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Generation of n-scroll attractors by Josephson junctions



In this paper Josephson junctions are used in order to generate n-scroll attractors. Instead of synthesiz-ing the nonlinearity of n-scroll attractors via linear compo-nents, we propose this paper to make use of the nonlinearity of the Josephson junction itself.
Generation of n-scroll attractors by Josephson junctions
us¸tak E. Yalc¸ınand Johan A. K. Suykens
Istanbul Technical University,
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Department
80626, Maslak, ˙
Istanbul, Turkey
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Department of Electrical Eng. ESAT, SCD/SISTA
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10,
B-3001, Leuven, Belgium,
Abstract—In this paper Josephson junctions are used in
order to generate n-scroll attractors. Instead of synthesiz-
ing the nonlinearity of n-scroll attractors via linear compo-
nents, we propose this paper to make use of the nonlinearity
of the Josephson junction itself.
1. Introduction
Since the observation of n-double scroll attractors [9]
from a generalized Chua’s circuit [2], multi-scroll attrac-
tors [13, 5] have received considerable attention. Short af-
ter the presentation of n-double scroll attractors, n-scroll
attractor have been studied by Suykens et al. [8] which
also allows for an odd instead of an even number of scrolls.
Then an experimental confirmation of n-double scroll and
n-scroll attractors were given followed by the circuit real-
ization of 2-double scroll attractor [1] and 5-scroll attrac-
tor [12]. In n-scroll attractors the scrolls are only located
along one state variable direction in state space. The fam-
ily of scroll grid attractors has been introduced where this
is no longer a restriction [11]. These families allow that the
scrolls can be located in any state variable direction. Cur-
rently multi-scroll chaotic attractors is a common umbrella
for the collection of n-scroll, n-double scroll, and families
of scroll grid chaotic attractors.
A design of multi-scroll chaotic attractor is basically a
problem of design of multiple equilibrium points in a scroll
base chaotic attractor by modifications of nonlinear char-
acteristic. In [9] the modification is done by introducing
additional breakpoints in the piecewise nonlinear charac-
teristic of Chua’s circuit in order to obtain n-double scroll
attractors. In [10] the same modification is done by the sine
functions. In [11] and [6] authors used a collection of the
step functions and smooth hyperbolic tangent functions for
the modifications, respectively.
In fact the design and realization of multi-scroll attrac-
tors depends on synthesizing the nonlinearity with an elec-
trical circuit. The question arises whether there exists an
electrical device that can naturally allow to design a multi-
scroll chaotic attractor. In this paper we want to argue that
Josephson junctions [4] are suitable candidate devices that
possess such a nonlinearity. Josephson Junctions are super-
conducting devices that can generate high frequency oscil-
lations. In [3] chaotic dynamics from Josephson junction
have been reported. In this paper, in the first introduced
model we employ the nonlinearity of the junctions in a n-
scroll attractor. Then we use also the dynamics of the junc-
tions in a second model for generating n-scroll attractor.
The phase dierence of the junctions will be one of the
state variable of the resulting n-scroll attractor.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 we pro-
pose n-scroll attractors obtained as 1-D scroll grid attrac-
tors using a sine function. In Section 2 two new models are
introduced by making use of the Josephson junction non-
linear characteristic and the phase dynamics together with
its nonlinearity.
2. n-scroll attractors via the sine function
In [10] a sine function was replacing the nonlinear char-
acteristic of Chua’s circuit. With the sine function dierent
numbers of scrolls can be designed. Here we apply a simi-
lar approach to a simple Mx+Nx+1-scroll attractor
˙z=ax ay az +af(x)(1)
2(x) (2)
1θ, θ > 0
0θ, θ < 0
x,y,zR,ζR[13]. In [6] the authors have replaced
the nonlinear function (3) by a smooth hyperbolic tangent
Bruges, Belgium, October 18-21, 2005
Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2005)
2005 International Symposium on Nonlinear
−25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 2
Figure 1: 11-scroll attractor from (4) (a=0.3, b=0.25,
initial conditions (.1,.2,.3))and numerical simulations are
performed in Matlab (ode23) until t=6000.
function. Here we replace the nonlinearity by a sine func-
tion. Hence the new model is described by
˙z=ay az +ag(x)(4)
where g(x)=sin(2πbx) (5)
and bR.Figure 1. shows 11-scroll attractors obtained
from the system (4) for a=0.3, b=0.25, initial condi-
tions (.1,.2,.3) and numerical simulations are performed in
Matlab using a Runge-Kutta integration rule (ode23) un-
til t=6000. Figure 2 shows 15-scroll attractors obtained
from the same system with the same parameter when the
numerical simulations are performed until t=9000. The
reason to obtain dierent number of scrolls for the dier-
ent simulation time is indeed that the system is an n-scroll
attractor for the given parameters and the number of scrolls
(n) is defined by the system itself. The sine function in
[10], which is defined by
2s(x2ac),if x2ac
2a+d,if 2ac <x<2ac
2s(x+2ac),if x≤−2ac.
is used for a given interval of the variable (x) of the non-
linearity and the scrolls are obtained within this interval.
There is no restriction here to locate the scrolls within an
interval, therefore the number of scrolls can not be known.
3. Josephson Junctions and n-scroll attractors
Josephson junctions are highly nonlinear superconduct-
ing electronic devices. It is also well-known that Joseph-
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 4
Figure 2: 15-scroll attractor from (4) (a=0.3, b=0.25,
initial conditions (.1,.2,.3)) and t=9000.
son Junctions are superconducting devices that can gener-
ate high frequency oscillations [7]. The aim here is basi-
cally to use the nonlinearity of a Josephson junction in the
model 5. The current in a Josephson junction is described
by I=Icsinφ(7)
where ˙
Here φis the phase dierence and Vis the voltage across
the junction. In a superconducting Josephson junction kis
defined by the fundamental constants k=2e
h(his Planck’s
constant divided by 2πand eis the charge on the electron).
Instead of designing a sine function for the n-scroll at-
tractor which was discussed in the previous section here
the nonlinearity of the Josephson junction (7) is applied to
the model (4). For that reason the current in the Josephson
junction is chosen as g(x) and the voltage across the junc-
tion set to ystate variable. Hence the new model with the
Josephson junction is given by
˙z=ay az +a
where Iis given in Eq. (7). Figure 3. shows 10-scroll at-
tractors from the system (9) for a=0.1 and k=1. Further-
more in Figure 4 n-scroll attractors from the same system
(9) are shown for a=0.1 and k=2. A zoom of Figure 4.
is shown in Figure 5.
The model (9) can also be described by
˙z=ay az +a
In this case the Josephson junction is integrated to the sys-
tem and phase dierence (φ) is one of the state variable of
−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 3
Figure 3: n-scroll attractor from the model (9) with k=1,
−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 4
Figure 4: n-scroll attractor from the model (9) with k=2,
the n-scroll attractor (10). Figure 6 and 7 show the phase
portrait of an n-scroll attractor obtained from this model
with k=1 and k=3, respectively (a=0.1 in both).
4. Conclusions
Based on a model with sine function nonlinearity, a new
model for generating n-scroll attractors has been proposed
that makes use of Josephson junction nonlinearity. The
Josephson junction is integrated into the model itself such
that the phase dierence of the junctions is one of the state
variables of the model. The results have been illustrated
with computer simulations.
This research work was partially carried out at the
ESAT laboratory and the Interdisciplinary Center of Neu-
−16 −14 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0
Figure 5: Zoom of Figure 4.
−70 −60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 2
Figure 6: n-scroll attractor from the model (10) with k=1,
ral Networks ICNN of the Katholieke Universiteit Leu-
ven, in the framework of the Belgian Programme on In-
teruniversity Poles of Attraction, initiated by the Bel-
gian State, Prime Minister’s Oce for Science, Technol-
ogy and Culture (IUAP P4-02, IUAP P4-24, IUAP-V),
the Concerted Action Project Ambiorics of the Flemish
Community and the FWO projects G.0226.06, G.0211.05,
G.0499.04, G.0407.02. JS is an associate professor with
K.U. Leuven.
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...    ˙ x = y ˙ y = z ˙ z = −ay − az + ag(x) (1) where g(x) = sin(2πbx) (2) and b ∈ R [16] ...
... . An n-scroll attractor can obtained for a = 0.3, b = 0.25 [16]. The Jerk circuit consists of a linear circuit and a nonlinear circuit (See Figure 2). ...
... Instead of designing a sine function for the n-scroll attractor, the nonlinearity of the Josephson junction (3) was applied to the model (1) in [16]. The current in the Josephson junction was chosen as g(x) and the voltage across the junction set to the y state variable. ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper Josephson junctions are used in order to generate n-scroll and n-scroll hypercube attractors. We propose to use of the Josephson junction in a general Jerk circuit in such a way that there is no need for synthesizing the nonlinearity towards n-scroll and n-scroll hypercube attractors. The results are illustrated with computer simulations
... x y zdynamic variables that determine the phase space, , absystem parameters [5,6]. The Jerk circuit consists of a linear circuit and a nonlinear circuit (see can be realized by a commercial trigonometric function chips [4]. ...
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Introduction. In this paper is presented a theoretical basis of multi-scroll chaotic attractors. Modeling of Chaotic Multi-Scroll Jerk System in LabView. Submitted programming interface that has been developed in LabView software environment. It allows generating and researching chaotic multi-scroll Jerk system. Submitted by time distribution of three chaotic coordinates and 3D graph. Control of Chaotic Multi-Scroll Jerk System. Submitted values of coefficients in which generated controlled chaotic multi-scroll attractors of the Jerk system. Conclusions. For the first time was conducted control multi-scroll Jerk system with the corresponding values of control coefficients that can be used as keys for masking and decryption of information carrier in modern systems transmitting and receiving information.
In this paper Josephson junctions are used in order to generate n-scroll and n-scroll hypercube attractors. The design and realization of multi-scroll attractors depends on synthesizing the nonlinearity with an electrical circuit. Therefore we propose to use of the Josephson junction in a general jerk circuit in such a way that there is no need for synthesizing the nonlinearity towards chaotic n-scroll and hyperchaotic n-scroll hypercube attractors. The results are illustrated with computer simulations.
Aiming at the problem of three-dimensional scattering center extraction based on high resolution range profile (HRRP) sequence, two methods based on projection equation solving and spherical fitting were presented in this paper. Equation solving method was to solve the matrix equation based on the algebraic relations between the 1-D radial distance and 3-D position. Spherical fitting method was to extract scattering centers from the mapping graph according to the spherical distribution of 1-D projection data. In addition, a way of turning precession parameters into angle parameters indirectly was proposed for the difficulty of getting the look angle of the radar, Two methods were all verified by experiments developed with simulated and measured data. Finally, the features and performance of two methods were compared in the paper. The result indicates that the spherical fitting method is better than the equation solving method by 15dB under the same SNR.
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In this paper a new family of scroll grid attractors is presented. These families are classified into three called 1D-, 2D- and 3D-grid scroll attractors depending on the location of the equilibrium points in state space. The scrolls generated from 1D-, 2D- and 3D-grid scroll attractors are located around the equilibrium points on a line, on a plane or in 3D, respectively. Due to the generalization of the nonlinear characteristics, it is possible to increase the number of scrolls in all state variable directions. A number of strange attractors from the scroll grid attractor families are presented. They have been experimentally verified using current feedback opamps. Also Lur'e representations are given for the scroll grid attractor families.
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In this paper, different models of superconducting Josephson junction, particularly, the shunted inductive model have been discussed to understand its chaotic dynamics so that it could be used as a high-frequency chaos generator for communications. Some interesting results on modulation of chaotic oscillation in such devices by external sinusoidal signal as information signal have also been reported
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In this work we present an experimental confirmation of 3- and 5-scroll attractors from a generalized Chua's circuit. The generalized Chua's circuit introduced by Suykens, Huang, and Chua makes use of a piecewise linear characteristic with multiple breakpoints leading to a more complete family of n-scroll attractors than n-double scroll attractors, with n a natural number
Introduction -- Cellular neural/nonlinear networks -- Multi-scroll chaotic and hyperchaotic attractors -- Synchronization of chaotic Lur'e systems -- Engineering applications -- General conclusions and future work.
N-double scrolls are chaotic attractors generated by Chua's circuit when its non-linear resistor characteristic is appropriately modified. They have recently been introduced, simulated and studied analytically by Suykens and Vandewalle. In this paper a new approach to generate n-double scroll attractors is introduced. They have been derived from a connection of three simple generalized cellular neural network cells called a state controlled CNN (SC-CNN). In this way it is established that n-double scroll attractors can be generated using an SC-CNN. The circuit implementation of the introduced system and some experimental results referring to the 2-double scroll attractor are reported.
More than 200 papers, two special issues ( Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers , Vol.3, Nos. 1 and 2, 1993; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems , Vol. 40 No 10, 1993), an international workshop on ‘Chua's Circuit: Chaotic Phenomena and Applications’ at NOLTA ‘93, and a book (R. N. Madan (ed.), Chua's Circuit: A Paradigm for Chaos , World Scientific, Singapore, 1993) on Chua's circuit have been published since its inception a decade ago. This review paper attempts to present an overview of these timely publications, almost all within the last six months, and to identify four milestones of this very active research area. An important milestone is the recent fabrication of a monolithic Chua circuit. the robustness of this IC chip demonstrates that an array of Chua circuits can also be fabricated into a monolithic chip, thereby opening the floodgate to many unconventional applications in information technology, synergetics and even music. The second milestone is the recent global unfolding of Chua's circuit obtained by adding a linear resistor in series with the inductor to obtain a canonical Chua circuit—now generally referred to as Chua's oscillator. This circuit is most significant because it is structurally the simplest (it contains only six circuit elements) but dynamically the most complex among all non‐linear circuits and systems described by a 21‐parameter family of continuous odd‐symmetric piecewise‐linear vector fields. The third milestone is the recent discovery of several important new phenomena in Chua's circuits, e.g. stochastic resonance, chaos‐chaos‐type intermittency , 1/ f noise spectrum , etc. These new phenomena could have far‐reaching theoretical and practical significance. The fourth milestone is the theoretical and experimental demonstration that Chua's circuit can be easily controlled from a chaotic regime to a prescribed periodic or constant orbit, or it can be synchronized with two or more identical Chua circuits operating in an oscillatory or chaotic regime. These recent breakthroughs have ushered in a new era where chaos is deliberately created and exploited for unconventional applications e.g. secure communication.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
A novel chaotic oscillator capable of generating n-scroll chaos by relying on a multiple-cycle nonlinear transconductor is reported. The function of this nonlinearity can be mathematically represented via smooth hyperbolic tangent functions and its implementation only requires properly-biased bipolar differential-pair cells. The structure of the proposed oscillator is much simpler than existing n-scroll chaos generators
A new approach for generating n-scroll attractors is introduced. It is demonstrated that n-scroll attractors can be generated using a simple sine or cosine function. A guideline is given so that a different number of scrolls can be designed easily by modifying two variables in the function. An electronic circuit is also designed for the implementation and the observation of a 9-scroll attractor is reported for the first time