyramid structure of background model (MDPS).
Conference Paper
This paper envisions a future in which smartphones can be inserted into toys, such as a teddy bear, to make them interactive to children. Our idea is to leverage the smartphones' sensors to sense children's gestures, cues, and reactions, and interact back through acoustics, vibration, and when possible, the smartphone display. This paper is an attempt to explore this vision, ponder on applications, and take the first steps towards addressing some of the challenges. Our limited measurements from actual kids indicate that each child is quite unique in his/her "gesture vocabulary", motivating the need for personalized models. To learn these models, we employ signal processing-based approaches that first identify the presence of a gesture in a phone's sensor stream, and then learn its patterns for reliable classification. Our approach does not require manual supervision (i.e., the child is not asked to make any specific gesture); the phone detects and learns through observation and feedback. Our prototype, while far from a complete system, exhibits promise -- we now believe that an unsupervised sensing approach can enable new kinds of child-toy interactions.
Conference Paper
Based on recent industrial needs for a flexible integration of supervisory control systems and novel intuitive manual control units a new control layer is introduced. The control layer affords adaptive behaviour in terms of process and motion planning as well as flexible manual control of arbitrary robot controllers. It is located between the industrial robot controller and the control units. For the purpose of a flexible manufacturer-independent access to the robot controller we define an object-oriented programming interface. The set of robot commands is manufacturer-independent and includes all basic robot functions regarding motion and program control. An inherent capability of the control layer is the transformation of neutral object-oriented robot commands to manufacturer-specific robot languages. With an emphasis on the development of a flexible control layer, we aim for a media-independent communication solution. In order to cover a broad range of robotic applications, different communication standards of industrial automation are implemented. Finally, two applications, a smartphone robot control and a distributed robot control system, are presented and discussed.
The importance of latency and player action on the performance of online games, are discussed. Latency determines the way of feeling of online games by players and helps in designing online games to mitigate the its effects to meet expectations. As most of the online games run on a client-server architecture with a single, authoritative server designed to handle game logic, larger latency between the client and the server decrease the responsiveness of the game to players's action and degrades the performance of player. Latency is mainly due to time needed to transmit and receive the encoded action in an Internet Protocol (IP) packet, the time needed by the packet to propagate from one link to another and the time spent in a router queue during network congestion. Player action consisting of precision and deadline determines the effects of latency on that action. Network designers need to create infrastructure for providing quality of service (QoS) for online games.
Although the relationship between noise exposure and vocal behavior (the Lombard effect) is well established, actual vocal behavior in the workplace is still relatively unexamined. The first purpose of this study was to investigate correlations between noise level and both voice level and voice average fundamental frequency (F₀) for a population of preschool teachers in their normal workplace. The second purpose was to study the vocal behavior of each teacher to investigate whether individual vocal behaviors or certain patterns could be identified. Voice and noise data were obtained for female preschool teachers (n=13) in their workplace, using wearable measurement equipment. Correlations between noise level and voice level, and between voice level and F₀, were calculated for each participant and ranged from 0.07 to 0.87 for voice level and from 0.11 to 0.78 for F₀. The large spread of the correlation coefficients indicates that the teachers react individually to the noise exposure. For example, some teachers increase their voice-to-noise level ratio when the noise is reduced, whereas others do not.