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Abstract and Figures In this Crystal Ball we describe the negative effects of the scheme of intensive agriculture of the green revolution technology. To recover the contaminated soils derived from intensive farming is necessary introduce new successful technologies to replace the use of chemical fertilizer and toxic pesticides by organic fertilizers and biological control agents. Our principal speculation is that in a short time authors in the field of PGPB and bioremediation will be expanding the knowledge on the development of different formulations containing super-bacteria or a mixture of super-bacteria able to provide beneficial effect for agriculture and bioremediation.
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Crystal Ball
Next generation of microbial inoculants for agriculture
and bioremediation
Antonino Baez-Rogelio,
Yolanda Elizabeth
onica Quintero-Hern
and Jes
us Mu~
Laboratorio de Ecolog
ıa Molecular Microbiana, Centro
de Investigaciones en Ciencias Microbiol
ogicas, Instituto
de Ciencias, Benem
erita Universidad Aut
onoma de
Puebla (BUAP), Puebla, Mexico.
ıa, Escuela de Biolog
ıa-BUAP, Puebla,
CONACYT-BUAP, Puebla, Mexico.
The global population has grown dramatically increasing
the needs for food (Tilman et al., 2002). To satisfy the
food needs, farmers of all countries have implemented
the green revolution technology. However, green revolu-
tion have provoked several adverse effects to the envi-
ronment due to indiscriminate use of pesticides,
herbicides and nitrogen fertilizers; the use of improved
varieties and transgenic, among others (Tilman, 1998).
Many types of herbicides and pesticides have carcino-
genicity potential (Zahn and Ward, 1998; Damalas and
Eleftherohorinos, 2011). Even though some of those toxic
compounds have been prohibited in European countries,
several of them are still being applied to the crops in dif-
ferent regions of the world. In addition, application of
those products can promote the accumulation of toxic
compounds in soils. Although little is known about this
topic, we can infer that the crop plants are able to absorb
these compounds from soil, representing a latent problem
to the human health and environment. In fact, it has been
demonstrated that some pesticides can be absorbed
from soil by potatoes (Juraske et al., 2011) and the
highly recalcitrant compound TNT can be absorbed by
maize plants (Van Dillewijn et al., 2007). Nonetheless,
something even more important, it will be determined if
TNT is able to travel to maize fruits or just stay in the
steam of the plants. In other hand, the indiscriminate use
of chemical fertilizers has negatively affected to the envi-
ronment. Only 30% of nitrogen compounds added to the
crops can be absorbed by plants, the remaining nitrogen
is leached to the groundwater generating eutrophication,
NOx gaseous compounds and the concomitant acid rain
and detrimental effects on ozone layer (Moiser, 2001).
The implementation of improved varieties and transgenic
plants to crops increase the productivity. However, this
practice could have a negatively impact on the future of
the planet, as genetic diversity harboured by those native
plants is being displaced (Evenson and Gollin, 2003). As
a consequence of damage caused by green revolution,
farmers of different places of the world are implementing
organic farming schemes based on the past experiences
of agriculture and also introducing new technologies to
replace the use of chemical fertilizer and toxic pesticides
by organic fertilizers and biological control agents. How-
ever, the majority of crop elds of the world are still oper-
ating under the scheme of intensive agriculture of the
green revolution technology and the organic agriculture
does not impact much on either economic or environ-
mental aspects (Tilman et al., 2002; De Ponti et al.,
2012; Seufert et al., 2012). Therefore, a major effort
should be made to increase the positive impact of
organic farming practices on both aspects. One possibil-
ity could be the synergic effect of combine the organic
technology with the use of microorganisms able to carry
out both the plant growth promotion and the bioremedia-
tion of contaminated soils derived from intensive farming.
This synergy maybe of greater impact on the develop-
ment of sustainable agriculture, farmers could get high
yields and additionally they could restore their damaged
and contaminated soils.
Benecial bacteria have been isolated and studied
since early nineteenth century and today still exist
research groups working in isolation and description of
new bacterial species with potential for agriculture, biore-
mediation, biomedicine and food industry. Plant growth
promoting bacteria (PGPB) and bioremediation bacteria
have been extensively studied and several molecular
mechanisms have been described (Abraham et al.,
Received 29 September, 2016; accepted 30 September, 2016. *For
correspondence. E-mail; Tel. +52 222
2295500 ext. 2557.
Microbial Biotechnology (2017) 10(1), 1921
Funding Information
We are grateful to Apoyo Redes PRODEP 2015-2016 (CA-262 and
CA-244), DITCo2016-3, DITCo2016-4 and VIEP-BUAP-2016
(00450, 00513, 00476, 00510) for the support for authors research.
ª2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2002; Ramos et al., 2005; Lugtemberg and Kamilova,
2009; Bhattacharyya and Jha, 2012). Research studies
on molecular dialogue between bacteria and plants has
been carried out by some authors showing the wonderful
interchange of signals that occur between interacting
organisms (Badri et al., 2009; Segura and Ramos,
2013). The ability of bacteria to bioremediate toxic com-
pounds and with potential as PGPB suggests that these
bacteria could interact effectively with plants in agricul-
tural contaminated soils, carrying out the degradation of
pollutants and increasing crop yields.
Despite the large number of reports showing the advan-
tages of the use of PGPB in crops, the application of these
microorganisms on the elds is still little explored in com-
parison to the total amount of agricultural land of the
world. Bacterial formulations with PGPB have not always
the desired effectiveness (Dobbelaere et al., 2001). The
capability of microorganisms to promote the growth of
plants in crop elds dependent of several factors that limit
their effectiveness, for example, soil types, climatic condi-
tions, variety of the crop, bacterial genotype, effectiveness
of the bacterial isolate, the proper inoculation technology
and others (Bashan, 1998; Bashan et al., 2014). When
bacteria are in co-interaction with crop plants, the expres-
sion of genes involved in bioremediation and plant growth
promotion may be fundamental to obtain the benecial
effect (Segura and Ramos, 2013). In our opinion, these
interesting genes could be turned on or off depending on
environmental conditions, which suggest that different
conditions can occur in the crop elds that may be affect-
ing the gene expression. This could explain why some
bacteria improve the growth of plants under laboratory
conditions but frequently fails under eld conditions or in
other cases we observe variable results (Okon and
Labandera-Gonzales, 1994).
In order to ensure the promoting effect of bacteria on
plant growth, better adapted bacteria to the conditions
where they will be applied have been studied, because
they could be more active under that conditions. Authors
are focusing in bacteria bearing diverse benecial abilities,
for example bacteria containing genes involved in meta-
bolic pathways for plant growth stimulation and bioremedi-
ation. In this regard, Burkholderia unamae represent an
example of adapted bacteria with potential as PGPB to be
applied in Mexican elds. B. unamae has the potential to
x nitrogen, produce phytohormones, siderophores and
other inhibitory substances, ACC-deaminase activity and
degradation of toxic aromatic compounds (Caballero-
Mellado et al., 2004, 2007; Onofre-Lemus et al., 2009).
Nevertheless, as we mention before, effective bacteria for
the crop eld will be those able to express the genes
responsible of the plant growth promotion or bioremedia-
tion in association with plants under real environmental
conditions. However, the key genomic aspects are not
completely understood and they should be explored. For
example, studies of the kind of promoters and transcrip-
tional factors involved in the regulation of the expressed
genes in association with plants are needed. Otherwise,
super-bacteria with the potential to stimulate plant growth
under laboratory conditions could fail to provide their ben-
ecial effects to plants under eld conditions.
In other hand, bacteria are not alone in nature, there-
fore a consortium of bacteria could be more effective for
plant growth promotion than a single bacterium (Martinez
de Oliveira et al., 2006; Sundaramoorthy et al., 2012).
However, the design and formulation of bacterial consor-
tia is not a trivial task, members of the bacterial mixture
should be able to coexist without any antagonism among
them. In addition, bacteria chosen for the formulation of
the bacterial mixtures should bear different abilities to
increase the growth of plants, carry out bioremediation,
besides to be tolerant to adverse conditions prevalent in
the crop elds. Other important feature of why bacterial
mixtures could work better than single-bacterium formu-
lations is because there are higher probability than one
member of the bacterial mixture carry out the functional
gene expression required for the plant growth promotion.
Putting both strategies together, we could obtain spe-
cial bacterial mixtures with high probability to obtain a
positive effect for bioremediation and high crop yields. In
this sense, our principal speculation is that in a short
time several authors in the eld of PGPB and bioremedi-
ation will be expanding the knowledge on the develop-
ment of different formulations containing super-bacteria
able to provide benecial effect in association with
plants. In addition, a major development of works related
to the design of bacterial inoculants in mixture, for agri-
culture and bioremediation, will be observed. In both
cases, it will be desirable to demonstrate that the
expression of genes involved in plant growth promotion
and bioremediation are working in association with
plants under different environmental conditions. For bac-
terial mixtures, it will be also necessary to demonstrate
that they work better than mono-species formulations.
If the crop yields are constantly increased after every
inoculation of benecial microorganisms, it will be easier
to convince farmers around the world to substitute the
green revolution technology by the use of microbial inocu-
lants that are friendlier to human health and environment.
Conict of Interest
None declared.
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ª2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology, Microbial
Next generation of microbial inoculants 21
... Thus, a potential avenue could involve blending organic technologies with the utilization of microorganisms that facilitate plant development. This synergistic effect within the root zone could foster sustainability in modern agriculture, enabling producers to achieve heightened yields without added burdens (Baez-Rogelio et al., 2017). ...
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This study aimed to assess the performance of commercial corn hybrids with the application of Trichoderma harzianum under varying nitrogen levels. The experiment was conducted at the State University of Goiás, Campus Sul, during the 2022/23 harvest. The experimental design employed a factorial scheme 9 x 3, involving nine commercial hybrids and three nitrogen doses, randomized in blocks with three replications. Three nitrogen doses were applied: control (160 kg ha-1 of nitrogen), low nitrogen (80 kg ha-1 of nitrogen), and low nitrogen (80 kg ha-1 + Trichoderma harzianum). The evaluation encompassed ear height, plant height, relative chlorophyll index, stem diameter, number of rows, number of lines, and dry grain mass. The hybrids 2M77, 2M80, P3898, and P4285 exhibited superior efficiency with 80 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, while DKB390 and P3898 demonstrated the highest responsiveness to the recommended dose of 160 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. The inoculation of Trichoderma harzianum, combined with 80 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, resulted in increased grain mass, in the hybrids 30A91PW, DKB390, GNZ7280, P4285, and RK3014, with variable benefits across different characteristics. However, it is advisable to limit the use of Trichoderma harzianum to these specific commercial cultivars.
... However, natural environments contain complex native microbiomes. These native microbiomes can significantly influence the effectiveness and behavior of the introduced strains [18,19]. In contrast to the traditional one-strain-at-a-time approach, synthetic communities (SynComs) have emerged as effective tools for enhancing plant health and conferring resistance in non-sterile environments [17,20]. ...
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Background Plant microbiota contributes to plant growth and health, including enhancing plant resistance to various diseases. Despite remarkable progress in understanding diseases resistance in plants, the precise role of rhizosphere microbiota in enhancing watermelon resistance against soil-borne diseases remains unclear. Here, we constructed a synthetic community (SynCom) of 16 core bacterial strains obtained from the rhizosphere of grafted watermelon plants. We further simplified SynCom and investigated the role of bacteria with synergistic interactions in promoting plant growth through a simple synthetic community. Results Our results demonstrated that the SynCom significantly enhanced the growth and disease resistance of ungrafted watermelon grown in non-sterile soil. Furthermore, analysis of the amplicon and metagenome data revealed the pivotal role of Pseudomonas in enhancing plant health, as evidenced by a significant increase in the relative abundance and biofilm-forming pathways of Pseudomonas post-SynCom inoculation. Based on in vitro co-culture experiments and bacterial metabolomic analysis, we selected Pseudomonas along with seven other members of the SynCom that exhibited synergistic effects with Pseudomonas. It enabled us to further refine the initially constructed SynCom into a simplified SynCom comprising the eight selected bacterial species. Notably, the plant-promoting effects of simplified SynCom were similar to those of the initial SynCom. Furthermore, the simplified SynCom protected plants through synergistic effects of bacteria. Conclusions Our findings suggest that the SynCom proliferate in the rhizosphere and mitigate soil-borne diseases through microbial synergistic interactions, highlighting the potential of synergistic effects between microorganisms in enhancing plant health. This study provides a novel insight into using the functional SynCom as a promising solution for sustainable agriculture. 6UoEKpA3MAKccxe2Gy9v1zVideo Abstract
... Referred to as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), this group encompasses beneficial or non-pathogenic bacteria interacting with plants. Their interactions lead to direct or indirect enhancements in plant growth and increased resistance against both biotic and abiotic stresses (Dimkpa et al., 2009;Baez-Rogelio et al., 2017). PGPR employ a variety of mechanisms, either individually or in combination, to curb plant diseases, either directly or indirectly (Köhl et al., 2019;Legein et al., 2020). ...
... In the past, most studies focused on the effects of a single strain on plant growth and rhizosphere microbiome. However, sometimes a single strain added cannot establish itself in a new environment, which may be due to competition with local microbial community, leading to the failure of a single strain (Bashan et al. 2014;Baez-Rogelio et al. 2017). Driven by the huge application potential, research on synthetic communities (SynCom) has gradually emerged in recent years, offering to provide a solution for sustainable agriculture development. ...
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Main conclusion Synthetic consortia performed better in promoting Schisandra chinensis growth than individual strains, and this result provides valuable information for the development of synthetic microbial fertilizers. Abstract Schisandra chinensis is an herbal medicine that can treat numerous diseases. However, the excessive reliance on chemical fertilizers during the plantation of S. chinensis has severely restricted the development of the S. chinensis planting industry. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can promote the growth of a wide range of crops, and synthetic consortia of them are frequently superior to those of a single strain. In this study, we compared the effects of four PGPR and their synthetic consortia on S. chinensis growth. The pot experiment showed that compared with the control, synthetic consortia significantly increased the plant height, biomass, and total chlorophyll contents of S. chinensis, and their combined effects were better than those of individual strains. In addition, they improved the rhizosphere soil fertility (e.g., TC and TN contents) and enzyme activities (e.g., soil urease activity) and affected the composition and structure of soil microbial community significantly, including promoting the enrichment of beneficial microorganisms (e.g., Actinobacteria and Verrucomicrobiota) and increasing the relative abundance of Proteobacteria, a dominant bacterial phylum. They also enhanced the synergistic effect between the soil microorganisms. The correlation analysis between soil physicochemical properties and microbiome revealed that soil microorganisms participated in regulating soil fertility and promoting S. chinensis growth. This study may provide a theoretical basis for the development of synthetic microbial fertilizers for S. chinensis.
... One of the promising solutions to tackle the diverse biotic and abiotic stresses that challenge plant growth is the usage of biological inoculants. These inoculants are considered environmentally safe, sustainable, chemical-free, and cost-effective alternatives to traditional chemical fertilizers, cropbreeding, and genetic engineering options (Baez-Rogelio et al., 2017;Eida et al., 2020). These beneficial biological inoculants, including plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPMs), enhance plant resistance or tolerance to diverse stresses (Latif, et al., 2021;Abd El-Megeed et al., 2022). ...
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Utilizing every square inch of arable land for crop production is essential for ensuring the food and nutritional security of the world's growing population, given the limited amount of arable land and water resources available. Microorganisms possess many bioactive metabolites, but not all microorganisms exhibit this characteristic. Marine microorganisms live in a very complicated habitat and are exposed to extreme conditions; to adapt, they manage to possess, among others, a diverse array of unique secondary metabolites, including alkaloids, terpenoids, polyketides, and quinones. These metabolites exhibit anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-tumor properties. Moreover, many marine bacteria exhibit metal tolerance and contribute significantly to the remediation of soil polluted with heavy metals. Biotechnologies can optimize crop output by taking advantage of these bacteria and soil-plant dynamics, which could help establish a new sustainable agriculture framework. In this situation, much research has focused on the complex relationships between plants and soil-dwelling symbiotic microbes. These bacteria play a pivotal role in enhancing the ecological prosperity of plants inside their indigenous environments. This could lead to improved survival and performance of plants in field conditions. Plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPMs) play a crucial role in augmenting the synthesis of bioactive secondary metabolites in plants and have the ability to modulate the plant metabolome under diverse environmental stress conditions. Therefore, this review aims to present the influence of microbes, especially marine-derived microbes, on promoting plant growth and altering its metabolome in response to different environmental stressors.
... The bacteria selected for the bacterial consortium should also be adaptable to the unfavorable circumstances present in agricultural fields and have a variety of capacities to promote plant development and perform bioremediation. There is a greater likelihood that one bacterium in the bacterial combination will carry out the functional gene expression needed for plant growth promotion, which is another significant reason why bacterial consortiums may operate better than single-bacterium formulations [84]. ...
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This review explores different methods of sustainably introducing nutrients from agro-industrial waste into the soil. The focus is on sustainable agriculture and how the soil system can be modified by introducing secondary raw materials and beneficial microorganisms. Soil is a nexus between plants and microorganisms that must be balanced. The article emphasizes the importance of maintaining the microbiological balance when supplying nutrients. This review is focused on the possible techniques involved in the production of biofertilizers and their mode of application into the soil system and on plants. We addressed several advantages concerning the use of beneficial microorganisms in waste management by microbial formulation techniques. Not only the advantages but several limitations and challenges were also discussed in regard to the large scale production of microbial products. Therefore, the proper treatment of industrial waste is essential so that we can preserve the environment and human safety and also achieve sustainable agriculture.
... It involves several technical aspects, including biotransformation, biodegradation, mineralization, phytohydraulics, bioaccumulation, and biovolatilization, in which degrading microbes remove, transform, modify, and/or convert a complex compound of pollutants into simpler and less-toxic compounds. The bioremediation system has successfully cleaned contaminated sites, agricultural land, ground water, surface water, and sea water (Baez-Rogelio, Morales-García, Quintero-Hernández, & Muñoz-Rojas, 2017;Cao, Zhang, Wang, & Pan, 2012;Farhadian, Vachelard, Duchez, & Larroche, 2008;Voskoboinikov, Matishov, Metelkova, Zhakovskaya, & Lopushanskaya, 2018;Yadav et al., 2020). ...
... These inoculants do not pose a pathogenic effect on plant organisms, are environmentally friendly, promote plant adaption to the environment, enhance growth and development, harmonize nutrients in soil, yield diverse plant growth regulators, detoxify soil heavy metals, pesticides, and fungicides, and utilize biological control techniques for soil remediation. The initial studies on microbial inoculants primarily involved single strains that had singular functions and minimal impact on plant growth [20]. However, current research on microbial inoculants has shifted toward investigating multiple beneficial bacteria and multifunctional composite inoculants. ...
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More food is needed to meet the demand of the global population, which is growing continuously. Chemical fertilizers have been used for a long time to increase crop yields, and may have negative effect on human health and the agricultural environment. In order to make ongoing agricultural development more sustainable, the use of chemical fertilizers will likely have to be reduced. Microbial fertilizer is a kind of nutrient-rich and environmentally friendly biological fertilizer made from plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR). Microbial fertilizers can regulate soil nutrient dynamics and promote soil nutrient cycling by improving soil microbial community changes. This process helps restore the soil ecosystem, which in turn promotes nutrient uptake, regulates crop growth, and enhances crop resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. This paper reviews the classification of microbial fertilizers and their function in regulating crop growth, nitrogen fixation, phosphorus, potassium solubilization, and the production of phytohormones. We also summarize the role of PGPR in helping crops against biotic and abiotic stresses. Finally, we discuss the function and the mechanism of applying microbial fertilizers in soil remediation. This review helps us understand the research progress of microbial fertilizer and provides new perspectives regarding the future development of microbial agent in sustainable agriculture.
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Background Inoculation of plants to enhance yield of crops and performance of other plants is a century old, proven technology for rhizobia and a newer venue for plant growth-promoting bacteria and other plant symbionts. The two main aspects dominating the success of inoculation are the effectiveness of the bacterial isolate and the proper application technology. Scope An assessment of practical aspects of bacterial inoculants for contemporary agriculture and environmental restoration is critically evaluated from the point of view of their current technological status, current applications, and future use. This is done because there are windows of opportunity for new developments in applied research using renewable, non-contaminated natural resources and new venues for research. Special emphasis is given to formulations and polymeric carriers. This review concentrates on practical aspect of inoculation technology dating from 1998 to 2013. Earlier publications are mentioned only for clarification of a specific point. Conclusions This review discusses characteristics of a carrier for inoculants, formulations of inoculants including liquid, organic, inorganic, polymeric, and encapsulated formulations. Technical aspects include inoculation techniques (soil and seed application), mass culture production, bulk sterilization, seed coating, shelf-life, and effect of moisture. Future research venues needed are noted.
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This paper originates from an address at the 8th International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes, Sydney, NSW, December 2000 Azospirilla are free-living rhizobacteria that are able to promote plant growth and increase yields in many crops of agronomic importance. It is assumed that the bacteria affect plant growth mainly by the production of plant growth promoting substances, which leads to an improvement in root development and an increase in the rate of water and mineral uptake. In the present review, we discuss the physiological responses of the plant roots to inoculation with Azospirillum, and report on field and greenhouse experiments carried out with these bacteria during 1994–2001 in Belgium, Uruguay, Mexico and Israel.
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A doubling in global food demand projected for the next 50 years poses huge challenges for the sustainability both of food production and of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and the services they provide to society. Agriculturalists are the principal managers of global useable lands and will shape, perhaps irreversibly, the surface of the Earth in the coming decades. New incentives and policies for ensuring the sustainability of agriculture and ecosystem services will be crucial if we are to meet the demands of improving yields without compromising environmental integrity or public health.
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Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are the rhizosphere bacteria that can enhance plant growth by a wide variety of mechanisms like phosphate solubilization, siderophore production, biological nitrogen fixation, rhizosphere engineering, production of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase (ACC), quorum sensing (QS) signal interference and inhibition of biofilm formation, phytohormone production, exhibiting antifungal activity, production of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), induction of systemic resistance, promoting beneficial plant-microbe symbioses, interference with pathogen toxin production etc. The potentiality of PGPR in agriculture is steadily increased as it offers an attractive way to replace the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other supplements. Growth promoting substances are likely to be produced in large quantities by these rhizosphere microorganisms that influence indirectly on the overall morphology of the plants. Recent progress in our understanding on the diversity of PGPR in the rhizosphere along with their colonization ability and mechanism of action should facilitate their application as a reliable component in the management of sustainable agricultural system. The progress to date in using the rhizosphere bacteria in a variety of applications related to agricultural improvement along with their mechanism of action with special reference to plant growth-promoting traits are summarized and discussed in this review.
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Several microbes promote plant growth, and many microbial products that stimulate plant growth have been marketed. In this review we re-strict ourselves to bacteria that are derived from and exert this effect on the root. Such bacteria are generally designated as PGPR (plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria). The beneficial effects of these rhi-zobacteria on plant growth can be direct or indirect. This review begins with describing the conditions under which bacteria live in the rhizo-sphere. To exert their beneficial effects, bacteria usually must colonize the root surface efficiently. Therefore, bacterial traits required for root colonization are subsequently described. Finally, several mechanisms by which microbes can act beneficially on plant growth are described. Examples of direct plant growth promotion that are discussed include (a) biofertilization, (b) stimulation of root growth, (c) rhizoremediation, and (d) plant stress control. Mechanisms of biological control by which rhizobacteria can promote plant growth indirectly, i.e., by reducing the level of disease, include antibiosis, induction of systemic resistance, and competition for nutrients and niches. 541
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It is well described that the beneficial interactions between plants and bacteria are genotype and site specific. Brazilian sugarcane varieties can obtain up to 70% of their nitrogen requirement from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), and this contribution is related to the Brazilian breeding and selection processes, by example of the variety SP70-1143. In this study the effect of two inoculation mixtures containing diazotrophic bacteria in our earlier pot experiment was evaluated with two sugarcane varieties, a known responder, SP70-1143, and a newly selected variety, SP81-3250, to investigate the sugarcane genotype effect and the role of the mixtures. The sugarcane varieties SP70-1143 and SP81-3250 were grown under commercial field conditions at three sites with contrasting soil types: an Alfisol, an Oxisol and an Ultisol that means a low, medium and high natural fertility respectively. The stem yield and BNF contribution in response to bacterial inoculation were influenced by the strain combinations in the inoculum, the plant genotype, and the soil type and nitrogen fertilization, confirming the genetic and environmental influence in PGP-bacteria interactions. Inoculation effects on the BNF contribution and stem yield increased in the variety SP70-1143 grown in the Alfisol without nitrogen fertilization for three consecutive crops, and it was equivalent to the annual nitrogen fertilization. The plants grown in the Oxisol showed small increases in the productivity of the variety SP70-1143, and in the Ultisol the sugarcane plants presented even decreases in the stem productivity due to inoculation with diazotrophic bacteria mixtures. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the inoculation technology using diazotrophic bacteria in micropropagated sugarcane varieties grown in soils with low to medium levels of fertility. In addition, the results also indicated that specific plant – bacteria – environment combinations are needed to harness the full benefits of BNF.
Combination of biocontrol agents that are compatible with each other is a strategic approach to control the plant disease and pest. The present study was designed to evaluate the protective effects of compatible endophytic bacterial strains (Bacillus subtilis; EPCO16 and EPC5) and rhizobacterial strain (Pseudomonas fluorescens; Pf1) against chilli wilt disease caused by Fusarium solani. Our results showed that B. subtilis (EPCO16 and EPC5) and P. fluorescens (Pf1) were compatible and effectively inhibited the growth of the F. solani. The application of endophytic and rhizobacterial strains, singly and in combination in green house and field conditions were found to be effective in controlling the chilli Fusarium wilt disease by inducing systemic resistance (ISR) as evidenced by enhanced activities of PO, PPO, PAL, β-1,3-glucanase, Chitinase and Phenolic involved in the synthesis of phytolaexins thereby promoting the growth of plants. However, combinations of EPCO16+EPC5+Pf1 bacterial strains were more effective than single agents. These findings suggest that synergistic interactions of biocontrol agents may be responsible for the management of chilli wilt disease caused by F. solani.
Rhizoremediation surged in popularity among scientist as an attractive strategy because plant roots provide a rich niche for bacteria to grow at the expense of root exudates; in turn bacteria act as biocatalysts that remove pollutants. The complexity of the beneficial relationships between plants and bacteria is an exciting area of research which has shown steady progress in the last decade. Despite the advances in the field, specific aspects of the interactions between contaminant-degrading rhizobacteria and plants are still unknown; including the expression of degradation genes in the rhizosphere, the influence of horizontal gene transfer in rhizoremediation, and the possibilities of the selection of specific bacteria by plant rhizosphere. We discuss the recent advances in our understanding of the plant-bacteria interactions during rhizoremediation of organic compounds.