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Special Judo Fitness Test Level and Anthropometric Profile of Elite Spanish Judo Athletes


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the present study was to determine the anthropometric variables that best predict Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) performance. In addition, anthropometric profiles of elite Spanish judo athletes were compared by sex and age category (seniors and juniors). In this cross-sectional study, a total of 51 (29 females) athletes from the Spanish National Judo Team were evaluated during a competitive period. All athletes performed the SJFT and underwent an anthropometric assessment through skinfold thickness measurements. Mann-Whitney comparisons by sex and age category showed that males had significantly higher muscle mass and lower fat mass than females (p<0.001), whereas juniors and seniors exhibited few differences in body composition. Linear regression analyses (stepwise method) were performed to explore the relationships between anthropometric characteristics and SJFT variables. Model 1 included sex, age category, and body mass as predictors. Body mass and sex significantly predicted the SJFT index (R2=0.27, p<0.001); thus, both criteria should be considered before interpreting the test. The predictors of model 2 were quick-assessment variables, including skinfolds, breadths, girths, and height. This regression model showed that the biceps skinfold significantly predicted the SJFT index in elite athletes (R2=0.31, p<0.001). Model 3 included body compositions and somatotypes as predictors. Higher muscle and bone masses and lower ectomorphy were associated with better SJFT performance (R2=0.44, p<0.001). Hence, training programs should attempt to increase the muscle mass percentage and reduce the upper arm fat, while the bone percentage could be considered in the selection of talented athletes in conjunction with other factors.
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Department of Physiology, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology, Biomedical Research Centre, Faculty of Sport Sciences,
University of Granada, Granada, Spain;
School of Physical Education and Sport, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil;
Institute of Sport, University School of Physical Education, Krakow, Poland;
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Sciences, University of Leo
´n, Leo
´n, Spain; and
Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Casals, C, Huertas, JR, Franchini, E, Sterkowicz-Przybycie ´
n, K,
Sterkowicz, S, Gutie
´a, C, and Escobar-Molina, R.
Special judo fitness test level and anthropometric profile of
elite spanish judo athletes. J Strength Cond Res 31(5):
1229–1235, 2017—The aim of this study was to determine
the anthropometric variables that best predict Special Judo
Fitness Test (SJFT) performance. In addition, anthropometric
profiles of elite Spanish judo athletes were compared by sex
and age category (seniors and juniors). In this cross-sectional
study, a total of 51 (29 females) athletes from the Spanish
National Judo Team were evaluated during a competitive
period. All athletes performed the SJFT and underwent an
anthropometric assessment through skinfold thickness meas-
urements. Mann-Whitney comparisons by sex and age cate-
gory showed that males had significantly higher muscle mass
and lower fat mass than females (p,0.001), whereas juniors
and seniors exhibited few differences in body composition.
Linear regression analyses (stepwise method) were performed
to explore the relationships between anthropometric character-
istics and SJFT variables. Model 1 included sex, age category,
and body mass as predictors. Body mass and sex significantly
predicted the SJFT index (R
= 0.27, p,0.001); thus, both
criteria should be considered before interpreting the test. The
predictors of model 2 were quick-assessment variables, includ-
ing skinfolds, breadths, girths, and height. This regression
model showed that the biceps skinfold significantly predicted
the SJFT index in elite athletes (R
= 0.31, p,0.001). Model 3
included body compositions and somatotypes as predictors.
Higher muscle and bone masses and lower ectomorphy were
associated with better SJFT performance (R
= 0.44, p,
0.001). Hence, training programs should attempt to increase
the muscle mass percentage and reduce the upper arm fat,
whereas the bone percentage could be considered in the
selection of talented athletes in conjunction with other factors.
KEY WORDS anthropometry, somatotypes, body composition,
skinfold thickness, martial arts, sports performance
As judo is a weight-categorized sport, one of the
most difficult challenges for elite judo athletes is
to achieve excellent physical fitness while main-
taining an optimal body mass. Low body fat and
a high arm muscle mass have been related to better judo
competition performance (8,9,18,22). Moreover, the body
composition and somatotypes of judo athletes seem to influ-
ence other performance indicators, such as anaerobic power,
muscle torque, power output, and maximal oxygen uptake
(14,21,23). Therefore, the anthropometric profile of an elite
athlete could be a relevant factor for success in competition
and for performance in specific judo tests.
The assessment of physical fitness in elite judo athletes
requires specific tests because the anaerobic system is
responsible for the scoring actions in combat, whereas the
aerobic component is required for recovery during and
between matches in tournaments (10). On this basis, Sterko-
wicz (34) developed the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT),
a specific judo test aimed at evaluating anaerobic and aerobic
fitness (33), and it is currently one of the most used tests in
judo research (15). Compared with the Wingate Anaerobic
Test, the SJFT has proven to be more appropriate for eval-
uating the anaerobic capacity of judo athletes because of its
specificity (38). However, although some studies have con-
sidered the correlations between some body composition
Address correspondence to Cristina Casals,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2015 National Strength and Conditioning Association
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2017 | 1229
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
parameters and SJFT performance (17,20,32), the best
anthropometric predictors in elite judo athletes have not
been established.
In addition, the physical fitness of judo athletes differs by
judo-classification criteria (11,24), including sex (30), age
(29,28), and weight category (4,35). Hence, the SJFT results
could differ according to these criteria, resulting in the pos-
sibility of erroneous interpretations of the test. In light of
these considerations, this study aimed to determine the
anthropometric variables that best predict SJ FT performance
and to determine whether body mass, sex, and age category
affect the test results. Furthermore, in our study, we aimed to
compare the body composition and somatotypes of elite
Spanish judo athletes by age (junior vs. senior categories)
and sex (males vs. females). This information can play a role
in the identification of talented athletes, in establishing desir-
able anthropometric characteristics in elite judo athletes and
in making training plan adjustments.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the anthropometric
profiles and specific physical fitness of elite Spanish judo
athletes were compared regarding sex and age (seniors and
juniors). The most significant associations between
anthropometric variables and the SJFT index were also
established. The study was performed in the sport facilities
of the High Performance Centre “Joaquı
´n Blume” (Madrid,
Spain) during the competitive period of one training meeting
before an international tournament of each of the Spanish
national judo teams (juniors and seniors). Anthropometric
assessments were performed in the morning (on an empty
stomach) and before the daily training sessions. Two hours
after the anthropometric evaluation, judo athletes performed
the SJFT in an athletic training room after receiving thor-
ough information about the test protocol.
The sample consisted of 51 elite athletes from the Spanish
National Judo Team (22 males and 29 females) from all
weight categories; 9 males and 17 females competed in
senior division (above 20 years of age), whereas 13 males and
12 females competed in junior division (from 17 to 19 years
of age). None of the subjects were under medical or
psychiatric treatment when participating in the study. This
study obtained ethical approval from the Research Ethics
Committee of the University of Granada and was in
accordance with the Helsinki declaration. After the partic-
ipants were informed about the procedure and possible risks
involved, written informed consent was obtained from all
participants or from both parents in cases where the athlete
was under 18 years of age.
Anthropometric Variables and Body Composition. Anthropomet-
ric measurements were performed following the protocol
developed by the International Society for Advanced of
Kinanthropometry (ISAK) (25). Anthropometric variables
included body mass, height, 7 skinfolds (biceps, triceps, sub-
scapular, supraspinal, abdominal, front thigh, and medial
calf), 3 girths (upper arm flexed, thigh, and medial calf ),
and 3 breadths (humeral and femoral epicondyles and wrist).
Height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using
TABLE 1. Regression analyses and partial correlations of physical fitness and body composition in elite Spanish judo
athletes (n= 51).*z
Regression analyses Partial correlation
BSEbb prp
Model 1
Body mass (kg) 0.03 0.01 0.54 ,0.001 0.489 ,0.001
Sex (0 = female, 1 = male) 20.93 0.35 20.35 0.010 20.225 0.116
Model 2
Biceps skinfold (mm) 0.17 0.04 0.56 ,0.001
Model 3
Bone mass (%) 20.53 0.13 20.82 ,0.001 20.519 ,0.001
Ectomorphy 0.78 0.24 0.67 0.002 0.435 0.002
Muscle mass (%) 20.06 0.02 20.36 0.010 20.363 0.010
*Model 1—Dependent variable: Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) index, R
= 0.27, DR
= 0.24, p,0.001. Excluded variables: age
Model 2—Dependent variable: SJFT index, R
= 0.31, DR
= 0.30, p,0.001. Excluded variables: triceps, subscapular, supra-
spinal, abdominal, thigh and calf skinfolds, arm, thigh, and leg girths, femur, humerus, and wrist breadths, and height.
zModel 3—Dependent variable: SJFT index, R
= 0.44, DR
= 0.40, p,0.001. Excluded variables: Body fat mass, arm, and leg
muscle areas, endomorphy, and mesomorphy.
SJFT and Anthropometric Profile of Judokas
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 2. Anthropometric characteristics of elite Spanish judo athletes.
Median (interquartile range) p
Males Females Males vs. females Seniors vs. juniors
Senior (n= 9) Junior (n= 13) Senior (n= 17) Junior (n= 12) Seniors Juniors Males Females
Body mass (kg) 85.9 (24.50) 73.5 (35.35) 62.4 (16.90) 69.8 (23.10) 0.005* 0.270 0.471 0.152
Height (cm) 180 (15.50) 173 (15.50) 164 (10.80) 167 (10.50) ,0.001* 0.002* 0.393 0.370
Body fat (%) 7.81 (3.53) 7.19 (7.29) 16.98 (6.39) 24.97 (13.69) ,0.001* ,0.001* 0.896 0.097
Body muscle (%) 52.59 (3.64) 52.11 (4.19) 47.71 (6.88) 40.31 (13.73) ,0.001* ,0.001* 0.235 0.140
Body bone (%) 15.09 (2.04) 15.62 (3.46) 14.69 (2.69) 13.63 (2.88) 0.916 0.060 0.324 0.166
Endomorphy 1.91 (1.47) 1.77 (3.25) 2.81 (1.56) 4.63 (2.70) 0.016* 0.014* 0.896 0.021
Mesomorphy 5.56 (1.36) 4.86 (1.63) 4.39 (2.00) 4.59 (1.15) 0.200 0.225 0.556 0.679
Ectomorphy 1.60 (1.99) 2.31 (2.02) 1.74 (1.28) 0.93 (2.16) 0.597 0.270 0.512 0.152
Arm muscle area (cm
) 95.7 (24.37) 77.2 (27.36) 70.4 (16.17) 61.3 (9.31) ,0.001* ,0.001* 0.0210.080
Leg muscle area (cm
) 202.5 (35.48) 197.6 (49.94) 143.0 (29.69) 135.4 (20.13) 0.001* ,0.001* 0.209 0.263
Biceps skinfold (mm) 3.5 (1.25) 4.0 (3.75) 4.5 (2.00) 6.7 (6.88) 0.021* 0.019* 0.357 0.012
Triceps skinfold (mm) 6.0 (4.25) 7.5 (7.00) 11.0 (8.50) 16.5 (9.63) 0.002* ,0.001* 0.556 0.152
Subscapular skinfold (mm) 10.0 (3.25) 8.5 (15.50) 10.0 (4.25) 17.7 (13.38) 0.396 0.110 0.471 0.117
Supraspinal skinfold (mm) 5.0 (6.25) 5.5 (15.50) 5.0 (4.00) 12.2 (11.13) 0.958 0.030* 0.948 0.002
Abdominal skinfold (mm) 7.5 (7.00) 6.0 (12.25) 13.0 (6.25) 18.5 (14.63) 0.045* 0.026* 0.556 0.195
Thigh skinfold (mm) 9.5 (5.75) 10.0 (17.25) 23.0 (13.00) 37.5 (30.25) ,0.001* 0.004* 0.556 0.227
Calf skinfold (mm) 12.0 (6.75) 11.0 (10.75) 14.5 (8.00) 27.5 (22.13) 0.013* 0.007* 0.896 0.195
Arm girth (cm) 36.2 (5.35) 33.0 (6.45) 32.0 (5.05) 32.0 (4.20) 0.006* 0.205 0.082 0.811
Thigh girth (cm) 52.8 (7.40) 52.6 (14.50) 51.4 (8.35) 53.5 (8.85) 0.200 0.769 0.512 0.879
Leg girth (cm) 37.6 (5.50) 37.3 (6.70) 35.5 (5.05) 37.2 (5.00) 0.066 0.852 0.647 0.303
Femur breadth (cm) 10.1 (1.25) 9.8 (0.80) 8.8 (0.90) 9.1 (1.00) 0.004* 0.005* 0.794 0.370
Humerus breadth (cm) 6.8 (0.45) 7.0 (0.70) 5.8 (0.70) 6.1 (0.60) ,0.001* ,0.001* 0.896 0.394
Wrist breadth (cm) 5.9 (0.60) 5.6 (0.50) 5.1 (0.50) 5.0 (0.30) ,0.001* ,0.001* 0.082 0.811
*Significant differences by sex.
Significant differences by age category, both established through the Mann-Whitney U-test.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2017 | 1231
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
a stadiometer (GPM, Seritex, Inc., Carlstadt, NJ, USA). Body
mass was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg using a portable
scale (model 707; Seca Corporation, Columbia, MD, USA).
Skinfold thickness was recorded to the nearest 0.2 mm at
a constant pressure of 10 g$mm
using a Holtain skinfold
caliper (Holtain Ltd., Crymych, United Kingdom). Girths
were determined to the nearest 0.1 cm using a flexible
anthropometric steel tape measure (Holtain Ltd.). Skinfolds
were measured three times at each site in a rotation system,
as described by Heyward (19), and the mean of the 3 meas-
urements was used in the analyses. The procedure was per-
formed by a researcher with more than 15 years of
experience with this technique. The researcher presented
a variation of less than 2.29% between measurements, with
reproducibility determined by an intraclass correlation coef-
ficient of 0.987 within the assessment performance period.
Breadths and girths were measured only once at each site by
the same experienced evaluator who previously presented
less than 0.89% of variation between measurements. Soma-
totypes were determined according to the Carter and Heath
method (6). Body composition was estimated following the
four-component model and in accordance with the ISAK
recommendations (25). Body fat was assessed by applying
the following formula for males (5): Fat%= (P6 skinfolds 3
0.1051) + 2.58; and for females, the following formula was
used (5): Fat%= (P6 skinfolds 30.1548) + 3.58, where
the 6 skinfolds were triceps, subscapular, supraspinal,
abdomen, thigh, and medial calf expressed in millimeters.
Body muscle mass corresponded to the following equation
(40):Muscle(kg)=TotalBodyMass2(Fat + Bone +
[Total Body Mass 3C/100]), where C was 24.1 in males
and was 20.9 in females. All variables are expressed in
kilograms. Finally, body bone mass was calculated with
the following formula for both males and females (31):
Bone (kg) = 3.02 (Height
3Wri stB 3FemurB 3
, where B means breadth and the 3 variables were
expressed in meters.
Special Judo Fitness Test. This specific judo test was developed
by Sterkowicz (34). Three athletes of similar body mass are
needed to perform the SJFT: 1 participant (tori) is evaluated
and the other 2 (ukes) receive throws. The tori begins the test
between the 2 ukes (3 m away from each uke). On a signal, the
tori runs to one of the ukes and applies a throwing technique
called ippon-seoi-nage (1 shoulder throw). The tori then
immediately runs to the other uke and completes another
throw. The athlete must complete as many throws as possible
within the test time. The SJFT is composed of three parts (15,
30, and 30 seconds) separated by 10-second recovery periods.
The total number of throws completed by the tori during each
of the three periods was recorded; the tori’s heart rate (HR)
was measured immediately after and 1 minute after the test
(Polar Team 2, Polar, Finland). The SJFT index was calculated
according to the following equation: Index = (HR after + HR
1 minute after)/total number of throws. The index value
TABLE 3. Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) performance of elite Spanish judo athletes.*
Median (interquartile range) SJFT classifications according to
SJFT index
Number of
HR after
HR 1 min after
Number of
HR after
HR 1 min after
Male seniors (n= 9) 13.22 (1.94) 27 (2) 185 (14.0) 160 (24.5) Regular Good Regular Good
Male juniors (n= 13) 12.44 (1.43) 27 (3) 183 (8.5) 153 (11.0)zGood Good Good Good
Total males (n= 22) 12.80 (1.55) 27 (3) 184 (9.5) 155 (18.3)
Female seniors (n= 17) 12.56 (1.98) 25 (3) 178 (10.0)§ 154 (15.0) Regular Poor Regular Regular
Female juniors (n= 12) 12.89 (0.96) 27 (2) 187 (11.5) 162 (17.8) Good Excellent Regular Poor
Total females (n= 29) 12.70 (1.29) 26 (2) 181 (14.0) 157 (19.0)
*HR = heart rate.
Classificatory norms were obtained from Franchini et al. (11) and Sterkowicz-Przybycien et al. (37) for males and females, respectively.
zSignificant differences by sex, p= 0.035.
§Significant differences by age category, p= 0.014; both using a Mann-Whitney U-test.
SJFT and Anthropometric Profile of Judokas
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
decreases with better test performance. Reliability values for
this test were reported as 0.97 (34).
Statistical Analyses
Data are presented as the median and the interquartile
range. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic was used to test
the normality of distributions. Differences by age category
and sex were compared using a Mann-Whitney U-test. To
explore the relationships between anthropometric charac-
teristics and the SJFT index, linear regression analyses (step-
wise method) were performed. A total of 3 models were
fitted with the SJFT index as the outcome variable; b values
(B) and standardized b values (b)wereestimated,andR
and adjusted R
) were used to provide a goodness-of-
fit of the models. Model 1 included sex, age category, and
body mass as predictors. This model aimed to establish
whether these judo-classification variables affect the SJFT
index. Model 2 included the anthropometric variables that
can be quickly measured and easily used by coaches and
researchers as predictors. The predictors of model 2 were
skinfolds, girths, breadths, and height. Finally, model 3
included body composition (fat, muscle, and bone masses)
and somatotypes as predictors to establish possible desirable
characteristics in elite judo athletes. Partial correlations were
performed for each regression model to better isolate vari-
able relationships without the effect of the other variables
included in the predictor model. All analyses were con-
ducted using the SPSS statistical package for Windows (ver-
sion 17.0; SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA); the level of
significance was set at p#0.05.
Some classification parameters in judo, such as body mass
and sex, significantly affected the SJFT performance of elite
Spanish athletes. Moreover, the biceps skinfold had a signif-
icant association with the SJFT index, with a prediction of
up to 31%, whereas the ectomorphy component, bone, and
muscle masses were able to jointly predict 44% of the test
results (Table 1).
Descriptive statistics of the athletes’ anthropometric pro-
files are presented in Table 2, comparing data by sex and age
category. Sexual dimorphism in judo athletes was apparent
for body fat and muscle percentages, whereas juniors and
seniors exhibited few differences in body composition.
Performance indicators achieved in the SJFT are shown in
Table 3; their corresponding classifications were estimated
according to previous classification norms (12,37). Few sig-
nificant differences of the specific fitness were found between
the four groups of elite athletes, although their SJFT classi-
fications showed relevant differences with better perfor-
mance grades in juniors than in seniors.
As has been previously mentioned, the SJFT is widely used
by researchers and coaches to test the physical fitness of judo
athletes (15). For this reason, the SJFT classification norms
have been published for males (12) and females (37), but
only the SJFT norms for females differ between senior and
junior categories. This study highlights that body mass and
sex are significantly associated with the SJFT index. This
information should be taken into consideration when evalu-
ating athletes of different weight categories because heavier
judo athletes achieve worse SJFT results than lighter ath-
letes, although there is not a classificatory adjustment by
weight (14,32). In addition, it has been reported that lighter
judo athletes have higher throwing speed (seoi-nage tech-
nique), more power, and better oxygen uptake than heavy-
weight athletes (1,4,12). Hence, the judo athlete’s body mass
should be considered before applying the SJFT results at an
elite level.
In our study, the body composition of elite judo athletes
was significantly related to the SJFT index. Thus, higher
relative bone and muscle masses were associated with better
SJFT performance (lower index). Accordingly, previous
studies showed that high fat-free mass might be an
advantage for judo performance (21,22). In addition, the
ectomorphic component showed to be an undesirable body
composition in our athletes; this result is expected because
the mean somatotype of international judo athletes is endo-
morphic mesomorph (36). Therefore, the training program
should attempt to increase muscle mass and slightly reduce
or maintain body fat, thus increasing the percentage of mus-
cle mass. Moreover, this study provides information about
the quickly assessable anthropometric variables that best
predict judo-specific performance. This analysis revealed
that the biceps skinfold has a strong association with SJFT
performance and is able to explain 31% of the index, which is
a high prediction value for a single anthropometric measure.
Thus, although the fat mass percentage does not seem to be
relevant for judo performance (8,14,20), decreased upper
arm fat at the biceps may be a discriminating variable in
the elite context (3). As the relative body bone mass cannot
be modified by training or diet, this information has an appli-
cation only in the selection of talented athletes; however,
other factors must also be taken into consideration in this
The anthropometric characteristics of the elite Spanish
judo athletes differed by sex but demonstrated few differ-
ences by age. Thus, male judo athletes had higher muscle
mass, lower body fat, and a lower endomorphic component
than female judo athletes for both age categories (junior and
senior). Age differences in somatotype components were
found only for females with a lower endomorphy compo-
nent in seniors than in juniors, whereas male seniors showed
a higher arm muscle area than male juniors, without other
relevant differences. The few studies that examined anthro-
pometric differences by sex or age category in judo athletes
(2,13,36) reported similar results. A common limitation
when analyzing judo athletes is the fact that they are classi-
fied according to their body mass, which results in
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2017 | 1233
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
differences concerning anthropometric variables between
weight categories (16). For this reason, body mass can be
a confusing variable in judo research and training, as we have
previously mentioned regarding the SJFT index.
Previous research showed correlations between the SJFT
and aerobic capacity and power in both males (7,33) and
females (32,39). Our SJFT results indicated that female se-
niors should improve their anaerobic capacity inferred from
the total number of throws, whereas female juniors must
increase their aerobic component because their recovery ca-
pacities were classified as poor. Male seniors also should
improve their aerobic capacity, whereas male juniors had
similar classifications (good) for all the SJFT variables. Both
classificatory norms have 5 levels (very poor, poor, regular,
good, excellent), but only the female classification (37) dif-
fered between seniors and juniors; thus, the male classifica-
tion (12) can overestimate our senior values. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the first study to compare SJFT results
between males and females. Sex-related differences were
found when analyzing groups by their SJFT classifications;
however, these differences were not statistically significant,
except for the HR 1 minute after the test in the junior cat-
egory. Although sex and age should be considered in testing
the athlete and planning the training program (26–28), our
sample was not of sufficient magnitude for detecting relevant
SJFT differences unless classificatory norms are used.
This study analyzed the anthropometric profiles of elite judo
athletes and their judo-specific physical fitness assessed
through the SJFT. This study has three main applications:
(a) body mass should be considered in the SJFT interpre-
tation because heavier athletes achieve worse results than
lighter athletes, but they can have similar competitive
success in their respective weight divisions; (b) the biceps’
skinfold is able to predict up to 31% of the SJFT index and
can be quickly assessed, making it a useful tool in testing elite
judo athletes; and (c) higher muscle and bone mass percen-
tages and lower ectomorphy are associated with better judo-
specific fitness and can jointly predict 44% of the SJFT index.
These predictions are high for a model exclusively based on
anthropometric characteristics at an elite level. The anthro-
pometric profile of elite judo athletes seems relevant for their
physical fitness and can be partially modified by training.
Thus, the training program of these elite athletes should
aim to increase their muscle mass. Further research is
needed to confirm whether changes in these anthropometric
variables translate into SJFT performance and to judo com-
petition performance. The body fat percentage was not rel-
evant for the judo-specific physical fitness of elite athletes,
although it must be at least maintained because an increase
supposes a decrease of the body muscle and bone percen-
tages. However, upper arm fat at the biceps may discrimi-
nate judo performance at an elite level. Other parameters,
such as bone mass, can be used only in the selection process
of talented judo athletes in conjunction with other sport-
specific abilities.
This research was supported by the Consejo Superior de
Deportes, Ministerio de Educacio
´n y Ciencia [Higher Coun-
cil of Sports, Ministry of Education and Science] (reference
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2017 | 1235
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... Previous studies have reported on anthropometric characteristics and somatotype in wrestling (Ramirez-Velez et al., 2014;Sterkowicz-Przybycień et al., 2011), judo (Casals et al., 2017;Spieser et al., 2012) and boxing (Noh et al., 2014). However, most studies which have been published have focused on male athletes, with little research available on female counterparts. ...
... A similar study by Smaruj et al. (2019) reported 23.6% of body fat and 4.2, 5.6 and 1.5 endomorph, mesomorph and endomorph, respectively, in female judokas. However, Casals et al. (2017) observed less percentage of body fat (17 %) in Spanish female senior judokas, while Spieser et al. (2012) found Swedish judokas to have 24.8 % of body fat and somatotypes of 2.2 of endomorph, 6.0 mesomorph and 2.2 of ectomorph. Regarding female wrestlers, Arakawa et al. (2020) studied Japanese wrestlers and observed that they have a mean of 18.2 % body fat, while Pallarés et al. (2012) analysed 35 female wrestlers and found a mean of 15.4 % of body fat. ...
... In relation to body fat, it has been revealed that Indian female combat athletes all were found to have similar % (boxing = 15.76 ± 3.88 %; judo = 16.10 ± 3.88 %; wrestling = 15.27 ± 3.00 %). These values are in line with previous studies assessing the body composition of athletes from these sports (Reale et al., 2020;Casals et al., 2017;Pallares et al., 2012). However, some studies observed body fat % values to be ~8% higher for judokas (Smaruj et al., 2019;Spieser et al., 2012), and ~3% higher for wrestlers (Arawaka et al., 2020). ...
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Introduction: The aim of this study was:1) to ascertain the anthropometric characteristics of Indian female combat athletes and 2) to determine and compare the sport-specific (boxing, judo, and wrestling) somatotype of Indian female combat athletes. Method: Ninety-nine national level female combat sports athletes (40 Boxers, 25 Judokas, and 34 Wrestlers who regularly compete in national and/or international competitions, took part in the study. Anthropometric measurements were performed for body mass, stature, 7 skinfold sites, 3 girths, and 2 breadths. Somatotypes for all subjects were also calculated. All measurements were statistically analyzed using pairwise comparison analysis and differences between groups were also compared. Results: Significant differences between boxing and judo for the mean value of BMI. Pairwise comparison analysis revealed significant differences in the mesomorphy component between boxing and judo (p = 0.001; 95% CI: -1.83 – -0.40) and between boxing and wrestling (p = 0.001; 95% CI: -1.69 – -0.39); as well as in the ectomorphy component between boxing and judo (p = 0.009; 95% CI: 0.16 – 1.35) and between boxing and wrestling (p = 0.007; 95% CI: 0.17 – 1.25). Conclusion: There are significant differences in anthropometric characteristics when analyzing the somatotype of Indian female combat athletes which could be attributed to the specific demands of each sport. Sport-specific training programmes that consider the anthropometric characteristics and somatotype of female athletes participating in Boxing, Judo and Wrestling should be considered by practitioners and coaches.
... The present study demonstrated that the mean (±SD) SJFT index for the Saudi judo athletes was 16.2 ± 1.6. When we compared this SJFT value to those of international elite judo athletes, our determined SJFT index value was higher (SJFT = 12.7-13.2) (Casals et al. 2017). Our participants' lower SJFT performance in comparison with that of international elite judo athletes is likely related to the participants' lower aerobic power capacity. ...
هدفت هذه الدراســـــــــــــة إلى التعرف إلى العلاقــــــــة بين اختبار لياقة الجـــــــــــودو الخاص (Special judo fitness test) واللياقة الهوائية لدى بعض رياضيي الجودو السعوديين. شارك في الدراسة 14 من لاعبي الجودو (متوسط ± الانحراف المعياري، العمر: 17.1 ± 4.1 سنة؛ الوزن: 66.7 ± 21 كجم؛ الطول: 160.2 ± 13.6 سم)، وقد أجري لهم اختبار لياقة الجودو الخاص، وhختبار متعدد المراحل (Shuttle run test) لتقدير الاستهلاك الأقصى للأكسجين (VO2max). أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن متوسط± انحراف معياري لمؤشــــــــــــــــــر اختبار لياقة الجــــــــــــــودو الخاص16.2 ± 1.6، والاستهلاك الأقصى للأكسجين 46.2 ± 5.2 (مل/كجم/دقيقة)، على التوالي.كما أظهرت النتائج أن مؤشر اختبار لياقة الجودو الخاص ارتبط ارتباطاً عكسياً معالاستهلاك الأقصى للأكسجين (ر=0.71 مستوى الدلالة 0.02). يمكن الاستنتاج من هذهالدراسةأن هناك علاقة ارتباطية بين اللياقة الهوائية واختبار لياقة الجودو الخاص. وبذلك تتفق النتائج التي توصلنا إليها مع الدراسات الأخرى التي أجريت على لاعبي الجودو، والمطالبين بالحفاظ على مستوى عالي من اللياقة الهوائية.
... Research into human body shape categorization has b een conducted for a long time. There have been inves tigations targeting specific user groups such as soccer player [1], judo player [2] and studies focusing on sp ecific body parts like the hand [3] and feet [4]. There are also quite a few studies classifying overall body s hapes for the entire population, but as these studies h ave been conducted with foreigners [5], they encounte r difficulties in directly describing the physiques of K oreans. ...
This study aims to explore the classification of lower body types among Korean women using the Fuzzy C-means clustering approach. It is important to investigate various shapes of the human body in product design. Previously, most studies focused on specific body parts or targeting specific user groups, and considered variations based on factors such as gender, age and so on. We collected data which is related to the lower body of Korean females and removed missing values and outliers. Various components are reduced by utilizing factor analysis in preprocessing with KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity. After that, we performed the Fuzzy C- means clustering with 5 centers. Four factors were derived from factor analysis. After clustering, five types were found each characteristic of the lower body of Korean females as well. In addition, the characteristics of the lower body by age were investigated. This study identifies the probability distribution of belonging to a cluster according to anthropometric items. The comprehension of different lower body types of Korean women is helpful in developing product design. Furthermore, this method can be applied not only for the classification of the upper body type but also for the classification of the Korean human body type.
... While numerous studies have already been available for adult athletes from different martial arts from our working group [6,13,14,22,23] or other researchers [2,3,7,15,19,25,26], such data have so far been missing, especially for children and adolescents [16]. ...
The approach of the present study was to look for differences in body development in children practicing karate or judo. 50 children between the age of 7 and 16 years were measured for this study. Parnell’s and Heath and Carter’s somatotypes were used as well as the German constitution schools of Conrad as well and Knussmann. The influence on higher muscle development through practice of these martial arts cannot be denied, although no significant differences between the martial arts were found. Only with a version of Conrad’s checkerboard pattern graph specially tailored for children, we could work out impressive differences between the sports. Differentiated according to age groups, it is noticeable that the male judoka make the most significant development from the hypoplastic area towards hyperplastic with increasing age.
... Thus, heavier judokas tend to have a worse performance compared to lighter ones. A previous study (assessed by skinfolds) revealed that the biceps Sports 2023, 11, 168 7 of 9 measurement (mm) has a strong association with the performance in the SJFT, in which this measurement was able to explain 31% of the index of this test [22]. Therefore, arm composition is important for success in the SJFT, and our findings support this. ...
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Citation: dos Santos, I.A.; Bertochi, G.F.A.; Higino, W.P.; Papoti, M.; Puggina, E.F. The Percentage of Total and Regional Fat Is Negatively Abstract: This study investigated the associations between total and regional body composition with performance in the special judo fitness test (SJFT), as well as strength and power tests (countermove-ment vertical jump-CMJ, squat jump-SJ, plyometric push-up-PPU, and force push-up-FPU). Twenty-three high-level judo athletes participated in this study. Initially, they underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, after which they performed the CMJ, SJ, PPU, and FPU tests. On another day, the SJFT was carried out. Correlations were tested using Pearson's test. The performance in the SJFT was correlated with the total and arm %fat mass (r = −0.759), torso fat mass (r = −0.802), torso %fat mass (r = −0.822) and in the lower limb regions with the leg fat mass (r = −0.803) and leg %fat (r = −0.745). In the strength and power tests, there were also negative correlations observed between regional fat and performance. There was a negative correlation between the percentage of total fat and performance in the SJFT (r = −0.824), SJ (r = −0.750), CMJ (r = −0.742), PPU (r = −0.609), and FPU (r = −0.736). Fat, both total fat and regional fat in the arms, torso, and legs, is strongly correlated with a poor performance in the SJFT and poor strength and power.
... The present study demonstrated that the mean (±SD) SJFT index for the Saudi judo athletes was 16.2 ± 1.6. When we compared this SJFT value to those of international elite judo athletes, our determined SJFT index value was higher (SJFT = 12.7-13.2) (Casals et al. 2017). Our participants' lower SJFT performance in comparison with that of international elite judo athletes is likely related to the participants' lower aerobic power capacity. ...
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This study aimed to identify the relationship between the special judo fitness test (SJFT) and aerobic fitness in a sample of Saudi judo athletes. Fourteen judo athletes (mean ± SD, age, 17.1 ± 4.1 years; body mass, 66.7 ± 21 kg; height, 160.2 ± 13.6 cm) undertook the SJFT and a maximal multistage 20-m shuttle run test to estimate maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). The mean (±SD) of the index of the SJFT and VO2 max were 16.2 ± 1.6 and 46.2 ± 5.2 (ml/kg/min-1), respectively. The SJFT index was in an inverse direct relationship with VO2max (r = −0.71, p0.02). We conclude that aerobic fitness is associated with judo performance. Our findings corroborate those of other studies on elite judo athletes, who are required to maintain high aerobic fitness levels.
... One critical factor in an athlete's success is their level of physical fitness, as it directly impacts their performance on the mat [1,2,3,4,5]. Unfortunately, many athletes and coaches overlook the potential impact of physical exertion on athlete health, which can lead to injury and other negative outcomes. ...
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Background and Study Aim. Physical fitness is crucial for the success of athletes in competitive sports. However, often the impact of physical exertion on athlete health is overlooked. The study aims to investigate the relationship between the level of physical fitness and competitive performance of judokas aged 19-21. Material and Methods. Judo athletes (n=30) participated in the study. The study used video recordings of competitive bouts of 30 judokas aged 19-21 in different weight categories. The athletes were tested for various physical fitness indicators, including strength endurance, coordination abilities, speed-strength abilities, endurance, speed abilities, and flexibility. The SPSS 22 program was used to conduct correlation analysis. Results. The study showed that throws Ippon Seoi Nage, Seoi Otoshi, Kо soto Gake, O Uchi Gari and Ko uchi gar, Ko Soto Gari were the most commonly used techniques across all weight categories. Lighter weight categories favored a throw over the head (Sumi Gaeshi, Tomoe Nage) with an emphasis on speed and coordination, while heavier weight categories favored bending throws (Ura nage) that required strength and flexibility. Conclusions. Based on the study findings, a list of recommended technical judo techniques for each weight category has been proposed. These recommended techniques are closely related to the athletes' level of physical fitness, and coaches can use them to optimize training programs for young judokas.
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Judo is an increasingly demanding sport, requiring athletes to achieve excellent physical fitness and condition for competition [1,2]. This study aimed to identify key indicators of judo performance in the Azerbaijan National Judo squad. Using a cross-sectional design, the study compared the physiological profiles of high-ranked and lowranked judokas. Despite no statistically significant differences found in body composition, cardiovascular fitness, and anaerobic capacity between the groups, the study emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach when evaluating factors influencing success in judo. Future research should explore non-physiological and psychological factors to gain a comprehensive understanding of success determinants in judo. In summary, this study's novelty lies in comparing the physiological profiles of high-ranked and low-ranked judokas, comprehensively assessing body composition and cardiovascular fitness, acknowledging the multifaceted nature of judo performance, and considering contextual factors.
Introduction. The aim of this study was to establish if sodium bicarbonate affects the blood marker levels after a Special Judo Fitness Test in elite judo athletes. Material and Methods. Ten male judo athletes (age 20 ? 2.1 years; body height 180.18 ? 8.11 cm; body mass 85.24 ? 23.17 kg; body mass index 25.2 ? 3.4 kg/m2), judo masters (black belt holders) with at least 10 years of training and competition experience, agreed to participate in the current research. Results. The results showed a significant main effect of time (p < 0.05) for the following variables: uric acid, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, phosphate, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, and chloride. We found that creatine kinase, C-reactive protein, sodium and chloride were significantly different (p < 0.05) in the sodium bicarbonate group compared to placebo group after the Special Judo Fitness Test. Conclusion. The main finding of the present study was that sodium bicarbonate (0.3 g/kg) improved recovery compared to placebo in elite judokas. Therefore, coaches should consider sodium bicarbonate to improve athlete recovery during combat.
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Introduction: judo is a combat sport whose competitive classification depends on body weight, intended to promote even and equitable competitions in terms of physical abilities. Advances in the sciences of training and sports nutrition have led to an improvement in the body composition of athletes, resulting in an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in adipose mass. This study aimed to estimate the body composition of judo fighters participating in the 2021 Argentine National Championship. Materials and methods: we conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study of participants of the 2021 national judo championship. We evaluated 183 judokas (51 women and 132 men) applying the ISAK measurement protocol. We used the Kerry Ross five-component fractional anatomic method to determine body composition. Results: the average for female judo players was 30.5% for adipose mass and 44.5% for muscle mass; we found no statistically significant differences in the different age groups. The average value for males was 22.4% for adipose mass and 49.1% for muscle mass; in this case, we found significant differences between the different age groups for adipose mass and muscle and bone mass. Discussion: there is a need for more studies with stratified groups according to body weight division to establish specific reference standards for the work in exercise science and nutrition. Conclusion: the optimization of the body composition of female and male judo players has a positive effect on the improvement of specific physical capacities. The data presented constitute a relevant reference for the evaluation and follow-up of judokas. The stratification by age groups and body weight division will allow a better delimitation of the values of each age category. Linking body composition with physical tests and results is considered relevant to obtain a better profile of the Argentinian judo player.
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Background: To establish the relations between the following variables: (1) morphological-body weight (BW) and percent body fat (% BF); (2) physiological-performance and blood lactate (LA) after two up upper body Wingate tests (2WT), performance and LA after the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT), LA before and after a 5-min judo combat simulation; (3) technique and tactic actions-number of per attacks (NA), type of techniques, number of different techniques applied and time structure. Material/methods: Thirteen elite college male judoists took part in the study. They were subjected to two bouts of arm Wingate test, a Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) and to a simulated combat. Conventional performance variables and numbers of specific actions were recorded. Body fat percentage was determined by skinfold technique. Results: Relative total work output in two arm Wingate tests, numbers of throws executed in SJFT and numbers of attacks in a combat were significantly, negatively correlated with body fat percentage (r = -0.87 divided by -0.70). Many performance variables were also significantly intercorrelated and correlated with blood lactate. Conclusions: The arm technique was correlated with blood lactate after combat, suggesting a higher physiological requirement of this type of technique. Morphological and physiological variables, and technical actions during combat, were intercorrelated. Thus, it seems that improving any of these variables could help to improve the other ones.
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Background and Study Aim: Judo is very physiological demanding sport, but there are no many physical fitness specific tests. One of the most used specific judo tests is the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) proposed by Sterkowicz ( 1995). Although this test has been used by many coaches in different countries no classificatory table was found to classify the judo athletes according to their results. Thus, the aim of this work was to present a classificatory table for this test. Material/Methods: For this purpose 141 judo athletes ( mean +/-standard deviation: 21.3+/-4.5years-old; 74.2+/-15.9 kg of body mass and 176.7+/-8.2 cm of height; judo ranking between 3(rd) kyu and 3(rd) dan) familiarized with the SJFT performed it once in order to provide data to establish a classificatory table. Results: After the analysis of data distribution a five scale table (20% for each classificatory category) was developed considering the variables used in the SJFT ( number of throws, heart rate after and 1 min after the test and index). Conclusions: The classificatory table can help coaches using the SJFT to classify their athletes' level and to monitor their physical fitness progress.
Background The purpose of this work was to determine the correlation between indices of the general and sport-specific preparation with the age-somatic parameters of elite female judo competitors during the preparation to the competitive period. Material/Methods: Eleven senior female judo competitors - members of the Olympic and National Teams in judo participated in the study. Their average age was 25.2±3.7 years, and athletic experience - 14.2±4.0 years. To determine the somatic features - body height, body mass index (BMI) and body components: FAT kg, FAT %, FFM kg, FFM %, TBW kg, TBW % - the Body Composition Analyser was used. To assess sport-specific preparation the standard IPFT test was used. The level of sport-specific preparation of athletes was assessed by Sterkowicz's test (SJFT). Results: The female judo competitors who have lower body weight, smaller values of BMI, absolute and percentage values of the fatty component, the absolute indices of fat-free and a liquid component of body mass, but a higher percentage of the latter two components, perform better in all IPFT running tests. Of the IPFT power performance test only the "maximum amount of the trunk slopes from the supine position for 30 s" index showed a statistically significant correlation with body length of the female judo competitors, as well as with the content of fat in their body mass. In this case, female athletes who had a smaller body length and lower absolute content of the fat-free component in it showed the best results. The athletes who had a smaller body length as well as lower absolute content fat and liquid components in the body demonstrated a higher level of sport-specific preparation in the SJFT test. Conclusions: The presented data are considered from the standpoint of their significance and prospects of their use in future studies related to the problem of improving the effectiveness of the training process of the female judo competitors at different stages of long-term preparation.
Background & Study Aim: Literature deals barely with sex-related differences of young judokas concerning physiological data from laboratory tests. Therefore, the aim of this study was to acquire knowledge about potential similarities and differences of juvenile male and female judo athletes, derived from all-out arm and leg ergometric tests of combat duration. Material & Methods: Maximum power output (Pmax) and physiological indicators, i.e., peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak), peak ventilation (VEpeak), peak heart rate, post-exercise lactate (LA), and rate of perceived exertion (RPE), of 17 male (14.0±1.4 years) and 6 female (13.8±1.3 years) juvenile Austrian judokas were assessed during incremental tests of combat duration (~ 3-4 min) on an arm crank and a cycle ergometer. Results: Juvenile men had about half of women's %fat (10.6±3.3% vs. 20.2±3.8%, p≤0.01), higher values of relative Pmax (2.5±0.3 W·kg-1 vs. 2.0±0.2 W·kg-1, p≤0.01), absolute and relative VO2 peak (2201.9±559.0 ml·min-1 vs. 1667.2±341.5 ml·min-1, p≤0.05 and 38.4±4.9 ml·kg-1·min-1 vs. 29.8±4.6 ml·kg-1·min-1, p≤0.01), relative VEpeak (1.6±0.3 l·kg-1·min-1 vs. 1.2±0.3 l·kg-1·min-1, p≤0.01), and LA (9.3±2.5 mmol·l-1 vs. 6.5±1.2 mmol·l-1, p≤0.05) during cranking and higher values of relative VO2 peak (51.8±6.0 ml·kg-1·min-1 vs. 45.3±4.5 ml·kg-1·min-1, p≤0.05) and RPE concerning breathing effort (16.4±1.6 vs. 14.6±1.5, p≤0.05) during cycling. Conclusions: The present results demonstrate sex-specific differences performance indicators assessed during arm and leg ergometry of combat duration in juvenile judo athletes. These findings may have practical importance and should be considered in evaluating the results from ergometric testing as well as in planning the training for young male and female judo athletes.
Background & Study Aim: The main aim of this study is answer to the question of which indices of body's physical capacity differentiate professional judo from other athletes at different chronological age and sport experience. Material & Methods: The study encompassed 25 professional judoists at the age of senior, junior and cadet, numbered among the best athletes in Poland. Te study included the measurements of indices of morphological body build, followed by the Wingate test and graded exercise test to exhaustion. Results: The study results revealed that the groups of judo contestants, varied in terms of chronological age and training experience, did not differ in their maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max). Te groups of athletes differed significantly in terms of time of exercise over the TDMA threshold. Anaerobic capacity, determined by total work (TW) in the Wingate test, differed across the groups of judoists included in the study. Te averaged levels of this index were highest in the senior group while the lowest values were found in the group of cadets. Level of phosphagenic capacity, expressed by the results of peak power (RPP), showed the highest levels in seniors. However, no signifcant intergroup differences were observed for the level of this index. Conclusions: Many years of specific judo training contributes more to development of anaerobic than to aerobic functional capacity. Faster initiation of the anaerobic energy transformations and higher amount of work done over the TDMA during graded exercise test in seniors compared to juniors might affect the course of the judo fight.