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Nonlinear Talbot Effect


Abstract and Figures

We propose and experimentally demonstrate the nonlinear Talbot effect from nonlinear photonic crystals. The nonlinear Talbot effect results from self-imaging of the generated periodic intensity pattern at the output surface of the crystal. To illustrate the effect, we experimentally observed second-harmonic Talbot self-imaging from 1D and 2D periodically poled LiTaO(3) crystals. Both integer and fractional nonlinear Talbot effects were investigated. The observation not only conceptually extends the conventional Talbot effect, but also opens the door for a variety of new applications in imaging technologies.
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Nonlinear Talbot Effect
Yong Zhang,
Jianming Wen,
S. N. Zhu,
and Min Xiao
National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, USA
School of Modern Engineering and Applied Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
(Received 20 January 2010; published 7 May 2010)
We propose and experimentally demonstrate the nonlinear Talbot effect from nonlinear photonic
crystals. The nonlinear Talbot effect results from self-imaging of the generated periodic intensity pattern
at the output surface of the crystal. To illustrate the effect, we experimentally observed second-harmonic
Talbot self-imaging from 1D and 2D periodically poled LiTaO3crystals. Both integer and fractional
nonlinear Talbot effects were investigated. The observation not only conceptually extends the conven-
tional Talbot effect, but also opens the door for a variety of new applications in imaging technologies.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.183901 PACS numbers: 42.30.Kq, 42.65.Ky, 42.70.Mp
The Talbot effect [1,2], a near-field diffraction phenome-
non in which self-imaging of a grating or other periodic
structure replicates at certain imaging planes, holds a
variety of applications in imaging processing and synthe-
sis, photolithography, optical testing, optical metrology,
spectrometry, optical computing [3], as well as in electron
optics and microscopy [4]. Recent progress has been made
in areas such as atomic waves [5,6], nonclassical light [7],
waveguide arrays [8], and x-ray phase imaging [9].
However, all the above achievements are limited in study-
ing properties of input fundamental signals. In this Letter,
we demonstrate, for the first time, the nonlinear Talbot
effect, i.e., the formation of second-harmonic (SH) self-
imaging instead of the fundamental one from
periodically poled LiTaO3(PPLT) crystals. This demon-
stration not only maintains all characteristics of the con-
ventional Talbot effect, but offers a new way to image
objects with periodic structures with higher spatial resolu-
tion. The conceptual extension achieved here thus opens a
door for broader scopes of applications in imaging
The conventional Talbot effect is well understood by the
Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction theory, as first explained an-
alytically by Lord Rayleigh in 1881 [2], attributing its
origin to the interference of diffracted beams. The sim-
plicity and beauty of such Talbot self-imaging have since
then attracted many researchers and resulted in numerous
interesting and original applications that represent com-
petitive solutions to various scientific and technological
problems. The optical self-imaging phenomenon usually
requires a highly spatially coherent illumination. The self-
imaging disappears when the lateral dimensions of the
light source are increased. As noted a long time ago,
when the source is made spatially periodic and it is placed
at the proper distance in front of a periodic structure, a
fringe pattern is formed in the space behind the structure.
The first example of this type was performed by Lau [10],
who used two amplitude gratings of the same spatial period
illuminated incoherently. However, up to today, all the
research on the self-imaging has been limited in studying
the properties of the input beams and using real gratings
for imaging. Bypassing these limitations will not only
enrich the conventional self-imaging research, but also
offer new methods for imaging technologies. Here, we
present the first experimental demonstration beyond the
conventional Talbot effect, in which the observed self-
images are not produced by the input fundamental beam
but by the SH field generated in PPLT nonlinear crystals. In
our experiment, the grating is the periodic intensity pat-
terns appearing on the output surface of the crystal due to
the periodic domain structures, i.e., the modulated second-
order nonlinear susceptibility. This difference thus distin-
guishes our results from the conventional self-imaging
PPLT crystals have been extensively used as a work-
horse for laser frequency conversion [11], optical switch-
ing [12], wave-front engineering [13], and quantum
information processing [14]. Numerous interesting phe-
nomena have been discovered in both 1D and 2D nonlinear
photonic crystals, such as solitons [15], entangled photons
[16], conical second-harmonic generation (SHG) [17,18],
and nonlinear C
ˇerenkov radiation [19]. Benefitting from
their modified nonlinear properties, here we report a novel
SH Talbot self-imaging demonstrated with the use of such
crystals. Different from the conventional Talbot effect
[1,3], the observed self-imaging is a consequence of the
ð2Þnonlinear optical process, which we call the nonlinear
Talbot effect. As mentioned before, the Talbot effect is
attributed to the interference of diffracted beams from
periodic structures, a prerequisite condition to realize
such an effect [13]. In PPLT crystals, this condition is
fulfilled by the periodic patterns of the SH intensity differ-
ence distributed on the output surface. The SH intensity
generated from the domain walls is different from that
inside domains because the nonlinear coefficients near
the nonideal domain walls will be changed due to the
PRL 104, 183901 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending
7 MAY 2010
0031-9007=10=104(18)=183901(4) 183901-1 Ó2010 The American Physical Society
crystal lattice distortion after the poling process [20]. In the
experiment, we have directly observed periodically distrib-
uted SH intensity patterns in recorded self-images.
Although the observed phenomenon well resembles the
conventional Talbot effect, several interesting features dis-
tinguish this demonstration from the previous observa-
tions. Besides no real grating used in the experiment,
spatial resolution improvement by a factor of 2, due to
frequency doubling, is powerful to high-resolution imag-
ing, compared with the simple input-pump imaging. In
principle, if the material allows the Nth-order harmonic
generation, spatial resolving power can be enhanced by N
times using the nonlinear Talbot effect reported here.
Moreover, this experiment conceptually extends the con-
ventional Talbot effect and thus paves a way for new
The 1D and 2D PPLT slices were fabricated through an
electric-field poling technique at room temperature [21]. In
the experiments, we used a femtosecond mode-locked
Ti:sapphire laser operating at a wavelength of 800 nm as
the fundamental input field. The pulse width is 100 fs
with a repetition rate of 82 MHz. As shown in Fig. 1, the
fundamental beam from the Ti:sapphire laser was first
reshaped by a telescope device, composed of two focusing
lenses, to achieve a near-parallel beam with a spot size of
100 m, which propagates along the zaxis of the PPLT
sample and whose polarization is parallel to the xaxis of
the crystal. Although LiTaO3crystal has a space group of
3mðC3vÞ, only the d21 component contributes to the SHG
process in our experimental configuration [22]. After the
sample, a bandpass filter was used to filter out the near-
infrared fundamental field. The generated SH intensity
pattern was magnified by an objective lens and projected
onto a CCD camera. The SH patterns at different imaging
planes were recorded by moving the objective lens along
the SH propagation direction, which was controlled by a
precision translation stage. We emphasize that the non-
linear Talbot effect is a lensless imaging process. The
objective used here is to magnify the self-images for easy
Figs. 2and 3, respectively, show the integer SH self-
images from 1D and 2D PPLT crystals. In the experiment,
we have sequentially recorded such integer Talbot self-
images at about several Talbot lengths. For simplicity, we
arranged d21 as the only nonzero nonlinear coefficient in
the tensor to contribute to the collinear SHG process. To
verify this, we measured the polarization of the generated
SH wave and found that its polarization was indeed along
the yaxis of the crystal. As described above, d21 at the
domain walls is different from that inside the domains.
Such periodic domain structures result in the generated SH
intensity patterns displaying the same periodicity at the
sample output surface. An imaginary grating is thus
formed for self-imaging. From the Fresnel-Kirchhoff dif-
fraction theory, the diffracted field amplitude Að~
defined in terms of the aperture function of the object
rÞand the coherent amplitude of the source Sð~
rsÞ. Here
r, and ~
rsare located at the observation, object, and
source planes, respectively. The diffracted amplitude Að~
is given by
where d1is the propagation distance between the object
and the source, and d2is the distance from the object to the
observation plane. In our experiment, the SH source may
be treated as a plane wave or a Gaussian beam. The
aperture function comes from the spatially periodic domain
structures, i.e., the periodically engineered ð2Þ. One no-
table difference from conventional self-imaging is that in
Eq. (1) is the SH wavelength, which is half of the wave-
length pof the fundamental input beam. This difference
leads to a factor of 2 in imaging resolution improvement,
compared with the traditional direct input-output
In our first experiment, a 1D PPLT sample with a domain
period of a¼8:0mand a duty cycle of 50% [see the
SEM picture shown in Fig. 2(a)] was chosen to illustrate
the effect. Figs. 2(b) and 2(c) are the recorded self-images
on the first and third Talbot planes, respectively. For a
plane-wave illumination, the self-images repeat at multi-
ples of the SH Talbot length zT¼4a2=p, which gives
320 mand 960 mfor the first and third Talbot imaging
planes. The experimentally measured lengths were
330 m5mand 1020 m10 m, respectively.
FIG. 1 (color online). Experimental setup. The PPLT sample is
placed at the waist plane of the fundamental wave. The patterns
on different imaging planes are recorded by a CCD camera
through moving the objective.
FIG. 2 (color online). 1D SH Talbot self-imaging. (a) The
domain structure of the 1D PPLT crystal; (b) the SH self-image
at the first Talbot plane; (c) the SH self-images at the third Talbot
plane. The marked domain in (a) is a little narrower than the
PRL 104, 183901 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending
7 MAY 2010
The discrepancy between the experiment and theory can be
readily corrected by taking into account the Gaussian
profile of the beam, which reinterprets the SH Talbot length
as zT¼4ða2=pÞðrz=r0Þ2, where rzand r0represent the
Gaussian beam radii at the imaging plane and the waist
plane. In the experiments, the PPLT sample was placed at
the waist plane of the Gaussian beam. The corrected theo-
retical lengths are now 320 mwith rz=r0¼1:00 and
1018 mwith rz=r0¼1:03, consistent with the experi-
mental data. Periodic SH interference fringes are clearly
observable on the first Talbot plane [Fig. 2(b)] and the
period coincides with the periodicity of the domain struc-
ture. The bright fringes correspond to the domains exactly.
The intensities from positive or negative domains have no
appreciable difference because the value of the nonlinear
coefficient inside the domains does not change during the
poling process. The dark fringes correspond to the domain
walls. In the self-imaging, the SH intensity produced at the
domain walls is much weaker than that inside the domains.
From Fig. 2(b), the width of the domain walls is estimated
to be 0:5m, which agrees with the reported range from
100 nm to few microns [23]. One difference between the
SEM image [Fig. 2(a)] and the self-image [Fig. 2(b)] is that
the SEM imaging is sensitive to the imperfections in the
domain structure (the marked square) while the self-
imaging produces a uniform interference pattern. It is
because only the periodically distributed SH light is self-
imaged at the Talbot planes while the nonperiodic part is
not reproduced. This could be useful for the application of
optical lithography. We also experimentally found that the
image qualities after the third Talbot plane became worse
than those at the first and second planes. One reason is that
higher-order diffraction fields cannot be totally collected
by the CCD camera with a limited numerical aperture.
To illustrate the integer SH Talbot effect from a 2D
modulated nonlinear crystal, a hexagonally-poled LiTaO3
slice, was adopted in the second experiment. The period
of the domain structure of the sample is a¼9:0mand
the duty cycle is 30% as shown in the SEM image in
Fig. 3(a). The SH self-images were also successively ob-
served at several Talbot imaging planes. For the ideal
plane-wave illumination, the Talbot length is deduced to
be zT¼3a2=p. Taking into account the Gaussian profile,
the SH Talbot length is corrected to be zT¼3ða2=pÞ
ðrz=r0Þ2. Figs. 3(b) and 3(c) show the images recorded at
the first and third SH Talbot planes, respectively. Same as
for the 1D case, the SH waves generated at the domain
walls are weaker than that created inside the domains. The
domain wall in the 2D structure exhibits a ring-shaped
structure [Fig. 3(b)], while it appears as a dark line in the
1D PPLT [Fig. 2(b)]. Similar as the 1D structure, the
qualities of the self-images after the third Talbot plane
[Fig. 3(c)] become worse due to the loss of higher-order
SH diffractions. The measured first and third SH Talbot
lengths were 315 m5mand 970 m10 m,
which agree well with the calculated 304 m(rz=r0¼
1:00) and 966 m(rz=r0¼1:03), respectively.
Besides these integer SH Talbot effect, in the third
experiment we have also investigated the fractional SH
self-images occurring at the intermediate Talbot distances,
z¼ðp=qÞzT; where pand qare integers with no common
factor. It is well known that fractional Talbot effect [2426]
has a close connection with fractional revivals, quantum
carpet [27], and Gauss sums [28]. Compared with the
integer self-imaging, fractional SH Talbot effect exhibits
more interesting and complicated interference patterns. We
have experimentally observed such patterns for both 1D
and 2D PPLT crystals. In the 1D case, because of the
limited illumination area on the sample, the quality of frac-
tional self-images is greatly reduced and becomes blurry in
contrast with the integer cases [Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)]. The
situation is dramatically changed for the 2D case, where
the SH factional Talbot images have high quality and show
number of unique properties in comparison with the integer
case. In Figs. 4(a)4(f), we present several representative
fractional self-images with different fractional (p=q) pa-
rameters. For instance, the SH interference pattern at the
zT=7plane [Fig. 4(a)] is periodically distributed bright
spots with the same lattice structure as in the integer
case. In Figs. 4(b) and 4(c), the period of the hexagonal
structure is halved. In Figs. 4(c)4(f),a30
rotation of the
FIG. 3 (color online). 2D SH Talbot self-imaging. (a) The
domain structure of the hexagonally poled LiTaO3crystal;
(b) the SH self-image at the first Talbot plane; (c) the SH self-
images at the third Talbot plane.
FIG. 4 (color online). The SH patterns (a)–(f ) are correspond-
ing to fractional Talbot images at different fractional Talbot
PRL 104, 183901 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending
7 MAY 2010
structure is obviously observable and even a -phase shift
can be deduced from Figs. 4(d)4(f). We found that the
fractional Talbot images are very sensitive to the precision
positions of the imaging planes. Further detailed studies of
these fractional SH Talbot effects will be presented
In recent years, SH imaging technique has been devel-
oped into a powerful near-field imaging tool for visualizing
various ferroic domains [29], carrier motion [30], biomo-
lecular array [31], and collagen modulation [32].
Comparing with the conventional SH imaging, such SH
Talbot self-imaging does not need an imaging lens and no
reference SH wave is needed, which greatly simplifies the
experimental setup. For periodically-poled ferroelectric
domains, although chemical etching method is adopted
as a standard procedure to look at the domain structures
[33], one major disadvantage of this method is that the
sample surface is damaged. The newly observed nonlinear
Talbot effect provides a better (optical) way to easily check
the domains without damaging the sample surfaces. This
will be very helpful for inspecting integrated nonlinear
optical devices such as nonlinear photonic waveguides
and wavelength conversion devices, which cannot be
done by the conventional Talbot effect. More importantly,
the conceptual generalization demonstrated here is not
limited to the optical signals, and could also apply to other
research fields where similar situations may exist. This
effect can also be further considered with nonclassical light
states [7] to achieve sub-Rayleigh images. Generally
speaking, the demonstrated effect not only enriches con-
ventional imaging techniques, but also offers a new method
for imaging in broad applications.
We acknowledge partial support from the National
Science Foundation (U.S.A.) and partial support by the
111 Project B07026 (China).
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PRL 104, 183901 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending
7 MAY 2010
... In [5], the authors also observed that the solution at irrational times has a fractal profile. In particular for step function initial data at rational times one observes a step function, and a continuous but nowhere differentiable function with fractal dimension 3 2 at irrational times. 1 Finally, it was conjectured that this phenomenon should occur in higher dimensions and even when there is a nonlinear perturbation, also see [46] for an experimental justification. ...
... Using these we estimate the contributions of ν h and ν to (45) as follows. For ν h , using (46) with α = d + 2 − 2+, and duality, it suffices to bound ...
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We utilize exponential sum techniques to obtain upper and lower bounds for the fractal dimension of the graph of solutions to the linear Schrödinger equation on \(\mathbb {S}^d\) and \(\mathbb {T}^d\). Specifically for \(\mathbb S^d\), we provide dimension bounds using both \(L^p\) estimates of Littlewood-Paley blocks, as well as assumptions on the Fourier coefficients. In the appendix, we present a slight improvement to the bilinear Strichartz estimate on \(\mathbb {S}^2\) for functions supported on the zonal harmonics. We apply this to demonstrate an improved local well-posedness result for the zonal cubic NLS when \(d=2\), and a nonlinear smoothing estimate when \(d\ge 2\). As a corollary of the nonlinear smoothing for solutions to the zonal cubic NLS, we find dimension bounds generalizing the results of Erdoğan and Tzirakis (Math Res Lett 20(6): 1081–1090, 2013) for solutions to the cubic NLS on \(\mathbb T\). Additionally, we obtain several results on \(\mathbb {T}^d\) generalizing the results of the \(d=1\) case.
... Its significance extends across various realms of physics, such as atomic waves [2], waveguide arrays [3], wave propagation in gradient-index (GRIN) media [4], nonlinear media [5], etc. In quantum physics, a comprehensive examination of the Talbot effect was presented in [6]. ...
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Abstract The synthesis of optical fields that follows a stochastic process and whose statistical mean values generate the self-imaging-revivals effect are analyzed. A sufficient condition for optical fields to exhibit the self-imaging effect occurs when the frequency representation is located on the Montgomery's rings. The study is performed by implementing stationary random fluctuations on the Montgomery's rings of additive and multiplicative types. The additive noise modifies the radii of the rings. The multiplicative noise angularly modifies the radii, and it is implemented by the Karhunen-Loève theorem. The modal representation implicit in the theorem is obtained by interpreting the self-imaging planes as an optical cavity, assuring the statistical periodicity of the noise. A time consonance of the random fluctuations for each ring allows to determine the revivals period for the self-imaging optical fields. The model is corroborated by computer simulations.
... The applicability of the paraxial approximation is pivotal to this near-field interference effect, with the periodic revivals stemming from phase coherence across adjacent grating slits [2,3]. The Talbot effect and its variants have been harnessed in diverse domains, including x-ray imaging [4,5], waveguide arrays [6,7], and plasmonics [8,9], influencing classical [10], nonlinear [11], and quantum optics research [12] significantly. ...
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The Talbot interferometer, as a periodic reproduction of momentum distribution in the time domain, finds significant applications in multiple research. The interparticle interactions during the diffraction and interference process introduce numerous many-body physics problems, leading to unconventional interference characteristics. This work investigates both experimentally and theoretically the influence of interaction in a Talbot interferometer with a Li26 molecular Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional optical lattice, with interaction strength directly tunable via magnetic Feshbach resonance. A clear dependence of the period and amplitude of signal revivals on the interaction strength can be observed. While interactions increase the decay rate of the signal and advance the revivals, we find that over a wide range of interactions, the Talbot interferometer remains highly effective over a certain evolutionary timescale, including the case of fractional Talbot interference. This work provides insight into the interplay between interaction and the coherence properties of a temporal Talbot interference in optical lattices, paving the way for research into quantum interference in strongly interacting systems.
... In 2010, the SH Talbot effect was observed for the first time in periodically poled lithium tantalate (PPLT) crystals commonly used for highly efficient nonlinear frequency conversion processes. However, in this case, the poling periodicity of the crystal was used as the periodic structure for the study of the Talbot effect [18] by illuminating the crystal in the direction orthogonal to the poling direction. As a result, the direct benefit of periodic poling of the nonlinear crystal after accessing the highest nonlinear gain and long crystal length was unexplored, resulting in low nonlinear frequency conversion efficiency. ...
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We report on a simple experimental scheme demonstrating nonlinear frequency upconversion of the Talbot effect with controllable Talbot lengths at high conversion efficiency. Using a microlens array (MLA) as an array illuminator at 1064 nm onto a 1.2-mm-thick BiBO crystal, we have observed the second harmonic Talbot effect in green at 532 nm with a Talbot length twice that of the pump Talbot length. However, the Talbot length is constant for fixed parameters of the periodic object and the laser wavelength. With the formulation of a suitable theoretical framework, we have implemented a generic experimental scheme based on the Fourier transformation technique to independently control the Talbot lengths of the MLA in both the pump and the second harmonic, overcoming the stringent dependence of MLA parameters on the self-images. Deploying the current technique, we have been able to tune the Talbot lengths from z T = 26 cm to z T = 62.4 cm in the pump and z T = 12.4 cm to z T = 30.8 cm in the second harmonic, respectively. The single pass conversion efficiency of the Talbot images is 2.91% W⁻¹, an enhancement of a factor of 10⁶ as compared to the previous reports. This generic experimental scheme can be used to generate long-range self-images of periodic structures and also to program desired Talbot planes at required positions at both pump and upconverted frequency to avoid any mechanical constraints of experiments.
... In this case, the nonlinear effect has a negligible impact on Talbot lasers due to the relatively low pulse intensity. Apart from these linear cases, Talbot phenomena also appear in nonlinear systems (21)(22)(23). Periodic rogue waves exhibit recurrent behavior in a cubic nonlinear medium, which arises from the transverse modulation instability and the nonlinear interference of Akhmediev breathers (22). ...
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Talbot effect, characterized by the replication of a periodic optical field in a specific plane, is governed by diffraction and dispersion in the spatial and temporal domains, respectively. In mode-locked lasers, Talbot effect is rarely linked with soliton dynamics since the longitudinal mode spacing and cavity dispersion are far away from the self-imaging condition. We report switchable breathing and stable dissipative Talbot solitons in a multicolor mode-locked fiber laser by manipulating the frequency difference of neighboring spectra. The temporal Talbot effect dominates the laser emission state—in the breathing state when the integer self-imaging distance deviates from the cavity length and in the steady state when it equals the cavity length. A refined Talbot theory including dispersion and nonlinearity is proposed to accurately depict this evolution behavior. These findings pave an effective way to control the operation in dissipative optical systems and open branches in the study of nonlinear physics.
... Quasi-phase matching (QPM) techniques [16][17][18][19] allow the continuous energy flow from fundamental and second harmonic light by creating a periodic structure in NLO crystal, which can realize the phase matching output of coherent light through making use of ferroelectricity instead of birefringence (Figure 1a). QPM has recently attracted much attention because it allows for more NLO processes such as two-photon entanglement, [20,21] Cerenkov second-harmonic generation (SHG), [22] and nonlinear Talbot effect [23] Up to now, there are only several commercial QPM NLO crystals, for instance, LiNbO 3 [24] LiTaO 3 [25] , KTiOPO 4 [26] , and LaBGeO 5 [27] . However, they are not available in deep-UV region because of their inadequate absorption edges, for instance, LiNbO 3 (330 nm), [28] LiTaO 3 (400 nm) [25] KTiPO 4 (350 nm) [29] , and LaBGeO 5 (225 nm) [27] In recent years, scientists found that sulfate NLO crystals are transparent in the deep-UV region. ...
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Phase matching is indispensable for high efficiency of second‐order nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals. Thousands of these crystals rely on birefringence phase matching, whereas only a few of them are quasi‐phase matching without the restriction of birefringence. Herein, using oriented seeds inch‐sized LiNH 4 SO 4 (LAS) single crystals are successfully grown. LAS is NLO‐active with a very short deep‐UV absorption edge of 171 nm and high laser damage threshold up to 1.47 GW cm ⁻² at 1064 nm, 10 ns, but its birefringence is merely 0.0078@532 nm, which is too small to realize birefringence phase matching in deep‐UV region. Fortunately, P − E hysteresis loop, variable‐temperature NLO tests, and ferroelectric domain observations confirm that LAS is ferroelectric. Furthermore, LAS exhibits small refractive index dispersion resulting in a relatively long periodic length of 1.4 µm and its single domain structure can be easily obtained by electrical poling. These attributes make LAS a scarce NLO candidate for deep‐UV quasi‐phase matching. This work highlights the longly overlooked potential of sulfates and provides new opportunities for deep‐UV NLO materials.
... Recently, it has also been reported for solid state materials ( [8][9][10]), Bose-Einstein condensates [11], and metamaterials [15]. Nowadays, it has also been visualized in the temporal Talbot effect [16], angular Talbot effect [17], conformal Talbot effect ( [12][13][14]), and non-linear Talbot effect [18]. ...
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In this article, we study the atomic Talbot effect in a three-level ladder-type atomic system, which consists of a strong microwave field having a finite bandwidth and a weak probe field. The upper levels are coupled with a strong position-dependent microwave field, while a weak probe field interacts with lower levels of the atomic system. We find that phase fluctuations associated with a strong microwave field significantly affect the transmission and corresponding intensity of Talbot images. We show that the choice of various parameters is crucial in the presence of phase fluctuation. An appropriate choice along with a pump field can still improve the intensity of atomic Talbot images. We believe that our results are useful for any practical situation where the effects of phase fluctuations are important.
... As was shown by Rayleigh [2], the periodic field pattern formed by the structure undergoes periodic axial revivals at distances that are multiple integers of the Talbot length, z T = 2d 2 /λ, where d is a spatial period of the field pattern at the source and λ is the wavelength of light. To date, the classic Talbot-like revivals have been extensively studied for coherent and random optical waves in free space [3][4][5][6], linear graded media [7], and nonlinear optical systems [8]. Moreover, space-time duality [9] implies the existence of a temporal analogue of the spatial Talbot effect for a periodic train of optical pulses propagating in a dispersive fiber [10][11][12]. ...
We advance a general theory of field correlation revivals of structured random wave packets, composed of superpositions of propagation invariant modes, at pairs of planes transverse to the packet propagation direction. We derive an elegant analytical relation between the normalized intensity autocorrelation function of the thus structured paraxial light fields at a pair of points on an optical axis of the system and an incomplete Gauss sum, thereby establishing a fundamental link between statistical optics and number theory. We propose and experimentally implement a simple robust analog random wave computer that can efficiently decompose numbers into prime factors.
... In near-field diffraction of a plane wave, the diffraction grating creates self-images at regular distances away from it. This phenomenon was observed in classical optics in 1836 by Henry Fox Talbot [1] and is known as the Talbot effect [2][3][4][5][6]. Since the discovery, the Talbot effect has been used in many optical applications ranging from surface profiling of transparent objects [7] and testing of beam collimation [8] to several precision measurements, such as vibration in real-time [9], periodic phase modulation [10], aberration [11], focal dimension of lenses [12], small tilt angle [13], grating parameters [14], and temperature profile of gaseous flame [15]. ...
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Self-imaging in near-field diffraction is a practical application of coherent manipulation of matter waves in Talbot interferometry. In this work, near-field diffraction of protons by a nanostructured metallic grating under the influence of (a) uniform, (b) spatially modulated, and (c) temporally modulated electric fields are investigated. Time-domain simulations of two-dimensional Gaussian wave packets for protons are performed by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger's equation using the generalized finite difference time domain (GFDTD-Q) method for quantum systems. Effects of strength ( E 0 ) and orientation ( θ ) of the uniform electric field on the diffraction properties, such as fringe pattern, intensity of the peaks, fringe shift, and visibility, are investigated. The results show that the Talbot fringes shift significantly in the transverse direction even for a small change in the applied electric field ( ΔE 0 = 0.1 V/m) and its orientation ( Δθ= 0.1 o ). Moreover, electric field-dependent fringe visibility is observed, which can be tuned by E 0 and θ . The potential barriers arising from a spatially modulated electric field are observed to cause significant distortions in the Talbot patterns when the modulation length ( λ' ) is equal to the de Broglie wavelength ( λ dB ). Sidebands are observed in the Talbot pattern due to the efficient transfer of energy from the oscillating field to the wave packet when the frequency of oscillation ( ω ) is of the order of ω 0 (=2 π/T 0 ), where T 0 is the interaction time. This study will be helpful in uniform electric field-controlled precision metrology, developing a highly sensitive electric field sensor based on Talbot interference, and precisely aligning the matter wave optical setup. Furthermore, the sidebands in the Talbot fringe can be used as a precise tool as momentum splitter in matter wave interferometry.
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The last several years have seen tremendous progress toward practical optical quantum information processing, including the development of single- and entangled-photon sources and high-efficiency photon counting detectors, covering a range of wavelengths. We review some of the recent progress in the development of these photonic technologies. PACS: 03.67.-a, 42.50.Dv, 42.65.Lm, 78.67.Hc, 85.60.Gz
It is 200 years since Thomas Young performed his famous double-slit experiment but the interference of waves that weave rich tapestries in space and space-time. continues to provide deep insights into geometrical optics and semi-classical limits.
A theory of Fresnel images is presented. Only the Fresnel images of plane periodic objects viewed in monochromatic light are considered. The theory is in agreement with the experimental and computer research available in the literature. Photographs of Fresnel images of gratings are shown to verify certain aspects of the theory.
In order to improve the knowledge of the domain structure in LiNbO3 crystals, the effect of the etching process with HF:HNO3 (1:2 by vol.) has been studied. It has been found, by analyzing the superficial composition with the secondary ion mass spectrometry technique, that during the etching treatment, the fluorine ion diffuses into the crystal, mainly along the positive ferroelectric domain.
We have made a direct optical observation of pinning and bowing of a single 180° ferroelectric domain wall under a uniform applied electric field using a collection mode near-field scanning optical microscope. The domain wall is observed to curve between the pinning defects, with a radius of curvature determined by the material parameters and the applied electric field. The change in birefringence with applied field is used to infer the orientation of the internal field at the domain wall. {copyright} {ital 1999} {ital The American Physical Society}
Quasi-periodic structure can be introduced into nonlinear optical materials such as LiTaO3 crystals. Such structures were used for quasi–phase-matching second-harmonic generation. These materials are now shown to be able to couple second-harmonic generation and sum-frequency generation through quasi–phase-matching. The approach led to a direct third-harmonic generation with high efficiency through a coupled parametric process. The result verifies that high-order harmonics may be generated in a quadric nonlinear medium by a number of quasi–phase-matching processes, and therefore, exhibits a possible important application of quasi-periodic structure materials in nonlinear optics.
This chapter describes the self-imaging phenomenon and its applications. The self-imaging phenomenon requires a highly spatially coherent illumination. It disappears when the lateral dimensions of the light source are increased. When the source is made spatially periodic and is placed at the proper distance in front of the periodic structure, a fringe pattern is formed in the space behind the structure. The chapter discusses the theoretical and applicational aspects of the self-imaging phenomenon—that is, the property of the Fresnel diffraction field of some objects illuminated by a spatially coherent light beam. The applications of self-imaging are summarized in four main groups—namely, (1) image processing and synthesis, (2) technology of optical elements, (3) optical testing, and (4) optical metrology. The chapter describes the double diffraction systems using spatially incoherent illumination. The first periodic structure plays the role of a periodic source composed of a multiple of mutually incoherent slits. Depending on whether the periods of two periodic structures are equal, the Lau or the generalized Lau effect is discussed. Various applications of incoherent double-grating systems are described in the fields of optical testing, image processing, and optical metrology. After examining some cases of coherent and incoherent illumination, the general issue of spatial periodicities of optical fields and its relevance to the replication of partially coherent fields in space is discussed.
Interest in the dynamic behaviour of carriers in organic materials is motivated by possible applications that include organic thin-film transistors, organic electro-luminescent devices and organic photoconductors. It can also provide an insight into the modelling of carrier transport and trapping in organic semiconductors and insulators. Here, we use an advanced second-harmonic generation technique to probe and visualize real carrier motion in organic materials. This is a time-resolved microscopic optical second-harmonic generation technique that allows direct and selective probing of dynamic carrier motion in organic materials. Experiments making use of this technique and using pentacene field-effect transistors have revealed dynamic changes of second-harmonic-generation intensity profiles arising from pentacene. Carrier velocity in organic solids is thus determined from the visualized carrier motion. We anticipate that this direct visualization technique will find wide application in the illustration of space-charge field formation in organic and inorganic materials, including biomaterials and polymers.
Stellt man 2 gleichartige Raster hintereinander, so wird in bestimmten Abstnden ein Raster durch das andere Raster abgebildet. Diese Abstnde ergeben sich aus der Beugungstheorie. Sie werden berechnet und mit dem Experiment verglichen. Es ergibt sich dabei eine ganze Schar von Abstnden, die sich nach einem einfachen Gesetz aneinanderreihen. Bei der Berechnung der Gangunterschiede an den einzelnen Spalten bei den verschiedenen Abstnden ergaben sich auffallende, symmetrisch angelegte Folgen von Zahlen, die in einer Tabelle wiedergegeben sind.
A method of periodically poling LiTaO 3 single crystal at room temperature by applying an external pulsed field is proposed. The relationship between the growth of inverted domains and switching current as well as switching time has been studied. The growth of inverted domains can be controlled by the duration of the pulsed field. The domain structure with period Λ≳8 μm has been fabricated in a 0.3‐mm‐thick plate of LiTaO 3 by partial switching. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.