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Outage analysis of cognitive two-way relaying networks with SWIPT over Nakagami-m fading channels

Outage analysis of cognitive two-way relaying networks with SWIPT over Nakagami-
$\boldsymbol m$ fading channels
YANG Jing, GAO Xiqi, HAN Shanyang, Kostas P. PEPPAS and P. Takis MATHIOPOULOS
Citation: SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 61, 029303 (2018 ); doi: 10.1007/s11432-017-9159-y
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February 2018, Vol. 61 029303:1–029303:3
doi: 10.1007/s11432-017-9159-y
Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017
Outage analysis of cognitive two-way relaying
networks with SWIPT over Nakagami-m
fading channels
Jing YANG1,2*, Xiqi GAO1, Shanyang HAN2,
1National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;
2School of Information Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China;
3Department of Telecommunication Science and Technology, University of Peloponnese, Tripoli 22100, Greece;
4Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Athens 15784, Greece
Received 28 March 2017/Revised 20 April 2017/Accepted 3 July 2017/Published online 22 September 2017
Citation Yang J, Gao X Q, Han S Y, et al. Outage analysis of cognitive two-way relaying networks with SWIPT
over Nakagami-mfading channels. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(2): 029303, doi: 10.1007/s11432-017-9159-y
Dear editor,
Green wireless communication has attracted the
attention of the research community in recent
years [1,2]. Simultaneous wireless information and
power transfer (SWIPT) technique is an attractive
research area, since it enables the wireless nodes to
continually acquire energy from external sources
in energy-limited environments [35]. In [6], the
SWIPT was utilized in a cognitive two-way relay-
ing network as an efficient means to improve en-
ergy and spectral efficiency. Assuming Rayleigh
fading, the authors in [6] investigated the outage
probability (OP) performance. It is well known
that Nakagami-mfading can well characterize the
wireless propagation channel in many practical
cases and span a wide range of fading scenarios via
the mparameter, including the one-sided Gaus-
sian distribution (m= 0.5) and Rayleigh fading
(m= 1) as special cases. In our contribution, we
generalize the analysis of [6] to the more general
Nakagami-mchannel model. Specifically, we de-
rive the exact expressions on OP for the two pri-
mary users and a tight approximate expression on
OP for the secondary user. Simulations are also
performed to verify the correctness of our theoret-
ical analysis.
System model. Here, we consider a two-way cog-
nitive amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying network,
with two primary users, Sand D, and two sec-
ondary users, Rand C. Node Rhas its own infor-
mation to broadcast to Cand also acts as a relay
to assist primary transmission. Assume that the
two primary users Sand Dhave fixed power sup-
ply, PS, but no energy is provided to relay R. The
whole communication takes place in two phases. In
the first phase, Sand Dtransmit their informa-
tion to Rsimultaneously. In the second phase, R
harvests energy from the part of its received signal
from Sand D, and employs the harvested energy
to deliver the resulting information with a power
gain, along with the message intended for C. It is
also assumed that Sand Dcan successfully decode
the interference from secondary transmission.
Let g1,g2and g3represent the channel coeffi-
cients in SR,RDand RClinks, respec-
tively. Since all channels undergo Nakagami-m
fading, |gj|2follows the Gamma distribution with
fading parameter mj, and mean power j. As-
* Corresponding author (email:
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Yang J, et al. Sci China Inf Sci February 2018 Vol. 61 029303:2
suming the integer values of mj, the probability
density function (PDF) and cumulative distribu-
tion function (CDF) of |gj|2are given as [7]
f|gj|2(x)= ωmj
Γ(mj)xmj1exp (ωjx),(1)
F|gj|2(x)= 1exp(ωjx)
respectively, where ωj=mj/j,j= 1,2,3.
The instantaneous signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs)
at S,D, and Ccan be expressed as [6]
a1|g1|2+ 1 ,(3)
a1|g2|2+1 ,(4)
γC= min {γS,C ,γD, C ,γC,C },(5)
respectively, where a=αηλ,a1=αηλ/(1 λ),
0represents the additive noise power
at all users, λ(0,1) denotes the portion of in-
formation split for energy harvesting, η[0,1]
represents the energy conversion efficiency, and
α[0,1] indicates the fraction of the harvested
power to broadcast the remaining information.
Besides, γG,C ,G {S, D, C }, denotes the in-
stantaneous signal to interference plus noise ratio
(SINR) at node Gto decode secondary information
intended for C. We have the following approxima-
tions, which are very accurate at high SNRs [6]:
|g1|2|g2|2+1 ,(6)
|g1|2|g2|2+1 ,(7)
|g3|2|g1|2+|g2|2+ 1
where b= (1 α)ηλ.
Outage probability analysis. The OP is the prob-
ability that the instantaneous SNR γGat user G
falls below a predefined threshold tG, i.e., PG
out =
Pr (γG< tG), G {S, D, C }.
Theorem 1. The OP at Sand Dare given in
closed-form as
out = 12ωm1
Km1p(2pdSω1ω2) (9)
out = 12ωm2
Km2p(2pdDω1ω2) (10)
respectively, where dχ=tχ
, χ {S, D}, and
Kn(·) is the modified Bessel function of the second
kind and order n[8, Eq. (8.407)].
Proof. Define X=|g1|2,Y=|g2|2. We have
FγS(tS)= Z
Pr y<tSex +tS
aγx fX(x)dx. (11)
Substituting (1) and (2) into (11), and employ-
ing [8, Eq.(3.471.9)], Eq. (9) is obtained. Simi-
larly, Eq. (10) can be obtained.
Theorem 2. The OP at C,PC
out = 1, if τC,
1/tC6a/b. Otherwise, PC
out can be approximated
out 1f(m1, m2, m3)f(m2, m1, m3)
g(m1, m2, m3),(12)
f(mx, my, mz) = ωmx
×Γpk+ 1, ωyx+gx +1
g(mx, my, mz) = ωmx
ac,h=γ(ca) and X0=1
Proof. Refer to Appendix A.
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Yang J, et al. Sci China Inf Sci February 2018 Vol. 61 029303:3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
10−1 (a)
Outage probability
Outage probability
Analysis, Eqs. (9) or (10)
Simulation, at S
Simulation, at D
Analysis, Eq. (12)
Simulation, at C
m1=1, m2=3
m1=2, m2=3
m1=1, m2=3
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
m1=2, m2=3
Analysis, Eqs. (9)
or (10)
Simulation, at S
Simulation, at D
Analysis, Eq. (12)
Simulation, at C
Figure 1 (a) OP against the γ, when 1= 2= 3= 8
dB, η= 1, λ= 0.25, α= 0.24, and tS=tD=tC= 3.
(b) OP versus α, when 1= 2= 3= 4 dB, γ= 20 dB,
η= 1, λ= 0.65, tS=tD= 3, and tC= 1.
Theorem 2 contains integrals with simple ele-
mentary function. Although it is difficult to derive
the closed-form solution for them, they can be eas-
ily calculated numerically by some math software,
such as Matlab, Mathematica or others.
Performance evaluation results. Figure 1(a)
shows the OP at S,Dand Cagainst γwhen
fading parameter m1=m3= 1, m2= 3 and
m1=m3= 2, m2= 3. From it, we observe
that the numerical results obtained from (9) and
(10) perfectly match well with simulations. Be-
sides, the analysis results of (12) we obtained are
very close to the simulation results. Figure 1(b)
depicts the OP against power split coefficient α
when fading parameter m1=m3= 1, m2= 3
and m1=m3= 2, m2= 3. It can also be found
that our analysis results of (9), (10) and (12) show
a good agreement with their corresponding simu-
lated ones. Besides, it can be seen that with the
increase of α, the OP of primary users become
smaller while the OP of secondary user increases,
which is consistent with the definition of α. In
addition, Figure 1(a) and (b) demonstrate under
the SWIPT protocol, although there is no extra
power provided for node R, the system can also
acquire a reasonable OP performance.
Conclusion. Exact expressions for the OP of
the primary users and a tight approximate ex-
pression on the OP of the secondary user for a
two-way cognitive AF relaying system operating
over Nakagami-mfading channels and employing
SWIPT have been derived. Numerical results ac-
companied with monte-carlo simulations have ver-
ified the accuracy of the proposed mathematical
Acknowledgements This work was supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
No. 61301111) and China Postdoctoral Science Foun-
dation (Grant No. 2014M56074).
Supporting information Appendix A. The sup-
porting information is available online at info.scichina.
com and The supporting materi-
als are published as submitted, without typesetting or
editing. The responsibility for scientific accuracy and
content remains entirely with the authors.
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... The Relay is an important way to improve the performance of the system. By combining the relay technology with the SWIPT technology, the performance of the system with EC nodes can be further improved [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. In [8], the authors investigated SWIPT in the two-way decode-and-forward (DF) relaying networks, where the relay was an EC node, but it could harvest energy from the RF signals transmitted from the source nodes. ...
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Energy harvesting is an efficient method for extending the lifetime of energy-constrained networks. In this paper, we develop a wireless energy harvesting and information transfer protocol in cognitive two-way relay networks, in which a secondary network scavenges energy from ambient signals of primary network while shares the spectrum by assisting the primary transmission. In particular, two primary users exchange information through an energy harvesting secondary user which firstly harvests energy from the received primary signals and then uses the harvested energy to forward the remaining primary signals along with the secondary signals. The exact expressions of the outage probabilities for the primary network are analytically formulated. Besides, we derive the lower and upper bounds of the outage probability for the secondary network. Following aforementioned deduction, we analyze the energy efficiency of the whole system. Simulation results show that we can achieve maximum energy efficiency if we set up proper parameters. Finally, numerical results verify our theoretical derivation and demonstrate that the proposed protocol enables the high-quality transmission for both the primary and secondary network without extra relay energy consumed.
In this paper, we investigate channel frequency response (CFR) matrix and interference-plus-noise covariance matrix (ICM) estimation in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems to suppress co-channel interference at the receiver side. We employ least square criterion to perform the initial CFR estimation. Then we estimate the autocorrelation function of interference-plus-noise in the time domain, instead of estimating the ICM in the frequency domain directly. The autocorrelation function estimation has two steps. Firstly, we present the inherent relationship between the expectation of the sample autocorrelation function of the residual (SAFR) and the true autocorrelation function, which is actually a linear transformation. Based on this, we propose a compensating method. This compensation brings significant performance gains when the pilot OFDM symbol number is small. Secondly, since the compensated SAFR cannot be guaranteed to be an autocorrelation sequence (ACS), which will make the obtained ICM loss the positive semidefinite property, we utilize semidefinite programming (SDP) to find an ACS that is the nearest to the compensated SAFR. The SDP is solved in its dual form, which yields a significant reduced complexity. Finally the estimated ICM is reutilized to revise the CFR estimation. The estimated CFR and ICM show excellent interference suppression performances when being applied in an interference rejection combining receiver.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we present an analytical study of the bit error rate (BER) for interleaved single-carrier frequency-division multiple access (SC-FDMA) systems over independent but not necessarily identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Nakagami-m fading channels with fading parameters {m} being integers when minimum mean-square error frequency-domain equalization (MMSE-FDE) is applied. Under the assumption of independent fading characteristics among channel frequency responses (CFRs) at the allocated subcarriers for a specific user, accurate numerical BER computation for square M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) is developed by exploiting the statistics of the equalized noise. More importantly, the BER derivation is based on the real distribution of the CFRs without applying the widely used approximation of the CFRs in previous literature, resulting in a more accurate BER analysis. Monte-Carlo simulations are conducted to validate the analysis.
We consider energy harvesting cognitive radio networks to improve both energy efficiency and spectral efficiency. The goal of this paper is to analyze the theoretically achievable throughput of the secondary transmitter, which harvests energy from ambient sources or wireless power transfer systems while opportunistically accessing the spectrum licensed to the primary network. By modeling the temporal correlation of the primary traffic according to a time-homogeneous discrete Markov process, we derive the upper bound on the achievable throughput as a function of the energy arrival rate, the temporal correlation of the primary traffic, and the detection threshold for a spectrum sensor. The optimal detection threshold is then derived to maximize the upper bound on the achievable throughput under an energy causality constraint and a collision constraint. The energy causality constraint mandates that the total consumed energy should not exceed the total harvested energy, while the collision constraint is required to protect the primary network from secondary transmission. Analytical results show the temporal correlation of the primary traffic to enable efficient usage of the harvested energy by preventing the secondary transmitter from accessing the spectrum that may be occupied by the primary network.
Wireless energy harvesting and information transfer in cognitive twoway relay networks
  • Z H Wang
  • Z Y Chen
  • Y Yao
Wang Z H, Chen Z Y, Yao Y, et al. Wireless energy harvesting and information transfer in cognitive twoway relay networks. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference, Austin, 2014. 3465-3470