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Multi-tasking of somatic embryogenesis receptor-like protein kinases


Abstract and Figures

Receptor-like protein kinases (RLKs) are transmembrane proteins crucial for cell-to-cell and cell-to-environment communications. The extracellular domain of a RLK is responsible for perception of a specific extracellular ligand to trigger a unique intercellular signaling cascade, often via phosphorylation of cellular proteins. The signal is then transduced to the nucleus of a cell where it alters gene expression. There are more than 610 RLKs in Arabidopsis thaliana, only a handful of them have been functionally characterized. This review focuses on recent advances in our understanding of a small group of RLKs named somatic embryogenesis receptor-like protein kinases (SERKs). SERKs act as coreceptors in multiple signaling pathways via their physical interactions with distinct ligand-binding RLKs.
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Multi-tasking of somatic embryogenesis receptor-like
protein kinases
Jia Li
Receptor-like protein kinases (RLKs) are transmembrane
proteins crucial for cell-to-cell and cell-to-environment
communications. The extracellular domain of a RLK is
responsible for perception of a specific extracellular ligand to
trigger a unique intercellular signaling cascade, often via
phosphorylation of cellular proteins. The signal is then
transduced to the nucleus of a cell where it alters gene
expression. There are more than 610 RLKs in Arabidopsis
thaliana, only a handful of them have been functionally
characterized. This review focuses on recent advances in our
understanding of a small group of RLKs named somatic
embryogenesis receptor-like protein kinases (SERKs).
SERKs act as coreceptors in multiple signaling pathways via
their physical interactions with distinct ligand-binding RLKs.
School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, People’s
Republic of China
Corresponding author: Li, Jia (
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2010, 13:509–514
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cell signalling and gene regulation
Edited by Zhiyong Wang and Giltsu Choi
1369-5266/$ – see front matter
#2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOI 10.1016/j.pbi.2010.09.004
Multicellular organisms utilize transmembrane recep-
tor-like protein kinases (RLKs) for cell-to-cell and cell-
to-environment communications during normal growth
and development. A typical plant RLK contains an
extracellular domain perceiving chemical signals from
surrounding environment, a single-pass transmembrane
domain anchoring the protein to the plasma membrane,
and a cytoplasmic kinase domain transducing extra-
cellular signals to intracellular processes via protein
phosphorylation. Plant RLKs were initially classified
as serine/threonine protein kinases [1], but recent stu-
dies indicate that some RLKs may have serine/threo-
nine and tyrosine dual kinase activities [2]. Arabidopsis
genome encodes at least 610 RLKs and receptor-like
cytoplasmic kinases (RLCKs), which lack extracellular
domains. RLKs and RLCKs belong to a large mono-
phyletic superfamily, representing nearly 2.5% of
proteins encoded in the Arabidopsis genome [3,4].
Based on their sequence and structure similarities,
RLKs were classified into more than 10 subfamilies,
among which the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) RLKs,
LRR-RLKs, belong to the largest subfamily containing
at least 223 members [5
A variety of approaches have been used to unfold the
biological functions of about 30 LRR-RLKs [5
], but the
roles of majority of LRR-RLKs are yet to be elucidated.
LRR-RLKs have been found to be crucial in regulating
numerous physiological processes such as microsporogen-
esis and male fertility [68], embryo pattern formation [9],
vascular tissue differentiation [10], organ shape and inflor-
escence architecture [11], maintenance of meristematic
cells [12], stomatal patterning and differentiation [13],
brassinosteroid (BR) signaling [1416], floral organ abscis-
sion [17], cell death control [18
,19,20], and innate
immunity [21,22].
A surprising discovery from recent studies is that some
LRR-RLKs have dual or multiple roles. For example,
Arabidopsis SERKs were found to regulate distinct sig-
naling pathways mediating development and innate
immunity [23]. SERK was first isolated in Daucus carota
(carrot) as a marker gene to monitor the transition from
somatic to embryogenic cells in carrot cell culture [24]. In
Arabidopsis, there are five homologs of DcSERK, named
SERK1 to SERK5 [25]. SERK3 and SERK4 were also
named as brassinosteroid insensitive 1 (BRI1) associated
receptor kinase 1 (BAK1) and BAK1-like 1 (BKK1) due to
their functions in the BR signaling pathway [15,16,20].
Interestingly, members of SERKs showed both signifi-
cantly overlapped and divergent functions [23]. Identifi-
cation of multiple roles of SERKs raised interesting
questions about specificity of members of SERK sub-
family and crosstalk among SERK-mediated signaling
pathways. This review focuses on recent advances in
our understanding of the functions of SERKs in various
signaling pathways.
Several SERKs interact with BRI1 to regulate
BR signaling pathway
The function of BAK1/SERK3 in regulating BR signaling
was independently identified via an activation tagging
genetic screen for extragenic suppressors of a weak Ara-
bidopsis BRI1 mutant named bri15[15,26], and by a
yeast two-hybrid screen for BRI1 interacting proteins
[16]. Recent studies demonstrated that the bona-fide Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2010, 13:509514
BR receptor BRI1 and coreceptor BAK1 follow a recipro-
cal and sequential phosphorylation model [27
]. The
BRI1 kinase domain can be activated via autophosphor-
ylation upon the binding of BR to the extracellular
domain of BRI1. The active BRI1 then recruits BAK1
to its protein complex likely forming a heterotetramer
[28]. Specific residues within the BAK1 activation loop
are therefore transphosphorylated by BRI1, resulting in
activation of BAK1. BAK1 transphosphorylates the Ser/
Thr residues in the juxtamembrane and C-terminal
domains of BRI1, enhancing the kinase activity of
BRI1. Genetic data obtained from bak1 bkk1 double
mutant plants suggested that BRI1 retains a basal activity
even without SERK proteins [27
]. Since SERK1 and
additional BAK1 paralogs are also likely involved in BR
signaling, the significance of SERKs in BR signaling still
needs to be reevaluated in mutant plants lacking BAK1
and all its functionally redundant genes.
SERKs bind to BIR1 to control plant cell death
The fact that the bak1 single mutant only shows subtle
bri1-like phenotype suggested that there must be other
BAK1-like genes playing functionally redundant roles
with BAK1. Among five Arabidopsis SERKs, SERK4
and SERK5 are the two closest paralogs of BAK1/
SERK3. The SERK4 and SERK5 genes are found as
a tandem repeat on chromosome 2. It is therefore
impractical to generate serk4 serk5 double or bak1 serk4
serk5 triple mutants in order to analyze the significance
of these presumed functionally redundant proteins in
regulating plant growth and development. In the Ara-
bidopsis accession Columbia (Col-0), but not in acces-
sion WS2, however, SERK5 bears a natural point
mutation which alters Arg401 to Leu within its con-
served ‘RD’ motif. This substitution may have abol-
ished the kinase activity of SERK5, as overexpression
of SERK4 but not SERK5 (from Col-0) can partially
suppress the defective phenotypes of bri15, similar to
that of BAK1 [20]. When Leu401 is mutagenized to Arg
in Col-0 SERK5, SERK5 can regain partial function in
the BR signaling pathway [20]. The bak1 bkk1 double
mutant is practically a bak1 bkk1 serk5 triple mutant in
Col-0 background.
Surprisingly, the double mutant did not show the
expected typical bri1-like defects. Instead, it exhibited
a seedling lethality phenotype due to constitutive
defense responses and spontaneous cell death [20].
The seedling lethality is salicylic acid (SA) and light
dependent [20,29]. These results suggest that BAK1
and BKK1 not only modulate cell elongation via their
function in BR signaling, but they also play critical roles in
a light-dependent cell death control process. Since BAK1
regulates BR signaling through its interaction with the
ligand-binding receptor BRI1, it is possible that BAK1
controls cell death via its interaction with another
unknown ligand-binding RLK [29].
In an attempt to identify genes important for innate
immunity response, Gao et al. [18
] used a systematic
reverse genetic approach to determine the functions of
genes whose expression levels are elevated upon treat-
ment with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv.
Maculicola ES4326. A null mutant of a novel RLK gene
showed constitutive defense response, cell death, and
seedling lethality phenotypes similar to that of bak1 bkk1
double mutant. Using a co-immunoprecipitation
approach followed by a proteomic analysis, it was found
that this RLK interacts with BAK1 in vivo. The RLK was
therefore named as BAK1-interacting receptor-like
kinase 1 (BIR1) [18
]. BIR1 is a member of the LRR-
RLK X subfamily. Using bimolecular fluorescence com-
plementation (BiFC) approach, it was found that BIR1
interacts with BAK1 paralogs including SERK1, SERK2,
and BKK1/SERK4. The seedling lethality phenotype of
bir1 mutant is also SA dependent, as blocking SA bio-
synthesis can partially rescue the bir1 phenotype [18
The phenotypic similarity between bir1 and bak1 bkk1
mutants and the physical interaction of BAK1 and BIR1
suggest that bir1 and bak1 bkk1 may block the same
signaling pathway, which resulted in cell death. If this is
the case, it suggests that BIR1 is a ligand-binding RLK,
similar to BRI1 in the BRI1/BAK1-mediated BR signaling
pathway, which can sense the ‘surviving’ signal yet to be
determined. This notion is supported by the fact that BIR1
belongs to the same LRR-RLK X subfamily as known
ligand-binding LRR-RLKs such as BRI1 and EMS1/EXS
[6,14,30]. The extracellular domain of BRI1 perceives BRs,
whereas the extracellular domain of EMS1/EXS interacts
with a small secreted peptide TPD1 [31,32
]. The MAP
kinase cascade regulated by MEKK1, MKK1/MKK2, and
MPK4 may also be involved in the BIR1-midiated sig-
naling pathway. The mekk1 mutant shows a cell death
phenotype similar to bir1 [33]; and the defective pheno-
types of both mutants can be suppressed by higher
temperature. Whether the bak1 bkk1 double mutant phe-
notype can also be suppressed by higher temperature has
not yet been reported. Future identification of the ‘surviv-
ing’ signal as well as elucidation of the rest of the signaling
pathway should provide significant insight into mechan-
isms of RLK-mediated cell death control in plants.
SERKs are crucial in regulating anther
Because the carrot SERK is transcriptionally induced
during the transition to somatic embryogenesis, Arabi-
dopsis SERK1 was thought to be involved in embryogen-
esis. Overexpression of SERK1 can efficiently increase
the initiation of somatic embryogenesis [25], although no
role in embryogenesis has been determined through loss-
of-function genetic analyses. In order to analyze the
biological functions of SERK1 and its closest paralog
SERK2, two independent groups generated serk1 and
serk2 single and serk1 serk2 double mutants. Neither serk1
510 Cell signalling and gene regulation
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2010, 13:509514
nor serk2 showed any obvious morphological phenotypes,
but the double mutant is sterile due to lack of mature
pollen grains [7,8]. Detailed analysis found that the
double mutant does not contain the characteristic tapetal
cell layer which is essential for anther development. The
double mutant produces more sporogenous cells that fail
to develop into mature pollen grains after meiosis. These
phenotypic defects are consistent with the expression
patterns of SERK1 and SERK2. Although both genes
have a broad expression patterns in locules at an early
anther developmental stage (stage 5), their expression is
restricted to the tapetal cell layer at a later developmental
stage (stage 9) [7,8].
The phenotypes of serk1 serk2 double mutant are similar
to ems1/exs and tpd1 mutants. EMS1/EXS encodes an
LRR-RLK of LRR-RLK X subfamily, whereas TPD1
encodes a secreted small protein, which can directly bind
to the extracellular domain of EMS1/EXS [32
]. The
phenotypic similarity of the mutants raised an intriguing
question: do these three different genes control the same
signaling pathway? If this is the case, we would expect a
ligand (TPD1)-dependent interaction between EMS1/
EXS and SERK1 or SERK2. This is indeed a tempting
hypothesis to be tested in the future.
SERKs associate with a number of pattern
recognition receptors to modulate multiple
plant innate immunity responses
There are at least two layers of plant defense responses
against pathogens. One involves the pattern recognition
receptors (PRRs) which perceive the pathogen associated
molecular patterns (PAMPs). Perception of PAMPs by
PRRs can trigger a basic but weak defense response. The
second layer of innate immunity is the classic gene-for-
gene defense. Once a pathogen breaks down the first
layer of defense, it may release species-specific effectors
into the cytoplasm of a plant cell via a type III secretion
system (TTSS). If a plant has a dominant resistant gene,
R gene, its product may interact directly or indirectly with
the pathogen effectors, which can trigger a more intensive
defense response named hypersensitive response. Such
an immunity response is also called effector-triggered
immunity (ETI) [34].
Kemmerling et al. showed that bak1 single mutant exhib-
ited a spreading necrosis phenotype due to uncontrolled
cell death triggered by the pathogen infection [19]. This
result clearly suggested that BAK1 may act as PRRs or
coreceptors of PRRs to control innate immunity responses.
The best characterized PRRs are FLS2 and EFR [21,22].
Both RLKs are members of the LRR-RLK XII subfamily.
FLS2 and EFR sense the conserved22-amino acid epitope
of bacterial flagellin, named flg22, and the N-terminal
portion of elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) called elf18/
elf26, respectively. Recent reports demonstrated that
FLS2 can heteromerize with BAK1 [35,36]. The inter-
action is ligand dependent, reminiscent of the interaction
between BAK1 and BRI1 [37]. Without the stimulation of
flg22, FLS2 and BAK1 are not associated with each other
[35,36]. Upon the stimulation by flg22 for only seconds,
these two LRR-RLKs can form a protein complex almost
instantaneously and transphosphorylate each other, which
subsequently initiate a defense signaling cascade including
MAPK activation [38
]. BAK1 is a positive regulator of
PAMP signaling pathways shared by different plant
species. In Arabidopsis, two BAK1 T-DNA insertion
mutants, bak13and bak14, showed drastically reduced
defense responses such as seedling growth inhibition,
oxidative burst, and MAPK activation upon treatments
with flg22 and elf18. The responsiveness of bak13is
slightly more than that of bak14because bak13is a leaky
mutant expressing trace amounts of wild-type BAK1,
whereas bak14is a true null allele (our unpublished data).
More recently, using a yeast two-hybrid approach, BAK1
was identified as a coreceptor of two additional LRR-
RLKs, PEPR1 and its closest homolog PEPR2, implicat-
ing BAK1 in a general activation role in diversified plant
immunity responses [39
]. PEPR1 and PEPR2 are mem-
bers of LRR-RLK XI subfamily which consists of at least
26 genes [40]. The ligand for PEPR1, AtPEP1, is a
wound-induced and plant-derived endogenous peptide,
which differs from pathogen-derived elicitors such as
flg22 and elf18/elf26. Recognition of AtPEP1 by PEPR1
triggers plant immunity response and enhances plant
resistance against Pytium irregulare infection [41,42].
The detailed molecular mechanisms of BAK1 in regulat-
ing PEPR1 and PEPR2-mediated responses need to be
elucidated in the future. These results suggest that BAK1
may interact with numerous ligand-binding PRRs in
controlling a wide range of microbes [36].
BAK1 is a common coreceptor for a number of PAMPs.
Interestingly, pathogens evolved unique strategies to
target such general defense component to weaken the
PRR-associated plant immunity in order to successfully
invade plant cells. A recent report provides an excellent
example for such unique tactics pathogens use for their
successful attacking purposes [43
]. During the infection
process, two sequence-distinct Pseudomonas syringae
effectors AvrPto and AvrPtoB are injected into plant cells
and interact with BAK1. The interaction between AvrPto/
AvrPtoB and BAK1 interferes with the associations of
BAK1 with different PRRs and with BRI1 [43
There is clear evidence that SERKs are able to regulate
many developmental and innate immunity signaling
pathways (Figure 1). In cases that have been studied in
details, SERKs act as coreceptors rather than ligand-
binding receptors. The first obvious question would be
how the specificity of each of the SERK-mediated sig-
naling pathways is controlled. From the story of BRI1 and
Multi-tasking of somatic embryogenesis receptor-like protein kinases Li 511 Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2010, 13:509514
BSKs [44], it can be concluded that the determination of a
signaling pathway may rely more on the ligand-binding
receptors rather than the shared coreceptors. The second
apparent question would be why in some cases members
of SERKs exhibit divergent biological functions. Indirect
evidence from previous studies suggested that members
of SERKs may possess different biochemical properties
[23]. In addition, expression patterns of SERK members
are not always overlapped in some tissues [45]. A recent
report on genome-wide cloning and sequence analysis of
LRR-RLK cDNAs illustrated that more than 30 RLKs
have alternatively spliced forms [5
]. It is very likely that
the alternatively spliced forms represent another regulat-
ory mechanism to determine specificity of RLK-associ-
ated signaling pathways. So far all known SERK/ligand-
binding receptor pair showed ligand-dependent associ-
ation. It is yet to be tested whether reciprocal and
sequential phosphorylation of SERKs with their partner
RLKs represents a common mechanism in all SERK-
related signaling pathways.
Proteomic approaches have been widely used to identify
signaling components involved in RLK related signaling
pathways [46]. In the future, identification of other
SERK interacting RLKs may help to reveal additional
roles of SERKs. LRR-RLK II subfamily contains 14
members, but studies have been mainly focused on 5
SERKs. It is likely that other members of LRR-RLK II
or members of other RLK families may also serve as
coreceptors in many unknown signaling pathways mod-
ulating plant growth, development, and immunity
I apologize for not being able to cite all excellent papers published by
colleagues due to space limitation. The work of my research group is
currently supported by a grant from National Natural Science Foundation of
China (90917019 to JL), and by a grant from The Ministry of Agriculture of
the People’s Republic of China (2009ZX08009-029B). I would like to thank
Dr. Xiaoping Gou for helping to prepare the references and Figure 1.Iam
grateful to Frans Tax and Adriana Racolta for their invaluable comments on
the manuscript.
References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
have been highlighted as:
of special interest
 of outstanding interest
1. Horn MA, Walker JC: Biochemical properties of the
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from Arabidopsis thaliana.Biochim Biophys Acta 1994,
512 Cell signalling and gene regulation
Figure 1
SERKs interact with multiple ligand-binding LRR-RLKs and control multiple developmental and defense-related signaling pathways. The interactionof
BRI1 and BAK1 was found to be BR dependent [15,16,37]. The interaction of BIR1 and SERKs was confirmed by a number of different approaches
]. This pathway was thought to prevent plant cell death. The assumed ligand (a ‘surviving’ signal) is yet to be identified in the future. Available
evidence indicated that TPD1, EMS1/EXS and SERK1, 2 may control a common signaling pathway [68,30,32
]. An interaction between SERKs and
EMS1/EXS has not yet been reported. Association between FLS2 and BAK1 has been demonstrated in previous studies [35,36]. Although genetic
evidence did show that SERKs may participate in EFR-mediated signaling pathway, the physical interaction between EFR and SERKs was not
reported. Using yeast two-hybrid analysis, PEPR1 and PEPR2 were found to interact with BAK1 [39
], and may also interact with other members of
SERK subfamily. Question marks in the figure indicate hypothetical processes that have not been experimentally proved yet.
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2010, 13:509514
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514 Cell signalling and gene regulation
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2010, 13:509514
... The coreceptors of the largest LRR-RLK family belong to the SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK) subfamily, represented by five members in Arabidopsis (SERK1-5) (Chakraborty et al. 2019). SERK proteins are highly homologous and often execute similar functions in a plethora of processes, such as development and immunity (Li 2010;Ma et al. 2016;Gou and Li 2020). SERK3, also known as BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-ASSOCIATED KINASE 1 (BAK1), is the most extensively described LRR-RLK coreceptor and associates with FLS2 and EFR, which are involved in immunity as well as with BRI1 to activate BR signaling (Russinova et al. 2004;Sun et al. 2013;Ma et al. 2016;Zhou et al. 2019). ...
... As coreceptors have been shown to exert pleiotropic roles in diverse signaling networks, we included 12 lines impaired in one or several of the six LRR or LysM domain coreceptors genes (SERKs and CERKs, respectively) in our library (Albrecht et al. 2008;Li 2010;Ma et al. 2016;Buendia et al. 2018;Gou and Li 2020). For four of the six coreceptor genes, SERK1, SERK2, SERK4 and SERK5, we had one single 1 (bri1, A), bri1-301 (B) and constitutive photomorphogenic dwarf (cpd, C)) seedlings were treated with a mock (light gray) or RHG1 (dark gray) solution (OD 0.01) and total fresh weight values were determined at 14 days post inoculation (dpi). ...
... Interestingly, the decreased PGP phenotype in bak1-4 plants exhibited a certain degree of variability throughout the nine independent experiments, while a similar decreased PGP phenotype could be observed in all three independent experiments in serk1-3;bak1-4 plants (Supplementary Figure S6A-C). The consistent change in PGP phenotype in the double mutant compared with the single mutant could be due to functional redundancy which is characteristic for SERK family members (Albrecht et al. 2008;Li 2010;Sun et al. 2013;Ma et al. 2016;Gou and Li 2020). Our data thus suggest a role for the LRR coreceptors BAK1 and SERK1 in signaling processes elicited upon RHG1 inoculation that influence the PGP phenotype. ...
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Plants express an array of receptor-like kinases (RLKs) to control development and communicate with their environment. Many RLKs are uncharacterized and some of them are expected to regulate plant responses to plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Despite documented effects induced by Caulobacter RHG1, the underlying signaling pathways and the involved RLKs remain uncharted. Through a targeted RLK mutant screening, we aimed to decipher the receptors that steer the Caulobacter RHG1-induced growth promotion in Arabidopsis thaliana. We identified four RLKs that are pivotal in the RHG1-Arabidopsis interaction, including the coreceptors SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE 1 (SERK1) and BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-ASSOCIATED KINASE 1 (BAK1/SERK3), which act redundantly in the RHG1-Arabidopsis interaction, possibly by interplaying with the unknown RLK AT3G28040 and the immunity-related ELONGATION FACTOR-TU RECEPTOR (EFR). These results shed new light on the molecular dynamics orchestrating plant responses to PGPR, and concurrently contribute a crucial piece to the intricate puzzle of RLK interactions. Key policy highlights Four RLKs; BAK1, SERK1, EFR, and AT3G28040 (RRHG) are involved in the RHG1-Arabidopsis interaction. BAK1 and SERK1, two well-described co-receptors, act redundantly and play a pivotal role in the RHG1-driven growth promotion, possibly by interplaying with the unknown RLK AT3G28040 and the immunity-related RLK EFR. Most known development – and immunity-related RLKs barely influence RHG1-driven plant growth promotion in Arabidopsis.
... BRs are perceived by a cell surface receptor complex including receptor BR-INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1) and co-receptor BRI1-ASSOCIATED KINASE 1 (BAK1). Activated BRI1 and BAK1 can trigger a downstream signaling cascade mainly via phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, ultimately activating downstream transcription factors (TFs), including BRI1-EMS SUPPRESSOR 1 (BES1) and BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT 1 (BZR1), which can alter the expression of BR-responsive genes to control plant growth and stress tolerance (Li andLi 2019, Guo et al. 2023) (Fig. 1). The entire BR signaling pathway, therefore, can be divided into two steps: the perception of BRs and the transduction of the BR signaling (Nolan et al. 2020). ...
... Genetic analysis initially indicated that BAK1 and its homologs play essential roles in the early events of the BR signaling pathway (Gou et al. 2012). Later, it was found that BAK1 serves as a co-receptor in multiple RLK-mediated signaling pathways, including root apical meristem development, tapetum development, cell death control and immunity , Kemmerling et al. 2007, Li 2010, Ou et al. 2016, Gou and Li 2020, Wu et al. 2020, Li et al. 2023a). In addition, previous studies revealed that TWISTED DWARF 1 (TWD1), a PM-localized protein, positively regulates the function of the BRI1-BAK1 complex (Chaiwanon et al. 2016, Zhao et al. 2016. ...
... belongs to the SERK (somatic embryogenesis-related kinase) family, which is a tiny low crew of membrane-localized RLKs that will identify various extracellular ligand stimuli and relay these signals, usually by a phosphorylation cascade (Li, 2010. The primary plant SERK identified, DcSERK, was once detected in carrot (Daucus carota) hypocotyl mobile suspension cultures (Schmidt et al., 1997) at some stage in an exceedingly hunt for marker genes to permit the monitoring of the transition from somatic cells into embryogenic cells. ...
... The primary plant SERK identified, DcSERK, was once detected in carrot (Daucus carota) hypocotyl mobile suspension cultures (Schmidt et al., 1997) at some stage in an exceedingly hunt for marker genes to permit the monitoring of the transition from somatic cells into embryogenic cells. Most SERKs incorporate a little extracellular LRR-domain with 5 repeats, one transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic kinase area (Li, 2010;Liu et al., 2013). Many studies have verified that BAK1 is required by most of the known Pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) to perform their function and therefore it is considered a principal regulator of immunity in plants (Chinchilla et al., 2007;Heese et al., 2007). ...
There are different methods to culture blast fungus in rice plants but remain unsuccessful because of the uncertainty of temperature, and humidity and also ineffective penetration of fungal spores for infection. Considering the need, we have developed a spore inoculation method to screen the large germplasm of rice, that ensures the infection and can also be used for phenotyping of similar diseases. The expression of pathogenesis-related genes was checked for the disease infection in rice. After confirming the infection, observations have been taken to investigate the pathways necessary for providing resistance against the disease, despite numerous genes already cloned and characterized. Comparative analysis of transcriptome data between the blast-resistant and susceptible rice genotypes Tetep and HP2216 respectively gives the possible expression patterns of genes in both. From this study, we have identified numerous genes responsible for and against the rice blast disease. Signal transduction, hormonal regulation, primary defence response, secondary metabolite synthesis, ROS-producing genes, detoxification, cell wall modification and synthesis are some of the up-regulated genes identified in Tetep against the panicle blast disease. This finding hints that Tetep triggers the defence mechanism at an early stage of infection to avoid unnecessary efforts on the plant. Genes related to the lignin synthesis, chitinases, cell wall precursor synthesis to restrict the entry of fungal spores by strengthening the cell wall, genes for ROS production, electron transport, peroxidases and kinases were found to be upregulated in Tetep then HP2216. This leads to the expression of many transcription factors including b-ZIP, Myb, BAK1 and ERF, Accumulation of these secondary metabolites leads to cell wall consolidation and programmed cell death in response to fungal infection or other biological stress. Based on the above study, we have enhanced the cell wall for enhancing the protective measurements against pathogenic interactions in plants. For this, we have to use the transcription factor, BAK1 gene to produce transgenic rice. BAK1 genes with higher expression in transcriptome data observed above were cloned and characterized in susceptible rice genotypes to check against different biotic stress. The expression of this BAK1 gene was analysed and the pattern of this gene over course of time in our experiment suggests its major involvement in defence against the blast disease. BAK1 gene was previously studied and used in different crops for various other experiments, but here we have identified its new role against the panicle blast disease in rice. Therefore, it was used for producing rice transgenics to strengthen the plant cell wall and its signalling mechanism to work against the panicle blast disease. Keywords: Panicle blast disease, Tetep, HP2216, RNA-Seq, Transcriptome analysis, BAK1, ROS-production, Electron Transport, Kinases, Peroxidases, plant-pathogen interaction, cell wall strengthening, cell signalling mechanism, transcription factors, MYB, WRKY, ERF, b-ZIP, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, in planta transformation, Transgenic Rice, Taipei-309.
... SERKs belong to the group II LRR-RLKs. In Arabidopsis, there are five members [35], which are named SERK1, SERK2, SERK3/BRI1related kinase 1 (BAK1), SERK4/BAK1-like kinase 1 (BKK1) and SERK5 [36]. Arabidopsis SERK1 is expressed during syncytium and early embryogenesis [37]. ...
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The Lanzhou lily (Lilium davidii var. unicolor) is a variant of the Sichuan lily of the lily family and is a unique Chinese 'medicinal and food' sweet lily. Somatic cell embryogenesis of Lilium has played an important role in providing technical support for germplasm conservation, bulb propagation and improvement of genetic traits. Somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinases (SERKs) are widely distributed in plants and have been shown to play multiple roles in plant life, including growth and development, somatic embryogenesis and hormone induction. Integrating the results of KEGG enrichment, GO annotation and gene expression analysis, a lily LdSERK1 gene was cloned. The full-length open reading frame of LdSERK1 was 1875 bp, encoding 624 amino acids. The results of the phylogenetic tree analysis showed that LdSERK1 was highly similar to rice, maize and other plant SERKs. The results of the subcellular localisation in the onion epidermis suggested that the LdSERK1 protein was localised at the cell membrane. Secondly, we established the virus-induced gene-silencing (VIGS) system in lily scales, and the results of LdSERK1 silencing by Tobacco rattle virus (TRV) showed that, with the down-regulation of LdSERK1 expression, the occurrence of somatic embryogenesis and callus tissue induction in scales was significantly reduced. Finally, molecular assays from overexpression of the LdSERK1 gene in Arabidopsis showed that LdSERK1 expression was significantly enhanced in the three transgenic lines compared to the wild type, and that the probability of inducing callus tissue in seed was significantly higher than that of the wild type at a concentration of 2 mg/L 2,4-D, which was manifested by an increase in the granularity of the callus tissue.
... The expression of SERK1 is related to embryogenesis in several species such as Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Zanella et al. 2022), Coffea canephora (Li 2010), Arabidopsis thaliana (Fehér et al. 2003;Verdeil et al. 2007), Araucaria angustifolia (Steiner et al. 2012), Picea balfouriana (Li et al. 2014), Brassica napus (Ahmadi et al. 2016), Trifolium nigrescens (Pilarska et al. 2016) and Pinus radiata (Bravo et al. 2017). ...
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The current study evaluated the effect of (i) genotypes on somatic embryogenesis initiation of Pinus elliottii x Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and (ii) 5-azacytidine (5-azaC), a potential agent for embryogenic competence reacquisition. For the establishment of embryogenic cell lines (ECLs), immature megagametophytes of thirteen families were cultured on an initiation medium. After 17 months, two aged ECLs (ECL02 and ECL05) were exposed for 10 days to 5-azaC (0, 50 and 150 μM). Gene expression analysis of Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor Kinase 1 (SERK1) and Leafy Cotyledon 1 (LEC1) were carried out by RT-qPCR in both ECLs. Metabolomic analysis via GC–MS were performed in the aged ECL05 and in a young ECL. ECLs initiation was genotype-dependent. The aged ECL05 exposed to 150 µM 5-azaC showed an increase in SERK1 and LEC1 expressions in comparison to the control and a similar metabolic profile to the young ECL. It suggests that 5-azaC has an effect on embryogenic morphology of the aged ECL05. On the other hand, it seems that the response to 5-azaC is also affected by the genotype, as the expression of both genes showed an opposite pattern in the ECL02.
Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a group of polyhydroxylated phytosterols that play essential roles in regulating plant growth and development as well as stress adaptation. It is worth noting that BRs do not function alone, but rather they crosstalk with other endogenous signaling molecules, including the phytohormones auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, ethylene, jasmonates, salicylic acid and strigolactones, forming elaborate signaling networks to modulate plant growth and development. BRs interact with other phytohormones mainly by regulating each others’ homeostasis, transport or signaling pathway at the transcriptional and posttranslational levels. In this review, we focus our attention on current research progress in BR signal transduction and the crosstalk between BRs and other phytohormones.
The growth and yield of crop plants are threatened by environmental challenges such as water deficit, soil flooding, high salinity, and extreme temperatures, which become increasingly severe under climate change. Stomata greatly contribute to plant adaptation to stressful environments by governing transpirational water loss and photosynthetic gas exchange. Increasing evidence has revealed that stomata formation is shaped by transcription factors, signaling peptides, and protein kinases, which could be exploited for improving crop stress resistance. The past decades have seen unprecedented progress in our understanding of stomata formation, while most of these advances come from research on model plants. This review highlights the most recent advances in studies of crop stomata formation and its multifaceted functions in abiotic stress tolerance. Current strategies, limitations, and future directions on harnessing stomatal development for improving crop stress resistance are discussed.
Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a class of polyhydroxylated steroidal phytohormones and essential for plant growth and development. Rice BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE1 (BRI1)-ASSOCIATED RECEPTOR KINASES (OsBAKs) are plasma membrane (PM)-localized receptor kinases, belonging to the subfamily of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor kinases. In Arabidopsis, BRs induce the formation of BRI1-BAK1 heterodimer complex and transmit the signal cascade to the BRASSINAZOLE RESISTANT1/bri1-EMS-SUPPRESSOR1 (BZR1/BES1) to regulate BR signaling. In rice, we found that OsBZR1 binds directly to the promoter of OsBAK2, not OsBAK1, and represses the expression of OsBAK2 to form a BR feedback inhibition loop. Additionally, the phosphorylation of OsBZR1 by OsGSK3 reduced its binding activity to OsBAK2 promoter. The osbak2 displays a typical BR deficient phenotype and negatively modulates the accumulation of OsBZR1. Interestingly, the grain length of osbak2 mutant was increased whereas the cr-osbak2/cr-osbzr1 double mutant restored the reduced grain length of cr-osbzr1 mutant, implying that the increased grain length of osbak2 may be due to the rice SERKs-dependent pathway. Our study reveals a novel mechanism of OsBAK2 and OsBZR1 engaging in a negative feedback loop to maintain rice BR homeostasis, facilitating to a deeper understanding of BR signaling network and grain length regulation in rice.
Enabling and constraining immune activation is of fundamental importance in maintaining cellular homeostasis. Depleting BAK1 and SERK4, the co-receptors of multiple pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), abolishes pattern-triggered immunity but triggers intracellular NOD-like receptor (NLR)-mediated autoimmunity with an elusive mechanism. By deploying RNAi-based genetic screens in Arabidopsis, we identified BAK-TO-LIFE 2 (BTL2), an uncharacterized receptor kinase, sensing BAK1/SERK4 integrity. BTL2 induces autoimmunity through activating Ca2+ channel CNGC20 in a kinase-dependent manner when BAK1/SERK4 are perturbed. To compensate for BAK1 deficiency, BTL2 complexes with multiple phytocytokine receptors, leading to potent phytocytokine responses mediated by helper NLR ADR1 family immune receptors, suggesting phytocytokine signaling as a molecular link connecting PRR- and NLR-mediated immunity. Remarkably, BAK1 constrains BTL2 activation via specific phosphorylation to maintain cellular integrity. Thus, BTL2 serves as a surveillance rheostat sensing the perturbation of BAK1/SERK4 immune co-receptors in promoting NLR-mediated phytocytokine signaling to ensure plant immunity.
The apetala/ethylene responsive factor (AP2/ERF) family is one of the largest plant-specific transcription factors and plays a vital role in plant development and response to stress. The apetala 2.4 (RAP2.4) gene is a member of the AP2/ERF family. In this study, ClRAP2.4 cDNA fragment with 768bp open reading frame was cloned and the resistance of ClRAP2.4 overexpression to low temperature was investigated to understand whether RAP2.4 is involved in low-temperature stress in chrysanthemum (Chrysamthemum lavandulifolium). Phylogenetic analysis showed that ClRAP2.4 belonged to the DREB subfamily and was most closely related to AT1G22190. ClRAP2.4 was localised in cell nucleus and promotes transcriptional activation in yeast. In addition, ClRAP2.4 was transformed by using the Agrobacterium-mediated leaf disc method, and four overexpression lines (OX-1, OX-2, OX-7, and OX-8) were obtained. The activities of superoxide dismutase and peroxidase, and proline content in leaves in the four overexpression line were higher than those in the wild type (WT), whereas the electrical conductivity and malondialdehyde content were decreased, indicating that the tolerance of plants with ClRAP2.4 overexpression to cold stress was increased. RNA-Seq showed 390 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the transgenic and WT plants(229 upregulated, 161 downregulated). The number of ABRE, LTR, and DRE cis-elements in the promoters of DEGs were 175, 106, and 46, respectively. The relative expression levels of ClCOR, ClFe/MnSOD, ClPOD, ClNCL, ClPLK, ClFAD, and ClPRP in the transgenic plants were higher than those in WT plants at low temperatures. These data suggest that ClRAP2.4 may increase chrysanthemum tolerance to cold stress.
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Brassinosteroids (BRs) bind to the extracellular domain of the receptor kinase BRI1 to activate a signal transduction cascade that regulates nuclear gene expression and plant development. Many components of the BR signaling pathway have been identified and studied in detail. However, the substrate of BRI1 kinase that transduces the signal to downstream components remains unknown. Proteomic studies of plasma membrane proteins lead to the identification of three homologous BR-signaling kinases (BSK1, BSK2, and BSK3). The BSKs are phosphorylated by BRI1 in vitro and interact with BRI1 in vivo. Genetic and transgenic studies demonstrate that the BSKs represent a small family of kinases that activate BR signaling downstream of BRI1. These results demonstrate that BSKs are the substrates of BRI1 kinase that activate downstream BR signal transduction.
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Pep1 is a 23-amino acid peptide that enhances resistance to a root pathogen, Pythium irregulare. Pep1 and its homologs (Pep2 to Pep7) are endogenous amplifiers of innate immunity of Arabidopsis thaliana that induce the transcription of defense-related genes and bind to PEPR1, a plasma membrane leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor kinase. Here, we identify a plasma membrane LRR receptor kinase, designated PEPR2, that has 76% amino acid similarity to PEPR1, and we characterize its role in the perception of Pep peptides and defense responses. Both PEPR1 and PEPR2 were transcriptionally induced by wounding, treatment with methyl jasmonate, Pep peptides, and pathogen-associated molecular patterns. The effects of Pep1 application on defense-related gene induction and enhancement of resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 were partially reduced in single mutants of PEPR1 and PEPR2 and abolished completely in double mutants. Photoaffinity labeling and binding assays using transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells expressing PEPR1 and PEPR2 clearly demonstrated that PEPR1 is a receptor for Pep1-6 and that PEPR2 is a receptor for Pep1 and Pep2. Our analysis demonstrates differential binding affinities of two receptors with a family of peptide ligands and the corresponding physiological effects of the specific receptor-ligand interactions. Therefore, we demonstrate that, through perception of Peps, PEPR1 and PEPR2 contribute to defense responses in Arabidopsis.
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BRI1-Associated kinase 1 (BAK1), a five leucine-rich-repeat containing receptor-like serine/threonine kinase, has been shown to have dual functions: mediating brassinosteroid (BR) signaling and acting in the BR-independent plant defense response. Sequence analysis has revealed that BAK1 has two homologs, BAK7 and BAK8. Because BAK8 deviates from the canonical RD kinase motif, we focused on the functional analysis of BAK7. The expression pattern and tissues in which BAK7 appeared partially overlapped with those observed for BAK1. Expression levels of BAK7 increased in the bak1 mutant. Overexpression of BAK7 rescued the bri1 mutant phenotype, indicating that BAK7 can compensate for BAK1 in BR-mediated processes, especially in the absence of BAK1. However, root and hypocotyl elongation patterns of transgenic plants overexpressing BAK1 or BAK7 appeared to be different from the patterns observed in a BRI1 overexpressor. Furthermore, the sensitivity of transgenic plants overexpressing BAK7 to brassinazole, a biosynthetic inhibitor of brassinolide (BL), did not change compared to that of wild-type plants. In addition, we generated transgenic plants expressing BAK7 RNA interference constructs and found severe growth retardation and early senescence in these lines. Taken together, these results suggest that BAK7 is a component of the BR signaling pathway, with varying degrees of genetic redundancy with BAK1, and that it affects plant growth via BL-independent pathways in vivo.
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In plants leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases (LRR-RKs) located at the plasma membrane play a pivotal role in the perception of extracellular signals. For two of these LRR-RKs, the brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 and the flagellin receptor FLS2, interaction with the LRR receptor-like kinase BAK1 (BRI1-associated receptor kinase 1) was shown to be required for signal transduction. Here we report that FLS2·BAK1 heteromerization occurs almost instantaneously after perception of the ligand, the flagellin-derived peptide flg22. Flg22 can induce formation of a stable FLS2·BAK1 complex in microsomal membrane preparations in vitro, and the kinase inhibitor K-252a does not prevent complex formation. A kinase dead version of BAK1 associates with FLS2 in a flg22-dependent manner but does not restore responsiveness to flg22 in cells of bak1 plants, demonstrating that kinase activity of BAK1 is essential for FLS2 signaling. Furthermore, using in vivo phospholabeling, we are able to detect de novo phosphorylation of both FLS2 and BAK1 within 15 s of stimulation with flg22. Similarly, brassinolide induces BAK1 phosphorylation within seconds. Other triggers of plant defense, such as bacterial EF-Tu and the endogenous AtPep1 likewise induce rapid formation of heterocomplexes consisting of de novo phosphorylated BAK1 and proteins representing the ligand-specific binding receptors EF-Tu receptor and Pep1 receptor 1, respectively. Thus, we propose that several LRR-RKs form tight complexes with BAK1 almost instantaneously after ligand binding and that the subsequent phosphorylation events are key initial steps in signal transduction.
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Transmembrane receptor kinases play critical roles in both animal and plant signaling pathways regulating growth, development, differentiation, cell death, and pathogenic defense responses. In Arabidopsis thaliana, there are at least 223 Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs), representing one of the largest protein families. Although functional roles for a handful of LRR-RLKs have been revealed, the functions of the majority of members in this protein family have not been elucidated. As a resource for the in-depth analysis of this important protein family, the complementary DNA sequences (cDNAs) of 194 LRR-RLKs were cloned into the Gateway donor vector pDONR/Zeo and analyzed by DNA sequencing. Among them, 157 clones showed sequences identical to the predictions in the Arabidopsis sequence resource, TAIR8. The other 37 cDNAs showed gene structures distinct from the predictions of TAIR8, which was mainly caused by alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. Most of the genes have been further cloned into Gateway destination vectors with GFP or FLAG epitope tags and have been transformed into Arabidopsis for in planta functional analysis. All clones from this study have been submitted to the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center (ABRC) at Ohio State University for full accessibility by the Arabidopsis research community. Most of the Arabidopsis LRR-RLK genes have been isolated and the sequence analysis showed a number of alternatively spliced variants. The generated resources, including cDNA entry clones, expression constructs and transgenic plants, will facilitate further functional analysis of the members of this important gene family.
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Large numbers of receptor-like kinases (RLKs) play key roles in plant development and defense by perceiving extracellular signals. The mechanisms of ligand-induced kinase activation and downstream signal transduction have been studied for only a few RLK pathways, among which the brassinosteroid (BR) pathway is the best characterized. Recently, proteomics studies identified new components that bridge the last gap in the genetically defined BR-signaling pathway, establishing the first complete pathway from an RLK to transcription factors in plants. Furthermore, analyses of phosphorylation events, mostly by mass spectrometry, provided insights into the mechanistic details of receptor kinase activation and regulation of downstream components by phosphorylation. This review focuses on recent progress in understanding BR signal transduction made by proteomics studies.
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BAK1 and BKK1 are two functionally redundant leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinases (LRR-RLKs) involved in brassinosteroid signal transduction by their direct interactions with the BR receptor, BRI1. Recent studies from our group and others indicated that the two RLKs also play critical roles in regulating pathogen-related and pathogen-unrelated cell-death controls. Genetic data suggest that the two kinases are essential for plant survival because the double mutants show spontaneous cell-death and seedling lethality phenotypes. Physiological analyses further suggest that the cell-death of the double mutant is triggered by the light, as dark-grown seedlings do not show any cell-death symptoms. These observations indicate that BAK1 and BKK1 regulate a novel signaling pathway to detoxify or to limit the production of a yet unknown toxin/toxins produced by plants under light conditions.
Seven dwarf mutants resembling brassinosteroid (BR)-biosynthetic dwarfs were isolated that did not respond significantly to the application of exogenous BRs. Genetic and molecular analyses revealed that these were novel alleles ofBRI1 (Brassinosteroid-Insensitive 1), which encodes a receptor kinase that may act as a receptor for BRs or be involved in downstream signaling. The results of morphological and molecular analyses indicated that these represent a range of alleles from weak to null. The endogenous BRs were examined from 5-week-old plants of a null allele (bri1-4) and two weak alleles (bri1-5 and bri1-6). Previous analysis of endogenous BRs in several BR-biosynthetic dwarf mutants revealed that active BRs are deficient in these mutants. However,bri1-4 plants accumulated very high levels of brassinolide, castasterone, and typhasterol (57-, 128-, and 33-fold higher, respectively, than those of wild-type plants). Weaker alleles (bri1-5 and bri1-6) also accumulated considerable levels of brassinolide, castasterone, and typhasterol, but less than the null allele (bri1-4). The levels of 6-deoxoBRs in bri1 mutants were comparable to that of wild type. The accumulation of biologically active BRs may result from the inability to utilize these active BRs, the inability to regulate BR biosynthesis in bri1 mutants, or both. Therefore,BRI1 is required for the homeostasis of endogenous BR levels.
The flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana is an important model system for identifying genes and determining their functions. Here we report the analysis of the genomic sequence of Arabidopsis. The sequenced regions cover 115.4 megabases of the 125-megabase genome and extend into centromeric regions. The evolution of Arabidopsis involved a whole-genome duplication, followed by subsequent gene loss and extensive local gene duplications, giving rise to a dynamic genome enriched by lateral gene transfer from a cyanobacterial-like ancestor of the plastid. The genome contains 25,498 genes encoding proteins from 11,000 families, similar to the functional diversity of Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans— the other sequenced multicellular eukaryotes. Arabidopsis has many families of new proteins but also lacks several common protein families, indicating that the sets of common proteins have undergone differential expansion and contraction in the three multicellular eukaryotes. This is the first complete genome sequence of a plant and provides the foundations for more comprehensive comparison of conserved processes in all eukaryotes, identifying a wide range of plant-specific gene functions and establishing rapid systematic ways to identify genes for crop improvement.
Plant receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are transmembrane proteins with putative N-terminal extracellular ligand-binding domains and C-terminal intracellular protein kinase domains. RLKs have been implicated in multiple physiological programs including plant development and immunity to microbial infection. Arabidopsis thaliana gene expression patterns support an important role of this class of proteins in biotic stress adaptation. Here, we provide a comprehensive survey of plant immunity-related RLK gene expression. We further document the role of the Arabidopsis Brassinosteroid Insensitive 1 (BRI1)-associated receptor kinase 1 (BAK1) in seemingly unrelated biological processes, such as plant development and immunity, and propose a role of this protein as an adaptor molecule that is required for proper functionality of numerous RLKs. This view is supported by the identification of an additional RLK, PEPR1, and its closest homolog, PEPR2 as BAK1-interacting RLKs.