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Examining the Locus of Age Effects on Complex Span Tasks


Abstract and Figures

To investigate the locus of age effects on complex span tasks, the authors evaluated the contributions of working memory functions and processing speed. Age differences were found in measures of storage capacity, language processing speed, and lower level speed. Statistically controlling for each of these in hierarchical regressions substantially reduced, but did not eliminate, the complex span age effect. Accounting for lower level speed and storage, however, removed essentially the entire age effect, suggesting that both functions play important and independent roles. Additional evidence for the role of storage capacity was the absence of complex span age differences with span size calibrated to individual word span performance. Explanations for age differences based on inhibition and concurrent task performamce were not supported.
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Examining the Locus of Age Effects on Complex Span Tasks
Jennifer McCabe and Marilyn Hartman
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
To investigate the locus of age effects on complex span tasks, the authors evaluated the contributions of
working memory functions and processing speed. Age differences were found in measures of storage
capacity, language processing speed, and lower level speed. Statistically controlling for each of these in
hierarchical regressions substantially reduced, but did not eliminate, the complex span age effect.
Accounting for lower level speed and storage, however, removed essentially the entire age effect,
suggesting that both functions play important and independent roles. Additional evidence for the role of
storage capacity was the absence of complex span age differences with span size calibrated to individual
word span performance. Explanations for age differences based on inhibition and concurrent task
performamce were not supported.
Working memory is a multicomponent system that combines
aspects of both storage and processing. The traditional model
(Baddeley & Hitch, 1974, 1994) posits two code-specific storage
buffers and a central executive. The storage buffers include the
phonological loop, which maintains verbal information, and the
visuospatial sketchpad, which stores visual and spatial informa-
tion. The central executive allocates attentional resources to con-
trol access to the storage buffers and to perform other processing
requirements such as the coordination of concurrent tasks and
inhibition of irrelevant information. A recent formulation of the
model (Baddeley, 2000) also includes a temporary multimodal
storage component called the episodic buffer.
It is well established that working memory is negatively affected
by normal aging (e.g., Light, 1996; Salthouse, 1990; Verhaeghen,
Marcoen, & Goossens, 1993). The type of task most widely used
to document these age differences is the complex span task (see
Verhaeghen et al., 1993, for a meta-analysis), in which participants
perform a processing task while remembering target items (e.g.,
the final words in a series of sentences) for later recall. Several
variants of complex span have all shown age differences (Chiappe,
Hasher, & Siegel, 2000; Li, 1999; Lustig, May, & Hasher, 2001;
Myerson, Hale, Rhee, & Jenkins, 1999). Studies have also shown
that complex span performance can predict age differences in
higher order tasks such as language comprehension and episodic
memory (e.g., Hess & Tate, 1992; Kwong See & Ryan, 1995).
The reading span task (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980), a common
complex span measure, requires the performance of a processing
task involving reading and comprehending sets of sentences while
remembering the final word of each sentence. Because complex
span tasks engage multiple cognitive processes related to working
memory, it has been difficult to identify the source (or sources) of
the age effect. Declines in complex span tasks may result from
impairments in verbal storage capacity, coordination of concurrent
tasks (e.g., Engle, Nations, & Cantor, 1990), inhibition of nontar-
get information (Hasher & Zacks, 1988), and in the case of the
reading span task, syntactic processing and semantic integration
(e.g., Daneman & Merikle, 1996). Additionally, lower level pro-
cessing speed (Salthouse, 1996) appears to make an important
contribution to performance on these tasks. Whereas various re-
searchers have proposed age differences in each of these constructs
as the source of the complex span age effect, there is no consensus
as to which are most important. It is the goal of the current study
to further investigate this question.
One component function of working memory (Baddeley &
Hitch, 1974, 1994) that could account for the complex span age
effect is reduced storage capacity for verbal material, both in the
phonological loop and in the episodic buffer (Baddeley, 2000).
The storage-deficit hypothesis has found support in the findings of
age-related declines in word span (e.g., Light & Anderson, 1985;
Verhaeghen et al., 1993) and digit span tasks (e.g., Dobbs & Rule,
1989; Gregoire & Van der Linden, 1997; Verhaeghen et al., 1993;
but see Belleville, Peretz, & Malenfant, 1995; Fisk & Warr, 1996).
Furthermore, although at least one study has found a greater age
effect on complex span tasks compared with simple span tasks
(e.g., Wingfield, Stine, Lahar, & Aberdeen, 1988), a meta-analysis
indicated that age effects on complex and simple word span tasks
are of a similar magnitude, suggesting that the additional process-
ing requirements of complex span tests do not increase the age
effect (Verhaeghen et al., 1993). As further evidence for the
storage-deficit hypothesis, Belleville, Rouleau, and Caza (1998)
found that controlling for word span capacity eliminated any
further effects of age on an alphabet span task requiring mental
manipulation of the words. This suggests again that younger and
older adults differ not in their ability to manipulate information in
working memory but in storage capacity (see also Babcock &
Jennifer McCabe and Marilyn Hartman, Department of Psychology,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
This study was completed in partial fulfillment of the master’s program
requirement of Jennifer McCabe. Portions of these data were presented at
the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2002. This re-
search was supported in part by National Institute on Aging Grant
AG10593 awarded to Marilyn Hartman. We gratefully acknowledge Brea
Stratton, Mandy Schleiffer, and Marcus Johnson for their assistance in
programming, data collection, and scoring.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jennifer
McCabe, Department of Psychology, Davie Hall, CB #3270, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3270. E-mail:
Psychology and Aging Copyright 2003 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
2003, Vol. 18, No. 3, 562–572 0882-7974/03/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0882-7974.18.3.562
Salthouse, 1990). As evidence against the storage hypothesis,
however, Gick, Craik, and Morris (1988) found that the reading
span age effect remained relatively constant as the number of
sentences presented per trial, and therefore the number of words to
remember, increased. In sum, although a large number of studies
have suggested that reduced storage capacity accounts for some
degree of age-related decline in working memory tests, it is still
unclear whether storage capacity can completely account for these
age differences.
Another component of working memory that may lead to age
differences in performance on complex span tasks is the central
executive. The central executive carries out a number of functions
(Baddeley, 1996), one of which is to coordinate the simultaneous
performance of multiple tasks (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974, 1994).
Older adults may have reduced proficiency in performing the
processing task and the memory task concurrently during complex
span tasks. Contrary to this hypothesis, however, Gick et al. (1988)
found no difference in the magnitude of the age effect in complex
span for divided-attention and single-task span conditions. For
paradigms other than complex span tasks, however, there are
conflicting data. Whereas some studies have found greater dual-
task costs for older adults compared with younger adults (e.g.,
Salthouse, Rogan, & Prill, 1984), others have found that once
single-task performance is equated for the two age groups, older
adults are not differentially affected by adding a secondary task
(Baddeley, Logie, Bressi, Della Sala, & Spinnler, 1986; Somberg
& Salthouse, 1982).
In addition to coordinating multiple tasks, the central executive
also plays a role in inhibiting irrelevant information. Conse-
quently, if older adults have reduced ability to keep irrelevant
information out of working memory and to inhibit previously
relevant information that has become irrelevant to task goals
(Hasher & Zacks, 1988), this may cause working memory to
decline. With regard to complex span performance, a decline in the
deletion function of inhibition (Hasher, Zacks, & May, 1999)
would result in older adults having more difficulty in inhibiting
nontarget words once they have been processed and in suppressing
interference from previous trials. Support for this explanation
comes from a study by Lustig et al. (2001), who in order to
examine the role of proactive interference, compared the standard
reading span procedure with a modified procedure that begins with
larger span set sizes and progressively reduces the set size. It was
hypothesized that the descendingformat would reduce proactive
interference for the more difficult larger span trials. As predicted,
the descending format significantly increased span scores for older
adults and eliminated age differences (see also May, Hasher, &
Kane, 1999). Also consistent with the inhibition-deficit hypothesis
is the finding that age differences on a complex span task are
greater when the background material is highly similar to the
material to be remembered (Li, 1999). Thus, interference from
irrelevant information may be particularly problematic for older
adults when it is difficult to discriminate from relevant, to-be-
remembered information.
Despite the evidence for the inhibition-deficit theory, other
studies offer evidence against this explanation. For instance,
Schelstraete and Hupet (2002) recently tested the association be-
tween age differences on measures of inhibition (i.e., intrusion
errors on a reading span task and Stroop interference) and reading
span performance. Although interference control contributed to
reading span, the inhibition measures could not explain the effect
of age. An additional line of evidence against the inhibition-deficit
theory is found in a meta-analysis of age differences on working
memory tasks. Whereas older adults performed more poorly than
younger adults on complex span tasks, the age effects were similar
regardless of whether the domains of the memory task and the
processing task were the same or different (Jenkins, Myerson,
Hale, & Fry, 1999; see also Jenkins, Myerson, Joerding, & Hale,
2000). In sum, there is evidence suggesting a decline in inhibition
among older adults; however, there is enough conflicting evidence
to question whether it can fully explain age differences on complex
span tasks.
Another explanation for age differences on certain complex
span tasks (i.e., reading span) is a decline in aspects of sentence
processing that depend on working memory, namely syntactic
processing and semantic integration (e.g., Just & Carpenter, 1992).
These sentence comprehension abilities are related to both the
storage and processing aspects of working memory because they
involve the maintenance of words and the integration of syntactic
structure and meaning of the sentence. Evidence for age-related
decline in sentence processing includes findings that greater de-
grees of sentence complexity differentially reduce both complex
span performance (Gick et al., 1988) and memory for prose (Nor-
man, Kemper, Kynette, Cheung, & Anagnopoulos, 1991) in older
adults. Furthermore, reduced comprehension of complex sentences
in older adults has been attributed to their inability to allocate
attentional and memory resources to parts of sentences that are
more difficult to comprehend (Stine-Morrow, Ryan, & Leonard,
2000). Recently, Waters and Caplan (2001) found evidence that
older adults are differentially affected by syntactic complexity as
measured by sentence acceptability judgments and that this mea-
sure was correlated with working memory capacity. However,
on-line sentence reading measures that required more automatic
sentence processing abilities showed equivalent effects of syntac-
tic complexity for older and younger adults and no significant
correlations with working memory. Thus, although the evidence is
mixed, the results of several studies suggest that older adults may
have problems with sentence comprehension. These in turn could
contribute to age differences in reading span.
The effect of age on complex span could also be explained by
reduced speed of processing in older adults. Salthouses (1991,
1996) processing speed theory of cognitive aging is a general
model used to account for age differences on many cognitive tasks,
including those tapping working memory. Although a generalized
reduction in processing speed would be expected to affect cogni-
tive operations at all levels, two mechanisms by which it could
affect working memory are to reduce the speed of rehearsal in the
phonological loop (Baddeley & Hitch, 1994) and to decrease the
availability of information from earlier processing steps (Salt-
house, 1996). Many studies have shown that processing speed,
commonly measured by perceptual comparison tasks, is associated
with a substantial amount of variance on complex span tasks and
that age differences on these tasks are largely eliminated after
statistically controlling for speed (e.g., Fisk & Warr, 1996; Salt-
house, 1994; Salthouse & Babcock, 1991; Verhaeghen & Salt-
house, 1997).
A recent study by Park et al. (2002) provides further support for
the processing speed theory by using a formal modeling approach.
To evaluate the strength of common explanatory constructs related
to working memory, Park et al. assessed age-related performance
on tasks of sensory functioning, processing speed, short-term
memory, working memory, long-term memory, and verbal ability.
In addition to supporting the separation of working memory into
verbal and visuospatial domains across all age groups, the resulting
model pointed to processing speed as the strongest mediator be-
tween age and cognitive tasks, including those tapping working
memory. Because rates of age-related declines were similar across
all cognitive measures, the results supported the hypothesis that
slowed speed of processing may be the fundamental construct that
drives cognitive reductions in old age. This and many other studies
provide strong evidence that the relationship between age and
working memory is mediated by an age-related decrease in pro-
cessing speed (see also Salthouse, 1992). However, there is also
some evidence that processing speed might not provide a full
account of the complex span age effect (e.g., Gick et al., 1988;
Keys & White, 2000).
This review of evidence for and against each interpretation of
age differences on complex span tasks highlights the lack of a
coherent theoretical account of this phenomenon. One reason for
the conflicting data may be the inconsistent use of methodology
capable of isolating the source(s) of age differences. Thus, al-
though complex span tasks place multiple cognitive demands on
test takers, few studies have independently measured age differ-
ences in each task component. A comprehensive approach to the
question would assess performance on each task component, de-
termine how well each component that shows age differences
predicts the complex span age effect, and explore what combina-
tion of predictors can best account for the age differences.
Overview of the Current Experiment
The goal of the current study was to contrast the predictions
made by the different hypotheses regarding the age effect on
complex span tasks. We included two verbal complex span tasks.
The reading span task (RST) required participants to read and
verify sentences aloud while remembering the sentence-final
words (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980), and the list span task (LST)
involved reading word lists aloud and identifying animal names
while remembering the list-final words (De Beni, Palladino, Paz-
zaglia, & Cornoldi, 1998). We focused on identifying the cognitive
locus of the age effect in these complex span tasks by examining
age differences on the task components that correspond to different
working memory functions, either by using independent measures
of the components or by comparing tasks that varied only in one
component. Statistical regression techniques were also applied to
determine which working memory and/or speed-related factors are
most successful in explaining the age effect on complex span tasks.
The design of the experiment addressed each of the major
hypotheses regarding age differences in working memory. The
storage-deficit hypothesis was tested in three ways. First, age
differences in word span and complex span were compared. If
storage is the critical constraint on age-related complex span
performance, there should be similar effects of age on the two
types of tasks; however, if complex span components other than
storage capacity drive the age effect, there should be larger age
differences on the complex spans. Our second test of this hypoth-
esis was to measure each participants complex span performance
at a span size calibrated to his or her word span ability. If storage
capacity is critical, then older and younger adults should perform
similarly on the complex span tasks when age differences in
storage are accounted for in this way. Third, we used word span
performance as a predictor of complex span to determine whether
it would significantly reduce age-related complex span variance.
We also tested the hypothesis that older adults have reduced
central executive resources, resulting in difficulties with concur-
rent task performance. We compared age differences on the word
span task and a dual-task version of word span in which partici-
pants read aloud a series of words for later recall while pressing a
key whenever they read an animal name (De Beni et al., 1998). If
the processing of concurrent tasks affects older adults, then a
differential age effect in the dual-task condition would be
To investigate an additional manifestation of a reduction in
central executive abilities, we examined age-related declines in the
ability to inhibit irrelevant information. The primary means of
testing the inhibition-deficit theory (Hasher & Zacks, 1988) was to
examine intrusion errors during the complex span tasks (i.e., RST
and LST). The intrusion measures assessed the deletion function of
inhibition (Hasher et al., 1999); if older adults are less able to
inhibit the nonfinal words from working memory, their recall
should contain a greater proportion of intrusions. In addition, they
might be expected to have an especially high rate of animal-name
intrusion errors on the LST because these words receive additional
processing (De Beni et al., 1998). As another test of the deletion
function, we compared age differences on the LST with those on
the dual-task word span. These tasks differed mainly in the re-
quirement of the LST to inhibit nonfinal words from working
memory. A decline in inhibitory function would be expected to
differentially reduce older adults performance on the LST com-
pared with the dual-task word span, in which all material presented
during a trial is relevant to the memory task.
We assessed the hypothesis that a syntactic deficit could explain
age differences by comparing the two versions of complex span.
The RST and LST differed solely in terms of the syntactic pro-
cessing requirement, as both required participants to read words
aloud and to recall the final word of each sentence or list. If
reduced syntactic processing is responsible for complex span age
differences, then the age effect should be greater on the RST than
on the LST.
The final hypotheses that we tested were related to the process-
ing speed theory (Salthouse, 1996). We included three independent
measures of processing speed and compared the effects of age on
complex span performance before and after statistical control of
performance on these tasks to determine whether they were able to
substantially reduce the age effect. As an extension of the process-
ing speed hypothesis, we also considered whether age differences
in the speed of processing higher level verbal material, which is
determined by lower level speed as well as by language-specific
processing speed, might be predictive of complex span perfor-
mance. Salthouse and Babcock (1991) found that the efficiency of
processing the verbal background tests of complex span tasks was
a better predictor of the complex span age effect than simple
storage and nonmemory task coordination, although not nearly as
strong a predictor as lower level processing speed. To test the role
of this higher level language processing speed construct in the
current study, we independently measured reaction time on the
verbal background tasks of the RST and the LST and then tested
the relationship of language processing speed to complex span
performance and examined the degree of overlap between the
higher level and lower level speed constructs.
The main predictions of this experiment were that the complex
span age effect would be mostly explained by age differences in
working memory storage capacity, higher level language process-
ing speed, and/or lower level processing speed. In addition, we
expected that the contribution of lower level speed would be
partially independent of the contribution of higher level speed and
storage capacity, such that either of these last two would account
for unique age-related variance above and beyond that of lower
level processing speed. We considered basic processing speed to
be the more fundamental cognitive construct because a decline in
this lower level ability would arguably affect the efficiency of all
cognitive operations (e.g., Salthouse, 1996). In comparison, de-
clines in the other constructs included in the study would affect
more specific higher level abilities. On the basis of this logic, we
decided to account for the variance associated with lower level
speed first in each of our regression analyses. Thus, our strongest
predictions were based on explanations involving storage capacity
and processing speed. The roles of concurrent processing demands
and inhibition ability were also tested, although we had less clear
predictions regarding these explanatory constructs.
Participants included 48 younger adults and 48 older adults (see Table 1
for characteristics of the sample). The younger adults were undergraduate
students participating for course credit or payment. The older adults were
healthy volunteers who were paid for participation. All participants re-
ported good or excellent health and vision that was normal or corrected to
normal. None had a reported history of neurological disorders, uncon-
trolled hypertension, diabetes, heart attacks, emphysema, kidney disease,
or recent severe psychiatric illness, nor were they currently taking psycho-
active medication. In addition, no older participants reported excessive
alcohol use.
All participants were screened for depression and anxiety by using the
Beck Depression InventoryII (BDIII; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) and
the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI; Beck & Steer, 1990). Participants were
excluded if they scored above the normal range of 013 on the BDIII
and/or above the normal range of 09 on the BAI. Thirteen younger adults
and three older adults were excluded for this reason and were replaced.
There were no age differences in BDIII or BAI scores. The older adults
were also screened for dementia with the Mini-Mental State Examination
(MMSE; Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975) and all scored above a
minimum cutoff score of 28.
All of the span tasks (RST, LST, dual-task word span, word span) and
the language tasks (sentence processing, word-list processing) were pre-
sented on a computer monitor. Practice trials were presented to participants
prior to each task. On the span tasks, there was a 10-s break between trials
to reduce proactive interference. At the end of each span trial, a blue recall
screen immediately appeared and participants responded orally. The lan-
guage tasks involved the presentation of the items sequentially without
breaks, and the computer recorded all responses.
Word span task. The word span task required the construction of three
trials for each span-level from two to eight, using a total of 105 words.
Words selected for the trials were matched to the sentence-final words
from the RST (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980) in terms of part of speech,
frequency, concreteness, and number of syllables, on the basis of published
norms (Kucˇera & Francis, 1967; Nelson, McEvoy, & Schreiber, 1998;
Toglia & Battig, 1978). The words within each trial were chosen to be
semantically and phonologically unrelated.
On each trial, words appeared one at a time on the computer monitor for
1 s each. Participants were instructed to read each word aloud and then to
recall all the words in order when the blue screen appeared. They were told
that it was better to report the material out of order than to not report it at
all; however, they were instructed not to say the last item they read as the
first word recalled unless it was the only one they could remember. The
task began with a span size of two words. After three trials at each level,
the span size increased by one until the participant failed at least two out
of three trials at a given size. The instructions and procedures for the span
tasks followed the reading span procedure of Daneman and Carpenter
Dual-task word span task. The dual-task word span (De Beni et al.,
1998) used 105 animal and nonanimal words matched to Daneman and
Carpenter’s (1980) sentence-final words used in the RST in the same way
as for the word span task. Animal names were placed randomly in the
trials. Three trials were constructed for each span size from two to eight.
On each trial, words were presented one at a time for 1 s each on the
computer monitor. Participants were instructed to read the words aloud and
to press the Animal key whenever they read an animal name. At the
conclusion of each trial, participants recalled the words in order when the
blue screen appeared. Testing began with a span size of two and increased
until the participant failed at least two out of three sets at a given span size.
RST. The RST consisted of 60 sentences between 8 and 12 words long,
taken from Daneman and Carpenter (1980). The final, to-be-recalled word
in each sentence contained one to three syllables. Half of the sentences
were meaningful (i.e., they followed semantic and syntactic rules of En-
glish) and half were not. Three trials were constructed for each span size
from two to six.
In each trial, sentences were presented one at a time on the computer
monitor. Participants read each sentence aloud and made a response as to
whether it was meaningful. They pressed a key labeled Yes for sentences
that were meaningful and a key labeled No for sentences that were not.
After all sentences in a trial were completed, the blue screen appeared and
they recalled the sentence-final words in order. Span size began with two
sentences and increased by one sentence after three trials. This process
continued until the span size equaled the individual’s word span minus one.
At that span size, if a participant was still able to complete more than one
out of three trials correctly, testing continued until at least two out of three
Table 1
Characteristics of Participants
Older adults
Age 72.3 5.9 20.1 2.4
Years of education 16.8 2.0 13.9 1.1
MMSE 29.4 0.7
BDI–II 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.0
BAI 1.2 2.0 2.5 2.2
Shipley–Hartford Vocabulary Test 36.9 2.5 31.0 3.6
Note. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores represent the
number of points earned out of a maximum of 30. Dashes indicate that
MMSE data were not collected for younger adults. Shipley–Hartford
Vocabulary Test scores represent the number of correct responses out of a
maximum of 40. BDI–II Beck Depression Inventory—II; BAI Beck
Anxiety Inventory.
trials were failed at a given span size. This procedure was adopted so that
we could compare age differences in complex span scores with complex
span performance calibrated to each individuals simple storage ability. We
used the word-span-minus-one level as the criterion rather than actual word
span to avoid floor effects in this calibrated complex span measure.
LST. The LST was based on the complex span task used by De Beni
et al. (1998) and required the construction of 60 five-word lists, each with
zero to two animal names. Words used in this task were selected on the
basis of the same criteria as for the dual-task word span. For lists with
animal names, the animal words were placed randomly in the lists, includ-
ing in the final position. Three trials of word lists were constructed for each
span size from two to six.
The LST followed much the same procedure as the RST, except that instead
of sentences, lists of five words were presented on the screen, arranged
horizontally. Participants read the words in each list aloud from left to right
while pressing a key labeled Animal for each animal name. They pressed
a key labeled End after reading each list, and at the end of each trial, they
saw the blue screen and recalled the final words of the lists in order. The
task began with a span size of two, and we used the same procedures as
those used in the RST to determine when to terminate testing.
Language processing speed tasks. The two language tasks corre-
sponded to the two complex span background tasks. The test corresponding
to the RST was a sentence processing task, which included 20 new
sentences from Daneman and Carpenter (1980). Again, half of the sen-
tences were meaningful and half were not. Participants read each sentence
aloud and pressed the Yes key or the No key, depending on whether the
sentence made sense or not. For the word-list processing task, correspond-
ing to the background task in the LST, 20 new five-word lists were created
by using the same criteria as described for the LST. This task required
participants to read each list aloud while pressing the Animal key whenever
they read an animal name. The End key was pressed immediately after
reading the last word in each list. For both language tasks, the importance
of both speed and accuracy was emphasized. The computer recorded
reaction times and accuracy for each trial.
Lower level processing speed tasks. The Pattern Comparison and Let-
ter Comparison tasks (Salthouse & Babcock, 1991), as well as the Digit
Symbol Substitution task (Wechsler, 1997), are paper-and-pencil tests that
were administered to measure basic processing speed. In the Pattern
Comparison and Letter Comparison tasks, participants were instructed to
examine a series of either pattern or letter pairs and decide whether the
members of each pair were the same or different. Participants wrote an S
on the line separating a pair if the two stimuli were the same and a D if they
were different. For each task, the goal was to complete as many items as
possible within 30 s on each of two pages. The score for each task was the
total number of correct responses. The DigitSymbol Substitution task, a
subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleIII (Wechsler, 1997),
consisted of a piece of paper at the top of which was a key that matched the
digits 19 with a set of 9 symbols. A series of digits was printed below with
an empty box beneath each one. Participants filled in these boxes with the
appropriate symbols. Standard administration instructions were used, and
the score was the number of items answered correctly in 2 min.
Participants were tested individually in sessions lasting approximately 1
hr. Older adults were screened for health problems via telephone prior to
the testing session, and younger adults received the health screening at the
end of the testing session. Older adults completed the MMSE at the start of
the session. There were no other differences in procedure for younger and
older adults. The ordering of the tasks was as follows. The word span was
administered first to determine the participants simple span level, which
was needed for administering the RST and LST (see the Materials section).
The order of the remaining computerized tasks was counterbalanced across
participants. The lower level speed measures were interleaved with the
computerized tasks. The ShipleyHartford Vocabulary Test (Shipley, 1940),
the BDIII, and the BAI were administered at the end of the testing session.
The RST, LST, word span, and dual-task word span tasks were
scored using two methods. For the span-level scoring method
(Daneman & Carpenter, 1980), participants received 1.0 point for
every span size at which they completed at least two out of three
trials accurately, and they received an additional 0.5 point if they
accurately completed one trial out of three at the next highest span
size. For the items scoring method (e.g., Chiappe et al., 2000;
Lustig et al., 2001; May et al., 1999), we added the total number
of target words accurately recalled on fully correct trials. With the
age groups combined, the two scoring methods were highly cor-
related for each of the four span tasks (range of rs .96.97, p
.001). Because the items scoring method allows for a greater range
of scores and because the span-level scoring method at times
resulted in floor effects for older adults, we primarily report items
scores; however, analyses using span-level scores are reported
when they differ from the analyses that used items scores. With
few exceptions, the two scoring systems produced similar results.
Older adults scored significantly higher than younger adults on
the ShipleyHartford Vocabulary Test, t(94) 8.78, p .05,
.45 (see Table 1). With the effect of age removed,
vocabulary was significantly correlated with an average complex
span score (r .33, p .05). Thus, to remove the effect of verbal
ability in all analyses, vocabulary was used as a covariate in
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) procedures and was entered as
the first predictor in regression models.
The alpha level was set at p .05. We report partial
as a
measure of effect size. Partial
.01 represents a small effect;
.06, a medium effect; and partial
.14, a large
effect (Cohen, 1988).
Age Differences on Complex Span Tasks
Before testing our hypotheses, we compared performance on the
two complex span tasks. In doing this, we also tested whether the
age effect was different for the two versions of complex span. A 2
(type of complex span: RST, LST) 2 (age) ANCOVA with
vocabulary as a covariate was computed. As expected, there was a
significant effect of age, F(1, 93) 23.60, MSE 55.96, p .05,
.20, indicating overall better performance by younger
adults. There was no effect of complex span type and no interac-
tion of complex span type and age. Vocabulary was a significant
covariate, F(1, 93) 11.64, MSE 55.96, p .05, partial
.11, but did not interact with other variables.
The correlation between the two complex span tasks with age
partialed out was significant (r .53, p .001). Because the
pattern of age-related performance was similar for the RST and the
LST, mean complex span scores were used in all subsequent
analyses that compared complex span tasks with other tasks or
those that used variables to predict complex span.
Analyses Relating to the Storage-Deficit Hypothesis
Performance on the word span task showed significant age
differences, t(94) 3.78, p .05, partial
.13, with younger
adults performing better than older adults (see Table 2). To com-
pare the magnitude of age differences on simple versus complex
span tasks, a 2 (type of span: word span, average complex
span) 2 (age) ANCOVA was computed with vocabulary as a
covariate. There was a trend toward a main effect of span type,
F(1, 93) 3.59, MSE 41.28, p .06, partial
.04; a
significant main effect of age, F(1, 93) 28.92, MSE 90.11,
p .05, partial
.24; and a significant interaction of the two
variables, F(1, 93) 5.24, MSE 41.28, p .05, partial
.05. The word span scores were somewhat higher than complex
span scores, younger adults performed better than older adults, and
the interaction indicated larger age differences in word span com-
pared with complex span. There was also a significant effect of the
vocabulary covariate, F(1, 93) 10.60, MSE 90.11, p .05,
.10, but no significant interactions with other
We also compared younger and older adults complex span
performance at each individuals word-span-minus-one level. The
dependent variable in this analysis was the number of sentence- or
list-final words correctly recalled at the word-span-minus-one
level divided by the maximum number of words that could have
been recalled at that level (see Table 3). A 2 (type of complex
span: RST, LST) 2 (age) ANCOVA was computed with vocab-
ulary as the covariate. There was no effect of span type or of age
and no significant interaction between the two variables. There
were also no significant effects or interactions involving the vo-
cabulary covariate.
Analyses Relating to the Concurrent-Task-Deficit
Older adults performed significantly worse on the dual-task
word span compared with younger adults, t(94) 3.74, p .05,
.13 (see Table 2). To assess whether the addition of
a concurrent task to a memory storage task increased age differ-
ences in memory span, a 2 (type of word span: single task, dual
task) 2 (age) ANCOVA was calculated with vocabulary and
mean word-list processing reaction times as covariates. The word-
list processing covariate, as measured by the mean reaction time to
read and respond to animal names in the word-list processing task,
was included to control for baseline performance in this compo-
nent of the dual-task word span. The results showed no effects of
word span type, although the main effect of age was significant,
F(1, 92) 9.77, MSE 192.61, p .05, partial
indicating lower performance on both tasks by older adults. There
was no significant interaction between age and task type. There
was a trend toward a main effect of the vocabulary covariate, F(1,
92) 3.40, MSE 192.61, p .07, partial
.04, but it did
not interact with other variables. The effect of the word-list pro-
cessing covariate was significant, F(1, 92) 6.18, MSE 192.61,
p .05, partial
.06, but it did not interact with other
Analyses Relating to the Inhibition-Deficit Hypothesis
We first examined the proportion of intrusion errors on the RST
and LST. Intrusion errors were defined as nontarget words from
the current span trial that were erroneously recalled as target
This proportion was computed by dividing the total num-
ber of nonfinal words recalled by the total number of words
recalled (see Table 4). In separate t tests, no age differences in
these scores were found for either complex span task. We next
examined age differences in a subset of LST intrusion errors, the
animal names that were erroneously recalled. This score was
calculated by dividing the number of intrusion errors that were
animal names by the total number of words recalled. In a t test, the
proportion of animal intrusion errors did not show age differences
(see Table 4). The overall proportion of intrusion errors and the
proportion of animal intrusion errors across both age groups were
extremely low, however, so it was difficult to assess age trends.
The final test of the inhibition-deficit hypothesis involved a
comparison between the LST and the dual-task word span task (see
Table 2). This 2 (type of span task: LST, dual-task word span) 2
(age) ANCOVA showed an effect of span type, F(1, 93) 3.61,
MSE 56.38, p .06, partial
.07, with higher scores on the
An identical pattern of results was found when intrusion errors were
scored to include intrusions from all previous span trials. The number of
intrusion errors combined for the RST, LST, and LST animal-name intru-
sion measures increased only by a total of four words for younger adults
and by seven words for older adults when across-trial intrusions were
Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations on Span Tasks Using Items
Scores for Each Age Group
Span measure
Older adults Younger adults
Reading span task 8.88 5.82 13.13 8.31
List span task 8.38 5.20 11.60 5.90
Word span 34.77 9.28 42.83 11.51
Dual-task word span 37.88 11.19 47.42 13.67
Table 3
Means and Standard Deviations of Proportions of Recall on the
Reading Span Task and the List Span Task at the
Word-Span-Minus-One Level
Complex span task
Older adults Younger adults
Reading span task .64 .16 .66 .16
List span task .59 .21 .62 .19
Table 4
Means and Standard Deviations of the Proportions of Intrusion
Errors on the Reading Span Task (RST) and the List Span Task
Type of intrusion
Older adults Younger adults
RST intrusions .06 .06 .05 .06
LST intrusions .09 .08 .06 .06
LST animal intrusions .02 .05 .01 .02
dual-task word span. There was also a main effect of age, F(1,
93) 26.07, MSE 119.54, p .05, partial
.22, with better
performance by younger adults, and an interaction of the span task
and age, F(1, 93) 7.25, MSE 56.38, p .05, partial
The interaction reflected greater age differences in the dual-task
word span task scores compared with the LST scores. There was
a significant effect of the vocabulary covariate, F(1, 93) 9.85,
MSE 119.54, p .05, partial
.10, but no interactions with
other variables.
Analyses Relating to the Processing Speed Theory
Significant age differences were found on all speed-related
measures (see Table 5). For the lower level processing speed tasks,
older adults completed fewer items correctly than younger adults
on the Pattern Comparison, t(94) 6.00, p .05, partial
Letter Comparison, t(94) 7.80, p .05, partial
.39; and
DigitSymbol Substitution tasks, t(94) 12.06, p .05, partial
On both higher level language tasks, the reaction times were
significantly faster for younger adults than for older adults
sentence processing task: t(94) 2.33, p .05, partial
word-list processing task: t(94) 4.62, p .05, partial
Levels of accuracy on both tasks were high (M .98, SD .04),
and t tests showed no age differences in either task (see Table 6).
With age partialed out, the correlation of the sentence processing
and word-list processing reaction times was significant (r .61,
p .001).
Predictors of Complex Span Performance
A series of hierarchical regression models tested the hypotheses
that controlling for task components that showed significant age
differences would substantially reduce the age effect on complex
span tasks. To this end, we computed separate regression analyses
with performance on the simple storage measure, the higher level
language measures, and the lower level processing speed measures
as individual complex span predictors. We then explored a hier-
archical combination of lower level processing speed with each of
the task components as predictors of complex span performance.
The concurrent task and inhibition measures were not included as
predictors because they failed to show a differential effect of age.
All regression models were computed with vocabulary as the first
predictor. The mean score on the two complex span tasks was used
as the dependent variable in each analysis (see Table 7 for corre-
lations among predictors and complex span tasks).
We computed a preliminary regression model with age as the
sole predictor of average complex span score. This model, as
expected, showed age to be a significant predictor, accounting
for 20.2% of the variance (p .05). Subsequent regression models
included the experimental tasks as primary predictors, followed by
age, allowing us to compare the amount of variance accounted for
by each task with effects of age alone (see Table 8 for regression
The first of these regression models used word span as a
predictor of complex span performance, followed by age. The
results showed that word span performance was highly predictive
of complex span performance, accounting for 31.2% of complex
span task variance (p .05). Age was still a significant predictor,
however, accounting for an additional 5.4% of the variance (p
.05). Compared with the age-only model, adding word span as a
predictor reduced the age effect by 73.3%.
The second regression model tested the ability of higher level
language processing to predict complex span performance. This
model included the mean of the reaction times for the sentence and
word-list processing speed tasks as the first predictor, followed by
age. The language task reaction time was a significant predictor,
accounting for 13.7% of the variance (p .05). However, age was
still a significant predictor of complex span score, accounting for
an additional 9.6% of the variance (p .05). Compared with the
age-only model, controlling for the language tasks reduced the age
effect by 52.5%.
The lower level speed tasks were used to predict complex span
in the next model, followed by age. All three speed tasks were
entered as a group in one level of the regression model, and
accounted for 26.3% of complex span variance (p .05). The age
variable, however, still contributed 4.2% of the variance (p .05).
Controlling for the simple speed tasks reduced the age effect
by 79.2% compared with the age-only model.
The subsequent set of hierarchical regression models tested the
prediction that lower level processing speed, plus one of the task
components, would render the age effect nonsignificant. The first
regression model included the lower level speed measures, fol-
lowed by word span and then age. As noted above, the simple
speed tasks, entered as a group, were associated with 26.3% of the
Table 5
Means and Standard Deviations of Scores for the Lower Level
Processing Speed Tasks
Lower level speed task
Older adults Younger adults
Pattern Comparison 32.5 5.2 40.6 7.8
Letter Comparison 20.6 3.6 27.7 5.2
DigitSymbol Substitution 62.8 12.2 89.5 9.3
Note. Scores on the Pattern Comparison and Letter Comparison tasks
represent the number of correct responses in 1 min. DigitSymbol Substi-
tution scores represent the number of correct responses in 2 min.
Table 6
Means and Standard Deviations of Reaction Times (RTs) and
Accuracy Levels on the Sentence Processing and Word-List
Processing Speed Tasks
Language task
Older adults Younger adults
Sentence processing
RT 4,380 879 3,968 853
Accuracy .98 .04 .97 .04
Word-list processing
RT 4,079 950 3,314 643
Accuracy .98 .04 .99 .03
Note. RTs are presented in milliseconds. Accuracy levels represent the
proportions of correct responses.
variance (p .05). The word span task accounted for an addi-
tional 16.6% of the variance in this model (p .05). Including
lower level processing speed as the first predictor approximately
halved the contribution of simple storage to complex span perfor-
mance, and the combination of lower level speed and storage
rendered the contribution of age-related variance nonsignificant.
Compared with the age-only model, these predictors reduced the
age effect by 95.5%. We cannot, however, strongly conclude that
these two constructs completely eliminated the age effect because
the corresponding analysis using the span-level scoring method for
complex span measures showed a small amount of significant
remaining age-related variance.
Although there is some discrep-
ancy in results, both scoring methods resulted in a substantial
reduction of the complex span age effect after statistically control-
ling for lower level speed and storage capacity.
A final model was computed by using lower level processing
speed as the first predictor, followed by average reaction time for
the language tasks and then age. The lower level processing speed
tasks were associated with 26.3% of the complex span variance
(p .05), and although the variance associated with the language
tasks was substantially reduced compared with the model without
the simple speed tasks, it accounted for an additional 3.4% of
complex span variance (p .05). With the addition of these two
predictors to the model, the age effect was reduced by 83.2%
compared with the age-alone model. The age effect remained
significant, however, accounting for 3.4% of the variance (p
Because our regression analyses up to this point supported the
importance of both lower level processing speed and storage
capacity in the complex span age effect, we computed a post hoc
regression model that explored the contribution of lower level
speed to word span. This model, which included vocabulary, lower
level speed tasks, and age as hierarchical predictors of word span,
showed that lower level speed accounted for 12.9% of unique
variance (p .05). Age still contributed an additional 7.0% of
unique variance to the model (p .05). For comparison, age alone
accounted for 18.3% (p .05) of word span variance. Compared
with the age-only model, the addition of the speed tasks to the
regression equation decreased the age effect by 61.7%.
The hierarchical regression model with lower level processing speed,
word span, and age as predictors of complex span performance showed
slightly different results when the span-level method of scoring was used,
in that age was still a significant predictor after accounting for lower level
speed and word span, adding an additional 2.8% of variance to the model
(p .05). Including the lower level speed measures and the word span as
predictors reduced the age effect by 89.3% compared with the regression
model using span-level scores with age as the sole predictor. Due to this
discrepancy, we cannot positively conclude that storage capacity and lower
level speed eliminate the age effect; however, the age effect was reduced
substantially, supporting our conclusion of significant and unique contri-
butions of storage in working memory and of lower level speed to the
complex span age effect.
Table 7
Correlations Among Variables With Age Group Partialed Out
Variable 1234567891011
1. Mean complex span
2. RST .91**
3. LST .84** .53**
4. Dual-task word span .56** .46** .54**
5. Word span .50** .44** .44** .64**
6. Sentence processing .25* .22* .22* .21* .26*
7. Word-list processing .27** .24* .23* .23* .35** .61**
8. Pattern Comparison .05 .09 .02 .09 .05 .26* .24*
9. Letter Comparison .34** .34** .24* .18 .15 .20 .19 .44**
10. DigitSymbol Substitution .19 .19 .14 .11 .07 .35** .32** .37** .60**
11. Vocabulary .33** .23* .37** .24* .25* .29** .31** .13 .11 .08
Note. RST reading span task; LST list span task.
* p .05. **p .01.
Table 8
Results of Hierarchical Regression Analyses Predicting Mean
Complex Span Score Using Items Scores
Predictor R
Increase in R
Vocabulary .000 .000 0.03 1, 94
Age .203 .202 23.60** 2, 93
Vocabulary .000 .000 0.03 1, 94
Word span .313 .312 42.27** 2, 93
Age .367 .054 7.88** 3, 92
Vocabulary .000 .000 0.03 1, 94
Mean language processing RT .138 .137 14.82** 2, 93
Age .233 .096 11.49** 3, 92
Vocabulary .000 .000 0.03 1, 94
Lower level speed .263 .263 10.83** 4, 91
Age .306 .042 5.49* 5, 90
Vocabulary .000 .000 0.03 1, 94
Lower level speed .263 .263 10.83** 4, 91
Word span .429 .166 26.21** 5, 90
Age .438 .009 1.39 6, 89
Vocabulary .000 .000 0.03 1, 94
Lower level speed .263 .263 10.83** 4, 91
Mean language processing RT .297 .034 4.34* 5, 90
Age .331 .034 4.50* 6, 89
Note. RT reaction time.
* p .05. ** p .01.
Complex span tasks are commonly discussed in the cognitive-
aging literature as tests of working memory (e.g., Jenkins et al.,
1999; Verhaeghen et al., 1993), but it is unclear which aspects of
the tasks are responsible for age differences. This experiment
focused on the role of each function of working memory that
contributes to complex span performance, as well as the roles of
two levels of processing speed. Age differences in complex span
were assessed by using two variations of the task, the RST (Dane-
man & Carpenter, 1980) and the LST (De Beni et al., 1998).
Independent measures of simple storage capacity in working mem-
ory, concurrent task performance, higher level language process-
ing speed, and lower level processing speed were included to
determine which components of complex span tasks were respon-
sible for the age effect. Complex span intrusion errors were as-
sessed to explore the role of inhibition.
Results showed that, consistent with previous research (e.g.,
Verhaeghen et al., 1993), older adults scored significantly lower on
both complex span tasks compared with younger adults. In addi-
tion, significant age differences were found on the word span tasks
and on both types of processing speed tasks. In discussing the
contribution of each task component to age differences in complex
span, we first consider the explanations that were rendered less
plausible, followed by a discussion of the theoretical explanations
that were most strongly supported.
We did not find any support for the hypothesis that the effect of
age on complex span results from reduced central executive func-
tioning. Two such predictions were that either decreased ability to
coordinate concurrent tasks or failures to inhibit irrelevant infor-
mation could account for age differences. When the ability to
coordinate the memorizing and processing components of the task
was assessed, however, age effects on the single-task and dual-task
versions of the word span task were similar. Thus, there was no
evidence that older adults were differentially affected by the ad-
dition of a dual-task requirement to a word recall task. Because the
LST required the same concurrent processing as the dual-task
word span (i.e., animal-name identification), it is unlikely that
carrying out a secondary task contributed to LST age differences.
These conclusions are consistent with several previous studies
(e.g., Somberg & Salthouse, 1982).
The second aspect of central executive functioning that failed to
explain age differences in complex span was inhibition. The
inhibition-deficit hypothesis (Hasher & Zacks, 1988) would pre-
dict that the age effect on complex span tasks can be explained by
a decline in the deletion function of inhibition, which removes
words from working memory that need not be remembered
(Hasher et al., 1999). We tested this hypothesis by measuring the
proportion of intrusion errors on both complex span tasks and the
proportion of animal-name intrusion errors on the LST. Because
the animal names received additional attention during the LST, the
inhibition-deficit hypothesis might predict that older adults would
have particular difficulty inhibiting these words from working
memory. Although there were floor effects in the intrusion mea-
sures, the age effects were not significant and there was no
evidence in either age group that nontarget words were overtly
confused with target words in working memory. Another test of
the deletion function involved comparing the dual-task word span
with the LST. Both had the concurrent task requirement to respond
to animal names, but unlike the LST, the dual-task word span did
not require the inhibition of any words. Contrary to the predictions
of the inhibition-deficit hypothesis, age differences were no larger
on the LST than on the dual-task word span. Taken together, our
findings provided no evidence that inhibitory inefficiency drives
the complex span age effect. These results place a potential limi-
tation on the applicability of the inhibition-deficit hypothesis in
explaining age differences in working memory.
Another hypothesis that was not supported by the current results
is that age differences on the RST are due to an age-related
syntactic processing decline. Processing syntax requires working
memory in order to briefly store earlier parts of the sentence and
to integrate the structure and meaning of the sentence. If older
adults have difficulty processing sentences, then we would expect
a larger age effect on the RST, which required sentence compre-
hension, compared with the LST, which required reading word
lists and responding to animal names. Contrary to this hypothesis,
the results showed equivalent age effects on the two tasks. This
suggests that the type of verbal background task used in complex
spans does not have an effect on age differences, and it also
supports the idea that syntactic processing involves an automatic
type of working memory that is not necessarily affected by aging
(Waters & Caplan, 2001). Although the RST sentences did not
have particularly complex syntactic structures, there was no evi-
dence in the context of this complex span task that older adults
difficulty with comprehension and syntax contributed to their
lowered performance. In summary, we failed to find support for
explanations of complex span age differences based on the central
executive functions of concurrent task coordination and inhibition,
nor did we find support for the hypothesis that a decline in
syntactic processing drives the age effect.
Turning now to the hypotheses that were supported, we found
evidence that a reduced ability to store verbal material in working
memory contributes to older adults lowered complex span per-
formance. Age differences in complex span were no greater than
those in word span, suggesting that word span and complex spans
capture a similar amount of age-related variance that is presumably
related to storage capacity. In addition, a comparison of complex
span performance of younger and older adults by using span sizes
calibrated to their individually determined word span scores
showed no effect of age on the complex span tasks. Also consistent
with the storage-deficit hypothesis was the finding that word span
performance was a significant predictor of complex span. This
suggests that the ability to store information in working memory is
strongly related to, and predictive of, complex span performance.
Previous studies have also provided support for the storage-deficit
hypothesis (e.g., Belleville et al., 1998; Verhaeghen et al., 1993).
Another hypothesis supported in the current study concerned the
role of processing speed. The processing speed construct is an
attribute of information processing that influences performance in
many cognitive domains. In the context of working memory, it has
been hypothesized to affect the rate of information rehearsal and
the amount of information available for current use from previous
processing steps (Salthouse, 1996). In the current experiment, the
lower level speed measures showed age differences and were
significant predictors of complex span performance. The findings
indicate that older adults reduced lower level processing speed
can account for most of the age-related variance on complex span
With respect to the speed of higher level language processing,
one hypothesis was that older adults might be slower to process
language-based materials, resulting in decreased complex span
scores. Although higher level language processing depends in part
on the speed of processing at the perceptual level, it can be
differentiated from the lower level speed construct because it also
involves the processing of meaningful verbal material. In the
current study, older adults were slower to respond on higher level
language tasks. More importantly, the language tasks were signif-
icant predictors of complex span, and controlling for them reduced
the age effect by about half. Although these tasks were strong
predictors of complex span performance, they explained consid-
erably less age-related variance than the lower level speed tasks.
This pattern of findings not only provides support for Salthouses
(1996) theory regarding the explanatory power of lower level
processing speed but also suggests that age-related changes in
higher level functions may involve some nonspeeded components
that do not show age-related decline or some highly automatic
language-based skills that do not show age-related reductions in
Our results to this point indicate that although storage capacity,
language processing efficiency, and lower level processing speed
were individually significant predictors of complex span perfor-
mance and although each reduced the age effect substantially, none
rendered it nonsignificant. We therefore tested hierarchical com-
binations of lower level processing speed with storage capacity
and higher level language processing to determine whether they
could fully account for age differences in complex span. The
regression results indicated that including the lower level speed
tasks and the language tasks as predictors resulted in a substantial
reduction of, but not elimination of, the complex span age effect.
However, when the lower level speed tasks and the word span task
were included as predictors, the age effect was rendered nonsig-
nificant. Thus, although both combinations of variables substan-
tially reduced the age effect, the strongest explanation of complex
span age differences was based on independent contributions of
storage capacity and lower level processing speed.
Because our results suggested the importance of both speed and
storage in explaining the complex span age effect, we further
explored the degree of independence between them. Lower level
processing speed was a significant predictor of word span; how-
ever, age still made a significant contribution above and beyond
speed. Therefore, although processing speed is related to word
span ability, the results of this post hoc analysis support the
conclusion that verbal storage capacity is a distinct factor and not
just a function of processing speed.
Taken together, our results indicate that storage capacity is the
working memory function that best explains age differences on
complex span tasks. In terms of the Baddeley and Hitch (1974,
1994) model of working memory, this suggests that constraints on
verbal storage in the phonological loop and possibly in the epi-
sodic buffer (Baddeley, 2000), and not the functions of the central
executive, are the critical determinants of age-related complex
span task performance. Constructs related to processing speed, in
particular the speed of lower level perceptual processes, are also
important in explaining the age effect in complex span. Higher
level language processing speed overlapped with the lower level
processing speed measures but also made a unique contribution to
the complex span age effect. This could be due to the storage
requirement of speeded language tasks or to the additional slowing
of older adults processing of meaningful and complex verbal
In conclusion, complex span tasks are extensively used in the
cognitive-aging literature as measures of working memory and
also as predictors for higher order cognitive abilities. Considering
the multiple cognitive demands of these tasks and the conflicting
evidence in the literature over which components are most predic-
tive of age differences in complex span performance, it is impor-
tant to systematically examine which theoretical constructs have
the most empirical support. Overall, the three major conclusions of
this study are that (a) storage capacity explains most age differ-
ences on complex span; (b) lower level processing speed accounts
for as much of the age-related complex span variance as storage
and for about half of the contribution of storage to complex span
performance; and (c) the two constructs together are successful in
explaining essentially all the complex span age effect. Although it
is clear that there are several sources of age differences on com-
plex span tasks, the results of this study suggest that storage
capacity is the most predictive working memoryspecific function
and that lower level processing speed is a more general ability
strongly associated with age-related complex span performance.
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Received June 18, 2002
Revision received November 27, 2002
Accepted December 4, 2002
... Data from studies utilizing the cross-sectional covariation approach (McCabe & Hartman, 2003;Salthouse, 1992Salthouse, , 1994) might also provided indirect evidence for age-related increases in the influence of interference on working memory. For instance, one recent study found that agerelated variance in reading span was accounted for by variance in speed of processing and simple word span (McCabe & Hartman, 2003). ...
... Data from studies utilizing the cross-sectional covariation approach (McCabe & Hartman, 2003;Salthouse, 1992Salthouse, , 1994) might also provided indirect evidence for age-related increases in the influence of interference on working memory. For instance, one recent study found that agerelated variance in reading span was accounted for by variance in speed of processing and simple word span (McCabe & Hartman, 2003). Based on the findings presented in the previous paragraph it could be assumed that proactive interference (unless properly controlled) represents one source of age-related variance in simple word span, thereby contributing to the relationship between reading span and word span (Lustig et al., 2001). ...
... This user group presents own characteristics that differ from other user groups [8], part of them are age-related changes, e.g., physical and cognitive changes [9]. Nevertheless, there are in the literature several studies researching on age-related changes and how they influence the design of user interfaces [1][5] [6][10] [11] and others that focused the relationship of older adults with technologies [26] [29]. ...
... Memory is a multi-component system that combines aspects of storage and processing [26]. Normal aging, produces different degrees of decline in the several forms of memory [20], namely short-term memory (i.e., working memory) used for example in learning and interacting with new devices and long-term memory (i.e., permanent memory) used to store information over a long period of time. ...
Conference Paper
The usage of multi-touch interfaces on a tabletop device, has been very explored for elder users in several domains. This interaction technique is an alternative to reducing the obstacles that older adults face in the use of computer systems, e.g., handling of peripherals. Many design guidelines are proposed in the literature for a wide range of products and systems for elders, e.g. websites, TV user interfaces. However, there is a lack of set of design guidelines and design recommendations of multi-touch interfaces that matches elder’s needs. This paper presents a set of design guidelines and design recommendations distilled and extracted from most relevant works on design of multi-touch interfaces for elders available in the literature. The results are a set of design guidelines, useful for designers, application developers, usability specialists and researchers.
... As this is a task that is purported to measure working memory, the relationship between performance on this task and the procedural instruction task was of particular interest. A number of reports in the literature have attributed the age-related changes in language comprehension to agerelated changes in working memory capacity (Dede et al., 2004;McCabe & Hartman, 2003; Van der Linden et al., 1999); therefore it was expected that the procedural instruction task (which required storage and processing of information) would show an age effect. In fact, this was the case. ...
... Most of the evidence on SOP concerns aged participants (for a review, see McCabe & Hartman, 2003). In the present study we instead investigated the effect of SOP on language comprehension in undergraduates. ...
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We report two experiments which investigated the time course of spoken idiom comprehension. We also assessed whether differences in individual speed of processing specifically affected idiom meaning activation. Using a cross-modal lexical decision paradigm, we found activation of ambiguous idioms meaning at offset for idioms identified early in the string (early identification idioms) and at offset (late identification idioms) in fast and slow participants. The two groups instead differed in the amount of time required for activating the idiomatic meaning.
... It has been suggested that a poor performance in working memory tasks is associated with an increased number of intrusion errors and that the probability of intrusions of irrelevant items is a function of the degree of item activation: The more the items are activated (stressed intrusion), the more they are likely to be erroneously included in the set of items to be recalled (De Beni et al., 1998; Oberauer, 2001; Osaka, Nishizaki, Komori, & Osaka, 2002). Some authors have shown a specific increase in stressed intrusion errors in the older adults' performance (De Beni & Palladino, 2004; Palladino & De Beni, 1999); however, others have not (McCabe & Hartman, 2003; Schelstraete & Hupet, 2002). Palladino et al. (2001) suggested a distinction between intrusion errors that arise from items belonging to the list currently being processed (i.e., intrusion of items that are in the focus of attention) and intrusion of items that belong to the previous lists (probably due to some proactive interference effect). ...
In the current study we examined the relationship between working memory capacity, inhibition/susceptibility to interference and fluid intelligence, measured by the Raven's Progressive Matrices (PM38), comparing groups of young (aged 18–35), young-old (aged 65–74), and old-old (aged 75–86) participants. Groups were administered two working memory tasks tapping into different mechanisms involved in working memory. The ability to control for irrelevant information was measured both considering memory errors (intrusion errors) in a working memory task and an index of susceptibility to interference obtained with a variant of the Brown-Peterson task. Regression analyses showed that the classical working memory measure was the most potent predictors of the Raven's score. Susceptibility to interference and intrusions errors contributed, but to a lower extent, to the Raven explained variance. These results confirm that working memory shares cognitive aspects with the fluid intelligence measure considered, whereas the role of inhibition to Raven scores is still in need of better evidence.
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Normal adult aging is known to be associated with lower performance on tasks assessing the short-term storage of information. However, whether or not there are additional age-related deficits associated with concurrent storage and processing demands within working memory remains unclear. Methodological differences across studies are considered critical factors responsible for the variability in the magnitude of the reported age effects. Here we synthesized comparisons of younger and older adults' performance on tasks measuring storage alone against those combining storage with concurrent processing of information. We also considered the influence of task-related moderator variables. Meta-analysis of effect sizes revealed a small but disproportionate effect of processing on older adults' memory performance. Moderator analysis indicated that equating single task storage performance across age groups (titration) and the nature of the stimulus material were important determinants of memory accuracy. Titration of storage task difficulty was found to lead to smaller, and non-significant, age-differences in dual task costs. These results were corroborated by supplementary Brinley and state-trace analyses. We discuss these findings in relation to the extant literature and current working memory theory as well as possibilities for future research to address the residual heterogeneity in effect sizes. (194 words)
Normal adult aging is known to be associated with lower performance on tasks assessing the short-term storage of information. However, whether or not there are additional age-related deficits associated with concurrent storage and processing demands within working memory remains unclear. Methodological differences across studies are considered critical factors responsible for the variability in the magnitude of the reported age effects. Here we synthesized comparisons of younger and older adults’ performance on tasks measuring storage alone against those combining storage with concurrent processing of information (extracted from 48 reports comprising 103 unique single task and 155 dual task observations). We also considered the influence of task-related moderator variables. Meta-analysis of effect sizes revealed a small but disproportionate effect of processing on older adults’ memory performance. Moderator analysis indicated that equating single task performance (titration) across age groups and the nature of the stimulus material were important determinants of memory accuracy. Titration of task difficulty was found to lead to smaller, and non-significant, age-differences in dual task costs. These results were corroborated by supplementary Brinley and state-trace analyses. We discuss these findings in relation to the extant literature and current working memory theory as well as possibilities for future research to address the residual heterogeneity in effect sizes. *** MANUSCRIPT AVAILABLE AT
In order to enhance working memory and executive functions that decline in aging, the use of practical training and adaptive training has been previously proposed. However, researches are very heterogeneous and do not clearly establish the most appropriate procedures for achieving this objective. The review investigates what makes this type of trainings more effective. For example, the utility of adaptive training to directly exercise the target function or the importance of giving a continuous feedback to participants, have emerged. Finally we present the critical points observed in studies and consider possible future directions.
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Abstract Background: Older adults manifest difficulties in speech perception, especially when speech is accompanied by noise or when speech is rapid. Several explanations have been suggested to account for age-related changes in speech perception, such as changes in hearing sensitivity or a more general decline in cognitive functioning. The purpose of the present study was to directly examine the relative contribution of hearing sensitivity and perceptual and cognitive factors in the understanding of age-related differences in speech perception under difficult conditions. Methods: Eighty-nine healthy participants with normal hearing thresholds, age 21-82 years, were tested for speech perception under four conditions: quiet, speech noise, white noise, and time-compressed speech at 60% compression rate. As all participants had age-normal hearing, absolute thresholds were tested for click trains, 1 kHz 15-ms duration pure tone, 1 kHz 50-ms duration pure tone, and 1.8 kHz 15-ms duration pure tone, which are relatively short and discriminative for hearing ability. Cognitive ability was examined using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Third Edition) matrices and digit span. Results: When words were presented against a quiet background or against white noise, speech perception was not significantly affected by aging, although in the latter case, increased thresholds predicted poorer speech perception. However, when words were presented against a background of speech noise or when speech was time-compressed at a 60% rate, age significantly predicted a decline in speech perception, even after controlling for hearing thresholds and cognitive functioning. Conclusions: Hearing threshold for short sounds is the major factor for predicting speech perception in background noise, across age, due to changes in hearing sensitivity or in temporal resolution. For the adult and aging population with preserved cognitive ability, cognitive functioning does not predict decline in speech perception.
Reasoning requires making inferences based on information gleaned from a set of relations. The relational complexity of a problem increases with the number of relations that must be considered simultaneously to make a correct inference. Previous work (Viskontas, Morrison, Holyoak, Hummel, & Knowlton, 200430. Viskontas , IV , Morrison , RG , Holyoak , KJ , Hummel , JE and Knowlton , BJ . 2004. Relational integration, inhibition and analogical reasoning in older adults. Psychology and Ageing, 19: 581–591. [CrossRef], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]View all references) has shown that older adults have difficulty integrating multiple relations during analogical reasoning, especially when required to inhibit irrelevant information. We report two experiments that examined the ability to integrate multiple relations in younger, middle-aged, and older adults performing two other reasoning tasks. These tasks systematically varied relational complexity, and required either inductive reasoning (a version of the Raven's Matrices Task) or transitive inference. Our results show that as people age they have increasing difficulty in solving problems that require them to integrate multiple relations. This difficulty may stem from a decrease in working memory capacity.
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A theory is proposed to account for some of the age-related differences reported in measures of Type A or fluid cognition. The central hypothesis in the theory is that increased age in adulthood is associated with a decrease in the speed with which many processing operations can be executed and that this reduction in speed leads to impairments in cognitive functioning because of what are termed the limited time mechanism and the simultaneity mechanism. That is, cognitive performance is degraded when processing is slow because relevant operations cannot be successfully executed (limited time) and because the products of early processing may no longer be available when later processing is complete (simultaneity). Several types of evidence, such as the discovery of considerable shared age-related variance across various measures of speed and large attenuation of the age-related influences on cognitive measures after statistical control of measures of speed, are consistent with this theory.
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Young (M = 20 years) and old (M = 68 years) adults completed language processing tasks, measures of working memory capacity (backward span and the n-back lag task), inhibitory efficiency (Stroop interference), and processing speed (color naming). Regression analyses revealed that each of the resource measures significantly predicted language performance and attenuated variance in language performance that would otherwise be attributed to age. When speed variance was entered into the equation first, the mediating influence of the inhibition and working memory measures remained significant. When speed and inhibition differences were controlled, the working memory measures could not reliably predict language performance. These results suggest that language performance differences may be fundamentally mediated by age differences in processing speed and inhibitory efficiency.
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The authors investigated the possibility that working memory span tasks are influenced by interference and that interference contributes to the correlation between span and other measures. Younger and older adults received the span task either in the standard format or one designed to reduce the impact of interference with no impact on capacity demands. Participants then read and recalled a short prose passage. Reducing the amount of interference in the span task raised span scores, replicating previous results (C. P. May, L. Hasher, & M. J. Kane, 1999). The same interference-reducing manipulations that raised span substantially altered the relation between span and prose recall. These results suggest that span is influenced by interference, that age differences in span may be due to differences in the ability to overcome interference rather than to differences in capacity, and that interference plays an important role in the relation between span and other tasks.
The authors summarize developments in the concept of working memory as a multicomponent system, beginning by contrasting this approach with alternative uses of the term working memory. According to a 3-component model, working memory comprises a phonological loop for manipulating and storing speech-based information and a visuospatial sketchpad that performs a similar function for visual and spatial information. Both are supervised by a central executive, which functions as an attentional control system. A simple trace-decay model of the phonological loop provides a coherent account of the effects of word length, phonemic similarity, irrelevant speech, and articulatory suppression in verbal short-term memory tasks. This model of the loop has also proved useful in the analysis of neuropsychological, developmental and, cross-cultural data. The notion of the sketchpad is supported by selective interference with imagery in normal adults and by specific neuropsychological impairment. Analysis of the central executive is illustrated by work on deficits in the ability to coordinate subproccesses in Alzheimer's disease.
Two experiments evaluate the claim that age-related deficits in working memory (WM) are due to declines in selectivity. It is proposed that within WM tasks, the to-be-recalled information acts as target information that must be selected from the larger context of the background processing task. According to attentional and inhibitory views of WM (e.g., Baddeley, 1996; Hasher & Zacks, 1988), age deficits in WM should increase with growing selection demand. Using a standard WM paradigm (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980), the relationship between target and background information was varied in terms of (a) whether processed and recalled items were from the same or different stimulus categories (similarity), and (b) whether the recall items were also part of the information to be processed (functional overlap). In both experiments, age differences in recall costs were minimized when similarity was reduced, but not when functional overlap was reduced. The results are discussed in the context of current theories of cognitive aging, WM, and attention.