Jessica Ortega

Jessica Ortega
University of Valencia | UV · Departamento de Psicología Social


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Publications (53)
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The use of the internet is a normative phenomenon associated with problems for younger people. The dysfunctional risks are those in which there is a problematic use of technologies that generates negative consequences. General Problematic Internet Use (GPIU) is the most prevalent, while Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and Online Gambling Disorder (O...
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Different studies show the relationship between peer violence and teen dating violence. However, more knowledge is needed about this relationship. The aim of this study was to explore possible differences in peer violence (perpetrated and suffered) in adolescents with different role in teen dating violence (aggressor, victim, aggressor-victim, and...
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Diferentes estudios evidencian la relación entre la violencia entre iguales y de pareja en adolescentes. Sin embargo, se precisa mayor conocimiento sobre ellas. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar posibles diferencias en violencia entre iguales (ejercida y sufrida) en adolescentes con diferente rol en la violencia de pareja (agresor, víctima,...
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Sexual solicitation and sexualized interaction with minors by adults constitute one of the most pernicious risks of the Internet. Little is known about the age range in which this phenomenon is most prevalent or the relationship and overlap of this problem with other risks, such as peer-to-peer cybervictimization and cyber dating abuse. Additionall...
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Nomophobia is a situational phobia in which a person experiences fear of not being able to use the smartphone. The Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) is the most widely used but it is not validated in the Spanish-speaking Latin American context. There are hardly any cross-cultural studies of nomophobia. The main objectives are to:1) adapt and validat...
For a society where progress and constant development are essential and that faced with the changes experienced in society (pandemics, wars) as well as in education (lack of motivation of students, increase in dropouts, and poor results in studies), the educational system suggests the need for change, proposing the use of more innovative and active...
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Introduction Research focused on the association between peer cybervictimization and declining health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) is scarce. Currently, few longitudinal studies find an association between these phenomena, and none focus on cybervictimization profiles. The main objectives are: (1) to analyze the point and period prevalence, and...
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Introducción. El incremento y preocupación que suscita el cyberbullying en la comunidad educativa evidencia la necesidad de programas basados en evidencia que permitan prevenir e intervenir este tipo de violencia. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la eficacia del programa Prev@cib 2.0 en la reducción del cyberbullying, y el fomento de las co...
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0000-0001-8822-5906 Universidad Internacional de la Rioja Resumen El propósito principal de este trabajo ha sido realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica más actual sobre la conducta suicida en víctimas de cyberbullying. Se han consultado cinco bases de datos, Web of Science, Scopus, PsycInfo, PsycArticles y PubMed con el fin d...
Background There have been very few longitudinal studies on online sexual solicitation and the online interaction between minors and adults. Still less evidence exists on the relationship of these problems with minors' Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL). Objective This study aimed to analyze the point prevalence, period prevalence (prevalence...
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Peer violence among adolescents raises social concern in schools due to the magnitude of the phenomenon and the associated psychological damage. Studies have shown that the prevalence of peer victimization and aggression and the types of associated behaviors vary across age groups. However, this problem has not yet been analyzed as a function of th...
The objective of this study is to compare the prevalence of bullying victimization and perpetration between a sample of gifted students and a sample of nongifted students, and their relationship in both groups with depression, stress, anxiety, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). A cross-sectional design was performed with two comparison gro...
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Background Loot boxes are an increasingly common type of random microtransaction in videogames. There is some concern about their expansion and entailed risks, especially among adolescents. The actual prevalence of engagement with loot boxes among child and adult population is uncertain, and there is still controversy over the nature of their relat...
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In recent years, viral challenges on the Internet have become a very frequent phenomenon. These allude to the actions that are proposed to Internet users to record themselves performing a challenge and disseminate it on different online platforms so that other users will also perform it. Despite its rapid expansion, there is no evidence of any vali...
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Background and aims: Despite its illegality among adolescents, online gambling is a common practice, which puts their mental health and well-being at serious risk. This systematic review summarises international scientific literature from the last 20 years on problematic online gambling among adolescents (11-21 years old) to determine its prevalen...
Technical Report
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Los videojuegos son un producto cultural y de ocio que disfruta una gran parte de la sociedad. Además, la base de jugadores aumenta sin parar en todas las horquillas de edad, especialmente entre los más jóvenes. En estos últimos años, la industria ha introducido un tipo de microtransacción en los videojuegos que ha generado una enorme discusión, po...
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Numerous cross-sectional studies have linked health-related quality of life (HRQoL) with peer victimization, but evidence of how this relationship may change over time is lacking. The main objectives of this study were to analyze the prevalence, incidence, and stability of peer victimization and to longitudinally relate peer victimization to HRQoL....
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Background: Loot boxes are a type of random microtransactions that are increasingly common in videogames, so there is some concern about its true extent and entailed risks. Although many papers have been published recently about this topic, the actual prevalence of loot boxes use is uncertain and there is still controversy over the nature of its re...
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Many programs exist to prevent bullying and cyberbullying. Nevertheless, despite evidence of the numerous overlapping risks of the Internet, programs that jointly and adequately address large sets of risks are not presently described in the scientific literature. This study’s main objective was to assess the effectiveness of the program...
The Internet has brought about a paradigm shift in the lives of many people, especially adolescents. While it has opened great possibilities, it has also led to various risks such as cyberbullying and problematic Internet use (PIU). These two constructs have been extensively researched individually and jointly, but the existence of different profil...
There is currently no evidence of the relationship between cyber dating abuse (CDA) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL), especially from a longitudinal perspective. The objectives were: a) to analyze the point and period prevalence, incidence, and score changes over time of victimization by CDA; b) to compare HRQoL in the different categorie...
For the Z-Generation, the Internet has become a very important experimentation laboratory for the discovery and validation of their identity. Despite the importance of the process of building the self in the adolescent, there are hardly any validated instruments that measure the self online. The aim of this research was to design and validate the B...
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The present study aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the revised version of the Adolescent Cyber-Aggressor scale (CYB-AGS). This scale is composed of 18 items that measure direct and indirect cyberbullying. A cross-sectional study was conducted using two independent samples of adolescents. The first sample included 1318 adolescents (52....
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Purpose Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been analyzed in relation to multiple psychosocial and health problems. However, only a few studies have analyzed the impact of bullying and cyberbullying on HRQoL. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the level of severity of bullying and cyberbullying on HRQoL. The effects of different r...
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Cyber dating violence is an increasing problem with serious negative consequences for adolescents. Further knowledge about related variables is necessary to develop preventive strategies. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlations among cyber dating violence victimization (cyber-control and cyber-aggression), offline dating violence vict...
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The internet has been a breakthrough for adolescents in many ways, but its use can also become dysfunctional and problematic, leading to consequences for personal well-being. The main objective is to analyze profiles related to problematic internet use and its relationship with health-related quality of life (HRQoL). An analytical and cross-section...
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El cyberbullying es un problema creciente y grave que suscita mucha preocupación social. Laevidencia empírica muestra que los adolescentes victimizados muestran mayor malestar psicológico, y sufren rechazo por parte de sus compañeros. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar las diferencias existentes en las variables satisfacción con la vida,...
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El cyberbullying es un problema grave y transcultural. Los estudios por lo que se refiere a la diferencia en cuanto al género y la edad de víctimas y agresores son inconsistentes. En este contexto, los objetivos del presente estudio fueron analizar si existen diferencias en la cibervictimización y ciberagresión en función del sexo (chicos y chicas)...
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La violencia escolar entre iguales es una problemática con graves consecuencias psicosociales. Además, se produce en una etapa del ciclo vital en que la familia y las actitudes sexistas tienen cierta influencia en las conductas violentas de los adolescentes. Desde esta perspectiva, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar posibles diferencias...
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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal analizar el perfil psicosocial de adolescentesagresores de cyberbullying, teniendo en cuenta los siguientes indicadores de ajuste psicosocial:satisfacción con la vida, reputación social no conformista y conductas antisociales dentro y fueradel contexto escolar. La muestra está formada por 896 estudi...
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Cyberbullying has become a growing social concern among the scientific community and in society in general. The consequences of cyberbullying for the victim are quite serious; many indicators of social maladjustment have been found, with suicide ideation being especially noteworthy. From this perspective, the main objective of this study was to ana...
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Due to the negative consequences of being bullied and the increase in cyberbullying among adolescents, there is a need for evidence-based programs to prevent and intervene in these types of peer violence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Prev@cib bullying and cyberbullying program, drawing on three theoretical framewor...
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The main goal of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the revised version of the Adolescent Cyber-Victimization Scale (CYBVICS). This scale is composed of 18 items that assess direct and indirect cyber-victimization. Two subsamples participated in the present study. Sample 1 included 1318 adolescents (47.4% boys) from 12...
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Cyberbullying is an increasingly frequent problem among adolescents, and it produces considerable social concern. Using a cross-sectional and quantitative methodology, the main objective of this study was to analyze the differences among students involved in the perpetration and victimization of cyberbullying (non-involved, occasional, and severe),...
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El acoso escolar es una de las principales problemáticas en la adolescencia, con graves consecuencias. En comparación con la gran cantidad de estudios centrados en el rol de víctima pasiva y agresor puro, todavía son escasas las investigaciones centradas en el doble rol de agresor-víctima. Así, el objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar posibles...
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El ciberbullying es un problema creciente que suscita mucha preocupación social. Los estudios sugieren que el ciberbullying conlleva graves consecuencias para el bienestar psicológico de las cibervíctimas, y que éstas se encuentran solas ante la intimidación. En este contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar las consecuencias del cibe...
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El objetivo de esta investigación es, por un lado, conocer la relación existente entre el apoyo social percibido, la empatía emocional y cognitiva, la satisfacción con la vida, la expresión de ira como rasgo y cinco dimensiones del autoconcepto −académico, social, emocional, familiar y físico− en una muestra de residentes en un centro de reeducació...
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Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación se han incorporado y extendido rápidamente en nuestra sociedad. Actualmente, los niños y adolescentes acceden en edades cada vez más tempranas a los dispositivos electrónicos. A pesar de las grandes ventajas que tienen las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, las tecnologías también pu...
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The aim of the study is to analyze the differences among students involved in cyberbullying situations (not involved, occasional, severe) in their attitude toward institutional authority and direct and indirect violent school behaviour, considering the interaction with sex. The sample is composed of 1062 secondary education students, between 12 and...
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El objetivo principal del estudio es analizar las diferencias entre estudiantes involucrados en situaciones de cyberbullying (no implicados, ocasionales y severos) en su actitud hacia la autoridad institucional y conduc-ta violenta escolar directa y relacional, teniendo en cuenta la interacción con el sexo. La muestra está for-mada por 1062 estudia...
The main aim of the study is to analyze the differences among students involved in cyberbullying situations (not involved, occasional, and severe) in their attitudes toward institutional authority and their participation in direct and indirect violent school behavior, considering the interaction with gender. The sample is composed of 1062 secondary...
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Cyberbullying is a phenomenon of growing social concern that affects an increasing number of children and adolescents from all the developed countries. Although there is a large body of literature on the relationships between school bullying and the family and school contexts, few studies have examined the influence of these social environments on...
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espanolLos estudios sugieren que el cyberbullying conlleva graves consecuencias a nivel psicosocial para las cibervictimas, y que estas no confian en que los adultos y autoridades sean capaces de ayudarles. Por ello, el objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar si existen diferencias en el ajuste psicologico (depresion y estres percibido) y s...
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Cyberbullying is a phenomenon of growing social concern that affects an increasing number of children and adolescents from all the developed countries. Although there is a large body of literature on the relationships between school bullying and the family and school contexts, few studies have examined the influence of these social environments on...
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The Influence of School and Family Environment on Adolescent Victims of Cyberbullying


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