Jesús I. Rivas García

Jesús I. Rivas García
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja | UNIR · Departamento de Empresa

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (120)
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This research aims to analyze the persuasiveness of bookfluencers and the impact of content formats on their followers' engagement and intention to purchase books. The theoretical framework for this study is the Elaboration Probability Model adapted to social networks. The research used the Experimental Vignette Methodology through a questionnaire...
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This research aims to analyze the persuasiveness of bookfluencers and the impact of content formats on their followers’ engagement and intention to purchase books. The theoretical framework for this study is the Elaboration Probability Model (ELM) adapted to social networks. The research used the Experimental Vignette Methodology (EVM) through a qu...
The general objective of this research is to analyze the perception that undergraduate and graduate students have about the use of escape rooms in the subjects of Economic History and International Economic Environment taught in a degree and a post-degree at two online universities. As specific objectives, this study evaluates, on the one hand, the...
Spain is the country with the most Biosphere Reserves in the world, 52, and Asturias, with 7, ranks first among the single-province Autonomous Communities. The tourist interest in these natural spaces is increasing, but little or nothing is known about how the residents of these natural spaces perceive the tourist impacts. The main objective of thi...
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The general goal of this work is to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in the publishing industry between 2012 and 2022. For this purpose, the following research posed the following questions: (i) what are the leading academic publications that collect scientific production around the publishing industry? (ii) who are th...
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The general objective of this research is to analyze, through a descriptive methodology, the impact that audiobooks have on internal processes in the value chain of Spanish publishers. To this are added two more specific objectives related to answer the following questions: (a) how to include the agents of the audiobook in the publishing circuit?,...
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This research intends to perform a situation analysis of the Spanish publishing sector to see to what extent private publishing companies adequately interpret market signals and adapt to them. The study raises several questions for the Spanish publishing market: first, how is the price elasticity of the sale of copies?; second, what impact does the...
p>Esta investigación estudia a través de una metodología mixta, cualitativa y cuantitativa, las percepciones que los estudiantes universitarios del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de ESO y Bachillerato, FP y Enseñanza de idiomas en la Universidad Nebrija tienen al utilizar Kahoot en el aula virtual. Se trata, también, de evaluar qué variables i...
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El objetivo de esta investigación es examinar las percepciones que los discentes universitarios de posgrado tienen al utilizar Quizizz, en el contexto de la asignatura de Gestión Cultural Avanzada en el Ámbito Editorial, dentro del Máster Universitario en Gestión y Emprendimiento de Proyectos Culturales, en una universidad española de educación en...
The present research has the goal of exploring the graduate students’ perceptions have when using Quizizz. The reference framework for this research is a compulsory subject, within a master's degree at an online Spanish university. For it, this research analyzes students’ perceptions about the usage of Quizizz within the classes of Advanced Cultura...
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This research explored the perceptions that postgraduate students have of a compulsory subject within a master's degree from a Spanish online university, when using Quizizz. A mixed methodology is used where the qualitative analysis traces the roadmap for the quantitative one, identifying the key themes revealed by a sample of 11 students, which we...
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general analizar el rendimiento de aprendizaje de los estudiantes sobre el uso de los recursos audiovisuales. Para ello se aplica el método experimental a partir de dos muestras generadas aleatoriamente de los dos grupos (aulas virtuales) en que fueron divididos administrativamente los estudiantes matriculados...
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The general objective of this work is to know the motivations that drive a publisher to be environmentally sustainable. The specific goals are the following: (a) to identify one or those environmentally sustainable business models from a Life Cycle Analysis perspective, and (b) to propose strategies to improve environmental sustainability in publis...
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El objetivo general de esta investigación es realizar una evaluación de los impactos económicos y sociales sobre las localidades asturianas por las que transcurre el Camino Primitivo. Para ello se desarrolla un análisis descriptivo de datos cuantitativos primarios a partir de entrevistas telefónicas en dos de las cinco localidades consideradas en e...
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This paper deals with how technological change and digitization in the Spanish printing sector are challenging existing business models and encouraging printing houses to modify their product portfolio and core competencies. This research has as a general objective to understand the impact of digitization on the business models of printing houses....
The present study, employing survey research design, analyzes the role of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) in the processes of digital transformation and technological changes of publishing companies in Spain. The overall objective of this study is to gauge the scope and depth of the impact of KIBS on Spanish publishers; specifically to...
Se ofrece una visión del mercado de la edición de libros en España para el período 1995-2019. En primer lugar se analiza la estructura del sector editorial; en segundo lugar, el mercado del libro (oferta y demanda) así como su naturaleza dual; en tercer lugar, se propone un modelo explicativo de la demanda de libros; y finalmente, a través del uso...
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The general objective of this work is to analyze the reading habit of Spaniards during and after COVID-19 confinement in the same period of the following year. The specific goals are: first, study the purpose of reading; second, know the type of book form read; third, assess the time spent reading during and after confinement and fourth, identify t...
In the absence of research aimed to measure the bibliodiversity of the Spanish publishing sector through indicators, the general objective of this work is to determine quantitatively whether the Spanish publishing sector is bibliodiverse. The specific goals are the following: a) analyze those necessary conditions to promote bibliodiversity, b) iden...
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general analizar a través de una metodología exploratoria el impacto que los audiolibros tienen sobre los procesos internos en la cadena de valor de las editoriales españolas. A este se añaden dos preguntas de investigación específicas: a) ¿Cómo se puede incluir a los actores del audiolibro en un circuito edit...
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The main aim of this study is to examine the leading transformations that have occurred throughout the period 2000–2018 in the Spanish publishing industry as a consequence of technological change and its adaptation to the new digital environment. Firstly, this work focuses on the economic importance of Spanish publishing sector studying three key v...
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The general goal of this research is to address the way in which the twenty-five first Spanish publishers in literature publication manage their social networks. For this, through the PRGS model, the weight of the main social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) in the digital marketing strategy of these Spanish publishing companies is analys...
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Purpose: The present study analyzes, through the online survey method, the role of KIBS in the processes of digital transformation and technological change of Spanish publishing companies. The general goal of this research is to explore the effects produced over Spanish publishing companies in interacting with KIBS as facilitators, bearers, and gen...
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El propósito de esta investigación es analizar las principales transformaciones que han tenido lugar durante el periodo 1996-2016 en la industria editorial española como consecuencia del cambio tecnológico y su adaptación al nuevo contexto digital. Para ello se analiza, en primer lugar, su relevancia como sector a través del estudio de tres variabl...
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Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general abordar el modo en que las veinticinco primeras editoriales españolas en publicación de literatura gestionan sus redes sociales. Para ello, por medio del modelo PRGS, se analiza el peso de las principales redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter e Instagram) en la estrategia de marketing digital de las empres...
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El presente trabajo analiza el impacto disruptivo de la aparición del libro electrónico sobre la cadena de valor en la industria editorial española. Se lleva a cabo un estudio de casos de tres empresas editoriales españolas. Los principales resultados obtenidos son: a) el desarrollo del libro electrónico no incentiva a la editorial a reducir su pro...
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This field research based on the seven Biosphere reserves of Asturias, looks for identify: i) the perception of sustainability among their tourists, and ii) the sociodemographic factors linked to the propensity to increase expenses in sustainable accommodations as a proxy variable of environmental motivation. A personal survey -based on a convenien...
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The present study focuses on the effects of technological change over the Spanish booksellers’ business models. For this purpose, it is conducted a survey amongst 103 Spanish bookstores belonging to the Spanish Confederation of Booksellers Associations. The results obtained from the statistical analysis have highlighted that the Spanish booksellers...
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De modo análogo a otras industrias culturales, la industria editorial atraviesa un período de transición y cambio técnico orientado a la implantación del formato digital que cuestiona sus modelos de negocio actuales, obligando a revisar completamente buena parte de los procesos internos, cartera de productos y competencias necesarias para desarroll...
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The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the impacts of technological change in the Spanish publishing industry and see how it is adapting to the new digital envi- ronment. This work provides a deep insight into the Spanish publishing industry through the collection of available data, mainly from secondary sources of informa- tion, both public and...
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This paper analyzes the effects of crowdfunding on the processes of generating value in Spanish publishing companies in order to understand the extent to which their use can be integrated and modify the existing publishing business models. Through a qualitative approach (case study), the type of publishing company that uses this formula will be det...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo afecta el cambio tecnológico a la industria editorial española y como esta se va adaptando al nuevo entorno digital. En el trabajo se ofrece una visión general de cuál es la situación del sector editorial en España a través de la recopilación de datos procedentes, principalmente, de fuentes de informació...
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This article analyzes the effects of crowdfunding on the processes of generating value in Spanish publishing companies in order to understand the extent to which their use can be integrated and modify the existing publishing business models. Through a qualitative approach (case study), the type of publishing company that uses this formula will be d...
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Like other creative industries, the book industry is undergoing a technological change, going from analog to digital formats. This change challenges existing business models and encourages companies to reexamine their product and competency portfolios. Through a qualitative case study of three Spanish publishers, this paper investigates how digitiz...
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The main goal of this research is to determine whether the accommodation capacity and the financial performance can be considered as the main driving forces of eco-innovation in the context of Spanish hotel industry. Eco-innovation is a challenge for tourism industry, given the connection and interrelationship between environmental quality and busi...
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This paper analyzes the impact of digitization on the Spanish scholarly publishing sector. Scholarly publishers are those publishing mainly books of interest to the scientific, academic and / or university community or that deal with scientific disciplines. In Spain, there are currently 673 publishers whose books are classified in disciplines such...
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El objetivo de este estudio es determinar el papel de la tributación indirecta en la industria editorial española. En el trabajo se realiza: a) una comparación del tratamiento fiscal del libro en España frente a los países europeos de su entorno, b) una evaluación de las opciones de exención o reducción del impuesto sobre el valor añadido (IVA) apl...
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This research aims to identify the evolution and trends of the Spanish publishing sector. For this purpose, firstly, official statistical sources available on the publishing market and reading habits will be used, from which will be obtained: a) the necessary data for their statistical treatment, and b) an answer to whether the Spanish private publ...
Conference Paper
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Eco-innovation is a challenge for tourism industry, given the connection and interrelationship between environmental quality and business performance. Th eco-innovation plans represents a new field of research in its infancy. This paper addresses the conceptual evolution of eco-innovation to subsequently develop an analytical framework that tentati...
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The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of technological change on the Spanish publishing industry and to see how the industry is adapting to the new digital environment. This work provides deep insight into the Spanish publishing industry through the collection and grouping of the available data, mainly from public and private seconda...
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This paper analyzes how technological change and digitalization in the Spanish publishing sector is challenging existing business models and encouraging publishers to modify their portfolios of products and competencies. A qualitative analysis (case study) of three Spanish publishers is carried out. The practical implications of the research are th...
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Eco-innovation is shown as one of the great challenges of the tourism industry given the growing connection between environmental quality and its good performance. Although the tourism literature has considered the topic of business sustainability in broader terms, the notion of eco-innovations represents a new field of research with studies that s...
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En este documento se desarrolla un marco analítico para explorar tentativamente el concepto de eco-innovación y su implantación en las empresas mexicanas de alojamiento turístico a través de dos características internas básicas de dichas organizaciones: su resultado empresarial y su tamaño, medido en número de cuartos. Para ello se ha realizado un...
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RESUMEN Dentro del sector hotelero, el ahorro energético es un área fundamental para una óptima gestión empresarial. Desde un punto de vista económico, porque el capítulo energético supone uno de los costes variables más elevados y porque el ahorro energético y la limitación del impacto ambiental se están convirtiendo en aspectos importantes para l...
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During too much time it has been talked about the ideal properties of green taxation. Now it is the moment to put the bell on the cat: without an adequate control system nothing can be done to accomplish global efforts on decreasing pollution levels. What the paper proposes is to implement a model of strategic control of behavior. More exactly, a r...
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El crecimiento de la industria turística está provocando que tanto los destinos tradicionales como los nuevos destinos turísticos padezcan una presión creciente sobre sus recursos naturales, culturales así como sobre su entorno social y económico. La sensibilización y concienciación social en torno a los problemas ambientales está propiciando la ap...
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Al igual que ocurre en otros sectores de actividad de la economía española, el turismo ni es ajeno a la crisis ni mucho menos es inmune a sus efectos. Sin embargo, en este artículo se propone, entre otras, una idea-fuerza para la reflexión en tiempos difíciles: la crisis puede afectar al sector turístico a dos velocidades o dicho de otro modo, es p...
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Los efectos que el crecimiento económico tiene sobre los recursos naturales y ambientales empezaron a considerarse en la década de los 70 en los países más industrializados y se llegó a cuestionar la viabilidad de determinados modelos de desarrollo. El término �desarrollo sostenible� apareció por primera vez en el informe Brundtland, llevado a cabo...
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En este artículo se realiza, por primera vez, un análisis experimental que busca desentrañar las pautas de comportamiento de los consumidores de servicios turísticos. Para ello, se han diseñado dos experimentos. En el primero se analizan, por partes, las preferencias individuales de dos muestras de alumnos en relación a sus valoraciones sobre disti...
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La evolución de la Europa social -- La ciudadanía Europea -- La libre circulación de personas -- La educación y la cultura -- El papel de la mujer y su incorporación al mercado laboral -- Los sistemas fiscales -- La protección social en Europa -- Política social y empleo -- Consumo y salud pública en Europa -- La tasa de actividad y las retribucion...
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The research we present stars from the experimental analysis made by Rivas (1997) relate with modelling tax evasion and auditing strategies, incorporating the effects of tax corruption and control mechanism. The purpose is, first, to study the way in which bribes work on tax compliance and tax revenue and, secondly, check the expected values from t...
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