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Characterizing Task-Based Human–Robot Collaboration Safety in Manufacturing


Abstract and Figures

A new methodology for describing the safety of human-robot collaborations is presented. Taking a task-based perspective, a risk assessment of a collaborative robot system safety can be evaluated offline during the initial design stages. This risk assessment factors in such elements as tooling, the nature and duration of expected contacts, and any amortized transfer of pressures and forces onto a human operator. Risk assessments of example tasks are provided for illustrative purposes.
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Characterizing Task-Based Human–Robot
Collaboration Safety in Manufacturing
Jeremy A. Marvel, Member, IEEE, Joe Falco, and Ilari Marstio
Abstract—A new methodology for describing the safety of
human–robot collaborations is presented. Taking a task-based
perspective, a risk assessment of a collaborative robot system
safety can be evaluated offline during the initial design stages.
This risk assessment factors in such elements as tooling, the nature
and duration of expected contacts, and any amortized transfer
of pressures and forces onto a human operator. Risk assessments
of example tasks are provided for illustrative purposes.
Index Terms—Collaborative work, human–machine interac-
tion, manufacturing automation, risk analysis, safety.
PREVAILING visions of the future of manufacturing depict
environments in which robots and humans work amicably
to complete collaborative tasks (see [1]). Modern manufactur-
ing practices, however, enforce a strict separation of man and
machine due to a disproportionate distribution of power that
may lead to significant workplace injuries. A majority of such
injuries have historically been the result of an operator making
physical contact with the robot when he was not supposed to
(see [2]–[4]). In many of these incidents, safety protocols were
absent, disabled, or temporarily bypassed. The integration of
machines in a human-centric world requires proven safety and
a better understanding of the nature and risks of human–robot
Planning collaborative tasks requires a juxtaposition of
detailed knowledge of the tasks at hand plus an understand-
ing of the risks involved with the task-centric collaboration.
Describing tasks at the planning level is an active field of onto-
logical research, and numerous paradigms have been presented
to enable automated task planning (see [5] for service robots),
restructuring (see [6]), sustainability evaluation (see [7]), and
optimization (see [8]). Such efforts rarely include the planning
and acknowledgment of safety concerns resulting from the
physical interactions between humans and robots. Safety sys-
tems should take as inputs the machines and their capabilities,
the tooling and fixturing, and the workpieces.
Manuscript received November 18, 2013; revised April 17, 2014; accepted
June 27, 2014. Date of publication July 28, 2014; date of current ver-
sion January 13, 2015. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor
K. Hirota.
J. A. Marvel and J. Falco are with the Department of Intelligent
Systems Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8230 USA (e-mail:;
I. Marstio is with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
FI-02044, Finland (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMC.2014.2337275
This paper presents a methodology for the offline evaluation
of human–robot collaborative tasks utilizing planning-stage
risk assessments and performance characterizations prior to
bringing the collaborative application online. The robots under
consideration are industrial arms and manipulators. Candidate
tasks of manufacturing applications are described in terms
of the collaborative nature of the tasks, requisite hardware
(including grippers, tooling, and fixtures), motion profiles, and
potential hazards. This methodology differs from more tradi-
tional risk assessments in that we present an activity-based
evaluation of risks rather than an environment-based hazard
review. Here, the task decomposition and evaluation focuses
on the manufacturing collaborative process. However, the same
may also be applied to additional phases of operation, includ-
ing robot programming, or as part of a risk assessment for
accidental contact.
Section II provides a brief overview of human–robot inter-
actions (HRI), including a discussion of the current guidelines
for collaborative industrial robotics. Section III establishes a
basis for task-based robot safety. Section IV introduces an
ontology for collaborative tasks, while Section V details how
that ontology is used as part of a risk assessment and abate-
ment. An example case study is presented in Section VI
to illustrate the application of the ontology to a collabora-
tive process from task decomposition through risk abatement.
Throughout the document we use an illustrative example to
demonstrate the application of the ontology and risk mini-
mization methodology.
The history and applications of HRI are both vast and var-
ied, and have been covered extensively in dedicated reviews
and surveys (see [9], [10]). This section serves to introduce
the broad concept of human–robot interaction in the context
of manufacturing applications.
It has been argued that effective and meaningful HRI in
collaborative tasks requires mutual understanding [10]. Some
have interpreted this to include a theory of mind in which
the robot attempts to model the intent of its human coworker
through situational awareness and contextual clues. Such clues
include natural language or dialogue (see [11]), gaze or atten-
tion inference (see [12]), and biomechanical and biochemical
feedback (e.g., anxiety [13]). A substantial portion of collab-
oration research has focused on the human-centric cues that
make effective communication in human-human collaborative
tasks possible. It seems only natural that similar mechanisms
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apply to human–robot collaborations, where the interactions
themselves are the foci of the robot systems. An alternative
to modeling the complex human psyche (see [14]) focuses
instead on a deeper understanding of the nature of each
collaborative task (see [15], [16]). Such approaches tend to
be narrowly focused on single-purpose results pertaining to
goals such as safety, ease of programming, and production
Four degrees of interaction between a human operator and
an industrial robot have been identified for collaboration [17].
1) Independent: The human and the robot operate on
separate workpieces without collaboration.
2) Synchronous: The human and the robot operate on
sequential components of the same workpiece.
3) Simultaneous: The human and the robot operate on
separate tasks on the same workpieces at the same time.
4) Supportive: The human and the robot work coopera-
tively in order to complete the processing of a single
Of these four, simultaneous and supportive tasks are
expected to have the highest potential for risk of injury result-
ing from collisions between the robot and the human operator.
The actual evaluations of potential hazards are performed
during the risk assessment (e.g., as described in [18]).
Pervez and Ryu [19] provide a good overview of the
implementations and assessments of the safety of the robot’s
independent underlying technologies. In more general terms of
manufacturing, robotic manipulators are expected to adhere to
established international and national robot safety standards.
In 2011, the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) revised the language of their robot safety stan-
dards [20], [21] to accommodate four new safe collaborative
operational modes: safety-rated monitored stop; speed and sep-
aration monitoring (SSM); hand-guiding; and power and force
limiting (PFL). These four operational modes are described in
ISO technical specification (TS) 15066 [22].
The safety of collaborative systems has typically been
characterized as a boolean metric: either the robot made con-
tact with an obstacle or it did not. The PFL component
of ISO TS 15066 addresses the physical impact between
man and machine, and the factors directly relating to the
transfer of pressure and force between the two. The current
(as of Spring, 2013) metric for PFL is the onset of pain, though
previously it was defined by the onset of injury (see Table I).
In prior work [23], a generalized means of characterizing the
safety of a system was provided that evaluated the robot in
terms of mass, speed, and potential severity of impact. Other
studies have focused on impact force (see [24], [25]), sep-
aration distance (see [26]), velocity and robot configuration
(see [27]), and inertia (see [28], [29]). The following sections
draw inspiration from all of these approaches, and present a
methodology for describing and assessing the risks of human–
robot collaborative tasks. The motivating factor is the output of
the interaction rather than the interaction itself, and is therefore
tuned to the industrial manufacturing problem.
Applications of HRI in manufacturing are ultimately lim-
ited by the mechanisms by which operator safety is ensured.
Physical barriers separating humans and machines are the
de facto means for ensuring operator safety by limiting the
potential interactions between man and machine. For inter-
active HRI, operator safety is ultimately dependent on the
technologies used to detect humans in the shared space.
For ISO TS 15066, it is assumed that presence-sensing
sensors for SSM meet the requirements of [21], which
specifies that all electro-sensitive protective equipment is
compliant with International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) standards [30], [31]. Of particular importance is
IEC/TS 62046 [31], which enumerates the technologies that
are currently suitable as the sole means of protection as
being laser detection and ranging devices, light curtains, and
pressure-sensitive mats. Passive infrared devices are men-
tioned, but as they are not standardized are not considered
reliable. Acceptable sensing technologies for robot safety are
either 1-D or 2-D in terms of their detection zones. Many
passive infrared and camera-based systems have 3-D detec-
tion zones, but, as mentioned previously, are unacceptable as
sole protective devices according to the international standards.
Moreover, another major limitation is that these sensing tech-
nologies are not specific to humans, but instead only detect
intrusions of objects into a protected zone.
A point of concern of human–robot interaction involves dis-
tinguishing collaborative tasks from noncollaborative tasks.
Collaborative tasks such as moving the robot’s tool cen-
ter point (TCP) through direct physical contact (i.e., hand-
guiding) necessitate co-location, simultaneous efforts, relaxed
or absent physical barriers, and working together to achieve
a common goal. The human’s actions with the robot extend
beyond conventional robot control mechanisms (e.g., jogging
the TCP via a teach pendant), but rather serve to interact with
the robot as it works on some task.
The risk assessment is a critical component of understand-
ing the potential risks of designing robot cells. The need for
a risk assessment applies to both developing new cells, and
repurposing an existing cell for a new task where the hazards,
required training, or safety controls have changed. The risk
assessment identifies the underlying hazards inherent in the
equipment or processes. The assessment process is a function
of the implied dangers with some assignment of type or sever-
ity of injury. Haddadin et al. [32] proposed an integration of
injury knowledge of impact events into the risk assessment
of the physical design of robots, tools, and part components.
Distinguishing between the safety of a robot and the safety of
a robot system is a major shift in approaching robot safety.
The semantic differences are subtle, but are important for lim-
iting liability. The safety of a robot is limited to only the
robot and its controller, where the safety of a robot system
extends to controllable equipment outside the robot manufac-
turer, including external hardware such as tooling and stored
energy sources.
A missing component of both the safety and new risk assess-
ment models is an understanding of the risks involved with
the task itself. All processes, tools, and environments involve
an element of risk. Blunt force impacts, lacerations, slips,
trips, falls, and exertion injuries from poor ergonomics (e.g.,
pushing, pulling, bending, and twisting) are inherent in most
manufacturing tasks. Understanding the impacts of these risks
allows the design of workcells and processes that minimize
potential injuries. By decomposing a task to its atomic ele-
ments, discrete events and task components can be assessed
independently. As an example, Tan et al. [33] present a method
to determine the individual collaboration task roles of an entire
manufacturing process. They propose a hierarchical approach
for task decomposition to assign subtasks to humans or robots.
In their approach, safety is presented as potential collision
hazards, but the safety of the task itself is not considered.
We have defined an informal ontology to describe the nature
of the interactions of task-oriented collaborations. This ontol-
ogy does not follow the strict guidelines of, for instance, the
ontology web language (OWL, [34]). The reasoning behind
this is two-fold. First, integrators and manufacturers do not
use formal descriptive languages [e.g., planning domain defi-
nition language (PDDL) [35]] to describe task functions when
performing their risk assessments. Instead, representations are
simple, and tend toward plain English language descriptors
(see [36]). Second, because the risk assessment process typ-
ically occurs only once (i.e., prior to the initiation of a new
activity within a workcell), this ontology needs only to capture
the initial state of an anticipated interaction.
In contrast to more traditional implementations, this ontol-
ogy does not require strict formality in its representations
and relationships. This property allows the ontology to be
more flexible in its implementation, and enables the integra-
tion of its structures and characterizations into a risk matrix
(see [18], [37]) as part of a traditional risk assessment.
The risk assessment breaks each task into events (discrete
motion steps and actions of a task) as described in Section V.
Each event is assessed based on its subjects (the physical
components of the task) and predicates (the properties and
capabilities of the task subjects). Hazardous steps are iden-
tified, and may be isolated or replanned to minimize risk.
Isolation focuses on removing the hazard by separating the
human and the robot, and may consist either of installing
additional safeguards or reconfiguring the task’s collaboration
such that simultaneous or supportive tasks are independent
or synchronous, instead. Replanning intrinsically reduces the
hazard through a redesign of the task steps, and may involve
additional or reconfigured tooling, steps, or controls.
For our purposes, we define a robot workcell as the space
within which a manufacturing task is performed by one or
more robots. The workcell includes all of the tools, personnel,
and materials needed to complete a given task. In traditional
industrial robotics, the confines of a workcell are physical bar-
riers that strictly delineate the regions in which the robots and
human operators could work. As modern installations evolve,
however, these barriers become increasingly ethereal.
We now revisit the workcell definition and describe it in
terms of components summarized in Table II. A collaborative
workcell consists of two or more agents. These agents may be
either robot systems or humans. Robot systems are comprised
of one or more robots, their attached tooling, a base, and any
additional support equipment. Depending on the nature of the
collaboration, there may exist zero or more humans in the col-
laborative robot workspace. From a system perspective, these
humans have associated attributes such as names and roles,
as well as any tools or equipment they bring with them into
the workcell. Also included are static fixtures (e.g., scaffolds
or tables) and task stations (i.e., locations within the workspace
dedicated to specific tasks). Workpieces(s) are expected to be
within the workcell while the robot is performing its task,
and consist of the principal component and any subcompo-
nents. Also included in the workcell are any tools associated
with the task and dedicated safeguards (physical barriers and
sensors) intended to maintain operator safety.
This definition of the collaborative workcell does not neces-
sitate the presence of robots. This is due to the nature of
evaluating only the task-based safety of a given process.
Moreover, it reflects the expected evolution of human-scale
automation [38] in which manufacturing features tasks in
which a human or a robot may be employed without requiring
changes in tooling, processes, or safeguards.
A. Degree of Collaboration
The risks associated with the collaborative task are evalu-
ated according to the predicates and values given in Table III.
The description of the collaborative task begins with the nature
of the collaboration, as indicated by one of the four degrees
of collaboration from [17], previously discussed in Section II:
independent, synchronous, simultaneous, or supportive. These
four degrees of collaboration establish the base nature of
the collaboration, and set the stage for further factors that
will need to be taken into consideration for evaluating the
task-based safety. Collaborative tasks require some level of
colocation, so even the independent scenarios have a degree
of associated risk. The distinguishing characteristic between
them the nature of that interaction.
Depending on the nature of the collaboration, minor pro-
cess errors can impact the collaborative tasks in different
ways. For instance, if the human operator works too slowly
or makes mistakes, the timing and successful completion of
the robot’s efforts may be impacted. Similarly, if the robot’s
timing is off or performs outside of its tolerance specifica-
tions, a human operator or another robot may be required to
compensate. With independent, synchronous, and simultane-
ous collaborations, these impacts can be measured in terms
of time spent correcting or compensating for errors rather
than productively working (which might also impact produc-
tion quantity goals). The effects of timing asynchronies on
supportive collaborations are more difficult to quantify. Error
compensation occurs inline with the task actions and is thus
difficult to separate. Moreover, timing and process errors may
also introduce new hazards during supportive collaborations.
This places an increased burden on process engineers and
robot programmers to add additional safeguards and intelligent
robustness against all foreseeable impacts on both safety and
process quality. Enabling robot agility by increasing machine
intelligence to automatically recognize and compensate for
process errors is anticipated to play an increasing role as
their integration into human-occupied environments grows.
However, increased faith in such autonomous solutions also
requires new evaluative test methods to simultaneously verify
safe functionality.
B. Tooling
At the heart of any robotic manufacturing task are the tools
used to complete work, which may be described in a myriad of
ways. For instance, tools may be described either by their fea-
tures (see [39]) or their functionality (see [40]). To maintain a
safe working environment, both should be specified as part of
the risk assessment. Tool features describe the physical char-
acteristics of the tools, and include whether said tool is rigid,
flexible, or articulated; blunt or edged; and powered or unpow-
ered. Tool features are described in terms of their compliance
(i.e., stiff, elastic, plastic, or articulated) and power (powered
or unpowered). A tool’s function is described in terms of the
physical interaction and intended use. Interactions are classi-
fied as direct contact or noncontact, and are further described
in terms of how they interact (i.e., push, pull, lift, grasp, or
disperse). Tool uses describe the intended purpose of the inter-
action, and can be classified as adding (i.e., adding material to
the surface of a component), connecting, moving, removing,
inspecting, or heating.
Features and functions are combined to describe a tool dur-
ing a collaborative task. For instance, a metal inert gas welding
tool would be described as stiff, powered electric, contact
dispersing, connecting, a pneumatic paint sprayer would be
stiff, powered pneumatic, noncontact dispersing, adding, a
vacuum gripper for palletizing would be elastic, powered
pneumatic, contact lifting, moving, and a ruby-tipped sty-
lus probe would be stiff, unpowered, contact pushing, and
inspecting. It is generally assumed that tooling for intentional
interactions during human–robot collaboration is limited for
specific applications such as training, assembly, and assisted
lifting. Tools that potentially result in physical harm (e.g.,
blades, grinding wheels, and welding tips) should be avoided
during close-quarters work, and will likely require independent
or synchronous collaborations. An alternative to restructuring
the collaboration separation involves changing tool designs or
types, task processes (e.g., using nontoxic adhesives rather
than welding), or even having the human perform certain task
components to reduce the risk of hazards.
C. Physical Interaction
Beyond the hazards of the tooling, the physical interactions
between the robot and human have historically been the lead-
ing factors of robot-related workspace injury [3]. The transfer
of forces and pressures from machine to object (applied), and
vice versa (incurred), may lead to direct and tertiary injury as
part of the normal task process. When such transfers occur,
they can be assessed in terms of their expected highest magni-
tude of the forces, torques, and pressures applicable to both the
task and the potential hazards. Moreover, the types of transfer
of forces and pressures are describable as being impacts (force
applications with subsequent retractions or reductions in force)
or compressions (extended force applications with delayed
retractions), and the application of forces and pressures (i.e.,
constant, ramping, or pulsed; pulsed applications, which can
be further characterized as being regular or irregular), may
also lead to additional hazards.
In this analysis, the point of contact between the robot and
human is generally considered to be the most likely site of
localized injury. Resistance to injury and tolerance to pain
vary between individuals and by regions of the body [22].
Moreover, depending on the contact state (constrained or free
body) and contact edge (sharp or blunt), the limits on force,
torque, and pressure will go up or down accordingly, and many
localized injuries can be avoided by rounding sharp edges or
increasing the area of possible contact points.
These physical interaction descriptors are then chained
together much the same way as the tool features and func-
tions. For instance, a steady tapping motion of a 1 mm probe
against the surface of a table can be classified as, applied,
impact, pulsed regular, sharp, constrained, at 50 N. In contrast,
a 15 mm ball bearing dropped onto a table could be classi-
fied as, “applied, impact, pulsed irregular, blunt, constrained,
at 30 N, 300 mm/s, for 0.08 s duration” followed by “applied,
compression, constant, blunt, constrained, at 0.6 N.”
D. Task Ergonomics
When a human is directly involved with a task, ergonomics
has a direct impact on not only the operator’s comfort, but
on the operator’s health and wellbeing. Repetitive strain or
deep-tissue injury [41] may result in incorrect ergonomics,
and should therefore also be included in the application
assessment. Several quantitative (albeit subjective) metrics for
ergonomics that map physical exertion to the perception of
pain (e.g., Borg’s ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) [42],
category of scale with ratio properties, CR10 [43], and
CR100 [44]) have been proposed, and such functions are often
included in addition to other risk assessments (e.g., the auto-
motive assembly worksheet [45]) for workspace and process
evaluation (see [46]). For tasks or events that do not involve
humans, the topic of ergonomics is not applicable.
Fig. 1. Task decomposition ordinate hierarchy in which the ordinate-0 main
goal is completed by following the ordinate-1 sub-goals that represent discrete
stages of the manufacturing process. Ordinate-2 and -3 steps compose the task-
level instructions and low-level motion primitives, respectively, to complete
the ordinate-1 sub-goals.
To capture the potential risks associated with ergonomics,
a task may be characterized by any number of stress or
strain-related factors. When assessing the potential impact
on the knees, legs, back, or feet, we consider the required
or expected human posture of the workforce (standing or
kneeling/squatting). Moreover, similar to the functionality of
the tooling involved with a task, when considering the human
body as a tool, the manual material handling (e.g., carrying,
lifting, pushing, or pulling), the manual action duration, and
the manual action load should also be assessed.
For a given task, the various atomic subtasks and actions
should be segmented and assessed independently to deter-
mine each step’s potential risk severity. In this section, we
describe the process for task decompositions and, subse-
quently, assessing and abating the risks associated with that
A. Task Decomposition
A key step to assessing task-based safety is to identify
all subtasks necessary to complete a given process. Using an
extension of the Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) [47] similar
to those proposed by Tan et al. [33] and Woodman et al.[48],
a task can be decomposed into the ordinate steps that compose
the task process plan (Fig. 1).
0: The main goal of the task, which consists of a plan
of sub-ordinate steps that describe high-level sub-goals
used to complete a product or finished sub-component.
1: High-level sub-goals that represent the steps necessary
to complete important milestone stages of a process, but
do not constitute finished products, themselves.
Fig. 2. Simplified illustration of a valve body subassembly. The cutaway
(left) shows the component parts of the subassembly in order of insertion
into the valve cylinder opening (top): the valve activation spring, the spool
valve, and then the solenoid.
2: Low-level steps required to complete the high-level sub-
goals, and consist largely of motion primitives and base
3: Joint-, tool-, and sensor-level steps that are required to
complete the low-level motion primitives described in
Scoping these ordinates is not a trivial task, and proper care
should be taken when developing the HTA. It is important
to note that ordinate-0 goals result in a finished component,
which may or may not necessarily be a finished product.
Therefore, ordinate-0 goals should be considered discrete pro-
cesses performed at a manufacturing station that result in
some output for subsequent input to a manufacturing station.
As such, an entire manufacturing process may be composed
of several ordinate-0 goals chained together. For example,
the construction of an automobile would most likely con-
sist of several thousand ordinate-0 goals such as attach front
windshield, or insert rear seat assembly. The creation of
these subcomponents, may likewise be composed of several
ordinate-0 goals, but are not directly linked to the process of
final vehicle assembly.
In many cases, knowledge of parts and tools can be used
to automatically generate and populate hazard fields. For
example, when pairing a task decomposition with an exist-
ing knowledge database, known hazards associated with the
workpieces should be linked with ordinate-1 tasks. To illus-
trate, if it is known that a workpiece has sharp edges, this
information can be used to automatically generate fields for
cutting and stabbing hazards. Similarly, tools and processes, if
known, should be specified for each ordinate-2 subtask. These
tools and processes may be cross-referenced for repetitive
While scoping a task to ordinate-3 (or beyond) may be nec-
essary for intelligent, agile robot planning and optimization,
it does not provide useful insight to the task-based safety of
an operation. For example, defining the insertion depth of a
rod or the target torque on a bolt are necessary for assessing
the termination conditions of an assembly action, but are not
directly related to the safety of the process. We suggest, for
the purpose of task decomposition for collaborative safety, that
a given goal be reduced no further than ordinate-2.
As an example, we consider the simple case of assisted
valve body subassembly, in which a series of valve acti-
vation springs and spool valves are inserted into the valve
subassembly plate (Fig. 2). The assembly process consists
of the subassembly plate being fitted with springs and spool
valves into four spool channels, and then handed off to the
next station for the final assembly of the transmission valve
body. There are four spring-spool pairs that must be inserted.
For this task, the human is responsible for inserting the springs
into the valve cylinder, while the robot inserts the spool valves.
The robot was chosen for the spool valve insertion to reduce
the likelihood and severity of potential parts damage resulting
from the binding of the metal components. For this process,
the task decomposition is as follows.
1. Valve body subassembly:
1.1. Fixture subassembly plate:
1.1.1. Hold channel plate such that the inner bolt
holes are facing upward and are on the left
1.1.2. Align plate outer bolt holes with fixture pegs.
1.1.3. Gently lower plate onto pegs to secure it in
1.2. Insert spring #1:
1.2.1. Align spring with valve cylinder opening.
1.2.2. Drop spring into cylinder.
1.3. Insert spring #2:
1.3.1. Align spring with valve cylinder opening.
1.3.2. Drop spring into cylinder.
1.4. Insert spool valve #1:
1.4.1. Align spool with valve cylinder opening.
1.4.2. Insert spool into valve cylinder opening.
1.5. Insert spring #3:
1.5.1. Align spring with valve cylinder opening.
1.5.2. Drop spring into cylinder.
1.6. Insert spool valve #2:
1.6.1. Align spool with valve cylinder opening.
1.6.2. Insert spool into valve cylinder opening.
1.7. Insert spring #4:
1.7.1. Align spring with valve cylinder opening.
1.7.2. Drop spring into cylinder.
1.8. Insert spool valve #3:
1.8.1. Align spool with valve cylinder opening.
1.8.1. Insert spool into valve cylinder opening.
1.9. Insert spool valve #4:
1.9.1. Align spool with valve cylinder opening.
1.9.2. Insert spool into valve cylinder opening.
2. Evaluate subassembly:
2.1. Evaluate free motion:
2.1.1. Push down on each spool valve to verify free
motion of all valves.
2.2. Evaluate sitting/insertion depth:
2.2.1. Measure distance from the lip of each valve
cylinder opening to the top of the respective
spool valve to verify insertion depth.
Once completed, the transmission valve body subassembly
is passed to the next workstation, where it is integrated onto the
transmission’s valve body channel plate. At the next station,
a solenoid cable assembly is connected to the transmission
valve body assembly, and the entire assembly is attached to
the automatic transmission prior to being coupled to the engine
Here we have provided the step-by-step instructions for
making a valve-body subassembly. Notice, however, that there
are no roles or indications of timing assigned to the various
subtasks. Evaluating the task decomposition, it is not immedi-
ately clear where and how the collaborative elements manifest.
Such information can be added to the task decomposition to
enable more accurate risk assessments.
Recall that the human is responsible for inserting the springs
while the robot is expected to insert the valve spools. As such,
for subtasks 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, and 1.7, we can add the tag (human),
and add (robot) to subtasks 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, and 1.9. These tags
apply to all subordinates unless otherwise noted.
Also, note that the task scheduling calls for springs #1 and
#2 to be inserted prior to the insertion of the first spool. Based
on Fig. 2and what is known of the assembly process, we
know that spring #1 must be inserted before spool #1. We
also see that the insertion of spring #2 does not impact the
ability to insert spool #1. We may thus assume that spool #1
may be inserted simultaneous to the insertion of spring #2.
The ordering of tasks generally implies a temporal order of
operations. For example, subtask 1.3 happens after subtask 1.2.
For cases of simultaneity, we may add notes denoting such to
other subtasks or substeps. For example, subtask 1.4 may be
noted that it occurs simultaneous to subtask 1.3.
1.3. Insert spring #2 (human):
1.3.1. Align spring with valve cylinder opening.
1.3.2. Drop spring into cylinder.
1.4. Insert spool valve #1 (robot, simultaneous 1.3).
Similar role and temporal order applications can thus be
applied throughout the entire task.
Based on this additional metadata, we are now better
prepared to perform the risk assessment.
B. Risk Assessment
As part of the risk assessment process, risk matrices help
end users and integrators identify highest priority hazards that
may result in injury. Risk matrices assign a hazard priority
based on the combination of the worst-case expected severity
of an injury and the likelihood that said injury will occur. For
example, if a potential injury is expected to be minor, at worst,
and unlikely to actually occur, then there is a low risk of injury.
The risk matrix given in Table IV, from the American National
Standards Institute’s (ANSI) Z10 standard [49], is used by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Engineering Laboratory as part of a first-level hazard review
process for new laboratories, testbeds, and research activities.
Different organizations may use alternative risk matrices per
their organizations’ policies. For instance, this methodology
does not factor in the likelihood of detectability of hazards
(see [50]). In this report, we will use the risk matrix given in
Table IV in an illustrative case study in Section VI.
Risk severity is assessed on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is low
risk, and 4 is high risk. A value of 0 may be assigned only
when the potential for injury is impossible. The risk severity
for the combined task is the maximum value of all associated
subtasks. For instance, if steps 1 through 5 of a given 7-step
task have risk level 1, while steps 6 and 7 have severity 3 and 2,
respectively, then the task’s total risk severity is 3. We believe
that the total risk for a collaborative task should be at most 1.
A risk severity of 2 may be acceptable in some organizations
and settings, but would ideally be reduced to 1 by means of
risk abatement. Risk severities greater than 2 are unacceptable
for any collaborative task. Note that this methodology is used
to identify and assess the risks of a given task, only, and does
not assess the total risk of the system or take into account an
organization’s risk tolerance (see [51]). Such considerations
are important, but are beyond the scope of this process.
The process for identifying risks is largely guided by the
task decomposition paired with the ontology discussed in
Section IV. Each ordinate-2 subtask is evaluated using the
descriptive predicate table (Table III), with the applicable fields
identified and the known magnitudes specified. These then
draw attention to potential hazards, which are then assessed
using Table IV. Note that the hazards listed in Table III are
common to the tasks covered in this methodology. Additional
Fig. 3. Simplified decision flowchart for prompting the user for risk assessment information regarding the force transfer and force type data fields. Following
the population of these fields, the process tree then forwards the user to evaluate either process speed or force application fields.
hazards may exist. Refer to relevant documentation such as a
material data safety sheet (MSDS) or tool instruction manual
to identify these hazards.
Data entry for the risk assessment is historically a man-
ual process carried out by a safety officer and/or a process
engineer. Due to the formalization of an ontology for task-
based risk assessments, however, the population of forms can
be guided by software tools that prompt the user for specific
inputs in plain English and simultaneously validate the inputs
as they are entered. For instance, when evaluating force trans-
fer, the decision tree for specifying and entering inputs can
be implemented as shown in Fig. 3. In this flowchart, the
decision rules are fairly simple, but can capture the nature
of some of the possible physical hazards associated with a
given subtask. Additional inputs or database lookups can be
used to automatically populate the Force Magnitude field. For
instance, the worst-case magnitude of the force transfer can be
approximated using known properties of the robot, workpiece,
and process parameters. Otherwise the safety officer may enter
magnitudes based on estimated injury criterion (see [52]).
For subtasks 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, and 1.9 in our valve body sub-
assembly example, let us assume that the robot is holding the
spool valve by a single point-of-contact steel vacuum gripper
with a bellowed rubber tip. In contrast, the human operator is
only using his hands to pick up, carry, and insert the springs
into the valve cylinder opening. The steel springs have sharp
points at both ends of the wide coil, and the spool valves are
smooth, cast aluminum with rounded edges.
Despite its brevity, there are a considerable number
of ordinate-3 subtasks to evaluate. To illustrate the risk
assessment and abatement procedures, we will provide as
exemplars the details of subtasks 1.2.2 and 1.4.2. Tables V
and VI illustrate the predicates and risk assessments of sub-
tasks 1.2.2 and 1.4.2, respectively. Each of these tables is
derived from Table III, and the potential hazards are assessed
using the risk matrix given in Table IV.
Because the human’s subtask of inserting the valve acti-
vation spring does not involve the use of tools, there is no
risk of tool-related injury, while there exists the possibility of
injury from the robot’s pneumatic gripper. Moreover, while the
human is performing his subtasks, he is just as likely to hit
the robot as the robot is to hit him. In either event, there is the
potential for occasional impact, although the risk of injury is
minor. Using our risk matrix in Table IV, the combination of
occasional occurrence and minor severity, the potential hazard
is ranked as low for both Tables Vand VI.
Instead, the greatest risk of injury stems from the parts
and processes of the assembly. For subtask 1.2.2, there is the
potential for cutting or stabbing of the human operator’s hands
by the sharp ends (contact edge—sharp) of the spring. Even
though such injuries are expected to occur, at most, only occa-
sionally, there is the potential for moderate severity given the
sensitivity of the hands. Similarly, there is a risk of pinching
injury during subtask 1.4.2 based on several factors.
1) The robot is applying force to perform the assembly
(force transfer—applied).
2) The applied forces are of a compressive nature (force
3) The subassembly plate is fixtured on a table (contact
4) The parts being assembled are rounded (contact edge—
For each, there is a remote possibility that the human’s
hands could be pinched between the spool valve and the
subassembly plate while the human is working near the robot.
This risk of injury is expected to have, at most, moderate sever-
ity. Using the risk matrix in Table IV, both the cutting/stabbing
hazard (Table V) and the pinching hazard (Table VI)aregiven
medium risk severities.
Based on the task decomposition for the valve body sub-
assembly, we see that a number of subtasks are either repeated
or directly related to other subtasks. While this may not
necessarily be the case for all collaborative tasks, it does
occur often enough that the risk assessment process is sim-
plified through repetition and derivation. Moreover, even in
cases where the products and processes of a given manu-
facturing plant are prone to change between model years,
the actual subtasks are not expected to change significantly.
This allows for the risk assessments to be recorded and, in
many instances, reused, further simplifying the risk assessment
C. Risk Abatement
This severity assessment enables two critical system capa-
bilities. First it identifies the individual steps and processes
that pose risks to human operators. This information can be
used for the automatic reassignment of roles and responsibili-
ties provided sufficient system capacity, and for the automatic
restructuring of task processes when known alternatives exist.
Second, the severity assessment identifies the risk for the task
as a whole. This information can be used as a larger input
when evaluating higher-level processes for safety and system
The goal of the risk abatement is to improve the safety of
a task by minimizing either the risk or the impact of the haz-
ard. The ideal abatement solution reduces both the likelihood
and potential severity of the hazards such that the risk severity
for the entire task is at most 1. This is accomplished by two
different mechanisms. First, limit or modify the exposure to
the risks by choosing alternative collaboration types, changing
tools, changing task processes, or adding or changing safe-
guards. Second, limit or modify the effects of the exposure by
changing process settings (e.g., lowering the applied forces or
pressures, or slowing down the robot), adding or modifying
personal protective equipment (PPE), or changing design char-
acteristics of the workcell (e.g., adding padding to the robot
or rounding sharp edges).
Proposed changes should be weighed against their poten-
tial impact on the task performance and any prior or ensuing
tasks. For example, adding safeguards to prevent access to the
workcell while a robot is drilling parts may also slow or inhibit
collaborative subtasks in which the robot and a human worker
are inserting retaining bolts into the holes the robot drilled.
In a previous report [23], we presented a mechanism to mea-
sure the impact that implementing new safety protocols on an
existing process will have on the process’ productivity. The
productivity metric is simple, but provides a convenient input
when designing and assessing hazard abatement strategies. The
task impact is measured as
Here, pris the impact for implementing the rth abatement
strategy, ˆ
tis the nominal time to accomplish a task without
hazard abatement, and tris the time to complete the same task
with the hazard abatement strategy in effect.
In our example, subtasks 1.2.2 and 1.4.2 both have a max-
imum hazard risk of 2. The highest risk of injury in subtask
1.2.2 pertains to the risk of cutting/stabbing from the sharp
ends of the springs, while several aspects of subtask 1.4.2
contribute to the potential for a pinching injury.
The cutting/stabbing hazard of subtask 1.2.2 can be mit-
igated by three possible means. First, the sharp ends can be
rounded to eliminate the cutting and stabbing hazards entirely.
Second, the human operator can be required to wear cut-
resistant gloves to reduce the likelihood of hazard occurrence
from occasional to improbable. Third, a second robot pro-
cess could be inserted into the assembly task to perform
the human’s subtasks. Depending on the sourcing of the
springs, the first option may not be a viable solution with-
out significantly impacting the throughput or efficiency of the
manufacturing process. Specifically, grinding springs is both
difficult and labor-intensive, and often introduces new hazards.
The third option (adding a new robotic process) will require
specialized tooling (i.e., a robot gripper capable of grasping
springs) and additional time and effort to write and maintain
the robot’s programming. The risk abatement strategy that has
the least impact on productivity is thus the second option in
which the human operator is required to wear PPE to effec-
tively remove the likelihood of injury. Reassessing the risk
severity, this reduction in severity is reflected in Table Vin
the abatement strategy column, and the post-abatement hazard
is recorded.
As with the cutting/stabbing hazard of subtask 1.2.2, the
pinching hazard of subtask 1.4.2 has a number of poten-
tial abatement strategies available. First, the collaboration
Fig. 4. Example robot cell with a grinding station and a loading station. A
protective guard fence surrounds the robot and the loading station is separated
from the robot’s work volume by a low barrier that allows the operator to reach
inside to hand a part to the robot.
mode could be changed from simultaneous to synchronous
by reordering the subtasks such that the human must insert all
springs prior to the spool valve being inserted. This effectively
removes the pinching hazard by ensuring that the human’s
hands will never be in the working envelope of the active
robot. However, it will remove the possibility of parallelizing
the assembly process, and will impact the time necessary to
complete the subassembly. A second option stems from the
observation that the severity of the pinching hazard is based
on the force with which the robot pushes the spool valve into
place. Minimizing the applied force from 100 to 40 N also
reduces the potential severity of the pinching hazard from
moderate to minor. However, this will also extend the assem-
bly time by subsequently slowing the motions of the robot
as it inserts the spool valve. A third option is to remove
the robot altogether and have the human operator insert the
spool valve. While this completely eliminates the pinching
hazard, it has the same effect on the assembly time as the
first option, and may incur additional time penalties due to
the binding of parts that the robots were initially employed to
avoid. Of the three, the second option (to reduce the applied
force from 100 to 40 N) has the lowest potential for negatively
impacting the assembly process. This abatement strategy and
the post-abatement risk are recorded in Table VI.
In this section we present a simple, illustrative example of a
collaborative task in which an operator must hand a workpiece
to a robot for further machining.
A. Task Description
An assembly line is being designed that integrates both
human workers and industrial, collaborative. The manufactur-
ing process involves the assembly of parts and post-assembly
surface finishing. The part has a mass of 2.5 kg, and its sur-
faces are rough, but not sharp. During the initial design phase,
it was decided that the robots would handle the surface fin-
ishing in a closed workcell into which entry is impossible
while the robot is active. The surface finishing is accomplished
using a stationary grinder, against which the robot holds the
workpiece using a custom pneumatic gripper that fixtures the
part firmly in its grasp with a known orientation. The human
operators, in turn, would perform the more difficult task of
assembling the parts prior to finishing. To save time and inte-
gration costs, the transition between the two processes would
be a direct transfer of parts from man to machine. The col-
laborative task, therefore, would be a part handoff, where the
robot would take the assembled parts out of the hands of a
human operator. Prior to bringing this new assembly process
online, a risk assessment must be completed to ensure opera-
tor safety. The hand assembly process is legacy, and the risks
and abatement strategies are well known. The robotic finish-
ing process is new, but was installed by an integrator who
also provided a full risk assessment, and installed safeguards
to ensure operator safety. The parts handoff, however, has not
yet had a hazard review.
The handoff process consists of the following steps. Once
a part has been assembled, the operator moves to a loading
station (Fig. 4). The robot senses the operator’s presence via a
pressure sensitive mat, and moves its end effector to a prede-
fined location within reach of the operator at 500 mm/s while
the operator stands at the ready. Prior to this point the robot
is stationary within its workcell. The operator then presents
the part to the robot by placing it inside the gripper’s jaws,
which clamp down on the part when it is detected to be within
acceptable pose tolerances. The gripper has been designed to
automatically correct for minor part orientation and position
errors, and holds the part firmly by applying 200 N/mm2of
force at all contact points, and the robot’s program logic will
close the gripper only when the robot itself is stationary. The
robot will not move again until the operator moves off of
the pressure sensitive mat and away from the loading station,
after which it performs the surface finishing process inside the
confines of its workcell. Three distinguishable phases can be
easily identified in this task: 1) bring the part to the robot;
2) hand the part to the robot; and 3) then depart from the
robot station.
B. Task Decomposition
From the task description above, one possible task decom-
position for the part handoff process is as follows.
1. Part handoff:
1.1. Bring part to loading station:
1.1.1. Approach loading station with part, stepping
onto pressure-sensitive mat.
1.1.2. Move robot to loading configuration.
1.2. Hand off part to robot:
1.2.1. Align part with robot’s gripper fingers in proper
1.2.2. Close robot gripper firmly onto part.
1.3. Leave loading station:
1.3.1. Step off of pressure-sensitive mat and away
from loading station.
1.3.2. Move robot into surface finishing workcell.
Subtasks 1.1 and 1.2 involve the operator’s contact with the
part, so known part-related hazards can be automatically asso-
ciated with these subtasks. Of the three ordinate-1 subtasks,
only 1.2 involves physical interaction with the robot, though
subtask 1.1.2 involves a potential collision hazard as the robot
moves into the loading configuration. Subtask 1.3 involves no
possible interaction with either the part or the robot, so only
normal environmental risks need to be considered.
C. Risk Assessment
In the task decomposition, three ordinate-2 subtasks are
identified that have possible physical interaction between the
operator and the robot: 1) 1.1.2 “Move robot to loading con-
figuration;” 2) 1.2.1 “Align part with robot’s gripper fingers in
proper orientation;” and 3) “Close robot gripper firmly onto
part.” We will evaluate these in the order presented.
In subtask 1.1.2, the robot moves at 500 mm/s toward
the human operator, and the activities of both the operator
and robot are simultaneous as they near the loading position.
Beyond what was presented in the task description, not much is
currently known about the robot. Assume that as we look at the
robot’s specifications, we learn that both the robot and its grip-
per are stiff, the gripper is actuated by 100 PSI to achieve the
200 N/mm2of applied pressure at each contact point (though
in this subtask the gripper is not being used), and that the robot
has a maximum acceleration of 1000 mm/s2and a total mass of
300 kg. The loading station was designed such that all immov-
able surfaces are at least 500 mm beyond the robot’s work
volume, and the process engineers have assessed nominal com-
pletion times for manual operations based on average walking
speeds and empirical evaluations. Based on this information,
we can identify the following hazards for subtask 1.1.2: high
pressure (pneumatic gripper), impact (robot, pneumatic grip-
per), neck/back strain (human standing), neck/back/arm strain
(human carrying), excessive flexion (human carrying), mus-
cle strain (human carrying), excessive carry weight (human
carrying). During a detailed evaluation of the process, it
was determined that the ergonomic hazards may occasionally
occur, but their severity is expected to be minor (low risk).
Moreover, the high-pressure hazard is determined to be both
remote and minor (low risk) due to engineering constraints
on the hose connectors. The impact hazard is deemed to be
remote, but could result in moderate to severe injury (medium
risk) should the human move too close to the loading posi-
tion while the robot is still moving. The risk assessment for
subtask 1.1.2 is thus reflected in Table VII.
In subtask 1.2.1, the operator must lift and position the
part into the robot’s waiting gripper. Here, it is assumed that
the robot is stationary and that actions occur sequentially,
but it is also possible that the operator begins moving the
part toward the robot while the robot is still moving. We
can reuse much of the information that has already been
identified, and thus assess the following risks: high pressure
(pneumatic gripper), crushing (robot), pinching (robot), impact
(robot, pneumatic gripper), neck/back strain (human stand-
ing), neck/back/arm strain (human carrying, human lifting),
excessive flexion (human carrying, human lifting), muscle
strain (human carrying, human lifting), excessive carry weight
(human carrying, human lifting). As before, only the impact
hazard has a risk of medium or greater due to the poten-
tial for simultaneous occupancy and motion within the shared
workspace. These risks are reflected in Table VIII.
Again, for subtask 1.2.2 we can reapply many of the previ-
ous ergonomic assessments. Because the robot will only close
the gripper when the robot is stationary, any possible impact
with the robot will be the result of the operator’s actions. The
question now is, under what circumstances could injury possi-
bly occur? For this subtask, the biggest risk is of crushing and
pinching the operator by the pneumatic gripper. Such injuries
can occur if the operator’s hands are between the gripper fin-
gers and the workpiece, or if a sensing error mistakes the
operator’s arm or hand as the work piece and clamps down
prematurely. Moreover, if the part is not securely gripped,
it can be ejected from the gripper and impact the opera-
tor. Thus, the following hazards are identified: high pressure
(pneumatic gripper), crushing (pneumatic gripper), pinching
(pneumatic gripper), impact (pneumatic gripper, workpiece),
falling load (workpiece), neck/back strain (human standing),
neck/back/arm strain (human carrying, human lifting), exces-
sive flexion (human carrying, human lifting), muscle strain
(human carrying, human lifting), and excessive carry weight
(human carrying, human lifting). Without proper safeguards,
it is determined that the crushing, pinching, impact, and
falling load hazards can occasionally happen, and can result
in injuries ranging from minor to severe (low to serious risk).
These risks are reflected in Table IX.
D. Risk Abatement
From the risk assessment, it is clear that the largest hazards
stem from the potential for the robot and operator to simulta-
neously move in the shared workspace and from crushing and
pinching hazards caused by the robot’s gripper. A number of
preventative measures can be taken to abate these risks, though
many of these steps are not without drawbacks. For instance,
let us first look at the impact risk with a moving robot. The
handoff process can be altered such that the robot must already
be in the waiting configuration before the operator is allowed
to enter the loading station. However, if the robot is not already
in this position before the operator arrives at the loading sta-
tion, the operator will be forced to wait for the robot to be
ready. This ultimately impacts the process time, and can result
in delays elsewhere on the assembly line. Similarly, reducing
the robot’s speed and acceleration mitigates the risk, but also
impacts the process time.
However, neither of these abatement strategies address the
severe risk of crushing caused by the robot’s gripper. The oper-
ator could be required to wear PPE that reduces the crushing
hazard, but it is likely that such PPE would also get in the
way during the assembly process preceding the handoff. This
would require the operator to put on and remove the PPE
multiple times throughout the production process. Reducing
the gripping force would also reduce the crushing and pinch-
ing hazards, but may result in the part being ejected during
the surface finishing stage. Similarly, a new gripper could be
designed such that the part could be held just as securely with
less pressure. But this would require a new, expensive process
of design and fabrication, and would impact the assembly line
until the new gripper is ready for deployment.
One possible abatement strategy involves a redesign of the
handoff process. Rather than the operator handing the part
directly to the robot, he will instead insert the part into a
fixture that will hold the part in a known position and orien-
tation. The same sensors that were used to verify the part was
between the robot’s gripper fingers can now be used, instead,
to verify the presence of the part in the fixture. Meanwhile,
the robot remains in its workcell until it verifies that: 1) a part
has been placed in the fixture and 2) the operator has left the
loading station. Once both conditions are met, the robot will
then acquire the part from the fixture and proceed with the
surface finishing process. Standard safeguards can be put in
place at the workstation such that, if an operator enters while
the robot is acquiring the part from the fixture, the robot will
immediately stop until the operator has left again. This abate-
ment strategy eliminates all impact, crushing, and pinching
hazards at the cost of requiring a new fixture to be designed
and turning a collaborative task into a noncollaborative task.
This paper introduced a strategy for characterizing and
assessing the task-based safety of collaborative manufacturing
tasks. By utilizing a flexible ontology for task decomposition,
the safety of a given task can be assessed quickly by evaluating
the base elements of its subtask components. These elements
then provide the bases for mitigating hazard risks.
When coupled with the construction of a database of similar
tasks and subtasks, this methodology lends itself to the par-
tial or full automation of risk assessment and abatement for
collaborative tasks. Through the breakdown of a task’s sub-
components, the process of identifying and assessing risks,
assigning roles and responsibilities to humans and robots,
and suggesting risk-reducing steps can be executed efficiently
through software. Ongoing efforts at NIST include extend-
ing, generalizing, and refining this methodology to describe
both the processes and the roles of task contributors. Across
many different fields, activity-based risk assessments are being
defined where the hazards are separate from the tools and
environments utilized. As more flexible and intelligent robot
systems are integrated into human-occupied environments, the
number and requirements for these task-based risk assessments
will increase. NIST is actively working with industry partners
and standards organizations to identify and refine test methods
and metrics for the verification and validation of the safety of
these flexible robotic systems.
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Jeremy A. Marvel (M’10) received the bachelor’s
degree in computer science from Boston University,
Boston, MA, USA, the master’s degree in computer
science from Brandeis University, Waltham, MA,
USA, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering
from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
He is currently a Research Scientist with the
Intelligent Systems Division, National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg,
MD, USA. Following a tour at Akron University,
Akron, OH, USA, as an Adjunct Professor, he went to the Institute for
Research in Engineering and Applied Physics, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, USA. He then moved to NIST as a Project Leader
for multiple industrial robot safety projects. His current research interests
include intelligent and adaptive solutions for robot applications, with particular
attention paid to human–robot collaborations, multirobot coordination, safety,
perception, and automated parameter optimization. He currently leads a team
of researchers and engineers in metrology efforts at NIST for collaborative
robot performance.
Joe Falco received the B.S. degree in mechanical
engineering from the University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA, USA and the M.S. degree in com-
puter science from the Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, USA.
He is currently an Engineer with the Intelligent
Systems Division, National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, USA,
within the U.S. Department of Commerce. His most
recent work has been performed within the NIST
Next-Generation Robotics and Automation Program
and is focused on robot standards and performance metrics in the areas of
safety, manipulation, grasping, and human–robot interaction.
Mr. Falco is a member of the BSR/RIA R15 Robot Standards Approval
Committee and ISO TC184/SC2 WG 3 working group for Industrial Robot
Safety. He has received one gold and three bronze U.S. Department of
Commerce medals for superior performance and technical leadership.
Ilari Marstio received the M.Sc. degree in automa-
tion technology from the Helsinki University of
Technology, Espoo, Finland.
He is currently a Senior Scientist at VTT, Espoo,
Finland. He gained experience on robotic systems
while researching for ABB Robotics from 2004 to
2006 as a User Interface Designer and Programmer.
His master’s thesis was made for the Robotic
Association in Finland in 2006. In his master’s the-
sis, he researched machine vision and sensor based
natural interfaces with robot cells. He joined VTT in
2007. Since then he has been Project Manager in several research projects. His
current research interests include robot-based production systems development
and human–robot interaction.
... The risk matrix employed in assessing hazards, as shown in Table 1, was constructed based on the American National Standards Institute Z10 standard [33]. This matrix facilitates the classification of harm severity into catastrophic, severe, moderate, and minor categories. ...
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Owing to the development of robotics and the emergence of Industry 4.0, robotics applications are continuously expanding in various fields, with teleoperated robots widely used in space exploration, medical care, and other fields owing to their strong operability and high precision. Studies have shown that robots are susceptible to collision with obstacles in complex environments, resulting in equipment damage, reduced production efficiency, and operator safety issues. This study focuses on predicting robot collisions and their intervention. Based on the characteristics of teleoperated robot motion, an acceleration discrimination factor is introduced in addition to factors such as distance and speed to provide a collision-risk detection model for single obstacles. First, utilizing a risk matrix for screening and categorizing indirect risks generated by robots during motion, a teleoperated robot collision-risk detection model based on acceleration is established, with a prediction cycle set to ensure the safety of robot motion. Second, based on the actual conditions of the experimental site, severity levels and weights are allocated to indirect factors to calculate the safety and dangerous collision-risk thresholds. Third, experiments are conducted using the UR5e six-degree-of-freedom robot and the Omega.7 high-precision manipulator to validate model effectiveness. Finally, the magnitudes of acceleration and deceleration movements are adjusted based on the different requirements of the robot tasks, thus significantly enhancing robot efficiency while ensuring safety. Results indicate that the proposed acceleration collision-risk model outperforms conventional models in terms of risk-detection accuracy, motion efficiency, motion type, and integration with collision factors.
... The definition of a ProductionMethod through a number of ProductionTask follows a hierarchical task-oriented approach [57,83]. The top-level element is the ProductionGoal that is associated with a number of ProductionMethod defining the rules that must be considered to successfully achieve a production goal. ...
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The diffusion of Human-Robot Collaborative cells is prevented by several barriers. Classical control approaches seem not yet fully suitable for facing the variability conveyed by the presence of human operators beside robots. The capabilities of representing heterogeneous knowledge representation and performing abstract reasoning are crucial to enhance the flexibility of control solutions. To this aim, the ontology SOHO (Sharework Ontology for Human-Robot Collaboration) has been specifically designed for representing Human-Robot Collaboration scenarios, following a context-based approach. This work brings several contributions. This paper proposes an extension of SOHO to better characterize behavioral constraints of collaborative tasks. Furthermore, this work shows a knowledge extraction procedure designed to automatize the synthesis of Artificial Intelligence plan-based controllers for realizing flexible coordination of human and robot behaviors in collaborative tasks. The generality of the ontological model and the developed representation capabilities as well as the validity of the synthesized planning domains are evaluated on a number of realistic industrial scenarios where collaborative robots are actually deployed.
... The degree of interaction between humans and robots are crucial to analyze when designing a HRC layout, for safety as well as security reasons (Marvel et al., 2015), where the degrees are described as: (1) Independent -the human and the robot work separately on a workpiece without actual collaboration, (2) Synchronous -the human and the robot have a sequential task scheme, (3) Simultaneous -the human and the robot work at the same time on the same workpiece but on separate tasks, and (4) Supportive -the human and the robot work cooperatively on the same workpiece. These interaction aspects must be managed by a risk assessment procedure (see Figure 1), to identify hazards and safety risks in the HRC layout design, adhering to existing standards (Wadekar et al., 2018). ...
The introduction of Human-Robot Collaboration assembly (HRC) adds complexity when designing layouts, as e.g. new safety and security issues need to be considered. In this paper, the usefulness of digital tools, such as simulation and emulation tools, to support the transdisciplinary activities in an integrated product and production development process for HRC layouts, is explored. The empirical findings was collected through interactive workshops between industrial experts and researchers, developing and analyzing challenges and needs while using digital tools. The conclusions indicate a need for an understanding of the cost drivers when utilizing digital tools, and how the reuse of digital models and knowledge can reduce development time and cost. This includes understanding of how new versions of digital tools may drive costs. Four important activities while designing a HRC layout, utilizing a digitalized production preparation process, were identified. It was also found that an efficient and reliable assessment method related to different regulations and standards is needed to support the selection and use of digital tools when designing a HRC layout.
... Finally, human-centered technologies and human factors such as cognitive workload (e.g. by psychological assessment of operators' well-being, acceptance, and human-centric design), collaboration fluency (e.g. by user-friendly programming approaches or natural, intuitive information exchange and communication methods), as well as trust (e.g. by well-proven, conducive safety mechanisms) complement the set of challenges (Darvish et al. 2018;Baltrusch et al. 2021). Faced with those challenges of HRC, both research and industry have developed and proposed various approaches, such as intuitive and fast robot programming environments to enable robot programming for non-experts (Niermann et al. 2022), methods to improve safety or simplify and standardize safety assessments (Marvel, Falco, and Marstio 2015), procedure models to methodologically support planners when introducing collaborative robots (Peifer and Weber 2020;, methods to support assessment of economic profitability (Rally et al. 2020), technologies for intuitive bidirectional communication between humans and robots (Gustavsson et al. 2018;Mahadevan et al. 2021), psychological aspects in the context of a collaborative assembly, e.g. effects on human stress (Ender 2021;Wiese et al. 2022), and approaches for task allocation in HRC (see chapter 4 section 4). ...
Due to the high cost pressure and the increasing variant diversity, the cooperation of humans and robots represents a promising technological solution to achieve higher flexibility and efficiency in assembly. It is therefore attracting significant interest from both researchers and practitioners. As a result, numerous reviews have been published addressing different aspects of human-robot collaboration, such as safety, interaction modalities, programming, and applications. However, in this paper, for the first time, the aspect of task allocation for collaborative assembly is methodologically examined through a systematic literature review. This paper presents the current state of the art in task allocation approaches, investigates the criteria for deciding on a suitable task assignment, and discusses challenges and future research needs. After filtering the 521 publications that resulted from the initial search process, 37 relevant publications were included in the analysis and grouped into a proposed classification consisting of two main categories, static and dynamic task allocation approaches. Based on the results of the literature review, this paper presents a reference model for human-robot collaborative assembly.
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The travel sector is one of the fastest growing sectors today, and this research study aims at analyzing the complexity of social-robot collaboration (SRC) in the dynamic arena of the corporate world. By analyzing the symbiotic relationship between individuals and societal robots, the study analyzes the impacts of HRM practices focused on the tourism corporate environment. The methodology comprises a multifaceted approach addressing literature reviews and empirical analyses. Through the viewpoints derived from robotics, human-computer interaction, and HRM, the work aims to furnish a full-spectrum picture of the way that the relationship of social robots affects different dimensions of the workplace. Central topics that are to be investigated include employee engagement, organizational culture, talent development, and the workforce dynamics at large. The investigation intends to reveal the obstacles as well as opportunities that are emerging from SRC to reveal how these interactions affect tourism organizations' HRM practices.
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Improving risk assessment (RA) for human-robot collaboration (HRC) is crucial, given challenges in existing RA tools. For example, simulation and testing RA tools lack realism due to simplified models, limited dynamic realism, and sensor integration constraints. This study explores how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enhance risk assessment methods. Using a systematic literature review, the study analyzes three risk assessment methods: PFMEA, HAZOP, and FTA to which AI has been integrated. Results highlight strengths (e.g., systematic process failure identification, thorough hazard identification, complex system modeling) and limitations (e.g., limited coverage of human-robot dynamics, reliance on historical data, adaptability constraints, resource intensity, design dependency, complexity, human factor oversight, data dependency) in addressing HRC risks. Challenges and opportunities of AI in risk assessment are identified, emphasizing reliability, adaptation, safety, and method accuracy. Adhering to standards significantly improves the trustworthiness of AI-driven risk assessments, ensuring consistent, and validated results across diverse HRC scenarios. The study proposes a hybrid approach that combines multiple methods and incorporates image processing as a practical AI feature to enhance risk detection and prevention. The study advances AI-based risk assessment for HRC, offering a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art, highlighting gaps for future research, and suggesting a holistic solution.
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Human–robot collaboration (HRC) is effective to improve productivity in industrial fields, based on the robot's fast and precise work and the human's flexible skill. To facilitate the HRC system, the first priority is to ensure safety in the event of accidents, such as collisions between robots and humans. Therefore, a protective and collision‐sensitive robot skin, named Gel‐Skin is proposed to guarantee the safety in HRC. The Gel‐Skin is composed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gel, which is a functional material with piezoresistive characteristics and impact absorption capability. In particular, the PVC gel has a distinctive piezoresistive property that the relation between mechanical pressure and electrical resistance is tunable depending on an applied voltage. When a voltage is applied to the PVC gel, the electrical charges are accumulated around the anode and it shows increased piezoresistive sensitivity. In this study, it is verified for the PVC gel to exhibit the 4.78 times higher sensitivity by simply applying a voltage. This novel physical phenomenon enables the Gel‐Skin to detect the collision rapidly. Finally, the Gel‐Skin is applicated to a real robot system and it is verified that the Gel‐Skin can detect a collision and absorb impact to ensure safety.
Conference Paper
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An industrial system requires a diverse set of resources to manage a wide range of operations. Fully automated, robot-based systems offer exceptional speed, precision, tenacity, and power but come at a high cost. In contrast, human employees possess versatility, adaptability, creativity, and the ability to use various tools in different settings. To address workplace risk factors and enhance efficiency, human-robot coordination and interaction frameworks have emerged as promising solutions. Collaborative robots (Cobots) are equipped with advanced control tactics and planning schemes, facilitating constructive cooperation with humans in shared workspaces. This study focuses on the challenges of industrial operations management for human-robot collaboration systems, emphasizing implementation and functionality. It examines various attributes of the human workforce and Cobots while also delving into the ergonomics of human-robot collaboration. The potential impact of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) on job quality is a significant consideration. The study underscores the importance of investigating additional variables beyond lifespan reduction, particularly in the realm of cognitive ergonomic characteristics. In conclusion, recommendations are put forth for designing highly optimized blended human-robot collaboration systems, prioritizing factors like ergonomics, flexibility, durability, reconfigurability, and safety.
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In the context of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, the introduction of collaborative workplaces, where humans and robots work together, represents a growing trend to improve the productivity, adaptability, and flexibility of production plants. Indeed, human–robot collaboration (HRC) is a very deepened topic in the scientific community and the designing of collaborative workplaces is a challenging issue due to the high level of complexity and multidisciplinary of its features. This work tackles the complexity of collaborative workplaces and proposes a structured framework to support strategic decisions in designing. A multi-level designing framework is proposed as a supporting tool for designers. Within five domains of collaborative robotics, the elements of a collaborative workplace are identified and proposed in a framework in order to better consider human safety and working conditions during the designing process. A decomposition matrix and an adjacency matrix are used to develop a multi-level designing workflow. Finally, an interactive tool is presented, named “Smart Graph Interface” (SGI), to read and exploit the contents of the framework. The SGI is applied to three case studies from the literature, to spread out principal outcomes in terms of applicability and robustness.
Conference Paper
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Industrial robots, previously completely separated from human access when in operation in the factory, are acquiring control capabilities rendering them capable of new forms of operation, with suitably controlled risks to allow human workers access to the robot work space during operation. We survey the developments of industrial robots and of robot safety standards, outlining the steps that have brought us to the present status, the opening of possibilities for human-robot collaboration in industrial production. The four basic types of collaborative operation are summarized and open research questions in this area are formulated.
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The automotive industry is experiencing several limitations due to high mass customization on product side and the consequent evolution of newer ones as well as the expansion of existing production setups. There exist various complexities in planning and control of distributed production setups. This paper addresses issues related to planning using knowledge management approaches in the decentralized manufacturing domain with two distinct cases. The first case relates to the higher level planning methodology to automate experts’ knowledge in production ramp-up whereas the second case relates to optimization of production processes using knowledgebase as an intelligent assistance system for optimization.
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In recent years there has been a concerted effort to address many of the safety issues associated with physical human–robot interaction (pHRI). However, a number of challenges remain. For personal robots, and those intended to operate in unstructured environments, the problem of safety is compounded. In this paper we argue that traditional system design techniques fail to capture the complexities associated with dynamic environments. We present an overview of our safety-driven control system and its implementation methodology. The methodology builds on traditional functional hazard analysis, with the addition of processes aimed at improving the safety of autonomous personal robots. This will be achieved with the use of a safety system developed during the hazard analysis stage. This safety system, called the safety protection system, will initially be used to verify that safety constraints, identified during hazard analysis, have been implemented appropriately. Subsequently it will serve as a high-level safety enforcer, by governing the actions of the robot and preventing the control layer from performing unsafe operations. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the design, a series of experiments have been conducted using a MobileRobots PeopleBot. Finally, results are presented demonstrating how faults injected into a controller can be consistently identified and handled by the safety protection system.
Assembly work and inspection and testing tasks tend to be combined nowadays in the automotive industry as a way of achieving job enrichment. Workers inspect and test parts manufactured or assembled by them. This is in addition to routine quality assurance activities. As well as introducing new sensory demands into the jobs, this integration of assembly and inspection activities also brings with it significant additional motor components, which lead to musculo-skeletal strains. No empirical studies of the superimposed stresses involved in this type of job has been performed to date in the automotive industry. A ergonomically representative sample of work at 22 work stations shows that, whilst most of the work is performed close to the body and involves a substantial proportion of standing positions and strenuous forced postures, only relatively low levels of forces have to be applied. In contrast, tasks requiring the use of testing tools have to be performed farther from the body and higher forces have to be applied. The findings reported from this study led to the design of a screening procedure for the predominantly physical stresses arising in assembly and inspection work in the automotive industry.
Twenty-one papers were presented at the conference, covering progress in the analysis of the corrosion mechanism, corrosion control, new protective coatings, etc. Specific topics evaluated include: rust on weathering steels, coating specifications, soil and corrosion, nondestructive testing, performance of zinc coatings, corrosion of gas turbines, etc. Following is a list of titles and authors: New Maintenance Systems for Industry and Architecture. By S. N. Emery. Retardation of Corrosion by Paint Coatings. By G. J. Biddle. Current Trends in Steel Production. By F. E. Worsnop. Practical Concepts of Coating Specifications. By P. Dalla Riva. Solventless Epoxy Coatings and Their Application with Two Component Spray Equipment. By A. Adomenas. Marine Coatings and the Performance of Traditional Coatings and Other Materials. By Dennis W. Crosby. Dissolution of Particulate Iron from an Inorganic Matrix - An Unusual Problem in Corrosion Control. By P. C. Nancarrow and E. C. Potter. Soils - Assessment of Corrosion Potential. By Ian D. Main. Piling Investigations at West Melbourne. By D. M. Wilson, R. R. M. Johnston and C. P. Lloyd. Study of the Rainwater Leaching Behaviour of the Adherent Rusts on Weathering Steels. By G. R. Eadie, G. Sanders and C. P. Lloyd. High Temperature Corrosion in Oil Fired Gas Turbines, Superheaters and Heat Exchangers. By C. Lyth.
Software for safety-critical systems has to deal w ith the hazards identified by safety analysis in order to make the system safe, risk-free and fai l-safe. Software safety is a composite of many factors. Problem statement: Existing software quality models like McCall's and Boehm's and ISO 9126 were inadequate in addressing the software saf ety issues of real time safety-critical embedded systems. At present there does not exist any standa rd framework that comprehensively addresses the Factors, Criteria and Metrics (FCM) approach of the quality models in respect of software safety. Approach: We proposed a new model for software safety based on the McCall's software quality model that specifically identifies the criteria cor responding to software safety in safety critical applications. The criteria in the proposed software safety model pertains to system hazard analysis, completeness of requirements, identification of sof tware-related safety-critical requirements, safety- constraints based design, run-time issues management and software safety-critical testing. Results: This model was applied to a prototype safety-critical so ftware-based Railroad Crossing Control System (RCCS). The results showed that all critical operat ions were safe and risk-free, capable of handling contingency situations. Conclusion: Development of a safety-critical system based on ou r proposed software safety model significantly enhanced the sa fe operation of the overall system.
Conference Paper
Enabling robots to safely interact with humans is an essential goal of robotics research. The developments achieved over the last years in mechanical design and control made it possible to have active cooperation between humans and robots in rather complex situations. In these terms, safe behavior of the robot even under worst-case situations is crucial and forms also a basis for higher level decisional aspects. In order to quantify what safe behavior really means, the definition of injury, as well as understanding its general dynamics are essential. This insight can then be applied to design and control robots such that injury due to robot-human impacts is explicitly taken into account. In this paper we approach the problem from a medical injury analysis point of view in order to formulate the relation between robot mass, velocity, impact geometry, and resulting injury qualified in medical terms. We transform these insights into processable representations and propose a motion supervisor that utilizes injury knowledge for generating safe robot motions. The algorithm takes into account the reflected inertia, velocity, and geometry at possible impact locations. The proposed framework forms a basis for generating truly safe velocity bounds that explicitely consider the dynamic properties of the manipulator and human injury.
A set of metrics is proposed that evaluates speed and separation monitoring efficacy in industrial robot environments in terms of the quantification of safety and the effects on productivity. The collision potential is represented by separation metrics and sensor uncertainty based on perceived noise and bounding region radii. In the event of a bounding region collision between a robot and an obstacle during algorithm evaluation, the severity of the separation failure is reported as a percentage of volume penetration.