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In this study, we examine how the characteristics of clique structures affect the performance of firms embedded within the cliques. Although it is generally accepted in organization theory and strategic management that firms are embedded within ego and overarching industry networks that each affect their behavior and performance, there is little evidence on whether cliques are stable features of industry networks or affect firm behavior or performance. We theorize that the value of a clique to its members depends on (1) the network centrality of the clique and (2) the internal structure and organization (heterogeneity and inequality) of the clique. Our analysis of the Canadian investment banking industry from 1952 to 1990 provides empirical evidence of stable cliques, and indicates that while a clique's internal structure and organization materially affect firm-level benefits of clique membership, its positional embeddedness within the industry network does not. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/mde.1201
Competing in Groups
Tim J. Rowley
, Joel A. C. Baum
*, Andrew V. Shipilov
Henrich R. Greve
and Hayagreeva Rao
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada
Norwegian School of Management, Norway
Kellogg Graduate School of Business, Northwestern University, USA
In this study, we examine how the characteristics of clique structures affect the performance of
firms embedded within the cliques. Although it is generally accepted in organization theory
and strategic management that firms are embedded within ego and overarching industry
networks that each affect their behavior and performance, there is little evidence on whether
cliques are stable features of industry networks or affect firm behavior or performance. We
theorize that the value of a clique to its members depends on (1) the network centrality of the
clique and (2) the internal structure and organization (heterogeneity and inequality) of
the clique. Our analysis of the Canadian investment banking industry from 1952 to 1990
provides empirical evidence of stable cliques, and indicates that while a clique’s internal
structure and organization materially affect firm-level benefits of clique membership,
its positional embeddedness within the industry network does not. Copyright #2004 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Observation contradicts the traditional economic
view of firms as distinct and autonomous units of
action. Instead, firms are embedded in networks
comprised of close, robust and multidimensional
ties that blur organizational boundaries (Grano-
vetter, 1994; Powell and Smith-Doerr, 1994;
Gulati and Gargiulo, 1999). Interfirm networks
are collections of firms joined by ties that vary in
formality, but are stable and significant enough to
create reasonably persistent interfirm structures.
Sparked by recognition of the increasing preva-
lence and economic significance of interfirm net-
works, a thriving literature in organization theory
and strategic management now stresses the need to
understand how the social context in which firms
are embedded influences their behavior and
Early work focused on identifying general
motivations for interfirm collaboration including
reducing uncertainty that results from resource
requirements (Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978), acces-
sing new knowledge and complementary assets
(Kogut, 1988; Teece, 1992), and solving market
failures that emerge under conditions of bounded
rationality (Williamson, 1985, 1991). This work
locates the interfirm network within broader
justifications for institutions, building on Coase’s
(1937, 1988) transaction cost and March and
Simon’s (1958) and Cyert and March’s (1963)
behavioral theory of the firm. From this perspec-
tive, interfirm networks are institutional arrange-
ments for managing interdependence among
organizations. Under conditions of bounded
rationality (limited cognitive capacity and costly
information), exchange is inhibited by the inability
to foresee contingencies and observe all actions of
exchange partners (Coase, 1937, 1988; Simon,
1957, Williamson, 1975). Like the firm, the
interfirm network smoothes exchange by provid-
ing rules and understandings that limit costs and
*Correspondence to: Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto, 105 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario
M5S 3E6, Canada. E-mail:
Interdependence in the face of transaction costs
provides a useful explanation of factors influen-
cing the propensity of firms to form ties in the first
place, but does not explain the choice of partners
or the kinds of network structures that may result.
Although interfirm relations can be a valuable
means of managing environmental uncertainty
and interdependence, there is also considerable
uncertainty associated with entering cooperative
ties. Given that imperfect information about
potential partners raises search costs and the risk
of exposure to opportunistic behavior, how do
firms choose partners? Recent work suggests that
firms’ ‘relational embeddedness’ in an immediate
circle of direct and indirect relations with other
firms and ‘positional embeddedness’ in the overall
network systematically influence their decisions
about cooperative ties. Work on relational em-
beddedness suggests that information about the
capabilities and trustworthiness of potential part-
ners obtained through previous direct ties (Gulati,
1995; Chung et al., 2000) and ties with potential
partners’ partners (Burt and Knez, 1995) shapes
firms’ search for partners. Work on positional
embeddedness indicates that the signaling property
of central network positions is important to firms’
partnering decisions because it introduces systema-
tic status differences among firms that travel
beyond their immediate circle of direct and
indirect ties (Podolny, 1993).
The significance of interfirm networks as a form
of organization for carrying out economic activity
has been highlighted in several accounts of the
dependence of economic performance of indivi-
dual firms on their embeddedness within a net-
work (Burt, 1992; Podolny, 1994; Powell et al.,
1996). One line of work emphasizes the influence
of relational embeddedness within the direct and
indirect ties comprising a firm’s ego network on its
performance. This research examines how access
to complementary assets and resources and the
quality and composition of a firm’s first- and
second-order ties influences the firm’s economic
performance, growth and survival (Uzzi, 1996,
1997; Baum et al., 2000). A second stream of
research focuses on the influence of a firm’s
positional embeddedness in an industry-wide net-
work on the firm’s performance. This work shows
how firms’ centrality in industry networks raises
their innovative (Powell et al., 1996) and economic
performance (Podolny, 1994; Rowley et al., 2000).
Taken together, these studies show how the direct
and indirect ties comprising a firm’s ego network,
and its position within the broader industry
network, shape the firm’s performance in several
important ways.
While the performance consequences of em-
beddedness in firm-level ego networks and indus-
try-level interfirm networks are increasingly well
understood, we know considerably less about
the role of intermediate network substructures
}‘cliques’}that lie between the firm and industry
levels (Dorian, 1992). Cliques are relatively stable
groups of firms, more densely interconnected to
one another than to other firms in the industry
network, and reproduced over time by repeated
interactions among a set of firms (Wasserman and
Faust, 1994). In a clique, the outcomes for firms
are fundamentally intertwined with those of other
firms that belong to the same clique. Clique
structures appear central to the frequently ob-
served industry networks composed of regions that
are more or less densely connected by relationships
(Nohria and Garcia-Pont, 1991; Gulati and
Gargiulo, 1999). Such industry networks are
typically decentralized, with no one firm connected
to most other firms, sparsely connected, with each
firm having few ties relative to the number of firms
in the industry, and locally clustered, in which
partners of partners are also frequently partners
(Walker et al., 1997; Watts, 1999; Kogut and
Walker, 2001). Such characteristics are consistent
with the simultaneous operation of firm and
industry level embeddedness processes (Baum
and Ingram, 2002).
When an industry contains cliques of intercon-
nected firms, competition is no longer solely firm
against firm, but instead a mixture of competition
among cliques and among firms within each clique
(Gomes-Casseres, 1994). Competition among busi-
ness networks such as the Keiretsu is an example
of such competition within systems of firms
combined with contests within the group for the
value generated by the group (Odagiri, 1994). The
organization of cliques may explain both their
competitive strength relative to other cliques and
their internal distribution of value.
Cliques thus resemble strategic groups, which
also subdivide an industry into groups of firms
that compete against other groups and internally
(Porter, 1979). Cliques have a stronger element of
coordination than strategic groups because they
are generated by network ties, whereas strategic
groups are generated by product-market and
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
resource deployment similarities (e.g., Cool and
Schendel, 1987; Clark and Montgomery, 1999).
Cliques may, or may not, be comprised of firms
with similar product and resource portfolios.
Strategic groups may also contain elements of
coordination, however, making this difference less
important in practice than it seems at first glance
(Peteraf and Shanley, 1997; Dranove et al., 1998).
Despite the evidence that interfirm networks are
often comprised of relatively stable cliques of firms
whose fates are shared, it remains unclear how
firms’ clique membership influences their perfor-
mance in general, and how clique characteristics
enhance or depress their members’ performance in
particular. This is the question we address in our
analysis. Below, we develop our theoretical frame-
work, in which the value of clique membership
depends on (1) the clique’s positional embedded-
ness within the industry network and (2) the
internal structure and organization of the clique.
We test our ideas in a study of Canadian
investment brokerage firms, which, as we show
below, competed in relatively stable groups, or
cliques, as they formed syndicates to underwrite
securities offerings over time between 1952 and
Cliques that can create value for their members are
likely to become stable. The value of clique
membership is a function of (1) the value created
by the clique and (2) the distribution of the value
created among clique members. These, in turn,
depend on (1) the networks of clique members,
and (2) the internal structure and organization of
the clique.
Clique Positional Embeddedness: Centrality in the
Industry Network
A clique’s ability to create value for its members is
high when the clique occupies a central position in
the industry network and one that places it in a
brokerage position vis- "
aa-vis the firms whose ex-
changes it mediates. Centrality refers to the extent
to which an actor is involved in relationships
within a network (Freeman, 1977; Bonacich, 1987;
Borgatti and Everett, 1992). The most central firm
in an industry network is the firm on the shortest
path between all pairs of other firms in the
network; the firm that is the fewest steps away
from reaching all firms in the network. At the
clique-level, centrality in the industry network
requires either each member of a clique to occupy
a central position in the industry network, or that,
taken together, the clique members’ relationships
produce a central position.
Central cliques have greater access to resources
and market opportunities (Podolny, 1993), and
more detailed information about firms’ capabil-
ities, needs and reliability (Powell et al., 1996).
Central cliques are also more visible, and more
likely to be in brokerage positions where they can
mediate exchanges among firms who lack direct
connections to each other (Burt, 1992). Central
cliques are located at the ‘crossroads’ of their
industry networks and are positioned to dispro-
portionately (and most quickly) amass informa-
tion circulated in the network and to influence the
network by gatekeeping this information. Cliques
occupying central positions are thus able to
arbitrage information and resources gained from
one part of the network to another, while less
central cliques experience greater constraint and
poorer performance.
The investment banking industry, our empirical
setting, is relationship-oriented because banks
must partner with one another to facilitate under-
writing deals (Eccles and Crane, 1988). Investment
banks are financial intermediaries linking issuers
(firms) wishing to raise funds on capital markets to
investors. The underwriting process begins with
the issuer choosing a bank as lead manager to
oversee the underwriting responsibilities. In many
cases, the lead manager invites additional invest-
ment banks to participate as co-lead managers in
underwriting the issue as a means of spreading risk
and reaching a wider range of investors. Invest-
ment banks thus make two types of partnering
decisions that, in the aggregate, constitute invest-
ment banking cliques and the broader industry
network at any given time. As lead manager of an
issue, a bank must select co-lead managers for an
underwriting syndicate, and as a potential co-lead
manager, it must decide whether or not to
accept an offer to participate in an underwriting
With underwriting fees generally constant
across the industry, improved performance is
largely a function of increasing market share
(transaction volume), which is achieved by
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
obtaining greater access to underwriting opportu-
nities}either directly (as lead manager) through a
bank’s network of issuing organizations or indir-
ectly (as co-lead manager) through a bank’s
network of partners. By occupying central posi-
tions within the industry network, investment
banks are able to maximize the number of under-
writing deals to which they have access and
control. Information regarding potential under-
writing deals, other banks’ relationships and
investor interests is essential to successful invest-
ment banking, and receiving high quality and
diverse information sooner rather than later is a
vital source of competitive advantage.
Thus, consistent with their alternate moniker,
‘brokerage houses,’ we expect investment banks to
derive network advantages from occupying central
network positions (Rowley and Baum, 2002,
2004). Consequently, we expect investment bank
cliques situated in central positions to outperform
those that are less central. These arguments
suggest that, controlling for individual clique
members’ centrality:
Hypothesis 1 (H1):
The more central a clique is to its industry network,
the better the performance of its members.
Clique Structure and Organization:
Diversity and Inequality
The internal organization of a clique can be
characterized as a multidimensional space of
structural parameters (e.g., organizational size,
performance, or network position) along which
clique members are distributed and which reflects
and affects members’ roles and associations with
one another (Blau, 1977, p. 3). The parameters
describe differences among clique members, and
two types of differences can be distinguished.
Differences on ranked characteristics such as
power or assets give rise to inequality}or vertical
differentiation}of the cliques. Differences on
unranked characteristics such as functional spe-
cialization create diversity}or horizontal differ-
entiation}of the clique. The distinction between
diversity and inequality is important. Diversity is
related to greater variation in capabilities, infor-
mation, and ideas. Inequality, in contrast, is
related to differences in power and status that
allows more powerful members to extract a greater
share of the value.
Diversity. Diversity can have two distinct effects of
the value of a clique. Diversity that reflects
differentiation in members’ resource needs and
capabilities lowers the potential for competition
and conflict among them, while at the same time
creating the potential for cooperation based on
complementary functional differences. Diversity can,
however, make it difficult to effectively distribute the
rewards of cooperation, particularly when the
diversity reflects differences in clique members’
contributions to the value created by the clique.
Diversity and complementarity. Organizations
different in size and specializing in different roles
typically compete in different ways, for different
resources, and using different strategic and oper-
ating routines (Aldrich, 1979; Hannan and Free-
man, 1977; McKelvey, 1982). Such differentiation
reduces the likelihood for conflict in the group by
creating a beneficial mutual dependence. Conver-
sely, cliques comprised of similarly sized firms,
specialized in similar roles, and thus require
similar resources to thrive (e.g., raw materials,
labor, financial support, and customers) are likely
to experience intense within-clique competition
that undermines any potential value the clique
may create. The potential for intragroup conflict
also depends on how many clique members
perform similar functions or take on duplicate
roles. To a point, internal conflict can increase
flexibility and foster innovation, but it can also
fragment the network as partners’ competing
interests pull in different directions and appro-
priation concerns derail cooperative efforts
(Gomes-Casseres, 1994). Such competition and
conflict pushes firms to seek out distinct functions
in which they hold a competitive advantage
(Hawley, 1950), and fosters creation of subgroups
in which firms fulfill complementary roles in which
they depend on, but do not compete directly with,
each other, lowering the potential for within-group
competition by reducing the number of direct
competitors in the clique. Increasing heterogeneity
thus increases the probability of interfirm relations
(Blau, 1977).
In investment banking, this suggests that
‘functionally integrated’ cliques comprised of a
mix of banks}some large, some small; some
specializing in the lead role, some in the co-lead
role}will outperform more homogeneous cliques
(Hawley, 1950). So, for example, a clique com-
prised of large investment banks specialized in the
lead manager role should perform poorly because
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
competition among its members for syndicates will
undermine the value it creates for them. A clique
comprised of small, co-lead manager specialists
should also perform poorly, although less as a
result of competition among them than because of
their limited capabilities to attract deals and form
syndicates. These observations suggest that role
specialization and coordination may be funda-
mental to understanding the value created by a
clique. A bank specialized in the lead manager role
will improve its lot by belonging to a clique with
others specialized in the co-lead manager ro-
le}and vice versa. Therefore we hypothesize:
Hypothesis 2 (H2):
The more diverse a clique is in member size and
role specialization, the better the performance of
its members.
Diversity and distribution. To remain viable,
cliques must distribute the value they create so that
their members do not receive less value as a
member of the clique than they would by leaving
the clique (either for another clique, or to act
independently) (Fujiwara-Greve and Greve, 2000).
The distribution of a clique’s value among its
members is the result of negotiation among clique
members, and each member’s contribution to the
value created by the clique serves as a resource that
can be used to demand a higher share of the
created value (Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978). Because
central network positions are advantageous in
creating valuable brokerage opportunities across
structural holes (Burt, 1992), centrality represents
a resource that clique members can use to claim a
greater share of the value created by their clique.
Equitable distribution of the clique’s value can
occur only when multiple members occupy central
positions, not when the network of a single
member is central. Such a member would likely
leave the clique since it would unlikely be able to
capture the entire value creation for itself. Clique
members must thus need each other to some extent
for the clique to create value for its members.
However, as member diversity in network positions
increases, negotiations become more complex, and
it becomes increasingly difficult to distribute
rewards satisfactorily, prompting conflicts among
clique members that can undermine their stability.
Hypothesis 3 (H3):
The more diverse a clique is in member centrality,
the poorer the performance of its members.
Inequality. Inequality, too, may have two distinct
effects of the value of a clique. Inequality that
reflects differentiation in clique members’ resource
needs and capabilities can weaken the social
cohesion that supports value-creating interfirm
cooperative behavior within the clique (Coleman,
1988). Inequality in network position can, how-
ever, facilitate value creation in a clique as
differences in power and status facilitate clique
coordination and control by high-ranking firms,
and motivate lower ranking firms to seek endor-
sing affiliations with them.
Inequality and cohesion. While diversity that
reflects horizontal differentiation in members’ size
and role specialization can facilitate clique perfor-
mance by lowering the potential for intra-clique
competition and conflict, inequality}vertical dif-
ferentiation}on these dimensions can weaken the
social cohesion that supports interfirm coopera-
tion within the clique.
Homophily theory predicts preferential interac-
tion based on similarity. Lazarsfeld and Merton
(1954) distinguished two types of homophily:
status homophily, in which similarity is based on
demographic features that stratify, or differentiate
vertically, and value homophily, which is based on
values, attitudes and beliefs. Our focus here is on
status homophily, which implies that vertical
differentiation of firms translates into network
There are three reasons to expect status homo-
phily among firms. First, firms of similar rank are
more likely to collaborate because of the signaling
role of their hierarchical position: when a firm’s
quality is uncertain, the status of other firms with
which a firm interacts is used to gauge its quality
(Podolny, 1993). Indeed, interacting with low-
ranking firms may damage a high-ranking firm’s
own attractiveness (Podolny, 1993; Gulati and
Garigiulo, 1999). Thus, consistent with the ten-
dency toward homophily under conditions of
uncertainty (Podolny, 1994), in a vertically differ-
entiated network, the likelihood of partnering
increases with similarity in status (Chung et al.,
Second, firms of similar size and specialization
typically compete in similar ways, for similar
resources, and using similar strategic and operat-
ing routines (Hannan and Freeman, 1977).
Although such firms are potentially direct compe-
titors, the similarity of their capabilities makes it
possible for them to cooperate more effectively
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
with one another (Lorange and Roos, 1992).
Third, dissimilarity in rank is likely to discourage
firms from committing to partnerships. The higher
ranked firm commits resources of the same quality
as the lower-ranked firm}which is less than it is
capable of committing}while the lower ranked
firm anticipates commitment of the higher ranked
firms capabilities. This commitment gap can
undermine any potential relationship (Chung
et al., 2000).
Inequality can also increase the cost of negotia-
tion and bargaining, severely limiting possible
bargaining outcomes available to clique members.
Johnson and Libecap (1982), for example, for-
mulate a model based on their observation of the
South Texas shrimp fishery, in which fishers are
differentiated vertically by their productivity. They
find that neither fisher-specific quotas nor bilateral
payments among fishers (which amount to the
same thing) are practical to administer because
such schemes are too difficult to monitor and
enforce. The only viable option, they conclude, is a
system of uniform quotas. The more productive
the fisher, however, the larger the restriction
implied by this regime, and so more productive
fishers will tend to oppose it.
In sum, higher-ranking clique members will
commit less to and benefit less from group
cooperation. Consequently, they are more likely
to leave the clique since they would be unlikely to
capture a sufficiently high share of its benefits.
Large investment banks, for example, are likely to
extract proportionally less value from clique
membership than smaller banks, and so are less
willing to commit their substantial resources to the
clique. Similarly, high-ranking lead managers (i.e.,
banks that form many syndicates) are likely to
extract less value from or commit fewer high-
quality resources to a clique than banks that are
low in the lead manager rankings. Greater inequal-
ity on these dimensions exacerbates such pro-
blems, making the emergence of stable value-
creating cliques still less likely. Therefore, we
Hypothesis 4 (H4):
The greater the inequality in a clique in member
size and role specialization, the poorer the
performance of its members.
Inequality, status enhancement, and coordina-
tion and control. As we noted earlier, network
positions can also be represented as a status order
in which a firm’s hierarchical rank is determined
by the centrality of its position in the industry
network and structural holes it spans (Bonacich,
1987; Borgatti and Everett, 1992; Burt, 1992;
Podolny, 1993). Central firms have greater access
to fine-grained information about competencies,
needs, and reliability of potential partners and as a
better comprehension of the existing network
(Krackhardt, 1990; Powell et al., 1996). Firms
occupying central positions are gatekeepers in the
industry network, able to arbitrage information
and resources gained from one part of the network
in another. Firms in such positions are also more
visible, earn greater rewards in the market (e.g.,
higher revenues, margins, market share) and are
thus more attractive partners.
Status flows through interconnections between
firms (Podolny, 1993). Ties to higher-status firms
enhance a firm’s own status, while ties to lower-
status firms detract from it (Faulkner, 1983; Stuart
and Podolny, 1996; Stuart et al., 1999). If a firm is
uncertain of the quality of the available partners,
or is unable to bear the search costs of investigat-
ing all the different alternatives, then the regard
other market participants display for a given firm
provides a strong indication of the quality of the
These material and signaling benefits encourage
low-status firms to try to enhance their own
position by engaging in strategic behavior, includ-
ing bargaining, exchange and coercion (Brager and
Holloway, 1978; Willer and Anderson, 1981), or
co-sponsorship and cooptation (Sharpe, 1985), to
establish and maintain interactions with higher
status firms (Leik, 1992), which may not have any
incentive to accept their advances. Thus, while
homophily theory predicts greater interaction
based on similarity, theories of status organizing
processes suggest that many interactions will be
directed upward in status. Notably, because status
distributions are nearly always positively skewed,
higher-status firms will generally have more
extensive downward relations than lower-status
firms will have upward relations. Thus, notwith-
standing the possibility that interacting with low-
ranking firms may damage a high-ranking firm’s
own attractiveness, except for the lowest ranking
firms, the probability of firms associating with
others below their status is typically greater
than the probability of their associating with
others equidistant above them. Higher inequality
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
increases the likelihood of status-distant associa-
tion despite the tendency for homophily.
In addition to the foregoing status organizing
processes, inequality in network positions within a
clique also creates a basis for coordination and
control. Both centrality and structural holes are
associated with power. Firms with high network
centrality exhibit both higher levels of reputed
power and greater degrees of success in political
conflicts than less central organizations (e.g.,
Laumann and Knoke, 1987). Central firms gain
power from their access to resources and informa-
tion as well as choice of alternatives. They also
derive power from their information and control
advantages over other firms in the industry
network, to which they can strategically control
the flow of information. As network position
inequality within a clique increases, the emergence
of a small number of powerful firms may thus
facilitate coordination and control of clique
members, and increasing the value created by the
Hypothesis 5 (H5):
The greater the inequality in a clique in member
centrality, the better the performance of its
To study the relationship between alliance moves
and network positions over time in the Canadian
investment banking industry, we collected data
comprising all securities offerings on all Canadian
stock exchanges}Vancouver, Alberta, Winnipeg,
Montreal, and Toronto}from 1952 to 1990,
inclusively. The sample covers all banks}domes-
tic and foreign}that participated in one or more
underwriting syndicates for a securities offering on
a Canadian exchange. The Record of New Issues,
published yearly since 1952 by Financial Data
Group in Toronto, was the main data source and
provided the following information: issuer’s name,
date of issue, name of lead issuing investment bank
and co-lead investment banks, security type (debt,
bond, preferred share, common share, right and
unit), value of issue proceeds, and issue price and
volume. In 1952, 19 investment banks participated
in 27 underwriting syndicates in Canada. The life
histories of this subset of banks, which represents
5% of the 403 banks in the sample, are left-
censored. Over the observation period, the number
of syndicates grew rapidly, and by 1989, 83 banks
participated in 422 syndicates. Thus, although the
life histories for a small number of banks are left-
censored, our data cover the period during which
raising equity in the capital markets superceded
bank debt as the dominant mode of corporate
financing (Davis and Mizruchi, 1999).
The history of partnerships among lead and co-
lead manager banks in underwriting syndicates is a
meaningful setting for our analysis of clique value
creation. Investment banks add value to corpora-
tions raising capital in primary markets by
effectively pricing and placing their issues (Po-
dolny, 1993). The industry is characterized as
‘relationship-oriented’, because banks often colla-
borate in underwriting deals in order to reach a
wider market of investors and spread risk.
Relationships are not only a common practice
but also a vital resource, as ties are conduits to
underwriting opportunities and contribute to
firms’ reputations. At the network level, our
comprehensive network data and longitudinal
research design permit us to measure interorgani-
zational networks comprehensively, avoiding the
common problem of boundary-setting in network
analysis (Doreian and Woodard, 1992), and model
network dynamics over a period of time sufficient
to yield meaningful variation in network structure
and composition. At the firm level, our design
avoids the common sample selection problem of
over-representing currently successful organiza-
tions or particular points in time that can under-
mine inferences about factors producing
organizational success (Berk, 1983).
Network Definition
Industry networks were defined based on member-
ships in underwriting syndicates. Networks were
constructed from adjacency matrices capturing the
number of times each bank participated in a
syndicate with each other bank for two-year
moving periods (i.e., 1952–1953, 1953–1954,
1954–1955, etc.). We used two-year periods
because syndicates can remain intact up to six
months or more prior to the date of the offering.
Consequently, constructing the network based on
one-year periods would represent the network
inaccurately because syndicates that conclude in a
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
given year may have been established in the prior
year, but not measured in that year. Moreover,
syndicate ties represent the visible manifestation of
relationships among banks. Banks participating in
syndicates together in a given year are also likely
to interact with each other in years proximate to
the syndicate. Our two-year moving period
approach to the network’s construction allows
for this possibility. These networks were used to
compute data on the characteristics of each bank’s
network position in the second year of each two-
year period. Thus, the 1952–1953 network was
used to measure banks’ network positions for
1953, the 1953–1954 network for positions in 1954,
Clique Definition
Cliques were also constructed based on syndicate
ties. We transformed each two-year adjacency
matrix into a similarity matrix, which we then
analyzed using hierarchical clustering techniques
to form dendograms from which to classify banks
into cliques. We defined cliques at rescaled
combining distance of 10 (the rescaled maximum
was 25). To improve the reliability of the cliques,
we then constructed new adjacency matrices
indicating how many years within a given five-
year period (e.g., 1952–1957, 1953–1958, and so
on) each bank belonged to the same clique as each
other bank. We then repeated the process using the
five-year clique matrices to identify cliques. Final-
ly, we constructed a genealogy of the five-year
cliques, linking them over time. A clique was
considered ongoing from period tto period t+1 if
it retained more than 50% of its membership from
the previous period; in most cases the percentage
was far higher. Thus, if a clique identified from the
1952–1957 clique adjacency matrix shared more
than 50% of its members with a clique identified
from the 1953–1958 clique adjacency matrix, we
considered the 1953–1958 clique to be a continua-
tion of the 1952–1957 clique.
Using this procedure, we identified seven
cliques, with an average span of 15 years
(range 8–23). The cliques averaged 10 members
(range 3–21), of which, on average, 70% remained
the same from one year to the next. Between 1952
and 1990, there were 19 years in which there were
two bank cliques, 14 years in which there were
three, and six years in which there were four. The
average density of syndicate ties within these
cliques is 0.51; between them it is 0.02. This large
and significant (p50.001) gap for within and
between clique syndicate ties corroborates the
meaningfulness of the cliques, and also indicates
that the investment banking industry network is
sparsely connected and locally clustered, which is
consistent with many previously studied industry
networks (e.g., Nohria and Garcia-Pont, 1991;
Walker et al., 1997; Gulati and Gargiulo, 1999).
Variables computed for these cliques were
assigned to banks in the final year of each five-
year period, and based on their clique membership
in that year. Thus, characteristics of the 1952–1957
cliques were assigned to banks based on the cliques
to which they belonged in 1957, the 1953–1958
cliques for 1958, and so on. To avoid losing data
on the early observation years, for 1953–1956, we
measure clique characteristics based on the 1952-
1957 cliques.
Dependent Variable and Model Specification
For the analysis, we pool the yearly data and
estimate a single model on the pooled cross-
sections using time series regression models. Each
bank is represented in the sample for the years in
which it is a member of a clique.
Pooling repeated
observations on the same organizations is likely to
violate the assumption of independence from
observation to observation and result in the
model’s residuals being autocorrelated. In parti-
cular, unmeasured differences in the strategy or
capability of banks lead to bank effects on the
performance. Therefore, we estimated random-
effects GLS models, which correct for autocorrela-
tion of disturbances due to constant firm-specific
effects and has better small sample properties than
fixed-effects models, which are the main alternative
to random effects (Tuma and Hannan, 1984).
A further complication arises from the fact that
our sample only includes observations for invest-
ment banks that participated in syndicated deals
and were assigned to cliques, which creates a
potential source of sample selection bias. We
corrected for this potential bias using Lee’s
(1983) generalization of Heckman’s (1979) two-
stage sample selection estimation procedure. This
entailed estimating a logistic regression model
predicting clique membership to calculate l, each
banks probability of being in a clique, which was
then included as a regressor in the market share
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
models to estimate of the selectivity bias and
improve the consistency of coefficient estimates.
We measured the dependent variable, firm
performance, as a bank’s market share at time t.
Investment bank performance is based primarily
on the ability to provide issuing firms and
investors with market advice, which is contingent
on being involved in many deals with many
investors and issuers (Podolny, 1993). As such,
high market share is an important objective in
investment banking. Also, because underwriting
fees and margins are relatively constant across the
industry (a standard underwriting fee of seven
percent is the norm), profit increases are derived
primarily from increased market share/volume. To
measure market share at time t, we allocated the
dollar value (inflation adjusted) of each offering
made during a year among the members of the
syndicate that underwrote the deal. For deals
involving a lead manager only (i.e., with no
syndicate), the bank was assigned 100% of the
offering’s dollar value. For deals involving multi-
ple bank syndicates, we assigned the lead bank
50% of the underwriting value, and split the
remaining value among the co-lead banks equally.
We logged banks’ market shares to correct for the
skewness in its distribution.
In all our models, we include lagged market
share (logged) to predict the current year’s market
share. This helps to account for the possibility
that, even though well specified, our empirical
models likely still suffer from specification bias due
to unobserved heterogeneity (Jacobson, 1990), and
permits us greater confidence when inferring
causal relationships between independent and
dependent variables. In particular, if banks’
market shares are themselves a result of unob-
served factors affecting performance, controlling
for the lagged dependent variable should eliminate
spurious effects resulting from such endogeneity.
Independent Variables
To test H1, we computed each clique’s network
centrality in each year as the average betweenness
centrality of its members in that year. Betweenness
centrality measures the extent to which a bank falls
‘between’ any two other banks that are not
connected themselves (Freeman, 1979). The most
central bank in the industry network is the bank
on the shortest path between all pairs of other
banks in the network, and is thus the fewest steps
away from reaching all other banks in the
network. More formally, if g
is the number of
geodesic paths from bank ito bank jand g
is the
number of paths from bank ito bank jthat pass
through bank k, then betweenness centrality is the
proportion of geodesic paths from bank ito bank j
that pass through bank k:
Betweenness centrality was computed for each
bank for each of the two-year moving windows
used to construct the industry networks. In the
computations, values for each two-year window
were assigned to the second year of the period (i.e.,
the 1952–1953 count was used for 1953, and so
on...). Clique centrality was computed as the
mean centrality of its most central members,
specifically members in the top one-third of the
clique’s centrality distribution. We use this ap-
proach to avoid confounding the effects of cliques
being composed of a relatively small number of
highly central banks, which better represent the
clique’s position in the industry network than the
larger number of less central clique members
that benefit from the membership of the more
central banks. Values for clique centrality were
assigned to banks on the basis of their clique
memberships in each observation year, and
lagged one year for model estimation to avoid
simultaneity problems.
To test H2 and H3, we used the coefficient of
variation, which is the standard measure of
diversity for continuous-valued variables. The
coefficient of variation equals the standard error
of the structural variable divided by the mean:
where xis the structural variable and nis the
number of firms in the clique. It is larger for
greater diversity and bounded at the lower end by
We computed three coefficients of variation for
each clique. The first captured variation in clique
member size, measured as the dollar value of deals
each bank completed in a year. To measure bank
size at time t, we allocated the dollar value
(inflation adjusted) of each offering in which a
bank participated according to the procedure
outlined above for market share. The second
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
reflected variation in role specialization among a
clique’s members. For this purpose, we con-
structed a variable that indicated the extent to
which a bank specialized in the lead manager or
co-lead manager role. Operationally, the variable
was defined as a bank’s number of lead manager
roles divided by the total number of syndicates in
which it participated in each year. Banks scoring
one (the maximum) on this measure specialized in
the lead role, forming all the syndicates in which
they participated; those scoring zero (the mini-
mum), specialized in the co-lead role, acting as co-
lead manager in all the syndicates in which they
participated. The third coefficient captured varia-
tion in a clique’s members’ network centrality, as
defined above. As before, these variables were
computed using the two-year moving window
industry networks, with the values for each two-
year period assigned to the second year of the
period, values assigned to banks on the basis of
their clique memberships in each observation year,
and then lagged one year to avoid simultaneity
To test H4 and H5, we used the Gini index,
which Blau (1977) recommended as a measure of
inequality for continuous structural parameters.
The Gini index operationalizes inequality as the
average gain in the parameter firms could get if
given the choice of trading places with a randomly
drawn other firm. This logic yields the following
Here, xis the parameter along which clique
members are ranked, and the expression simply
averages the differences in xfor all pairs of banks i
and j, scaled by the average x. It is larger for
greater inequality, and bounded by zero and one.
We computed measures of inequality among the
members of each clique in each year for the same
three variables as we computed coefficients of
variation}bank size, manager role specialization,
and network centrality. Also, as before, the
variables were computed for the two-year moving
windows used to construct the interfirm networks,
with the count values for each two-year period
being assigned to the second year of the period
(i.e., the 1952–1953 count was used for 1953, and
so on...). Values of the variables were assigned to
banks on the basis of their clique memberships in
each observation year, and lagged one year for
model estimation to avoid simultaneity problems.
Control Variables
Many other factors may influence the performance
and network positions of investment banks.
Accordingly, our analysis controls for a baseline
model that includes a range of additional bank
characteristics and industry-specific environmental
Firm-level. We controlled for lagged effects of
each bank’s size (logged) and role specialization.
We also controlled for firm-level network central-
ity, which prior theory and research on network
position effects indicates can materially affect firm
performance (e.g., Burt, 1992; Podolny, 1993).
Controlling for these firm-level variables, which we
used to construct the clique-level variables testing
H1–H5, helps ensure that effects of clique level
specifications for these variables do not result
spuriously from uncontrolled effects at the firm
In addition to a bank’s position in the industry
network, the composition of a bank’s ego network
has also been shown to impact firm performance
(e.g., Uzzi, 1996, 1999). We therefore controlled
for each bank’s the first-order (direct) and second-
order (indirect) network coupling. Each bank’s
first-order network coupling (FONC) was com-
puted as
ðPij Wij Þ2;
where the N
is the number of banks tied to bank
is the percentage of the syndicates that bank i
participated in that also involved bank j, and W
the percentage of the total dollar volume of the
syndicates that bank iparticipated in that also
involved bank j. As FONC increases toward one,
bank i’s syndicates are increasingly formed with
small number of relationships, rather than dis-
persed among a larger number of partners. Our
variable differs from Uzzi’s in its incorporation of
information on both the extent to which banks’
ties (P
) and resource flows (W
) were concen-
trated individual players, rather than only the
Second order network coupling (SONC) was
computed as the average first-order network
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
coupling of banks with which bank ihad direct
When SONC is low, the network of banks with
which bank icooperates is spread out over a large
number of other banks, each of which accounts for
a small proportion of the syndicated deals. When
SONC is high, in contrast, the network to which
bank iis tied is comprised of a small number of
banks among which its syndicate deal are con-
centrated (Uzzi, 1996). A limitation of these
measures is that they are sensitive to the size of a
bank’s network. Therefore, we also included
counts of each bank’s number of lead and co-lead
manager roles in each year to controls for
individual bank’s network size (Uzzi, 1999).
Clique-level. At the clique level, in addition to the
variables testing H1–H5, we controlled for each
clique’s age in years and size in number of
members. We also controlled for each clique’s
within-clique density of ties. Finally, we included a
set of seven clique dummy variables, coded 1 for
the clique of which a bank was a member, and zero
otherwise. We suppressed the constant and in-
cluded dummies for all seven cliques. Values for
the clique-level control variables were assigned to
banks on the basis of their clique memberships in
each year.
Environmental factors
. Environmental controls
emphasized economic factors likely to influence
the issuer behavior and/or the underwriting
process. These included the prime interest rate,
the volume of shares traded on the Toronto Stock
Exchange, logged to normalize its distribution,
and the value of the Toronto Stock Exchange 300
market index, the largest and most influential
exchange and index in Canada. These variables
were measured annually, and lagged one year in
the analysis.
We also included a control for the logged total
value of all public offerings, which may affect the
number and type of partnering opportunities
available to banks, and in turn their performance.
This variable was computed based on the two-year
moving windows used to construct the industry
networks, and, as before, variable values for each
two-year period assigned to the second year of the
period, and then lagged one year for the analysis.
Lastly, we created dummy variables to control for
whether a particular deal took place in the 1950s,
1960s, 1970s or 1980s to account for possible addi-
tional period-specific shifts in bank performance.
Descriptive statistics for the independent and
control variables are given in Table 1. Correlations
among the variables are low to moderate, with few
larger than 0.5 (25% shared variance), and
unlikely to pose an estimation problem.
Table 2 presents estimates for random-effects GLS
models of investment banks’ market share, and
gives w
statistics to compare the fit of models.
Model 1 presents a baseline model, and Model 2
tests our hypotheses. The baseline model includes
lagged bank- and clique-level controls (including
clique fixed effects, which not reported for
simplicity), as well as the environmental controls.
Among the control variables, a bank’s lagged
market share and betweenness centrality, and its
clique’s size (number of members) are the main
predictors of its market share, with each positively
related to current market share.
Model 2, which adds the theoretical variables to
test for predicted effects of clique centrality,
heterogeneity and inequality on banks’ market
share performance, provides a significant improve-
ment over Model 1 (Dw
=34.4, 7 df, p50.001).
The coefficient estimate for clique centrality is
not significant in Model 2. We explored several
different specifications of this variable (e.g.,
average centrality of top two-thirds, average
centrality of all members), but none was signifi-
cant. One explanation for this non-finding is that
the benefit of the clique having a core of highly
central banks is not distributed equally among the
clique’s members. For example, it is possible that
the core of central banks alone secure the benefit
of their association with each other and the clique.
Another possibility is that competition among
clique’s most central banks for deals and network
position lowers their individual performance,
while less central members of the clique benefit
from their rivalry (Rowley and Baum, 2002). To
examine these possibilities, we performed a sup-
plementary analysis in which we added to the
model a dummy variable coded one for the top
one-third centrality banks and zero otherwise, and
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
1 Interest rate 7.55 2.90
2 Value shares traded
on TSE (logged)
27.37 1.38 0.80
3 TSE 300 market
1519.8 977.11 0.70 0.96
4 Total PO value
23.11 1.93 0.68 0.91 0.91
5 Clique age
(number of years)
7.52 4.92 0.35 0.39 0.34 0.31
6 Clique size
(number of banks)
12.06 4.10 0.50 0.55 0.49 0.54 0.51
7 Clique density of
ties within
1.16 0.83 0.53 0.70 0.68 0.74 0.17 0.41
8 Clique 1 0.28 0.45 0.50 0.51 0.46 0.49 0.10 0.09 0.34
9 Clique 2 0.07 0.25 0.35 0.33 0.22 0.24 0.30 0.38 0.23 0.17
10 Clique 3 0.13 0.34 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.27 0.02 0.30 0.36 0.24 0.10
11 Clique 4 0.01 0.11 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.13 0.23 0.10 0.07 0.03 0.04
12 Clique 5 0.36 0.48 0.54 0.43 0.31 0.38 0.32 0.51 0.39 0.46 0.20 0.29 0.08
13 Clique 6 0.02 0.15 0.14 0.06 0.01 0.06 0.17 0.19 0.05 0.09 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.11
14 Clique 7 0.13 0.34 0.35 0.54 0.57 0.55 0.27 0.15 0.48 0.24 0.11 0.15 0.04 0.29 0.06
15 Bank market
share (logged)
0.01 0.02 0.14 0.23 0.26 0.28 0.04 0.09 0.15 0.09 0.11 0.01 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.22
16 Bank role specialization 0.47 0.35 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.19
17 Bank network centrality 2.68 3.93 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.03 0.09 0.09 0.01 0.02 0.17 0.06 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.43 0.26
18 Bank value of
deals (logged)
8.03 1.08 0.33 0.29 0.23 0.29 0.24 0.29 0.29 0.21 0.16 0.19 0.10 0.52 0.01 0.13 0.34 0.17 0.41
19 Bank number of
lead manager roles
13.69 33.37 0.21 0.22 0.19 0.21 0 0.09 0.18 0.1 0.1 0.1 00.10 0.34 0.18 0.33 0.49 0.28
20 Bank number of
co-lead manager roles
10.83 19.02 0.24 0.3 0.26 0.3 0.03 0.16 0.29 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.18 0.1 0.31 0.11 0.2 0.31 0.16 0.07
21 Bank First order
network coupling
0.24 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.17 0.21 0.11 0.26 0.23 0.11 0.21 0.13 0.18 0.32 0.02 0.03 0.17 0.23 0.32 0.2 0.2 0.51
22 Bank Secondorder
network coupling
0.17 0.16 0.22 0.16 0.09 0.15 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.06 0.33 0.03 0.07 0.06 0.24 0.15 0.03 0.1 0.14 0.04
23 Clique average centrality
(top 1/3)
5.59 2.41 0.18 0.15 0.22 0.27 0.13 0.33 0.39 0.07 0.05 0.56 0.17 0.57 0.13 0.20 0.04 0.03 0.25 0.11 0.16 0.40 0.23 0.21
24 Clique size heterogeneity 0.44 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.25 0.04 0.14 0.26 0.13 0.10 0.48 0.02 0.50 0.15 0.08 0.18 000.30 0.23 0.19 0.51
25 Clique role specialization
0.18 0.09 0.34 0.22 0.09 0.06 0.29 0.35 0.13 0.07 0.43 0.03 0.22 0.36 0.47 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.41
26 Clique network centrality
0.32 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.26 0.26 0.51 0.55 0.21 0.14 0.34 0.08 0.36 0.15 0.01 0.06 0.02 0.10 0.01 000.16 0.18 0.05 0.15 0.26 0.09
27 Clique size inequality 0.81 0.12 0.49 0.45 0.33 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.29 0.24 0.27 0.10 0.11 0.22 0.15 0.19 0.09 0.01 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.12 0.07 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.18 0.21
28 Clique role specialization
0.48 0.16 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.24 0.21 0.08 0.08 0.19 0.29 0.42 0.37 0.21 0.15 0.02 0.08 0.02 00.20 0.17 0.13 0.38 0.29 0.34 0.10 0.28
29 Clique: network centrality
0.55 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.27 0.25 0.28 0.52 0.32 0.18 0.21 0.37 0.34 0.29 0.27 0.11 0.04 0.10 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.20 0.25 0.10 0.42 0.32 0.17 0.64 0.06 0.56
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
an interaction between this dummy variable and
the average centrality of the top one-third banks.
Neither the dummy variable nor the interaction
term was significant, failing to support either of
the scenarios, and the estimates for the theoretical
variables remained unchanged. Thus, we conclude
that H1 is not supported}controlling for banks’
own network centrality, the centrality of the clique
to which the banks belong does not influence their
market share performance.
Table 2. Random Effect GLS Models of BanksMarket Share
Variable Model 1 Model 2
Interest rate 0.0003 0.0003
0.0003 0.0003
Value of shares traded on TSE (logged) 0.0011 0.0011
0.0016 0.0017
TSE 300 marked index 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000
Total PO value (logged) 0.0010 0.0010
0.0007 0.0008
Clique age (number of years) 0.0003 0.0001
0.0002 0.0003
Clique size (number of banks) 0.0005
0.0002 0.0002
Clique density of ties within 0.0002 0.0013
0.0009 0.0010
Bank market share (logged) 0.6794
0.0291 0.0295
Bank role specialization 0.0009 0.0013
0.0015 0.0014
Bank network centrality 0.0003
0.0001 0.0001
Bank value of deals (logged) 0.0004 0.0005
0.0007 0.0007
Bank number lead manager roles/10 0.0000 0.0000
0.0002 0.0002
Bank number of co-lead manager roles/10 0.0002 0.0002
0.0003 0.0003
Bank first order network coupling (FONC) 0.0045 0.0046
0.0072 0.0073
FONC squared 0.0016 0.0016
0.0068 0.0068
Bank second order coupling (SONC) 0.0019 0.0045
0.0072 0.0073
SONC squared 0.0056 0.0088
0.0092 0.0093
H1(+): Clique average network centrality (top 1/3) 0.0001
H2(+): Clique size heterogeneity 0.0129
H2(+): Clique role specialization heterogeneity 0.0285
H3(): Clique network centrality heterogeneity 0.0130
H4(): Clique size inequality 0.0062
H4(): Clique: role specialization inequality 0.0171
H5(+): Clique network centrality inequality 0.0256
Heckman correction 0.0102
0.0029 0.0030
Degrees of freedom 25 32
Chi-square 2369.95 2404.35
p50.001. Standard errors below coefficients.
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
H2, which predicted that ‘functionally in-
tegrated’ cliques comprised of a mix of banks}
some large, some small; some specializing in the
lead role, some in the co-lead role}would out-
perform more homogeneous cliques is partially
supported. The significant positive coefficient for
clique role specialization heterogeneity supports
the prediction; the significant negative coefficient
for clique size heterogeneity does not. One possible
explanation for these divergent estimates is that
while role specialization produces the kinds of
complementary differences among banks that we
anticipated would facilitate a clique’s perfor-
mance, such complementarities do not arise as a
result of differences in size. Instead, differences in
size foster distributional conflicts such as those we
predicted would result from heterogeneity in
network positions.
H3 is supported by the significant (p50.10)
negative coefficient for clique centrality hetero-
geneity. Thus, as we predicted, diversity in
members’ network positions can undermine the
value of the clique to its members by making it
difficult to distribute rewards satisfactorily and
prompting internal conflicts. The significant posi-
tive coefficient for bank network centrality indi-
cates that more central banks earned higher
market shares, and thus, consistent with our
interpretation, differentially from the clique.
Turning to the inequality predictions, H4
receives partial support. Although the coefficient
for clique size inequality is not significant, the
coefficient for clique role specialization inequality
is significant, and negative as predicted. This
supports the idea that greater inequality in
manager roles creates commitment problems for
high-ranking lead managers (i.e., banks specialize
in forming syndicates), undermining the clique’s
ability to creating value for its members.
The significant positive coefficient for clique
centrality inequality supports H5, which predicted
that inequality in clique members’ network posi-
tions would facilitate coordination and control of
clique members by a small number of powerful
firms, increasing the value created by the clique.
In sum, while we find no effect of clique
centrality on clique member market share perfor-
mance (H1), the heterogeneity (H2–H3) and
inequality (H4–H5) predictions are supported for
role specialization and network centrality, but not
for bank size. As noted above, contradictory effect
of clique size heterogeneity may have resulted
because differences in bank size create conflicts
rather than complementary differences among
Support for the opposing effects of role specia-
lization heterogeneity and inequality and network
centrality heterogeneity and inequality point to an
interesting tradeoff between heterogeneity and
inequality. Figure 1 illustrates these graphically,
both to aid in interpreting of our results and to
demonstrate the magnitude of effects. The panels
in Figure 1 plot estimated market share as a
0.6 0.8 1
Role Heterogeneity
Role Inequality
Heterogeneity-Inequality Tradeoff
0.6 0.8 1
% Market Share % Market Share
Centrality Heterogeneity
Centrality Inequality
Heterogenity-Inequality Tradeoff
Figure 1. The heterogeneity-inequality tradeoff.
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
function of inequality and heterogeneity in role
specialization (Panel a) and network centrality
(Panel b) based on coefficients in Model 2.
Although the magnitude of the market share
effects may appear small, it is large relative to
the mean (standard deviation) of market shares
among banks in our sample of 2.33% (4.71%).
Figure 1(a) shows how increasing role hetero-
geneity within a clique leads to performance gains
for its members on the one hand (H2), and how
increasing role inequality lowers market share on
the other hand (H4). Notably, the slope of the
surface is steeper on the role heterogeneity axis
than on the role inequality axis, illustrating the
larger magnitude effect of role heterogeneity on
clique members’ market shares. Figure 1(b) plots
the effects for centrality inequality and hetero-
geneity. The figure shows the negative effect of
centrality heterogeneity on clique members’ mar-
ket share (H3), and the positive effect of centrality
inequality (H5). For centrality inequality, the slope
is steeper on the inequality axis, indicating a
stronger effect of clique inequality than hetero-
geneity on clique members’ market shares. Taken
together, the panels in Figure 1 indicate that, for
the investment banks in our sample, complemen-
tary differences based on role heterogeneity and
coordination and control benefits of network
centrality inequality are essential to increasing
the value created by the clique.
It is generally accepted in organization theory and
strategy management that firms are ‘relationally’
and ‘positionally’ embedded in interfirm networks
that affect their behavior and performance (e.g.,
Podolny, 1993; Gulati, 1995; Chung et al., 2000).
But, in addition to relational embeddedness in an
immediate circle of direct and indirect relations
with other firms and positional embeddedness
within overarching industry networks, firms are
also commonly embedded in intermediate network
substructures or ‘cliques’ involving cohesive sub-
groups of firms that are more densely intercon-
nected to one another than to other firms in the
industry network. Despite the apparent frequency
with which interfirm networks are observed to be
sparsely connected and locally clustered (e.g.,
Uzzi, 1996; Walker et al., 1997; Watts, 1999;
Kogut and Walker, 2001), there is little evidence
addressing whether such clique structures affect
firm behavior or performance.
In this study, we examined how the character-
istics of clique structures, which fall between firm
and industry network levels of analysis, affect the
performance of firms embedded within the cliques.
We conceptualized the value of a clique to its
members as a function of its positional embedded-
ness within the industry network and its internal
structure and organization.
First, we established the existence of clique
substructures within the broader industry net-
work. Using an iterative clustering procedure, we
identified seven long-lived and statistically distinct
cliques, with, on average, 70% of each clique’s
members remaining the same from year to year.
The high within clique and low between clique
densities of syndicate ties (0.51 and 0.02, respec-
tively) that characterized these cliques indicates
that the investment banking industry network is
decentralized, sparsely connected, and locally
clustered. This is consistent with previously
studied industry networks (e.g., Nohria and
Garcia-Pont, 1991; Walker et al., 1997; Gulati
and Gargiulo, 1999), and with the simultaneous
operation of firm and industry level embeddedness
processes (Baum and Ingram, 2002).
We predicted that a clique’s ability to create
value for its members is high when it occupies a
central position in the industry network (H1).
Although firm-level network centrality was sig-
nificantly and positively related to bank perfor-
mance in our analysis, clique-level network
centrality was not (H1). We estimated several
different specifications of the clique centrality
variable, none of which was significant. We also
performed a supplementary analysis to examine
the possibility that the benefits of clique centrality
were not equally distributed among clique mem-
bers, which yielded no support for the idea. Thus
we found no evidence to support the hypothesis
that the centrality of the clique in the industry
network creates value for its members.
A clique’s internal structure and organization,
however, did significantly and materially affect the
performance of its members. Following Blau
(1977), we conceptualized the internal organiza-
tion of a clique as a multidimensional space of
structural parameters representing the heterogene-
ity and inequality in role specialization, size, and
network centrality of the clique’s members.
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
Heterogeneity in lead and co-lead manager role
specialization increased the value of a clique to its
members. This supports our prediction (H2) that a
clique creates value for its members when com-
prised of firms with complementary differences
that lead them to rely on one another rather than
compete. Contrary to H2, however, size hetero-
geneity among clique members did not appear to
contribute to their functional integration, but
rather decreased the value of the clique to its
members. Conflict among differently sized banks
over distribution of the value created by their
clique may account for this finding. Such a dispute
would be similar to the conflict we predicted, and
found evidence of, arising from heterogeneity in
network positions (H3).
While role specialization heterogeneity en-
hanced a clique’s ability to create value, role
specialization inequality reduced it significantly
(H4). This finding is consistent with the prediction
that inequality impedes the development of social
cohesion among tightly linked social actors,
promoting cooperation and coordination. Inequal-
ity in network centrality, in contrast, increases the
performance of a clique’s members significantly
(H5). This finding is consistent with the prediction
that inequality in centrality creates power differ-
ences, allowing more central banks to control less
central banks, which acquiesce in order to gain
access to the better-positioned firms’ networks and
resources. Thus, while centrality heterogeneity
creates problems for determining how value is
distributed among clique members, centrality
inequality creates a pseudo-governance mechan-
ism for coordinating a clique’s syndication activ-
ities and distributing their value.
Taken together our theoretical analysis and
empirical findings point to a notable tension
between heterogeneity and inequality in role
specialization within a clique. On the one hand,
status homophily promotes equality in role spe-
cialization, fostering cohesion among clique mem-
bers, and enhancing cooperation. On the other
hand, heterogeneity in role specialization enhances
the value of a clique to its members by promoting
functional integration based on members’ com-
plementary differences. Thus, the value of a clique
to its members is optimized when the distribution
of members’ role specializations is at once homo-
philous and heterogeneous. A bimodal or ‘hour
glass’ distribution of clique members’ role specia-
lizations would appear to provide such a joint
optimization of homophily and heterogeneity by
creating two specialized subgroups, equal within
and heterogeneous between, i.e., a clique com-
prised of specialist banks, some specialized in the
lead manager role, others specialized in the co-lead
manager role.
However, as illustrated earlier in
Figure 1(a), for our sample banks, the positive
effect of role specialization heterogeneity on clique
members’ market shares is larger than the negative
effect of inequality; thus the optimal distribution
favors heterogeneity over homophily.
There is an analogous, but inverted, tension
between heterogeneity and inequality in clique
members’ network centrality. Inequality in clique
member centrality increases the ability of the
clique’s most central firms to coordinate and
control their subordinate partners. Conversely,
heterogeneity in clique member centrality leads to
instability and inefficiency because positional
heterogeneity increases the diversity of members’
contribution to the clique, which makes it difficult
to distribute the value created equitably among the
clique’s members (Johnson and Libecap, 1982).
Again, a bimodal distribution of clique members’
network centralities jointly optimizes the effects of
inequality and homogeneity by creating two
unequal, but homogeneous, subgroups within the
clique. As illustrated earlier in Figure 1(b),
however, for our sample banks, the positive effect
of network centrality inequality on clique mem-
bers’ market shares is larger than the negative
effect of heterogeneity, indicating that clique
structures favoring the control and coordination
benefits of centrality inequality will outperform
those emphasizing the negotiation benefits of
centrality homogeneity.
Our study suggests that firms can benefit from
membership in cliques, but only if the clique’s have
particular structural and organizational features.
Our implicit assumption is that cliques that
provide greater value to their members would be
more stable. Future research examining clique
stability (i.e., entry and exits of members) is thus
an important next step in the study of mid-range
network phenomena. Additionally, our focus here
on how clique network position and internal
organization affects member performance should
be supplemented by consideration of the compe-
titive dynamics among the cliques. To the extent
that clique members’ success depends on the
competitive strength that they build collectively,
competitive dynamics will likely occur at a
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
clique-versus-clique level as well as firm-versus-
firm level (Gomes-Casseres, 1994). Such clique-vs-
clique competition alters the nature of competition
in a way that increases the competitive significance
of a firm’s clique membership, and may (or may
not) lessen the importance of firm-level competi-
tion. This points to the importance of incorporat-
ing clique-level competition into models of clique
value creation, as well as to the need for measures
capturing the collective competitive strength of
cliques. Our findings suggest that measures of
cliques’ internal structure and organization may
serve as useful proxies for cliques’ competitive
strength, with more effectively structured cliques
outcompeting those lacking functional integration
and coordination.
As with all single industry studies, we must
consider the generalizability of our findings.
Consistent with Burt’s (1992) argument, firms in
the investment banking industry acquire network
advantage by occupying central positions between
unconnected partners. In other industries, how-
ever, positions densely interconnected with part-
ners rather than positions between them provide
network advantage (Ahuja, 2000; Rowley et al.,
2000). It is likely that heterogeneity and inequality
in role specialization and network centrality will
both have different effects on firm performance in
these distinct competitive environments. This
contingency view provides an opportunity to
extend and refine the implications derived from
our study.
Overall our findings indicate that, for Canadian
investment banks, a clique’s position does not
affect its ability to create value for its members.
What does affect a bank clique’s ability to create
value for its members is its internal structure and
organization. Clique advantage is realized through
heterogeneity in role specialization that creates
complementary functional differences and equality
in role specialization that facilities cohesion.
Clique advantage also derives from homogeneity
in banks’ network centrality and inequality in
network centrality that creates a basis for co-
ordination and control. Although there is an
inherent tension among these advantageous struc-
tural features, as noted, it is possible for cliques to
benefit from both heterogeneity and inequality in
role specialization as well as network centrality.
For Canadian investment banks, however, this
tension is muted in part by the dominance of role
specialization heterogeneity over equality and
network centrality inequality over homogeneity
in creating value for clique members. Banks should
thus not join cliques with the goal of improving
their network advantage by virtue of the network
positions of the clique’s core firms; benefits of
clique membership do not derive from greater
centrality of the clique to the industry network.
Rather, they derive from the clique’s internal
structure and organization, and in particular, the
functional integration of members’ specialized
roles and the coordination and control efforts of
a few powerful firms.
Despite the apparent frequency of cliquey
industry networks, no previous study has exam-
ined how the characteristics of clique structures
falling between firm and industry network levels
affect the performance of firms embedded within
them. Our study shows that they do, and identifies
Blau’s (1977) work on heterogeneity and inequal-
ity as a conceptual foundation for characterizing
their internal structure and organization. We hope
our findings spark more ‘meso’ and ‘multilevel’
analyses of firm and industry networks.
This research was supported by a grant from the Social Sciences
and Humanities Research Council of Canada. For assistance
with data collection and coding we are grateful to Stan Li and
Danny Tzabbar.
1. In a supplementary analysis, we dropped the
1953–1956 observations from the analysis. The
results are not substantively different from the
findings we report below.
2. Several banks, typically with low network centrality,
participated in syndicates but did not belong system-
atically to any particular clique, and so were removed
from the data.
3. While our empirical approach may not resolve the
endogeneity problem entirely, our focus on clique-
level predictors of firm performance mitigates such
concerns. It is unlikely that clique-level characteristics
are endogenously determined in a substantive way by
firm-level capabilities. Nevertheless, as discussed
below, we control for firm-level equivalents for all
the clique-level variables as a further check against
4. The Canadian Socioeconomic Information and
Management Database was our source for economic
5. We conducted a series of simulations, varying the
distribution of role specialization that confirmed this
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 25: 453–471 (2004)
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... Previous studies have shown that clique membership provides clique members with benefits, but creating links across cliques is also advantageous for the performance of clique members (see, e.g. Rowley et al., 2004Rowley et al., , 2005Shipilov, 2005). ...
... Alliance cliques are characterised by strong and repeated ties within cohesive networks (Burt, 1992). Highly cohesive ties with many connections linking one partner in the alliance to another are said to improve the innovativeness of the alliance members (Coleman, 1988;Ahuja, 2000;Lazzarini, 2007;Rowley et al., 2004;Guler and Nerkar, 2012;Padula, 2008). Over time, ties inside existing cohesive networks exert a positive impact on the innovative capability of the firms, since they create trust and reciprocity norms that facilitate knowledge sharing between the clique members. ...
Full-text available
Purpose-Boundary-spanning exploration through establishing alliances is an effective strategy to explore technologies beyond local search in innovating firms. The purpose of this paper is to argue that it is useful to make a distinction in boundary-spanning exploration between what a firm learns from its alliance partners (explorative learning from partners (ELP)) and what it learns from other organisations (explorative learning from non-partners (ELN)). Design/methodology/approach-The authors contend that alliances play a role in both types of exploration. More specifically, the authors discern three types of alliances (inside ties, clique-spanning ties and outside ties) based on their role vis-à-vis existing alliance cliques. Clique members are highly embedded, and breaking out of the cliques through clique-spanning and outside alliances is crucial to improving explorative learning. Thereafter, the authors claim that clique-spanning ties and outside ties have a different effect on ELN and ELP. Findings-The empirical analysis of the "application specific integrated circuits" industry indicates that inside ties have negligible effects on both types of explorative learning. Clique-spanning ties have a positive effect on ELP, but not on ELN. The reverse is true for outside ties. The results show that research on explorative learning should devote greater attention to the various roles alliance partners and types of alliances play in advancing technological exploration. Originality/value-The literature only emphasises the learning from partners, focussing mainly on accessing their technology. In sum, alliance partners play different roles in exploration, and their network position influences the role they are able to play.
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Air transport management research, concerned with all facets of aviation operations, policies, and strategies, is an essential element of making our aviation system more sustainable and preparing it for the challenges inherent to the present and future. Based on a data-driven categorization of almost 2,000 papers published on the subject, we discuss the status quo in air transport management research. Through our data-driven categorization we have identified 15 broad topics. For each topic, we provide a description of the state of the art and propose 2-3 challenges , respectively. Overall, our study provides a set of 35 challenges to the research community. Accordingly, we hope and believe that our study makes a valuable contribution, mainly by guiding the air transport management research community towards a delineated work plan on the research landscape of air transport as well as the present challenges, ultimately helping to improve the global air transport system.
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We study failures between 1993 and 2017 in the complete population of 1731 English and Scottish university spinoffs founded since 1977. We borrow and expand the concept of density dependence from organizational ecology to theorize that a spinoff's propensity to fail is affected by the number of spinoffs active not only in the aggregate population but also within its parent university's portfolio. We contribute to organizational theory, demonstrating the importance of organizational groups that form within larger populations on individual organizations' propensity to fail. We contribute to literature on academic entrepreneurship showing that, for most universities, spinoff portfolio growth can lower associated spinoffs' failure rates, but that such effects need to be juxtaposed to the aggregate population's finite capacity to support an expanding number of spinoffs.
Which factors lead to firms' massive rapid business scaling? The prior work has predominantly focused on factors inside the firm, assuming that the possession of internally controlled idiosyncratic resources and capabilities largely explains the phenomenon. We extend this work by arguing that the alliance network community in which a scaling firm is embedded represents a distinct valuable channel through which it can access and orchestrate resources needed for its rapid growth. Network communities are structural groups of firms that are densely connected internally and sparsely linked to firms in other groups. We focus on three key characteristics of network communities: size, density, and stability. We theorize that the access to and orchestration of diverse and complementary network community resources influence firm rapid scaling through the expansion, replication, and synchronization of resources and business practices. Using a sample of firms publicly traded on the North American stock exchanges and observed over 1990–2020, we find that these firms' business scaling positively relates to the size and density of their network communities, yet the relationship between firm scaling and network community stability is negative.
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In light of the scattered nature of extant ecosystem literature, we seek to (1) identify the intellectual structure and theoretical roots of ecosystem literature within the broader field of innovation, and (2) take stock of how ecosystem research enriches and extends the innovation literature. Based on a bibliometric analysis of innovation and management journals over the past 30 years, we identify three lineages of ecosystem research within the "umbrella" of innovation studies. The first lineage finds its theoretical roots in the literature of product and architecture innovation. The second follows the lineage of open innovation and innovation strategy. The third adopts the traditions of regional innovation and entrepreneurship. Further, we offer an extended-boundary model that features two sets of synopses, explicating ecosystems' contributions to the field of innovation. The first set demonstrates how the ecosystem concept extends the three lineages with its unique attributes from a meta-organisational perspective, i.e., consumption-side synergies, boundary spanning and self-organisation. The second indicates how the concept may be repositioned on the foundational economic theories, i.e., Schumpe-terian Innovation and Transaction Cost Economics, and advance how it may integrate the two schools and extend their research implications vis-à-vis profiting from, organising for, and outcomes of innovation. We contribute by organising the fragmented ecosystem literature into an integrative framework, forging stronger links with traditional innovation theories, and offering a cumulative theoretical basis for this promising concept to further flourish in the field of innovation studies.
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Intra-industry alliance networks provide a firm with both collaborative opportunities and competitive challenges. When forming alliance networks within a particular industry, firms need to consider to which extent they compete in the same markets with their alliance network partners, who are also their industry peers. However, previous literature has not exhaustively addressed the antecedents of a firm's competitive behavior with their alliance network peers – i.e., a phenomenon we label ego-network competitiveness. This study draws on extensive panel data from the top global pharmaceuticals to examine this question. Combining behavioral and network perspectives, we test two competing hypotheses on how ego-network competitiveness varies relative to performance feedback and whether structural prominence moderates this relationship. Our results show that performance above and below aspirations increases ego-network competitiveness through high-intensity responses (i.e., problemistic and slack search). We also find that performance above aspirations increases ego-network competitiveness for firms with high structural prominence.
Research summary Extant empirical work partitioning the variance in firm (business segment) profitability has identified industry, corporate parent, business segment and time as key sources. However, this variance decomposition research stream has treated firms as atomistic, autonomous entities. We employ a fast-unfolding community-detection algorithm to detect firms' network memberships and use the Shapley Value method to isolate the effect of the firm's alliance network, in addition to industry, corporate parent, business segment and year effects, on the variance in business unit performance. Our findings demonstrate that the effect of the firm's alliance network explains 11% of the variance in firm ROA among 16,381 business segments from 1979 through 1996. We also extend the time period through 2018 and find that our results broadly hold. Managerial summary In the search for superior firm performance, managers typically focus their attention externally on profitable industries in which to operate, as well as internally on their firms’ idiosyncratic and valuable resources and capabilities. In addition to these profitability sources, our work suggests another important, but heretofore overlooked, factor in the managerial quest for competitive advantage: the value-creating potential of alliance networks. We employ a machine learning algorithm to detect firms' network memberships. Our findings indicate that as much as 11% of the variance in firm profitability (ROA) is explained by the network of alliances of which the firm is a part. Our study also implies that the emphasis on networks continues to be relevant in a technology age in which the industry boundaries are blurring. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Dual embeddedness of inventors’ cooperative networks influences firm innovation. This paper explores the mechanism of synergy between network structural embeddedness (network centrality and structural hole) and relational embeddedness (relational strength) on firm innovation using data from Chinese listed automobile companies. This paper further explores the mediating role of exploitative learning and exploratory learning between the synergy of cooperative network dual embeddedness and innovation. The results show that the synergy of network centrality and relational strength hinders innovation, while the synergy of the structural hole and relational strength promotes innovation. The synergy of centrality and relational strength hinders exploitative learning, while the synergy of the structural hole and relational strength promotes exploitative learning. Exploitative learning plays a mediating role between synergy of structure and relational embeddedness and innovation.
Voting and decision making in FIFA was in 2011 shifted from the executive committee to the FIFA congress with the aim to reduce risk of corrupt vote mobilisation in these elections. A key rationale behind this decision was that it would not be financially feasible to bribe a majority of the congress. However, the network structure with asymmetries of influence can still be susceptible to corruption. The aim of this study is therefore to analyse the potential susceptibility of the organisation structure to a grand vote-rigging corruption scheme of FIFA World Cup host elections by means of a social network analysis approach. Based on a theoretical notion of vote mobilisation and inter-organisational networks, the organisational structure is evaluated to identify potential susceptibility to corruption. Two possible regimes were analysed, the centrally controlled and horizontally controlled, based on structural cohesion, embeddedness, network centralisation and correlation between actor centrality distributions. Findings do not suggest a susceptibility to a centrally controlled, but to a horizontally controlled vote-rigging corruption scheme. After the social network analysis was conducted, the holders of five out of eleven of the identified vulnerable positions in the network have been charged with allegations of corruption. This is a strong indicator of the validity of the method to assess the structural susceptibility to corruption.
Many inter-organisational networks exhibit a community structure. However, the level of understanding of the effect of firms’ embeddedness in a network community on their innovation performance is limited. This study attempts to fill this gap by investigating the impact of intra- and inter-community collaboration strength on firms’ innovation performance, with patent data pertaining to the new-energy vehicle industry during the period from 2000 to 2017. The results show that, first, firms with moderate levels of intra-community collaboration strength achieve the greatest innovation performance, as these firms obtain rapid and efficient access to knowledge within their community. Second, firms with moderate levels of inter-community collaboration strength achieve the greatest innovation performance, as they acquire heterogeneous knowledge from outside the community. Third, the interaction of intra- and inter-community collaboration strength has a significant negative effect on firms’ innovation performance. This finding suggests that simultaneously building collaborations inside and outside the community is not an ideal network strategy for firms to employ.
Network researchers have argued that both relational embeddedness—characteristics of relationships—and structural embeddedness—characteristics of the relational structure—influence firm behavior and performance. Using strategic alliance networks in the semiconductor and steel industries, we build on past embeddedness research by examining the interaction of these factors. We argue that the roles relational and structural embeddedness play in firm performance can only be understood with reference to the other. Moreover, we argue that the influence of these factors on firm performance is contingent on industry context. More specifically, our empirical analysis suggests that strong ties in a highly interconnected strategic alliance network negatively impact firm performance. This network configuration is especially suboptimal for firms in the semiconductor industry. Furthermore, strong and weak ties are positively related to firm performance in the steel and semiconductor industries, respectively. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We combine theory and research on alliance networks and on new firms to investigate the impact of variation in startups’ alliance network composition on their early performance. We hypothesize that startups can enhance their early performance by 1) establishing alliances, 2) configuring them into an efficient network that provides access to diverse information and capabilities with minimum costs of redundancy, conflict, and complexity, and 3) judiciously allying with potential rivals that provide more opportunity for learning and less risk of intra‐alliance rivalry. An analysis of Canadian biotech startups’ performance provides broad support for our hypotheses, especially as they relate to innovative performance. Overall, our findings show how variation in the alliance networks startups configure at the time of their founding produces significant differences in their early performance, contributing directly to an explanation of how and why firm age and size affect firm performance. We discuss some clear, but challenging, implications for managers of startups. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
I find that a firm's innovation output increases with the number of collaborative linkages maintained by it, the number of structural holes it spans, and the number of partners of its partners. However, innovation is negatively related to the interaction between spanning many structural holes and having partners with many partners.