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Workplace violence and workplace aggression: Evidence concerning specific forms, potential causes, and preferred targets



Contrary to the impression generated by an increasing number of news reports in the past several years, the occurrence of workplace violence—extreme acts of aggression involving direct physical assault—represents a relatively rare event in work settings. However, workplace aggression—efforts by individuals to harm others with whom they work or have worked—are much more prevalent and may prove extremely damaging to individuals and organizations. This paper presents empirical evidence on the varied forms of workplace aggression and their relative frequency of occurrence in work settings. We offer a theoretical framework for understanding this phenomenon—one based on contemporary theories of human aggression—and demonstrate how principles associated with this framework may be applied to the management and prevention of all forms of aggressions in workplaces.
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Depuis la pandémie, un nombre croissant d’employés travaillent partiellement ou totalement à distance et en présentiel selon leur volonté ou des balises définies par leur employeur. Cette étude explore (1) les liens entre l’adoption de ces modes de travail qualifiés d’« hybride » (un changement d’organisation du travail important qui a modifié, entre autres, les lieux, les heures et la charge de travail) et diverses formes de comportement hostiles parmi le personnel ; (2) les moyens de prévenir et contrer l’émergence de comportements hostiles dans un contexte de travail hybride appelé à s’intensifier. Notre revue des écrits et les résultats de nos entrevues menées auprès d’experts montrent que les modes de travail hybride, avec la virtualisation accrue des relations de travail, ont des incidences mitigées sur les comportements hostiles : ils peuvent agir comme un accélérateur tout comme inhibiteur selon les facteurs pris en compte. D’une part, la virtualisation accrue des relations entre le personnel augmenterait la portée des cas de harcèlement psychologique comme les gestes hostiles peuvent se poursuivre et s’étendre pour la victime en dehors de la présence physique de l’agresseur. D’autre part, la distanciation physique qu’entraîne une virtualisation accrue des relations interpersonnelles peut aussi avoir un effet réducteur sur les rapports hostiles au travail. Cependant, le contexte de travail à distance a des incidences manifestes sur l’augmentation du nombre de dénonciations ou de plaintes, puisqu’il est plus facile d’obtenir des preuves matérielles. Nos résultats décrivent aussi l’importance du soutien offert par les employeurs et les superviseurs pour prévenir l’émergence de comportements hostiles en contexte de travail hybride à l’aide de divers moyens : adopter ou réviser les règles ou les politiques, réviser les modes de direction et supervision, maintenir la communication et clarifier les attentes, exercer une vigie et intervenir face aux incivilités, conflits et mal-être. Précis Cette étude explore les conséquences du recours massif aux modes de travail hybride sur l’adoption de divers comportements hostiles et sur les moyens de les prévenir. Nos entrevues menées auprès d’experts montrent que la virtualisation accrue des communications en contexte de travail hybride a des incidences mitigées sur le nombre et le type de comportements hostiles, mais qu’il a des effets manifestes sur le nombre et l’objet des dénonciations ou plaintes. Nos résultats décrivent l’importance du soutien offert par les employeurs et les superviseurs pour prévenir l’émergence de comportements hostiles en contexte de travail hybride. Les apports de ces résultats sur les plans théoriques et pratiques sont mis de l’avant.
Social representations (SRs) of selected teachers on short- and long-term school-office mistreatment and how they react, retort and develop coping mechanisms related to the issues on ‘social justice’ in educational leadership or management. Using Moscovici’s SR theory, a method in the representational field that involved key respondent-interviews, storytelling ( kwentuhan ), and “associative network” approach among teacher-respondents selected by a snowball sampling technique from undisclosed schools in the Philippines. In exploring SR on mistreatment and coping mechanisms of teachers, polarity and neutrality indices were computed as synthetic measurements of evaluation and attitude implicit in the representational field of school-office mistreatment or abuses. In case studies, the small number of participants allow for particularization or illustration of the uniqueness of the individual cases as viewed by them when shared in groups of academics. Insights on teachers’ subject loading, teachers’ assignments in research and extension, office designations and other provisions on sabbatical leave, research fellowships and faculty exchange programs also presented as reactions or coping mechanisms after the episodes of mistreatment.
COVID-19 altered the commercial aspects of numerous industries. Educational institutions are among the most severely impacted industries. This abrupt change in the work environment caused aberrant behaviour among education sector employees. The nature of deviant behaviour is not always destructive. It also has some favourable attributes. According to this study, the work-from-home approach induces deviant behaviour in employees at private educational institutions. Using theoretical background information, a conceptual model is created and validated using SEM. Additionally, the model investigated the moderating and mediating impacts of increased supervision and employee involvement on deviant behaviour. Online work altered educational institutions. Organizational change and workplace misconduct are interconnected. Employee involvement mediates organizational change and constructive and destructive deviances, while enhanced supervision moderates. Uniqueness resides in the evaluation of deviant employee conduct in the new normal working environment of private educational institutions.
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İşyerinde dışlanma kavramı, bir bireyin özellikle de iş arkadaşları ve yöneticileri tarafından görmezden gelinmesi ya da dışlanması olarak ifade edilmektedir. İşyerinden dışlanmanın hem bireysel hem de örgtüsel bazı sonuçları vardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, işyerinde dışlanma kavramının bibliyometrik haritalama yöntemiyle ortaya konulması ve gelecekteki çalışmalara ışık tutmasıdır. Çalışma kapsamında Web of Science veritabanında arama yapılmış ve Rstudio programı kullanılarak analizler ve görselleştirmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak isyerinde dışlanma konusu iş tatmini, işten ayrılma niyeti, çalışan performansı, örgütsel bağlılık gibi bazı kavramlarla yakın ilişkili çıkmıştır. Ayrıca kavramla alakalı 228 adet çalışmaya ulaşılmış, 2022 yılında en çok çalışma, Frontiers in Psychology dergisinde en çok çalışma yapılmış ve kavramla alakalı anahtar kelime olarak öne çıkan kelimeler iş, performans ve sosyal dışlanma olduğu sonuçları bulunmuştur.
Bu araştırma, okul müdürlerinin etik olmayan davranışlarını öğretmen görüşlerine göre ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, 2022-2023 eğitim öğretim yılında Düzce il merkezinde bulunan devlet okullarında görev yapan, ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise kademelerinde çalışan 7 kadın, 6 erkek öğretmen olmak üzere farklı branşlarda on üç öğretmenden oluşmaktadır. Amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden maksimum çeşitlilik örneklem yöntemi kullanılarak araştırmanın örneklemi oluşturulmuştur. Veriler, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla ve görüşme tekniği uygulanarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde, betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, okul müdürlerinin etik olmayan davranışları adil olmayan davranışlar, olumsuz iletişim dili, mobing, görev ihmal ve istismarı, tutarsızlık alt temalarında gruplandırılmıştır. Okul müdürlerinin etik olmayan davranışlarının nedenleri, bireysel etkenler, etik etkenler ve çevresel etkenler alt temalarında gruplandırılmıştır. Etik olmayan davranışların öğretmenler üzerindeki etkileri ise, duygusal etkiler, performansa yönelik etkiler, öğretmenler arası ilişkilere etkileri alt temalarında gruplandırılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda etik olmayan davranışların öğretmenler üzerindeki etkilerinin azaltılmasına yönelik yönetici eğitimleri ve öğretmen farkındalıklarının arttırılmasına ilişkin önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Uncivil interpersonal communication exchanges demonstrate disregard and disrespect for others while violating social interaction norms and expectations. Incivility is characterized by low‐intensity, subtle behaviors with an ambiguous intent to harm. Because of its harmful effects on interpersonal relationships, incivility is extremely problematic in the workplace. Incivility in the workplace is a growing phenomenon and has a number of negative consequences for both individuals and organizations. At the individual level, workplace incivility can increase feelings of anxiety and depression, decrease self‐esteem, and cause withdrawal. Workplace incivility also damages organizations by reducing employees’ abilities to work together and achieve organizational goals. Due to the relational damage incivility creates, workers become far less productive and less willing to collaborate with others.
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Negative work behavior (NWB) threatens employee well-being. There are numerous constructs that reflect NWBs, such as bullying, aggression, and discrimination, and they are often examined in isolation from each other, limiting scientific integration of these studies. We aim to contribute to this research field by developing a diagnostic tool with content validity on the full spectrum of NWBs. First, we provide a full description of how we tapped and organized content from 44 existing NWB measurement instruments and 48 studies. Second, we discussed our results with three experts in this research field to check for missing studies and to discuss our integration results. This two-stage process yielded a questionnaire measuring physical, material, psychological, sociocultural, and digital NWB. Furthermore, the questions include a range of potential actors of NWB, namely, internal (employees, managers) and external actors (clients, customers, public, and family members) at work and their roles (i.e., target, perpetrator, perpetrator’s assistant, target’s defender, outsider, and witness of NWBs). Finally, the questionnaire measures what type of harm is experienced (i.e., bodily, material, mental, and social harm).
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Employee health is crucial to organizational success. However, workplace ostracism (WO) has significant negative effects on employee health. Numerous researchers have extensively examined how WO influences employees’ negative health (job stress, burnout); however, the focus on mediating effects in the relationship between WO and health has been lacking. This study examined the cognitive evaluation response to WO by employees who perceive they have been ostracized because another employee envies them. The psychological defense mechanism is expected to be activated—thus triggering job stress and burnout. We investigated envy perceived by individuals as a mediator of WO, job stress, and burnout using data from a 2-wave longitudinal survey of 403 employees of a South Korean firm. We found that employees perceived WO. Specifically, based on the sensitivity to being the target of a threatening upward comparison theory, it was confirmed that envy was a mediator in the relationship between WO and negative health outcomes. Our results are the first to show that the perception of envy can mediate the maintenance of a positive self-image in the context of WO in South Korea. The results suggest that a greater awareness of and focus on envy, and WO is required.
The interaction between psychological and physiological variables indicates that attempts by Type A individuals to master uncontrollable stressful events may be associated with coronary heart disease.
The qualities which an age possesses are not always those it professes to admire. Many Englishmen of noble lineage left edifying counsels for their descendants on how to manage their lives, written while the author was awaiting execution for the conduct of his own. La Rochefoucauld touched upon the point in a maxim well-known in England: “Old men delight in giving good advice as a consolation for the fact that they can no longer set bad examples.“