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Evidence that ageing yields improvements as well as declines across attention and executive functions


Abstract and Figures

Many but not all cognitive abilities decline during ageing. Some even improve due to lifelong experience. The critical capacities of attention and executive functions have been widely posited to decline. However, these capacities are composed of multiple components, so multifaceted ageing outcomes might be expected. Indeed, prior findings suggest that whereas certain attention/executive functions clearly decline, others do not, with hints that some might even improve. We tested ageing effects on the alerting, orienting and executive (inhibitory) networks posited by Posner and Petersen’s influential theory of attention, in a cross-sectional study of a large sample (N = 702) of participants aged 58–98. Linear and nonlinear analyses revealed that whereas the efficiency of the alerting network decreased with age, orienting and executive inhibitory efficiency increased, at least until the mid-to-late 70s. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the patterns were robust. The results suggest variability in age-related changes across attention/executive functions, with some declining while others improve.
Results from the mixed-effects logistic regression model on the accuracy of responses We examined accuracy using generalized linear mixed-effects regression with a logit link function. We analysed correct/incorrect responses produced prior to the timeout period (number of data points: 49,980), for the same 702 participants as in the main analysis on RTs. The same fixed-effect predictors were included as in the main analysis. Models included a random by-participant intercept only, because models with random slopes did not converge. Model convergence was reached only by applying a weakly informative Bayesian prior on the effects²³³ (priors on fixed effects were normal distributions with mean=0 and SD = 3 for the intercept, and mean=0 and SD = 0.4 for slopes). Effect sizes are reported as unstandardized estimates (b-values) in the logit scale with 95% confidence intervals, together with z-values; p-values are reported as two-tailed, with exact values to three digits. The significant interaction between age and the executive effect indicated that age was associated with increasing executive efficiency, parallel to the finding of increasing efficiency in the main analysis on RTs. Follow-up analyses indicated that there was an interference cost on accuracy for incongruent flankers at the minimum age of 58 years (back-transformed accuracy in percent correct for congruent, 99.70% vs. incongruent, 99.38%; b = -0.7302 [-0.9756, -0.4847], z = -5.83, p < .001), but no significant difference between incongruent and congruent flankers at the maximum age of 98 years (back-transformed accuracy for congruent, 98.10% vs. incongruent, 97.94%; b = -0.0825 [-0.4693, 0.3043], z = -0.42, p = .676). Likewise, there was no significant executive effect at age 90 (b = -0.2127 [-0.5150, 0.0897], z = -1.38, p = .168). The executive effect was almost nine times larger at the minimum than maximum age, as revealed by the regression coefficients in the logit scale (b values: 58 years: -0.7302 vs. 98 years: -0.0825), and twice as large in back-transformed accuracy (0.32% vs. 0.16%). Education effect: higher education was associated with higher accuracy (across all ages and all cues and flankers).
Results from the linear mixed-effects regression model on log RTs P-values were obtained from t-tests with 49,163 degrees of freedom, calculated as the number of data points (that is, 49,176) minus the number of fixed effect estimates (that is, 13)²³⁴. Here and elsewhere, effect sizes of linear mixed-effects models are reported as unstandardized estimates (b-values) with 95% confidence intervals, together with t-values; p-values are reported as two-tailed, with exact values to three digits. Education effect: higher education was associated with faster responses (across all ages and all cues and flankers). Trial effect: later trials were associated with faster responses. Follow-up analyses to the two network interactions (Alerting X Executive, Orienting X Executive) were performed. Note that both of these interactions, and the general patterns found in their follow-up analyses, are commonly reported for the ANT in both younger and older adults122,138,140,144–146,152,235. First, the alerting effect was significant in trials with congruent flankers (b = 0.0127 [0.0070, 0.0184], t = 4.37, p < .001), but not in trials with incongruent flankers (b = -0.0032 [-0.0089, 0.0026], t = -1.08, p = .279). Second, the orienting effect was larger in trials with incongruent flankers (b = 0.0227 [0.0169, 0.0284], t = 7.76, p < .001) than in those with congruent flankers (b = 0.0094 [0.0037, 0.0151], t = 3.24, p = .001), but was significant in both. We also followed up on both interactions by examining the executive effect in the different cue types involved in alerting and orienting. The executive effect was larger in trials with a central cue (b = 0.0777 [0.0713, 0.0841], t = 23.79, p < .001) than in trials with no cue (b = 0.0618 [0.0554, 0.0682], t = 18.95, p < .001) (Alerting X Executive). The executive effect was also larger in trials with a central cue (see just above) than in trials with a spatial cue (b = 0.0644 [0.0580, 0.0708], t = 19.75, p < .001) (Orienting X Executive). CI: confidence interval.
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1Center of Linguistics, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. 2Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Potsdam,
Germany. 3School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. 4Office of Population Research, Princeton University, Princeton,
NJ, USA. 5Center for Population and Health, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. 6Department of Neuroscience, Georgetown University,
Washington, DC, USA. e-mail:;
Life expectancy has risen substantially, increasing the impor-
tance of understanding age-related changes in cognition. Not
surprisingly, ageing negatively affects many aspects of cogni-
tion, as demonstrated by a large body of work indicating that older
adults show worse performance than younger adults in a variety of
cognitive tasks. For example, older adults consistently display lower
accuracy and/or slower performance in tasks measuring episodic
memory13, word recognition and retrieval4,5, word learning6,7,
implicit learning of complex skills and sequences810, and various
visuo-spatial abilities11,12. Though some of these age differences may
be due to age-related decreases in overall processing speed or other
general factors1315, reductions in many cognitive functions are still
detectable even when controlling for such variables1619 and thus
seem to represent specific neurocognitive declines1,20. (For conve-
nience, we use terms such as ‘decline’ and ‘improvement’ to refer
to age-related differences in both longitudinal and cross-sectional
studies, the latter of which constitute the vast majority of work on
this topic; however, these terms should be treated with caution,
since alternative explanations for age effects cannot be completely
ruled out in cross-sectional studies21,22; see Discussion.)
The trajectories of age-related declines vary considerably,
depending on the particular cognitive function in question. Some
functions decrease robustly across the whole adult lifespan, while
others show smaller age-related declines or show decreases that
begin or become more pronounced later in life3,2228. Such differen-
tiation can even be detected within particular cognitive domains1,29.
This variability raises the possibility that not all aspects of cognition
decline. Indeed, evidence suggests that some functions may be fully
preserved over the course of ageing, such as automatic processes of
memory retrieval3032, aspects of lexical and grammatical processing
in language comprehension3337, and skills that were well practised
throughout life38,39.
Furthermore, evidence suggests that some areas of cognition
actually show improvements with increasing age. This has long
been posited for ‘crystallized’ (knowledge-based) aspects of cog-
nition4042, such as vocabulary, lexical–semantic knowledge, verbal
comprehension and general information, which tend to exhibit
age-related increases until quite late in life; these have tradition-
ally been contrasted with ‘fluid’ (information processing) aspects
of cognition4042, such as spatial visualization and processing speed,
which often show age-related declines24,26,4349. However, older adults
have been found to outperform younger adults in other domains
as well. These include ‘wisdom50,51, theory of mind52, emotional
regulation21,5356, aspects of decision-making abilities5760, motiva-
tion related to one’s job61,62 and certain dimensions of personality
such as agreeableness and conscientiousness63. Given that some of
these domains seem to involve fluid (perhaps in addition to crystal-
lized) aspects of cognition64,65, this raises the possibility of multifac-
eted ageing outcomes in fluid processes, including not only decli
nes24,26,4349 and age invariance (for example, automatic processes of
memory retrieval3032) but also improvements.
Going beyond which abilities show improvements, research has
also begun to reveal the shapes of these trajectories—that is, when
improvements may occur over the course of ageing. At least for
crystallized cognition, and perhaps for aspects of fluid cognition,
age-related improvements are often nonlinear, with increases tend-
ing to continue up to a certain point, often in one’s 70s, after which
age invariance or declines may set in1,22,26,52,61,66,67. Finally, the why of
cognitive improvements is also beginning to be understood, though
primarily for crystallized abilities thus far. In particular, age-related
improvements seem to be largely explained by the lifetime accu-
mulation of experience or practice, resulting in (neurobiologically
based) increases in knowledge or perhaps in skill efficiency, which
may outweigh any neurobiological declines1,38,48,66,6876.
We investigated the effect of age on attention and executive
functions—the critical set of processes that allow us to focus on
selective aspects of information in a goal-directed manner, while
ignoring irrelevant information7779. This set of functions is crucial
Evidence that ageing yields improvements as well
as declines across attention and executive functions
João Veríssimo 1,2 ✉ , Paul Verhaeghen3, Noreen Goldman4, Maxine Weinstein5 and
Michael T. Ullman 6 ✉
Many but not all cognitive abilities decline during ageing. Some even improve due to lifelong experience. The critical capacities
of attention and executive functions have been widely posited to decline. However, these capacities are composed of multiple
components, so multifaceted ageing outcomes might be expected. Indeed, prior findings suggest that whereas certain atten-
tion/executive functions clearly decline, others do not, with hints that some might even improve. We tested ageing effects on
the alerting, orienting and executive (inhibitory) networks posited by Posner and Petersen’s influential theory of attention, in
a cross-sectional study of a large sample (N= 702) of participants aged 58–98. Linear and nonlinear analyses revealed that
whereas the efficiency of the alerting network decreased with age, orienting and executive inhibitory efficiency increased, at
least until the mid-to-late 70s. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the patterns were robust. The results suggest variability in
age-related changes across attention/executive functions, with some declining while others improve.
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
for everyday life80,81 and supports numerous higher-level cognitive
Theories of the neurocognition of ageing have widely pos-
ited age-related declines in attention and executive functions8796.
Moreover, these theories have generally assumed that such declines
affect attention/executive functions quite broadly8793,95,96. This view
is consistent with broad declines in the neurobiological substrates of
these functions97102. However, reviews and meta-analyses of behav-
ioural findings have suggested that age-related weakening of atten-
tion/executive functions is not universal. Rather, there seems to be
large variability in age effects across tasks and functions, ranging
from clear declines (for example, in working memory and dual-task
paradigms) to age invariance (for example, in aspects of selective
attention and inhibitory control)26,29,79,103113. This variability is not
surprising, given that different aspects of the broad capacities of
attention and executive functions seem to constitute at least some-
what independent neurocognitive processes78,114117. Moreover, even
where age-related declines have been observed, including in vari-
ous studies of inhibitory control, at least some of these effects can
be attributed to general age-related slowing rather than to specific
deficits of attention/executive functions118,119. There thus seems to
be a mismatch between the theories as well as the neurobiological
evidence on the one hand and at least some behavioural ageing pat-
terns on the other.
Even more provocative than an absence of declines would be the
existence of age-related improvements in specific aspects of atten-
tion or executive function. This is not as implausible as it might
seem, given that age-related increases have been observed for a
range of functions, including some that seem to involve fluid abili-
ties. As far as we know, no reviews or meta-analyses have uncovered
reliable age-related improvements in aspects of attention or execu-
tive function. It is possible, however, that reviews and meta-analyses
have missed such improvements for various reasons. These reasons
include not only experimental and analytical factors in the included
studies (for example, categorical designs with younger and older
adults preclude the examination of nonlinear ageing patterns; see
below) but also the aggregation of studies with tasks probing dif-
ferent attention/executive functions that show different trajectories,
such as declines and improvements that could cancel each other out.
Examining the effect of age on clearly distinct theoretically moti-
vated functions may therefore be useful.
Here we focus on the highly influential theory of attention pro-
posed by Posner and Petersen, which posits that this broad capacity
in fact comprises three ‘networks’—namely, alerting, orienting and
executive control117,120. The attentional network of alerting is charac-
terized as a state of enhanced vigilance and preparedness to respond
to incoming information, and it features both a phasic aspect (con-
cerned with rapid changes of attention) and a tonic aspect (refer-
ring to more stable vigilance or arousal)121. The orienting network
involves the selection of information from sensory inputs, which
is achieved by shifting processing resources to a given location.
Finally, the executive network consists of a set of top-down pro-
cesses involved in inhibitory function—that is, in detecting conflict
and inhibiting distracting or conflicting information.
The three attentional networks are at least partially independent.
Such independence is supported by substantial behavioural and
neurobiological evidence that associates each network with distinct
processing mechanisms117,120,122125, neuroanatomical substrates126129,
neuromodulators130133 and genetic polymorphisms126,134. Given that
these attention/executive functions show neurocognitive differen-
tiation, we suggest that they may also show distinct susceptibilities
to ageing.
The most common paradigm used to examine the three atten-
tional networks is the Attention Network Test (ANT)122,135. The
ANT is a simple task that nonetheless simultaneously measures
the efficiency of all three networks by combining a cued reaction
time task136 with a flanker task137. Importantly, the ANT shows
moderate-to-high reliability122, including in older adults138140.
Moreover, the task shows high construct and criterion valid-
ity126,127,141, again including in older adults138. In the ANT, the tar-
get stimulus in every trial typically consists of a central arrow that
points either left or right, with two flanker arrows on each side
(Supplementary Fig. 1). These flanker arrows all point either in the
same direction (congruent) or in the opposite direction (incongru-
ent) as the central arrow. Participants are simply instructed to per-
form a flanker task—that is, to decide the direction of the central
arrow (left or right) by pushing one of two buttons. Each target
stimulus (the central arrow with its flankers) appears either above
or below the centre of the screen. Three general types of warning
cues are presented before the target: (1) no cue; (2) alerting cues
such as central cues, which immediately precede the target, thus
serving as a temporal signal for incoming information; and (c) ori-
enting (spatial) cues, which are displayed above or below the centre
of the screen, consistent with the location of the upcoming target,
and thus convey spatial information relevant for the task. By com-
paring response times (RTs) to the target stimuli between the vari-
ous conditions (the different types of cues and the different types of
flankers), it is possible to estimate the efficiency of each attentional
network (accuracy is generally near ceiling in these tasks and so is
usually not analysed). Specifically, the efficiency of the alerting net-
work is measured as the benefit (RT speed-up) of alerting cues rela-
tive to trials with no cues, the efficiency of the orienting network is
measured as the benefit of orienting cues relative to alerting cues
and the efficiency of the executive network is measured as the cost
(RT slowdown) produced by incongruent flankers relative to con-
gruent flankers—that is, the greater the interference caused by the
flankers pointing in the opposite direction, the lower the efficiency
of the executive network.
We are aware of 13 studies that have previously examined effects
of ageing on the ANT; all were cross-sectional140,142153. As expected,
and not of primary interest here, these studies found general slow-
downs with ageing in the task—that is, age-related increases in
overall RTs across all conditions. Importantly, the studies also sug-
gest that the three network efficiencies (defined by RT differences
between conditions; see above) show somewhat different ageing tra-
jectories. As can be seen in Table 1, decreases in efficiency with age-
ing have generally been observed for the alerting network, whether
or not age-related declines in processing speed were controlled for
(achieved in most studies by transforming RTs into proportions or
z-scores relative to a participant’s mean RT, or by treating partici-
pant mean RTs as a covariate). In contrast, no age-related changes in
the efficiency of the orienting network have usually been reported,
though sometimes efficiency increases have been found, especially
when processing speed was not controlled for. The ageing trajectory
of executive network efficiency has been less clear, with decreases
or no changes reported when processing speed was not controlled
for, but an apparent shift away from declines when processing speed
was controlled for, with several studies even finding improvements.
Thus, despite the appearance of broadly different ageing tra-
jectories for the three attentional networks, previous studies have
demonstrated a fair bit of variability in this regard, even when pro-
cessing speed was (or was not) controlled for. Such inconsistencies,
which can obscure the true pattern of trajectories, may be due to
various experimental and analytical factors, including the follow-
ing. First, previous studies have had relatively small sample sizes:
between 13 and 77 older adult participants (in addition to similar
sample sizes of younger adults), except for two studies that focused
on older adults, which tested 145 (ref. 149) and 184 (ref. 140) par-
ticipants. Second, almost all studies employed categorical designs
comparing younger and older adult groups rather than a continu-
ous age design across the age range of interest (but see refs. 140,149).
Categorical (factorial) designs lead to information loss because the
Nature HumaN BeHaviour
variability in ages within each group cannot contribute to poten-
tial age effects109,154. Indeed, in such designs, any changes that occur
within an age group cannot be detected; this can be especially
problematic in ageing studies, since many cognitive changes seem
to occur within middle to older adulthood1,3,24,26,29. Furthermore,
categorical designs with two groups cannot examine nonlinear age
effects, even though such nonlinearities are common in cognitive
ageing (see above). Third, age effects (or the lack thereof) in previ-
ous ANT ageing studies may have been distorted by an absence of
precise control of potentially confounding factors, such as the basic
demographic variables of education and sex. Such variables can be
correlated with age109 and may play a role in the efficiency of the
attentional networks155157. Even when mean levels of education or
sex ratios are matched groupwise (as in many previous studies), dif-
ferent distributions of these variables between the groups and dif-
ferent correlations with age can inflate both false positive and false
negative errors154.
The present study was designed to examine the effect of age on
the efficiencies of the three attentional networks while address-
ing these issues. The ANT was given to a large sample of adults
ranging in age from 58 to 98 years, in a cross-sectional continu-
ous age design (N = 702 in our main analyses; see Extended Data
Fig. 1 for demographic information). We focused on adults from
late middle age to older adulthood to capture changes during the
period when many cognitive changes occur. Our sample included
participants at very old ages (higher than in most previous ANT
studies), allowing us to examine ageing effects across a wide age
range within older adulthood. The analyses were performed on RTs
using mixed-effects regression. Our primary analyses examined the
linear effect of age on the efficiency of each attentional network.
We also examined nonlinear age effects on the efficiency of each
network. We statistically controlled for both sex and education. We
additionally controlled for processing speed to avoid confounding
effects from general age-related processing slowdowns as well as
speed decreases due to motor or perceptual declines in ageing158 or
to slowed responses from lower alertness122. Such processing speed
differences were primarily addressed by log-transforming the RTs,
yielding proportional effects while also reducing skewness and
minimizing the influence of outliers. Finally, we performed a wide
range of sensitivity analyses, including analyses further controlling
for processing speed as well as not controlling for it at all.
On the basis of previous findings, we predicted age-related
decreases in the efficiency of the alerting network, but no age-related
differences or perhaps even increases in the efficiency of the orient-
ing network. The expected ageing trajectory of executive efficiency
was less clear, though we speculated that no differences or even
increases might be possible. Indeed, a combination of age-related
declines, invariance and improvements across and/or within the
networks would not be inconsistent with the broader literature,
given that all have been observed across as well as within cognitive
domains, including in fluid aspects of cognition. (The predictions
were not altered after data analysis or while writing or revising this
Age and attentional network effects. Linear mixed-effects model-
ling revealed that age had a significant main effect on RTs (across
all cue and flanker types), such that greater age was associated
with overall slower responses on the task (regression coefficient
(β), 0.0083; 95% confidence interval, (0.0068, 0.0098); t = 10.70;
P < 0.001). (For the accuracy analyses, see Extended Data Fig. 2.)
Each additional year of age was associated with a mean cost of
6.3 ms (in back-transformed RTs; because the analyses were con-
ducted on log RTs, the cost per year in milliseconds was obtained by
back-transforming the effect of age, over the entire age range). All
three attentional network effects (the average effects from the whole
sample of participants across the full age range) were significant:
the alerting effect was 3.3 ms in back-transformed RTs (β = 0.0048
(0.0007, 0.0088), t = 2.31, P = 0.021), the orienting effect was 11 ms
(β = 0.0160 (0.0120, 0.0201), t = 7.79, P < 0.001) and the executive
effect was 47 ms (β = 0.0680 (0.0636, 0.0723), t = 30.40, P < 0.001).
See Extended Data Fig. 3 for the complete model results, including
Table 1 | Summary of results of prior studies examining effects of ageing on the ANT
Network Age-related changes in eciency Summary of results
Alerting Decrease: older adults benefit less from
alerting cues Nine studies reported efficiency decreases, generally regardless of whether processing speed
was controlled for142,145148,150153 or not145148,151,153.
Age invariance: no effect of age on the
benefit of alerting cues Four studies reported no effects of age on alerting efficiency: three while controlling for
processing speed140,143,149 and two while not controlling for it149,152.
Increase: older adults benefit more from
alerting cues One study (with a small sample size) found age-related efficiency increases144, both with and
without controlling for processing speed.
Orienting Decrease: older adults benefit less from
spatial cues One study found age-related decreases in orienting efficiency, with processing speed
controlled for142.
Age invariance: no effect of age on the
benefit of spatial cues Eleven studies reported no effects of age on orienting efficiency, particularly when controlling
for processing speed140,144153, though sometimes also when not controlling for it144,146,149,153.
Increase: older adults benefit more from
spatial cues Six studies reported efficiency increases, in one case when controlling for processing speed143
but mainly when not controlling for it145,147,148,151,152 (these five studies all reported age invariance
when controlling for processing speed).
Executive Decrease: older adults show more
interference from incongruent flankers Eight studies found age-related decreases in executive efficiency, sometimes when controlling
for processing speed140,1 49,153 but mainly when not controlling for it145147,149,151153.
Age invariance: no effect of age on
interference from incongruent flankers Seven studies reported no effects of age on executive efficiency, mainly when controlling for
processing speed143,145148,151 but occasionally when not controlling for it144,148.
Increase: older adults show less interference
from incongruent flankers Four studies found age-related increases in executive efficiency, in all cases when controlling
for processing speed142,144,150,152.
All statements of efficiency decreases and increases refer to significant effects, as reported in the cited papers. Results from analyses that tested for but did not find significant age effects on network
efficiency are classified as showing age invariance. Several studies reported results only with processing speed controlled for140,142,143,150. This must be taken into account in interpreting the pattern of findings
described in the table, since in these cases the absence of reported effects without controlling for processing speed does not imply that a given pattern was more common when processing speed was
controlled for.
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degrees of freedom, which are the same for all effects in the model.
All reported P values here and elsewhere are two-tailed, with signif-
icance determined as P < 0.05. Extended Data Fig. 4 shows the mean
untransformed RTs for each condition (each cue and flanker type)
in milliseconds, as well as the mean attentional network effects in
milliseconds, presented in five-year age brackets.
Linear effects of age on each attentional network. Age interacted
with all three attentional network effects—that is, with the efficien-
cies of the alerting, orienting and executive networks. Figure 1 dis-
plays these interactions as the effects of age on each of the three
network effects, where each network effect is expressed as the con-
trast between the relevant cue or flanker types (see Extended Data
Fig. 5 for an equivalent figure displaying the effects of age over scat-
ter plots of the attentional effects for each of the 702 participants).
These interactions can also be seen in Extended Data Fig. 6, which
displays age effects separately for each of the cue and flanker con-
ditions; although RTs in all conditions increased with age, these
increases differed among the cue and flanker types, leading to the
observed interactions between age and the three attentional net-
work effects.
First, the alerting effect (that is, the response speed-up in tri-
als with a central cue relative to trials with no cue) decreased with
age (β = 0.0008 (0.0013, 0.0003), t = 3.05, P = 0.002)—that
is, older participants showed less of a benefit from alerting cues
than younger participants, suggesting that ageing was associ-
ated with decreasing efficiency of the alerting network (Fig. 1a).
Second, the orienting effect (that is, the response speed-up in tri-
als with a spatial cue relative to trials with a central cue) increased
with age (β = 0.0007 (0.0002, 0.0011), t = 2.61, P = 0.009)—that is,
older participants benefited more from spatial cues than younger
participants, suggesting increasing efficiency of the orienting
network with ageing (Fig. 1b). Third, the executive effect (that is, the
response slowdown in trials with incongruent flankers relative to
trials with congruent flankers) also interacted with age (β = 0.0012
(0.0017, 0.0007), t = 4.42, P < 0.001). Specifically, the executive
effect decreased with age, such that older participants showed less
interference from incongruent flankers relative to congruent ones,
suggesting that ageing was associated with increasing efficiency of
the executive inhibitory network (Fig. 1c).
Linear effects of age: sensitivity analyses. The results were robust,
in that the same pattern of significant age effects for the three network
efficiencies was also obtained in a range of sensitivity analyses, each
of which involved one type of change to the main analysis presented
above. See Supplementary Table 1 for the results from all sensitivity
analyses. First, the same pattern was found when participant mean
log RT was included as a covariate140,142 in addition to sex, education
and trial position, to further control for age-related declines of pro-
cessing speed. Note that in this analysis, processing speed declines
are accounted for not only by employing log-transformed RTs as
the dependent measure, but also by controlling for speed differences
between participants, thereby further reducing the likelihood that
age-related differences in processing speed from general, motor or
perceptual slowdowns158, or from slowdowns from other factors
such as reduced alertness122, could explain the observed patterns.
Second, and conversely, we ran the original statistical model on raw
(unlogged) RTs rather than log-transformed RTs as the dependent
measure, and we again found the same pattern of results. This shows
that the age effects on the three attentional networks were also
detectable as linear effects on the millisecond scale. Thus, the pattern
was found even when processing speed was not controlled for at all.
Third, because correlations between predictors (see ‘Participants’ in
Methods) can substantially change regression estimates and even
Decreasing efficiency
with ageing
Age (years)
Alerting effect (log-RT difference)
Alerting network
Increasing efficiency
with ageing
Age (years)
Orienting effect (log-RT difference)
Orienting network
Increasing efficiency
with ageing
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
Age (years)
Executive effect (log-RT difference)
Executive network
ab c
Fig. 1 | Linear effects of age on the efficiencies of the three attentional networks. a, Effect on the efficiency of the alerting network. b, Effect on the
efficiency of the orienting network. c, Effect on the efficiency of the executive network. The shaded bands represent pointwise 95% confidence intervals.
The regression lines and bands are shown from the minimum to the maximum age in our sample (ages 58–98). For each network, we followed up on
the interaction between age and efficiency with analyses examining efficiency at different ages. For alerting (a), at the minimum age of 58 years, the
benefit of a central cue was significant (8 ms benefit; β= 0.0121 (0.0059, 0.0182), t= 3.82, P< 0.001), but by age 74 this effect was no longer positive
(β=0.0001 (0.0053, 0.0050), t=0.05, P= 0.957). By the maximum age of 98 years, the central cue had a significant detrimental effect relative
to no cue (16 ms cost; β=0.0184 (0.0339, 0.0030), t=2.34, P= 0.019). As there were only a few participants above age 90 (and thus the sparse
data in this age range may not generalize to other samples), we additionally estimated the alerting effect at age 90; there was also a significant cost at
this age (β=0.0123 (0.0240, 0.0006), t=2.06, P= 0.039). For orienting (b), although there was already a significant benefit from spatial cues at
age 58 (6 ms; β= 0.0098 (0.0036, 0.0160), t= 3.10, P= 0.002), this benefit was much larger by age 98 (32 ms; β= 0.0359 (0.0204, 0.0513), t= 4.55,
P< 0.001)—almost four times larger as indicated by the β values, which reflect differences in log-transformed RTs, and more than five times larger in
back-transformed RTs (values in milliseconds). A similar orienting benefit was found at age 90 (β= 0.0306 (0.0189, 0.0423), t= 5.13, P< 0.001) as at age
98. For the executive network (c), although the interference cost of incongruent flankers was present throughout the age range, it was much larger at age
58 (51 ms; β= 0.0794 (0.0727, 0.0861), t= 23.14, P< 0.001) than at age 98 (28 ms; β= 0.0316 (0.0149, 0.0483), t= 3.71, P< 0.001)—more than twice
as large as revealed by the regression coefficients and almost twice as large in back-transformed RTs. A similar executive effect was obtained at age 90
(β= 0.0411 (0.0285, 0.0538), t= 6.37, P< 0.001) as at age 98.
Nature HumaN BeHaviour
lead to sign reversals159,160, we examined whether the observed age
effects were also obtained when age was not adjusted for covariates,
by refitting the original model without any covariates (that is, with-
out sex, education and trial position). This model also yielded the
same pattern of results. Fourth, age-related visual declines161 could
result in slowed or inaccurate perception of the stimuli, which might
explain some of the observed patterns. For example, visual declines
resulting in difficulties identifying the arrows could lead to reduc-
tions in congruent/incongruent RT differences, providing an alter-
native account for the observed age effect on the executive network.
However, a model in which we also covaried out a measure of visual
acuity (see ‘Participants’ in Methods) again produced the same pat-
tern of significance, even though decreases in visual acuity nega-
tively impacted RTs in the task (β = 0.0454 (0.0906, 0.0001),
t = 1.98, P = 0.048). Note also that the stimuli (cross, asterisk and
arrows) were enlarged as compared with the original task162 to mini-
mize problems due to age-related declines in visual acuity, while the
distance between the central point and the arrow positions above or
below it was still maintained from the original task, to minimize dif-
ficulties from declines in peripheral vision or from any changes in
participants’ spatial attentional gradient163 or ‘useful field of view’164.
Fifth, it might be argued that older participants showed less of an
interference effect (an apparent increase in executive efficiency)
because, being slower overall than younger participants, they were
more likely to bump up against the trial timeout of 1,700 ms (par-
ticularly on the slower incongruent trials), thus yielding less of a
difference between the congruent and incongruent conditions.
However, as shown in Extended Data Fig. 7, very few of the RTs
of even the older participants approached 1,700 ms for incongru-
ent let alone congruent trials, arguing against such a timeout expla-
nation. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis restricted to responses
below 1,600 ms as well as below 1,500 ms showed the same pattern
as the main analysis, with age effects on executive function of the
same magnitude. Sixth, although excluding double cues allowed
for the analysis of all three attentional effects in the same statisti-
cal model140,143,149,150 (see ‘Data exclusions and analysis’ in Methods),
it resulted in information loss, specifically in the computation of
the alerting and executive effects, both of which can be analysed
with both central and double cues122,145,146. An alternative analysis of
alerting and executive effects that included both the double and
central cues again yielded the same pattern as the main analysis.
Seventh, the same pattern of results remained when analysing a
larger sample (734 participants) that additionally contained 32
‘low-accuracy’ participants, by employing a more lenient inclu-
sion criterion of at least 50% task accuracy, rather than 75% (see
‘Participants’ in Methods). Eighth, and conversely, when we used
a more stringent criterion of including only participants with at
least 90% accuracy (643 participants), again the same pattern was
obtained. Finally, the same results were also found when extremely
old participants (that is, four participants aged 90–98) were excluded
from the original model (since they may have constituted outliers).
Nonlinear effects of age on each attentional network. Given non-
linearities in other cognitive ageing effects1,22,26,66,67, we also tested for
nonlinearities in the effect of age on each of the three networks. First,
we included a quadratic term for age (as an orthogonal polynomial),
which interacted significantly with the executive effect (β = 1.3482
(0.3886, 2.3078), t = 2.75, P = 0.006). This interaction indicated that
whereas the executive effect (response slowdown of incongruent rel-
ative to congruent flankers) was present throughout the age range,
it first diminished (that is, efficiency increased) but then plateaued
(with a maximum efficiency at age 78), after which there seemed
to be a reversal, with decreasing efficiency from this point onwards
(Fig. 2a). In contrast, the quadratic term for age did not interact
significantly with either the alerting (β = 0.4394 (0.4552, 1.3337),
t = 0.96, P = 0.336) or orienting effects (β = 0.3221 (1.2148,
0.5704), t = 0.71, P = 0.480). Note that the non-significance of
these interactions should not be taken as evidence for the absence
of nonlinearities in the effect of age on these two networks: even in
a large sample, nonlinearities can remain undetected due to insuf-
ficient statistical power or because the particular nonlinearity that
is tested (in this case, a quadratic effect) may not capture the shape
of the underlying effect.
Indeed, despite their wide use, quadratic polynomials impose a
particular functional form on the estimated effects. The observed
quadratic effect thus might not indicate a true reversal for older par-
ticipants but rather some other nonlinearity, such as a stable execu-
tive effect at older ages (consistent with the wide confidence interval
Increasing efficiency
with ageing until age 78
60 70 80 90 100
Age (years)
Executive effect (log-RT difference)
Quadratic model
Increasing efficiency
with ageing until age 76
60 70 80 90 100
Age (years)
Executive effect (log-RT difference)
Breakpoint model
Fig. 2 | The nonlinear effect of age on the efficiency of the executive network. a, The model with a quadratic term for age. b, The breakpoint model with
the optimal breakpoint—that is, at age 76. The shaded bands represent pointwise 95% confidence intervals. The regression lines and confidence interval
bands are shown from the minimum to the maximum age in our sample (ages 58–98). See Extended Data Fig. 9 for an equivalent figure showing the
executive effect for each of the 702 participants.
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
on the right side of Fig. 2a). We therefore also examined the non-
linearity with linear regression-with-breakpoints. This technique
estimates two linear slopes joined at a ‘breakpoint165,166. Such break-
point models allow various nonlinear shapes to be detected, includ-
ing the reduction, elimination or reversal of an effect at a particular
point. We employed a breakpoint discovery procedure to estimate
the best location (age) of the breakpoint by fitting a set of regression
models, each with a breakpoint at a different age, and selected the
model with the best fit165,167,168.
The discovery procedure (Extended Data Fig. 8) revealed that the
optimal breakpoint model contained a breakpoint at age 76. The esti-
mates of this model showed that the two linear slopes (that is, before
versus after age 76) differed significantly from each other for the
executive network (β = 0.0039 (0.0014, 0.0063), t = 3.08, P = 0.002).
Thus, consistent with the quadratic model, a nonlinear age effect was
found for the executive network. In this model (Fig. 2b), the slope of
the age effect from age 58 to 76 was significantly different from zero
and indicated decreasing interference costs during this age range—
that is, increasing executive efficiency (β = 0.0022 (0.0030,
0.0014), t = 5.20, P < 0.001). Follow-up analyses revealed that the
interference produced by incongruent flankers relative to congruent
flankers was much larger at the minimum age of 58 years (interfer-
ence cost of incongruent flankers, 54 ms; β = 0.0851 (0.0775, 0.0927),
t = 21.95, P < 0.001) than at 76 years (33 ms; β = 0.0452 (0.0351,
0.0554), t = 8.73, P < 0.001)—almost twice as large as revealed both
by the regression coefficients and in back-transformed RTs. In con-
trast, the slope from ages 76 to 98 showed a numerical reversal of
the effect (greater interference of the incongruent flankers with
increasing age), though this was marginally significant (β = 0.0017
(0.0002, 0.0035), t = 1.72, P = 0.086). Unlike the executive network,
the difference between the two linear slopes was not statistically sig-
nificant for either the alerting (β = 0.0009 (0.0014, 0.0032), t = 0.76,
P = 0.445) or orienting networks (β = 0.0014 (0.0037, 0.0009),
t = 1.22, P = 0.221). Extended Data Fig. 9 displays the nonlinear
effect of age on the efficiency of the executive network, from both
the quadratic and breakpoint models, over scatter plots of the execu-
tive effects for each of the 702 participants.
Nonlinear effects of age: sensitivity analyses. The observed non-
linear breakpoint pattern was robust, in that the same results were
obtained in the nine sensitivity analyses reported above for the linear
analyses (see Supplementary Table 2 for the model results), namely:
(1) with the mean log RT of each participant included as a covari-
ate to further control for age-related processing slowdowns even
beyond employing log-transformed RTs as the dependent measure;
(2) with raw (unlogged) RTs as the dependent measure and thus not
controlling for processing speed at all; (3) without any covariates;
(4) when controlling for visual acuity; (5) with responses restricted
to those below 1,600 ms as well as below 1,500 ms, to test for poten-
tial timeout effects; (6) when including both double and central
cues in the analysis; (7) with a more lenient participant inclusion
criterion, yielding a larger sample of participants; (8) with a more
stringent participant inclusion criterion, yielding a smaller sample
of participants; and (9) when excluding extremely old participants.
All of these models yielded a significant difference between the age
effect on executive efficiency from age 58 to 76 and the age effect
from 76 to 98, but no such significant differences for the alerting
and orienting networks.
Figure from McDonough et al.’s (2019) review107
Normal ageing
Attention network efficiency
Age effects in the present study
Attention network efficiency
Normal ageing
Fig. 3 | Comparison between a recent qualitative review of age effects on the three attentional networks and the findings from the present study. a, A
graphical summary presented by McDonough et al., which examined effects of age on the three networks in the ANT and related tasks in prior studies.
Image adapted with permission from ref. 107. b, The findings obtained in the present study. The age effects in b are fitted values from the regression models
presented in the Results: linear age effects for alerting and orienting, and a quadratic age effect for the executive network. To make the trajectories of
the three networks more comparable, the executive effect was transformed from a cost metric to an efficiency metric (by multiplying the effect by 1);
the three trajectories were made approximately equal at the origin (by subtracting the predicted effect at the minimum age from all predicted values,
for each network); and the three trajectories were standardized (by dividing the predicted values by the standard deviation of by-participant effects, for
each network). The graphical summary from the recent review is both similar to and critically different from our findings. On the one hand, the shapes of
the three ageing trajectories in the summary show striking parallels to the pattern of our results, with strong declines for alerting but not for orienting or
executive function. On the other hand, the summary emphasizes age-related stability rather than improvements for the orienting and executive networks,
because significant age effects were not found in a number of prior studies of orienting107 (which may have been partly due to low statistical power from
small sample sizes) and because variability was found across studies for the executive network107 (which may have been partly due to the use of linear
rather than nonlinear analyses). Thus, while the recent review (as well as other reviews and theories79,8793,95,96,105,106,108) indeed seems to have captured
certain aspects of the effect of ageing on attention/executive functions, the results of the present study suggest updating this view to also include
age-related improvements.
Nature HumaN BeHaviour
This study examined effects of ageing on the alerting, orienting and
executive attentional networks posited by Posner and Petersen’s the-
ory of attention117,120. The efficiency of the networks was tested with
the ANT—a behavioural task with high reliability and validity—in
a large sample of middle-aged to older adults. Linear mixed-effects
regression indicated that whereas the efficiency of the alerting net-
work decreased with increasing age, the efficiency of both the ori-
enting and executive networks increased. In other words, whereas
older participants benefited less from the presence of a central cue
relative to no cue (alerting effect), they benefited more from a cue
that directed their attention to a particular location (orienting effect)
and showed less interference from incongruent flankers (executive
effect). Nonlinear mixed-effects modelling revealed that the effect
of age on the executive network was in fact nonlinear: the increase
in executive efficiency held until the mid-to-late 70s, but after that,
the increase was eliminated and possibly reversed, with an appar-
ent decrease in executive efficiency during older adulthood. (Note
that since the ANT yields only behavioural measures, these findings
should not be interpreted as direct reflections of age-related changes
in the brain networks underlying the attentional processes.)
The linear and nonlinear age effects were robust and did not
seem to be explained by a variety of alternative accounts. We have
seen that these effects held across a wide range of sensitivity analy-
ses. Moreover, further examination revealed that the age effects
were probably not due to speed–accuracy trade-offs: unlike in the
RT analyses, the accuracy analyses (Extended Data Fig. 2) revealed
no significant age-related changes in efficiency for the alerting or
orienting networks, and executive function actually showed signifi-
cant efficiency increases, arguing against speed–accuracy trade-offs
in all three networks. In fact, this accuracy result for the executive
network underscores the robustness of the increases in executive
efficiency, which were thus found in both speed and accuracy. The
increases in orienting and executive efficiency also do not seem
to be explained by sample selectivity at older ages—for example,
survivor effects or the self-selection of fitter adults in old age169171.
First, whereas the efficiency of the orienting and executive networks
indeed increased with age, alerting efficiency decreased in the same
sample. Working memory abilities were also found to decrease
with age in the same sample of participants, as reported in a recent
study109 (also see Extended Data Fig. 1). Finally, the nonlinear effect
of age on executive function indicates that improvements occurred
during earlier rather than later older adulthood, whereas selection
biases should be stronger at later ages. The nonlinear effect of age-
ing on executive function also argues against the possibility that
the increases in executive efficiency might actually be due to con-
comitant decreases in alertness122, since alerting efficiency showed a
linear decrease (with no evidence for a nonlinearity), which would
predict a similar linear increase in executive efficiency. More gener-
ally, it is not clear how a variety of other alternative accounts (for
example, age-related slowing or age-related changes in participants
visual abilities, spatial attentional gradient or useful field of view)
could easily explain the different age-related trajectories of the three
networks (and working memory), as well as the nonlinear effects
obtained for executive function.
The fact that age-related efficiency decreases were not observed
across all three networks is consistent with prior data, which sug-
gest that ageing leads to declines in some but not other aspects of
the wide domain of attention/executive functions. First, our results
are broadly consistent with the pattern of clear declines observed
for alerting efficiency but not for orienting or executive efficiency
in previous ANT ageing studies (Table 1); see Fig. 3 for a com-
parison between a recent review of these studies and the find-
ings presented here. Moreover, meta-analyses have suggested that
attention/executive functions demonstrate different trajectories
for different functions, including an absence of reliable declines
in executive inhibitory tasks110113. We emphasize that we are not
suggesting that no executive functions show age-related declines,
and indeed, meta-analyses and reviews reveal that other aspects
of executive function decline robustly, including working mem-
ory79,103,104,106,111113. In fact, as mentioned above, a recent study of
the same sample of participants examined here found that working
memory showed strong declines109, underscoring that age-related
decreases can be found in some but not other aspects of attention/
executive function even in the same group of individuals. Thus, our
findings, together with other data, argue against theories positing
general age-related declines in attention and executive functions,
including proposals such as that put forth by Hasher, Zacks and
colleagues that ageing leads to broad deficits in inhibition8793,95,96.
Negative impact Positive impact
Declines Efficiency
From experience
Fig. 4 | A neurocognitive account of age effects on the three attentional
networks. We propose that the observed age-related efficiency changes
in the three networks are explained by a combination of neurobiologically
based mechanisms that have previously been implicated in other cognitive
ageing trajectories1,38: declines, maintenance, compensation and reserve
(“cumulative improvementof neural resources”38), particularly from
experience. First, the neurobiological substrates of all three networks show
age-related declines, which probably differ in their trajectories99102,214218.
Countering these declines, some age-related maintenance and
compensation may occur across the networks1,38,88,193. This seems best
studied for compensation, especially for the executive network88,107, as
well as more specifically for dopaminergic processes, which underlie
executive function219,220. Crucially, the declines should also be countered
by reserve-related gains in neural efficiency, in particular from lifelong
experience and practice with the networks43,48,66,6972,75 . Depending on the
degree of these gains and the extent of the neural declines (as well as the
scope of any maintenance and compensation), this may not only mitigate
performance decreases38 but also lead to observable improvements1,74,195.
We hypothesize that learning and thus experience-based gains are much
more likely to occur in the orienting and executive than alerting networks.
The orienting and executive networks involve skills of selective attention
(that is, selectively attending to particular types of information, such as
a spatial location or a particular object in space)79, and as skills they can
presumably improve with experience221. By contrast, alerting involves
obtaining and maintaining an alert state and thus depends more on
basic processes of vigilance and preparedness117,120,131. Evidence suggests
that the inhibition of conflicting information, and more generally the
efficiency of executive function, can benefit from practice and training,
further supporting the hypothesis that age-related experience can lead
to improvements in executive inhibitory function221223. Additionally,
a substantial if controversial literature suggests that individuals with
more experience in certain aspects of executive function (including
inhibitory control), such as bilinguals or musicians (versus monolinguals
or non-musicians), may show broader improvements in such functions—
especially in older adulthood, including in tasks such as the ANT162,224231.
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Rather, the data support a view in which some but not other aspects
of attention and executive functions decline94,110,163. Importantly,
variability in age effects across attention/executive functions is
also consistent with independent evidence indicating the neuro-
cognitive separability of such functions, not only among the three
attentional networks117,122,123,127,134 but even to some extent among
executive functions, including working memory and inhibitory
Our results suggest that aspects of attention/executive func-
tion are not just resistant to age-related declines but can even show
improvements, which were observed for both orienting and execu-
tive inhibitory function. These improvements are not surprising.
Age-related improvements have been found not only in various other
domains (including some involving fluid intelligence)21,40,42,43,52,53,60,66
but also crucially in orienting and executive efficiency in a number
of prior ANT studies (Table 1). Indeed, these orienting and execu-
tive improvements were observed in a wide range of Western popu-
lations143145,147,148,150152, suggesting that the present findings are not
unique to people living in Taiwan, the population examined here
(‘Participants’). Furthermore, a number of previous studies using
flanker tasks (which are incorporated in one form into the ANT)
have found age-related improvements in the efficiency of the execu-
tive network163,173177. Interestingly, a recent study examining age
effects on multiple inhibition tasks reported that whereas tasks that
tap into the inhibition of prepotent responses (such as stop-signal
and Simon tasks) show performance declines with age, those that
involve the inhibition of distractors (such as arrow flanker, let-
ter flanker and number Stroop tasks) show improvements163. This
generalizes our finding of age-related improvements in the execu-
tive network beyond the arrow flanker task (increasing the validity
of the finding) and provides a possible framework for identify-
ing which inhibitory functions improve and which decline. This
fine-grained distinction, in which different ageing trajectories may
be found for different inhibitory processes, is in fact consistent with
empirical data and theoretical positions suggesting neurocognitive
distinctions among different types of inhibition, including between
the inhibition of distractors and prepotent responses175,178181. More
generally, such a finer-grained distinction agrees with the view
espoused in this paper that different attention/executive (sub)
processes may show different ageing trajectories, potentially even
across different types of inhibition110,111,113,175,182, and further coun-
ters unitary views of executive or inhibitory declines8793,95,96. Note
that, as with the ANT, not all studies using flanker183187 or num-
ber Stroop188 tasks have reported age-related improvements (some
have reported declines and others age invariance); we suggest that
variability across ageing studies using these tasks may be due to
some of the same experimental and analytical factors discussed in
the Introduction.
Overall, our findings suggesting improvements in the orient-
ing and executive networks have clear precedents in the litera-
ture, despite the emphasis on age-related declines of attention and
executive functions in prior theoretical frameworks. Given these
precedents, in addition to our relatively large sample size, the exam-
ination of age as a continuous variable (moreover within the period
of likely changes, from middle age to older adulthood), the use of
both linear and nonlinear analyses, the robustness of the effects and
evidence against alternative accounts, our results do not seem likely
to be false positives.
How important are the observed age-related improvements?
The millisecond differences between middle-aged and older adults
in orienting and executive efficiency were relatively small. Such
small age effects are not surprising, given that the attentional effects
over the full age range were also quite small—in fact, smaller than
have generally been reported in older adults in previous ANT
studies140,143,145,146. Indeed, this was not unexpected, since stud-
ies with larger sample sizes often yield smaller effect sizes that are
probably closer to the true effects189192. Nonetheless, the efficiency
of the orienting network increased about four to five times over the
age range in our sample (that is, from middle age to older adult-
hood), while the efficiency of the executive network increased about
twofold from middle age to the mid-to-late 70s. In fact, this execu-
tive efficiency increase was large enough that even the subsequent
apparent decline never led to worse predicted performance at very
old ages than at the minimum age in our sample (Fig. 2). The rel-
evance of the age-related improvements in executive efficiency is
further underscored by the finding that executive improvements
were observed for accuracy as well as RTs. Finally, given that ori-
enting and perhaps especially executive function underlie many
other—particularly higher-level—cognitive capacities, age-related
improvements in these attention/executive functions probably have
downstream effects on the wide range of cognitive abilities that
use them, including spatial navigation, long-term memory encod-
ing and retrieval, decision-making, reasoning, mathematical abili-
ties and language processing8286. The importance of the observed
effects may therefore be substantial, perhaps especially for executive
inhibitory function.
The multifaceted pattern of ageing observed across the networks
(and working memory in the same sample) is probably explained
by a combination of neurobiologically based mechanisms that
have been invoked in the broader literature on ageing and cogni-
tion1,20,38,48,66,6975,88,193195: neural declines that are countered by main-
tenance (repair), compensation and experience-related gains, all of
which may vary across the networks (Fig. 4). We suggest that ori-
enting and executive function are especially susceptible to learning
and thus to experience-based gains in neural efficiency (Fig. 4). An
account invoking neural declines countered by experience-related
gains can also explain the nonlinear effect of age found for the
executive network: up to one’s mid-to-late 70s, the impact of the
declines may be outweighed by the benefits accrued from continual
experience with the network; however, at older ages, the cumulative
effect of the declines (perhaps together with an asymptotic learning
effect) may yield detectable performance decreases. This account
may also explain similar patterns of improvement till around one’s
70s in other (crystallized and perhaps fluid) abilities3,26,196. Note
that because different domains that yield improvements in ageing
can show somewhat different trajectories, including the apparent
absence of late declines24,26,46,52,53, the lack of an observable late-age
decline in orienting is not particularly unexpected. Future studies
may reveal whether orienting in fact shows late or shallow declines
that were not detectable here.
This study’s limitations and findings suggest new lines of
research. Studies should test the generalizability of the results to
(1) other tasks, including additional tasks that involve the inhibi-
tion of distractors163 as well as tasks probing other types of inhibi-
tion163,175,178,179,181; and (2) other populations, including samples with
higher mean levels of education, more individuals at the oldest ages
and younger adults—while still controlling for sex, education, pro-
cessing speed, visual abilities and perhaps other variables. Studies
should still use continuous age designs and investigate both linear
and nonlinear effects of age. Testing the generalizability of our find-
ings in longitudinal designs would be of particular interest, since
age-related differences found in cross-sectional designs could also
be due to other factors, and age effects in cognition can display dif-
ferent magnitudes in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies22,196.
For discussions of comparisons between cross-sectional and longi-
tudinal designs in ageing, see refs. 196198.
Given our hypothesis that the orienting and executive improve-
ments are largely explained by lifelong experience with these net-
works, future research should attempt to tease apart age and the
amount (and perhaps quality) of this experience. Investigations
that reveal the neural bases of the experience-based gains are par-
ticularly warranted. Indeed, underlying neurobiological gains could
Nature HumaN BeHaviour
occur even if they do not lead to observable performance improve-
ments, given the counteracting neurobiological declines1,38. Studies
should also examine whether and to what extent the gains observed
in orienting and executive function might share common mecha-
nisms, including in aspects of (perhaps spatial-related) skills of
selective attention. It may additionally be worthwhile to further
probe whether orienting and executive improvements are found
irrespective of whether processing speed is controlled for, as was
observed here, or whether these improvements may be moderated
by processing speed, as prior studies seem to suggest (Table 1).
Understanding the nature of individual differences in age-related
orienting and executive improvements, including the possibility of
‘super-agers’, also seems desirable. Critically, future research should
investigate likely downstream effects of orienting and executive
improvements on higher cognitive functions. These empirical con-
tributions should lead to theoretical accounts of attention/executive
functions in ageing that robustly integrate experiential, cognitive
and neurobiological factors25,71,199. Finally, given the likely effect of
experience on improvements in both orienting and executive func-
tion, our findings may open doors to translational research and
practical benefits, perhaps beyond healthy ageing.
In sum, our findings suggest that whereas alerting efficiency
shows age-related declines from middle age to older adulthood,
both orienting and executive inhibitory efficiency improve during
these years, apparently until quite old age for orienting and until
one’s mid-to-late 70s for executive function. This underscores the
notion that, even though ageing is widely viewed as leading to cog-
nitive declines, it in fact yields multifaceted outcomes, including a
range of benefits43,47,48,50,55,66,74,195. Importantly, the evidence presented
here demonstrates that these benefits are not limited to crystallized
cognition but rather extend to fluid processes, in particular aspects
of attention and executive function.
Participants. is study complied with all relevant ethical regulations and was
approved by the Institutional Review Boards at Georgetown University, Princeton
University and the Ministry of Health in Taiwan. Informed consent was obtained
from all participants.
The study was part of the Social Environment and Biomarkers of Aging
Study (SEBAS), conducted in Taiwan200,201. SEBAS was in turn part of the Taiwan
Longitudinal Study of Aging, which examines a nationally representative sample
of middle-aged and older adults in Taiwan200,201. During (only) the 2011 SEBAS
collection wave, three computer-based cognitive tasks were included: a working
memory task109, a declarative memory task73 and the ANT presented here. See
Extended Data Fig. 1 for a summary of results from the working memor y and
declarative memory tasks. The computer-based tasks were given to all available
consenting individuals in the health examination component of SEBAS, which
excluded participants if they lived in an institution, were seriously ill or had some
other health condition that precluded examination. The age range in the present
study was determined by the age range of these participants in 2011 (refs. 109,200).
The ANT was given to 948 participants, of whom 92 were excluded owing to
participant identifier coding errors (3 participants), not performing the full task
(18 participants) or a diagnosis of a neurological, psychiatric, learning, cognitive
or other brain-related disorder (for more information, see ref. 109), including
dementia, brain atrophy/degeneration, stroke, intracranial haemorrhage, brain
tumour, schizophrenia and epilepsy, among others (71 participants). An additional
154 participants were excluded because of low accuracy on the ANT (lower than
75%, following ref. 140). Note that the same pattern of significance in the findings
was obtained in a sensitivity analysis with a more stringent inclusion criterion of
at least 90% accuracy (213 participants excluded rather than 154), as well as in
another sensitivity analysis with a more lenient inclusion criterion of at least 50%
accuracy (122 participants excluded); see Results. The exclusion of all participants
who had diagnoses of brain-related disorders, as well as those who did not perform
the full task or who had low accuracy, together with the sensitivity analyses
showing that the same pattern of results was obtained with both more and less
stringent accuracy inclusion criteria, suggests that the results represent healthy
ageing and were not due to the inclusion of participants with cognitive impairment.
After these exclusions, statistical analyses were conducted on the data from
the remaining 702 participants (mean age, 67.69 years; s.d., 8.30; range, 58–98;
for the age distribution, see Extended Data Fig. 1). (Note that because there were
few participants in their 90s, we also performed a sensitivity analysis with these
individuals excluded; the same pattern of significance was obtained (Results)). The
much larger sample size compared with previous ANT ageing studies increases
statistical power, yields more precise estimates that are probably closer to true
effects189192 and facilitates the detection of participant variability (for example,
across ages) relative to trial noise202,203. To control for the possible confounding
effects of education (mean years of education, 7.76; s.d., 4.52; range, 0–17+)
and sex (323 female), both of which were associated with age (age–education
correlation, with higher ages associated with lower education levels: r = 0.33
(0.39, 0.26), t(700) = 9.14, P < 0.001; males older than females, mean ages
68.39 versus 66.88: difference = 1.51 (0.28, 2.74), t(700) = 2.41, P = 0.016), these
variables were included as covariates in the analyses73,109; the same pattern of results
was obtained in a sensitivity analysis without these covariates included (Results).
For the sensitivity analysis controlling for visual acuity, we obtained visual acuity
measures (Snellen fraction) for 547 of our 702 participants, from the 2006 SEBAS
collection wave, as such measures were not available in the 2011 wave. The
validity of this measure was confirmed by its significant effect on RTs in the ANT
(Results)—a finding that was not surprising, since participants were given the ANT
only a few years after visual acuity was measured.
Materials and design. The ANT task was based on the version employed by Costa
and collaborators162. In each of the 96 trials, the participants saw a ‘target’ row of
five horizontally aligned images of arrows and had to indicate the direction of the
central arrow, which faced either the same or the opposite direction as the four
surrounding ‘flanker’ arrows (Supplementary Fig. 1). The target rows appeared
either below or above the centre of the screen. In each trial, the target row was
preceded by one of four different cue types: (1) no cue; (2) an asterisk in the centre
of the screen (central cue); (3) an asterisk either above or below the centre of the
screen (spatial cue), which was always consistent with the spatial location of the
subsequent target row; and (4) two asterisks presented both above and below
the central fixation point (double cue). Thus, there were 32 possible cue–target
sequences (4 cue types × 2 target locations × 2 central arrow directions × 2 flanker
arrow directions), each presented three times to each participant. Note that
although Costa and collaborators162 also included a neutral condition of dashes as
flankers, this is often omitted from ANT tasks (as in the present study) or from
analyses, including in studies of older adults140,144,151, because responses to neutral
and congruent flanker targets are highly correlated122, and because this omission
simplifies and shortens the task. The images were enlarged for all participants to
minimize visual difficulties for the older population (see ‘Linear effects of age:
sensitivity analyses’ in Results).
Procedure. Each trial began with a central fixation cross (400 ms), which was
followed by one of the four types of cue (100 ms)162: the continuing fixation cross
accompanied by one asterisk either above or below it (spatial cue; Supplementary
Fig. 1); two asterisks both above and below the continuing cross (double cue); no
asterisk—that is, just the continuing fixation cross (no cue); or a central asterisk
in lieu of the fixation cross (central cue). The fixation cross was then shown alone
for 400 ms, after which it was accompanied by the target row of arrows (until a
response or the timeout of 1,700 ms; Supplementary Fig. 1). After an interstimulus
interval of 400 ms (blank screen), the next trial began. The participants were
instructed to report the direction of the central arrow as quickly and accurately as
possible by pressing one of two buttons on a response box (SRBOX, Psychology
Software Tools). The task was presented on a Windows XP laptop with E-Prime
version 2.0. Both the participants and the experimenters were blind to the aims of
the study, in particular the examination of age effects on the efficiency of
each network.
Data exclusions and analysis. Before the analyses, trials with timeouts (1.08%
of all trials), presses of inappropriate response box buttons (0.02%) and incorrect
responses (1.62%) were excluded, since (following the ANT literature) our analyses
focus on RTs of correct responses; for accuracy analyses, see Extended Data Fig.
2. Extremely fast responses (that is, below 100 ms) were discarded (0.009% of the
remaining data) because they are likely to constitute ‘short outliers’204. Responses
to double cue trials were additionally excluded (following refs. 140,143,149,150), owing
to their redundancy with central cue trials127,140; this enabled the calculation of the
alerting and orienting effects within a single statistical model by comparing no cue
and spatial cue trials against the same baseline (central cue trials)140. A sensitivity
analysis including both central and double cue trials yielded the same pattern of
results (Results).
Analyses were conducted on the natural logarithms of RTs. The linear statistical
models reported thus assume linear effects on the log scale and so correspond to
proportional effects on the millisecond scale (for example, two distinct differences
in milliseconds are treated similarly if they correspond to the same percentage
differences). The log transformation is commonly applied to RT distributions
because it provides several advantages relative to analyses of raw (untransformed)
RTs: (1) it reduces the high skewness of RTs, normalizing the distribution of
residuals and thus satisfying the assumptions of linear statistical models205,206; (2)
it minimizes the influence of ‘long outliers, which are common in button-pressing
tasks204; and, perhaps most importantly, (3) it reduces the large differences that
exist across items, conditions or individuals in their processing speed, a particular
problem in studies of ageing15,158,207. Nevertheless, a sensitivity analysis was
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
conducted on raw (untransformed) RTs; this yielded the same pattern of findings
as the main analysis (Results).
The data were analysed with linear mixed-effects regression models in
R, using lme4 package version 1.1-23208]. Fixed effects were cue type (no cue,
central cue or spatial cue), flanker type (congruent or incongruent) and age (in
years; continuous). The two-way interactions between these predictors were also
included as predictors—namely, cue type × flanker type (which is standard in
ANT analyses122,140,146) and the critical interactions of interest: age × cue type and
age × flanker type, which allow estimating the effect of age on the three attentional
networks (alerting, orienting and executive). Additionally, sex (male or female) and
education (in years; continuous) were included as covariates (without interactions)
to control for correlations between age and these variables. Trial position in
the experiment was also included as a covariate without interactions to control
for practice/fatigue effects and to reduce the autocorrelation of residuals205. A
sensitivity analysis without any covariates yielded the same pattern of findings
(Results). To avoid complexity, higher-level interactions were not included in the
statistical model.
The predictors were coded to allow the assessment of the three attentional
network effects and the main effect of age within a single statistical model.
Specifically, we used ‘sum contrasts’ for the two-level factors—that is, for flanker
(congruent = 0.5, incongruent=0.5) and sex (female = 0.5, male = 0.5); we
employed ‘sliding difference contrasts’ for the three-level factor cue (to estimate
the alerting effect: central = 1/3, no cue = 2/3, spatial = 1/3; to estimate the
orienting effect: central = 1/3, no cue = 1/3, spatial = 2/3)209; and we centred all
continuous predictors at their respective means (age, education and trial position).
With these regression contrasts included in the same model, it was possible to
obtain estimates comparing central with no cue conditions (alerting), spatial
with central cue conditions (orienting) and incongruent with congruent flanker
conditions (executive)209. Each of these comparisons was estimated at the mean of
all other predictors, while controlling for all covariates. Follow-up comparisons
(for example, for specific conditions or at specific values of age) were obtained
by dummy-coding predictors with different reference levels (that is, using 0, 1
contrasts) or by centring age at different values and then refitting the model.
The primary model, as well as all further models, included a random
by-participant intercept. To further reduce the probability of committing false
positive errors, a ‘random slope’ for flanker type by participant (which captures the
variation of flanker effects across participants) was included in all models (except
in cases of non-convergence; see the caption for Extended Data Fig. 2 and notes
to Supplementary Tables 1 and 2), as it produced models with greater goodness
of fit (lower Akaike information criterion) than the intercept-only models210,211. A
random slope for cue type by participant was not included because models with
this random structure did not converge. Item as a random effect was not included
since all possible combinations of item types (cue types × target locations × central
arrow directions × flanker arrow directions) are included in the study design,
and thus items were not randomly sampled from a population. Assumptions of
additivity and normality as well as homogeneity of variances were broadly satisfied
in our models, as ascertained by visualizations of residuals212,213.
Reporting Summary. Further information on research design is available in the
Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
The anonymized data (with accompanying documentation) have been uploaded to
the Open Science Framework. They can be found at
Code availability
Commented analysis scripts (in the R programming language) for all statistical
models reported in this paper have been uploaded to the Open Science Framework.
They can be found at
Received: 7 July 2020; Accepted: 22 June 2021;
Published: xx xx xxxx
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This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research
Foundation) Project ID 317633480 (SFB 1287, Project Q) (University of Potsdam, to J.V.);
NIH R01 AG016790 (Princeton University, to N.G.), with a subcontract to M.T.U. at
Georgetown University; NIH R01 AG016661 (Georgetown University, to M.W.); NSF
BCS 1940980 (Georgetown University, to M.T.U.); and the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, Georgetown University (to M.W.). The funders had no role in study design,
data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.
We thank the Health Promotion Administration at the Ministry of Health in Taiwan for
their support of this project; M. Pullman and L. Babcock for task preparation and testing;
and M. Posner, M. Riesenhuber, M. Rugg, D. Fernandez-Duque and especially D. Glei for
helpful comments.
Author contributions
The study was conceived by M.T.U. and M.W. and designed by M.T.U., as part of the
larger SEBAS project led by N.G. and M.W. J.V. performed the data preparation and
analysis. J.V. and M.T.U. wrote the paper, with contributions from P.V. as well as N.G. and
M.W. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Extended data is available for this paper at
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material
available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.V. or M.T.U.
Peer review information Nature Human Behaviour thanks Gregory Samanez-Larkin and
the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2021, corrected
publication 2021
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Extended Data Fig. 1 | Demographic and cognitive information for participants, presented in 5-year age brackets. This table is for informational purposes
only; we remind readers that all analyses were performed with age as a continuous variable. For each age bracket, the columns show first of all the sample
size (total, with number of females in parentheses) and the mean (and SD) of years of education. Thus, these two columns display the age distributions
of sex and education, the two variables covaried out in our analyses; for discussion of these distributions see refs. 73,109. The subsequent columns display
means (and SDs) of the previously published cognitive measures of working memory (n-back task; mean d’ over 1-back and 2-back109) and declarative
memory (recognition memory task; mean d’ over real and novel objects73) for this sample. Note that the sample sizes in each 5-year age bracket are
slightly different for the working memory scores (Supplementary Table 1 in ref. 109) and the declarative memory scores (Table 1 in Ref. 73) than for the data
in the present paper (for example, due to slightly different subsets of participants having valid performance measures in the respective tasks). For a more
general cognitive measure obtained in this sample, see Ref. 232. N: number of participants; NA: not available; SD: standard deviation.
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Extended Data Fig. 2 | Results from the mixed-effects logistic regression model on the accuracy of responses. We examined accuracy using generalized
linear mixed-effects regression with a logit link function. We analysed correct/incorrect responses produced prior to the timeout period (number of data
points: 49,980), for the same 702 participants as in the main analysis on RTs. The same fixed-effect predictors were included as in the main analysis.
Models included a random by-participant intercept only, because models with random slopes did not converge. Model convergence was reached only
by applying a weakly informative Bayesian prior on the effects233 (priors on fixed effects were normal distributions with mean=0 and SD = 3 for the
intercept, and mean=0 and SD = 0.4 for slopes). Effect sizes are reported as unstandardized estimates (b-values) in the logit scale with 95% confidence
intervals, together with z-values; p-values are reported as two-tailed, with exact values to three digits. The significant interaction between age and
the executive effect indicated that age was associated with increasing executive efficiency, parallel to the finding of increasing efficiency in the main
analysis on RTs. Follow-up analyses indicated that there was an interference cost on accuracy for incongruent flankers at the minimum age of 58 years
(back-transformed accuracy in percent correct for congruent, 99.70% vs. incongruent, 99.38%; b= -0.7302 [-0.9756, -0.4847], z= -5.83, p< .001), but
no significant difference between incongruent and congruent flankers at the maximum age of 98 years (back-transformed accuracy for congruent, 98.10%
vs. incongruent, 97.94%; b= -0.0825 [-0.4693, 0.3043], z= -0.42, p= .676). Likewise, there was no significant executive effect at age 90 (b= -0.2127
[-0.5150, 0.0897], z= -1.38, p= .168). The executive effect was almost nine times larger at the minimum than maximum age, as revealed by the regression
coefficients in the logit scale (b values: 58 years: -0.7302 vs. 98 years: -0.0825), and twice as large in back-transformed accuracy (0.32% vs. 0.16%).
Education effect: higher education was associated with higher accuracy (across all ages and all cues and flankers).
Nature HumaN BeHaviour Articles
Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Extended Data Fig. 3 | Results from the linear mixed-effects regression model on log RTs. P-values were obtained from t-tests with 49,163 degrees of
freedom, calculated as the number of data points (that is, 49,176) minus the number of fixed effect estimates (that is, 13)234. Here and elsewhere, effect
sizes of linear mixed-effects models are reported as unstandardized estimates (b-values) with 95% confidence intervals, together with t-values; p-values
are reported as two-tailed, with exact values to three digits. Education effect: higher education was associated with faster responses (across all ages
and all cues and flankers). Trial effect: later trials were associated with faster responses. Follow-up analyses to the two network interactions (Alerting X
Executive, Orienting X Executive) were performed. Note that both of these interactions, and the general patterns found in their follow-up analyses, are
commonly reported for the ANT in both younger and older adults122,138,140,144146,152 ,235. First, the alerting effect was significant in trials with congruent flankers
(b= 0.0127 [0.0070, 0.0184], t= 4.37, p< .001), but not in trials with incongruent flankers (b= -0.0032 [-0.0089, 0.0026], t= -1.08, p= .279). Second,
the orienting effect was larger in trials with incongruent flankers (b= 0.0227 [0.0169, 0.0284], t= 7.76, p< .001) than in those with congruent flankers
(b= 0.0094 [0.0037, 0.0151], t= 3.24, p= .001), but was significant in both. We also followed up on both interactions by examining the executive effect
in the different cue types involved in alerting and orienting. The executive effect was larger in trials with a central cue (b= 0.0777 [0.0713, 0.0841],
t= 23.79, p< .001) than in trials with no cue (b= 0.0618 [0.0554, 0.0682], t= 18.95, p < .001) (Alerting X Executive). The executive effect was also larger
in trials with a central cue (see just above) than in trials with a spatial cue (b= 0.0644 [0.0580, 0.0708], t= 19.75, p< .001) (Orienting X Executive). CI:
confidence interval.
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Extended Data Fig. 4 | Mean untransformed RTs for each condition, and mean attentional network effects, in milliseconds, presented in 5-year age
brackets. This table displays mean untransformed RTs, by flanker and cue condition (with SDs in parentheses), together with mean attentional network
effects (computed as differences between the mean untransformed RTs in each pair of relevant conditions for example, between the central and no cue
conditions for alerting), in 5-year age brackets. This table is for informational purposes only; we remind readers that all analyses were performed on
log-transformed RTs with age as a continuous variable. Congruent and incongruent flanker types are computed over all three cue types, and each cue type
is computed over congruent and incongruent flankers. RTs: response times; N: number of participants; SDs: standard deviations.
Nature HumaN BeHaviour Articles
Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Extended Data Fig. 5 | Linear effects of age on the efficiencies of the three attentional networks, showing network effects for each of the 702
participants. The linear age effects are displayed for (a) the alerting network, (b) the orienting network, and (c) the executive network. For each network,
each data point reflects the difference between mean log-transformed RTs in the two relevant conditions (for example, between no cue and central cue
for alerting) for each participant. The y-axis ranges (maximum minus minimum) of the three panels are identical, while their numerical values differ;
specifically, because the executive effect is larger than the other two attentional effects, the numerical values for the y-axis in panel (c) are shifted
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Extended Data Fig. 6 | Age effects on RTs shown separately for each of the cue and flanker conditions. Though age-related slowdowns were observed for
all conditions, the RT increases differed among the relevant conditions, that is, among the cue or flanker types. These interactions yielded the observed age
effects on efficiency for the three attentional networks. First (panel a), the RT increase with aging was greater for trials preceded by a central cue (solid
line; b= 0.0087 [0.0072, 0.0103], t= 11.12, p< .001) than for those with no cue (line with short dashes; b= 0.0080 [0.0064, 0.0095], t= 10.15, p< .001),
leading to the observed decrease of alerting efficiency with aging. (The reasons for the detrimental effect of the central cue relative to no cue at later
ages remain to be determined; perhaps once the alerting benefit has decreased past a certain point, processing costs associated with the presentation of
the cue become predominant.) Second (also in panel a), the RT increase with age was smaller for trials preceded by spatial cues (line with long dashes;
b= 0.0081 [0.0065, 0.0096], t= 10.29, p< .001) than for those preceded by a central cue (see just above), yielding the reported increase in orienting
efficiency with age (that is, older participants benefited particularly from spatial cues as compared to central cues). Third (panel b), the age-related
RT increase in incongruent flanker trials (solid line; b= 0.0077 [0.0061, 0.0092], t= 9.79, p< .001) was smaller than for congruent trials (dashed line;
b= 0.0089 [0.0073, 0.0104], t= 11.29, p< .001), leading to the observed increase in executive efficiency with aging.
Nature HumaN BeHaviour Articles
Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Extended Data Fig. 7 | Density plots for the distributions of untransformed RTs of correct trials. The plots show these RTs (from the trials analysed in the
main regression model) for incongruent flankers (solid lines) and congruent flankers (dashed lines), for younger participants (n = 592; panel a) and older
participants (n = 110; panel b), split at the midpoint of the age range (age 78). As can be seen, very few responses for either the incongruent or congruent
trials approached the timeout of 1,700ms for either group of participants, arguing against a ‘timeout’ alternative explanation for the age-related increase in
efficiency of the executive network (see ‘Linear effects of age: sensitivity analyses’, in Results).
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Articles Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Extended Data Fig. 8 | Discovery of the optimal breakpoint model. This was achieved by comparing model goodness-of-fit (AIC) for
regression-with-breakpoints models with breakpoints at successive ages. The AIC of the optimal model (with a breakpoint at age 76) is indicated with the
gray arrow.
Nature HumaN BeHaviour Articles
Nature HumaN BeHaviour
Extended Data Fig. 9 | The nonlinear effect of age on the efficiency of the executive network, showing the executive effect for each of the 702
participants. The nonlinear age effect is displayed for (a) the model with a quadratic term for age, and (b) the breakpoint model with the optimal
breakpoint (age 76). Each data point reflects the difference between the mean log-RTs for incongruent and congruent flankers, for each participant.
nature research | reporting summary April 2020
Corresponding author(s): João Veríssimo and Michael Ullman
Last updated by author(s): Jun 9, 2021
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All studies must disclose on these points even when the disclosure is negative.
Study description This was a quantitative experimental study, employing a cross-sectional continuous age design.
Research sample This study was part of the Social Environment and Biomarkers of Aging Study (SEBAS), conducted in Taiwan. SEBAS was in turn part of
the Taiwan Longitudinal Study of Aging, which examines a nationally representative sample of middle-aged and older adults in
Taiwan. During (only) the 2011 SEBAS collection wave, the Attention Network Test (ANT) reported here was included. It was given to
all available consenting participants of the health examination component of SEBAS. The main analyses reported here were based on
data from 702 participants (323 female), with a mean age of 67.69 years, and mean years of education of 7.76.
Sampling strategy As indicated above, we tested all available consenting participants from the health examination component of SEBAS in the 2011
collection wave. The sample size was considered to provide adequate statistical power, as it was far larger than previous ANT studies
that have reported age effects.
Data collection The task was presented on a Windows XP laptop with E-Prime Version 2.0. Participants responded on a response box (SRBOX,
Psychology Software Tools). Participants were tested in the presence of a single experimenter. Both the participants and the
experimenters were blind to the aims of the study, in particular the examination of age effects on the efficiency of each attentional
network. Informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Timing Participants were tested between October 24 2011 and May 6 2012.
Data exclusions Subject and trial exclusions proceeded in four steps. First, the ANT was given to all available consenting individuals of the health
examination component of SEBAS, which excluded respondents if they lived in an institution, were seriously ill, or had some other
health conditions that precluded examination. This yielded a sample size of 948 participants. Second, of these participants 92 were
excluded owing to: participant identifier coding errors (3 participants), not performing the full task (18 participants), or a diagnosis of
a neurological, psychiatric, learning, cognitive, or other brain-related disorder (71 participants). Third, an additional 154 participants
were excluded because of low accuracy on the ANT (lower than 75%). The same pattern of significance in the findings was obtained
in a sensitivity analysis with a more stringent inclusion criterion of at least 90% accuracy (213 participants excluded, rather than 154),
as well as in another sensitivity analysis with a more lenient inclusion criterion of at least 50% accuracy (122 participants excluded).
Fourth, prior to analyses, trials with timeouts (1.08% of all trials), presses of inappropriate response box buttons (0.02%), and
incorrect responses (1.62%) were excluded. Extremely fast responses (below 100ms) were discarded (0.009% of the remaining data)
because they are likely to constitute ‘short outliers’. Responses to double cue trials were additionally excluded, owing to their
redundancy with central cue trials; this enabled the calculation of the alerting and orienting effects within a single statistical model
by comparing no cue and spatial cue trials against the same baseline (central cue trials). A sensitivity analysis including both central
and double cue trials yielded the same pattern of results.
Non-participation 18 of the 948 participants did not complete the task (see just above).
Randomization Participants were not allocated into experimental groups.
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nature research | reporting summary April 2020
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Population characteristics See above for age, sex, and education population characteristics. In order to control for the possible confounding effects of
sex and education, both of which were significantly associated with age, these variables were included as covariates in the
main analysis; the same pattern of results was obtained in a sensitivity analysis without these covariates included.
Recruitment We tested all available consenting participants from the health examination component of SEBAS in the 2011 collection
wave; see above. The pattern of results does not appear to be explained by survivor effects or the self-selection of fitter
adults in old age; see second paragraph of Discussion.
Ethics oversight This study complied with all relevant ethical regulations, and was approved by the Institutional Review Boards at Georgetown
University, Princeton University, and the Ministry of Health in Taiwan.
Note that full information on the approval of the study protocol must also be provided in the manuscript.
... The dependent variable was RT, specifically the natural-logtransformed RT for each item for each participant. Natural-log transformation reduces skewness (Bialystok et al., 2004;Rueda et al., 2012) and minimizes the effect of "long outliers" (Reifegerste et al., 2021;Rueda et al., 2005;Veríssimo et al., 2022). We computed linear mixed-effects regression using the lme4 package (Bates et al., 2015) in R (R Core Team, 2020). ...
... As in the sensitivity ANALYSES for accuracy, we first showed that the results were not due specifically to the inclusion of words that were closely hand-related (Tables A14 and A15). Next, since age-related differences in processing speed from general, perceptual, or motor slowdowns can influence the results in aging studies (Faust et al., 1999;Veríssimo et al., 2022), we performed two further sensitivity analyses to address this issue, both of which suggested that age-related slowdowns were unlikely to explain the findings (Tables A16-A19 ). Another sensitivity analysis revealed that extreme outliers also did not appear to account for the results (Tables A20 and A21). ...
... A second limitation involves the structure of the AGE GROUP variable: we only had two groups of participants (younger vs. older adults). Having intermediate values for ages, and in particular including age as a continuous variable across the adult lifespan, would have allowed us to reveal gradual effects of interest rather than simple group comparisons (Cohen-Shikora & Balota, 2016;Veríssimo et al., 2022; see also Experiment 3 in Reifegerste et al., 2021). Moreover, effects of aging on cognition are sometimes nonlinear, but such nonlinear effects cannot be revealed with binary coding of age (Veríssimo et al., 2022). ...
Full-text available
Processing action words (e.g., fork, throw) engages neurocognitive motor representations, consistent with embodied cognition principles. Despite age-related neurocognitive changes that could affect action words, and a rapidly aging population, the impact of healthy aging on action-word processing is poorly understood. Previous research suggests that in lexical tasks demanding semantic access, such as picture naming, higher motor-relatedness can enhance performance (e.g., fork vs. pier)—particularly in older adults, perhaps due to the age-related relative sparing of motor-semantic circuitry, which can support action words. However, motor-relatedness was recently found to affect performance in younger but not older adults in lexical decision. We hypothesized this was due to decreased semantic access in this task, especially in older adults. Here we tested effects of motor-relatedness on 2,174 words in younger and older adults not only in lexical decision but also in reading aloud, in which semantic access is minimal. Mixed-effects regression, controlling for phonological, lexical, and semantic variables, yielded results consistent with our predictions. In lexical decision, younger adults were faster and more accurate at words with higher-motor relatedness, whereas older adults showed no motor-relatedness effects. In reading aloud, neither age group showed such effects. Multiple sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the patterns were robust. Altogether, whereas previous research indicates that in lexical tasks demanding semantic access, higher motor-relatedness can enhance performance, especially in older adults, evidence now suggests that such effects are attenuated with decreased semantic access, which in turn depends on the task as well as aging itself.
... In addition, higher self-rated health and more depression symptoms were associated with greater changes in attention. Changes in attention in the elderly are not fully understood (90). Some studies indicate that more complex attention processes such as selective and alternating attention tend to decrease more than sustained attention (91), while other studies show an impact in all attention processes. ...
Full-text available
Background: Evidence suggests that a combination of biological and social factors influence risk of dementia differently for women and men. In healthy older women, several factors may contribute to changes in cognition. Objective: Describe the characteristics associated with variation in cognition in a sample of cognitively healthy older Panamanian women. Methods: The study includes cross-sectional analyses of cognitive domains at baseline (n = 357) and 17-month (SD = 2.0) follow-up (n = 200) for women aged 60 years and older enrolled in the Panama Aging Research Initiative-Health Disparities (PARI-HD) study. Instruments included clinical questionnaires, physiological measures, and a neuropsychological test battery assessing global cognition and seven cognitive domains. Multiple regression analyses examined the associations between demographic and clinical characteristics and cognition at baseline. Repeated measures analyses were used to investigate changes in cognition from baseline to follow-up. Results: On average, participants were 68.6 years of age (SD = 5.9) with 16.1 years of education (SD = 4.7). Age, income, and education showed robust associations with baseline cognition. Subjective cognitive impairment was associated with lower performance in global cognition, verbal learning, and memory domains. Only performance in the attention domain decreased at follow-up, and subjective health state and depressive symptoms significantly predicted the change in attention. Discussion: Our study findings contribute to the investigation of cognitive health in older Hispanic women and to the understanding of sociodemographic and health-related factors associated with cognitive decline and the progression to cognitive impairment and dementia.
... Interestingly, steady-state visual-evoked potential studies show that the suppression of the distractor is equal and robust in both young and older adults, indicating that sensory processing of the distractor in the visual cortex is preserved in aging (Quigley et al., 2010;Quigley & Müller, 2014). Lastly, in the attention network test, older adults have demonstrated better efficiency in orienting and inhibitory networks of attention than younger adults while showing impaired efficiency in alerting and executive processing (Gamboz et al., 2010;Mahoney et al., 2010;McDonough et al., 2019;Veríssimo et al., 2022). Although compensatory theories have been proposed to depict how neural networks in older adults adapt to frontal lobe processing deficiencies (Cabeza, 2002;Davis et al., 2008;Kang et al., 2022;Park & Reuter-Lorenz, 2009;Reuter-Lorenz & Cappell, 2008), it is still unclear how aging differentially modulates the various mechanisms of selective attention and why age deficits and age equivalence in inhibitory function are task-specific. ...
Full-text available
Older adults tend to be more prone to distraction compared with young adults, and this age-related deficit has been attributed to a deficiency in inhibitory processing. However, recent findings challenge the notion that aging leads to global impairments in inhibition. To reconcile these mixed findings, we investigated how aging modulates multiple mechanisms of attentional control by tracking the timing and direction of eye movements. When engaged in feature-search mode and proactive distractor suppression, older adults made fewer first fixations to the target but inhibited the task-irrelevant salient distractor as effectively as did young adults. However, when engaged in singleton-search mode and required to reactively disengage from the distractor, older adults made significantly more first saccades toward the task-irrelevant salient distractor and showed increased fixation times in orienting to the target, longer dwell times on incorrect saccades, and increased saccadic reaction times compared with young adults. Our findings reveal that aging differently impairs attentional control depending on whether visual search requires proactive distractor suppression or reactive distractor disengagement. Furthermore, our oculomotor measures reveal both age-related deficits and age equivalence in various mechanisms of attention, including goal-directed orienting, selection history, disengagement, and distractor inhibition. These findings help explain why conclusions of age-related declines or age equivalence in mechanisms of attentional control are task specific and reveal that older adults do not exhibit global impairments in mechanisms of inhibition.
... There appears to be a dynamic attention system that allows for flexible allocation of resources to solve this kind of cocktail-party problem. Crucially, selective attention with a predetermined target and with a free dynamic switch between targets may involve overlapping but different neurocognitive mechanisms, according to their distinct roles in information processing (Dosenbach et al., 2007;Frey et al., 2015;Petersen & Posner, 2012;Veríssimo et al., 2022). Extensive research has been conducted on the neurocognitive mechanisms of selective auditory processing in a no-switch situation. ...
Full-text available
The neural mechanisms underpinning the dynamic switching of a listener’s attention between speakers are not well understood. Here we addressed this issue in a natural conversation involving 21 triadic adult groups. Results showed that when the listener’s attention dynamically switched between speakers, neural synchronization with the to-be-attended speaker was significantly enhanced, whereas that with the to-be-ignored speaker was significantly suppressed. Along with attention switching, semantic distances between sentences significantly increased in the to-be-ignored speech. Moreover, neural synchronization negatively correlated with the increase in semantic distance but not with acoustic change of the to-be-ignored speech. However, no difference in neural synchronization was found between the listener and the two speakers during the phase of sustained attention. These findings support the attenuation model of attention, indicating that both speech signals are processed beyond the basic physical level. Additionally, shifting attention imposes a cognitive burden, as demonstrated by the opposite fluctuations of interpersonal neural synchronization.
... On the other hand, accounts of bilingualism appealing to control processes (Green, 1998) do not make clear predictions about how bilingualism would interact with age. We might assume also a smaller bilingual disadvantage in older age, if mechanisms like inhibition ameliorate with age (Markiewicz et al., 2024;Veríssimo et al., 2022), but it is also conceivable that other cognitive resources involved in language, which decrease with age (e.g., working memory), would counteract any potential advantages (as suggested by Gollan et al., 2008). ...
Full-text available
To examine the combined effects of ageing and bilingualism in language processing, we tested young and older mono- and bilingual speakers in L1 comprehension and production. In Experiment 1, bilinguals were slower to detect words than monolinguals in sentences with a low-constraint context, but not when a high-constraint context was provided. Older adults tended to outperform younger adults in high-constraint sentences. In Experiment 2, older speakers were slower than younger speakers to produce small-scope prepositional phrases (e.g., ‘the cone above the grape), suggesting more extensive planning. Bilingual disadvantages were observed in larger-scope complex phrases (e.g., ‘the cone and the pink grape’). Individual differences in language proficiency did not modulate the effects. The results support bilingual disadvantages in syntactic processing and age-preserved syntax, alongside semantic processing unaffected by either bilingualism or age. We found no interactions between age and bilingualism, suggesting that these two factors independently impact language processing.
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Interest in how ageing affects attention is long-standing, although interactions between sensory and attentional processing in older age have not been systematically studied. Here, we examined interactions between peripheral hearing and selective attention in a spatialised cocktail party listening paradigm, in which three talkers spoke different sentences simultaneously and participants were asked to report the sentence spoken by a talker at a particular location. By comparing a sample of older (N = 61; age = 55-80 years) and younger (N = 58; age = 18-35 years) adults, we show that, as a group, older adults benefit as much as younger adults from preparatory spatial attention. Although, for older adults, this benefit significantly reduces with greater age-related hearing loss. These results demonstrate that older adults without hearing loss retain the ability to direct spatial selective attention, but this ability deteriorates with age-related hearing loss. Thus, reductions in spatial selective attention likely contribute to difficulties communicating in social settings for older adults with age-related hearing loss. Overall, these findings demonstrate a relationship between mild perceptual decline and attention in older age.
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Background The correct assessment of attentional function is the key to cognitive research. A new attention assessment scale, the Broken Ring enVision Search Test (BReViS), has not been validated in China. The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the BReViS in the Chinese population. Methods From July to October 2023, 100 healthy residents of Changzhou were selected and subjected to the BReViS, Digital Cancelation Test (D-CAT), Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), and Digit Span Test (DST). Thirty individuals were randomly chosen to undergo the BReViS twice for test–retest reliability assessment. Correlation analysis was conducted between age, education level, gender, and various BReViS sub-tests including Selective Attention (SA), Orientation of Attention (OA), Focal Attention (FA), and Total Errors (Err). Intergroup comparisons and multiple linear regression analyses were performed. Additionally, correlation analyses between the BReViS sub-tests and with other attention tests were also analyzed. Results The correlation coefficients of the BReViS sub-tests (except for FA) between the two tests were greater than 0.600 (p < 0.001), indicating good test–retest reliability. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.874, suggesting high internal consistency reliability. SA showed a significant negative correlation with the net score of D-CAT (r = −0.405, p < 0.001), and a significant positive correlation with the error rate of D-CAT (r = 0.401, p < 0.001), demonstrating good criterion-related validity. The correlation analysis among the results of each sub-test showed that the correlation coefficient between SA and Err was 0.532 (p < 0.001), and between OA and Err was-0.229 (p < 0.05), whereas there was no significant correlation between SA, OA, and FA, which indicated that the scale had good informational content validity and structural validity. Both SA and Err were significantly correlated with age and years of education, while gender was significantly correlated with OA and Err. Multiple linear regression suggested that Err was mainly affected by age and gender. There were significant differences in the above indexes among different age, education level and gender groups. Correlation analysis with other attention tests revealed that SA negatively correlated with DST forward and backward scores and SDMT scores. Err positively correlated with D-CAT net scores and negatively with D-CAT error rate, DST forward and backward scores, and SDMT scores. OA and FA showed no significant correlation with other attention tests. Conclusion The BReViS test, demonstrating good reliability and validity, assessing not only selective attention but also gauging capacities in immediate memory, information processing speed, visual scanning, and hand-eye coordination. The results are susceptible to demographic variables such as age, gender, and education level.
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The arousal-biased competition theory posits that inducing arousal increases attentional priority of salient stimuli while reducing priority of non-pertinent stimuli. However, unlike in young adults, older adults rarely exhibit shifts in priority under increased arousal, and prior studies have proposed different neural mechanisms to explain how arousal differentially modulates selective attention in older adults. Therefore, we investigated how the threat of unpredictable shock differentially modulates attentional control mechanisms in young and older adults by observing eye movements. Participants completed two oculomotor search tasks in which the salient distractor was typically captured by attention (singleton search) or proactively suppressed (feature search). We found that arousal did not modulate attentional priority for any stimulus among older adults nor affect the speed of attention processing in either age group. Furthermore, we observed that arousal modulated pupil sizes and found a correlation between evoked pupil responses and oculomotor function. Our findings suggest age differences in how the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system interacts with neural networks of attention and oculomotor function.
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Despite increasing research on language in aging, age effects on morphological processing have received comparatively little attention. Some previous evidence suggests that while regular morphology (e.g., walk-walked) may remain relatively stable in older age, irregular morphology (e.g., bring-brought) shows signs of age-related decreases in processing efficiency. However, the underlying reasons for these declines are unclear. The current study sought to investigate the cognitive underpinnings of age-related effects on German noun plurals: default plurals (posited to follow a default rule [e.g., Zebra-Zebras 'zebra(s)']) and predictable and unpredictable non-default plurals (closed class plurals, in which the plural is either phonologically predictable from the singular [e.g., Flasche-Flaschen 'bottle(s)'] or unpredictable [e.g., Nest-Nester 'nest(s)']). In a cross-modal priming experiment, 283 healthy German native speakers (aged 18–91 years) performed lexical decisions on singular nouns which take different types of plural affixes, and which were primed by either their plural form ("morphological condition") or an unrelated noun ("unrelated condition"). Additionally, several cognitive abilities (declarative, procedural, and working memory, interference control, processing speed) were tested to assess their mediating role for morphological processing. The results revealed distinct developmental trajectories for default versus non-default plurals: priming effects (unrelated-morphological condition) for predictable and unpredictable non-default plurals decreased with increasing age, with age-related declines in declarative memory mediating these declines. In contrast, priming effects for default plurals increased with increasing age. Although the reasons for this increase remain to be clarified, we suggest lifelong experience with the computation of these forms as a possible mechanism.
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An individual-differences approach was used to examine the component processes that predict episodic long-term memory performance. A total of 301 participants ages 20–90 received a 7-hr cognitive battery across 3 days. Key constructs hypothesized to affect long-term memory function were assessed, including multiple measures of working memory and perceptual speed. Latent-construct, structural equation modeling was used to examine the relationship of these measures and age to different types of long-term memory tasks. Speed was a key construct for all 3 types of memory tasks, mediating substantial age-related variance; working memory was a fundamental construct for free and cued recall but not spatial memory. The data suggest that both speed and working memory are fundamental to explaining age-related changes in cognitive aging but that the relative contributions of these constructs vary as a function of the type of memory task.
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Establishing correlations among common inhibition tasks such as Stroop or flanker tasks has been proven quite difficult despite many attempts. It remains unknown whether this difficulty occurs because inhibition is a disparate set of phenomena or whether the analytical techiques to uncover a unified inhibition phenomenon fail in real-world contexts. In this paper, we explore the field-wide inability to assess whether inhibition is unified or disparate. We do so by showing that ordinary methods of correlating performance including those with latent variable models are doomed to fail because of trial noise (or, as it is sometimes called, measurement error). We then develop hierarchical models that account for variation across trials, variation across individuals, and covariation across individuals and tasks. These hierarchical models also fail to uncover correlations in typical designs for the same reasons. While we can charaterize the degree of trial noise, we cannot recover correlations in typical designs that enroll hundreds of people. We discuss possible improvements to study designs to help uncovering correlations, though we are not sure how feasible they are.
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Although declarative memory declines with age, sex and education might moderate these weaknesses. We investigated effects of sex and education on nonverbal declarative (recognition) memory in 704 older adults (aged 58–98, 0–17 years of education). Items were drawings of real and made-up objects. Age negatively impacted declarative memory, though this age effect was moderated by sex and object-type: it was steeper for males than females, but only for real objects. Education was positively associated with memory, but also interacted with sex and object-type: education benefited women more than men (countering the age effects, especially for women), and remembering real more than made-up objects. The findings suggest that nonverbal memory in older adults is asso- ciated negatively with age but positively with education; both effects are modulated by sex, and by whether learning relates to preexisting or new information. The study suggests downstream benefits from education, especially for girls.
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Older adults report experiencing improved emotional health, such as more intense positive affect and less intense negative affect. However, there are mixed findings on whether older adults are better at regulating emotion-a hallmark feature of emotional health-and most research is based on laboratory studies that may not capture how people regulate their emotions in everyday life. We used experience sampling to examine how multiple measures of emotional health, including mean affect, dynamic fluctuations between affective states and the ability to resist desires-a common form of emotion regulation-differ in daily life across adulthood. Participants (N = 122, ages 20-80) reported how they were feeling and responding to desire temptations for 10 days. Older adults experienced more intense positive affect, less intense negative affect, and were more emotionally stable, even after controlling for individual differences in global life satisfaction. Older adults were more successful at regulating desires, even though they experienced more intense desires than younger adults. In addition, adults in general experiencing more intense affect were less successful at resisting desires. These results demonstrate how emotional experience is related to more successful desire regulation in everyday life and provide unique evidence that emotional health and regulation improve with age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
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Factorial experiments in research on memory, language, and in other areas are often analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). However, for effects with more than one numerator degrees of freedom, e.g., for experi- mental factors with more than two levels, the ANOVA omnibus F-test is not informative about the source of a main effect or interaction. Because researchers typically have specific hypotheses about which condition means differ from each other, a priori contrasts (i.e., comparisons planned before the sample means are known) be- tween specific conditions or combinations of conditions are the appropriate way to represent such hypotheses in the statistical model. Many researchers have pointed out that contrasts should be “tested instead of, rather than as a supplement to, the ordinary ‘omnibus’ F test” (Hays, 1973, p. 601). In this tutorial, we explain the mathematics underlying different kinds of contrasts (i.e., treatment, sum, repeated, polynomial, custom, nested, interaction contrasts), discuss their properties, and demonstrate how they are applied in the R System for Statistical Computing (R Core Team, 2018). In this context, we explain the generalized inverse which is needed to compute the coefficients for contrasts that test hypotheses that are not covered by the default set of contrasts. A detailed understanding of contrast coding is crucial for successful and correct specification in linear models (including linear mixed models). Contrasts defined a priori yield far more useful confirmatory tests of experi- mental hypotheses than standard omnibus F-tests. Reproducible code is available from
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Life-long experience of using two or more languages has been shown to enhance cognitive control abilities in young and elderly bilinguals in comparison to their monolingual peers. This advantage has been found to be larger in older adults in comparison to younger adults, suggesting that bilingualism provides advantages in cognitive control abilities. However, studies showing this effect have used a variety of tasks (Simon Task, Stroop task, Flanker Task), each measuring different subcomponents of attention and raising mixed results. At the same time, attention is not a unitary function but comprises of subcomponents which can be distinctively addressed within the Attention Network Test (ANT) (1, 2). The purpose of this work was to examine the neurofunctional correlates of the subcomponents of attention in healthy young and elderly bilinguals taking into account the L2 age of acquisition, language usage, and proficiency. Participants performed an fMRI version of the ANT task, and speed, accuracy, and BOLD data were collected. As expected, results show slower overall response times with increasing age. The ability to take advantage of the warning cues also decreased with age, resulting in reduced alerting and orienting abilities in older adults. fMRI results showed an increase in neurofunctional activity in the frontal and parietal areas in elderly bilinguals when compared to young bilinguals. Furthermore, higher L2 proficiency correlated negatively with activation in frontal area, and that faster RTs correlated negatively with activation in frontal and parietal areas. Such a correlation, especially with L2 proficiency was not present in young bilinguals and provides evidence for a bilingual advantage in the alerting subcomponent of attention that characterizes elderly bilinguals' performance. This study thus provides extra details about the bilingual advantage in the subcomponent of attention, in older bilinguals. Consequently, speaking more than one language impacts cognition and the brain later in life.
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Objectives: To provide a systematic review of age-related differences in n-back performance. Method: Meta-analytic data aggregation. Results: Access for items stored within the focus of attention (0-back and 1-back) was very fast and quasi-perfect; when items are held outside the focus (n > 1), an additional cost was accrued in both accuracy and response time. Age-related differences in accuracy conformed to this bifurcation. Longer lists led to larger costs when going from 1-back to 2-back in older adults. For 1-back accuracy, studies that used visual (as opposed to verbal) stimuli, were experimenter-paced, and used shorter list lengths led to larger age-related differences; for 2-back accuracy, a larger difference in chronological age, visual stimuli, and a higher target proportion led to larger age-related differences. For 1-back response times, age-related differences were larger for studies that had a larger chronological age difference, used experimenter pacing, did not contain lures, and used shorter list lengths; for 2-back response times, age-related differences were larger for studies with larger chronological age differences, visual presentation, experimenter pacing, and a higher target proportion. Discussion: The results suggest a specific age-related deficit associated with focus switching within working memory. Evidence for specific executive-control-related explanations, in contrast, is mixed.
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Older adults report experiencing improved emotional health, such as higher levels of positive affect and lower levels of negative affect. However, there are mixed findings on whether older adults are better at regulating emotion—a hallmark feature of emotional health—and most research is based on laboratory studies that may not capture how people regulate their emotions in everyday life. We used experience sampling to examine how multiple measures of emotional health, including mean affect, dynamic fluctuations between affective states, and the ability to resist desires—a common form of emotion regulation—differ in daily life across adulthood. Participants (N = 123, ages 20-80) reported how they were feeling and responding to desire temptations for 10 days. Older adults experienced higher positive, lower negative affect, and were more emotionally stable and successful at regulating desires. These findings provide unique evidence that emotional health and regulation improve with age.
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The field of cognitive aging has seen considerable advances in describing the linguistic and semantic changes that happen during the adult life span to uncover the structure of the mental lexicon (i.e., the mental repository of lexical and conceptual representations). Nevertheless, there is still debate concerning the sources of these changes, including the role of environmental exposure and several cognitive mechanisms associated with learning, representation, and retrieval of information. We review the current status of research in this field and outline a framework that promises to assess the contribution of both ecological and psychological aspects to the aging lexicon.
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The attention networks of the human brain have been under intensive study for more than twenty years and deficits of attention accompany many neurological and psychiatric conditions. There is more dispute about the centrality of attention deficits to these conditions. It appears to be time to study whether reducing deficits of attention alleviate the neurological or psychiatric disorder as a whole. In this paper we review human and animal research indicating the possibility of improving the function of brain networks underlying attention and their potential clinical role. © 2019, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine Inc. All rights reserved.