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Evolution of vertebrate sex chromosomes and dosage compensation



Differentiated sex chromosomes in mammals and other vertebrates evolved independently but in strikingly similar ways. Vertebrates with differentiated sex chromosomes share the problems of the unequal expression of the genes borne on sex chromosomes, both between the sexes and with respect to autosomes. Dosage compensation of genes on sex chromosomes is surprisingly variable - and can even be absent - in different vertebrate groups. Systems that compensate for different gene dosages include a wide range of global, regional and gene-by-gene processes that differ in their extent and their molecular mechanisms. However, many elements of these control systems are similar across distant phylogenetic divisions and show parallels to other gene silencing systems. These dosage systems cannot be identical by descent but were probably constructed from elements of ancient silencing mechanisms that are ubiquitous among vertebrates and shared throughout eukaryotes.
Sex chromosomes wonderfully illustrate what I call ‘dumb
design’: systems that make no functional sense but that
can be understood in terms of evolution. Sex chromo-
some differentiation imposes problems of pairing and
meiosis, exposing one sex to “the perils of hemizygosity”
(REF.1), and creates differences of gene dosage between
males and females.
The acquisition of a new sex-determining gene defines
a pair of proto-sex chromosomes that differentiates as
the sex-specific partner degenerates2,3. Genes that are
lost from this sex-specific chromosome are present on
the partner chromosome in a single copy in one sex
and in two copies in the other sex. This imbalance is
expected to cause problems in equilibrating gene prod-
ucts between the sexes and in interactions with genes
on other chromosomes (autosomes).
Sex chromosomes evolved independently in many
animal groups and are defined by different genes
that acquired either a male-determining or a female-
determining function. In different lineages different
mechanisms compensate, to a greater or lesser extent,
for the 2:1 gene dosage difference created between the
sexes4. These mechanisms are best known in mammals,
in which one entire Xchromosome is epigenetically
silenced in the somatic cells of females. However, in
other vertebrates, whole-X chromosome inactivation is the
exception; in monotreme mammals, birds, reptiles and
fish, dosage compensation seems to be gene-specific
and partial at best.
This leaves us to debate the point of gene dosage
compensation. Do dosage differences matter all that
much5,6? If so, does this apply to all genes, or to only a
few dosage-sensitive genes? How and why did mammals
evolve a complex whole-chromosome inactivation sys-
tem? Is X chromosome inactivation in eutherian (pla-
cental) mammals an elaboration of a ‘leaky’ ancestral
mammalian silencing mechanism? Do different systems
generally work in the same way or do they at least share
molecular mechanisms?
In this Review, I discuss how sex chromosomes arose
and differentiated in vertebrates, and outline the con-
sequences of this differentiation for gene expression. I
discuss new data on the expression of genes borne on
sex chromosomes in mammals and other vertebrates,
and the mechanisms that are thought to modify gene
expression in different taxa. I conclude that, although
these mechanisms evolved independently and produce
very different outcomes, they share elements of ancient
silencing mechanisms.
Sex chromosome evolution
Sex chromosome systems are one of two basic types:
XX females and XY males, as in humans and other
mammals, or ZW females and ZZ males, as in birds
and snakes. In XY systems the dosage difference for
X-borne genes is 2:1 in favour of females, and in ZW
systems the dosage difference for Z-borne genes is 2:1
in favour ofmales.
Trobe Institute of Molecular
Science, La Trobe University,
Bundoora, Victoria 3186,
Australia, and the Australian
National University and
University of Canberra,
Canberra, Australian Capital
Territory 2000, Australia.
Correspondence to
Published online 30 Nov 2015
Sex chromosomes
Chromosomes that are
different in male and female
individuals and defined by a
gene that determines sex.
Mammals have XX females and
XY males (the heterogametic
sex, producing two kinds of
sperm); birds have ZZ males
and ZW females (the
heterogametic sex, producing
two kinds of eggs).
Sex-determining gene
A gene that turns on the
pathway that directs
the undifferentiated gonad to
form either a testis or an ovary.
Evolution of vertebrate sex
chromosomes and
dosage compensation
Jennifer A.Marshall Graves
Abstract | Differentiated sex chromosomes in mammals and other vertebrates evolved
independently but in strikingly similar ways. Vertebrates with differentiated sex chromosomes
share the problems of the unequal expression of the genes borne on sex chromosomes, both
between the sexes and with respect to autosomes. Dosage compensation of genes on sex
chromosomes is surprisingly variable — and can even be absent — in different vertebrate groups.
Systems that compensate for different gene dosages include a wide range of global, regional and
gene‑by‑gene processes that differ in their extent and their molecular mechanisms. However,
many elements of these control systems are similar across distant phylogenetic divisions and
show parallels to other gene silencing systems. These dosage systems cannot be identical by
descent but were probably constructed from elements of ancient silencing mechanisms that are
ubiquitous among vertebrates and shared throughout eukaryotes.
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Proto-sex chromosomes
The first stage of sex
chromosome differentiation
from an autosome.
All of the chromosomes that
are not sex chromosomes.
Xchromosome inactivation
Mechanism to epigenetically
silence one Xchromosome in
the somatic cells of female
Dosage compensation
Mechanism to equalize the
expression of genes on sex
chromosomes between males
and females, and with respect
to autosomes.
Comparative mapping
Mapping orthologous genes in
different species.
Pseudoautosomal region
(PAR). Pairing region shared
by X and Y, or Z and W
chromosomes. PAR genes
show an autosomal pattern
of inheritance. The boundary
between the PAR and the
X- and Y- specific (or Z- and
W-specific) regions is called the
pseudoautosomal boundary.
Genes are in synteny when
they are on the same
chromosome (literally, the
“same thread”).
The raw material of sex chromosomes. Vertebrate sex
chromosomes, as for all sex chromosomes, evolved
from autosome pairs. Comparative mapping across widely
divergent species has revealed the independent origins
of these proto-sex chromosomes. For example, genes on
the human XY chromosome pair are autosomal in birds7,
reptiles8 and even monotreme mammals9. The short arm
of the human Xchromosome is autosomal even in marsu-
pials, and its existence as a separate evolutionary block in
birds shows that it was added to the X and Ychromosomes
only in the ancestor of placental mammals10. Similarly,
genes on the bird ZW chromosome pair are autosomal in
mammals, snakes and most other reptiles (FIG.1). In some
groups, such as fish related to the medaka (genus Oryzias),
closely related species with similar karyotypes have
quite different sex chromosomes11,12. Thus, sex chromo-
somes in different lineages evolved independently from
different regions of the conserved vertebrategenome.
Although the ‘raw material’ was different, the course of
sex chromosome differentiation was remarkably parallel
in different vertebrates. First, genes around the sex-
determining locus were selected for a sex-specific func-
tion and recombination was suppressed to keep this
package of sex-specific genes together. The absence of
recombination resulted in the rapid degradation of the
sex-specific chromosome. The size of the region of the sex
chromosomes that still pairs at meiosis and recombines
(the pseudoautosomal region (PAR)) varies depend-
ing on the age of the sex chromosomes and the rate of
degradation. This variation is exemplified in vertebrates
with different degrees of sex chromosome differentiation.
For example, birds present a range of W degradation:
from extreme degradation in chickens to imperceptible
degradation in ratite birds such as the emu. Similarly,
the snake group includes vipers with highly differenti-
ated Z and W chromosomes and pythons with Z and W
chromosomes that seem to be identical (FIG.2). Although
mammals lack such a range of Ychromosome degrada-
tion, the PAR is shorter in mice and longer in cattle than
in humans, and two rodent groups contain species that
have completely eliminated the Ychromosome13,14.
Origins of sex-determining genes. The evolution of
non-homologous sex chromosome systems was trig-
gered by the acquisition or evolution of different sex-
determining genes, the ancestors of which can be inferred
from homologues in other vertebrates that lie on the
autosome that shares the same gene complement (shared
synteny). For example, the human sex-determining
gene SRY evolved from the highly conserved SOX3 (SRY -
box 3) gene on the Xchromosome15. SOX3 is autoso-
mal in other vertebrates that lack SRY16,17. Likewise,
DMRT1 (doublesex Mab3-related transcription factor 1;
related to the sexual differentiation genes doublesex in
Drosophila spp. and mab3 in Caenorhabditis elegans), is
located on the Z chromosome and is essential for male
development in birds18 but is autosomal, albeit involved
in sex determination, in other vertebrates19,20.
Nature Reviews | Genetics
Ancestral vertebrate
310 MYA
190 MYA
166 MYA
290 MYA
100 MYA
450 MYA
Reptiles Mammals
5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crocodiles Birds Monotremes Marsupials PlacentalsSnakesSole
Figure 1 | Non-homologous vertebrate sex chromosomes and vertebrate phylogeny. The phylogeny of higher
vertebrates is shown, with divergence dates at nodes25. The karyotype of the ancestral mammal was inferred from
extremely conserved genomes of mammals, birds and reptiles. The five coloured genome regions became sex
chromosomes in different lineages and contain sex‑determining genes. AMH, anti‑Mullerian hormone; DMRT1, doublesex
Mab3‑related transcription factor 1; Micro, microchromosomes; MYA, million years ago; SOX3, SRY‑like HMG‑box
containing gene 3; SRY, sex determining region Y; TSD, temperature sex determination.
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Epigenetic changes are
somatically heritable changes,
not in the DNA sequence,
but in the level to which the
gene is expressed.
Next-generation sequencing
to quantify transcripts of
every gene in a particular
tissue and/or stage.
Fluorescence in situ
(FISH). Hybridization of DNA
or RNA sequences trapped
on a substrate (for example, a
microscope slide) with probe
sequences specific for a
particular gene.
LINE elements
Long Interspersed Elements.
A group of repetitive
retrotransposed elements
widespread throughout
eukaryote genomes.
Although they evolved independently, some genes,
for example, SOX3 and DMRT1, are sex-determining in
several distantly related taxa, and the regions in which
they are embedded have independently become sex
chromosomes. Evidently, some genes are good at deter-
mining sex and are pressed into service again and again
by evolution21,22.
Diverse dosage compensation mechanisms
All differentiated sex chromosomes share the same prob-
lem: degradation of the sex-specific Y or W chromo-
somes has left many genes on their partner chromosome
(X or Z, respectively) represented by two doses in one sex
and a single dose in the other. Clinical observations over
many decades show that monosomy for even small auto-
somes is fatal in humans, and trisomy can result in severe
phenotypes, so it is not surprising to find systems that
exist to compensate for sex differences in genedosage.
Gene dosage compensation systems are surpris-
ingly different across vertebrate lineages23,24, in both
their extent and their molecular mechanisms. We can
distinguish between chromosome-wide (‘global’) com-
pensation in mammals and several varieties of regional
compensation, as well as systems in which compensation
seems to act on individual genes — or not act atall.
Much information on gene dosage compensation
has come from comparisons between different ver-
tebrate groups, so it is important to understand how
mammals, birds and reptiles, and amphibians and fish
are related (FIG.1). There are three groups of mammals:
placental (eutherian) mammals diverged from marsu-
pials (metatherian mammals) around 166 million years
ago (MYA), and therians (marsupials and placentals)
diverged from prototherians (the egg-laying mono-
tremes) around 190 MYA25. We can deduce the ages of
sex chromosomes and dosage compensation systems
from this phylogeny. For example, the mammalian XY
system and Xchromosome inactivation are shared by
placental and marsupial mammals but are not pres-
ent in monotremes or birds, so they must have arisen
Placental mammals. In eutherians, the epigenetic silenc-
ing of one entire Xchromosome in the somatic cells of
females mostly compensates for the 2:1 dosage difference
between females and males. As a whole-chromosome
phenomenon, Xchromosome inactivation became a
paradigm for the epigenetic change that is associated
with gene silencing on a chromosome-widescale.
The inactivation of X-borne genes in mice and
humans has been exhaustively studied during the
50years since Mary Lyon put forward her hypothesis
that one of the Xchromosomes becomes randomly and
heritably inactivated early in embryogenesis in mice2628.
In the past 3years, RNA-seq comparisons of the full tran-
scriptome of different species have confirmed that, for
most genes on the Xchromosome of primates and mice,
the female/male ratio of gene expression in different tis-
sues is nearly 1.0 (REF.29) (FIG.3), and this is also the case
for other mammals30. RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization
(RNA-FISH), which detects primary transcripts on
individual cells, shows that every cell is 1 X-active for
most genes in humans, mice and elephants31. In line
with Lyon’s original hypothesis, Xchromosome inacti-
vation is random, and clonal expansion of the two var-
iants produces a mosaic phenotype across the animal’s
body. From the point of initiation, inactivation spreads
rapidly throughout the Xchromosome and is perhaps
propagated by a high density of LINE elements32.
Xchromosome inactivation was shown to result from
transcriptional inhibition33, which is brought on by many
molecular changes, including DNA methylation34,35, bind-
ing with specialized histones such as macroH2A36 and
binding with core histones modified by the attachment
of various chemical groups37. These post-translational
histone modifications probably act by altering the binding
of DNA to other proteins, as well as through a direct
effect on the negatively charged histones. The methyl-
ated DNA and the variant and modified histones con-
struct a chromatin silencing domain that prevents the
binding of RNA polymerase II to promoters38.
This silencing domain was dramatically revealed by
Hi-C studies of the interactions between sequences on dif-
ferent parts of the human Xchromosome. Sequencing
regions of juxtaposed DNA that were held together with
formamide showed that the chromatin of the active
Xchromosome is arranged in many short-range domains
(similar to those found in autosomes) but that the inac-
tive Xchromosome contains two massive domains39,40
Nature Reviews | Genetics
Marine turtles
Carinate birds
Boid snakes
Ratite birds
Many fish
Autosome pair
Acquisition of (a)
sex-determining gene(s)
Proto-sex chromosomes
Degradation of Y or W
Loss of recombination
Complete differentiation
of Y or W chromosome
Loss of Y or W chromosome
Many fish
Spiny rats
Mole voles
Figure 2 | Differentiation of sex chromosomes from an original autosome as the
sex-specific element (Y or W chromosome) degenerates, with examples of animal
species that exhibit different extents of sex chromosome differentiation. An
autosome pair first acquires a sex‑determining allele on one member of the pair (a male
determining factor (MDF) or a female determining factor (FDF)). Degeneration of the
neighbouring region occurs as sex‑specific alleles accrue and crossing over is
suppressed. Dashes between the chromosomes represent exchange between X and Y
or between Z and W chromosomes.
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Histone modifications
The post-translational covalent
attachment of a chemical
group such as acetyl, methyl
and ubiquitin groups, to
the protruding tail of one
of the core histones (H2, H3,
H4) around which DNA is
wound. Nomenclature (for
example, H3K27me3) refers to
the amino acid (for example, K)
at a specific position (for
example, 27) that is modified
by the addition of chemical
groups (for example, three
methyl groups (me3)).
Method for detecting
interactions between different
sequences by binding DNA
with formaldehyde, cutting
on either side of the bound
sequences and ligating
and sequencing the chimeric
DNA. This method can be
made allele-specific using SNPs
that differentiate active and
inactive Xchromosome DNA.
Homology between genes or
chromosomes is described
as orthology (genes or
chromosomes in different
species that derived from the
same gene or chromosome) or
paralogy (genes in the same
species that have diverged
from a common ancestor, for
example, diverged genes on
the X and Ychromosomes).
within which large loops are anchored at repetitive
sequences that bind the ‘insulator sequence’ CTCF41.
The two domains are separated by a ‘hinge’ composed
of a repetitive element transcribed into a long non-cod-
ing RNA (ncRNA); the same element separates two large
domains on the mouse inactive Xchromosome39.
These molecular changes are initiated by coating the
Xchromosome that is to be inactivated with another
long ncRNA produced by the X-borne XIST gene
(X-inactive specific transcript). XIST is transcribed only
from its locus on the inactive Xchromosome42. XIST
expression is also subject to complex regulation that
involves DNA methylation and histone modification27,
and this regulation seems to be different in humans,
mice and rabbits30,43–45. Coating of the Xchromosome
with the XIST long ncRNA seems to recruit elements of
the chromatin silencing domain46, including variant and
modified histones and several non-histone proteins47.
Although Xchromosome inactivation is random in
cells of the embryo, paternal Xchromosome inactivation
occurs in the extra-embryonic membranes of rodents
and bovids48,49, and even to some extent in mouse
somatic tissues50. In the extra-embryonic membranes of
the mouse, a maternal imprint on XIST, which involves
modified histones51, silences this locus in the embryo,
permitting the maternal Xchromosome to stay active
while the paternal allele is expressed and inactivates the
paternal Xchromosome.
In humans (but not in mice) many genes on the short
arm of the inactive Xchromosome escape silencing
either completely or partially52,53, reflecting the recent
addition of this region to both the X and the Ychromo-
somes9. A few of these escaper genes have active copies
on the Ychromosome, but for most genes dosage differ-
ences do not seem to matter. Escape is also common on
the Xchromosomes of other placental mammals such as
cows and elephants54, but only a few loci on the mouse
Xchromosome escape inactivation55.
Marsupials. The marsupial Xchromosome is homologous
to two-thirds of the human Xchromosome9 but lacks
LINE accumulation56. Xchromosome inactivation
occurs in marsupials but differs from that in placental
mammals in that it is always paternal and conspicu-
ously tissue-specific, gene-specific and partial57. These
differences have seemed less important since escaper
genes were discovered on the human Xchromosome52
and paternal Xchromosome inactivation was described
in the extra-embryonic membranes of rodents and
bovids48,49 and in mouse somatic tissues50.
Inactive genes in marsupials, as in humans and mice,
are silenced at the transcriptional level58–60. The partial
expression of escaper genes on the kangaroo Xchromo-
some was shown by RNA-FISH to be due to transcrip-
tion in only a small proportion of cells rather than due
to a low level of transcription in each cell61, as was also
observed for escaper genes on the human and elephant
However, RNA-seq studies of gene expression on the
opossum Xchromosome in several tissues from males
and females showed the dosage of gene expression to be
close to 1.0 (REF.29), which suggests that compensation
is nearly complete in this species (FIG.3). The expression
of maternal and paternal X alleles in the opossum brain
and placenta59 confirms that maternal alleles are always
active, whereas most paternally derived alleles are com-
pletely or partially inactivated; the rate of escape was
14%, similar to that in humans. The rate of escape is
much higher (30%) in cultured kangaroo fibroblasts62
but tissue differences make comparisons difficult.
The molecular mechanism of Xchromosome inac-
tivation differs between placental and marsupial mam-
mals. No DNA methylation was found at the promoter
sites of inactive paternal alleles or of active maternal
alleles in the opossum59, confirming early studies that
revealed no methylation differences in the Xchromo-
some in marsupials63. Furthermore, no evidence of LINE
accumulation was observed56. Marsupials and placental
mammals share some histone modifications that are
associated with Xchromosome inactivation, including
acetylation (an activation mark) and methylation (gener-
ally an inactivation mark)58,59,64–67. Several histone modi-
fications are absent from escaper genes68, which suggests
that histone modifications are involved in gene-by-gene
silencing. However, several inactivation marks that are
present on the inactive Xchromosome in humans and
mice are absent in marsupials (for example, H4K20me1)
or are restricted to specific cell cycle phases (such as
H3K27me3 and H3K9me3)64.
Marsupials have no XIST gene69–71; instead, the
homologous region that contains genes that flank XIST
in eutherians contains one of the protein-coding genes
present in birds and frogs but that has been lost in pla-
cental mammals72,73. However, an unrelated gene, RSX
(RNA on the silent X), has been discovered at another
Figure 3 | Dosage compensation of genes on X or Z
chromosomes in mammals, birds, reptiles and fish.
a | The frequency of genes with varying male (m)/female (f)
ratios of expression is expressed logarithmically (a zero
ratio, which denotes equal expression, is represented
by a dashed vertical line). Blue lines denote the
male/female ratio for genes on autosomes (for snakes,
macrochromosomes 1–5 are plotted separately), and red
lines denote the male/female ratio for sex chromosomes
(X for mammals, and Z for birds, snakes and fish). Dosage
compensation is almost complete for the mammalian
Xchromosome, partial for the bird, rattlesnake and sole
Z chromosome, and absent for the undifferentiated
boa Z chromosome. b | Patterns of dosage compensation of
genes arrayed along the Z chromosomes in birds, reptiles
and fish, expressed logarithmically (the horizontal zero line
denotes equal expression), except for birds (for which
dosage compensation is expressed as a linear ratio with 1
denoting equal expression). The dosage valley in the
chicken Z chromosome (which contains the Male
HyperMethylated (MHM) region) and the small
dosage‑compensated region on the sole Z chromosome
(which has a marked increase in methylated cytosines)
are marked with boxes. Part a adapted from
REFS29,88,102,and from REF.105, Nature Publishing Group.
Part b adapted from REFS92,102, and with permission from
REF.10 6, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
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locus on the marsupial Xchromosome that seems
to fulfil the same function as XIST74. RSX is active on
the paternal but not the maternal Xchromosome and
produces a ncRNA that coats the Xchromosome
and recruits variant and modified histones to form a
silencing domain. However, no differences in DNA meth-
ylation are observed at the promoters of genes on the
active and inactive Xchromosomes. Transcription of RSX
seems to be controlled by the binding of the promoter
with the activating mark H3K4me3, but not by the inac-
tivating mark H3K27me3, unlike mouse XIST. Curiously,
differential DNA methylation distinguishes active and
inactive RSX alleles, as is the case for XIST in the mouse59.
In this way, the maternal RSX allele is silenced and the
paternal allele is expressed early in embryogenesis, which
marks the paternal Xchromosome for inactivation50,66.
It will be interesting to determine whether RSX ncRNA
interacts with the same proteins as XISTncRNA.
Monotremes. The platypus has not one but five pairs of
sex chromosomes75. Females have five pairs of Xchromo-
somes, and males have five X and five Ychromosomes, all
of which are genetically different9,76,77. During male meio-
sis, X and Ychromosomes pair at the ends to form a chain
of ten from which the Xchromosomes segregate to one
pole and the Ychromosomes to the other to form female-
and male-producing sperm76. This bizarre system arose
by sequential exchanges between an ancient sex chromo-
some pair and four autosome pairs78. Surprisingly, plat-
ypus X and Ychromosomes have homology not to the
mammalian X and Ychromosomes but to the bird Z and
W chromosomes9. Monotremes have no SRY gene (SOX3
is autosomal16); the most convincing candidate sex-
determining gene is AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone;
which has a fundamental role in the sex determination
pathway in reptiles and fish)60.
Although the non-pairing regions of the multiple
Xchromosomes make up at least 12% of the length
of the monotreme genome, there is little evidence for
global dosage compensation. There are inconsistent
reports of delayed DNA replication and differential con-
densation75,79,80 but no molecular evidence of epigenetic
Allele-specific PCR (a type of allele-specific assay)
showed that both alleles of several X-borne genes were
transcribed in fibroblasts81, and RNA-seq showed a nearly
twofold excess of expression in females over males in
several tissues (FIG.3), implying that there is little dosage
compensation29. However, RNA-FISH of X-specific genes
in the fibroblasts of the female platypus revealed up to
50% of 1X-active cells for several genes81, which suggests
partial stochastic silencing of at least some genes, as is also
observed for genes on the marsupial Xchromosome and
for escaper genes on the human Xchromosome.
Is the bird Z chromosome dosage-compensated?
In birds, the Z chromosome is highly conserved
between species82,83 and contains almost exactly the
same set of genes84. However, the W chromosome has
degraded to different extents in different bird lineages,
being highly differentiated in most birds but almost
Nature Reviews | Genetics
Zebra finch
Tongue sole
Tongue sole Z chromosome
Snake Z chromosome
Chicken Z chromosome
Rattlesnake Z Boa Z
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Allele-specific assay
This type of method can be
used to distinguish between
two alternative forms of a gene
by using probes or primers that
bind only to one or the other
alternative nucleotide
Quantitative PCR
(qPCR). Quantitative (real-time)
PCR measures the amount of a
specific sequence in a sample
by tracking the production of
amplification products over
PCR cycles.
Microarray analysis
Expression microarrays assay
for the presence of RNA
sequences in a sample by
binding sample to cDNAs
(DNA copies of mRNA)
arrayed on a substrate.
identical cytologically to the Z chromosome in the dis-
tantly related flightless (ratite) birds such as the emu and
The chicken Z chromosome contains nearly 1,000
genes that are absent from the W chromosome. Early
cytogenetic studies detected no heterochromatic Z chro-
mosome, and isozyme studies of a Z-linked enzyme
showed that both alleles were expressed in blood85.
Dosage compensation was observed by quantitative PCR
(qPCR) for some genes86.
Genome sequences from chickens and several other
birds have allowed detailed analyses at the genome and
transcriptome levels17. Like the human Xchromosome,
the chicken Z chromosome is enriched in LINE ele-
ments, but these are not associated with genes that are
dosage-compensated87. Microarray analysis of the levels
of transcription in male and female chickens showed
that Z genes are expressed 30–40% more strongly in ZZ
males than in ZW females88,89. Global expression analysis
with RNA-seq29 confirmed that expression in males is
33% higher than in females (FIG.3). A few Z genes were
completely dosage-compensated (male/female ratio
of 1.0) and a few were completely non-compensated
(male/female ratio of 2.0), but most were somewhere
between these two extremes. RNA-FISH studies of Z
genes in male and female chickens provide a picture of a
stochastic process that is similar to that in monotremes
and marsupials and in the escaper genes on the human
Xchromosome90. Thus, dosage compensation in birds
does occur86, but it is partial and gene-by-gene91.
Over most of the chicken Z chromosome, genes show
no regional pattern of dosage compensation92. However,
there is a small ‘dosage valley’ within which genes are
more dosage-compensated. This region has dramatic
differences in chromatin conformation between the
sexes, being open in females but hypermethylated and
condensed in males88,92. It contains an enigmatic locus
called MHM (Male HyperMethylated) that shows differ-
ential methylation and configuration between the two Z
chromosomes in males93. MHM is methylated and silent
in males, but in females MHM is unmethylated and asso-
ciated with acetylated histones and is transcribed into a
long ncRNA, which accumulates at its transcription site
near the sex-determining DMRT1 locus94.
Analysis of the transcription of Z-borne genes in
other bird species (zebra finch, crow and whitetail
flycatcher) confirms that different genes are dosage-
compensated to low and variable extents95,96, but the dos-
age valley seems to be confined to chickens and their close
relatives97. No dosage compensation was observed for the
genes in the small segment of the ostrich Z chromosome
that is different between the Z and W chromosomes98.
Snake sex chromosomes. Snakes also have a ZZ male/
ZW female sex chromosome system, but gene mapping
has shown that the snake Z chromosome is homolo-
gous to bird chromosome 2 rather than to the bird Z
chromosome99,100. Curiously, repetitive sequences that
are specific to sex chromosomes are shared between the
snake and bird Z chromosomes101, suggesting a com-
mon origin. One hypothesis is that a common ancestor
had a super-sex chromosome that contained both these
regions. DMRT1 is autosomal in snakes, and the snake
sex-determining gene is unknown.
Snake Z and W chromosomes occupy a special place in
sex chromosome theory because, as pointed out by Susumo
Ohno1, they illustrate stages in W chromosome degrada-
tion. Of the three major snake families, boids (pythons
and their relatives) have a W chromosome cytologically
indistinguishable from the Z chromosome, viperids
have extremely differentiated W chromosomes, and
colubrids are somewhere in themiddle.
A 2013 genomic study of the number and expres-
sion of genes on the Z chromosome in boa, garter snake
(colubrid) and rattlesnake (viper)102 revealed no genomic
differences between male and female boa. Presumably,
either sex in boids is conferred by an allelic difference
beyond the resolution of short-read sequencing or the
sex-determining locus lies on an unrelated chromo-
some. However, the viper and, surprisingly, the colubrid
showed sex differences in the numbers of sequence reads
at the genome level for almost all the genes on the Z
Transcription of the Z-specific genes in the colubrid
and viper produced a profile similar to that of genes on
the non-homologous bird Z chromosome. Most genes
showed male/female differences of somewhere between
1.0 and 2.0 (FIG.3). There was no sign of gene dosage
compensation at the chromosome-wide or regionalle vels.
Dosage compensation in fish. Fish display richly inform-
ative variation of sex chromosomes and sex-linked genes
but there have been few studies of dosage compensation
in this group. A paper published in 2015 reported early
signs of the establishment of a dosage compensation sys-
tem in the minimally differentiated sex chromosomes
in the threespine stickleback, which were detectable as
the upregulation of genes on the older stratum of the
Xchromosome in males103. The establishment of this
dosage compensation system was suggested to be initi-
ated by the female-biased expression of many genes on
the Xchromosome104.
A detailed analysis of the genome, transcriptome and
methylome of the half-smooth tongue sole has revealed
signs of dosage compensation. This species has a
ZW chromosome pair that is only 30 million years old
but that has already greatly diverged. Remarkably, the
sole ZW pair has considerable homology to the bird
ZW pair, and DMRT1 fulfils the criteria for being the
sex-determining gene in this species. However, gene
dosage differences between ZZ males and ZW females
are apparently insufficient to define sex, because
the DMRT1 locus is silenced by methylation in ZW
females105. Incubation at a high temperature removes
this methylation and produces fertile ZW pseudomales,
which implies that sex is determined by an epigenetic
mechanism in thisfish.
In this species, dosage compensation can be directly
assessed in the same sex by comparing the transcrip-
tion of Z-borne genes in the testes of ZW and ZZ
males. A study showed that genes on most of the Z
chromosome are expressed at an average male/female
© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Ohno’s hypothesis
A hypothesis that states that
the first step of the evolution of
Xchromosome inactivation was
the upregulation of X-borne
genes in males to maintain
parity with the expression
of interacting autosomal
genes. This resulted in the
overexpression of X-borne
genes in females, which was
countered by Xchromosome
ratio of 1.3 between ZZ and ZW males (FIG.3), which
implies variable and partial dosage compensation106.
However, strong dosage compensation was observed
in a 4 Mb region of the Z chromosome. This region
was highly divergent from the W chromosome and
contained many genes that are involved in male
development. This dosage-compensated region was
replete with methylated cytosines, which suggests that
DNA methylation is important for regulating dosage
The evolution of dosage compensation systems
Dosage compensation and sex chromosome degeneration.
It seems obvious that the need for dosage compensation
would arise only following gene loss from t he sex-specific
chromosome, thus dosage compensation would keep
pace with degradation. It is therefore important to
understand the progress of chromosome degradation.
Degradation is not a smooth process. The pres-
ence of ‘geological strata’ on the mammal Y and bird Z
chromosomes60,107 provides evidence that degradation
proceeded in ‘fits and starts, as regions were isolated
from recombination by inversion. However, evolution-
ary ‘tidemarks’ of retreating pseudoautosomal bound-
aries, variation between species and polymorphisms in
the human PAR108–111 show that inactivation could also
creep slowly along the mammalian Xchromosome. The
different sizes of the pseudoautosomal regions in differ-
ent mammals109 show that Ychromosome degradation
proceeded at different rates in different lineages.
Ychromosome genes were probably not lost instanta-
neously but gradually faded away, so that the acquisition
of dosage compensation could proceed slowly. Gradual
inactivation is implied by the presence of partially active
genes and recently inactivated pseudogenes near the
pseudoautosomal boundary on the human Ychromo-
some108. Some of these genes (such as steroid sulfatase)
remain 2X-active, even though their Y partners suffered
partial deletion. Some are inactivated in certain tissues
but escape inactivation in others, and can even be inacti-
vated in some women and not in others: polymorphisms
that attest to the gradual degradation and loss of Y
chromosome genes52.
What genes really need to be dosage-compensated?
We must also consider which genes really need to be
dosage-compensated once their Y partners are inac-
tivated or lost. At one end of the spectrum are highly
dosage-sensitive genes for which haploinsufficiency
would be lethal or deleterious; importantly, such genes
are highly represented among those that retain an
active partner on the Ychromosome60,112. However, for
many genes, dosage is not a problem; for example, a
deficiency for genes that encode enzymes is often a true
recessive, with heterozygotes having a normal pheno-
type, which implies that there are many ways to regulate
enzyme activity other than at the transcriptionallevel.
Some genes may not require dosage compensation
because they have evolved a sex-specific function. For
example, a spermatogenesis gene that is only expressed
in males does not need to be compensated. Biased
expression is common for genes on sex chromosomes,
and the human X and chicken Z chromosomes have
accumulated testis-specific genes113,114. In birds, and
in the tongue sole, most genes on the Z chromosome
are hypertranscribed in males, and there is a twofold
excess of expression of sex-related genes in males com-
pared with females. By contrast, the mouse Xchromo-
some seems to have accumulated female-biased genes
that are expressed in the ovary and placenta, whereas
late-expressing spermatogenesis genes have moved off
the Xchromosome115. In line with the suggestion that
sex-biased genes accumulate on sex chromosomes,
female-biased genes are concentrated in the unpaired
region of the partially differentiated Xchromosome of
the three-spine stickleback, perhaps making up for a
lack of dosage compensation in this species116.
If many or most of the genes are not dosage sensitive,
then selection for the inactivation of a recently unpaired
region of the Xchromosome would be weak until degen-
eration hits a gene for which haploinsufficiency is severe
or lethal, or a damaging level of smaller deficiencies
accumulates. Thus, we might expect recruitment into the
inactivation system to proceed in fits and starts along the
Xchromosome as strong selection begins to compensate
for one or a few dosage-sensitivegenes.
Dosage compensation by the upregulation of gene
expression. Ohno1 first proposed that the initial step
of mammalian Xchromosome inactivation was the
upregulation of genes on the single Xchromosome of
males to maintain parity with autosomal genes (Ohno’s
hypothesis) (FIG.4). The upregulation of X-borne genes
occurs in Drosophila spp. but is, sensibly, confined to
males4. However, in mammals, the upregulation of genes
on the Xchromosome produces an awkward excess of
Xchromosome product in females that is countered
by Xchromosome inactivation117.
Whether X-borne genes are overexpressed compared
with autosomal genes in mammals is still debated118. A
gene that is on the Xchromosome in one mouse species
and on an autosome in another mouse species showed
a twofold difference in expression per Xchromosome
between the two species117. Microarray analyses and,
more recently, an RNA-seq study showed the marked
upregulation of genes on the mouse Xchromosome
in males compared with genes on autosomes, though
this was not sufficient to completely compensate for
the twofold deficiency in Xchromosome gene dos-
age119. Observations of active histone marks bound to
DNA increased RNA stability and RNA polymerase
occupancy, and increased ribosome density are con-
sistent with the upregulation of gene expression in
However, global RNA-seq analysis of all genes on
the mouse Xchromosome (including those with little
or sex-biased transcription) detected no upregulation
of X-chromosome gene expression120,123,124, and neither
did a recent comparison at the protein level125. Even
when non-expressed genes were eliminated from the set
of genes analysed and the transcription of X-chromosome
genes was compared with the transcription of their
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Meiotic sex chromosome
(MCSI). Inactivation of the X
and Ychromosomes during
male meiosis in therian
orthologues in species with non-homologous sex
chromosomes, there was no evidence of upregula-
tion in placental mammals126. However, similar tech-
niques showed upregulation in males of genes on
the Xchromosome in the opossum and on the oldest
Xchromosome in the platypus29,127.
Thus, evidence for the upregulation of genes on
the Xchromosome as the first step in the evolution
of Xchromosome inactivation in placental mammals
remains equivocal. Inconsistent results may reflect the
analysis of different sets of sex-linked genes, and the set
of autosomal genes to which they were compared128,129.
However, it may be that upregulation occurs for some
genes but not for others, in one or both sexes, and
independently in some lineages but not inothers.
In birds, the upregulation of Z-chromosome genes
was observed in ZW females when their expression was
compared with the average for autosomes, in chickens,
zebra finches and crows97,130 but not in flycatchers95;
although comparisons between Z-chromosome and
proto-ZW-chromosome gene expression did show the
upregulation of Z-chromosome genes in females29. A
similar conclusion was made for genes on the tongue
sole Z chromosome, which were significantly upreg-
ulated in females106. Upregulation of X-borne genes
is correlated with the loss of Y-borne genes even
in a plant system131. Thus, the upregulation of genes in
the heterogametic sex does seem to have occurred
independently in several lineages.
Did inactivation evolve from meiotic silencing? Early
studies of paternal Xchromosome inactivation sug-
gested that marsupials represent an early stage in the
construction of the sophisticated multilayered random
Xchromosome inactivation of placental mammals132.
Paternal Xchromosome inactivation was thought
to have been ancestral because it occurs in marsupi-
als and also in the extra-embryonic membranes in
rodents and bovids. Incomplete and gene- and tis-
sue-specific marsupial inactivation was also thought
to be a leaky version of Xchromosome inactivation in
placental mammals57. However, we now know that pla-
cental mammals and marsupials share characteristics
of variable, partial and gene-specific Xchromosome
The idea that paternal inactivation was ancestral to
therians led to the attractive hypothesis that paternal
inactivation was simply a continuation of meiotic sex
chromosome inactivation (MCSI) in the testis, and this
idea was supported by claims that one Xchromosome
was already inactive at the two-cell stage in mice49.
MCSI seems to be a manifestation of an ancient mecha-
nism to silence chromosome regions that are not paired
at meiosis133 and to banish invading DNA sequences.
Marsupials and placental mammals share the silenc-
ing of both X and Ychromosomes during male meio-
sis134,135. Perhaps the Xchromosome is delivered to the
egg in an inactive form. In marsupials, and in the early
differentiating extra-embryonic membranes in rodents
and bovids, this chromosome could simply remain
inactive. In the somatic cells of placental mammals, the
Xchromosome could be reactivated, and this would be
followed by random inactivation.
However, it was observed that genes inactivated
during meiosis were reactivated in the early embryo of
female opossums66. Indeed, it is now clear that mouse
and human embryos go through a 2X-active stage before
either paternal orrandom Xchromosome inactivation
is imposed136.
The appearance of paternal Xchromosome inac-
tivation in some placental mammals in addition to
marsupials need not necessarily mean that this was an
ancestral condition. Paternal inactivation may have
independently evolved as the result of selection to mit-
igate maternal–foetal incompatibility. Alternatively, it
may have evolved in response to sexual antagonism
towards variants of X-borne genes, which, being always
expressed from the single Xchromosome copy in XY
males, were selected for male-advantageous traits at
the expense of females. Paternally imprinted silenc-
ing appears again and again throughout the animal
kingdom. It is a common theme in some invertebrate
systems of chromosome loss and heterochromatiniza-
tion and is likely to be related to the mechanism that
Nature Reviews | Genetics
Unpaired region on
X chromosome is
upregulated in
both sexes
XCI evolves to counter
upregulation of X-borne
genes in females
XCI spreads to keep up
with the upregulation
of X-borne genes
acquires TDF
Y chromosome
from TDF
Y chromosome
degrades further
Y chromosome
mostly degraded
Figure 4 | Ohno’s hypothesis that Ychromosome degradation drives upregulation
of the unpaired region of the Xchromosome in males (M) and females (F) and is
countered by Xchromosome inactivation in females. A proto‑Ychromosome is
defined by the acquisition of a testis‑determining factor (TDF; red band). Other genes
(green and blue bands) on the proto‑X and proto‑Ychromosomes are active in both sexes
(transcripts are represented by green and blue dots). As the Ychromosome degrades,
genes on the unpaired region of the Xchromosome are upregulated sequentially to
maintain gene expression dosage in males. Upregulation in females is progressively
countered by Xchromosome inactivation (XCI).
© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
produces allele-specific expression at several imprinted
loci in mammals137. Striking similarities between fac-
ultative heterochromatin, imprinted regions and
the inactive Xchromosome have been noted several
The evolution of chromosome-wide dosage compensa-
tion. The distinguishing feature of mammalian Xchro-
mosome inactivation is its coordinated control of
(almost) the whole Xchromosome. Did this control have
its beginning in the unpaired region early in evolution
and spread when the X and Ychromosomes started to
differentiate? Or was it superimposed on a more ancient
variable and partial inactivation system?
An early localized silencing event must have taken
place in the region of the mammalian Xchromosome
that was first differentiated, presumably near the SOX3
locus that evolved into SRY. ncRNA transcribed within
this region may originally have had a local effect on
the Xchromosome, similar to the effects of of ncRNA
transcripts of Air and Kcnq1 on an imprinted region137.
This silenced domain spread as the Ychromosome
progressively degraded, and it now encompasses all of
the Xchromosome except for the small pseudoautoso-
mal region. Although XIST is 66 Mb from SOX3 on the
human Xchromosome, Gribnau pointed out141 that the
LNX locus that was replaced by XIST is adjacent to SOX3
in the orthologous region of the bird chromosome 4, so
these genes might have been in close proximity on the
ancestral mammalian Xchromosome.
However, the presence of non-contiguous escaper
genes on the human Xchromosome and the variabil-
ity of their expression142 favour the alternative model
of superimposition of global control on an ancient
gene-by-gene dosage compensation mechanism. The
pattern of inactivation on the mouse and human Xchro-
mosomes suggests that this global control is nearly com-
plete on the mouse Xchromosome but is still underway
on the region of the human Xchromosome that was
added to the eutherian X and Ychromosomes (FIG.5).
Similarly, the stochastic transcription of escaper
genes on the human and kangaroo Xchromosomes sup-
ports the occurrence of variable and partial inactivation
of an ancestral therian Xchromosome that evolved soon
after the evolution of SRY and the beginning of X and
Ychromosome differentiation 190–166 MYA. This nas-
cent system seems to have independently come under
the control of non-homologous non-coding genes in
marsupial and placental mammals.
Although mammalian Xchromosome inactivation
has no parallel in the dosage compensation systems of
other vertebrates, there are at least two examples
of regional control that support the hypothesis that
Xchromosome inactivation was superimposed on
an ancient therian gene-by-gene system. The young
Z chromosome of the tongue sole shows variable and
partial dosage compensation but contains a 4 Mb region
replete with dosage-compensated genes, which is rich
in CpG dinucleotides that are subject to differential
methylation106. Similarly, the chicken Z chromosome,
most of which comprises genes with different levels of
dosage compensation with no obvious polarity contains
a dosage valley that includes the MHM locus, which
is hypomethylated and inactive in males but which is
complexed with activating histones and expressed as a
long ncRNA in females92. The Z chromosomes of other
birds have genes with a range of dosage compensation
but lack this valley, which implies that the valley evolved
recently143 and was superimposed on a gene-by-gene
partial compensation system that is present in allbirds.
Re-use of ancient silencing mechanisms. I have dis-
cussed above how non-homologous sex chromosomes
go through a series of changes as the sex-specific
member degrades and the gene content of its part-
ner becomes specialized, a process that is very similar
across different vertebrate groups. Regulation of gene
expression that mitigates dosage differences in verte-
brates also has many features of epigenetic silencing
that are widely distributed across other eukaryotes,
including regulation by ncRNAs and DNA and histone
Long ncRNAs are increasingly being recognized as
important controlling mechanisms that have complex
roles in Xchromosome inactivation. Indeed, Xchro-
mosome inactivation is increasingly being seen as a
series of RNA switches that guide and tether proteins to
silenced DNA144. Many imprinted domains also contain
ncRNA137, which seems to perform similar functions in
recruiting chromatin modifiers145.
It may seem remarkable that XIST and RSX both
produce ncRNAs with similar functions in silencing
genes although they have different sequences and quite
independent origins. XIST and other non-coding genes
in the inactivation centre arose from an ancient region
containing protein-coding genes73, which was dis-
rupted in marsupials72 but which accumulated repeti-
tive sequences in placental mammals146. RSX evolved
from non-homologous sequences distant from XIST.
However, there is no shortage of candidate ncRNAs
transcribed from the Xchromosome; several genes
within regions of the mouse Xchromosome that escape
inactivation transcribe long ncRNAs, predominantly
in females147, and this suggests that many ncRNAs may
have been available to take over the control of Xchro-
mosome inactivation in either marsupials or placental
mammals (FIG.5).
Comparisons of the molecular mechanisms involved
in Xchromosome inactivation that are shared with other
epigenetic silencing systems also reveal many
other examples of the re-use of ancient and ubiquitous
mechanisms. The stochastic silencing process in mam-
mal and bird sex chromosomes resembles monoallelic
expression of many autosomal genes148150 and may have
evolved from it151. Importantly, the product of a gene
that is involved in chromatin condensation, SMCHD1,
regulates not only Xchromosome inactivation but also
clusters of autosomal genes that are expressed monoal-
lelically152. Monoallelically expressed autosomal genes
also share with inactivated X-chromosome genes a
trademark chromatin signature of highly conserved
histone modifications153.
© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Epigenetic changes to DNA or to the histones that
bind it are also a common theme in many eukaryote
regulatory pathways, being widely present in other
vertebrate and invertebrate silencing mechanisms.
In mammals, DNA is methylated mostly at CpG
residues in the heterochromatin; CpG methylation at
promoters is confined to the inactive Xchromosome
and imprinted regions. CpG methylation must have
been a recent addition to the Xchromosome inac-
tivation pathway in placental mammals because it
is absent in marsupials. However, DNA methylation is
seen across eukaryotes and is negatively correlated with
gene expression154. DNA methylation controls the con-
figuration and activity of the MHM locus in the dosage
valley of the chicken Z chromosome in males93,94. DNA
methylation has been shown to inactivate the male-
determining DMRT1 locus to produce female tongue
sole, and differential methylation of CpG sequences
is found in the dosage-compensated region that sur-
rounds the DMRT1 locus106. DNA methylation is
involved in parent-specific silencing of imprinted genes
in plants as well as mammals137,155, and is also involved in
silencing by XIST and RSX27,59. DNA methylation of
repetitive sequences of DNA at centromeres is ubiqui-
tous across eukaryotes156, which probably reflects the
ancient role of DNA methylation. This suggests that
epigenetic changes evolved from the suppression of
invading transposable elements157.
Nature Reviews | Genetics
Partially compensated X chromosome
Ancestral mammal X chromosome
Compensation of
dosage-sensitive genes
Autosomal region
added to PAR
Placental mammals
Marsupials Placental mammals
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . . . .
Figure 5 | Evolution of Xchromosome inactivation in mammals. a | The
region near SOX3 (the ancestor of SRY) was the first to be unpaired by
Ychromosome degradation, and inactivation of dosage‑sensitive genes
(pink bands) in the expanding unpaired region (white) was selected. As the
unpaired region was extended, non‑coding RNAs transcribed from
non‑homologous loci (red bands) were recruited to coordinate the
inactivation of genes on one Xchromosome. One of these genes, XIST (X
inactive specific transcript), was recruited in eutherians and another, RSX
(RNA on the silent X), in marsupials. b | The spread of Xchromosome
inactivation from the RSX locus in marsupials and the XIST locus in
placental mammals, which coordinate the inactivated regions, is shown.
Escaper genes (green bands) are gradually recruited into the global
methylation system, which leaves approximately 30% of active genes in
the kangaroo, 15% in humans and the opossum and 3% in mice. A large
autosomal region (green) was added to the pseudoautosomal region (PAR)
of the proto‑sex chromosomes before the radiation of placental mammals.
This added region went through the same series of changes, degrading on
the Ychromosome and undergoing partial inactivation on the
Xchromosome as it was progressively recruited into the global X
inactivation system.
© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Histone variants and modifications are also very
old, appearing in very divergent eukaryote taxa158. The
variant histone macroH2A that is associated with the
inactive Xchromosome in mammals is also involved
in regulating other functions, such as the cell cycle159.
Post-translational modifications of histones also
control transcription in many systems and include tis-
sue-specific marks. Common to the inactive Xchro-
mosome of all therian mammals is H3K27me3, which
is also bound to the inactive RSX and XIST loci on
the active Xchromosome51. This inactivation mark
is almost ubiquitous in eukaryotes36,160. Similarly,
there are several activating histone acetylation marks
shared by all therian mammals that are also found in
Drosophila spp., yeast and many other eukaryotes161.
Several active and inactive marks that characterize
the two Xchromosomes in mouse and human females
are not differentially present on the inactive Xchro-
mosome in marsupials or on the paternally inactive
Xchromosome in mouse extra-embryonic mem-
branes58,162. Importantly, the profile of inactivating
histone modifications that marsupial and placental
mammals do share is similar to their profile on cen-
tromeric heterochromatin59,64,156, where they silence
transposable elements, a mechanism that is present
across vertebrates and probably other eukaryotes163.
This observation again suggests that elements of the
silencing domain of the therian Xchromosome may
have been recruited from ancient mechanisms that
silence invading DNA sequences.
Thus, although they evolved independently, the
basic mechanisms of silencing in marsupial and pla-
cental mammals and other vertebrates all made use of
ancient epigenetic silencing mechanisms.
Sex chromosomes in different vertebrate groups
evolved independently from different regions of a con-
served vertebrate genome but the processes of sex chro-
mosome differentiation are remarkably parallel across
vertebrate groups. Sex chromosomes differentiate by
degradation of a male-specific Y or a female-specific W
chromosome, creating problems of compensating for
different dosages of genes on the X or Z chromosomes.
Comparisons between sex chromosomes in mammals,
birds, reptiles and fish are now beginning to fill in
details of how this dosage compensation is achieved,
presenting a picture of great diversity.
The most thoroughly investigated sex chromosomes
are those of mammals and birds; however, these are old
sex chromosome systems and the trail has now gone
a bit cold. The identification of young sex-determin-
ing systems — medaka and stickleback fish, and even
some plants — has provided data that have revealed
the first stages of the evolution of dosage compensation
The well-studied mammalian Xchromosome inac-
tivation system, to which we have habitually compared
other systems, is unique in vertebrates and perhaps not
a useful comparator. It remains unclear what special
selective forces drove the evolution of global control
of X inactivation in therian mammals. In other verte-
brates, the dosage compensation of genes on differenti-
ated sex chromosomes is gene-specific and partial. This
makes sense because not all genes are equally sensitive
to dosage differences; for many genes, a twofold differ-
ence in gene expression does not matter much. As an
alternative to dosage compensation, some genes have
evolved sex-biased expression. The different extents to
which genes are compensated might well be the rea-
son for the inconsistent results obtained by averaging
expression from different sets ofgenes.
Global or regional control may have been super-
imposed on such a basic system. For example, some
genes on the human Xchromosome escape global inac-
tivation but show partial expression from the inactive
Xchromosome. The few examples of regional control
— the dosage valley of the chicken Z chromosome and
the 4 Mb dosage-compensated region of the tongue sole
Z chromosome — might exemplify the beginnings of a
global controlsystem.
Comparison of dosage compensation systems
between distantly related vertebrates has been impor-
tant in teasing apart the layers of silencing. However,
we cannot assume that the re-use of a particular gene
(such as DMRT1) or a phenotype such as paternal inac-
tivation must represent identity by descent. Rather,
it seems that there are many ancient mechanisms
established in the earliest eukaryotes that constitute a
molecular toolbox of ways to silencegenes.
Although dosage compensation systems seem to be
fundamentally different between different taxa, many
common features are shared across divergent lineages
and resemble systems that control the expression of
autosomal genes and even regulatory mechanisms that
are present in taxa very distant from vertebrates. DNA
methylation seems to control gene expression in many
vertebrates, invertebrates and even plants. Histone
modifications that activate or silence transcription are
ubiquitous. Stochastic suppression, seen in the partial
repression of genes on the inactive Xchromosome in
marsupials and humans, as well as birds, seems sim-
ilar to monoallelic expression of autosomal genes.
This makes it likely that all these dosage systems were
constructed from elements of ancient silencing mech-
anisms that are ubiquitous within, and probably well
outside, vertebrates.
A rapidly growing understanding of these mecha-
nisms and their exaptation to a variety of epigenetic
tasks is facilitated by the many genome-sequencing
projects now being undertaken and fully justifies the
exploration of the genomes of non-model vertebrates.
This exploration is being encouraged and streamlined
by the Genome 10K community of scientists164. The
availability of genome-wide methods to explore DNA
modifications, the action of ncRNA, and the intrica-
cies of the action of histones and other proteins that
cooperate to form silencing domains, will dramatically
increase our understanding of epigenetic processes, a
topic of burgeoning interest and practical importance
as we begin to realize how the environment can alter
gene expression in development.
© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
1. Ohno,S. Sex Chromosomes and Sex-linked Genes
(Springer-Verlag, 1967).
Ohno’s classic book, containing his theory of sex
chromosome differentiation and the hypothesis
that upregulation of the mammalian Xchromosome
in males selected for Xchromosome inactivation.
2. Graves,J.A.M. Sex chromosome specialization and
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3. Charlesworth,B. Sex chromosomes: evolving dosage
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29. Julien,P. etal. Mechanisms and evolutionary patterns
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analysis of transcriptomes from males and females
of major mammalian and bird lineages.
30. Sado,T. & Sakaguchi,T. Species-specific differences in
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32. Chow,J.C. etal. LINE-1 activity in facultative
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275–280 (1986).
This paper presents the first demonstration that
Xchromosome inactivation represents
transcriptional repression, a fundamental tenet of
epigenetic silencing.
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References 39 and 40 present stunning Hi‑C data
showing that the inactive Xchromosome assumes a
very different three‑dimensional interphase
structure from the structures of the active
Xchromosome and the autosomes.
41. Holwerda,S.J. etal. Allelic exclusion of the
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58. Koina,E., Chaumeil,J., Greaves,I.K., Tremethick,D.J.
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accompany Xchromosome inactivation in a marsupial.
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59. Wang,X., Douglas,K.C., Vandeberg,J.L.,
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60. Cortez,D. etal. Origins and functional evolution of
Ychromosomes across mammals. Nature 508,
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across major mammalian lineages by genome and
transcriptome sequencing, confirming the
independent origin and punctuated differentiation
of this chromosome.
61. Al Nadaf,S. etal. Activity map of the tammar
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© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
72. Hore,T.A., Rapkins,R.W. & Graves,J.A.M.
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74. Grant,J. etal. Rsx is a metatherian RNA with Xist-like
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This paper describes a locus, non‑homologous to
XIST and independently evolved, that controls the
inactivation of the marsupial Xchromosome by
inducing a silencing domain.
75. Murtagh,C.E.A. A unique cytogenetic system in
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79. Wrigley,J.M. & Graves,J.A.M. Sex chromosome
homology and incomplete, tissue-specific
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intermediate stage of mammalian sex chromosome
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80. Ho,K.K., Deakin,J.E., Wright,M.L., Graves,J.A.M.
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condensation of Xchromosomes in female platypus
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81. Deakin,J.E., Hore,T.A., Koina,E. & Graves,J.A.M.
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82. Shetty,S., Griffin,D.K. & Graves,J.A.M.
Comparative painting reveals strong chromosome
homology over 80 million years of bird evolution.
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83. Nanda,I., Schlegelmilch,K., Haaf,T., Schartl,M. &
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84. Zhou,Q. etal. Complex evolutionary trajectories of
sex chromosomes across bird taxa. Science 346,
6215 (2014).
This paper describes and compares bird sex
chromosomes at the sequence level, confirming the
conservation of the bird Z chromosome and the
different extents of W chromosome degradation.
85. Baverstock,P.R., Adams,M., Polkinghorne,R.W. &
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88. Itoh,Y. etal. Dosage compensation is less
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90. Livernois,A.M., Graves,J.A.M. & Waters,P.D.
The origin and evolution of vertebrate sex
chromosomes and dosage compensation. Heredity
108, 50–58 (2012).
91. Mank,J.E. & Ellegren,H. All dosage compensation is
local: gene-by-gene regulation of sex-biased
expression on the chicken Z chromosome. Heredity
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92. Melamed,E. & Arnold,A.P. Regional differences in
dosage compensation on the chicken Z chromosome.
Genome Biol. 8, R202 (2007).
The authors of this paper demonstrate a dosage
valley on the chicken Z chromosome that shows
some regional dosage compensation.
93. Itoh,Y., Kampf,K. & Arnold,A.P. Possible differences
in the two Z chromosomes in male chickens and
evolution of MHM sequences in Galliformes.
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94. Teranishi,M. etal. Transcripts of the MHM region on
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Transcriptome sequencing reveals the character
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96. Naurin,S., Hansson,B., Hasselquist,D., Kim,Y.H. &
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97. Itoh,Y. etal. Sex bias and dosage compensation in the
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specialized patterns among birds. Genome Res. 20,
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98. Adolfsson,S. & Ellegren,H. Lack of dosage
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99. Kawai,A. etal. Different origins of bird and reptile sex
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100. Matsubara,K. etal. Evidence for different origin of
sex chromosomes in snakes, birds, and mammals and
step-wise differentiation of snake sex chromosomes.
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102. Vicoso,B., Emerson,J.J., Zektser,Y., Mahajan,S. &
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in snakes: differentiation, evolutionary strata, and lack
of global dosage compensation. PLoS Biol. 11,
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By assembling and comparing the genomic
sequences of male and female snakes from
different families, the authors of this paper show
almost complete W chromosome degradation in
two families and the absence of global Z
chromosome dosage compensation.
103. Schultheiss,R., Viitaniemi,H.M. & Leder,E.H.
Spatial dynamics of evolving dosage compensation in
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106. Shao,C. etal. Epigenetic modification and inheritance
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References 105 and 106 report the discovery of a
fish with epigenetic control of sex determination
(methylation of DMRT1) and the beginnings of a
regional control of Z chromosome gene dosage.
107. Lahn,B.T. & Page,D.C. Four evolutionary strata on
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114 . Bellott,D.W. etal. Convergent evolution of chicken Z
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115 . Khil,P.P., Smirnova,N.A., Romanienko,P.J. &
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116 . Leder,E.H. etal. Female-biased expression on the
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The author declares no competing interests.
© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
... sparked great interest in its origin and development. We now know that the evolution of specialised sex chromosomes has occurred independently in different evolutionary lineages for a number of separate-sexed animals and plants (Graves, 2015;2016;Abbott et al. 2017). ...
... where either sex produces two types of gametes (heterogamety), through mutation. Placental and marsupial mammals share a male-determining factor, with male heterogamety, whereas monotremes (egg-laying mammals) and birds developed a female-determining factor, with female heterogamety (Ross et al. 2006;Graves, 2016). ...
... The SRY gene probably evolved from the highly conserved SOX3 gene found on the X chromosome, this is supported by high sequence similarity between the two genes and evidence of SOX3 being an autosomal gene in vertebrates lacking SRY. The location of SOX3 on an ordinary autosomal pair suggests that these SOX3 alleles present in the ancestors of mammalian X and Y chromosomes where one copy of SOX3 mutated to form the SRY gene (Foster and Graves, 1994;Wallis et al., 2007;Graves, 2016). ...
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The Y chromosome in humans has several peculiarities relative to the rest of the genome, with its lack of recombination for the most part, the accumulation of heterochromatic sequences and sparsity of functional genes. Nevertheless, and in fact because of some of those properties, the human Y chromosome provides a powerful tool for the study of phylogenetics, population genetics, genealogy and forensics. Yet it is a somewhat neglected subject of research, one reason being the overrepresentation of repetitive sequences which presents challenges to the short-read mapping of whole-genome sequencing. The complex landscape of the ampliconic regions, which harbour genes expressed in testes and therefore important for maleness, exemplify this well. The studies presented in this thesis provide an examination of intra-chromosomal homologous recombination events on the Y chromosome, in the form of duplications and/or deletions of whole amplicon units and the activity of gene conversion in the palindromes and its implications for Y chromosome degeneration, male fertility and phenotypic effects. First, we present a detailed analysis of the rate and nature of gene conversion events in palindromes using paralog-combined reads and patrilineal genealogies and demonstrate how this can be used to improve our understanding of the dynamic relationship between mutation and gene conversion and how they influence the evolution of the palindromic sequences and the genes within them. Our results point towards the homogenisation of paralogous sequences along with a bias towards C and G alleles as being the main ongoing mechanisms in intra-palindromic Y-Y gene conversion. Second, we estimate the de novo mutation rate and the long-term evolution of copy number in amplicon units in human populations. In addition, we explore the effects of copy number variations on a variety of phenotypic traits. Intriguingly, we conclude that the phenotypic impact of the Y ampliconic copy number variation is somewhat limited in humans. Overall, this thesis sheds light on the role of intra-chromosomal gene conversion in the preservation of the most functionally important parts of the human Y chromosome and provides evidence for weak selection against non-reference copy number carriers.
... Sex chromosome turnover refers to the transition that occurs between sex chromosomes and autosomes, and it recurs as long as they remain in a homomorphic state [1][2][3][4][5][6]. When the sex chromosomes evolve to become heteromorphic, they are evolutionarily conserved in association with Y or W chromosome degeneration over a period of a billion years, as observed in therian mammals, birds, and sharks [7][8][9]. However, if certain populations conserving the state of homomorphy remain within the species or in sister species, homomorphy can be resurrected through hybridization, as observed in the Japanese frog Glandirana rugosa [10] and predicted in fish and amphibians [11]. ...
... In the Japanese frog G. rugosa, the X and W chromosomes evolved from autosome 7, which was introduced from the sister species G. reliquia (the former East Japan population) through hybridization [1,44]. The differentiation of sex chromosomes typically begins from a homomorphic pair, with the Y or W chromosome then accepting chromosomal rearrangements and structural changes, such as the amplification of heterochromatin and transposons, and proceeding toward differentiation and degeneration [7]. However, the introduction of a differently shaped homologous chromosome from a different species can quickly constitute a heteromorphic pair, including a large non-recombining region, as seen in frogs, fish, and even birds (the second sex chromosome in [47]). ...
... Seven members of the potential sex chromosomes in frogs. Chromosomes 1,2,3,4,7,9,and 13 (2n = 26) are the sex chromosomes in the listed species (species bearing sex chromosomes 2 or 4 are not listed here; see Miura, 2018 [1]). Sex chromosome 13 has been newly added in this study. ...
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Sex chromosome turnover is the transition between sex chromosomes and autosomes. Although many cases have been reported in poikilothermic vertebrates, their evolutionary causes and genetic mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we report multiple transitions between the Y chromosome and autosome in the Japanese Tago’s brown frog complex. Using chromosome banding and molecular analyses (sex-linked and autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs, from the nuclear genome), we investigated the frogs of geographic populations ranging from northern to southern Japan of two species, Rana tagoi and Rana sakuraii (2n = 26). Particularly, the Chiba populations of East Japan and Akita populations of North Japan in R. tagoi have been, for the first time, investigated here. As a result, we identified three different sex chromosomes, namely chromosomes 3, 7, and 13, in the populations of the two species. Furthermore, we found that the transition between the Y chromosome (chromosome 7) and autosome was repeated through hybridization between two or three different populations belonging to the two species, followed by restricted chromosome introgression. These dynamic sex chromosome turnovers represent the first such findings in vertebrates and imply that speciation associated with inter- or intraspecific hybridization plays an important role in sex chromosome turnover in frogs.
... Similarly, shifts in X-linked gene expression with phenotypic effects, might be under strong selection against variation between females and males, promoting gene expression balance a the chromosome level [17] or at a gene basis [18]. Overall, expression imbalance between the autosomes and between the sexes, is hypothesized to be highly detrimental, so much, that highly complex mechanisms have evolved to restore dosage balance in some taxa independently [19,20]. Some beetles show full X DC [21], but how conserved is DC within beetles and what is its status in re ies still needs to be explored. ...
... VCFs statistics were drawn with bcftools stats and gatk VariantsToTable. Quality score thresholds were applied for minimum and maximum read depth [20,1568], sher strand [FS = 10], strand bias [SOR = 3], root mean square mapping quality [MQ = 40] and nucleotide quality by depth [DP = 2]. Only variants with a QUAL > 30 were kept, as well as only SNPs (indels were removed) and biallelic sites. ...
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Sexual dimorphism arises because of divergent fitness optima between the sexes. Phenotypic divergence between sexes can range from mild to extreme, as observed in various species of bioluminescent beetles - fireflies. Fireflies present various degrees of sexual dimorphism, including female neoteny, posing a unique framework to investigate the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits across species. In this work, we present novel assembled genomes of two firefly species, Lamprohiza splendidula and Luciola italica, species with different degrees of sexual dimorphism. We uncovered high synteny conservation of the X-chromosome across ~ 150 Mya. We also found full X-chromosome dosage compensation in our two fireflies hinting at common mechanism upregulating the single male X-chromosome. Different degrees of sex-biased expressed genes were found across two body parts showing different proportions of expression congruence between species. Interestingly, we did not find X-chromosome enrichment of sex-biased genes, but retrieved autosomal enrichment of sex-biased genes. We further uncovered higher nucleotide diversity in the intronic regions of sex-biased genes, hinting at a maintenance of heterozygosity through sexual selection. We identified different levels of sex-biased gene expression divergence including sex-biased genes conserved between species. Divergent and conserved sex-biased genes are candidate to test their role in sexually dimorphic traits.
... The SD genes are harbored on sex chromosomes that are derived from autosomal chromosome pairs and undergo various frequency of turnovers in different evolutionary lineages. In Mammalia and Aves, the XY and ZW systems, respectively, were established approximately 150 and 110 million years ago, which are the oldest among vertebrates ever investigated (Graves 2016). ...
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Extant ‘fishes’ belong to jawless, cartilaginous, actinopterygian, or sarcopterygian fish lineages. They comprise a non-monophyletic group of vertebrates from which tetrapods are excluded, and they are therefore paraphyletic. Recent advances in whole-genome sequencing have shed light on phylogenetic relationships, divergence times among major fish lineages, and the molecular basis of phenotypic diversity. This review encompasses the diversity of extant fishes and explores the variation in genomic organization and its evolutionary origins. This review begins with evaluating available genomic sequence resources with a focus on literally complete (‘telomere-to-telomere’) sequencing. Next, it discusses among-lineage variations in genomic contents, considering karyotype reports, genome sizes, and whole-genome duplication events. Additionally, we investigate three families of protein-coding genes, visual opsins, aquaporins (Aqps), and Hox genes, as they offer insights into morphological and physiological differences among major fish lineages. Overall, our technical basis of analyzing fish genomes and the knowledge of genomic organization provide valuable insights into our vertebrate-wide understanding of how molecular mechanisms specifying variable phenotypes are encoded in genomic sequence information.
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Sex identification is a common objective in molecular ecology. While many vertebrates display sexual dimorphism, determining the sex can be challenging in certain situations, such as species lacking clear sex-related phenotypic characteristics or in studies using non-invasive methods. In these cases, DNA analyses serve as valuable tools not only for sex determination but also for validating sex assignment based on phenotypic traits. In this study, we developed a bioinformatic framework for sex assignment using genomic data obtained through GBS, and having an available closely related genome assembled at the chromosome level. Our method consists of two ad hoc indexes that rely on the different properties of the mammalian heteromorphic sex chromosomes. For this purpose, we mapped RAD-seq loci to a reference genome and then obtained missingness and coverage depth values for the autosomes and X and Y chromosomes of each individual. Our methodology successfully determined the sex of 165 fur seals that had been phenotypically sexed in a previous study and 40 sea lions sampled in a non-invasive way. Additionally, we evaluated the accuracy of each index in sequences with varying average coverage depths, with Index Y proving greater reliability and robustness in assigning sex to individuals with low-depth coverage. We believe that the approach presented here can be extended to any animal taxa with known heteromorphic XY/ZW sex chromosome systems and that it can tolerate various qualities of GBS sequencing data.
Sex determination in chickens at an early embryonic stage has been a longstanding challenge in poultry production due to the unique ZZ:ZW sex chromosome system and various influencing factors. This review has summarized the genes related to the sex differentiation of chicken early embryos (mainly Dmrt1 , Sox9 , Amh , Cyp19a1 , Foxl2 , Tle4z1 , Jun , Hintw , Ube2i , Spin1z , Hmgcs1 , Foxd1 , Tox3 , Ddx4 , cHemgn and Serpinb11 in this article), and has found that these contributions enhance our understanding of the genetic basis of sex determination in chickens, while identifying potential gene targets for future research. This knowledge may inform and guide the development of sex screening technologies for hatching eggs and support advancements in gene-editing approaches for chicken embryos. Moreover, these insights offer hope for enhancing animal welfare and promoting conservation efforts in poultry production.
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Reptiles exhibit a variety of modes of sex determination, including both temperature-dependent and genetic mechanisms. Among those species with genetic sex determination, sex chromosomes of varying heterogamety (XX/XY and ZZ/ZW) have been observed with different degrees of differentiation. Karyotype studies have demonstrated that Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum) have ZZ/ZW sex determination and this system is likely homologous to the ZZ/ZW system in the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), but little else is known about their sex chromosomes. Here, we report the assembly and analysis of the Gila monster genome. We generated a de novo draft genome assembly for a male using 10X Genomics technology. We further generated and analyzed short-read whole genome sequencing and whole transcriptome sequencing data for three males and three females. By comparing female and male genomic data, we identified four putative Z-chromosome scaffolds. These putative Z-chromosome scaffolds are homologous to Z-linked scaffolds identified in the Komodo dragon. Further, by analyzing RNAseq data, we observed evidence of incomplete dosage compensation between the Gila monster Z chromosome and autosomes and a lack of balance in Z-linked expression between the sexes. In particular, we observe lower expression of the Z in females (ZW) than males (ZZ) on a global basis, though we find evidence suggesting local gene-by-gene compensation. This pattern has been observed in most other ZZ/ZW systems studied to date and may represent a general pattern for female heterogamety in vertebrates.
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The ability of females to store sperm for extended periods in their reproductive tracts (termed long-term sperm storage, LTSS) has been reported across a diversity of vertebrate taxa. The evolutionary, ecological, and physiological significance of LTSS is wide-ranging and includes the ability to produce offspring when mates may be temporally scarce by way of decoupling copulation from ovulation, inbreeding avoidance, and the generation and maintenance of genetic diversity in progeny. Among vertebrate lineages, nonavian reptiles exhibit a remarkable capacity for LTSS, with the production of viable offspring reported after periods exceeding 6 years since prior contact with a potential mate. Given that female reptiles are able to store viable sperm for prolonged periods, it is important to disentangle LTSS from that of facultative parthenogenesis (FP), a reproductive trait which appears widespread among all reptile lineages. The implications of this distinction are particularly important in the context of the development and management of captive breeding programs. To accurately determine between the two reproductive strategies, genomic screening is highly recommended. Following a period of isolation for 13 months from a potential male mate, a female Himalayan Mountain Pitviper (Ovophis monticola) produced a clutch of three male offspring. Here, through genome-scale analyses of the female and her progeny, we document the first record of LTSS in this genus and exclude FP as the alternative hypothesis.
Sex determination systems have greatly diversified between amphibians and reptiles, with such as the different sex chromosome compositions within a single species and transition between temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) and genetic sex determination (GSD). In most sex chromosome studies on amphibians and reptiles, the whole‐genome sequence of Xenopous tropicalis and chicken have been used as references to compare the chromosome homology of sex chromosomes among each of these taxonomic groups, respectively. In the present study, we reviewed existing reports on sex chromosomes, including karyotypes, in amphibians and reptiles. Furthermore, we compared the identified genetic linkages of sex chromosomes in amphibians and reptiles with the chicken genome as a reference, which is believed to resemble the ancestral tetrapod karyotype. Our findings revealed that sex chromosomes in amphibians are derived from genetic linkages homologous to various chicken chromosomes, even among several frogs within single families, such as Ranidae and Pipidae. In contrast, sex chromosomes in reptiles exhibit conserved genetic linkages with chicken chromosomes, not only across most species within a single family, but also within closely related families. The diversity of sex chromosomes in amphibians and reptiles may be attributed to the flexibility of their sex determination systems, including the ease of sex reversal in these animals.
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Many insects carry an ancient X chromosome - the Drosophila Muller element F - that likely predates their origin. Interestingly, the X has undergone turnover in multiple fly species (Diptera) after being conserved for more than 450 MY. The long evolutionary distance between Diptera and other sequenced insect clades makes it difficult to infer what could have contributed to this sudden increase in rate of turnover. Here, we produce the first genome and transcriptome of a long overlooked sister-order to Diptera: Mecoptera. We compare the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata X-chromosome gene content, expression, and structure, to that of several dipteran species as well as more distantly-related insect orders (Orthoptera and Blattodea). We find high conservation of gene content between the mecopteran X and the dipteran Muller F element, as well as several shared biological features, such as the presence of dosage compensation and a low amount of genetic diversity, consistent with a low recombination rate. However, the two homologous X chromosomes differ strikingly in their size and number of genes they carry. Our results therefore support a common ancestry of the mecopteran and ancestral dipteran X chromosomes, and suggest that Muller element F shrank in size and gene content after the split of Diptera and Mecoptera, which may have contributed to its turnover in dipteran insects.
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In mammals, one of the female X chromosomes and all imprinted genes are expressed exclusively from a single allele in somatic cells. To evaluate structural changes associated with allelic silencing, we have applied a recently developed Hi-C assay that uses DNase I for chromatin fragmentation to mouse F1 hybrid systems. We find radically different conformations for the two female mouse X chromosomes. The inactive X has two superdomains of frequent intrachromosomal contacts separated by a hinge region. Comparison with the recently reported bipartite 3D structure of the human inactive X shows that the genomic content of the superdomains differs between species, but part of the hinge is conserved and located near the Dxz4/DXZ4 locus. In mouse, the hinge region also contains a minisatellite Ds-TR, and both Dxz4 and Ds-TR appear to be anchored to the nucleolus. Genes that escape X inactivation do not cluster but are located near the periphery of the 3D structure, as are regions enriched in CTCF or RNA polymerase. Fewer short-range intrachromosomal contacts are detected for the inactive alleles of genes subject to X inactivation, compared to the active alleles and to genes that escape X inactivation. This pattern is also evident for imprinted genes, in which more chromatin contacts are detected for the expressed allele. By applying a novel Hi-C method to map allelic chromatin contacts, we discover a specific bipartite organization of the mouse inactive X chromosome that probably plays an important role in maintenance of gene silencing.
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Monoallelic expression of autosomal genes (MAE) is a widespread epigenetic phenomenon which is poorly understood, due in part to current limitations of genome-wide approaches for assessing it. Recently, we reported that a specific histone modification signature is strongly associated with MAE, and demonstrated that it can serve as a proxy of MAE in human lymphoblastoid cells. Here, we use murine cells to establish that this chromatin signature is conserved between mouse and human, and is associated with MAE in multiple cell types. Our analyses reveal extensive conservation in the identity of MAE genes between the two species. By analyzing MAE chromatin signature in a large number of cell and tissue types, we show that it remains consistent during terminal cell differentiation and is predominant among cell-type specific genes, suggesting a link between MAE and specification of cell identity. Copyright © 2015 Author et al.
Natural selection operates among individual organisms which differ in their genetic constitution. The degree of hereditary variability within a species is greatly enhanced by cross-fertilization. Indeed, the mechanism of sexual reproduction occurred very early in evolution, for it is seen today even in bacteria. In Escherichia coli, fertilization occurs by passage of the single chromosome from the male into the female bacterium (LEDERBERG, 1959). In multicellular organisms, the separation of germ from soma, and the production of haploid gametes became mandatory. The gametes were of two types. One, extremely mobile, was designed to seek out and penetrate the other, which loaded with nutrients, received the mobile gamete and intiated the development of a new individual. The foundation for true bisexuality was thus laid. In the primitive state of bisexuality, whether an individual is to be a sperm-producing male or an egg-producing female appears to be decided rather haphazardly. In the worm, Banelia viridis, the minute males are parasites in the female. Larvae that become attached to the proboscis of an adult female become males, while unattached larvae sink to the bottom and become females (BALTZER, 1935). The more sophisticated state of bisexuality was initiated by setting aside a particular pair of chromosomes for specialization and making either the male or the female a heterogametic sex. Sex chromosomes as we know them were thus born.
Until recently, meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) was regarded as an oddity of spermatogenesis with an ill-defined function. Recent experiments, especially those on the flatworm Caenorhabditis elegans and on mice, have now challenged this view. In this review, we summarize the molecular mechanisms involved in MSCI, which in mice utilizes members of the DNA repair pathway including BRCA1, ATR, and histone H2AX. MSCI is driven by the asynaptic nature of the sex chromosomes during pachytene of male meiosis, and therefore represents an example of a recently identified more general silencing mechanism - meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin (MSUC) - that serves to transcriptionally repress any unsynapsed chromatin in males or females. It is well established that during pachytene, there is also a "checkpoint" response to the presence of unsynapsed chromatin; and following from studies in yeast, it is thought that the checkpoint is triggered by the presence of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that remain unrepaired in unsynapsed regions. The possible links between MSUC and this pachytene checkpoint are discussed. It has recently been proposed that, inmammals, MSCI serves to provide preimplantation XX embryos with a preinactivated paternal X chromosome (imprinted XCI). New studies show that although MSCI is causally linked to a substantial degree of postmeiotic X and Y silencing in round spermatids, MSCI and imprinted XCI can be dissociated. In summary, recent studies of MSCI, in addition to clarifying the molecular basis of the epigenetic processes that lead to inactivation, have shown it to be a manifestation of a more general response to unsynapsed chromatin that may be a component of the pachytene checkpoint response and that is maintained into spermatid development. © 2007 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.