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The metabolic mind: A role for leptin and ghrelin in affect and social cognition



Leptin and ghrelin are metabolic hormones central to energy regulation in the body. Theories of allostasis suggest that metabolism could matter for more than just food intake and weight regulation but also ultimately for psychological processes, such as affect and social cognition. Allostasis is the process by which the brain monitors ongoing physiological states and, in turn, regulates physiology based on expectations about how a given situation will impact the self. Motivated by this allostatic perspective, we argue that leptin and ghrelin may be influenced by and even contribute to psychological processes such as affect and social cognition. Specifically, we review literature suggesting that leptin and ghrelin may be sensitive to social affective signals and related contexts (e.g., social status, and social threat vs. support), given that these signals and contexts may represent access to tangible physical and psychological resources that support allostasis and metabolic needs. We then review literature showing that leptin, ghrelin, and associated metabolic states may feed into the construction of social affective states and behaviors (e.g., emotion and risk taking), in order to motivate behaviors in line with allostatic needs. We close by offering guidelines for researchers interested in contributing to this emerging field and highlight opportunities for future research. We believe that leptin and ghrelin offer exciting new directions for social and affective scientists interested in linking the mind, brain, and body.
The metabolic mind: A role for leptin and ghrelin
in affect and social cognition
Jennifer K. MacCormack | Keely A. Muscatell
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jennifer MacCormack, Department of
Psychology and Neuroscience, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 124 Howell
Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599.
Funding information
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service
Award, Grant/Award Number:
Leptin and ghrelin are metabolic hormones central to
energy regulation in the body. Theories of allostasis suggest
that metabolism could matter for more than just food intake
and weight regulation but also ultimately for psychological
processes, such as affect and social cognition. Allostasis is
the process by which the brain monitors ongoing physiolog-
ical states and, in turn, regulates physiology based on
expectations about how a given situation will impact the
self. Motivated by this allostatic perspective, we argue that
leptin and ghrelin may be influenced by and even contribute
to psychological processes such as affect and social cogni-
tion. Specifically, we review literature suggesting that leptin
and ghrelin may be sensitive to social affective signals and
related contexts (e.g., social status, and social threat
vs. support), given that these signals and contexts may rep-
resent access to tangible physical and psychological
resources that support allostasis and metabolic needs. We
then review literature showing that leptin, ghrelin, and asso-
ciated metabolic states may feed into the construction of
social affective states and behaviors (e.g., emotion and risk
taking), in order to motivate behaviors in line with allostatic
needs. We close by offering guidelines for researchers inter-
ested in contributing to this emerging field and highlight
opportunities for future research. We believe that leptin
and ghrelin offer exciting new directions for social and
affective scientists interested in linking the mind, brain,
and body.
DOI: 10.1111/spc3.12496
Soc Personal Psychol Compass. 2019;e12496. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1of18
Leptin and ghrelin are metabolic hormones central to energy regulation in the body. Leptin is an adipokine hormone
produced by adipose cells (the body's largest energy reservoir), signaling satiety or energy sufficiency to the brain
(Maffei et al., 1995; Ramsay, 1996). Leptin supports long-term appetite and energy regulation, shifting slowly with
weight gain or loss. For example, in rodents, leptin administration reduces feeding behavior, increases physical activ-
ity, and stimulates the innate and adaptive immune systems, presumably in part because higher leptin indicates that
the body has sufficient energy stores to engage in metabolically costly activities (Bernotiene, Palmer, & Gabay, 2006;
Houseknecht, Baile, Matteri, & Spurlock, 1998). These findings also replicate in humans (e.g., Licinio et al., 2007).
Alternately, ghrelin is a peptide hormone produced by gastrointestinal cells, acting on the central nervous system to
signal hunger or energy depletion (Kojima et al., 1999). Ghrelin supports short-term appetite and is secreted when
the stomach is empty (Cummings et al., 2001, 2004). Animal models show that ghrelin administration increases feed-
ing behavior (Nakazato et al., 2001), and in humans, ghrelin injected into the bloodstream increases self-reported
hunger within approximately 30 min, although ghrelin and hunger are not necessarily coupled in a one-to-one fash-
ion (Wren et al., 2001).
But why should psychologists care about leptin and ghrelin if these hormones are primarily involved in food
intake and energy regulation? Well, a small but growing literature suggests that they may also matter for social affec-
tive processes. At first glance, this idea that metabolic hormones could be influenced by or even contributes to affect
and social cognition may seem counterintuitive. However, perspectives on allostasis (i.e., how the brain monitors and
manages physiology) argue that metabolism is fundamental for psychology (Barrett, Quigley, & Hamilton, 2016;
McEwen & Wingfield, 2003). As such, metabolic hormones leptin and ghrelin may, by extension, be implicated in
people's experiences, perceptions, and behaviors beyond motivations to eat. Below, we briefly discuss allostasis
and how it can guide hypotheses about the role of leptin and ghrelin in social affective processes. Next, we review
literature suggesting that leptin and ghrelin may be sensitive to social affective signals and related contexts
perhaps because these signals and contexts are metabolically salient.In other words, social affective signals
(e.g., interpersonal conflict, and social status) and their associated psychology (e.g., perceptions of threat
vs. belonging) may impact leptin and ghrelin because these signals and contexts inform the brain's predictions about
anticipated energy needs. Second, we review literature showing that leptin and ghrelin may also feed into the con-
struction of social affective processes (e.g., mood and risk taking), as a way of motivating behaviors that support
anticipated energy needs. We close by sketching potential mechanisms that could guide future research and offer
practical guidelines for psychologists wishing to incorporate leptin and ghrelin into their own work.
Energy is a fundamental principle of biological life. In mammalian cells, energy is derived from food and oxygen to
power cellular electrochemical processes (Nicholls & Fergusson, 2013). Metabolism refers to this process of energy
maintenance, including the breakdown of food into energy (measured in kilojoules or calories) and the management
of fat tissue for energy storage. Because the acquisition and use of energy are central to sustain life and reproduce
(Wallace, 2010), theories on allostasis suggest that metabolism should matter for more than just food intake and
weight regulation but also psychological processes, such as affect and social cognition. Allostasis is the active process
by which the brain predicts how past, present, and future life circumstances may impact an organism, in turn coordi-
nating physiological changes (e.g., metabolic, autonomic, neuroendocrine, and immune) to meet actual or anticipated
environmental demands and to support the organism's movement, growth, reproduction, and survival (Kleckner
et al., 2017; McEwen & Stellar, 1993; Picard, McEwen, Epel, & Sandi, 2018; Schulkin, 2011; Sterling & Eyer, 1988).
Coordinating physiological changes and enacting behavioral responses to life events each require energy
expenditure, suggesting that the anticipation and regulation of energy needs are important facets of allostasis. Meta-
bolic messengers like leptin and ghrelin help communicate an organism's energy availability to the brain and in turn
mediate efferent brain-to-body commands in support of states and behaviors that assist with energy intake and reg-
ulation (Ahima & Antwi, 2008; Seeley & York, 2005). Leptin's and ghrelin's role in metabolic signaling suggests that
they may contribute to predictions about the current energy state of the brain and body, guiding how the brain
adjusts states and behaviors in line with expectations about the world.
Affective and social cognitive processes also play an important role in allostasis, as they are viewed as arising
from and contributing to the brain's allostatic predictions. This is in part because all behaviors and even cognitive
functions require metabolic energy beyond our resting energy expenditure (Magistretti & Allaman, 2015), and some
behaviors and situations are more metabolically costly than others (e.g., a stressful job interview or threatening social
altercation vs. relaxing on the sofa with a romantic partner). Furthermore, afferent signals from the body provide
important information about whether or not one has the energy reserves to engage in different behaviors
(e.g., should I seek out new social connections or stay at home to conserve energy? Barrett, Quigley, & Hamilton,
2016; Touroutoglou, Andreano, Adebayo, Lyons, & Barrett, 2019). Thus, leptin and ghrelin could contribute to our
social affective experiences and behaviors in a causal way. Following this idea that the mind is built upon metabolic
motivations, we review early evidence from both animal and human literatures linking leptin and ghrelin to affective
and social cognitive processes.
Given that efficient allocation and regulation of metabolic energy are crucial for any aspect of an organism's func-
tioning and survival, life events or environmental signals that might impact an organism's allostasis should also impact
metabolic functions, including leptin and ghrelin. For social species like humans, social affective signals may serve as
an additional type of allostatic signal, indicating whether a current or upcoming context or stimulus is safe
vs. threatening and whether there are sufficient physiological resources to respond accordingly. Humans have long
lived in huntergatherer bands (Hill et al., 2011), wherein the presence of others (especially close supportive others)
improved chances of survival than did living alone. In this way, social affective signals and contexts, such as whether
an individual is of high or low status, liked or disliked, and socially integrated or isolated may serve as signals about
access to tangible physical and psychological resources that support allostasis and metabolic needs. For example, an
individual living without social support would likely have higher metabolic needs not only because they have to indi-
vidually complete more tasks for daily functioning and survival but also because they may be more susceptible to
physical and psychosocial threats without a buffer of supportive others. In line with this idea, we hypothesize that
leptin and ghrelin, as key metabolic signals, may be sensitive to social affective signals and contexts. For example,
social isolation, threat, and conflict may upregulate ghrelin, as a means of supporting energy intake for active coping.
Below, we explore existing literature relevant to this hypothesis with regard to social isolation and conflict, social sta-
tus, and chronic vs. acute stressors.
3.1 |Social isolation and conflict
Initial work demonstrated that social isolation was associated with higher leptin in men (Häfner et al., 2011). A more
targeted study (Jaremka et al., 2015) investigated whether loneliness increases ghrelin and appetite. Forty-two
women ate standardized meals, with ghrelin sampled before the meal, immediately post-meal, and 2 and 7 hr post-
meal. Women also rated feelings of chronic loneliness and social isolation. Lonelier women had stronger ghrelin
spikes post-meal (during the 2 to 7 hr period) as hunger again increased, but only for leaner participants (computed
at 1SD from sample mean BMI compared to heavier BMI at +1SD). This finding suggests the possibility that, in
leaner women, feelings of loneliness or threats to belongingpromote greater food intake, with ghrelin as a key
mediator (Jaremka, Lebed, & Sunami, 2018). Experimental rodent work provides stronger causal evidence: Healthy
mice subjected to social isolation showed significant ghrelin increases after one week relative to group-housed con-
trols (Yamada et al., 2015). Social isolation may also interact with diet choices to alter leptin. For example, rats
exposed to chronic social isolation showed an exacerbated effect of high-fat diet on long-term leptin levels
(Toniazzo, Arcego, & Lampert, 2018). This early work suggests that social isolation and loneliness may elicit shifts in
leptin and ghrelin.
Besides social isolation and loneliness, leptin and ghrelin may be sensitive to interpersonal conflicts or distress,
given that such conflicts could signal the onset of threats or changes in support networks that could compromise
allostasis. In one study (Jaremka et al., 2016), 43 married couples ate a standardized meal before completing a marital
problems discussion, during which marital distress was coded. Leptin and ghrelin were assayed before the meal and
again at 2, 4, and 7 hr post-meal. Results showed that greater marital distress in either spouse was associated with
higher post-meal ghrelin (but not leptin); this effect only held for leaner individuals (again, 1SD from sample mean
BMI). This null leptin effect is curious, given that circulating leptin tends to increase by 46 hr post-food ingestion
(Havel, Townsend, Chaump, & Teff, 1999). Perhaps leptin is less sensitive to interpersonal conflicts than ghrelin, but
future investigations are needed.
3.2 |Social status
Besides social connection, social status may be especially metabolically relevant to allostasis. For social animals, low
status means reduced access to food and mating partners, more frequent aggressions, and altered immune function-
ing (e.g., Sapolsky, 2004; Snyder-Mackler et al., 2016). As such, leptin and ghrelin may be sensitive to social status.
Jarrell et al. (2008) found that female rhesus monkeys who moved to high-status positions showed a boost in leptin,
perhaps indicating that higher-status individuals do not need to build up metabolic reserves thanks to easier food
access. Follow-up studies (Michopoulos, Higgins, Toufexis, & Wilson, 2012; Michopoulos, Loucks, Berga, Rivier, &
Wilson, 2010; Michopoulos & Wilson, 2011) found that dominant female monkeys showed increased leptin and
improved weight maintenance during social threat relative to subordinates, suggesting that leptin may promote more
effective metabolic adaptation to status-related stressors. On the other hand, low-status monkeys showed ghrelin
upregulation in the face of social threat, perhaps to motivate food intake to support coping.
Despite these intriguing primate findings, little work tests the effects of social status on leptin and ghrelin in
humans. One recent study (Sim et al., 2018) examined whether subjective social status impacts ghrelin: Healthy men
(N=48) showed greater circulating ghrelin and lower fullness/satiety ratings after a low subjective social status
manipulation compared to their ghrelin and fullness ratings following a control task. Similarly, inducing low subjective
status leads people to prefer high-calorie foods and consume more calories (Cardel et al., 2016; Cheon & Hong,
2017), although this work did not include assessment of metabolic hormones. Future studies should unpack how
both objective (i.e., socioeconomic status or SES) and subjective social status can alter metabolic signaling, especially
given that altered leptin and ghrelin may contribute to the link between low social status and downstream obesity
and disease.
3.3 |Chronic and acute stress
Ultimately, social isolation, interpersonal conflicts, and low social status can all be understood as types of chronic or
acute social stressors. As such, another pathway for social affective influences on leptin and ghrelin is via the psycho-
logical states and behaviors that such signals and contexts evoke. Within an allostatic framework, environmental
pressures likely signal to the brain that more resources are needed to cope with demands (McEwen & Wingfield,
2010), which could lead to increases in metabolically relevant behaviors such as greater food consumption that can
in turn provide energy for coping. In this way, stress is an already recognized mechanism underlying emotional eating
(e.g., Tomiyama, Finch, & Cummings, 2015), which occurs when people cope with negative affect and stress by
increasing food intake (i.e., binging) or eating more of certain food types (Macht, 2008; Tomiyama, Finch, &
Cummings, 2015). Indeed, work on emotional eating suggests that leptin and ghrelin may help facilitate stressors'
impacts on feeding behaviors. For example, both emotional and non-emotional eaters show increased circulating
ghrelin after an acute psychosocial stressor (Raspopow, Abizaid, Matheson, & Anisman, 2010). Alternately, lower lep-
tin reactivity after an acute stressor is associated with greater consumption of high-sugar, high-fat comfortfoods
(Tomiyama et al., 2012). Finally, stress-induced cortisol release appears to stimulate ghrelin (Sinha & Jastreboff,
2013). Together, these findings suggest that stress may alter metabolic behaviors (e.g., eating), as one mechanism
linking stress and obesity, and may do so in part via leptin and ghrelin. Below, we review existing evidence linking
chronic and acute stress to altered leptin and ghrelin.
First, as a type of chronic stressor, greater early life adversity is associated with higher circulating leptin in middle
adulthood, even after controlling for physical activity, diet, and BMI (Joung et al., 2014). Leptin also helps explain the
relation between childhood adversity and higher blood pressure (Crowell et al., 2016). Chronic stress effects may
even be trans-generational. Both rodent and human studies show that chronically stressed mothers bear children
with higher leptin and body weight than do low-stress mothers, with effects for children lasting even into adulthood
(review in Entringer, 2013). But why would individuals with higher adiposity also have greater leptin, if leptin signals
satiety and sufficiency of metabolic resources? One common explanation is leptin resistance. Despite obese individ-
uals having excessive adipose tissue and proportionally high leptin, this higher leptin does not reduce appetite or
support weight loss, suggesting that the brain and body may have become insensitive to leptin signaling (Myers
et al., 2012). More research is needed to unpack links between chronic stress, leptin, and weight gain/obesity.
Beyond chronic stressors such as early life adversity, leptin may also be sensitive to acute stressors. For example,
Brydon et al. (2008) found a small increase in leptin 45 min after an acute stressor (Stroop and speech tasks). How-
ever, a second study using the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST; Tomiyama et al., 2012) found no change in leptin at
50 or 90 min post-stressor. This inconsistency may be due to task differences (e.g., the latter involved greater social
evaluative stress) or because leptin's reactivity to acute stress is a small effect (e.g., as found in the former study).
Given that leptin typically responds to food ingestion within 46 hr (Havel, Townsend, Chaump, & Teff, 1999), a lon-
ger measurement window may be necessary. Future work should continue investigating the effects of acute stress
on leptin reactivity in humans.
Similar to leptin, ghrelin may change in response to both chronic and acute stressorsalthough given its acute
time-course, it may be especially sensitive to acute stress. Consistent with this, several studies in both humans and
rodents have examined acute stress-related ghrelin reactivity. For example, as noted earlier, Raspopow, Abizaid,
Matheson, and Anisman (2010) found that both emotional and non-emotional eaters (N=48) show ghrelin increases
within 30 min after the TSST relative to baseline. Similarly, in a sample of overweight women (N=28), ghrelin
increased in response to a stressful cold pressor task (Geliebter, Carnell, & Gluck, 2013). In another study
(Monteleone et al., 2012), both women diagnosed with bulimia nervosa and healthy controls showed significant
increases in ghrelin after the TSST relative to baseline. However, in healthy women, ghrelin peaked 25 min post-
stressor and rapidly returned to baseline; women with bulimia showed elevated ghrelin as late as 60 min post-
stressor, suggesting that acute stress effects on ghrelin's peak and recovery could vary depending on population.
Further converging evidence finds that acute stress alters ghrelin in rats relative to sham stress (e.g., Kristenssson
et al., 2006). Beyond acute stress, some rodent work suggests that ghrelin is sensitive to chronic stress (Ochi et al.,
2008; Patterson et al., 2010). In humans, early life adversity may affect ghrelin: For example, Pakistani adolescents
who experienced terrorist attack-related trauma in childhood showed a nearly two-fold elevation in ghrelin relative
to adolescents without a trauma history (Yousufzai et al., 2018). Together, findings suggest that stress (particularly
acute stressors) can increase ghrelin, perhaps in part to motivate greater energy intake for active coping efforts that
are metabolically demanding.
Relatedly, daily life stressors (which can encompass both chronic stressors such as financial worries and acute
stressors such as a recent interpersonal altercation) may also impact metabolic hormones. Jaremka et al. (2014)
recruited 50 women to complete three laboratory visits each two or more weeks apart. During each visit, women
fasted before eating a standardized meal, with blood samples for leptin and ghrelin collected 45 min post-meal. They
also completed the self-reported Daily Inventory of Stressful Events. Results revealed that, even when controlling
for BMI, women reporting more social stressors showed elevated ghrelin and reduced leptin profiles post-meal rela-
tive to women reporting fewer social stressors. Non-social stressors did not relate to leptin and ghrelin. The elevated
ghrelin and reduced leptin post-meal suggest that socially stressed women may feel hungrier and less satiated sooner
after eating than women with fewer social stressors. This suggests that social stress may be particularly metabolically
taxing (above and beyond other types of stressors), lending additional support to the hypothesis that leptin and
ghrelin may be sensitive to social affective signals and contexts.
3.4 |Future questions
Despite an initial literature suggesting that social affective signals and contexts influence leptin and ghrelin, more
work is needed to replicate and extend these findings. For example, future studies could clarify the mechanisms
linking acute stress to ghrelin reactivity, including the neural, autonomic, glucocorticoid, and immune processes that
may mediate effects of acute stress on ghrelin. Similarly, researchers could experimentally manipulate stress
appraisals (e.g., wherein a stressor is perceived to be a challenge vs. threat; Jamieson, Hangen, Lee, & Yeager, 2018)
to determine if these evoke different metabolic profiles. Another idea is to manipulate social support during a stress-
ful taskwith the prediction that social support could buffer against stress effects on leptin and ghrelin. Beyond
stress, future work could test whether the social isolation findings reviewed above extend to acute social exclusion
paradigms like Cyberball (Williams & Jarvis, 2006), consistent with the idea that social exclusion should have
allostatic implications for metabolism and safety. Altogether, future work is needed to verify these speculations and
establish the boundary conditions by which social affective signals and contexts modulate leptin and ghrelin.
In sum, there appears to be initial support for the idea that leptin and ghrelin may be sensitive to social affective
signals and contexts. It is also possible that leptin and ghrelin may bottom-upcontribute to affect and social cogni-
tion, motivating behaviors in line with allostatic needs. We explore this possibility next.
Across animals, the brain anticipates energy demands (Kim, Seeley, & Sandoval, 2018; Seeley & York, 2005), in turn
orchestrating physiological and motivational changes to meet those demands, including with the help of metabolic
hormones leptin and ghrelin. For example, during important life events that require intense energy use like migration,
hibernation, puberty, and pregnancy, both human and animal feeding behaviors increase to intake energy, while
weight status, via adipose tissue, signals how much energy is set aside for anticipated demands, e.g., a winter famine
(reviews in Kaplan & Gangestad, 2005; McEwen & Wingfield, 2003). As such, the brain includes receptors for meta-
bolic chemicals from the periphery to signal how much effort or risk is required to meet anticipated energy needs
and guide behaviors in a bottom-upfashion.
Accordingly, leptin and ghrelin receptors are widely distributed throughout the brain, especially in the hypothala-
mus and other subcortical limbic structures (reviews in Ferrini, Salio, Lossi, & Merighi, 2009; Howick, Griffin, Cryan, &
Schellekens, 2017; Myers, Münzberg, Leinninger, & Leshan, 2009). For example, there are extensive leptin receptors
in key reward regions like the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra (Elmquist, Bjorbaek, Ahima, Flier, & Saper,
1998; Hommel et al., 2006), and animal models show that ghrelin is a crucial mediator in brain phasic dopamine sig-
naling, especially in nucleus accumbens and ventral striatum dopamine receptors (Abizaid, 2009). These patterns of
receptor distribution suggest that leptin and ghrelin may play a role in motivating reward seeking more generally.
Specifically, there are receptors for leptin and ghrelin in regions that regulate more than just hunger and satiety,
responding to multiple types of reward and risk, including non-food-related rewards and risks (see meta-analyses:
Krain, Wilson, Arbuckle, Castellanos, & Milham, 2006; Liu, Hairston, Schrier, & Fan, 2011; Sescousse, Caldú, Segura, &
Dreher, 2013). As such, although leptin and ghrelin at their core help regulate metabolism, we suggest that they may
do so in part by supporting domain-general states and behaviors in service of energy regulation, such as affective
states, social cognition, and behaviors. We explore this possibility below.
4.1 |Affect
Affective states involve feelings of pleasuredispleasure (valence) and activation-quiescence (arousal) and are
thought to be fundamentally motivating for behavior. In line with this idea, we suggest that leptin and ghrelin may
contribute to the generation of affect, as such affect would help motivate behaviors for energy intake and mainte-
nance (Chuang & Zigman, 2010; Zarouna, Wozniak, & Papachristou, 2015). More specifically, the affective dimen-
sions of metabolic states likely not only reinforce future appetitive behaviors as is already suggested (Dagher, 2009),
but these feelings could also serve as an allostatic barometer(Duncan & Barrett, 2007)helping organisms identify
when metabolic energy is low (e.g., feeling hungry and tired) vs. sufficient or in surplus (e.g., feeling full and ener-
gized). In line with this hypothesis, the theory of constructed emotion suggests that moods (longer lasting affective
states) and emotions (more transient states) reflect the brain's interoceptive predictions about an individual's ongoing
allostasis (Barrett, 2017). Affective changes in valence and arousal likely reflect an integration of metabolic, immune,
cardiovascular, and autonomic afferent signals into conscious awareness (Barrett & Bliss-Moreau, 2009;
MacCormack & Lindquist, 2017). As such, feeling anxious or depressed, and angry or sad, may similarly reflect more
chronic or acute signals about anticipated energy supply and demand. If leptin and ghrelin indeed play a domain-
general affective role, then it is important to demonstrate that they do so even when food is not necessarily
Some early evidence in nonhuman rodent models supports this possibility. For example, leptin administration
in rodents increases self-stimulating behaviors beyond food (e.g., pressing a lever that stimulates an implanted
electrode), likely via interaction with dopaminergic systems (Carr, 2002; Fulton, Woodside, & Shizgal, 2000). A
growing body of evidence in both rodents and humans implicates ghrelin and its receptors in drug-related
reward responses (e.g., Wenthur et al., 2019; Zallar et al., 2019; see also Morris, Voon, & Leggio, 2018, for
review). For example, in humans, individuals with higher fasting ghrelin appear to be more reward sensitive and
report experiencing more intense, longer lasting subjective effects in response to intravenous alcohol administra-
tion relative to saline placebo (Ralevski et al., 2017, 2018; this work used ethanol rather than alcohol ingestion,
which contains carbohydrates, in order to disentangle the pleasure induced by ethanol from alcohol's caloric
value). In the context of addiction wherein reward is highly conditioned, blocking ghrelin receptors in rodent
brains can reduce the craving component of nicotine-dependence and alcoholism (review in Panagopoulos &
Ralevski, 2014). Similarly, leptin and ghrelinvia their interactions with other systems such as the immune and
autonomic nervous systems, may further potentiate rewarding vs. aversive states and help generate subjective
arousal. For example, peripheral leptin administration in rats and mice subjected to thermal pain leads to greater
nociceptive pain sensitivity than placebo controls (Kutlu et al., 2003), perhaps given that leptin is a pro-
inflammatory mediator (Bernotiene, Palmer, & Gabay, 2006) and may exacerbate the pain associated with
injury-induced inflammation. On the other hand, ghrelin administration in rodents and humans mediates the
release of several arousal-associated hormones like cortisol and adrenaline (Mihalache et al., 2016). Further,
peripheral ghrelin administration in humans elicits reports of highly aroused, unpleasant feelings and can
increase sympathetic muscle activation during a stressor relative to placebo saline, suggesting that ghrelin may
increase physiological and subjective arousal, alertness, tension, and action readiness even in contexts where
food intake is not the primary outcome (Garin, Burns, Kaul, & Cappola, 2013; Lambert et al., 2011).
Beyond acute emotion experiences, leptin and ghrelin may also be implicated in the etiology of chronic mood
states. A recent meta-analysis showed that individuals with major depression have lower levels of leptin (Cao et al.,
2018), although findings were correlational, leaving the causal relation unclear. Similarly, leptin administration in
rodents exerts antidepressant effects, wherein leptin performs as well as fluoxetine at reducing depressive symptoms
(Liu et al., 2010). Ghrelin, on the other hand, is implicated in anxiety. For example, both central and peripheral admin-
istration of ghrelin in mice produces behaviors consistent with anxiety (Asakawa et al., 2001; Carlini et al., 2002).
Thus, it appears that leptin and ghrelin may contribute to psychopathologies like depression and anxiety, although
both clinical trials and experimental work in humans are greatly needed.
Altogether, these early findings are consistent with our hypothesis that leptin and ghrelin may support the con-
struction of broader affective processes beyond just food-related reward and motivation. However, most research in
this area has been conducted in nonhuman animals, and significant efforts are needed to replicate and extend find-
ings in humans. Given that affective states can motivate behavior, leptin's and ghrelin's effects on reward, arousal,
and mood may exist in part because these states arguably motivate an organism to engage in behaviors that support
metabolic needs. We next discuss evidence that metabolic states and leptin/ghrelin can impact risk taking, impulsiv-
ity, and aggression.
4.2 |Risk taking, impulsivity, and aggression
Cross-species studies suggest that when hungry or under nutritional stress, small animals with high metabolic
rates tend to choose a risk-pronestrategy. For example, frogs and fish in the fasted state are more likely to
forage outside typical ranges into riskier (more variable) predator- or competitor-laden zones (Carlson, New-
man, & Langkilde, 2015; Damsgird & Dill, 1998; Godin & Crossman, 1994). On the other hand, in large-bodied
omnivores like chimpanzees, energy deficits (e.g., hunger and malnourishment) may elicit divergent risk behav-
iors. For example, an observational study over 14 years (Gilby & Wrangham, 2007) found that chimpanzees
were more likely to adopt risk-prone foraging behaviors (e.g., hunting red colobus monkeys) when nutrients
were abundant but more likely to adopt risk-averse foraging strategies (e.g., feeding on plants) when environ-
mental resources were scarce. This supports the notion that metabolic states may facilitate either risk-prone or
risk-averse behaviors, depending on broader scarcity vs. abundance in the surrounding environment. As humans
are also large omnivores, leptin and especially ghrelin may play a similar contextualized role in risk assessment
and decision making, an idea explored below.
Symmonds, Emmanuel, Drew, Batterham, and Dolan (2010) examined risky economic decisions in healthy-
weight men. In different randomized sessions (14 hr post-fasting vs. immediately after eating a controlled meal
vs. 1 hr after eating a meal), males (N=24) completed a lottery choice task with leptin and ghrelin assayed
each session. Results demonstrated that participants were most risk averse for about 1 hr post-meal, associated
with significant declines in ghrelinsuggesting that higher ghrelin could support risk taking in a metabolically
depleted state but that declining ghrelin, as a signal of nutrient intake, may temporarily induce risk aversion as
the body digests food. However, higher baseline leptin was also correlated with riskier choices post-meal rela-
tive to fasting, suggesting that although ghrelin declines may temporarily induce risk aversion, individuals' prior
leptin status could moderate these effects. Similarly, Levy and colleagues (2013) found that fasted participants
were more risk tolerant, not just in the context of food and water but also in monetary decisions, providing
converging evidence that these metabolic effects on risk are not limited to food. However, here, ghrelin and
leptin were not measured, so more work is needed to examine if metabolic hormones mediate the link between
hunger and risk-seeking behaviors in food vs. non-food domains.
Given the relevance of impulsivity for risk taking, some studies have also begun examining associations
between metabolic hormones on trait impulsivity; for example, initial work shows a positive correlation between
higher fasting ghrelin and dimensions of impulsivity in humans (e.g., Ralevski et al., 2018). Experimental rodent
work further suggests that centrally administered ghrelin injection increases impulsive behavior in rats on behav-
ioral impulsivity measures such as the go/no-go task (Anderberg et al., 2016). Future work should clarify the
impacts of leptin and ghrelin on risk taking and related behavioral tendencies such as impulsivity across
different time-courses (e.g., when hungry vs. immediately after eating) and contexts, especially in humans. For
example, high- vs. low-resource contexts may support divergent risk-prone vs. risk-averse behaviors in humans
that are mediated in part by leptin and ghrelin signaling.
Related to ghrelin's impact on risk taking and relation to impulsivity, there is also the possibility that it
could, in some contexts, motivate aggressive behaviors, consistent with predation and competition for resources.
To our knowledge, only one study has yet explored this possibility. Specifically, when the ghrelin-inhibiting
enzyme butyrylcholinesterase is knocked out in mice, fighting and other aggressive behaviors significantly
increase, mirrored by significant increases in circulating ghrelin (Chen et al., 2015). Given that hunger and low
blood sugar (including manipulation thereof) are associated with aggressive behaviors in humans (e.g., Benton,
1988; Bushman, DeWall, Pond, & Hanus, 2014), ghrelin as a more proximal hunger mediator may also play a
role in human aggression, although this speculation remains untested. Finally, most work examining effects of
metabolic hormones on risk taking and aggression focus on ghrelin, limiting our knowledge of the role of leptin
in these processes.
4.3 |Future questions
In sum, preliminary evidence suggests that both leptin and ghrelin may contribute to affect, risk taking, impulsivity,
and perhaps aggression. Future work should use experimental manipulations to test these causal connections more
rigorously in humans. Of note, metabolic contributions to social cognition and behavior remain underexplored,
although we believe that leptin's and ghrelin's importance for reward, emotion, risk taking, and aggression suggests
that they should also matter for social cognitive processes like prejudice, empathy, and person perception. For exam-
ple, in interpersonal contexts, leptin and ghrelin may shape motivations to meet strangers or initiate new relation-
ships, contingent on metabolic state. Leptin, a key signal for pubertal onset (Sanchez-Garrido & Tena-Sempere,
2013), may also be implicated in adolescent risk behaviors. Finally, given that resource sharing vs. competition is
metabolically relevant, individuals' metabolic states, alongside leptin and ghrelin as central metabolic signals, may
shape in-group/out-group biases, especially under conditions of scarcity vs. abundance. These ideas remain untested
in the literature but may be worth pursuing in future.
Although our understanding of the relation between psychological processes and leptin/ghrelin is nascent, the above
evidence foreshadows exciting directions for future research. For psychologists wishing to adopt leptin and ghrelin
measurements or manipulations, below, we offer key methodological considerations. Key considerations are summa-
rized in Figure 1.
5.1 |Time-course
As noted throughout, leptin and ghrelin have different time-courses, such that leptin is more stable across multiple
days (except for a few hours after a meal: Klok, Jakobsdottir, & Drent, 2007) and less sensitive to single acute events
like missing a night of sleep (Pan & Kastin, 2014). Ghrelin, on the other hand, is highly sensitive to food intake from
the previous 1224 hr (Spiegel, Tasali, Leproult, Scherberg, & Van Cauter, 2011) and is inversely related to the num-
ber of hours slept the previous night (Taheri, Lin, Austin, Young, & Mignot, 2004). Further, both leptin and ghrelin
have diurnal rhythms tied to sleep and meals. Leptin peaks during sleep and reaches its nadir upon awakening (Shea,
Hilton, Orlova, Ayers, & Mantzoros, 2005), while ghrelin increases from midnight to dawn, appearing to peak mid-
morning if no breakfast is eaten (Cummings et al., 2001). We also note that just as there are individual differences in
fasting or baseline glucose levels, similar individual differences can be observed for other metabolic markers such as
ghrelin (e.g., Ralevski et al., 2017). In light of these temporal and within-subject dynamics, researchers (1) should con-
sider whether the psychological phenomenon of interest is acute or chronic, (2) should assay or administer the hor-
mones at the same time of day across participants (or control for time of day in analyses), (3) should always
incorporate fasting or a standardized meal into the laboratory paradigm, (4) should include within-subject measures
whenever possible (e.g., measure baseline and reactivity; use a randomized crossover design), and (5) should assess
the last 24 hrs of sleep and food history for possible inclusion as covariates.
5.2 |Key covariates
Body composition, sex, and age all predict variation in leptin and ghrelin functioning. Much work demonstrates that
body composition extremes (obesity and eating disorders) alter leptin and ghrelin (Cui, López, & Rahmouni, 2017;
Monteleone & Maj, 2013). As such, researchers should use healthy-weight samples unless interested in comparing
effects across populations. Body composition matters most for leptin, given that leptin is proportional to adipose tis-
sue, and thus some metric (e.g., BMI and body fat percentage) should be included as a statistical covariate in ana-
lyses. Sex is another key moderator. For example, leptin and ghrelin vary across the menstrual cycle
(e.g., Dafopoulos, Sourlas, Kallitsaris, Pournaras, & Messinis, 2009), suggesting that sex and menses stage be used as
statistical covariates. Finally, leptin and ghrelin change with age and often mark, even facilitate, critical changes
across major life thresholds, like pubertal onset, fertility, and menopause (Garcia-Galiano, Allen, & Elias, 2014;
Tena-Sempere, 2013). Leptin accumulates and ghrelin declines with age, partially underlying age-related shifts in
appetite and weight status (Mishra et al., 2015; Nass et al., 2014). Studies with leptin and ghrelin should consider
developmental stage when forming hypotheses.
FIGURE 1 Methodological considerations for integrating leptin and ghrelin into study designs
5.3 |Manipulation vs. measurement
Manipulation is the strongest approach to investigate leptin and ghrelin impacts on the brain and behavior, affording
inferences about causality. Due to ghrelin's acute nature, it is typical to administer a single subcutaneous injection of
FIGURE 2 Leptin's and ghrelin's bidirectional relations with social affective processes are likely mediated via the
brain, autonomic, and immune system pathways, including interactions between these systems. For example, if
leptin or ghrelin alters inflammation, subsequent inflammation-mediated effects of leptin and ghrelin may also be
observed in the brain and autonomic nervous system. It is important to remember that cross-system relations with
leptin/ghrelin are dynamic, with ghrelin responding more quickly on acute timescales and leptin over chronic
timescales. Furthermore, leptin and ghrelin can also affect each other. Finally, it is important to note that the
relations depicted herein develop and occur within the context of broader environmental factors. For example,
maternal and prenatal health, early life adversity, environmental pollutants, socioeconomic status, food insecurity
and broader nutrition, weight and disease status, age, and lifestyle factors (e.g., smoking and exercise) likely also
influence the bidirectional relations between leptin, ghrelin, and social affective processes
ghrelin 1530 min before measuring the outcome of interest (Garin, Burns, Kaul, & Cappola, 2013). On the other
hand, due to leptin's chronic nature, some studies administer leptin in small doses via subcutaneous injection over a
set time period (e.g., two weeks and one month). Measurement, on the other hand, is useful in cross-sectional designs
or instances where researchers care about leptin and ghrelin as outcomes. It is crucial to note that the time-courses
within which leptin and ghrelin respond to psychological events and tasks are still largely unknown. For example,
Brydon et al. (2008) found that leptin reacted to acute stress within 45 min (but this did not replicate in Tomiyama
et al., 2012, even after 90 min). Other work reviewed herein found that ghrelin reacted to acute stress within 30 min.
Whether these timeframes replicate with other psychological paradigms is less clear but could serve as initial esti-
mates. Early investigations should sample multiple timepoints to map the response trajectory of leptin and ghrelin to
social affective events. Finally, blood assay is the most common and reliable assessment of leptin and ghrelin, but
researchers are actively developing other techniques using saliva, urine, and even breastmilk, suggesting that other
measures may become available in time. Ultimately, a combination of manipulation and measurement will provide the
most systematic evidence for bidirectional paths between psychology (e.g., stress, out-group biases, and risk taking)
and leptin/ghrelin.
In sum, the mind is likely metabolic, making predictions about anticipated energy demands and creating feelings, per-
ceptions, and behaviors accordingly. As such, metabolic hormones leptin and ghrelin may be implicated in people's
social affective experiences, perceptions, and behaviors beyond motivations to eat. Yet much more work is needed
to clarify leptin's and ghrelin's relation with affect and social cognition. To close, we suggest three pathways as prom-
ising targets for future research, bridging leptin and ghrelin to the mind and behavior (Figure 2). First, leptin and
ghrelin work closely with the immune system (Bernotiene, Palmer, & Gabay, 2006; Chowen & Argente, 2017). The
immune system is already implicated in well-being, mood disorders, and even social cognition (Gassen & Hill, 2019;
Slavich & Irwin, 2014). Future studies could, for example, assess how leptin and inflammation interact in the context
of poor social support, low SES, or situations of chronic discrimination. Second, leptin's and ghrelin's relation with
the autonomic nervous system remains underexplored, with small samples and mixed findings. For example, ghrelin
shows mixed impacts on heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, and sympathetic nerve activation (Lambert
et al., 2011; Matsumura, Tsuchihashi, Fujii, Abe, & Iida, 2002; Soeki et al., 2014). Future work could systematically
test the autonomic impacts of ghrelin, with implications for acute stress and the construction of emotions like anger.
Recent experiments confirm that hunger can indeed induce negative affective feelings and perceptions (e.g., feeling
hangry; MacCormack & Lindquist, 2018)but it would be valuable to determine whether and how leptin and
ghrelin might help mediate these affective consequences of hunger. Finally, given that leptin and ghrelin have distrib-
uted receptors throughout the brain, both hormones may feed into neural representations of affect and social cogni-
tive processes. For example, ghrelin administration predicts greater functional activation in limbic regions like the
amygdala, anterior insula, ventral striatum, and orbitofrontal cortex (Malik, McGlone, Bedrossian, & Dagher, 2008),
hinting at possible implications for ghrelin in the neural representation of affect, pain, interoception, and mentalizing.
We look forward to future investigations further revealing how leptin and ghrelin may matter for affect and social
We are grateful to Carolina Social Neuroscience and Health lab members Gabriella Alvarez, Samantha Brosso,
Monica Gaudier-Diaz, Tatum Jolink, Carrington Merritt, and Becky Salomon for their feedback on earlier manuscript
drafts and to Kristen Lindquist for constructive comments. This work was supported by a Ruth L. Kirschstein
National Research Service Award predoctoral fellowship to J. K. M. (1F31AG055265-01A1) from the National Insti-
tute on Aging.
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Jennifer K. MacCormack is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she works with Dr. Kristen Lindquist in the Carolina
Affective Science Laboratory and Dr. Keely Muscatell in the Carolina Social Neuroscience and Health Laboratory.
Broadly, her work integrates methods from social psychology, psychophysiology, and social affective neurosci-
ence to investigate the role of allostasis and interoception in emotion and social cognition across the life span.
Her research is supported by a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fel-
lowship from the National Institute on Aging. Jennifer obtained her BA in Psychology from North Carolina State
University and her MA at UNC on the psychological mechanisms behind feeling hangry.
Keely A. Muscatell is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she is also a member of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer
Center. Dr. Muscatell is the director of the Carolina Social Neuroscience and Health Laboratory, where together
with her team of students and trainees she conducts research examining the bidirectional links between social
experiences (e.g., stress, discrimination, and subordination) and health, with a particular emphasis on health dis-
parities. Her work incorporates methods from social psychology, social and affective neuroscience, and psycho-
neuroimmunology to investigate these issues. Dr. Muscatell holds a BA in Psychology and Spanish from the
University of Oregon and a PhD in Psychology from UCLA. She also completed post-doctoral training at UCSF
and UC Berkeley.
How to cite this article: MacCormack JK, Muscatell KA. The metabolic mind: A role for leptin and ghrelin in
affect and social cognition. Soc Personal Psychol Compass. 2019;e12496.
... Metabolic signals, such as ghrelin, therefore convey the brain's directives to the body (Yanagi et al., 2018), promoting affective states and corresponding instrumental behaviors that align future energy intake with the body's metabolic needs (MacCormack and Muscatell, 2019, Barrett et al., 2016). Hence, ghrelin's role may extend beyond sensing of metabolic state by promoting motivational and appetitive behavior (MacCormack and Muscatell, 2019) even before conscious sensations of hunger arise (Frecka and Mattes, 2008). In line with this interpretation, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a receptor as the primary target of ghrelin is not only expressed in the hypothalamus. ...
... In contrast, the alleged allostatic function is in line with a mood-enhancing effect that promotes food-seeking behavior and approach by tuning reward responsivity (Schulz et al., 2023b). An allostatic function of ghrelin suggests that it plays a role in prospective adaptation to environmental factors, thereby promoting appetitive behaviors to ensure sufficient energy availability in response to stressors (Schulkin, 2003, Juster et al., 2010, McEwen and Wingfield, 2003, MacCormack and Muscatell, 2019, McEwen and Stellar, 1993. This interpretation is supported by our finding of an association between acyl ghrelin and enhanced mood as well as preclinical and clinical studies reporting reductions in anxious and depressive behaviors following ghrelin administration (Jensen et al., 2016, Kluge et al., 2011, Schmid et al., 2005. ...
... In addition to manipulating blood pressure and blood sugar to get more nutrients, the fetus and placenta manipulate maternal physiology by releasing ghrelin and leptin into the maternal system (Ashworth et al., 2000;Fuglsang et al., 2005;Pérez-Pérez et al., 2018). Although the psychological influence of these hormones has not been investigated during pregnancy, their influence has been associated with changes in stress, affect, memory, and social cognition (Bouillon-Minois et al., 2021;Hsu et al., 2016;MacCormack & Muscatell, 2019). Both ghrelin (a hunger hormone) and leptin (a satiety hormone) are produced by the mother in early pregnancy but eventually solely by the placenta in middle to late pregnancy. ...
Understanding how genetics influences human psychology is something that the evolutionary sciences emphasize. However, the functions of complex genetic influences on behavior have been overlooked in favor of perspectives that posit unitary influences of genes on behavior. One such example is the belief that human growth, development, and behavior are influenced uniformly by their genes even though previous research has highlighted the genetic conflict endemic in these domains. Although much psychological research has robustly documented areas in which we see the footprints of genetic conflict in human behavior, these areas are referred to by different names that prevent researchers from making connections under a unifying framework. In this article, I outline what genetic conflict is and how genetic conflict can provide a unifying framework for psychological investigations of social relationships. I also discuss avenues for future research on genetic conflict in humans and the importance of considering cultural, ecological, and other developmental factors when researching the genetic influences on human behavior.
... Its purpose is to facilitate an organism's long-term survival, growth, movement, and reproduction (Barrett et al., 2016). Metabolic signals, such as ghrelin, therefore convey the brain's directives to the body (Yanagi et al., 2018), promoting affective states and corresponding instrumental behaviors that align future energy intake with the body's metabolic needs (MacCormack andMuscatell, 2019, Barrett et al., 2016). Hence, ghrelin's role may extend beyond sensing of metabolic state by promoting motivational and appetitive behavior (MacCormack and Muscatell, 2019) even before conscious sensations of hunger arise (Frecka and Mattes, 2008). ...
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Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) comprises subtypes with distinct symptom profiles. For example, patients with melancholic and atypical MDD differ in the direction of appetite and body weight changes as well as mood reactivity. Despite reported links to altered energy metabolism, the role of circulating neuropeptides from the gut in modulating such symptoms remains largely elusive. Methods: We collected data from 103 participants, including 51 patients with MDD and 52 healthy control participants (HCP). After an overnight fast, we measured blood levels of (acyl and des-acyl) ghrelin and participants reported their current metabolic and mood states using visual analog scales (VAS). Furthermore, they completed symptom-related questionnaires (i.e., STAI-T). Results: Patients with atypical versus melancholic MDD reported less negative affect (p = .025). Higher levels of acyl ghrelin (corrected for BMI) were associated with improved mood (p = .012), specifically in patients with MDD. These associations of ghrelin were not mood-item specific and exceeded correlations with trait markers of negative affectivity. In contrast to associations with mood state, higher levels of ghrelin were not associated with increased hunger per se or changes in appetite in patients with MDD. Limitations: The study is limited by the cross-sectional design without an intervention. Conclusions: Our results reveal potentially mood-enhancing effects of ghrelin in fasting individuals that exceed associations with metabolic state ratings. These associations with circulating neuropeptides might help explain anti-depressive effects of fasting interventions and could complement conventional treatments in patients with melancholic MDD.
... Likewise, we did not obtain objective physiological measures to estimate participants' actual hunger, such as salivary alpha-amylase, glucose, and the gut hormone ghrelin [63,64]. This is important because subjective assessments of hunger may not be the only way that emotional and behavioural outcomes are affected; rather, it is likely that physiological and neural changes underlying feelings of hunger also induce negative emotional states [65]. Indeed, recent work has suggested that physiological hunger (as assessed using levels of alpha-amylase), but not self-reported hunger, significantly affected different types of choice behaviours [66]. ...
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The colloquial term "hangry" refers to the notion that people become angry when hungry, but very little research has directly determined the extent to which the relationship between hunger and negative emotions is robust. Here, we examined associations between everyday experiences of hunger and negative emotions using an experience sampling method. Sixty-four participants from Central Europe completed a 21-day experience sampling phase in which they reported their hunger, anger, irritability, pleasure, and arousal at five time-points each day (total = 9,142 responses). Results indicated that greater levels of self-reported hunger were associated with greater feelings of anger and irritability, and with lower pleasure. These findings remained significant after accounting for participant sex, age, body mass index, dietary behaviours, and trait anger. In contrast, associations with arousal were not significant. These results provide evidence that everyday levels of hunger are associated with negative emotionality and supports the notion of being "hangry".
Objective To identify the optimal gestational weight gain (GWG) thresholds for behavioral problems and prosocial behavior in 6‐ to 7‐year‐old children. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted using data from the Adachi Child Health Impact of Living Difficulty study, including all first‐graders in public schools in Adachi, Tokyo, in 2017, 2019, and 2021 ( n = 11 048, response rate = 80.1%). GWG was based on clinical records in the Mother and Child Health Handbook. Total difficulties and prosocial behavior were assessed using the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire. Logistic regression models with restricted cubic splines, and quintile categories were employed to examine the association of GWG with the clinical range of total difficulties and prosocial behavior, controlling for covariates. Results The association between GWG and total difficulties exhibited a reverse J‐shaped pattern, with low GWG, but not high GWG, increasing the risk (odds ratio [OR] 1.20, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01–1.42, P = 0.039 for GWG < 7 kg; OR 1.03, 95% CI 0.85–1.24, P = 0.786 for GWG > 14 kg), referencing the median (10 kg). High GWG was associated with a lower risk of problems in prosocial behavior (OR = 0.77, 95% CI 0.62–0.95, P = 0.017 for GWG > 14 kg; OR 1.06, 95% CI 0.88–1.27, P = 0.532 for GWG <7 kg). Conclusion GWG less than 7 kg may increase the risk of total difficulties, whereas GWG over 14 kg may serve as a protective factor for prosocial behavior in 6‐ to 7‐year‐old children.
The objective of this systematic review was to determine the current state of the literature regarding how adipocytokines associate with mental health symptoms/disorders in youth. Findings summarized in this review suggested that in neurodevelopmental disorders, higher levels of leptin, ghrelin, resistin, and visfatin as well as lower levels of adiponectin, retinol‐binding protein 4, and progranulin predicted increased risk for or were conflated with autism spectrum disorder. Adipocytokine correlates of attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder and related symptoms included higher apelin, higher leptin‐to‐adiponectin ratio, and lower adiponectin. Evidence from studies examining anxiety symptoms evinced mixed results regarding leptin, and one study suggested higher levels of ghrelin. Depressive symptoms correlated with higher leptin and ghrelin. Research examining posttraumatic stress symptoms found higher levels of ghrelin. In research examining broadband symptoms, conflicting results emerged for associations between internalizing symptoms (i.e., symptoms of emotional stress) and leptin in youth. Low levels of adiponectin and high levels of leptin predicted externalizing symptoms. Total symptom difficulties were associated with a higher leptin‐to‐adiponectin ratio. Our findings suggest that adipocytokines may be an important set of biomarkers to consider as underlying mechanisms contributing to developmental psychopathology.
In the past decades, affective science has overwhelmingly demonstrated the unique properties of affective information to bias our attention, memory, and decisions. At the same time, accumulating evidence suggests that neutral and affective representations rely on the same working memory substrates for the selection and computation of information and that they are therefore restricted by the same capacity limitations that these substrates impose. Here, we integrate these insights into a working memory model of affective processing (WMAP). Drawing on competitive access models of working memory, we discuss its role in the various stages of affective processing, from attentional selection to maintenance and memory storage, and resulting feelings and actions. We end our overview with some open questions and future directions.
Child mental health disorders are the leading cause of disability in children and adolescents worldwide. Biological correlates predict psychosocial outcomes throughout human development; however, less is known about metabolic proteins. Drawing from a longitudinal birth cohort study, Born in Bradford (BiB), we examined the role of infant metabolic proteins at birth in predicting early childhood mental health symptoms at 3 and 5 years. We found that higher leptin predicted more prosocial behavior at age 3. Additionally, a higher leptin‐to‐adiponectin ratio predicted increased total symptom difficulties. At age 5, we found that higher adiponectin predicted a decreased likelihood of being rated by teachers as meeting or exceeding expectations in the domain of “managing feelings and behaviors” and marginally predicted lower competency in “making relationships” on national developmental milestone evaluations. To our knowledge, this is among the first few studies to prospectively predict mental health symptoms from cord blood metabolic proteins, and the first examining this association with a leptin‐to‐adiponectin ratio. Our results provide support for the possibility that metabolic proteins at birth forecast risk for mental health symptoms in early childhood.
Socioeconomic inequities shape physical health and emotional well-being. As such, recent work has examined the neural mechanisms through which socioeconomic position (SEP) may influence health. However, there remain critical gaps in knowledge regarding the relationships between SEP and brain function. These gaps include a lack of research on: (1) the association between SEP and brain functioning in later life, (2) relationships between SEP and functioning of the whole brain beyond specific regions of interest, and (3) how neural responses to positive affective stimuli differ by SEP. The current study addressed these gaps by examining the association between SEP (i.e., education, income) and neural responses to affective stimuli among 122 mid- to late-life adults. During MRI scanning, participants viewed 30 positive, 30 negative, and 30 neutral images; activation and network connectivity analyses explored associations between SEP and neural responses to these affective stimuli. Analyses revealed that those with lower SEP showed greater neural activity to both positive and negative images in regions within the allostatic-interoceptive network, a system of regions implicated in representing and regulating physiological states of the body and the external environment. There were no positive associations between SEP and neural responses to negative or positive images. In addition, graph–theory network analyses showed that individuals with lower SEP demonstrated greater global efficiency within the allostatic-interoceptive network and executive control network, across all task conditions. The findings suggest that lower SEP is associated with enhanced neural sensitivity to affective cues that may be metabolically costly to maintain over time and suggest a mechanism by which SEP might get “under the skull” to influence mental and physical well-being.
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A growing body of research finds that the activities of the immune system—in addition to protecting the body from infection and injury—also influence how we think, feel, and behave. Although research on the relationship between the immune system and psychological and behavioral outcomes has most commonly focused on the experiences of those who are ill or experiencing an acute immune response, we propose that the immune system may also play a key role in influencing such outcomes in those who are healthy. Here, we review theory and research suggesting that inflammation—a key component of the immune response to pathogens and stressors—may play an important modulatory role in shaping emotions, motivation, cognition, and behavior, even among those without symptoms of illness. Moreover, because inflammation occurs in response to a number of everyday social experiences (e.g., loneliness and stress), we propose that it may be an important mediator of many psychological and behavioral outcomes that are of interest to social and personality psychologists. We close by discussing potential opportunities for researchers looking to incorporate psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) into their area of inquiry.
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The peptide hormone acyl-ghrelin and its receptor, GHSR1a, represent intriguing therapeutic targets due to their actions in metabolic homeostasis and reward activity. However, this pleotropic activity makes it difficult to intervene in this system without inducing unwanted effects. Thus, it is desirable to identify passive and active regulatory mechanisms that allow differentiation between functional domains. Anatomical restriction by the blood brain barrier represents one major passive regulatory mechanism. However, it is likely that the ghrelin system is subject to additional passive mechanisms that promote independent regulation of orexigenic behavior and reward processing. By applying acyl-ghrelin sequestering antibodies, it was determined that peripheral sequestration of acyl-ghrelin is sufficient to blunt weight gain, but not cocaine rewarding effects. However, both weight gain and reward-associated behaviors were shown to be blocked by direct antagonism of GHSR1a. Overall, these data indicate that GHSR1a effects on reward are independent from peripheral acyl-ghrelin binding, whereas centrally-mediated alteration of energy storage requires peripheral acyl-ghrelin binding. This demonstration of variable ligand-dependence amongst functionally-distinct GHSR1a populations is used to generate a regulatory model for functional manipulation of specific effects when attempting to therapeutically target the ghrelin system.
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Purpose of review: The first goal of this review is to discuss the evidence linking belonging threats to immune function and food intake. The second goal is to evaluate whether the links among belonging threats, immune function, and eating behavior differ based on gender. Recent findings: Threats to belonging are linked to elevated herpesvirus antibody titers, dysregulated appetite-relevant hormones, and increased food consumption. Furthermore, these relationships are largely consistent for both men and women. Threats to belonging are also linked to elevated inflammation. However, some studies showed that these effects were stronger among women, others demonstrated that they were stronger among men, and others determined that the links were consistent for men and women. Understanding why belonging threats are inconsistently linked to inflammation across men and women is an important next step. We conclude the review with four concrete recommendations for researchers studying belonging threats, immune function, and eating behavior.
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Many people feel emotional when hungry-or "hangry"-yet little research explores the psychological mechanisms underlying such states. Guided by psychological constructionist and affect misattribution theories, we propose that hunger alone is insufficient for feeling hangry. Rather, we hypothesize that people experience hunger as emotional when they conceptualize their affective state as negative, high arousal emotions specifically in a negative context. Studies 1 and 2 use a cognitive measure (the affect misattribution procedure; Payne, Hall, Cameron, & Bishara, 2010) to demonstrate that hunger shifts affective perceptions in negative but not neutral or positive contexts. Study 3 uses a laboratory-based experiment to demonstrate that hunger causes individuals to experience negative emotions and to negatively judge a researcher, but only when participants are not aware that they are conceptualizing their affective state as emotions. Implications for emotion theory, health, and embodied contributions to perception are discussed.
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Since its discovery, the gut hormone ghrelin has been implicated in diverse functional roles in the central nervous system. Central and peripheral interactions between ghrelin and other hormones, including the stress‐response hormone cortisol, govern complex behavioral responses to external cues and internal states. By acting at ventral tegmental area dopaminergic projections and other areas involved in reward processing, ghrelin can induce both general and directed motivation for rewards, including craving for alcohol and other alcohol‐seeking behaviors. Stress‐induced increases in cortisol seem to increase ghrelin in the periphery, suggesting a pathway by which ghrelin influences how stressful life events trigger motivation for rewards. However, in some states, ghrelin may be protective against the anxiogenic effects of stressors. This critical review brings together a dynamic and growing literature, that is at times inconsistent, on the relationships between ghrelin, central reward‐motivation pathways and central and peripheral stress responses, with a special focus on its emerging role in the context of alcohol use disorder. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Energy is required to sustain life and enable stress adaptation. At the cellular level, energy is largely derived from mitochondria - unique multifunctional organelles with their own genome. Four main elements connect mitochondria to stress: 1) Energy is required at the molecular, (epi)genetic, cellular, organ, and systemic levels to sustain components of stress responses; 2) Glucocorticoids and other steroid hormones are produced and metabolized by mitochondria; 3) Reciprocally, mitochondria functionally respond to neuroendocrine and metabolic stress mediators; and 4) Experimentally manipulating mitochondrial functions alters physiological and behavioral responses to psychological stress. Thus, mitochondria are endocrine organelles that provide both the energy and signals that enable and direct stress adaptation. Neural networks regulating social behavior - as well as psychopathological processes - are also influenced by mitochondrial energetics. An integrative view of stress as an energy-driven process opens new opportunities to study mechanisms of adaptation and regulation across the lifespan.
Ghrelin is a gastric hormone that has been implicated in the neurobiology of alcohol drinking. We have recently developed a ghrelin receptor (GHSR) knockout (KO) rat model, which exhibits reduced food consumption and body weight. In addition, recent preliminary work suggests that the gut‐microbiome, which appears to interact with the ghrelin system, may modulate alcohol drinking. Here, we investigated the effects of GHSR deletion on alcohol consumption utilizing GHSR KO and wild type (WT) rats in three separate alcohol consumption paradigms: 1. operant self‐administration (30 min sessions); 2. drinking in the dark (DID; 4 h sessions); 3. intermittent access (24 h sessions). These paradigms model varying degrees of alcohol consumption. Furthermore, we sought to investigate the gut‐microbiome composition of GHSR KO and WT rats before and after alcohol exposure. We found that the GHSR KO rats self‐administered significantly less alcohol compared with WT rats in the operant paradigm, and consumed less alcohol than WT in the initial stages of the DID paradigm. No genotype differences were found in the intermittent access test. In addition, we found a significant decrease in gut‐microbial diversity after alcohol exposure in both genotypes. Thus, the present results indicate that the ghrelin system may be involved in drinking patterns that result in presumably increased alcohol exposure levels and that GHSR may constitute a potential pharmacological target for the reduction of binge‐alcohol consumption. The potential functional role of the gut‐microbiome in alcohol drinking, and interaction with the ghrelin system, is an interesting topic for further investigation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
In this article, we suggest that motivation serves to anticipate the energy of the body and meet those needs before they arise, called allostasis. We describe motivation as the output of energy computations that include estimates about future energy/metabolic needs and the value of effort required for potential behaviors (i.e., whether the cost of effort is worthwhile). We bring neuroscience evidence to bear to support this hypothesis. We outline a system of brain networks that have been shown to be important for motivation, and focus in on one hub in this network, the anterior mid-cingulate cortex (aMCC), and discuss its importance for establishing motivation in the service of allostasis. We present evidence that the aMCC, positioned at the intersection of multiple brain networks, is wired to integrate signals relating to allostasis with its sensory consequences, termed interoception, as well as with cognitive control processes, sensory and motor functions. This integration guides the nervous system towards the optimal effort required to achieve a desired goal. Across a variety of task domains, we discuss the role of aMCC in motivation, including a) processing of the value of prior and expected rewards, b) assessment of energetic costs in the brain and the body, c) selectively learning and encoding prediction errors (unexpected changes) that are relevant for allostasis, d) computations for monitoring of internal states of the body and e) modulating the internal state of the body to prepare for action. Finally, we discuss the link between individual differences in aMCC processing and variation in two extreme ends of the range of motivational states, tenacity and apathy.
Objectives: To explore differences in adipokine levels (i.e., leptin and adiponectin levels) between adults with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and healthy controls (HC), and to discuss the possible role of adipokine regulation in the development and progression of MDD. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A systematic search was conducted for all English and Chinese peer-reviewed articles from inception to November 2017. A random effects model was used to calculate the standardized mean difference (SMD) of leptin and/or adiponectin levels in subjects diagnosed with MDD versus HC within a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Thirty-three studies were included in this meta-analysis. In total, 4,372 (52.3%) subjects with MDD and 3,984 (47.7%) HC were compared. We identified significant lower adiponectin levels in MDD compared to HC with a small effect size (ES) (SMD = -0.25; 95% CI: -0.48, -0.02; P < 0.001). However, no significant difference was observed in leptin levels between MDD subjects and HC (SMD = 0.13; 95% CI: -0.06, 0.31; P = 0.170). The heterogeneity in the results of our meta-analysis could not be completely explained by dividing subjects into subgroups. Results from subgroup analyses suggested that studies involving samples with BMI ≥ 25 had lower adiponectin levels in subjects with MDD compared to HC, and older age samples (i.e., age ≥ 40) with BMI ≥ 25 had both higher leptin levels and lower adiponectin levels in MDD subjects as compared to HC. Limitations: The heterogeneity of included studies, small sample sizes, and potential publication bias were significant limitations. Conclusions: The current systematic review and meta-analysis indicated that lower adiponectin levels may be associated with MDD. Moreover, the results suggest that males expressing lower adiponectin and leptin levels have an increased likelihood of developing MDD. Future studies should aim to investigate the manifestation of depressive phenotypes in older, obese populations with altered metabolic profiles resulting from adipokine dysregulation. The review has been registered with PROSPERO (registration number CRD42018082733).
The CNS regulates body weight; however, we still lack a clear understanding of what drives decisions about when, how much and what to eat. A vast array of peripheral signals provides information to the CNS regarding fluctuations in energy status. The CNS then integrates this information to influence acute feeding behaviour and long-term energy homeostasis. Previous paradigms have delegated the control of long-term energy homeostasis to the hypothalamus and short-term changes in feeding behaviour to the hindbrain. However, recent studies have identified target hindbrain neurocircuitry that integrates the orchestration of individual bouts of ingestion with the long-term regulation of energy balance.