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Prevalence of cancer cases among population of Kirkuk, Iraq from 2016-2020

  • University of Kirkuk / College of Nursing
  • University of Kirkuk
  • University of Kirkuk

Abstract and Figures

Objective: To present a clear picture of the cancer cases reported in Kirkuk between 2016 and 2020 and to identify the top 10 instances in both genders. Methodology: This cohort/retrospective study was conducted at oncology/hematology center in Kirkuk governorate from January, 2021 to May, 2022. The data were collected from the official records of oncology/hematology center in Kirkuk governorate and consisted of 4917 cancer cases during the five years period from 2016 to 2020. Results: A total of 4719 cases of all cancer types in Kirkuk were recorded from 2016-2020. Of these, 64.2% were females and 35.8% males. Age of 65.8% cases was between 41-70 years, with a mean of 52.624±22.593 years. For both genders, breast cancer was the most common (1532), followed by lung cancer. Conclusion: Breast cancer is on the top of ten cancers and is on the rising trend. The Ministry of health should plan for a strategy of regular screening for breast cancer in women and increasing the awareness of the women regarding breast self-examination for early detection.
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3 Rawal Medical Journal: Vol. 48, No. 1, Jan-Mar 2023
Original Article
Prevalence of cancer cases among population of Kirkuk, Iraq from 2016-2020
Hussein Ali Mohammed,1 Jenan Akbar Shakoor,2 Nazar Ahmed Mahmood,3 Abid Salih Kumait,4
Araz Mohammed Kareem5
Department of 1,4Adult Nursing,2 Public Health, 3Community Health, University of Kirkuk, College of
Nursing,5Ministry of Health, Oncology and Hematology Center, Kirkuk, Iraq
Objective: To present a clear picture of the cancer
cases reported in Kirkuk between 2016 and 2020 and
to identify the top 10 instances in both genders.
Methodology: This cohort/retrospective study was
conducted at oncology/hematology center in Kirkuk
governorate from January, 2021 to May, 2022. The
data were collected from the official records of
oncology/hematology center in Kirkuk governorate
and consisted of 4917 cancer cases during the five
years period from 2016 to 2020.
Results: A total of 4719 cases of all cancer types in
Kirkuk were recorded from 2016 2020. Of these,
64.2% were females and 35.8% males. Age of 65.8%
cases was between 41 70 years, with a mean of
52.624 ± 22.593 years. For both genders, breast cancer
was the most common (1532), followed by lung
Conclusion: Breast cancer is on the top of ten cancers
and is on the rising trend. The Ministry of health
should plan for a strategy of regular screening for
breast cancer in women and increasing the awareness
of the women regarding breast self-examination for
early detection.
Keywords: Prevalence, cancer, lung cancer, breast
cancer, Kirkuk, Iraq.
Uncontrolled cell division is the root cause of cancer
and other malignant disorders. The proliferating cells
can either migrate into different tissues directly or
through the circulatory system.1 The study of the
prevalence and distribution of various cancer forms in a
given location is referred to as cancer epidemiology.2
Iraq has a variety of malignancies, including
gastrointestinal, colorectal, lung, lymph node, breast,
and colorectal cancers.3-6 Breast cancer is the type of
cancer that occurs most frequently. In 2016, 855 breast
cancer patients were noted in Iraq. In the 4554 age
range, 35 percent of breast cancer patients were
The incidence of cancer has significantly increased
throughout Iraq. The cause may be related to the use of
combat weaponry, severe environmental contamination,
and the buildup of garbage of all kinds in the Iraqi
environment.8The length of time that cancer patients get
medical care has increased due to better cancer
prognoses and a decreased risk of dying from non-
cancer causes, which has had a significant impact on the
needs for health services.9-12
Several methods have been developed to collect precise
prevalence data. The majority of administrative
procedures rely on direct extraction or assessment of
prevalence from the available health data. So, utilizing
population-based data acquired by cancer registries
(CR), methods for predicting cancer prevalence have
been developed in the USA and Europe.13 The aim of
the study was to provide a clear picture of the cancer
cases registered in Kirkuk during the period 2016-2020,
as well as to determine the top ten cases among both
This cohort/retrospective study was conducted at
oncology/hematology center in Kirkuk governorate,
from January, 2021 to May, 2022. The data were
collected from the official records of oncology/
hematology center in Kirkuk governorate and consisted
of 4917 cancer cases for the period of five years from
2016 to 2020. Prior to actual collection of data, a formal
administrative approval was obtained from the scientific
committee at college of nursing and Kirkuk Directorate
of Health.
The data included the age, gender, level of education,
residence, occupation, geographical areas which
included the urban and rural with sub rural areas of
Kirkuk governorate and types of cancer in patients who
were attending the center. The total population number
of Kirkuk governorate were obtained from the central
statistical organization in Kirkuk governorate.
Statistical Analysis: This study analyzed all data by
SPSS version 25.
Prevalence of cancer cases among population of Kirkuk, Iraq from 2016-2020
4 Rawal Medical Journal: Vol. 48, No. 1, Jan-Mar 2023
A total of 4719 cases of all cancer types in Kirkuk were
recorded from 2016 2020. Of these, 64.2% were
females and 35.8% males. Age of 65.8% of the cases
was between 41-70 years, with a mean of 52.624 ±
22.593 years. More than half of the cases (62.5%) were
from an urban area and 23.4% were from rural areas.
The educational background of only 5.5% of the cases
was known. Of these, 1.6% were from primary schools
and the rest 94.5% were either unknown or missing.
Fig. 1: Ten most common cancers among adult males and
females in Kirkuk throughout a 5-year period from 2016
to 2020.
Most cases were from Kirkuk city and Hawija (Table 1).
Breast and lung cancers were the commonest cancers
and were rising with time (Table 2). Breast cancer in
Table 1: Total cancer cases in Kirkuk distributed by
geographic area from 2016-2020 (n = 4917).
Geographic Area Number %
Kirkuk city 2949 62.5
Hawija 451 9.6
Daquq 127 2.7
Taza and basheer 93 2.0
Dibis 71 1.5
Altunkopri 47 1.0
Laylan 45 1.0
Kara hingeer 25 0.5
Yaychi 23 0.5
Riyadh 22 0.5
Shwan 20 0.4
Mull abdulla 15 0.3
Zab 9 0.2
Rashad 3 0.1
Sarkaran 3 0.1
Other area 816 16.6
females and prostate cancer in males were the top
cancers (Fig. 1). Trend in overall cancer incidence rate
per 100,000 population, Kirkuk, 2016-2020 is shown in
Fig. 2. Most of the cases were registered among
housewives (43.5%).
Table 2: Estimated prevalence of Kirkuk's top 10 cancers from 2016 to
Types of cancer 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
Breast 298 313 254 332 335 1532
Lung 67 87 83 89 70 396
Prostate 62 52 48 51 52 265
Colorectal 52 40 56 48 54 250
Bladder 42 36 44 38 30 190
Uterus and cervix 19 26 37 49 38 169
Stomach 43 24 26 25 30 148
Lymphoid cancer 32 32 30 32 13 139
Ovarian 29 27 26 29 27 138
Pancreases 24 21 33 34 16 128
The current study documents the
varying epidemiological patterns for
different cancers in the Iraqi province
of Kirkuk from 2016 to 2020. This
variation is assumed to be caused by a
number of variables, mostly security-
related, such as following the recovery
of ISIS-held territory, notably after
2017. Due to the high incidence of
breast cancer, which accounted for
100% of all reported cases, females
made up the majority of cancer cases.
In addition to its effects on women's
health, the gender gap in cancer
prevalence among women must be
addressed in order to acknowledge
women's contributions to society, the
economy, and family care.14
Prevalence of cancer cases among population of Kirkuk, Iraq from 2016-2020
5 Rawal Medical Journal: Vol. 48, No. 1, Jan-Mar 2023
Fig. 2: Trend in overall cancer incidence rate per 100,000
population, Kirkuk, 2016-2020.
Cancer Institute indicated, adults were more afflicted by
cancer, even though some malignancies are more
common in young people.15 The chronological order of
age factors may be the cause of this disparity. Contrary
to what the National Cancer Institute indicated, adults
were more afflicted by cancer, even though some
malignancies are more common in young people.
In both rural and urban parts of China, cancer is the
second most common cause of death. Finding
socioeconomic factors that affect the disease may be
aided by differences in cancer incidence, death, and
survival rates between urban and rural populations.
Being a housewife has been linked to both short- and
long-term financial difficulties among cancer
Breast cancer accounted for the majority of the cases of
cancer in Kirkuk between 2016 and 2020, accounting
for 1532 cases over four years, followed by lung cancer,
which had 396 cases. It's possible that Kirkuk Citys
findings on the prevalence of cancer among men and
women would differ from those of earlier research
conducted in other Iraqi cities. The variations mostly
rely on where in the city and when they happen.
According to estimates from 2011, the most prevalent
cancer kinds in Fallujah City, which located in western
Iraq, were breast cancer, ovary cancer, and uterine
cancer for women and lung cancer, stomach cancer, and
bladder cancer for men.19,20 Cancer can be very stressful
for patients and families.21 According to data from the
American Joint Committee on Cancer (2017), there
were 65.4% and 62.7% cancer cases per 100,000 people
in Kirkuk City in 2016 and 2019, respectively.
According to Siegel and colleagues, men's rates
remained consistent between 2001 and 2007, declined
by an average of 2.2% year between 2007 and 2013, and
then stabilized between 2013 and 2017.22
Breast cancer was one of the top ten cancers for the
period of five years in the study.Ministry of health
should plan for a strategy of regular screening for breast
cancer of the women with increasing the awareness of
the women regrading breast self-examination for early
Author Contributions:
Conception and design: Hussein A. Mohammed.
Collection and assembly of data: Abid S. Kumait.
Analysis and interpretation of data: Jenan A. Shakoor.
Drafting of the article: Abid S. Kumait.
Critical revision of article for important intellectual content: Abid S.
Statistical expertise: Araz M. Kareem.
Final approval and guarantor of the article: Nazar A. Mahmood.
Corresponding author email: Abid Salih Kumait:
Conflict of Interest: None declared.
Rec. Date: Nov 19, 2022 Revision Rec. Date: Nov 26, 2022 Accept Date:
Dec 21, 2022.
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Full-text available
Stigma is a damaging psychological experience that breast cancer survivors often face. This review looks at the available data about breast cancer stigma in Iraq and provides a worldwide overview of breast cancer stigma, related factors, and consequences. The prevalence of perceived cancer-related stigma ranges from 5 to 90% in different countries. According to the only available study regarding breast cancer stigma in Iraq, among 100 women surveyed, only 6% felt shame when diagnosed with breast cancer, but 48% felt that some shame had delayed their diagnosis. The median breast cancer stigma scale score was 43 (range 16–60). Considering breast cancer stigma before diagnosis and during treatment may improve outcomes. Further research is necessary to find the related factors and consequences of this stigma in Iraqi society.
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Objective: To assess the impact of psychosocial factors on patients with psoriasis' quality of life and to determine how those factors affect that quality of life. Methodology: Psoriasis patients in AL-Diwaniyah City were collected from 1-05-2022 through 30-05-2022 for a total of 100 patients. Frequency, and percentage for their demographic data were calculated. Using the SPSS statistical tool, a statistical analysis was done to determine the psychological impact of psoriasis on quality of life. Result: Men (less than 25 years old) in all age categories made up the majority of study participants. The study sample's educational level was secondary and many had no work. Most psoriasis patients were married and resided in cities. Quality of life was moderate in 71% patients. Conclusions: The majority of the study sample, or around half of it, was male and within age categories. Quality of life was fair in majority.
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Evaluation of radionuclide concentration in our environment is beneficial in tracking health problems. In Iraq, several studies regarding the assessment of naturally occurring radionuclide concentration have been performed by many researchers around the country. Here we review the studies performed to evaluate the concentration of radionuclides in Iraqi cities in soil, water and plants. The findings show that the radon and radioactive elements in soil samples are below the international standard limits, except in Sulaimany, Al-Dura thermal power plant, and Basrah where elevated amounts of radioactive elements have been recorded. The total mean values of ²³⁸U and ²³²Th in soil were found to be lower than their values in other selected countries and lower than the world mean value suggested by UNSCEAR. Elevated levels of the mean values of potassium concentrations have been noticed. In water, the radionuclide concentrations were below the international standards in Iraqi cities except for Sulaimany, Karbala, Mosul and Najaf cities. The total mean radionuclides concentration in water was below the values recorded in other countries. Elevated radionuclide concentrations in plants have been recorded, especially for ¹³⁷Cs. The results confirm the presence of environmental pollution from potassium in the soils of Iraq, as well as a high concentration of radionuclide in plants, especially the presence of the ¹³⁷Cs in truffles. So, there is an urgent need to purify those regions from radioactive materials.
Full-text available
Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths that will occur in the United States and compiles the most recent data on population‐based cancer occurrence. Incidence data (through 2016) were collected by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program; the National Program of Cancer Registries; and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Mortality data (through 2017) were collected by the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2020, 1,806,590 new cancer cases and 606,520 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States. The cancer death rate rose until 1991, then fell continuously through 2017, resulting in an overall decline of 29% that translates into an estimated 2.9 million fewer cancer deaths than would have occurred if peak rates had persisted. This progress is driven by long‐term declines in death rates for the 4 leading cancers (lung, colorectal, breast, prostate); however, over the past decade (2008‐2017), reductions slowed for female breast and colorectal cancers, and halted for prostate cancer. In contrast, declines accelerated for lung cancer, from 3% annually during 2008 through 2013 to 5% during 2013 through 2017 in men and from 2% to almost 4% in women, spurring the largest ever single‐year drop in overall cancer mortality of 2.2% from 2016 to 2017. Yet lung cancer still caused more deaths in 2017 than breast, prostate, colorectal, and brain cancers combined. Recent mortality declines were also dramatic for melanoma of the skin in the wake of US Food and Drug Administration approval of new therapies for metastatic disease, escalating to 7% annually during 2013 through 2017 from 1% during 2006 through 2010 in men and women aged 50 to 64 years and from 2% to 3% in those aged 20 to 49 years; annual declines of 5% to 6% in individuals aged 65 years and older are particularly striking because rates in this age group were increasing prior to 2013. It is also notable that long‐term rapid increases in liver cancer mortality have attenuated in women and stabilized in men. In summary, slowing momentum for some cancers amenable to early detection is juxtaposed with notable gains for other common cancers.
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A retrospective study involving 175 case of histopathologically diagnosed bladder tumor admitted to Tikrit Teaching hospital between January 1995 and December 2005. There were 136 male patients and 39 female Patients. The percentage of those patient from all the tumor patient – excluding hematological tumor- was found to be 14%. Bladder tumor was the most common solid tumor in male while it was the fourth in female. Patient over 80 years old were most commonly affected by bladder tumor (57 case ) while those below 40 years old were the least affected and there was no case reported with age below 20. Ninety seven percent of patients harbored the transitional cell carcinoma while there was tow cases of adenocarcinoma 1% and three case of squamous cell carcinoma2%. Hematuria was the presenting symptom in 85% of these patient, other symptoms include Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms LUTS ( frequency, urgency, and dysuria), and symptoms of prostatism. This study aimed to define the epidemiologic features of bladder tumors in Tikrit Teaching hospital. Bladder tumor is one of the important tumors that could affect people so we urge fore more intention regarding the records and patient follow up and to isolate the record of malignancy in a separate unit in the hospital. Key word : Bladder tumor , Epidemiology.
Full-text available
Background: Cancer is a common malignant disease that affects a large number of individuals worldwide , including Iraq with a high prevalence and mortality rate. Aim: Investigation for cancers in one of Iraq cities. Methods: A total of 12,000 specimens from patients suspected to have cancer in a Karbala city in Iraq between 2008 and 2015 was histopathologically examined to diagnose various types of cancer diseases. The prevalence, incidence rate, and age-specific rate (ASP) were determined for 838 confirmed positive cases (320 males and 518 females). Results: In males, high prevalence and incidence rate were observed for bladder, gastro-oesophageal (GOC), colorectal, lymphoma, and prostate cancers, while in females, breast, thyroid, lymphoma, colorectal, bladder, and gastro-oesophageal cancers were highest. The prevalence of all types of cancer was higher in females than in males during almost all the survey periods. ASR was observed higher in the older age groups for most patients with cancer. Some cancers were also prevalent at younger ages (≤30 years). Conclusion: The high prevalence and incidence rate of many types of cancer in Karbala were of concern, especially for older age groups. In this survey, bladder cancer in males and breast cancer
Objective: To find how common weight gain was among Mosul University students during the Iraqi quarantine in 2020. Methodology: In this quantitative cross-sectional study, data were gathered using an electronic version of an Arabic-language questionnaire form from the 1st of September to 1st December 2021. We recorded demographic characteristics, eating habits and weight before and during the pandemic. Results: Out of 1688 students, 67% were males. Age of 40.17% was between 21 – 23 years. We found that 41% had same appetite and 54% had same number of meals per day and 57.6% had no extra activities. There is a significant value of age groups and gender with all forms of BMI. Conclusion: This study concluded that the there was a big difference of BMI during quarantine with a significant values of age groups and gender with all forms of BMI.
Objective: To assess acceptance of vaccination against Coronavirus by nursing students of Mosul City. Methodology: This quantitative cross-sectional study collected data by using questionnaires from 215 students of College of Nursing, University of Mosul, Iraq from September 20 to December 20, 2021. All respondents were 18 – 30 years old. Results: Age of students was 20 to 26 years, (mean22.34 1.76). Almost two-thirds of respondents (70%) agreed that the nursing student should be vaccinated against Covid 19. Conclusion: The acceptability rate was significantly high among females. Higher acceptability of COVID-19 vaccination among nursing students was related with their age group and stage of study.
Objective: To investigate the weariness among undergraduate students at Mosul city's universities related to internet addiction. Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 600 students from universities in Mosul city. The study was carried out from 22nd of April 2022 until 25th of May 2022. The tool of study involved the internet addiction test with (20) questions. SPSS version 26 was used to analyze the data. Results: Majority of students were in the age group 20-24 years. The average hours of internet use were between 5-8. We found that 48.7% students had mild internet addiction and 68.2% had fatigue. Conclusion: Moderate levels of internet addiction and fatigue were found. A strong link between internet addiction and exhaustion were observed.