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Evidence of social communities in a spatially structured network of a free-ranging shark species


Abstract and Figures

Large, solitary, marine predators such as sharks have been observed to aggregate at specific areas. Such aggregations are almost certainly driven by foraging and behavioural strategies making space for diverse spatial organizations. Reef-associated shark species often show strong patterns of site fidelity that could be viewed as a prerequisite for sociality. However, there is limited empirical evidence that such aggregations are driven by intrinsic social factors. Association data for blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus, were obtained from photoidentification surveys conducted in Moorea coral reefs (French Polynesia). We adapted a social network approach to demonstrate evidence of four main communities and two subcommunities within the population. We confronted the resulting structure with candidate explanatory variables. Sharks formed spatial groups characterized by nonrandom and long-term associations, despite opportunities for social relationships to develop between communities. Sex and length of sharks tended to influence assortment at the population and community levels. Individual space use also explained community structure, although spatial assortment was globally weaker than random expectations, suggesting that observed associations were not an artefact of the sampling design or spatial distribution of individuals. We conclude that the observed grouping patterns not only resulted from passive aggregations for specific resources, but rather the communities developed from an active choice of individuals as a sign of sociability. Individual preferences and adaptation to local conditions, as well as demographic, ecological and anthropogenic factors, may explain the social variability between communities. This suggests that a stable grouping strategy may confer substantial benefits in this marine predator.
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Evidence of social communities in a spatially structured network of a free-ranging
shark species
Johann Mourier
, Julie Vercelloni, Serge Planes
Laboratoire dExcellence «CORAIL »and USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE, Centre de Recherche Insulaire et Observatoire de lEnvironnement (CRIOBE) and Centre de Biologie et dEcologie
Tropicale et Méditerranéenne
article info
Article history:
Received 5 April 2011
Initial acceptance 30 June 2011
Final acceptance 14 October 2011
Available online 19 December 2011
MS. number: 11-00283
association pattern
Carcharhinus melanopterus
community structure
social network
spatial ecology
Large, solitary, marine predators such as sharks have been observed to aggregate at specic areas. Such
aggregations are almost certainly driven by foraging and behavioural strategies making space for diverse
spatial organizations. Reef-associated shark species often show strong patterns of site delity that could
be viewed as a prerequisite for sociality. However, there is limited empirical evidence that such aggre-
gations are driven by intrinsic social factors. Association data for blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus
melanopterus, were obtained from photoidentication surveys conducted in Moorea coral reefs (French
Polynesia). We adapted a social network approach to demonstrate evidence of four main communities
and two subcommunities within the population. We confronted the resulting structure with candidate
explanatory variables. Sharks formed spatial groups characterized by nonrandom and long-term asso-
ciations, despite opportunities for social relationships to develop between communities. Sex and length
of sharks tended to inuence assortment at the population and community levels. Individual space use
also explained community structure, although spatial assortment was globally weaker than random
expectations, suggesting that observed associations were not an artefact of the sampling design or spatial
distribution of individuals. We conclude that the observed grouping patterns not only resulted from
passive aggregations for specic resources, but rather the communities developed from an active choice
of individuals as a sign of sociability. Individual preferences and adaptation to local conditions, as well as
demographic, ecological and anthropogenic factors, may explain the social variability between
communities. This suggests that a stable grouping strategy may confer substantial benets in this marine
Ó2011 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Understanding spatial ecology and dynamics is a prerequisite
for the conservation and management of particular species. Spatial
patterns are inuenced by many interacting factors that are often
difcult to assess and to disentangle. The movement dynamics
within the habitat and conspecic interactions within a population
are fundamental as they directly inuence the genetic structure
and the nature of the populations habitat usage (Holyoak et al.
2008). Overall, it has been shown that animal spatial use relies on
complex processes driven by individual short-term strategies
maximizing individual benets (e.g. reproduction, feeding and
survival), together with interactions of nearby conspecics that are
part of their local environment. Meanwhile, movements are also
likely to be shaped by longer-term tness implications, such as
avoidance of inbreeding (Holyoak et al. 2008). While the impor-
tance of social behaviour for spatial use has been widely investi-
gated among terrestrial predators (Sandell 1989; Atwood & Weeks
2003; Wagner et al. 2008) and marine mammals (Lusseau et al.
2006; Wiszniewski et al. 2009; Frère et al. 2010), such informa-
tion is still missing in most large, free-ranging, marine sh. There is
a need for additional information regarding the inuence of
intraspecic associations on the spatial structuring of populations.
Such information is particularly important in elasmobranchs given
their longevity and vulnerability to overshing (Stevens et al.
While shark species are often viewed as solitary hunting
animals, groups and aggregations are relatively common across
phylogeny and ecology in sharks (Springer 1967) and this implies
that grouping is a common form of spatial distribution among
sharks (Jacoby et al. 2011). Grouping behaviours are seen in the
Heterodontiformes (Powter & Gladstone 2009), Hexanchiformes
(Ebert 1991), Squatiniformes (Standora & Nelson 1977) and
Carcharhiniformes (Klimley & Nelson 1981; McKibben & Nelson
*Correspondence: J. Mourier, USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE, Centre de RechercheInsulaire
et Observatoire de lEnvironnement (CRIOBE), BP 1013e98 729, Papetoai, Moorea,
French Polynesia and Centre de Biologie et dEcologie Tropicale et Méditerranéenne,
Université de Perpignan, 66860 Perpignan, France.
E-mail address: (J. Mourier).
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Animal Behaviour
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0003-3472/$38.00 Ó2011 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401
1986). Grouping has been reported in planktivores (Meekan et al.
2006), large predators (Domeier & Nasby-Lucas 2007), coastal
species (Klimley & Nelson 1981; Heupel & Simpfendorfer 2005) and
reef-associated sharks (Stevens 1984; McKibben & Nelson 1986;
Economakis & Lobel 1998; Speed et al. 2011). Some of the poten-
tial functions of these groupings have been attributed to commu-
nication or transfer of social information (Klimley & Nelson 1981),
courtship (Sims et al. 2000), cooperative hunting (Ebert 1991) and
group protection or avoidance of sexual harassment (Economakis &
Lobel 1998; Wearmouth & Sims 2008). Sharks have also been
observed to form dominance hierarchies (Allee & Dickinson 1954;
Myrberg & Gruber 1974), as well as being capable of learning
(Clark 1959; Guttridge et al. 2009b). In fact, sharksrelative brain
massebody mass ratios were found to be comparable to those of
mammals (Northcutt 1977; Yopak et al. 2007), suggesting that they
are capable of complex social behaviours such as those demon-
strated in mammals and birds (Striedter 2005). However, the highly
mobile nature of sharks, combined with the difculty of following
individuals in the open sea, has made examination of social inter-
actions or associations difcult. Actually, hypotheses of intraspecic
associations and grouping mostly rely on direct eld observations
(Economakis & Lobel 1998) and some recent tracking data such as
acoustic telemetry (Heupel & Simpfendorfer 2005) or proximity
receivers (Holland et al. 2009; Guttridge et al. 2010; Krause et al.
2011). In these surveys, inshore sharks in tropical islands showed
restricted home ranges together with some degree of site attach-
ment (Stevens 1984; McKibben & Nelson 1986; Papastamatiou et al.
2009). Long-term delity combined with a high degree of home
range overlap between tracked individuals would t with the
hypothesis of the existence of persistent associations between
individuals (i.e. social groups of shark). In fact, despite the aggre-
gative nature of some shark species, so far no study has investigated
the inuence of conspecic associations on spatial use for any free-
ranging shark species. It remains difcult to determine whether
observed groups of sharks in the wild reect only aggregative
behaviour or more complex stable social entities. Recent studies of
captive sharks suggested that they were able to form nonrandom
associations, showing an active preference when resources were
controlled for (Guttridge et al. 2009a; Jacoby et al. 2010). In addi-
tion, wild juvenile sharks showed assortative associations within
their nursery (Guttridge et al. 2011). These studies highlight the
need for additional research to investigate the importance of social
factors for space use in the wild.
The blacktip reef shark, Carcharhinus melanopterus, is a common
shark species of Indo-Pacic coral reefs (Compagno et al. 2005).
This species inhabits shallow reefs and sand-ats both in atolls and
high islands (Nelson & Johnson 1980; Stevens 1984; Papastamatiou
et al. 2009, 2010). Although this species is abundant around French
Polynesian islands, many aspects of its basic natural history remain
poorly documented. It is not considered to be either a solitary or
a schooling shark, but is often observed in small aggregations,
especially when feeding (Nelson & Johnson 1980; Papastamatiou
et al. 2009). It also shows a high degree of site attachment and
spatial overlap (Stevens 1984; Papastamatiou et al. 2009). This
suggests that these aggregations and grouping patterns might be
stable over time; however, further studies are needed to test this
relationship. Site attachment and spatial overlap make this species
an ideal model to test for the presence of social organization in free-
ranging reef shark populations and to determine factors affecting
these associations.
Space use and ranging patterns of individuals have commonly
been used to investigate social structure in animal populations. This
is because the amount of spatial overlap between individuals
provides indirect information about the probability of social
interactions (Clutton-Brock 1989). In most animal studies, the
relationship between individuals is dened by time spent together
using an association index (Whitehead 2008). The problem with
this approach is that association patterns based upon the time
spent together can be inuenced by both individual ranging
patterns and intrinsic social afliations (Lusseau et al. 2006). In
many different species, some individuals showed association
patterns that correlated with their home range overlap (Chaverri
et al. 2007; Wolf et al. 2007; Frère et al. 2010). Consequently,
estimates of association patterns may be biased because individuals
with similar ranging patterns are more likely to be sighted together,
even if spatial overlap does not necessarily account for association
patterns (Carter et al. 2009). It thus becomes important to tease
apart aggregative behaviour driven by external forces, such as prey
distribution or habitat preferences, from those driven by intrinsic
social preferences.
Quantifying the structure of an animal society is difcult,
because it represents a complex agglomeration of individuals in
which relationships change in time and space. Recently, social
network theory has offered a powerful set of statistics for charac-
terizing and analysing individual associations within a population-
level social context (Krause et al. 2007, 2009; Sih et al. 2009). These
tools have greatly facilitated our understanding of how ecological,
social and population-level factors inuence association patterns
(Croft et al. 2005; Sundaresan et al. 2007; Wolf et al. 2007). Where
social groups are not discretely structured (Lusseau et al. 2006)
recent network techniques (Lusseau et al. 2008) can help detect
statistically signicant structure in the population. This technique
appears well adapted to the monitoring of associations of sharks
through space and time.
Despite considerable advances in telemetry and remote tracking
of free-ranging sharks (Sims 2003), there is a need for specic
research into the major factors determining social structure of
marine predators (Wearmouth & Sims 2008), especially in the
context of currently heavy exploitation of sharks (Baum et al. 2003).
Our present study used an original approach to analyse the spatial
dynamics of a reef shark species exhibiting aggregative behaviour.
It aimed to determine whether community structure was present in
the studied population using recently developed network tech-
niques. We dene a communityas a set of individuals that are
more associated among themselves than they are to the rest of the
population (Croft et al. 2008). Furthermore, if such structure is
detected in the population, we can expect assortment by external
factors relating to habitat and space use and by internal factors such
as sex and age (or length; Wolf et al. 2007), or individual prefer-
ences for interaction (Pomeroy et al. 2005). Indeed, size or sex
assortment is relatively common in reef shark groups (Sims 2003;
Wearmouth & Sims 2008; Jacoby et al. 2011). We used photo-
identication techniques to describe association patterns in a pop-
ulation of 133 sharks along the reef. We then tried to determine
whether potential structure in associations reects solely an
aggregative behaviour governed byextrinsic factors, such as habitat
preferences, or underlies more complex social preferences.
Study Sites
The study was conducted at Moorea Island (17
S; 149
in the Society archipelago, French Polynesia. A total of seven sites
were surveyed on a regular basis along 10 km of the north shore of
Moorea (Fig. 1). Sites were selected for various reasons.
(1) Moorea council implemented a Management Plan for Marine
Environment (Plan de Gestion de lEspace MaritimeePGEM) in
October 2004 that includes two areas for shark-feeding activities on
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401390
the outer reef that we selected as Sites 2 and 6 (Fig. 1) and where
provisioning occurs daily between 0800 and 1000 hours.
(2) Inside the lagoon of Moorea, the pink whipray, Himantura fai,
has an active feeding site (Site 5, Fig. 1) that consistently attracts
blacktip reef sharks (Gaspar et al. 2008).
(3) Shark aggregations are also observed in another recreational
diving site on the outer reef (Site 4, Fig. 1) where recreational shark
feeding was stopped about 7 years ago.
(4) Finally, three additional sites, where feeding does not occur,
were selected for surveys on the outer slope (Sites 1, 3 and 7, Fig. 1).
Sites 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 were located on the outer reef and were
characterized by coral structures from the barrier reef to the drop
out (70 m depth). Site 5 was located inside the lagoon between 2
and 10 m depth within a small channel and was characterized by
coral patches in a sandy habitat.
Shark Identication and Data Collection
Shark photoidentication has already been used in many
species, mainly large-bodied ones, such as Carcharodon carcharias
(Domeier & Nasby-Lucas 2007) and Rhincodon typus (Meekan et al.
2006), using natural variations in colour patterns on the body. It has
already been used on the blacktip reef shark (Porcher 2005) to look
at the specic shape of margins separating black, white and brown
colour patterns on the dorsal n. The succession of coloured lines
was shown to vary consistently and to be unique to each individual
(Porcher 2005). In the present study, we used photoidentication of
both sides of the dorsal n(Fig. 2) as well as other distinctive marks
such as scars, notches and dots throughout the sharks body.
To study spatial and temporal overlap between sharks, we
implemented underwater surveys consisting of dives lasting less
than 1 h (mean dive duration SE ¼49.46 0.39 min) at a depth of
about 15 m on the outer reef of Moorea and 5 m inside the lagoon
(Site 5) using a stationary-point technique (Ward-Paige et al. 2010).
Throughout the study a trained diver recorded and photographed
sharks observed within about 15e20 m of the diver. A second diver
was present for safety reasons but did not get involved in the
monitoring. The observer recorded the sex of individuals by the
presence or absence of claspers. Total length (TL) was measured
from the specimen photographed fromthe side. As a result, 66% of all
sharks of the network (see below) were measured. These known-
sized sharks were then used as visual markers for estimating the
sizes of other sharks present inside the network. Shark length was
classied into size classes ranging from 1 to 6 (1: TL <110 cm;
2: 110e119 cm; 3: 120e129 cm; 4: 130e
139 cm; 5: 140e150 cm;
6: TL >150 cm). Although Papastamatiou et al. (2009) found that
male blacktip reef sharks reach maturity at about 100 cm TL, size at
maturity in Moorea was 110 cm (J. Mourier, unpublished data).
Every new shark was recorded on a specic identication sheet,
similar to the work done on the sicklen lemon shark, Negaprion
acutidens, in Moorea (Buray et al. 2009). Identication was facili-
tated by the good visibility of Moorea waters, being relativelystable
over time and allowing photography of some shy specimens that
remained up to 20 m from the diver. Our surveycumulated 190 dives
conducted between February 2008 and June 2010 (i.e. 21 on Site 1,
46 on Site 2, 9 on Site 3, 33 on Site 4, 40 on Site 5, 31 on Site 6 and 10
on Site 7; Fig. 1). Only one dive was conducted at asingle site on the
same day. Dives were conducted in the afternoon outside of provi-
sioning hours.
Network Analysis
Dening associations and network construction
For the majority of species, social interactions are difcult to
observe directly, especially underwater; they might occur out of
sight or infrequently. In this case, the usual approach is to infer
social relationships between individuals based on accumulated
observations of social associations (i.e. based on group composi-
tion, nearest neighbours or spatial proximity). When using group-
based data, we involved the gambit of the group(Whitehead &
Dufault 1999), assuming that behavioural interactions occur
within groups and repeated group membership is an indicator of
the strength or frequency of these interactions. For species such as
sharks, in which interactions are hard to describe, we dene
association as the simultaneous occurrence of two or more indi-
viduals at the same site (Whitehead 2008). Thus, associations were
based on co-occurrence, such that individuals present during the
same dive and within the divers visual range (i.e. 15e20 m radius)
were considered as part of the same group (referred to hereafter as
shark groups). Here we describe associations between individuals
Figure 1. Location of study sites on the north coast of Moorea. Shark feeding occurs in Sites 2 and 6, and ray feeding in Site 5.
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401 391
that may be passively sharing time and space. However, during dive
surveys, sharks were regularly involved in interactions, which are
more complex behaviours that are typically directed, such as nose
to tail following, parallel swimming or circling (Myrberg & Gruber
1974; Guttridge et al. 2011), and loose aggregations (see Appendix
for illustration). By cumulating the co-occurrences over a series of
underwater surveys of the population at different sites, we can
build an association matrix between pairs of sharks. Strength of
association among pairs of individuals was calculated using the
half-weight index (HWI; Cairns & Schwager 1987) in SOCPROG 2.4
(Whitehead 2009) and was restricted to individuals sighted at least
ve times over the entire study period (greater than or equal to the
median number of sightings per individuals; median ¼5,
mean 95% condence interval, CI ¼8.38 1.03; range 1e39) as it
is commonly used for accurate descriptions of associations (Lusseau
et al. 2006; Wiszniewski et al. 2009, 2010). The sampling period in
the analysis was set to 15 days to accommodate the rate of data
collection at different sites.
Randomization techniques
To quantify population structure, it is necessary rst to establish
that the observed data provide statistical evidence that the pop-
ulation contains nonrandom structure (Whitehead et al. 2005). To
understand the importance of social behaviour in the observed
association data, it is necessary to disentangle the contributions of
social preferences, gregariousness and sampling to the observed
association indexes. We can compare the real data to that produced
by making associations random to determine whether individuals
display nonrandom structure in the studied population. However,
randomization is not trivial in networks (Croft et al. 2011). We used
a modied version of the BejdereManly method, which is used to
randomize association data to obtain null random networks that
control for sampling structure and gregariousness of individuals
(Manly 1997; Bejder et al. 1998; Whitehead et al. 2005). We
permuted group membership so that group size and the number of
groups in which each individual was identied were both the same
as in the original data set. We did this by a series of ips in which
randomly chosen records of individual A in group 3 and individual
B in group 7, for example, were ipped to A in 7 and B in 3 (Manly
1997). Therefore, to determine whether associations in the studied
population were signicantly different from random, the original
association matrix was randomized 1000 times with 100 ips per
permutation within sampling periods (Whitehead et al. 2005).
A signicantly higher coefcient of variation (CV) of real association
indices compared to that of randomly permuted data indicates the
presence of long-term preferred companions in the population
(Whitehead 1999). The randomization procedures were computed
in R version 2.11.1 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing,
Vienna, Austria,
Community structure
Many methods for detecting communities within social
networks have been described in recent years (Whitehead 2008).
The blacktip reef shark community structure in our studied area
was examined using the modularity matrix clustering technique
described by Newman (2006) and Lusseau et al. (2008). The
modularity matrix is the association index (i.e. weight) between
two individuals minus the expected weight if associations are
randomly distributed in the population. The eigenvector of the
dominant eigenvalue of the modularity matrix is then used to split
the matrix successively into two clusters. This divisive procedure is
then iterated on all resulting clusters. The most parsimonious
division in the network is subsequently determined by the division
that maximizes the modularity coefcient, Q(Lusseau et al. 2008).
Recently, a measure of uncertainty was introduced in this proce-
dure by Lusseau et al. (2008) and increases signicantly the accu-
racy of dening real communities within the global network
(Wiszniewski et al. 2010). To assess the degree of condence for the
communities identied, we bootstrapped observed group
membership samples (shark groups sampled during the dives)
1000 times by resampling (with replacement) these samples. The
replicates were obtained using 15-day sampling periods with the
same sample size as real data. We then applied the modularity
community division algorithm described above on each bootstrap
Figure 2. Photoidentication of blacktip reef sharks. (a, b) Global view of both sides of (a) a female Op19and (b) a male V19M; note the elongated claspers that extend beyond the
pelvic ns in males (b) and their absence in females (a). (ceh) Photographs of both sides of the dorsal n of six individual C. melanopterus: (c) V12M; (d) Tao25; (e) Op26;
(f) Op18; (g) Op27and (h) V21Mtaken between 2008 and 2010; note the margin patterns between the black and white parts of the dorsal n, which are unique to each
individual. (i, j) Persistence of patterns over 10 years for (i) V27Fand (j) V12F. Photos: (aeh) Johann Mourier; (i, j top) Ila Porcher.
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401392
replicate (Lusseau et al. 2008; Wiszniewski et al. 2010).
A comembership matrix of the proportion of times that two sharks
were clustered in the same group over all bootstrap community
division replicates was built. The bootstrap procedure was
computed in R version 2.11.1. We subsequently carried out the
modularity community division algorithm on this comembership
matrix (Lusseau et al. 2008). The comembership matrix and
resulting community structure (determined by Q
) were visual-
ized with NETDRAW (Borgatti et al. 2002). The spring embedding
algorithm with node repulsion was used for laying out the nodes
positions (Borgatti et al. 2002). The spring embedding algorithm
achieves a layout of the network with densely connected nodes
clustered together and nodes with few connections placed around
the edge (Croft et al. 2008). Thus groups of well-connected indi-
viduals tend to be grouped together in the resulting visualization.
We also tested the signicance of Qbyusing a randomization test.
Following the randomization technique described above, we applied
the modularity matrix clustering technique to nd communities
within 1000 random networks. We used the maximum Qas the
statistic test.If the observed data gave riseto a Qva lue in the top 5 % of
the randomized values, we rejected the hypothesis that the observed
value could have arisen by chance alone.
We then used lagged association rate (LAR) techniques imple-
mented in SOCPROG (Whitehead 1995) to compare the temporal
stability of associations within and between these social groups.
Such a combined approach has the advantage of distinguishing
temporally stable social groups from the short-term clustering of
individuals (Whitehead 2008). Each LAR was compared to the null
association rate, which is the expected LAR in the absence of any
preferred associations. The precision of the LARs was estimated
using a jackkning over 30-day periods (Whitehead 1995).
Spatial patterns
We then describe spatial patterns through a histogram of
percentage of sightings of each individual at each site during our
190 dives standardized for sampling effort per site. We generated
aBrayeCurtis similarity matrix and used an ANOSIM test to
compare space use among sharks of each community found in the
previous analysis. We used the percentage of sightings for each
shark at each studied site as the dependent variable, set community
membership as a factor in the model and then used a one-way
ANOSIM test to detect pairwise differences. The ANOSIM test
compares calculated overlap values against simulated overlap
produced from 999 random permutations. Statistical signicance
indicates that a pair of communities had low spatial overlap.
ANOSIM also generates a global Rvalue, ranging from 1to1,
corresponding to the degree of similarity between communities.
We used Clarke & Warwicks (2001) criterion where R<0.25
indicates high overlap between groups, Rof 0.25e0.75 indicates
moderate separation between groups, and R>0.75 indicates a high
degree of spatial segregation between groups. We used a nonmetric
multidimensional scaling ordination (nMDS) to draw community
differences in space. ANOSIM and nMDS analyses were performed
using PRIMER version 5.0 (
Assortment patterns
Assortment in a network describes the tendency of individuals
to be connected to any other individuals that share some charac-
teristics. We considered assortment by sex (male, female), length
difference and spatial overlap. We performed correlation analyses
between the HWI matrix and matrices for either pairwise length
difference or sex similarity. The length difference matrix was based
on the pairwise difference of length classes from 1 to 6 as dened
above and values ranged from 0 (same length class) to 5 (5 length
classes difference). We compared the observed Pearson correlation
coefcient, r, with 1000 coefcients derived from randomized
networks using the procedure described above. Pvalues for each
comparison represent the proportion of correlation coefcients
from randomized networks that were greater in magnitude
(depending on the direction of the correlation) than the observed
correlation coefcient. We also used the correlation coefcient
between the matrix of association indices and the BrayeCurtis
similarity matrix for spatial overlap following the same procedure.
These analyses were performed for both the global network and
each community previously identied.
Sex ratios for C. melanopterus were calculated for the whole
network and then by community. In each case, sex ratios were
compared against an expected 1:1 ratio using a chi-square test for
goodness of t.
Sociality at the community level
To investigate variability in sharks sociality, we permuted
groups of sharks 1000 times, keeping constant the number of
individuals in each group and the number of groups in which each
shark was observed (Whitehead 2008). The standard deviation of
the typical group size (TGS), that is the size of a group as experi-
enced by an individual (Jarman 1974), was used to identify sharks
consistently found in larger or smaller groups.
We then calculated ve egocentric network measures (strength,
eigenvector centrality, reach, clustering coefcient and afnity) to
investigate differences in the centrality of individuals and groups.
These measures were calculated from the weighted association
matrix (HWI) in SOCPROG (Whitehead 2009). Strength is a measure
of gregariousness and is the sum of the association indices for each
individual (i.e. weighted degree); eigenvector centrality indicates
the level of centrality of an individual to its associates as well as the
centrality of its associates, and is a measure of how well connected
an individual is; reach is a measure of indirect connectedness; the
clustering coefcient indicates the tendency for a focal individuals
associates to be associates themselves; and afnity is a measure of
the strength of an individuals associates, weighted by the associ-
ation index between them, and determines whether individuals
connect strongly to individuals that also have high strength.
Following the same randomization procedure, we compared
centrality measures to those of 1000 random networks to test
whether network properties were inuenced by individual asso-
ciation preferences (Lusseau et al. 2008). In addition, we tested
whether sex could explain the variation observed among individ-
uals in centrality level as well as the differences in the centrality of
the communities. We then compared the mean network metrics
between communities using a randomization test implemented in
the software PERM (Duchesne et al. 2006). We estimated Pvalues
by comparing the observed mean value to a null distribution of
values generated from 10 iterations of 1000 random permutations
of the data, in which the observed number and size of communities
were kept constant (Duchesne et al. 2006). We applied sequential
Bonferroni corrections to each pairwise comparison (Rice 1989).
Underwater Surveys
Underwater surveys showed group size ranged from two to 29
individuals per dive (mean SE ¼10.65 0.38 individuals). Site-
specic group sizes (mean SE) were 7.33 0.88 (Site 1),
14. 93 0.79 (Site 2), 5.77 0.66 (Site 3), 9.30 0.43 (Site 4),
8.97 0.72 (Site 5), 13.61 0.68 (Site 6) and 4.60 0.67 (Site 7). Out
of 241 individuals (150 males, 91 females) identied underwater
over the 190 dives and across the seven study sites, 133 individuals
(88 males, 45 females) were observed more than four times and
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401 393
N = 54
N = 54
N = 29
N = 29
N = 25
N = 25
N = 14
N = 14
N = 30
N = 30
N = 35
Frequency (%)
Linear projection of sites Total length (cm)
Mean percentage site use
N = 35
(b) (c)
Number of bootstrap replicates
in which the two individuals
were members of the same
Figure 3. (a) The shark social network based on bootstrap replicates of the association matrix. Each individual in the network is represented by a node. Community structure was
identied using the modularity matrix technique and membership in the ve communities is displayed by colour (dark grey ¼community A (A1 þA2); dark blue ¼subcommunity
A1; light blue ¼subcommunity A2; green ¼community B; yellow ¼community C; red ¼community D). Communities were composed of both males (squares) and females
(circles). The shade of the edges represents the likelihood of individuals belonging to the same group (the darker, the greater). Node size is proportional to the length of individuals.
Note that the placement of nodes represents social, rather than spatial, proximity, although the two may often be correlated. (b) Spatial proles of communities from the overall
network. Numbers on the abscissa correspond to the sites described in Fig. 1. Values on the ordinate indicate the mean percentage use of each site by members of each community.
Error bars indicate SE. (c) Total length frequency distributions for each community.
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401394
were retained for the network analysis (Fig. 3a). The smallest indi-
vidual was about 100 cm in total length (Fig. 3c) and no neonates
were present within the population. Signicantly higher mean CV of
association indices (CV ¼1.849; random CV ¼1.19 3; P<0.001)
indicates that long-term preferred and avoided companions are
present in the population (Whitehead et al. 2005).
Community Structure
Applying the modularity matrix technique on bootstrap
replicates of the association matrix divided the population of 133
sharks into four main social communities (Q
¼0.62, P<0.001;
Fig. 3a). Since Q
was high, the analysis was repeated within each
community to investigate ne-scale structure within a community.
This resulted in a division of the A community into two subcom-
munities (A1 and A2; Q
¼0.48; Fig. 3a). Based on bootstrap
replicates, it appears, however, that there is less condence in the
community membership of A (Fig. 3a) suggesting that associations
within A may change more frequently. Mixed-community groups
were sighted 32.1% of the time. During the breeding season
(NovembereMarch; Porcher 2005), there were 36.6% of mixed-
community groups, while they occurred 29.4% of the time during
the nonbreeding season (AprileOctober). Mean associations were
signicantly lower between than within communities (Mantel test:
P<0.001; Table 1). Together, association patterns were signi-
cantly higher within than between sexes (Mantel test: P<0.01;
Table 1). Lagged association rate analysis conrmed the segregation
of the communities, as associations within each of the communities
were temporally stable and remained above the null association
rate over the entire study period (Fig. 4a). In contrast, intercom-
munity LARs were relatively lower and stayed close to the null
association rate, except between communities A and B meaning
that intercommunity associations were temporally unstable
(Fig. 4b). Relatively high intercommunity LAR between A and B
suggests that greater ow of associative ties may exist between
members of these communities (Fig. 4b).
Space Use and Assortment Patterns
Sharks were sighted an average of 89.48% of the time at a single
site (range 43e100%) and all communities were almost restricted to
a unique site, with only a few individuals occasionally visiting
another site (Fig. 3b). There were signicant differences in space
utilization patterns between communities with signicant spatial
separation (low overlap; ANOSIM: R¼0.866, P<0.001 when
including the two subcommunities A1 and A2), although there was
high overlap for clusters A1 and A2 (R¼0.041, P¼0.047), which
was apparent in the nMDS plots (Fig. 5). At population (i.e. global
network), community and subcommunity levels, sharks were
positively spatially assorted, with Pearson correlation coefcients
being strong and positive although assortments were signicantly
weaker than random expectations for the global network as well as
for communities A and D (P<0.05; Table 2) but stronger for
community C (P<0.05; Table 2) and not different from random
expectations for community B (Table 2). Moreover, preferred
associations, dened by pairwise association estimates at or above
the 97.5% percentile (i.e. HWI >0.56), were found between sharks
showing as little as 45% spatial overlap, while some pairs showed
temporal avoidance (i.e. HWI ¼0) despite 100% spatial overlap in
the case of subcommunities A1 and A2.
At the population, community and subcommunity levels, sharks
were weakly but signicantly assorted by sex and length. Pearson
correlation coefcients were positive and signicantly stronger than
random expectations for matrices of HWI and sex similarity and
were negative but signicantly stronger than random expectations
for matrices of HWI and length distance as well as sex and length
combined (P<0.001 for all comparisons; Tabl e 2). Distributions of
total length of individuals were different between communities,
with community C having a signicantly greater proportion of longer
individuals than community B (KolmogoroveSmirnov test: P<0.01)
Table 1
Mean association index for each sex and each community
Classes Within classes NMean
Community All 133 0.09 (0.03) 0.62 (0.13)
Community A 54 0.24 (0.09) 0.60 (0.13)
Community A1 29 0.27 (0.12) 0.59 (0.17)
Community A2 25 0.21 (0.06) 0.52 (0.10)
Community B 14 0.35 (0.12) 0.62 (0.19)
Community C 30 0.28 (0.06) 0.60 (0.07)
Community D 35 0.31 (0.13) 0.65 (0.17)
Within communities 0.28 (0.11) 0.62 (0.14)
Between communities 0.01 (0.02) 0.24 (0.15)
Sex Female 45 0.09 (0.03) 0.59 (0.11)
Male 88 0.09 (0.04) 0.60 (0.15)
Within sex 0.09 (0.04) 0.59 (0.14)
Between sex 0.08 (0.04) 0.54 (0.16)
SEs are reported in parentheses.
(a) Null
Community A
Community B
Community C
Community D
Community A to B
Community A to D
Community B to C
Community C to D
Lagged association rate
20 30 40 50 60
10 20
(2 weeks)
30 40 50 60
Figure 4. Lagged association rate for (a) within and (b) between the communities
identied in the network. The null association rate was estimated from all individuals
using 1000 permutations. Standard errors of the LARs were computed by jackkning
over 30-day periods.
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401 395
and community D (KolmogoroveSmirnov test: P<0.05; Fig. 3c). Sex
ratio at the entire network scale was male biased and differed
signicantly from unity (Table 2). Sex ratios within communities
were male biased and signicantly different from unity for
community A but not for communities B, C and D (Table 2). Sex
assortment coefcients seemed higher in communities where sex
ratios were balanced (Table 2).
Sociality at the Community Level
Sharks in the studied area differed signicantly in their level of
gregariousness (observed SD of TGS ¼2.95; random SD of
TGS ¼2.12; P<0.001). Social behaviour appeared to vary accord-
ing to the sex of the individual (Table 3). Males demonstrated
higher reach and clustering than expected in random networks,
while females showed higher strength and clustering. However,
there was no difference between male and female centrality
measures (ManneWhitney Utest: P>0.05 for all comparisons).
Individual variability in centrality measures appeared to be related
to community membership. Differences in social behaviour
between the communities and differences from random expecta-
tions were strongly supported by network measures (Table 3).
Sharks from community A demonstrated higher eigenvector
centrality, reach, clustering and afnity than expected from
random expectations. Individuals from community C showed
higher strength while individuals from community D had lower
eigenvector centrality but higher clustering than random expec-
tations. Sharks from community A had signicantly higher
strength, eigenvector centrality, reach and afnity than all other
communities (P<0.05 after Bonferroni corrections; Table 3),
except when compared to strength of community D (P>0.05).
Furthermore, community D had a signicantly higher clustering
coefcient than all other communities (P<0.05 after Bonferroni
corrections for all comparisons; Table 3). Sharks from community
A had a lower mean association rate (Table 1), a lower level of
clustering and higher measures of strength, reach and afnity
(Table 3)indicating that they are the most diversely connected in
the network and are likely to change associates more regularly. A
denser network structure was found in community D in which
individuals are well connected (higher clustering and high mean
association rate).
This study revealed a complex structure of associations within
an island shark population initially viewed as a global entity. In
fact, the blacktip reef shark population in our studied area (only
10 km of coastline out of the 60 km shoreline of Moorea Island)
was structured into four communities, with one splitting into two
subcommunities. Communities diverged in their ranging patterns
with individual members forming nonrandom and temporally
stable associations similar to structures observed in classic social
species such as guppies, Poecilia reticulata (Croft et al. 2005),
dolphins, Tursiops spp. (Lusseau et al. 2006; Wiszniewski et al.
2009) or Galápagos sealions, Zalophus wollebaeki (Wolf et al.
2007). The subdivision of the population was found via an
unbiased search within the network of community-level associ-
ations between individuals, derived from association data alone,
without involving any additional information. We then con-
fronted the association patterns with candidate explanatory
variables by testing for the inuence of sex, difference in total
length and space use and found that sex and age (i.e. total length)
tended to inuence assortment at the population and community
levels and that individual space use patterns also explained
community structure, although spatial assortment of individuals
was globally weaker than random expectations. Overall, high
variability in sociality and organization was found at the
community level.
Individuals form groups that are either ephemeral aggregations
or groups that are highly structured (social groups). Unlike aggre-
gations that are formed by chance because of attraction to a specic
location or a common resource (e.g. food), social groups contain
structure that enables individuals to gain benets from other
individuals within the group such as foraging efciency or
protection against predators (Krause & Ruxton 2002) and members
actively seek out specic individuals with which to interact or
group. Determining whether a grouping pattern is an aggregation
Table 2
Degrees of assortment
Assortment level Sex ratio (F:M) PSex Length Sex & length Spatial overlap
Overall social network (OSN) (45:88) <0.001 0.08 (0.03; <0.001) 0.12 (0.06; <0.001) 0.08 (0.04; <0.001) 0.64 (0.73; <0.001)
Community A (13:41) <0.01 0.08 (0.02; <0.001) 0.15 (0.00; <0.001) 0.11 (0.01; <0.001) 0.37 (0.42; <0.001)
Subcommunity A1 (8:21) <0.05 0.10 (0.08; <0.001) 0.23 (0.00; <0.001) 0.20 (0.04; <0.001) 0.35 (0.38; 0.036)
Subcommunity A2 (5:20) <0.01 0.14 (0.00; <0.001) 0.24 (0.03; <0.001) 0.16 (0.03; <0.001) 0.39 (0.41; 0.248)
Community B (6:8) >0.05 0.26 (0.06; <0.001) 0.28 (0.08; <0.001) 0.19 (0.06; <0.001) 0.30 (0.25; 0.061)
Community C (14:16) >0.05 0.26 (0.15; <0.001) 0.30 (0.13; <0.001) 0.16 (0.05; <0.001) 0.22 (0.10; <0.001)
Community D (12:23) >0.05 0.14 (0.01; <0.001) 0.15 (0.03; <0.001) 0.07 (0.03; <0.001) 0.54 (0.57; 0.008)
Sex ratios with Pvalues for chi-square tests are given. Pearson correlation coefcients between association matrix (HWI) and matrices of sex similarity, length distance and
spatial overlap compared with expected coefcients from 1000 random networks together with two-tailed Pvalues are given in parentheses.
Stress: 0.05
Figure 5. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination of space use between sharks
of the communities. The black dotted line represents community A (A1 þA2).
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401396
or a social group is critical to understanding the evolution of
grouping and possible cost and benets. In the following, we
discuss the inuence of our candidate factors on the grouping
patterns observed here.
Assortment in a Shark Population
Sex and length, taken separately and both combined, were
signicant factors explaining community structure within the
blacktip reef shark population of Moorea. Although assortment
coefcients were relatively weak, total length and sex assort-
ments deviated from random expectations at both global pop-
ulation and community levels and were stronger at community
levels. Sex assortment was stronger in communities B and C.
Shark social groups and aggregations made of individuals of the
same sex have been previously documented for numerous species
(Economakis & Lobel 1998; Wearmouth & Sims 2008). The
community C is the only one with members inhabiting primarily
an area restricted to the lagoon (Figs 1,3b) in contrast to all
others inhabiting the fore reef. This community has the particu-
larity of showing stronger sex assortment and a relatively
balanced sex ratio compared to other communities in which
males dominate. Sex segregation in sharks was previously
attributed to sexual dimorphism and to differences in energy
requirements of females to increase reproductive output (Sims
2003). However, in the present population, mixed-sex commu-
nities are found in every habitat, suggesting that sexual segre-
gation is not an exclusive component of this system. Rather, sex
may have controlled the emergence of preferred associations
within mixed-sex communities.
Body length assortment in groups is common among teleost
shes (Croft et al. 2009) and is known to confer antipredator and/or
foraging advantages (Krause 1994). In a recent study, juvenile
lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, showed size-assortative
associations that were hypothesized to confer a benet for pred-
ator avoidance (Guttridge et al. 2011). Blacktip reef sharks share
space with potential predators such as the grey reef shark, Carch-
arhinus amblyrhynchos, and the sicklen lemon shark on the outer
reef of Moorea, which could favour size-assortative grouping
patterns for defence purposes. However, absence of such predators
inside the lagoon (Gaspar et al. 2008; Clua et al. 2010) where
blacktip reef sharks tend to assort strongly by body length does not
support this hypothesis. It is widely recognized that many shark
species show ontogenetic and sex-based shifts in habitat use and
diet composition as juveniles live in nursery habitats and adults in
open habitat (reviewed in Wetherbee & Cortes 2004) and these
passive sorting mechanisms may contribute to the formation of
size- and sex-segregated groups (Sims 2003; Heupel &
Simpfendorfer 2005; Wearmouth & Sims 2008; Jacoby et al.
2011). While communities differed in their demographic compo-
sition (sex and length frequencies), their members tended to
associate preferentially with individuals of similar sex and/or size.
This case study illustrates how assortative associations based on
sex or length may globally inuence and structure a shark social
network. As mechanisms producing such preferences remain
difcult to determine precisely, mating strategies, familiarity
developed within cohorts, and size- and sex-dependent dominance
hierarchies (Myrberg & Gruber 1974) could explain such
Individual Space Use and Boundaries of Communities
The ranges of individual blacktip reef sharks were almost
restricted to a single site (mean 89% of sightings at one site). Other
studies found a similar degree of site attachment (Stevens 1984;
Papastamatiou et al. 2009, 2010). The advantage of maintaining
a home range has been debated; it may facilitate the use of local
resources such as feeding sites, predator refuges and breeding sites
(Powter & Gladstone 2009; Speed et al. 2011). Fine-scale site
delity of gregarious animals is likely to play a key role for a species
social structure by creating an environment for social relationships
to develop from repeated interactions (Wolf et al. 2007). This may
also benet individuals by reducing aggression.
As found in other social animals (e.g. Lusseau et al. 20 06; Wolf
et al. 2007), communities in the present study were almost
entirely explained by space segregation with little overlap
Table 3
Average network measures calculated using association strength (HWI) for all individuals and for each community and sex compared to 1000 random networks
Community and
sex class means
Strength Eigenvector centrality Reach Clustering coefcient Afnity
A(N¼54) 13.52 (4.76) 0.12 (0.05)*** 202.47 (75.44)*** 0.30 (0.05)*** 14.80 (1.13)***
Random 13.69 (4.86) 0.10 (0.04) 191.19 (69.76) 0.21 (0.02) 13.86 (0.70)
A1 (N¼29) 13.92 (5.79) 0.13 (0.06)*** 211.56 (90.63)*** 0.31 (0.04) 14.95 (1.13)**
Random 14.00 (5.84) 0.11 (0.05) 205.78 (88.37) 0.25 (0.04) 14.48 (0.93)
A2 (N¼25) 13.05 (3.26) 0.12 (0.04)*** 191.92 (52.62)*** 0.29 (0.06)*14.62 (1.13)***
Random 13.13 (3.30) 0.10 (0.03) 188.25 (50.13) 0.24 (0.04) 14.28 (0.83)
B(N¼14) 7.82 (2.60) 0.02 (0.01) 80.84 (27.00) 0.29 (0.03) 10.32 (0.50)
Random 7.87 (2.56) 0.04 (0.01) 89.50 (30.04) 0.18 (0.02) 11.34 (0.55)
C(N¼30) 9.20 (2.08)** 0.01 (0.00) 89.76 (21.56) 0.27 (0.05) 9.74 (0.32)
Random 8.98 (2.06) 0.03 (0.01) 94.87 (23.59) 0.19 (0.03) 10.54 (0.52)
D(N¼35) 11.97 (4.31) 0.02 (0.02)*** 159.05 (59.78) 0.38 (0.10)*13.08 (1.06)
Random 11.96 (4.33) 0.07 (0.03) 159.36 (59.37) 0.26 (0.06) 13.18 (0.77)
F(N¼45) 11.16 (3.90)*0.05 (0.06) 142.22 (69.91) 0.32 (0.07)** 12.28 (2.25)
Random 11.11 (3.96) 0.07 (0.04) 144.43 (65.05) 0.22 (0.05) 12.67 (1.61)
M(N¼88) 11.73 (4.73) 0.07 (0.06) 158.23 (79.49)*** 0.31 (0.08)** 12.96 (2.29)
Random 11.73 (4.81) 0.08 (0.04) 157.57 (74.92) 0.22 (0.05) 13.06 (1.61)
Overall means 11.54 (4.46)** 0.06 (0.06) 152.81 (76.50) 0.31 (0.08)** 12.73 (2.30)
Random 11.52 (4.52) 0.07 (0.04) 153.01 (72.72) 0.23 (0.05) 12.88 (1.74)
SEs are reported in parentheses. Bold indicates signicant differences from 1000 random networks.
*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001.
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401 397
between them. While spatial ranges of communities were
signicantly different with low overlap, overall ranges of
communities were not mutually exclusive and mixed-community
groups were observed 32% of the time. Therefore, opportunities
for social relationships to develop between communities of
sharks were present. However, association patterns as well as
LARs were low between communities, suggesting intercommu-
nity associations resulting primarily from aggregative behaviour
(i.e. nonsocial forces such as localized food resources, mating or
predation avoidance, Whitehead 2008). Additionally, the higher
occurrence of mixed-community groups (36.6% of groups) mainly
during the breeding season indicates that mating behaviour is
the major driver inuencing association patterns between
Generally, association patterns among individuals correlate
with spatial overlap (Chaverri et al. 2007). Indeed, if movements of
some animals are restricted in space (e.g. conned to a unique
site), these individuals are more likely to be found in the same
group just by chance. Consequently, given that associating sharks
must overlap in space to some degree, it is not surprising that the
spatial overlap and shark associations were found to correlate
(Table 2). However, other ndings do not support this. Although
sharks were positively assorted by their spatial overlap at both the
population and community level, this assortment was globally
weaker than random expectations, suggesting that community
structure resulted from social afliation and was not an artefact of
the spatial distribution of their members or the sampling proce-
dure. Moreover, preferred associations as dened by pairwise
association estimates at or above the 97.5% percentile (i.e.
HWI >0.56) were found between sharks showing as little as 45%
spatial overlap, while some pairs showed temporal avoidance (i.e.
HWI ¼0) despite 100% spatial overlap. There were also more
study sites than communities demonstrating that site boundaries
are not dening the community boundaries. Finally, spatial
segregation does not exclusively explain the social separation, as
subcommunities A1 and A2 were split from community A with
a high modularity (Q
¼0.48) and showed a high degree of
spatial overlap (ANOSIM: R¼0.041). The subcommunity structure
found within community A may be an example of the social
structure containing preferred social associations going beyond
ne-scale site delity. Consequently, spatial overlap does not
exclusively explain association patterns, which indicates that the
structure of this population has been driven by active choices of
individuals comparable to complex social structures such as those
observed in dolphins (Lusseau et al. 2006; Wiszniewski et al.
2009; Frère et al. 2010).
Range overlap and the presence of few social ties between
communities also indicate that these sharks tolerated the sporadic
presence of noncommunity memberswithin the area of their
home range that were not aggressively excluded. Similar spatial
communities have also been described in terrestrial predators
(Macdonald 1983; Bekoff et al. 1984; Gittleman 1989; Wagner et al.
2008) that display some territoriality and few interactions
between social units where intruders (i.e. individuals that are not
part of their community) are repelled aggressively (Mosser &
Packer 2009). Our results do not suggest that aggression is
common, although we observed agonistic displays (Martin 2007)
and bite wounds on some males instead of females (Porcher 2005),
which were not mating scars. However, it remains difcult to
distinguish between intra- and interspecic aggression. Such
individual preferences for other individuals that are not directly
related to reproduction, foraging or defence could be of benetby
reducing aggression among neighbours within a dened range
(Pomeroy et al. 2005) and increasing familiarity (Ward & Hart
External Factors: Food Resources Distribution
On the north coast of Moorea, grouping could be related to the
presence of recreational provisioning (i.e. shark feeding), which
would promote aggregation by attracting individuals into
a restricted area where food is supplied. As highlighted by studies
on stingray feeding (Corcoran 2006; Semeniuk & Rothley 2008),
a localized supply of food brought in by tourists can alter an
animals behaviour by inducing more regular interactions between
conspecics and by increasing delity to the feeding site (Clua
et al. 2010) as well as increasing spatial overlap (Atwood &
Weeks 2003) of solitary animals. If the observed spatial struc-
ture were simply an artefact of passive aggregations (or loose
aggregations) at patchily distributed resources, we would expect
that association strength would be higher, with temporally
unstable associations, at articial feeding sites. We found that
density (i.e. community size) was higher for communities living
mainly within a feeding area (i.e. communities A, C and D with 54,
30 and 35 members, respectively) compared to community B,
which used a nonfeeding site (i.e. with 14 members; Fig. 3a). Mean
observed group size was also higher at feeding sites (i.e. 14.93 for
Site 2, 8.97 for Site 5 and 13.61 for Site 6) than adjacent sites
without feeding activities (i.e. 7.33 for Site 1, 9.30 for Site 4 and
4.60 for Site 7). However, site delity at these areas was not much
higher than in pristine environments for this species (Stevens
1984; Papastamatiou et al. 2009) and sharks that did not visit
feeding sites regularly also showed a high level of association
(HWI) but within smaller groups (Table 1). At provisioning sites,
shark communities showed nonrandom and temporally stable
associations. Provisioning may promote sociality by attracting
more potential social partners with increased food sources.
Community A from the main feeding site was the largest group
and showed a lower social cohesion. A high encounter rate created
by attraction to provisioned food may facilitate familiarity to
a large number of individuals thus allowing them to change
associates more regularly. Increased density can favour larger
group sizes, meaning that sociality may be density dependent in
this species, as shown in other animals (Macdonald 1983). As
blacktip reef sharks are top predators, the distribution of resources
such as food may inuence their spatial distribution, but the
exclusivity of articial feeding sites by a unique community
reects the importance of sociality in mapping a home range, with
potential competition by exclusion between social groups (Lusseau
et al. 2006). Further research is needed to investigate the effect of
provisioning on sharksbehaviour and population structure, for
example by considering a direct comparison of provisioned and
nonprovisioned sites as implemented in other specic studies on
this topic (Semeniuk & Rothley 2008; Malkjovi
c & Côté 2011).
Social Variability
Blacktip reef sharks showed some variability in their sociality.
Individual sharks differed signicantly in their level of gregarious-
ness and communities differed in their mean sociality. Community
A appeared to be the most diversely connected in the network (high
strength, eigenvector centrality, reach and afnity combined with
relatively low clustering) and had the highest number of members
(N¼54) subdivided into two subcommunities. Conversely,
community D showed a tighter clustering. These differences may be
related to individual characteristics, individual foraging or mating
strategies to maximize their tness. Such variability within and
between communities highlights an interesting avenue for further
research in explanatory factors affecting social afliation and
structure within this population. However, contrary to a previous
investigation into the role of sex and sex ratio in the social variability
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401398
of sharks (Jacoby et al. 2010), comparisons between male and female
centrality measures revealed no signicant difference. Within
communities, the sex ratio was dominated by males or was equal as
in communities B and C, but this characteristic did not appear to
inuence the social variability even if sharks tended toassort by sex.
Complex association patterns occur in numerous animal societies in
which cooperation has evolved (Krause & Ruxton 2002). Blacktip
reef sharks are known to form milling groups in an uncoordinated
fashion (see Appendix Fig. A1), which have generally been attrib-
uted to mutual attraction to a common resource such as food or
a refuge from predators (Motta & Wilga 2001). Evidence of coop-
erative feeding has been noted in several studies, and specically by
Eibl-Eibesfeldt & Hass (1959) in blacktip reef sharks. Several indi-
viduals would herd a school of small shes towards the shore,
providing food for all. During the study such cooperative hunting
was observed on two occasions, when a group of about four or ve
blacktip reef sharks herded a school of shes around a coral struc-
ture. However, it remains unknown whether sharks commonly
cooperate. The reciprocal altruism theory (Ohtsuki et al. 2006)
predicts that individuals would cooperate in small, tight groups (low
strength, high clustering) mostly composed of unrelated individ-
uals. Conversely, broader connectivity might exist if group members
are primarily kin, particularly in the context of cooperation (Sih et al.
2009). At the individual level, we can expect that individuals that
have higher mean relatedness to others in the group would also be
well connected in general (high strength, Sih et al. 2009). Although
interactions may occur between related individual sharks at the
juvenile stage within their nursery where they were born and grew
together (Guttridge et al. 2011), such assortment remains unknown
within adult populations. Further research should investigate the
relative importance of genetic relationships between individual
sharks as a potential factor shaping the structure of the network and
inuencing social variability.
This study revealed for the rst time that adults of a reef-
associated shark species formed communities that were main-
tained by nonrandom associations between specic individuals
with the capacity to form stable long-term social bonds. These
communities had different ranging patterns with little overlap
between them, individuals tending to assort even weakly by sex
and size. However, spatial assortment between individuals was
globally weaker than random expectations, suggesting that asso-
ciations resulted from social afliation and were not an artefact of
either the sampling design or the spatial distribution of individuals.
These ndings suggest that marine top predators such as blacktip
reef sharks display active preferences for specic individuals,
reinforcing current suggestions that familiarity may confer
substantial benets in social marine sh. The grouping patterns
displayed by this shark species indicate that the structure of this
population does not reect passive aggregations at specic
resources but rather developed from an active choice of individuals
similar in some ways to some other social animals. The decision to
form long-term social ties, developed through repeated interac-
tions, is therefore likely to have some ecological signicance among
apex marine predators occupying a highly variable spatiotemporal
environment. Individual preferences and adaptation to local
conditions as well as demographic, ecological and anthropogenic
factors may explain the social variability between communities,
although it is possible that other factors, such as relatedness and
mating strategies, may shape the observed structure. Because
sharks are long-lived predators, the behavioural decisions they
make potentially impact their behaviour for periods of years to
This study was implemented thanks to the nancial support of the
Direction à lEnvironnement (DIREN) of French Polynesia, the Coor-
dination Unit of the Coral Reef Initiatives for the Pacic(CRISP
Program) and Proscience in French Polynesia. We are grateful to the
Centre de Recherche Insulaire et Observatoire de lEnvironnement
(CRIOBE) staff fortheir technical support, as wellas the volunteers and
students who assisted in eld data collection. We thank Hal White-
head, David Lusseau and Joanna Wiszniewski for all their support
with SOCPROG use and network analysis. We acknowledge Kathryn
Furby for manuscript reviewing and English language revisions.
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J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401400
Figure A1. Blacktip reef shark social behaviours observed during the study: (a) two mature males following; (b) two mature males paralleling; (c) four adult sharks milling.
Following swimming: two or more sharks swimming nose to tail within four body lengths of each other; one mimics the directional changes of the leader. Parallel swimming: two
or more sharks observed swimming in parallel within about two body lengths of each other and exhibiting the same directional changes in swimming behaviour. Milling group or
loose aggregation: two or more sharks swimming together but not exhibiting any coordinated directional changes. Photos: Johann Mourier.
J. Mourier et al. / Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 389e401 401
... While size at sexual maturity of male blacktip reef sharks has been inferred from external claspers (51), size at sexual maturity of females has only been determined previously using dead animals (53). In French Polynesia, sharks have been protected since 2006 in what is currently the largest shark sanctuary in the world (54), and lethal methods for examining shark life histories are therefore prohibited which has encouraged the development of non-lethal approaches to study their biology and behavior (18,52,55,56). To further our understanding of the population dynamics of blacktip reef sharks throughout French Polynesia, we used nonlethal methodologies to accurately determine their size at maturity, breeding season, gestation and parturition. ...
... In addition to these captures, other non-lethal sampling methods were carried out. In 2005 and 2007 on a sporadic basis and regularly between 2008 and 2010, we carried out underwater surveys (∼200 dives) dedicated to monitoring the presence of sharks along the Northern reef of Moorea using photo-identification (55). During these surveys additional information on blacktip reef sharks was also collected including photographs of mating scars on females (19) and gestation monitoring by identifying individuals and following their abdomen growth. ...
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Introduction: Overexploitation of sharks and the destruction of their habitat has led to severe population declines and the need for conservation and management actions. Effective conservation management requires knowledge of the size at which a shark matures and an understanding of their breeding season, fundamental information to maintain appropriate population levels. Methods: Here we used reproductive endocrinology, estrogen and androgen steroids, in combination with rare direct observations of mating, visual monitoring of reproductive status such as gestation and mating scars, as well as parentage analysis, to assess reproductive biology in male and female Chondrichthyans from the wild. Results and discussion: Lengths at sexual maturity of female and male blacktip reef sharks corresponded closely with plasma 17β-estradiol, testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone measures respectively, but we found considerable variation in androgen levels for mature males. Size at sexual maturity of male and female blacktip reef shark deduced from direct or indirect evidence (mating scars or parentage assignment respectively, corresponded closely with plasma 17β-estradiol, testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone measures respectively, but we found considerable variation in androgen levels for mature males. Females attained sexual maturity from around 121 to 123 cm and males from 104 to 111 cm. The mating season extends from September to February but female 17β-estradiol levels are elevated 1 month prior to mating. Endocrinology has brought additional important information to the reproductive biology and ecology of blacktip reef sharks.
... The inherent structure of acoustic telemetry data suits the application of network analysis to elucidate the directionality and frequency of movements between sites monitored, with nodes typically denoting acoustic receiver stations and edges representing the movements of tagged animals between receiver stations [38,39]. These combined approaches have been successfully used to reveal the population structure, habitat use and connectivity of marine species, including manta rays and other elasmobranchs, at regional to continental scales and over long periods [29,32,38,[40][41][42][43][44]. ...
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The reef manta ray Mobula alfredi is present throughout most island groups that form the Raja Ampat archipelago, Indonesia. The species is protected regionally and nationally and is currently managed as a single homogeneous population within the 6.7 million ha archipelago. However, scientific evidence is currently lacking regarding the spatial connectivity and population structure of M. alfredi within this archipelago. Using network analysis and an array of 34 acoustic receivers deployed throughout Raja Ampat between February 2016 and September 2021, we examined the movements of 72 subadult and adult M. alfredi tagged in seven regions of Raja Ampat. A total of 1094 M. alfredi movements were recorded and were primarily concentrated between nearby receiver stations, highlighting frequent local movements within, and limited long-distance movements between regional acoustic receiver arrays. Network analysis revealed highly connected nodes acting as hubs important for M. alfredi movements. A community detection algorithm further indicated clusters within the network. Our results suggest the existence of a metapopulation comprising three demographically and geographically distinct subpopulations within the archipelago. They also reveal the importance of Eagle Rock as a critical node in the M. alfredi movement network, justifying the urgent inclusion of this site within the Raja Ampat marine protected area network.
... Encounters between individuals can be facilitated by key locations-for instance at sleeping sites like dens or roosts, or clumped resources such as fruit trees or watering holes. These spatial attractors can serve as catalysts for social encounters, thus influencing social structure (Mourier et al. 2012;Firth and Sheldon 2015). ...
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Fission–fusion dynamics describe the tendency for members of some animal societies to associate in subgroups that change size and structure fluidly over time. These dynamics shape social complexity and social structure, but are difficult to study because they unfold simultaneously over large spatial scales. Here we use simultaneous, fine-scale GPS data from spotted hyenas to examine fission–fusion dynamics through a dyadic analysis of merge-split events between pairs of individuals. We introduce a species-agnostic framework for identifying merge-split events and discretizing them into three phases (merging, together, and splitting), enabling analysis of each phase as well as the connections among phases. Applying this framework to the hyena data, we examine the temporal and spatial properties of merges and splits between dyads and test the extent to which social encounters are driven by key locations. Specifically, we focus on communal dens—shelters for juvenile hyenas where classical observational studies often report large aggregations of adults. We find that overall, 62% of merges occurred at communal dens, supporting the idea that dens facilitate meet-ups and subsequent social behavior. Social encounters most commonly involved close approaches within a few meters between hyenas, while co-travel together occurred in only 11% of events. Comparison to permutation-based reference models suggests that independent movement decisions structure broad-scale patterns of social encounters but do not explain the fine-scale dynamics of interactions that unfold during these encounters. We reflect on how physical features such as dens can become social hotspots, causing social and spatial processes to become fundamentally intertwined.
... However, the tendency to school with individuals of its own species or phenotypically similar fish of other species is much weaker in Elasmobranchii than in schooling Teleostei, in which this property is based on an unconditioned reflex (Kerr, 1962;Williams, 1976;Köhler, 1988;Ranta et al., 1992;Krause, 1994;Krause and Godin, 1994). In some sharks (the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas, the blacktip reef shark C. melanopterus, the grey reef shark C. amblyrhynchos, the scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini), stable relationships and hierarchy between individuals within associations were revealed (Myrberg and Gruber, 1974;Sperone et al., 2010;Mourier et al., 2012;Schilds et al., 2019;Papastamatiou et al., 2020;Bouveroux et al., 2021), which implies p e r s o n a l i z at i o n , i.e., individual recognition of fish. This property does not correspond to true schools of fish, where all individuals are maximally unified (equipotential), and personalization is not expressed (Radakov, 1973). ...
... Network analysis can be conducted using various data-collection techniques such as mark-recapture (Guttridge et al. 2011;Mourier et al. 2017), acoustic telemetry Jacoby et al. , 2021 or observation (e.g. diving observations: Mourier et al. 2012; Mourier and Planes 2021). The result of a network analysis is an adjacency matrix giving the interaction between nodes, representing acoustic receivers in a spatial network, and tagged individuals in the case of a social network (Mourier et al. 2018). ...
The spotted gully shark Triakis megalopterus (Triakidae) is a mesopredatory species endemic to southern Africa. It is currently listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List in accordance with an estimated increase in population size, general release by recreational linefishers and incidental catches in the commercial linefisheries. Previous research suggests this species to be resident, and as such it is likely to receive protection in coastal marine protected areas (MPAs). However, its ecology and movement behaviour remain poorly studied. This study employed acoustic telemetry to provide information on the species’ movements along the coast of the Western Cape Province, South Africa. We used network analyses to investigate movement randomness, associations between individuals, sexual segregation, and the effectiveness of MPAs. Our findings reveal nonrandom movements as well as patterns of co-occurrence between individuals. Spatial network analysis suggested sexual segregation, because areas of high use (Walker Bay and De Hoop) differed between males and females. Co-occurrences were observed exclusively in Walker Bay, chiefly between males, with no co-occurrence found between females. The tagged spotted gully sharks were not detected extensively within existing MPA boundaries, though there was no significant difference between their movements inside and outside protected areas for both sexes.
... Individuals' spatial and social behaviours are tightly intertwined (Webber et al., 2023), with spatial behaviour often being important in explaining social network structure (Firth & Sheldon, 2016;Mourier et al., 2012;Pinter-Wollman, 2015). Comparative network analyses offer an exciting opportunity to look at how the role of the ecological environment and movement behaviour in explaining social structure varies among populations and species (Figure 2), testing whether variation in these relationships can be linked to species traits such a body mass, mobility and kin structure. ...
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Social systems vary enormously across the animal kingdom, with important implications for ecological and evolutionary processes such as infectious disease dynamics, anti‐predator defence, and the evolution of cooperation. Comparing social network structures between species offers a promising route to help disentangle the ecological and evolutionary processes that shape this diversity. Comparative analyses of networks like these are challenging and have been used relatively little in ecology, but are becoming increasingly feasible as the number of empirical datasets expands. Here, we provide an overview of multispecies comparative social network studies in ecology and evolution. We identify a range of advancements that these studies have made and key challenges that they face, and we use these to guide methodological and empirical suggestions for future research. Overall, we hope to motivate wider publication and analysis of open social network datasets in animal ecology.
... It functions as an apex predator and is known for its cooperative behaviour, often forming small groups to capture prey, and engaging in complex social interactions. They feed on a variety of small to medium-sized fish species, including reef fish, herring, mullet, and other small prey fish [19,20]. T. obesus, the Whitetip Reef Shark, is also a medium-sized shark, with a total length of approximately 1.8 m. ...
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Many progressive aquariums worldwide house various elasmobranch species as part of their commitment to conservation awareness and the long-term well-being of these creatures. These aquariums face the challenge of enabling these natural predators to live harmoniously with other fish without triggering natural predation. This research, conducted at Zoomarine Algarve in Southern Portugal, aimed to investigate the behaviour of three elasmobranch species (Carcharhinus melanopterus (1:1:0), Triaenodon obesus (1:0:0), and Pteroplatytrygon violacea (0:3:0)) when exposed to different feeding mechanisms. The goal was to provide them with opportunities for alternative predatory behaviours beyond their typical feeding techniques and to reduce the likelihood of natural predation. The study took place under controlled conditions within a community habitat. Four feeding methods (pole, short buoy, long buoy, and PVC) were tested during morning, afternoon, and evening periods, using five different prey species. The results shed light on which feeding method aligns best with each species’ distinct physiological standards and predatory tendencies and revealed their prey preferences. All three species interacted with all feeding methods, with P. violacea showing a strong preference for the pole method. T. obesus favoured bony fish, while C. melanopterus showed a preference for cephalopods. P. violacea interacted with all prey types but displayed no marked preference. These various feeding methods and prey options also function as environmental enrichment strategies, enhancing the complexity of the habitat and providing the animals with more choices and control, ultimately promoting their welfare in captivity.
... Studies of a variety of species of sharks in the field including spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) (Rago et al., 1998) as well as scalloped hammerheads (Sphyrna lewini) (Klimley, 1981(Klimley, , 1987, white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) (Robbins, 2007), the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) (Mucientes et al., 2009), sandbar (Carcharhinus plumbeus) and dusky (Carcharhinus obscurus) sharks (Zemah-Shamir et al., 2022), and blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) (Papastamatiou et al., 2009;Mourier et al., 2012;Porcher, 2023 this issue) have found that species across at least three out of the eight existing orders of sharks display segregation according to sex, size, and age. Thus, it is reasonable to speculate that these fished animals, who do live naturally in aggregations (Murdy et al., 1997), likely came from different, segregated fractions of the population, which would not interact closely in nature. ...
In, 1954, Warder C. Allee and Joshua C. Dickinson decided to establish that “dominance-subordination” hierarchies are present in the Chondrichthyan phylogenetic line. To do so, they confined sixteen fished smooth dogfish ( Mustelus canis ) in tanks and observed their behaviour. They found neither competition over food, in spite of starving the animals for up to six days at times, nor any clear example of aggression, though it is through aggressive actions that such hierarchies are, by definition, established. They therefore used collision avoidance to support their hypothesis that the sharks had established a rigid size-dependent dominance-subordinate hierarchy, and claimed to have established that such hierarchies are present in Chondrichthyans. However, ethological studies since then have not identified the hierarchies in elasmobranchs that this study claims to be present, but they have found that smaller sharks tend to avoid colliding with larger individuals, which is the simplest explanation for their observations.
... Animals choose their long-term associates based on a variety of factors; similar sex and size to themselves being common in many species (e.g. sharks: Mourier et al., 2012;cichlids: Schürch et al., 2010;prairie dogs: Kusch & Lane, 2021). Associations can also form among juveniles and remain into adulthood (e.g. ...
Despite great promise for understanding the impacts and extent of climate change on aquatic animals, their species, and ecological communities, it is surprising that tracking tools, like biotelemetry and biologging devices, have not been extensively used to understand climate change or develop and evaluate potential interventions that may forestall or mitigate its effects. In this review, we provide an overview of methodologies and study designs that leverage available tracking tools to investigate aspects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems. Key interventions to protect aquatic life from the impacts of climate change, including habitat restoration, protected areas, conservation translocations, mitigations against interactive effects of climate change, and simulation of future scenarios can all be greatly facilitated by using electronic tagging and tracking. We anticipate that adapting study designs (e.g. use of replicated ponds, randomized control trials, physiologging) to effectively use tracking will greatly enhance our understanding of climate change and its impacts on aquatic ecosystems, hopefully also facilitating research into effective solutions and interventions against the most extreme and acute impacts.
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This study examines the frequentation of feeding sites by the pink whipray (Himanturafai) in the lagoon of Moorea (French Polynesia) from April 2005 to March 2006. Six multidirectional hydrophones (VEMCO VR 2) were deployed at 1.5-3 m depth in the North-western area of the Moorea lagoon in which two ray feeding sites were set up for tourism purposes in 1995 and 1999. The study area (1.9 km2) is part of a marine reserve created by the French Polynesian government in October 2004. Fourteen individuals (6 males, 8 females; disc width DW: 73-114 cm) were surgically implanted with individually coded ultrasonic transmitters (VEMCO V8-SC and V13-1H) and presence/absence data were collected for up to 340 days. One ray was never detected. Of the other 13 animals, 7 (4 males, 3 females) showed a maximum presence time on one feeding site (Sand bank) and 4 (1 male, 3 females) favoured the other one (Motu); 2 rays (1 male, 1 female) were detected less than 10% of their total detection time at either of the feeding sites. Both receivers located on the feeding sites detected all 12 individuals during the data collection period and detected a fish an average of 89% of the time daily, whereas the mean daily detection time of the other four receivers-located outside of any feeding area-ranged from 27 to 60%. Only one ray was detected by all 6 receivers in the same day. We observed different frequentation patterns between individuals at each feeding site. Daily bimodal pattern related to feeding time is shown but with no correlation with tourist or feeding numbers. Rays show anticipation on feeding times (one or two hours before feeding hours) but they are conditioned and come on sites with or without feeding activity occurring on the selected day. Even if our study suggests that site fidelity exists for 11 individuals out of 13, the long-term impact of feeding on ray behaviour, reproduction and health still needs to be explored.
Two sharks were trained to feed at a target which, when pressed, caused a submerged bell to ring. Later they were trained to press the target for remotely placed food. They retained this conditioned response after a 10-week period of inactivity.
In contrast to some other mammalian orders, members of the Carnivora do not commonly live in groups: only about 10–15% of all species aggregate at some period outside of the breeding season (Bekoff et al. 1984; Gittleman 1984). Because most carnivores reside in dense habitats and are solitary, dangerous, and nocturnal, little information existed on their social behavior until recently. Now, more comprehensive and comparative data are available to examine functional explanations of interspecific variation in grouping patterns across carnivores (for previous qualitative comparisons, see Ewer 1973; Kleiman and Eisenberg 1973; Kruuk 1975; Bertram 1979; Macdonald 1983). In this chapter I briefly review selected hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of grouping in carnivores, focusing on those that are broadly applicable across the order and are testable from the available comparative data. I then analyze quantitative measures of interspecific variation in social behavior with respect to differences in morphology, physiology, and ecology. The analysis differs from previous cross-species comparisons of carnivore social ecology (Ewer 1973; Kleiman and Eisenberg 1973; Kruuk 1975; Bertram 1979; Macdonald and Moehlman 1982; Macdonald 1983; Bekoff et al. 1984; Kruuk and Macdonald 1985) by being more quantitative, by accounting for morphological and metabolic constraints, and by deriving general trends across the order as a whole rather than in particular taxonomic families.
A majority of the carnivore species are primarily solitary, having very little contact with conspecifics (Gittleman, this volume). These solitary species have received less attention than the group-living species, which have attracted much interest (see reviews in Macdonald and Moehlman 1982; Macdonald 1983; Bekoff et al. 1984).