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Research on the Mode Choice Intention of the Elderly for Autonomous Vehicles Based on the Extended Ecological Model


Abstract and Figures

Due to the elderly’s limited physical ability, their mode choice behavior with particular demand for the traffic system is significantly distinguished compared to young people. The emergence of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAVs) will allow the elderly to travel independently and offer more mode choices. However, emerging vehicles will continue to coexist with other traditional modes such as public transport. This paper aims to explore the internal mechanism of the elderly’s choice behavior among public transport, AVs, and SAVs. We integrated the relevant factors by expanding the ecological model and used the Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model to analyze the constructs’ relationship. The results show that the elderly believe that public transport, AVs, and SAVs are useful and convenient travel modes for themselves, affecting intention significantly. In addition, the elderly’s well-being and social influence during travel are also significant constructs for their behavioral intention. The research could provide academic supports for the traffic management departments when making relevant policies and measures for the elderly.
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Research on the Mode Choice Intention of the Elderly
for Autonomous Vehicles Based on the Extended
Ecological Model
Huiqian Sun, Peng Jing * , Mengxuan Zhao, Yuexia Chen, Fengping Zhan and Yuji Shi
School of Automotive and Trac Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China; (H.S.); (M.Z.); (Y.C.); (F.Z.); (Y.S.)
Received: 16 November 2020; Accepted: 17 December 2020; Published: 20 December 2020
Due to the elderly’s limited physical ability, their mode choice behavior with particular
demand for the trac system is significantly distinguished compared to young people. The emergence
of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAVs) will allow the elderly to
travel independently and oer more mode choices. However, emerging vehicles will continue to
coexist with other traditional modes such as public transport. This paper aims to explore the internal
mechanism of the elderly’s choice behavior among public transport, AVs, and SAVs. We integrated
the relevant factors by expanding the ecological model and used the Multiple Indicators and Multiple
Causes (MIMIC) model to analyze the constructs’ relationship. The results show that the elderly
believe that public transport, AVs, and SAVs are useful and convenient travel modes for themselves,
aecting intention significantly. In addition, the elderly’s well-being and social influence during travel
are also significant constructs for their behavioral intention. The research could provide academic
supports for the trac management departments when making relevant policies and measures for
the elderly.
Keywords: elderly; travel mode; choice behavior; extended ecological model; autonomous vehicles
1. Introduction
China is prospecting a larger proportion of elderly people in the total population, and this trend is
expected to increase in coming years, which has brought a challenge to society. The travel problem
related to the quality of life for the elderly has especially attracted researchers [
]. Trac travel
behavior is the fundamental guarantee for the elderly to maintain their daily activities. The physical
condition of the elderly and the current trac modes have become obstacles to their travel activities.
The regulations concerning drivers stipulated that older people over 70 years cannot apply for a license
before 2020. Some elderly people report problems such as “squeeze, unstable, and not to come” on the
bus, which weakens their mobility. Mobility is closely related to the physical condition and quality of
life of the elderly [2,3] and promotes society’s overall development [4].
Hu et al. found that an average of 80% of the elderly in China prefer to use walk and public
transport, which would increase more than 90% with age, while only less than 3% choose driving [
On the contrary, older travelers are almost 90% car-oriented, with low public transport usage levels,
less than 2% in North America [
]. That indicates there are enormous dierent travel patterns for the
elderly between China and North America. Therefore, we excluded the mode of driving in this study.
However, with Chinese economic development and increased individual income, more people are
accustomed to driving. In 2020, the Chinese elderly, more than 70 years old, could still apply for their
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661; doi:10.3390/su122410661
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license if they have a good physical condition. We could anticipate that the percent of the elderly
choosing to drive a car will increase shortly in China. Therefore, the exclusion of driving from the
elderly’s travel mode choice set is the limitation of this study. We will introduce the driving option in
our future research as a benchmark.
The eect of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs, we listed all the Glossary) on the transport system, such as
travel behavior, trac safety, and congestion, has been much discussed in the past half-decade [
Harper et al. proposed that the emergence of AVs and Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAVs) will
provide more choices for the elderly, enhance their travel convenience and mobility [
]. AVs will
replace traditional cars and become an emerging travel choice, bringing the ultimate experience of
comfort, safety, and convenience to travelers in the future. AVs are faster and can improve road capacity
and alleviate urban trac congestion; they are more environmentally-friendly and can improve fuel
eciency and reduce exhaust pollution [
]. At the same time, Nuzzolo et al. found AVs could provide
an opportunity to reduce air pollution in the cities’ central areas [
]. Tan et al. also demonstrated the
driverless cars’ potential implications on sustainable tourism [
]. Liu et al. reported that the public
would intend to accept AVs’ risk when AVs are more environmentally-friendly [
]. The integration of
AVs and “shared travel” will be realized with the development of autonomous driving technology and
the sharing economy. Experts predict that SAVs will also become an emerging travel mode, which will
replace traditional taxis and net cars in the future [13].
However, whether AVs or SAVs may take a long time from the current development stage to
mature promotion and full popularity stage. Technology developments should be accompanied
by researching individuals’ habits and consumption motivations in the population [
]. When the
technology becomes mature, the implementation of legislation and social mentality adjustment should
be solved to enable travelers to enjoy safe, comfortable, and free travel on their own [
]. For the
elderly, the emergence of AVs and SAVs is indeed a boon to meeting the need for independent travel,
but the ability to accept and adapt to new things is still unknown, the long-term use of buses will
not change immediately. Levin and Stephen proposed that AVs and SAVs will coexist with public
transport for a long time in the future transportation system [
]. To our best knowledge, there are few
literatures concerning AVs’ impact on the elderly’s mode choice behavior, which is essential for the
elderly’s later life quality in the future. Therefore, it is meaningful to investigate the elderly’s mode
choice between public transport, AVs, and SAVs.
In recent years, the ecological model has been gradually applied to the elderly’s travel behavior.
Hough, Cao, and Handy proved the ecological model’s applicability in the elderly’s travel behavior [
Mifsud, Attard, and Ison found that three types of independent variables in the ecological model:
personal factors, social factors, and environmental factors aect older people’s travel behaviors [
Several articles indicated that the ecological model has the explanation strength in the elderly’s travel
behaviors. However, researchers have focused on the impact of observable variables without further
considering their psychological state. In particular, observable variables may not be sucient to predict
future older populations’ travel mode choice behavior, given their escalating physical and mental level
demands in modern society. Therefore, one of the major gaps in the elderly’s travel behaviors is the lack
of psychological variables in applying the ecological model. In this study, an extended ecological model
involving psychological variables and travel attributes was proposed to comprehensively analyze the
elderly’s mode choice behavior.
Furthermore, elders’ travel modes vary due to the dierences between individual countries
regarding social systems and cultural backgrounds. To our knowledge, significant development
and experiments of the ecological model about the elderly’s travel behaviors have been obtained in
developed countries, including travel behavior of older women in the USA [
], public transport
use among older adults in Australia [
], and the elderly’s mode choice between cars and buses in
Malta [
]. However, the study of the elderly’s travel behavior through ecological modeis rarely
conducted, leading to another gap in this field.
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The majority of current research into the elderly’s travel behavior was realized by examining
travel mode choices related to buses, walking, cycling, and cars. As a forthcoming advanced transport,
autonomous driving technology would provide great convenience to the elderly or disabled [
The authors also proposed that AVs and SAVs could be used as an alternative to traditional cars,
and eventually become one of the most dominating mode choices among older adults. Surprisingly,
AVs and SAVs were very few in the elderly travel mode choices domain.
Overall, this study attended to supplement research on elderly travel behavior. It may be the first
to take the Chinese elderly as the research object and put forward an extended ecological model to
explore their mode choices among public transport, AVs, and SAVs.
The objective of this study includes: (1) exploring the adaptability and application of the extended
ecological model in the elderly’s mode choice behavior in the future; (2) making a deeper understanding
of the elderly’s attitude towards the AVs and SAVs, and discovering the mechanism concerning the
relationship among constructs aecting travel mode choice behavior; (3) proposing suggestions
for manufacturers to develop AVs and SAVs to serve for the elderly’s travel need and providing
support for the government to introduce policies and measures to promote the application of AVs
and SAVs in the market. We found that the elderly believe that public transport, AVs, and SAVs
are useful and convenient travel modes for themselves, aecting intention significantly. In addition,
the elderly’s well-being and social influence during travel are also significant constructs for their mode
choice intention.
The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows. Section 2reviews the background; Section 3
illustrates the extended ecological model; Section 4presents the data survey and models, and Section 5
describes the results and discussions. Finally, Section 6reveals the limitation and conclusion.
2. Background
This study aims to analyze the mode choice behaviors of the elderly towards public transport,
AVs, and SAVs, which are based on the elderly’s travel needs and the extended ecological model.
Before the analysis, this paper reviewed the research of predecessors.
2.1. Travel Mode Choice of the Elderly According to Autonomous Vehicle
With the development of transportation, travel modes are becoming more and more diversified in
recent years. Although the elderly appear to be more mobile than earlier generations, their mobility
levels lag behind young people [
]. Smeltzer mentioned that the elderly’s travel demand goes
unsatisfied under an aging population’s gradually grave background [
]. Several studies focused on
the elderly’s travel demand and tried to improve their travel conditions [
]. We listed the
related research in Table 1. The mode choice set of these studies include bus, private car, walking, etc.
Table 1. Summary of studies on the travel behavior of the elderly.
Authors (Year) Theoretical Model Travel Mode Explanatory Variables
Hough, Cao, and Handy 2008 [
The ecological model Private car
Individual factors, Social environment,
Physical environment
Schmoecker et al. 2008 [23] - Bus, Private car Personal travel characteristic, Family
travel characteristic, Travel attribute
Amen 2014 [24] - Bus, Private car
Personal characteristic, Family
characteristic, Weather conditions,
Built environment
Rahman et al. 2016 [25] - Private car Socioeconomic variables
Liu et al. 2016 [26] - Bus, Walking Personal characteristic,
Family characteristic
Mifsud, Attard, and Ison 2017 [
The ecological model Bus, Private car
Individual factors, Social environment,
Physical environment
Payyanadan and Lee 2018 [22] - Sharing car Socioeconomic variables,
Travel characteristic
Note: The sign “-” means no theoretical model is used in the literature.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 4 of 22
AVs technology has made rapid advances in recent years, which are likely to change the future of
mobility [
]. Harper et al. suggested that AVs technology may provide an excellent convenience for
the elderly who cannot drive due to poor physical function [
]. Hence, AVs may become one of the
elderly’s travel modes in the future. However, most of the studies considering the AVs travel mode
choice mainly focus on commuters (see Table 2). There is little literature that focuses on the elderly
mode choice among AVs or SAVs. It may be the initial attempt to predicate the impact of AVs and
SAVs’ emergence on the elderly travel behavior intention.
Table 2. The research for travel mode choice behavior of autonomous vehicles.
Authors (Year) Subject Travel Mode Explanatory Variables
Levin and Boyles 2015 [16] commuter Public transport,
AVs, SAVs Travel attribute
Lamondia et al. 2016 [27] traveler
Bus, Private car, AVs, Bus
Socioeconomic variables,
Travel attribute
Yap, Correia,
and van Arem 2016 [28]commuter Public transport, Cycle,
Private car, AVs
Socioeconomic variables,
Latent attitude variables
J. Liu et al. 2017 [29] urban resident Private car, SAVs Socioeconomic variables,
Travel attribute
Haboucha, Ishaq,
and Shiftan 2017 [30]commuter Bus, AVs, SAVs
Socioeconomic variables,
Travel attribute,
Psychological variables
Moreno et al. 2018 [13] traveler AVs, SAVs
Socioeconomic variables,
Travel attribute,
Psychological variables
Nazari, Noruzoliaee,
and Mohammadian 2018 [31]traveler Autonomous taxi,
Socioeconomic variables,
Travel attribute,
Psychological variables,
environmental variables
Pakusch et al. 2018 [32] traveler
Traditional car,
Traditional car-sharing,
AVs, SAVs, Bus
Socioeconomic variables,
Travel attribute,
Psychological variables
Menon et al. 2019 [15]
Private car owner
Traditional car, SAVs Socioeconomic variables,
Psychological variables
Pettigrew, Dana,
and Norman 2019 [33]traveler AVs, SAVs
Socioeconomic variables,
Travel attribute,
Psychological variables
Acheampong and
Cugurullo 2019 [34]traveler Bus, AVs, SAVs Socioeconomic variables,
Psychological variables
2.2. Application of the Ecological Model in Elderly Travel Mode Choice
Since Hough introduced the ecological model into older adults’ travel behavior [
]. Truong and
Somenahalli explored the elderly’s use of public transport through the ecological model and verified
its strong explanatory power [
]. Mifsud, Attard, and Ison used the ecological model to analyze older
people’s travel mode choice in Malta, indicating that the ecological model aects the elderly’s travel
behaviors through three independent variables: personal factors, social factors, and environmental
factors [
]. Considering specific cultural and social contexts may dier in Chinese elderly travel
patterns with abroad counterparts [
], there is an urgent need to construct a theoretical framework
to understand elderly travel behavior in China, improving their life quality [
]. Therefore, we first
attempt to introduce the ecological model into the Chinese elderly’s travel mode choice.
The ecological model takes less account of psychological factors and travel attributes [
Xia believed it is necessary to focus on older adults’ travel attributes and psychology to understand
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 5 of 22
their mode choice behavior [
]. On the one hand, exploring travel attribute variables could provide a
clearer understanding of the elderly’s mode choice preferences [1]. On the other hand, psychological
factors have an essential role in predicting and understanding the elderly’s travel behavior [
Therefore, this research might first extend the ecological model by the variables related to travel
attributes and psychology.
3. Extended Ecological Model
3.1. Extended Travel Attribute Variable
Travel attributes refer to travel modes’ inherent characteristics, including quantitative (travel cost,
travel time) and qualitative factors (comfort, reliability, timeliness). Travel time has always been a
crucial variable in measurement. Truong and Somenahalli reported that too long travel time would
bring fatigue to the elderly, reduce the initiative of the elderly, and aect their quality of life [
However, the length of travel time often contradicts the travel cost. Rahman et al. showed that public
transport’s preferential policies would attract some elderly people with lower retirement wages [
Therefore, travel cost could determine the elderly’s Behavioral Intention (BI).
When trac congestion becomes a severe social problem, travel time variability would greatly
influence the private car’s choice behavior. Due to the same reason, public transport’s travel time
reliability also needs to be improved, although there are bus priority lanes. Krueger, Rashidi, and Rose
have pointed out that AVs’ emergence will alleviate trac congestion because artificial intelligence
technology can keep AVs a safe distance from the front car at a steady speed [
]. However, it is
unknown whether the travel time’s variability on the way can be eliminated in the future, so we
introduced the variable of travel variability time. What is more, Olawole and Aloba proposed that
travel comfort plays a vital role in the elderly’s mode choice behavior and travel mobility [
]. Therefore,
travel comfort is also used in our study.
To sum up, we select four travel attributes to analyze the elderly’s mode choice behavior: travel
time, travel variability time, travel cost, and travel comfort. There will be mutual constraints among
the four variables for AVs, SAVs, and public transport, which depend on the actual demand and
self-choice preference of the elderly. Therefore, it is of practical significance to study travel attributes”
influence on choice intention in improving the service quality of travel mode itself and meeting the
travel demand of the elderly.
3.2. Theoretical Framework
We extend the original ecological model by introducing PU, PE, AT, SWB, and SI. Additionally,
the four travel attributes, including travel time, travel variability time, travel cost, and travel comfort,
as shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1. The theoretical framework of mode choice behavior for the elderly.
4. Methodology
4.1. Questionnaire Survey and Implementation
We use a survey questionnaire to obtain empirical data. The questionnaire contains three parts.
The first one is the ecological model's original constructs: personal factors, social factors, and
environmental factors. The second part includes the expanded constructs: PU, PE, AT, SWB, and SI.
The third part is the extended travel attributes: travel time, travel variability time, travel cost, and
travel comfort. In this study, we use three question items to measure the extended latent variable for
the elderly, using the Likert five-scale. We use the orthogonal design method to set three effective
selection scenarios for each mode. The respondents need to choose among the three options for each
scenario. We presented the question items concerning constructs, as shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Sources of constructs and items used in the research.
Constructs Item Source
I expect that the following travel modes are useful
for my life in the future.
I expect that the following travel modes are helpful
for me in the future.
I expect that the following travel modes are
functional for me in the future.
(Davis et al., 1989) [39]
Perceived Ease
of use
I think the following travel modes are easy for me in
the future.
(Davis et al., 1989) [39]
I think the operation of the following travel modes is
easy for me in the future.
I think it is easy for me to use the facilities and
services of the following travel modes.
I prefer to using the following travel modes in the
I think it is a good idea to use the following travel
modes in the future.
I support the use of the following travel modes in the
(Davis et al., 1989; Zhang et al.,
2019) [39,40]
I will intend to use following travel modes in the
I will use the following travel modes in the future.
(Panagiotopoulos and
Dimitrakopoulos, 2018) [41]
Travel time
variability time
Travel cost
Extended constructs
Latent variables
Travel comfort
Ecological model
(Observable variable)
Extended travel
attribute variable
(Observable variable)
Figure 1. The theoretical framework of mode choice behavior for the elderly.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 6 of 22
4. Methodology
4.1. Questionnaire Survey and Implementation
We use a survey questionnaire to obtain empirical data. The questionnaire contains three
parts. The first one is the ecological model’s original constructs: personal factors, social factors,
and environmental factors. The second part includes the expanded constructs: PU, PE, AT, SWB,
and SI. The third part is the extended travel attributes: travel time, travel variability time, travel cost,
and travel comfort. In this study, we use three question items to measure the extended latent variable
for the elderly, using the Likert five-scale. We use the orthogonal design method to set three eective
selection scenarios for each mode. The respondents need to choose among the three options for each
scenario. We presented the question items concerning constructs, as shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Sources of constructs and items used in the research.
Constructs Item Source
Perceived Usefulness (PU)
I expect that the following travel modes
are useful for my life in the future.
(Davis et al., 1989) [39]
I expect that the following travel modes
are helpful for me in the future.
I expect that the following travel modes
are functional for me in the future.
Perceived Ease of use (PE)
I think the following travel modes are
easy for me in the future.
(Davis et al., 1989) [39]
I think the operation of the following
travel modes is easy for me in the future.
I think it is easy for me to use the
facilities and services of the following
travel modes.
Attitude (AT)
I prefer to using the following travel
modes in the future.
(Davis et al., 1989; Zhang et al., 2019) [39,40]
I think it is a good idea to use the
following travel modes in the future.
I support the use of the following travel
modes in the future.
Behavioral Intention (BI)
I will intend to use following travel
modes in the future.
(Panagiotopoulos and Dimitrakopoulos, 2018) [
I will use the following travel modes
in the future.
I will recommend my relatives and
friends to use the following travel
modes in the future.
Subjective Well-Being (SWB)
I believe the following travel modes are
close to my ideal in the future.
Bergstad et al. (2011) [42]
I am satisfied with the following travel
modes in the future.
When I choose one of the following
travel modes to use in the future,
I believe I have the best one.
We collected data in the urban area of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, from July 4 to July 8,
in 2018. Suzhou lies in the south of Jiangsu Province, east of China, with an area of 8657 km
, and a
population of 10.72 million. A pre-investigation was conducted among 23 older people (more than
60 years old) randomly before a formal survey. We corrected the wording and sorting errors of
the items and re-edited the questionnaire according to their comments and feedback. We randomly
sampled and distributed questionnaires in the neighborhood, small squares, and other crowded
places. The participants were asked to complete the questionnaire if they gave consent to accept.
If the participants had problems during the survey, the investigators would use objective words to
describe and explain the questionnaire. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed, and 524 were
collected. The recovery rate was 87.33%. The questionnaires with apparent incomplete and wrong
data (younger than 60 years old) were excluded. A total of 438 participants constituted our final
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 7 of 22
sample; the eective rate was 83.59%. We believe that the response rate and eciency of this survey
are relatively satisfactory.
4.2. The Models
4.2.1. Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model
Multiple indicators and multiple causes (MIMIC) model is a simplified structural equation model,
which can be used to analyze the relationship among latent variables, and between observed and latent
variables [
]. The MIMIC model can deal with multiple latent variables and endogenous indicators
simultaneously, and allow the existence of measurement errors, so its theoretical framework is more
flexible than other indirect measurement methods.
4.2.2. A Generalized RRM Model (G-RRM)
We applied Biogeme to estimate the generalized random regret minimization model (G-RRM)
and analyze travel attributes’ sensitivity to the elderly’s mode choice behavior. We also compared the
goodness of fit with the RUM model.
The random regret minimization model (RRM) is based on the regret theory to minimize the regret
of travelers’ mode choice [
]. Loomes and Sugden found that RRM is a decision-maker to compare
the selected scheme with other options and to minimize the expected regret, that is, to evade the
psychology [
]. If another alternative has higher utility, the decision-makers will regret, and vice versa.
Chorus investigated that the G-RRM model is more suitable for travelers’ decision-making behavior
because the model considers that when decision-makers choose a scheme that minimizes their regrets,
some unobservable variables aect the regret value [
]. The elderly have bounded rationality when
making travel decisions. G-RRM model could capture the regret avoidance psychology of the elderly
more realistically and accurately. Therefore, we choose the G-RRM model to analyze travel attributes.
5. Results and Discussions
5.1. Extended Psychological Latent Variable
5.1.1. Perceived Characteristic and Attitudes
Davis proposed that the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) ‘s core concept is that users’
acceptance of emerging information technology will aect users’ intentions [
]. Figure 1shows the
framework of TAM. Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of use (PE) in TAM influence users’
intentions for emerging information technologies. Ma et al. found that Perceived Characteristics (PC)
could represent PU and PE for emerging travel modes [
]. Once users have specific knowledge of
emerging information technology through external variables, they will have a particular perception of
their characteristics. PU and PE act on the users’ Attitude (AT), which could aect Behavioral Intention
(BI), and actual behavior occurs, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Technology Acceptance Model Framework.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 8 of 22
In summary, the PC measurement shows high predictive power in applying new technologies,
so the elderly’s characteristics and ease of use aect their attitude toward travel modes when AVs are
emerging in the trac system.
5.1.2. Subjective Well-Being
Happiness refers to individuals’ subjective emotional feelings in the travel process, namely
Subjective Well-Being (SWB). The elderly’s SWB is significant in studying individual behavior and
producing positive feedback on social development and health benefits [
]. Little empirical research
concerns the elderly’s travel well-being in China, which may cause the policy-makers’ support for the
elderly’s quality of life is not enough.
5.1.3. Social Network
Watts proposed the famous “small world model” in nature, claiming the individual is not only a
single existence but a member of a social group [
]. The social network (SN) between people can
be seen as a small world model, which indicates that interactions between people can aect their
social behavior, as shown in Figure 3. Montazemi and Conrath pointed out that a social network
can increase or decrease consumer trust in new technologies and aect usage intentions [
]. Kim,
Rasouli, and Timmermans used SN to explore the impact of travel behavior for SAVs through Social
Influence (SI) [50].
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 23
Davis proposed that the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 's core concept is that users'
acceptance of emerging information technology will affect users' intentions [39]. Figure 1 shows the
framework of TAM. Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of use (PE) in TAM influence
users' intentions for emerging information technologies. Ma et al. found that Perceived
Characteristics (PC) could represent PU and PE for emerging travel modes [47]. Once users have
specific knowledge of emerging information technology through external variables, they will have a
particular perception of their characteristics. PU and PE act on the users' Attitude (AT), which could
affect Behavioral Intention (BI), and actual behavior occurs, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Technology Acceptance Model Framework.
In summary, the PC measurement shows high predictive power in applying new technologies,
so the elderly's characteristics and ease of use affect their attitude toward travel modes when AVs are
emerging in the traffic system.
5.1.2. Subjective Well-Being
Happiness refers to individuals' subjective emotional feelings in the travel process, namely
Subjective Well-Being (SWB). The elderly's SWB is significant in studying individual behavior and
producing positive feedback on social development and health benefits [37]. Little empirical research
concerns the elderly's travel well-being in China, which may cause the policy-makers' support for the
elderly's quality of life is not enough.
5.1.3. Social network
Watts proposed the famous "small world model" in nature, claiming the individual is not only a
single existence but a member of a social group [48]. The social network (SN) between people can be
seen as a small world model, which indicates that interactions between people can affect their social
behavior, as shown in Figure 3. Montazemi and Conrath pointed out that a social network can
increase or decrease consumer trust in new technologies and affect usage intentions [49]. Kim,
Rasouli, and Timmermans used SN to explore the impact of travel behavior for SAVs through Social
Influence (SI) [50].
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the social network.
In the process of socialization, the elderly will inevitably absorb or reject some of the other's
views. Therefore, from the perspective of SN, we extend the ecological model using SI.
5.1.4. Hypothesis
AT BI Actual
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the social network.
In the process of socialization, the elderly will inevitably absorb or reject some of the other’s views.
Therefore, from the perspective of SN, we extend the ecological model using SI.
5.1.4. Hypothesis
The Relationship between PU, PE, and AT
An individual’s behavioral intention is the critical driver of actual behavior [
]. In this study,
behavioral intention means the elderly’s usage intentions towards travel modes.
In TAM, PE and PU are considered two crucial factors that directly impacted persons’ attitudes
to the new technology [
]. PU refers to the degree to which individuals believe that using a
particular system would enhance their performance, and PE is defined as the degree to which a person
believes that using a particular system would be free of eort [
]. Chen and Chao investigated the
travelers’ public transport choice behavior through PU and PE, which significantly aects the AT [
Especially focusing on the elderly, we assume that the more the elderly feel easy and useful about
travel modes, the more they have a positive attitude to use it in our research, therefore, hypothesis 1 is
proposed. In addition, Shang-Yu Chen discovered perceived green usefulness plays an intermediary
role between perceived green ease of use and AT for public bicycles [
]. While in the field of the
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 9 of 22
elderly’s travel mode choice, especially for public transport, AVs and SAVs, few studies concentrate on
the relationships between PU and PE, which seems necessary. Hence, we proposed that PE has a direct
eect on PU and have hypothesis 2. Moreover, the elderly’s attitude toward travel modes reflects
their general evaluation and inclination toward this behavioral intention [
]. Thus, hypothesis 3
is formulated. Above all, to investigate the association of PU, PE and AT, the following hypotheses
are drawn:
Hypothesis 1 (H1). PU and PE have direct positive eects on AT for the elderly’s choice behavior.
Hypothesis 2 (H2). PE has a direct positive eect on PU for the elderly’s choice behavior.
Hypothesis 3 (H3). AT has a direct positive eect on BI for the elderly’s choice behavior.
The Role of SWB in the Extended Ecological Model
Subjective well-being, one of the most vital factors in this study, is defined as the elderly’s emotional
well-being during the travel mode choice process. The more the elderly experience happiness via their
engagement in travel by AVs and SAVs, the greater their motivation to make relevant decisions [
Therefore, we propose hypothesis 4 supporting that SWB has a positive influence on the elderly’s
mode choice intention. In addition, while making choices, AT and PE are positively correlated with
happiness and satisfaction [
]. It indicated that if the elderly have a positive attitude and feel
easy, they enjoy traveling more. Hence, hypothesis 5 is proposed. According to previous studies,
the following hypotheses may be correct:
Hypothesis 4 (H4). SWB has a significant positive correlation with BI for the elderly’s choice behavior.
Hypothesis 5 (H5).
AT and PE have significant positive correlations with SWB for the elderly’s choice behavior.
Social Influence (SI)
Social influence refers to the interactions between the elderly and other people, aecting the
elderly’s choice behavior. Kim et al. found that individuals tend to change to some extent with the
group’s general phenomenon [
]. When an individual realizes that other people think they should
choose, they will have the motivation to make relevant decisions [
]. Therefore, it could be inferred
that SI would positively impact the AT and BI toward the elderly’s modes choice behavior [
]. Thus,
we proposed hypothesis 6 and hypothesis 7:
Hypothesis 6 (H6). SI has a positive correlation with BI for the elderly’s choice behavior.
Hypothesis 7 (H7). SI has a positive correlation with AT for the elderly’s choice behavior.
5.2. Descriptive Statistical Analysis
As shown in Table 4, we use descriptive statistics on the empirical data collected from
the survey, including the ecological model’s original variables: personal factors, social factors,
and environmental factors.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 10 of 22
Table 4. Descriptive statistical analysis of sample characteristics.
Personal Particulars Group Sample Size Percentage (%)
Gender Male 225 51.37%
Female 213 48.63%
60–69 years 287 65.53%
70–79 years 110 25.11%
80 years or above 41 9.36%
Below primary 12 2.74%
Primary or junior 206 47.03%
Senior 153 34.93%
College or above 67 15.30%
0 68 15.53%
<3000 124 28.31%
3000–6000 153 34.93%
>6000 93 21.23%
Physical health
Terrible 57 13.01%
Bad 106 24.20%
Average 150 34.25%
Well 82 18.72%
Excellent 43 9.82%
Mental health
Terrible 35 7.99%
Bad 52 11.87%
Average 90 20.55%
Well 174 39.73%
Excellent 87 19.86%
License Yes 239 54.57%
No 199 45.43%
Living status
Alone 42 9.59%
Couple living together 217 49.54%
Living alone with children 83 18.95%
Couples live together with children
96 21.92%
Rely on Yes 198 45.21%
No 240 54.79%
Participate in
social activities
Never 74 16.89%
Occasionally 195 44.52%
Frequently 169 38.59%
Station distance
<500 m 82 18.72%
500–1000 m 157 35.85%
1000–2000 m 101 23.06%
>200 m 98 22.37%
Frequency of using
public transport
Never 18 4.11%
Several times a year 69 15.75%
Several times a month 142 32.42%
Two or three times a week 107 24.43%
Everyday 102 23.29%
As seen in the table, the proportion of men and women in our sample is relatively uniform, and the
age is mostly from 60 to 69 years old, accounting for 65.53%. Nearly half of the elderly’s education
is in primary or lower secondary schools, and 34.93% of older persons graduate from high school.
One-third participants of the sample have monthly income from RMB 3000 to 6000. A total of 37.21% of
the elderly are not in good physical condition, and nearly half of the elderly’s mobility depends on their
families. We can also see that most elderly still like to participate in social activities; 44.52% occasionally
take part in social activities, and 38.59% often participate in social activities. According to the sample,
47.72% of the elderly use public transport every week, even every day. At present, buses are still an
essential mode for the elderly.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 11 of 22
5.3. Measurement Model
To examine the survey items’ scale reliability, we calculated Cornbrash’s
, as shown in Table 5.
The minimum value of Cronbach’s
is 0.760, and all values are higher than the recommended
minimum value of 0.70. We used the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values and the construct’s
standardized factor loading to test the measurement model’s convergent validity. Convergence validity
reflects whether the items used to measure the same structure have internal reliability. The AVE of
constructs range from 0.514 to 0.781, and the standard factor loading values were between 0.696 and
0.934, meeting the recommended minimum value of 0.5 [
]. Therefore, the measurement model has
good performances in reliability and validity terms.
Table 5. Reliability and validity test results of constructs.
Constructs Items Standardized
Factor Loading Cronbach’s αAVE
Public transport
usefulness (PU)
PT_PU1 0.835
0.864 0.679
PT_PU2 0.859
PT_PU3 0.795
Perceived ease of
use (PE)
PT_PE1 0.827
0.872 0.695
PT_PE2 0.812
PT_PE3 0.879
Attitude (AT)
PT_AT1 0.794
0.876 0.701
PT_AT2 0.841
PT_AT3 0.883
well-being (SWB)
PT_SWB1 0.916
0.915 0.781
PT_SWB2 0.908
PT_SWB3 0.848
Social influence (SI)
PT_SI1 0.795
0.867 0.685
PT_SI2 0.886
PT_SI3 0.813
intention (BI)
PT_BI1 0.825
0.854 0.736
PT_BI2 0.872
PT_BI3 0.796
usefulness (PU)
AV_PU1 0.742
0.821 0.604
AV_PU2 0.827
AV_PU3 0.775
Perceived ease of
use (PE)
AV_PE1 0.904
0.906 0.764
AV_PE2 0.836
AV_PE3 0.898
Attitude (AT)
AV_AT1 0.755
0.801 0.573
AV_AT2 0.794
AV_AT3 0.733
well-being (SWB)
AV_SWB1 0.882
0.840 0.638
AV_SWB2 0.748
AV_SWB3 0.778
Social influence (SI)
AV_SI1 0.705
0.815 0.597
AV_SI2 0.856
AV_SI3 0.764
intention (BI)
AV_BI1 0.748
0.794 0.576
AV_BI2 0.762
AV_BI3 0.712
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 12 of 22
Table 5. Cont.
Constructs Items Standardized
Factor Loading Cronbach’s αAVE
usefulness (PU)
SAV_PU1 0.696
0.760 0.514
SAV_PU2 0.746
SAV_PU3 0.725
Perceived ease of
use (PE)
SAV_PE1 0.802
0.878 0.707
SAV_PE2 0.893
SAV_PE3 0.834
Attitude (AT)
SAV_AT1 0.727
0.821 0.605
SAV_AT2 0.825
SAV_AT3 0.792
well-being (SWB)
0.912 0.776
Social influence (SI)
SAV_SI1 0.888
0.881 0.713
SAV_SI2 0.792
SAV_SI3 0.863
intention (BI)
SAV_BI1 0.863
0.854 0.685
SAV_BI2 0.847
SAV_BI3 0.803
5.4. Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model
5.4.1. Model Construction and Fitting Eect Analysis
Based on the seven hypothetical relationships proposed above, a path analysis diagram for the
decision-making model of the elderly’s mode choice behavior, as shown in Figure 4. The upper and
lower rows of rectangular boxes represent the personal factors, social factors, and travel attributes.
Ellipses represent latent variables, and rectangles indicate corresponding measurement variables of
each latent variable.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 23
0.840 0.638
influence (SI)
0.815 0.597
0.794 0.576
0.760 0.514
Perceived ease
of use (PE)
0.878 0.707
Attitude (AT)
0.821 0.605
0.912 0.776
influence (SI)
0.881 0.713
0.854 0.685
5.4. Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model
5.4.1. Model Construction and Fitting Effect Analysis
Based on the seven hypothetical relationships proposed above, a path analysis diagram for the
decision-making model of the elderly's mode choice behavior, as shown in Figure 4. The upper and
lower rows of rectangular boxes represent the personal factors, social factors, and travel attributes.
Ellipses represent latent variables, and rectangles indicate corresponding measurement variables of
each latent variable.
Gender Age Edu Income Career Physical Health Mental Health License
Living Status Rely On Social Activity Station Distance Frequency
Figure 4. The path analysis of the MIMIC model.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 13 of 22
The evaluation of the model fitting eect is a prerequisite for the analysis of the results. If the
fitting index is not in a reasonable interval, the model needs to be modified. The fitting indicators of
the MIMIC model usually include the following: Chi-square degree of freedom (
/df ), Comparative
Fit Index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation (RMSEA) and
Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual (SRMR). Of course, each indicator has a reasonable interval.
Table 6shows the fit of the structural equation model for the three modes.
Table 6. Evaluation of model fitting indicators.
Fitting Index χ2/df CFI TLI RMSEA SRMR Fitting
Reasonable range
<3, Good; <5, Acceptable
>0.90 >0.90
<0.05, Excellent; <0.08, Good
<0.08, Acceptable
PT 3.473 0.912 0.921 0.057 0.041
AVs 3.241 0.917 0.918 0.053 0.044
SAVs 3.059 0.915 0.920 0.049 0.043
5.4.2. The Relationship between Observed and Latent Variables
In this paper, the effects of observed factors on latent variables are discussed according to three
modes, such as public transport, AVs, and SAVs. The model analysis results are shown in Tables 7and 8.
Table 7. Relationship between personal factors with latent variables.
Variables Gender Age Edu Income Career Physical
Health License
PU 0.035 0.071 * 0.038 0.013 0.113 0.108 *0.009 0.015 *
PE 0.014 0.179 1.372 0.004 0.004 0.056 * 0.010 0.019
AT 0.006 0.280 0.062 0.001 0.517 1.004 0.064 * 0.431
SWB 0.013 0.059 0.053 0.226 0.226 0.182 ** 0.103 *0.055 *
SI 0.042 0.061 0.007 0.043 0.093 0.087 0.066 0.049
PU 0.011 0.049 0.194 0.162 ** 0.056 0.604 0.092 0.007
PE 0.013 *0.017 ** 0.272 ** 0.099 0.113 0.075 0.611 0.084 **
AT 0.247 0.101 0.205 0.041 0.039 *0.049 *** 0.055 * 1.052
SWB 0.406 0.308 0.177 0.118 * 0.001 0.125 ** 0.412 0.010
SI 0.088 0.052 0.005 0.010 0.022 0.037 0.043 0.002
PU 0.042 * 0.507 0.065 *0.056 * 0.107 0.904 0.370 0.226 *
PE 0.033 0.026 0.047 * 0.787 0.004 0.220 0.011 0.003
AT 0.274 0.904 0.663 0.065 1.073 0.031 ** 0.558 0.060
SWB 0.180 0.085 * 0.330 0.539 0.006 0.319 ** 0.036 0.017
SI 1.005 0.013 0.007 0.044 0.809 0.542 0.031 0.029
Note: *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; ***: p<0.001.
Table 8. Relationship between social factors and travel attributes with latent variables.
Variables Living Status Rely On Social Activity Station Distance Frequency
PU 0.074 0.240 0.015 0.032 ** 0.013 *
PE 0.009 0.189 0.004 0.107 * 1.057
AT 0.015 0.004 0.080 0.040 0.379 *
SWB 0.063 0.011 0.331 0.551 0.002
SI 0.550 0.061 1.027 0.033 0.010
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 14 of 22
Table 8. Cont.
Variables Living Status Rely On Social Activity Station Distance Frequency
PU 0.044 *0.028 ** 0.099 0.005* 0.018
PE 0.107 0.937 0.012 0.046 0.044
AT 0.028 0.011 * 0.225 0.119 0.006
SWB 0.003 0.050 0.100 0.260 0.057 **
SI 0.083 0.228 0.147 ** 0.007 0.050
PU 0.009 0.105 * 0.339 1.005 0.032
PE 0.201 0.016 0.060 0.049 0.030
AT 0.018 * 0.499 0.247 0.020 0.011
SWB 0.056 0.070 0.023 0.177 0.409
SI 0.037 0.002 0.021 ** 0.204 0.032
Note: *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01.
Table 7shows the eects of personal factors on latent variables. In the MIMIC model of the
elderly’s travel patterns, not all observed variables have significant eects on latent variables. Overall,
the physical health of the elderly has a significant impact on most latent variables; mental health
has a significant eect on latent variables in models for public transport and AVs; age and license
are significantly related to individual latent factors for three modes. The three variables of gender,
education, and income have a conspicuous influence on latent variables in the MIMIC model of the
AVs and SAVs. It is worth noting that career only aects latent variables in the AVs model.
Table 8shows the influence of personal characteristics and social factors on the latent variables.
The following is the discussion of each observed variable.
(1) Social factors: The living status variable showed a significant positive correlation for perceived
usefulness and attitude in the MIMIC models of AVs and SAVs, respectively. Whether to rely on others
for daily travel has a significant correlation with perceived usefulness in the MIMIC models of AVs
and SAVs, indicating the diversification and convenience of elderly people who depend on others to
travel. Besides, this variable plays a positive role in the attitude of the AVs model. The frequency of
participation in social activities has a positive impact on the social impact in the MIMIC model of AVs
and SAVs, implying that older people often participate in social activities and are exposed to other
people’s perceptions of travel modes, which aect their mode choice pattern, especially for emerging
modes. The elderly will share with and influence each other before using emerging travel mode.
(2) Travel attributes: The variable of station distance negatively correlates with perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use in the MIMIC model for public transport, which indicates that the
further the bus stop is from home, the less likely the elderly will use the bus. Station distance has a
positive correlation with perceived usefulness in AVs. When the bus station is far away, the AVs will
meet their travel needs and improve travel convenience. The variable of the frequency of using buses
has played a positive role in the perceived usefulness and attitude in the MIMIC model for public
transport, showing that the higher the frequency of using the bus, the more positive they are likely to
travel. It also has a significant positive impact on AVs’ SWB, which may be due to the fatigue of the
elderly who use buses often, and they may prefer a comfortable and free way of travel.
5.4.3. The Relationship between Latent Variables
We apply MIMIC models to analyze choice behavior among three travel modes: public transport,
the AVs, and SAVs. The path relations among the constructs in the MIMIC models for dierent
modes are shown in Figures 57. The value in parentheses is the z-value, and the
on the numerical
superscript indicates the degree of significance (
means p<0.001,
means p<0.01,
means p<0.05).
indicates the MIMIC coecient’s judgment to predict the elderly’s intention to choose a specific
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 15 of 22
mode. The goodness of fit based on model construction is good. We present the model estimation
results as follows.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 23
(1) In the MIMIC model, the variance of intention interpretation for the choice intention of the
public transport, AVs, and SAVs was 74, 71, and 75%, respectively, which indicates that the extended
ecological model has a relatively high explanatory power for the elderly.
Figure 5. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for public transport. Note: *: p < 0.05;
**: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001.
Figure 6. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for AVs. Note: *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01;
***: p < 0.001.
Figure 7. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for SAVs. Note: *: p < 0.05; **: p <
0.01; ***: p < 0.001.
(2) Perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on attitude, with standardized path
coefficients of 0.43 (p < 0.01), 0.32 (p < 0.01), and 0.09 (p < 0.05) for public transport, AVs, and SAVs,
respectively. Perceived ease of use also showed a significant positive impact on attitude, with
standardized path coefficients of 0.64 (p < 0.001), 0.53 (p < 0.01), and 0.44 (p < 0.01). The model results
indicate that the elderly are concerned with whether an emerging mode is easy to operate, which will
affect their attitude towards travel behavior, thus supporting hypothesis 1. The figures above show
* * *
0.21 (1.57)
* *
Figure 5.
Standardized path coecients between latent variables for public transport. Note: *: p<0.05;
**: p<0.01; ***: p<0.001.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 23
(1) In the MIMIC model, the variance of intention interpretation for the choice intention of the
public transport, AVs, and SAVs was 74, 71, and 75%, respectively, which indicates that the extended
ecological model has a relatively high explanatory power for the elderly.
Figure 5. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for public transport. Note: *: p < 0.05;
**: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001.
Figure 6. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for AVs. Note: *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01;
***: p < 0.001.
Figure 7. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for SAVs. Note: *: p < 0.05; **: p <
0.01; ***: p < 0.001.
(2) Perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on attitude, with standardized path
coefficients of 0.43 (p < 0.01), 0.32 (p < 0.01), and 0.09 (p < 0.05) for public transport, AVs, and SAVs,
respectively. Perceived ease of use also showed a significant positive impact on attitude, with
standardized path coefficients of 0.64 (p < 0.001), 0.53 (p < 0.01), and 0.44 (p < 0.01). The model results
indicate that the elderly are concerned with whether an emerging mode is easy to operate, which will
affect their attitude towards travel behavior, thus supporting hypothesis 1. The figures above show
* * *
0.21 (1.57)
* *
Figure 6.
Standardized path coecients between latent variables for AVs. Note: *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01;
***: p<0.001.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 23
(1) In the MIMIC model, the variance of intention interpretation for the choice intention of the
public transport, AVs, and SAVs was 74, 71, and 75%, respectively, which indicates that the extended
ecological model has a relatively high explanatory power for the elderly.
Figure 5. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for public transport. Note: *: p < 0.05;
**: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001.
Figure 6. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for AVs. Note: *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01;
***: p < 0.001.
Figure 7. Standardized path coefficients between latent variables for SAVs. Note: *: p < 0.05; **: p <
0.01; ***: p < 0.001.
(2) Perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on attitude, with standardized path
coefficients of 0.43 (p < 0.01), 0.32 (p < 0.01), and 0.09 (p < 0.05) for public transport, AVs, and SAVs,
respectively. Perceived ease of use also showed a significant positive impact on attitude, with
standardized path coefficients of 0.64 (p < 0.001), 0.53 (p < 0.01), and 0.44 (p < 0.01). The model results
indicate that the elderly are concerned with whether an emerging mode is easy to operate, which will
affect their attitude towards travel behavior, thus supporting hypothesis 1. The figures above show
* * *
0.21 (1.57)
* *
Figure 7.
Standardized path coecients between latent variables for SAVs. Note: *: p<0.05;
**: p<0.01
***: p<0.001.
(1) In the MIMIC model, the variance of intention interpretation for the choice intention of the
public transport, AVs, and SAVs was 74, 71, and 75%, respectively, which indicates that the extended
ecological model has a relatively high explanatory power for the elderly.
(2) Perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on attitude, with standardized
path coecients of 0.43 (p<0.01), 0.32 (p<0.01), and 0.09 (p<0.05) for public transport, AVs,
and SAVs, respectively. Perceived ease of use also showed a significant positive impact on attitude,
with standardized path coecients of 0.64 (p<0.001), 0.53 (p<0.01), and 0.44 (p<0.01). The model
results indicate that the elderly are concerned with whether an emerging mode is easy to operate,
which will aect their attitude towards travel behavior, thus supporting hypothesis 1. The figures
above show that attitude positively influences behavioral intention, which is significant for AVs with
the standardized path coecient 0.51 (p<0.01), so hypothesis 3 is proved.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 16 of 22
(3) We can see from Figures 57that SWB has a significant positive correlation with behavioral
intentions, the standardized path coecient for the AVs is 0.47 (p<0.001), indicating that AVs can
make the elderly experience happiness when their travel demand satisfaction. Therefore, hypothesis 4
proposed above is verified. Attitude also plays a significant positive correlation with SWB, implying
that the subjective attitude of the elderly is closely related to their happiness in later life. Perceived ease
of use for SWB shows a significant positive correlation. In the model of the SAVs, the standardized
path coecient is 0.53 (p<0.001), indicating that the ease of use of travel mode has an impact on the
mood of the elderly and indirectly aects the intention to use, thus supporting hypothesis 5.
(4) Social influence shows a positive correlation with behavioral intentions in the three models,
with path coecients of 0.35 (p<0.05), 0.39 (p<0.001), and 0.54 (p<0.01), respectively. It presents that
the elderly’s travel behavior is aected by the social network and people’s behaviors and attitudes,
thus verifying hypothesis 6.
(5) As shown in Table 9, when we remove the perceived usefulness in all three structural equation
models, the perceived ease of use has significantly increased the normalized path coecient and
z-value of behavioral intention. This shows that the existence of perceived usefulness weakens the
direct impact of perceived ease of use on behavioral intention, thus supporting hypothesis 2—PU plays
a mediating role between PE and AT in the elderly’s mode choice behavior. Similarly, in the absence
of attitudes, the role of social influence on behavioral intentions increases significantly, indicating
that attitudes share the direct eect of the social influence on the behavioral intentions. Therefore,
hypothesis 7 can be verified.
Table 9. Mediation variable.
Mediating Variable Public Transport AVs SAVs
The mediating eect of the PU between PE and AT
PU (included) 0.64 *** (10.41) 0.53 ** (5.32) 0.44 ** (4.76)
PU (excluded) 0.79 *** (16.94) 0.69 ** (11.05) 0.61 ** (8.23)
The mediating eect of the AT between SI and BI
AT (included) 0.35 * (5.27) 0.39 *** (5.13) 0.54 ** (7.05)
AT (excluded) 0.59 * (9.14) 0.62 *** (12.70) 0.73 ** (14.09)
Note: *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; ***: p<0.001.
5.5. A Generalized RRM Model (G-RRM)
5.5.1. Parameter Calibration and Model Estimation
Before setting up the G-RRM model, we sorted out the data of travel attributes in the questionnaire.
The values of travel time, travel variability time, and travel costs were all taken the unit value according
to the scenario’s situation. The following rules apply to the value of the travel comfort: “0” indicates
the comfort seat of AVs and SAVs; “1” implies the “front seat” of the bus; “2” represents the “back seat”
of the bus; “3” labels the “station” of the bus, as shown in Table 10.
Table 10. Travel attribute variables.
Modes Travel Time Travel Variability Time Travel Cost Travel Comfort
Public Transport
30 8 1 1
45 14 2 2
60 18 3 3
10 2 20 0
20 5 25 0
34 8 35 0
15 5 15 0
25 10 20 0
40 15 30 0
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 17 of 22
The value of the travel attributes is encoded and replaced in the G-RRM model. The weights of
each travel attributes can be normalized to obtain the standardized coecients, as Table 11 shows.
Table 11. Travel attributes weights for the elderly.
Indicators Travel Time Travel Variability Time Travel Cost Travel Comfort
Weights 3.59 3.51 3.75 3.82
Normalized coecients 0.247 0.244 0.254 0.255
We could infer from Figure 8that the elderly attach the highest importance to travel comfort,
followed by travel cost, travel time, and travel variability time related to the elderly’s leisure time
after retirement.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 23
60 18 3 3
10 2 20 0
20 5 25 0
34 8 35 0
15 5 15 0
25 10 20 0
40 15 30 0
The value of the travel attributes is encoded and replaced in the G-RRM model. The weights of
each travel attributes can be normalized to obtain the standardized coefficients, as Table 11 shows.
Table 11. Travel attributes weights for the elderly.
Indicators Travel Time Travel Variability Time Travel Cost Travel Comfort
Weights 3.59 3.51 3.75 3.82
Normalized coefficients 0.247 0.244 0.254 0.255
We could infer from Figure 8 that the elderly attach the highest importance to travel comfort,
followed by travel cost, travel time, and travel variability time related to the elderly's leisure time
after retirement.
Figure 8. Standardized weight values.
To better reflect the explanatory strength and applicability of the G-RRM model for the travel
attributes of the elderly, we also estimate the RUM model. Table 12 compares the results of the two
In the questionnaire, the elderly need to choose one of three scenarios. The sample size was 438,
so the model's final sample size was 1314 (438×3=1314). The four travel attribute variables
significantly affect the elderly's choice behavior, implying that the model has high explanatory power
and credibility. LL(0) represents the logarithmic likelihood estimation value with parameter 0. LL(β)
represents the logarithmic likelihood estimate with parameter β. ρ
represents the model's fitting
degree. Both models' fitting effect is greater than 0.4, indicating that the model fitting effect is good.
When the parameter is β, the LL(β) of the G-RRM model is larger than that of the RUM model. The fit
of the G-RRM model is 0.425, while that of the RUM model is 0.417. Therefore, the G-RRM model
may be more suitable for analyzing travel attribute variables' influence on the elderly's travel
Table 12. Parameter estimation of elderly travel attribute variables.
Estimation T-test Paramete
Estimation T-test
Figure 8. Standardized weight values.
To better reflect the explanatory strength and applicability of the G-RRM model for the travel
attributes of the elderly, we also estimate the RUM model. Table 12 compares the results of the
two models.
Table 12. Parameter estimation of elderly travel attribute variables.
Estimation t-Test Parameter
Estimation t-Test
Travel time 0.0194 4.83 ** 0.0465 4.92 **
Travel variability time 0.0325 5.61 ** 0.0650 5.64 **
Travel cost 0.0169 2.37 ** 0.0329 2.32 **
Travel comfort 0.0083 1.96 ** 0.0167 2.08 **
Samples 1314 1314
LL(β)2,283,143 2,314,908
LL(0) 3926.427 3,970,683
ρ20.425 0.417
Note: **: p<0.01.
In the questionnaire, the elderly need to choose one of three scenarios. The sample size was
438, so the model’s final sample size was 1314 (438
3=1314). The four travel attribute variables
significantly aect the elderly’s choice behavior, implying that the model has high explanatory
power and credibility. LL(0) represents the logarithmic likelihood estimation value with parameter 0.
) represents the logarithmic likelihood estimate with parameter
represents the model’s fitting
degree. Both models’ fitting eect is greater than 0.4, indicating that the model fitting eect is good.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 18 of 22
When the parameter is
, the LL(
) of the G-RRM model is larger than that of the RUM model. The fit
of the G-RRM model is 0.425, while that of the RUM model is 0.417. Therefore, the G-RRM model may
be more suitable for analyzing travel attribute variables’ influence on the elderly’s travel behavior.
As can be seen from Table 12, the maximum estimated coecients are travel comfort, indicating
that the elderly are concerned about comfort during the travel. The emergence of AVs and SAVs can
provide a comfortable travel environment for the elderly and meet their travel needs. Travel cost has a
significantly negative eect on the elderly’s mode choice behavior, which means that the sensitivity for
the travel fare is relatively high. Travel time and travel variability time are also significantly correlated
with the travel behavior of the elderly because too long travel time will lead to the elderly’s fatigue,
thus reducing the possibility of choosing the mode. Since the travel process is dynamic, human and
road factors will make travel time changes. The arrival of AVs may bring about a qualitative change in
the accessibility of the entire transportation system.
5.5.2. Sensitivity Analysis
The sensitivity analysis is to obtain the corresponding change of the probability of the elderly
for a specific travel mode when the attribute changes and can also be viewed as the elasticity value
corresponding to the G-RRM model. Sensitivity analysis is usually carried out through direct elasticity
and indirect elasticity. Direct elasticity refers to the change of the choice probability of the selected
travel mode when a particular travel attribute changes by 1%. We analyze the estimated results through
direct elasticity and indirect elasticity, as shown in Table 13.
Table 13. Direct elasticity and indirect elasticity based on G-RRM model.
Direct Elasticity
Indirect Elasticity
0.174 0.421 0.927 AVs 0.090 0.089 0.210 0.461
SAVs 0.097 0.082 0.217 0.469
0.192 0.475 0.948
transport 0.102 0.091 0.224 0.472
SAVs 0.113 0.098 0.239 0.479
0.187 0.468 0.935 PT 0.102 0.087 0.224 0.468
AVs 0.110 0.090 0.230 0.462
Take the travel time as an example to understand the elastic value in the above table. When bus
travel time increases by 1%, travelers’ choice probability of bus decreases by 0.201%. When AVs and
SAVs’ travel time increase by 1%, respectively, the probability of choosing buses increases by 0.090%
and 0.097%, respectively. It can be seen that the elderly are the most sensitive to changes in travel
comfort, especially for the AVs. When the travel comfort increases by 1%, the probability of the elderly
choosing AVs will increase by 0.948%. However, when buses and SAVs’ travel comfort increase by 1%,
the probability of the elderly choosing AVs decreases by 0.472% and 0.479%, respectively. Similarly,
the sensitivity of the elderly to travel time and travel variability time is not very high.
6. Limitations and Conclusions
Some limitations need to be resolved in our future work. Firstly, we analyze the elderly’s mode
choice behavior among three modes: public transport, AVs, and SAVs. Although less than 3% of
the elderly in China drive [
], we could predict that the percentage of driving for the elderly would
increase sharply due to the elderly’ license with no age limitation and growth in the living standard.
Therefore, we will introduce driving into our research and explore the potential constructs aecting
the elderly’s driving behavior in the future study. Secondly, most participants did not ride AVs and
had no field experience with AVs’ benefits or drawbacks. The participants’ knowledge concerning
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 19 of 22
AVs from the internet and other channels may mislead their perspectives or attitudes. In our future
research, we will use a video or AVs’ simulator to make the participants have a more real feeling
for AVs. Thirdly, the research sample comes from Suzhou survey data, and the result may not be
generalizable to the entire population. We may pay attention to the dierence among various regions
for the elderly’s travel behavior.
Based on the elderly’s travel needs and the extended ecological model, we analyze the mode
choice behaviors of the elderly towards public transport, AVs, and SAVs in the future. The research
conclusions are as follows:
(1) We integrate the relevant factors that aect the travel of the elderly and expand the ecological
model by introducing the constructs, which provide a theoretical framework for the elderly. Moreover,
we analyze the modeling results of empirical data and verify the theoretical framework’s applicability
to the elderly’s travel behavior.
(2) The MIMIC model is used to analyze the relationship between the extended latent variables
and the original observed variables of the ecological model. We can see that the observed variables
have dierent degrees of influence on the constructs in the MIMIC model for public transport, AVs,
and SAVs. The interaction and internal mechanism of expanded constructs were analyzed with the
MIMIC model. Seven hypotheses proposed in this paper were proved to understand the elderly’s
travel psychology.
(3) Through the analysis and discussion of relevant influencing factors, we can have a deeper
understanding of the views and acceptability of the elderly towards AVs and SAVs. Given the
psychological characteristics and elderly’s behaviors, enterprises can develop corresponding AVs to
better meet and serve the travel needs in the future.
We also proposed practical suggestions according to our research results.
(1) We suggest that the local government could make policies or measures to create a good living
environment and safeguard the elderly’s physical health, which significantly influences their attitude
towards AVs and SAVs. In other words, policies concerning the elderly’s physical health have a
potential opportunity to increase their acceptance of AVs and SAVs.
(2) SWB has a significant positive correlation with BI. We advise enterprises to install an
entertainment system with a large screen, making the elderly enjoy leisure and happiness, which could
improve their SWB during the travel in AVs and SAVs.
(3) Travel variability time is significantly correlated with the travel behavior of the elderly.
To improve travel time reliability and decrease the elderly’s travel variability time, we suggested that
the public transport agencies could improve bus system eciency, such as optimizing bus routes net,
increasing departure frequency, and reducing waiting time.
(4) In our study, PU refers to the degree to which the elderly believe that using a transport
mode would enhance their travel performance. Meanwhile, PE indicates the degree to which the
elderly believe that using public transport, AVs, and SAVs would be free of physical and mental eort.
The study results show that PU and PE significantly impact attitude for the three travel modes, and PU
influences BI significantly for SAVs. To accelerate the extensive application of AVs and SAVs for the
elderly, the enterprises could install a small slide and provide enough space to help disabled elderly
get on or oto improve their PU and PE.
Author Contributions:
Writing and editing—original draft preparation, H.S.; conceptualization and supervision,
funding acquisition, P.J.; data analysis, M.Z. and Y.C.; validation and literature review, F.Z. and Y.S. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71871107).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sustainability 2020,12, 10661 20 of 22
AVs Autonomous Vehicles
SAVs Shared Autonomous Vehicles
TAM Technology Acceptance Model
PU Perceived Usefulness
PE Perceived Ease of use
PC Perceived Characteristics
AT Attitude
BI Behavioral Intention
SWB Subjective Well-Being
SN Social Network
SI Social Influence
MIMIC Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes
G-RRM Generalized Random Regret Minimization Model
RRM Random Regret Minimization Model
CFI Comparative Fit Index
TLI Tucker-Lewis Index
RMSEA Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation
SRMR Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual
AVE Average Variance Extracted
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... Some studies reported a preference for automated on-demand shuttles followed by automated public transportation (Faber and van Lierop 2020) and others public autonomous services over shared autonomous services (Zandieh and Acheampong 2021). The acceptability of elderly can be explained by factors such as "perceived usefulness," "perceived ease of use," "attitudes," "emotions," "subjective well-being," and "social influence" (Miller et al. 2022;Sun et al. 2020). The "availability" is considered through flexibility in space and frequency in time (Faber and van Lierop 2020;Rahman et al. 2020). ...
... The improved "accessibility" of destinations (e.g., recreation) may facilitate more active travel (Booth et al. 2022;Zandieh and Acheampong 2021). "Travel time" and "travel time variability" can also influence the acceptability (Sun et al. 2020). The "affordability" can affect the acceptability and was considered reasonable when the willingness to pay was compared to the cost of taxi SAVs (Rahman et al. 2020;Sun et al. 2020). ...
... "Travel time" and "travel time variability" can also influence the acceptability (Sun et al. 2020). The "affordability" can affect the acceptability and was considered reasonable when the willingness to pay was compared to the cost of taxi SAVs (Rahman et al. 2020;Sun et al. 2020). Concerning "attractability," SAVs are expected to be practical in their daily lives (Rahman et al. 2020). ...
The increasing world population in urban areas and intensive use of private vehicles have several negative impacts, such as congestion, air pollution, and traffic crashes, affecting public health and well-being, especially for vulnerable groups (e.g., children, elderly, women), further increasing social inequality. Current sustainable transportation options like active and public transportation are not always alternatives for these groups. One of the most promising sustainable transportation options is shared autonomous transportation. However, it is rather unclear if vulnerable groups accept shared autonomous vehicles or SAVs, questioning their social sustainability. Based on the definitions for “social acceptability” and “social acceptance” of transportation options, the Transport Acceptancy-Vulnerability or TAV model is presented. The model combines the “acceptancy,” i.e., “acceptability,” “acceptance,” with the “vulnerability” referring to the four conditions to be met or the 4As, i.e., “availability,” “accessibility,” “affordability,” “attractability,” toward transportation options. This model can be used to address the “social acceptability” or “social acceptance” of sustainable transportation options by vulnerable groups. It allows the structuring and evaluation of literature as well as data helping to determine whether the factors of “acceptancy” or the conditions of “vulnerability” for a transportation option need to be improved. The usability is illustrated by examining the scientific literature on the acceptability of SAVs by elderly, women, households with children, and people with disabilities, and by an example of the social acceptability of SAVs by different potentially vulnerable groups. The model can help transportation authorities, operators, and practitioners to improve socially sustainable urban transportation and overall social inclusion.
... The acceptability of SAVs by older adults or elderly as a vulnerable group is reasonably well researched. Our literature review includes the work of Faber and van Lierop (2020), Sun et al. (2020), Classen et al. (2021), and Zandieh and Acheampong (2021). The age of the respondents in these studies ranged from 59 and 65 years to 95 years old and the studies were conducted respectively in the Netherlands, China, the USA, and the UK. ...
... The work of Zandieh and Acheampong (2021) seems to reflect a more mixed perspective, but the English elderly have a preference for autonomous public transport services followed by shared autonomous services. Sun et al. (2020) and Classen et al. (2021) estimated the behavioural intention of elderly based on the Technology Acceptance Model or TAM (Davis et al., 1989) and discovered that their acceptability is explained by different factors (i.e. "perceived usefulness", "perceived ease of use", "attitudes", "subjective well-being", "social influence"). ...
... "perceived usefulness", "perceived ease of use", "attitudes", "subjective well-being", "social influence"). Compared to Sun et al. (2020), Classen et al. (2021) found less significant factors. Classen et al. (2021) and Zandieh and Acheampong (2021) both observed the importance of driving difficulty for long trips, at night, and during bad weather. ...
It is believed that shared transport services (STSs) can reduce transport poverty and social exclusion. This paper proposes a definition of “social acceptability” and “social acceptance” and examines whether vulnerable groups accept STSs. The notions “acceptability” and “acceptance” were distinguished and four necessary conditions, especially for vulnerable groups, or the 4As were identified: “availability”, “accessibility”, “affordability”, and “attractability”. In the context of STSs, “social acceptability” is defined as the degree to which an individual intends to use a STS before experiencing it in everyday travel based on the expected availability, accessibility, affordability, and attractability of the service, while “social acceptance” also incorporates the use of a STS after experiencing it in everyday travel based on a minimum level of perceived availability, accessibility, affordability, and attractability. This paper further reviews the scientific literature in transport research regarding the “acceptability” or “acceptance” of STSs by vulnerable groups. While several studies include socio-economic and demographic variables (e.g. age, gender) to explain the “acceptability” of STSs, only a few studies specifically focus on vulnerable groups. More research on the “social acceptance” of STSs, especially shared scooters, ride-sharing, and apps and Mobility as a Service (MaaS), by vulnerable groups is needed.
... Sun. [17] 2020 Explores the internal mechanism of the elderly's choice behavior in public transport, autonomous vehicles, and SAVs. ...
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Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have been made possible by advances in sensing and computing technologies. However, the high cost of AVs makes privatization take longer. Therefore, companies with autonomous vehicles can develop shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) projects. AVs with a high level of automation require high upgrade and use costs. In order to meet the needs of more customers and reduce the investment cost of the company, SAVs with different levels of automation may coexist for a long time. Faced with multiple travel modes (autonomous cars with different levels of automation, private cars, and buses), travelers' travel mode choices are worth studying. To further differentiate the types of travelers, this paper defines high-income travelers and low-income travelers. The difference between these two types of travelers is whether they have a private car. The differences in time value and willingness to pay of the two types of travelers are considered. Based on the above considerations, this paper establishes a multi-modal selection model with the goal of maximizing the total utility of all travelers and uses the imperial competition algorithm to solve it. The results show that low-income travelers are more likely to choose buses and autonomous vehicles with lower levels of automation, while high-income travelers tend to choose higher levels of automation due to their high value of travel time.
... As autonomous vehicles are set to become a future mode of transport, due to the technological penetration in transport systems, it is very important to investigate whether people will increase their rates of travel once they alter their currently used modes of transport in favor of AVs. In this regard, attitude and other psychological factors might be the main reasons influencing public interest in using AVs instead of more recently used transport modes [40]. However, the promised technology and the availability of special computers in driverless vehicles, which allow them to be remotely controlled and achieve door-to-door transport service, would generate great competition, especially with regular cars and public transport. ...
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Advanced technology available in promising fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) will encourage people to travel more than they have up to now using their regular vehicles. It is believed that the disadvantages of manually driven vehicles, such as driving fatigue, stressful feelings, aging physical skills deterioration, and other unwanted effects, will vanish once AVs are employed. For this purpose, this study presents the results of a large questionnaire performed in Györ, Hungary, about the public perception and acceptance of AVs. In addition, assessing the impact of using such technology on increasing travel demand when people can alter their mode of transport to an AV. The study demonstrates that respondents’ prior knowledge of AVs plays a crucial role in generating a greater number of trips when they are able to use AVs. Furthermore, it has also been found that providing further awareness and education to the population about the meaning of the term autonomous vehicles and widening their insights about the new features provided by these vehicles will result in a higher number of trips. Eventually, this information will act as a considerable indicator to provide a prior understanding of the possible challenges that may impact the sustainability of future transport systems
... In remote rural areas, transport service information is not up to date, which has troubled them in travel, even though they have access to significant public transport concessions. Based on the previous research using the ecological model on the travel behaviour of the elderly, perceived characteristics, attitudes, subjective well-being, and social networks are the extended and latent psychological variables having an influence on the elderly's choice of travel mode (Zhao, 2019). ...
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China's population has been ageing fast at an accelerated pace since the 21st century, while the mobility and convenience of travel for the elderly were weakened by the limited transportation options. Autonomous vehicles, an emerging mode of transport, provide flexibility for the elderly, provided that the rapid and widespread this new mode of transportation can be accepted by the elderly population. This paper plans to gain insights from the attitudes of the Beijing elderly using autonomous vehicles, perceiving the importance of different types of services. The stated preference survey was conducted over 376 respondents from various generations, which examined their perception of autonomous vehicles after their retirement. An ordered logistics model used in this paper shows that people who use emerging transportation modes (e.g., car-sharing and ride-hailing) are more likely to use autonomous vehicle services. Accessing shopping activities and medical care is the two crucial purposes for the elderly autonomous vehicle users. Additionally, the clustering and correlation analysis indicate that people with a higher willingness to use autonomous vehicles are the earliest target users of these services. However, living with children and running errands in short distances by bicycle and walk, the elderly in the early generation hardly adopts autonomous vehicle services after their retirement.
... Autonomous vehicle (AV) technology would provide great convenience to the elderly or disabled [1,2], and reduce traffic accidents and air pollution [3]. Fleets of share AVs may become cheaper than other modes in relative terms [4]. ...
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Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are becoming increasingly popular, and this can potentially affect road performance. Road performance also influences driving comfort and safety for AVs. In this study, the influence of changes in traffic volume and wheel track distribution caused by AVs on the rutting distress of asphalt pavement was investigated through finite element simulations. A vehicle-mounted three-dimensional laser profiler was used to obtain pavement roughness and texture information. The vehicle vibration acceleration was obtained through vehicle dynamics simulations, and the skid resistance indexes of 20 rutting specimens were collected. The results showed that an increase in traffic volume caused by the increasing AV traffic accelerated the occurrence of rutting distress; however, the uniform distribution of vehicles at both ends of the transverse direction could prolong the maintenance life of flexible and semi-rigid pavements by 0.041 and 0.530 years, respectively. According to Carsim and Trucksim vehicle simulations and multiple linear regression fitting, the relationship models of three factors, namely speed, road roughness, and comfort, showed high fitting accuracies; however, there were some differences among the models. Among the texture indexes, the arithmetic mean’s height (Ra) had the greatest influence on the tire–road friction coefficient; Ra greatly influenced the safe driving of AVs. The findings of this study were used to present a speed control strategy for AVs based on the roughness and texture index for ensuring comfort and safety during automatic driving.
... e third is a harmonious family atmosphere. Carefully pay attention to the changes in children's thoughts and emotions, listen to their voices, be their friends, form a good communication and interaction model, and help children solve problems [15]. e fourth is to guide students to make good use of their time at home. ...
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Children are the hope of building a powerful, modern-socialist state. In recent years, all social classes have paid more and more attention to children’s enlightenment education, and the country began to implement the double reduction policy. As the main place for children to live and grow, the community has the responsibility and obligation to conduct the education of children. Work and effective development and utilization of community education resources can greatly meet the needs of children’s growth, help children develop good behavior habits, and lay a solid foundation for future education. Through the experimental survey results, this paper discusses the theoretical basis for the development and utilization of community children’s education resources under the dual emission reduction policy, puts forward the corresponding development principles, and analyzes the main strategies to improve the efficiency of social education.
... In addition, it determined the influence coefficient between measurement and latent variables. The MIMIC model has been widely used in theoretical studies by scholars [22,33,34]. ...
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Vehicle purchase restriction policies greatly influence people’s behavior, especially their participation in the license plate lottery. This paper focuses on the socioeconomic characteristics and psychological factors of citizens participating in the license plate lottery, which can serve as a reference for policy makers aiming to guide rational participation in the lottery. A Multi-Index and Multi-Causal model were established based on social psychology, combined with the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Perceived car necessity, perceived behavioral control, car ownership attitude and subjective norms were regarded as four latent psychological variables. Furthermore, the behaviors of license plate lottery participants in cities with purchase restriction policies were statistically analyzed from the perspectives of personal socioeconomic characteristics and psychological factors. The empirical research results reveal that the socioeconomic attributes of citizens have different degrees of influence on latent variables. Perceived car necessity is observed to have a significant direct impact on a citizen’s behavioral intention to participate in the lottery, which is also affected by perceived behavioral control. Car ownership attitude has the strongest impact on citizen behavior towards participating in the license plate lottery, followed by subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and perceived car necessity. More specifically, the economic benefit associated with perceived behavioral control is identified as the critical factor in further promoting participation in the license plate lottery.
Most studies of autonomous vehicle (AV) acceptance have focused on its acceptance by the general population. There is a dearth of knowledge among users with different abilities and needs. Hence, this study addresses this gap by investigating user acceptance of shared AVs among people with different mobility and communication needs in Singapore. Understanding the perspectives of these users is critical to ensure that shared AVs services are inclusive, aiding in acceptance. The groups studied are the 1) blind and visually impaired; 2) deaf and hard of hearing; 3) individuals using mobility aids, such as wheelchair, scooter, or cane; 4) individuals with autism and their caregivers; 5) families with young children and pregnant women; 6) seniors (age 60 + ). Using an online survey (n = 300) and focus group discussions (n = 53), we found that these user groups are (i) anticipating AV in public transport with positive attitudes and emotions, and (ii) generally concerned about various aspects of safety. AV service safety and reliability are ranked as top concerns across all groups surveyed. Users who are likely to require onboard assistance prioritised ease of boarding and alighting, and all groups ranked the presence of ‘onboard service staff’ as less important. Participants identified several important service features, such as onboard safety features - especially a ‘live’ intercom, and auditory and visual cues for visually impaired and hard of hearing. Some users would also like dedicated lanes for AVs. Inclusive experiential rides on an AV will help members of these groups feel more comfortable and prepared for AVs once deployed.
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Autonomous vehicles are expected to revolutionize the transportation industry. The goal of this research is to study the heterogeneity in traffic flow dynamics by comparing different penetration rates of four different types of vehicles: autonomous cars (AC), autonomous buses (AB), manual cars (MC), and manual buses (MB). For the purpose of this research, a modified cellular automata (CA) model is developed in order to analyze the effect of heterogeneous vehicles (manual and autonomous). Previously, studies have focused on manual and autonomous cars, but we believe a gap in perception and analysis of mixed traffic still exists, as inclusion of other modes of autonomous vehicle research is very limited. Therefore, we have explicitly examined the effect of the AB on overall traffic flow. Moreover, two types of lane changing behavior (aggressive lane changing and polite lane changing) were also integrated into the model. Multiple scenarios through different compositions of vehicles were simulated. As per the results, if AB is employed concurrently with AC, there will be a significant improvement in traffic flow and road capacity, as equally more passengers can be accommodated in AB as AC is also anticipated to be used in carpooling. Secondly, when the vehicles change the lanes aggressively, there is a substantial growth in the flow rate and capacity of the network. Polite lane change does not significantly affect the flow rate.
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To understand the public's acceptance of autonomous vehicles, studies were conducted from the perspectives of personal attributes, travel demand and cognitions of autonomous vehicles based on 403 valid questionnaires. Influencing factors of whether travelers are purchasing autonomous vehicles, whether travelers without a driver's license intend to take a driver's license in the future and whether travelers are choosing an autonomous private car if travelers can only take a taxi or drive a private car are analyzed by building Logistic regression models. The results show that personal monthly income, driver's license, driving confidence, preference for autonomous vehicles and convenience of arriving at public transport stations will affect the purchase decision of autonomous vehicles; teenagers, long-distance travelers, students and employees of enterprises and institutions, those who believe that traditional taxis/taxi-hailing are unsafe, and those who lack confidence in driving have a higher probability of choosing autonomous vehicles. This research can be used to predict the probability of future purchase and use decisions for autonomous vehicles based on data from other populations.
Driverless cars, often viewed as low-carbon tourism mobility and can contribute to sustainable tourism, have generated much discussion. This study adds to ongoing but uncommon discussion about driverless cars' impact on tourist behaviour. With context of nature- and rural-based tourist destination with widely dispersed attractions, this study uses leisure constraints, experience economy, travel motivations, and technology readiness to appreciate future potential of driverless car in tourism. Partial least square analysis on 198 returns revealed that driverless car rental intention at the destination is influenced positively by aesthetic experience expectation and by technology readiness (innovativeness), but negatively by technology readiness (insecurity).
Understanding the “if” and “when” of autonomous vehicle (AV) adoption is of clear interest to car manufacturers in their positioning of business processes, but also to transportation planners and traffic engineers. In this paper, we examine the individual-level AV adoption and timing process, considering the psycho-social factors of driving control, mobility control, safety concerns, and tech-savviness. A ranked choice stated preference design is used to elicit responses from Austin area residents regarding AV adoption. Our results underscore the need to examine the adoption of technology through a psycho-social lens. In particular, technology developments and design should not be divorced from careful investigations of habits and consumption motivations of different groups of individuals in the population. The findings from our analysis are translated to specific policy actions to promote AV adoption and accelerate the adoption time frame.
Despite the increasing amount of attention paid to virtual reality (VR) tourism and the rising importance of VR tourism, a theoretically integrated model of behavior has not been developed. To fill this void, we build and test a framework based on both innovation diffusion and uses and gratifications theories to explain why people participate in VR tourism. The moderating role of VR tourists’ technology readiness (optimism and innovativeness) between subjective well-being and behavioral intention is also examined. Results demonstrate that authentic experience and subjective well-being are affected by simplicity, benefit, compatibility (attributes of innovation diffusion), informativeness, social interactivity, and playfulness (uses and gratifications attributes). Behavioral intention is more positively influenced by subjective well-being than by authentic experience. The moderating role of technology readiness between subjective well-being and behavioral intention is stronger in individuals with high optimism and innovativeness than their counterparts with low optimism and innovativeness.
Mass adoption of self-driving vehicles (SDVs) is predicted to have a profound effect on the environment. Here, we present three studies (N = 1258) that examine the impact of the environmental benefits (EB) of SDVs on individuals’ acceptance of their risks, and their willingness to ride (WTR) in them. Two types of SDVs were presented: SDVs with a clear mention of positive EB information (“EB-enhanced SDVs”) and SDVs without the mention of positive EB information (“normal SDVs”). Study 1 and Study 2 found that participants expressed higher risk acceptance and WTR regarding EB-enhanced SDVs. Further, Study 2 reported that higher trust in EB-enhanced SDVs, rather than lower negative affect associated with EB-enhanced SDVs, accounted for the participants’ higher risk acceptance and WTR. Study 3 observed that the participants’ acceptable risk of EB-enhanced SDVs was greater than that of normal SDVs in magnitude, although not significant. If SDVs can achieve the purported EB, the public may be willing to tolerate their risks more. Highlighting the environmental advantages of SDVs and increasing public trust in them are likely to be useful strategies for increasing societal acceptance of SDVs.
Introduction Activity theory, a construct from social gerontology, provides a framework to bridge the themes of ageing and transport, and thus enable new insights into the role of out-of-home mobility for wellbeing. The theory proposes that undertaking activities (classified as formal, informal and solitary) can generate wellbeing benefits for older people. Transport can be an important enabling mechanism for activity, but such engagement is at risk should access to a car be lost at a time of declining public transport provision in many communities in countries like the UK. Method Analysis of survey data collected by the ‘Grey and Pleasant Land?’ study of UK rural citizens aged sixty and above (N = 920), which explores activity participation for groups with and without car access. As well as descriptive analysis of the data, a series of binary logistic regression models facilitate exploration of relationships between mobility and activity, and then activity and wellbeing. Results Those with car access are up to three times more likely to participate in formal activity (OR 3.228; CI 1.656, 6.293). More surprisingly, there are higher levels of informal activity for those without car access (65% of this group engage in activity with friends’ weekly compared to only 51% of those with car access). The wellbeing measures proved less conclusive, although lack of weekly activity with friends and family slightly increases the probability of loneliness (OR 1.472; CI .877, 2.470). Age and health are seemingly more important factors. Conclusions Links are seen between formal activity and mobility, but less so for informal activity. In both instances, activities are relatively local; suggesting endeavours to improve mobility and activity will achieve optimum wellbeing and community cohesion benefits at a local level. Activity theory does appear to offer promise as a way of exploring these issues.
Many existing condition evaluations of metro shield tunnels are developed based on the experts’ judgments or single deformation/defect measurements. In addition, the influence of factors such as buried depth and age on the condition of shield tunnels was not quantified in previous research. This study proposed a comprehensive condition index, the Tunnel Serviceability Index (TSI), through the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model combined with a multiple regression method. The contributions of the deformation/defect variables and the influencing factors to the TSI were evaluated. The observed deformation/defect variables included average relative settlement, differential settlement, average convergence ratio, water leakage area, cracking length, and spalling area. The influencing factors included the operation age, burial depth, and so on. The relationship among the TSI, deformation/defect variables, and influence factors was quantified, and an expression for the TSI was obtained. The paired-sample t test demonstrated that there were no significant differences between the experts’ ratings in our group’s previous research and the tunnel condition evaluation used by the MIMIC model in this study at the significance level α = 0.05. Among the six observed deformation and defect variables, approximately 95% of the TSI deterioration was caused by the increase of convergence ratio, relative settlement and differential settlement. Finally, the case of Shanghai Metro Line No. 1 was investigated to evaluate its condition.
As the widespread use of autonomous vehicles (AVs) becomes increasingly likely, an important consideration is the extent to which individuals prefer either private ownership or shared use modes. Both modes are currently evolving, each with distinct but overlapping challenges. Understanding the preferences of different population segments can provide insights into where to focus initial efforts to attract individuals into the market, especially in terms of promoting the uptake of shared AVs to optimise the potential positive outcomes of AVs (e.g., crash reduction) while reducing possible negative outcomes (e.g., increased congestion). The results from a sample of 1345 Australians aged 16+ years (97% of whom were drivers) were analysed using latent profile analysis. Five discrete classes were identified on the basis of their (i) self-reported knowledge of AVs; (ii) perceptions of the positive and negative outcomes of AVs; and (iii) AV usage intentions. The classes were titled Non-adopters (29% of the sample), Ride-sharing (20%), AV ambivalent (19%), Likely adopters (17%), and First movers (14%). The results indicate the types of individuals who may be most likely to be early adopters and the implications for public policies designed to encourage socially optimal forms of adoption.