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Occurrence of indoor wood decay basidiomycetes in Europe


Abstract and Figures

Brown-rot fungi are considered to be the most important wood-inhabiting fungi economically, as they also deteriorate the wood that has been used in buildings. In the northern hemisphere, coniferous wood is the main source of interior structural timber. White-rot fungi, which degrade lignin and preferentially attack hardwood, are less common. Emphasis is usually placed on Serpula lacrymans or Coniophora puteana, which are the most common indoor basidiomycetes found in buildings in Europe. In this review, we summarize available data on the occurrence of wood decay fungi in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany (both former East and West), Belgium, France, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Romania and Albania reported in the past few decades. The total number of occurrences was near 20,000; original data were collected between 1946 and 2008. The most abundant basidiomycetes were S. lacrymans and C. puteana, with the exception of Norway, where the genus Antrodia was the most frequent.
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Occurrence of indoor wood decay basidiomycetes
in Europe
ı GABRIEL*, Karel
Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology AS CR, V
a 1083, 142 20 Prague 4, Kr
Czech Republic
article info
Article history:
Received 1 March 2017
Received in revised form
9 May 2017
Accepted 9 May 2017
Serpula lacrymans
Brown-rot fungi are considered to be the most important wood-inhabiting fungi econom-
ically, as they also deteriorate the wood that has been used in buildings. In the northern
hemisphere, coniferous wood is the main source of interior structural timber. White-rot
fungi, which degrade lignin and preferentially attack hardwood, are less common.
Emphasis is usually placed on Serpula lacrymans or Coniophora puteana, which are the
most common indoor basidiomycetes found in buildings in Europe. In this review, we sum-
marize available data on the occurrence of wood decay fungi in the Czech Republic, Poland,
Germany (both former East and West), Belgium, France, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Latvia,
Estonia, Romania and Albania reported in the past few decades. The total number of occur-
rences was near 20,000; original data were collected between 1946 and 2008. The most
abundant basidiomycetes were S. lacrymans and C. puteana, with the exception of Norway,
where the genus Antrodia was the most frequent.
ª2017 British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Indoor wood decay fungi cause many problems worldwide;
fungi that invade roofs, walls, ceilings, etc., represent a group
of various basidiomycetes that are in many cases resistant to
currently used fungicides. These fungi attack and damage
wooden houses and other wooden constructions, and the
most well-known of these, Serpula lacrymans (often regarded
as the “cancer of buildings”), is responsible for many millions
of USD of damage each year (Palfreyman, 1995). For example,
the cost of fungal damage in France was estimated to be
approximately V30 million yearly (Maurice et al. 2011), and
in the UK, the cost of repairing fungal damage to timber
used in construction amounted to £3 million per week
(Rayner and Boddy 1988). The dry rot remediation business
in the UK was estimated to be worth an excess of £400 million
(Krzyzanowski et al. 1999).
The decay of wood and wood-based products usually be-
gins when the spores or mycelial fragments adhere to the
wood surface. Wood moisture and temperature are the most
important features in terms of the “building habitat”.
Humphrey and Siggers (1933) previously studied the effect of
temperature on the growth rate of 56 wood-decay fungi and
found that none would grow below 12 C and that most would
not grow above 40 C. According to many authors and guide-
lines for the protection of wood and wood products from
attack by decay fungi, it is important and necessary to keep
wood or wooden constructions at a moisture content below
* Corresponding author.
journal homepage:
fungal biology reviews 31 (2017) 212e217
1749-4613/ª2017 British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
20 % (Carll and Highley 1999). Schmidt (2007) reported mini-
mum and maximum humidity requirements for fungi identi-
fied by means of ITS sequencing (to avoid unreliable data for
incorrectly identified species; Table 1). As stated by Carll and
Highley (1999), the spores of wood decay fungi do not germi-
nate and fungal hyphae do not grow at moisture levels
much below the fibre saturation point, which is at approxi-
mately 30 % moisture. However, only the part of water that
is not bound by dissolved substances (salts, sugars) is avail-
able to fungi; a detailed description of the optimum conditions
for wood decay in terms of water activity (aw), water potential
or relative air humidity (RH) can be found, e.g., in the above-
mentioned review of Schmidt (2007). However, data on fungal
development under fluctuating moisture conditions that are
more common in nature are not yet available. Other factors,
such as wood species, local climate, design details, exposure
conditions (esp. in roofs and trusses, cellars, and door frames)
and coatings might have an indirect effect on wood decay
(e.g., Thybring 2017, Meyer and Brischke 2015). Under ideal
moisture and temperature conditions, fungal growth may
occur even within days.
In theory, wood decay fungi need free water as a diffusion
medium for their extracellular digestive enzymes. In the case
of brown-rot (or dry-rot) fungi, other factors in addition to
enzymatic processes are involved in wood degradation. Low
molecular weight compounds, such as oxalate, veratryl
alcohol, variegatic acid and others (Goodell et al. 1997;
Eastwood et al. 2011; Watkinson and Eastwood 2012),
contribute to lignocellulose decay, as do Fe and most likely
other bivalent ions. These chemicals generate hydroxyl, per-
oxyl and hydroxylperoxyl radicals in Fenton and Fenton-like
systems. Inorganic elements play an important role in the
physiology and control of at least S. lacrymans growth
(Schilling 2010; Watkinson and Eastwood 2012). As has been
demonstrated (Low et al. 2000), S. lacrymans removes calcium,
silicon and iron from sandstone and calcium, sulphur and iron
from traditional plaster. The sequestered elements are located
in its hyphae, particularly in the form of calcium oxalate.
2. Detection and identification of decay fungi
Fruiting bodies are normally preferentially used for field iden-
tification (e.g., Abrego and Salcedo 2015, Nicolotti et al. 2010).
Some species rarely fructify in buildings but form mycelial
strands (cords). Frankl (2014) found vital mycelia or active
fruiting bodies only in only 7 % of his observations (but the re-
mains were found in 95 %). Many studies address the diagnos-
tics of wood decaying fungi based on their macromorphology
and micromorphology; i.e., the typical shape and colour of
fruiting bodies or spores, cell wall thickness of hyphae, type
of branching, presence of dolipore septa, clamp connections
or aggregates on the surface or inside the cells, etc. Typical
visible properties (brown or white discolouration, eventually
cracking into roughly cubical pieces) of degraded wood are
also very important. Following the crucial work of Falck
(1912), newer diagnostic keys including drawings or colour
photographs have been published, e.g., by Doma
nski (1972),
Stalpers (1978), Hanlin (1998), Schmidt (2006), Huckfeldt and
Schmidt (2006), Buchalo et al. (2009) and Stancheva et al. (2009).
Precise molecular methods were not available for the iden-
tification of indoor wood decay fungi until the 1980s. These
methods include species-specific priming PCR (SSPP), rDNA
ITS region sequence analysis, restriction fragment length
polymorphism analysis (RFLP), random amplified polymor-
phic DNA analysis (RAPD), amplified fragment length poly-
morphism analysis (AFLP) and sequence-specific
oligonucleotide probe analysis (SSO). For more information,
see the work of Maurice et al. (2011) or the recent paper by
Raja et al. (2017) and references cited herein. Methods based
on DNA analyses can provide efficient, sensitive and rapid
diagnostic tools for the detection and identification of wood
decay fungi without requiring a prior fungal isolation step
(Glaeser and Lindner 2011, Gonthier et al. 2015). In the case
of wood decay basidiomycetes, methods based on ribosomal
DNA (ITS 1 or 2 rDNA region) sequencing have been estab-
lished as routine techniques for the identification of fungi to
the species level, esp. for those that are hardly or not at all
distinguishable by species, such as Antrodia,Coniophora and
Leucogyrophana (Schmidt 2006, Jarosch and Besl, 2001; Binder
and Hibbett, 2006, Coetzee et al., 2003; Schmidt et al., 2012).
In the last ten years, sequencing technologies have changed
dramatically, offering multiple options in throughput, accu-
racy and cost for answering different biological questions.
Some other alternative techniques are based on the pro-
duction of typical volatile organic compounds (VOC) by fungi
(e.g., Schmidt and Kallow, 2005). In addition to 1-octen-3-ol
(Ewen et al. 2004), which causes the typical smell of mush-
rooms, several other compounds typical of fungi have been
described (e.g., Anton et al. 2016, Konuma et al. 2015, Korpia
Table 1 eHumidity requirements (wood moister content; %) of selected fungi with respect to the colonization and decay of
wood (after Schmidt 2007).
Species Minimum for
for decay
for decay
for decay
Serpula lacrymans 21 26 45e140 240
Leucogyrophana pinastri 30 37 44e151 184
Coniophora puteana 18 22 36e210 262
Antrodia vaillantii 22 29 52e150 209
Donkioporia expansa 21 26 34e126 256
Gloeophyllum abietinum 20 22 40e208 256
Gloeophyllum sepiarium 28 30 46e207 225
Gloeophyllum trabeum 25 31 46e179 191
Occurrence of indoor wood decay 213
et al. 1998). In a study focused on wood decay fungi, Konuma
et al. (2015) reported 110 organic compounds, some of them
produced only when fungi were cultivated on wood. Based
on this, the use of dogs trained to sniff out S. lacrymans in
buildings should also be noted (Watkinson and Eastwood,
2012), mostly as a curiosity.
3. Abundance of wood decay basidiomycetes
in Europe
The abundance of indoor wood decay basidiomycetes re-
ported in Europe in the past few years is summarized in
Table 2.Schmidt (2007) also listed species found in Danish
buildings (after Bech-Andersen 1995) but without percentage
incidence; the list includes the white-rot basidiomycetes
Coprinus domesticus, Fomes fomentarius, Hyphoderma puberum,
Hypholoma fasciculare, Perenniporia medulla-panis, Phellinus
nigrolimitatus, Phlebiopsis gigantea, Physisporinus vitreus and Sis-
toterma brinkmannii; the only brown-rot fungi mentioned are
Dacromyces tortus, Daedalea quercina, Laetiporus sulphureus and
Oligoporus caesius.Alfredsen et al. (2005) also give a detailed
survey of fungi found in publications from several Nordic
A list of 40 wood decay species found in the roofs or cellars
of damaged buildings in the Czech Republic was published a
few years ago (Vampola 2008). The author did not provide
the percent incidence, but the most abundant species were
Antrodia serialis, Coniophora puteana, Coniophora marmorata,
Donkioporia expansa, Fomitopsis rosea, Gloeophyllum trabeum, P.
gigantea and S. lacrymans. The author also demonstrated the
occurrence of some rare species (Amyloporia xantha, Asteros-
troma ochroleucum, Hypochnicium bombycinum, O. caesius and
Tubulicrinis thermometrus, etc.). Unlike other fungi, A. ochroleu-
cum belongs to the rare species found in buildings; Vampola
(2008) reported only two occurrences in historical buildings
in the Czech Republic. He also stated that Coniophora confluens
is a good indicator of elevated moisture content in buildings,
and roof leaks should primarily be evaluated in this case.
The author also speculated about the origin of F. rosea in
damaged buildings. According to him, wood timbers previ-
ously infected by this fungus were used for building houses,
and F. rosea is able to survive in this substrate for many
(tens or even hundreds) years, but this speculation is of course
questionable. Nevertheless, Vampola (2008) reported the for-
mation of fruiting bodies of F. rosea on a timber removed
from the roof after being deposited in the fcourtyard of a his-
torical building over 2e3 weeks; the timber was estimated to
be ca. 200 y old. The same species was also reported in historic
monuments in Romania (Bucs
¸a and Bucs
¸a 2009b).
The most abundant basidiomycete across Europe is S.
lacrymans, as is clearly shown in Table 2, followed by C.
puteana. The literature about both fungi and their properties
or requirements is so exhaustive that it is neither necessary
nor possible to list them here. Antrodia damage seems to be
more common in Norway than in other countries. One expla-
nation for why Antrodia is most common in Norway might be
climate; other explanations might be building traditions and
the spore rain inoculum potential. Alfredsen et al. (2005)
stated that Antrodia sp. demands much more moisture than
S. lacrymans and slightly more than C. puteana since its opti-
mum lies between 35 % and 55 % wood moisture content. Ac-
cording to Bech-Andersen (1996),A. sinuosa was found mostly
in roof constructions, such as unventilated attics under the
roofing felt, often in competition with Gloeophyllum.The
occurrence of multiple fungi at one site is likely common;
Schultze-Dewitz (1985) reported that S. lacrymans was often
found together with C. puteana or Poria placenta. Recently,
Pottier et al. (2014) studied fungal contamination in homes
located in Low Normandy in France and reported that S. lacry-
mans was sometimes detected with the co-occurrence of
other basidiomycete wood decay species like such as D.
expansa;Maurice et al. (2011) repeatedly detected S. lacrymans,
D. expansa and C. puteana, and in another sample from north-
western France, the occurrence of white-rot species Trametes
versicolor and Hyphodontia sp. In a supplementary table, the
authors listed 76 isolates of S. lacrymans from Norway,
Table 2 eSpecies abundance (%) of indoor basidiomycetes reported in Europe.
Species Poland
Serpula lacrymans 54 27 29 22 60 16 47 20 45 79 32
Coniophora puteana 22 17 18 17 10 16 6 34 12 7 60
Antrodia vaillantii 210ee 118*13*0,1*12*e21
Antrodia sinuosa 92ee 2ee e e e e
Gloeophyllum sp. 2 6 1 e1335 2e11
Donkioporia expansa e10 ee 10 10 ee ee 21
Poria placenta ee613 eeee eee
Total number of occurrences 3050 748 1005 498 749 3434 338 8293 1237 633 n/a
Total number of species 29 31 11 11 26 35 60 n/a n/a n/a 75
Data since 1950 2000 1966 1980 1985 2001 1996 1946 1978 2002 1979
until 1960 2006 1980 1984 1991 2003 2007 1983 1988 2008 2009
Identification method** m n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a m n/a n/a m m
Wa _
zny and Czajnik (1963);
Schmidt (2007);
Schultze-Dewitz (1985);
Guillitte (1992);
Alfredsen et al. (2005);
Irbe and Andersone
Pilt et al. (2009);
¸a and Bucs
¸a (2009a).
* Data given for Antrodia sp.; BRD ¼Bundesrepublik Deutschland (former “West Germany”), DDR ¼Deutsche Demokratische Republik (former
“East Germany”).
** m emorphology.
214 J. Gabriel, K.
Finland, the UK, Germany, Belgium, and France isolated be-
tween 1939 (Berlin, Germany) and 2011 (Brest, France). In
this study, ITS or beta-tubuline analyses were used in some
cases. Frankl (2014) described fungi from sixteen smaller
churches in different places in the Czech Republic
(1999e2012) and reported the combined occurrences of the
genera Coniophora with Gloeophyllum (3), Serpula (8), Ster-
eum (6)andTrametes (19); Gloeophyllum with Serpula (1)
or Trametes (10) and Trametes with Stereum (2)orAntrodia
(1). In some cases, he found a combination of three different
genera (e.g., Coniophora,Gloeophyllum and Trametes e5). The
repeated detection of various fungi in a single place could
make the interpretation of some tables ambiguous. In an
exhaustive work by Bucs
¸a and Bucs
¸a (2009a), the authors re-
ported the results of an investigation of more than 400 histor-
ic monuments (castles, palaces, citadels, churches of all
faiths, etc.) in Romania. The authors presented a list of 74
fungal species found in more than 1200 buildings. With the
exception of Dacrymyces stillatus, which is found mostly on
spruce shingle roofings (in 270 buildings), the most frequent
infections were caused by Hyphodontia breviseta (80), Gl. abie-
tinum (78)andsepiarium (67), T. versicolor (54), C. puteana
(45), S. hirsutum (42) and D. expansa (40). The data for
Romania given in Table 2 were taken from the summary re-
ported for wood, masonry and plastered wood buildings
Wood decay basidiomycetes from unusual locations have
also been sometimes reported. For example, Lentinus suffrutes-
cens was found in mine timbering (N
emec 1941), as well as Pos-
tia stiptica and Postia caesia (Ryp
cek 1957). We found S.
lacrymans forming unusual white branching fruiting bodies
on timbering in a uranium mine in Doln
ınka in the Czech
Republic (unpublished). Wa_
zny and Czajnik (1963) reported
the occurrence of S. lacrymans, Poria vaillantii, Corticium laeve,
Corticium byssinum and Peniophora setigera on wooden and con-
crete structures in the Warsaw subway. In another case study,
Kazartsev et al. (2014) found S.lacrymans and A. xantha, both
stated as common indoor wood decay fungi in St. Petersburg,
in wooden structures of the hotel “Mikhaylovskaya” and in a
wooden pavilion of the Narcological dispensary situated in
the historical city centre of St. Petersburg. Shumka et al.
(2010) investigated 5 post-byzantine churches in the Prespa
area (Albania), where fungal attack was caused only by C.
puteana. In another study, Kozir
og et al. (2014) studied wooden
barracks as well as wooden elements of brick buildings (doors,
floors, bunks, door and window frames, and structural walls
and beams) in the former Auschwitz II eBirkenau camp.
The authors found S. lacrymans,Corticium leave and Poria
vaporaria on bunks, beams and floors.
Although S. lacrymans is found in buildings in temperate re-
gions in Eurasia, North and South America, and Oceania
(Australia/New Zealand), in contrast to the frequent indoor
occurrence of S. lacrymans, its absence in nature has remained
an enigma for many years. In their review on S. lacrymans
(2012), Kauserud et al. reported that some of the first reliable
reports are from wooden sailing vessels in the 17th century,
where it presumably caused severe damage (Ramsbottom,
1937). Up to now, the fungus has been reported in India,
Pakistan, China, the USA, Russia (Kauserud et al. 2012) and
the Czech Republic (Kotlaba 1992, 2012).
Some works describing fungi found in the wood of urban
trees have also been published (e.g., Schmidt et al. 2012,
Guglielmo et al. 2007 and literature cited herein), but from
the viewpoint of possible building damage, they do not seem
to be very important (perhaps with the exception of Gloeophyl-
lum sp.).
4. Summary
S. lacrymans and C. puteana are the most frequently found
fungi reported in damaged buildings in Europe. This is likely
a result of the common knowledge of these fungi, which
form typical fruiting bodies. The occurrence of other wood
decay fungi may not necessarily be reported to specialized
laboratories/facilities and could not be fully included in the
available statistics. Some other questions might arise with
the development of new molecular methods for the identifica-
tion of fungi that were previously difficult to distinguish.
Nevertheless, the damage caused by S. lacrymans and C.
puteana is so well documented that there is no doubt about
their “leading role” across the Europe.
This work was supported by the Institute of Microbiology CAS
(RVO61388971) and by the Czech Science Foundation (GA
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Occurrence of indoor wood decay 217
... Meanwhile, Coniophora puteana has been found even in Antarctica, demonstrating broad adaptability skills and extended risk potential. All the listed species are quite common even in common houses, with a dominance of Serpula lacrymans in Europe and the United States [261][262][263]. Nevertheless, the verified threshold parameters that would be useful to prevent their growth is limited to just a few species. ...
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Wooden Cultural Heritage (WCH) represents a significant portion of the world's historical and artistic heritage, consisting of immovable and movable artefacts. Despite the expertise developed since ancient times to enhance its durability, wooden artefacts are inevitably prone to degradation. Fungi play a pivotal role in the deterioration of WCH in terrestrial ecosystems, accelerating its decay and leading to alterations in color and strength. Reviewing the literature of the last 25 years, we aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of fungal diversity affecting WCH, the biochemical processes involved in wood decay, and the diagnostic tools available for fungal identification and damage evaluation. Climatic conditions influence the occurrence of fungal species in threatened WCH, characterized by a prevalence of wood-rot fungi (e.g., Serpula lacrymans, Coniophora puteana) in architectural heritage in temperate and continental climates and Ascomycota in indoor and harsh environments. More efforts are needed to address the knowledge fragmentation concerning biodiversity, the biology of the fungi involved, and succession in the degradative process, which is frequently centered solely on the main actors. Multidisciplinary collaboration among engineers, restorers, and life sciences scientists is vital for tackling the challenges posed by climate change with increased awareness. Traditional microbiology and culture collections are fundamental in laying solid foundations for a more comprehensive interpretation of big data.
... S. lacrymans is the most aggressive rot fungus (the first out of 10) in wooden buildings worldwide, followed by Coniophora puteana, Trametes versicolor, and Donkioporia expansa [26,27]. Economically, this is the most important fungus, which is considered as the cancer of buildings, causing damage costs of around USD 36 million annually in France [28,29], and around USD 2.2 million weekly in the United Kingdom [30]. The solution in these cases is invasive [31] and includes the opening of suspicious areas to detect the area affected. ...
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High moisture content, low ventilation levels, and changes in the hygrothermal design of wooden dwellings could generate environmental conditions favorable for developing the rot fungus Serpula lacrymans, which is known as the most destructive fungus of its kind. The purpose of this research was to develop an experimental methodology to determine the conditions of the appearance of the fungus S. lacrymans, through in situ measurement of biological and environmental frequency indicators for wooden dwellings in South Central Chile. The referential standards for the appearance of the fungus were determined based on specialized literature and measurements of dwellings with and without deterioration. The frequency indicators for the appearance of the fungus defined and studied were as follows: frequency of air temperature FATs (%), frequency of relative humidity FRMs (%), frequency of ventilation rate FVRs (%), and rot fungus spore concentrations (CFU/pp). The methodology was validated by being measured in various enclosures and spaces under the floor in wooden dwellings in the cities of Valdivia and Temuco. The results confirmed the strong relationship between environmental relative humidity frequencies, ventilation levels, and spore concentration regarding the appearance of the fungus, where the growth dynamics cannot be separately explained without a previous analysis of the variables. In general, the dwellings most affected by the presence of the fungus had the greatest moisture levels, lower ventilation levels, and greater spore concentration. This study is the basis to diagnose the phenomena of the appearance of the rot fungus in wooden dwellings in climates favorable for its development.
... Glomeromycota and Rozellomycota. Among them, Basidiomycota can form white rot, which is consistent with the observed pile rot [25,26]. Fusarium, Trametes and Pholoitoa are all the strains that produce white rot in the middle of the more enriched species. ...
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Microorganisms possess the capability to impact virtually any form of cultural heritage, leading to contamination, degradation, and even combined degradation, where diverse microorganism communities facilitate the decay of wooden materials. This study aims to analyze the microbial diversity of the wooden structure bridge at the Shahe Ancient bridge site in Xi'an. The objective is to investigate the correlation between microbial species and the state of wood degradation, as well as explore the relationship between wood microbial species and the potential influence of the wood preservation environment on its long-term preservation. Simultaneously, the conventional laboratory separation technique was employed to isolate the microorganisms that were contaminated by experimental ancient wood. This was done to assess the inhibitory effect of two fungicides on the dominant microorganisms found in ancient wood, identify the most effective inhibitor, and subsequently establish an experimental foundation for safeguarding ancient bridge wood structures. The primary objective of this research was to establish microbial control criteria for the enduring conservation of historical sites, while also equipping conservators with scientifically-guided data to inform future research and restoration endeavors. Graphical Abstract
... In further support of this attribution, the presence of the ascomycetous strains belonging to the genus Hypomyces, which are well-known parasites of Boletales species, was evidenced (Rogerson and Samuels, 1989). Members of the genus Coniophora, among which C. puteana and the less common species C. marmorata, C. arida, and C. olivacea, the so-called "cellar fungi" are known responsible for wood brown-rot in indoor and outdoor buildings structures (Schmidt, 2007;Gabriel and Švec, 2017). Moreover, C. marmorata has been associated with calcareous materials such as bricks and mortars Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree based on ITS region sequences showing the relationship of Coniophora species. ...
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The present study reports a sudden fungal outbreak that occurred in the corridor near the entrance of the Catacombs of SS. Marcellino and Pietro in Rome (Italy) observed after 1 year of a restoration treatment that interested the walls of the entrance of the Catacombs and some artifacts placed in situ . The colonization was observed on the vault at the entrance and in correspondence with the restored marble pieces displayed on the left side of the corridor. No growth was observed on the right side where similarly treated marble slabs were placed. Samples taken in correspondence with fungal biofilm were analyzed through the combined use of microscopical, cultural, and molecular tools and showed that the vault and the left side of the corridor entrance were colonized by a complex fungal biofilm consisting mainly of Coniophora sp. and other genera, such as Hypomyces , Purpureocillium , Acremonium , Penicillium , and Alternaria , many of which are well known as responsible of biodeterioration of stone surfaces. Regarding the brown-rot basidiomycete Coniophora , it was able to form very large colonies on the substrata with a diameter of up to 57 cm. Although the direct observation under a light microscope evidenced the presence of abundant brown fungal conidia, several attempts to cultivate the microorganism failed, therefore only through DNA sequencing analyses, it was possible to identify and characterize this fungus. There is very little literature on the genus Coniophora which is reported as one of the causes of wet-rot decay of wood in buildings. A connection with calcium-containing materials such as bricks and mortars was demonstrated, but no data were available about the possible role of this species in the biodeterioration of stones. This study features the first finding of a strain related to the basidiomycetous genus of Coniophora in the order Boletales in association with evident phenomena of biodeterioration.
... affect humans as allergens (Horner et al., 1995;Osborne et al., 2015) or pathogens (de Hoog et al., 2014), spoil food (Pitt & Hocking, 2009;Samson et al., 2019), or cause structural damage to building materials or artifacts of significant historical value (Cavka et al., 2010;Chunduri, 2014;Gabriel & Švec, 2017;Kauserud et al., 2007;Ljaljevic-Grbic et al., 2013;Piñar et al., 2013Piñar et al., , 2015Piñar et al., , 2020Pinheiro, Mesquita, et al., 2019;Pinheiro, Sequeira, et al., 2019;Schmidt, 2007;Sklenář et al., 2017;Trovão et al., 2020). ...
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A new species of the yeast genus Blastobotrys was discovered during a worldwide survey of culturable xerophilic fungi in house dust. Several culture dependent and independent studies from around the world detected the same species from a wide range of substrates including indoor air, cave wall paintings, bats, mummies, and the iconic self‐portrait of Leonardo da Vinci from ca 1512. However, none of these studies identified their strains, clones or OTUs as Blastobotrys. We introduce the new species as Blastobotrys davincii f.a., sp. nov. (holotype CBS H‐24879) and delineate it from other species using morphological, phylogenetic, and physiological characters. The new species of asexually (anamorphic) budding yeast is classified in Trichomonascaceae and forms a clade along with its associated sexual state genus Trichomonascus. Despite the decade‐old requirement to use a single generic name for fungi, both names are still used. Selection of the preferred name awaits a formal nomenclatural proposal. We present arguments for adopting Blastobotrys over Trichomonascus and introduce four new combinations as Blastobotrys allociferrii (≡ Candida allociferrii), B. fungorum (≡ Sporothrix fungorum), B. mucifer (≡ Candida mucifera) and Blastobotrys vanleenenianus (≡ Trichomonascus vanleenenianus). We provide a nomenclatural review and an accepted species list for the 37 accepted species in the Blastobotrys/Trichomonascus clade. Finally, we discuss the identity of the DNA clones detected on the da Vinci portrait, and the importance of using appropriate media to isolate xerophilic or halophilic fungi. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... sinuosa, A. xantha, F. vaillantii and N. serialis) is almost three times higher and the incidence of D. expansa in affected buildings in Poland is ten times lower. Gabriel and Švec (2017) presented the frequency of occurrence of the main fungal species in historical buildings of Romania (castles, palaces, citadels, churches, etc.). The buildings were infected, among others, by S. lacrymans (32%) and C. puteana (60%), A. vaillantii (21%), and D. expansa (21%). ...
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The paper presents the results of surveys on the diversity of wood-destroying fungi in buildings and wooden engineering structures outdoors in Poland. The respondents reported a total of 48 species and genus of wood-degrading Basidiomycetes . The greatest species diversity of wood-degrading fungi was found on open-air engineering structures (33 species), the second location in terms of biodiversity was unused residential buildings (30 species), the lowest biodiversity was found in the used residential buildings (21 species).The most common fungi in the buildings were Serpula lacrymans (24.8%), Coniophora puteana (14.1%) and Fibroporia vaillantii (13.8%). The prevalence of S. lacrymans and C. puteana in buildings in Poland is similar to the European average. The occurrence of indoor polypores group ( Amyloporia sinuosa, Fibroporia vaillantii, Neoantrodia serialis ) in Poland is twice as high as the European average. Donkioporia expansa , which is numerous in buildings in Western Europe, is sporadically recorded in Poland (0.1%).
... Wood decaying fungi are typically classified as brown rot, white rot or soft rot fungi depending on the type of decay they cause. Although brown rot fungi make up <10% of all wood decaying fungal species (Arantes et al., 2012 and references therein), they are common degraders of structural timber (Gabriel and Švec, 2017). Brown rot fungi utilize highly destructive hydroxyl radicals derived from a biological Fenton reaction in the initial stages of decay (Arantes et al., 2012;Arantes and Goodell, 2014), causing the depolymerization of cellulose (Kleman-Leyer et al., 1992) and the depolymerization and rapid repolymerization of lignin (Yelle et al., 2008(Yelle et al., , 2011. ...
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Brown rot fungi cause a type of wood decay characterized by carbohydrate degradation and lignin modification. The chemical and physical changes caused by brown rot are usually studied using bulk analytical methods, but these methods fail to consider local variations within the wood material. In this study we applied hyperspectral near infrared imaging to Scots pine sapwood samples exposed to the brown rot fungi Coniophora puteana and Rhodonia placenta to obtain position-resolved chemical information on the fungal degradative process. A stacked-sample decay test was used to create a succession of decay stages within the samples. The results showed that the key chemical changes associated with decay were the degradation of amorphous and crystalline carbohydrates and an increase in aromatic and carbonyl functionality in lignin. The position-resolved spectral data revealed that the fungi initiated degradation in earlywood, and that earlywood remained more extensively degraded than latewood even in advanced decay stages. Apart from differences in mass losses, the two fungi produced similar spectral changes in a similar spatial pattern. The results show that near infrared imaging is a useful tool for analyzing brown rot decayed wood and may be used to advance our understanding of fungal degradative processes.
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The number of buildings experiencing humidity problems and fungal growth appears to be increasing as energy-saving measures and changes in construction practices and climate become more common. Determining the cause of the problem and documenting the type and extent of fungal growth are complex processes involving both building physics and indoor mycology. New detection and identification methods have been introduced, and new fungal species have been added to the list of building-related fungi. However, the lack of standardised procedures and general knowledge hampers the effort to resolve the problems and advocate for an effective renovation plan. This review provides a framework for building inspections on current sampling methods and detection techniques for building-related fungi. The review also contains tables with fungal species that have been identified on commonly used building materials in Europe and North America (e.g., gypsum wallboard, oriented strand board (OSB), concrete and mineral wool). The most reported building-associated fungi across all materials are Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus versicolor. Chaetomium globosum is common on all organic materials, whereas Aspergillus niger is common on all inorganic materials.
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Humans are exposed to diverse communities of microbes every day. With more time spent indoors by humans, investigations into the communities of microbes inhabiting occupied spaces have become important to deduce the impacts of these microbes on human health and building health. Studies so far have given considerable insight into the communities of the indoor microbiota humans interact with, but mainly focus on sampling surfaces or indoor dust from filters. Beneath the surfaces though, building envelopes have the potential to contain environments that would support the growth of microbial communities. But due to design choices and distance from ground moisture, for example, the temperature and humidity across a building will vary and cause environmental gradients. These microenvironments could then influence the composition of the microbial communities within the walls. Here we present a case study designed to quantify any patterns in the compositions of fungal and bacterial communities existing in a building envelope and determine some of the key variables, such as cardinal direction, distance from floor or distance from wall joinings, that may influence any microbial community composition variation. By drilling small holes across walls of a house, we extracted microbes onto air filters and conducted amplicon sequencing. We found sampling height (distance from the floor) and cardinal direction the wall was facing caused differences in the diversity of the microbial communities, showing that patterns in the microbial composition will be dependent on sampling location within the building. By sampling beneath the surfaces, our approach provides a more complete picture of the microbial condition of a building environment, with the significant variation in community composition demonstrating a potential sampling bias if multiple sampling locations across a building are not considered. By identifying features of the built environment that promote/retard microbial growth, improvements to building designs can be made to achieve overall healthier occupied spaces.
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Fungi play a critical role in the decomposition of wood and wood-based products in use. The ability of decaying fungi to cause degradation of polysaccharides and lignin in the thermally modified Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) wood was examined with pure culture decomposition tests in laboratory conditions using the brown-rot fungus Serpula lacrymans (Schumacher ex Fries) S.F. Gray and white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pilat. Spruce wood samples were primary thermally treated under atmospheric pressure at the temperatures of 100, 150, 200, 220, 240 and 260 °C during 1, 3 and 5 h, whereby larger losses in their mass, holocellulose, mannose and xylose were achieved at harder thermal regimes. Meanwhile, the holocellulose percent content reduced considerably, and the percent content of lignin increased sharply. Spruce wood thermally modified at and above 200 °C better resisted to brown-rot fungus S. lacrymans than the white-rot fungus T. versicolor. Due to the decay processes, the mass fractions of holocellulose, cellulose and hemicelluloses were lower in those spruce wood samples in which thermal degradation was more intensive, with achieving the highest mass loss values after thermal treatments, after which the decay attacks were poorer or even none with the minimal mass loss values due to action by the brown-rot fungus S. lacrymans and the white-rot fungus T. versicolor. The mannose and glucose percent content in thermally–fungally attacked spruce wood was intensive reduced, e.g., by 17% to 98% in wood after thermal treatments at temperature equal and above 200 °C.
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Fungi are morphologically, ecologically, metabolically, and phylogenetically diverse. They are known to produce numerous bioactive molecules, which makes them very useful for natural products researchers in their pursuit of discovering new chemical diversity with agricultural, industrial, and pharmaceutical applications. Despite their importance in natural products chemistry, identification of fungi remains a daunting task for chemists, especially those who do not work with a trained mycologist. The purpose of this review is to update natural products researchers about the tools available for molecular identification of fungi. In particular, we discuss (1) problems of using morphology alone in the identification of fungi to the species level; (2) the three nuclear ribosomal genes most commonly used in fungal identification and the potential advantages and limitations of the ITS region, which is the official DNA barcoding marker for species-level identification of fungi; (3) how to use NCBI-BLAST search for DNA barcoding, with a cautionary note regarding its limitations; (4) the numerous curated molecular databases containing fungal sequences; (5) the various protein-coding genes used to augment or supplant ITS in species-level identification of certain fungal groups; and (6) methods used in the construction of phylogenetic trees from DNA sequences to facilitate fungal species identification. We recommend that, whenever possible, both morphology and molecular data be used for fungal identification. Our goal is that this review will provide a set of standardized procedures for the molecular identification of fungi that can be utilized by the natural products research community.
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Fungi which cause wood decay and mold in St. Petersburg historic buildings are of great concern. This study describes wood-inhabiting fungi associated with wooden structures of hotel «Mikhaylovskaya» and the wooden pavilion of Narcological dispensary situated in historical city center of St. Petersburg. Estimation of wood-inhabiting biodiversity traditionally is limited by sporocarp survey and culture-dependent detection techniques. Using clone library sequencing of full-length internal transcribed spacer region, we have been able to detect 22 unique operational taxonomic units (OTU), which have been referred to various orders, such as Sordariales, Pleosporales, Polyporales, Eurotiales, Chaetothyriales, Helotiales, Hypocreales Coniochaetales, Dacrymycetales, Sporidiobolales, Cystobasidiales, Tremellales and Boletales. Serpula lacrymans and Amyloporia xantha, common indoor wood decay fungi in St. Petersburg, were detected. Phylum Basidiomycota was additionally presented by four different yeasts two of which were identified up to species level (Holtermanniella wattica, Sporidiobolus salmonicolor), and two—up to family (Cystobasidiaceae) and order (Tremellales) levels respectively. Other fungi were referred to the phylum Ascomycota and presented by micromycetes with broad substrate specialization, capable to develop on lignocellulose.
Armillaria root rot is a serious disease, chiefly of woody plants, caused by many species of Armillaria that occur in temperate, tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Very little is known about Armillaria in South America and Southeast Asia, although Armillaria root rot is well known in these areas. In this study, we consider previously unidentified isolates collected from trees with symptoms of Armillaria root rot in Chile, Indonesia and Malaysia. In addition, isolates from basidiocarps resembling A. novae-zelandiae and A. limonea, originating from Chile and Argentina, respectively, were included in this study because their true identity has been uncertain. All isolates in this study were compared, based on their similarity in ITS sequences with previously sequenced Armillaria species, and their phylogenetic relationship with species from the Southern Hemisphere was considered. ITS sequence data for Armillaria also were compared with those available at GenBank. Parsimony and distance analyses were conducted to determine the phylogenetic relationships between the unknown isolates and the species that showed high ITS sequence similarity. In addition, IGS-1 sequence data were obtained for some of the species to validate the trees obtained from the ITS data set. Results of this study showed that the ITS sequences of the isolates obtained from basidiocarps resembling A. novae-zelandiae are most similar to those for this species. ITS sequences for isolates from Indonesia and Malaysia had the highest similarity to A. novae-zelandiae but were phylogenetically separated from this species. Isolates from Chile, for which basidiocarps were not found, were similar in their ITS and IGS-1 sequences to the isolate from Argentina that resembled A. limonea. These isolates, however, had the highest ITS and IGS-1 sequence similarity to authentic isolates of A. luteobubalina and were phylogenetically more closely related to this species than to A. limonea.
Historical patterns of morphological evolution and ecology in the Boletales are largely unresolved but appear to involve extensive convergence. We studied phylogenetic relationships of Boletales based on two datasets. The nuc-lsu dataset is broadly sampled and includes roughly 30% of the described species of Boletales and 51 outgroup taxa across the Hymenomycetes. The multigene dataset (nuc-ssu, nuc-lsu, 5.8S, mt-lsu, atp6) sampled 42 key species of Boletales in a framework of 14 representative Hymenomycetes. The Boletales are strongly supported as monophyletic in our analyses on both datasets with parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Six major lineages of Boletales that currently are recognized on subordinal level, Boletineae, Paxillineae, Sclerodermatineae, Suillineae, Tapinellineae, Coniophorineae, received varied support. The backbone of the Boletales was moderately resolved in the analyses with the nuc-lsu dataset, but support was strong for most major groups. Nevertheless, most brown-rot producing forms were placed as a paraphyletic grade at the base of the Boletales. Analyses on the multigene dataset confirm sister group relationships among Boletales, Agaricales and Atheliales. Boletineae and Suillineae received the highest support values; Paxillineae and Sclerodermatineae were not consistently resolved as monophyletic groups. The Coniophorineae were not monophyletic in any analyses. The Tapinellineae consisting of morphologically diverse brown-rotting fungi forms the basal group in the Boletales. We performed ancestral state reconstruction with BayesMultiState, which suggested that the ancestor of the Boletales was a resupinate or polyporoid saprotrophic fungus, producing a brown-rot.
One key requisite for fungal decay of wood is water within cell walls. While several reviews have focused on the mechanistic relationship between water and decay of wood, this study is the first review of water relations of decayed wood material. Based on a vast compilation of experimental data from several literature sources, the water relations of untreated and modified wood decayed by brown-rot and white-rot fungi are examined. The aim is to investigate to what extent observations and assumptions regarding brown-rot and white-rot decay can explain changes in water relations observed during and after decay. Although the available experimental data for modified wood is scarce, it indicates that brown-rot and white-rot decay of non-resistant modified wood occurs by similar degradation mechanisms with similar effects on water relations as for untreated wood. From simplistic, mathematical modelling, it is shown that changes in water relations during decay can be partly explained by accompanying changes in chemical composition and void volume.
An analysis of specific distribution of the six main wood damaging organisms in different parts of old buildings is presented. It is based on 1200 cases collected over a period of 21 years. Definite conclusions are drawn regarding the environmental conditions and occurrence of the different parasites. It is shown, for example, that although all the wooden structural parts are damaged without an adequate basic protection, the damage centers of the house beetle and of the mildew fungi lie in the attic area, those of the white fungus in the upper stories, and those of true dry-rot in the ground floor and basement areas.
In addition to the biodegradation problems encountered in buildings, exposure of their occupants to mold is responsible for numerous diseases such as respiratory infections, immediate or delayed allergies and different types of irritations. However, current techniques are unable to detect mold at an early stage of development or hidden contaminants. Moularat et al., in 2008 has established chemical fingerprints of moldy growth from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) arising specifically from fungal metabolism and developed the Fungal Contamination Index (FCI) (Moularat et al., 2008a,b). This index has the advantage of detecting fungal development both reliably and rapidly before any visible signs of contamination could be detected. However, even though the FCI has been widely tested, VOCs' analysis by GC/MS, which is required for index calculation, is incompatible with real-time monitoring strategy for indoor environments. In this context, researches around FCI exploitation have been followed up in order to provide a monitoring device widely deployable which is the result of the miniaturization of an analytical chain for portable, reliable and low-cost applications. This device is based on one hand the selection and concentration of chemical compounds from the sample of interest and on the other hand the development of an array of different conducting polymer based sensors in order to obtain a specific footprint. This fungal contamination detection device was the subject of patent applications by the CSTB. The modularity of the system (ability to vary both the elements of detection polymers and retention time of interest) allows for expansion of its use to other pollutants. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.