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Iscoe S, Beasley R, Fisher JA. Supplementary oxygen for nonhypoxemic patients: O2 much of a good thing? Crit Care. 15:305



Supplementary oxygen is routinely administered to patients, even those with adequate oxygen saturations, in the belief that it increases oxygen delivery. But oxygen delivery depends not just on arterial oxygen content but also on perfusion. It is not widely recognized that hyperoxia causes vasoconstriction, either directly or through hyperoxia-induced hypocapnia. If perfusion decreases more than arterial oxygen content increases during hyperoxia, then regional oxygen delivery decreases. This mechanism, and not (just) that attributed to reactive oxygen species, is likely to contribute to the worse outcomes in patients given high-concentration oxygen in the treatment of myocardial infarction, in postcardiac arrest, in stroke, in neonatal resuscitation and in the critically ill. The mechanism may also contribute to the increased risk of mortality in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in which worsening respiratory failure plays a predominant role. To avoid these effects, hyperoxia and hypocapnia should be avoided, with oxygen administered only to patients with evidence of hypoxemia and at a dose that relieves hypoxemia without causing hyperoxia.
… the aim of oxygen therapy should be to increase the
delivery of oxygen rather than to reach any arbitrary
concentration in the arterial blood.
EJM Campbell [1]
Is administration of oxygen, the most widely prescribed
drug in the formulary, free of risks to nonhypoxemic
patients with regional ischemia? Hyperoxia marginally
increases the arterial blood oxygen content (CaO2),
theoretically increasing tissue oxygen delivery (DO2)
assuming no reduction in tissue blood fl ow. However,
oxygen causes constriction of the coronary, cerebral,
renal and other key vasculatures – and if regional per-
fusion decreases concomitantly with blood hyperoxyge-
nation, one would have a seemingly paradoxical situation
in which the administration of oxygen may place tissues
at increased risk of hypoxic stress. Any tissue damage in
the course of oxygen administration would plausibly be
attributed to the underlying disease process. Ascribing
hypoxic damage to oxygen administration is counter-
intuitive and is diffi cult to accept without a receptive
mindset. Considering the ubiquity of oxygen therapy, the
continued low threshold for its administration, and the
widespread belief that its use is justifi ed and safe [2,3], we
believe it is important to revisit the arguments made to
justify the status quo.
Owing to the vasoconstrictor eff ects on the coronary,
cerebral, renal and other key vasculatures, there are many
scenarios in which administration of oxygen decreases
the perfusion to vital organs to a greater extent than the
small increase in CaO2, thereby actually reducing DO2.
e calculated CaO2 increases with normobaric
hyperoxia (assuming all hemoglobin is already saturated)
by only 0.03 ml/l per mmHg. With increases in alveolar
PaO2 from 100 to 600 mmHg, CaO2 increases by 15 ml/l,
or about ~7.5% assuming a hemoglobin concentration of
150 g/l.
In healthy adults, hyperoxia decreases cerebral blood
ow by 11 to 33% [4,5]. Administration of high oxygen
concentrations is therefore likely to decrease brain DO2.
Despite this known eff ect of hyperoxia on cerebral blood
ow, and the published recommendations [6], patients
with stroke – even those with satisfactory arterial satura-
tions – are routinely administered oxygen [4]. Does this
matter? Possibly. Although Singhal and colleagues repor-
ted transient improvement in patients with ische mic
strokes [7], survival at 7 months for patients with mild or
moderate strokes is signifi cantly greater in those
administered air than in those given 100% oxygen for the
rst 24 hours after the event [8].
Hyperoxia-induced decreases in regional DO2 are not
confi ned to the brain. Normobaric hyperoxia reduces
Supplementary oxygen is routinely administered to
patients, even those with adequate oxygen saturations,
in the belief that it increases oxygen delivery. But
oxygen delivery depends not just on arterial oxygen
content but also on perfusion. It is not widely
recognized that hyperoxia causes vasoconstriction,
either directly or through hyperoxia-induced
hypocapnia. If perfusion decreases more than arterial
oxygen content increases during hyperoxia, then
regional oxygen delivery decreases. This mechanism,
and not (just) that attributed to reactive oxygen
species, is likely to contribute to the worse outcomes
in patients given high-concentration oxygen in the
treatment of myocardial infarction, in postcardiac
arrest, in stroke, in neonatal resuscitation and in the
critically ill. The mechanism may also contribute to
the increased risk of mortality in acute exacerbations
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in which
worsening respiratory failure plays a predominant
role. To avoid these e ects, hyperoxia and hypocapnia
should be avoided, with oxygen administered only to
patients with evidence of hypoxemia and at a dose
that relieves hypoxemia without causing hyperoxia.
© 2010 BioMed Central Ltd
Supplementary oxygen for nonhypoxemic
patients: O2 much of a good thing?
Steve Iscoe
*, Richard Beasley
and Joseph A Fisher
Department of Physiology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Iscoe et al. Critical Care 2011, 15:305
© 2011 BioMed Central Ltd
coronary blood fl ow by 8 to 29% in normal subjects and
in patients with coronary artery disease or chronic heart
failure [9].  e reduction in coronary artery fl ow is
associated with a reduction in myocardial DO2 and oxy-
gen consumption [10].  ese eff ects may explain disturb-
ing fi ndings in patients with coronary artery disease. As
early as 1950 Russek and colleagues reported that supple-
mental oxygen failed to reduce electrocardio graphic
signs of ischemia or reduce anginal pain in patients with
myocardial infarction [11]. In 1969 Bourassa and
colleagues proposed that hyperoxia-induced decreases in
coronary blood fl ow provoke myocardial ischemia in
patients with severe coronary artery disease [12].  en in
1976, in a double-blind randomized controlled trial,
Rawles and Kenmure reported greater serum aspartate
aminotransferase levels, indicating increased infarct size,
in patients with acute myocardial infarction receiving
high-fl ow oxygen compared with room air [13].  ey also
observed a nonsignifi cant tripling of the death rate in
those patients.
Given these concerns, the Emergency Oxygen Guide-
line Group of the British  oracic Society called for ‘large
randomised trials of oxygen therapy for non-hypoxaemic
patients with acute cardiac and cerebral ischaemia’ [14].
Conti, in a recent editorial [15], reminded readers that
that there is only level C evidence for the administration
of supplemental oxygen to patients with uncomplicated
ST elevation in myocardial infarction during the fi rst
6 hours [16]. Based on currently available evidence, the
UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
guidelines have recently emphasized that ‘supplementary
oxygen should not be routinely administered to patients
with acute chest pain of suspected cardiac origin, but
that oxygen saturation levels should be monitored and
used to guide its administration’ [17]. Similar cautions
have been expressed about the use of oxygen for the
treatment of traumatic brain injury [18].
e mechanisms by which hyperoxia causes systemic
vasoconstriction remain uncertain. Recent work focuses
on the inhibition of vasodilators (prostaglandins, nitric
oxide) by reactive oxygen species generated as a result of
the hyperoxia [19-23]. Other work suggests that reactive
oxygen species activate brainstem respiratory neurons
[24], but this suggestion needs to be established as occur-
ring under normobaric conditions.  e role of hyperoxia-
induced hypocapnia (that is, the reverse Haldane eff ect)
remains contentious [3,25]. Regardless of the underlying
mechanism(s), the importance of considering the eff ects
of both PaO2 and PaCO2 on vascular tone is evident in a
study in which both hyperoxia and hypocapnia
independently increased cerebrovascular resistance and
reduced cerebral blood fl ow [5]. Indeed, in some situa-
tions, the vasoconstrictive eff ects of hyperoxia may be
predominantly due to the concomitant hypocapnia
[25,26]. Positron emission tomography provides similar
results: the reduction of cerebral blood fl ow and the
increase in oxygen extraction during inhalation of 100%
oxygen is completely reversed when subjects breathe
carbogen (5% carbon dioxide, 95% oxygen) [27].  ese
observations emphasize the importance of independent
control of arterial PCO2 and PO2 – possibly using
dynamic forcing of alveolar gases (for example [28]) or
sequential gas delivery (for example [29]) – when studying
the independent eff ects of PO2 and PCO2 on regional
perfusions.  ese observations also suggest that adding
carbon dioxide to oxygen may off set the vasoconstriction
due to hyperoxia or hypoxia-induced hypocapnia.
ere are other clinical situations in which the routine
administration of high-concentration oxygen may lead to
worse outcomes, although primarily through mecha nisms
other than changes in regional perfusion. Austin and
colleagues recently reported in a randomized controlled
trial that patients with acute exacerbations of chronic
obstruc tive pulmonary disease have a twofold to fourfold
increased mortality when treated with high-fl ow oxygen
compared with oxygen titrated to result in an arterial
oxygen saturation between 88 and 92% [30]. Although
several mechanisms may account for these fi ndings [31],
worsening respiratory failure is probably the predomi-
nant mechanism. Of the patients whose arterial blood
gases were measured within 30 minutes of presentation
to hospital, those who received high-concentration
oxygen were more likely to have hypercapnia (mean
diff erence PaCO2 34 mmHg) or respiratory acidosis
(mean diff erence pH 0.12).
Adverse outcomes with hyperoxia have also been
reported in critically ill patients admitted to the intensive
care unit; a high PaO2 in the fi rst 24 hours after admission
is independently associated with in-hospital mortality
[32]. In this study a U-shaped curve of mortality with
PaO2 was observed, illustrating the risks of both hypoxia
and hyperoxia. Kilgannon and colleagues recently repor-
ted that patients administered high-concentration oxygen
resulting in hyperoxia (PaO2 >300 mmHg) following
cardiac arrest have increased in-hospital mortality, a
nd ing they attributed to increased oxidative stress asso-
ciated with hyperoxia [33]. However, because a subse-
quent study was unable to replicate these fi ndings [34],
randomized controlled trials will be required to resolve
the clinical uncertainty.
Neonatal resuscitation is the clinical situation in which
administration of 100% oxygen has most clearly been
demonstrated to increase the risk of death [35,36].  is
has resulted in a radical change in practice whereby room
air rather than oxygen is now the recommended resus ci-
tation regime [36].
Considering the ubiquity of the administration of
supplemental oxygen, there are surprisingly few
Iscoe et al. Critical Care 2011, 15:305
Page 2 of 4
random ized clinical trials that demonstrate its benefi cial
role when hypoxemia is absent.  is may refl ect the fact
that its usage is so embedded in clinical practice that it is
accepted as safe [2]. Nevertheless, there are some
situations in which supplemental oxygen administration
is useful: treatment of cluster headache [37], reducing the
oxidative stress associated with colon surgery [38], and
the prevention of desaturation during endoscopy [39,40].
Supplemental oxygen adminis tration can, however, have
the unintended side eff ect of delaying recognition by
oximetry of hypo venti lation [41,42]. Until recently many
studies had indicated that supple mentary oxygen reduced
postoperative nausea and vomit ing, but the current
status is ambiguous (for example [43-46]). Similarly,
oxygen was thought to reduce postsurgical infections –
but more recent studies (see [47] for a partial summary)
have cast doubt on the original fi ndings. More over,
ventilation with high inspired oxygen concen trations
during surgery leads to subsequent impairment of
pulmonary gas exchange [48-50] that may be of clinical
signifi cance [50]. Traumatic injury and compartment
syndrome may appear to be obvious applications for
supplementary oxygen – an increased PO2 would help
overcome the reductions in perfusion – but hyperbaric
rather than normobaric oxygen is the treatment of choice
[51-53]. Oxygen is used for the treatment of carbon
monoxide poisoning [54], but this is probably less
eff ective than it should be if the accompanying hypo-
capnia is not prevented [26]. In the case of breathlessness,
which has long been treated with supplementary oxygen,
a recent randomized double-blind controlled trial estab-
lished that nasal oxygen was no better than air in reliev-
ing breathlessness and improving quality of life in pallia-
tive care patients with refractory breathlessness [55].
In conclusion, NASA managers demanded in 1986 that
their counterparts at Martin- iokol prove that it was
not safe to launch the Space Shuttle Challenger despite
concerns expressed by engineers about the integrity at
low temperatures of the O-rings joining the segments of
the solid rocket boosters [56].  e correct question
would have been: can you prove that it is safe? In the case
of supplementary oxygen, failure to ask the right question
reinforces complacency about its use in patients who may
have regional hypoxia or ischemia but are not hypoxemic.
CaO2, arterial blood oxygen content; DO2, oxygen delivery; PaCO2, arterial
partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen;
PCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PO2, partial pressure of oxygen.
Competing interests
SI and JAF have participated in the development of devices suitable for
increasing the e ciency of oxygen delivery. The protection of the related
intellectual property and distribution of income from sales (if any) follow the
guidelines set by the University Health Network.
Author details
1Department of Physiology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
K7L 3N6. 2Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Level 7, CSB Building,
Wellington Hospital, Private Bag 7902, Wellington 6242, New Zealand.
3Department of Anesthesiology, Toronto General Hospital, 3EN 200 Elizabeth
Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 2C4.
Published: 30 June 2011
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patients: O
much of a good thing? Critical Care 2011, 15:305.
Iscoe et al. Critical Care 2011, 15:305
Page 4 of 4
... During adenosine triphosphate production via oxidative phosphorylation, ROS arise with increasing oxygen tension. These by-products are substrates of intracellular signalling pathways and subsequently lead, among other effects, to vasoconstriction [28]. Therefore, supra-physiological levels of oxygen in the blood may reduce overall oxygen delivery to peripheral vasculatures, such as coronary, renal or cerebral [29]. ...
... In fact, during hyperoxia, cerebral blood flow-for example-is reduced up to a third [30]. Besides vasoconstriction, ROS in high concentrations is able to induce cell apoptosis and cellular damage by initiating inflammatory pathways in the alveolar epithelium [28]. ...
... Overall, the recommendation of the British Thoracic Society [28] summarise the physiological risks of hyperoxia due to supplemental oxygen therapy as follows: ...
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Following current guidelines, spontaneous pneumothorax should be primarily managed with minimal invasive strategies. In real-world clinical practice, oxygen supplementation regardless of the presence or absence of hypoxemia is frequently applied in patients with a pneumothorax, with the intention to enhance the resorption rate of air from the pleural cavity (“nitrogen wash-out theory”). This review provides an overview of the scientific origin of this practice in animal models, and its clinical use in adult and paediatric patients. Clinical studies from PubMed, Embase and Cochrane library were reviewed by the authors using the keywords, “oxygen AND pneumothorax”, “nitrogen washout AND pneumothorax” and “nitrogen AND pneumothorax”, and recommendations from current guidelines were also reviewed by the authors. A selected total of nine clinical studies and three guidelines were included. Though in animal models there appears to be a therapeutic effect of oxygen therapy for the treatment of pneumothorax, clinical data in patient populations mainly stem from retrospective studies, mostly with a small sample size and inadequate study design. We recommend conducting prospective clinical studies with adequate methodology to address the question of whether or not oxygen therapy should be used to treat pneumothorax, regardless of the presence or absence of hypoxemia.
... 3 The administration of supplementary oxygen to foals is readily implemented but does not address respiratory insufficiency caused by inadequate ventilation, and is no longer considered optimal care for hypoxic human patients in some settings. 4,5 Positive pressure ventilation often is used in patients with respiratory insufficiency to improve gas exchange and decrease work of breathing. This approach is even more important in neonates given differences in lung physiology, pulmonary mechanics, and their lower metabolic reserves relative to adults. ...
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Background Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and pressure support ventilation (PSV) can improve respiratory mechanics and gas exchange, but different airway pressures have not been compared in foals. Hypothesis/Objectives Assess the effect of different airway pressures during CPAP and PSV have on respiratory function in healthy foals with pharmacologically induced respiratory insufficiency. We hypothesized that increased airway pressures would improve respiratory mechanics and increased positive end‐expiratory pressure (PEEP) would be associated with hypercapnia. Animals Six healthy foals from a university teaching herd. Methods A prospective, 2‐phase, 2‐treatment, randomized cross‐over study design was used to evaluate sequential interventions in sedated foals using 2 protocols (CPAP and PSV). Outcome measures included arterial blood gases, spirometry, volumetric capnography, lung volume and aeration assessed using computed tomography (CT). Results Sedation and dorsal recumbency were associated with significant reductions in arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2), respiratory rate, and tidal volume. Continuous positive airway pressure was associated with improved PaO2, without concurrent hypercapnia. Volumetric capnography identified improved ventilation:perfusion (V/Q) matching and increased carbon dioxide elimination during ventilation, and spirometry identified decreased respiratory rate and increased tidal volume. Peak inspiratory pressure was moderately associated with PaO2 and lung volume. Improved pulmonary aeration was evident in CT images, and lung volume was increased, particularly during CPAP. Conclusions and Clinical Importance Both CPAP and PSV improved lung mechanics and gas exchange in healthy foals with induced respiratory insufficiency.
... The AVOID trial demonstrated that in ST elevation myocardial infarction, supplemental oxygen increased myocardial injury, recurrent infarction, major cardiac arrhythmia, and infarct size [13]. The vasoconstrictor effects of oxygen on coronary, cerebral, and other peripheral vasculature may also decrease the perfusion to organs to a greater extent than oxygen supplementation increases the CaO 2 , thereby reducing oxygen delivery to the tissue [14]. In neonatal resuscitation, use of 100% oxygen has been associated with increased mortality compared against 21% oxygen, resulting in a dramatic change in practice [15]. ...
... The liberal oxygen therapy (LOT) may provide a baseline of safety against hypoxia [2,3]. However, excess oxygen delivery could expose patients to hyperoxia that leads to potential iatrogenic harm, such as pulmonary injury, interstitial fibrosis, central nervous system toxicity, etc. [2,[4][5][6]. Conservative oxygen therapy (COT) could minimize the chance of exposure to high levels of oxygen and reduce the occurrence of hyperoxia [7]. In a previous meta-analysis of randomized trials about acutely ill adults, COT has been proved to be associated with lower in-hospital mortality compared with LOT [8]. ...
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Background The acknowledgment that conservative oxygen therapy (COT) was related to better prognosis in the intensive care unit (ICU) was challenged recently. We conducted an updated meta-analysis aimed to determine whether liberal oxygen therapy (LOT) or COT is associated with better improve clinical outcomes. Methods We systematically searched the electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science and Embase) up to May 2021 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The primary outcome was the mortality of the final follow-up time and secondary outcomes were ICU mortality, the ICU length of stay and the number of ventilator-free days. Results A total of 7 RCTs were included, with 2166 patients admitted to the ICU. There was no significant difference in the primary outcome between the LOT and COT. Additionally, LOT could not significantly increase ICU mortality and the ICU length of stay compared with COT. Conclusions The present study showed that COT was not significantly superior to LOT in clinical outcomes. Therefore, additional high-quality studies with novel designs are required to further elucidate this controversy.
... Therefore, we developed an automated algorithm to regulate HA resistance through the controlled supplementation of a vasodilator (Nitroprussiat). We suspected that hyperoxia contributed to the elevated arterial resistance, based on previous reports in experimental setting and humans [15][16][17][18] . In our protocol with arterial blood supplied to the PV (Group 1), high oxygen (DO 2 ) was delivered to the liver through the PV (Fig. 2c). ...
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Long-term perfusion of liver grafts outside of the body may enable repair of poor-quality livers that are currently declined for transplantation, mitigating the global shortage of donor livers. In current ex vivo liver perfusion protocols, hyperoxic blood (arterial blood) is commonly delivered in the portal vein (PV). We perfused porcine livers for one week and investigated the effect of and mechanisms behind hyperoxia in the PV on hepatic arterial resistance. Applying PV hyperoxia in porcine livers (n = 5, arterial PV group), we observed an increased need for vasodilator Nitroprussiat (285 ± 162 ml/week) to maintain the reference hepatic artery flow of 0.25 l/min during ex vivo perfusion. With physiologic oxygenation (venous blood) in the PV the need for vasodilator could be reduced to 41 ± 34 ml/week (p = 0.011; n = 5, venous PV group). This phenomenon has not been reported previously, owing to the fact that such experiments are not feasible practically in vivo. We investigated the mechanism of the variation in HA resistance in response to blood oxygen saturation with a focus on the release of vasoactive substances, such as Endothelin 1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO), at the protein and mRNA levels. However, no difference was found between groups for ET-1 and NO release. We propose direct oxygen sensing of endothelial cells and/or increased NO break down rate with hyperoxia as possible explanations for enhanced HA resistance.
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Background Maternal oxygen inhalation is associated without significant benefit in newborn during labor. However, it is unknown whether maternal oxygen inhalation effects are fetal hemodynamic in late pregnancy. Objective We aimed to determine late trimester whether oxygen inhalation and fetal hemodynamic change are relevant, and attempt to quest the effect of short-term maternal oxygenation inhalation on fetal hemodynamic change, and appraise whether this practice could have any benefit or potential harmful in fetus. Study Design This retrospective data was obtained from singleton pregnancies who underwent a after 32+ 0 weeks prenatal ultrasound examination between January 2022 and December 2022, with and without oxygen inhalation women. Our study analysis was performed in August 2023. In oxygen inhalation group, pregnant women received oxygen inhalation with 3 liters/minute for 30 minutes by nasal cannula, and before went to department of ultrasound for sonographic assessment within 1 hour. Each woman was recorded doppler index and calculated placental pulsatility index (PPI) and cerebroplacental ratio (CPR). Moreover, fetal cardiac function was assessed within pulsed Doppler or M-mode. Main outcome The primary outcome presented higher PPI, lower CPR, and lower birth weight for the exposure maternal oxygen inhalation group, compare to non-oxygen inhalation group. Results Among 104 singleton fetuses (oxygen inhalation group: 48) between 18+ 0 and 40+ 6 weeks of gestation in the final study. In spite of resistance index values of uterine arteries, umbilical arteries, middle cerebral arteries, descending aorta, ductus venosus, and umbilical vein were not reached the statistical different, the data still had variants on oxygen inhalation group. Most importantly, the index of higher sensitivity predicting adverse outcome, PPI (0.76 ± 0.11 vs. 0.81 ± 0.12, p < 0.05) and CPR (2.28 ± 0.70 vs. 1.98 ± 0.56, p < 0.05), presented statistical difference. Meanwhile, birth weight was lower in oxygen inhalation group (2983.78 ± 468.18gm vs. 3178.41 ± 477.59gm, p < 0.05) in our study. Conclusion The change in the more sensitive index for predicting unfavorable prenatal outcome, higher PPI and lower CPR, correlated strongly with the maternal oxygen inhalation group compared with the non-oxygen inhalation group. Our results might could be assisted a careful evaluation of the decision-making process and feasibility evaluation in the treatment of oxygen inhalation in pregnancy women especially high-risk pregnancies. Concurrently provided the gauging doppler index for observation before and after treatment in the necessary situation also.
Purpose: Congenital anemias, including sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, are associated with cerebral tissue hypoxia and heightened stroke risks. Recent works in sickle cell disease mouse models have suggested that hyperoxia respiratory challenges can identify regions of the brain having chronic tissue hypoxia. Therefore, this work investigated differences in hyperoxic response and regional cerebral oxygenation between anemic and healthy subjects. Methods: A cohort of 38 sickle cell disease subjects (age 22 ± 8 years, female 39%), 25 non-sickle anemic subjects (age 25 ± 11 years, female 52%), and 31 healthy controls (age 25 ± 10 years, female 68%) were examined. A hyperoxic gas challenge was performed with concurrent acquisition of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) MRI and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). In addition to hyperoxia-induced changes in BOLD and NIRS, global measurements of cerebral blood flow, oxygen delivery, and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen were obtained and compared between the three groups. Results: Regional BOLD changes were not able to identify brain regions of flow limitation in chronically anemic patients. Higher blood oxygen content and tissue oxygenation were observed during hyperoxia gas challenge. Both control and anemic groups demonstrated lower blood flow, oxygen delivery, and metabolic rate compared to baseline, but the oxygen metabolism in anemic subjects were abnormally low during hyperoxic exposure. Conclusion: These results indicated that hyperoxic respiratory challenge could not be used to identify chronically ischemic brain. Furthermore, the low hyperoxia-induced metabolic rate suggested potential negative effects of prolonged oxygen therapy and required further studies to evaluate the risk for hyperoxia-induced oxygen toxicity and cerebral dysfunction.
Background Maternal hyperoxygenation (MHO) is used in a variety of clinical applications, but its impact on fetal cardiovascular physiology is poorly understood. Our aims were: to describe the effects of MHO on myocardial deformation parameters and on ultrasound-based metrics of preload and afterload, and to assess the differential effect of MHO on fetuses with left heart hypoplasia (LHH). We hypothesized that the effects of MHO would be modulated by loading conditions, and that fetuses with LHH would be more sensitive to changes in preload and afterload induced by MHO. Methods We performed a post-hoc analysis of 36 fetal echocardiograms performed as part of a pilot study of MHO in LHH (n=9) and control (n=9) fetuses. Oxygen was administered via 8L face mask for 10 minutes. RV and LV longitudinal strain and strain rate, estimated aortic and pulmonary cardiac output, pulmonary vein velocity time integral (VTI) and pulsatility indices (PI) of the middle cerebral artery (MCA), pulmonary arteries (PA) and umbilical artery (UA) were measured at 3 time points: baseline, during MHO, and 10 minutes after removal of MHO. Results MHO induced decreases in LV strain and strain rate and increases in RV strain and strain rate. PA PI decreased and pulmonary vein VTI increased suggesting decreased pulmonary vascular resistance and increased pulmonary venous return. Most findings did not return to baseline after removal of MHO. We found no significant effect of MHO on MCA or UA PI. LHH cases demonstrated similar effects of MHO to control cases, with larger changes in pulmonary vein VTI and LV strain rate. Conclusion The effects of MHO on LV and RV mechanics suggest that changes in deformation indices may be explained by increases in LV preload and decreases in RV afterload. The time period for recovery of fetal hemodynamics from MHO is ill-defined.
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are among the most preventable infections acquired in the healthcare setting today. The potential for improved patient care and reduced healthcare spending by decreasing SSIs could save millions of US healthcare dollars and at the same time lead to better patient outcomes. The purpose of this systematic review was to explore whether high concentration oxygen delivered to surgical patients undergoing intraabdominal surgery decreases SSI. A systematic review was conducted to determine if high concentration oxygen decreases surgical site infection. Databases were searched, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select the articles for this systematic review. The PRISMA framework was used to guide the review and a total of six studies were critically analyzed. Two data collection tables were created for each article, one that illustrated the design of the study and one that illustrated the results. The CASP checklist was utilized to appraise each article critically. Finally, a cross-study analysis was conducted to compare the studies. Of the six studies, two were statistically significant 1and showed a decrease in SSI, contradicting earlier findings. Based on all the available research at this time, the use of high concentration oxygen during the intraoperative phase to decrease SSI should be followed if patient specifics and facility resources allow. Further studies will need to focus on standardized protocols specific to each abdominal surgery.
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Background The paramagnetic properties of deoxyhemoglobin shorten T2* as do gadolinium based contrast agents. Induction of abrupt changes in arterial deoxyhemoglobin concentration ([dOHb]) can simulate intra-vascular injections of gadolinium for perfusion imaging. Aim To demonstrate the feasibility of making rapid changes in pulmonary venous hemoglobin saturation and employing the resulting changes in T2* to calculate flow metrics in the brain. Methods A gas blender with a sequential gas delivery breathing circuit and software enabling prospective arterial blood gas targeting was used to implement rapid isocapnic lung changes in the partial pressure of blood oxygen (PaO 2 ). Lung PO 2 was initially lowered to induce a low baseline [dOHb]. PaO2 was then rapidly raised to PaO 2 ∼ 100 mmHg for 10 seconds and then rapidly returned to baseline. Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) MRI signal changes were measured over time. Results Arrival delay, signal amplitude and change in BOLD discriminated between large arteries, tissue and veins. The median half-time of BOLD signal in the middle cerebral artery was 1.7 s, indicating minimal dispersion confirming effective rapid modulation of pulmonary venous PO2. The contrast-to-noise ratio in the cortex was 3. Calculations of arrival delay, cerebral blood volume, mean transit time and cerebral blood flow were within normal ranges from published literature values. Conclusion Non-invasive induction of abrupt changes in [OHb] may function as a novel non-invasive vascular contrast agent for use in perfusion imaging.
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Hyperoxia has recently been reported as an independent risk factor for mortality in patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest. We examined the independent relationship between hyperoxia and outcomes in such patients. We divided patients resuscitated from nontraumatic cardiac arrest from 125 intensive care units (ICUs) into three groups according to worst PaO2 level or alveolar-arterial O2 gradient in the first 24 hours after admission. We defined 'hyperoxia' as PaO2 of 300 mmHg or greater, 'hypoxia/poor O2 transfer' as either PaO2 < 60 mmHg or ratio of PaO2 to fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2 ) < 300, 'normoxia' as any value between hypoxia and hyperoxia and 'isolated hypoxemia' as PaO2 < 60 mmHg regardless of FiO2. Mortality at hospital discharge was the main outcome measure. Of 12,108 total patients, 1,285 (10.6%) had hyperoxia, 8,904 (73.5%) had hypoxia/poor O2 transfer, 1,919 (15.9%) had normoxia and 1,168 (9.7%) had isolated hypoxemia (PaO2 < 60 mmHg). The hyperoxia group had higher mortality (754 (59%) of 1,285 patients; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 56% to 61%) than the normoxia group (911 (47%) of 1,919 patients; 95% CI, 45% to 50%) with a proportional difference of 11% (95% CI, 8% to 15%), but not higher than the hypoxia group (5,303 (60%) of 8,904 patients; 95% CI, 59% to 61%). In a multivariable model controlling for some potential confounders, including illness severity, hyperoxia had an odds ratio for hospital death of 1.2 (95% CI, 1.1 to 1.6). However, once we applied Cox proportional hazards modelling of survival, sensitivity analyses using deciles of hypoxemia, time period matching and hyperoxia defined as PaO2 > 400 mmHg, hyperoxia had no independent association with mortality. Importantly, after adjustment for FiO2 and the relevant covariates, PaO2 was no longer predictive of hospital mortality (P = 0.21). Among patients admitted to the ICU after cardiac arrest, hyperoxia did not have a robust or consistently reproducible association with mortality. We urge caution in implementing policies of deliberate decreases in FiO2 in these patients.
Purpose: Our goal is to provide an overview of the current evidence about components of the evaluation and treatment of adults with acute ischemic stroke. The intended audience is physicians and other emergency healthcare providers who treat patients within the first 48 hours after stroke. In addition, information for healthcare policy makers is included. Methods: Members of the panel were appointed by the American Heart Association Stroke Council's Scientific Statement Oversight Committee and represented different areas of expertise. The panel reviewed the relevant literature with an emphasis on reports published since 2003 and used the American Heart Association Stroke Council's Levels of Evidence grading algorithm to rate the evidence and to make recommendations. After approval of the statement by the panel, it underwent peer review and approval by the American Heart Association Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee. It is intended that this guideline be fully updated in 3 years. Results: Management of patients with acute ischemic stroke remains multifaceted and includes several aspects of care that have not been tested in clinical trials. This statement includes recommendations for management from the first contact by emergency medical services personnel through initial admission to the hospital. Intravenous administration of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator remains the most beneficial proven intervention for emergency treatment of stroke. Several interventions, including intra-arterial administration of thrombolytic agents and mechanical interventions, show promise. Because many of the recommendations are based on limited data, additional research on treatment of acute ischemic stroke is needed.
Background: Migraine and cluster headaches are severe and disabling. Migraine affects up to 18% of women, while cluster headaches are much less common (0.2% of the population). A number of acute and prophylactic therapies are available. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the therapeutic administration of 100% oxygen at environmental pressures greater than one atmosphere, while normobaric oxygen therapy (NBOT) is oxygen administered at one atmosphere. Objectives: To assess the safety and effectiveness of HBOT and NBOT for treating and preventing migraine and cluster headaches. Search strategy: We searched the following inMay 2008:CENTRAL,MEDLINE, EMBASE,CINAHL,DORCTIHMand reference lists fromrelevant articles. Relevant journals were hand searched and researchers contacted. Selection criteria: Randomised trials comparing HBOT or NBOT with one another, other active therapies, placebo (sham) interventions or no treatment in patients with migraine or cluster headache. Data collection and analysis: Three reviewers independently evaluated study quality and extracted data. Main results: Nine small trials involving 201 participants were included. Five trials compared HBOT versus sham therapy for acute migraine, two compared HBOT to sham therapy for cluster headache and two evaluated NBOT for cluster headache. Pooling of data fromthree trials suggested thatHBOT was effective in relieving migraine headaches compared to sham therapy (relative risk (RR) 5.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.46 to 24.38, P = 0.01). There was no evidence that HBOT could prevent migraine episodes, reduce the incidence of nausea and vomiting or reduce the requirement for rescue medication. There was a trend to better outcome in a single trial evaluating HBOT for the termination of cluster headache (RR 11.38, 95% CI 0.77 to 167.85, P = 0.08), but this trial had low power. NBOT was effective in terminating cluster headache compared to sham in a single small study (RR 7.88, 95% CI 1.13 to 54.66, P = 0.04), but not superior to ergotamine administration in another small trial (RR 1.17, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.46, P = 0.16). Seventy-six per cent of patients responded to NBOT in these two trials. No serious adverse effects of HBOT or NBOT were reported. Authors' conclusions: There was some evidence that HBOT was effective for the termination of acute migraine in an unselected population, and weak evidence that NBOT was similarly effective in cluster headache. Given the cost and poor availability of HBOT, more research should be done on patients unresponsive to standard therapy. NBOT is cheap, safe and easy to apply, so will probably continue to be used despite the limited evidence in this review. Copyright © 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: Migraine and cluster headaches are severe and disabling. Migraine affects up to 18% of women, while cluster headaches are much less common (0.2% of the population). A number of acute and prophylactic therapies are available. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the therapeutic administration of 100% oxygen at environmental pressures greater than one atmosphere, while normobaric oxygen therapy (NBOT) is oxygen administered at one atmosphere. Objectives: To assess the safety and effectiveness of HBOT and NBOT for treating and preventing migraine and cluster headaches. Search strategy: We searched the following in May 2008: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, DORCTIHM and reference lists from relevant articles. Relevant journals were hand searched and researchers contacted. Selection criteria: Randomised trials comparing HBOT or NBOT with one another, other active therapies, placebo (sham) interventions or no treatment in patients with migraine or cluster headache. Data collection and analysis: Three reviewers independently evaluated study quality and extracted data. Main results: Nine small trials involving 201 participants were included. Five trials compared HBOT versus sham therapy for acute migraine, two compared HBOT to sham therapy for cluster headache and two evaluated NBOT for cluster headache. Pooling of data from three trials suggested that HBOT was effective in relieving migraine headaches compared to sham therapy (relative risk (RR) 5.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.46 to 24.38, P = 0.01). There was no evidence that HBOT could prevent migraine episodes, reduce the incidence of nausea and vomiting or reduce the requirement for rescue medication. There was a trend to better outcome in a single trial evaluating HBOT for the termination of cluster headache (RR 11.38, 95% CI 0.77 to 167.85, P = 0.08), but this trial had low power.NBOT was effective in terminating cluster headache compared to sham in a single small study (RR 7.88, 95% CI 1.13 to 54.66, P = 0.04), but not superior to ergotamine administration in another small trial (RR 1.17, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.46, P = 0.16). Seventy-six per cent of patients responded to NBOT in these two trials. No serious adverse effects of HBOT or NBOT were reported. Authors' conclusions: There was some evidence that HBOT was effective for the termination of acute migraine in an unselected population, and weak evidence that NBOT was similarly effective in cluster headache. Given the cost and poor availability of HBOT, more research should be done on patients unresponsive to standard therapy. NBOT is cheap, safe and easy to apply, so will probably continue to be used despite the limited evidence in this review.
This two-part study was designed to determine the effect of supplemental oxygen on the detection of hypoventilation, evidenced by a decline in oxygen saturation (Spo(2)) with pulse oximetry. Phase 1 was a prospective, patient-controlled, clinical trial. Phase 2 was a prospective, randomized, clinical trial. Phase 1 took place in the operating room. Phase 2 took place in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). In phase 1, 45 patients underwent abdominal, gynecologic, urologic, and lower-extremity vascular operations. In phase 2, 288 patients were recovering from anesthesia. In phase 1, modeling of deliberate hypoventilation entailed decreasing by 50% the minute ventilation of patients receiving general anesthesia. Patients breathing a fraction of inspired oxygen (Fio(2)) of 0.21 (n = 25) underwent hypoventilation for up to 5 min. Patients with an Fio(2) of 0.25 (n = 10) or 0.30 (n = 10) underwent hypoventilation for 10 min. In phase 2, spontaneously breathing patients were randomized to breathe room air (n = 155) or to receive supplemental oxygen (n = 133) on arrival in the PACU. In phase 1, end-tidal carbon dioxide and Spo(2) were measured during deliberate hypoventilation. A decrease in Spo(2) occurred only in patients who breathed room air. No decline occurred in patients with Fio(2) levels of 0.25 and 0.30. In phase 2, Spo(2) was recorded every min for up to 40 min in the PACU. Arterial desaturation (Spo(2) < 90%) was fourfold higher in patients who breathed room air than in patients who breathed supplemental oxygen (9.0% vs 2.3%, p = 0.02). Hypoventilation can be detected reliably by pulse oximetry only when patients breathe room air. In patients with spontaneous ventilation, supplemental oxygen often masked the ability to detect abnormalities in respiratory function in the PACU. Without the need for capnography and arterial blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry is a useful tool to assess ventilatory abnormalities, but only in the absence of supplemental inspired oxygen.