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Heart Rate Variability: A Neuroscientific Perspective for Further Studies



Heart rate variability (HRV) has proven to be a useful tool for studies of autonomic control and its central integration. Technical and analytical developments continue to advance the available methods for extract- ing accurate estimates of the components of heart rate variability, and two international committees of scien- tists have now recognized the potential utility of these measures for both research and clinical applications (1,2). Additional research is necessary, however, to more fully elucidate the mechanisms of HRV and to re~ne approaches to the interpretation of these meas- ures.
HeartRateVariabilityBerntsonandCaciop po
Heart Rate Variability: A Neuroscienti~c Perspective
for Further Studies
Gary G. Berntson1and John T. Cacioppo2
1The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH;
and 2The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Heart rate variability (HRV) has proven to be a useful
tool for studies of autonomic control and its central
integration. Technical and analytical developments
continue to advance the available methods for extract-
ing accurate estimates of the components of heart rate
variability, and two international committees of scien-
tists have now recognized the potential utility of these
measures for both research and clinical applications
[1,2]. Additional research is necessary, however, to
more fully elucidate the mechanisms of HRV and to
re~ne approaches to the interpretation of these meas-
Neuroscienti~c Background
As noted by Malliani, Montano and Pagani [3] in the
previous (1997) issue on Noninvasive Cardiac Electro-
physiology, neural regulation of the heart entails a
complex interplay of central integrating mechanisms
and peripheral feedback loops. The dynamic interac-
tions of these processes result in rhythmical _uctu-
ations in heart rate within several frequency bands.
The high frequency (HF) band (0.15–0.4 Hz in
adults), associated with respiratory sinus arrhythmia
(RSA), is considered to re_ect vagal modulation of the
heart, as sympathetic sinoatrial synapses and their in-
tracellular signaling pathways effectively ~lter out pe-
riodic _uctuations beyond about 0.15 Hz [1–5]. At
lower frequencies, however, sympathetic as well as va-
gal rhythms can translate into periodic _uctuations in
heart rate. Consequently, lower frequency rhythms in
heart rate in the low frequency (LF) range (0.05–0.15
Hz; also referred to as the 0.1 Hz rhythm) or the very
low frequency range (0.003–0.05 Hz) can re_ect the
joint action of both sympathetic and parasympathetic
neural in_uences.
Although HF rhythms in heart rate can reasonably
be interpreted to re_ect _uctuations in vagal cardiac
control, there remain important caveats in interpreta-
tion. These _uctuations arise from the inspiratory-re-
lated inhibition of vagal out_ow, and thus would be
expected to correlate with the overall level of vagal
control. But vagal inhibition may not be complete with
typical inspiratory volumes, so the magnitude of vagal
_uctuations and associated HRV is also a function of
tidal volume [6]. Moreover, higher frequency respira-
tory _uctuations in vagal control are not as effectively
transferred to variations in heart rate as are lower
frequency respiratory rhythms [7]. Finally, respiratory
frequencies can sometimes fall below the typical 0.15
Hz band pass for HF variability, and thus appear in
lower frequency bands. These considerations indicate
the need for greater attention to respiratory parame-
ters in interpreting HF variability [2].
Interpretation of HRV at lower frequencies is even
more problematic. Although measures of LF vari-
ability are sometimes considered an index of sympa-
thetic control, both sympathetic and parasympathetic
branches can contribute to these rhythms. In fact, va-
gal blockade with atropine can dramatically reduces
LF variability [8]. A proposed interpretive approach is
based on the fact that the two autonomic branches are
often reciprocally controlled, with increases in the ac-
tivity of one branch associated with decreases in the
other [3]. To the extent to which a reciprocal relation-
ship holds among the autonomic branches, it is argued
that the problem of specifying the state of autonomic
control may be reducible to a bipolar dimension of sym-
pathovagal balance, an index of which (LF/HF ratio)
may be derivable from HRV measures [3,9]. An exam-
ple of reciprocal regulation can be found in basic brain-
stem re_exes such as baroreceptor heart rate re_ex,
although this is not an invariant pattern. Hypoxia
[10,11] or atrial stretch [12,13], for example, can yield a
re_ex coactivation of both autonomic branches. This
raises an important issue for measures of sympathova-
gal balance.
Although there are important feedback in_uences
on HRV, the crucial role of central integrative mecha-
nisms is increasingly recognized, and these mecha-
nisms are not limited to the brainstem [14,15]. In fact,
basic cardiovascular re_ex substrates can be modu-
lated or even bypassed by rostral neural systems.
These systems include the hypothalamus, the amyg-
dala and the medial prefrontal cortex, which have been
Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by grant
HL54428 from the National Institutes of Health, Heart Lung and
Blood Institute.
Address correspondence to: Gary G. Berntson, Ph.D., Ohio State
University, 1885 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210. E-mail:
Cardiac Electrophysiology Review 1999;3:279–282
© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
shown to issue monosynaptic projections to brainstem
re_ex networks as well as autonomic source nuclei [16].
Rostral systems appear to be more _exible in the pat-
tern of autonomic control that they exercise, and can
yield reciprocal, independent, or coactive changes in
the activities of the autonomic branches [17,18].
Even in cases where rostral in_uences foster a gen-
eral reciprocal mode of autonomic control, there ap-
pears to be an important difference from the pattern of
reciprocal control exerted by baroreceptor re_exes.
Selective pharmacological blockades revealed that an
orthostatic challenge and standard psychological stres-
sors (e.g., mental arithmetic, reaction time task) yield
a similar pattern of reciprocal sympathetic activation
and vagal withdrawal in human subjects, when consid-
ered at the group level [19]. The response to ortho-
static stress displayed minimal individual variation, so
the reciprocal changes in the autonomic branches were
highly correlated across subjects. In contrast, psycho-
logical stressors, typical of those encountered in daily
life, yielded wide individual differences in the mode of
response, with some subjects consistently showing
predominantly sympathetic activation, others primar-
ily vagal withdrawal, and still others a reciprocal pat-
tern of autonomic response [19].
These neurobehavioral in_uences highlight the
need for a more comprehensive and realistic frame-
work for models of central autonomic control. The
neurobiological perspective also focuses on a relatively
neglected source of variance in autonomic regulation,
related to the feedback consequences of autonomic
state on the operations of rostral neural systems
[16,20]. Peripheral feedback loops in basic autonomic
re_exes are central concepts in cardiovascular physiol-
ogy, but the role of ascending visceral afference in the
functions of higher neural control systems has received
less attention. In fact, there are relatively direct as-
cending pathways, such as the noradrenergic projec-
tion from the locus coeruleus and the corticopetal
cholinergic projection of the basal forebrain, whereby
activities in autonomic source nuclei and brainstem
re_ex networks can modulate higher neural processes
[16,20]. These relationships have important implica-
tions for future studies.
Directions for Further Studies
1. Improved methods for quanti~cation
of HRV components
There are many analytical challenges in decomposing
HRV into functional components that relate meaning-
fully to basic physiological mechanisms and processes
[1,2]. Nonstationarities in RR-interval series, the pres-
ence of arrhythmias in clinical populations, and even
the accurate measurement of cardiac events pose
methodological problems for HRV studies. These is-
sues are important for future studies, but will not be
further dealt with here, as they are considered else-
where in this volume. At least as important, however,
are empirical and conceptual developments in our un-
derstanding of the mechanisms of HRV.
2. Origins and mechanisms of
autonomic control
Although much is known of the multiple mechanisms
contributing to HRV, the relative contributions of cen-
tral and peripheral processes has not been fully settled
[2,15,24]. Adding complexity to this issue is the fact
that central cardiovascular control systems extend be-
yond the brainstem to the highest level of the neuraxis.
Whereas the construct of sympathovagal balance may
have applicability in limited contexts, it is less mean-
ingful in situations where nonreciprocal patterns of
control manifest [17,18,21]. The latter mandate more
comprehensive models of autonomic control, and stra-
tegically derived measures that tap critical features of
the broader cardiovascular control system. This does
not imply that the construct of sympathovagal balance
is meaningless—only that it is incomplete. In this re-
gard, two important directions for future research are
a) the delineation of conditions under which reciprocal
and other patterns of autonomic control manifest, as
well as the functional bases of these patterns of control,
and b) the further development of measures that re-
_ect more closely the broader underlying neurophysi-
ology of cardiovascular control [21,22].
3. Validation of HRV indices as markers
of physiological processes
It is important to progressively advance HRV meas-
ures from the status of outcomes of a state or process
to markers of that state or process [23]. Both outcome
measures and markers capture the predictive relation
from a physiological state to an experimental measure,
but a marker also permits inferences concerning the
physiological state from the experimental index,
whereas outcome measures do not. The mere fact that
a physiological state may be re_ected in an experimen-
tal measure is not suf~cient to infer the presence of
that physiological state from the measured index. At
this point, RSA may be considered a marker of vagal
control of the heart, because if variables such as age,
respiratory rate and depth, and other known determi-
nants are taken into account, a change in RSA can be
used to index changes in vagal control [1,2]. Although
the LF/HF measure of sympathovagal balance may
vary in the expected direction with reciprocal changes
in activities of the autonomic branches during ortho-
static challenges [3], a change in this index in other
contexts does not necessarily imply a reciprocal change
in autonomic control [2,21].
Outcome measures may be useful under some con-
ditions, but the ultimate utility of experimental meas-
ures relates to their validity as a markers of physiologi-
cal states, a status that has not yet been established for
indices of sympathovagal balance [2,21,24,25]. One ap-
280 Berntson and Cacioppo CEPR 1999; Vol. 3, No. 4
proach to this issue is to identify more thoroughly the
contextual determinants of patterns of HRV, as what
might otherwise be an outcome measure could assume
the status of a marker within a clearly de~ned set of
conditions. Another approach is to more fully elucidate
the physiological mechanisms that underlie these rela-
tions, including the in_uences of rostral neurobehavio-
ral systems, which would permit a more critical evalu-
ation and selection of relevant measures.
4. Clinical applications
Patterns of heart rate variability have proven effective
in risk strati~cation in premature infants, after myo-
cardial infarction, and in other cardiovascular dysfunc-
tions, and may have utility for diagnosis as well as
elucidation of the basic pathophysiology of a range of
disorders [1,2,26,27]. Moreover, because psychosocial
factors can impact on autonomic control [26,28], HRV
measures may offer the basis for clinical interventions
[29]. Because clinical issues are considered elsewhere
in this volume, we limit out attention to two perspec-
tive for future studies. One important focus for further
research concerns the speci~c cellular events and proc-
esses that mediate the links between patterns of auto-
nomic control, HRV, and clinical outcomes. Another
entails a broader perspective. Although the autonomic
nervous system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis, and the immune system have been viewed as
distinct functional domains, this view is no longer vi-
able. It is now recognized, or example, that (a) the
autonomic nervous system innervates immune tissues,
(b) neuroendocrine hormones and immune-tissue cy-
tokines impact on the central nervous system and auto-
nomic functions, and (c) that central corticotropin-re-
leasing-hormone systems exert important regulatory
in_uences over a wide spectrum of behavioral, auto-
nomic, neuroendocrine, and immune processes
[30,31,32]. In view of these considerations, autonomic
control can not be divorced from the broader range of
physiological systems with which it is integrally linked.
Patterns of autonomic control are both modulated by
rostral neural systems and in turn impact on higher
levels of the neuraxis [16], and these relations may
have substantial health implications. For example, re-
search in psychoneuroimmunology reveals that exag-
gerated heart rate reactivity to laboratory stressors
can predict immune reactions, including the immune
response to an in_uenza vaccine [33]. But recent re-
search reveals that it is the sympathetic component of
heart rate response, rather than heart rate reactivity
per se, that underlies this predictive relationship [33].
Moreover, peripheral immune responses have been
shown to impact importantly on central autonomic
regulation (in part via a vagal afferent pathway) [32].
The complexity of the bidirectional in_uences between
central systems and peripheral functional states may
seem daunting, but the broader health implications of
autonomic control and HRV may require attention to
this complex interplay.
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... The PNS activation and SNS deactivation produce stress relief to restore vagal dominance and healthy autonomic balance. The PNS and SNS operate mostly as opposing forces but can also be concurrently active in a specific area [17,18]. The PNS is inactive when the SNS is active, and vice versa. ...
Breath has a prime role in human mental and physical well-being. Alternating rhythms of the nasal cycle are connected to and govern the parasympathetic and sympathetic states of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS has a role in physiological, emotional, homeostatic, metabolic, and catecholamine regulation via the basic rest-activity cycle (BRAC). Hypoxia and disturbed nasal cycle lateralization may contribute to psychopathologies like schizophrenia. Deep breathing yoga exercises on a regular basis may be beneficial as a complementary therapy in restoring oxygen supply to brain neurons, correcting nasal cycle lateralization, and dealing with schizophrenia.
... The low-frequency power in the ECG signal can be produced by baroreflex activity (the body's homeostatic mechanism that maintains blood pressure at a nearly constant level) or by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (Akselrod et al., 1981;Berntson et al., 2007;Lehrer, 2007;Malik, 1996;Shaffer & Ginsberg, 2017). Since both branches of the autonomic nervous system can be simultaneously active (Berntson & Cacioppo, 1999;Shaffer et al., 2014), the relationship between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches in generating low-frequency power is complex, non-linear, and depends on the context, in particular, the experimental condition that is manipulated (Berntson et al., 1997;Billman, 2013;Shaffer et al., 2014). In the context of this study, increased low frequency power may reflect a higher attentional engagement during the task performance in the simultaneous mode, as was reported by the participants themselves. ...
... Ainsi, un ratio inspiration et expiration symétrique devrait promouvoir la balance sympatho-vagale et permettre l'émergence de l'état de cohérence physiologique (McCraty & Zayas, 2014). Cependant, la notion de "balance sympatho-vagale" a été remise en question pour plusieurs raisons : 1) la terminologie "balance" suppose une inhibition mutuelle entre la branche sympathique et celle parasympathique du système nerveux autonome (quand l'une s'active, l'activation de l'autre branche devrait se réduire), or il possible d'observer une activation simultanée de ces deux branches (Berntson & Cacioppo, 1999 ;Shaffer et al., 2014), 2) l'activité du nerf vague étant prédominante au repos et étant à l'origine des changements rapides du rythme cardiaque reflétant l'adaptation cardiovasculaire, elle devrait être un meilleur indicateur des capacités de régulation d'un organisme (Saul, 1990 ;Thayer & Sternberg, 2006), 3) comme mentionné précédemment, les indices de la variabilité du rythme cardiaque ne permettent pas d'indexer l'activité du système sympathique (Hayano & Yuda, 2019 ;Laborde et al., 2017), faisant de l'indice privilégié pour évaluer la balance sympatho-vagale (ratio LF/HF) une mesure peu fiable (Billman, 2013). ...
Dans l’Égypte ancienne, le cœur était considéré comme le siège de l’intelligence, de la mémoire et des émotions, et non le cerveau. Quelques siècles plus tard, des données de plus en plus nombreuses en psychophysiologie ont confirmé le rôle des signaux cardiovasculaires dans les processus mentaux, soulignant que, en plus du cerveau le cœur participerait à la cognition. La question alors se pose : Dans quelle mesure et selon quelles conditions l’adaptation cardiovasculaire est susceptible de contraindre la cognition ? Cette thèse de doctorat avait pour objectif d’étudier la relation entre l’adaptation cardiovasculaire et plus précisément de proposer une vision intégrative des contingences nécessaires à l’existence de cette relation.
... The LF/HF ratio would thus reflect the autonomic balance resulting from the hypothesis that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems competitively regulate sinoatrial node firing (Billman, 2013). However, it is now generally accepted that both branches of the autonomic nervous system can be simultaneously active (Berntson & Cacioppo, 1999) making LF/HF ratio interpretation controversial (Billman, 2013;Hayano & Yuda, 2019). Overall, vagallymediated HRV is considered as the most relevant index of self-regulatory abilities (Thayer et al., 2012). ...
Full-text available
The recent focus on the bidirectional heart-brain interactions in psychoneurophysiological research has led to a variety of findings suggesting vagal activity is associated with cognition and, possibly, specifically with executive functioning. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to provide a better understanding of the association between vagally-mediated heart rate variability (HRV) and executive functioning. We included 13 correlational studies. We found a small positive association between vagally-mediated HRV and executive functioning (r = 0.19, 95%CI 0.15 to 0.23, p < 0.0001) using a quantitative synthesis of existing studies with random-effect models. Conducting meta-regression analyses, we found that vagally-mediated HRV predicts cognitive inhibition and cognitive flexibility more than working memory. In addition to the specific executive function measured, this relationship is moderated by the HRV measurement used, and age. After proposing a theoretical interpretation of the results, we emphasized the need for further research in light of the methodological issues identified in the included studies, and we outline several aspects to consider in future studies.
... The LF/HF ratio should thus be interpreted with caution (Shaffer et al., 2014). Moreover, both branches of the autonomic nervous system can be simultaneously active (Berntson and Cacioppo, 1999). Furthermore, the interactions between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems are complex, non-linear, and frequently non-reciprocal (Billman, 2013). ...
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Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the differences between normobaric (NH) and hypobaric hypoxia (HH) on supine heart rate variability (HRV) during a 24-h exposure. We hypothesized a greater decrease in parasympathetic-related parameters in HH than in NH. Methods: A pooling of original data from forty-one healthy lowland trained men was analyzed. They were exposed to altitude either in NH (FIO2 = 15.7 ± 2.0%; PB = 698 ± 25 mmHg) or HH (FIO2 = 20.9%; PB = 534 ± 42 mmHg) in a randomized order. Pulse oximeter oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate (HR), and supine HRV were measured during a 7-min rest period three times: before (in normobaric normoxia, NN), after 12 (H12), and 24 h (H24) of either NH or HH exposure. HRV parameters were analyzed for time- and frequency-domains. Results: SpO2 was lower in both hypoxic conditions than in NN and was higher in NH than HH at H24. Subjects showed similarly higher HR during both hypoxic conditions than in NN. No difference in HRV parameters was found between NH and HH at any time. The natural logarithm of root mean square of the successive differences (LnRMSSD) and the high frequency spectral power (HF), which reflect parasympathetic activity, decreased similarly in NH and HH when compared to NN. Conclusion: Despite SpO2 differences, changes in supine HRV parameters during 24-h exposure were similar between NH and HH conditions indicating a similar decrease in parasympathetic activity. Therefore, HRV can be analyzed similarly in NH and HH conditions.
... However, it is frequently shifted due to reductions in LF power which do not reflect sympathetic nervous system activity at rest. Moreover, both branches of the ANS can be simultaneously active (Berntson and Cacioppo, 1999). Furthermore, the interactions between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems are complex, non-linear, and frequently non-reciprocal (Billman, 2013). ...
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Motor imagery (MI) for health and performance strategies has gained interest in recent decades. Nevertheless, there are still no studies that have comprehensively investigated the physiological responses during MI, and no one questions the influence of low-level contraction on these responses. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the neuromuscular, autonomic nervous system (ANS), and cardiometabolic changes associated with an acute bout of MI practice in sitting and standing condition. Twelve young healthy males (26.3 ± 4.4 years) participated in two experimental sessions (control vs. MI) consisting of two postural conditions (sitting vs. standing). ANS, hemodynamic and respiratory parameters, body sway parameters, and electromyography activity were continuously recorded, while neuromuscular parameters were recorded on the right triceps surae muscles before and after performing the postural conditions. While MI showed no effect on ANS, the standing posture increased the indices of sympathetic system activity and decreased those of the parasympathetic system (p < 0.05). Moreover, MI during standing induced greater spinal excitability compared to sitting posture (p < 0.05), which was accompanied with greater oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, ventilation, and lower cardiac output (p < 0.05). Asking individuals to perform MI of an isometric contraction while standing allows them to mentally focus on the motor command, not challenge balance, and produce specific cardiometabolic responses. Therefore, these results provide further evidence of posture and MI-related modulation of spinal excitability with additional autonomic and cardiometabolic responses in healthy young men.
... Enfin, le rapport LF/HF peut être utilisé comme un indice de la balance entre les activités sympathiques et parasympathiques ou balance sympatho-vagale (Pagani et al., 1986;Malliani et al., 1991;Task Force, 1996), bien que les branches sympathique et parasympathique interviennent conjointement dans la production de la puissance LF (Berntson et al., 1997;Berntson & Cacioppo, 1999;Billman, 2013;Shaffer et al., 2014). ...
Les études récentes en santé humaine supposent un lien de causalité entre la complexité des systèmes de contrôle psychophysiologique et la complexité des biosignaux qu’ils émettent. Le travail mené dans le cadre de cette thèse illustre ce principe en s’appuyant sur une démarche interdisciplinaire, combinant physiologie, psychologie et traitement du signal. Il vise à étudier les dynamiques des signaux physiologiques émis par l’Homme, en réponse à un stress induit en situation individuelle ou collective. Le stress étant un processus multifactoriel qui dépend de la perception et de l’interprétation d’une situation donnée par un individu, l’étude des signaux physiologiques est combinée à l’évaluation de caractéristiques psychologiques contextuelles et dispositionnelles. En particulier, nous nous intéressons aux régulations cardiaques qui sont analysées à partir des séries temporelles définies par les durées successives des intervalles RR. Des approches statistiques temporelles, fréquentielles ou non-linéaires sont utilisées afin d’étudier les capacités d’adaptation des individus confrontés à différentes situations de tâches cognitives associées ou non à des facteurs stressants. Il s’agit d’extraire des signatures caractéristiques des régulations centrales et autonomes, au repos ou dans différentes situations expérimentales. Dans ce travail, un intérêt particulier est accordé à l’entropie multi-échelles afin d’évaluer la complexité des signaux, une complexité induite par les interconnexions existant entre structures corticales, sous-corticales et régulations autonomes cardiaques. Nous proposons également d’analyser les signaux collectés durant les différentes situations expérimentales, en comparant deux à deux leurs densités de probabilité à partir de la divergence de Kullback-Leibler, et en particulier d’une estimation de l'incrément asymptotique de la divergence de Kullback-Leibler. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence que l’étude des signaux cardiaques peut permettre d’appréhender l’état psychophysiologique d’un individu lorsqu’il est confronté à des situations de tâches cognitives et de stress. Des différences d’états apparaissent non seulement à l’échelle individuelle, mais également à l’échelle collective, lorsque l’individu n’est pas directement confronté aux stimuli stressants mais que le stress est de nature empathique. Enfin, deux applications sont réalisées. Nous montrons que la complexité des signaux cardiaques, altérée chez des personnes stressées au travail, peut être améliorée par un entraînement à la cohérence cardiaque. Nous appliquons également les méthodes de traitement du signal à l’étude de la régulation posturale. L’ensemble de nos résultats renforcent l’intérêt du monitoring de l’humain en matière de santé.
... Although SNS and PNS can be simultaneously active in a particular domain, they mostly operate as opposing forces (Berntson and Cacioppo, 1999;Freeman, 2006). SNS activity goes together with PNS inactivity and vice versa. ...
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Contemplative practices, such as meditation and yoga, are increasingly popular among the general public and as topics of research. Beneficial effects associated with these practices have been found on physical health, mental health and cognitive performance. However, studies and theories that clarify the underlying mechanisms are lacking or scarce. This theoretical review aims to address and compensate this scarcity. We will show that various contemplative activities have in common that breathing is regulated or attentively guided. This respiratory discipline in turn could parsimoniously explain the physical and mental benefits of contemplative activities through changes in autonomic balance. We propose a neurophysiological model that explains how these specific respiration styles could operate, by phasically and tonically stimulating the vagal nerve: respiratory vagal nerve stimulation (rVNS). The vagal nerve, as a proponent of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), is the prime candidate in explaining the effects of contemplative practices on health, mental health and cognition. We will discuss implications and limitations of our model.
... This approach may lead to inaccurate characterisations of the autonomic responses and their downstream physiological effects. Although autonomic stress responses can indeed reciprocally activate PNS and SNS branches, they also can independently activate or even co-activate them (Paton et al., 2005(Paton et al., , 2006, with substantial variation between individuals in the degree of their reciprocal, independent, or co-activation (Berntson and Cacioppo, 1999). For example, in humans, male erection and ejaculation (Berntson et al., 2003), sky diving (Allison et al., 2012), and hypoxia (Kollai and Koizumi, 1979;Fukuda et al., 1989), are three very different situations that co-activate the PNS and SNS. ...
Outline: In this chapter we provide information about different ways to process heart rate variability indices. We explain their mathematical background, provide their algorithms, and discuss their general relevance. In the second part we discuss standard test demands like validity and reliability. In the third part we discuss different physiological, pathophysiological, and pharmacological confounding factors that may have an impact on HRV calculations.
In most physiological conditions, sympathetic and vagal activities modulating heart period undergo a reciprocal regulation, leading to the concept of sympathovagal balance. This pattern can be indirectly quantified by computing the spectral powers of the oscillatory components corresponding to respiratory acts (high frequency) and to vasomotor waves (low frequency) present in heart rate variability.
This chapter discusses recent studies of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC) system to consider its possible roles in emotion. It describes the recent studies of the effects of manipulating LC neurons on electroencephalographic (EEG) activity and attentional behavior. Emotional responses are typically measured by EEG or autonomic arousal. Emotionally arousing stimuli produce activation of the cortical EEG, and parallel activation of autonomic measures such as blood pressure, heart rate, or galvanic skin response (as commonly used in lie detector tests). Recent results link the LC both to the EEG and autonomic responses that accompany emotionally arousing events LC neuronal projections, effects of NE on LC target cells, and discharge characteristics of LC neurons in unanesthetized, unconditioned animals are reviewed. More recent studies on the effects of stress on LC neurons, and on activity of LC neurons in behaving monkeys during a conditioned attentional task are also examined. The chapter reviews new findings on afferents to the LC that indicate the status of this key noradrenergic system in brain circuitry. Although the LC is not typically considered in the context of emotion, the analysis suggests that the LC system could play an important role in the process of emotional activation.
The Task Force was established by the Board of the European Society of Cardiology and co-sponsored by the North American Society of Facing and Electrophysiology. It was organised jointly by the Working Groups on Arrhythmias arzd on Computers of Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology. After exchanges of written views on the subject, the main meeting of a writing core of the Task Force took place on May 8-10. 1994, on Necker Island. Following external reviews, the tent of this report was approved by the Board of the European Society of Cardiology on August 19,1995, and by the Board of the North American Society of Facing and Electrophysiology on October 3, 1995.
The immune system is influenced by central nervous system processes that are shaped by social and psychological factors. Considerations of social factors, intrapersonal processes, and autonomic psychophysiology therefore may contribute to a fuller understanding of both immune and brain function. Research reviewed here (a) examines the socioemotional factors that contribute to, or moderate, responses to brief and chronic stressors, (b) determines whether or not stable individual differences in heart rate reactivity predict neuroendocrine and immune responses to a brief psychological stressor and to an influenza virus vaccine, and (c) investigates the autonomic origins of individual differences in low and high heart rate reactivity and their relationship to neuroendocrine and immune responses to chronic and acute stressors. Among our findings are: (a) acute psychological stressors activate the sympathetic adrenomedullary system across individuals and affect immune function; and (b) individuals characterized by high sympathetic cardiac reactivity to acute psychological stressors also show a relative activation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical system and altered immune function.
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is being used increasingly in psychophysiological studies as an index of vagal control of the heart and may be among the most selective noninvasive indices of parasympathetic control of cardiac functions. A comprehensive understanding of RSA, however, requires an appreciation of its multiple autonomic and physiological origins. We review the physiological bases of RSA and show that RSA arises from multiple tonic and phasic processes of both central and peripheral origin. These underlying mechanisms are at least partially differentiated, have distinct dynamics and consequences, and may be differentially sensitive to behavioral and cognitive events. These multiple mechanisms are relevant for psychophysiological studies of RSA, and a thorough understanding of RSA can only be achieved through an appreciation of the dynamics of its underlying origins. There is a distinction between the psychophysiological and neurophysiological domains, and conceptual and empirical bridges between these domains are needed.
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is both a major regulator of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Besides, it exerts numerous effects on other physiological functions such as appetite control, motor and cognitive behavior and immune function. The basis for these effects is constituted by its distribution in hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic brain areas, the latter being represented by limbic structures such as the central nucleus of the amygdala or by brain stem neurons such as the locus coeruleus (LC) or nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). The effects of CRF are mediated through recently described CRF-receptor subtypes, whose molecular biology, biochemistry and pharmacological regulation are discussed in detail. In the second part of this review, we will focus on the physiology of CRF-systems in the brain, with a particular emphasis on cardiovascular regulation, respiration, appetite control and stress-related behavior. Finally, the role of the locus coeruleus in the control of CRF-mediated behavioral activities is discussed. The interaction of noradrenergic and CRF-neurons clearly implies that CRF appears to directly activate LC neurons in a stressful situation, thus ultimately coordinating the bodily response to a stressful stimulus.
The relations between anxiety states and autonomic functions are considered from the vantage of a model of the neural systems underlying anxiety and autonomic control. An important component of this model is the involvement of the basal forebrain cortical cholinergic system that is seen to play a crucial role in the cognitive aspects of anxiety, and the links between anxiety and autonomic regulation. An additional aspect of the model is the detailing of the routes by which autonomic reactivity and associated visceral afference can modulate more rostral components of the system. The proposed model offers a more comprehensive framework for research on the neurobiology of anxiety and autonomic control.