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Guillain–Barré Syndrome—A Classical Autoimmune Disease Triggered by Infection or Vaccination


Abstract and Figures

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare autoimmune disorder, the incidence of which is estimated to be 0.6-4/100,000 person/year worldwide. Often, GBS occurs a few days or weeks after the patient has had symptoms of a respiratory or gastrointestinal microbial infection. The disorder is sub-acute developing over the course of hours or days up to 3 to 4 weeks. About a third of all cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome are preceded by Campylobacter jejuni infection. C. jejuni strains isolated from GBS patients have a lipooligosaccharide (LOS) with a GM1-like structure. Molecular mimicry between LOS and the peripheral nerves as a cause of GBS was demonstrated in animal models of human GBS. Following the "swine flu" virus vaccine program in the USA in 1976, an increase in incidence of GBS was observed and the calculated relative risk was 6.2. Later studies have found that influenza vaccines contained structures that can induce anti-GM1 (ganglioside) antibodies after inoculation into mice. More recent information has suggested that the occurrence of GBS after currently used influenza and other vaccines is rare. GBS involves genetic and environmental factors, may be triggered by infections or vaccinations, and predisposition can be predicted by analyzing some of these factors.
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GuillainBarré SyndromeA Classical Autoimmune
Disease Triggered by Infection or Vaccination
Eitan Israeli &Nancy Agmon-Levin &Miri Blank &
Joab Chapman &Yehuda Shoenfeld
Published online: 5 October 2010
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract GuillainBarré syndrome (GBS) is a rare auto-
immune disorder, the incidence of which is estimated to be
0.64/100,000 person/year worldwide. Often, GBS occurs a
few days or weeks after the patient has had symptoms of a
respiratory or gastrointestinal microbial infection. The
disorder is sub-acute developing over the course of hours
or days up to 3 to 4 weeks. About a third of all cases of
GuillainBarré syndrome are preceded by Campylobacter
jejuni infection. C. jejuni strains isolated from GBS patients
have a lipooligosaccharide (LOS) with a GM1-like struc-
ture. Molecular mimicry between LOS and the peripheral
nerves as a cause of GBS was demonstrated in animal
models of human GBS. Following the swine fluvirus
vaccine program in the USA in 1976, an increase in
incidence of GBS was observed and the calculated relative
risk was 6.2. Later studies have found that influenza
vaccines contained structures that can induce anti-GM1
(ganglioside) antibodies after inoculation into mice. More
recent information has suggested that the occurrence of
GBS after currently used influenza and other vaccines is
rare. GBS involves genetic and environmental factors, may
be triggered by infections or vaccinations, and predisposi-
tion can be predicted by analyzing some of these factors.
Keywords GuillainBarré syndrome .Infections .
Autoimmunity .Vaccines .C. jejuni .Influenza
GuillainBarré syndrome is a disorder in which the immune
system attacks gangliosides on the peripheral nervous
system. The first symptoms of this disorder include varying
degrees of weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. In
many instances, the weakness and abnormal sensations
spread to the arms and upper body [1]. These symptoms
can increase in intensity until the muscles fail completely
and the patient is almost totally paralyzed or there is severe
dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In these
cases, the disease is life-threatening and is considered a
medical emergency. Most patients, however, recover from
even the most severe cases of GuillainBarré syndrome,
although some continue to have some degree of weakness.
GuillainBarré syndrome is rare, incidence worldwide is
estimated to be 0.64/100,000 person/year [1]. Often (in
around one third of cases), GuillainBarré occurs a few
days or weeks after the patient has had symptoms of a
respiratory or gastrointestinal microbial infection. Occa-
sionally, surgery or vaccinations will trigger the syndrome.
The disorder can develop over the course of hours, days, or
it may take up to 3 to 4 weeks, and reflexes are usually lost.
E. Israeli :N. Agmon-Levin :M. Blank :Y. Shoenfeld
The Chaim Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases,
Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer,
Tel-Aviv, Israel
N. Agmon-Levin :Y. Shoenfeld (*)
Department of Medicine B& Center for Autoimmune Diseases,
Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer,
Tel-Aviv 52621, Israel
Y. Shoenfeld
Sackler Faculty of Medicine,
Incumbent of the Laura Schwarz-Kip Chair for Research
of Autoimmune Diseases,
Tel-Aviv University,
Tel-Aviv, Israel
J. Chapman
Department of Neurology and Sagol Center for Neurosciences,
Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer,
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2012) 42:121130
DOI 10.1007/s12016-010-8213-3
Due to slow down of signals travelling along the nerve,
nerve conduction velocity test can aid the diagnosis. The
cerebrospinal fluid contains more protein than usual, but
normal cell count, so a spinal tap is important for the
Clinical Variants
Although ascending paralysis is the most common form of
spread in GBS, other variants also exist. Miller Fisher
Syndrome is a rare variant of GBS, proceeding in the
reverse order of the more common form of GBS. It usually
affects the ocular movements first and presents as oph-
thalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia. Anti-GQ1b (a ganglio-
side, see Possible Mechanism that can Trigger GBSin the
Discussionsection) antibodies are present in 90% of
cases but not anti-GD3 antibodies [2]. Acute motor axonal
neuropathy (AMAN) [3] also termed Chinese paralytic
syndrome is prevalent in China and Mexico. The disease
may be seasonal and recovery can be rapid. Anti-GD1a
antibodies [4] are present. Anti-GD3 antibodies are found
more frequently in AMAN. Acute motor sensory axonal
neuropathy is similar to AMAN but also affects sensory
nerves with severe axonal damage. Recovery is slow and
often incomplete [5].
GBS as an Autoimmune Disease
To establish that a disease has an autoimmune etiology,
WitebskyRose postulates that an autoimmune response be
recognized in the form of an autoantibody or cell-mediated
immunity, that the corresponding antigen be identified, and
that an analogous autoimmune response be induced in
experimental animals. Finally, the immunized animals must
develop a similar disease [6].
How does GBS match the criteria for an autoimmune
disease? Shoenfeld et al. [7] addressed this question and
concluded that four major WitebskyRose criteria [6] are
fulfilled in GBS. (1) Autoantigens (i.e., myelin constitu-
ents) evoking an autoantibody response could be demon-
strated; (2) the presence of autoantibodies has been
confirmed and several pathogenic mechanisms by which
they may exert their influence have similarly demonstrated
in vitro; (3) active immunization with myelin constituents
has been shown to cause an autoimmune phenomena
resembling human GBS; (4) an adoptive transfer of
autoantibodies and or autoreactive T cells results in nerve
demyelination, clinical signs, and laboratory findings of
GBS [8]. Additionally, GBS is commonly seen in associ-
ation with other autoimmune diseases, changes in T cells
subclasses, and change in cytokine profile [7].
Willison [9] studied the motor nerve terminal as a model
site of injury, and through combined active and passive
immunization paradigms, have developed murine neuropa-
thy phenotypes mediated by anti-ganglioside antibodies.
This has been achieved through use of glycosyltransferase
and complement regulator knock-out mice, both for cloning
anti-ganglioside antibodies and inducing disease. Through
such studies, Willison and his group have proven a
neuropathogenic role for murine anti-ganglioside antibodies
and human GBS-associated antisera and identified several
determinants that influence disease expression including (a)
the level of immunological tolerance to microbial glycans
that mimic self-gangliosides; (b) the ganglioside density in
target tissue; (c) the level of complement activation and the
neuroprotective effects of endogenous complement regu-
lators; and (d) the role of calcium influx in mediating
axonal injury.
Environmental Factors Involved in GBSInfection
and Vaccination
Infections and GBS
An infection can induce or trigger autoimmune disease via
two mechanismsantigen-specific or antigen non-specific
which can operate either independently or together. An
autoimmune disease will only arise, however, if the individual
is genetically predisposed to that particular condition. A
common explanation for how infectious agents stimulate
autoimmunity in an antigen-specific way is via molecular
mimicry. Antigenic determinants of microorganisms can thus
be recognized by the host immune system as being similar to
antigenic determinants of the host itself. Molecular mimicry
among sugar structures is common and leads to numerous
manifestations of infection-associated and antibody-mediated
neuropathies. About a third of all cases of GuillainBarré
syndrome are preceded by Campylobacter jejuni infection
[10]. This bacterium expresses a lipooligosaccharide mole-
cule that mimics various gangliosides present in high
concentrations in peripheral nerves. Numerous viruses also
collect gangliosides as they incorporate plasma membrane
from the host cell. As a result, viral infections (i.e., influenza,
parainfluenza, polio, herpes) are often associated with
GuillainBarré syndrome, and both bacterial and viral
vaccines have been linked with induction of the condition
Numerous epidemiological studies and anecdotal cases
have established an association between infections and
GuillainBarré syndrome (Table 1).
Kinnunen et al. [12] performed a retrospective analysis
of the incidence of GuillainBarré syndrome (GBS) in
Finland in 19811986. Monthly rates showed an increased
122 Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2012) 42:121130
incidence from baseline of GBS (8.2 per million) in March
1985, following by a few weeks of the onset of the
nationwide oral poliovirus vaccine campaign and partly
overlapping it. Analysis of the time series in depth
suggested, however, that a change point in the occurrence
of GBS had already taken place before the oral poliovirus
vaccine campaign. Widespread circulation of wild-type 3
poliovirus in the population immediately preceded the oral
poliovirus vaccine campaign and the peak occurrence of
GBS. These results demonstrate a temporal association
between poliovirus infections, caused by either wild virus
or live attenuated vaccine, and an episode of increased
occurrence of GBS.
Shoenfeld et al. [7], in a comprehensive review about
GBS as an autoimmune disease, cite numerous bacterial
and viral infections associated with the disease. Among the
viruses, echo, coxsackie, varicella, mumps, rubella, influ-
enza, and HIV are documented as infections preceding
episodes of GBS. Bacterial infections preceding GBS
included Borrelia,Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and C.jejuni.
A strong association between C.jejuni infection and
GBS, with an OR of 9.5, was also demonstrated in another
study, confirming a causal association [13].
Microbiological studies carried out on 84 patients resulted
in a probable diagnosis of infectious diseases etiology in 46
(55%). Coxsackieviruses (15%), Chlamydia pneumoniae
(8%), cytomegalovirus (7%), and M. pneumoniae (7%) were
the most frequently involved agents. Serological evidence of
aC.jejuni infection was found in six patients (7%). The
authors conclude that the etiology of antecedent diseases is
distributed over a wide spectrum of pediatric infectious
diseases. Most of the children who had been vaccinated
showed concomitant infectious diseases, thus obscuring the
causative role for GBS [14].
Another strong association between GBS and influenza
infections was documented by Stowe et al. [15]. The
authors used the self-controlled case series method to
investigate the relation of GuillainBarré syndrome with
influenza vaccine and influenza-like illness using cases
recorded in the General Practice Research Database from
1990 to 2005 in the United Kingdom. The relative
incidence of GuillainBarré syndrome within 90 days of
vaccination was 0.76 (95% confidence interval, 0.411.40).
In contrast, the relative incidence of GuillainBarré
syndrome within 90 days of an influenza-like illness was
7.35 (95% confidence interval, 4.3612.38), with the
greatest relative incidence (16.64, 95% confidence interval,
9.3729.54) within 30 days. The relative incidence was
similar (0.89, 95% confidence interval, 0.421.89) when
the analysis was restricted to a subset of validated cases.
The authors found no evidence of an increased risk of
GuillainBarré syndrome after seasonal influenza vaccine.
The finding of a greatly increased risk after influenza-
like illness is consistent with anecdotal reports of a
preceding respiratory illness in GuillainBarré syndrome
and has important implications for the risk/benefit assess-
ment that would be carried out, should pandemic vaccines
be deployed in the future.
Two recent reports (2009) document association of GBS
and relatively rare viral infections: Lebrun et al. [16] report
two cases of GBS after Chikungunya virus infection in
Réunion Island, which correlated with epidemiological data
conferring the association between the two. Chikungunya
virus is an RNA alphavirus (group A arbovirus) in the
family Togaviridae. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are
the known mosquito vectors. Anti-Chikungunya IgM was
found in serum and CSF, although genomic products in
serum and CSF were negative, which was not surprising,
given the brief period (45 days) of viremia. These findings
strongly supported a disseminated acute Chikungunya
infection and support the conclusion that Chikungunya
virus was probably responsible for the GBS. In 2006,
Table 1 Infectious agents associated with GBS
Infectious agent Year Incidence per 10
Time post
Chikungunya virus 2009 Up 22% from
baseline (3.3)
23 weeks [16]
Influenza 19902005 7.3 90 days [15]
16.6 30 days
Coxsackieviruses; Chlamydia CMV; M.pneumoniae;C.jejuni Prospective ? 6 weeks [14]
Echo/Coxackie; varicela; mumps; rubella; influenza; HIV; Borrelia;M.
90? Weeks [7]
C.jejuni 2003 9.5 OR ? [13]
Polio (circulating type 3) 19811986 Increase from
(8.2) baseline
Weeks [12]
Hepatitis E 2009 1 case Weeks [17]
Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2012) 42:121130 123
Chikungunya virus was found on Réunion Island; seropre-
valence on the island was estimated to be 38.2% among
785,000 inhabitants (95% confidence interval 35.9%
Epidemiologic data also support a causal relationship
between Chikungunya infection and GBS: The incidence
rate of GBS increased 22% in 2006 (26/787,000, persons)
over the rate in 2005 (21/775,000 or 2.7/10,000 persons)
and then declined to a rate closer to baseline in 2007 (23/
800,000 or 2.87/100,000 persons).
Loly et al. [17] report a case of GuillainBarré syndrome
in a patient sporadically contaminated in a Western
country. This is the third report of GBS in a patient with
hepatitis E, and the first occurring in a patient sporadically
contaminated in a Western country. The authors believe it
is the first description of the presence of anti-ganglioside
GM2 antibodies in GBS associated with a hepatotropic
virus, suggesting possible molecular mimicry involving
In all the above reports, the time between the infection
disease and the onset of GBS was a few weeks, ranging
from 2 to 3 weeks to 3 months. This time period is in
agreement with a temporal association between an environ-
mental trigger and the onset of an autoimmune disease.
Adding the high odds ratio of association calculated for
some of these infections, (OR = 9.5 for C.jejuni) and
augmentation of the relative incidence following infection,
(RI=7.316.6 for influenza), the conclusion is quite
obvious, that these bacterial and viral infections, as well
as others are strong environmental agents involved with the
onset of GBS.
Most infectious agents, such as viruses, bacteria and
parasites, can induce autoimmunity via a number of
mechanisms. In many cases, it is not a single infection
but rather the burden of infectionsfrom childhood that is
responsible for the induction of autoimmunity in adulthood,
many years after the original infection [18].
Vaccinations and GBS
There are anecdotal reports of GBS occurring in a time
frame after immunizations that can indicate a temporal
association between the two events. The period between
vaccination and first symptoms of GBS, range from as short
as 35 days, to 610 weeks, and up to a few months and
even years (Table 2). The temporal association and lack of
infections in those individual cases can indicate a causal
association [1923]. However, in the epidemiological
studies cited, no significant causal association was found.
Incidence observed for GBS following the vaccinations was
either small,in the expected range, same as back-
ground,extremely rare, or lower then baseline. Only
two studies with polio vaccination found an increase
incidence from a background of 8.2:10
and an OR of
7.27 (10, 11).
Influenza Vaccination
Following the swine flu) influenza A/New Jersey) virus
vaccine program in the USA in 1976, an increase in
incidence of GBS was observed [24](Table3). The
National Influenza Immunization Program was suspended
on December 16, 1976 and nationwide surveillance for
GBS was begun. This surveillance uncovered a total of
1,098 patients with onset of GBS from October 1, 1976, to
January 31, 1977, from all50 states. A total of 532 patients
had received an A/New Jersey influenza vaccination prior
to their onset of GBS (vaccinated cases), and 15 patients
received a vaccination after their onset of GBS. Epidemi-
ologic evidence indicated that many cases of GBS were
related to vaccination. When compared to the unvaccinated
population, the vaccinated population had a significantly
elevated attack rate in every adult age group. The estimated
attributable risk of vaccine-related GBS in the adult
population was just under one case per 100,000 vaccina-
tions. The period of increased risk was concentrated
primarily within the 5-week period after vaccination,
although it lasted for approximately 9 or 10 weeks. The
mean interval from vaccination to onset was 3.9 weeks. The
incidence rose from 2.6:10
for nonrecipients to 13.3:10
for vaccine recipients (corrected later by Breman and
Hayner [25] to be 11.7:10
), and the calculated relative
risk was 6.2. More recent information suggested that the
occurrence of GBS after currently used influenza and other
vaccines is extremely rare [26]. Case control studies have
shown no evidence of a significant increase in risk of
having received an immunization preceding GBS (i.e.,
measles, mumps, rubella) compared with contemporary
controls [2729].
Retrospective examination of the incidence of GBS for
the seasons of the 19923 and 19934 influenza vaccina-
tion programs in the USA suggested that influenza
vaccination only caused 12 extra cases of GBS per million
vaccines [30]. The calculated relative risk in different
studies from 1978 to 2005 produced RR values ranging
from 0.4 to 1.7. Only one study documenting the years
19911999 came up with higher RR values (4.38.5),
which may establish a significant causal association
between the influenza vaccination program and incidence
of GBS. Despite this evidence, GBS is an autoimmune
condition and the knowledge that immunizations are
designed to activate the immune system give rise to
continued unease about immunization following the disease
[31,32]. This unease is enhanced by a report of two cases
of GBS recurring following swine influenza vaccine [33].
In addition, recurrent attacks of chronic inflammatory
124 Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2012) 42:121130
demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy have followed teta-
nus toxoid immunization [31,34]. However, many patients
have received immunizations after the acute phase of their
disease, sometimes repeatedly [35], without suffering a
relapse. The number of such patients has, however, not
been monitored and the actual risk is not known. In the
absence of adequate evidence and the difficulty of
conducting an adequately powered randomized trial, it
would be appropriate to audit a recovered GBS patient
population to discover the proportion receiving immuniza-
tions and the corresponding outcome. Although the
experiment has never been done in GBS, patients with
multiple sclerosis have been randomized to receive or not
receive influenza vaccine, and no evidence emerged to
suggest that immunization stimulated relapse [36,37].
There are structural differences between nodes in the
central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral one (PNS)
that might explain the susceptibility of the PNS in GBS
[38]. In the PNS, specialized microvilli project from the
outer collar of Schwann cells and come very close to nodal
axolemma of large fibers. The projections of the Schwann
cells are perpendicular to the node and are radiating from
the central axons. However, in the CNS, one or more of the
astrocytic processes come in close vicinity of the nodes.
These processes may stem from multi-functional astrocytes,
as opposed to from a population of astrocytes dedicated to
contacting the node. On the other hand, in the PNS, the
basal lamina that surrounds the Schwann cells is continuous
across the node.
An etiology for the 1976 increase in incidence of GBS
following the influenza vaccination program was suggested
by Nachamkin et al. [39]. The authors hypothesized that the
Table 2 Correlation between vaccinations and GBS
Vaccine Year Incidence Time post vaccination Reference
Hepatitis B 2004 1 case 10 weeks [73]
HBV 19832002 19 cases 3 days9 months [73]
Measles; rubella 2003 Under baseline 610 weeks [74]
Live measles and rubella 1976 2 cases 1 week [75]
Meningococcal MCV4 20052006 Small 6 weeks [76]
Smallpox 20022004 Expected range 12 days [77]
Hepatitis A 2004 1 case 5 days [78]
Polio 2003 7.27 OR ? [13]
19811986 Increase from baseline 10 weeks [12]
Sabine strain 1996 38 cases Sabine strain isolated daysweeks of onset [79]
MMR 19821986 Background 80 daysyears [80]
Tetanus 90Extremely rare 6 weeks [81]
Tetanus-diphtheria 1997 1 case 4 days [19]
H influenza type B 1993 1 case (+4) 10 days [20]
Rabies (Semple vaccine) 905 cases ? [82]
(Diploid human cells) 1980 1 case 14 days [83]
Vaccination years/country Relative risk Significance Reference
1976/USA 6.2 Yes [84]
19781979 USA 1.4 No [85]
19801981 USA 1.4 No [86]
19761977 USA Attrib. risk 1:100,000 Yes [24]
19921994 England/Wales 1.7 No [29,31]
19911999 USA 4.38.5 Yes [87]
19931994 1.7 No [88]
20022003 USA 0.4
19922004 Canada 1.45 Small [89]
19902005/UK 0.76 No [15]
Table 3 Causal correlation
between influenza vaccination
and GBS
Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2012) 42:121130 125
swine flu vaccine contained contaminating moieties (such
as C.jejuni antigens that mimic human gangliosides or
other vaccine components) that elicited an anti-GM1
antibody response in susceptible recipients. Surviving
samples of monovalent and bivalent 1976 vaccine, com-
prising those from 3 manufacturers and 11 lot numbers,
along with several contemporary vaccines were tested for
hemagglutinin (HA) activity, the presence of Campylobac-
ter DNA, and the ability to induce anti-Campylobacter and
anti-GM1 antibodies after inoculation into C3H/HeN mice.
The researchers found that, although C.jejuni was not
detected in 1976 swine flu vaccines, these vaccines induced
anti-GM1 antibodies in mice, as did vaccines from 1991 to
1992 and from 2004 to 2005. Preliminary studies suggest
that the influenza HA induces anti-GM1 antibodies. The
authors concluded that influenza vaccines contain structures
that can induce anti-GM1 antibodies after inoculation into
Possible Mechanism that can Trigger GBS
Molecular mimicry is one mechanism by which infectious
agents may trigger an immune response against autoan-
tigens. Although several examples of molecular mimicry
between microbial and self-components are known [40], in
most cases, the epidemiological relationship between
autoimmune disease and microbial infection has not been
established. In other cases, moreover, no replicas of human
autoimmune disease have been obtained by immunizing
with the mimic of an infectious agent. Replicas associated
with definite, epidemiological evidence of microbial infec-
tion are required to test the molecular mimicry theory of the
development of autoimmune diseases. GuillainBarre´
syndrome, the prototype of postinfectious autoimmune
diseases, ranks as the most frequent cause of acute flaccid
paralysis, and C. jejuni is the most frequent antecedent
pathogen. Epidemiological studies, which established the
relationship between GBS and antecedent C. jejuni infec-
tion, showed that one fourth to one third of GBS patients
develop the syndrome after being infected. GBS was
considered a demyelinating disease of the peripheral
nerves, but the existence of primary axonal GBShas
been confirmed and is now widely recognized. Ganglioside
GM1 is an autoantigen for IgG Abs in patients with axonal
GBS subsequent to C. jejuni enteritis. C. jejuni strains
isolated from such patients have a lipooligosaccharide
(LOS) with a GM1-like structure. To verify that molecular
mimicry between an environmental agent and the peripheral
nerves causes GBS, Yuki et al. [41] sensitized animals with
C. jejuni LOS and produced a model of human GBS,
generated anti-GM1 mAb by immunization with the LOS,
and determined the distribution of GM1 in human spinal
nerve roots. As further proof that an autoimmune reaction
causes neuromuscular disease, the authors also showed that
anti-GM1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) blocked muscle
action potentials in a musclespinal cord co-culture. On
sensitization with C. jejuni lipooligosaccharide, rabbits
developed anti-GM1 IgG antibody and flaccid limb
weakness. Paralyzed rabbits had pathological changes in
their peripheral nerves identical with those present in
GuillainBarre´ syndrome. Immunization of mice with the
lipooligosaccharide produced mouse antibodies, from
which mAb were produced, that reacted with GM1 and
bound to human peripheral nerves. The mouse mAb and
anti-GM1 IgG from patients with GuillainBarre´ syn-
drome did not induce paralysis but blocked muscle action
potentials in a musclespinal cord co-culture, indicating
that anti-GM1 antibody can cause muscle weakness[41].
New tests were developed recently, for better detection
of antiganglioside-specific antibodies and antiganglioside
complexes [42]. The antibody specifically recognizes a
new conformational epitope formed by two gangliosides
(ganglioside complex) in the acute-phase sera of some
GBS patients. In particular, the antibodies against GD1a/
GD1b and/or GD1b/GT1b complexes are associated with
severe GBS requiring artificial ventilation. Some patients
with Miller Fisher syndrome also have antibodies against
ganglioside complexes including GQ1b; such as GQ1b/
GM1 and GQ1b/GD1a. The antibodies against ganglioside
complexes may therefore directly cause nerve conduction
failure and severe disability in GBS.
C.jejuni infection also often precedes acute motor
axonal neuropathy (AMAN), a variant of GBS. Anti-
GM1, anti-GM1b, anti-GD1a, and anti-GalNAc-GD1a
IgG antibodies are associated with AMAN. Carbohydrate
mimicry (Galbeta13GalNAcbeta14(NeuAcalpha23)Gal-
beta1) was seen between the lipooligosaccharide of C.
jejuni isolated from an AMAN patient and human GM1
ganglioside. Sensitization with the lipooligosaccharide of
C.jejuni induces AMAN in rabbits as does sensitization
with GM1 ganglioside. Paralyzed rabbits have pathological
changes in their peripheral nerves identical to changes seen
in human GBS. C.jejuni infection may induce anti-
ganglioside antibodies by molecular mimicry, eliciting
AMAN. This is a verification of the causative mechanism
of molecular mimicry in an autoimmune disease. To
express ganglioside mimics, C.jejuni requires specific gene
combinations that function in sialic acid biosynthesis or
transfer. The knock-out mutants of these landmark genes of
GBS show reduced reactivity with GBS patients' sera, and
fail to induce an anti-ganglioside antibody response in
mice. These genes are crucial for the induction of neuro-
pathogenic cross-reactive antibodies [43].
Koga et al. [44] performed a comprehensive analysis of
bacterial risk factors for the development of GBS after C.
jejuni enteritis. C.jejuni strains carry a sialyltransferase
126 Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2012) 42:121130
gene (cst-II), which is essential for the biosynthesis of
ganglioside-like lipooligosaccharides (LOSs). Strains of C.
jejuni from patients with GBS had LOS biosynthesis locus
class A more frequently (72/106; 68%) than did strains
from patients with enteritis (17/103; 17%). Class A strains
predominantly were serotype HS:19 and had the cstII
(Thr51) genotype; the latter is responsible for biosynthesis
of GM1-like and GD1a-like LOSs. Both anti-GM1 and
anti-GD1a monoclonal antibodies regularly bound to class
A LOSs, whereas no or either antibody bound to other LOS
locus classes. Mass-spectrometric analysis showed that a
class A strain carried GD1a-like LOS as well as GM1-like
LOS. Logistic regression analysis showed that serotype
HS:19 and the class A locus were predictive of the
development of GBS. The high frequency of the class A
locus in GBS-associated strains, which was recently
reported in Europe, provided the first GBS-related C. jejuni
characteristic that is common to strains from Asia and
Europe. The class A locus and serotype HS:19 seem to be
linked to cstII polymorphism, resulting in promotion of
both GM1-like and GD1a-like structure synthesis on LOS
and, consequently, an increase in the risk of producing
antiganglioside autoantibodies and developing GBS. The
sialyltransferase gene polymorphism may also direct the
clinical features of GBS.
The C.jejuni sialyltransferase (cst-II) consists of 291
amino acids, and the 51st determines its enzymatic activity.
Strains with cst-II (Thr51) expressed GM1-like and GD1a-
like LOS, whereas strains with cst-II (Asn51) expressed
GT1a-like and GD1c-like LOS. Patients infected with the
cst-II (Thr51) strains had anti-GM1 or anti-GD1a IgG
antibodies, and showed limb weakness. Patients infected
with the cst-II (Asn51) strains had anti-GQ1b IgG anti-
bodies and showed ophthalmoplegia and ataxia. The cst-II
gene is responsible for the development of GuillainBarré
and Fisher syndromes, and the polymorphism (Thr/Asn51)
determines which syndrome develops after C.jejuni
enteritis [45].
The Role of the Nodes of Ranvier
Vucic et al. [1] reviewed the role of sodium channels in the
pathology of GBS. Specifically, the rapid improvement in
clinical deficits following immunomodulatory treatment
(such as IVIG) [46], often within hours, cannot be
explained by axonal remyelination, but possibly by removal
of antibodies or other circulating factors that may interfere
with Na
channel function. Inactivation of Na
results in a conduction block and slowing of conduction
velocity. In GBS patients, Na
channel blocking factors
have been demonstrated in the CSF. GM1 gangliosides,
immunological targets in GBS, are localized to the nodes of
Ranvier where sodium and other targets are clustered. By
using binding assay of cholera and tetanus toxins, respec-
tively, it was established [47] that GM1 and G1b-series
gangliosides are predominantly localized to axonal and glial
structures of the nodes of Ranvier and to paranodal/
internodal axolemma, while polysialogangliosides not of
the G1b-series are present on the internodal Schwann cell
surface. Shavit and colleagues [48] have demonstrated also
a conduction block using protease-activated receptor 1
(PAR-1) on the nodes of Ranvier, implicating this structure
and PAR-1 activation in the pathogenesis of conduction
block in inflammatory and thrombotic nerve diseases. An
immune response to this structure may induce conduction
block which is one of the electrophysiological hallmarks of
As mentioned above, antecedent infections, particularly
infections with C.jejuni, are associated with production of
IgG antibodies against gangliosides, especially GQ1b.
GQ1b gangliosides are abundantly expressed in the para-
nodal myelin sheets of extraoculomotor nerves, the neuro-
muscular junction, and dorsal root ganglia. Anti-GQ1b IgG
antibodies are strongly associated with Fisher syndrome
and correlate with clinical features of ophthalmoplegia and
ataxia. The neurological effects of anti-GQ1b antibodies are
induced by complement-mediated destruction of both
perisynaptic Schwann cells and axonal terminals, resulting
in neuromuscular junction blockade. Patch clamp techni-
ques have shown that anti-GQ1b antibodies inhibit presyn-
aptic Ca2
inflow and interact with proteins of the
exocytotic apparatus, thereby interfering with neurotrans-
mitter release, which prevents activation of postsynaptic
neurons and ultimately results in muscle weakness.
Judging by the evidence presented here, the etiology of
GBS can be multifactorial, as in other autoimmune
diseases. It involves genetic and environmental factors,
may be triggered by infections or vaccinations, and
predisposition can be predicted by analyzing some of these
factors. Shoenfeld et al., in a series of three enlightening
reviews, depict the Mosaic of Autoimmunity. The authors
present the multifactorial character of autoimmune diseases,
including GBS, and concentrate on genetic factors, hor-
monal and environmental ones, and focus also on predic-
tion and therapy of these disorders [4951]. GBS is unique
in the aspect that it can be triggered both by infection (C.
jejuni) or vaccination (influenza, polio), and in this respect,
it can serve as a model for the linkage between exposure to
environmental agents and autoimmune diseases. Many
other autoimmune diseases may be triggered by infections
and/or vaccinations, the pathologic mechanism may involve
molecular mimicry, and they can be treated by IVIG [52
Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2012) 42:121130 127
71]. However, GBS is still a classical example of an
autoimmune disease triggered by either infection or
The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine safety
considers that investigation of a possible causal relationship
could best be achieved by large-scale studies of the
incidence of GBS before and after an immunization
program. All incident cases would need to be carefully
ascertained and documented to ensure as accurate a
diagnosis as possible and to identify the form of GBS
(principally AIDP or AMAN). Improved understanding of
the pathogenesis of all forms of GBS will assist the
investigation of possible associations between GBS and
immunization. In this context, the collection of serum
samples from incident cases of GBS would contribute to
the identification of the different forms of the disease and of
understanding their possible relationship with vaccines.
Such studies would be particularly helpful in investigating
neurological adverse events following immunization that
occur in association with pandemic or prepandemic
influenza vaccines [72]. On August 31, 2009, the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
American Academy of Neurology (AAN) started a cam-
paign, requesting neurologists to report any possible new
cases of GuillainBarré syndrome (GBS) following 2009
H1N1 flu vaccination using the CDC and U. S. Food and
Drug Administration Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System. Although they do not anticipate that the 2009
H1N1 vaccine will have an increased risk of GBS, out of an
abundance of caution, and given that GBS may be of
greater concern with any pandemic vaccine because of the
association of GBS with the 1976 swine flu vaccine, the
CDC and AAN asked neurologists to report any potential
new cases of GBS after-vaccination as part of the CDC's
national vaccine safety monitoring campaign (http://www.
This campaign is now in progress.
Competing interests Y. Shoenfeld declares an association with the
following organizations: the US National Vaccine Injury Compensa-
tion Program. The other authors declare no competing interests.
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... Post-vaccination complications generally occur due to procedure-related local trauma, irritant vaccine constituents, inappropriate injection techniques, or injection of intramuscular medication in the artery and veins (18), which can result in bleeding, persistent pain, abscess and scar formation, surrounding tissue necrosis, muscle fibrosis, and development of malignancy at the injection site (6). In addition to these, there have also been documented instances of uncommon and severe adverse responses, such as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (8), Guillain-Barré syndrome (12), vasculitis (7), autoimmune hepatitis (21), inflammatory myopathies, and myocarditis (30). These are now believed to result from immune-mediated mechanisms. ...
... Cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and transverse myelitis with acute motor axonal neuropathy after influenza vaccination have been reported (19). Although these reports discuss several possible causes of myositis (22) such as viral infection (12) and autoimmunity (10), the relationship between influenza vaccination and neuro- ...
... The estimated global incidence is 0.6-4/100,000. It is preceded in more than two-thirds of cases by a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection and less commonly after surgery or vaccination [1]. Among the various microorganisms with established associations, Campylobacter jejuni is the most prevalent, accounting for one-third of cases, and less frequently Borrelia and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. ...
... Among the various microorganisms with established associations, Campylobacter jejuni is the most prevalent, accounting for one-third of cases, and less frequently Borrelia and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Viruses such as echovirus, coxsackievirus, varicella-zoster virus, paramyxovirus, rubella virus, influenza virus, HIV, and more recently Zika and SARS-CoV-2 have also been associated [1]. Coxsackieviruses, often associated with hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD), meningitis, and myocarditis, are an identified cause of GBS, albeit extremely rare, as described in the literature (only one case published in 2000 by Mori et al.) [2]. ...
Full-text available
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) stands as one of the primary causes of acute flaccid paralysis. It includes acute-onset peripheral nerve lesions and typically follows a monophasic course. Its etiopathogenesis is linked to an immune-mediated response to a prior infection, often respiratory or intestinal. The main variants of GBS are acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, which accounts for approximately 90% of cases in the USA and Europe, and acute motor axonal neuropathy, responsible for about 10% of cases in the USA and Europe. From the literature review, only one case of GBS preceded by hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) has been described. The authors report a rare clinical case of typical GBS after HFMD. Recognizing this adult-onset disease as a potential preceding infection of GBS is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, the integration into a rehabilitation program adjusted to the deficits plays an important role in motor and functional recovery.
... Extensive research and studies conducted by these health authorities have supported this stance, reassuring individuals with a history of GBS that they can safely receive the COVID-19 vaccine as recommended. This aligns with the broader consensus among healthcare experts worldwide, emphasizing the importance of widespread vaccination to combat the spread of the virus [6] . ...
... EBV in MS 33 , CMV in systemic lupus erythematosus 34 ), with molecular mimicry hypothesized as one of the major mechanisms leading to crossreactive autoimmune responses [5][6][7][8] . Similarly, infection with acute respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses has also been observed more frequently in weeks prior to autoimmune disease onset [35][36][37][38] ; however, the mechanistic link between acute infecting pathogens and autoimmunity remains unknown, unlike with Herpesviridae. Of note, recent work has shown that during infection with COVID-19, ~41% of patients will have reactivation of EBV, ~28% HSV1/HSV2, ~25% CMV, and ~34% HHV6 39 . ...
Full-text available
Mimicry of host protein structures ("molecular mimicry") is a common mechanism employed by viruses to evade the host's immune system. To date, studies have primarily evaluated molecular mimicry in the context of full protein structural mimics. However, recent work has demonstrated that short linear amino acid (AA) molecular mimics can elicit cross-reactive antibodies and T-cells from the host, which may contribute to development and progression of autoimmunity. Despite this, the prevalence of molecular mimics throughout the human virome has not been fully explored. In this study, we evaluate 134 human infecting viruses and find significant usage of linear mimicry across the virome, particularly those in the herpesviridae and poxviridae families. Furthermore, we identify that proteins involved in cellular replication and inflammation, those expressed from autosomes, the X chromosome, and in thymic cells are over-enriched in viral mimicry. Finally, we demonstrate that short linear mimicry from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is significantly higher in auto-antibodies found in multiple sclerosis patients to a greater degree than previously appreciated. Our results demonstrate that human-infecting viruses frequently leverage mimicry in the course of their infection, point to substantial evolutionary pressure for mimicry, and highlight mimicry's important role in human autoimmunity. Clinically, our findings could translate to development of novel therapeutic strategies that target viral infections linked to autoimmunity, with the goal of eliminating disease-associated latent viruses and preventing their reactivation.
... 2. Guillain-Barré syndrome or GBS is a rare autoimmune disorder characterized by inflammatory demyelination and axonal neuropathy that causes progressive paralysis with reduced or no reflexes and can be associated with cranial neuropathy and pain 91,92 . One of the main mechanisms of GBS is molecular similarity 93,94 . The antibody binds to peripheral motor membrane surface gangliosides and sensory neurons, damaging myelin and axons 95 . ...
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that has surrounded the world caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease is usually onset with symptoms like fever, cough, fatigue, respiratory problems, and loss of smell and taste. The majority of COVID-19 patients have mild or no symptoms, but a few demonstrate acute respiratory problems (ARDS) that can be life-threatening. Materials and Methods: Authors searched English published articles in local and international journals over the period 2000 to 2022 using several databases including Scopus, PubMed, Scholar, and Science Direct. Then, the relevant articles were revised. During this period, different articles have been published, but we tried to choose and review articles that introduced effective data. Results: Some people show symptoms long after their negative PCR test called post-COVID-19 syndrome, which studies showed can last more than 12 weeks after infection. Other than the complications patients confront amid the period of COVID-19 infection, there is an accumulation of evidence regarding the delayed complications of COVID-19, including auto-immune outbreaks such as multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), Guillain-Barre syndrome, Miller-Fisher syndrome, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), Autoimmune thyroid disease and also COVID-19 associated coagulopathies, have received remarkable attention since the early months of the pandemic. Microbiome changes in the gut and nasopharynx of patients with COVID-19 affect the severity of the disease, furthermore, some genes inherited from Neanderthals increase the severity of COVID-19. Conclusion: COVID-19 infection, along with the immune suppression mechanism, has the potential to evoke destructive inflammation in the host. Clarifying the pathophysiology of the COVID‐19 injuries to the host could help to develop appropriate treatment. Keywords: SARS‐CoV‐2, Auto-inflammation, Coagulopathies, Multiple inflammatory syndromes after COVID-19, Autoimmune diseases, COVID-19
Introduction: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a group of acute immune-mediated disorders in the peripheral nervous system. Both infectious and noninfectious factors are associated with GBS, which may act as triggers of autoimmune responses leading to neural damage and dysfunction. Areas covered: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its vaccines as well as flaviviruses have been associated with GBS, although a robust conclusion has yet to be reached. Immunomodulatory treatments, including intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) and plasma exchange (PE), have long been the first-line therapies for GBS. Depending on GBS subtype and severity at initial presentation, the efficacy of IVIg and PE can be variable. Several new therapies showing benefits to experimental animals merit further investigation before translation into clinical practice. We review the state-of-the-art knowledge on the immunopathogenesis of GBS in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Immunomodulatory therapies in GBS, including IVIg, PE, corticosteroids, and potential therapies, are summarized. Expert opinion: The association with SARS-CoV-2 remains uncertain, with geographical differences that are difficult to explain. Evidence and guidelines are lacking for the decision-making of initiating immunomodulatory therapies in mildly affected patients or patients with regional subtypes of GBS.
The immunopathology of herpes simplex virus (HSV)-associated neuroinflammation is a captivating and intricate field of study within the scientific community. HSV, renowned for its latent infection capability, gives rise to a spectrum of neurological expressions, ranging from mild symptoms to severe encephalitis. The enigmatic interplay between the virus and the host's immune responses profoundly shapes the outcome of these infections. This review delves into the multifaceted immune reactions triggered by HSV within neural tissues, intricately encompassing the interplay between innate and adaptive immunity. Furthermore, this analysis delves into the delicate equilibrium between immune defence and the potential for immunopathology-induced neural damage. It meticulously dissects the roles of diverse immune cells, cytokines, and chemokines, unravelling the intricacies of neuroinflammation modulation and its subsequent effects. By exploring HSV's immune manipulation and exploitation mechanisms, this review endeavours to unveil the enigmas surrounding the immunopathology of HSV-associated neuroinflammation. This comprehensive understanding enhances our grasp of viral pathogenesis and holds promise for pioneering therapeutic strategies designed to mitigate the neurological ramifications of HSV infections.
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Purpose of Review The purpose was to analyze scientific findings on Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) related to COVID-19 and emphasize its relationship with GBS. In this article, besides COVID-19, we explained various causative agents associated with GBS, their mechanism of action, diagnosis, and treatment. Recent Findings GBS is an acute inflammatory immune-mediated polyradiculoneuropathy. Patients with infections linked to GBS frequently produce antibodies against the gangliosides of the human peripheral nerves. This results in the entry of viruses or bacteria, like COVID-19 and Zika, into the body, generating antibodies against viruses or bacteria. Due to molecular mimicry, these antibodies target various lipo-oligosaccharides in microbes and structurally similar gangliosides in the brain. Target on gangliosides by the antibodies leads to demyelination of neurons, leading to loss of neurons that leads to GBS. Even though the relationship between GBS and COVID-19 has recently been the subject of numerous case reports, the degree of this relationship and the characteristics of GBS in this instance remain largely unknown. Guillain–Barre syndrome connected with COVID-19 has shown more severe symptoms. Summary We establish a significant correlation between the two diseases (COVID-19 and GBS) and the mechanism of action of other causative agents responsible for GBS, its diagnosis, and treatment. We explained the different types of GBS and the differences in how the disease appears. Graphical Abstract
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy; a disease involving the peripheral nervous system which is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide. So far, it is still lack of a comprehensive overview and understanding of the national epidemiological, clinical characteristics, and the risk factors of GBS in China, as well as differences between China and other countries and regions in these respects. With the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), an epidemiological or phenotypic association between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and GBS has attracted great attention. In this review, we outlined the current clinical data of GBS in China by retrieving literature, extracting and synthesizing the data of GBS in China from 2010 to 2021. Besides, we compared the characteristics of epidemiology, preceding events and clinical profiles of GBS between China and other countries and regions. Furthermore, in addition to conventional intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and plasma exchange (PE) therapy, the potential therapeutic effects with novel medications in GBS, such as complement inhibitors, etc., have become the research focus in treatments. We found that epidemiological and clinical findings of GBS in China are approximately consistent with those in the International GBS Outcome Study (IGOS) cohort. We provided an overall picture of the present clinical status of GBS in China and summarized the global research progress of GBS, aiming to further understand the characteristics of GBS and improve the future work of GBS worldwide, especially in countries with the middle and low incomes.
According to the Autoimmune Diseases Coordinating Committee (ADCC), between 14.7 and 23.5 million people in the USA–up to eight percent of the population–are affected by autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are a family of more than 100 chronic, and often disabling, illnesses that develop when underlying defects in the immune system lead the body to attack its own organs, tissues, and cells. In Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Disease, the editors have gathered in a comprehensive handbook a critical review, by renowned experts, of more than 100 autoimmune diseases, divided into two main groups, namely systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases. A contemporary overview of these conditions with special emphasis on diagnosis is presented. Each chapter contains the essential information required by attending physicians as well as bench scientists to understand the definition of a specific autoimmune disease, the diagnostic criteria, and the treatment.
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) has emerged as the most frequent cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide. Its most frequent form, acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP), is the prototypic acquired demyelinating disease of the peripheral nervous system. The importance of GBS in this text lies both in its own prominence as a major cause of neurologic morbidity and in the similarities and contrasts with acquired demyelinating disorders of the central nervous system. This chapter outlines the history of GBS, followed by its clinical manifestations, pathology of AIDP, pathophysiology, and molecular genetics. It is noted that GBS and multiple sclerosis (MS) represent the major immune-mediated disorders of the PNS and the CNS, respectively. The data for GBS suggests that the immunologic mechanism can involve molecular mimicry, at least in some GBS variants. Finally, in both GBS and MS, it is likely that multiple mechanisms render the axon vulnerable. These mechanisms include damage as a bystander to inflammatory disease, as a consequence of the intimate cell-cell interactions between the myelin-forming cell and axon, and possibly as the target of the immune attack.
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by dilatation and contractile dysfunction of the myocardium. It may be secondary to various clinical conditions or idiopathic. Inhere we propose a new criteria system for diagnosis of an autoimmune DCM. The proposed criteria are based on the accumulating evidence stating that autoimmunity has a key role in some patients and, presumably, a different clinical entity. Diagnosis requires establishing the autoimmune basis of the disease following an echocardiographic diagnosis. This new proposed entity has a possible therapeutic significance, because we assume that patients with established autoimmune DCM will gain the greatest beneficial effect of immunosuppressive and immunomodulating treatment.
An ongoing surveillance program was intensified during the 1979-1980 and the 1980-1981 influenza seasons to determine whether an increased risk of acquiring Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) within eight weeks after influenza vaccination existed for adults in the United States who received influenza vaccine, when compared with adults who had not been vaccinated recently. Five hundred twenty-eight cases of GBS with onset between Sept 1 and March 31, including seven following recent vaccination, were reported by participating neurologists in 1979-1980; 459 cases, including 12 following recent vaccination, were reported in 1980-1981. The relative risk of acquiring GBS following influenza vaccination—0.6 in 1979-1980 and 1.4 in 1980-1981—was not significantly different from 1.0 in either season. These results suggest that there was no increased risk of acquiring GBS associated with the influenza vaccines administered during these seasons and that the causative "trigger agent" in the A/New Jersey (swine) influenza vaccine administered in 1976 has not been present in subsequent influenza vaccine preparations. (JAMA 1982;248:698-700)
In late 1976, when 32% of the eligible population of Ohio received the A/New Jersey influenza (swine flu) vaccine, systematic contact of neurologists was used to evaluate the possible association of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) with receipt of the vaccine. The overall rate of GBS was significantly higher among vaccine recipients (13.3/10⁶) than in nonrecipients (2.6/10⁶). Peak time of onset was two to three weeks after receiving the vaccine, and cases among vaccinees were less likely to have a history of antecedent infection than were cases in unvaccinated persons. Even when the effect of one highly associated vaccine lot was removed, an elevated risk of GBS remained in vaccinees regardless of manufacturer or vaccine type (bivalent or monovalent). Systematic surveillance is needed for rare serious reactions from all vaccines. (JAMA 243:2490-2494, 1980)