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Estimation of collective maneuvers through cooperative multi-agent planning



In order to determine a cooperative driving strategy, it is beneficial for an autonomous vehicle to incorporate the intended motion of surrounding vehicles within its own motion planning. However, as intentions cannot be measured directly and the motion of multiple vehicles often are highly interdependent, this incorporation has proven challenging. In this paper, the problem of maneuver estimation is addressed, focusing on situations with close interaction between traffic participants. Therefore, we define collective maneuvers based on trajectory homotopy, describing the relative motion of multiple vehicles in a scene. Representing maneuvers by sample trajectories, maneuver-dependent prediction models of the vehicle states can be defined. This allows for a Bayesian estimation of maneuver probabilities given observations of the real motion. The approach is evaluated by simulation in overtaking scenarios with oncoming traffic and merging scenarios at an intersection.
Estimation of Collective Maneuvers through Cooperative Multi-Agent
Jens Schulz, Kira Hirsenkorn, Julian L¨
ochner, Moritz Werling, and Darius Burschka
Abstract In order to determine a cooperative driving strat-
egy, it is beneficial for an autonomous vehicle to incorporate
the intended motion of surrounding vehicles within its own
motion planning. However, as intentions cannot be measured
directly and the motion of multiple vehicles often are highly
interdependent, this incorporation has proven challenging. In
this paper, the problem of maneuver estimation is addressed,
focusing on situations with close interaction between traffic
participants. Therefore, we define collective maneuvers based on
trajectory homotopy, describing the relative motion of multiple
vehicles in a scene. Representing maneuvers by sample tra-
jectories, maneuver-dependent prediction models of the vehicle
states can be defined. This allows for a Bayesian estimation of
maneuver probabilities given observations of the real motion.
The approach is evaluated by simulation in overtaking scenarios
with oncoming traffic and merging scenarios at an intersection.
Predicting the motion of nearby vehicles is a prerequisite
for safe, foresighted, and cooperative driving of autonomous
vehicles. As human drivers have individual and highly com-
plex behaviors, prediction will always be afflicted with uncer-
tainty. Thus, it is difficult to derive one accurate deterministic
prediction that an autonomous vehicle can rely on for its
own motion planning. One alternative to this problem is
to consider multiple discrete maneuver hypotheses within
the prediction and estimate the probability distribution over
them. This maneuver estimate can in turn be used as a basis
for a continuous motion prediction.
Especially in situations where decisions of traffic partici-
pants are highly coupled, the assumption of independent mo-
tion becomes invalid. This motion interdependency of nearby
vehicles and the ego-vehicle yields additional challenges, as
it is not possible to separate the problems of prediction and
planning anymore. This can be seen in Fig. 1 where the black
and white vehicle closely interact. Without anticipating the
maneuver decision of the other driver, one can hardly decide
for one of the two options. However, the own decision may
influence the decision of the other driver as well.
In this paper, we approach this problem by defining
collective maneuvers on a multi-agent scale, describing the
relative motion of multiple vehicles in a scene. As the
interconnection of decisions often arise from geometric colli-
sion avoidance constraints, the maneuver definition is based
J. Schulz is with BMW Group and the Department of Computer Science,
Technical University of Munich, Germany.
K. Hirsenkorn, J. L¨
ochner, and M. Werling are with BMW Group,
Munich, Germany. {kira.hirsenkorn| julian.loechner
| moritz.werling}
D. Burschka is with the Department of Computer Science, Technical
University of Munich, Germany.
Fig. 1. Two situations where the black and white vehicles’ motions
are highly coupled. Multi-agent trajectories are shown for two collective
maneuver hypotheses (blue and green). Both vehicles should intend to follow
the same maneuver for collisions and misunderstandings to be avoided.
on the concept of trajectory homotopy. Cooperative multi-
agent trajectories are planned for the given maneuvers to
reflect common human behavior. These sample trajectories,
used to represent the corresponding maneuvers, allow for a
comparison of abstract maneuver classes and observations
of the actual motion. Through Bayesian statistic, using an
interacting multiple model estimator, the probability distri-
bution over the possible maneuvers is derived, serving as a
basis for the decision making of the autonomous vehicle.
As the ego-vehicle as well as other vehicles are included in
the multi-agent planning process, both tasks, prediction and
motion planning, are solved at once. Thus, we overcome the
interdependency of prediction and planning, resulting in a
cooperatively driving autonomous vehicle.
Fig. 2 provides an overview of the maneuver estimation
and planning framework. The single components are ex-
plained in detail within the remaining chapters of this paper:
Sec. II summarizes the related work in the area of motion
prediction and maneuver representation. The collective ma-
neuvers and how they are derived are described in Sec. III.
Sec. IV depicts the multi-agent trajectory planning including
the constraints to enforce a specific maneuver class. In Sec. V
the maneuver probability distribution is derived given the
sample trajectories and the motion observations. Sec. VI
evaluates and Sec. VII concludes the presented work.
In the area of autonomous vehicles, motion prediction of
other traffic participants has been widely studied. One com-
ponent is the estimation of currently conducted or upcom-
ing maneuvers. Commonly, the set of possible maneuvers
is defined by hand using expert knowledge. For highway
scenarios, this is often done by using discrete lane matchings
and distinguishing between different states a vehicle can
reside in, as for example free flow,car following,lane change
and overtaking [1]. A more detailed description has been
used by [2], where an overtaking maneuver is compound by
a series of behaviors: acceleration phase,sheer out,overtake,
Determination of
Maneuver Classes
Trajectory Planning
for each Maneuver
Driving Strategy
Fig. 2. Maneuver estimation and driving strategy framework. Dashed
arcs represent temporal dependencies whereas solid arcs represent causal
dependencies. The variables are defined in the corresponding sections.
sheer in. For intersections, many previous works have tried
to predict the outgoing lane vehicles are going to take [3]–
[8]. For that purpose, maneuvers of type turn right,turn left
or go straight have been defined.
Another way of defining maneuvers is to cluster paths or
trajectories into homotopy classes, which has already been
used in the area of robotics for ego-vehicle motion planning
[9]–[16]. Kuderer et al. [14] present an online framework
to generate homotopically distinct navigation paths with the
help of Voronoi diagrams. By using homotopy classes they
avoid sticking to local minima during the path optimization.
Bender et al. [16] propose to distinguish different maneu-
vers of autonomous vehicles with nearby dynamic obstacles
based on homotopy classes and determine the best trajectory
within those classes without the need of global optimization
techniques. Gu et al. [15] automatically discover tactical
maneuver patterns based on sampled trajectories. Using
pseudo-homology, they can extract distinct maneuver classes
and decide according to cost functions. All these works
focus on ego-vehicle motion planning and assume other
traffic participants to have known motion profiles such as
constant velocity. Thus, these approaches are not suitable
for maneuver prediction and only allow for single-agent
environments, neglecting the fact that vehicles react to each
other and their decisions may be coupled.
For the actual estimation of the intended maneuver given
available observations, there are many different methods,
reaching from discriminative models like SVMs [17] to prob-
abilistic discriminative models like CRFs [8] to probabilistic
generative models like Bayesian networks or HMMs [2]–
[6]. Although some of those works explicitly model inter-
actions between vehicles within their behavior models, their
maneuver representations still lack the descriptive power to
specify the relative motion of vehicles in detail, beneficial
for scenarios with close interaction between vehicles.
In this section, a collective maneuver representation for
multi-agent systems based on trajectory homotopy is pro-
posed and it is shown how a set of possible maneuvers can
be derived given a traffic scenario with lane-precise map data.
Within the scope of this paper, the desired exit direction of
a vehicle crossing an intersection is assumed to be known.
A. Multi-Agent System
1) Trajectory: Assume a set of vehicles
V={V1,· · · , VN}including the ego-vehicle is considered
within the multi-agent system. The state of vehicle Vn∈ V
is given by xn= [sn, vn
s, dn, vn
d]>R4, consisting of the
longitudinal and lateral Fren´
et-coordinates [18] snand
dnof the vehicle’s center-position and the corresponding
velocities vn
s/d. The area occupied by this agent is
approximated with a bounding box with length lnand width
wnoriented along the tangent of the road’s centerline:
A(sn, dn, ln, wn) := AnR2. Changes in orientation, e.g.
during lane changes, are neglected. Furthermore, the area
occupied by static obstacles is denoted as OR2. The
multi-agent configuration is defined as
x= [x1,· · · ,xN]>XR4N(1)
within the collision-free configuration space
X={x| ∀n, m ∈ {1,· · · , N}, n 6=m:
On the basis of [16] for single agent trajectories, we define
a multi-agent-trajectory to be a mapping from time span to
configuration space: γ: [0, T ]X.
2) Formation: To describe the relative order of the differ-
ent agents within a multi-agent configuration xin an abstract
way, the formation F(x)is extracted. Any formation F
holds information about the two dimensional relative position
of objects, neglecting the exact distances and lengths. This
allows for a compact description of the maneuver relevant
aspects of the current scene.
For every street section without intersections, a local
et coordinate system is defined. The two dimensional
positions of all vehicles on this section are first projected
onto the longitudinal dimension. All vehicles are sorted
in a list in ascending order according to sn, storing the
sequence of vehicles along the section. This list is then
extended to a second dimension using the discrete lane
matching information, resulting in the formation for that
section (see Fig. 3(a)). Each cell within a formation is at
most occupied by one vehicle, two vehicles cannot be on
the same longitudinal column, i.e. laterally adjacent cells of
an occupied cell are always unoccupied. Although in reality
vehicles might overlap, it is not stored in the formation as it is
not needed for the determination of the possible maneuvers.
Using map data, it is possible to extract the different
sections and how they are connected at intersections. The
formations of the single sections are derived independently
and then linked using intersection cells (Fig. 3(b)). If lanes
(a) Formation of a section using a local Fren´
et coordinate system and lanes.
(b) Formations of multiple sections are connected using intersection cells.
Fig. 3. Derivation of the formation F(x)of a given configuration x.
Fig. 4. Single-agent path homotopy: All paths of same color are homotopic
relative to the start and end position areas (gray circles).
of an intersection overlap, they share at least one common
cell. If a vehicle is currently driving on an intersection, the
formation will relocate the vehicle to the connecting lane of
the subsequent normal section and queue it behind all other
vehicles, hence, intersection slots are never occupied.
B. Homotopy Classes
1) General Homotopy: In the field of topology, two
functions g1, g2:QRare said to be homotopic (or to be
in the same homotopy class), if it is possible to continuously
deform one into the other [13]. Hence a continuous homotopy
H:Q×[0,1] Rhas to exist, such that
H(q, 0) = g1(q)H(q, 1) = g2(q)qQ. (3)
Furthermore, g1and g2are called homotopic relative to the
subspace ˜
QQ, if they are homotopic and
Hq, λ) = g1(˜q) = g2q)˜q˜
Q∧ ∀λ[0,1].(4)
2) Single-Agent Path Homotopy: In the case of robot mo-
tion planning, path homotopies are usually defined relative
to the paths’ start and end positions [10], [14]. Typically,
the start position is known and it is desired to distinguish
different end positions and whether obstacles are passed on
the left or right side. To allow for inaccuracy in planning,
this condition is often relaxed such that the start and end
positions only need to be in specific areas. This is illustrated
in Fig. 4. Without keeping the start and end positions in fixed
areas, it would be possible to continuously deform all paths
into each other. Hence, no distinction between passing the
obstacle on the left or right side could be made.
Fig. 5. Multi-agent trajectory homotopy: Two non-homotopic multi-agent
trajectories of the scene of the left part of Fig. 1 are shown. On the left, VA
(blue) passes VB(black) first, then VC(green), on the right the other way
around. Considering road boundaries and planning horizon to be obstacles
of infinite size, different homotopy classes can be defined relative to the
start and end formation.
3) Multi-Agent Trajectory Homotopy: Similar to [12] and
[15], we extend the concept of path homotopy to the area of
trajectories by adding the dimension of time and introduc-
ing the following assumptions for structured environments:
First, the constraint of keeping start and end states at fixed
positions or areas is relaxed to keeping them within fixed
formations. Secondly, road boundaries and the planning
horizon are interpreted as obstacles of infinite size, as shown
in Fig. 5. Hence, it is not possible for a trajectory to run
outside the road boundaries or beyond the planning horizon.
For two multi-agent trajectories to be homotopic, the
trajectories of all vehicles need to allow a continuous trans-
formation without colliding with obstacles or each other.
Two mulit-agent trajectories γ0, γ1: [0, T ]Xwith the
same start and end formation F(γ0(0)) = F(γ1(0)) := F0
and F(γ0(T)) = F(γ1(T)) := FTare said to be homotopic
relative to {F0, FT}, if there exists a continuous homotopy
H: [0, T ]×[0,1] X, such that
H(t, 0) = γ0(t)H(t, 1) = γ1(t)t[0, T ](5)
F(H(0, λ)) = F0F(H(T, λ)) = FTλ[0,1].(6)
In addition to the lateral sides agents pass each other, tra-
jectory homotopy also considers temporal aspects: Consider
the scenario in Fig. 5 with a laterally bounded street such
that at most two vehicles can be next to each other. Given the
start and end formation, both VAand VChave to pass VB. As
at the longitudinal occupancy of VBthere is only space for
one other vehicle, different sequences in which VBis passed
need to be distinguished. As it is impossible to continuously
transform the trajectories of Fig. 5 (left) to those of Fig. 5
(right), they belong to different homotopy classes.
4) Pseudo Multi-Agent Trajectory Homotopy: Except for
the start and end formations, the trajectory homotopy defined
previously is solely based on the multi-agent configuration
including the areas of obstacles and agents, but not on high
level information such as lanes. Consider the same scenario
depicted in Fig. 5, but assume that geometrically, there is
enough space for all three vehicles to be on the same lon-
gitudinal position. As drivers tend to drive on lanes, typical
behavior for VAwould still include a discrete decision to
either overtake before VCor after. With trajectory homotopy,
it is not possible to distinguish these two maneuvers, as it
is possible to continuously deform one into the other. The
same is true for three or more adjacent lanes.
Therefore, we propose a pseudo homotopy based on
formations, that combines the advantages of homotopy with
additional domain knowledge. The following spatial and
temporal relations allow a high-level description of the
relative motion in a comprehensible way that can be used
to distinguish maneuvers. First of all, if two longitudinally
adjacent vehicles pass each other, the side on which they do
is of interest. This is denoted as pairwise lateral relations
and can be derived by the discrete lane matchings. In many
situations, the temporal order in which vehicles pass a
specific area is of importance. This area might either be on
an intersection, where vehicles have to pass sequentially, or
on a normal section where there are conflicts on a lane such
as in the example above. This temporal order is denoted as
sequence of passing of that critical area.
A maneuver Mi∈ M is given by a series of consecutive
formations from F0to FT i, including all pairwise lateral
relations and all sequences of passing of the critical areas,
and represents one pseudo trajectory homotopy class.
C. Formation Tree
As this paper focuses on the prediction of human drivers,
we are not only interested in the one optimal homotopy class,
but in all possible reasonable classes that human drivers
might choose. To determine the set of possible maneuvers
in every time step, first the current formation F0of a given
scene is identified using the positions of all considered
vehicles and the available map data. Building a formation
tree with root node F0and expanding it iteratively, different
possible end formations FT i together with the corresponding
intermediate formations can be found.
1) Expansion: The relative motion between agents is
described on high abstraction level using a set of discrete
actions A={along, aleft , aright}vehicles can choose from.
The actions do not represent continuous motion, but changes
in the relative order. A vehicle-action-pair (V, a) V × A
transforms one formation into another. The vehicle that is
in the longitudinal sequence of vehicles next in driving
direction, independently of the lane, is from now on ab-
breviated as the vehicle ahead. The lateral actions aleft and
aright represent lane changes whereas the longitudinal action
along can represent two things: passing the vehicle ahead,
resulting in a switch of their longitudinal order, or passing
an intersection and queuing into the connecting lane on the
subsequent normal section. Intersection cells only serve as
a connection between regular cells and are never occupied
within a formation.
For any vehicle-action-pair (V, a) V × A and a given
formation Fi, a new formation F0
ican be derived. See
Fig. 6(a) for an example of how the formation changes for the
different possible vehicle-action-pairs. Different tuples can in
fact result in the same new formation, the relative motion is
expressed on a multi-agent scale (e.g. in the formation on top
of Fig. 6(a), (VB, along) results in the same new formation
as (VC, along)). Through exhaustive expansion by checking
all possible actions of all vehicles, the tree can be built up
VA,a long
, a
, a
(a) First iteration of the maneuver expansion tree, showing how vehicle-
action-pairs transform one formation to another. Formations that are pruned
due to the pruning conditions pi∈ P are crossed out.
(b) Three possible maneuvers M1, M2, M3consisting of the sequences from
F0to FT1(VAfollows VB), FT2(VAovertakes VBbefore VCpasses VB)
and FT3(VAovertakes VBafter VChas passed VB).
Fig. 6. Formation tree expansion to identify reasonable maneuvers.
2) Pruning: The pruning conditions Pare used exclude
the occurrence of loops and unfeasible or unlikely behavior:
p1:Passing on same lane: passing the vehicle ahead if
it is on the same lane
p2:Unsuitable lane change: changing to the lane of the
vehicle ahead if it is oncoming;
performing a lane change to a non existing lane
p3:Reverse lateral action: changing to a lane previ-
ously driven on within this maneuver, without having
overtaken another vehicle
p4:Re-overtaking: two vehicles passing each other that
have previously passed each other within this maneuver
p5:Existing new formation: a new formation that al-
ready exists having the same parent formation
These heuristics do not consider reasonable vehicle dynamics
as a prerequisite yet, but this will be part of future work to
further reduce complexity.
3) Final formation: A sequence of consecutive formations
is only considered to be a valid maneuver if its final
formation meets the final formation conditions F:
f1: all vehicles with different driving directions have
passed each other
f2: all vehicles are on a lane with correct driving
The expansion process is continued even on possible final
formations until no new formations can be found anymore. A
graphical representation of a maneuver search tree including
the possible final formations is shown in Fig. 6(b).
4) Removing Duplicates: It is possible that multiple ma-
neuvers in the tree are similar in a way no distinction
is desired. As an example, consider two vehicles crossing
an intersection using lanes that do not overlap (i.e. using
different intersection cells). Then the temporal order in which
they cross that intersection is not of importance. Similarly
on normal sections, consider four vehicles V1V4driving
successively. If V1passes V2and V3passes V4, the order in
which these two actions happen is not of interest. Similar
maneuvers like those are united, and the corresponding
constraints are left out for the trajectory planning.
To allow for a comparison of abstract maneuver classes
and an observed trajectory, we suggest to represent any
abstract maneuver class by (at least) one multi-agent sample
estimate trajectory. Assuming this trajectory reflects common
driver behavior for that maneuver, it is possible to infer
the probability distribution over the possible maneuvers by
comparing the sample trajectories to the observed motion.
To generate a reasonable sample trajectory for every
maneuver, an optimization problem is formulated that aims
to minimize a collective cost-function while satisfying the
hard constraints given by the specific maneuver class. Sim-
ilar to [19], mixed-integer quadratic programs with logical
constraints are used to enforce specific maneuvers.
A. State-Space Model
Since the purpose of the motion model is to determine a
maneuver estimate rather than to generate smooth trajecto-
ries, it is represented by a simple double integrator, assuming
the longitudinal and lateral acceleration un= [an
s, an
vehicle Vncan be controlled directly. For such a separated
motion model, the side slip angle β= arctan(vd/vs)can
be limited to allow the trajectories to be followed by non-
holonomic vehicles [20].
The multi-agent trajectory γcan be derived with
the initial state x0and the sequence of control inputs
u(k)=[u1(k),· · · ,uN(k)]>with k∈ {0,· · · , K 1}.
The motion models of the single vehicles are independent
given their control inputs. However, their control inputs
are coupled through the multi-agent optimization which
accounts for the interdependencies between vehicles.
B. Hard Constraints
Independently of the maneuver, the state and control
variables of all vehicles are bounded to ensure reasonable ve-
hicle dynamics. Furthermore, vehicles are constrained to stay
within the road boundaries. These maneuver-independent
constraints are denoted as C.
To enforce the planned trajectory to lie within the range
of the given maneuver Mi, restricting the planning space
to a specific pseudo-homotopy class, maneuver-dependent
constraints CMiare formulated. As explained in Sec. III,
maneuvers distinguish between spatial conditions (i.e. on
which side two vehicles pass each other) and temporal
conditions (i.e. in which order vehicles pass a critical area).
1) Spatial Collision Avoidance: Consider any pair of two
vehicles VAand VBwithin a multi-agent environment, ap-
proximated by rectangles with length land width woriented
along the centerline of a two-lane road. The spatial collision
avoidance of VAand VB, i.e. interdicting any overlapping but
not stating whether they pass each other or on which side,
can be enforced by:
Additional safety distances can easily be incorporated by
adding or subtracting the desired margin respectively.
Constraints of that nature are called logical constraints,
as they combine linear constraints using logical operators.
With the use of the so-called Big M method [21], [22], those
logical constraints can be reformulated into a set of linear
inequality constraints. By introducing an application-specific
big number Mbig, single conditions can be rendered inactive
by the addition or subtraction of Mbig depending on the value
of a binary variable δi. This binary variable states whether
the condition is active (δi= 1) or not (δi= 0). The logical
disjunction of single binary variables is equivalent to at least
one of the corresponding conditions to be active:
sAsBl+ (1 δ1)Mbig (8)
sAsB+l(1 δ2)Mbig (9)
dAdBw+ (1 δ3)Mbig (10)
dAdB+w(1 δ4)Mbig (11)
The pairwise lateral relations specified by a maneuver
can be enforced using these spatial conditions by setting the
corresponding binary variable (either δ3or δ4) to 0.
2) Temporal Collision Avoidance: Now consider the sce-
nario depicted in Fig. 5 with the three vehicles VA,VB,
VC. Additionally to the conditions for the pairwise lateral
relations, a desired sequence of passing (e.g. VAbefore VC)
can be enforced by the temporal condition
(sCsB)(sA> sB).(13)
This can be reformulated in Big M notation as
sC> sBδkMbig (14)
sA> sB(1 δk)Mbig,(15)
thus, only one additional binary variable is needed to enforce
the desired sequence.
3) Separation of Longitudinal and Lateral Optimization:
To reduce the number of needed binary variables and hence
reduce complexity, the problem is divided into two subprob-
lems: optimizing the longitudinal and lateral control inputs
separately. In the field of single-agent planning, this has al-
ready been suggested by [23]. The longitudinal optimization
ensures the correct sequences of passing, whereas the lateral
optimization ensures the correct pairwise lateral relations.
By first solving the longitudinal optimization, its results can
be used as an input for the lateral part. Hence, for the lateral
optimization, the longitudinal positions of all vehicles are
known in advance. The spatial collision avoidance constraints
can thus be expressed without the need of binary variables.
For the aforementioned overtaking scene, the number of
binary variables is reduced from ten (three per pairwise
lateral relation and one for the sequence of passing) to one
per time step. Furthermore, as the values of the single δi
are known for k= 0, motion is only allowed within driving
direction and re-overtaking is forbidden, the single binary
variables can change their values at most once during one
maneuver. Hence the number of possible combinations per
binary variable reduces from 2Kto (K+ 1).
Fig. 7. Longitudinal constraints for maneuver M2to enforce a desired
sequence of passing. On the left, equation (16) is active (δ1= 0) and VC
is not allowed to enter the green area. As soon as VAhas overtaken VB,
this restriction is removed and equation (17) is activated (δ1= 1).
The longitudinal constraints to enforce a desired sequence
of passing are adapted by the typical length needed for a lane
change αand a sufficient safety distance β. These distances
are illustrated exemplarily for the maneuver M2in Fig. 7
(see Fig. 6(b) for maneuver definition). The longitudinal
constraints (14) and (15) of M2change accordingly:
sC> sB+lB/2 + α+lA+β+lC/2δ1Mbig (16)
sA> sB+lB/2 + α+lA/2(1 δ1)Mbig (17)
The constraints of M3are defined analogously, the ones for
M1only contain a safety distance between VAand VB. For
intersection scenarios, the longitudinal constraints are defined
relative to the overlapping areas.
The state and the control inputs as well as the optimization
constraints, the cost function and its weights can be divided
into a longitudinal and a lateral part, which are from now on
denoted by subscript sand d, respectively.
C. Cost-Function
For the trajectories to reflect common human behavior, a
quadratic cost-function is chosen that penalizes acceleration
as well as the deviation from the desired speed and the
desired lateral position. The deviation of state and reference
state xn,ref = [sn,ref, vn,ref
s, dn,ref, vn,ref
d]>is given by
The value of vn,ref
srepresents the desired speed vdes
zero, and dn,ref is the center of the current lane. The value
of sn,ref is irrelevant, as the corresponding weight is zero.
The collective cost function of the multi-agent optimiza-
tion problem is defined quadratic w.r.t. the control inputs as
well as the deviation of state and reference state as
with the components of the single vehicles
s,k +
d,k +
By taking the costs of other vehicles into account, drivers
are assumed to behave cooperatively. The state weighting
matrices Qn
s=diag(0, ω)and Qn
d=diag(ω, ω/2) and the
control input weights Rn
s=ωand Rn
d=ω/2are chosen by
expert knowledge. The weight ω= 1 + (γ1)ρdepends on
whether a vehicle has right of way (ρ= 1) or not (ρ= 0)
and on how strong drivers weigh these traffic rules (γ). This
encourages traffic rule compliance in a soft manner, still
allowing drivers to slightly deviate if necessary.
The longitudinal optimization for maneuver Mican be
formulated as
s,Mi,δ]>= arg min
Jssubject to Cs∪ CMi,s,(22)
resulting in the optimal longitudinal costs J
Mi,s. After de-
termining u
s,Mi, the QP for the lateral optimization can be
defined only using linear inequality constraints as
d,Mi= arg min
Jdsubject to Cd∪ CMi,d,(23)
resulting in the optimal lateral costs J
Mi,d. Note that only
the hard constraints depend on the specific maneuver Mi,
whereas the cost-function is maneuver-independent. The
overall optimal costs of Miare determined by the sum of the
optimal costs of both the longitudinal and lateral component:
Mi,s +J
Mi,d (24)
The trajectory planning with the corresponding hard con-
straints is exemplarily depicted for an overtaking scenario in
Fig. 8. Within this example, only VAand VCare considered
within the multi-agent planning, VBis considered to be
parked. The cost-optimal trajectory of each of the three
possible maneuver hypotheses are shown (M1:follow,M2:
overtake before oncoming,M3:overtake after oncoming).
Any driver is assumed to have exactly one intended
maneuver at a given time step. The intended maneuver
can switch between time steps, which satisfies the fact that
drivers continuously re-evaluate situations and may change
their intentions. Thus, the motion of vehicles is modeled as
a stochastic process that consists of |M| different models,
exactly one being active per time step. Following [4], the
maneuver switching probability is set to µ= 0.1and
distributes uniformly among all other maneuvers.
The prediction task is to estimate the active model from
which the drivers choose their actions. This is achieved
by an interacting multiple model (IMM) Kalman filter.
The prediction steps of maneuver Miare performed ac-
cording to the controls u
Miof the optimal trajectory.
Through Bayesian statistics, the posterior mode probabilities
PM= [PM1,· · · , PM|M| ]>are obtained in every time step
given the predicted states, the measurement of the positions
z= [s1
z, d1
z,· · · , sN
z, dN
z]>, the last posterior and the switch-
ing probabilities. Initially, a uniform prior is assumed. For
the determination of the single distributions, we refer to [24].
Although drivers may deviate from the sample trajectory
of their intended maneuver, it is still possible to estimate
the maneuver correctly, as long as the deviation is smaller
compared to the sample trajectories of the other maneuvers.
An exemplary probability distribution of a given scene is
depicted in Fig. 8(d).
(a) Longitudinal part of trajectories with hard constraints.
(b) Lateral part of trajectories with hard constraints.
160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
(c) Optimal trajectories of all considered maneuvers.
(d) IMM maneuver probabilities.
Fig. 8. Overtaking scenario with oncoming traffic: Multi-agent trajectories for all maneuvers in Mand resulting maneuver probability distribution PM.
The colors of the trajectories (lines) and the hard constraints (areas) correspond to the vehicles’ colors. The hard constraints constrain the trajectories due
to the road boundaries and other vehicles: the trajectories are not allowed to be inside the areas of same color.
To close the loop of the prediction and planning framework
(see Fig. 2), a simple driving strategy is applied, that decides
for the most likely maneuver according to PM. The ego-
vehicle is then controlled according to the accelerations
u,ego of the corresponding optimal trajectory.
The maneuver estimation capabilities of our IMM ap-
proach is compared to a trajectory-cost-based classification
and a cost-gradient-based classification, inspired by [25]. In
the latter two approaches, the ego-vehicle decides for the
maneuver Miwith the lowest optimal cost J
Mi(k)and low-
est optimal cost-gradient J
Mi(k) = J
respectively, whereas our approach for the one with high-
est probability PMi(k). Within the closed-loop simulation
framework the desired maneuver of the non-ego-vehicles can
be set a priori. All vehicles are controlled with receding
horizon control according to the optimal trajectories of the
given maneuver. Gaussian noise with variances according to
Tab. I is added to the transition model and measurements.
The two scenarios in Fig. 1 are statistically evaluated.
For the overtaking scenario, the maneuvers M1,M2and
M3have been determined, with VCbeing the ego-vehicle,
VAbeing predicted and VBhaving constant velocity. For
the merging scenario, two maneuvers are distinguished: VD
merges before VE(M4) and VDmerges after VE(M5). VE
is the ego-vehicle whereas VDis predicted. All parameters
used for the evaluation are chosen by domain knowledge
and are shown in Tab. I. To reflect different situations, the
initial conditions consisting of desired velocities and initial
positions of all vehicles are altered iteratively. Each run
consists of 14 seconds and is repeated five times with the
same initial conditions for each possible maneuver intention,
generating the same number of sample points per maneuver.
The execution of one time step of the overtaking scenario
including maneuver determination (C++), multi-agent tra-
jectory planning and IMM update (MATLAB) takes approx-
T14 sl5mσ2
T1sw1.75 mσ2
as[9,5] m s2vdes
s10 m s1σ2
vs0.25 m2
ad[2,2] m s2α2.5mσ2
vd0.01 m2s2
vs[0,20] m s1β30 mσ2
vd[5,5] m s1γ2σ2
vdes 30 m s1µ0.1
imately 0.26 s on an Intel Core i7-4910MQ with 2.9GHz
without code optimization or parallelization.
Fig. 9 depicts the IMM maneuver probabilities depending
on the tracking time steps with the maneuver intention set to
follow (i.e. ground truth is M1). Although maneuver follow
and overtake after (M3) have similar optimal trajectories,
they can still be distinguished after about three time steps.
The confusion matrices given in Tab. II show a quantitative
comparison of the actual maneuver and the estimates of the
different estimators for time steps 114 for the cost-based
estimator and 214 for the other estimators. The results
show for both overtaking (left part) and merging (right part)
that only relying on the costs often yields wrong maneuver
estimates as the simulated vehicles randomly decide for a
maneuver which is not necessarily the one with lowest costs.
However, the costs of the intended maneuver tend to get
smaller the longer the predicted vehicles follow their inten-
tions, slightly improving the accuracy compared to a random
classifier. One advantage of the cost-based estimation is the
instant assessment without having to wait for the subsequent
time step. The cost-gradient estimator achieves better and
faster results, as it uses two consecutive measurements and
therefore is able to analyze the actual behavior instead of
only a static situation. However, the cost-gradient completely
neglects the absolute costs, sporadically resulting in even
worse accuracies. The IMM estimator, using all available
past measurements, outperforms the cost-based as well as
the cost-gradient-based classification.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
time steps
Fig. 9. IMM maneuver probabilities for the overtaking scenario with
maneuver intention follow, i.e. ground truth M1. The mean values of all
runs with different initializations are drawn as lines with white boarders.
Actual based on JAcc Actual based on JAcc
M1746 811 3393 0.15 M411112 5763 0.66
M2312 3833 805 0.77 M55660 11215 0.66
M3693 836 3421 0.69 0.66
Actual based on JAcc Actual based on JAcc
M1505 517 3598 0.11 M413690 2060 0.87
M219 4458 143 0.96 M52352 13398 0.85
M3546 526 3548 0.77 0.86
Actual based on PAcc Actual based on PAcc
M13476 60 1084 0.75 M415060 690 0.96
M220 4539 61 0.98 M5530 15220 0.97
M3825 84 3711 0.80 0.96
In this paper, we presented a Bayesian collective maneuver
estimation framework, based on trajectory homotopy and
multi-agent planning. The maneuver representation is capa-
ble of describing the relative motion of multiple vehicles
within a scene and can handle adjacent as well as intersecting
or merging lanes. Our interacting multiple model approach
outperforms the cost-based as well as the cost-gradient-based
classification method in the tested scenarios. The calculated
optimal trajectory of the most likely maneuver can directly
be used as control input resulting in a closed-loop framework
with a cooperatively driving autonomous vehicle.
Future work includes the evaluation on real world data as
well as the adaptation of the trajectory planning parameters
to better reflect real human behavior. It should be tested,
how many sample trajectories per maneuver are sufficient to
reflect the variance within different drivers. Different vehicle
types and driving styles could also be modeled explicitly or
learned from data.
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... Further, our framework may be directly applicable to any traffic dataset (Ettinger et al. 2021;Caesar et al. 2019;Chang et al. 2019) and even to alternative domains like pedestrian tracking (Pellegrini et al. 2009) or sports analysis (Alcorn and Nguyen 2021) without additional modifications. It may complement temporal logic approaches for trajectory labeling (Puranic et al. 2021;Li et al. 2021) which often require involved and domain-specific mathematical treatment (Schulz et al. 2017). ...
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Despite the structure of road environments, imposed via geometry and rules, traffic flows exhibit complex multiagent dynamics. Reasoning about such dynamics is challenging due to the high dimensionality of possible behavior, the heterogeneity of agents, and the stochasticity of their decision-making. Modeling approaches learning associations in Euclidean spaces are often limited by their high sample complexity and the sparseness of available datasets. Our key insight is that the structure of traffic behavior could be effectively captured by lower-dimensional abstractions that emphasize critical interaction relationships. In this article, we abstract the space of behavior in traffic scenes into a discrete set of interaction modes, described in interpretable, symbolic form using topological braids. First, through a case study across real-world datasets, we show that braids can describe a wide range of complex behavior and uncover insights about the interactivity of vehicles. For instance, we find that high vehicle density does not always map to rich mixing patterns among them. Further, we show that our representation can effectively guide decision-making in traffic scenes. We describe a mechanism that probabilistically maps vehicles’ past behavior to modes of future interaction. We integrate this mechanism into a control algorithm that treats navigation as minimization of uncertainty over interaction modes, and investigate its performance on the task of traversing uncontrolled intersections in simulation. We show that our algorithm enables agents to coordinate significantly safer traversals for similar efficiency compared to baselines explicitly reasoning in the space of trajectories across a series of challenging scenarios.
... Unterschiedliche Gewichte können verwendet werden, um unterschiedliche Kooperationsniveaus zu modellieren oder Asymmetrien im Verkehrsgeschehen zu berücksichtigen [12,13]. Um mit Unsicherheiten im Verhalten von Menschen umzugehen, werden diese Methoden mit Tracking-Ansätzen kombiniert, um abzuschätzen, ob Menschen in etwa demselben Modell folgen [8,14]. ...
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Zusammenfassung Die Bewegungsplanung für automatisierte Fahrzeuge in gemischtem Verkehr, bei dem sich automatisierte und von Menschen gesteuerte Fahrzeuge die Straße teilen, ist eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe. Um die Komplexität dieser Aufgabe zu reduzieren, gehen moderne Planungsansätze oft davon aus, dass die zukünftige Bewegung umliegender Fahrzeuge unabhängig vom Verhalten des automatisierten Fahrzeugs prädiziert werden kann. Die Trennung der Prädiktion anderer von der eigenen Planung kann, insbesondere in stark interaktiven Verkehrssituationen, zu suboptimalem, übermäßig konservativem Fahrverhalten führen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz zur Planung von kooperativem, interaktionsbewusstem Verhalten auf Basis einer Multi-Agenten-Trajektorienplanung vorgestellt. Hierbei wird die Prädiktion anderer sowie die eigene Planung, mittels gemischt-ganzzahliger quadratischer Programmierung gemeinsam gelöst. Unsicherheiten im Verhalten anderer Verkehrsteilnehmer werden mittels unterschiedlicher Intentionsmodelle berücksichtigt. Die Anwendbarkeit des Ansatzes wird anhand numerischer Experimente für ein Fahrstreifenwechselszenario in dichtem Verkehr demonstriert.
... During the DARPA Urban Challenge, finite state machine systems were used to derive accurate behavioural decisions by executing a series of manually defined rules [3,4]. Schulz et al. [5] considered the uncertainty of other vehicle movements in the lane-change scenario and probabilistically predicted the movements of other vehicles to select optimal actions. In [6][7][8], an end-to-end decision-making approach based on a deep neural network (DNN) was used to perceive input images from the environment directly and output decision-making behaviours to a control actuator. ...
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To improve the application range of decision‐making systems for connected automated vehicles, this paper proposes a cooperative decision‐making approach for multiple driving scenarios based on the combination of multi‐agent reinforcement learning with centralized planning. Specifically, the authors derived driving tasks from driving scenarios and computed the policy functions for different driving scenarios as linear combinations of policy functions for a set of specific driving tasks. Then, the authors classified vehicle coalitions according to the relationships between vehicles and used centralized planning methods to determine the optimal combination of actions for each coalition. Finally, the authors conducted tests in two driving scenarios considering different traffic densities to evaluate the performance of the developed approach. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach exhibits good robustness in multiple driving scenarios while enabling cooperative decision making for connected automated vehicles, thereby ensuring safe and rational decision making.
... Assuming access to the objective that governs driver behavior, planning can be cast as a dynamical system and solved via optimization. One option is to hand-code the objective using a combination of cost terms that reflect a typical driver's goal of driving safely and efficiently [24]- [26]. ...
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Devising planning algorithms for autonomous driving is non-trivial due to the presence of complex and uncertain interaction dynamics between road users. In this paper, we introduce a planning framework encompassing multiple action policies that are learned jointly from episodes of human-human interactions in naturalistic driving. The policy model is composed of encoder-decoder recurrent neural networks for modeling the sequential nature of interactions and mixture density networks for characterizing the probability distributions over driver actions. The model is used to simultaneously generate a finite set of context-dependent candidate plans for an autonomous car and to anticipate the probable future plans of human drivers. This is followed by an evaluation stage to select the plan with the highest expected utility for execution. Our approach leverages rapid sampling of action distributions in parallel on a graphic processing unit, offering fast computation even when modeling the interactions among multiple vehicles and over several time steps. We present ablation experiments and comparison with two existing baseline methods to highlight several design choices that we found to be essential to our model’s success. We test the proposed planning approach in a simulated highway driving environment, showing that by using the model, the autonomous car can plan actions that mimic the interactive behavior of humans.
... Further, our framework may be directly applicable to any traffic dataset [12,6,8] and even to alternative domains like pedestrian tracking [29] or sports analysis [38] without additional modifications. It may complement temporal logic approaches for trajectory labeling [31,19] which often require involved and domain-specific mathematical treatment [35]. ...
Conference Paper
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We focus on the problem of analyzing multiagent interactions in traffic domains. Understanding the space of behavior of real-world traffic may offer significant advantages for algorithmic design, data-driven methodologies, and bench-marking. However, the high dimensionality of the space and the stochasticity of human behavior may hinder the identification of important interaction patterns. Our key insight is that traffic environments feature significant geometric and temporal structure, leading to highly organized collective behaviors, often drawn from a small set of dominant modes. In this work, we propose a representation based on the formalism of topological braids that can summarize arbitrarily complex multiagent behavior into a compact object of dual geometric and symbolic nature, capturing critical events of interaction. This representation allows us to formally enumerate the space of outcomes in a traffic scene and characterize their complexity. We illustrate the value of the proposed representation in summarizing critical aspects of real-world traffic behavior through a case study on recent driving datasets. We show that despite the density of real-world traffic, observed behavior tends to follow highly organized patterns of low interaction. Our framework may be a valuable tool for evaluating the richness of driving datasets, but also for synthetically designing balanced training datasets or benchmarks.
Automated and fully autonomous vehicles have the potential to revolutionize mobility in various areas, mostly notably are the opportunities to improve traffic safety and mobility access. This chapter provides a technical overview of the basic working principles of such vehicles: from processing of sensor data to planning safe and comfortable motions for the vehicle to execute. The chapter concludes by summarizing major challenges that need to be solved on the way to releasing commercial vehicles that are always reliable and safe.
Accurately predicting the trajectories of surrounding vehicles and assessing the collision risks are essential to avoid side and rear-end collisions caused by cut-in. To improve the safety of autonomous vehicles in the mixed traffic, this study proposes a cut-in prediction and risk assessment method with considering the interactions of multiple traffic participants. The integration of the support vector machine and Gaussian mixture model (SVM-GMM) is developed to simultaneously predict cut-in behavior and trajectory. The dimension of the input features is reduced through Chebyshev fitting to improve the training efficiency as well as the online inference performance. Based on the predicted trajectory of the cut-in vehicle and the responsive actions of the autonomous vehicles, two risk measurements are introduced to formulate the comprehensive interaction risk through the combination of Sigmoid function and Softmax function. Finally, the comparative analysis is performed to validate the proposed method using the naturalistic driving data. The results show that the proposed method can predict the trajectory with higher precision and effectively evaluate the risk level of a cut-in maneuver compared to the methods without considering interaction.
Conference Paper
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Predicting vehicles' behaviors in a traffic scene can be very challenging due to many influences. Especially interactions with other traffic participants like vehicles or pedestrians are very crucial for the future movement while they are hard to model even with expert knowledge. In this paper we propose an object-oriented probabilistic approach that detects interactions between vehicles and is able to infer possible routes of traffic participants. Using the Object-Oriented Probabilistic Relational Modelling Language (OPRML), the interactions between vehicles can be modeled in an intuitive direct way. The probabilistic component allows Bayesian Inference on noisy sensor data and uncertain dependencies , while the object-orientation makes the model flexible to a varying number of traffic participants. Street-dependent as well as interaction-dependent motion models are learned from simulated situations and recordings of real traffic scenes. Finally, route prediction is evaluated at an exemplary intersection showing how the awareness of interactions reduces route prediction uncertainty and wrong predictions.
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Motion planning plays a key role in autonomous driving. In this work, we introduce the combinatorial aspect of motion planning which tackles the fact that there are usually many possible and locally optimal solutions to accomplish a given task. Those options we call maneuver variants. We argue that by partitioning the trajectory space into discrete solution classes, such that local optimization methods yield an optimum within each discrete class, we can improve the chance of finding the global optimum as the optimum trajectory among the manuever variants. This work provides methods to enumerate the maneuver variants as well as constraints to enforce them. The return of the effort put into the problem modification as suggested is gaining assuredness in the convergency behaviour of the optimization algorithm. We show an experiment where we identify three local optima that would not have been found with local optimization methods.
Conference Paper
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Intersections are the most accident-prone spots in the road network. In order to assist the driver in complex urban intersection situations, an ADAS will be required not only to recognize current but also to anticipate future maneuvers of the involved road users. Current approaches for intention estimation focus mainly on discerning only two intentions based on a vehicle's behavior. We argue that for distinguishing between more than two intentions not just a vehicle's kinematic behavior but also its driving situation needs to be taken into account. In our system we estimate four different intentions by modeling and recognizing driving situations in a Bayesian Network and using the behavior as additional evidence. For the behavior based estimation we present a newly engineered feature, the Anticipated Velocity at Stop line, that turned out to be a very strong indicator for the intention. Our system is evaluated on a real-world data set comprising approaches to seven different intersections on which we can show that our approach is able to estimate a driver's intention with a high accuracy.
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Most of the emphasis in path planning, a topic of much interest in several domains, has been on finding the optimal path or at most k optimal paths. However, in domains such as adversarial planning, one of the agents might deliberately take less optimal paths to confuse the opponent, and by the same token an agent, for inferring opponent's intent, has to consider all possible paths that the opponent might take. We introduce the notion of representative paths in free space (2D) and study the problem of computing all representative paths with different properties, such as all representative paths with at most L loops, among polygonal regions using a framework of Voronoi diagram. We prove three properties: (1) the upper and lower bounds to the number of simple paths in a Voronoi graph (2) given any path, a homotopic path can always be obtained from the Voronoi diagram of the regions and (3) all representative paths with a given property might not be always obtainable from the Voronoi graph even after searching the graph exhaustively and present an algorithm to work around this limitation. We also show how our findings can be applied for efficient entity re-identification, a problem involving a large number of dynamic entities and obstacles in the military domain.
Conference Paper
This paper considers the problem of optimal trajectory generation for autonomous driving under both continuous and logical constraints. Classical approaches based on continuous optimization formulate the trajectory generation problem as a nonlinear program, in which vehicle dynamics and obstacle avoidance requirements are enforced as nonlinear equality and inequality constraints. In general, gradient-based optimization methods are then used to find the optimal trajectory. However, these methods are ill-suited for logical constraints such as those raised by traffic rules, presence of obstacles and, more generally, to the existence of multiple maneuver variants. We propose a new formulation of the trajectory planning problem as a Mixed-Integer Quadratic Program. This formulation can be solved efficiently using widely available solvers, and the resulting trajectory is guaranteed to be globally optimal. We apply our framework to several scenarios that are still widely considered as challenging for autonomous driving, such as obstacle avoidance with multiple maneuver choices, overtaking with oncoming traffic or optimal lane-change decision making. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and its real-time applicability.
Automated driving is predicted to enhance traffic safety, transport efficiency, and driver comfort. To extend the capability of current advanced driver assistance systems, and eventually realize fully automated driving, the intelligent vehicle system must have the ability to plan different maneuvers while adapting to the surrounding traffic environment. This paper presents an algorithm for longitudinal and lateral trajectory planning for automated driving maneuvers where the vehicle does not have right of way, i.e., yielding maneuvers. Such maneuvers include, e.g., lane change, roundabout entry, and intersection crossing. In the proposed approach, the traffic environment which the vehicle must traverse is incorporated as constraints on its longitudinal and lateral positions. The trajectory planning problem can thereby be formulated as two loosely coupled low-complexity model predictive control problems for longitudinal and lateral motion. Simulation results demonstrate the ability of the proposed trajectory planning algorithm to generate smooth collision-free maneuvers which are appropriate for various traffic situations.
In mobile robot navigation, cost functions are a popular approach to generate feasible, safe paths that avoid obstacles and that allow the robot to get from its starting position to the goal position. Alternative ways to navigate around the obstacles typically correspond to different local minima in the cost function. In this paper we present a highly effective approach to overcome such local minima and to quickly propose a set of alternative, topologically different and optimized paths. We furthermore describe how to maintain a set of optimized trajectory alternatives to reduce optimization efforts when the robot has to adapt to changes in the environment. We demonstrate in experiments that our method outperforms a state-of-The-Art approach by an order of magnitude in computation time, which allows a robot to use our method online during navigation. We furthermore demonstrate that the approach of using a set of qualitatively different trajectories is beneficial in shared autonomy settings, where a user operating a wheelchair can quickly switch between topologically different trajectories.
Conference Paper
The prediction of the behavior of other traffic participants and the generation of appropriate motion hypotheses is a key capability of advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles. Motion prediction is a difficult task since it has to deal with the uncertainty within the environmental perception and the ambiguity of a traffic scene. For this reason we propose a two-layer situation analysis concept. This includes an associative and predictive situation model which combines probabilistic object hypotheses with a stochastic model of the road network in a curve coordinate system. Utilizing this description, we formulate various hypotheses regarding the evolvement of the situation using an Extended Kalman Filter supported by the Intelligent Driver Model. Furthermore, we introduce an evidence theory based situation interpretation to assess the several behavior hypotheses as well as to determine the inherent uncertainty. Especially in ambiguous situations, the ability to determine the imprecision by the difference of belief and plausibility of a certain hypothesis provides suitable information for an appropriate reaction. Both layers of the proposed situation analysis are not relying on training data and so it is not limited to previous known traffic scenarios. Finally, the capability of the concept is demonstrated by evaluating 157 maneuvers, recorded at an urban intersection.