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The Effect of Unmet Expectations among Adults Presenting with Physical Symptoms


Abstract and Figures

Unmet patient expectations are common and have been associated with decreased patient satisfaction. To assess the prevalence and effect of unmet expectations in patients presenting with physical symptoms. Prospective cohort study. Primary care walk-in clinic. Most patients were seeing a particular provider for the first time. 750 adults whose principal reason for the clinic visit was a physical symptom. Patients completed previsit questionnaires that assessed symptom characteristics, the patient's expectations of the visit, functional status (Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-6), and mental disorders (Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders [PRIME-MD]). Patient questionnaires given immediately after the visit and 2 weeks after the visit assessed patient satisfaction with the visit and unmet expectations; the 2-week questionnaire also assessed symptom outcome and functional status. Postvisit physician questionnaires measured encounter difficulty (Difficult Doctor Patient Relationship Questionnaire) and what the physician did in response to the patient's symptom. Nearly all patients (98%) had at least one previsit expectation, including a diagnosis (81%), an estimate of how long the symptom was likely to last (63%), a prescription (60%), a diagnostic test (54%), and a subspecialty referral (45%). Immediately after the visit, the most common unmet expectations were for prognostic information (51%) or diagnostic information (33%). Only 11% of patients had an unmet expectation of a diagnostic test, subspecialty referral, prescription, or sick slip. Unmet patient expectations were more common after encounters experienced as difficult by the clinician and in patients with underlying mental disorders. Patients with no unmet expectations had less worry about serious illness (54% vs. 27%; P < 0.001) and greater satisfaction (59% vs. 19%; P < 0.001), and patients who reported receiving diagnostic or prognostic information were more likely to have symptom alleviation (relative risk, 1.2 [95% CI, 1.02 to 1.3]) and functional improvement (functional status score, 25 vs. 23; P = 0.01) at 2 weeks. Patients who seek care for physical symptoms and do not leave the encounter with an unmet expectation are more likely to be satisfied with their care and to have less worry about serious illness. Diagnostic and prognostic information are particularly valued by patients and may be associated with greater improvement in symptoms and functional status 2 weeks after the visit.
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The Effect of Unmet Expectations among Adults Presenting with
Physical Symptoms
Jeffrey L. Jackson, MD, MPH, and Kurt Kroenke, MD
Background: Unmet patient expectations are common and have
been associated with decreased patient satisfaction.
Objective: To assess the prevalence and effect of unmet expec-
tations in patients presenting with physical symptoms.
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Setting: Primary care walk-in clinic. Most patients were seeing a
particular provider for the first time.
Patients: 750 adults whose principal reason for the clinic visit
was a physical symptom.
Measurements: Patients completed previsit questionnaires that
assessed symptom characteristics, the patient’s expectations of the
visit, functional status (Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-6),
and mental disorders (Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disor-
ders [PRIME-MD]). Patient questionnaires given immediately after
the visit and 2 weeks after the visit assessed patient satisfaction
with the visit and unmet expectations; the 2-week questionnaire
also assessed symptom outcome and functional status. Postvisit
physician questionnaires measured encounter difficulty (Difficult
Doctor Patient Relationship Questionnaire) and what the physi-
cian did in response to the patient’s symptom.
Results: Nearly all patients (98%) had at least one previsit ex-
pectation, including a diagnosis (81%), an estimate of how long
the symptom was likely to last (63%), a prescription (60%), a
diagnostic test (54%), and a subspecialty referral (45%). Imme-
diately after the visit, the most common unmet expectations were
for prognostic information (51%) or diagnostic information
(33%). Only 11% of patients had an unmet expectation of a
diagnostic test, subspecialty referral, prescription, or sick slip. Un-
met patient expectations were more common after encounters
experienced as difficult by the clinician and in patients with un-
derlying mental disorders. Patients with no unmet expectations
had less worry about serious illness (54% vs. 27%;
< 0.001)
and greater satisfaction (59% vs. 19%;
< 0.001), and patients
who reported receiving diagnostic or prognostic information were
more likely to have symptom alleviation (relative risk, 1.2 [95%
CI, 1.02 to 1.3]) and functional improvement (functional status
score, 25 vs. 23;
0.01) at 2 weeks.
Conclusions: Patients who seek care for physical symptoms and
do not leave the encounter with an unmet expectation are more
likely to be satisfied with their care and to have less worry about
serious illness. Diagnostic and prognostic information are partic-
ularly valued by patients and may be associated with greater
improvement in symptoms and functional status 2 weeks after the
Ann Intern Med. 2001;134:889-897.
For author affiliations and current addresses, see end of text.
lmost 20 years ago, Barsky (1) wrote of “hidden”
reasons why patients seek medical care, and he sug-
gested that patient dissatisfaction should trigger explora-
tion for unmet expectations. Subsequent research has
shown that patient expectations, distinct from requests
(2), are ubiquitous. Broad categories include expecta-
tions of information, support, and medical diagnosis or
treatment (3, 4). Unfortunately, physicians often under-
value or do not recognize patient expectations (5–7),
and expectations are therefore often unmet (8 –14). Un-
met expectations have been associated with decreased
patient satisfaction (8, 15–21), no adherence (15, 22–24),
and possibly worse health-related outcomes (18, 25).
Our goal was to determine the frequency of symp-
tom-related patient concerns and expectations and to
assess the relationship between expectations and patient-
centered outcomes.
Adults presenting to the general medicine walk-in
clinic at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washing-
ton, D.C., with a chief complaint of a physical symptom
were eligible to participate. The demographic character-
istics, medical and psychiatric comorbid conditions, and
satisfaction with care of patients seen in a military gen-
eral medicine clinic are similar to those seen in civilian
settings (26, 27).
These protocols were approved by our institutional
human use committee.
Previsit Patient Questionnaire
Immediately before seeing a physician, all patients
completed a questionnaire on their presenting symptom
(“What problem brings you to the clinic today?”), symp-
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tom severity (ranked from 0 to 10 on a visual analogue
scale), symptom duration (in days), previous visits for
the symptom (yes or no), worry about serious illness (yes
or no), stress in the previous week (yes or no), and
presence of common symptom-related expectations.
The expectations included expectations of a diagnosis
(an explanation of the symptom’s cause), prognostic in-
formation (an estimate of how long the symptom was
likely to last), a prescription, a diagnostic test, a referral
to another clinic, or another physician action (8, 13). In
addition, all patients completed the Medical Outcomes
Study Short Form-6, a six-item scale that measures func-
tional status in six domains: general health, role func-
tion, physical function, social function, emotional
health, and physical pain (28). Patients were also evalu-
ated for depressive and anxiety disorders by using the
Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-
MD) (29).
Postvisit Patient Questionnaire
Immediately after the visit, patients completed the
Medical Outcomes Study nine-item satisfaction survey
(30), which asks about overall satisfaction and eight
domains of satisfaction. Additional questions assessed
residual worry about serious illness and unmet expecta-
tions with respect to a diagnosis, prognostic informa-
tion, a prescription, a diagnostic test, or a referral. Pa-
tients were invited to list any other unmet expectations.
Two-Week Patient Questionnaire
Two weeks after the visit, patients were mailed a
questionnaire that assessed symptom outcome and se-
verity, residual worry about serious illness, unmet expec-
tations, functional status (Medical Outcomes Study
Short Form-6), and a single question on satisfaction:
“Overall, how do you feel about the care you received
for this problem from your doctor?” Patients were also
asked whether they had had or had anticipated having
another physician visit for the original symptom and
whether the symptom had lasted longer than expected.
Physician Variables
After each visit, physicians completed the 10-item
Difficult Doctor Patient Relationship Questionnaire
(31) to assess clinician-perceived difficulty of the en-
counter. This questionnaire was previously shown to be
reliable, with scores greater than 30 points (on a scale of
10 to 60 points) indicating a “difficult” encounter (32).
Physicians also indicated whether the symptom had led
them to order a prescription, diagnostic test, or referral
and whether they had told the patient what the problem
was and how long it would probably last.
Statistical Analysis
Our primary analysis assessed the presence of unmet
expectations immediately after the visit and 2 weeks af-
ter the visit in relation to other variables, using the chi-
square test or the Student t-test. The McNemar test was
used to compare the proportion of patients who had an
unmet expectation immediately after the visit with the
proportion of patients who had an unmet expectation at
2 weeks. To assess functional status, overall scores were
created by summing scores for each of the individual
domains. Logistic regression techniques were used to de-
termine independent correlates of unmet expectations
and satisfaction. Unmet expectations were dichotomized
into any unmet expectation or no unmet expectation;
overall satisfaction was dichotomized into fully satisfied
or less than fully satisfied. Overall satisfaction was used
at both time points for two reasons. First, each of the
eight domains of satisfaction of the Medical Outcomes
Study survey correlated strongly with overall satisfaction
(r 0.85). Second, we thought that at 2 weeks, patients
would recall overall satisfaction more accurately than
they would recall specific aspects of the encounter.
Data were collected as part of two clinical trials in
which previsit information on patients’ symptom-related
expectations and mental disorders was given to clini-
cians. Both trials were done in the same clinic, had the
same inclusion criteria (walk-in patients presenting with
a physical symptom), and included the same survey in-
struments. The first study, a pre–post trial involving 500
patients, was conducted from November 1994 to Janu-
ary 1996 (33). During the intervention period, physi-
cians were given previsit information about their pa-
tients’ worry over serious illness, expectations of care,
and mental disorders. The second study, a randomized
trial involving 250 patients, was done from August to
September 1998. Patients were randomly assigned to
one of three groups. One group’s clinicians were given
no information, the second group’s clinicians were given
previsit information about worry over serious illness and
expectations, and the third group’s clinicians received
information about mental disorders.
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The two cohorts were similar in terms of patient
sex, race, educational status, worry over serious illness,
symptom duration, symptom type or severity, number
of previsit expectations, functional status, recent stress,
prevalence of mental disorders, satisfaction, and 2-week
improvement rates. Patients in the first cohort were
slightly older than those in the second (55 years vs. 51
years; P 0.007). Because the two cohorts were similar
in most variables and visited the same clinic, they were
combined into one group for purposes of our analysis.
Although no differences were seen in any outcome mea-
sured in the second trial, the pre–post trial modestly
reduced unmet expectations and patient difficulty (33).
We explored for potential confounding of our outcomes
by this intervention; because we found none, we report
all data unadjusted. All analyses were done by using
Stata 6.0 (Stata Corp., College Station, Texas).
Baseline Data
Table 1 presents the baseline characteristics of the
study sample. The 750 participating patients averaged
55 years of age; 52% were women, 49% were white, and
46% were African American. Most patients (93%) were
seeing the examining physician for the first time. Thirty
percent of patients had a depressive or anxiety disorder.
Patients presented with numerous problems, which we
collapsed into 15 broad categories. One hundred forty-
three patients (19%) answered the question “What
problem brings you to the clinic?” by stating that they
had more than one physical symptom, 97 (13%) noted
two symptoms, 14 (2%) had three symptoms, and 3
(0.4%) listed four symptoms. The most common type
of symptom was pain (53%), and the second most com-
mon was symptoms suggestive of an upper respiratory
tract infection (congestion or cough), present in 21%.
In addition to listing their presenting symptoms, pa-
tients were asked whether they had been “often both-
ered” by 15 common symptoms on the PRIME-MD.
Patients had had a mean (SD)of4 2.8 of these
symptoms during the past month (median, 4; range, 0
to 14). The median duration of the presenting physical
symptom was 14 days (range, 12 hours to 13 years).
Sixty-three percent of patients were worried that their
symptom might represent a serious illness.
Nearly all patients (98%) reported at least one pre-
visit expectation (Table 2). Eighty-one percent hoped
for a diagnosis (an explanation of the symptom’s cause),
and 63% desired prognostic information (an estimate of
how long the symptom would last). Sixty-six percent
hoped for a prescription, 54% a diagnostic test, 45% a
subspecialty referral, and 7% an excuse from work. The
250 patients in the randomized trial were also asked
about expectations for counseling or referral for specific
issues, but these expectations were held by only small
proportions of patients. The specific issues included to-
bacco use (0.43%), nutrition (1.7%), alcohol use (0.43%),
obesity (1.7%), exercise (1.3%), cancer screening (0.9%),
cholesterol levels (1.3%), sexual function (0.43%), stress
management (2.2%), and domestic violence (0%).
Most patients had more than one expectation for
Table 1. Characteristics of the Study Sample
Characteristic Value
Demographic characteristics
Mean age SD, y 54.6 18.4
Female sex, % 52
White 49
African American 46
Other 6
Symptom characteristics
Median duration (range) 14 d (12 h–13 y)
Mean symptom severity SD
(on a scale of 1 to 10) 5.6 2.6
Type of presenting symptom, %
Back pain 7
Chest pain 4
Cough, congestion 21
Dermatologic 12
Dizziness 5
Ear, nose, throat 6
Fatigue 2
Gastrointestinal 11
Genitourinary 5
Headache 4
Musculoskeletal 30
Neurologic 2
Ophthalmologic 4
Any pain 53
Psychiatric 0.5
Previous visit with any physician for
this problem, % 45
Worry about serious illness, % 63
Recent stress, % 43
Mental disorder, %
Any 30
More than one 15
Major 8
Minor 12
Anxiety disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder 2
Panic disorder 1
Anxiety not otherwise specified 12
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the visit, and the mean number of expectations was
3 1.3 (Figure). Patients who desired a diagnosis were
more likely to want prognostic information (relative risk
[RR], 1.6 [95% CI, 1.5 to 1.8]), but neither of these
expectations clustered with desires for a prescription, test,
or referral. In addition, no evidence was seen of cluster-
ing of desires for prescriptions, referrals, or diagnostic
testing. Neither the type nor the number of previsit ex-
pectations was associated with demographic characteris-
tics; presence of a mental disorder; functional status; or
duration, type, or severity of the presenting symptom.
There was also no relationship between the type or
number of previsit expectations and the number of
physical symptoms, whether volunteered by the patient
as a presenting symptom or noted on the PRIME-MD.
Immediately after the Visit
Immediately after the visit, the proportion of pa-
tients worrying about serious illness was substantially
reduced, from 63% to 30%. One third of patients had
an unmet expectation of a diagnosis, and half had an
unmet expectation of prognostic information (Table 2);
only 12% had any other unmet expectation (5% had
desired a diagnostic test, 4% a referral, 2% a prescrip-
tion, and 1% a sick slip).
On multivariate analysis, continuing worry about
serious illness, not receiving a diagnosis, being consid-
ered difficult by the physician, and having an underlying
mental disorder independently increased the likelihood
of having an unmet expectation immediately after the
visit (Table 3). In contrast, patient demographic char-
acteristics, type or duration of the presenting symptom,
recent stress, and functional status were not associated
with unmet expectations. Patients with an underlying
mental disorder had more symptoms, both volunteered
as presenting symptoms and noted on the PRIME-MD
(P 0.001 for both). However, neither measure of symp-
tom count was associated with a greater likelihood of
unmet expectations after adjustment for mental disorders.
Most patients who had an unmet expectation after
their visit had had a previsit desire for the same item,
including 76% of patients with a residual desire for a
prescription, 68% of those still wanting a diagnostic
test, and 62% of those still desiring a subspecialty refer-
ral. Patients who expressed previsit expectations for a
prescription (RR, 1.5 [CI, 1.3 to 1.8]), a diagnostic test
(RR, 1.5 [CI, 1.3 to 1.8]), or a referral (RR, 1.6 [CI, 1.3
to 1.9]) were more likely to receive them. This was not
the case for those desiring a diagnosis or prognostic in-
Immediately after the visit, 55% of patients were
fully satisfied with the care they had received. Patients
were more likely to be fully satisfied if they had received
a diagnosis (RR, 1.4 [CI, 1.2 to 1.6]) or prognostic
information (RR, 1.3 [CI, 1.2 to 1.5]), and patients
were less likely to be fully satisfied if they had an unmet
expectation for a test or referral (RR, 0.4 [CI, 0.2 to
0.6]). Unmet expectations for prescriptions were not as-
sociated with satisfaction.
Two Weeks after the Visit
We obtained follow-up information on 632 patients
(84%) at 2 weeks. Nonrespondents differed from re-
spondents only in being younger (43 years vs. 55 years;
P 0.001); no differences were seen in previsit expec-
Figure. Distribution of previsit expectations among
patients presenting with physical symptoms.
Table 2. Prevalence of Symptom-Related Expectations
the Visit
after the Visit
At 2-Week
Physician communication
Diagnostic (causal explana-
tion of symptom) 81 33 Not measured
Prognostic (likely duration
of symptom) 63 51 Not measured
Physician action
Diagnostic test 54 5 14
Prescription for medication 66 2 6
Subspecialty referral 45 4 16
Work excuse 7 0 0
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892 1 May 2001 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 134 • Number 9 (Part 2)
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tations, unmet expectations or satisfaction after the visit,
or likelihood of receiving a diagnosis or prognostic in-
formation. By 2 weeks, 71% of patients had symptom
alleviation. Patients who reported immediately after the
visit that they had received a diagnosis (RR, 1.2 [CI,
1.02 to 1.3]) or prognostic information (RR, 1.2 [CI,
1.04 to 1.3]) were more likely to have symptom im-
provement, even after adjustment for patient demo-
graphic characteristics (age and sex), the presence of
mental disorders, and symptom characteristics (dura-
tion, severity, and type of symptom).
Worry about serious illness rebounded slightly; 30%
of patients had it immediately after the visit, and 38%
had it by 2 weeks (Table 2). Two thirds of patients
thought that their symptom had lasted longer than ex-
pected, and 44% either had had or had anticipated an-
other visit for the same symptom. Actual or anticipated
revisits were less likely in patients who were given a
diagnosis (RR, 0.88 [CI, 0.78 to 0.99]) or prognostic
information (RR, 0.79 [CI, 0.69 to 0.91]).
Unmet expectations were more prevalent at 2 weeks
than immediately after the visit (27% vs. 11%; P
0.001). Among patients reporting complete resolution
of their symptom, 14% reported an unmet expectation.
In contrast, an unmet expectation was reported by 28%
of patients reporting their symptom as “better,” 48% of
those reporting “no change,” and 64% of those report-
ing “worsening.” Overall, 16% of patients at 2 weeks
wished that they had received a referral, 14% wished
that they had received a diagnostic test, and 6% wished
that they had received a prescription (Table 2). No re-
lationship was seen between previsit expectations and
unmet expectations at 2 weeks. Whereas patients report-
ing an unmet expectation immediately after the visit
were more likely to still have unmet expectations at 2
weeks (RR, 2.1 [CI, 1.6 to 2.8]), 78% of patients with
unmet expectations at 2 weeks had had no unmet ex-
pectations immediately after the visit. On multivariate
analysis, persistent worry over serious illness, lack of
alleviation of the symptom, a longer duration of the
symptom than expected, and an encounter rated as dif-
ficult by the physician correlated with the presence of an
unmet expectation at 2 weeks (Table 3).
By 2 weeks, 60% of patients reported that they were
fully satisfied with the care they had received. The stron-
gest correlate of satisfaction at 2 weeks was the absence
of any unmet expectation (OR, 15 [CI, 8.7 to 26.1]).
Other correlates included symptom alleviation (OR, 3.0
[CI, 1.7 to 5.1]), better functional status (OR, 1.1 [CI,
1.04 to 1.2]), the symptom not lasting longer than ex-
pected (OR, 2.0 [CI, 1.2 to 3.4]), and patient age
greater than 65 years (OR, 1.9 [CI, 1.1 to 3.1]).
Physician–Patient Interactions
Physicians rated 100 encounters (14%) as difficult.
Patients involved in difficult encounters were less likely
to report receiving prognostic information (RR, 0.68
[CI, 0.5 to 0.92]) and more likely to have unmet expec-
tations both immediately and at 2 weeks (Table 2).
Patients and physicians had good agreement on cer-
tain aspects of the visit, including whether a prescription
(85% agreement;
0.63), a diagnostic test (83%
0.64), or a referral (84% agreement;
0.67) was provided. However, patient–physician
agreement was poor on whether a diagnosis (72% agree-
0.17) or prognostic information (67% agree-
0.36) was provided.
Among patients presenting with a physical symp-
tom, symptom-specific expectations for care are com-
mon and include desires for a diagnosis and prognostic
information as well as diagnostic testing, prescriptions,
and referrals. Other common aspects of routine health
care seem not to be expected in visits triggered by phys-
ical symptoms. Patients who reported receiving prognos-
tic and diagnostic information were more likely to have
symptom alleviation and improvement in functional sta-
tus 2 weeks after the visit. Both immediately and 2
Table 3. Independent Correlates of Unmet Patient
Correlate Odds Ratio for Unmet Expectation
(95% CI)
after Visit
2 Weeks
after Visit
Worry about serious illness 2.4 (1.5–4.0) 2.5 (1.6–3.8)
Provider considered encounter
difficult 1.8 (1.1–3.0) 2.1 (1.2–3.7)
Presence of a depressive or anxiety
disorder 1.8 (1.1–3.0) 1.4 (0.9–2.4)
Receiving a diagnosis (causal
explanation of symptom) 0.5 (0.3–0.9) 0.9 (0.6–1.4)
Symptom same or worse NA 1.9 (1.2–3.0)
Symptom lasted longer than expected NA 2.3 (1.4–3.8)
* NA not applicable.
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weeks after the visit, patients who reported any unmet
expectation were less satisfied with their care.
Previous studies have found that unmet expecta-
tions are common (8, 12, 20) and that patients partic-
ularly value diagnostic and prognostic information (20,
35–37). Similarly, we found that receiving either diag-
nostic or prognostic information was associated with a
reduction in worry about serious illness immediately af-
ter the visit, fewer actual or anticipated return clinic
visits at 2 weeks, increased satisfaction both immediately
after the visit and at 2 weeks, and a greater likelihood of
symptom improvement at 2 weeks. Other trials have
shown that better health outcomes (blood pressure,
blood glucose level, or functional status) are consistently
related to aspects of physician–patient communication
(18), but our study links health outcomes specifically to
the provision of diagnostic and prognostic information.
One possible explanation is that patients with simple,
self-limiting disorders are both easier to diagnose and
more likely to improve; consequently, their clinicians
may be more apt to give them specific diagnostic and
prognostic information. However, this does not seem to
entirely explain our findings for several reasons.
First, although patients presenting with symptoms
lasting 72 hours or less were more likely to be given
diagnostic (RR, 1.1 [CI, 1.03 to 1.3]) or prognostic
(RR, 1.5 [CI, 1.3 to 1.8]) information, receiving such
information predicted improved symptom outcomes
even after adjustment for symptom duration. Second,
patients presenting with specific categories of symptoms
suggesting self-limited illnesses, such as a urinary tract
infection, were not more likely to improve than were
patients with other categories of somatic problems.
Third, no relationship was seen between the physician’s
report of providing prognostic (P 0.2) or diagnostic
(P 0.13) information and the likelihood of symptom
alleviation at 2 weeks. If patients with self-limited,
straightforward symptoms were more likely to receive a
diagnosis or to be given prognostic information, one
would expect this to be reflected by physician reports of
providing such information. Instead, only the patient’s
perception of receiving this information was associated
with symptom alleviation.
Although patients and physicians agreed rather well
about concrete visit events, such as whether a prescrip-
tion, a diagnostic test, or a subspecialty referral had been
ordered, patients frequently disagreed with physicians
about whether diagnostic and prognostic information
had been provided. Although disturbing, this discor-
dance has several possible explanations. The physician–
patient discussions could be implicit rather than explicit.
Physicians may use language not readily understood by
the patient, or the patient may reject the physician’s
prognostic or diagnostic statements. The interactive na-
ture of patient–physician communication is exemplified
by the fact that patients from encounters experienced by
clinicians as difficult were less likely to report receiving
diagnostic information and more likely to have unmet
Because of limited symptoms-based research, pro-
viders themselves may be uncertain about the cause of a
symptom in a particular patient. A clear-cut diagnosis
cannot be established for physical symptoms at least one
third of the time (38). Diagnostic uncertainty may in
turn foster hesitancy about discussing prognosis. Prelim-
inary research does suggest that, regardless of symptom
type, improvement occurs in most primary care patients
within a few weeks to several months of the index visit,
and occult, serious causes seldom become manifest at
follow-up (39). Clearly, additional research on specific
symptoms is needed to strengthen the ability of clini-
cians to confidently provide diagnostic and prognostic
information. Meanwhile, even generic “positive reassur-
ance” strategies may improve symptom outcomes (40).
Our study focused on unscheduled visits for somatic
symptoms. Expectations are also common in patients
presenting in continuity settings and include desires for
physical examination, prescription refills, blood testing,
prognostic counseling, and discussion of the patient’s
own ideas about management (10, 17, 41). Expectations
may also vary with the type of visit. In our sample of
symptomatic walk-in patients, few were interested in
components of health delivery considered part of rou-
tine health care, such as counseling on tobacco use, nu-
trition, weight control, cholesterol levels, cancer screen-
ing, and stress reduction. Other studies have suggested
that among patients with symptoms, receipt of diagnos-
tic information is more valued than being included in
the management decision-making process (42). Clini-
cians need to consider the nature and reason for the
patient’s visit to anticipate and elicit particular expecta-
tions for the encounter.
Since unmet expectations have been found to be
associated with lower satisfaction (8, 10, 16 –21), several
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investigators have tried to improve management of pa-
tient expectations. One study found that giving infor-
mation to clinicians on patient stress and functioning
improved patient satisfaction (47). Other studies, focus-
ing on patient worry about serious illness (48) and pro-
viding previsit feedback on patient expectations (49),
had no effect. Two trials, using pre–post designs and
coupling workshops on eliciting and managing expecta-
tions with previsit information on patient desires, re-
duced the number of unmet expectations without im-
proving satisfaction (33, 50). One of these trials found
no improvement in physician communication on diag-
nosis or prognosis (33); the other trial did not report on
this variable. If diagnostic and prognostic information
are particularly important, these trials may not have pro-
duced changes necessary to improve patient outcomes.
On the other hand, although it is tempting to conclude
that unmet expectations trigger patient dissatisfaction,
the direction of the relationship is not clear. It may be
that patients finding themselves less than fully satisfied
are more likely to report an unmet expectation immedi-
ately after the visit.
Our study has several important limitations. First,
the relationship between receipt of diagnostic and prog-
nostic information and symptom alleviation may be due
to self-selection. Patients with easily diagnosable, self-
limited illness may be more likely to receive diagnostic
and prognostic information. Although we adjusted for
symptom type and duration as well as for various patient
and encounter characteristics, these may not be optimal
surrogate markers. However, we also asked physicians
whether they had given the patient a diagnostic expla-
nation and discussed prognosis. Notably, physician re-
ports of giving such information failed to predict symp-
tom alleviation, whereas patient reports of receiving this
information did.
A second limitation is that the relationship between
receiving a diagnosis or prognosis and symptom allevia-
tion was modest (RR, 1.2 for both). Only 10% of the
variance in symptom severity at 2 weeks was explained
by these two variables. Third, without direct observa-
tion, it is difficult to determine precisely the source of
discordance between patient and physician reports of
what occurred during the encounter. Future studies may
wish to include audiotape or videotape. Fourth, our en-
counters involved almost exclusively new patient–physi-
cian interactions. Although one must be cautious about
generalizing these findings to continuity settings, 7% of
encounters in our study involved established patient–
physician relationships, and these did not differ from
other encounters in the number of previsit and postvisit
expectations or the rate of symptom alleviation. More-
over, previous studies of established relationships have
found the type and number of expectations to be similar
to those that we report (9).
Almost all patients who present with physical symp-
toms have one or more symptom-specific expectations
of what is desired from the physician. Unmet expecta-
tions after the visit, although less prevalent, may have
significant effects on numerous outcomes, including sat-
isfaction, symptom resolution, functional status, and
health care utilization. The most important expectations
relate to diagnostic information (a causal explanation for
the symptom) and prognostic information (an estimate
of symptom duration). Unfortunately, this information
is often either not provided or not clearly grasped by
patients. Clinicians could endeavor to improve this as-
pect of physician–patient communication by explicitly
addressing the diagnostic and prognostic concerns of
patients who present with physical symptoms.
From the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Be-
thesda, Maryland; and the Regenstrief Institute for Health Care and
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Grant Support: In part by an intramural grant from the Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences.
Requests for Single Reprints: Jeffrey L. Jackson, MD, MPH, Depart-
ment of Medicine-EDP, Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814; e-mail,
Current Author Addresses: Dr. Jackson: Department of Medicine-EDP,
Uniformed Services University, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD
Dr. Kroenke: Regenstrief Institute for Health Care, 1001 West 10th
Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202.
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... Approximately 80% of the general population encounters one or more symptoms within a span of one month, with one-fourth still affected one year after their initial consultation [2,3]. Patients with PSS incur high healthcare costs due to their significant healthcare utilization, which is driven by factors such as the patient's strong desire for a medical explanation, inconsistencies in diagnostic approaches, and fragmented care across different healthcare system components [4,5]. These factors significantly impact both primary and specialty healthcare settings throughout Europe [6,7]. ...
... These factors significantly impact both primary and specialty healthcare settings throughout Europe [6,7]. However, existing evidence related to PSS care and healthcare utilization predominantly relies on studies conducted within individual countries with specific healthcare structures [4][5][6][7]. Consequently, it remains unknown whether these healthcare-related factors shape the trajectory of PSS care across Europe. Given the considerable individual and societal burden associated with PSS [2][3][4][5], it is vital to investigate the structural and organizational aspects of European healthcare systems and their potential impact on somatic symptom progression. ...
... Consequently, it remains unknown whether these healthcare-related factors shape the trajectory of PSS care across Europe. Given the considerable individual and societal burden associated with PSS [2][3][4][5], it is vital to investigate the structural and organizational aspects of European healthcare systems and their potential impact on somatic symptom progression. ...
... Perception of satisfaction may vary according to age, gender, educational, and socioeconomic level (women and middle-and high-income individuals tend to demand higher quality of medical care than low-income individuals). Physician experience, communication, and trust are the most significant factors in overall patient satisfaction [13,14]. In addition, older patients' expectations tend to be higher in terms of communication with their physician, both in terms of education about their disease and explanation of their treatment [10]. ...
... The doctor-patient relationship seems to be the most important element in achieving patient and user satisfaction [13]; the patient's communication with the physician is required in order to express his or her doubts and clarify them determines the level of satisfaction and adherence to treatment. Several authors have also reported that a relaxed atmosphere, the physician's interest during the consultation, friendliness, a warm tone of voice, empathy, time dedicated to the consultation and privacy are factors that patients consider important when evaluating the service they received [15][16][17][18]. ...
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Background: Patient satisfaction is considered as a product of two psychological processes, a cognitive one, including expectations and perceptions, and an emotional one resulting from the congruence between expectation and subjective perception of the user. The objective was to identify the factors associated with the level of perceived satisfaction in patients treated in 36 nonprofit health clinics that offer comprehensive health care services in four counties in the state of California, United States. Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study in 14 clinics in four California counties. It consisted of the application of a 30-item questionnaire to determine the degree of patient satisfaction with the clinic. The factorial composition of the quality of care and clinic quality components was analyzed and two factors with an Eigen value greater than 1 were obtained. Results: A total of 846 responses were registered. Factor analysis identified two underlying dimensions: Physician Attitude and Empathy. It was found that the discordance in language between the physician and the patient generates a difference in the perception of satisfaction. Patients who prefer to speak English have better satisfaction than those who speak Spanish. Spanish speakers who do not have interpreter have lower satisfaction than those who do (p < 0,01). Conclusions: The most important sociodemographic cofactor was language. Satisfaction decreased in Spanish-speaking patients who were not proficient in the use of English since they expressed fewer comments and doubts.
... The consequences of PSS are significant, including a decreasing quality of life, diminished ability to work, and elevated healthcare costs [5,6]. Despite the widespread prevalence of PSS, the associated care is fragmented and disorganized [7,8]. PSS care varies widely across countries due to discrepancies in terminology, regulations, and the division between medical and psychological health services [7,9,10]. ...
... Although the preoperative NRS was not significantly different between CTS-and TTS patients, the latter were less satisfied with our treatment than were the CTS patients. Others 22,[29][30][31][32] documented that improvement in the pain-and disability scores correlated with postoperative patient satisfaction. Those patients operated for TTS expressed less satisfaction than CTS patients, while the postoperative QOL was improved in both our TTS and CTS patients. ...
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We compared the treatment satisfaction of patients who had undergone surgery for tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS) and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). We enrolled 44 patients in this study; 23 were operated for CTS and 21 for TTS. All patients had received surgery under a microscope and under local anesthesia. Using the numerical rating scale (NRS) for numbness/pain (range 0-10) we compared their preoperative outcome expectations with their satisfaction with our treatment 6 months after the operation. We also recorded their pre- and postoperative EuroQol 5-dimension 5-level (EQ-5D-5L) scale for their health-related quality of life (QOL). The subjective assessment of their QOL showed that it was significantly lower in TTS- than CTS patients both pre- and postoperatively. Six months after the operation, the NRS for symptoms and the (EQ-5D-5L) scale for the QOL were significantly improved in TTS- and CTS patients; however, these scores were significantly better after CTS- than TTS surgery. Also, the postoperative NRS was significantly lower in the CTS- than the TTS patients. Our comparison of the patients' expected- and actual surgical outcome showed that the result was better than expected after CTS- and TTS surgery; in CTS patients the difference was significant. Overall, CTS- were more satisfied than TTS patients with the treatment outcome. Satisfaction with the treatment was greater after CTS- than TTS surgery. TTS- experienced less symptom relief than CTS patients although the actual- exceeded the expected outcome in patients operated for TTS. Fullsize Image
Study Design Retrospective cohort. Objective The aim was to compare patient-reported outcomes (PROMs), minimum clinically important difference (MCID) achievement, and postoperative satisfaction following minimally invasive lumbar decompression in patients stratified by American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification. Summary of Background Data Some guidelines recommend against performing elective procedures for patients with an ASA score of 3 or greater; however, long-term postoperative outcomes are not well described. Methods Primary, single-level, minimally invasive lumbar decompression procedures were identified. PROMs were administered at preoperative, 6-week, 12-week, 6-month, 1-year, 2-year timepoints and included Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System-Physical Function, visual analog scale (VAS) back/leg, Oswestry disability index (ODI), and 12-item short form physical component score. Satisfaction scores were collected postoperatively for VAS back/leg, ODI, and individual ODI subcategories. Patients were grouped (ASA<3, ASA≥3), and propensity scores were matched to control for significant differences. Demographic and perioperative characteristics were compared using χ ² and the Student’s t test. Mean PROMs and postoperative satisfaction were compared at each time point by a 2-sample t test. Postoperative PROM improvement from the preoperative baseline within each cohort was calculated with a paired t test. MCID achievement was determined by comparing ΔPROMs to established thresholds and comparing between groups using simple logistic regression. Results One hundred and twenty-nine propensity-matched patients were included: 99 ASA<3 and 30 ASA≥3. No significant demographic differences were observed between groups. ASA≥3 patients experienced significantly increased length of stay and postoperative narcotic consumption on surgery day ( P <0.048, all). Mean PROMs and MCID achievement did not differ. The ASA<3 cohort significantly improved from the preoperative baseline for all PROMs at all postoperative time points. ASA<3 patients demonstrated higher levels of postoperative satisfaction at 6 weeks for VAS leg, VAS back, ODI, sleeping, lifting, walking, standing, sex, travel, and at 6 months for VAS back ( P <0.045, all). Conclusion ASA≥3 patients may achieve similar long-term clinical outcomes to ASA<3 patients, though they may show poorer short-term satisfaction for disability, leg pain, and back pain, which could be related to differing preoperative expectations.
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Aim: The current research explored parents‟ experiences of accessing a child primary care psychology service for their children. A secondary aim was to investigate the application of Empowerment Theory to this emerging area of service delivery. Method: 12 parents who had accessed the service for their children in the previous year took part in one, semi-structured individual interview. Template Analysis was utilised to extract themes. Results: Five major themes emerged. One theme referred to parents‟ reflections on their child‟s difficulties. Three themes addressed service-specific experiences such as the importance of a familiar and local environment, linking in with community supports, accessibility and the importance of a timely intervention. Parents also noted recent changes in their engagement with services. These included their relationship with professionals, their own expectations, the sense of control they experienced, the sharing of information and the flexibility of services. The final master theme addressed parents experiences of and views about diagnosis. Conclusions: Results have implications for service development and the future establishment of primary care psychology services, and help to address the significant lack of parent involvement in primary care psychology research. The findings also have theoretical implications with regard to the suitability of Empowerment approaches in this area.
The provision of care within the context of the modern health service environment involves a wide range of professionals. The health care team might include general practitioners, nurses, midwives, hospital doctors, physiotherapists, other allied health professionals, as well as receptionists and practice managers. To optimise delivery of care at both individual and population levels, team members must work collaboratively with colleagues in their own profession and others. This book, in the Values-Based Medicine series, adds the dimension of values to the more usual discussions of teamwork, considering interactions between health care professionals and how these might be affected by differences in professional and personal values. Examples of scenarios based on real-life experience promote learning and reflection. Anybody working or training in health care and who aspires to collaborate successfully with their colleagues in other specialties will find this book extremely valuable, as will educators who facilitate learners in teamwork.
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The present study was conducted in rural areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). New Basic Health Units (BHU) was introduced for primary health care that was ruined completely in the Earthquake of 2005. The study focused on measuring the satisfaction of patients from these new BHUs in rural areas of AJK. Furthermore,the study compares patient satisfaction across different demographic factors. The satisfaction was measured by the standard scale Key Quality Characteristics for Assessment of Hospitals (KQCAH). Measured patient satisfaction was compared across gender and marital status using independent samples t-test and correlation. The study showed that female patients were less satisfied than male patients. Being housewives, they utilize near by health services more than males. Patients of higher age were more satisfied than of lower age, while more educated people were less satisfied than educated ones. Single patients were less satisfied than married ones.Hence, there is needed to fulfill the needs of the population, considering their different demographic characteristics.
Background : Patients' expectations and the role they play in medical care are increasingly considered to be important, but the factors that influence these expectations have not been well studied. Objective : To examine the factors that influence patients' expectations for care in office practice. Design : Qualitative inquiry nested within a large clinical survey. Setting : Three general internal medicine practices in one mid-sized city in northern California. Patients : 688 patients visiting their internists' offices were surveyed (response rate, 86%) ; 88 patients who reported one or more omissions of care on a post-visit questionnaire and were available for a telephone interview 1 to 7 days after the visit were included in the qualitative inquiry. Measurements : Proportion of surveyed patients who reported one or more omissions of care, and qualitative analysis of the sources of patients' expectations, as determined from the telephone interviews. Interviews focused on the sources of expectations and perceptions of omission. Using an iterative process and working by consensus, investigators developed coding categories on a randomly selected 50% of the transcripts. The other 50% of the sample was used for validation. Results : The 125 patients who had unmet expectations perceived omissions that were related to physician preparation for the visit (23%), history taking (26%), physical examination (30%), diagnostic testing (28%), prescription of medication (19%), referral to specialists (26%), and physician-patient communication (15%). Unmet expectations were shaped by patients' current somatic symptoms (intensity of symptoms, functional impairment, duration of symptoms, and perceived seriousness of symptoms) (74%) ; perceived vulnerability to illness (related to age, family history, personal lifestyle, or previously diagnosed conditions) (50%) ; past experiences (personal or familial) with similar illnesses (42%) ; and knowledge acquired from physicians, friends, family, or the media (54%). Conclusions : Patients' expectations for care are derived from multiple sources ; their complexity should discourage simple schemes for demand management. Nevertheless, the results of this study may help physicians to take a more empathetic stance toward their patients' requests and to devise more successful strategies for clinical negotiation.
Although shared decision making by patients and clinicians has been advocated, little is known about the degree of participation in decision making that patients actually prefer or about clinicians' appreciation of these preferences. We administered questionnaires about three aspects of decision making to 210 hypertensive outpatients and to their 50 clinicians, who represented three types of medical practices. We found that 41% of patients preferred more information about hypertension; clinicians underestimated patient preferences for discussion about therapy in 29% of cases and overestimated in 11% (K=.22); and 53% of patients preferred to participate in making decisions, while clinicians believed that their patients desired to participate in 78% of cases. Many patients who preferred not to make initial therapeutic decisions did want to participate in ongoing evaluation of therapy. Thus, clinicians underestimate patients' desire for information and discussion but overestimate patients' desire to make decisions. Awareness of this discrepancy may facilitate communication and decision making. (JAMA 1984;252:2990-2994)
The development of the Primary Care Patient Request Scale and factor analytic and validation data from four diverse clinic samples are reported. The factor analysis yielded five plausible request dimensions: Treatment of Psychosocial Problems, Medical Explanation, Supportive Communication, Test Results, and Ventilation and Legitimation. The construct validity of the instrument was tentatively supported by the ability of the factor scales to discriminate consistently among the nature of the presenting complaint, the type of primary care clinic, and the marital status of the patient. Establishment of the clinical and research utility of the Primary Care Patient Request Scale awaits further efforts at cross-validation.
Objective: To describe internal medicine patients’ expectations for care during office visits and to examine the relationship between fulfillment of expectations for care and visit satisfaction. Design: Survey of patients and their physicians. Setting: The internal medicine practice of faculty and housestaff at a large academic center in Southern California. Patients: 396 patients aged 18 to 65 years were approached in the clinic waiting room prior to their scheduled visits; 337 (85% ) agreed to participate and 304 (77%) turned in completed questionnaires. Postvisit physician surveys were received in 88% of the cases. Main measurements: The patients’ previsit reports of the elements of care they thought necessary for their physicians to provide; the patients’ and physicians’ postvisit reports of the elements of care actually provided; and the patients’ satisfaction with care. Results: Among 28 specific elements of care, seven were considered necessary by a majority of the patients (examination of the eyes/ears/nose/throat, lungs, heart, and abdomen; blood testing; prognostic counseling; and discussion of patients’ own ideas about management). A higher number of elements of care were thought necessary by patients who were nonwhite and had not completed college. Up to 38% of the patients reported not receiving elements of care they had considered necessary; specific agreement between physicians and patients about care not received ranged from 63% to 100%. Not receiving certain “necessary” elements of care was associated with lower visit satisfaction. Conclusion: Internal medicine patients at the center studied had specific expectations for the content of their physician visits. However, they routinely failed to receive some of the items they thought necessary. Unless patients’ expectations are carefully elicited and dealt with, the physician-patient relationship may be adversely affected.
Three-hundred-twenty-five consecutive predominantly lower-class new patients at a psychiatric outpatient clinic rated the importance they attached to each of 14 categories of treatment needs or requests. Psychiatric residents subsequently rated the importance of each request for each patient at the conclusion of their initial assessment interview. Requests reflecting needs for intrapsychic therapy, clarification, and control of feelings were considered very important by approximately two thirds of the patients; needs for institutionalized contact, advice, and community triage by one half; and other requests for medication, reality contact, succorance, ventilation, confession, social intervention, administrative requests by a minority (one fourth to one third). Residents significantly underestimated the importance their patients attached to 10 of 14 requests. Factor analyses confirmed several systematic sources of disparity between patient and therapist perception of lower-class patient needs.
In this study in an urban prepaid group practice, patients and practitioners agreed less than half the time as to what problems required follow-up at a subsequent visit. Problems that were mentioned by both practitioner and patient were much more likely to be followed up subsequently by the practitioner than problems initially mentioned only by the practitioner or only by the patient. Patients reported much more improvement of problems at follow-up when both practitioner and patient mentioned the problem as requiring follow-up than when they had been mentioned only by the patient. The involvement of patients in the process of care may be augmented by a variety of mechanisms. We believe greater patient participation in the processes of care should result in better follow-up of problems and better results, at least as perceived by patients.
There have been different models on how to conduct the initial psychiatric interview in a walk-in clinic. A "customer approach" has been developed which stresses: a) eliciting and understanding the requests that patients have regarding how they hope to be helped; and b) negotiating a treatment plan with the patients. We evaluated this customer approach from the perspective of the patient. The first hypothesis was supported. The patient's perception of the clinician's utilization of the customer approach correlated positively and substantially with measures of outcome, especially feeling satisfied and helped. The second hypothesis was also supported. Utilization of the customer approach continued to correlate positively and substantially with outcome even when patients did not get the disposition originally wanted. We discussed the clinical significance of the customer approach especially in regard to patient objectives in the initial interview--a treatment plan vs. symptom relief.
To describe the determinants of patient satisfaction with medical care, self-administered questionnaires were given to a consecutive sample of 237 patients coming to an ambulatory care practice for the treatment of upper respiratory infections (URIs). Patients' most important goal was to obtain a diagnosis (57%). They usually got more reassurance, medication, and personal interest than they had expected (p = 0.0001). In a multivariate model, patients' satisfaction was related to the degrees of personal interest and reassurance they had received and to whether they felt they had received the right medication (r2 = 0.45, p = 0.0001). The authors concluded that patients with URIs generally want a diagnosis but are primarily satisfied by the personal interest, the reassurance, and the medication they receive.